HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 11 LEGALTOWN OFVAIL Deparnnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213E FAX 970-479-24s2 Town of Vai I'/5 South FronLage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 PIan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 88-0090 Address: 226 Forest Road Contractor: Zeeb Cons t ruc L]'on ArchiLect: SLeven R iden Engineer: Mark Mueller PIanS ExAMiNCT: CHARL E DAVI S NOTE:The code items lisLed in Lhis report listinq of all possible code requirernents select.ed serjtions of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA IT{CREASE NORTH ProperLy line 58.0 Feet EAST Properby line 6.0 FeeE SOUTH Property line 10.0 Feet WEST Property line 20.0 Feet llame i Krediet Re s i dence DaLe: May 28, L998 Occupancy: R3 , Ml Type of Const: V-N are not intended to be a in l-he 1991 UBC. It 1s a comp 1e te gu i cle t,(-) EXTERIOR !.IAL,I, FIRE RATINGS AND Tatrle 17-A & Table 5-A FIRE PROTECTION 58.0 FeeL 6 .0 Fee E10.0 FeeL 20 .0 Feet OPENING PROTECTION NORTTI EAST SOUTTI WE S'I OCC BRG NOTJ.BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON'BRG OPNG BRG NON'BRC; OPNG WAI,LWALI.,,PROTIJAI,LWALTJPROTWALI,WAI'LPROTWALLWALT'PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ml- Ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material ' Sec'2201' None - No fire prot.ection reqrrirements for openirrgs ' ProL -- Openings are to be proLecLeil with 3/4 hr €ire assemblies ' 50% of th. atea of the wall maxinum. Sec.2203' (b) 5' Table 5-A Maximum single win,low size is 84 sq'f l- with no dimension greaLer Lhan l-2 f eeL. - - gec. 4306 . (h) NoP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall'* - - These walls may be reqrrired to have a parapet wall 30 inches above Lhe roofing ' The parapet wall is reqrrired to have Lhe same fireratingasthewatl.Seesectionl?]-0.fordeLaitsandexceptions. {g *"n"uor r"r TOWN OF VAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 NAME AREA MIN. LTGHT MIN, VENT NO. E.lITS EGRESSJ 4 Mas t.er bedroom4 Master bath4 Hal]s, closets, ctc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR3 Livinq room 3 Dininq room3 Ki tchen3 Ha1ls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2 Bedroom #12 Bath room 2 Ba th I'oom2 Bedroont #22 Laundry room2 HaIls, closeLs, eEc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 DenI Bath room TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Garage TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUT I,DING TOTAL 346 24L 249 836 431 258 181 336 L2L2 zLo 54 54 r56 448 1002 252 59 3ll- 629 629 336r 34.50 0.00 0.00 43.70 25.80 18.10 0.00 21.60 0.00 0.00 L). bu 0.00 0.00 z) . zv 0.00 0.00 L7.30 I Z , U) 0.00 z r. d) 12,90 9 .0s 0.00 10.80 2.70 2.70 7.80 3 .70 0.00 12.60 z.J) 0 .00 Yes t\o No No No |Io No Yes NO No Yes No No NO No No Yes 1 1 L 2 1It 1 2 1 1I 1 1I I 1 1 I I 1 F'OOTNOTES: l_) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to t-he exterror is required from this roorn. The ntinimum clear openable area must neet lhe f oll-owing. -' Sec. 1204. 1) The mininttrm clear height is 24 irtc:hes 2) Ttre mininum clear widlh is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5,7 square 4) The maximunt sill heiqht is 44 inches 2) The number ot exiLs is based on 'IabLe 33-A 3) A mechanical venbilaLion sysLen may be used openings for venr-ilation. - - Sec. 1205' (c) 4) The requiremenL for an egress window in the feet (Dwel1i ngs )in in Iieu of exLer-ior' basemenL is based on Sec. 1204. 5) The requir.emenLs for 2 exiLs from the 3rd floor i-s based on sec. 3303. (a) exc. 3' ROOM DIMENS]ONS:Habitable space shall have a ceiling heiqhL of not less than 7 feeL 6 inches. Kitchens. halIs, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feeu measured Lo the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum heiqht is required in only L/2 of the area' - -Sec. 1207. (a) Every clwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 "qi.r"r. feet of floor area. OEher habitable rooms excepg kitchens shall have a., .rea of noE Iess Lhan 70 square feet' -- Sec' 1207' (b) Habitabl.e rooms other than a kiichen shaLl not be less than 7 feet in anv dinrension. - - Sec. 1207. (c\ {g u"r""tor ro TOWN OF VAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 GLAZING REOI.IIREMENTS : Allglazinginhazardous]-ocaLionsl-sr.eqr-riredtobeorsafeLyqlazi.ng mar-erial . -- Sec. 5406.(d) 1) Gtazing in l-nqress and egress dcors except jalousies' 2) Glazinq in fixed and slicling panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors oi-her r-han wardrobe d()ors' 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazinq in all unframed swinging doors' 5) Gl.azing in doors and enclosur'es for hoL Lubs, whirlpools, saulias, stealrr rooms, batht.ubs and shower-s . Glaziug in any porEion of a builditrg vrall enclosingthesecompartmentSwherethebottomexpcrsededgeofLheglazing is less ttran eo inches above a standing surface and drain inlet ' 5) Clazinq in f ixerl or operable panels adjacenl- to a door where i-he nearesl' exposecl edge of Lhe glazxing is wi;hitt a 24-inch arc of either verf j.cal e,l,le of the door in i c:losed position and where the bot-tom exposed e.-lge of the glazinrJ is less than 60 inches above Lhe walking surface. 7) Glazing in an incliviclual- f ixecl or operable panel ' other Lhan those locations described in il:enls 5 ancl 5 above, than meeLs all of the fol lowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual B. Exposecl bot.tcrnl edge less than C. Exposed f,op edge greater tltan D, C)ne or nlore walking surfacesplane of the glazing-. 8) Glazinq in railinqs regarclless of treight above a walking surface ' rnclu,led "re sE..,,iLurai balrSt..r panels ancl nonstructural in-fiIl Danel s . See excePt]'ons. SMOKE DETECTOR RDOUIREMENTS: A smoke def.ector is required on Lhe ceiling or wall at a point cenLralll' located in the corridor or ar:ea giving access to each sleeping area' -- Se<:. 1210. (a) 4. A snloke .leLector is required on area. '- Sec. 1210. (a) 4' A smoke detecEor is required in Lhe A smoke detector is required on all If Lhe ttppel. Ievel contains sleeping in the ceiling of Ehe upper l-evel -- sec' 1210' (a) 4 pane greater Chan 9 square feet. l-8 inches above the floor. 36 inches above the floor. wiLhin 36 inches hol'izonLally of the Lhe ceiling or waII in each sleeping basement. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. stories. -- Sec. 1210- (a) 4. room(s), a smoke (leLector is requite'l close to the stairway. Smokec]etectorsarerequiredtobewiredLothebuildinq'sshall be equipped wlLh a batEerv backup' -- Sec' L2l0' (a) Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area in which they ar.e located. - - Sec. I2l0' (a) 4' power source and of the dwelling FIREPLACE REOUIP.EMENTS : FACTORY BUILl' FIREPLACE: 1) Unit must be an approved unit. - Sec' 3705' (a) 2) Clearances and nelitn size musL be per manufacLures approval - - Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) {g *tn"urr r"^ TOWN OF VAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colora.da 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 3) Chimney heighL must be per manufacturerrs approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SE PARAT I ON: Betr.'een Lhe garage and Lhe residence, maLerials approved for lhr fire construcLton are required on t-he garage side only and any doors bet.ween r-htr .rareoe and t.he residence are to be a self-closing l.3/8 inch solid core tloor or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling musL be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the rninimum run is 9 inches. -" ^'iec. 3306.(c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if Lhere is 4 or more risers. '- Sec. 3306' (i) provide a guard rail where drop of f is greater lhan 30 inches. I'linimr.rrn heiqhl-= = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7L2. (a) exc' #l The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. '- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed lrsable space under the sl-airs is required to be proLected as required for thr fire-fesistive construcitiotl .Sec. 3306. (l) SHAFT ENCIJOSURES: 1) ChuLes and dumbwaiLer shafts wit-h a cross-sectional area of not rnore t-hirn 9 square feet nlay lined on the inside with not less than 26 qage n..r1wani zp.l sheef. metal with aIl joints tocklapped. The ouLs ide nrltst be I hr consLrucLion. AlI openings into any such enclosure shall be prot.ecreu by noE less than a self-closing solid wood door 13/8 inches thick or equivalr-.:nt. - - Sec. 1-706. (f )2) Gas venls an(-l noncombustible pipinq install-ed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. - - Sec. 1705. (a) CRAWI,SPACE REQUIREMENTS : L) Provicle ventilation eiLher by mechaniCal means or by openings in exterl'or wal-ls. opening sha11 provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot f or: each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on t_wo opposite sides and be Loeated as close to corners as practical. -- sec. 25L6, (c) 6. NoLe: Vent openings may be reduced to 10e; of the above if qround surface area is covered wiEh an approved vapor barrier and the building official aPproves . For a 2115.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq'ft. of vent L/L5O 14.10 2) provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. NoEe: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in lhe crawl space. -- sec. ?.5L6. (c) 2- 3) Unless the wood is lisLed as an approved wood of naLural resistance to 11r'r:aw or- f.reated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earLh and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is Sec. 2516. (c) 2is L2 inches {g *tn"uor ru, TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970ffiff\Q{6fter., nepur REMENTs :For R3 occupancyThis project will require a site improvement survey. Such surveyshall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspecLion. A11 crawl spaces within t-he Town Of Vail are limitedstructural f 1or>r ceilinq heighL of 5', be earLh floorvenLilated as per UBC 2516(e)6 with minimum access as 25f6 (C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any buiLding siLe wit.h a sl-ope of 30 degrees or more engineer design. Such design sha1l address drainage, to a earf-h toon1y, beper LIBC shal1 require an ^^i r ..^L^l---^ruar !c',drrr{avcand structural. des ign . Excavation below slabs pn grade shaLl not be permitLed wit-hout prior approvaL Address numbers shalI be posted plainly visible anJ legible from thesl-reet. For Ml occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to ouLside to provide afloor clrain wj.th sand and oi1 intercepLor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connecled to sewer musL be approved by UpperEagle VaIley Water & Sanit.at,ion District. In garages wi th lLving bear i nq l-he a rea above resis Live cons t ruc t ion . area above, the vra11s of the garage wiich areshal1 be protected with one hour fire uBc 503 (E) . {p*"n"uor r* TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Town of Vaili5 South Fron t.age RoadVail, Colorado 81557(303) 479-2138 Ir Plarr review based on!I the 1991 Uniform Buildinq CodeI Projecl lTumber: 898 -0090 Address: 226 Forest Ro.1dContractor: Zeeb ConsLructionArchitect: Steven Riden Eng ineer: Mark Mlrel l er Plans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVI S CORRECTION REOUI RED Narne: KredieL Res idenceDate: May 28 , 1.998 Occupancy: R3, M1 Ti'n6 .\f /'^nct. \/'NI No plans All electrical work is to be complete tc Lherequirenenl-s of Lhe Iatest National Elect.rical Cr-.dr:,aII Town of Vail" Ordinances, and Hol), Cross Requrrements. This project will require a site improvement survey.This survey shal-I be submiEted and sLatf approved nrinr fn 'a ra.lrrosf €,'rr e Framo in<ncr.l irrrl . l]ndet ntl circunst.ances wi.1l a f rarne inspeccion be done wi t-hout an approved s i te i(nprovernenL survey. Projects which are approved bl' variance to be brtillt into a setback or over allowed zoniug buildinq heiqht- require an add.ir-i-onal site impr-ovemcnt survey upc)n riompletion of l-he founaLion to docurnenL thecorrecL location and elevation of Lhe sLrucLure. All new construction within Ehe Town of Vail will be reqr-rired to have a Public t.tay permit plus an iniLial inspection by the T.O.V. Public !,Iorks DeparLment- to appr-ove site drainage and culvert insbaltation prior to any Building Dept. inspections. Glazlng in a hazardous location is required Lo beglazed with safety material . -- Sec. 5406. A bathroom is required to have an openable winrlow or a rnechanicat ventilation svstem. -- Sec. 1205. (c) In baLhrooms wit.h a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilat.ion system connected direcLly to the outside shall be provided. BaLhrms which cont.ain only a waLer closet or lav. may be venLilated wil-h a recirculatino fan. UBC 1205 (c) . {S *tnntor "o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213E FAX 970-479-2452 CORRECTION REQUIRED 10 1t Domestic clothes dryer exhaus j: ducts shall be:insLalled as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible Juc;tconnectors may not exceed 6' in lerrgth anLl siralL n()t be corrcealed within construct.ion. Ducts sha1lternlinate outside the building and noL exceed 14' length. Crawl spaces are required to be ventilat-ec1 by mechanical means or by openings. Such oF,eninqsshall have a neL area of not less than 1sq. ft, for each 150 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 25f6 (c)6. Provi-de a minimum 18X24" underfloor access. UBC 2516(c\2. No domest.ic dishwashing machine shall, be direcf-1y connected t-o a drainage syslem without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitLinq. UPC 608. Cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of pot-able ttaLer supply by usc of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Plumbing fixtures witir mechanical apparatus shal-1 be supplied with an access panel for inspection and renai r of eorrioment- UPC 904. Heating and cooling equj.pment locaLed in the garage shall be installed with the pilots and btrrners or' heating elements and switches at leasL 18" above the fLoor level of the garage. UllC 508. In buildings of unnsually tiqht construction (aI1 new construction within the Town of vail). combusLion air shall be obt.ained from the outside, Such combustion aj.r openings shal1 be as per LIIIC Ch E L5 A chimney enclosure f ot' a wood burninq f ireplac:e flrie shali be protected by a one'holrr fire resist-ive construction. UBC 1706. This involves lining the inside of such chase wiLh 5/8" Type X sheetrock andfire - Eaping i oints . Supply a mechanical drawing indicaling design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent T2 r3 14 1_5 €pun"uo""' TOWN OF VAIL Department oJ Communiry Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 l8 location and termination, and combusLion air Lo be supplied prior to any insLallation. Gas nininrr shall nof be insLalled in or on the ground under any buildin,.l o1' structrrre and exposed gas piping shall be kept at least 6" above grade. uMc 2213 (b) 19 Due to Colorado SLate StaEutes, all sink faucetts and shower ireads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. AIso, ihe maximun waler closet flush usage is limiLed to a maximum of 3.5 gallons oer f lush. A snroke detector is required jn the access area t(:, al1 roorns used for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A snroke detecLor is required in all r'ooms use(l [o]- sleep.i.ng purposes. - - Sec. 1210. (a) 4. 22 On an tlpper level where roonls are used for sleepin'J purp{)ses, a smoke delector is required in Lhe ceiling aL the stairs. -- Sec. 1"210. (a) +. A snloke detecLor is required on all Levels wired t.o an alarm in the bedroom area(s). -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 A smoke detector is reqrrired in the basenrerlt wirecl t.o an aLarm in the bedroon area(s) ' -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. The garage must be separated fror,l the dwelling by thr fi.re-resistive consLrucl-ion on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503, (d) exc.#3 The door between the garage and Lhe dwelling is required to be a 1 3/8 inch Lhick solid core or 20 minute self closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.*3 A hanclrail is reqr.rired along a stairway' It is required to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing of the steps and if lhe side is open, the maximurn size of an opening in the railing at Lhe sLairway is 4 incires. - - Sec. 3306 . (i) & 1712 . The design, construcLion, and installation of elevatcrs, dumbwaiters, escalaLors and their hoistways shall be as per the requirernents of UBC Ch. 51,. This includes fire-resisLance of enclosure 20 2L 24 26 27 28 {p *t"'"t"o "t* TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 & cpenings, hoistvray ventilat.ion, and vest j.buLe requiremenLs. 29 30 3r- Lhless tire lower level is clearly shown as a basement (6' or less from floor above to grade for 50% of building perj.meter) , a 3 level dwelling wi J. I reorri le ? m6',"ns nf cxi I i n.r f rom f he 1r',1 . leveI if3rd. leve] exceeds 500 sq. ft. UBC 420 & UBC 3303 (a). Elevator shafts which extend Lhr-ough two or nrore f Ioors shall be enclosed in a shaf t of one hr. ii.r.'eresistive consh.ructi.on. openings (doors) shall beprotect-ed by a self-closing assembly with a one hr.ratins. (Except doors to outside.] IJBC 1706 (a) (b) A one-line electrical drawing for each level isrequired for t.his project. FaiIu!.e to provide such msy result in f iel-d correcLions at- the expense of Because of this project's location, t-he foundationis recluired to be dampproofed to prevent dalnaqe to areas below finished qrade. UBC 1707(d). An access is requied to the crawl space area. The minimum size is 18 inches by 24 inches. -- Sec. 25L6. (cl 2. I -+*-- 33 34 35 The crawl space area is required to eiLirer an approved mechanicaL means be ventilated bv nr |'rr nnanina in b-the exerior wal.1s Sec. 2516. (c) Ilrclude a copy oE the soils report for Lhe site tr'r be builr. on. - - Slec. 2905. {g *tn"uo""* TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.......: Parcel No....: Project No . : Valuation: NOTE: THIS PERMIT 224 FOREST RD VAIL 265 FOREST RD 210107 | 15017 't,l ?? $19,500.00 # ofGas Applianc€s: 0 S32J. .25 Restuarant Plan Review-> S20s.81 DRBFee-----------> S0.00 R€$cation Fes--> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit------> TOTAL FEES-_> DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. f.of t\r -B((r ? DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNIO'U"'OPMENT \),r-^( O .t\ n1,^- Jt O -r_.r lr { \ MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES \J OWNER FOREST ROAD TRUST 205 MT]IJBERRY METAIRIE I,A 70 005 License: CONTRACTOR A.R. TECH SERVICES, INC. 85OO ROSEI'{ARY STREET COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 Lricense: 159-S APPITICAI(I A.R. TECH SERVICES, INC. 85OO ROSEI4ARY STREET COMMERCE CITY, CO aoo22 License: 159 -S Permit #: D03-0012 Status...: ISSUED Appfied. . : 05112/2003Issued...: 06104/2003 Expires...: 12/01/2003 os/!2/2003 Phone: 05/L2/2003 Phone: 303-289-2000 os/t2/2003 Phone: 303-289-2OOO Desciption: ASBESTOS REMOVAL INSIDE FULL CONTAINEMENT OF INTERIOR SHEETROCK FROM WALLS AND CEILINGS ON ALL LEVELS WHICH CONTAIN ASBESTOS PRIOE TO ACTUAL DEMO OF HOME Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Add Sq Ft: # ofcas togs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0Fireplace Information: Restricted: '| rt 't + i!;l * l' l**+***+i|t |.a**tt t**:|** * * ***'t Building-; Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call----> FEE SUMMARY atrlttaa*,il{rtir.*trrrra'*+:tt't*:}'t*'}:r***riirtrtl.*+***,r**,r't.,}*,}*,t 90.00 90. o0 $0. 00 $0. 00 s533.06 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional F€ss--> Totsl Pemit Fe€-_.> Pa)ments-_--.'..._> BALAiICE DUE-> $s33.05 (9477.05) $56.00 $s5.00 s0. 0o Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMETflT I5/L9/2OO3 df Action: Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIfrr Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T 05/1-9 /2003 mvaughan Action: ***:t* i 'l tt lf*l,l** a***'|* *** AP Iten: .05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS ittttl***ttit+ttl See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvedo Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOI,JR HOURS IN ANCE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ,6 WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 'i'|''****'t**'tt****'i*****t:f'i'i'|**'|******'i******tttt*****'t**'}***'i***t*****:t.'}:t!tt!!t*********'}**+{t't**!tt,!'}i*********+ CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: D03-0012 as of 06-04-2003 Sratus: ISSUED '}:*'**'}***,t**+{tl.{.*,|.|**!***tt't*{.:}*|tl'*dt*+!t'**'t,**,*'}*t}:}'|t*'t*{''|t*|}**'i******** Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicant A.R. TECH SERVICES,INC. 303-289-2000 Job Address: 224 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 265 FOREST RD ParcelNo: 210107115017 Desoiption: ASBESTOS REMOVAL INSIDE FULL CONTAINEMENTOF INTERIOR STTEETROCK FROM WALLS AND CEILINGS ON ALL LEVELS WHICH CONTAIN ASBESTOS PRIOE TO ACTUAL DEMO OF HOME Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS rS REQUIRED PRIORTO ANy FURTHER WORK occuRlNc oN THrs srTE. IF FURTHER QUESTTONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}.IY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Appfied: 0511212003 Issued: 06/04/2003 To Expire: l2l0l/2003 *+*'l'****a*'l'*****'i*'***++'***r**rt***+**f*******'i{'t*t+*tr+******+tt*+*'i{r+*{rf++********+**+*+***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 0G04-2003 at t0:31:13 06/0412003 Stat€ment 'i*'*'it{.'}*l*+***t****,}f+++***********+***++*****f+t*+**'}*'t****tf*++*f****+******t****t******t *gtatement Nuiber: R030003966 Amount: 956.00 OS/tZ/zOOlO2:ld pM Payment Method: llon Ord Init: DF Notations MONEY ORDER Permit No: D03-0012 Tlpe: DffO. oF PART/AJ,L BLDG. Parcel" No: 210107115017 Site Address: 224 FOREST RD VAIL Irocation: 265 FOREST RD Total Fees: $55.00Thia Palment: $55.00 Total ALL pmts: 956.00Balance: 90.00*++lt******l"tf,l+*+*'|+***'l*****+**l'**+rt*+********f,f+******'*{.'}**+******{.+*+***'t ****+*+*****'$*|* ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31i11OO BUILDING PER}4IT FEES 56. 00 t-AppLrcATroN t. no, ge lccdpreo fr rn.o"r.rrt. unrrn*ro ProJect #: Building Permit #r Asbestos Permit #: and State of Certification with the facility system, and alarm wd!-ainer abatement area, areas. INFORMATION mwnu?Ytn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Required per Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1998 Perqnit application will not be accepted without the following: On Site Abatement Contracton A.R Tech Serrices, inc. Town ffiI.$es. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 393-591-4757 Cel I Joel Letierman-303-2t9-2u00 Uff ice E-Mail Address:\\l 0artech-a sbestos . com Contractor Signature: )6il fr, -t.^*' r-l coM TION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT (tAbOT & MAIETiAIS Asbestos Abatement: $ 19,500.00 Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #(-16'1 tr 50\7 Job Name: Abatement of vacant house on Forest Road JobAddress: 2ti5 Forest Road, Vail, C0. ffi E*kilW7r"^"*'YT,iir'!^2,< owners Nut"tFor"r. Road LLC Address: 12 vail Road ste /00 Phon"tor,r -o, q - 7 qr)() Project ManaseS"%l]t J$tilrrnsi te Address:850t1 Rosemarv St-- Commerce Cii:Phone: ?o ?- "rilo - ?ltfifl Project Designer: Lenni e Herron Address: ii!ft.Wo$BTpf6n Ave.Phone: 393-763-9b39 Aii l'4onitoi'ing SF,eciaiist: Herron Address: {6RE*Uo,rfuEBden Ave.fihone: 303-763-9b39 Detailed description ofwork: Asbestos removal inside ful I containment of interior sheetrock from walls and ceilings on all levels which contajn asbestos prior to actual deno of home Start Date: b/02/2003 ll End Date: b/30/2003 StartTtme: *g:00 am ll QuitTime: ij:00 om Amount of Asbestos: Linear Feet: Square Feet: 6,4F'2 55/Gal Drums: WorkClassr New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo(X) Other( ) W""typ"' I.t"rior ( X) Exterior () Both( ) Tvoeof Bldq.: Sinqle-family(x) Two-family( ) l4Ulti-familv( ) Srnrper**( L=flf|lalEflt('.)r€EFlG L [ooFtrES rnkFH-qqT?*qF :-'!F t{|'swr).| Parcel Sf*i ;*'rd- ll -Siiaifi* fil* * * * * * *'r * * * * * \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\ASBEPERM. DOC 071261200? r* * * * * r. tr r. ** *** ** ** * * * * rr tr * * * * *** * * * * * ** ** FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* OtherFees: ,r 'Date Received:51a":lq Wt L+ Public Way Permit Fee!Acceoted BY: iluf: OccuDancv Group: t_ v ,. 'l t 4 'ttr$ 1 o ";"Ylfa,:l' REPTI3l T0h,N oF VAIL, COLORADO lL/Og/ 1999 EtTr 16 REOUESTB - INSF,ECTN t^iORK $HEETS FtlRr l l/ 9/t599 Aetivity: M9B-O146 It/ i/ 19 Typel B-MEtrH Statusr ISSUED ConEtr: NSFRAddress: 386 FUREST RDLocation: €P6 FI]REST RD Farcel : 31Ol*471-15-Al6Deseriptionr MEEH SYSTEM FOR NSFRApplicant: EUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING Owner: KREDIET E JOHNEontractor: GIUARANTEED FLUIYIEINE & HLATINCi trA6E 3\ AREAI CD Fcer Use: trhone r 84E-63OO Fhone: Fhone I 845-53tDtZt Inspect i on Reqr-test Inf ormat i on. . . . . req rle st ed MEEH-F i na I @oRequestor: LEE Re Fhone:376-1639 CALL Aet i on Conments b"omnents r t^IILLbe Inspeeted..Time HxpItem SrCrg Inspect i on History.....It em : C|AEAO MECH-Rot-tghAt/e9/99 Inspeetor; GRG El6/t:t199 Inspeetor.: JRMng/t7/99 Inspector: GRG Iteml ogte4rzr F,LMB-Ga5 F,ipingIt em: StE310 MECH-Heat inqA€/19/98 Inspector: CD N.btesr ZONE *1 l0D PT zoNE ss 10a F,T09/e4198 Inspector: JRMA"/69/99 Inspector: CDNotes: zone *l t{t0t#pt zone *;f tEqt*ptfi4/13/99 Inspector: JRMNotesr DECKS AIR TEST AT I t e n r OOSAO MLDH-Exhar-rst Ho od sItem: AO33O MEtrH*Supply Air"Itenr 0O34O MECH-Mise.t6/e7/98 Inspeetorr 6RGAt/ 19/99 Inspector: GifB AA/AF/99 Inspeetorr GRGLA/W/99 Inspeetor: GRGItemr OO39O MECH-FinalItemr 00538 FIRE-FINAL C/O flc'bion: AFtrR APF'R FLUE IN LMNG R0trtl4Actionr AFtrR BE SURE TO MAINTAIN 1".. Action: FA INFLOUR HEAT BASEMENT Notesr BE SURE T0 MAINTAIN 1" CLEARANCE FROM COMBUSTIBLES TB FLU INCLUDING DRYHNLL PAF,ERT & THAT FINAL UENT TERI{INATIT]N IS RT LEAST P FT. ABtrUE ANYTHING I,.IITHIN 1A FT. Action: Act ion: Actionr lGO# Action:Action: Aet i on:Action: SNW f'ILT FRNT HEAT & SNOW STAIRS 1OA* MELT 1OA PSI F.A IN FLOOR ELEVEL IAIA{+AIR AFF,R rest of house RPFR AF.F.RT]UED ALL EXTERIOR flFFR NPFIR APtrR HFFR SNOW MELT BW SIDE ICIOI} t.llREBOTDRMWAV, S0 pSI \.U TOhIN OF VAII,.": 9, FRONTAGE ROADuArr,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEIiIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M98-0182 J)b Address...: 224 FOREST RDLocatsion......: 224 FOREST RDParcel No..... : 2101-071-t5-OL7Project Number: STAIUS...: ISSIJEDApplied. . z 09/2L/L998Issued. ..: 09/29/L998 E:<pires . . z O3 /28/1999 APPLICAI.IT COI\TTRACTOR OI^INER r3ki t^itt lvlechanical- - - > 180.00 45.OO . oo 3 .00 JERRY SIBLEY PIJIJIVIBINGP O BOX 340, MII{IURN CO ,IERRY SIBI-,EY PI,IIMBINGP O BOX 340, MII{TURN CO FOREST ROAD TRUST 205 MULBERRY, METAIRIE 81645 8154s LA 70005 Phone: 3038275736 Phone; 3038275736 Description: REPLACE BOII-,ER A}iID REPI,ACE BASE BOARD Fireplace Infometion. Rc6Ericted: Y *of eaa Appllenc€s: ValuaEion: *Of ca€ LogB: irt**rr*i***{t* tt****iiri**ir PEE stntMARY } * r r . * * t r * * r * * i r Plan check- - - > Invcstigation> ?rL.'.1 ealI----> Reseuarant PIan REvicw--> .0O DRB Fcc--------- TOTAI FEES------ 22e.OO fobal Calculaled F€es- - - > Addielonal Fees---------> Total Pernie Fee--------> Paymcnes-------- L'IEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE COMBUSTION AIR IS REQ EOI{DITION OF APPROVAL TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.sEc. 507 0F THE 1991 UMC. 5 OF THE 1991 T'MCY wiur--Ssel5os-riuo !,..#t \ ,3\te.f \Jc. \ Ot\(".1*-Y.uf(- 8, 500 . 00 *of, t'lood/Pallet: 22A -OO .00 22A .OO 22A.OO ."....".-.THll"?Yi;;;;;.;;;;;;;:"".."....".-;::-.. -Lem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTIiIENf Dept: BUfLDING Division:09/22/L998 JRII AcEion: APPR APpROVED ,lRM-Ileqri .055Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:09/22/L998 JP&l Action: APPR N/A L.2.3. 4- GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ASHATL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMETiIT MUST703 0F THE 199r_ IIMC.5. BOIT,ERS SHAII, BE MOI]TiMED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST.T'NLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AI{D CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANIEAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECEAI{ICAI-, ROOMS COI.ITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 IJMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I h.r.Dy tdnrc{hdgr thrt t h.vo r.rd thla qrpllartsiotl' !tu.d out, ln ful1 th. lnfor.rrtlon !.qulr.a, c6lr1.t.d .tr rcqE !r plot. Plan, |nd atat thrts dl gh. l,nfo![ llwr grroflib<t ra t gulr.d l. corrrcb. t rgr.. !o cdFly vlth lhr infolErtlod rnd plot plan,fo cffiDly rlth ell torn ordinrnccr |ad fllla hra, |nd fo b{|llal lhlt rirustur. rcaordlng to tshr torn.a ronr,ng rnd rubdj,vlflgncods!, dcrtgn r.vi.r rlFrovod' Unltoru lulldtnE godc .nd ochc! ordln nc.€ ol lha Torn eppllcrblc lhsrr!tso. REQUESTA POR lf,gPgCllOlt8 $AIIL Bl mDl tl|Btrl-FQln l|OUR,g llf .}StA[sB Dt TEIAPBOI|8 ljl 79-213s OR AT OOR OFFIeE FRolt 3!o0 Al| stoo PMf,a *|f,loRE or o$!tR' of,. @MrAcIoR FoR ntltgBLF ttD oflf,Bt - .r,'i a 9rltttiltttt.la,itflAtftts.tt..tlrraratttlttt$iltttl}arttt..r.it''.t.!tat { atlt 0F Vitttl, CO&OA.IDO gcrc.Erlg ?taa1!r rrir*tl*artrrr.r**r*+itf rt**rtr,tr*rrtrrif rrl!af ttttnr*rl Etrt.Erc [r.S.r! tlc-oa6a tsuDlr lr8.o0 o9l2tltl 15151 trqmqrt tlttstrod r CK f,oE.gloltr 25155 fnlgr JR Pclelts Not tlga-0182 tl.Ir.. B-tlEcI{ l|Eellxllcll! PERtllI P.rc.I Lor t101-O?L-15-017 gltr Mdr.rs t l2a FoRlItT RD IlocrsLon, Att FoRlgI RD fohl !!c. ! 22e.oo Thlg palor.n! 22a,oo ?otrl IIr! Prltr 3 tga.00 Balrrcat .00 t*:t**ttr*rrttt'lttttatl*tt}*ria*iatartt'rtta*ttttl}r''rrt*lttllt!}lltt lcsounE cod! DrlcrllrElotr l[ount' $? 00100003111300 ||Ecl|rlrlcAr, PlRllXt llllt 130.00 Pt 001b0003112300 F JA![ CttECK AEE6 45.00 ,. BC 00100003111s00 tfllt, cAr,r, lNEPEcrtod lll 3.00 #?*igo Review l.tl?n Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Krediet Residence ProjectDescription: InteriorConversion Owner. Address and Phone: John Krediet Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:Steve Riden. P.O. Box 3238. Vail. Colorado 81658 Project Street Address'. 226 Forest Road Legal Description: Lot I I, Block 7, Vail Village First Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: New GRFA totals 4,878 square feet Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 8/27/98 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved l";\EVLR\'OND\DRl]\APPRoVAI 19li\KREDI[,1 .W1't) DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 i,gucstlo,,s?f thc P[urning Statiri ri7>]-l i2.1 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIE}V APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION Th is. application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigrr rcviqv lrustrcccivc Design Rcvi$v approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnlit. Forspccific infomration, scc thc subrrrittalrcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application .o*ot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircdinfornratiort is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvi*vcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc planning and En virott ttlcnta I Conttttission. Dcsign Reviov Board apploval cxpircs onc vcar.aftcr final approval unlcss abuilding pcrmit is issucd ancl construction is startcd, TAlr/N OFVAIL DESCRIPTTON OF THE REQUEST: B. D. E. LOCATION OF pRopOSAL: LOT: // 4 BLOCK:_ FTLTNG: PFIYSICALADDRESS: .?N i_..* ,N , // ..,. PARcELl:W(contactEaglcCo.Asscssonofficcat970-328-8640foTparccl#) ZONING: NAME OF OWNIER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: 2e3-H5- m,^z-z OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : NAME OF APPL1CANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: H. ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:fl Nov Construction - 5200 Construction of a nerv building. ts/addition -$50 Includcs any.addition rvhcrc squarc fooragc is addcd to any rcsidcrrrial or conuncrcial building. tr I\{inor Altcration - $20 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnrcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting. rvindorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining.walls. ctc. DRBfccsarctobcpaidatthctinrcofsubnittal. Latcr.rvhcnapplyingforabuildingpennir.plcascidcntify thc accuratc valuation of thc proj cct. ThcTorvnof Vail rvill adjust thefcc accordrng to thc projcct valuation. PLEA'SE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI\{ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNTTY DEVELOPIVIENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. YAIL, COLORADO 8I657. fJq'2 F. I Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Krediet Residence Project Description: Minor changes to approved plans Owner, Address and Phone: John Krediet Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Steve Riden, P.O. Box 323E, Vail, Colorado 81658 226 Forest Road Lot ll, Block 7, Vail Village First Buildins Name: Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number. Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board / Staff Action Action: Approved See building permit set of plans dated 4/10/98 Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 5/lS/98 Ij:\L,vl;RYONIi\t Rts\APPR()VAIi9tl\ l..RltDlt:T.5 1 R DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROIVTAGE ROADvArL, co 8a657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMEI{| OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATTOV/Comm.Dev.PRO,IECT TITIJE: I(REDIET RESIDENCE Clean-up De Refund NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT PETMiT ALL f+. TIMES 898-0090 approved amount date ob Address: 226 FOREST RDLocation...: 225 FOREST RD Status...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 05/os/L998Issued. - . : 09/L4/1,998 E>cpires. . : 03/L3/1,999 Phone: 9709493292 Phone z 9709493292 4 t O94 -24 .00 1 No. -: 2L0L-071-r-5-016Project No. : pRir98-0055 APPTICAITT ZEEB CONSTRUSIION COP O BOX L99't, AVON CO 81620 CO}flfRACTOR ZEEB CONSTRUCTION COP O BOX L99'7, AVON CO 8L620OIdNER KREDIET G .JOHN* C F CAPITAL CORP, ONE LANDMARK SQUARE 18TH FL, STAMFORD CT 069 Description:NEW SFR Number of Dwelling Units: 001Occupancy Type FacEor Sq. Feet Valuat,ionDwellings Zone 4 V-N 2Lt.90 3,3G1 7I2,L?S.9OPrivate Garages Zone 4 V.N Masonry Gi_.88 629 3B,,2Z.S2 Subtot.a1 : 3 , 990 75L, tLg .42Table DaEe: O5/1,7/L996 Total valuaE.j_on: 75L,LL9.42 Town of Vail Adjust,ed VaLuation: t-, i_09, 000 . 000 Fir.place InfortlrEion: R€st'ti,cbsd: y #of eas Appliancgs: I #Of cas Log6: 1 #of wood/Pallet: FEE SUTfi{ARY Building-----> Pl,an check- - - > Invcat igation> will Call----> 4, 667, OO Rcacqarant PIen Revirt.--> ux-t' ree--------- .00 Racrcation Fec----------> 3 .00 Clean-Up D6lro€it--------> TOTAL FEES----.- .00 Total Cal,culaEed Fee6---> 9,935.25 500. o0 Additional. Fee€---------> -5,g41.o0 731.7O lot.al Peritrit. Fee--------> 4.O94.25 1,000.00 Pa)^nentE-------- 9.935.25 BAIANCE DUA- - -- rtrttrrrr*ttti'ra *lttitr*rttirtrr l| * r r r * * t * i * i ', * r * a * r * * * *, * * * * 1 * * * * r ILEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTMEIiIT DCPT: BUILDTNG DiViSiON:05/05/1-998 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE05/28/L998 CHARIJTE Action: AppR charlie davis09103/1998 iIRM ACI,ION: NOTE PLANS TO CIIARLIE EXPAND)09/IO/L998 CHARIJIE AcIion: APPR REVISIoNS APPRoVEDIt,CM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI,IENT DCPT: PI.,ANNING DiViSiON:05/05/1998 .tRM Act,ion: NOTE PLANS TO PIJANNER05/L8/L998 GEORGE AcLion: APPR09/03/1998 JRM Action: NOTE SENI NEW PLANS TO BW09/03/L998 BWIT,SON AcE,ion: AppR approved revisionsIEem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTIIEI.IT , Dept,: FIRE Divislon:05/2e/L998 CHARIJTE Action: AppR N/AIEem: 05500 PIJBLIC WORKS Dept,: pIrB woRK Division:05/05/l-998 .IRM AcLion: NOTE PLANS TO ITARRY/TERRI05/0L/1998 CIIARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVISIt,em: 05550 ENGINEERING DepE: ENGINEER Division:05/05/1-998 ,lRM Act.ion: NOTE PLANS TO TERRI05/18/L99e TPARTCH Act,ion: APPR SEE CONDITIONS See Page 2 of t,his Document for any condit,ions t,hat may appty tso this permit. DECLARATIONS I h.reby acknowl,rdg. that. I hav. read thj.s appliceti.on, filLcd ouE in fult che infornat.ion required, cornpleted an Plan, and state that all thc infordatsion providcd 16 requircd la correct, I tglee tso conply sich the information codc6, de6igr revlcr approved, Unlforn Euj.lding Codc and othcr ordinances of the acculatse plot and plot plan, subdivision REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S[|AI]I, BE MADE TIIEITTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\TANCE BY TEIJEPHONE I :00 At4 5 :00 Send CIean-Up Depo6iL To: ZEEB CONST CONTRACTOR AND OWNER PAGE 2 " r't *++* * ** * * * * **** * ****** ** ****** * ** ******* ******** ** * * * *** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 898-0090 as of o9/L4/98 SEatus: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Applied: 05/Os/L998Issued: 09/L4/L998 Permit \pe: NEw (sFR,p/s,DUp) PERMTTApplicant: ZEEB CONSTRUCTION COJob Address: 226 FOREST RDLocaEion: 226 FOREST RDParcel No: 2101-071-l_5-015 ******************************************************************************** ******************************...-.:?*1TI?T:----.****************************** ]-. THIS PRO,JECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMEI{T SI'RVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALIJ BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQTIEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASI'RED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUC]TI'RAL MEMBERS OF THE FI.,OOR TO THE I'NDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTI'RAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. THIS BUIIJDING NEEDS TO BE SPRINKLED TO MEET FIRE DEPARTMEIfT REQUIREMENTS.4. THE EXISTING CI'LVERT AND INLET SYSTEM IS TO REMAIN IN PLACE AI{Y DAMAGE OR RELOCATION WILL BE REPAIRED OR PREFORMED ATTHE CONTRAqTOR'S EXPENSE5. The eastern flagst.one patio and both stair landings are 2'above the existing grade. Smal-I reEaining wallsr/footj-ngs musE be built to support t,hem. No regrading will be allowed without a revised plan.6. If the ply wood fence is being built t.o prot.ect. the existingt.rees, Ehe grading currently shown on the revised ptan date I TOnN OP VAIL, q:OIJORADO gcrE.ltrt, NuFbqr: REC-o,tot Adoung: Prld.nE U.ghod: CK Not tlon: lagl !. ' 8?3.35 06/oll9r 09r42 InLE,3 ]|A|f 9caEcEnt ar aaa ttt tatti rf . t+ a P.rnis No. B9g-0ot0 ry?.: B-BUU,D NErd (!ttR.p/S,DIrp) pE 9arc61 No: 2lo1-07f -1S -0f6 glt. Addrcss: 226 FOREST RL IJocaelon: 226 FORBST RD f'hlr t.lm€nB 2,376 -BB 2, 3 76. ss ,00 AnounE a3 6. 00 293.40 ?50. 00 {00.9s foErl FaeE: 1, S73.35 Toeal, ItiJ PrB. r * rJt ill t rart rti rtrr.ir t t t a rrtt tirrt.a.r *rr i t to*rr rrt Accoung Codc D..cription Ballnca: aP 00100003111100 BUILDIllo EERUTT rEES PF 00100003112300 Pt Alt cHEcK FEEa lD 00100002{01100 crrElllup DEpoSIrg RF 11100003112700 RECRBATTO FBES wc 00100003112s00 wrLL cttrr tNspEetloN FEE *t***tttt****+**tt+*i*i**t*t***********t********!r*t**ttttt**!r**t TOI{N OP VAIIJ, COI,oRADO Reprinted: o8/22/oo 09224 gtatemnt ****t****t**t****l*it**it******tlt*tf ****ar***tt**t****+*+*****t gtatennL Number: REC-o447 Anount :L,667 .7O 09/L4198 LO.5s Init: TDPalment f,lethod: CK Notation: 15OB Permit l{o: Parcel No: Site Addreee: IJocation: Thl6 Payment 898-0090 Type: B-BUUiD NEW 210I"-071-15-016 225 FOREST RD 225 FOREST RD Total FeeE: !,667 .70 Total AIJIJ Pmte : Balance : (sFR, P/8,Dup) P8 d,09{.25 4,094 .25 .00 * * t t t *t * t * l, * * * * * * * * * *rl I + i * lt t t t t t t * * t t t * * * t lrt t * t t t * * * * t tl* * + * + + t t * Account Code Deseription BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII.DING PER!,IIT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESIe{ RSVIBW FEES PP OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CHECK FEES AD D2-DBPO8 CIJBEIWP DEPOSITS RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES A,nount 591 .00 50. oo 449.L5 250.00 227 .55 I o o 'Fl33J8 ooI cto o o0 6la Ie. H cIt l! U xts |l EI o c,lrozOD.o eEt A x.Ja o r, AHdHI o o al EUE. i 6u.IF.HiB I-otsoEiHe, H AqITIto EE\c'4E, .| U a Og{l{oaIOuo!au 0rooortlOE '|AE f;E EE E EEi8H{IAIE| HlrHB Er g Ei E H E, EIilHRdEE o ri B &F '{ID Fdo EE R EQ HH(ao o o Fo o NDal rt ^gg! tr|*|ga o66sEOI HEE 'lr3l.o9t!niq oa o I !nF lr3ti8 F e F .{ I I oH tEEi 3E9 |f { iE!rEIk' a!l tE I sFg I dItrnl | tslI'rFDIol,al i l2t I2B i Bror.H- | OHa I ratt'r Folatrl.all i s. Ft{E I oaD l ooo I|!|l | 6Ea IArF I Ir oHr o4t \ar ol6lDI \.lr o Dr oElt oal \al <lXI \ - Fl .o araltF iA I IEroIHIHrUIDIE6i H E i au E C | !o: 8i B8E t. rttctr eE itI E"l 9o'r{ ca | | A6 E8i EH C|rqi{t|ltA i3l!lBi L u.o Al.l Ea o oC)6l 6a oJ H( AIF. H!I{EC.!FUFU dF:. He8 0 EE;. !l GIp F!ccr A& Bgfr HooAEA xF:c o-C'io6||! .gtElllqt eEtl-EU5EE8 TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\ITAGE ROADvArL, co 8t_657 970 -479-2L38 Description:NEW SFR Occupancy DweIIings Prj.wate Garages NOTE: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPME} T G""enfiOR. No'nFrES^- rHrs PERMTT Musr ", norrro';r "f,i,#P^]'H"PRO.JECT TITLE: KREDIET RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT PETMiI #: TIMES B9B-0090 ilob Address: 226 FOREST RDLocation. . .: 226 FOREST RDParcel No. . : 2]-0L-07L-L5-01-5Project No. : PRJ98-0055 APPLTCANT ZEEB CONSTRUCTION COP O BOX L997, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR ZEEB CONSTRUCTION COP O BOX L997, AVON CO 8L620O!'INER KREDIET G ,JOHN * c F CAPITAL CORP, ONE I,ANDMARK SQUARE t STH FIJ, STAMFORD CT 069 Stat.us...: APPLIEDApplied..: 05/Os/L998Issued. . . : E>cpires. . : Phone:. 97Q9493292 Phone: 9709493292 Nurnlcer of Dwelling Units: 00i-Type Factor Sq. Feet Valuation Zone 4 V-N 2LL.9O 3,351_ 7L2,L95.90Zone 4 V-N Masonry 61.88 629 38,922.52subLotal: 3 , 990 75L,LLg .42Table Date: O5/L7/L996 Tot,al Valuation: 75:. ,L]-B.42Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 909,000.000 Fir:eplace Information: ResLrjicted: y #Of GaE Appliances: t *of cae lJogs r 1 #of l,lood/Pallet: FEE SU},IMARY Bui]ding-----> 3,9'16.oo Reetuarant Plan Revierl- > .OO Toral Calculated Fees---> PIan Check---> 2,594.4D DRB Fee-- 4oo.0o AddiLional Fee6--- Inveetigalion> .OO Recreation Fee----------> s0il.15 Total permit Fee--------> Will CalI ---> 3.00 Clean-Up Deposit--------> 750.00 pa!'menre- - TOTAL FEES...- S,2L'7.55 BAIANCE DUE Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI"IEI\II DepE: BUfLDING Diwision:05/05/r-998 JRM Acrj-on: NOTE pr,.A,NS TO CHA,RLIE05/28/L998 CHARLIE Act.lon: AppR charlie dawisITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTIIEI.IT DCPT: PLANNING DiViSiON:05/05/1998 iIRM AcLion: NOTE PIJANS TO PLANNER 05/1,8/L998 GEORGE Action: APPR ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI\flT DEPt.: FIRE DiViSiON:05/28/L998 CIARLIE Action: AppR N,/AItem: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS DepE: puB woRK Division: 05/05/t_998 .'tRM AcLion: NOTE PLANS TO LARRY/TERRIItem: 05550 ENGINEERING Dept: ENGTNEER Division:05/05/l_998 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO TERRT05/L8/1998 TpARTCH Action: AppR SEE CONDITIONS See Page 2 of t.his Document for any conditions t.hat may appty to this permit. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 8L557 970-479-2L38 DEPARIT{ENT OF COMMTINITY PMEti|:T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PRO.JECT TITLE: KREDIET RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,P/S,DT]P) PERMIT Permit, #:898-0090 I DEVEI-,O , ,r.|b Address: 226 FOREST RD Location. -.: 226 FOREST RD -#rcel No.. : 2101-071-15-016 OccupancyDwellingsPrivaLe Garages Building-----> Plan chock- - -> Invcstigati.on> tiill call--- -> Table DaEe: 05/L7/L996 Towrr IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI'IEI{T 05/05/1998 JRM Act,ion: NorE 05/28/L99e CHARLTE AcEion: APPR It,EM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMEIiIT 05105/1998 JRM Act.ion: NoTE 05/L8/L998 GEORGE Actsion: APPR ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARII'4EI{:T o5/28/L998 CHARLTE Actsion: APPR Item: 05500 PUBLTC WORKS 05/05/1998 iIRM Action: NorE 06/oL/L998 CHARLTE Actsion: APPR ITCM: 05550 ENGINEERING 05105/1998 'JRM AcLion: NOTE 05/L8/1998 TPARTCH ACE1ON: APPR DePt: FIRE DepE: PIIB WORK I,ARRY/TERRI DAVISDept: ENGINEER N/A PLANS TO CHARLIE PLANS TO TERRI SEE CONDITIONS TOV/Comm. Dev. )lean-up Deposit Refund tpproved amount date Project No. : PRiI98-0065 APPI,ICANT ZEEB CONSTRUCTION CO P o Box L997, AVON co 81620 CONTRAqTOR ZEEB CONSTRUCTION CO P O BOX L997, AVON CO 81620 OIINER KREDIET G iIOHN ?CFCAPITAI.,CORP, Descriptsion:NEW SFR Type Zone 4 V-N Zone 4 V-N 3.9?6. oo ReEguaranc Pl.n Revie{--> 2 tEa4.4o DRB Fee--------- .oo Recrealion Fee_--___----> 3. o0 CIean-UP DePoBiE--------> FiEaplac€ rnforuagion: RcEtrlctsad: y #Of Gas Appli.ncoB: I *of c.. LogB ! 1 *of wood/Pallet: FEE SU!4MARY TOTAI, FEBs.----. arir*irarr.**it I t * t * t * * I l 'r i i r * a ONE LANDNIARK SQUARE 18TII Ft, STNqFORD CT 069 Number of Dwelling Unitss: 001FacEor Sq. FeeE Valuation2LL.90 3,351 7L2,195 .90 Masonry 51.88 629 38,922.52 Subtotal: 3,990 75L,LL9.42 TotsaI Valuation2 75L'LLg.42 of Vail AdjusE,ed valuation: 909'000.000 ,OO aolal calculleed Fee6---> et2!1 .55 4oo. oo Additional Fccs---------> -5,8{1'00 5o{.15 Totsal Perdi! Fee--------> 2'376's5 750. OO Payiren!.------- 2 '376 'Ss DePts: BUIL,DING Division: PI,ANS TO CHARTIEcharlie davis DePts: PLANNING Divlsion: PLANS TO PLANNER Status...: ISSI]EDApplied..: Os/05/L998 Issued. .. z o6/OL/L998Expires..: LL/28/1998 Phone- 9709493292 Phone z 9709493292 Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of Ehis Document, for any condifions EhaE may apply to Ehis permit DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknorlcdgc chat I hrvc rr.d ghi. .pfrlicatioB, fillcd out in ful1 chc lnfordaeion r.quiEed, coEplctsod an accur.t€ 91ot plan, and 6tatc lhat all tshc inforoacion Frovided aa rcquired is corrcct. I ag!c. Eo cooply rlch thc inforBatsion and pl.ot p1an, to cotBply ritsh.11 Tosn ordinancad rnd !!aEa lat|s, and to build ehi.s struclu!6 according Eo lhc Aovn'o roning and 6ubdiwi6ion codes, d€slgn levier approved, unlfom Building Code and other ordinanced of Lhr lotn REQUESTS POR INAPECTIONS SHAIJII 8B MADE TI{B!+TT-TOUR HOURS IN AD\NNCE AY TEIJEPHONB send clean-ttr Depo6ic To: ZEEB coNsT AOR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** Permit #: 898-0090 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of o6/oL/9s********************************************************************************STATUS: ISSI]ED Permit Tlpe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Applicant: ZEEB CONSTRUCTION CO Job Addreeaz 226 FOREST RDLocation: 226 FOREST RD Parcel No: 2101-071-15-016 Appt j-ed : 05 / Os / L998 rssued: 06/oL/L998 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROiIECT WILI REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SI'RVEY. SUCH SI'RVEY SHALL BE SI]BMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQI]EST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHAiJI' HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASI'RED FROM fiIE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTI'RAI-, MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE IJNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTTJRAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. THIS BUILDING NEEDS TO BE SPRINKLED TO MEET FIRE DEPARTI'IENT REQUIREMENTS.4. TIIE EXISTING CI'LVERT AI{D INLET SYSTEM IS TO REMAIN IN PI'ACE AIiIY DAMAGE OR RELOEATION WILL BE REPAIRED OR PREFORMED AT THE CONTRAqTOR'S EXPENSE5. The eastern flagsEone patio and both stair landings ate 2' above the exisEing graAe. SmaII retaining walls,/fooEings mus t be buift to supio;E them. No regrading will be altowed wit houL a revised Plan.6. If tshe ply wood fence is bej-ng built to prouect Ehe existsing tsrees, tsfte grading currenEly shown on the revised plan datse d s/Lg7gg vri1 definitely ki11 them. Either reEaining wal1 s ErucEures should be added tso avoid Lhe grading or the tsrees should be removed and rePlaced. 7. TIIIS STRUETURE IS A THREE STORY BUII,DING. PER 1991 I'BC SEC !h616to, OFPICE FROM 8:OO A.!t 5:0O REF'T 131 TOI,JN OF VAIL.t COL0RADO B7/fr3/2fi0t0 E8:iii: RE0UES-|S - INSFECTN [,ORK SI-IEETS FARI 7/ 3/i:Q Act ivitv: 898-OO9O 7/ A/!fi Type: B-BUIL.D Status: I55UED Constr'; NSFR Addr"ess: EE6 FOREST RD Loeat i. on : 836 F0REST RI) Far.ne t : i:1OL-O71-.15-O16 De scr'i pt i on : NEI^J .9FR Appl irant; ZEEIr COf{STRUITION Clwtrer'; KREIIIET 6 JOHNContnartor': ZEEB EONSTRI.ITITInN F'A6E ts AREA: fll) //4-/ no CO Oec: OtZt?t-,- Use: V N F,hone: t)7E9zr93Ecrl F,hone: F hnne r 971219493F-:c)il L.ockr.;, [1oldr, AI]TIUITY Not ire ! Not i ce : ancj Not i t:e g. ,, . . RECiEVED STAMF'ED DRAt'llNG i]N SITE FRT]M MARIJ,, MUI'I'.ER OF RI]CK hIALL ANI] T]ONFIRMED RS BUILTtrE. 11-1rI*99 Inspect ion Reqr-test Inf or"rlat ion. Re q r.re gt or: LEE Fhone: 37fr-1619 Items r.eqr-lpst ed bo be Inspected,Act i on Comment:; zrtlt BLDG-Final C/O Exp t?eq Tir,re'; O$:EO [Jommertts: WIL-L CflL-L .lnspection Histor'y.,... f.t r '/1Item; arascrl FbJ-Ror.rErr r;r'ade G;J UVUr-t<-{/ S%Iil/fi| /99 Inspector: LS '.flction: DN GRADE EXCEEDS lt FERCb.NT Item: OoStZri l-'l.l-Final dr.i veuray qr.ade IL/O'i:/qg Inspeetor': t-S Aetionr AFtrR AF'FR[,t'gp Item: rZrrZilZrltZr BlD0-Footings./$teel Afi6-/17/98 Inspector": fiD Action: FA UF:,[EF FEETION AF,FROVED Notes: FRovIDE coF IEti flF EN6. REFORT$ AND'INsClE(: (lArus tn6/'e9/9& Inspector-: CD Flct i.r.rn , grrann rFilry.GdEc't$trtil!/Lh/9$ Inspe"cton: JRM Ac:t iorr, tylQl LIAfiIiRn'J^ED RnDIUS1^141il*5 Notes: AND FOOTERS Item : t2ltItOEO Bl.-DG-For-rndat ion/Steel fi6/e&/9fi Inspector': CD AF,F'ROVED PLNruS fr7 1Q9/9& Inspecto,r': JRMNotes: AFFR NALLS AT THE WEST END OF FROJECT AC td. EiAST FRONT [^,ALLIA7/EiIl98 Inspector: JRM ActioN: AFFR I4IDDLE WALL EAST ENDlfr/frLl98 Inspectonr GRB Action: FA RLL BUT 1 CURVED F NE .lg/@8/98 Inspectorr 6RG Action: AFFR RLL Wtlt-.L.gi NOW CnMF'LETE Item: Ertz'se6 PLAN-ILC Site trI4nte/Ag/9A Inspector"; EEORGE Action: DN over'allowable height lW/?7/99 Inspector: SEORGE Action; AFFR ApFRBVEDIt em: OOO3O BLDG*Fr-am inq NL/79/C)9 INSFECttrr": 6RB, ACtiON: AF'CR $EE L].ST OF FUTURE ITEMSNotes': ROUBfl'f:RANiNG INSpEfTION t"J ITI'{ LEE' ZEEB CONST. ' & MARK MUELLER, STRUCTURAL ENGINEF.R: 1) REINFORCED CONERETE COLUHN IS TO HE ADDED UNDER MAIFI BERM IN CRAWL SF.ACE IN 5trRrN6 & WILL. NEED TO.EE trllECKED., e) STILL NEED TO ADD' pLYr^,ooD UNDERNEATH JOISTS #lT CEILING OF GARAGE TO COMFLET STRU{-:1'URAL Dr.AFr{RABFt./ THIS IS Tn BE DtrNE AFTER TNSULATIO h6/?E/9A Inspector. I CD ffction: FA tlFS'EBnSqcTIFl\Nc,tes: INS'iflLL BEAI{..F0CHET5 pER F,LAN AND ADJU$Tfrfr{gk hidO AS THE REPT 131 TOI,JN DF VAIL' CULURfIDU fi7/A1/goilfi O8:ee REQUESTS * INSFECIN h,tlRK lit{EETS FOR: 7/ 5/EU PAGE FIREA: CD 3) HILL. NEED TO I^'ONK OUT FIECHANICAI- ENUIF'Ii1ENT F'LffTFORM IN 6ARA6E FOR AF.E'LlCABLE CT]DE REGUIREMENTS RE NONCOIYIBUSTIBLE SUFJF'NRT FT]R FOII.ERS. THII} MU$T BE DONE IN A CODE.-CONFORM fylANNER. DONTINUE TO HORK IiITF{ CHfiRLIE DllV iS ON THIS. It em : tZttZtEtSO P,|-.DG.-Insr-rlat i on $e/e4/99 Insnector: CD tlct ion: AFrpR EXCEF-| IIARAGE [-EVHL Item: OefrAGO Bt,-DO'-$hEetl'ock Nail ' frl/17/99 Inspector: CD Actj.on: FA FARTIAL. AFFROVAL Not es: EXCLUDES GRRi1GE. LaLF-:'JA1'OR SHAFT, AI{D ENTRY DOOII t^lAt-L CORRECT L ON I ADD SCRET^'S TO AT THE THIRD fi$/ l'7 /99 Inspecbr-,r' : Item : firzrdtTizl BLDG-lvlise. ltem : fiArZrBA BLD6-'FinalIt ern : uilzrs;rzl BLDG-Temp. t/n IL/1A1?.9 Inspectr"rr: GRG Act ion: AFFR OK f:On T. C. O. ,t $EE NOTES Notp';: 0l{ FOR T. C,0. FOR FINnL. C.0, ' WILL NEF.D f0 1) O}lTJlIN FJII!AI- C. O. AF.F'ROUAI-5 f:'ROM TiLfiNNINGI BUILD.ihIFI F'UBLIC HORI,iTJ &' FIRH Df:F.,T., i::) FTRI.- DEPT. []ONDlTII]N THNT ALARM sYsTF-M MUST BE FTJI.LY OF'E.RATIONAI-, INCLI.-IDIhIE REMI]RE MONII"URINfi, MU$T BE Mtll- l^llTHIN lfi DAYS' 3r INSTALL HAND RAIL, ON ONE SIDE AT F(EAR EXIERIDR,.ETAIR hJI.TFI 4 RI$EB,g., - }'fl-trs sHnuLD BE D0NE Asi suQN'llF FrfiBiBf,E('^:6$r\qvIDEl-:I)S>t' F.ROOF' THAT ELAZINS IN MAIN"E.NTRY DOOR IS APF'NUEE SAFETY BUTT JOINTS sHfiWN TO CONTRACTOR IN FIEL-D LEVEL CEILINGGRG Act i on : AF'F'R EARAGE ONL.Y GLAZTNG, 5) INSTAL-L F',-A$s D0ORS AT RALI{ GAS EIREETQIF, \\ o.-{\ ANr) 6) INSrALL. riRil-l.s nY nuqls IN FLb-Oq\ '\\i\c's',\- 't''\* :---ebsqq Fut-TEMr,. c/ct C....\ \r\J ' a\ ,,._ ,_. i, # * i + I','o n -hNr n .ro.*, :' i'R?*F'i,, B " H I +' ; ? I N AF,FRoUAL rF MEEr coNn-trtnrus. 1. NEEth r{r \sddttruecr\SqIRrCUI']-I NG HEAT F.I I]ES. :. REMOVAL OF UHLUES \;J. TJNCIV I DT{D IS \ -.rlVr$'<ns {$qs'pctor: L-5 \,\WpR:.DN DENI{D sEE cuNDITioN'Notls: +' bn1tcnETE F,RN Hnh HrHt\Sbil.ftq:BRRD. Dhlr6p Jco BUT r^,n.. It em !iTA'I'IN6 NO HEPIT IN FUTUftil: $I6NED AND DATED FJY OI,.'NER$ AND f]ENERAL CONTRACTOR. 4. A IJORM OF EXL'ANDABI.E FONM TO BE SF,RAYE.D INTO f,UT HERT FiF,E:S WHF_N DISCONNET-:TED. MUST CAL.L TOWN OFJ VFIIL CONSTRUCTIi]N INSF'ECTOR FOR INSF'ECTION. LI / 1{t199 Inspe'ct or.: LS Act j. on : AFtrR APFROVED L.ETTER IN FILE : Otl533 F,LAN-TEMF. C,/O Ll/h3/99 Inspector': DOMINIC Action: AFFR AtrFROVED Notes: No Co '-rnt i I ground covel" and plants ane in place in sprin Item: |a4537 F'LAN-FINAL C/0 Item: EC'539 trW-FINAI- C/O Item: BrZrS4O BLD6*Final. C/OlllA3l99 Inspe,::tor.r CD Actionr N0 elevat:or inspeetion NoteE; final elevatop appl.oval has been qnanted by NWCOE} It"/L/Lg \\s*, FROItl : TEEH CONSTRTJCTIT]N EC 3i 'sl l6!2151fi F$( Ml. 1 974 84s 74Ed,o sea At+o;-lff .,H1"dT1,,: ) 4 ileEIrothg E$ 4* .. l/erftr AnD: 6:2 W'rr'l 2s*b €.pot HHurptil 1: I+b t*)Uo.q tt t*ol Cer,c€r.f,\ - 6&10r sI 0lf FI n T\( Fo,s E"\1 D*n Gtt'r i, C"lo*rf aL SAir \r*qno*l rod'\ gd'.5 fttr tc{ct1 e1*ta-flf v ?t * ' a,rt\ { *n* Q'raqtto^ 'p-.ltt}-"r F'cpo J*c\tlojo AaA**- I;1tx',ff Gqt'"; grrJr\1ca , t V "l)e--;--- t-*Q|[^Ilrr.a\\.r-ffi'&t*l\iLn{-T;;il* '16gi" T- I ,tIt ,l r.i .lrl ia i1 tl tnir t ;,rtt t.' ],| * Io+ I ' *, '*''ffirffi;tfut#i,fffi,$'ffiffi ' r no tnrtqcm tER nc{rtl FlFl, rHE DUE OAIE UllfL nD. 8EtS.*ii/* iltm.Eo To gAYtEifl oF hErsoMBLE AT|onNEY FEEE r.tgfrnED il @tlt5r6}| OF ArY rtlD rLL EELtT{q^lEfl? ^&o!.ifi3 0Fit^'rafllflFflFilfArEorvlr fEBerFTl nTt Eflr , , , tP3 _/ tst t. lLsl nunlnffi$ 0l0ltl.lttl rttErftolil t0!.t62-rfl7 FActllllti l0t'7tl-ttto t9[-]rEE t0s-t6t-al It olLll lltD l0: lltllH qI$ r ilm 1.0,il !tiltil 4 il0ll ltr!rt?t-lt?t Sllll lor tll llf-t??l 'trqffist[n l.tHNr, 00 |l t, ||00rl,u t.n / 0a.tl ult 0r l'| ruun !|n t,0n$! run$ urtl,t.ltul'l,l n lfle ll!lll l0l&!lill ucl||0AIt Iur/1 I Br|I r,uil t,llrtr. il 10il ililtt! LInE ur lu l.0t $t,00 4 , fttl ,ilt! .e0 $t.10 u"fl LflDED'BY: JF-I '*,'-,o @4g n,'f fffi"H*:.Hss** r'r H,,(F,E,', TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 9? O-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT -,"*:',[k*- t,+ &-a.s-q7 DEVELoPMENT cO. ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0009 .Iob Address: 226 FOREST RDLocation. . ., 226 FOREST RDParcel No.. : 2101-071-15-016Project No. : PRJS?-0006 Stat.us. .Applied.fssued..Expires. ISSUED0t/21/ree7 02 /25 / reeT 08 /24 / reeT APPLICANT ZEEB CONSTRUCTION COP O BOX 1997, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR ZEEB CONSTRUCTION COP O BOX 1997, AVON CO 81620OWNER KREDIET G JOHN t C F CAPITAL Phone: 3039493292 Phone z 3039493292 CORPORATION, ONE LANDMARK SQUARE ].BTH FL, STAMFORD CT 06901 Description: GARAGE ADDITION REMODEL TO EXISTING STRUCTURE Occupancy: R3 Single Fanily ResidenceType Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated ' ^ "J&'^^-,y*lu,:Unt ,v'e^t trt' ftL"" 7 ,O97 .20 .00 7 ,O97 .2O 7 ,O97 .?O .00 ' PLan check---> ?,301.00Investigation> .00l,fitt cal. t----> 5.0O Valuation:800,000 Add Sq Ft:6BB Fi reptace Information: Restr i cted:fof Gas Apptiances:fof tlood/Pa t tet: ************************t*************************#******* FEE SUlll,lARyBuil,ding-----) 3,540,00 Restuarant plan Review-->Totat Catcutated Fees---) DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> fvf AL r EE J-------------- 2***************l**********************t***ff***t***#****************************************ir*t******************ff************** Ilelnt ,951Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG DivisionQL/.27/.1997 CHARLTE Action: r.rOfn pr_,euS TO DIN-O2'/O6'/L997 DAN Action: AppRI9eBi',Q5490 PLANNING DEPARTMENT __--_ Dept: PLANNTNG Divisiono^I/,?7/,Lgg7 CHARLTE Acrlon: llofe pLANs ro LIUF.EN -- 02'/07'/1997 LAUREN Action: AppRI!e{r!'