HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-13 VLHA Meeting Results Vail Local Housing Authority Meeting Results Tuesday, November 13,2018 Regular Meeting Public Meeting 3:00 PM –5:00PM Housing Department Large Conference Room 75 South FrontageRoad West, Vail, Colorado 81657 MEMBERS PRESENTMEMBERS ABSENT Steve LindstromMolly Morales Mary McDougall Francisco Meza James Wilkins Staff George Ruther Lynne Campbell Lindstrom called the meeting to order at 3:08, Board members present were Lindstrom, McDougall, Meza, and Wilkinsand from staff Ruther and Campbell. 1.Review and Approve October 23, 2018Meeting Results. Approved with corrections. MOTION:MEZASECOND:McDOUGALLVOTE:4-0 2.Review of a modificationApproval for an Employee Housing Unit Deed Restriction Exchange Request: 44 Willow Place Unit 3/44Vail Road Unit 3. Tabled to November 27, 2018 3.East Vail Parcel Michael O’Connor with Triumph Development presented an update on the East Vail parcel development. He provided an agenda for discussion. A summer start is the goal aslong as long as steps are achievable. Goal is a summer start. Triumph is under contract to buyall 23 acresfrom Vail Resorts. Vail Resorts(VR)is not involved in development though they have completedwork on traffic, wildlife study and some rockfall studies. VR will master lease a portion of the density,36 units +/-with the balance to be for local housing. Currently proposed areabout 143 units. Triumph has reached and continues to reachout to the community discussing Triumph’sintent for the project. Bighorn sheep is the primary concern. The critical range has been mapped which indicates the sheep’shabitat is steep slopesand open space not forested areas.In 1998 the Town and the forest service did a study how to improve bighorn sheep winter range and determined acontrol burnin area would work. Town people voted down. The rockfallcondition of development area is in better shape than above Katsos Ranch Road. Ruther discussed how the Town mitigated previous hazards above Timber Ridge and Lions Ridge Apartments. An option to installing a berm could be to take down the hazard vs. building mitigation. All utilities are present at the siteand have capacity to service the complex.Public works has a list of items. One ofthose is tobuild to a path in front of complex. O’Connor and the Board discussed on site parking and transportation for the development. The development potential will have 143 total units, 107 available for anyone 36 VR units. 30% can be market rate units to help subsidy. 175 parking assuming discount from code requirement. Access point entersfrom the west working with grade. Buildings will be 3-5 stories,3 story building walkup,and 5storiesbuildingwith elevator. The Board questioned if there were any ADA issues. Per O’Connor this is not an issue due to elevators plus garden level units. The Board suggested showing sketches/pictures for the public along with the full site planto aid in understanding the larger picture. O’Connorasked of the Board to begin process with development agreement. He asked the Board to consider using Vail InDEED funding for the 30% market rate unitsfor locals. Is this an option to build a cohesive community entirely for locals? Discussion ensued regarding funding option via the Vail InDEED program. Ruther asked how Triumph willcome up with the free market differential. Is it Vail InDEED or 30%free market? O’Connor discussed some disconnections with the Town Code and housing goals, specifically parking.Michael indicated the juxtaposed issues with the property, land use (open space) and zoning code(housing)for the development project. Ruther said we should be looking at fulfilling the resident’s transportation need. Michael asked what other in-kindservicesor creditscan the Town provide.If a Vail InDEED program the traffic impact fees go awaythough the project is required to pay the construction use tax up frontand it will only refund upon recorded deed restrictions. Triumph will keep ownership of units but most likely have someone else managethe rentals. Michael needs Vail InDEED answersooner than later, it is critical to moving forward with development plans. Ruther what are we building? Vail InDEED 100% EHUs or 70/30 per the code. Lindstrom asked if the Board was receptive of the request. Wilkinssaid if we were good with 6 West why wouldn’t we purchase in our own back yard? One concern is does this deal place us in the same position spending Vail InDEED funds for just this project. The Board is agreeable to purse a Vail InDEED/in-kind servicesoffer in general as long as we are building community housing not just for VR. 4.Long Term Funding/ Projected Housing Budget Lindstrom gave an update from the Council meeting. Town Manager and Finance proposed 1.5 million for Vail InDEED. Councilwoman Bruno proposed 2.5 Vail InDEED and2.5 project budget. Town Manager and Finance Director stated it would bebetter to take projects one at a time when needed. At the subcommittee meeting Bruno again indicated she was in favor of a 2.5 million for the Vail InDEED budget with no supplementals. Try to get an additional sum of funding associated to future projects now vs. waiting. Lindstrom stated at council work session, Moffet mentioned redirecting construction use tax. It will take a vote. Councilwoman Bruno stated the Board still needsto identify the housing needs, Vail InDEED and what else. Wilkins asked wherewas the council’s mindset, spending or project. Ruther said the Boardshould hear from Cunningham sometime in December. 