HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 2 LOT 2 LEGALoz E =Eu.lo- |.\€N rn (fl <t)€(\ (f) (n IJJuJu-F =E UJo- c'\ c'\ ct\ ts zH >-1 uJF o z JE6f l!OM(J9z-o-J uJF oF a.Ft2z = zz aq z Fl Al .J) z nc? 5Ez-o6zzloH =fo" '5 tri 95=zF* c'l@ rn cr) tlJF4 al) r{<H rJ) .J> (A = F{ E lt uto i Gol! o ulz3o :N s$s *RS $N E-{ z rdFl o E o)E -go6o 16 co) atoo 6o1Jooc 6::It.o5o Ec6 ot .gco EDcE ()()(! E o .2E I .o o E 6 a; '(! -i- oE8E'=O(') g8E EEHb F'€c-oef; :gPE >=c96:o535t EEEsoo grsF: i.Y- 6 CL(5 CLsEg (,, -, o,E€e E6:EE E E o-6 .EEE_49r+ C(6 0'-<= ou_E $€;-Eit '6>o 6: *E Fhte9EoreEg -()(g @ .ir |\\ o\ c{ro rro\.aro\tr) @o\ c.) EEl! z o I UJ z c uJ uJ z6t J 9z C)UJE UJuJl!z tr UJ oIu .o 3g uJ z 6uJ F o u,toC z llto x F UJah at IJJull!t =t IJJo- Fo|- (,z, 3 o J oE ogJ t! (,z = o- z uJ. Fl F.{ F.{ NOrlVn'rVA <l tr Xi= =i3o ooFtr ^ 6 z,-q 5 =e:EE "EIir, o c;6b 8:(Jzx-b{ +H6 gF-r 716l<f N N =>E E u,r =ql g N r'l F-l F-rk HHB z tr tllo- F @6l cr) ogJ z E o z E uJ J XXi4;LUz tzl2Oo koo< =HR,!6o<z F 2,. 2= trs =trOI -l UJf, = a UJzY; 2IFIloz oo JJ 3 F UJ x X X X F Fo z v) J zY o-ulo Jl<l zl zl .. >lo uJ UJ IJJzoE EllJ(L J zo E o N\o.if cf) I IE I-i1 G.f.l ?)lcor, CO3o<no 2H z a N ots A H H A o =Jlr JE "l Fo zF{ (l) * z & uJ =z dt -l lz E HE nE UJ =z *l 4l C.'Ho r:l o\tal\t at uJ : I\o io- Fl E() a tsts u U) z =dtr FJIgl -lFlAl -t<l ordt IiEl .ou)l =l E t-{ IFll^lxl'lrrl Flarl tsl HsCI lFl6 z Hts F CAz a HFHtr] =tr "l+ oz ciUJar J? tt-oz eF \' I\ot9\t u II HfrH frl |-1rd Brllz :c Il. I ctz ou,EJ E z;oF lrrX \C)\' Ic'\.$ o,' u u F *l (JlzlHIcalE FfA ttlFl F] FI|-{ E _l "tl =l Iozl oll!l !cJ -Jt<l ttqz3o t-1..F\ I \Tch lll EF 4 )r l-{ =d *l "tl =l d =.1oqt : ttoz3I F\F.F- \' u. uF tr oz oIIJG Ja l!oz3 F uJJulF EtJlz = FC) UJFI() t-rO<FcouJ<zEulF(rzo C) JE<oC)F fr3XFt8 z"g s3 d6o 6p =3gE Eir =FtOzi <-rqrF-a .v.('r\ mtrD -) EEi =HE tr fr 6EqE<o. l€8E9tt irb9.EE Jr-9-J> E !E: >cE 8b9 ItuE XCt x>3\5 - !i H F rs\ t-lllE\l'E = az Fl A.r ulFg, @o-zoFo.ulY uJdl oFi =^E:ul;{o-:'l!oJ\ > '-{lo-- odoE IAr<'guJbtzo zo9ze coo =zf=JOlL lJ- E =E. UJo-zoF(JfEFazo(J H F-1F-t FIFiFIF!-F!-F!' (n UJ UJu- F =ErlJo- E;f; F I; fgE;e li €fr sEI lE E iE s g lx :€ie;l; igFENT e.;ge+''lg? uiiit * :€E s; igs€E -c=0).,)c eris€o ?;EJ E EAEg i$;; F :Eg;E o o 3tr.ltrU z 6trJo (.f, IJJ UJF E ffio- oF oz to = d :< =IL z tr aItrl UJ2uJ fur =@ zzooF^U':< --rd0 6ataz>-oar()zl!<og ^-t.ltoFO 'j(\i !! cco (\ (! o oo("- N c/l ao- UJ z Eo zoF IJJF .. >lo uJ t!t!zoF uJ(L J z Eo Ez zoF ooo I ,firt "fl.tr =z oz \uJ\3to I I I J I (tz t au,o/ 2{0rlr\i ri'i =z co q \ \ T t\N \\-a E() I<ljt \-1 ?l(,l uJlrEl 3l tr-lol fl I I I I .l ?lotuJl 1l <l>l r|-Iol gl sOl tuFI F F() IJJhIo GJO<FEC)uJ<zEUJF(rz E 2P9?2cDFJz. (J o o EFzo C) z I uJ (r i. =*Eo2 ,o(J (F +J U) (\! F_F-{ ccE<dciL! !-o-- c5 0-z,< Ju- u_v d. u- tn LlJoo z.oot/) '---r E(Js.2,9- =Lo(l,JPJ.t-tooLLJ TJJ F'{(\l ! ..i5 =EiaHg treK z arr 9 =E(Do =zf=JO(! u-Kl Iitd.2<s ua s.#6s3-z^{>< ai -a,,r, 6 FCropFgl> !JF =H =Bg H-O lrio o |.-. -! UJrr6 g r"'P i?!rrr.l tr. FH*v{aF+.x c, o @ q,-tt ':r E oC' if\ Oar :, |cE qtl>Ff=E,--J! -l ;i:E F =E,lrlo-zoF CJfE.F(nzoo / $..tl d\n Ll,F (t) @o?zoF.LuJY UJto F F (r IJJo- u.o o.oo I UJFoz IJJ J vlfo E aDzoo =\ttoA i-E ! *r=I2 9= at4l:= F;v :; ?; i =zt1tzl E ;= r. a5E+i E i? E+;=:F:i: i !i; c!;{,.: - o-F c6a * - i .: c::= !.:.5i i l.= -= : : -o _:::e!;:;:E i - -.= a .r i- .9 i F* irE:+:. = = ; aE€5E::: =:: E ! i =i:: i?: / }\i"\| -L-A=\ v/ns\v _/ i t--<J)e -€ N zHtlHh c)F A F F or rlH (\ F{o 14z >t zU' \'.f,r\ z & x r{E EE ' & o I .L U F (h.')@dl z tu * + d] I r'1 H zfrl l-{u) FTfr lrlc)zElAHU) a z (9 & z =t-: r,ivtra Yl--<>x >22ES< 3dz -<\J;r-i-z-v>7dkl .^ F-I<9r->t '..-!- I.I.l \/-<,.F-ZZ(rxLLl -r -'l<F=(hcaS=t:oE zr.! F- i-( ,.., QH9i*.--r--<V odo<l:rzFtL>z.^<-y iEr.ri!!-<-TV^\l*f\^f- r'1\ ,." Qtto>i*fr9_ r}.v HF:=\.,/ t-- A -l\trc(lF>oy*l=DO'rXH-Ftsl E5r5E rt{ F -O. -rHrFHLatrtC. FR ENF(FaiFattr,Fal| -F -afF E'F rFtfn\s7 ts -F(F?ar? 11|e ts\ -dLI!. -a *FI?LIf-l sv fH trt efrFraL.fFitf flJtFlLA.o J.c,trd +Ju) qlA CAo o >tFl r.) .lt Town of Vail25 S. Frontage Road ' ,Vail, Colorado 8l-557(303) 476-7OOO Plan review based onthe 1985 Uniforn Building Code Project Id: RAGAN RESIDENCEAddress: I,'olI , 2 FILING, 2 POTATO PATCH Date: May 9, 1989Contractor: P ETTERS CONSTRUCTIOOccupancy: R3rltll JOIIN ROSOLACKTlpe of Const: V-N Engineer: UARK IT|UEL,I-,ERPlans Examiner: GARY IIfT,RRAIN # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION RSQUIRED 1 A-4 ALL Provide attic ventilation that conplies with section 320s. (c) 2 A-2 MECH. ROOIit Provide a floor drain in the mechanical room. 3 A-2 NOTE: Provide combustion air for mechanical room asrequired by Sec. SOL to Sec. 607 of I'UC. 4 A-3 FfREPLACE A11 class (A) fireplaces nust be in a l-hr. shaftfrom the firebox to the chimney top. From that pointmust be noncombustible material . 5 A-3 cAS FIREPLACE Only one wood burning firepJ-ace is allowed perdwelling unit, all others must be a listed GASappliance with a class trBrr vent only. 6 ALL NOTE: A mechanical plan must be provided and approvedprior to work starting. 7 4-2-3-4 SLEEPING ROOMS A smoke detector is required in the access areato aII rooms used for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. 1210. (a) o Town of Vail25 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado AL657(303) 476-7OOO Plan analysis based onthe l-985 Uniform Building Code Project Id: RAGAN RESIDENCEAddress: IAA, 2 FILfNG, 2 POTATO PATCH Occupancy: R3 rl[]-Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code requirements in the 1985 UBc. It is a g'uide toselected sections of the code. Date: May 9, 1989Contractor: P ETTERS CONSTRUCTIO iIOHN ROSOIJACKEngineer: f{ARK MUELLERPlans Examiner: GARY UURRAIN SEPARATTONDIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 55.0 Feet 55.O FeetEAST Property line 20.0 Feet 2O.O Feet SOUTH Property line 33.0 Feet 33.O FeetWEST Property line 15.5 Feet 15.5 FeetArea increased L6.258 for open area on 2 sides. 