HomeMy WebLinkAboutB18-0331 Asbetos report.pdfSummit Asbestos Testing
Limited Asbestos Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle
Vail, CO 81657
Prepared For:
KGB Construction
Lonnie Hoppe
Prepared By:
Summit Asbestos Testing, LLC
Nicole Rolfe
PO Box 927
Breckenridge, CO 80424
Survey Date: August 20, 2018
Summit Asbestos Testing Job Number: 4140
Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
As the certified inspector responsible for the development of this inspection report, I certify that it has
been written and reviewed in a manner of full compliance with applicable rules and regulations as
required by Federal and State regulations. See Appendix B for copies of certifications.
Respectfully Submitted,
Signature: A/' ~tL h-~
Nicole Rolfe
Summit Asbestos Testing, LLC
PO Box 927
Breckenridge, CO 80424
{970) 406-8038
Summit Asbestos Testing, LLC, Asbestos Consulting Firm License# ACF-22742
Expiration Date: February 19, 2019
Nicole Rolfe
CDPHE Asbestos Building Inspector, Certification Number: 22581
Expiration Date: February 19, 2019
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Table of Contents
Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
CERTIFICATION STATEMENT ........................................................................................... 1
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/ SCOPE OF SERVICES ......................................................... 3
2. SITE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. 3
3. ASBESTOS INSPECTION METHODOLOGY ................................................................ 3
3.1 Asbestos Sample Density ........................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Homogeneous Areas/Materials ................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Physical Assessment .................................................................................................................................. 5
3.4 Sample Collection ...................................................................................................................................... 5
3.5 Analytical Laboratory Information ............................................................................................................. 5
4. ASBESTOS SUMMARY TABLES ................................................................................ 7
4.1 Table 1: Homogeneous Areas in Scope of Work ....................................................................................... 7
4.2 Table 2: Bulk Sample Locations and Results ............................................................................................. 8
4.3 Table 3: Photo Log ..................................................................................................................................... 9
5. FINDINGS ............................................................................................................... 9
6. RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................ 9
7.1 Colorado Air Quality Control Commission Requirements ....................................................................... 10
7.2 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS) ........................................................ 11
7.3 Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) ............................................................................... 11
7 .4 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ......................................................................... 11
8. LIMITATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS ....................................................................... 12
Appendix A: Sample Area Diagram ............................................................................... 13
Appendix B: Certifications ............................................................................................ 14
Appendix C: Laboratory Analytical Report and Chain of Custody .................................. 15
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Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
Summit Asbestos Testing was contracted by Lonnie Hoppe of KCB Construction to perform a limited asbestos
building survey for Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBMs) due to potential renovations at 1385
Westhaven Circle, Vail, Colorado 81657.
Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) is defined by state and federal regulations as any material that contains
greater than 1 % asbestos. The results of this limited asbestos containing materials survey determined
that asbestos was not detected in any of the samples submitted for laboratory analysis.
The survey, conducted on August 20, 2018, consisted of a walk-through of applicable areas proposed to be
disturbed, delineation and quantification of homogeneous areas, an assessment as to whether the suspect
ACBM is friable or non-friable, a physical assessment of the condition of the suspect ACBM, collection of
representative bulk samples, and delivery of bulk samples of suspect ACBM to an independent analytical
The client, Lonnie Hoppe, directed the Summit Asbestos Testing inspector as to which areas were to be
included in the scope of work of the limited asbestos survey based on the proposed renovations.
The following are the specific areas included in the scope of work in this pre-renovation limited asbestos
•!• Cream colored skip trowel surfacing material and drywall/joint compound located:
o Portion of 2nd floor hallway-south wall
o Portion of 2nd floor master bedroom hallway-east and west walls
o Master bedroom north wall
o 2nd floor bathroom-southeast angled wall
•!• Yellow painted stucco located
o All walls and ceiling of 2nd floor patio
All other areas are excluded in the scope of work in this limited asbestos survey.
The single family home is located at 1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, Colorado 80657. According to Eagle
County Assessor's Office records, the date of effective construction was 1996 and the home is approximately
7,016 square feet. Only a portion of the home (identified above) is included in this limited asbestos survey.
ACM is defined by state and federal regulations as any material that contains greater than 1 % asbestos as
determined by laboratory analysis.