.q9qq0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division02/05/L997 DAN Action: AppRI99{rj.',919Q0_PqELIc wORKg Dept: pUB WORK DivisionQL/,27/.L9_97 qHARLIE Rcr'ion: NoTE PLANS To LERF.Y- -- 92^7,?!7,!s-27 CHARLTE $crion : N6fE nuViSeD-onjii,iTllcs02'/25'/1997 LARRy_p Action: enFn Ip *************************************************************************i************i******************************************* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read.this apptication, f il,l.ed out in ful.t the information requi red, compteted an accurate p1otpLan, and state that att the information provided as required. i.s correct. I agfee to compLy riith tire iniormation and pl,ot it,an,to comp[y t',ith al'l' Town ofdinances-and state.taws, and to buil,d this structure according titne rovnis ionint "na subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinanccs of the Tol,n aipl,icabte therito. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFTICE FROI.I E:OO ATI 5:OO PI,I a IONcl.ean-up Deposit To: ZEEE CONSTRUCT Page 2********t(*********************************************************************** Permit #: B97-0009********************************************* Permit Typ6: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: ZEEB CONSTRUCTION Co 3039 493292 226 FOREST RD 226 FOREST RD 2IOL-071-1s-016 Job AddressLocation---Parcel No-- Descript.ion GARAGE ADD]TION REMODEL TO EXISTING STRUCTURE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ,AS PER SEC.12].0 OF THE 1991 UBC.3. ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN GARAGE AND HOUSEWITH 20 MTNUTE DOORS/CLOSURES4. VENTILATION IS REQUIRED AS PER SEC12O5 OF THE 1991 UBC.5. The north-facing portion of the existing roof that extends into the front setback, and the existing roof ridge beam, sha.I1 not be demolished or altered except as expresily needed to attach the dormer that projects off the eouth side of theridge beam.6. The main structurar elements of the existing hciuse that formthe perimeter, or exterior structural wall6 of the unit, may not be demolished or altered, and must remain in place throughout the remodel process7. An exterior lighting plan must be approved by TOV prior to any light being instaLted on the property. CONDITIONSas of 02/25/97 Status---: ISSUED*********************************** Applied--: 07/27 /7997Issued--- z 02/25/L997To Expiret 08/24/1997 TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: D97-0023 ON Job Address:Location. . . :Parce1 No..:Project No.: 226 FOREST RD 226 FOREST RD 2101-071-15-016 PRJ97-0006 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: to/3I/L997Issued. .. : I0/3t/L997Expires . .2 o4/29/L998 APPLICANT KREDIET G JOHN T C F CAPITAL CORPORATION, ONE LANDI'4ARK SQUARE 18TH FL, STAMFORD CT 06901OWNER KREDIET G,JOHN * C F CAPITAL CORPORATION, ONE LANDMARK SQUARE 18TH FL, STAI'{FORD CT 06901coNTRAcroR ZEEB coNsrRucrroN co phone: 9709493292P O BOX 1997, AVON CO 81620 DescripLion: KREDIET RESIDENCE DEMO Occupancy: Type Construqtion: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireptaca Infofration: Rcstricted: 500 flof Gls lpptiances: Add Sq Ft: fOf Ges Loga:fof tlood/Pal,Let: ***********f,i**f,t***i***********t****ffii*t**t*******tr**t** FEE SUllilARy *ffi*ffi***ff**r**r***ff*********************ff*****f,**** Bui tdlng-----> 29.00 Rcatulrant Pl.an Reviev--> .00 Totat catcutated Fees---> 56.mPtan Check---> 13.m DR8 Fce--------Invlstigstlon> .oo Recrcation Fcc----------> .OO Tot.L plrnit Fcc________> 56,00tii|'|'c!|'|'-.-->3.ooctran.uPDrposit------_>.ooPayn.nts----------------> ****t*******f,ffii****i***********o**#llLllfi;;;*;;*i-******n***ifuS***--*:l#li#l**;;;;;i-*********il!*** iFTTizi i i ? ! "fg' "o'*"^BPi3fiT'RHF* o""*ouroltbm:' Q5400 PLANNTNG DEFAn,iuElli- -- IEem: SSqSS FIRE DEPARTMENTItem: q5500 PUBLIC WORKS-- -rtem: q5?aA EWIRONMENTAL HEALTHItem: 05900 LIQUOR *i**ttt***t********titi*****************t*rr******************t*t****f,t*ffi*********i***ffi******t**i*tr*********f,tff*******.****** see Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that nay apply to thie permit. DECLARATIONS L::..:1,.:lT:t*9: !l'f,^: hlve r.rd.this appt icat,ton, fiU.cd out in furr thc information rcquired,Pran, &no statr thet al't thc inforrati.on pfovid.d €s requircd is correct. I agr.! to corp ty iltn tne eccufeta plot and ptot pl,en, subdivigion conpteted an i nformtion:.:lpll yllh:1.! rorrn ordinrnccs-and rtata tava, and io buiLd this structurc r..o.itni"iicodcs, design rcvicu approvcd, uniforn Buil,dlng cod. and othlf oFdinanccs of the ror{i REGIJESTS FOR ITISPECTIOI{S SHALL BE }IADE TI.'EIITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT Srnd C [.an-Up ocpolit To: 's roning and ***************************************'***************************************** CONDITIONSpermit #: D9?-0023 as of ll/03/97 status: rssuED******************************************************************************** Permit.Type: DgIg: oF PART/ALL BUDG. applied: ro/3L/tgg7Applicant: KREDTET G JoHi,l t c F cAprrAL iieued: to/st/tsszTo Expirez 0a/29/t998 ilob Address:Location: 226 FOREST RDParcel No: 2101-021-15-016 Description: KREDIET RESIDENCE DEMO Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BESTARIED.2. FTETJD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE. ************************ TOVTN OF VAIL, COLORADO* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * !t * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * *Statennt Number: REC-03S5 Amount: 56.00 lL/03/97 L5247Payment Method: CK Notation: #1885 lhit: JRM Permit No: D97-0023 Type: A-DEMO DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUParcel No! 2101-071-15-016Site Address: 226 FOREST RDLocation: 226 FOREST RD This Payment Total Fees:56.00 Tot,al ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Account Code Description o **************************** o ************ Statennt s6.00 56 .00 .00 BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII.,DING PERMIT FEESDR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW F'EESPF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CHECK FEESvlc 00100003112800 wrrt cALrJ rNspEcTroN FEE Amount 20 .00 20 .00 13.00 3 .00 )*Concact Eagle Couirty'at 970-328-8640 for n"""""ore f 1"u Patcel- -ll ; , TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION D/ET- Address: PERIIIT # ):PARCEL llrJ/_81_:'"*#r{,W#I_ FoR}t ( <1,q / - a oo7 [ ]-Bull-dingr J l-plurnbing [ ]-Electricat [ ]_Mechanibal 7,4-otner-.Dnaz.2o.u Job Nane: t(F--' -T Z?'fSt.- .-= Job Addressz .CRZ Fae=, 4.a_, Legat Descriptionz LoL11l6 ./rrock-L FiLL"s ***rrr^,l/a,, 14r. , Z owners Name: EI,,ECTRICAL: $ Mechanical Co Address: ** ** *** * ** ** *_* * * ** * * BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEEs MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE3 OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: r&0I 3.t rseT To\"rn of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Tolrir of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: R oFFIcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLIIMBING PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDINT;3 SIGNATURR; ZONING: STGNATURE: Architect: 7^- - Address: %-Ph. ceneraL Description: Work Class: [ ]-Nevr [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ 3lnepair &o*.rD*,*ao_ Nurnber of Dwelling Units z /Nurnber of Accommodation Units: cas Logs-- Wood/pel1etI)pmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancest r**.{******..#&? uo"uorro*,f***.r.******Jr****r ************* ******.**** ***** ** * * *fa>'tP 4 OI'IIER: + *ToTAL:$.- ******t .******************** Town of Vait_ psg. No.3qj-gPhone Number: ZA-EQA-_/n 2q-b?Town of Vai] Req. No.Phone Nrrmber: Plunbing Address: BUILDING: $ INFORMATION VALUATION /e.e- b Conn{.CLEAII UP I}EPOSIT REFIIND lIO: TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8l-657 97 0-47 9-21 38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES PUBLIC WAY PERMIT Pernit #: PW97_OOO3 Job Addressz 226 FOREST RDLocation...: THE HOME WILIJ STAY IN THEParceL No. .: 2I0I-07 L-15-016 Status... ! ISSUED SAME LOCATION ANAppIied. .,A0z /04 /1997Issued...: 02/2s/1997Expires. . : 02/25/7998 APPLICANT LONG'S EXCAVATION, INC.P O BOX 894/ AVON CO, BLASTING PERMTTCoNTRACTOR LONG'S EXCAVATTONT INC.P O BOX 894, AVON CO, BLASTING PERMITOWNER KREDTET G JOHN 8 C F CAPITAIJ CORPORATION, ONE LANDMARK SQUARE 18TH Description: MAJOR REMODEL AND NEW GARAGE. Phone z 3039494682rrLL 3/96 81620 Phone: 3039494682rrLL 3/96 81520 FL, STAMFORD CT 06901 ***************************************************t*******F EE SUl.lltARY *i******************************************************** Publ. i c Uay---> Investigation> Bond Amount--> TOTAL FEES---> 75.00 .00 75.00 BALANCE DUE--_-- 75.00 \ .00 ******************************************************************#************************************************i************* Item3 .05500 PUBLIC WORKS02/04/1997 LARRY P Action: APPR LpItem:' 05550 ENGINEERING Dept: PUB WORK Division:- CostDept: ENGINEER Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. lryIg puBl,rc wAy PERMTT rs oNLI: OqD FOR SITE ACCESS, yOUwrLL NEED TO_qOryE IN AFTER ApRrL 1s, AND iAXe Ooi-A'NEW-PUBLIC WAY PERMIT FOR ALL YOUR UTILTTI- WON(.-_ *******************************************************t**********************ft************************************************* DECLARATIONS I certify that I have read att chapters of ritte 1u-str.of the vail. unicipal. code and att util,ity company agreements/ signedby me, and witl, abide by the same, and that al,L util.itiied as reouired.Pubtic tlorks wit[ have a spec/detaiI book avail,abte in Aprit of 1995. REOUESTS FORADVANCE_BN TELEPH INSPECT]qN$ SLIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ****sF AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCE-rn6la--a100-'fur-ro 5:00 pM OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR H 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 Junc 23. 1997 Bob Zccb Zccb Construction P.O. Box 1997 Avon, Co. tll620 Rc. Krcdict Rcsidcncc, 226 Forcst Rd. Vail, Co. D epartment of Comrnunity Deve loprnent Mr. Bob Zccb, Building Pcrmit #897-0009 is hcreby rcvokcd. The pcrmit has bccn rcvokcd for thc following rcasons: l. Violations of conditions #6 of thc building pcrmit which statcs: Thc main structual clcmcnts of thc cxisting housc that form thc pcrimctcr, or cxtcrior structual walls of thc unit, may not bc dcmolishcd or altcrcd. and must rcmain in placc throughout thc rcrnodcl proccss. 2. Thc work bcing donc at 226 Forcst Rd. is not in accordancc with thc Town of Vail approvcd building pcrmit plans, datcd 2-25-97. No work maybc pcrformcd on this propcrty until thc Town of Vail has issucd an activc building pcrmit. Should you havc any qucstions, plcasc oontact us. Sinccrcly Town of Vail Building Official 479-2321 cc: Bob Mclaurin Tom Moorhead Laurcn Watcrton {S *r"r"uor*"* boyle engineering, inc. crossro€ds shopping center 143 e. meadorr' dd\€ suite 390 vail. colorado 81657 9701476-2110 tax9701476-4383 June22, 1997 Mr. Dan Stanick Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75. S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Krediet Residence 226 Forest Road Vail, Colorado Dear Dan: As you know, I have made a physical inspection ofthe temporarily shored residence at the above noted address. The purpose of this visit was to determine if the current situation is safe. This is a summary of my findings. The building is a simple gable residential structure that measures 24'by 36', It is two stories tall and approximately 18' in height at the side walls. It is currently supported 9' above the existing grade. The support system consists of two Wl2 x 120 wide flange beams spaced approximately 16' apart. These beams are directly under the first floor joists approximately 4' in from the side walls of the structure. These beams are supported a few feet in from their ends by timber cribs and shims. This is a typical system used by house movers. The gravity loads from this building bear at three locations. These are the two side walls and a central interior bearing wall. With the current shoring configuration, the first floor joists cantilever over the steel beams to support the dead loads at the side walls. Similarly, these joists work in a cantilever fashion to carry the interior bearing line. The two runs ofjoists are spliced under this line, so a small amount of continuity is achieved by this lap. Since the building loads are dead loads only at this time, I feel that this shoring system is safe for the Summer. However, I would be concerned with this system if any live loads were to be applied to the building. Therefore, I suggest that this system be reevaluated and revised if this situation continues past the end of August. A late Summer or Autumn snow fall could easily add 15 to 20 pounds per square foot to the roof, which could cause the first floor joists to be over stressed and fail. The likely revision would be to move the two existing steel beams to a location under the side walls, and add a third beam line under the centerline ofthe buildine. We also discussed wind loading on this structure during our inspection. I have run calculations on the dead load of the building versus potential uplift due to wind loading, and determined that no hold downs are required. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions or comments on this matter. Mr.Dm Stanick Jloaen,1997 Page-2 61i,'#'.'gs':.i'.;i!:;:f4'F'"':{rA)lraobh ':-. ffi:.'il.s"S I ZEEB C0I'JSIFUCTIIN,lNC, Avon, Box 1997 Colorado 81620 303-949-3292 Much24.1997 Dan Stanek. Town of Vail Lauren E. Waterton, Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: Krediet Residence 226 Forest Road Vail. CO 81657 As you know, Zeeb Construction, Inc. has been awarded the bid to rebuild or remodel the Krediet residence, referenced above, and is cunently under contract to perform the work of construction. In regard to that construction, I furd that I am caught between the requirements of the building department and the conflicting requisites of the Planning and Zoning Commission. In the past, I have always diligently complied with any and all conditions set forth by the Planning and Zoning Commission. In the 25 years I have been building in the Vail Valley, I have, however, never before been confronted with a situation quite like this, where compliance with the Commission's requirements would be adverse to the best interest of all involved. includine the Town of Vail and the adiacent neighbors. Out of concem for the mutual welfare of all parties, I have retained an independent engineer to evaluate both the proposed project and the existing structure. I have further asked of the engineering consultant to help me formulate a plan to reasonably comply with the Town's codes and concerns. Enclosed for your review, please find a copy of MJ Mueller Company's report, detailing its findings. Sadly, it appears that the only resonable ways to proceed with the project of construction is either to demolish the existing structure in stages or else, more efficiently, to completely demolish the existing building. The latter altemative runs contrary to the conditions imposed upon the project by the Planning and Zoning Commission and, I believe, unfairly burdens the homeowner, Mr. Krediet. Too, the conditions unfairly and unnecessarily burden the adjacent homeowners. If we are relieved of these burdensome requirements and are allowed to Dan Stanek, Town of Vail Lauren E. Waterton. Town Planner March24, 1997 Page Two proceed with total demolition, we would thereby minimize any and all impacts upon the nearby exi sting residences. Additionally, if we are to proceed under the "makeshift" requirements imposed, I am genuinely fearful for the safety and welfare of my workers. Further, I fear that if an injury were to occur, that the Town itself my be brought into an action. I feel that the more reasonable and prudent approach would be to consider this project on its own unique merits and subject to its own unique deficits. I believe that this more well-reasoned approach would lead any fair-minded person to conclude that total demolition would have by far less impact upon the community, contribute significantly to the safety and welfare of the workers and serve Mr. Krediet more fairly. I assure you that with the aid of a competent surveyor, we can locate the new residence in precisely the same spot upon which the existing structure now resides. In so doing, we would be in full compliance with all relevant planning and zoning requirements. Please consider that any and all delays contribute significantly to Mr. Krediet's costs, as well as to Zeeb Construction's bottom line. Accordingly, may I respectfully implore you to contact me at your earliest convenience so we may discuss a mutually saisfactory resolution to the unfortunate set of circumstanc€s as thev now exist. Rohn K. Robbins, Esq. Rebecca Givens, Esq. John Krediet the mj mueller co., inc. 21 March 1997 Mr. Robert Zeeb ZEEB CONSTRUCTION, INC. PO Box 1997Avon, Colorado 8l-620 Subject: Construction Feasibility Inspection THE KREDIET RESIDENCE226 Forest RoadVaJ-l, Colorado Dear Bob: At your reguest, this office has conducted a visual inspection ofthe. exi.sting structure of the above referenced prolect, andreviewed conEtruction documents ae prepared by steven Jimes Ridendated l--31--97 and approved by ttre Torren of vair cornmunityDeveropment.Depart,nent, for_the_proposed renodel . The purpose oithe inspection and plan review is to determine the feasl-uiiity orthe proposed renodel with respect to the present condition of-theexisting structure and approvar conditions of the Town of Vair.The drlnrrarl has been removed frorn the upper two levels of thestructure for visual inspection. The following itens are to benoted: a)CONDTTION OF EXISTING STRUCTT'RE The existing building was constructed in or around 1963, andwas constructed in accordance with the building codes asadopted at that time. The i_991 ltniforn Building Code aspresently adopted by the Town of vail Building Department issignificantly nore consciences of life-safety itens, than thecode that the original buildJ-ng was eonstructed under. As anexarnple, the desigm snow load was 40 psf, the present desigmsnow load is 80 psf. Many areas of structural distress havebeen exposed in the existing roof framing system, includingthe roof supporting structure down through the building.Inadequate 2x4 exterior waII construction, substandaiddiaphragm insulation, failed framing details, and undersizedstructural menbers are some of the other najor concerns withthis existing structure that wirr require strusturar review.The engineer-of-record and the general contractor mustcoordinate the extent of structural upgrade that will be civil architectural and structural engineering a p.o. box2747 vail, colorado 81658 476-2627 476-2637 lF/Xl Page 2Mr. Robert Zeeb2L lltarch l-997 b) required by the Town of VaLl Building Department for tlrisparticular project, if a partial remodel is-to be compLeted. APPROVED BUII,DTNG CONCEPT The existing structure is a 3-story wood framed buildingbearLng upon a poured-in-place conciete foundation with ;slab-on-grade walkout bagement level . The approved proposedstructure is a 2-story wood framed buildinq, sith -all thefloors at elevations different than the original floorelevations. The basement sl-ab-on-grade floor elevation hasbeen dropped 2 feet further into the.ground than presentlyexists- The exterior fLnlshes inc]-uding but not llnitecl t6window units and their .locations, stone ffidp, siding, rooffascia, etc. are aII being removed and upgrahed. Conaition#5 of the Planning and Environmental Comrnission approval ofthe front setback variance for this proposed reuodel , statesthat, rrThe nain structural elements of the existing house ttratform the perimeter, or exterior structural_ wa1ls of tne unit,may not be demolished or altered, and muat renain in-placithroughout the remodel process.rr APPROVED BUII-,DING PROCESS The building process for this remodel , when following theapproval conditions mentioned above, requires that all theelenents of the existing structure be temporarily supportedwhile each structural element beneath is repfacea orreinforced. condition #5 is nearly inpossible to cohforn withsince the floors are being moved to different erevations,portions of the exterior wal1s will have to be replaced tomaintain walr continuity from floor to floor. ThJ rowerinqof the basement fl-oor requires that the existing foundatioiwaIl be segmentally underpinned to rnaintain the existingfoundation system. The uodificatlon of the interior flooierevations causes the degree of conplexity and difficulty intlris reuodel to increase dramatically. $lhen such a scop6 ofremodel in the interior structure occurs, it is an indirstrystandard and generarry- nore realistic, to consider the optionof conplelely. rebuilding the entire structure. Especiltty,when considering th,e overall condition of this existingstructure. In conclusion, it is the oplnion of thls office, that the proposedrenoder could be more, effectively accompristred if the buirding wereconpletery denolished and rebuilt in the exact sane position is the c) Page 3l.lr. Robert Zeeb 21 Uarch 1-997 existing. building. A local- surveyor .could be retained to verJ_fythe exact loeation of the existing building, correct placement oithe new building before pouring- the con6iete footfngs, Uetorepouring the concrete foundation walIs, and after conptetidn of theroof framJ.ng. Tle n9w Jruilding _can be constructed more safely,quickly, cost-effectJ-vely, and in conplete compliance with tf,6present 1991 UBC as adopted by the Torm of Vail, than the proposedremodeL of the existing buitding. potential gl-te concernJ suLh asbedrock and groundwater can be addressed more properly when theelisting building has begn conpletely renoved. ghe overatl qual_ityof the. completed .project, .will be increased by conptetetyrebuilding the original buitding, rather ttran compleling a-piecelby-piece remodel of the existing building. This office was not involved with the design, p1annS_ng, or approvalprocess with respect to this project. rtre involvement of trrtsoffice regardJ-ng the feasibility of the proposed remodel , does notin any rrray warr€rnty the architecture or engj-neerinE represented inthe construction documents, or insure compliance with any past orpresent building or zoning codes. lthe arbhitecture ana engineeringrepresented_ in the construction documents are the responsiblrittof the architect-of-record and the engineer-of-record. If you have eny questions regarding this inspection and report, orrequire additional services, please contact this office at thephone number shown on the cover sheet. Sincerely yours, THE MJ ![UErr,r:R INC. Uark ,t. President cci l,[r. Dan Stanek-Town of vail Bullding offlcial 468IU ffiro rll't ??:a+,T ,_Ia1L.r:;ffi*.'.qi"* _ =-- HrrFobu tu? /Zt/gg 1I: ZI t1970 02s5 hdrhl}DrpbfG Nltcc0G &d{,I 4,. lnthr EI,ElYAfi}RP, .hlH{!. %4= .. ,,_-_ ' l0,rrrtrt.{rblhdtdtlF-hrt-lbrtir. eillt-r----rrllr:rr -lr*-EEtElrE--r1q = --r-rr!trrll-:iD=-tr:.- -JE.'--eiE-rlIbrt-*rt-!fc*, t|rrdsrfflrED t|r:tdc r} xtumr^ri Tm{rrrir*:-f-rt-rlr-I'l-lt-d 3rq !BO,D d rEr --St0.s0or:ttlmDo?rl& - DLO F $.o Grdtt$|!r!&eruindoo hfr.rrFrr.rblrrr.DldHtrt-imndtr-Dt[O:Erlnifd--EnirFtt0tbd$rnDrffimorilxni I^n rla'EA'ftfl:ttrc&rDqrrfI-rIre.tIIltdfEr.TfSCt--Dila&A-iIb11613O& vAurruf $11,155.00 r* fbrr- + U l!!tu n rl ff tl nr rarrt Obilr hrl dt:ffi lb il b rrr - iilogG r rch'd iFd, arrCr+* rrt!l!!lrb |rFOE h Fr r t'tr rAr r rr."[* n *-l{||Ur itFooe. **************************************************r*********************** rnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamer, MN *Copyrlght (c) 1990 Version !.7 **************************************************************************** HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY * JOb NAME: KREDTET RESIDENCE* Location= 22G FOREST RD* VAIL CO* Installer,/* Cont,racLor: GUARANTEED P&H INC OUTDOOR DESTGN TEMP: -20 deq. F. Page 1 * 4/20/98 * 12:58 pm * * : ==============TOTAL TNFLOOR HEAT: 1_I295j BTU/hrTOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT: 82000 BTU/hr ==========noomlzonel I n._.-n"o"i-r"A# | # lRoomName laruTiii-iaiuihi7"q. it. ? | ? lYM!I?1rH ' ;oiil ;;'.;I | ? ly$TER__cLosEr_rIALL | ;i;;l i;:;! | I lSIIgtIN I eg;;l ;;:;: I l lP]rlrqrgeM | ;i;;l ;;'.;f I 1l LrvrNGRooM | rci+e | ;6:;.7 | : l!rylo9M3 | 6tgal ;;'.e.t | ? llArH3 | t8;il i;:;: | ! lENrRy | -o;3 1 ;i'.i19 | 7lBEDROoM2 | +ezlI za'.,11 | 7lBArH2 | 264 | -i.i \? | g lBEDRooMr | 6620 1 zi.z _13 | 8lBArHl | 264 I i.r\t I s lREcRooM I r:resl zo.e1s | 10 | LocKER ROOM | +eos I n.zr_6 | 10 | LAUITDRY ROOM I +oeo I zo.tr7 I 11 | CARETAKER I zgss I ze.s18 | a2 I srAIR wELL | _+s I _0.+*1e I 13 | GARAGE I rr:zs I zz.t * room requires suppl_emental heaL #flffifb.oPv ilm 'ilt{t' t', ll .lo.. ,i ,,-i {,l ************************************************************************** rnfl-oor sysEem sizing program by Gyp-crete corporaLi-on, Hamel , MN ** Copyrighr (cj 1990 Version I.7 **************************************************************************** * ** Inst.aller,/* Contract.or: GUARANTEED p&H INC Room: 1 Zone: 1 MASTER BEDROOM HEATING REQUIREMENTS SIJMMARY Job Name: KREDIET RESTDENCELocation; 226 FOREST RDVAIL CO Page 2 * * 4/20/98 * 12:58 pm * * * Ceiling R-VaIue Wal-l- 1 R-Value Wal-I 2 R-Val,ueWall 3 R-Value Window 1 R-Value Window 2 R-Va1ue Window 3 R-VaIueDoor 2 R-Val-ueFloor R-ValueCarpet R-ValueCarpet Pad R-ValueFloor Cov. R-ValueIndoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Heated Floor Area: Room Volume :Heat Reguired: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Ceiling R-Val_ue:WaIl 1 R-VaLue:Wall 2 R-Value: Window 1 R-Value: Window 2 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Deoth: 40 .00 12.00 12.00 12.00 3.s0 3 .502 trn 3.00 24.00 0.78 u -oz 1. 8570 deg. F. 0 .00226.0 sq. ft.3160.0 cu. ft. s889 BTU/hr83.0 deg. F.0.75 in. 40.00 12.00 12.00 3 .50 3 .50 Q.22 1n Aan Er,v sv:J. r. 0.00 78.1 deg. F.0.75 in. Ceiling Area Wall_ 1 Area Wal-1 2 AreaWall 3 Area Window l_ Area Window 2 Area Wi_ndow 3 AreaDoor 2 AreaFloor AreaCarpet AreaCarpet pad AreaE'l nnr /aarra*i -^ A1. gaAir Changes per HourExL. Room PerimeterTube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat ProvidedBTU/hrlsq. fr. ReqMax Slab Temperature Ceiling Area:Wal1 1 Area:Wall 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room PerimeEer: Tube Coverage Area:Spln'ntl Heat Provided: BTII/hrlsc fl- Ferr.4e. .\sY rMax Slab Temperalure: 225 .0 sq. ft .'l ?tr O err €r- Efl O <rr Fl-vvtv u\4. !et rr rr al C/'Y tl. A O qrr Fr 76.0 sq. fr..100.0 sg. ft.45.0 sq. ft.108.0 sq. ft -226.0 sq. ft.226.0 sq. f t.226.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fr.200.0 sq. ft.4000 BTU/hr zo . L 131-.5 deg. F. ROOM: 2 Zone: 2 MASTER BATH Heated Floor Area: 310.0 sq. ft Room Volume: 3100.0 cu. ftHeat Required: 5012 BTU/hr 310 .0 sq.79.0 sq.139.0 sg.35.0 sg.14.0 sg.310.0 sq. n n fr- 250.0 sq.n R.FI T /hr LO-Z81.5 deg. fr.fr.ft.ft.fr.fr. ft,. F. ************************************************************************** Infloor System Sj"zing program by cyp_CreLe Corporation, Hamel , MN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *l?flr]?l:. i :l - 1 ???.. - - * * * * * * * * * *. -Y:::l:l. 1; l. i * "EATING REQUIREMENTS SWMARY page 3 * * Job Name: KREDTET RESIDENCE* IrocaEton: 226 FOREST RD* VAIL CO Ceiling R-VaIue WaLL l R-Value Window 1 R-ValueCarpet R-ValueCarpet Pad R-Va1ueFloor Cov. R-Valuefndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-ValueHeated FLoor Area Room Volume Heat. ReguiredMax FIr Srfc Temp:Tube Depth: Wal-l 1 R-Va1ue Wal_l 2 R-Va1ueWaLl 3 R-Value Window 1 R-Value Wi-ndow 2 R-Va1ue Wlndow 3 R-ValueDoor 2 R-ValueFloor Cov. R-Valuefndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-Val_ueHeated Fl_oor Area Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 40 .00 12 .00 3.50 0.78 v . oz 1.85 70 deg. F. 0.00255.0 sq. fr.2560.0 cu. ft.. 5J-55 rJlU/nr76.2 deg. F.u. /5 :-n- Ceiling Area: WaI1 1 Area: Window 1 Area:Carpet .A,rea:Carpet Pad Area:Floor Covering Area:Aj-r Changes per Hour:Ext. Room perimet,er: Tube Coverage Area :Splmntl Heat provided: BTU/hrlsq. fr. Req:Max Slab Temperature: WaII 1 Area Wa11 2 AreaWall- 3 Area Window 1 Area Window 2 Area Window 3 AreaDoor 2 AreaFloor Coveri-ng AreaAir Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter:Tube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat. provided Btu/hrlsg- fr. ReqMax Slab Temperature 4/20/98 * 12:58 pm * * ?E6 O crr ft- 101.0 sq. fE.24.0 sq. fr.255.0 sq. ft.255.0 sq. ft.255.0 sq. ft. U..'n n fr- 225.O sq. fE.o RTrr/hr 12.3 99 . l- deg. F. 167.0 sq-189.0 sg. 100 . 