8L NAI'TE OCC }I,AX FLR AREA AI.,,LOWED R.,ATIO STATUS 2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FIOOR1 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FIOORB IXUeJ-ling TOTAL FOR FIOOR BUILDING TOTAL L Parking carage I.!L ok 437 Unlirnited ok R3 ok l-l-48 Unlinited ok l-l-48 Unlirnited okR3 ok l-562 Unlirnited ok l-999 Unlinited okR3 ok l-478 Unlinited ok 1478 Unlirnited ok3L47 Unlinited ok o Page#2 ,Code review for:Project Id.: RAGAN RESIDENCE Address: InT, 2 FILING, 2 POTATO PATCH EXTERIOR WALL FIRE R,ATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable 17-A & Table 5-A NORfiI EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG VIALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALIJ PROTR3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None ohr Ohr Nonel.tl Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior nalls may be of COIITBUSTIBLE naterial . Sec.22OL. None -- No fire protection reguireroents for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50t of the area of the wall maximum. Sec.22O3. (b) & Tab1e 5-A Maxinum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- openingEi are not pernitted in this wall.* -- These walls nay be reguired to have a parapet wall 30 inctresabove the roofing. The parapet wall is reguired to have the samefire rating as the wall. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEUENTS TAbIE ].7-AELEI-IENT I,IATERfAIJ RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wall Any O hrInterior nonbrg wall Any O hrStructural Frane Any O hrExterior struct Frame Any O hr See footnote #tShaft Enclosure Any l- hrFloor/Ceiling Assenbly Any 0 hr see Footnote #9Roof,/Ceiling Assenbly Any 0 hrStairs Any None NoTE: See Sec. L705. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) Mininun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall requirernents.9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be ofnoncornbustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec. 702. (b) & 902. (b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSR3-l,tl thr Materials approved for thr construction are required on thegarage side only and 1 3rl8 inch solid core, self-closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPAI{CY: FOR l-!1 oCCUPANCy: Page#3 ,Code review for:Project Id.: RAGN{ RESIDENCEAddress: LOT, 2 FILING, 2 POTATO PATCH EXIT REQUIRE}TENTS:FL NN,!E OCCT PANT Nt l.lBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTESIpAD REQUTRED WIDTH [ft. ] HDr{R CORRTDOR SWING 2 Dwelling 4 L O. 1 No No N./RTOTAL 4 1( 1) 0.1( 0.1) No No N,/RI Dwelling 5 1 0.1 No No N,/R1 Parking carage 2 L O.O No No N/RToTAL 7 1( 1) 0.1( 0.2) No No N/RB Dnelling 5 1 O.1 No No N/RTOTAL 5 1( 1) 0.1( O.2) No No N/RDoor swing J"s based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted.Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nunber of exits Ls based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b) The nunbers in ( ) are include occupant loading from floors above thisfloor. -- Sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: STAIR NOTES:A stairway in a dwelting must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The naximun rl-se of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 33O6.(c) exc.#1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 30 to 34 inches above the nosi-ng ifthere is nore than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3305. (j)Provide a g'uard rail where drop off is greater than 30 Lnches. Minimun height =35 inches, maximun opening size:6 inches. -- sec. 1-711. exc 2 The minimum headroon is 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (n) ROOFTNG REQUIREITENTS :L) The roofing on this building is not reguired to be fire retardant.-- sec.3202.(b)1. AUToMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEIIIS : STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : WALL AND CEILING FINISH:1) wall and ceil-ing finish naterials are required to conply withSec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) carpeting on walls and ceiling are required to have a Class Iflame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(bl INSUI,ATION NOTES:l-) Aff insulation material including facings are required to have a flame-spread rating of 25 or }ess and a maximum smoke density of 450 unlessit is in a concealed apace and the facing is in contact with a wall orceiling. -- Sec. L7L3. (c) exc.#22) Foam plastic insulations are reguired to be protected. -- Sec. L7L2. o Page#4 ,Code review for:Project fd.: RAGAN RESIDENCEAddress: I.oT, 2 FILING, 2 POTATO PATCH GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS :1) Aff glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing naterial . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIRE}TENTS :For R3 occupancyProvide a window or door to the exterior from every room used forsleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a cLear heightof 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(rnininurn). -- Sec. L2o4. ell habitable rooms reguire exterior glazed openings equal to 1o8 ormore of the floor area. (nin 10 sg.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) All habitable rooms reguire an operable exterior openings equal to 58or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. l-2O5.(a) The nininun ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches exceptkitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- L2O7. (a) Provide a smoke detector in aII areas having access to sleepingrooms. -- Sec. 1210. (a) Provide a smoke detector in basenent that is audible in the steepingareas. -- Sec. 1210. (a) For ML occupancy The Ltens belos gl.vlng a permlt Please check off FINAL PLI'}EING AL INSPECTION'S ueed to be cooplete a final C of 0. 1o the box provlded. COIIPLETgD before Lr DATE:tl FINAL MECBANICAI, DATE: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAI BUILDING EAST SIDE!WEST SIDE: DArE: 7-/64/ I fl7,tv,+ K i -.\IY [, i-, TEMPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA}ICY DATE: LA}TDSCAPING DUE DATE: FILE NAI.IE: I WHILE YOU WERE OUT Phone No. llrssqe t /C. 2 t,'t2 ,/7/Z,rq PIIASE CATI WANISIO SEE CAl,lE TO SEE YOUwttt cArrlGArN REruRNED TOUR CALL ta* LL K oProlecl Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Phone q1b - ()q lc> Owner, Address and Phone: \D, Architect, Address and Phone: rY> tl )--) (.c:f', 'c f- q 7{- aJq ln Legal Description: Lot A , Block Comments: ,ra^" VE Design Review Board ' i ^.oare -l[]"15t I DISAPPROVAL Date: E statt Approval IProject Appllcation Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: \ i i-c !."ti(o Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval 3/tr ., DB r'r.-ra,r-.-refrJrS . bJF . S4ortr€ ,W e^rDS , Do.'es ,+ n G*Dtas b9> 4<-L 3,w t+oa1) : ., lAwrd bgt.A .&on:es€ ,o " Dr.,lu.rgtaa Preq 4 4" f*arl*f Fas'r AWlut€, Brs, t-,l),Jic-- o,K. @^Jc€.n J €3.^T b* - C^ul?-€ Az4 L--'++..J R".-^-) W. 3L ?e"t . \,'rgY l.lkdr . -S-- ^D. g o{ br-y t--.r.^lp,,o r.s Sl^cbe5 ',', 3krtzi XflPaaO .tr soA*rtd?|^ c,o,r<? ; p+APc-cg-- Y> C-'S- - 'b' (\.Ynr il. :Vor€- 6<> lq*rScAP,-.? O\ Sc'..:t1 1.1^aJ* &-r,@/t\ nt<ds ;-Ac- /;v-,1 --- Jczl....