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Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
State and Federal regulations requires that all suspect ACBM be properly sampled and analyzed prior to
conducting any renovation or demolition activities above the established trigger levels (32 square feet, or 50
linear feet, or the equivalent of a 55 gallon drum for residential properties, and 160 square feet, 260 linear
feet, or the equivalent of a 55 gallon drum for commercial properties).
This survey involved identification and sampling of suspect ACBM within the identified scope of work prior to
potential renovations. Suspect ACBM includes nearly all building materials with the exception of metal, glass
and wood. However, if the metal, glass or wood material contains a coating, then these materials fall into the
suspect ACBM category. The sampling protocol and methodology employed by Summit Asbestos Testing is
outlined in this section.
3.1 Asbestos Sample Density
AHERA regulations specify sampling density protocol based on the quantity and type of material. Sample
locations in the facility were selected by Summit Asbestos Testing to be representative of the various
homogeneous materials. The Summit Asbestos Testing inspector collected the appropriate number of
representative samples at selected locations using a random sampling scheme.
Sample density was selected using the following regulatory criteria:
•!• For surfacing materials, a minimum of 3 bulk samples collected of homogeneous areas less
than 1,000 square feet. At least 5 bulk samples collected for homogeneous areas between
1,000 square feet and 5,000 square feet. Seven or more bulk samples collected for
homogeneous areas greater than 5,000 square feet.
•!• For thermal system insulation {TSI), not assumed to be ACM: At least 3 bulk samples from
each homogeneous area. At least 1 bulk sample from each homogeneous area of patched TSI
if the patched section is less than 6 linear feet or less than 6 square feet. As many samples as
necessary from each mechanical system where cement or plaster is used on fittings such as
tees, elbows, or valves.
•!• For suspect miscellaneous material, not assumed to be ACM, bulk samples are collected in a
manner sufficient to determine whether the material is ACM or non-ACM. However, a minimum
of two samples for each miscellaneous material must be collected per State and Federal
3.2 Homogeneous Areas/Materials
Prior to collecting any samples, Summit Asbestos Testing performed a visual inspection of all areas within the
potential renovation areas identified in the scope of work to determine the presence of suspected ACBM.
Homogeneous areas and materials were identified and listed to develop a sampling plan. The square footage
of each homogeneous area was measured in order to determine the appropriate number of samples to be
collected. Summit Asbestos Testing attempts to capture the square footage measurements as exacting as
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Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO ---··---------------·---·-··-·------·--··--· ------··------·--·-·---··--·----
possible; however for the purpose of this report the measurements are considered an estimate. This
information was recorded on the Homogeneous Areas in Scope of Work Form; see Section 4.1 (Table 1 ).
Homogeneous areas are defined by AHERA protocol and state regulation as an area of surfacing material,
thermal system insulation material, or miscellaneous material that is uniform in color, appearance, texture,
date of application, and/or manufacturers' labels.
3.3 Physical Assessment
Summit Asbestos Testing conducted a physical assessment of each identified homogeneous material. The
assessment included determining the condition, potential for disturbance, and the friability of the material. By
regulatory definition, friable means that material, when dry, may be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to
powder by hand pressure, and includes previously non-friable material that becomes damaged to the extent
that when dry it may be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
The condition of all confirmed ACBMs were evaluated as:
•!• Good (no visible damage or showing only very limited damage),
•!• Damaged (less than 25% localized damage or 10% distributed damage),
•!• Significantly damaged (25% or greater localized damage or 10% or greater distributed damaged)
3.4 Sample Collection
Bulk samples of suspect ACBM were collected in general conformance with AHERA protocols as outlined in
CDPHE's-Colorado Regulation 8. The sampling locations are selected so that they are representative of the
homogeneous area with regard to the material present and its potential asbestos content. When fewer than 9
samples are collected per homogeneous area, a random sampling scheme is used to determine the sample
Each sample collected in this inspection was placed in a sealable container at the time of sampling and
assigned a unique sample ID. This unique sample ID was recorded on the sampling container with indelible
marker. Sample IDs and sample locations were recorded on the Bulk Sample Locations and Results Form
(see Section 4.2-Table 2) and on the Sample Area Diagram (see Appendix A). Each sample location was
photographed, however only photographs of confirmed asbestos are included. These photographs are
available upon request. See the Photo Log (Section 4.3, Table 3), if applicable.