5.Potential Housing Sites Staff will update potential sites to include mapping, zoning, lot size, and development site characteristics(vacant/developed). Otheritems discussed. Ruther provided an update on the Vail Housing Summit scheduled January, 15,16 and 17. VLHA is cosponsor along with TOV, VR, Apex One and Vail Valley Partnership.The event will be primarily at Donovan Pavilion with other sessions after hours at Lodge at Vail. Conference structure is based on real estate development realities,developing in mountain communities. Theformat if anearly morning session, time off for lunch / ski, back for après th ski / dinner with evening sessions wrapping up around 8PM and ending noon on the 17. th Ruther will provide a follow up at the November 27meeting. 6.McDougall motioned to enter executive session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) -to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property interests and to determine positions, develop a strategy and instruct negotiators, regarding: review of Vail InDEED applications and review of a Chamonix Vail resale application. MOTION: McDOUGALLSECOND:MEZAVOTE: 4-0 Wilkins motioned to reenter the regular meeting at 4:50. Present are Lindstrom, Meza, Wilkins, McDougall, Ruther and Campbell. MOTION: WILKINSSECOND: McDOUGALLVOTE: 4-0 The Board suggested staff to move forward with items discussed in executivesession. The Board needs to provide a housing update which will be done at an evening session. Next Council meetings are December 4 and December 18. Lindstrom has a conflict on the th 4and Wilkins can be present at December 4 meeting. Ruther suggested givingthe update nd prior to 2reading ofthe budget. Lindstrom reminded the Board Councilwoman Bruno has askedthe Board to brief council how Vail InDEED offers are reviewed. Linstrom and Bruno agreed should be discussed in executive session but Ruther will add some info to the update. th At theNovember 20Council meeting Ruther was asked to give council update from his Tahoevisit. Meeting adjournedat 5:00PM. MOTION: WILKINSSECOND:MEZAVOTE: 4-0 Next Meeting –November 27, 2018 Future Agenda Items: 2019 BudgetEast Vail Parcel Update Housing DataWest VailMaster Plan Discussion Open Lands Plan DiscussionHousing Sites Vail Local Housing Authority Meeting Results Tuesday, October 23,2018 Regular Meeting Public Meeting 3:00 PM –5:00PM Housing Department Large Conference Room 75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 MEMBERS PRESENTMEMBERS ABSENT Steve LindstromMolly Morales Mary McDougallJames Wilkins Francisco Meza Staff George Ruther Lynne Campbell Lindstrom called to order at 3:20PM. Members present were Lindstrom, McDougall, Meza, and staff Ruther and Campbell. Wilkins and Morales were absent. The Board reviewedand approved the October 9, 2018 meeting results. MOTION: McDougallSECOND: MezaVOTE: 3-0 Lindstrom requested to add to the agenda a review of an Employee Housing Unit Deed Restriction Exchange Request: 44 Willow Place Unit 3/44Vail Road Unit 3. Campbell explained the request. The applicant wishes to exchange their existing 489 square foot unit located in the commercial job core area for a 1,398 square foot home located at 3094 Booth Falls Road Unit 12. The proposed unit is short 69 square feet as the Town code indicates a 3:1exchange rate. The Board recommends approval of the exchange units plus a fee-in-lieu of $22,480 for the remaining 69 square feet. McDougall made a motion to approve the EHU exchangefrom 44 Vail Road Unit 3 to 3094 Booth Falls Road Unit 12 plus a fee-in-lieu payment of $22,480. MOTION: McDougallSECOND: MezaVOTE: 3-0 There was review of aChamonix Vail lottery applicant’squalifications. The applicant works remotely for a company located outside Eagle County. The Board requested the applicant provide proof how his work benefits Eagle County. Page 1 Next up was long term fundingdiscussion. The Board reviewed and added potential contacts to support or educate regarding housing’s long term funding needs. Contacts were added to a list which is not final as the process is ongoing. Following the long term funding discussion the Board reviewed possible future housing sites. Ruther suggested to board going on a tour of potential sites. George discussed potential CDOT housing partnership opportunitieson CDOT property. Mezamotioned to move into executive session C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) -to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property interests and to determine positions, develop a strategy and instruct negotiators, regarding: submitted Vail InDEED applications and program details. MOTION: MezaSECOND: McDougallVOTE: 3-0 Meza motioned to re-enter the regular meeting. MOTION: MezaSECOND:McDougallVOTE: 3-0 Topics for the next meeting:discuss budget, housing sites and contact list to continue. Meeting adjourned at 4:50PM. MOTION: MezaSECOND: McDougallVOTE: 3-0 Next Meeting –November 13, 2018 Future Agenda Items: 2019 BudgetWest Vail Master Plan Discussion Housing DataEast Vail Parcel Update Open Lands Plan DiscussionHousing Sites Page 2 East Vail Housing Concept Meeting Agenda -11/7/18 Development Program Overview -143 units -36 VR units. 