^ lr4osoo (o . r-yt-u- ''l 5?-*- €+oq Saut'^eas$- fic> s*?L'..nil' ,l I ri. D&t>a*\ r''t/ -...4ilr lool 31JP!9. r:( tht,r and ANTE !!9II4I€. Dy e llarrrnty Dmd (rhc_ "Dord") recordod Aprll 13, 1979 tn Book 2d4 rt Prg{ 88 of ih. Er8lr councy rrcordr. che Crorlcyr rcqutrod cettrln lul propsrty ln Erglo Counlyl Colorrdo deocrlbed ee follovr r LoE 2Vell/Poteto Patch SecondAccordlng to Eh. r.cordcd(chc "Proprrty") ho DGad concatn. a rottrlcglon pcrralnlng ro. rtrl.p of land 20 fcat ln ytdth rloug chr rnLlre Grrc.rly loc llno of tbc Proprrcy, auch rurlp of land hrrainafcrr rrforrod ro a! thc "Re6irlcrGd Parcrl". Tha rarcrlctlon conralncd ln thc Dr*d rraa for tho benrflc of ghc Sgaufarr and that cortal.rr rcri properry owoed by thr Scauf,crr (Lhc "Scruf.r Proporry") ndJrconE to cho Pfoparty nrrd morc fully darcr{bod ln Exhibtt A ttnchGd hcre ro . AcRE$fiII For Bood rnd valuablo conrlderrrc{on, the rocelpc of which ln acknowlodgod, 1c tr hcroby agrr'cd AB follour: ^, @-o,r-Lja--3s$4gqq{!urc-cl. 1. No parklng of any klncl, lncludlng, comporurypnrklng, will be f,llonod ln or upon cho Rortrtclad Parqal, 2, No nan-nado lnp.rvlou, narr.rlalr of rnyl:tnd rrl rracuro Rhall bc allowcd ln Lh€ Rortrlcted Parcol. 3. The Rertrtcted Parcal sh.rll be rrlncalnod lnItr ncLura] rL?. Ec cxccpt thdL Lr, mry be ,.rnprovr:rl by plentln8 trorn,bushar or oth6r vcglcrtlon l.ndl,gunour to Lha arcn. In rhee'/dni rho Rcstrlcfod I'lrco! l.o dlsrrrrhed, the Rert rlct6d Pflrc6lrlrnll be terLored !6 Boot't ar roason bly convonlnnt. R. Mlscol l.ancoua . Fl llngFhr thor co f . l. Tlr,- r'trovttlonn of tlrlx AgrocrnonL lhtl I I'c. rfvoL.d f,4lat'd,i{rcoBr4 ty_tD.aif,rIj9w.l vy FtIol rbr. Scrirtrr P.r.srlharrto., t Ilc ..:Jl-rfrra _-l-:-.-_. l'. 5 tarrf sr, sTA'fE 0? crot on^Do couna 0F |tcu S IA'IE 0If CoLoMDO COUN]'1 OF -ACLE ry brnd md oftto''al .. rl. Qlsltt io., )) ea, ) forcgotng lnotrurornc vrr ltnoykd3rd betolr n Lhtr day of -[]141*, l9El, by Jorf Scrulir .od lns. ., !,l l Lness ny haud and of f lcLrt rrrl. L. Hy Corrn(rrLon sxptr.8 t _ !)tSrl I ttr:t,tr ',A'. 1.,'t |, ra, l/l'r,t lrd t'rr, h Ir.r ,,,,,t ,rl I InI,A'.r,r,lllr|{ 1,, rrn r,,,,..lrrl t'lrt ilrr,rrr"r. i|| l'/|,l lir8I"r (it 1t,. r,l t..,llrf^rl0 -4a"oAPPLICATI0N'DATE: -?/to/Rq DATE OF DRB MEETIHG i \ttq/8q ' DRB APPLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI.|ITTED**********THIS APPLICATi0N WILL NoT BE I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-c plannino staff member is strongly suggested to determine if.any uooiiioiui inroriiration is needed.. No application will be accepted un1ess it is completi-tmuit'ilqigq; a'l'l jtems required.by the zoning administrator). ii'ir-g,";;pii;;;i;; iJspontiuility to make an dppointmbnt.with the staff to find ort iUori iliiitionat-submitta'l requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE gPPlica- tion will streamline inl approval process for-your-proi99l by decreasing the number of conditions ot apprJuuf-ihui [tr"'oRS may sti.-pulatb. ALL conditions of approval must be ieiotved before'i uui]ding permit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION! Resicienee fnr Mr- end Mrs- Richnrd Ragan B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: AddreSS sandy r.aoe Legal DescriPtion Lot2- Block Zoning ^ F'nmily Primnry Scnnndery Residential NAME 0F APPLICANT: l- Errers consl-nr.rinn Address 500 T.innshead Mnll, vnil telephone L76-0t'lQ NAME 0F APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE: .lohn Ros,'''lr"k Address 500 T.ionshe:d Mall, vril telephone 467-0410 NAME 0F 0WNERS: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ragan S i gnature Address 950 Red Sandstone Road. Vail telephone 476-6116 be oaid at the tjme a bu'ilding permit is requested' Filing ? \rait poEato patch c. D. E. F. DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,ooo $:50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requ'irements, the-appiicant must stake the.site lo indicate prop.riv.iin.i una-uriiciing corners. Trbbs that will be.removed should also be marked. This work rutt"Ue completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl,{ BUILDINGS w'i 'l I norma'l 1y involve two separate meetings oi-tfru Oeiibn neview-goiri,--o ptan on at'least two meetings for their approval' 3. People who fai'l to appear before the Design Review Board at their schedu'led meeting and who have'irot asked for a postfionement wi]l be required to be republ j shed. $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $300.00 a .O LIsr oF MATERTALS NAME OF PROJECT: - Residesce fsllE. and:- l4rs. Richard Rg8an ' '' . ileenu oEscnterlon: ratctr STRIET ADDRESS: OESCRIPTION OF P The fol'lowing information is requ'ired for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING IIIATERIALS; TYPE OF MATERIAI by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR naturalcedar shakesRoof Si di ng 0ther l,lall Materials Fasci a Soffits lli ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai'ls Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other dor;glas fir stulcco rouglr sartm cedar plywmd clad dark brovn anodized fir shutters fir clav tile ealvanized rEtal stucco B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pn0ne: PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Ouanitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. ' (over) 8'- t)'A."e *s 6aila.f^-Uafr @t&^s=d c*-\5 Mathelrc & Associ 949-5077 ARCHITECT Hei ght TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front - Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscap'ing Fence/Reta i ning'rJal'l Parki ng Credits: Garage ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Filing Vail-Potato Patch / 'o DATE: qrr nrgg LEGAL Dmf,TF'TmN-Lot- 2 B'lockADDRESS: c--r., r ^-^ 9!ryE8 -Phone 476-0410 tqryE^PIlTllCT 2 Famillr Primary/Secondary PR0P0SED USE Sinele Familv Dr,pllinoPR0P05ED USE Single Fanil:r D^relU LOT SIZE l50l5 square- feer Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Hei gh ts Al'lowed ( 30) (33) ?751 5 20' 15' & 20' 15' (30)(so) 3003 9009 6l 2.5 (3oo) (600) (eoo) ( 12oo) (so) (1oo) (2s) (50) (2oo) (4oo) Proposed ??t -ant 0 56 15' & 20' 33' 300 50 0 ?00 0 b/o97,Slope Actual Aval anche Fl ood P'lai n Sl ope l.letl ands Geologic Hazards none Comments: A recorded deed restriction places a 20' easerpnt along east proFrrty 'l ine. Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: W a PP.OJECT: DATE SUEI{ITTED:_ 11 r-]".r IHIER-DEPARTI.