HomeMy WebLinkAboutB08-0384 CONTRACTO N E December 31, 2008 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 ,C) Dear Sir or Madam; We would like to officially withdraw Building Permit #: B08-0384, Project #: PRJ08- 0220. The owner, Vail Spa Condominium Association, 710 West Lionshead Circle, Vail, CO 81657, has decided to refrain from performing the work at the Vail Spa Condominiums as referenced in this permit. The owner as well as ContractOne, Inc. understands that a new permit will need to be applied for and issued if the work is to take place in the future. Thanks, Rodney Beidelschies Project Manager ContractOne, inc. 00048 East Beaver Creek Blvd Suite 208A PO Box 8530 Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 748-1138 - Office (970) 748-1139 - Fax www.ContractOne.us NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES %WNqOFVK' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B08-0384 Project #: PRJ08-0220 Job Address: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location......: UNITS 501 & 503 Parcel No....: 210106317011 OWNER VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOC 11/05/2008 710 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT CONTRACT ONE 11/05/2008 Phone: 970-748-1138 0048 E. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. P.O. BOX 8530 AVON CO 81620 License: 281-A CONTRACTOR CONTRACT ONE 11/05/2008 Phone: 970-748-1138 0048 E. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. P.O. BOX 8530 AVON CO 81620 License: 281-A Status .. : ISSUED Applied ..: 11/05/2008 Issued ...: 11/06/2008 Expires ...: 05/05/2009 V\ _---- z - 3 t - oe Description: INSTALL SUPPORT BRACKETS FOR EXISTING DECK GUARDS AND LOWER GUARD TO CLOSE GAP AT BOTTOM. Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $3,800.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 ..............................>, ._««..,.<..,__•__..........____....,_.,........ FEE SUMMARY = _ _>_..............,......,........,.........,...,,,...............,...... Building Permit Fee------ > $97.25 Will Cal Fee--------------------- > $4.00 Total Calculated Fees ------------- > $164.46 Plan Check--------------------> $63.21 Use Tax Fee --------------------- > $0.00 Additional Fees-----------------------> $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours- $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES------ > $164.46 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00 Payments-------------- --> $164.46 Total Calculated Fees--------> $164.46 BALANCE DUE -------------> $0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Sign f ure 0 Owner or contractor Date n N,e u -7-, AP..1S PC Print Name bid_alt_construction_perm it_041908 APPROVALS Permit #: B08-0384 as of 11-06-2008 Status: ISSUED Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/05/2008 JLE Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11/05/2008 Warren Action: AP See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_aIt-con struction_perm it_041908 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B08-0384 as of 11-06-2008 Status: ISSUED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. Cond: CON0010416 The new brackets shall match the existing brackets on the existing railings on the structure such as dimensions and color. b I d_a It_co n st ru ct i o n_pe rm it_041908 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R080002134 Amount: $164.46 11/06/200803:03 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Contract One 6565 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B08-0384 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-063-1701-1 Site Address: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: UNITS 501 & 503 Total Fees: $164.46 This Payment: $164.46 Total ALL Pmts: $164.46 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 97.25 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 63.21 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 Development Review Coordinator` 75 South, Front Vail, C Phone:"g Ins 6 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace,, etc Project Address I Project # FI G S ~ (J LZ© '71o W. L?onshead Cirele' Vo:.1,C) 81(v57 VA,l 501 /503 Contractor Information Company: 0,54raa (orw, Company Address: IBLO ? ?B1C ?? 