Once sampling was complete, all unique sample IDs were recorded on a chain of custody form, and then
submitted to an accredited laboratory. The sampling tools were cleaned between each sample collection to
prevent cross contamination.
3.5 Analytical Laboratory Information
Eight (8) bulk samples were collected and submitted under chain of custody to EMSL, Analytical of Denver,
CO (AIHA Lab ID 189946). The samples were analyzed using Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM), per EPA
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Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
method 600/R-93/116. EMSL, Analytical participates in the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation
Program (NVLAP), a quality assurance program for PLM analysis.
By regulation, a homogeneous area shall be determined to contain ACM based on a finding that the result of
any single sample collected from that homogeneous area shows that asbestos is present in an amount
greater than one percent. Additionally, a homogeneous area is considered not to contain ACM only if the
results of all samples required to be collected from the area show asbestos in amounts of one percent or less.
If the asbestos content of a sample of friable asbestos is estimated to be 1 % asbestos or less, but greater
than 0% (trace), by a method other than point counting (such as visual estimation), the determination shall be
repeated using the point counting technique with PLM. If the result obtained by point count is different from a
result obtained by visual estimation, the point count result must be used.
Any materials that contains greater than one percent (1%) asbestos by PLM analysis is considered an ACM
and must be handled in accordance with OSHA, EPA, and applicable state and local regulations.
Laboratory analysis results for this project are summarized in Section 4.2. See Appendix C for laboratory
report and chain of custody.
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Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
4.1 Table 1: Homogeneous Areas in Scope of Work
Material Qty in Scope Samples HA# Category Physical Description Functional Space/Locations (approximate Collected sq ft)
Portion of 2nd floor hallway-south wall
Cream colored skip Portion of 2nd floor master bedroom
1 SM trowel surfacing hallway-east and west walls 485 3
Master bedroom north wall
2nd floor bathroom-southeast angled wall
2 MISC Drywall/JC Beneath HA 1 485 2
3 SM Yellow painted stucco Exterior walls and ceiling of 2"d floor patio 320 3
HA=Homogeneous Area
Material Category Abbreviations: SM= Surfacing Material, TSI= Thermal System Insulation, MISC= Miscellaneous
DW= Drywall, JC= Joint Compound
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Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
4.2 Table 2: Bulk Sample Locations and Results
Master Adjacent to ceiling,
1 CSK-SM-01 bedroom-north 8.9' from floor, 2.6' G F ND
wall east of west wall
Master bedroom
1 CSK-SM-02 hallway west 8.9' from floor, 2.2' G F ND
wall south of north wall
1 CSK-SM-03 Main hallway-
south wall
3.9' from floor, 6.3' G west of east wall F ND
Master Adjacent to ceiling,
2 DW/JC-M-04 bedroom-north 8.9' from floor, 2.6' G F Drywall: ND
wall east of west wall J/C: ND
Master bedroom 8.9' from floor, 2.2' 2 DW/JC-M-05 hallway west G F Drywall: ND
wall south of north wall J/C: ND
Patio-south 8" from floor, 10.5' 3 YST-SM-06 D F wall west of east wall ND
Patio-north 6" from floor, 4.2' 3 YST-SM-07 G F wall west of east wall ND
3 YST-SM-08 Patio-east wall 5.2' from floor, 1.4' G F north of south wall ND
HA=Homogeneous Area
Condition Abbreviations: SD= Significantly Damaged, D= Damaged, G= Good
Results: ND= None Detected
'current Condition: Is the Material Friable or Non-Friable in Current Condition:
F= Friable NF=Non-Friable
2 Due To Reno/Demo: If the Material is Non-Friable in Current Condition, Will it Become Friable when Disturbed by Renovation or
Demolition: F= Friable NF=Non-Friable
Page 8
4.3 Table 3: Photo Log
Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
Only photos of sample locations of confirmed asbestos are shown in the photo log. Eight (8) samples were
submitted for lab analysis. All samples came back non-detect for asbestos. Photos of sample locations are
available upon request.
The results of this asbestos building survey conducted at 1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO 81657 indicate
None of the suspect building materials sampled were found to contain more than one percent (1%)
If any suspect asbestos containing material is discovered during renovation or demolition, not identified in this
report and within the scope of renovation, it must be sampled by a Colorado State Certified Asbestos
Inspector prior to proceeding with work.