|ENTAL REVr El,l DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COI.',i4ENTS NEE0ED By: 3. ) Z 8R]EF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:' N/c''-' \ I .+t: l1 t r'.'u-' ^I ' r'?rrJ " rl e-:7 - /,'*r ;;offirr, 4,o " 1, 7t c- BLIC I{OR Reviewed by: Conaents: Date o/ -/L- lut "4 )//- eu,.fo( *- Date €pee.l Jt^-/z" 'tf t. ..: j;F,T 4,'z ro+J ry.) -; ll l>r; Jn, ot t( . 4h. Reviewed by: Co;;ents: dn;,te*:J b" Covar o,;Jes*J. .{f fEx} Sn*lz o>t- +tA- u.e 6.] 5 rJ< p"a;,ra / Q+*,**l'6/7',,- l) J- /k- J7 p,'o- | an I 4l* Ull. ^ ba a-v p.o.c ) laCeCctces . POLICE DEPARTI.IENT t-u /l.a- fh- 5zolr-* ol Jt* a4* o ^ *z j r*)'o,_.J J t* /o "/. . :^)bc.rz .l L e Cr*? aal ^ 9hr- lJ o ^- JL- 'n) l"'*-- J C' A,.n,.- | s Aou lJ I Jt*'t 5.t*'n h plor. Revier'red by: Corunents: RECiEATiON DEPARTI.IiNT Date \o U?ILITY LOCATION VERIPICATION ( ,. , SUBDIVISION lOr mun (a.-icU-'. 4or RrL-^-a R,.t"r Lor.2Bl,ocK TILING $^t I Rrlo{-* P-{-{^ lrJO- ? ADDRESS The location of nust be approvedslte plan. ?t4-4114 Mount.aLn Bel1+#{tF utillties, whether they be naln trunk Llnes and verlfied by the foLlowlng utlllties for or proposed lines, the acconpanylng Authorized Slgnature Da te Western Slope Gas Co. 1 800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Publlc Service Cornpany 949-5781 Gary HaJ.l Holy Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted tlusky/Mlchael Laverty Herltage Cablevision T.V; 949-5530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitatlon Dl.strict 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: These verificat,ions do not relieve che contractor of his responslbtlltyto obtain a street cuc permlt frorn che Town of Va11, Departnent of PubllcWorks and to obtaln utillty locatlons before diggtng in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. A building permit ls not a streetcuE pernlt. A street cut permit rnust be obtained separateLy. This form ls to verify service availability and locatlon. Thls should be used in conJunctlon wlch preparlng your utllity plan and scheduling installatlons. *(Please brlng a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley t'later& Sanitation signatures) Y2:8F 3-B €7 3 -ts -E7 3-l:-8? box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 0ctober 12, 1981 Gary Lundberg Sandpiper Homes, Inc. 5975 S. Syracuse St., Suite 101 Eng 1 ewood , Col orado 80111 Peter Jamar Town Pl anner PJ:df department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 10-7-81 Dear Gary: At the 0ctober 7 meeting of the Design Review Board' your submittal for a primary/secondary residence was approved wjth as presented with stipu'lation that willow tree roots be pruned at ieast 8, on west and snow fence be provided to protect vegetation during construction. Approval was for a primary,/secondary residence with i totat GRFA of 3193 sq.ft.: 1934 sq.ft. primary and 1259 sq.ft. secondar.'. Si ncer Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot ebcx ? , ritins Com ments: Design Review Board /)r-/ Morion by: r/?F:rE seconded rr' fr'ffifr-4y'9 DISAPPROVAL - (.) a/e(.,/6 ayi/5Tf2J.nOV oo Project Name: ,SutclJ tPE fi y',ltv Project Application lL .tt.e 9/ Project Description: Contacrpersonand enone GAAy lr,uOAgn4 y2O- ?ro/ d4 L/2t-,taO 7 Owner,AddressandPhone: 9a ' H nt1 d7?f t <c,eA.t.,€ tf,7 Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Btocx 9* , riting y',a,1 knrero /r9rr, & Comments: Design Review Board on" T- 3o-t/ Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Su mmary: -t G'. JT t? 4ra qt Prolect Application .Gl'aProiectName: 5b/sru'.': Uttat A,'"lt' - ' tL - J1 Project Descrip:lisn' UEa/ 1/n/lz v Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Comments: Legal Description: Lot I * ?q/ - Architect,AddressandPhone: 7"lR /(E//etl /y 7' ,<y'?<S /P. Ej Design Review Board -. {-ln, DISAPPROVAL t \-t LOCATION SURVEY LOT 2, POTATO PATCH FIL ING NO. 2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO ssj:-j LCl 5 lze. ej {'9"vt (nop trO) Lo'( til.(;l :;l l.1il.l) L\Ni) :il li\ l.\'oli l:'i I lll: s l.\'l l- I llls ' .,\ l U,\S l'lil.l'r\lll i) tiY iil. ,\\l) liNl)l'li )ll. ,\\l) l:Nl)l ll )1\ Sl'l'l.liV lS Lt)\ :\lli) Ill'\'l ()l 11\ ..)i()i' I Li)( :i .\\l) lll.l.l Ll . O l)"ss stNt'',:B;> oo li I CtlAttD .r\. liA(IKLUND (l0l.ORi\1)0'L.S. N0. l0ll47 ,/,_d trI SCALE l"=2O' .FND PIN/CAP LS r5296 oits/ \ N ooro\o,\or\ tJ \: E '"a \: Lllll i- seo .\. IAr h l.l \r), I .l l.{, ,\ lli'.lil'll;\ (.1.1i i I l r' lll,\ l li Kr )il .\ :i|i\'t. )1.\t),. ,;' ,\(i(:lrli.\I I.l lr) l'llli i;l.li .).',i (ll r)'.lr)lll ll , l'r-1. i 1.,.l.c'i I, ti lclL,\Rl) () lj (lol.()iiAl)(1 , l)() )r\ st'l'l.l{\'lsloN l' t s 'l i{ T.. ,\lil) l),\l'l.t) r'uls i Ill LAND SURYEYS P. O.80X 614 FRISCO, CO 80443 o)g, ?o\ ---a\ -/ //// EXISTING TREE 2r.67 HtGH BUILO\NG SEIBACK LINE or', vl ^g/t2"//, \;il,g.\"% 9\\o ""4! t-\ rl e.v 9[e-lrl --{ \ o ,\.o. ,ffi \*--"' zo ' \ \ \ \ \ )t'Z--'\ \ \\ r) I I II I ZO BACKLUND 5207- 3 I - nil, colorado 81657 13031 476s8r3 Sandpiper Hones, Inc"';t Slifer G Coupany i 230 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 To l{hon It l,lay Concern: department of community development l.larch 10, 1981 ial Floor based on lnun "e PETER Zoning Adninistrator PP:bpr box 100 al ure Gross Re Area ff Lot 2. Block 2, Potsto Patch Znd Filing the lot size offs;ofs is 3750 squafe :feE. A *Irl^W',, v .y" ,{ M,,r1t 1 lf PUBLI'NOTI CE ,! il t U NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT VaiI Associates,nc. has a resubdivision of Lot I' Block 2, Vajl/Potato Patch; Town Eagle, Colorado, pursuant to Artic'le III, Section 3' of the of Vail, Town of Subdivision Regulations. Subiect parce'l of land is proposed to be into five (5) residential 'lots, NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN THAT Vail Associates, Inc. has requested that the resubdivision of sa'id Lot '1, Block 2, Vai'l/Potato Patch be rezoned from the existing medium density multiple fanrily zone djstrict to residential (one lot to be single family and four lots to be duplex) in accordance with Section 2.|.500 of the Zon'ing 0rdjnance,Ordinance No, B, Series of 1973, as amended. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.I.500 of the Zoning Ordinance and pursuant to the Subdivjsion Regu)ations, the Town Counc'il wi'l I hold a public hearing on February'15, 1977 regarding the requested rezoning and to consider the pre'liminary resubdivision p1at. Said hearing w'ill be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Vai I Mun'icipalMunj ci pal Building. Zoning Adrnjnistrator Published in the Vail Trail January 21, 1977 appl ied for County of Vai I divided COMMUN I T Y L ser:i tliii ;!itl!ntir::;lr*tiss:i:iiliiFiii;Hi;siix:;is,!!iiEiiiiiiiiiqt;!q?;;;l;;ti:iggiE:iE;i a ;;?,taifl: I alii! fn'o EIa € o !i+ =€ i :€ i t;Et ;Eeiiiii!:i;iE;iiiEiE. e;=*i sgE !i :Egt Ei E :l:tlii;;eEi!