0 sq. l-3 . 0 sq.18.0 sq-27.0 sq.24.0 sq.298.0 sq. 0.3n /.\ t.-v - v J-L.250.0 sg.0 BTU/hr 23.085.5 deg. fE.ft.ft.fr.fr.fc.fr. fE. fE. F. * Installer,/* Cont,racTor: GUARANTEED P&H INc ROOM: 3 ZONE: 2 MASTER CLOSET-}IALL ROom: 4 Zone: 3 KTTCHEN 12.00 12.00'J-2.00 3 .50 3.50 3.50 3.00 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00298.0 sq. Room Volume: 2980.0 cu.Heat Required: 6863 BTU/hr fE.fr. 81 .5 deg. F.0.75 in. **************************************************i*********************** rnfroor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamel , MN ** Copyrighl (cj 1990 Verslon r../ **************************************************************************** * * * ** Installer/* ConLraclor: GUARANTEED P&H INC HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY JOb Name: KREDTET RESIDENCELocation:, 226 FOREST RDVAIL CO Page 4 * * 4/20/98 * 12:58 pm * * * * Room: 6 Zonet 4 LIVING ROOM Wa]I 1 R-Val_ue hlall_ 2 R-Value Window l- R-Value Window 2 R-ValueDoor 2 R-Va1ueCarpet R-Value CarpeE Pad R-Va]ueFloor Cov. R-Val_ueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-Va1ueHeat.ed Floor Area Room Volume Heat. Required Max Flr Srfc Temp Tube Depth: 12.00 12 .00 3.s0 3 .50 3 .00 0.78 v . oz 0.2270 deg. F.0.00300.0 sq. fr.3000.0 cu. fr.t+2, tJL'u/ nt82.4 deg. F.0.75 in. WaII 1 Area:Wal1 2 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area:Door 2 Area:Carpet Area:Carpet. Pad Area:Fl-oor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat provided: BTU/hrlsq. fL. Req:Max Slab TemperaCure: Ceiling Area Wal_l 1 .Area Wal_l 2 Area Wal-l 3 Area Window 1 Area Window 2 Area Window 3 AreaDoor 1 AreaFloor AreaCarpet AreaCarpet Pad AreaFloor Covering AreaAir Changes pei HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat ProvidedBTU/hrlsq. ft. Req Max Sl-ab Temperature L05.0 sq. ft-89.0 sq. fc.85.0 sq. ft.72.0 sq. ft..24.0 sq. ft.300.0 sq. ft. 300 . 0 sq. ft. .300.0 sq. ft. 0.3 /1 N .FLv.l,J J_L.275.O sq. ft.o P,TrT/hr 24 .8117.0 deg. F. CeiJ-ing R-ValueWaII 1 R-Vafue Wa11 2 R-Value Wa11 3 R-Value Windo$r l- R-Val-ue Window 2 R-VaIue Window 3 R-VaIueDoor 1 R-VaLueFloor R-Va1ue CarpeL R-Val-ueCarpet Pad R-ValueFloor Cov. R-Val-ueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat. Required Max Flr Srfc Temp Tube Depth 40.00 t_2.00 12.00 12.00?. q,n 3 .50 3 .50 3.00 24.00 0.78 u.6z J-.t'070 deg. F. 0 .00 500 .0 sq. ft . 7500 .0 cu. ft . LO248 BTU/hr80.2 deg. F. 0 .75 in. 500 .0 sq. fL .177.0 sq. ft.111.0 sq. ft.310.0 sq. f t.. 29 .0 sq. ft. 225 .O sq. f E. 67 .5 sq. ft. .88.0 sq. fE.210.0 sq. fr.500.0 sq. ft.500.0 sq. ft.500.0 sq. ft. 0.3n n €Fvrv r-L,450.0 sq. ft. l-0000 BTU/hr zv . ) l-18 .4 deg. r. ************************************************************************** rnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporat.ion, Hamer, MN ** copyrighl (cj 1990 versj_on r.7 **************************************************************************** * * * * * Ceiling R-VaIue:WaIl 1 R-Value:Wall 2 R-Va1ue:WalI 3 R-Val-ue: Window 1 R-Val_ue: Window 2 R-Value: Window 3 R-VaLue:Carpet R-Val_ue: Carpet. Pad R-Value:FLoor Cov- R-Value:Tndoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Ceiling R-Va1ue:Wall 1 R-Value:Wall 2 R-Value: Window 1 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 40 .00 12.00 1.) nn 12.00 ? qn 1 qn 3.50 o -78 o .62 1. 8570 deg. F. 0.00 82.B deg. F. 0 .75 in. 40.00 1"2.00 12.00 3 . s0 0.2270 deg. F. 0.00 79.8 deg. F. 0 .75 in. Ceiling Area Wal_l_ 1 Area Wal_L 2 AreaWaIl 3 Area Window 1 Area Window 2 Area Window 3 AreaCarpet AreaCarpet Pad AreaFloor Covering AreaAir Changes per Hour:Exe. Room perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat. Provided:BTu,zhrlsq. ft. Req:Max Slab Temperature: Ceiling Area:WalI 1 AreaWall 2 Area Window l- AreaFl-oor Coverinq AreaAir Changes per Hour: ExE.. Room Perimet.er: Tube Coverage Area: Splmnt.l- Heat Provi-ded:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Page U : 4/20/9A * 12:58 pm * 250.0 sq. ft.100.0 sg. fE.240.0 sq. ft.25.0 sg. fr.24.0 sq. ft.120.0 sq. fr.60.0 sq. ft.250.0 sq. fr.250.0 sq. ft.250.0 sq. ft.0.30.0 fr.225.0 sq. ft. 3000 BTU/hr 25 .6l-30.3 deg. F. 146.0 sq.115.0 sq.79.0 sq-17.0 sq.146.0 sq. 0.30.0 fr- l-00 . 0 sq.0 BTU/hr rv .584.1 deg. HEATING REQUIREMENTS STIMMARY JOb Name: KREDIET RESIDENCELocaEion: 226 FOREST RDVAIL CO* Tnqt-rl Iarl+--veE44v!/ ** ConLracLor: GUARANTEED P&H INc * Room: 7 Zone: 5 BEDROOM 3 HeaEed Floor Area: 250-0 sq. ft.Room Volume: 25OO.O cri. ft.Heat Required: G388 BTU/hr Room: I Zone: 5 BATH 3 ft.fr.fr.fr.fr. fr.Heated Floor Area: 14G.0 sq. ft. Room Volume: ;-.460.0 cu. ft.Heat. Required: 2851 BTU/hr F. * * Install-er,/* Contractor: GUARANTEED p&H INC HEATING REQUIREMENTS ST]MMARY JOb NAME: KREDIET RESTDENCELocation 226 FOREST RDVAIL CO Heated Floor Area: 245.0 sq. ft.Room Volume: 24SO.O cu. tt.HeaE Required: 6043 BTU/hr Slall l- R-Value: Wal-l 2 R-Va1ue: Wal-l 3 R-Value: Window 1 R-Va1ue: Window 3 R-Value:Door 2 R-Value:Carpet R-Value: CarpeE Pad R-Value:Floor Cow. R-VaLue:Indoor Design Temp:SIab Edge R-Value: Max Flr Srfc Temp: T\rbe Depth: WaII 1 R-Va1ueWaIl 2 R-Value Window 2 R-Value Door 2 R-Va1ueCarpet R-ValueCarpet Pad R-ValueFloor Cov. R-Va1ueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Floor Cov. R-VaIue:fndoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Heat.ed Floor Area: Room Volume:Heat Required: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: 12 .00 12.00 12.00 3. s0 3.50 3 .00 0.78 v . oz 0.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 82.3 deg. F. 0 .75 in. 30.00 12.00 3.s0 3 .00 0.78 u . oz 1.8670 deg. F. 0 .00 185 .0 sq. Room Volume: 1850.0 cu.Heat Resuired: 4823 BTU/hr fr.fr. 83 .0 deg. F.0.75 in. 0.2270 deg. F. 0.0052.0 sq. ft. 6?O O nrr fF 264 BTU/hr72.5 deg. F.0.75 in. ************************************************************************** rnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamel , IvlN ** copyright (cj t-990 version r.7 **************************************************************************** Dana e * * +/zo/ga * 12:58 pm * * x * Room:9Zone:6ENTRY Room: 10 Zone: 7 BEDROOM 2 WaII 1 Area:WaI] 2 Area: Wal1 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 3 Area:Door 2 Area : Carpec Area: Carpet. Pad Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area :Splmntl Heat. provided: BTU/hrlsq. fr. Req:Max Sl-ab Temperature: Wa1l 1 Area Wall- 2 Area Window 2 AreaDoor 2 Area Carpet. AreaCarpet Pad AreaFloor Covering AreaAir Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage AreaSp1firnt.l Heat ProvidedBTU/hrlsq. ft. Req Max Sl-ab Temperature Floor Covering Area:Ai-r Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimeter:Tube Coverage Area:Splmnt.l HeaL Provided: BTIJ/l;,r/ sq. f t. . Req: Max Slab Temperature : 151 .0 sq. ft .40.0 sq. ft.78.0 sg. ft.19.0 sq. fr.71.0 sq. ft.24.0 sq. fr. )44 O qa ft- 245.0 sq. ft.245-0 sq. fr.0.3 n n fFv.\J r_t_.200.0 sq. fr.0 BI'U/hr24.7 L1-6.9 deg. F. 270 - 0 sq.51.0 sq.49.0 sq.52.0 sq.185.0 sq. 185 . 0 sq.185.0 sq.n? 0.0 fr.150.0 sq.0 BTU/hr zo.L L3l, .5 deg. ft.fL.fr.fr.fr.fr.fL. fr. F. 52.0 sq. ft. 0.3 4O O crr ft- n RTTT/hr f-r73.7 deg. F. Room: 11 Zone: 7 BATH 2 * * WalI L R-Value Wal-l 2 R-ValueWalL 3 R-Value Window 3 R-VaIueDoor 2 R-ValueCarpet R-ValueCarpet Pad R-VaIueFloor Cov. R-ValueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-ValueHeated Floor Area Room VolumeHeat Required Max Flr Srfc TempTube Depth Floor Cov. R-VaIue :Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Val-ue: Heat.ed Floor Area: Room Volume :Heat Required: Max FIr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: WalL l_ R-VaIueWa]] 2 R-ValueWaII 3 R-Val-ue Door 3 R-Va1ueFloor R-Value Carpet R-Va1ueCarpet Pad R-ValueFloor Cov- R-Va1ueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-Va1ue Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max F1r Srfc Temp Tube Depth 30.00 12 .00 12.00 3 .50 3.00 0.78 0 .62 1. 8570 deg. F. 0 .00253.0 sq. z55U . U CU. 6620 BTU/hr 83 .1 deg.0.75 in. HEATTNG REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY JOb Name: KREDIET RESIDENCELocation:, 226 FOREST RDVAIL CO fr.fr. F. o.22 70 deg. F. 0.00 52 .0 sq. ft. .520.0 cu. fE.26a BTU/hr72.5 deg. F. u. /5 l-n. 30 .00 30 .00 30.00 3 .00 7 .50 0 .78 v.oz o.22 70 deg. F. 0 .00 634 .0 sq. ft . 5000 . 0 cu. fE . l-3185 BTU/hr80.4 deg. F.0.75 in. ************************************************************************** rnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-cret.e corporation, Hamel , MN ** copyrighl (cl 1990 version 1.7 **************************************************************************** Page 7 * * 4/20/98 * 12:58 pm * * Tncf rl larl t** ConLracLor: GUAR.ANTEED P&H INC * ==========Room: 12 Zone: 8 BEDROOM 1 WaLI 1 AreaWall 2 AreaWaIl 3 Area Window 3 Area Door 2 AreaCarpet AreaCarpet Pad AreaFloor Covering AreaAir Changes per HourExt. Room Perimet.erTube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. fr. Req:Max SLab TemperaEure: Room: 13 Zone: 8 BATH 1 Floor Cowerinq Area:Air Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat Provided R'l-II/hrlc.r ff Pa.t!L. r\gYMax Slab TemperaEure Room: 14 Zone: 9 REC ROOM 280.0 sq. ft.109.0 sq. ft.l-10.0 sq. ft..39.0 sq. ft.71.0 sq. ft.253.0 sq. ft.253.0 sq. ft. ?E? O crr FF 0.30.0 fr.225.0 sq- ft.0 BTU/hr 26-z131.7 deg. F. 52.0 sq. ft. 0.30.0 fr.50.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr f,.r73.7 deg. F. Wall 1 Area Wal_l 2 Area WaLI 3 Area Door 3 AreaF]oor Area Carpet. Area Carpet. Pad AreaFLoor Covering AreaAir Changes per HourExE. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage AreaSplmntl Heat ProvidedBTU/hrlsq. ft. Req Max SIab TemperaEure 202 .0 225 .01q4 rl 24.0 534 .0 634 .0 634 .0 534.0 0.30.0 600.0 UIJ 20.8 IUY .5 sg. ft.(1.. f t- q.r f|--.1.q.r ff-.1.q.Y ft a.r f t-v\r.. v\r.. D\i. !t-. fL. e\:l.TE/hr deg. F. Heated Floor Area: 240.0 sq. ft.Room Volume: 24OO.O cu. ft.Heat Required: 4605 BTU/hr WaIl 1- R-Value:Floor R-Val_ue:F]oor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Val_ue: Max Fl-r Srfc Temp:'nrbe DeDth: WaII 1 R-VaIue:Wa1l 2 R-Value:Fl-oor R-Value:Fl-oor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Val-ue:Heated FLoor Area: Max F1r Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: WalI 1 R-Value Wa1l 2 R-Va1ueWalI 3 R-Value Window 1 R-VaIue Window 2 R-VaIue Window 3 R-ValueDoor L R-VaLueCarpet R-VaLue Carpet, Pad R-ValueFloor Cov. R-Va1ueIndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-Value Heated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required Max Flr Srfc Temp Tube Depth Room Volume: 1950.0 cu.Heat. Requi-red: 4040 BTU/hr 30 .00 7.50 o.2270 deg. F. 0 .00 '7Q A rlan E' u. /5 l_n. 30.00 30 .00 7 .50 0.22 7 O dozr 0 .00 195 .0 sq.fE.ft. 80.4 deg. F. 0 .75 in. 12 .00 12 .00 12 .00 3 .50 3 .50 3.s0 3.00 0 .78 0.62 1 .8670 deg. F. 0 .00300.0 sq. fr.0.0 cu. ft.7955 BTU/hr83.3 deg. F- 0 .75 in. F. ************************************************************************** rnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamel , MN ** Copyright (c) 1990 Version L..7 ***************************************************************************** HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY paqe 8 * *. -J- ** Job Name: KREDIET RESIDENCE 4/20/9g ** Location: 226 FOREST RD 12:58 Dm ** vArL co ----- r"' ** Installer,/* ConLTacToT: GUARANTEED P&H INC * Room: 15 Zone: 10 LOCKER ROOM Wa1I l- Area: 229 . O sq,Floor Area: Z+O. O sd.Floor Cowering Area: ZeO.O sd.Air Changes per Hour: 0.3Ext. . Room Perimeter: 0 .0 ft .Tube Cowerage Area: 200.0 sq.Splmnt1 Heat provided: O eTu/hrBTu/hrlsq. f r . Req :, 19 .2Max Slab Temperature: g3.g deq. fE. fE.fr. fr. F. Room: 16 Zone: 10 LAUNDRY RooM Wall t_ Area:Wa]I 2 Area:Floor Area :Fl-oor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:ExE. Room Perimeter:Tube Coverage Area: SpImnEl- Heat Provided:BT:J/hr/sq. ft. Req:Max Slab Temperature: Room: L.7 Zone: 11 CARETAKER WaIl L AreaWal1 2 Area Wal-I 3 Area Window 1 Area Window 2 Area Window 3 Area Door l- Area Carpet Area Carpet. Pad AreaFloor Covering AreaAir Changes per HourExt. Room Perimeter Tube Coverage AreaSplmntl- Heat ProvidedBTU/hrlsg. ft.. Req Max Slab TemperaEure l-22.0 sq. ft.1-68.0 sq. ft.L95.0 sq. ft.L95.0 sq. ft. 0.3 U. U Itr.175.0 sq. fE.0 BTU/hr 84.9 deg. F. 102.0 sq. ft.162.0 sq. ft.249.O sq. f t.24.0 sq. ft.78.0 sq. ft.45.0 sq. ft .24.0 sq. ft..300.0 sq. ft.300.0 sq. ft.. ?.OO O ca F+- 0.30.0 fr.200.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 26.5 1-32 .6 deg. F. ************************************************************************** rnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamel , MN ******************************l?fYflgl:.i:1.1?39....*********...Y:f:i:?.1;].1 ' HEATING REQUIREMENTS SI]MMARY * Job Name: KREDIET RESIDENCE* Irocallon: 22G FORBST RD* VAIL CO* Inst,aller/* Contractor: GUARANTBED P&H INC Ceiling R-Value: Wall_ 1 R-Vaf ue: WaLl_ 2 R-Val_ue:Wal] 3 R-Value: Window 1 R-Value: Window 2 R-VaIue:Floor R-Vafue:Floor Cov. R-Value:Indoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: Ceiling R-VaIue Wa11 1 R-Va1ue Wal1 2 R-Value Wa1l" 3 R-Vafue Door 3 R-ValueFloor R-ValueFloor Cov. R-VaIuefndoor Design TempSlab Edge R-ValueHeated Floor Area Room Volume Heat Required 40 .00 23.00 r_2.00 1_2.00? qn 3.s0 7.50 0.2270 deg. F. 0.00 69.8 deg. F.0.75 in. Ceiling Area:Wa1I 1 Area:Wall 2 Area:Wa1I 3 Area: Window 1 Area: Window 2 Area:Floor Area :Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:ExE. Room Perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl Heat provided: BTu/hrlsq. fr. Req:Max Sl-ab Temperature: Ceiling Area Wal-I 1 AreaWalI 2 Area WaLf 3 AreaDoor 3 AreaFloor AreaFloor Coverinq AreaAir Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimet.er: Tube Coverage Area:Splmnt.l Heat Provided:BTU/hrlsq. ft. Req: Max Slab Temperature: Page 9 * 4/20/e8 * 12:58 pm * * * * l-75.0 sq. ft.6565-0 sq. ft.4374-0 sq. fL.l-1-0.0 sq. ft.11-5.0 sq. fC.65-0 sq. ft.120.0 sq. fE.120.0 sq. ft.0.30.0 fr.120-0 sq. fE.55000 BTU,/hr-0.469.7 deg. F. Heat.ed Floor Area: 120 . O sq. f t .Room Volume: 4900.0 cu. ft..Heat Required: -45 BTU,/hr 40 .00 23.00 23.00 23.00 15.00 7 .50 0.2070 deg. F. 0 .00 787 .0 sq. ft .0-0 cu. ft.tt375 BTU/hr81.0 deg. F.0.75 in. 787.0 sq. ft. 4RO O qrr fl- 480.0 sq. ft.480.0 sq. ft.240.0 sq. ft.787.0 sq. fE. 7R7 O crr fF U.J0.0 fr.750.0 sq. ft. O BTU/hr 2,4. L85.5 deg. F.Max Flr Srfc Temp: Tube Depth: u- ffigLII'JHE,,FJ H$3 Jfi= =v.ZEfoFULlJ =(L vr;FHz4lJ -r'ng fr5c sfit:, - EJLI Frt =u lrl lJU, l-r-<Fu<<Jt5(L z.trt FanftrlEE(J FubJuHtrl +J @ @ g I I I I IubJtrltrl<tJ $ru II.rt lvtn.'r Orrt/ct. 7i(.1 2" l'olyurcthanc ltonnt Insuhdiotr On (hrtll t'^ l*sr'l'hllrt '1"" Pcr llour Iltot Loxs lll T .l I t'rl, Strrirrlesr Steel I)on?sti( lV. "rCtnnections tl r" N I''l' (Iixrr,lrt S5-fi{l/.S,5-lr0 I " N PT ) Plasric Jockct I)rloso Thennostat lVell llohl Inlt't .t l)ntin (lloilcr Wutcr Supply & llr,rrrrrr 1lr" Tlneude ) Iloilcr Snpply (lnpronickel (loil A*tnhly lloiler lleturn SPECIFICAIIONS AND PERFORMAilGE RATINGS Str1rl,r.slrrr.ltusu.|itIllint'o.|'2l,nuldturniltthIr,it|si.l.{i;r,sj2lt.:tl,.t0.I l.) galhn nnit s.o'l'lrr' l{). (r0. li0. rrrrrl I l{) grrllorr rr(xl( ls irl i r r i r i l i r l r l r . r r i l l r rkrrrlrlr. \r irll lr(.irt ,".1,""** |)rrrl|(]rri|N,I,'r|r.|sitlr'|irl.l'.ltttttrr,lr.iitli||,|||i(.i||il'||strl|r.rr't.tl.tt|ti1lll.rllt.llll'll 5r'r'r'ttgittcct ittg t\ sllr'r'ilicaliorr rrirlrirl li)r orrl corrr1rIr'Ir.r.lrrrrrrr.rlirrI lirrl rrrrrl sizirg srrirlr.. llork.l Strrnrgt ( ilp:rr.it r l L, ( Iir.r.rr|:rtor. rr"lir 1t,",*.1t" lrr/( [rt | )orrrr.rtir. ( irlrrcr.l iorr | | i , r , , . , , r i , , ' ' r ttr Tt)t* s l, it,t ,i ";-r\\ r.iglrt ;:i ll,s, Itr.r'sstrr.t .a l,!!r!,j!rg lL'at lirr.hnrrgc Srrr'lirr.r' l"ilst llorrr. llntirrgs'r' @U(rT@ .t:s-l(l 20 ( irrlLrrr :t"y," \ |lt. \t,,1 2;'lt) tt ruxrtst I t.,|l t,:l l; <1.4i.I lr)F|tl'l:,lFt,t, :s-l|{)itO ( irrlllrr :t ltl Y," \.I t] \t,,1,.{}t.t,s it( xr l,sl l:)0 t5l l5 n t./lr.ll0gph l()itgph ss-3{)l :t{) ( lrrll,'rr ,t 2:t"/''' \.l1li \lrrL,lri ,/2:l 'l ir):()t)t'sl l5{) l,sl li <1./li.l5 lgplr 2 t:ig|,h 55- Ir)l() (irrll,rl .t l(/," \.t1|] \ trr I,.t2 t l:"tt) tl ;r t,t,,.:t{}tl I'SI l;{t I'sl li v1./li.li5ggrlr 2l29plr 55{)(l (r0 {irlIrrr l(t" \.I t: IJl,;2 'ti'2:\ 'l itl i l.ls.3{X l I'Sl l.)l) lrsl l.r sr1./lt.22{1F1,I :l{ lji;rtJl ss.tlr)llll ( hlLrrr 2l l" \.lill \l:' 1,,;:,1':.ll l:f)1.1,\iir x 'sl I'S I li r1./lt.2ll)gplr lli lgplr 't'l)Oli'll'st llathul lxr:,,,1 unt)tt"l.'rix,..i,i"ll l.i" fith lhilar ll tlt @, tii| l,l . topper-Iin ll Boiler OirenrionrOerifirorions 300,000 ?5?,000 r-'"--l 7 6Vi' 12V( 2l lii ll tyi 297 35Vi t\V| 30y1" S" l?.j ( lSW. 9r/t( 2SVti 328 399,999 336,000 2' 6th" 22Vi ztyi ?9' 3lw 3tw. tlv( 3lft 6., I2t i 6-I vi 26y( 351 500,000 4?0,000 T 6V.i' 12Vi lly( 29 3tth St Vt" tLvi 45$i 6 121Ai 6'I X 26yi 401 650,000 546,000 1V'2 6h 22V( 2tyi 29 3tw 3t w. tie i 56yi 8" t2e i T lvi 25yi 498 750,000 630,000 lk 7 6 V| 22Vi 2l yi 29 3i1i Jt Vr" VVi 64-t' 12Vr{ f'8W 25yi 524990,000 831,600 th lvi' llln 33h 4lyi 331$i 35ttu" 4Bh[ 14" 48yrt ]0. t5ryr6" g..gtA" 2911 i' 902ftll 260 f,260,000 t,058,400 I th"|Vi' llYti 33Vi' 4l yi 33 ri4r S|tyt irgt i' t6 sBV.i. lL ISrVr i"l0 %" 28 rhr" 914 (ti|fl440 1,440,000 I,209,600 2k ll r\.i 33th" 41fc 33t|t6'35tvr" 4lk/ )6 6gyx- IT l5tln. g- Ily( Zgrff 1033 1,800,000 t,5t2,000 2W 1lln 33tk' 4l yi' 3lrl,li' 35rl(r' 48hf 18" BZth t4.. Ii 11.16- 10.. IIW Zltkt;. |tI '.4it'i ktl\,ir tl)t'r(t tt'(K l tlin ,)tsirt. t.\:(tl,t rttlt,l: l,\rn)tutl JIJ-ti. .l\\,it it t: 2th" llk{ 33W' 4l%" 33 rt4f 3i rt4i 48[t l8 gtl.. 14, t5 r],ii.. 10,. I t/r.. 2t, i. 8002,070,000 1,738,800 ,t Slondord Fealures . tl.r9i, 'llrc lul llllicit.rrcv. II()t SUdu( (. Isnili(n). Stllinl('ss Sk'cl llrrlrrcrs. ll!(hll(lilnt (ias Virlvt.s. ( h)klrtc (iuskctk.ss (:oJ)l)cr-l,in Ilc:ll lix( lti[l.qet. l.(rcll-l leat Crtitmic -lilc St.rrkrl C(nrl ntstion Clrlrrrrlx'r.. ASNfi; lfi)* \(/ t,.. 50' ASNlli l)r'cssrrrc lk'lit.l Vllrt'. NOx llatirrg ol-9.9 11rrrr. 2,iv Contn)ls. lnlct/( )u(lct'fcnlpcnttr.Ie (;lrUl.lc. Air l,rc'ssr.rrc S\\'itcll. I(lYcxr \vil ;lltly. (;u;l[lnlcc(l r\grrinst llrcrrrlrl Slxrk. I'its llrlrrtrgir St.ln(li 1l lh l)r,or.li:rrrrt.. I CIqr:rncc l<r (irrrrlrLrstibles (J on J00 iln(l y/0 2070). 'li'nninll Stlip lirl Ii./\'1.S. Intcr'l;rce. l)iilllltosti( (;onttr)l l)itncl Addilionrl Jeotures(40r-2070) . l)r( )l)( n1i( )nill Iifin.q. (;:rt(,9(n1 I \ ( |]tin.!.1. l)uill ll()t Sutlil(.(. lullili(n) Svstt.lls ( 99112{)f0 (nll} ). J\ hrltiplc Illou t,rs. Ihrill-ln Se(lucn( cl. l)igitrrl 'ler Pcr:rtur(.(intrr)l ( |) l(i). Slitlt.OLrt (inttt()l l)ln('l \\/ill) l)lug-ln (i)ntl)(n)cnts . lrk)\\ S\\'it( lt (()(X) 2071) (nll) ). l\l;rrrtr:rl l.lt'st{ lliglr l.itrril FOR EASC IN OEDTRING EY 'TTODII. NUMSER CH N 3OO P'YT F9 This unil is 300,OOO BTU norurol gos Copper.Fin boiler. lt hos F9 firing conrrols. 0ptionol Equiprnenl . l)r)\\'ctl(l V('nt (l:tl) I;{n Ikrr.izonllrl l)iltttAilt.' \'(.nling ( I l0\'). l\Lrnlnl lt(\({ lliglr l_ilnit. Alrtrrrr lk'll. I'k)\\'S\\'il(lt (J{,{},15 | Nl()(l(.ls). ll)\\ Wlllu (:Ut{ )ll. Nl( xl-l l-l),rli St,r lrrr.rx cr (Scc At.ccssoltcs ). Nlulli-Sll( k SIrrncl ( Srt. Acccssorrcy. ()ltl(i{xn llcs(l Avoiloble Iiring Systens 100 i]l 207019 l!19 llcrlrrnir,(irrrrnrr rr'itlt I krt SrrrlirrcIgniti(n (Slirn(llrd )I,lJ j\ll 1 lrlU APprrx.ctl'lrli l\' i IRI- I? NI7 (illilirrrrirr (,-rxie * Ittrkxrl orrll. Pcrlttrl I\tttlittlq R\&"rvvI Y." ricn lei n Gonsu lti n? Eng i neers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228 MAIN OFFICE (303) e8e-1223 (303)989-0204 FAX June 29, 1998 Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658-3238 Subject: Excavation Inspeotion for the Proposed Residence Lot I lA, Block 7, Filing I (226 Forest Road) Vail Village Subdivision Vail, Colorado Job No. 98-032 As requested, a representative from our office inspected the foundation materials exposed in thc excavation at the subject site on June 4, 10, I l, 24 and 25, 1998. The purpose of our inspection was to verifu that the exposed materials would safely support a spread footing foundation system for the proposed residence. The depth of the excavation varied from approximately 5.0 to 26.0 feet. The materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted of a moist, medium hard, siltstone. The siltstone fragments within the excavation were compacted in accordance with our recommendations. In our opinion, the exposed rock will safely support a spread footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowablc soil bearing pressure of3,000 psf. Our opinion is based on the foundation subgrade remaining unsaturated. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further selice, please contact us. Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGTNEERS, INC. Dr{g Rceeived JUI 0 6 r99O (l copy sent) cc: Town of Vail, Zeeb Construction, Inc. AVON (970) e4e-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Hydroulics BFPE 51 W. 84TH AVE. sutTE 330 DENVER, COLORADO 40221 Summory Sheet Deslgnar: Colc By: Dote: JR JR LL 15t98 Proiect Informotion KREDIET RESIDENCE 226 FOREST ROAD VAIL, COLORADO Contrac\ No: Building: Sgstem ID: Re{.0rauing No: Constr ucti on: 0ccupancA: Aulhorltp UAIL F.D. 98-D953 RESI BENCE LIUING ROOIl FP3 COTlBUSTIBLE HONE Hydroulics Informotion Demond... Spr Req'd Pres: 80.50 PSI Spr Req'd Flow: 53. 10 GPfj Add'l Flows: O.00 GPN Hose oi Srce: 100.00 GPfl Toiol Flow: 153. 10 GPN Totol Pras: 80.50 PSI Stotlc Elav: 0.00 Ft Supply... Wotar Flow Test Siotlc: 1 05.00 PSI Reslduol: 60.00 PSI Oty Flowlng: 1556.00 GPtl Elevoilon: 0.00 Ft Dolet lO.z 26 t98 Tlme:-------- By: ALLIANCE fIECHANICAL Pump Doto d: (NA) PSI@ (NR) GPfl Boosi Pres: (NR) PSI Dlschorga Pr€s: (NR) PSI Dlschorge Flow: (NA) GPN Comblned Siotlc: (NR) PSI Reslduol: ( NA) PSI Ofy Flowlng: (NA) GPtl Avolloble... P) 10,f.38 PSIe 153. 10 GPfl F) 80.50 pslo 1120.51 GPr1 Morgln... PrEssure: 23,89 PSI Flow: 962.54 CP|l SYstem'$tiil'Fr nE DflsAtntrrxr Hydrouiics DesisApptdrtS$nltbil tr ,;i. Densrry: Gil0Droupd t0ted tga Rentoie Araol r.,. dJi.rG' 4HEA0 SqFt D""is" trl[fla"-13R 17912-*i c ffil;m;S Slgrrro D;znorrrlcs Corporetlon O copyrisht 1992, Al Rieht. R.B.rv.d 77OO Hydrdu|.c,. o cf(\ t-o oo \o ton oo@ (,r*o-aaO-d19.'^x"i5= = to --: --rroLJoO-ul6c L {:o O ui; \oaPijd|.ovr(l.,i,;&il cl : EEEEo-ooo-(9(5(9(o (]ooo (')o(f("'to o|l) EeJocJ (to- (r) otoo;to3 .co I.lJ C11n:r^F hloC eouH O oi-.'!!.o D o* d fd.^ : L O.- Oo k:6;o 9-+o -= y oo \::X:R a ';d.i; -cIoL(, 3co coo o_fa o F.N c-oI}"o t'...' T !-F o LrJ CYv L! ql = tJ TJ7. o-L.'J tooO 9, tflLrJ a!cr= FZt.l;o at!fr. (,v6 oolf, l-m c.t:ao)@ N \o |rJ !- c.rNa(f q) aoN\omv-(Y,c! Gr a\ (\ (\ ct (lsd) e:nsse.i6 SUBI{ITTAIJ SERTAI., *O,, 0I"". KREDIET RESIDENCEvArL, cor,oRADo NFPA ].3R4 HEADS / LMNG ROOM FI.oW TEST RESULTS Water SupplySTATTC L05.00 PsIRESTDUAL 5O.OO PSI E CITY PRESSURE AVAII,ABLE AT SI.'MMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS ACTUAL UTNT}fi]MSPR FI.oW FI,oW K-FACTOR PRESSURE I HYD 1_04.38 PSI r.1-02-1998 PAGE 1FN: KREDIET4. 1s56. O0 GPl,r r.53. L GPM L01 13.2sLOz l_3. O0l_03 L3.49L04 13.35 13.00t-3.00 L3 .0013.oo 9.969.58 10. 32 t-0. 1l_ 53. r_0 GPMl_00.00 GPM r-s3.1_0 GPl,r80.50 PSr 0. L0 Psr13.0L FPS TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEMOUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBAI.,,ANCE IN I.,OOPS I,IAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES SUBMTTTAL SERTAL *O.,OIN", KREDIET RESIDENCEVAIL, COLORADO NFPA ]-3R4 HEADS / LIVING ROOM Flow Pipein SizeGPI,I IN l_. 055o 13.00 DR l_. 055a 13.00 BN1. I HYD Location From To 2t LOz FN: KREDIET4. Fittings Equiv& LengthDevices Ft L 0.50F:E F 3.0oT 3.50 L t_2. 00F:0 F 0.00T L2.00 11-02-L998 PAGE 2 Pressure Summary PSI PT 9.s8 (102)PE -O.22PF 0.1.3 PT e.As ( 2L)PE 0.00PF 0.45PT e.94 ( 20) PT r_0. r.r. ( L04 )PE -O.22PF 0. l-4 PT r.0. 03 ( 25)PE 0.00PF 0.48 PT r-o. 51 ( 24)PE 0.00PF 1.08PT 11.5e ( 231 PT L0. 32 ( r-03 )PE -O.22PF 0.34PT La.44 ( 24) PT e.96 (r_or.)PE -O.22PF 0.33 PT r-0. 07 ( 2O')PE 0.00PF 1.04 PT r.1.Lr_ ( r.e)PE 3.90PF 2.36PT 1,7.37 ( 15) PT r.r-. 5e ( 23)PE 3.47PF l_. 59 PT r.6.65 ( 1-8)PE 0.00PF 0.67 Friction LossPSr/Ft C=15O o. 0378 c:150 0. 0378 21,20 24 23 25 LO4 o 25 o 24DQ a 13.35 13. 35 L3 .4926.84 r_. 055 DR 1. 055 BNl- l_. 05s BN2 l_. 055 DR t.o55 DR 1. O55 BN2 1. 055 BN2 1. O55 BN2 1,,29L FM8 F:E F=0 F=E F=T F=E F=T F:E F=0 L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T 0.50 c=150 3.003.50 0. 0397 12. oo C=l-50 0. 00 1-2 . OO 0. 0397 4.5O C:1503.00 7 .50 0.1443 0.50 C:1508.008.50 0. 0404 0.50 C=l-508.00 B. 50 0. 0391_ 4. 50 c=l-50 3. 007.50 0.1386 9.00 C:150 8. 0017.O0 0.L386 8. 00 C:1-5O3.00 11. O0 0. L443 L2.33 C=l-50 0. 00L2.33 0. 0540 24 LO3 LF=T F T L3 .49 20 1-01 a 2oDQ o t_9 a 19 L6 13.25 1-3.0026.25 25.2s 23 L8 18 L7 26.84 26.84 KREDTET RESIDENCEvArL, coLoRADO NFPA 13R4 HEADS / LTVTNG ROOM 1_6 L7 a 26.44 t.29L FM8 L5 1_6DQ 26.25 L.29Io 53. L0 14 l_5 FM7 L.29L FM6 a 53.10 1,2 L4 l-l_ 1"2 l-0 l_l_ 910 89 Q 53. r_0 o s3. r_0 a 53. r_0 a 53. r_0 a 53. L0 o s3. r_0 I.527 FM4 I.527 FM3 L.527 FM3 L.527 FM2 I.527 FMl 2.OO9 L.527o 53.10 FM5 3 5 2.OO9a 53. r.0 FR3 PE 6.93T 22.OO 0.0842 PF l-.85 L 37.a3 c=1-5o PT 49.6a ( 8)F=38,2T F 42.00 PE O.00T 79.83 0.0842 PF 6.72 L 9. 50 C:l-50 PT 56. 40 ( 5)F=T F L5. oo PE 3.90T 24.50 0.0221_ PF 0.54 L 22.oo C=1-000 PT 60.84 ( 3) 58 23 PE 9.53FR2 T 22.OO 0.0007 PF 0.02 COMMENT: REDUCED PRESSURE PSI LOSS SHOIiIN IN ELEVATION SUBMITTAL sERrAL,, wo, zoluvr I HYD Location FIow Pipe Fittings Eguiv Friction Pressurein Size & Length Loss SummaryFrom To GPM IN Devices Ft PSI/Ft PSI 1t_-02-L998 PAGE 3FN: KREDIET4. L 0.66 c=150 PT L7.32 ( 17)F=0 F o. oO PE O.00T 0. 65 0.0540 PF 0.04 L 6.25 C:l-50 PT L7.36 ( 16)F=E F 4.0O PE 0.00T to.25 0.l_908 PF 1.96 L 10. 00 c=l-50 PT 1,9 .32 ( 15)F=E F 4.00 PE 4.33T t4.00 0.1908 PF 2.67 L 11-.66 c:150 PT 26.32 ( 14)F=T,E F 1-8.00 PE 0. O0T 29.66 0.0842 PF 2.50 L 10.00 C=150 PT 28.82 ( 12)F=E F 6.00 PE 4.33T r-5. 00 0. 0842 PF 1. 35 L l-4. s0 C=l-50 PT 34. 50 ( 11)F=T F L2.00 PE 0.00T 26.50 0.0842 PF 2.23 L 25.50 C=l-50 PT 36.73 ( 10)F=2E,T F 24.00 PE 0.00T 49.50 0.0842 PF 4.L7 L 16.00 c=1-50 PT 40.90 ( 9)F=E F 6.00 F=0 F 0.0o SUBMITTAL SERIAIJ *O.,OI"", KREDTET RESIDENCEVAIL, COT,oRADO NFPA 13R4 HEADS / LMNG ROOIII Location Flow Plpe Fittings Eguiv Friction Pressurein Size & Length Loss Sumnary From To cPl,l IN Devj-ces Ft PSI/Ft PSI L 2 2.009a s3. r_0 FR1COMMENT: FITTINGS= ELL AND PRV 0 1 2.OO9 L, 100.00 C=150 PT 71.21 ( 1)Q 53.10 F=T,CV,2E F 46.00 PE 6.07uN T 146.00 0.022L PF 3.23 PT 80.s1 ( 0) 1L-02-1998 PAGE 4rN3 KREDTET4. L 2.Oo c=L50 PT 70.39 ( 2'lF=25/O F 25.00 PE O.22T 27.OO 0.0221 PF 0.60 I HYD AUXILIARY SUH{TTTAI., KREDIET RESIDENCE Water Supply STATIC RESIDUAL CITY PRESSURE SI'M}IARY ACTUAIJSPR FIOW NO:2016HY1-FN: IREDIET4. FLOW TEST RESULTS L05.00 Psr60.00 PsI € 1556.00 GPM AVAILABLE AT 118.0 GPl,l 104. 62 PSI OF SPRINKLER OUTFIOWS MINII'{I]MFI'W K-FACTOR PRESSURE I HYD 11-02-1998 PAGE 1 LOz l_8. OO t-8. OO 4.20 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAL YIATER REQUIREI,TENT PRESSI'RE REQUIRED AT O MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBAI,ANCE IN IOOPS I'IAXIMLrI,i VEIJOCITY IN PIPES 18. 37 18.00 GPML00.00 GPML18.00 GPM63.89 PSr 0.00 PsI 6. 61_ FPS AUXII,IARY SUBMITTAL,TA" NO: 2O].6HY1 I HYDIREDIET RESTDENCE FN: IREDIET4. FROI{ TO FI.OW LENGTH FITTING DIAM TYPE PSI/Ft S.IOSS 3.00.0 3.O8.0 4.O4.O 18. O6.0 12. O 24.O 6.O 42.O 15. 