Based on the laboratory analytical results, any identified asbestos containing materials should be removed by
a Colorado State Certified General Abatement Contractor prior to conducting any removal or demolition
activities associated with these materials. All work associated with these materials must be performed in
accordance with all Local, State and Federal regulations.
Contractors and employees working in this building should be made aware of the possibility that concealed
ACBM may be found during renovation or demolition. Any discovered material must not be disturbed without
consulting the owner or manager of the building to determine if those materials were previously identified and
sampled to determine if it is ACBM.
As per AHERA, a suspect material is to be considered as asbestos containing unless it is proven otherwise by
appropriate sampling. Please work safely and if you encounter any other suspect asbestos building materials
not listed in this report, please contact a state certified asbestos building inspector for additional sampling.
Furthermore, if additional areas are added to the scope of work not identified in this report, sampling of all
suspect ACBM within the new areas must be performed prior to renovation/demolition activities, per state and
federal regulations.
At the time of this report, the EPA has not prohibited the manufacture and import of miscellaneous materials,
such as vinyl floorings, mastics, roofing materials, etc., which may be asbestos containing. As a result,
Summit Asbestos Testing recommends testing of future replacement materials for the presence of asbestos
prior to installation.
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Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
This survey was performed in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations for conducting asbestos
building surveys to meet Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC), Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) requirements.
7.1 Colorado Air Quality Control Commission Requirements
Colorado Regulation 8 definitions and requirements include:
l.B. Definitions:
"'Demolition' means the wrecking or taking out of any load-supporting structural member of a facility together
with any related handling operations or the intentional burning of any facility ... "
111.C.5. Asbestos Spill Response:
"In the event of an asbestos spill involving less than 50 linear feet on pipes, 32 square feet on other surfaces,
or the volume equivalent of one 55-gallon drum, the building owner should ... " (Refer to pages 8.114 and 8.115
for exact recommendations).
"In the event of an asbestos spill involving greater than 50 linear feet on pipes, 32 square feet on other
surfaces, or the volume equivalent of one 55-gallon drum, the owner shall ... " (Refer to page 8.115 for exact
111.C.6. Renovation and Demolition Projects:
"Prior to any renovation or demolition in any single family housing which may disturb 50 linear feet of material
on pipes, 32 square feet of material on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of one SS-gallon drum of
material identified by the EPA as a suspect asbestos-containing material, the facility components(s) to be
affected by the renovation or demolition shall have an inspection performed by a building inspector certified
under these regulations. The inspection must be performed to the AHERA standards as given in 40 CFR Part
763 (1992)."
Note: Effective March 30, 2003, State Legislature, House Bill 1016 enacts a quantity change, as well as other
regulatory requirements that will alter all of the following minimum level requirements. This format of quantities
will remain the same with this notation, until CAQCC Regulation 8 is revised.
"Prior to any renovation or demolition in any public or commercial building which may disturb 260 linear feet of
material on pipes, 160 square feet of material on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of one 55-gallon
drum of material identified by the EPA as a suspect asbestos-containing material, the facility component(s) to
be affected by the renovation or demolition shall have an inspection performed by a building inspector
certified under these regulations. The inspection must be performed to the AHERA standards as given in 40
CFR Part 763 (1992)."
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Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
7.2 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS)
NESHAPS definitions and requirements include:
Section 61.141 Definitions:
"Demolition means the wrecking or taking out of any load-supporting structural member of a facility together
with any related handling operations or the intentional burning of any facility."
Section 61.145 Standard of demolition and renovation:
"Prior to the commencement of the demolition or renovation, thoroughly inspect the affected facility or part of
the facility or part of the facility where the demolition or renovation operation will occur for the presence of
asbestos, including Category I and Category II no friable ACM ... "
"If a facility is being demolished ... if the combined amount of RACM is at least 260 linear feet on pipes or at
least 160 square feet on other facility components, or at least 35 cubic feet off facility components where the
length or area could not be measured previously ... "
"In a facility being renovated, including any individual nonscheduled renovation operation, if the combined
amount of RACM to be stripped, removed, dislodged, cut, drilled, or similarly disturbed ... is at least 260
linear feet on pipes or at least 160 square feet on other facility components, or at least 35 cubic feet off facility
components where the length or area could not be measured previously ... "
7.3 Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERAJ
AHERA definitions and requirements include:
As referenced in 40 C.F.R. Part 763 (1992), " ... requires a minimum number of samples for surfacing
materials, thermal system insulating materials, and requires samples in a manner sufficient to determine
whether the material is ACM or not ACM for miscellaneous materials.