=i;iiEr;!l:;;Ee;liiiii F:EE;E'iic Iili!E; ;; ;=ei:EiEig E=ii:;E ;ii tii:;;l :i'a;:!-::i;i :F;EEEE u iieE ! iE i i i * i i= :=iiE,liiiii ;! iEi, ii ; iiisE :i ;?Ei ii: i!: ;i! .l I r tF c; ,- I oo LIST OF HATERIAIS NAUE OF PROJECT Sunshine Vlew D.rp1ex LEGAL DESCRIPTION_&II_ISqAro pach Filing No. 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT sitrgle fontly duplex residence The folloring inforoation is required for submittal by the applieant to theDesign Revlew Board before a finat approval can be given: $irpe of llaterial p,-rr Za standinP eeam Detal Ix6T&Gredwood exposed concrete/architectural finish/rough board fom A. BUILDI,NG I'OTERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materials Fascia Soffi t s l{indows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimreys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other 2 x 12 redwood none wood CRESTLINE (ANDER9ON/alternate) natural color redwood naEural color redwood redwood painted retal painted to natch roof panel color painted uetal sith garage N/A exterior window shades/colored cartva metal insulated ,oo LIST OF }dAIERIAIS I{AME OF PROJECT Sunshine View Duplex oo LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN Lot 2 Poraro Perch FiLing No. 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Single fanily duplex residence Ttre following inforrnation is required for subnittal by the appLicant to theDeslgn RevLew Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIATS ' Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windowe l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Railes Flues Flashings Chimreys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Type of Material Color cedar shakes natural Lx6T6Gredwood redwood natural color redwood redwood painted uetal dark gray painted to match roof color painted metal dark gray wood ties exterior window shades/colored canvas/roll-up, south onlv 'o)() ' exposed concrete/architectural finish/sandblasted. 2 x L2 redwood to match siding rBaterial (soffit G entry deck only) wood CRESTLINE (ANDERSON/alternate) natural color metal insulated oo LIST OF MATERIALS NAME 0F PROJECT SunehLne View Duplex oo LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN_ I.,or 2 Porato parch Filing No. 2 DESCRIPTION 0F PROJECT Singl-e fanily duplex residence B. PI.ANT }IATERIALS(Vegetative, landscaping cover) Botanical Name Mahonla repeng Parthenocissus quinque-folia engelmanni Aretostaphylos uva-urst Pyracantha coccineaColorado Red Picea pungens gl.auca Pinus aristata Pinus F1exilis Potentllla fruitcosa Fores teria neomexicana lnaterials lncl.uding trees, shrubs and grotmd Cormon Naroe Creeping l"lahonia Ivy, Engelman Kirmikinnick Pyracantha,Colorado Red Spruce, Colorado Blue Pine, BristleconeFoxtail Pine, Limber Potentilla, BushCinquefoil Mountain Privet QUantity L25 150 50 I 3 5 5 16 13 Size 1 qt. 1 qt. 1 gal. 5 gal-. 8- 10' 6-8' 6-8' 5 gal-. 5 gal. W oSubdivision Lot Bl ock Filing - 2^:e (Not Acceptab'le)1. Submittal Items 2. Engineering Requirements (Accepta bt e ) (A) Topo Map(B) Site Plan(c) Uti 1 i ty Pl an (D) Title lteport(E) Subdivision Agreement ,l B c Dr ; pl ( i f appl i cabl e) -...--- (A) Culvert Size /2 "(B)Driver,rayGradelEilh-az.i-firr-'JuaT)WC*- 3. Source of l.iti'lities lil ectri c uct 5 Se"ter l.la ter Tel eplicrri-' T. V. 4. Conrinents : Q4a "eS c. hueh (o,.,e*etz bt+tt-r. ?O<^J -Sgt Z9 ftat *z G,..,arcrozrApproved: Di sapproved: Departnren'i of Bil l Andrerr's F z0NE ctrrcK for SFR, .R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS a NDLegal Otmer Zone District Lot Area Setbacks: . GRFA: Architect -S+ttFtfX F Proposed Use -Height Allor.red 3!; proposed 2or'-"Froiosea 2o/ Sides-Requi red l5' Proposed Rear -Requirec.t 15' proposed .Ssl,taterccurse-required proposed GRFA:. Allorred i \"F/ Prinary Allovred 28/ primary Secondary A]ioned fTOO Second3ry Propos ed Proposed Proposed ProposedSite Coverage: Alloived Landscaping: Required Parking:. Drive: Slope permitted v% Envi ronmenta'l /lla za rcls : , Ava I anche d"o"/o Proposccl Of Propr;:.ed Actual,Slope Flood Pl ain '$1ope Corrarents i Description; 1s1J. nlock Requirea - q ---- i s.'i p1rr0i'cri D,it.;:7cl'!rr oo,oo UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVI9IOI{ JOE LOr .a_BLOcI(FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether theylines, drst be approved and verified by accolryanying site plan. be nain trrmk the following lines or proposedutilities for the Date&t V;l {/-/ -e/ilt,3/w NOTE: I'lrese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut Pernit fron the Tom of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging ia any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tout of Vail . l,buntain Bell lfesterar Slope Gas hrblic Senrice Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District Authorized . {'ri 1j:,\')J ri..':. ._.'l : lFit.4 _'1 i:,:r,T;,. a:\,1 \r.i:i 5 co_ia,Y..icJi)!.: '\lvii:i.,:i:1, L\r. 1 :.;O :oo oo Pollcy ol Title lnsurance lssued by Transamerica Title Insurance Gompany SUBJECT TO THE SCIIEDTJLE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERACE, TIIE EXCEPTIONS CON. TAIMD IN SCIIEDTILE B AND TIIE PROVISTONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPT'LATIONS IIEREOF' IIRANSAMEruAn TITLE INSURANCE COMPAI{Y, a California corporation' herein calleil the Compann insuree, ee of Date of Policy ehown in Schedule A, againet loer or damags ooa "tsgefli"g tle amount of ineurance ststed ilr Schedule A and cost& attomeye' feea and expentet which the Company rnay becone obligateil to pay hereunder, ruetained or incurred by the inaured by reaeon of: l. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3, Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such titJe. In Vincss Vlereof, Transemerica Titte Insurance Company har caured this policy to be riped and eealed by iu duly authorired oficers as of Date of Poliey ehown ir Schedule A. Transamerica Title Insurance Gompany /tu6-6.^nakrL_ By By Sccrctrry f_.;;1rn r..lo -- 5oo,.f Prcridcnt SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters uru .*trllocluded from the coverage lrf[ori"v, l. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited_ to buildlne and zoning ordinances).re' stricting'or regulating o-r prohibiting thi occupaircy, use'or enjoyment of .the land, or re-g.ulating the characte.r' dimensions or-locatioi of 'any imprdvement no'w oi'hereafter eie-cted on the land, or prohibiting a separation rn ownership or a reduction in t6e diirensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law' ordt- nance or ggvernmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights aPpears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, 4ss.ume$ or agreed. to.by the-- in;r.ed'ct";.iri; (Ul noi Ln<iwn to ttreComiany and not shown'by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at bite oi Fotici oi if tite aiie iirciict"i*ani acquiied an estate or interest insured by thiq policv and not disclosed in wiiiQ UvitrC i"lureO ctafiini 6 atd Cb-pi"V prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) iesilting in no loss or damage to th6 iniuied claimant; (d) attachi.ng or created s',!se- quent to Date of Policyi 6r (e) resu-lting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the rnsured clarm' ant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. CONDITIONS AND I, DEFINITIOI{ OF TERIAS The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "insured": the insured named in Schedule A, and, subject to any rights or defenses the Company may have asainst the nahed irrsured. those who succeed to the interestof such insured by operation of law as distinguished from Durchase including, but not limited to, heirs, distributees, ilevisees, survivors-, personal representatives, next of kin, or corporate or fiduciary successors. (b) "insured claimant": an insured claiming loss or dam- age hereunder. (c) "knowledge": actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice which. may be imputed to an insured by reason ol any puDllc recoros, (d) "land": the land described, specifically or by referencein Schedule A, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property; provided, however, the term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area specifically described or referred to in Schedule A, nor.ny right" title, interest, estate or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or water.ways, but nothing herein shall modify or limit the extent to which a right of access to and from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument.(f) "public records": those records which by law impart constructive notice of matters relating to said land. 2. CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE AFTER CONVEYANCE OF TITTE The coverage ot this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an insured so long as such insured retains an estate or interest in the land, or holds an indebted- ness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a pur- chaser frorn such insured, or so long as such insured shall have liability by reason of covenants of warranty made bysuch insured in any transfer or conveyance of such estate or interest; provided, however, this policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from such insured of either said estate or interest or the indebtedness secured by a pur- chase money mortgage given to such insured. STIPUI..ATIONS (b) The insured shall notify the Company . promptly in writi'n-i rilln-l-ise lnv action oi proceeding is begun -or de- ii'niJ'ii, iiit,jibo"Co as 6et forth in (a) above,- (ii) in case knowl- iii-J r'[al] i6-""i to in insurea herbrinder of anv claim. of title oii"tlrest which is adverse to the title to the estate or interest' ; i;ilre,i, ;;a whiih might cause loss-or dama8e for which fr"'c-Jitoinv'-av Li liauTe bv virtue of this policv, or (iii) if title to ihe -estate or interest, as insured' is rejected as un- -lilit"5il. if such prompt nbtice shall not be Sivetl to the-Cbni-o"nv. ttt"" as to'such'insur€d all liability of the Company shaii'ceiie and terminate in regard to tle matter -or matters for which such prompt notice is required; .provided'. however. that failure to notifv shalt in no case preiudice the ngnts- o[.a{ty such insured undei this policy unless the comp-any shall De ;;;fudi;ed-bylucir faituie aird then onlv to the extent of such prejudice. (c) The Companv shall have the right at its own cost to instiiuie and wifhout undue delay Prosecute any- actlon or ilioii"it-ine ; to ao anv other act ivhich in its opi-nion may be irecessarv-or desirable to establish the title to- the estate or iit-tliiii i. insured, and the Companv nlav ta\e any appro- iii"iJ ""tion under the terms of -this policy' whether or not it itiitf l-f,tlatti-itrireunaer, and shail noi therebv concede liability or waive any provision of this policy. (d) Whenever the Company shall have brgught- any action or int<imosed a defense as required or permitted by the pro- visions bf this policy. the Company may -punsue any.sucn litisation to finai determination by a court oJ competent Juns- diciion and expressly reserves the right, in its sole drscreuon' to appeal fipm anY adverse judgment or oroer. (e) In atl cases where this.po-ticy.pelmjts or requires the Comidnv to pr.osecute or providi for the defense of any action Ji"i-.od"eeiln?, the insured hereunder shall secure to the coniianv-itiii-iiehi to so prosecute or provide defense in such "-"tii'n 6i iioceEaing, and all appeals Lherein, an-d -permit the a;;;;v io use, at-its option,-the name of such insured for oiiii- ou"moie. vuhenever' requested by the com-pany, such inr.-.iie6 sfiill-eiue the Compariy all reasbnable aid. in any- such action or procEeding, in effecting settlement' securing evidence' ouiainine 'witnessesl or prosecuting or defending such- action oi pioilialne, and ihe Company shall reimburse such insured for any expense so lncurreo. 4. NOTTCE OF IOSS - llrrAlTATlON OF ACTION 3. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS - NOTICE OF In addition to the notices required under paragraph 3(b)ctAlM TO BE GIVEN BY AN INSURED CIAIMANT ot ttrliJ Conaitions--andi Stiputaiiirns, a statemint in 'wrifiir6 (a) The Company, at its own cost and without undue oi i-riy tois .or damage. for .wl.rjc.h it is .claimed the Company delav.'shall orovirie firi the defense oi an insured in all liiie; is tiiUte under this p-olicy shall be- furnished to-the Company tti'i''coil'ii'tif,l- bi idiii"i' oi proceedings commenced agiifist wittrin so days aftef such loss or damage shall have been de' iiicir i.l:urla.'t.a aitense int5ipd."a 'iEiinst;;6;;;"d'i"-;; iermined and no right of action shall accrue. to an insured iiii6ri 1o-enlbice a contiact fli-ii"i"ti-iiiJ"itit6-oi intli*l iiii'riilni untit go diys after su.ch statement shall have been in said land. to the extent tfrlisuctr 'titfuaiion-iJ tdunhea' u-poti iuinisnea. Failure to iurnish such statement of loss or dam-age l-i -irf qiJi- ,ief"ci, -riln,-"n"uhur"nce, or other matter insu?eJ itrlli ii,.