HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB18-0612_Approved Documents_1547577766.pdfACTION FORM Design Review Board (DRB) Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2139 www.vailgov.com Project Name:Vail Resorts Workforce Housing 2017 Application Number: DRB18-0612 Application Type: Exterior Alteration Date Applied: 12/27/2018 Project Description: Phase 2 Geotechnical Work CONTACTS Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: Triumph Development West, LLC (Martin O'Connor) Address:Triumph Development West, LLC 12 Vail Rd Suite 700 Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 2407936405 Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: VAIL CORP THE FIXED ASSETS DEPARTMENT Address: Phone: None Project Address: 3700 N FRONTAGE RW E (210102403001) (210102403001) Job Site Location: Legal Description: Subdivision:EAST VAIL WORKFORCE HOUSING SUBDIVISION Lot: 1 Block:No Data Parcel Number: 210102403001 BOARDS/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: Staff Approved Second By: Vote: Date: 01/09/2019 Conditions: - A Public Way Permit is Required. Contractor must access in accordance with the plan provided using the using the existing gravel road to get onto/within the property. No access is allowed without CDOT approval from any other point along the Frontage Road. - Applicant shall complete all soils testing within five (5) business days of the start of drilling/testing. - Applicant shall apply erosion control blankets on all slopes greater than 2:1 slope, within 24 hours after completing of re-seeding the disturbed soils, and prior to April 30, 2019. - No changes to these plans maybe made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). - This property is located in a "geologically sensitive area" pursuant to Chapter 12-21, Hazard Regulations, Vail Town Code. - Applicant shall not drill or perform soils testing while bighorn sheep are visible on the property. Planner: Chris Neubecker Proposed Additional East Vail Geotech Testing Access Paths and Flagging Locations Applicant proposes to perform further geotechnical study of potential development site using a track-mounted odex drill rig in five spots that are in the same general locations as the October 29, 2018 geotechnical test pits. Please see the original Town of Vail approved Site Access plan, as well as the proposed new boring locations prepared by Cesare, Inc. Drop/off pickup of the drilling equipment will occur at the location of the existing curb cut at the west end of the site. Construction vehicles will also be parked at this location. Geotech study areas will be accessed in the same manner as the original test pit DRB approval and will not remove any additional mature aspen trees or evergreens. Borings will be back- filled with excavation soils immediately after exploratory digging and reseeded with native grass species once snow melts this coming spring. Exposed dirt areas caused by excavator tracks will also be reseeded. Fieldwork not to exceed 4 days. Work is tentatively schedule to begin 1/7/18 based on the drill- rig availability. October 17 8 DRB Application For tree clearing and site disturbance related to soils testing