00.025.0 46.O l_. 055 DR r.. 055 BNr_1.055 BNz1.055 BN2L.29L I:n7t_.291 FM6 r_. 527 Fl,ts1.527 FM4 1. 527 FI'!3r-.527 FM3L.527 FNtz1.527 rul2.009 FR32.009 FRz2.009 FRt2.009 uN 0.069 -o.220.069 0.000. 069 0. oo0.069 3 .90o-026 0.oo0. 026 4 .330.0L1 0. oo 0. 011_ 4 .330.011 0. oo0. ot_L 0.000.01 L 6.93 0. 011 0.00 0. 003 3.90 0. 000 9.530.003 0.220.003 6.07 r_L-02-r-998 PAGE 2 2L IO220 2L19 2016 1915 L6L4 1.5L2 L4l_1. L2r.0 Ll910895835 r-8 . o0 0. 50 18. O0 12.00L8.00 4.50 18. O0 9. 00L8.O0 6.25L8.00 10. 00 18. O0 r-r_. 6618.00 10. 00 t_8. o0 14. 50l_8.o0 25.50 r_8. o0 16. 0018.00 37.8318.00 9.50L8.00 22.oo18.00 2.OO r_8. 00 100. o0 PRESSURES 18.39 18.37 L9 .22 18.39 L9 .7 4 L9 .22 24 .8L L9 .7 425.O7 24.4L29.76 25.0730.10 29.76 34. 6r- 30.1034.9L 34.61-3s.47 34.9L42.55 35.4743.56 42.65 47 .53 43.5657.06 4'7 .5357.36 57.0663.87 57.36 23L201 Printed bv Joan Nolen 32am From: Mike McqeeTo: cha rl i e-oavi s subi ect :226-Forest Rd, xredit (sp?) M98-0250 ===NorE===============LL/08/99== 5 : 33pm=cc: BLDGDIV GRoUP, Mike vaughan Mii;'i*i i' ;;ffi;iil';' b;i;i' i;;il;ii;;of the f i re a'larm and spri nk] er bysten(before f got too frust'rated and left),rhe fire detector in the pool room has been moved too c]ose to the beams (that weren't shown on the plans). rhe firesprinkler contro'l va'lVes (some of whichare missino handels) are inaccessable(they are Ip on top- of a mezzanene inthe oaraqe), rhere is a p*,v in-]ine onthe fire-s'prink]er system (with a 25-75ratinq). The settinos of the PRv andthe rEhuired pressur6 for the sprink]erare not in comp'liance with thehydraulic cal cul ati ons . there is a rather laroe mechani cal space (called crawl s6ace on the plans accordinq to the contractor) beneaththe deckl rhere is no detettion and nosprinklqrs under the exposed structural(deck) framing. I wou] d suooest and aooreciate a ioint wa'l k thru 56fore we ai'L asked to issuea Tco (on Thursday if not before), Page: 1 C,F. Caplhl Corponilon G. John Klcdlal, Chdrman P.O. Box 1415. 1060 Jr.rr Crsck Roed Ettuards. C0 81632 Phone: 970 926€084r!20f426 Fax 970 926427 NovcmDer 10,1999 Publicwffi! D.prrlnonr Mr. Lconrd Srndoval To|rnof Vlil 75 South Frontrp Rmd Vail, CO 81657 Rc: 226 Frcrl Road, Vail, CO ". Privata Ralichncc Doq Mr, $andovrl: Thls ig lo confinn, per your ruqueot to Leo Dorofiy of Zcc'b Conrlnr'tien, thet I wtll not rcconnccl tta rnowmclt hcal llrur lo thc drlvaaay prn at trc cntr*rca to rny rotidmca. These lhes hrw bc€n clltoonn dcd frorn thr slrstcm and permmantly plug0Ed. ff you hwc rny furthcr qrrtiona, do not hedtalc to oontNct rne Rrgddr, / I..1.3'/'" 4r'P/ (w""9'" t/ | soPd :ndgei/ 66-6-^oN itoge tzg oge iuotleuod.ica TElrdpC'3'3 :i{g lueg From: Georgo RutherTo: ComDevDate: 7/6/00 11:19AMSubJect 898'0090 Denied Retaining wall on the west side of the property at the gas meter location is over six feel in height. Planning will approve final once the height issue is resolved. Thanks. 224 frxesfffiJ- KxeltEt '*o"' ffirff-!it6'u'to'%,g0 rufunrr fffinUi ' s,a84s i^1?io. orofliu* " zazla a1:3'Pt'1r P2 F.O. D,! tola Gtr'lvro0d SIrFngr, CO 8lG@ Phsnq Q70'O1W3toFi/ 9?0+t5 !t2! Ta Lee @ Zoob Oon6rn ction 4.-' Fan Ffuil Otyis lbdsn Frr: 97S8{5-7404 Drtlr &1a2CIl0 ,ft$s 37&l€60 hrr; 1 Rs Kffrf,atR0il&ftcs Vrfo,inelalledl*n lbrcrd *r systems for supptomenlat lEat aid pos6tHo dotino In tb futu,3. Th,s jrElLrrod cqr lFnelr, o0crr|ofl(. comroE, etc. to n*e u|e sy€fi'yls oFonrional. 4_ wo nbo In$8lle<l lho baltroom ednult t,l'rtng, Hchen e$aust vEnflrq. e ydl as ne ao.or ffitilu 3ndca'nbu$lbn ak (saed per tho rrieqhanlcal €de) Pleere rall lf yar have rry questlono Thard( tou, Clui3 (oe':H'gk'teD 4- , ilo"l rfl 0 .1' 1 *'*. t ?"f trtr, I t**. 3303 (a) A sEcrclrDlrT rs REOUTRED FRoM rHB ilD sroRY- RSVISED DRAWINGS MUST BE SI'BIIITTED PRIOR TO EVY FRATIING INSP BerroNs occttRRrNc. I -OtherJob Namd: PTUMBING PERMIT TEE;MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:DRB FEE: Town of Vail Req. No.Phone Nurnber: . FOR OFFTCE usE ******************************* -.---lJob Addrgssz ,i?ai .*eer-legal Description: toE_//-4 Block_ Filing owners Name:Address: Architect: General Description: 6 ffi,_ L J -ret,s*r L J_!NuIDber of DweLliig'Units : / ,\,**r^^_ _G r --._r_ #*:: 1na rvne of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Loss_ wood/peltet_ {*****tt************it************** vALUATToNs *,r******************************* BUILDING: $ll,ncrRlCaf: $PLWBING: $ _ ;-^-;::'.::::'I---.--- oTHER: +bt--""'""' ' HECHANTCAL! $---. - T.TAL: $-.=-_---_- fr^--***-':rxx**lt**tt**********..aNrF]5r.r'nnl!r'l?h^hr,iEv! Eeneral ContracLo., ')^)^) U}IRACTOR INFORMATfON ***r'**********2r************General Contractor:Address: Btu ,t42-)Town of Vail Req. No.Phcne Nurber : aag_ "-=];- Ph..i.---i pn@qEL_i i*::I::"t ".".'..ror: /, , D q D-rb . q$t.Plurrbing Contractor:iilHll? conrracror: L7 .I.orn of vaiL Res. No.Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor.:Address: ' BUTTDTNG PI,AN CHECK I'EE:PI-,ut'tBrNc PI,AN cHEcK FEE:I'IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNAN]RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: I I?OQ.tp I :til TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OhINER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMfT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M98-01_46 Job Address... : 226 FOREST RDLocation......: 226 FOREST RDParcel No... .. : 2t-01-071-l-5-016Project Number: PR,I9g-0065 Stsatus...: ISSIJEDApp1ied. . . 08/11,/L999Issued. . ., 08/!4/L998E>cpires. . : 02/tO/L999 GUARANTEED PTIJMBINGP O BOX 42L0| AVON, GUARAT.ITEED PLI]MB INGP O BOX 42L0, AVON, KREDIET G .]OHN TCFEAPITALCORP, & HEATINGco 81520 & HEATINGco 81620 Phone:845-6300 Phone: 845-5300 Description: MECH SYSTEM FOR NSFR Firerrlace Inforination: Rcstrictsed:*of cas Appliancee: ONE LANDMARK SQUARE 18TH FL, STAMFORD CT 059 Valuation:64,000.00 #of wood/PalleE:*of qa6 Logs: FEE ST'MMARY Mechanical,---> Plan Ch.ck- - - > fnweBtigaglon> nil-1 Call----> 1,280.00 320.00 .00 3 .00 . o0 . o0 1? 603.00 1, 503 . 00 .00 1,603.00 1,603,00 REeturrant Plan Rcvier.- - > DRB Pce--------- TOTAL FEES-. -.. Toeal Calculated Fecs- - - > Additional FceE------ ---> Total Permit !'ec--------> Palnnenc6-------- BAIANCE DUE- - -. r t** * * i r r i *r'rt ** **i+*t rr*l *i**r i 'rrr*J * ilrirr', t ** IECM: 051-OO BUITDING DEPARTMEIfI DEPT: BU]LDING DiViSiON:08/11,/l-998 ,JRM Action: APPR APPORVED JRM-rICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T DEPI: FTRE DiViSiON:08/1L/L998 JP0I Act.ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIEI.,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ]-991 I]MC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE ]-991 T'MC.4. GAS APPLIAI{CES SHALL BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CIAPTER 9 AI.IDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF TIIE 1991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPTY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 IJMC.6 . BOII-,ERS SHALI-, BE MOUI.ITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.IJNLESS LISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COI\4BUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AIID CODE AI.IALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICALROOM PRIOR TO AT{ INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANIEAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOII-,ERS SHAI.,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.21-1-9 0F THE r-991 ilMe. *************************:r****************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS ,-. t h.r.blt raLh.rl.dg. thrt t hrvr rua eh ppllcrtlon. fllt.d aur. {h ilttr ,". ,-.^- r ttT;rj::::..i}.::,j::lii:{il#fi*.:lT.dlil:1::i"5:::, :t:::.trH,;.:tH.*,."il::*t * ffiTir;ffi,r -.rq Eaes Prco ooBPly rlch rll llfin ordtnrna.a and rcrlr hrr, rnd !o bu d thlt rlructur. r"ooiatr,g Lo thc^toun, r n-i"E ."a .ubdlvtetonc6d!r. drr{gr|r rrvlcr rDgroncd, urrlforu Bulliilng cod. rnA oth.! ordl,n$cc. of gh._ro$r rlDllctyl6l th!r.ro. RgQUEAtg FOR rll8Drdrrol|8 Ettttt BB tnDE ZtNENrr-FottR ttou?g ul atolBtuRE oF oflltER oR sltTRl,qroR FoR tlt!{ItEnF Al|D qtlrER AT.I7'OUR OFFICE FIro!,| r!00 .lH ElOo pU ', !at tt*tl a|,al att lt itit', t * ra t ta TOHN OF Vlrtr, CO!OnrDO I ..rrrrr'r r*tarttl trrtt t I t !t ta !tn r tr!r t a i gtrt.unE atttirrraar,rtt.lJattttttt,ltttit ti*ta* srrEc[nt Nul!b!r: REc-0{3? lluounr I t,go3.oo os,/11/99 12!Eg P.)tttr.ng Hcehod! CK lloCttlonr iL93 Inltt fi W P.rBiC Uor llrS-0t{6 T!E.: B-UaCH 9rrc.1 Nor 2101-0?1-15 -015 giEa liiLlrc.. | 226 lOREgt RD IJocrtsion! 225 FOnEgT nD Tocrl !|.r ! Thir P.yucnt, 1,503.00 Tetfl tlJIJ 9t!e. ! Btltnca r i !i'ri i r*tirr * rrril.irr I l, a rt ** rla* l}',ta Adcount, Codc DaEcriptslon lrEcH$rrcA! PtEutT L, 503 .00 1.603.00 .00 llP oo1o00o311Ll00 I'tEclllDttcltr PlRUtS tEEs pF 00ro0003t12to0 ptalr cHEct( tlElt wc 00100003r12a00 vfIIJIl cttr! DtSpEeIIolf rBB AEounE 1. 2 80. 00 320.00 3,00 I EVELOTOV|IN OF VAII.,75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970 -479 -2L38 OWNER Descript.ion: Pr-TUMBTNG FoR NSFR FE8 SUMMARY ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P98-0101 Status...: ISSIIEDApplied. . : 08/1-L/L998Issued...: 08/t4/L998 E>cpires. . : 02/L0/L999 Phone:845-6300 Phone: 845-6300 Valuation:86, 000.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY D PMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLIJMBING PERMIT Job Addressz 226 FOREST RDLocation. . .: 226 FOREST RDParcel No. . : 2L0i.-0'tL-L5-016Project No. : PRJ98-0055 APPTICA]iIT GUARAIiMEED PLIJMBING & HEATTNGP O BOX 42L0, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PI.,IJIVIBING & HEATING P O BOX 4210, AVON, CO 91620 KREDIET G iIOHN8 C F CAPITAI., CORP, ONE I,A,NDMARK SQUARE 18TH FI.,, STAMFORD CT 059 Plumbing-----> Plan Check- - - > Inv€stigation> will crLl----> R€.luarant PLan RGvicr,-- ) TOTAL FEES- - -.. Total calcuhCed Fee6- - - >1,290.00 322.50 .00 3.OO . oo 1,515.50 Additional Fc6E---------> .oo Totsal P€rmit Fse--------> Pa)4Dent s- - - - - - - 1,615.50 1? 515.5O BAIANCE DUE---- .OOr.iiirrrri*t**r irli***r*rrrrrl Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTT,IENI Dept: BUILDING Division:08/1-]-/1998 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRIfItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:08/1111998 JRM .A,ction: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1, FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. .".."..:..""'.. DECI,ARATIONS I her€by ackno!,1.dgc that I have rcad thia applicat.ion, filLed out in full Ehe Lnfomatsion requircd, compl,ctsed an accuratse p1ots plrn, and stsagc that all tsh. infornrtsiob plovidcd es requir.d i€ corrects. I ag!6c to conpLy uith lh€ inf to colrlply rriCh alL Town oldib.ncc6 and sErCe Lass, and go build this !t.!ucEu!a eccordj.ng Eo Ehe)Fovnt a code6, dcsign review Epprovcd, Uniforrn Building Codc and otha! o!di.nanc.! of thc Torn and p1o! plan and Bubdivi eion FROM g:00 AM 5:00 PMREQUESTS FOR INSPSCTIONS STIALT BE MADE TTJEMTY.FOI'R HOURS IN AD1NNCE BY OR AT FOR HIMSELF AI.ID OWNER ar.}rttrartararitta,ttt!tartataoar*fi att'lriti,t,tatttf tttaaa*.rrr.w+ TOHN OF VAI!. COtfi.rDO gErE onr ttattlrrrltt*t,'ttatttatt*ti'rtrtf tlrrit|'itt*tttt.{rttararatrat{tr!} g!.t.[nE Nuobar: R!C-0a3? trlout|t' ! l,615.30 O!/14/ta fArE6 Eqru.nl g.ehod r CK Iot glonr !193 fnic! tdNl P.IiB1E Nor P9t-0101 TtCr. r B-PIUB !t u[tsINC pEruIr Frrqal lro r 2:,01-071-13-016 gl,tr tddr.6. r 226 Ffilttf nD t osrcioh ! 2t6 torultI iD ?olr1 !.st 1.615,50 rhlr Pq .nE 1,515.s0 Tocrl lttJ prtr !1,615.E0 Btlrnea! .OO atttttrlrr.ri*rri$ttnt*taittat***rf ttr!ittittlr*rt*tttf r?rl.rtt'ttri IEceunl Coda D.|'srLpbt6n PP OO1OOOO311I3OO PLU!6ING PERUIT IEES DF 00t0000311tt00 Dt$t ct|EcK tEEs t{g 0010000t112ro0 wtt! gttf $rsDSgllott t!! lnount 1,290.00 i22.90 3. O0 .t''}*contact Eagle co $rdi/'il#:fi';!::'r,l::bi"U'ggx#nx#i'-Eiili3$"ff ;palg*lg9^givcd,-'iiril'd/'i7)V" "* AUg 05 B?Z _.19o ?b, APPLTCATToN MUST BE TTLLED oUT coMPr.ETELy oR rT lIAy NoT BE AccEpTEDU f,***************************** PERI{rr TNFORMATToN ********************rr**:r****, I Nunber Address: Electrical Contractor:Address: elunbing Address: Mechanical C-ontractor:Address: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERUIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:DRB FEE: I J-Building J,z1'-efurnbing [ ]-Electrical Jy'_Uecfranibal [ ]-otherJob Natne:Job Address: n?)(t E"e/ 4 Filing Ph. Address:Ph. Legal Description: Lot BLock ovtners Name: /rAL ' Address: Architect: ceneral Description: work class:- 1v(-New [ ]-Alteratron [ ]-Additionar t l-Repair [ ]-otherNumber of Dwelling' Units: tttt.t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances 1(* * * * * * *'r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs ********************************* BUTLDING: $ntecrntcar,: $ Town of Vail Req. No.Phone Number: ,or 3;:1""$"ffi:l,Res. No- Town of Vail Reg. No. /76PPhone Nurnber: I -u-rfu.- Town of Vail Res. No. /7O P 716Phone Number: -f,/{-6fr- FOR OFFICE USn ******************************* BUILDING PIAN CHECK TEE:PLIIMBING PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAI-, PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPosITs TOTAL PER}ITT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNAIURE: PLUMBfNG: t pC, .-t>lr ulrtrlll,. + Fq.-rD MECHANfCAL! +@ I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr CONTRACTOR INFORI,TATf ONI Eeneral Contractor: of Accommodat,ion Units: cas Logs_ Wood/pellet OTHER: TOTAL: *************************** Contractor: 0 VALUATION CLEAN ITP DEPOSIT REPIIM) TOVIN OF VATL 75 S. FROI.TTAGE ROAD vArr.,, co 81657 970-479-2138 APPI,ICANT CONTRACTOR OITINER EIect!icaL---> DRB Fee Inwe6Eigalion> wlll call----> TOTAI, FEES-. - > ilob Address:Location. . . :Parcel No..:Project No.: DEPARTT'IENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVEIJOPMEMT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC Phone:P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC Phone:P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 KREDIET G ,IOIIN? C F CA.PITAL CORP, ONE I,ANDMARK SQUARE 18TH FL, ELECTRTCAT PERMIT 226 FOREST RD 226 FOREST RD 210L-07L-L5 - 01-6 PRir98-0065 'JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES Permit #: E9B-0182 Status...: ISSI'EDApplied. - : 08/a'7 /L998Issued. . . : O8/1-7 /L998E:<pires. . : 02/L3/L999 970949L403 970949]-403 STA!,IFORD CT 059 Description: ELECTRICAL, FOR NSFR Valuat.ion:35,000.00 i**ir+i*i**rr**ir****rrrrr*** FEE SUMMARY 159.00 .00 .00 3.00 !72 .OO Total calculated Feee- - - > Addicional PeeB- --------> ToEal P€roi! F€a--------> Pa)mentE-------- 172 .00 . oo 772.OO 't72.OO BAI,A.T{CE DUE----- .OO * * r r * r I * { * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i * l, * * t * * * t t * t * * + * * * * * IECM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:O8/L7/L998 JR}IT ACIiON: APPR APPROVED ,JR}'TItbm:'.05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepE: FIRE Diwision:08/L7/!998 JP$/I Action: APPR N/A COI{DITION OF APPROVAL +***lr*rrtrrrtr* * ,tr ', t t * * * t t * t * | t * * i * t * i * t I t * i l} * 1 DECLARJATIONS I h.rcby rcknowlodgc thaE I havc r.acl chL. rpplication, filled out in fu11 tshe informr!{on requircd, compLctcd an acculatc plot p1an, ana staE6 lhat all th. lnfonaEion provided ae required is co!!.cc. I ag!c. !o conply with the infornaEion and ploE plan, to comply wlth all Town oldinanc66 anil 6!at6 lrwa, .nd to build this sbluclure accordlng to tshe Tot{n'! zoning and Bubdivieion codc., deFign lcview approvcd, UnLform Building codc and oEher ordinancee of Eh. ToHn aPplicable thcleto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIJ'' BE MADg TWEI{TY-FOIN HOURS IN A.DVANCE BT " ^e,!! ,:P vtttL,@LORADO gtrga6lt gEaBcont, t{uEb.r. REC-0,137 l&ouot, ! Prlm.m l,Lchod ! CK tfoEaELon r L{9? L72.Oo oalL1l99 Ll.17 hlt ! Ultf P.rliE l{o: s9g-o132 riD.r B-E,EC ElEefnICAtJ PERIIIT Pffic.l llo r 2101-0?1-15-016 glcr Addr. r 226 FORESI m tJocrclon: 125 fOREgl RD Tocal Faa! r fhl. Pr).B.nC 172.00 foerl .ltrL P$lrr Accgun! Cod€DcBcrl-!rtion 172, 0o Brhnqa 3 , 00 *****t*tt***ttttlr*r*]ttrrritrrtl*rtl,***a*l*lrl***i**r*rrrrr!r****l EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECXRICAIJ PER}IIT FEES llc 0010000311?800 WrtL cALtJ rNSPEC!:ON FBB J|noung 159.00 3.00 ll o-5r.,rvArr\.,,' .sruDr. 5.r,; .r.'rrJrrED our coMpr.,,ETELy olJB.t*tV,-fi,or BE ACCEPTED f,**'t************************** PERMTT TNFoRI{ATroN ******:t*********************, I J-Building J rzJ'-f lectricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-otherJob Name:Job Addre"", Legal Descriptionz LoLT!/-z/ Block_ Flling Owners Name:Addresst R Ph.Architect:Address: Ea erz€ / f? ph. ?re<a tGeneral Description: 3-Plunbing t'-work crass:- [ ]-New [ ]-AJ-teration [ ]-Additional 1 l-Repair [ ]-otherNurnber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Acconmodation Units: $tl"t and Tylpe of Firepraces! Gas Apptiances_ cas Logs_ wood/pellet ,f********************************* VALUATToNS ********************************* BUTLDING: $ELECTRfCAL: $ r"4-- MECHANTCAL: $ OTHER: TOTAL: cToR TNFORMATION ***** ********* ******* * ** ** *Address Pi. Electrical ContractorAddress: PJ.unbing Contractor:Address: Mechanical Contractor,:Address: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE:MECHANTCAL PER}'IT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:DRB FEE: abTown of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Number: - ---=--- Town of Vail Req. No.Phone Number:. - FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: 3!ryBrNG Pr,AN cHEcK FEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE: CTEAN-UP DEPOSTT:TOTAL PERMIT FEES: SQ. FT. -wT-BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: VALUATION a DEVEI,O co 81637 co 81637 ONE I,ANDMARK SQIIARE 18TH FL, 378.00 ,00 3?e .00 378 .00 BAI,ANCE DUE---- .OO**r*rJa*****rrir****ttt***rttrrt tttt*r*i*i***+rr*tilr**ai*trt**r*rriri*t***rrirr fEem: 051-00 BUIL,DING DEPARII,IEI{T Dept: BUILDING Division:11/30/1998 JRM Act,ion: APPR APPROVED .IRI,f.IEEm: 05600 FIRB DEPARTMENT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:rL/.30/.L998 JRr4 Action: NOTE PERMTT TO FrREL2/28/L998 MTKE M ACIiON: APPR APP\TD AS NOTED CONDITTON OF APPROVAL FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR EODE COMPI-,,IAI\TCE.COI4BUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991. I]MC.INSTAI-,I,AT]ON MUST CONFORM TO MANIIFACTT]RES INSTRUCTIONS ATiIDTO APPEIIDIX CHAPTBR 21 OF TIIE 1991 T]MC.GAS .A.PPLIANCES SIIALL BE VEIiITED ACCORDING TO CXIAPTER 9 AIiTDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O5 OF TIIE 1991 I]MC.ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEMT MUST COMPLY WITII SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 iJMC.BOITERS SIIAI.,L BE MOt]I{TBD ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOUT.ITING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING,PERMIT,PI.,ANS AND CODE ANAI,YSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAIJROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REOI'EST.DR.A,INAGE OF MEEHANIEAI, ROOMS CONTATNING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FTOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F TrrE 1991 UMC. Valuation: Pireplace fnfor.mat'ion: Restri,cted: Y *of GaB Appliance6:*of cas Logs: ***tft****rr*r*.*ti*ti*fr!r*!ri1* FEE su!.{MARY r****r**rri*,r*** *s*rifrri'rtt ******************************************************************************** TOUIN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 5L657 970-479-2L39 ilob Address... : 226 FOREST RDLocation-.....: 226 FOREST RDParcel No. . .. . : 2101-071,-L5-0L6Project Number: PR.T98-0065 APPLICANT ALLIAIICE MECI{ANICAL PO BOX L2O'7, GYPSIJM CONTRAETOR ALTIAIiICE MECHANICAI PO BOX L207, GYPSI]MOI'INER KREDIET G 'f,OIINTCFCAPITALEORP, Descript,ion: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DEPART!.iIENT OF COMMT]NITY NoTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECIANTCAL PERMIT PMEI{:T .JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES PermiE, #: M98-0250 SLatus...: ISSITEDApplied. ., LL/30/L998rssued...: t2/29/1998 E>rpires. . : 06/27 /1999 Pfrone: Phone: 970-s24-740t 970-524-740L STAMFORD CT 059 1_5, 000 . 0o +of wood/PaLloc: ilechanical- - - > Plan Check--- > InveEtigation> viill call ---> l_.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7- 8_ Restuarant PIan Rcvier--> DRE F66------- TOTAL FEES------ TotaL Calculabed F6es- - - > Additi.onal Sees--- --- -- -> Total Pcrrtrit Fee--------> PayBentg---- - -- 300 . oo 75-O0 .00 3 .00 .oo ,00 378.00 DECI,AR,ATTONS r herql,lt aclsrorl.dg. tlrrt t hrv. rcrd lhi! rEFllcr!'ioq, fiuad ouf ln fulL th€ ilfotr!.llcn r.qul!.d, couplatcd !n, acculr!! plo! Pl.n, rna ttrcc th.g r11 th3 infotolftolr ptovid.d rt rlqulr€d le cortrce. tr rgt s to ccecrly vlth !h. l-nf,olrlrliolr a4d p19U tlEn,to conpLy rj,Eh all loryn oldLastrc.r rnd .t.tr l.fr, and to buil;l !hl,r rtru6bu$ eccoEding to th. TolB, E zonfug rnd .ubdj.vlrionsod.r, darign rovilr rlE !ov.d, rrnlfo!! Buildiig coilG .nd othtt qrd1!.nc.6 of thG Torn -p!,llcrbl. th.reto. RlQnBStg FOR nfSPEetIOttg atnIlL BE r|lDl TWETrIC-FOIn IOURE fW OR lr OUP ofFlcE FRotr ar00 tI 5ro0 llt 6Iq6T'lrRE O8 orwEn oR ColtfiAcrcR FOR srlrEEltr ArD O0W!A, TOM| OF VAII,,COI,ORADO !t!at.ung EtBt.Elrt Nurnblr r R.EC-0488 &ounB: Fay$ant. l.lat'hod: (n( NottCioa, 1760 37r-oo Or/o5/99 Lot25 P.roit No: U9e-o250 TlD. ! B-UECE llECtlN{rCA.L PlRllII Palcel Nor 2101-071-15-016 Si-E. AddreEE: 226 FOREgf RD Location. 226 FOREST RD Thi! P.)rEenl Tots I Fcra ! 3?8.00 ToEaI .IJJJ PEE!: Brlancc: 373.00 37e.00 .00 t t ** ** * tt *r* *t t** r * ai a* ** *r ** * r t!, lr rlr* ** * * * *** *rtr* t'* r* ** r** ar r** .trccounc Cod6 D6EcripELon AEaunE l,lP o0l,oooo311l30o UECHAII:CIE PERMIT FEES 300.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAll CIIECK FEES 75.00 wc 001000031t2e00 ITILIJ cf,lIJ INspacTIoN lEE 3.00 6 ? t-oof o PFD\rT i n.=- J APPLTCATToN }rusr BE FTLLED ou? coMPrlsTELY oR rT r,rAy ]{or BE AccEp"ED ffi****t * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERl{rr rNFoR-uATJON * * )r.i * * * * * * * * * * * */ B v^sJa ' r\Jrr ^ ^ ^ ^ x x x x i'r tt x x x x * x lf,* rt )t * * * * * * * _i_,_::llutY i 3-elumbine [ ]-Elecr'ical [ ]-Mechani-car y/_.{;fWJA Job Name 6.-d.^ 7 Z-- .-rob -r-dd=e =s: jj.AC Legal Description: Lot Ft.t rrnlr ...: .r .: _ ^_. Block-_ Fil_ing owners Nane: ,[u-J-2 Addr _Ph.Arc.ritect : )V-.e,t-'- /^-* - ^ l{-iJ/^_. i General De scrj.ption: r.rork class:_ 1(+tew [ ].-Alteration I l_additiona:_[ ]-Repair [ ]-otherNum-ber of D"re1 LiiE' Units., '/ N;rmber and Tvpe of FilepLaces: cas Appliances d/ --er*qesr' \r lq* * *'r * * x * * * * * x )t * * * t'( * * 7r :,. * * * * * x * * * * vALUATToNs * **rtJ; rt:t rt *****r******************* BUf LDING: $ r'r F/-rnn-r^r r - r DT ynrrtT\r., !l&\-rr\-!\-}IjJ: t ,,. b-"'-"'t ' + IIECHANTGAL: s, -_..-.ifl----- Ctt * * * * x * * *.,< x * * * * * * * * * !r * * * * x * *. CONTRACTOR INFOR}IATf ONr Eenerrl contractor:Town of Vaj.l Req- No.Phone l.lunrbe.r:E.'.ectrical Contractor: Ar drac c .Town of VaiI Reg. NO_Pnone Nunber: Number of Accohmodation Units: cas Logs_ I,Iood/pellet OTiIER: $ ToTAL: $ ?k* ** *)trk**** * **)t*. *x ** * * * * * * *Addres3: Mecha:ricaL Contraccor.: Addre: s: * * * * * r ** * * * * * * * * * * * *:f :,r x x * * i * * * * *FOR OFFf CE USE x * x * :i * * rt *:,r * *,r * * x * * * * * * * lr * i( * * .Plunbing contraccor:Address: BUILD. NG PERMTT FEE:PLIII'IB Nc PERI'IfT FEEI HEJHAI ICAL PERHIT FTE: EL-,-CTI ICAL FEE: OT;IER IYPE OF FEE: DQ N I'T: Er. ; /)v Town of Vail Reg. NC.Phone Nu:nber: !t*tBUI-LDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:PIIjMBTNG PI.AN CHECKMECHANICAL PI,AI CHERECREATION F.EE: ," i ;r,' l: --:D t\E-DnCT'r VALUATION STGNAI:ORE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: Tl E?irrrn rrn - o DEVEIJOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, CO 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 DEPART!4EIE OF COMMIJNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECIIANICAL PERMIT PMENT iIOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES M99-0007 970-945-2326 970-945-2326 srAl4FoRD er 069 13,360.00 *Of wood/PalI6t: Job Address...: 225 FOREST RDLocation......: 225 FOREST RD Parcel No..... : 2101-07L-15-016Project Number: PR.I98-0065 APPI,ICAI{T COIiITRACTOR OWNER SEatus...: ISSIIED ADDING FAl.IApplied. . : 0L/23-/L999 Iesued. . -: 08/L9/L999 E>cpires. . : 02/L5/2000 CI.,IMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS PhONE: P O BOX L042, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS PhONE: P O BOX L042, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 KREDIET G .IOHN? C F CAPITAL CORP, ONE LANDMARK SQUARE 18TTI FL, Valuation:Description: GENERAT VEI TTNG, SI]PPLEMENT IIEAT, FUTURE A/C FircDLace rnforuatsion: ReEtricted: Y *Of eas Appliance6: !r*rrr***i***!rtt *trteaa**tiit FEE sul'4uARY *Of Ga6 Logs: Mechanical---> Plan Check---> Inveet,igaC!on> wtll eall---- > Reseuatants Plan Review-_> DR8 Fee--------- TOTAI, FBES----.- ToBal CalculaE€d F€es- - - > Additional FceE---_-_---> TotaL Pelnit F6c--------> PaymenEs-------- EAIANCB DUE.--- 240.00 70.00 .00 3.00 .00 .oo 353.00 353 . OO .00 3s3 . OO .oo***;";..;;;;;";;;;ffi";;;; ;;.;;;;;.;;;ision:OL/29/1,999 JRN Action: APPR APPROVED ..TRIVTiEam;'ose bo-Fjnr DEPARTI4ENT Dept: FrRE Dj-vision:AI/29/L999 Jwt Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANqE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUTRED PER SEC. 7O]- OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1-997 IMC-3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTIRES INSTRUCTIONS AryD- td-crlAprER-1o oF TIIE 1997 rtMc, cIIAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 rMc.4. GAS APPT.TNNCSS SIIAI,L BE VEI\ITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 ANDSrni,i-, TERMTNATE As sPEcrFrED rN sEc.806 oF THE 1-997 ltMc, oR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE ]-997 IMC.5. ACCESS rO HEATTNG EourPMEIvr MUsr coMPLY wrrll CHAPTER 3 AND- Sse .1017 or tus 1997 UMC ArirD CHAPTER 3 oF THE 199?.IMq. _-_6. BoitERS ssar-,i-, sn t4ouNTBD oN FLooRs oF NoNcolqBUsrrBLE coNsr-UttlrSS LISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE EL,QqRING.T. FERI{It.FIANS-AI,ID CODE etmr.,vsIs MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPE TION REQI'EST.e. DRAI-NAGE-or T'IBcTIeIIICAT-, ROOMS EONTAINING HEATING OB HqT:WATER- SUpFLY-aorLpRs sHAtL BE EoUTPPED wrrg A !'LoQE-DRAIN PEB sEc.ro22 0r rsE r9gz IJMC, oR SEqrroN 1004.5 oF THE 1997 rMc' ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS t h.rrDy .clsrwt.dg. tsh.! I hrve !.rd !hi. qrlicatlotr, fiurd out ln full the inf,onrtston rcquircd, e<8pl.i.d |n accur.at Flotplur. and sgrea !h.g .11 t'h. infoEortion proviiilat rr rcqui.::ed 1r corlcct, I .qr.. to co4tly rith Chr futfotortio |nd PIoC PIa$. to couirly wj,gh ell Aortr ord&r.trcc6 rDd alrtr l.ur, and go build bhla 6tr cCurc recordlng to tha Tov4'! goning rnq .ubdivitlon coda., d..ign revlar Btrprovod, IthifoEE Eulfdlrg cod€ ana oth.r ordl,R.oc.a of gha Tonn rFplicrbla thar|Co. REQTTESTS lOR rr.sPBcuo!*t !ulM. aE lDl TtlBttrr'ForrR HouRa IN aDvllscE lI ItI(nnfURE OF Onnm On Co*mAerER FOR E$ISEL? O Ol{NlE .AT i!79-2138 oR' AT FRo]| 8:00 All 5100 PM tt{ tttt.ttii.* r.trrrr.rr.{lri*r,trttrr'trr"'t aonf Or VlIl,, cOIrOnrDO st rffirc tl ataait*ft a* ttrlt{!rti tt tirt rl t!rata!t *tl l|*t l*attlit'l1ii* !rtitlrrrtt!,l ggatscurt m|!bar: R!e-0551 lroune: 353.00 or/19l9t 16:14 ?.y!l!nt ilrthod! O( Nor|llon ! llg87,/cLlliAtEcllr hit:,tN PGloit ro! u99-0007 TtE.: E-xBcH l|ECnlIrC.Ar' PEfflI:l Pafcrl No'! 2101-071-t5-016 Elte lddrr... 316 rORAS RD LocrUien: 226 FOREST nD fitDnic F l 2 COII,S Togrl Fc..r 353. o0 ttrit PalrD.lrc 353.00 ToEtl AL! he ! 3s3.00 B.ltrcar .oo tarrll'ltallttttttttttltt*tttttt*aittl'}*rtt+*ttrt*tt{t**trtttr*tttt lccounts coda IraacrlPt ion liP 00100003111300 lilBcBl|lrlcAll PERIIIT FEE! pp 0o100003L12300 Plllf cHBcK FEEa nC ooloooo3lLrsoo I{ILL cALl .:fspBctloN FEE .l@ nc 280.00 70.00 3 ,00 PER].TIT /I PERUIT APPIJfCATION FORI'ID^lEt t/t+fq1 , APPLICATTON MUST BE FTIJLED OUT COI.IPLETELY OR IT tfAY NoT BE ACCEPTED r************'r***************** PERIrT INFOnUATTON **r**************************rl [ ]-Building [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Electricat ff-Mechanicar [ ]-other Job Name: FftAWl WttXW Job Addressz ?