7 .4 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
OSHA definitions and requirements include:
Any material that contains over one-percent (1 %) of any type of Asbestos is considered Asbestos containing
material (ACM) and must be handled according to OSHA and EPA regulations if disturbed.
Compliance and Implementation of OSHA 1926.1101 (replaces OSHA 1926.58) is required, as published, no
later than October 01, 1995 which requires the Building Owner Methods of Compliance, Respiratory
Page 11
Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail. CO
Protection, Hygiene Facilities and Practices for Employees. Communication of Hazards, Housekeeping,
Medical Surveillance and the Designation and Training of Competent Persons, including:
The Building/Facility Owner (including a lessee) must identify the presence, location and quantity of ACM
and/or PACM (presumed asbestos-containing material) at the work site before beginning work.
The Building/Facility Owner must notify, (in writing or in person), the presence, location and quantity of ACM
or PACM at the work sites to prospective employers whose employees will work in or next to areas with ACM
or PACM. Owner's employees who will work in or next to such areas, all employers on multi-employer
worksites whose employees will work in or next to such areas, tenants who will occupy such areas, etc.
"An employer or owner may demonstrate that PACM (Presumed Asbestos Containing Material) does not
contain asbestos by the following: (A) Having an complete inspection conducted pursuant to the requirements
of AHERA (40 CFR Part 763, Subpart E) which demonstrates that the material is not ACM; (B) Performing
tests of the material containing PACM which demonstrates that no asbestos is present in the material. .. the
tests, evaluation and sample collection shall be conducted by an accredited inspector."
Note: The aforementioned regulatory phrases are not the regulations in their entirety. Consult the regulatory
agency, which may apply.
Summit Asbestos Testing and the findings presented in this Asbestos Survey Report make no representations
or assumption as to past and/or future conditions/occurrences of the specific areas surveyed and are based
solely on the conditions observed during our survey and that are noted in this report.
The survey did incorporate destructive sampling techniques to identify materials in previously inaccessible
areas (behind walls, above ceilings, etc.). These activities created small openings for investigation, but are
limited in that full observation is not possible due to the presence of floors, ceilings, etc. Reasonable effort
was made by Summit Asbestos Testing to locate and sample accessible suspect building materials within the
potential renovation areas identified in the scope of work described in Section 1 . However, it is possible that
asbestos-containing materials may be concealed within structures and not identified in this report. The
selection of sample locations and frequency of sampling was based on Summit Asbestos Testing's
observations and the assumption that like materials in the same area are homogeneous in content (as per
AHERA definitions).
Summit Asbestos Testing is not responsible or liable for any opinions, conclusions or recommendations
provided by others regarding the data presented in this Limited Asbestos Survey.
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Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
Appendix A: Sample Area Diagram
Not to Scale
Master Bed
Page 13
Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
Appendix B: Certifications
~~ aaclF.nvkoentau
This certifies that
Nicole Rolfe
COl'lffleatioa No.: 21581
llas-dtll fti!Uil'e!ne!IU of25·7-5()7, C.R.S. and Air Quality O>ntrol
Commmion Regulation No. s. Part B, and is hereby eeitified by the
state of Colorado in the fu!lowing discipline:
Building Inspector*
i-.d: Jamiary 2$, 2818
Expires: Febnoary 19. 2019
This cert.ifics tha1
Summit Asbestos Testing, LLC
R.P,tra-No.: ACF· 21742
has met the reaistra.1iou req\lircments of 25· 7·S07, C.R.S. and the Air Quality Control
Commi'sion llegulation No. &. Part 8, ad is-bcnb)' autbori:.'.cd ro r.icdOnn ubeltos cunsulti.DJ
activihts as required under Reg,ulation No 8, Parr B. in the ~tate of Cotorad<l
"•••d: fd>ruary 19, 2018
Fel>rowy 19. 2019
Page 14
Limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
1385 Westhaven Circle, Vail, CO
Appendix C: Laboratory Analytical Report and Chain of Custody
Page 15
. Orde ~/2
I rID: 221806596 : I + Asbestos Che: in of Custody EMSL ANALYTICAL, INC.