-injiC any liability of the Companv under this policy aeainsfuv this p6licy.' as to such loss or damage. Continued on Front of Back Cover oo oa Continued from Back of Front Cover 5. OPIION9 IO PAY OR OTHERWTSE SETTTE CTAUAS The Company shall have the option to pay or othen^,isesettle for or in the name of an insured claimant anv claim in-sured against or to terminate all liability and oblisations ofthe Company hereunder by paying or tdndering piyment ofthe amount of insurance under this policy together with anycosts, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred up to the timeof such payment or tender of payment, by the insured claim.ant and authorized by the Company. 6. DETER'I/iINATION AND PAYIAENT OF IOSS . (a) The liabilitv of the Company under tbis policy shaUin no case exceed the least of:(i) the actual loss of the insured claimant: or(ii) the amount of insurance in Schedule A. (b) The Company will pay, in addition to any loss insuredagainst by this policy, all costs imposed upon an insured in liti-gation carried on by the Company for such insured, and allcosts, attomeys' fees and expenses in litigation carried on bysuch insured with the written authorizati6n of the Company. (c) When liability has been definitely l'ixed in accordancewith the conditions of this policy, the loss or damage shall bepayable within 30 days thereafter. 7. Ltrr/ TATtON OF UAB|ltil No claim shall arise or be maintained under this policv (a)- if the Company, aft€r having received notice of an aile8eildefect, Iien or encumbrance insured against hereunder, bylitigation or otherwise, removes such defect, lien or encum-brance or establishes the title, as insured, within a reasonabletime after receipt of such notice; (b) in the event of litigarlonuntil there has been a final determination by a court of com-petent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom,adv€rse to the title. as insured, as Drovided in oaraeraoh 3hereof: or (c) for liability voluntarili assumed by an-insuredin settling any claim or suit without prior written consent ofthe Company. 8. NEDUCTION OF TIABII]TY All payments under this policy, except payments made forcosts, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amountof the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made withoutproducing this policy for endorsement of such payment unlessthe policv be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of suchloss or destruction shall be furnished to tle satisfaction ofthe Company. 9, TIABII]TY NONCUII/IUIATIVE It is expressly understood that tle amount of insuranceunder this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Com.pany may pa.v under policy insuring either (a) a mortgageshown or referred to in Schedule B hereof which is a lien onthe estate or interest covered by this policy, or (b) a mortgagehereafter executed by an insured which is a charge or lien onthe estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A.and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under thispolicy. The Company shall have the option to apply to the pay- ment of any such mortgages any amount that otherwise wouldbe payable hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or interest covered by this policy and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy to said insured owner. IO. APPOnIIONMENT lf the land described in Schedule A consists of two or moreparcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is estab- lished affecting one or more of said parcels but not ell, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata basis as ifthe amount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole. exclusive of any improvements made subsequentto Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon ns to each such parcel by the Company andthe insured at the time of the issuance of this policy and shown by an express statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto. II. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SEfTTEIAENT Wrenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimanL The Companyshall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and reme- dies which such insured claimant would have had against any Derson or DroDertv in resDect to 6uch claim had this Dolicv not 6een issu*, ind if requbsted by the company, such iniured claimant shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies aeainst anv Derson or DroDertv necessary in order to Derfectsich righf oi subrogation'and shall perinit the Comp-any to use the name of such insured claimant in any transaction or litigation involving such rights or remedies, lf the laymentdoes not cover the loss of such insured claimanl the Companyshall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the pro- Dortion which laid pavment beirs to the amount of said loss.if loss should result from any act of such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Compqny, in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured asainst heieunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost -to the Company by reason of the impairment of tle right of s'rbrogation. 12, TIABI]ITY IIMITED TO THIS POIICY This instrument together with all endorsements and other instruments, if any, attached hereto by the Comp-any is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Anv claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on neslise;ce, and which arises ouf of the status of the title toth; iltate or interest covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this policy. No amendment of or endorsement to this policy can be made exceDt bv writinp endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed bv 6ithei the Prdsident, a vice Presi4ent, the Secretary: an- Assiitant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized signatory of the ComPanY. I3. NOTICES, WHERE SENT All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the -Companyshall be addressed tb Transamerica Title Insurance Company, P. O. Box 605. Denver, Colorado 80201. FORI| No. c€oool , FOt Ut€ wrfH coLoiaDo aEcao A!|Iitc N LAND'T|'L! AIIOCTATTON GrVvNEn'3 IOLTCY-FORI ts rato tArrt{D:D to.l?.7otoo oo SCHEDULE A Arnount of Inrunncct 2OO, OO0.0O PolicyNo 4104849 DatcofPolicy May 21, 198I Shcct I of g- 2: 01 P.M. l. Nancof Insucd: SAIIDPIPER IIO!'