-Ob ?tgPh| Wrto Legal Description: Lot Block_ filtrg surorvrsron, Owners Name:Address:Ph. fto* oF vArL coNsrRusrroe l{ork class: ty!-rew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ :i*"p.ir4f*i1 Nunber of Dwelting Units: I BUILDING: El-,Ecrucar: $ oTHER: Number of AccomnodatLon Units: Gas Logs_ Woodr/pellet ********************************* TOTAL: INFORI-IATION *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO.Address: phone llurl"ir---' -T1::!li:.1 contractor: Town of vatt Res. No.Aqoress: contractor: (l,e$ bvtvrv(f ]or) T::1111:.1 contracto:3 u4qnehv{t}V d)w\?\V\ Town of vatr Res.2 , f ilEH:3? contractor: , ,,t1 r Dou ' 3;:LRn:1,*"n. "- BUILDINC PERMIT FEE: . BUTLDING PLAN CHECK FEE:,PLI,}TBING PERMIT FEE: - PLI,uBTNG PIAN cHEcK FEE:I-TEcTTANIcAL PERI.IIT rnr: T }IEcHANTCAL PIAN cIIEcK FEE:EI,ECTRICAIJ FEE: orHER IYPE oF FEE: - 8ffffi1$l"ilr|33ir,DRB FEE: - ToTAL PERMTT FEEs: BUTLDTNG: STGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNATIT'RE: Archltectz 4f?ttf lawtt AneU Address: Y.p.hov ]?\b vNV, ,o Vtvs,i p:n.q+"1.+11.1 General Description:vEldrlrr 4Uv t€Yho,JTAl, bk n fuitt a.t c-.ut 3 f*." and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ,f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS ^ ELWBINC: $ I,TECHANTCAI; lwrA* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *_* * * * * * * coNTRAqroR INFORT_IATIO:f Eeneral contractor: /t"E( n*tvtv(f tot) CLEAI{ I'P I}DPOSIT SEFTTXD !O: VALUATION Il/O3/SS 09:51 Oszo 0295468I NWCCOG @oo1 -oogb Memorandum Date: To: From: &bject: //-/- f7 ffuBua VArrts AF UA/LTaurv FrankKiliot PrcjectNane: Elevator Plan R€vieril E/82/tr- P€&DEr*s J,r*", { t/;/a; p-. Uwator fest and Inspection Location eAL fuE?asfiZa,4a vAtt- c0 PcrmitNumber EllatorTne tVUretoe ??O{? b*zazat tr The plans have been rarieryed and found m conforsr to atl applicable ANSI l7.l ad LJBC codes. p-fte elwatol/gseahdt at the above location was inspected and tested on' //-/-?f "a",El TEMPORARY Certificate has becn issued" I fNet meection C€rtificaic has b€€n issued. Comments: \eip\plauinsp.saat JAN-ag 99 LSt@7 FRUM:CLIi'IATE CONTRO- CO 9?49458128 fO=97Q479?45?PAGE:63 Goppu.Fin ll Boiler oh"nrion, lperilhotlonr w ot lJo th llvi D'f, 1lqL 8t 35ni nW gW f ll Yrt lJ |{' tllf Utl.' lll (lu0{01 0il0s1 f nvi uvi r ll|{ Ittf l0"f ! f |.llxf l' ,' f trlflq0ah'NW flVi tr 3tw 3tr,t' ltl4 fitf f ll t4i f ,r r|f oliielu.. glm I t4-tw nW nY lf llft" ltlf l5'ri $$ r l2 Yri r tlfl ,5yi 00fr$,m 4qu | !{"Ir,'nw NYi tl" ,l 3rw uyi tffr rl i1i lt 'lt: l, 'llf flrrltro :'il-ilq,m --' {B}.to-- ---tlrf,-'" r-fti' - ' 't,1t0,0m r llf llx' na fltf :n'fu.: $'1L"tl tf oltr lr r f h- trlrf_ Dltw7Wllftf 3 tt' llv{ !rry!' rtrfli {t lti tf JE'tr lr r' l0q' nrhi fl{oilK0 oillto t,t00,u 0tn0t0 llit ittl,/ls, h 11ry r|lqp 111 .,1" lou,rrrh,u, ti\rrlt |t, I t]fltt.rrhl rtti trJ!!/t,it t,i:..tlqnBri,\"ht1,tu,tu,tt'l,J'.tu.l,l.^trl,rriat,\ttI, frl,lt..huul,lt||r4!uh..ttntrttittxrt&.l\. T ,W llli' l3h- {lyi tJrh- lirftr: {t}ti la-oir lr tt 'fir r l0r,r' flrr4i l0!lw tti' llh" fllf t! rl| !t 'lrf (l tlt ll nlf tf tt rl,U' ltr ltr Art. lrttItt- lllt !3t'f lllf I rlli !5 rhf o {i lr al{- rr lll. lf lltf 2l'l1d t![10tq0 Lhlto Jtudud,]orlurst o $.i'fi 'llxrrnrl l;llicicrr. r. lhrt Surf;r(c l$nilirtl r .stuinLts trsel lturnr.r|5. li"tlund;rrrr (.ils Vrlrr.s. Otiquc tjlskerh:tr (iDfr'r-t,in ll(.rt t:,.dtunt(Tr l..r1l-l lG:tt'' Csf,truie 'lilc *irlq,l Gtttthuxtion.(lur rnlxr'. d\MF: t6.F v.t,r i(F r\.!i&lE Frursurc ltsli4 \,{lrt. NOr ltirinB r:rf 9,9 ppNr Xv Grntrurlt. Inldi/Outlct 1'rnllxrirlun.. Citt|lir,l. Air llu$urs Swhch. l0-\cir Vilmn y. Cuitntddrt ,l$tin*t Thrrrrrl Slxrkr Fitt'llrnrugh ilnnd:rrrl .{' t)trrfl:rne. I' Cll.;tfrrl(r''l u O'rtd)rlitilrL,$(J" on 3(rJ und ,IJUAtot ' 'llmtinrrl Strit: [or' ]iJvl.S. lrrrtjrtttl'. l)lrl$Nlic (:mid lrtncl lddifionol lcolurcr t.0t.20t01 ' I'rDr'flirrr llriris,rr Cfl!'li.rry I vsnlirtg. |){il| |l d Srrrlir.r'lprritirrrr Ss:rr1|p* lqXLJlDll rnrlyl. fohhiplc lll nlr,r's. lluill-[l lirrlt|c|x!a ' | )lgititl 'ltnrpurrrrrrr. (i rntr rl fl)'l'(jr. sli\L.(rut ('tn n l,xn('t Nitll Ihtltln t-.rul)(,rx-.rrl{r l'lol. S$ itc} ($llAt?o rrnlyl. f\'lrnrHl l{(.s(,:t llidt l.ifitil lhir unir ir 300.06 BtU hotu ot 006Coppc.Ikf boihr tt hoe t9 tiing c;fiotr. 0ptlond Equipnrnl r Prrscrt\l Vc| Cut: ltrr |krrl,,tr ;tl l)i|Lrl^i[r' Vcnrhlg (l llNl. ltnltirl ll(.s('t lligh l-irnirr Alrrrn l|t ll. l:lnrv Swiklt tflfl-751 Mrxlclsl. hN Vittrr (iuF(tlf| lft [Fl l. l'J k'' Sst lrpnrrr (,tr1. A((.(-'.$fi 1111,. Multl.Sl|(h 'Sti l(l ls(r Ar(rx$rfl|-irt j . (l (kxn ll|,*d lrllhbla llring t;dornr 40 r-l|Z{J M9 lilttrronic Connrlrvirh ll.t Suf3l(Elf'niti(n (.\und.!nl) [M Apprrrvuf tRt. (!rli[uniir G.r.k: n& ll) FH Mt3l.r{ Mt4nM7 ' hdrrrr only lTr//,nl ll'rtdi,tl4 PFEE:!E974479e4ft.ITO:JAN-?9 99 15:67 FR0|"|:CLII4ATE CONTRTL CO --/. v U EaD F;q-trFILEl]t9Ru 9ns : : : la tlY'Ar-lz.alrJ.i -e2U 1.r .)--{ E It{tF '.E.4:LI,'tI ! I II I It rf I I IE hJtrla<tJ 9ru tuEL!F JIL >cl -Jurcrl LJ TJ v.<r'L9 rr J$&ZE+@F(JHd tztrl Fv,fmEa.J F(JIJua I I n'r,'Contac t Eagle Countyat 970-328-8640 for :'ARCEL /l: o""u""ot"!r.. Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTfON PERMTT APPL4CATION FORMDATE:!/2An7, ,/r o PERI-IIT /I Bgs-att/ , APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED oUT coMPLETELy OR IT MAY NOT BE AccEpTEDI/,f;f***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATTON *****************************/l Work Class: [ ]-Neer f\!-atteratlon g4l-Additionaf t l-Repair Number of DwelLing UnJ-ts, I . )-rmber and rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances I . gu" Logs_ wood/pell"tLcr6*- - PRsfa-' eno 6@ t f,***********Ytl:bWT**.******** vALItAT-I-oNs -********************************* OTHER: ITOTAL:W *************************** ;lddress: ELectrical Contralddress: EI,ECTRICALs MECEN{ICAL: Nurnber of Accommodation Units: INFORI,IATION ,)lumbing ContracLor: -\ddress: Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: o?? -3ZT- Town of Vail Phone Nunber! Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. .t.Iechanical Contractor :Address:Reg. NO. ******************************** FOR oFFICE US8 *******************************BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLUIT'BING PERMIT FEE: I"1ECHANICAL PERMTT FEE:]LECTRICAIJ TEE: ;THER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI.,AN PIT'MBTNG PI,AN !.TECHANTCAI, PI.AN RECREATION FEE: CIEAN-UP DEPOSI STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: VALUATION TOTAL PERMIT FEESI.. .rltrr BUTLDTNG: full'mil. .CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT XEFIIND TO: ,I o PW#: )r*n,BE-OdEB O Parcer#:EEEm-EtrE-E Brds.Permit#:E E E'E @ @ g q y7- 3a-1J7-wB APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLICWAYPERMIT 19 I --J" Job Trench-width (min.4') E-datr N E E.E [i5TffJ:fJ TOV Conlractor's Ucense Numbor REOUIRED t7?o t7 Phone # Etectric Telephone cAw Landscaping ft6mF-ffiT Length Depth ToralsF $H.ff_z r os Total LF $ Permit Fee $ '7 J Total Perm 6. 7. BondAmount $Permit Fee ALL MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavatlng equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket and lugs shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of lhe area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtainod, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works officc to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please PublioSeryice Company (1 -800-922-1 987) up to one -a ., Pr6fic Seruice Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-19871 .,? U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) ..*-'.: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) Construction Inspector lrrigation Electricians 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to lssuance of the permit. 10. All excavation musl be done by hand within 18" of utiliti6s - (Senate Bill 172). 11. Permittee must contact Public Works Depafiment al 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture ol bond mongy. Scheduled inspec{lons whioh are not ready may result in the Town charging the conlractor a reinspection fee. - Slreets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility Slgnatur€ ot Prinl nam6 clsarly ATTACH OF WORK, INCLUOING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN all utilities have been notified as reouired.?5,4 /-9 ,17 /-si - Dalo of Signatu|€ White - Publlc Works Gold - Conlraclor Work ie for (circte one) 12. I cenfi thp{.Qrve read all qppany\ree\rents, sid\,\ n / r'--'39,w, Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. o. TOWN OFVAIL Fil,5 CoPy Departrnent oJ Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 MaY 12, 1998 Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, Colorado 81658 FAX 949-0304 RE: The IGediet Residence Building Permit/Lot I lA Block 7' vail Village lst Filing Dear Steve: I have received your building permit application for the construction of the Kredeit residence' located at 226 Forest Road."Upon completion of my preliminaty.t"!:* of your plans, I have determined that there ur. ,.urrul issues which need tobe resolved. The purpose of this letter is to i"i";t;" of which items need to be resolved. I cannot sign offon the building permit for the Kredieiresidence until the following issues are resolved' X In accordance with the Design Review Board (DRB) conditional approval, please ' submit the following: Ott(-r/ An outdoor lighting Plan,-,., / An entry gate detail drawing,oi* / Atree Preservation Plan, and zi , A verif:rcation of the building height at the fronr entry. Revised GRFA calculations are required. The revised calculations are required since the garage floor plan has been altered on Sheet A1' +?-t please submit a Design Review Board application indicating the changes to your bnS upptouut. The-changes I am referring to appear on Sheets Al' A4' A5' A6' A7, A8 and A9. please indicate on Sheet Al0, the two void areas on the lowest level of the primary residence. &ov- 'vo x {g *"n"uor r"* X On Sheet 53 appears an open area behind the garage. Please indicate what this area is and what it will be used for. I am concerned that according to the drawings, it may need to be calculated as GRFA. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerely, tLryQ,'*t-.'t George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner t'-'..i!,, o Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OFVAIL Project Name: Krediet Residence Project Description: Minor changes to approved plans Owner. Address and Phone: John Krediet Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Steve Riden, P.O. Box 323E, Vail, Colorado 81658 Project Street Address: 226 Forest Road Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot ll, Block 7, Vail Village First Building Name: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: Approved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: See building permit set of plans drteil 4ll0l9E Town Planner: Gcorge Ruther Date: SltElgE F:\EVERYoNE\DRB\APPROVAL9SUREDIET. 5 I E DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 r{a qu.rtionfll thc Plarining Srati'or 47g-312S APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, sce the submittal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all the requircd infomration is submiftcd. Thc project may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Plaruring and, Environntcntal Contntission. Dcsign Revierv Board approval cxpires onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: C B. c. D. E. F. G. PHYSICAL 6PPs63, 4.7h fulhf MD PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #)/L,ZONING: 'ft NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHoNE: ?41-4tZ/ owNER(S) STGNATURE(S):d? frf,6 NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. lncludcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial bdilding. tr Addition -$50 p{tlinor Altcration -$20 lncludcs ntinor changes to buildings and site improvcnrents, such as, rcrooling. painting. window additions. landscaping, fenccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identiff thc accuratc valuation of thc project. TheTorvn ofVail will adjust the fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. H. TOrdN OFVAIL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LAT: ll-h BLOCK: 7 FILTNC ilsign Review actln Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Krediet Residence Project Description: New single family Owner, Address and Phone: John Krediet Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Steve Riden, P.O. Box 3238' Vail' Colorado 81658 949-4121 fu4441o5o'(I Proiect Street Address'. 226 Forest Road Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot 11-a, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Building Name: g,lando f^. n;,P Board / Staff Action Action: ApprovedMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: 4-0 Conditions: Ted Clark Town Planner: George Ruther Date: ll7/98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: F:\EVERYONE\DRBWPROVAL9S\I DRBAPPRFRM -\ ar-, - | t $200.00 BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: ve6(lcAv til(', cce/*, tw %pre. Mf.ftrfA! +AFprfirNla alLL.+ CQLOR:* ttnorlrlLf v.pldl+YeeoRoof Sidittg Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Sof'fits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs ' Grccnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other WWDU ?Qurpe cq wll 2xAEp ?@1 tlL rrw NATIJFAU lx(Eotc-lu^t(E 'c'qb a^ewT NANTF}L M-rl( rrE- D $erueu- {t',*W*t> l'lb4 fu|< * Please speciff thc manufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip *+ All cxtcrior lighting must meetthe Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcasc ittdicate thc nuntbcr offixturcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identiff each fixilre type and provide thc height above grade, lumens output. lunrinous arca and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures. INIA eFau Fckirn Updated 6/97 !:E', prrvfturt PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Conrnon Namc Ouantitv Sizcr WNL.IPROPOSED TREES AND SF.IRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Mininrum requircmcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshrubs - 5 gallons Squarc FootageTvpc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls. fences, swirnming pools, etc.) Please speciff. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. Maximunr height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elscwhcrc on the property is 6 fect, Updated 6/97 i:;, ::irt.::::i:lii !i:!:iii ::;i'rli":i'lli:i i :i!}";:?i of t, amlnf mqm ol 1' acc?, comp.F.blc ln rlzc to thc drlp ltnc of thetr€e. Al I decldr.rour f,reec rhrll be rlrkcd wtth 6, rtcet .T. Portr .nd tugcd with *Ll gtuge g. lv.nlzod wl|.G .nd L !/2' x !8.nylon tree .trrp.. A?teF inr!rl lrtlon rll nawlg plrnted trecr.h.ll be rootfcd wl!h r liquid ioel groHth rLlmul.tor cont.inlnlvit.min b-? rc wel I rc r rlow relcecc fcr!lllzor, All chrqb bedc chrll be ltned wl!h wc€d prevenllon mrt prioF to bc Ing Uopdrcclsd. Al I tF€e we I lc rnd rhrub bedc ahr | | begoFdFGr.ed wlth I mlnimum of 3' of brrk muloh. llerbrcgoqc pl.nttng bedc shrtl be Lop.oll. tllled to I deF!h o?6'and be rock free. A mlxCqre ol comport .nd wcll rolted m.nurerhoqld bc tllled Into the pl.nttng bcd. ( I cublc g.rd compoot Per 360 r.f., one cuLtc g.Fd mrnuFe p€r- 25O s.f.). Allhcrbrccour plrniing bedr rhrl I bc topdrcrred wlth l/2. bltcl Co I orrdo humqc per! All othcr dlcturbcd rrerc rhrll bc rccded ro pcr thc plrnt lict.chcdul. rt the ce€ding rrte of 1? lbc./tcrc. On€ .ppl ic.tionof 16-.+6-0 fertilizer ghall be brordero! pf lot- !o ceeding et lhcrrtc of 1 lbc./IOOO c.f . All Fey"gltrted rrerr chrll bc mulchcdwit,h ?-3' of weed frec hrg oF.lrrw. Altmulched rrer chrll betr".Lcd wlth rn rpproved oFgrnlc trcktltcr rL thc rrLe of IZOlb., /.a"e. All ncwly plrntcd rrEaa ehall recclvc drtp l|.rlg.tlon . before rng cite excrvrtion tng cxlrting Flrn! mr!erlrlc rhrll beexcrvrted rnd brgged for proper root protectlon rnd rlored wi!htoFroll. where indicated oh Fl.n.. LOT I PLANT SCHEDULE COMMON NA}{E SCIENTIFTC NAME o SIZE FF t'l0 MR FF PT o N ryoo rn I (DIoo Mrrrhr | | Arh Oo Igo Cr.b.pF lc Rrdirnt Cr.b.pp I c LodgoPo le F inc Co lorrdo bluc Spruce O'JrL In9 A. pen Crnrdr Rcd Cherrg F lrmc Arnur Hep le Fggmg F:rrhrub L I lrc, French llgbridc Oo ldcn Nincbrrk bullr lo Jun i per Common Jqn ipsr ClemrLlr. tlgbrldc Nrt ivc Yc I low Potent i I AlPlnc Cqrrrnt Orrcor ic Euongmuo Frrx Inur pcnnrg lvrt icr Hr luc Oo lgo Hr lur Rrd irnL F Inuo conLortr F I ce. puhlsnt l'opu lu. Lremq lo ldeaFruhvc v lra lh l.n. mGl.noo.Fp.9hubort Accr g innr lr FlrnoCrrrgrnr pggnrga 9gr Ingr vu lgrr ir hybr id Fhgrocrrpur opq I ifo I iur Jun lpcrua aab l na bullr lo Jun lpcfua commun I a ?"ctl .2'atl .2'atl , lo- la' hL . lo-le'h!.?'ctl -?'ctl . qTY. I I 9 ACF cAF svH FOA JUb FOT Rtb EIRS Clcnr! l. hybr ld. (vrrlour) lr Fo[cnl I I l. fru lC lco.r lR I bs. . I p i n un Euonymur rtdlcrnr Et r oor ic f1 *5 r3 .u r cu.t$f5 f,5f5f5,5 f5 6 6 I5 .1 .al l'l l6 T?I ?q FOLN] FIN I CA'L.5- No. e169 lrl n 'Ja o' '{o c.r o --)'.. ^ 4<i>r:19 / lrl Fo F. Od tr F z z o &: gl ts Ld Ozrd A c/) rda l-t-trl n rd d, \2 rd E F= N o:{ooco oF<3a&o ed O @ cotYlrcnT.TEVfN JAUTS RIDENA,l.A. Af,CHTIECTttl itctTs REIEI.VED UTILITY LOCATION VERI FICATION This fornt is to vcri$, scrvice availabiliry and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction with prcparing your utility plan and schcduling insmllations. Thc location and availability of utilities. whethcr thcy be main trunk lincs or proposcd lincs. must bc approvcd and verified by thc following utilitias for thc acconrpanying site plan. Authorizcd Signanrrc Date U.S. Wcst Comrnunications r-tt00-922-t 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Company 949-578 r Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.l. 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-7430 Frcd l-laslcc N6f vfr2 t * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrcs. Firc florv nccds mtrst bc addrcsscd. NOTES: L If thc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr each ofthe utility companics. and no conlnlcnts arc lnadc dircctly on thc lbrnr. thc Town rvill presunrc that therc are no problenrs and thc dcvclopnrent can procccd. Ifa utility company has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on the utility vcrification form that there is a problcm which needs to be rcsolvcd. The issr.re should then be detailcd in an attached lcttcr to the Town of Vail. However, please kccp in mind that it is thc responsibility ofthc utility company and the applicant to resolvc identificd problems. Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc the conhactor ofthc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pcnnit ftonr thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must bc obtained bcforc diseine in any public right-of-way or casenrcnt within thc Town of Vail. A buildins permit is not a Rrblic Wav pcrmit and nlust bc obtained separatelv. F{tOttrt- &ev(85 tN rhLe. p"lr*1 2. J, Updated 6/97 Krediet Rsidence Exterior Lightiag Information Lot size: 13,664 sq. ft. Murimum # of light sources : I p€r 1000 sq. ft. Maximun # of exterior lights -- 13 #of lights tlpe name&nurnber bulbsize 5 wall mounted Visa # OWl062 40 watt8 reoessed cans Elco # EL7lCl00 40 watt Tot Luminous Area of each light Visa - l9l8 x4.4:10.45 sq. in Elco - 19/8 x4.4:10.45 sq. in. Initial Lumen Output Viso - 40 watt bulb :440 lum€ns Elco - 40 watt bulb:440lumems Luminanoe Visa - 42.1 Elcrc -42.1 Height abovegrade Visawallmounted = 7'-0" Elco recessed can : 10'-0' +! it i! iE € \\ii -'-Jii !F?;t5 Jzo F z t, I irriiitrr --.t__ lillli!!i il .-t-'{ N FE il fi !fi$iil THE TI,EDIET I.EEIDENCI126 tolltt foaDvarr. oololADo rt6t7 tr$cgrfifiry --i lrll tlf - ltltt- .: sftcag) Moca rriMEtR ;Ii:0rt/E src['s BASE ril00€t 0. A!0 riMP !iitFiI 400 :ir]lsir suFlr I/NTG.0 cErir:l ,IE\IPEfl ED 5iI]OSUSTED GUSS Pfi,lELS STAN0A80 6-3/4' 6-l'4' 171fin l71flrn -r0t1i 10F26 -1 1Cl r 1zgrfir 0w1050 H()USINS .PI, VG TOP & MM: 1?', 36mm TBJPETED STNCEUS;i! GLrSS PAIEi.S STAfi 0,1R0 0w1054 .rotll.10F26 rllri,l 6-t/..1'lilffli t2' 173|'lrm:05mm 6-3/'r', l7lmm itolJslNo .Pr, v6 TOP & MM:{I &3i l' 15-3/8' "o-33'?r!mm 391mm z:&nm 8-:/8' 213n 0wl056 -zur :i, lutzc -:lli5 ---r.-.- . Trfrm ! ,iHtsf+ll ll,rJJr_lLUlll rff.rn Itr fFti1+i i ' t+.it!rJ.l Iu-uJl.u I ----r-.-- ,;-------l I-,rllir:- llr --i-r l -l iEliiPli€C 3lll08L{Si:! GUSS Pdrrtts SINDFo sugrrirl P.rrii! cEs:Gi{ ;8r,\/c8( lDR CuoiAroll -lNlc.l r l;er.m Hous[tG. {I. VG IOP 3 }ffM: 12' &'J' 6-1,4' 0w1058 305mm lilnn l7lmm a-3i8' 0w1070 213flrnlafifit5-18', 3-t8' !91ftm 238rim -ifi rEcH!||cAt sPECtFtCtTtofls PHOTOMFIRICS FlilrsHEs 0m0 s L.rMPrtlG Ccnlad ';cal reprEsenbliv€ !fl hno soeciircimns.aoolicatons issrsEncg Jy?treola. PT Painted Vefliv :YahbiUtv ol oodcns selecE!.g;r,l-r'Si llormat P1,rsr Fdor. 0 deqre liirertet mrnmum (Sceofv color sutix hom Fintshes brociur?l AC roylic ganeb imtad of $anoard glas pan?ls. nnly ruxinun ,te&qes aarlable. 2Tw .luorEscenl iJrnornE. :urinn lrcenuc tof llucrcsac lJm0no. hctJsrirc Fr0rcrred mdd. cat rumrrrum fio.md:anobla$ed lhand oolied I'n|sh o'/Erie.ncet€lt ;Ess 0a ts. MCl,illIi G Mounrs r0l sFndard e€d cal ,,villl ;uruDn tor.solid ccooer. Finrsh ,1|ll vary kom lirtue lo lixturr.l @ r.,,*u,,., i,@ | @ orono, 0e5rnn l,'l0rld|cilD0 FirtnlS Bcsfived. u Y I ; **f 1 "c" l-"r,il il f 06{0 W€sl Bndlcy Fll, Mrlwaukee. ivl 5i::.1 4 | 4 354.ii600 4r1J54.7.136 Telr Ful S0eclr.| Hotline: @ 1993 Visa Liohtino / VIISI)CPP / 0W0041.8@.;g8.VlSA Pnnt Code nev 0594 AVERAGE LIFE H(lURS AVERAGE LIFE HOURS UZJ Gx23 Gx23-2 G24d1 G24d2 G24q-2 ztttl lvlED BIP 4,\.]ll G24d3 G24q-3 lutl z.\l I I zull fulED BIP MED BIP MIED BIP MED BIP GRl0q GR10q GR10q Gfl10q GRl0q 09w 'r3w 13W 13W 18W 18W 18W 20w 24tzTN 26W 26W 36i39W 40w 50!V 30w 40vv 25W 32W 'l0w t6w 21W 28W 38W FL FL FL(DBL) nFl OFL 0FL(4-PrN) FL FL(T-r 2) FL ciL 0FL(4-PrN) FL FL FL FL(T-12) FL(T-12) FL(T-8) FL(T-8) DFL(20) DFL(20) DFL(20) DFL(20) DFL(20) 600 825 860 900 1,200 1,250 1,200 i 2ca 1,800 1,800 1,800 3,150 4,000 t,Jt 3 ,1t\ ) AEN 650 1 050 l',lqn 2,050 2.850 10,000 10,000 10,0c0 10,000 10,c00 10,000 10,000 9,000 12,000 r 0,c00 10,000 1 2,000 20,000 14,000 18,000 20 000 20,000 20.000 8,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 10,c00 GE OSFAM GE uc OSRAM GE GE GE GE OSRAfuI GE GE \rt GE GE ur trE GE GE GE MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MOG DC BAY DC BAY OC BAY G4 GY 6.35 RSC 'r,000 1,000 750 4,000 750 6,000 750 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 60w 75W 100w 150W '150w 200w 250W 300w 500w 100w 150W 250W 20w 50w 300w UE PHILLIPS GE GE GE GE GE IJE OSRAM OSRAM OSMM 't tE 1,190 I 7An 1 7t\ 2,850 4,010 e ?7n 6,360 10,850 1,600 2,800 5,000 350 1,000 6,100 rNc(I-10) tNc INC rH(PAn-38) INC rNc(A-23) TH(PAn$) rNc(Ps-25) rNc(PS-35) TH ftl TH iH(12V) TH02v) TH(r-3) llJt/ BSC [/ED il/ED I/ED MOG MOG tu10c ru- tl PG.12 fuIED IVIED MED JVIEU MED MED MED OSRAM OSRAM PHILLIPS GE SYLVANIA GE GE PHILLIPS PHILLIPS GE GE GE GE UE 70lJV 150W 70vv 1CoW 175W 250W 400w 1000\,v 50w 100w 35W 50w i0w 100w 50!v i5w 100w DH DH H H n H H H ws(T-10) ws(T-10) HPS(B-17) HPS(B-17) HPS(B- r 7) HPS(B-17) MV(8-17) MV(B-17) MV(8-17) 5,000 11 ,000 5,000 8,000 15,000 18,000 36,000 105,000 2,300 4,i00 2,150 3,800 8,300 1,140 2,800 4,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 l0,000 ' r 0,000 'r0,000 20,000 12,0C0 10,000 10,000 24,000 24,000+ 24,000+ 24,000+ 16,000 16,000 18.000 v6A UGHnNG O 1995 ,fl | lJ lu/ I'It.rI: t.l I L't lJ z(t 2(]tfltfif]Ittz lll.)rnootn(' (970) 949-4r2r frt z ={ l--rP o '-l._a frl ) $1',-€' oc{ (I|{ 2rn ot ftq3 f;frt 9H{ntIn7 N .l A M E S POST OFFICE BOX 3238vArL. co.81658 FAX 949-0304 4"lO- 16'r O, . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. '$ffFr:':tillsi:-v*::ui' n*-nmx*l$p ql-*stuts.,oN APR-2€l-94 Ot, SB FROII , TOv-COM-DEV-DEFT .tD.9?04792452 , APPIJCAIION UUsf 3E FTIII,ED OUt @t{PLErEIry OR rT UAY NOT BE ACCEPIED [*********tt*****t*****t!r**t*t gERtiI1! 11rntnuA111o1f *rrr*r**r**r.***rr*******r***Il 1$-eurraing t ]-Plunbing [ !-Etectrieal [ ]-ttechani-car t !-other Job r{aae: RPg0/lif'r Eaoet:c'e,Job Address. fuM fu*P ,."*r; r,:;,:; ceneral Descriptionz N6tiJ *uett, (b!t-lr Fllorlc Class: g/-xev [ ]-Nteration I t-Additional [ ]-Repatu t l-Ottrer Nulber of DnellinE Units: I lfrnber of Accounodaiion Units:(o fNFORI,IASION il!r***** r * ***.* **i* !r**:r*t * r a Add,ress: Electrical Contrastors Adtlress: Pluubing egntrae''-or : Address: Uecbanical Contractor:Addrese: trt** ****t *tata ** tr !t** **:r**t *!rt**FORBT'II,DING P8RMIT EEE:Fr,mrarxc PERt{rT EEE3 !{BCEANTCAIJ PERIIIT PEE: ELECI'RIq'AIT FEEs CI4TEER TIPE OF FEE: DRB FE83 Town of vait sss. tto. lti-| ldo"" Nunirer: _?AgE fown of vail Reg. NO._*_Phonc Nunb€rl lot'n of vail Rcg. l{O.Phonc Nunbe_r: fowrr of, Vail Eaeg. Xo.Ph6ne Nunbcr: oFFrcE usE ******lr r******** **ff r**r**r**r* BI'TI,DING PIIT{ CEECK EEE:gut!,tBrNc PrAJt CEBCX FEE:}IECITAIIICEL PIA}| CSECK trEEs .RECRE.AIDION 8EE3CIEmI-UP DEPOSr!3 IICTAIJ PERIIII FEES! BTIII.DT}|G; STCNAIURE: ZOI{ING: SIGilT1TIRE: -t- ---t- TOWN OF VAIL Office of the Tot)n Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 -479-2 I O7/ F ax 970 -479 -2 I 5 7 November 3,1997 Ross Davis, Jr., Esquire Attorney at Law WestStar Bank Building 108 S. Frontage Road, Suite 307 Vail, CO 81657 Re:John Krediet, 226 Forest Road. Dear Ross: I am writing at your request as a follow-up to my correspondence of October 31,1997 regarding Mr. Krediet's project. I have confirmed with the Community Development Department that the plans for development of Lot l1 will be an amendment to t}re previously approved plans as well as an amendment of the previously granted building permit. As an amendment, however, the plans will be subjected to whatever review, principally the DRB, is require and it will require the issuance of an amended building permit, the previously issued building permit number 897-0009 having been revoked. If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me. R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey RTIWawxc: Susan Connelly -Mike Mollica / Very truly yours, TOWN OE VAIL {j *rn"uo r^rtr Ofice of the Tbwn AttorneY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8jl657 970-a79 -2 I 07/F ax 970-479 -2 I 57 HAND DELIVERED. TELEFAX AND REGULAR MAIL October 31,1997 Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail. CO 81658 Mr. Ross Davis 100 South Frontage Road, West Vail. CO 81657 RE: 226 Forest Road/Lot 1l' Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing Dear Steve and Ross: I am responding to the issues we discussed at our meeting on October 29' 1997 ' We recognize and appreciate i4r. Krediet's concern in receiving some indication of staffs opinion regarding the preliminary plans for the proposed revisions to the Krediet residence. We are responding in a timety fasnion so that all interested parties can work together to remove the remains of the prior structure from the property before the onset of the winter season' I have been informed by Lauren Waterton that there has been a staffreview of the preliminary plans for the proposed revisions to the Krediet residence. Based on this initial review. it appears that the plan is generally in compliance with all zoning issues' Although there appears to be three areas where the proposal is not in compliance rvith the zoning requirements. These include: 1. The proposed southemmost ridge (elevation 83 I l) appears to be 34' in height. one foot above the ma.\imum allowed. {; r""r""to r^rt, 2. J. At-grade decks may only encroach halfuay into the setback area. The proposed deck on the south side encroaches more than halfuay. Based upon the initial calculation for GRFA, it appears that the total GRIA is over the allowable by l5 square feet. Staff indicates, for your information, the process for approval of these revisions include: I . Approval of the Additional GRIA (250) and the Conditional Use Permit for the Employee Housing Unit by the Planning and Environmental Commission. 2. Approval by the Design Review Board of the separation request. 