z EMSL Order Nu1 nber: (Lab Use Only): 1010 YUMA STREET,
I L..Z/R1 ~h 5tt b I DENVER, CO, 80204
EMSL ANALYTICAL, INC. I PHONE: (303) 7 40-5700
~l'OllW'•PllJODUC'l'9.eT'UIMMQ I I FAX: (303) 741-1400 !
Company : Summit Asbestos Testing, LLC
I I EMSL-8111 to: [8J Same D Different
If Bill to is Different note instructions in Comments ..
Street: PO Box 927 . Third Pahv Billina reauires written authorizalion from thitd oartv
City: Breckenridge I State/Province: CO I I Zip/Postal Code: 80424 I Country: USA
Report To lName): Nicole Rolfe I Fax#: I
TeJeDhone #: 970-406-8038 Email Address: Nicole®summltasbestostestcom .. \?i.<;(C \'J t3S T~W-r;:N (l~ I Project Name/Number:
Please Provide Results: t J Fax [8J Email t Purchase Or ~er: I I U.S. State Samples Taken: CO
./ Turnaround Time IT J Tl Options* -Please Check
0 3 Hour I 0 6Hour I N24Hour I 048 Hour D 72 Houri ID 96 Hour I 01Week I 0 2Week
•For TEM Air 3 hr through 6 hr, please call ahead to schedule. •There is a pn. '(Tlium charge for 3 Hour TEM AHERA or EPA Level II TAT. You Will be asked to sign
an authorization form for this service. Analvsis comDleted in accord nee with EMSL's Tenns and Conditions located in the AnaMical Price Gulde.
PCM-Air TEM-Air 0~ ~.5hr.TAT (AHERAonly) TEM-Dust
0 NIOSH 7400 D AHERA40 ~FR, Part 763 I 0 Microvac -ASTM D 5755
0 w/ OSHA 8hr. TWA 0 NIOSH 740~ ' : D Wipe -ASTM 06480 I i
PLM -Bulk freDortina limit\ 0 EPA Level I I I 0 Carpet Sonication (EPA 600/J-931167)
1'f PLM EPA 600/R-93/116 (<1%) 0 ISO 10312 Soil/RockNenniculite
0 PLM EPA NOB (<1%) TEM-Bulk I i
0 PLM GARB 435 - A (0.25% sensitivity)
Point Count 0TEMEPAN )B 0 PLM GARB 435 - B {0.1 % sensitivity)
0 400 (<0.25%) 0 1000 (<0.1%} 0NYSNOB1 8.4 (non-friable-NY} 0 TEM CARS 435 - B (0.1 % sensitivity}
Point Count w/Gravimetric 0 Chatfield SC P I 0 TEM CARB 435 - C (0.01 % sensitivity) .
D 400 (<0.25%) 0 1000 (<0.1%) OTEMMass/. nalysis-EPA 600 sec. 2.5 D EPA Protocol (Semi-Quantitative)
0 NYS 198.1 (friable in NY} TEM-Water: PA 100.2 I 0 EPA Protocol (Quantitative)
0 N'(S 19!!,~ NOB (ngn-friable-~_ Fibe!:':-1oµm D Waste D Drinking Other:
---· --- . -l-0 NIOSH 9002 (<1%) All Fiber Sizes 0 Waste D D~nking D .-----~· ·--------
D Check For Positive Stop -~!early Identify; Homogenous Group
Samplers Name: Nicole Rolfe
' I (/\Jv, , ~
samplers signature: .wf..t
i Volume/Area (l(ir) Date/Time
Sample# Sample Descrip fon . HA#(Bulk) Sampled
C9L-5U-D1 flrPaJ.!A uf\,WM 41ti v"M ~(~ I I '81-zo Z6t<i !