|ES, INC. ..r : 3. Ibe catatc or iatorcrt refcrred to herein is at Date of Polcf verted in: - SANDPTPER IIOMES, rNC. FORM NO. C-6000-2 ;ru;"*::r,:::ui5,:"tr"ilixi:"^:::ff l"""Jilf, ry-':":il"'5"'l:ff 3lo,*,'.- SCIIDDULE A-Continued Tho lanil rcfcrrcd ro in ihis policy is airuated in rhc statc of c,olorado, counry of Eag1e ' and is descril*d as followr: Irot.- 2, VAIL/POTATO PATCH according to the SECOND FILING, recorded PIat ttrereof FORM NO. C-6000-38'rlJ,LiJ;"'t".1li^i?."O f'"^., rexo irir rssocr^rroN ""r".flFoRM B-ttto (AHEN'E' to't'"'o, SCHEDULE B Thie Policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: l. Righte or claime of parties in posseesion not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by lhe public records' 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmentr, anil any facte which a cot' rect suirrey and inspecriofi of dre premiees would iieclose and which are not ehown by tbe public records 4. Any lien, or right to a lienn for services,labor, or malerial heretofore or bereafter furnisheil, imposed by law and not shoft'n by the public records. 5. Taxee due and payable; and any tax, special assessments, charge ot lien imposed for wqter or 6ewer oervice, or for any other special taxing districr. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payabte' 6. Right of way for ditches and canals constructed by the authority of the united states, as reserved'in united states Patents re- ;;rt;a l,1"V Z, 1904 in Book 48 at Page 503, a1d recorded, July 15, 1939 in Book 123 at Page 617. 7. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause' but omitt5-ng restrictions, if any, based on race' color' religion or national origin, as contained in instrumenb recorded March 5' 19?4 in Book 233 at Page 528. 8. Utility and drainage easements as shown on the Plat of vail,/potato Patch, second-riliig, recorded February 18, 1977 in Book 252 at page 689, and as reierved in instrument recorded March 5, 1974 in Book 233 at Page 628. 9. Decilof rrusrfrorn: sandpiper Homes, rnc., a cororado corporation ro the Prrblic Trustee of the Coutrty o[ Eag }e forthcuscof : Charles R' Crowley and'Virginia Crowley tosecure : $ 75r000'00 rlaretl : May 15, l?ql -r-,..: a+ Drecordetl : May 21' I98I in Book 323 at Page 440 'o.a er.oar.-!!isg 'iig;!iii'i3[Elvrahzul ? it:* ;:q: ' o! 59 oo E.= Aiig;iis :ririii* ,lls {ilu 'ii3i ';li:*i!' ;ci' Ei' :'i' ig' -uiu ! E E tro CL EoO oc,cot!, g =F o .9Lo E(Uotr6t-F BEtr> E.B FH 2A .EsFF oeE(UFO.tuEoo'EO ERctF2E(u=F2 ! Eo5 ID0 o(,_tr6g \,=7;6.EE -Ioa9 l.a-lF O>r ooQEF E "E - 5;!_ ru EE * Eg;s E liF Ell ElIe ftp ggp gig$ g#g gEi- E;FIg ,- n)iY,F= a Best copy Available r1d:;or. :t:: .rJ: I.i .rl.j. III rrh.reAddr.-.;. irr): :jit1 ,t 3..1 !u5:- I r,r1r,f I-i;e , ThE\T) roJt : t , -4r'. r'h ir r nrr. t:r h;,rd Dr .1. , pr.,,\ ,, j,.tr,r."\.r tostii con:ro;ry, d .-!ir.1-r,.,:h ! \rholeaddreis is B():( 2Ai.i |lpg; frutf, r .r(,r,;;.r9le . ,nri Sr,t,r ol (to I r r-dl, Sianed this .t2 riC C,',:,rr: ito,rC ) R.'dd ) ''!'t' : . NAR 21, 76 slr'nl__ -t_ STA'1U 0I ( ol,r )Ii.\DO , ounh.or Ed.l 1,, r'.,. )n pi | "". o,_.,.it, ,., I Lu: 2, Blo..:: 2. ,.,d.1/p Ldr^ i.,t^rdc :c:dr1, .. r,e,,."1,. :.;':.,.,.:^:r,co.nii-.i l:,; ",i,'3i :: :;":"i;::;:r, \. l.t.Z...,,*,r,-,.r-,, I I I I i I I I I IIt. r, { Book 323 -. Page 456 21$80? he Deed cont,ains a resErIE this 14th day of May, and VIRGINIA CROWLEY ANNE P. STAUFER (IhE to a strip Itccrrrcl(rri at2ll]O T.Il. T.ry 2l; l98f feeJ6,0Opd{ecorder; Johnnettc Phillips Eagle County V AGREEMENT O ,-ta. This Agreement entered into ,l t/ 4Q tg9t by and between CHARLES R. CROWLEY (the "Crowleys") and JOSEF STAUFER and "st,aufergtt). RECITALS By a lJarranty Deed (Lhe "Deed") recorded April 1979 in Book 284 aE Page 88 of Ehe Eagle CounEy records, Crowleys acquired certain real propercy in Eagle County, Colora 13, the Lot 2Vail/Potato Patch Second Filing According Lo the recorded plac chereof. Ehe "Property") of land 20 feet ln vrldch alonq Ehe enEire easterly 1oc line of gip of land hereinafter referred Eo as Ehe restriction conEalned in che Deed was for the benefit of the .iowned by the Staufers the Property and more hereto. SEaufers and that cerEain real propercy (the "SEaufer Properry") adjacent to fully described in Exhibit A att,ached AGREEMENT For good and valuable consideration, Ehe receipE of which is acknowledged, lc ls hereby agreed as follows: A. Additional Restrir:Eions on the Restricced Parce 1. No peirking of any kind, inclucting cenPor:atr),'parking, will be allowed in or upon the Restricted Parcel. 2, No man-made impervious maEerial.s of anykind or naLure shall be allowed in the RestricEed Parcel. 3. The Restrict,ed Parcel shall be maincained in Iits natural state except that it may be improved by planring Erees, /bushes or other vegatation-lndigenous to Ehe area. In the /event the Restrict,ed Parcel is disuurbed, Ehe RestricEed Parcel /shall be restored as soon as reasonably convenient. .,/ B. Miscellaneous. The provisions of this Agreemenu shall be I t04{44 Ef l. covenants and egulc.P" ""t.ritudes on the ,too"t? and shall lun'as burdeng with -Ehe land and shall be appurtenang to Ehe SCaufer Property, such that a transfer of an ownership LnueresE the Stairfer- Property shall automatically Eransfer- and vest a- ProPor-tionate lngLrest in Ehe rlghCs hereunder in the owners Ehereof. 2, The provisions of chis Agreement may only be revoked amended or otherwlse modified by a writcen documenE executed by the owner(s) of the ProperEy and by the owner(s) of the Staufer Property. 3. This Agreemene is binding on the helrs personal representaEives, successors and assigns of the Parties hereLo. 4. The provisions of chis AgreemenE shall remain in effecE unEil January 1, 1999 at which Eime iE shall be automatically extended- for 5 successlve Eerms of ten yeals each. E)GCUTED as of che daue firsc above writren. STATE OF COUNTY OF COLORADO EAGLE ) ss. ss. The foregoing insurument was this ,cd-h day of r1\., , 1981 , bY- -----6-- Vlrg{nla Crowley. BB my hand and official seal. tli,l' ) acknowledged before me Charles R. Crowley and , Conmlssion expires: r STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged l-'efore me ::'Ehis l'. +t- day of ll \c'.^ , 1981, by .Iosef SLaufer and Aune P. ";;. ----6- Witness rny hand and offlclal seal. oEary i'l. My Conrnisslon exPires:ci 1.; /^ ', r I xhlblt I'A'l Lot 1, ValUPotato Parch Second Flllng, Accordlng to the recorded plat thereof County of Eagle, State of Colorad<r (") n