3. Approval by the Design Review Board of the project. It should be noted that the DRB must review the project at two separate meetings. The first meeting to review the issue ofseparation and the second to review the project for design and site planning issues. Staffwill not oppose the request for a separation from the Samuels' residence. As you know, Lauren Waterton is no longer with our Department of Community Development. To assure that the history of this project is understood. I wiil attend all meetings where this amendment is being considered including stafl DRB and/or pEC meetings. If any further information is needed. piease advise. Very truly yqns. a ----<- \r, r/ ,'--,' f)zL )/fnVl R. Thomas Moorhead Town Aftomev Susan Connellvffi"Mollica t,aDesign Review Action Form Proiect Name: Krediet Residence Project Description: New single family Owner. Address and Phone: John Krediet Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Steve Rideno P.O. Box 323E, Vail, Colorado 81658 949-4121 TOWN OF VAIL Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 226 X'orest Road Lot 11-a, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing Buildine Name: Board / Staff Action Action: ApprovedMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: 4-0 Conditions: Ted Clark The applicant shall address each of the following conditions: 1. Submit an outdoor lighting plan 2. Submit an entrT gate detail drawing 3. Submit a tree preserration plan 4. Verify building height at front entry 5. Install stone detail at garage entry Town Planner: George Ruther Date: l/7198 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPRoVAL98\l DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: S200.00 Fl, a ; ;UPY TOWN OF VAIL Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Fronmge Road Vail, Colorado 8j/657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 December 31, 1997 Steve fuden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re:Proposed Krediet Residence, 226 Forest Road/Lot I l-A, Block 7, Vail Village First Dear Steve, I have completed a preliminary review of the plans you submitted for the proposed Krediet Residence. Upon completion of nry review, I have determined that there are several outstanding issues which yor"r need to address. The purpose of this letter is to infornr of which issues you need to address and to let you know that I have schedule the Krediet Residence for final review by the Design Revier.v Board on Wednesday, January 7,1998, at 3:00 pm. Please resolve thc followins issues: l.The driveway centerline grade ranges from l2-15%o. The nraximum grade for a heated driveway is 72o/o. Please revise the grading as necessary. The proposed swale on the southeast corner of the lot will need to be graded to match the existing contours of adjacent lots. The grading on the southside of the building near the retaining wall is incorrect, The top of wall elevation is 8284'but the 8286' contour line ties into it. Please amend the plans accordingly. The 4' concrete drain pan at the edge of the driveway needs to be constructed with a 2" invert. Also, please add a note to the plans indicating that the concrete pan will not be heated. The driveway heating system that is in the public right-of-way needs to be on a separate zone from the rest ofthe system. This prevents having to replace the entire system should the Town of Vail complete work in our right-of-way. z. J. 4. {p """'""'o " "' 5. Will you need to upgrade any utilities in the street? If so, you will need to bore underneath Forest Road as the asphalt can not be cut. 6. The maximum width of a curb cut with flares is 24'. Please revise the plans accordingly. 7, Pursuant to the UFC, the proposed house needs to be sprinklered with a Fire Department approved system. 8. An area comprising at least l0% ofthe heated driveway surface area needs to be provided for snow storage. Please revise your plans and add an additional 70 square feet ofsnow storage area- 9. Where is the 8252 contour line on the east property line? 10. In order to determine building height, please indicate the eave elevation along the north elevation of the main rool I l. Please provide a detailed drawing of the entry gate including column height. Please be advised that the maximum height of the gate columns shall not exceed six-feet in height. 12. According to my calculations, the proposed house is over the allowed GRFA by 72 square feet. A 600 square foot credit is given for garage area The proposed garage areais725 square feet in size. Therefore, the additional 125 squ tre feet ofgarage area must be added to the GRFA total. l3 Plcase stake-out the building footprint on the site. i he DRB will be doing a site visit to the proposed building site on Wednesday, January 7 Again, I have scheduled the proposed Krediet Residence fo, final DRB review on Wednesday, January'1,1998. In order to remain on the January 7 agenda, please address each ofthe issues described above by no later than Monday, January 5, 1998. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. I can be reached by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerely, JtJ^^^-oJ-*l--t George Rutlieq AICP Senior Planner v)I Foa t-l-\l I xS)I\J Gb.JI --.1 *_, IItvl-t-.lc\ l$\ NS \T1 'l- + G\{ tl5I'J o =' |.J E: o >x<u () ur 9_ FloR57Eo()a+ :- &3 IJ CJ\Jt t\)OL^ K -6: R la ;.J (hl&lN1 tR\:J'BI\TN €lR!1 r(\-- It\t-)t-NI't\ I I I I I I II I I II l-Srst$ t\"I lr_ l\N lu,r l\ l* -r ll ls lNl'ls tl tt lw l{lW l-$l'l t-. l$\)Fl\r lU) L\Il -1.) d\9 ():;'H n-g u..! u..: q t r\\ Flx \ O>5EA.J a ='I 55t L/1 o :.i= 5. Ul NN$ \n T' 4 LN fSlc\ l-,r-lsN++ I$l$ lDtX nl\J1(<\'N l$\ v_r)\I\l .ll Y.tt Nxl* Fl- lN r&tl TF?(t ':' oor '1+*=b-t; ,go qbE7i!rX,:E.rFi Aioa E.<45foa = CJ6'B' U' NlN IN llJtz Frtr')l-r. IrtK)IX ooo()'oooA o td d!,cr;- FJ |mlx U? td lo |cJ t--1 l() IJ 0a lu' luIt u) I I lf l\N I I go o [alV\o tJ I l-N IN lut I t \l rtt$h $ c) E. c) a .E,o l\" Is r IR I zo 9, to ln- I z.o I I I c)ao U)o s IItlv li l'r lSis .v 5og I I I kI I I I I I I I I I I I =o a r- I I lo [l" I I I I I I I I I { (D o u; C, a)a o7f LN /a\ I 1...t\\ 11 \- I c)o q9. c) F Np A) (n At5 .() oa)7i$' * \ ft \lo ls l\I\ I tl lw h Itv l" tn- I' I lslI tf\- | FP ht tfi 1t' I lo..l' o (n C) t(\Llr -.. lbvlR-l\is !O c,. \$ic.\t\ 0 o (! 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Enlf, b tr Lu f, *lAI,l ?. 17lol pl+l rl 7. 1PItl EI rp + o b,lf W F + fl ^ fll rlel 1i -lFIcl,Fl 6 r9IC l6 tglo E w lr olclnl ol?l EI W ls ITF Wttffa' t*: tl t?, I ov f, Fr il ilol,lrl ;l fl g aq en ;+ ElO-lrf.v V E ? lL oa, 6U ro f F,+ It JA ,) bl ) L1 3l r\-17'l,l-lll)l7. 1-+- |*,1t?| +lPl f;l s.€ a I F 0..(, Fl-t2 IClF It0E- I alul)lrl ^lYI/T'I "l9l,r1 P' r" Yt.f l" WEn l^r W yGI 1l f1 -' I>l)ol Iol:l 'O- |7lr'l ? 7" T r a? h V. V E ? IE F ZONE CHECK Phonc Phonc hoposcd usc Buildablc Existin q Proooscd Total RemainingAllorvcd = 632-b Sitc Covcragc Hciglt Sctbacks 37'3V ok_ &5 /*,n V d= V,e(9 z %t7 >7' q- o?-t ak- a? 3'@ 3 ,o 2.3 Encloscd Goo)@eoo) (r2oo)?L5 (+1zs 6<fr> Pcrmittcd Slopc IZ % Ycs--Ot-- vrr-dL.- 2) Floodplain 4) Water Course Setback 4k (30),'< ^\ n J'tJv, vF- 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc OL b) Rocldall c) Dcbris FIow NO Prcviousconditions of approval (chcckpropcrfy frb); <. (A,.tulral 4#fawd ft6o 4ffrrvd Proposcd Slope l Z -19 % a'\/?-/' . qlzase- ah4'A oN N Addrcss Ormcr Architcct Zonc di Lot sizc 1u 72,77,5 rotar GRFA +afu- + 8fu Prinrary cRF ^ Z bsb. 1-W]:HJL-3tu7 * Sccondary GruA I71O +(425)(675*) =-2+L5_Zt/55 + + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs tlis rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? / Horv much of rtrc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd with d;lrr r"qu"rtZ lf 7 F 'Za%+'bz-t3t+* Z?5= 20' 15' l5' Landscaping Rctaining Wall Heighrs Parlcing Garagc Crcdrl Drivcway Rcquired Complics wirh TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Enr.i ronm cntalAlazards (30)@ Front Sides Rcar Minimum l1,7VET ls thc propcrfy non-conforming? Dcscribc:No Projcct: DESIGN REVIE\Y CIIECKLIST EI SI.JRVEY tr FLOORPLANS Scalc Scalc Bcnchmark GRFA Legal description Lot Sizc 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc F.HII Easemcnts tr BUILDI'IG ELEVATIoNS Topography Scalc Color\Materials Roof Pitch tr LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trees Proposed tees Legend MISCELI.A,NEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Photos ofsitc Building material samplcs C.O. Vcrification Variances Plat restrictions I00 yr. flood plain Watcr Course Sctback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot clcvations E SITEPLAN Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection -:- Sun\ShadeAnglcs Sitc Grade\Slopc - utilities (underground) Vierv CorridorsReainingWalls Fences lf Community Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:@rks Terri Martinez, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire RetumTo:George Ruther, Community Development Date Routed:vl tb RetumBv:tzlzs ProjectName:V-rec,ie'- Ra. Project Address:Z6 @rRo*D Project Legal: Project Description: Nt6Ar 5r4€ fr+'n|ll P{i,rt '" \;crcD*- Approved X O.oirO (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions n D*ivn-.,rc\r is G!r<\- =u-.A. .-t ccrl-!*tr '{O +" c",^tL"'ta v""" u+ is q* rt7' ' Aittc* d*"'**., o".^"la U.eq.-feJ ts l?.,7oC> ,nes sF- f.+ *C ts.lltJl*s ,^.' ,^lil JL hr,un L^ o.oAt o.-r{ our., L*+ t(-B t" tr.rr,'h.e it @ (.\ t ( .\ta. eiqL-f o*t i*. rJrri"-\n* uecku"5 ,t "- at b*\s* fS*.?ht^=\ tt t"ltt vAr\ s\sl\ ,..ot or.rt hss* iw'tt, o,tco U.e"l ir^- {Lg r.is\} "f .^Fol - rUr,e* Le ou- c-* *noso*t zorr..e 3\C,Ji(,,^.' nop.\ {*r .rn sooJ,r orr.r cltl\itius i^ [Le s{.e€t? ?'t llAa*. r.riJtL curb- <-st ur',{r- f[o*"t a*' T -.-\' Lp S-1"". Aoof,, tpat.it-i,.r.rrr&s. e7 A \\- Date: lX- ?O -?* l\u1/}lyoleu@r\IurforBr lharatrt nilfitl $rc}IDitr! l2l15/!n 9l fumiptt hotmt Trodrral ' 5?iltr69$r't|ttn MY TO IIf, MEN tr FIRSEflf, tr tfiILmIL m 8l5fl:lGlllSl9r FN !fiFTT IIIYur tr rnIL f,| 1t3t Tlrn of Ueilrrr qSIffn EIFI rrr FER: HIIIT n DHfft IlhtE: lUl6l? ll lE0ElFI: ffi9 mlpun orY iluI lP ltEBI$ NEUIB' FE I EN.N OR I]N{rilEt sJ, Town of Vall t of Communlty Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Name: Address: Project: Account No. 001 00003141110 ooTooo-ogr+rirz 001 0000 3141112 Unif orm Plumbi 001 0000 3141112 Unif orm Mechanical 001 0000 3141112 Unif orm Fire oot oooos]41112 Zoning elq iqqlgee lr/eps Unif orm Build Code Code 001 0000 3141112 001 0000 3't41211 001 0000 314 1 111 001 0000 314 1 111 001 0000 315 3000 oofoooo sir2soo 001 0000 31 5 2000 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 001 00003124000 001 0000 3112200 00100003153000 001 0000 240 3300 001 0000 312 1000 ooiori-oo zso zb-oo '001 0000201 1000 ;;;{ ^^;;;i ^;-{ ^-001 0000 310 1100 0000 3 0000 3 2500 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 00100003112500 001 0000 311 2500 2500 00 00 00 Receipt N". futt o^,"JZL /dt?Z Please make checks payable lo the TOWN OF VAIL Item National Electrical Code Other Code Books Blue Prints/Mvlar Coov Fees Studies, Masler Plans, etc. Penaltv Fees/Re-ln Plan Review Re-check Fee f Hours I Conlractors License Fees Applicalion Fee Ad_dit i o n 4lql_g-! Appl icati on Fee 9pqS1t.1!gv-!-ey*qgedlCC_C Buildinglnve$igation Fee Restaurant License fee (TO Spec. nsseii.nest,auranaFee to Co-Deotne\L IaI?,p !9 @_ 1.9_73 (staGt - ra! Taxable @ 4.O% PEC APPLICATION FEES Additional GRFA - "250" Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 Exterior Rtteration Lr4ore than 100 Special Developmenl District - NEW Dislricl - Minor Amend Retail Sales Tax District - Maior Zonino Code Amendments Re-Zoni Commenls: Cash_ Money Order#checx* ffi Fecetved tv, y'O Dr.lru Aeplaruar-p & CHRtsrENsEr.r. p.C. Tx: Varl Bat,tx Burr_orr.to Surre goo roe Sourx Fnotnce Rolo Wtsr Vlrr-, Colonloo eresz 9 December 1992 I N, Mr. Ross DavlsVall Bank BullctIngVatl CO HAND DELIVERED Re: Krediet Redevelopment Dear Ross: Law Orrrces JOHN W. OUNN ARIHUR A. AEPLANALP, JR. ALLEN C. CHRISTSNSEN OIANE L. HERMAN R. C, STEPHENSON tFactat couN!f,L: JERFIY W. HANNAH TELEPHONE: (970) 476-0300 TELECOPIER:(970) 47e-4765 KAREII M. OUNN CER'IFIEO I€GAL A9SIStANI /'-" 7-a &)nu--.t,-'' Ff d- tr ..-zltd As we dlscussed late last week, our Flrm represents the ForestTrust, the owner of_ the property occupied uy ine samuers farnirywest of the lot on Forest Road belng iedevetbped by your crient,Mr. Kredlet. our cllent has been asked to approve the redeveropment 1_rranwhlch Is to be submitted to the Tohrn bt varr by or on behalf of Mr.Krediet. rn assocratlon wlth that request, 6ur clrent has notedthat this seems to be an opportune ttme- to resorve, for the publicrecord, .a couple of lssues whlch mlght otherwlse be lerL in ttrealr, but regardrng whtch our respectlve crlents seem to be rnagreement. As. background, the properttes whrch are now owned by ourrespectlve crlents__were formerry known, ln their entrreLy, ds r,otll, Brock 7, Vall vlrrage Flrst Frllng. Mr. Kredlet, owns Lot 11Aand the Forest Road rrust now owns r-,oC tts. Lot 11 was originarlysubdrvided (and a'declaration of qovenants was recorded) piior t6the creatron of the concept of gross resldential floor aiel lcnre;and many of the oLher land use iegulatlons nor., impose,l by the Towi.rof vall. As a resurt of that facl , the declaration (,rd not coverthose lssues. The owrrers of the propertres have arways interpreteddevelopment rights to have a dlrect-and proportlonat6 rerati6nshrpto the square footages of the respective new lots, ano even C[^eTown ls In apparent agreement thac there shourd be n6 iEEbEEF-6n Both of our crlents either now have or soon will have projectgbefore the Town whrch aasume the foregolng. your srient,-ha6, ofcggrse, lncorl rrated. an enployee houelng unlt lnto hls project,.whtre that nay be a blt inconslstent wrth past lnterpretatibnsl ourcllent has no diffrculty with that propolar. 9|e liave prepared asupplement to the orrginar decraratron whrch incorporitei theseurrderstancfrngs and the ablllty of your crlent to proceed r.rith Lheemployee housrng unlt, and 60tn tne orlglnal ai-,,t the proposed supplemental decl,rratlon accompany thts letter. We hope that l:othyou and your cIlent wlll flnd the proposed supplemental declarat lon acceptable, and that the document may be executed and recordeq inthe relatlvely near future. Upon the flnallzatlon of this documentand conflrmatlon that the current development proposals areconslstent wlth lt, as we understand they are, vre believe that ourcllents wlll be In a posltlon to formally approve tlre Kredletpropoeal. In fact, the _ finallzat,ion of. the supplemenf,al qgg!eret:!e!__EgJ be ugeful wlth regard to your own concern relatlngto the questlon of whether the ConsEruc flon E f-totaTfv detac he-d, conSloe to be a duplex lot. e has ff you beLieve that any changes in thls proposal are necessaryor deslrable, I'll be pleased to dlscuss any such suggestlon wlthyou. Thank you for your cooperatlon in this matter. & CHRTSTENSEN, P.C. Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr. Enclosurexc: Forest Road Trust SUPPLEMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS RELATING TOLOl' 11, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO VIHEREAS, Lhere !.ras recorded in the Office of the Clerk andRecorder of Eagle County, on 8th day of August, L979, in Book 289at Page of the real property records (the "Records") aDeclaratlon of Covenants, Condltlons, Restrlctlons and Easementsrelatlng to Lot 11, Block 7, Vall Vlllage Flrst Ftling, EagleCounty, Colorado (the "Declaratlon"), and WHEREAS, the underslgned are the owners of Lot llA and Lot118, Block 7, VaIl Vlllage Flret Fillng, belng the lots lnto whichLot 11, Block 7, Val1 Vtllage Flrst FlIlng was dlvtded Inassoclatlon wlth the Declaratlon, and ViHEREAS, the undersigned have determined that the Declaratlonshould be amended as set forth hereln. NOtl, THEREFORE, the undersigned hereby amend the Declarationby the addltlon of the followlng provlslons: 1. Development rights which are nord or may in the future beassoclated vrith t.he enttrety of Lot l1 (includlng but not. timiti,l to "Gross Residentlal Floor Area" as now or hereafter regulaLed by theTown of ValI, Colorado), and are not otherwlse dtrectly assoclatedwith or asslgned to Lot llA or Lot l1B, Indlvidually, shall beallocated to Lot 11A and Lot l1B in the same proportion as thetotal sguare footage of Lot l1A and Lot 118 bear to the entirety ofthe orlginal Lot 11, provided, however that t,he foregolng provisionshall not be deemed to prevent the constructlon of an employeehouslng unlt upon LoL 11.A, If pernltted by the Town of Vall. The rt ies ck sh be reguired wreferetructlon adlac _ lbe_Iqgpg$I_ I lne common LoEs -11A and 118. In all L'ther respects, the underslgned hereby confirnr theDeclaratlon, as amended. This document may be executed lncounterparts and, when a counterpart ls executed by t"lre owners ofLot 11A and Lot l1B, thls document shall be fully bindlng upon allovrners of Lot llA and Lot 118. IN WITNESS ViHEREOF, the undersigned have slgned thls document. Forest Road Trust irh-to By: Owner of LotVall VlllageEagle County, llA, Block 7 FJ rst FllIngColorado of Lot Vl Ilage County, 118, Block 7First Fillng Colorado Owner VaI l EagIe TruEtee -a t Qucstifiall rhc Planning Staff at 479-21l8 A PPI,ICATIOIV F'OR PI,ANNI NC A ND ENVI RONI!' ENTAI. COMMISSION APPROVAL TArfN OFVAILIY GENERAL INFORMATION A , .:/GENERAL INFORMATTON V ./ \ This application is for any projcct requiring approval by thc Vtu{ninyfif,.nvironmcntal Commission. For spccific information, scc thc submitlal rcquircmcnts for thc particula r approtrat ff4ylrqlucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd until all rcquircd information is submittcd. The projcct nloy fiso/f.g/dbc rcvicwcd Ly thc Town Council and"/or thc Dcsigrr Rcvicw Board. (J-> A. TYPEOFAPPLTCATTON, 2,tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Anrcndmcnt to an xp{ydjDcvclopmcnt plantr Bcd and Brcaldarit tr Employcc Housing Untr Conditional Usc Pcrmit tr Major or tr Minor CCI etr*dtVAdi"tr Major or tr Minor Subdivision (Vait Villagc) 1/tr itczoning D Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcrationtr, Sign Variancc (Lionshead)\/{ Variancc tr Spccial Dcvclopmcnt Disbicttr - Zoning codc Amcndnrcnt EI Major or E Mirpr Amcndmcnt to an sDD B.DESCRIPTION.OF THE REQUEST: D. ZONING: ng NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: F. OIVNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): Puot.le: q7A- 7e9A G.NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: MAILINC ADDRESS: H. PHoNe: 747- 32?2 FEE - SEE THE SLTE}'{TTTAL REQUIREMENTS FoR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS.APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THEDEPARTMENT oF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 25 soUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 91657. For Oflice Use Only: reepatdt?@.O0 c,*,I&E By:fu.b l6yblyu?ftp,?.,. Rovird &96 't_ 0l -07-97 L8t42 7-@r-1997 il,€2AM TO'./{NOFV/'IL TYPEOF AFPLICATION: O Adcioonal CRFA (250) D Bcd and Brcakftst B Corrdiuonal Use Fcnnil B Majot or F Minor Subdrvisiontr .Rczoning - A, Sign Variancc \[ Vsionccfr- Zoning Coctc Amcndxncnt ID=+44 171 245 0739 Anrcndncnt to an dpprovad Dcvclopmatl Plan Emplopc l{ousing Unit (Typc: --)Major or D Minor CCI Extcrior Alicration (Vail Vilhgc) Major or E Minor CClt Extcrior Altcration (Lronshcad) Spccial Do'elopmcnt District Major or E Mirpr Amcndrncnt to an SDD BLOCK-Z*- FTL|NG BUILDING N.AME: P.8to{Jt*U cot'lsrRLETIs\ 974 94s941, O COMMISSION APPROVAL Qucstions? Call thc Plrrning Stlff at 479'?'l l8 A p p L r C A.t' I O 1'- fiQ R P t,A N l{ t i\" O A N D E i.r- V I R0 N ll ti N1'A l. OE,NEB,ALJNIOBMAIION -ttir oppt,.orion t for any rnojcct rcquiring approvai by thc Phnning unC Envirunnrcnl)l Cornnrission. For snccific iofornution' scc thc submittal rcquitsmcnt' for thc panicular opproval thrt ir rcqucslcd' Thc upplication can nol bc acccptcd urtil all roquircd infornration is slbniitrcrl. Thc projcct nrry also nccd to bc rcviclvcd by the Town Couniil arrd/or thc Dq'r;gn Rcvicw Boilrd. P.2 il-il.ri tJ tr E n n B.DESC R t rnON.OF THE ItEQUEST: zoNtNc: I NA[46 OF QWN9R(S); MAILING ADDFISS: \J. owNER(s) sr cr.iATURE(s): NAME OF REPRESENTATNE: M,AILNO ADDRESS: PHONE: FEE - sEE Tl{E SIJ8MITTA.L REQUIREI\i5NTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STJEMIT TH IS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A ND THE TIEE TO THE DEPARTMET|T OF COMI\IUNITY DEVELOPN{ENT, ?SSOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoMDo t1657. Rc.ipd U9{ E qlL*7L98_-_,_. H. Applicadon Dotc'*-- PEC Mecting Datc:-.--.----*-*-- 01-o7-97 l8;o6 RECE I vED FRO|{;9?O 94994I t P. O? 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 1 07/F ax 970 -47 9 -2 I 5 7 Ofice of the TbwnAttorney June 30, 1997 HAND DELIVERED Mr. Robert Zeeb Zeeb Construction Post office Box 1997 Avon, CO 81620 Re:Krediet Residence/226 Forest Road Dear Bob: This letter is intended to clarifr the status of the project at 226 Forest Road. As you are awareo the building permit has been revoked for this project. The building permit was revoked because conditions placed on the approval ofthe front setback variance have not been met. That condition required that the existing structural elements and exterior walls must remain in place during the remodel process. The condition was a part ofthe approval ofthe front setback variance because the house was a nonconforming structure. The purpose of the "Nonconforming Sites, Uses Structures and Site Improvements" section of the zoning code, is to limit the number of nonconforming uses and structures and to prohibit or limit the enlargement and restoration after destruction. When the---\---\ Plarming and Environmental Commission placed the condition on the approval, it was understood that this was a minor addition in the front setback to the existing house. The purpose of the condition was to assure that the structure was not removed and thereby lose its legal non-conforming status. Additionally, as determined by Dan Stanek the construction that has occurred on site does not conform to the approved building perrnit plans. At this point, there are no approved plans for any project on this site. Any future work must include plans to be approved by the Town of Vail's Design Review Board and a building permit must be issued through the Building Department. In order to proceed, two options are available: $RE(YCLED PAPER L Submit an application to the PEC to request a new front setback variance. If PEC approves this request, the Design Review Board must then approve the project. 2. Redesign a new structure that complies with atl setback requirements and submit for Design Review Board (DRB) approval. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. If you have questions regarding the options available conceming fuhue work please contact Lauren directly at 479-2454. Yours truly, TOWNOFVAIL 6r,/rrU R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTIWawxc: Lauren Waterton / Dan Stanek Rohn Robbins, Esq. Ross Davis, Esq. ZEEB C0/NST RU CT Ic/N, INC, PO. Box 1997 Avon, Colorado 81620 970-949-3292 July I, 1997 John: Please sign and FAX the Application for Planning and Environmental Commission Approval back to me as soon as possible. Following is a list of the other owners adjacent to your property: David MacNeil 215 E First St. Hinsdale, lL 60521 Francis Bcer, Trustee I l5 Hawk Lane Boulder, CO 80304 1000 Broadway Co. 233 Milwaukee Dcnver, CO 80206 Steven Kirby 24 Riverview Heights Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Cousins of Vail c/o Jackman S. Vordrey POBox60 E. Liverpool, OH 43920 R. H. Pickens 811l Preston Road Ste 800 Dallas, TX 75225 David Graebel, Trustee Citizen's Bank & Trust Wausaw, WI 554020059 liorest Itoad Trust 205 Mulberry Metair, LA 70005 Walter Huilsnran P OBox2221 Little Rock, AR 72203 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS l-IEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmentai Commission of thc Town of Vail will hotd a pubtic rreal,ng in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vait on August 11,i997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: ArequestforavariancefromsectionlS.l3.060(Setbacks),toaJt9w^|orarrewresidenceto - lncroach inro the rroniietOact<, located at 226 Fdrest Road/Lot 11' Block 7' Vail Village 1st D5'sa- '-'-- KrcdietFI)PilCal lt. rJUr rr IPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for 2S0 square feet of Additional GRFA, to allow for the interior conversion of an cxisting crawt space into a home otfice, located ai 338 Roct<tedge/Lot 1, Block .l ,Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Bill and Eleanor Stolzer Pianner: Tammie Williamson A request for a variance lrom Section 18.24.130, to allow for 5 dwelling units and a variance, from Seclion 18.69.040, to allow lor a portion of the building to be cantilevered gyer part.of the ioo vi tiood ptain, rociieo it z3t rasiGore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5-8, VailVillage First Filinq. Applicant. l'oPi CramslranttttcrPlanner: George Ruther A request f or 250 square leet of Additional GRFA, to allow for a garage addition with an exoanded bedroom, bath and deck, located at 2550 Bald Mounlain Road/ Lot 34, Block 2' Vail Viliage 13th Filing. Applicarrt: Ron and Marilyn Wollard represented by Steve Riden Planner: Dirk Mason A request tor 250 square feet ot Additional.GRFA, to allow for a,bedroom and bathroom addition,located at i944A Sunburst Drive/Lot 2lA, VailValley Filing No.3. Applicant: Alvin and Mary Ann Rapp, represented by Mark Donaldson and Associates Planner: Dirk Mason The applications and information about the proposals are, availalle-Ior PyPll! il1pili.oi.g"inS reguldr of lice hours in the project planner's off ice located at the I own ol Vall Uommunlly Divelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road' Sign language interpretation available upon requesl with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Commu nity Developmenl Departmenl Published July 25, 1 997 in the Vail Trail.,l 1 r'{'t l'li sce I I aneous Cash t:rf-.]. l-'Jl 1ir 'l.tr L L Fier_sj.Fi.. *:iif,lfi fic,:,:urr'i *+ t:iji 'l+ 1:ri{,5 ;Ir.rR r_:ul.l5TFil-!l:l I ftl i_:i:if,lpFrf.t\.r.,t:FlFtr I F-T I.JFFi I t:{l_.] t_:E finr*r-rn 1. t.*rr,l+ r-ed .r 1t*nr paid t:1 1 rlr:i!;]r:t+ I f,.:{$Br:1t1 r-.t i.:it rHH i F.:J L.r,.rr llEr.J :,i5F-r. ill:i Fmnrrnt paid ':,::r:1. i.1ij Lr . rJ r_l -rHtrlhll_i Lfifit_l tl,:'r"rr c.:.:fr i c_'r FIEH-f HH i'\isl\:-i ] \\ \ \S {-$l N-s- = \-J \j/ t\r$- .\.'s s\,_'-i r.s-.s-*- (\\) ..-_ b'rt.1t .!!'' ) 6 ttlV :-) [; (t 77 ',Q) oI 5't'. 17 (.4 --l t l-1 'tl I ilTtrrl I il ft-lri il N t- t\ s $ --.rt I-1-- lort It t$i|ri .?-+!.w r.'J|g.-[/tf,tAZHtltttI dr --=iwl{Fl6iITiArsqr-., i.!e ' Fatl -tr/t l.A lrrF{rr?llptPPIDI lr*s lint. IrHl t.-F+.1IIffiv- -j-t r.$.--]ll F+:.1bNr.lW ffi-- IrM lrffi L iril '1o J Ii{ t |.I .xm^ IFA '1, tFtl.',Y-ll l..l iirti rr't Il!!i!tIt !lliII ilI' i rlllI ! il {+t.lrr I!\* ^.. )<-! r\i /t3$." t:f I:.!'l-i-l:- l'- ii' F-t 11 I .-l *sttt37i62,{ Lt0/x) 16 k_S tl -qlta IFA '4 JFen a'rr |gr ,; !l J ir >l I ':! lt -\i - .i${b '0[,i{frl.tdt' <k $,,' {.f tlt t::.:-.J t,rit n--.girl!--N irfs iii |.t ar[/r l'A? lFl a'.lrtl I F l, 0 flil !l / ? :! !i tI I I ( ttI G + I I I j tIt . r,..:.;;' ,;i^ lfiffil-i ,llllrsiirlril t --.."....._.". tfiliilililllit ,iiiiililifir!'rlr I "--'-'-'1 \ il tjr.l :t!a:aiti IItr tir oFroFat ' |!|A-f, lruJ tz|tI |fmt^ |pA 'r l'oll ,v-u lsl .e, I r If^IEt:t-,IFH ffi rc iiii Hl; #ii I 3r I :l !l !iii ffiE'; s* :+_: l !: l-!t Ill I ri $ ''\ . i> ,\JI .Fu ritl tfito 2. 3. 4. Final review and approval of the site plan by the Public Works Department shall be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. An exterior lighting plan shall be submitted, reviewed and approved prior to issuance of a building permit. The remodeled house shall not sncroach further into the front setback than the existing building overhang depicted on the property survey, with the one exception that a six-inch stone veneer may be added to the first story facade. The north-facing portion of the existing roof that extends into the front setback, and the existing roof ridge beam, shall not be demolished or altered except as expressly needed to attach the dormer that proiects off the south side of the ridge beam. The main structural elements of the existing house that form the perimeter, or exterior structural walls of the unit, may not be demolished or altered, and must remain in-place throughout the remodel process. 