107 Non-VR Units. Buildings 3 to 5 stories. - At least 70% of square footage will be deed-restricted EHUs. - Plan to ask VLHA and Town Council about using Vail InDEED for remaining 30% of units (in lieu of constructing market rate units). - Approximately 175 parking spaces. - Site plan and sketch building plans attached. Rockfall Due Diligence - A berm similar to neighboring properties to the west is the best option (See “Typical Rockfall Berm Section 110518.pdf" attached). - General berm concept incorporated into the Site Plan - there are likely options to scale down the extent of this. (See "EVH-Berm Location_11-5-18.pdf) Recommended Wildlife Design Criteria Incorporated into the Plan - Cluster development in the area that is already most heavily impacted by human activity - namely on the 5.4 acres of Housing Zone. Further concentrate development to leave the western portion of the site open - Preserve and manage the 18 acres for wildlife. Create additional deforested areas for winter range grazing. (What is the process for approval of this clearing by TOV?) - Use western side of the site for vehicular access. This works better with natural grade and allows a spot for wildlife crossing east-west to the ROW where sheep graze. - Single continuous rockfall protection structure is preferable. Include a catchment area on the uphill side of the wall that can be used as a wildlife corridor through the site - Development Buffer. Using both existing vegetation and current/planned grading and berms to minimize visual offsite impacts. - Setback, grading and landscape buffer at the front ROW grazing area. - No decks - particularly at on the north and west facing units - Limit sizable internal open spaces like parks that will increase development footprint - No large cut-slopes or physical barriers that would block sheep movement from east to west along the Frontage Road ROW. - Include fencing to prevent residents from accessing USFS land and our NAP 18 acres. No trails from the site either. - Develop a Wildlife Mitigation Plan as part of our EIR - address things like No Dogs, trash handling, physical barriers and resident education and signage to prevent encroachment into wildlife areas. Site Access P.970.688.5057 12 Vail Road, Suite 700, Vail, CO 81657 P.301.657.1112 8120 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 800, Bethesda, MD 20814 -Vehicular entry at the far west of the site. Adjacent (or combined with?) the current curb cut for the berm. - Due diligence with CDOT is underway -initial indications that there is not enough traffic to warranty turning lanes. (Traffic counts at East Vail Intersection from this past winter). - CDOT and TOV Access Permit Process? Needed to submit for building permit? - Driveway crosses the wetlands. How/where to mitigate this impact? Fire Department - Feedback on current layout, site access and driveway dimensions. - Fire department turnarounds? - 10’ water line in the ROW - likely sufficient for sprinkler systems in 4.5 story building? - Approval process for controlled burn on private property for clearing? Parking - Proposed parking ratio of 1.2 spaces per unit. This is below town code. - Plan to take advantage for Housing Zone provision for a parking management plan - e.g proximity to the bus line, walking distance to EV Market, assigned parking spaces, only 1 per unit standard in each lease, parking spaces available for car-sharing services. - Opportunity to add a new bus stop at the entrance. Retaining Wall Height and Type - Boulder retaining walls up to 6’ wherever possible - Anticipated soil nail wall to north of west parking lot - MSE wall along the ROW boundary at the east parking lot - Town variance Zoning Criteria - 70% EHUs with Deed Restriction for locals. Deed restriction similar to Lionsridge? - 30% Market Rate Units would be Conditional Use - Land Use Plan Conflict with Recommendation of Open Space - Building code? - Confirm Basic Criteria Lot Area - PEC Density - PEC Setback - 20’ all sides Height - PEC GRFA - PEC Site Coverage - 55% of 23 acres? Landscape - 30% of 23 acres? - Any issues with seasonal housing in the Housing Zone? www.triumphdev.com -Obvious Issues with Housing Zone Evaluation Criteria: A. Building design with respect to architecture, character, scale, massing and orientation is compatible with the site, adjacent properties and the surrounding neighborhood. B. Buildings, improvements, uses and activities are designed and located to produce a functional development plan responsive to the site, the surrounding neighborhood and uses, and the community as a whole. C. Open space and landscaping are both functional and aesthetic, are designed to preserve and enhance the natural features of the site, maximize opportunities for access and use by the public, provide adequate buffering between the proposed uses and surrounding properties, and, when possible, are integrated with existing open space and recreation areas. D. A pedestrian and vehicular circulation system is designed to provide safe, efficient and aesthetically pleasing circulation to the site and throughout the development. E. Environmental impacts resulting from the proposal have been identified in the project's environmental impact report, if not waived, and all necessary mitigating measures are implemented as a part of the proposed development plan. - Assistance from Staff with calculation of Town Planning, Use Tax and Impact Fees? www.triumphdev.com