' I I r
. I
C~(~.\A-02-I . I
GS\l-S u.-v3 -I I '
'DN\~c-.M~o4 \:1a}('11fMf \ JOrl~1 (Jt,U())IA l~ ~J'tl~ Gt~ ' :2.
l\)w\1(:-M .... Cb I • ~ \ I I '2--I I
Y~T-~V\-'06 \{p J lb W b{lt/ Lh ~ ' 3 i I
\(~ -<_L'_-{)~ ' ' 3 \ I I
YST-slvl-Of3 I I I 8 --.
Client Sample # (s): 01 -0' t)
I I f;:i(\~(~\ I Total # of Samples:
Relinquished (Client)~~~Q.nl.c {Sk1 Datit: g 10I-wtil Time: t~M'i'A~ .., 111 "f /7 J J1t Time: 1 D:zo \1\f\ Received (Lab): Data:
Comments/Special Instructions: "';
I G"-~t 74'5S -z'3ott 42tf7
Page1 of+ I COnln>lled Docunent-Asl>eslosCOC-IU-1112121110 pages
Paqe 1 Of 1 I I
EMSL Analytical, Inc.
1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204
Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 I (303) 741-1400
http://www.EMSL.com I denverlab@emsl.com
Attention: Nicole Rolfe
Summit Asbestos Testing
PO Box 927
Breckenridge, CO 80424
Project: 1385 WestHaven Cir
EMSLOrder: 221806596
Customer ID: SMAT42
Customer PO:
Project ID:
Phone: (970) 406-8038
Received Date: 08/21/2018 10:20 AM
Analysis Date: 08/22/2018
Collected Date: 08/20/2018
Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-931116 Method using Polarized
Light Microscopy
Cream Colored Skip
Trowel SM
Inseparable paint I coating layer included in analysis
Cream Colored Skip
Trowel SM
Inseparable paint I coating fayer included in analysis
Cream Colored Skip
Trowel SM
Inseparable paint I coating fayer included in analysis
Compound Beneath
Compound Beneath
Compound Beneath
Compound Beneath
Compound Beneath
Compound Beneath
Yellow Stucco SM
Inseparable paint I coating fayer included in analysis
YST-SM-07 Yellow Stucco SM
Inseparable paint I coating fayer included in analysis
( Initial report from: 08/22/2018 15:35:03
ASB_,PLM_0008 __ 0001 -1.78 Printed: 8/22/2018 1 :35 PM
% Fibrous
98% Cellulose
15% Cellulose
98% Cellulose
15% Cellulose
o/o Non-Fibrous
100% Non-fibrous (Other)
15% Ca Carbonate
85% Non-fibrous (Other)
20% Ca Carbonate
80% Non-fibrous (Other)
2% Non-fibrous (Other)
20% Ca Carbonate
80% Non-fibrous (Other)
65% Gypsum
20% Non-fibrous (Other)
2% Non-fibrous (Other)
15% Ca Carbonate
85% Non-fibrous (Other)
65% Gypsum
20% Non-fibrous (Other)
5% Ca Carbonate
95% Non-fibrous (Other)
5% Ca Carbonate
95% Non-fibrous (Other)
None Detected
None Detected
None Detected
None Detected
None Detected
None Detected
None Detected
None Detected
None Detected
None Detected
None Detected
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EMSL Analytical, Inc.
1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204
Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 I (303) 741-1400
http://www.EMSL.com I denverlab@emsl.com
EMSL Order: 221806596
Customer ID: SMAT42
Customer PO:
Project ID:
Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-931116 Method using Polarized
Light Microscopy
Description Appearance % Fibrous
% Non-Fibrous
YST-SM-08 Yellow Stucco SM Gray/Tan
5% Ca Carbonate None Detected
Molly Elkins (7)
Timothy Kleehammer (5)
95% Non-fibrous (Other)
a~CA c:d,~
Amanda Lang, Asbestos Laboratory Manager
or Other Approved Signatory
EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. The above analyses were performed in general compliance with Appendix E to Subpart E of 40 CFR (previously EPA 600/M4-82-020 "Interim
Method"), but augmented with procedures ouUined in the 1993 ("final") version of the method. This report relates only to the samples reported above, and may not be reproduced, except in full, without
written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations . Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. All
samples received in acceptable condition unless otherwise noted. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of
the federal government. EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction for all non-friable organically bound materials prior to analysis. Estimation of uncertainty is available on request.
Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Denver, CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0
( Initial report from: 08/22/2018 15:35:03
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