HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB18-0574_approved documents_1547744277.pdfACTION FORM Design Review Board (DRB) Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2139 www.vailgov.com Project Name: Cummings Residence 2018 Application Number: DRB18-0574 Application Type: New Construction Date Applied: 11/14/2018 Project Description: New Single Family Home CONTACTS Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: Greg Cummings Construction (Greg Cummings) Address: 4936 Juniper Ln. Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 9703763911 Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: Cummings, Greg & Janice Address: CO Phone: None Project Address: 5169 GORE CIR (209918202005) (209918202005) Job Site Location: Legal Description: Subdivision:BIGHORN SUBDIVISION 5TH ADDITION Lot: 5 Block: 2 Parcel Number: 209918202005 BOARDS/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Cahill Action: Approved Second By: Campbell Vote: 5-0 Date: 01/16/2019 Conditions: - All exposed metal flashing, trim, flues, vents, and rooftop mechanical equipment shall be anodized, painted (adjacent facade/roof material color or flat black), or capable of weathering so as to be non-reflective pursuant to Section 14-10-5C, Building Materials and Design, Vail Town Code, pror to requesting final inspections. - Any heated portion of the driveway located within the right of way must be in a separate zone. The four (4) foot concrete pan cannot be heated, Pursuant to Section 14-3-2, Other Requirements, Vail Town Code. - Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. - Design Review Board approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail building personnel prior to construction activities. - Design Review Board approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3 Appeals. - No changes to these plans maybe made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Erik Gates                          ߰  !         ߰!" #!"$ %#$ ߰ & '"%(" ߰)% *߰+! ߰("! ߰! ߰("!,( %((#(%) -߰! .#!" !%)(-"! #)(!+#߰)( - / %0 , % -  %0    ߰  !"# $%  &'(" )*+ *,&-,*&# )./+ )&((+ 0(-#(0 )./ 12+ 012/030 3 43 ,"#",  43 ,,#(# ߰5 5  ߰  !"# $%  &'(" )*+ *,&-,*&* )./+ )&((+ 0(-#(0 )./ 12+ 412/030  43 ,,#(# 65  5  (' .7 487 84 !0 $84%  &'(#* )*+ ,**-,# )./+ /052/030 667 99 :897  ;8 :897 5< < 533 5 (߰7 7 ; 787߰  8  787߰ 5< < 533 5                ߰ !" #"$ %#$ ! 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Dan On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 12:56 PM Greg Cummings <jangreg89@gmail.com> wrote: Dan, Thank you responding but I do not see the verification form attached. Did you mean to send it with your reply? The town requires me form signed by each party. Thank you, Greg Cummings On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 9:18 AM Roussin - CDOT, Daniel <daniel.roussin@state.co.us> wrote: I have no comment. Thanks Dan Roussin R3 Permit Manager On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 7:54 AM Greg Cummings <jangreg89@gmail.com> wrote: Dan, 6 of 2,021 Search mail Page 1 of 2Re: 5169 Gore Circle TOV Utility Verification Form - jangreg89@gmail.com - Gmail 11/14/2018https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ Page 2 of 2Re: 5169 Gore Circle TOV Utility Verification Form - jangreg89@gmail.com - Gmail 11/14/2018https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ It is the responsibility of the customer to obtain utility locates and call to have moved any CTL facilities in direct conflict with this project. 11/09/2018 Michael Johnson Approved by Comcast 11-9-18 11/12/18 LOT 5 GORE CIRCLE COLOR BOARD GARAGE DOORS-FLUSH METAL PANEL, BLACK 1X8 SMOOTH HEMLOCK HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING WITH GLAZING PATTERN AS SHOWN BUTT JOINTED OR NICKEL GAP, ON ELEVATIONS SILKENS BUTTERNUT 072 (OR TO MATCH BELOW) ALL TRIM IN HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING TO MATCH 1X8 VERTICAL HEMLOCK SIDING, STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF, WITH SNOW SOFT BLACK STAIN AS SHOWN FENCE STYLE AS SHOWN, BLACK STONE VENEER: OKLAHOMA MIX SQUARE AND RECTANGLES, CHOPPED, DRY SET ASHLER PATTERN EXTERIOR WALL SCONCE: HINKLEY ROOK, LED, 15” HIGH, BLACK, DARK SKY RATED EXTERIOR STEP FIXTURE: WAC LIGHTING WL-LED-100, BLACK Compose Inbox Starred Sent Drafts Christy Notes Sent Items More Greg   No Hangouts contacts Find someone Confirmation from Xcel Energy: Application # 02653741 has been submitted Inbox FastApp NoReply <dlfastapp-noreply@xcelenergy.com> to me Re: Application #: 02653741 Dear GREG, Thank you for submitting your request to install an at 5169 GORECIR , VAIL, CO, 81657. We look fo you. You will receive an email within three busines your application has been processed. No additional information is needed at this time. If your application, a member of our Builder’s Call Li you. For a quick reference guide on next steps of our installing and connecting service guide here. If you submitted your request and set up an accou online application tool, you may log in any time to attach documents to your application. If you have questions about your application, plea Call Line at 1-800-628-2121, Monday through Frid Learn more about our installation and connect ser Connect. Search mail Page 1 of 2Confirmation from Xcel Energy: Application # 02653741 has been submitted - jangreg89... 11/16/2018https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ Compose Inbox 1 Starred Sent Drafts 16 Christy Notes Sent Items Less Important Chats All Mail Spam 3 Trash Greg   5169 Gore Circle TOV Utility Verification Form Greg Cummings <jangreg89@gmail.com> Fri, Nov 9, 7:44 AM (5 days ago) to john.w.surette John Surette, Please see the attached Utility Approval & Verification form required by the Town of Vail for construction of this new single family residen Also attached is a proposed site plan showing the location of the new development and proposed new utility locations. It is understood th proposed locations are subject to approval from each utility provider. Thank you, Greg Cummings 970-376-3911 2 Attachments UTILITY VARIFICA… LOT5_A_SITE PLA… 81 of 11,313 Search mail Page 1 of 25169 Gore Circle TOV Utility Verification Form - jangreg89@gmail.com - Gmail 11/14/2018https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ Page 2 of 25169 Gore Circle TOV Utility Verification Form - jangreg89@gmail.com - Gmail 11/14/2018https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ 11/9/18 Please apply at https://xcelenergy.force.com/FastApp/ BP_Login for new serivce. Service route and meter location will be determined by Xcel Energy