5? City: Unv? State: e.D Zip: 8162.0 Contact Name-1?OdYtey P!ckISCIn%e5 Contact Ph: M V6-113 8 Cell:.976 ' 3 76' ?46 8( E-Mail: i??hbllka r t . CdYn Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: _2.E? -A DRB# ?/ 2Q(?, Building Permit #: 'MQ y- 0 c7 v 1 Detailed Description of Work:34*V4 ', ?pperf ?rgcreis J?r exs? rti deck. ?rr0.T.l ?ecreasrz 5p cR_ ?rom 6o+um 4 ho "Jra? I to deck. (Use additional sheet if necessary) Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Engineer 00 Phone: 7ZO - Zoo- 6(000 Fax: -rZO - ZOO - 6(00 1 Contractq Signature (required) E-Mail: _baP 3AE S . k71 y Property Information Work Class: Medi ca(j'1on4 aiWk+atic?. Parcel #: 210106'61_10_4-x_ New () Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ) Other (o Legal Description: Lot # ( Blk # Z Work Type: Va, I L:I ON She J Interior ( ) Exterior (A Both ( ) Subdivision: I 5,03 ? ai th V_f Building Type: Job Name: ?p1T +1 `? d1 SfOr? Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Owner Name: ?"%Cox'clo _Der1+z Commercial (?) Townhome ( ) Other( Mailing Address: Ito 4•10I1SItiCct? l.r?l SD3?V Blb # & Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( ) (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( ) visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) Valuations (Labor & Material) # & Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( ) Building $ Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) J Plumbing $ Electrical $ Mechanical $ Total $ Jlb?" * or 3,80b. cm Monitored Alarm: Yes ( ) No( ) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) J Date Received E_- W TOWN OF VAIL F 10 go _ 1,? :.?..^rr-... cuy! Nit 1 ???itt1 t '''r:,v? 'max 1?A ? ?e FA ?? 9 -• v », r <. ?w . .... ?_ -- _. ? :'?? ? ??•,?g?# 2?.«::ter ': Y? 4? U4 „f 503 777771: t, Town of ven OFFICE. COPY, C30%-Q38lf ?l Bleier & Associates U Engineering Services, LLC Attn: Rodney Beidelschies ContractOne, Inc. P.O. Box 8530 October 22, 2008 Avon, CO 81620 Subject: Bleier & Associates Engineering Services, LLC Project #08-0219 Vail Spa Condominiums 710 West Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado To Whom It May Concern- Bleier & Associates Engineering Services, LLC was contacted to provide engineering on the railings for the deck off of the kitchen on Unit 501 and the Southern deck on Unit 503. Based upon applied design loads and proposed methods of construction the following design shall be followed. 501. A steel angle shall be installed on the southeastern most end of the railing off the kitchen for Unit 501. The angle shall be a L6x3x'/Z. Attach to building with (2)'/2" 0 lag bolts spaced horizontally. Attach to steel railing with '/4" fillet weld (3-sided weld-all-around). Attach the bottom with a new '/Z"0 lag bolt. () 503. All end connections are adequate with the exception the eastern most on unit 503. A knife plate column shall be installed in this location and all intermediate connection (4 total). (See Attached Detail) Attach the railing base plates to the 2x decking with appropriate lag bolts, 2" long into predrilled holes 1/8" smaller than plate hole 0. (4 per plate) The rim decking supporting the western post on Unit 503 shall be connected to the immediate north and south purlin with (2) '/Z" 0 lag bolts at each location. All construction shall comply with 2003 IBC, adopted municipal amendments, and manufacturer specifications for residential construction. If there are any questions, please call. Special inspection is not required unless it is required by a municipal agent, as the welds specified are minor in nature Inspected/Drafted By: Scott D. Barton Reviewed/Stamped By: Jay S. Bleier, P.E. Lead Designer Senior Engineer 7304 S. Alton Way, Suite 3A, Centennial, Co 80112 Phone: 720-200-6600 Fax: 720-200-6601 www.BAES.biz email: ba@BAES.biz RE ....,• BlF??9C? 9?? s r 112? cozo ..... 49 ' Jgy•.oo ? sz? m m? . . rn X Cr, X N C 3 0 z 3 C Y O Z Q??O O O rn ) CJ n _ 0 ?. o n r m