5. (f-o - I W;<,(4, lXyt",,rr/, - 71 fl 6-/,Ar^rWt\\ ,Uty_ l{n%. lht*- 4rdr-^t l:\weryone\pecvnemosV(rgdi€t.3 | 3 bystaffandthePEC.Grantingasebackvariancetoinfi||thecarportis considered OV ,r"tt io Oe ""ceitaUf" since GRFA already cantilevers over this area' 3. The effect of the requested vafiance o-n lioht and air' distribution of population, u"n"piii'tloi "nO t"tric faciilties' public facilities and utillties, and Public safety' Staff feels that the addition of the garage and new driveway are positive improvements tnat *]fii'ntpro"" pr6frc jafety, since the current unsafe driveway configuration and slope will be eliminated' B. before orantino a variance: 1'Thatthegrantingofthevariancewi||notconstituteagranto|special privi|egeinconsistentwiththe|imitationsonotherpropertiesc|assifiedin the same district. 2'Thatthegrantingo|theVaJiancewil|notbedetrimenta|tothepub|ic health, safety oiwelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary pnisical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title' b' There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone' c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specitied regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stafl recommends approval of the requested front setback variances based on our review of the application in the lriteria and findings section of this memorandum' lf the PEC decides to apprdue the variance r"qr".tt, stafl reiommends that the following conditions be placed on the approval: 1.Fina|DesignReviewBoard(DRB)approva|ofanadditiona|250GRFA allotment shall be obtained. IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of criteria and Findings, section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal code' the community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variances based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1'There|ationshipo'therequestedvariancgtootherex|stingor potential uses and structures in the vicinity' The requested front setback variance lor the carport infill, if approved, would not adversely affect the use or enjoyment of adjacent Properties. The existing structure encroaches 13 feet into ihe required 20{oot front setback. Previously' a different driveway configuration existed which allowed residents of the primary unittopu||-througrrthecarportareaandcontinueacrosstheadjacent second'ary unit ldt and exit onto Forest Road. The owner of the secondary unit approached the PEC to reconfigure the driveway and eliminate the pull-through' rn'e pec granted the request, which recontigured the parking area on the secondarfunit and eliminated the pull{hrough drive. This approval produced an undesirable situation with the primary unit, since the applicant currently backs out onto Forest Road via an extremely steep driveway section' staff feels that the proposal to change the driveway as reflected on the proposed site plan, is a signilicant improvement to the existing situation. Jhe new driveway inO garagelender the current carport area unnecessary. Thug' staff feels that infilling this area with GRFA is acceptable. The additional GRFA in the front setback would not be perceived as additional mass and bulk due to its location under the cantilevered living space above and due to the Openness of the entry patio area. Adding a stone veneer, widening the chimney and adding supporting columns/arches produces an additional 6-inch encroachment into the lront setback. Widening the chimney and the first story facade adds a small amount of additional masJand bulk in the front sehack, but does not produce further encroachment toward the front property line. Stafl feels that the encroachments are minor and will have no impact on adiacent structures or uses. 2. The degree to which relief trom the strict and llteral interpretatlon and enforcament of a specified regulation is necessary to achigve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites In the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Statf teels that approving the carport infill is consistent with treatment given to other applicants throughout the Town. Where existing structures already encroach into setback areas, the PEC has allowed minor GRFA additions to be placed in the setback as long as it does not exceed the current limits of encroachment, nor does it negatively impact adiacent properties. This has occurred on a limited basis throughout Town and has generally been supported encroachment,re|atedtothechimney,is15|eet.Therequesttowidenthechimneyat the second level does not produce further encioachment toward the front property line' butitdoesaddGRFAandadditiona|massandbu|kwithinthefrontsetbackandthus iequires approval of a lront setback variance' [. AtthepreviousmeetingthePECgavetheapp|icantspecilicdirection.ThePECwas unanimous with regards to the following: 1. The carport infill in the front setback was acceptable as proposed;. 2. The addition or a ooimer in the front setback, above the plane of the existing roof, was not acceptable; 3'Thesma||-aclditiona|encroachmentintothefrontsehackfortheStoneveneer on the first level addition was acceptable; 4. The encroachr"nioitn" expanded or widened chimney (second level only) into the front setback was also acceptable' Allowed/Required 3,11 1 sq. tt. 2.215 so. ll. 5,326 sq. fl. 4,453 sq. n.(20%) 13,357 sq. tt. (60%) 20' Exislinq 2,196 sq. tl. 1.875 sq. fi. 4,071 sq. tl. Primary: 918 sq. fl. S€condarv: 1 .096 sq. tl.Tolal: 2,014 sq. tl. (9.05%) 19,444 sq. ft. (87,3%) 34.7'* 15Y18' 4 spaces provided Prooosed 3,361 sq. h.' 1.875 sq. tt. 5,236 sq. tt. Primary: 1,994 sq. ft. (+ I ,076 sq. ft.) Secondarv: 1.096 sq. n. (no chanqe) Tolal: 3,090 sq. tl. (13.88%) .18,368 sq. ft. (82.5ol") 34.7"' 1sv18' 6 spaces proposed (2 enclosed) 7 (second leyel buildlng overhang) 6'5'(carporl Inllll-plus stone v€neor)"' 5' (ch|mney) 5.0' (chlmney'wlden 2'5 leot sldeways) 6.5' (arch6 8nd columns-lir3t leve{ facade wldened) Sdes: R6ar: r E'/1 E. 15' 4 spaces requlrsdParking: * use of a 250 additaonal GRFA allolment lor lhe pnmary un[ rs proposed in order to pres€rv€ lhe secondary unils remaining GHFA (up lo 4W' ol total allowed GRFA plus lha 425 sq.ft. credit). The secondary unit has nol used its 250 GRFA ellolment. lf approved, lhis remodel lo the primary unit will use up all lhe available GRFA and all of ils 250 GRFA allotmenl -. Exisling ridge on primary unit exceeds cunenl heighl limit and rs thus leglal nonconforming by.1.7" The applicanl does nol propos€ lo aler lhat portion ol lhe exisiing roof that is noncontorming-. All additions lo the ilructure conform 1o lhe ounenl h€ighl rsslriclion' .'. The applicanl is requosling variances of 13.5', t s and t3.5'intolhe troni setback for lhe cafporl infilt with slone vene6f, ihe chimnEy widening, and lhe addition ol supporting columnsiarches, rsspectively III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The property is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential, with a site area ot-2L263-square feet' GRFA: Primary: Secondary: Total Allowable: Sile Coverage: Landscapingi Height: S€tbacks: Fronl: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 13, 1995 Arequestforafrontsetbackvariancetoa||owloramajorremode|and adclition to the existing primary residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: Planner: John Krediet Randy Stouder DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is proposing a major remodel of the existing primary residence' The proposal inuofuii filling-in approxiriately 2n ot tn" existing carport with new GRFA, and constructing a buried garage witil a two-story addition on top. The garage addition would be connected to the main house by a two-stori enclosed walkway. The garage would be accessed with a new, relatively flat driveway (see attached site plan)' Roughly the front 1/2 of the existing structure is located within the 2o-foot front setback. nrinJrg'n the applicant is pl propoling to add GRFA any closer to. the front property line than the exiiting unit, tne apprcani is'proposing GRFA additions to portions of the existing structure that are currently located within the front setback. The GRFA additions include areas on the side of the existing chimney (second floor only) and the infill of approximately 2/3 of the carport area. The appliclnt also proposes to add stone arches, columns and stone veneer to the first story of ihe remodeled house, adding mass and bulk in the front setback' producing a minor additional encroachment toward the front property line. The existing carport is located within 7 feet of the lront property line, in the front setback. tnus, ine request to infill the carport with new GRFA would require approval of a front setback variince of 13feet. The stone veneer, supporting columns and stone arches proposed at the tirst floor level would expand the exterior of- the house an additionat O.S teet into the tront setback along the north elevation. The stone arches and columns would also widen the first llooiof the house up to 1.5 feet (east to west) in the front setback. Thus, the request to inlill the carport and add stone work to the first 1oor level of the house aCOs bnfn and mass and bulk in the front setback, and requires approval of a front setback variance of 13'5 teet. The north face of the reriroOeteci itouse at grade level would be located 6.5 feet lrom the lront property line' The existing chimney is located within 5 lest of the front property line, in the front setback, atihe second level of the house. Thus, the existing front setback (970) 949-4r2r FAX949-0304 Town of Vail Community Development Attn: Randy Stouderlll S.FrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 March 5, 1996 Re: Krediet Residencg 226 Forest Roe4 Varl, Colorado Dear Randy, Please qrtend our PEC and DRB approvals of la* year as we hsvc not yet obtained a building permit, it was too late in the season last year, howorcr it is anticipated to be construct€d this zummer. Architect For G. John Krediet N.IAMES. POST OFFICE BOX 3238vAIL, CO.81658 Best regards, . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. vq0c J rlt t tILE COPY D eparnnent of C ommunity D evelopme nt TUAN OFVAIT 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-n3q479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 March 5, 1996 Mr. Steve Riden P.O. Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 RE: DRB Approvat Extension at Lot 1 1A, Block 7, Vail Villagel st Filing (Krediet Residence) Dear Mr. Riden: ln response to your letter of March 5, 1995 on behalf of John Krediet, requesting for an extension of the Design ieview Board (DRB) approval dated April 19, 1995, I am hereby granting you a one year eitension. This extension is in accordance with Design Review Guidelines, Section 1g.Sa.1 10, which states that Community Development staff may extend the period of approval if there have been no zoning revisions or amendments to the Guidelines that would alter the conditions under which the approval was given. lt is our finding that the Design Guidelines.have not been significantly amendbd since youi approval was granted. The previous approval, due to expire on April 19, 1996, will now extended to a date of April 19' 1997. Also, please note that you were granted approval of a tront setback variance by the PEC on ^lr/arcti t S, 1995. Variances have a term of two years, after which they expire. Thus, the PEC variance approval will expire approximately one month prior to the DRB extension date noted above. The variance witl expiie on Marih 13, 1997 il you have not commenced construction of the approved addition. lf you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at 479-2150. I will re-activate the prbcessing ol your building permit based upon your letter requesting the same, You can expect a review period of two to three weeks. Sincerely, Randy Sfouder cc:John Krediet $ *""'""o 'u'^ Thc north-facing portion of thc cxisting roof that cxtcnds into thc t'ront sctback. and thc cxisting roof ridgc bcam. shall not bc dcmolishcd or altcrcd cxccpt as cxprcssly nccdcd to attach thc dormcr that projccts offthc south sidc ofthc ridgc bcam. Thc main structural clcmcnts of thc cxisting housc that fonn thc pcrimctcr, or cxtcrior structural walls of thc unit, may not bc dcrnolishcd or altcrcd, and must rcmain in-placc throughout thc rcmodcl proccss. Shoukl you choosc to dcmolish this structurc, or rcmovc any extcrior walls, thc PEC approvcd variancc is no longcr valid. Thc variancc was approvcd with thc knowlcdgc that thc cxisting structurc was to rcmain. You also losc any right for thc additional 250 squarc fcct. Scction | 8.71.020 (l) statcs that a dwelling rvhich is to bc a dcrno/rcbuild is not cligiblc for additional GRFA. In ordcr to clarify thc prccisc naturc of thc work, plcasc providc us with a complctc writtcn dcscription of thc work to bc donc. Plcasc spccif, which walls and floors are to rcmain and which walls and f'loors arc to bc rcmovcd, Plcasc indicatc if any scction of thc roof is to bc rcmovcd, All thcsc issucs must bc addrcsscd bcforc a building pcrmit can bc issucd. Should you havc any qucstion, plcasc fccl frcc to contact rnc at 479-2454. Sinccrcly, La^'re^--Nab"h-\* Laurcn Watcrton Town Planncr Susan Connclly, Dircctol of Comrnunity Dcvcloptncnt l)an Stanck, Iluilding Dopt. Torn Moolhead, Town Att(xncy 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 t 39 FAX 970-479-2452 .f anuary 30, 1997 Mr. Stcvc Ridcn PO Box 323ti Vail, CO ttl658 D e partment of C o nvnuni ty D eve lo p me nt RE: Lot llA,Illock 7, Vail Villagc lst Filing Dcar Stevc: The purposc of this lcttcr is to providc you a list of issucs that nrust bc addlcsscd prior to issuancc of a building pcnnit for thc Krcdcit rcsidcncc. I havc rcvicwcd thc rcviscd plans that you havc subrnittcd and find that thcy still do not mcct thc zoning rcquircmcnts. Thc following must bc addrcsscd: I . Thc CRFA is still ovcr thc allownblc by 206 squarc fcct. Should you disagrcc with this numbcr, I would cncourtgc you to subrnit to our officc rcdlinc drawittgs, dctailing your calculation olGRFA. Thc "mcchanical mczzaninc" is considcrcd GRFA. I would rcfcr you to Scction 18.04.130 of thc Vail Municipal Cotlc (Dcfinitions, Floor Arca. Gross Rcsiclcntial). Thc only spaccs wc may cxcludc fi'otn thc calculation of GRFA arc attic spaccs and crawl spaccs that arc lcss than flvc fcct in hcight. Any othcr floor arca, regardless {'heacl hciglrl, must bc countcd as CRFA. 2. It appcars that scvcral walls in thc front sctback cxcccd thrcc fcct in hcight. Plcasc provi{c top and bottorn of wall clcvations to cnsurc thc walls will comply with this standard. I 3. Thc drivcway still appcars to cxcccd l2tYo gradc. Plcasc rcvisc you plans to show that tro section of thc drivcway will cxcccd l2%. Plcasc show all grading on thc proposcd sitc plan. It is thc Town's undcrstanding, aftcr talking to thc contractor, Bbb Zccb, that thc cxisting structurc is to bc dcmolishcd. Fpr your information, condition #5 of thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission approval of thc front sctback variancc statcs: q, 5. {P ou"'"""'u"^ F|LE CCl", 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 1 39 FAX 970-479-2452 F'cbruary 5,1997 Kathy Langcnwaltcr Pecl/La ngcnwa ltcr Alchitccts PO Box 1202 Vail. CO til65tl D e par t rne nt of C onmrunity D eve lo pm e nt RE: Lot I l, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing Dcar Kathy: Thc pulposc of this lcttcr is to clality thc Gross Rcsiclcntial Floor Arca (GRFA) rcrnaining for this plopclty. Thcowncrofplirnaryunit,JohnKrcilcit.rcccivcdationtsctbackvarianccinl995to allowtblthcadditionofCRFAandancrvgaragc. Thc'l'ownofVail iscurrcntlyrcvicwingthc buildingpcrrnitapplicationlbrthisaddition. Thcadditionuscs9lTsquarclbctofthcavailablc GRFA and thc cntirc 250 squalc f'cct of Additional GRFA pcnnittcd firr thc prirnary unit. Whcn thc Plannirrg and Envilonrncntal Comlnission approvcd this pro.icct, Mr. Krcdcit ploposcd to usc (l0%r of tlrc CRFA. plus thc additional 250 squarc l'cct, lcaving thc Sarnucls (thc owncrs ol-thc sccondaryunit)withthcabilitytousc40'f6ol'thctotal GRFA. Culrcntly, lhcrcarc3-l0squarctbct 6lavailablcGl{FAtbrl-ot ll.plusa250.'tlrisisauniqucsituation.bccauscthczonirrgcodc rcqLrircs that all availablc GRFA lbr thc cntirc propcrty bc uscd bcfbrc thc usc ol'tlrc 250. Whilc it appcars that tlrcrc rnay bc an agrccmcnt bctwccn Mr. Krcdcit and thc Satnucls rcgarding thc usc ofthc rcrnaining squarc footagc, thc Primary/Sccondary zonc district docs not guarantcc that thc sccondary unit will havc 40')/u of thc allowcd CRFA. Rathcr, it pcrmits that thc sccondary rnay bc up to 40(Xr. Thcrcforc. it is thc Tolvn's position that cithcr unit may usc thc availablc GRFA. lf thcrc arc spccial considcrations in thc party wall agrccmcnt for usc of this squarc footagc, it is up to thc owners of thc propcrty to rcspcct and cnforcc it. Thc Town will acccpt and rcvicw any application that proposcs lo usc thc availablc GRFA. q I hopc this clarifics thc availability of thc CRFA for this lot. Should you havc any qucstions, plcasc fccl frcc to contact mc at 479-2454. Sinccrcly. La"r*,,-Na-lqfun- Laurcn Watcrton Town Planner {g *""r"rro r*rr (970) 949-4r2r Steven James Riden A.I.A. P.O.Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658-3238 970.949.4121 fax.97o.949.0304 January 31,1997 Lauren Waterton Town Planner Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Lauren, 7F t\n ,B\xy-\, Valt Vitlay \aJ frIt I ,l ..( \, Thank you for the letter ofJanuary 30,1997 . After our telephone conversation I have completed the required alterations to the documents and they are to be submitted along with this letter. As to item Number 5 "Demolition of existing structure..." I have always been under the impression that this is a remodel and that the form ofthe existing structure is to remain in place as the PEC has requested. I have Spoken to the general contractor IVII. Bob Zeeb and have instructed him to proceed in this fashion. Mr. Zeeb informed me that he misunderstood the intention and will comply. I also have forwarded a copy ofyour letter to him. sjr/ad cc: Zeeb Construction Regards,4T- Steven James Riden A.I.A. JAMESPOST OFFICE BOX 3238vArL. co.81658 FAX 949-03M . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. o The most expedient way to resolve this issue would be to design a new structure out of the setbacks and apply tor Dne approval. This would be approximalely a three-week process. Any application t0 be reviewed by the PEC will require a minimum of tour weeks and may also re{uiib'review by the DRB. me FeC may not grant a variance, and therefore, the owner will need to redesign the house. We, at the Town of Vail, share your concern about worker safety at this project, ln order to . proiect yourself from any liability, I would recommend that no work be completed on this project until all of these issues are resolved. you the necessary applications in order for you to move to the next any questions al 479-2454. lwould be happy to send step. Please call me with Sincerely, Larrr^-ila,t".lw'-- Lauren Waterton Town Planner , 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 March 27, 1997 Robert Zeeb Zeeb Construction PO Box 1997 Avon. CO 81620 Deparhnent of Conununity Development RE:Kredeit Fesidence/226 Forest Road Dear Bob: I have received your letter of March 24, 1997 regarding the remodel of the Kredeit residence. I realize that you are currently in a c.lifficult position. However, as we discussed on the phone_^ yesterday, statf nas no authbrity to modify any Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) 6ondition ol approval. The PEC reviewed this project based upon unique constraints of the site and granted thb variance because of those constraints (the existing structure). The conditions of appr6val were placed on this project because of the unique circumstances related to the existing OiritOing. When those circumstances change, the justification for a variance is greatly diminished, if not completely eliminated. Staff has identified the following options that are available to you in order to proceed with this project: 1. Submit an application to the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to request that the original condition of approval, that requires the walls and roof to remain, be removed from this aPProval. Z. Submit an application to the PEC to request a new front setback variance. lf PEC approves this request, you could remove the existing structure and build a new structure without the constraints of the location of the existing strucutre. 3. Redesign a new structure that complies with all setback requirements and submit lor Design Review Board (DRB) approval. This property is considered legal non-conforming in several ways. For zoning purposgs, Lgtq t f A ind 1 1B are considered t-o be one lot. The Primary/Secondary zone district requires that all structures be attached as one unified development. The demolition is this building would eliminate the legal nonconforming status of this building, therefore requiring any new development t0 be attached to the existing structure on Lot 118. {p r"rn"ror*r* A request for a final review for a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs for seasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive, Public Works Facility/legally described as; beginning at the Northwest corn€r of Section 9, Township 5 Soulh, Range 80 west of the Sixlh Principal Meridian thence S 89'31'49" E 2333.84 feet, along the North line of said Section 9, to a point on the northerly right-of-way fence line of Interstate Highway No. 70 thence along the northerly right-ot-way fence line of Interstate Highway No. 70 as follows: S 67"41'33'W 415.82 feet;lhence S78'13'02" W 1534.29 feel, to a point of curvature;thence 456.43 feel on a curve to the right with a radius ol 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears S80"33'38" W 456.30 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said Section 9: thence departing the northerly righl-of-way fence line ot lnterslate Highway No. 70 and following the Westedy line of said Section I N00'iB'21"E 565,11 feel to the point of beginning. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie HervertPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit to allow for outdoor seating at the Red Lion Building (Cleaver's Deli, The Chocolate Factory), located at 304 Bridge StreeVLots E, F, G, & H, Block 5-A, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: LandmarkCommercialDevelopmentPlanner: Tammie Williamson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during re3ular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontags Road. Sign language interpreiation avaitable upon request with 24 hour notilication. Plsase call 479-2114 voic€ or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published April 11, 1997 in the Vail Trail. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 28, 19-97, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 (Vail Eun), 19. eliminate the.requirement for three coveied tennis coJrts, located at 1000 Lions Ridge Loop/Lions Ridge Filing #1. Applicant: I Vail Run Condorninium Association, represented by Lany Eskwith Planner: Dominic Mauriello A reguest for a worksession to discuss a major exterior alteration in CC1 and a minor subdivision, to allow for the construction ol a parking garage, 9 accommodation units, 'l condominium and new retail oftice space at the Gastliof Giamshammer, located at 231 E. Gore Creek Dr./Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village l st Filing' Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Pierce, segerberg, & AssociatesPlanner: George Ruther A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the modification to the existing platted building enveiope, located at 1082 Riva Glen/Lot 3 Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Lee Kirch, represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Casga{.e Village), to allow for a skier bridge and modiiications to allowable GRFA and building height limitations, located at 1 150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39-1& 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Pennington, represented by Sherry DorwoodPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for the construction of a dorm'er addition, located at 2943 Bellflower Drive/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Frank Bannister, represented by RKDPlanner: Tammie Williamson A request to remove a condition of approval, from an approved.setback variance, requiring..that - the elterior walls and roof remain during the remodel process, located at 226 Forest Road/Lot !{f, t 1A, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing. ffRpp,i."n,, John KredeitPlanner: Lauren Waterton $-:t zirr}rnrrro,,t\rtn^t N^ Oj.II ZEEBCANSTiUCTION,INC. ! I 997 . Avon, Colorado Bt 620 //s r*r,Z M (a rasoT . llvvl ,, \)vtvl auv u I vlv oo Zz J -2%--"'zn'&z#-: 3o 2 6 z ?^z** 4=-'.a,"a /p-'*t) ryC-/h.-."*r/ 7- 78/ts 'X-*a;G'*Z=fr-'*/tas -7 W, 6aa6**Ao 433 flt**--, b 8o2ad 7aocr 5- ,"..:.i?-2t-Ez 15. g€ i'iiOl{, TOV-Cor{ -DEo V-DEPT.I D , S?O479 2452 o PAGE 2/2 F- Docs tLic appcal involvc a 5pp66c parccl ofland? lfyer plcasc providc the following information: era you an adjaccnt prQpgty ownfi? yeS_ no X lfoq givc a dcaitcd erpluraion of how you arc an .bggricvcd or advmcty afctcd prson.- .Agg.isyed ot advcrscly 8fratcd pcrson" mcarrs any pcrson who will suffcr atr rdvccse ef;ot ro ao inrcrcst plotcctd or firthcred by this titlc- Tbc altcged advasc intcrcst nay !e slrarcd iq commfir with othcr mcmbds of thc corarouniqr a larSe- btrt clalt sxcccd in degroc thc gcoeral intcrc* in comrnunity gpod shargd by alt pcrsons. G. H. hovidc 6c mrncs and addrcsses (botb pcrson's raailing addrcssard propcny,s physical addnss in vait) of allotmcw ofprqpcnywtict arc thclubjcct oftlerppcat ircar.qj**tfr6;lffiiii.r,rarrgpropcrrics ffiffilllilistrcrmi or othcr tt#*iog b"t'i*rl erri d""ric aa'i-.rsci -o sta'p"a cnvcropcs for h scpuate shcets ofpapcr, ryccifi thc procisc nanuc ofthe appcat. plca$c citc Wcaific codc scctions [avirgrclcraics to thc acdo,n beiq& appa|;d FEE: $0.00 Page 2 of2 I O , 970{79 2482 o PAGE APPTALS FORJVT REQTIIREI'TONFILING AN APTEAL OTASTAFF,DESTCN REVIEW BOAND ORPLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COTAWSSiON ACflON AC'TIOI.I/DECISION BEING APPEALED: B. c. DA1E OT ACTTOT.I/DECISION: D. NAII,IE OF BOARD OR PERSO{ RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION E. E{YSICALADDRESSINV Page I of2 existing byilding. A LocaL surveyor could be retained to verifythe exact l-ocation of the existing building, correct placement ofthe new building before pouring the concrete footfnge, beforepouring tbe concrete foundation walls, and after conptetLdn of theroof framing. The new building can be,constructed more safely,guickly, cost=effectl-vely, and Ln complete complJ.ance with tlepresent 1991 UBC as adopted by the Town of Val_l, than tlre proposedremodel of the existing building. Potential sLte concerns such asbedrock and groundwater can be addressed more properJ_y when theexisting building has been completely renoved. lhe overall gualityof the completed .proJect, will be increased by conpletelyrebuilding the original building, rather than completing a-piece-by-piece remodel of the existing bul-Iding. This office sas not involved with the desigm, planning, or approvalprocees with respect to this project. The involvement of tfrtsoffice regarding ttre feasibility of the proposed remodel , does notin any way warr€rnty the architecture or engl-neerJ.ng repreaented inthe construction docunente, or insure conpliance with any paat orpresent building or zoning codes. The architecture and engineerLngrepresented. in the construction docunents are ttre responsibillttof the architect-of-record and the engJ.neer-of-record. If you have any guestions regarding this inspection and report, orrequire additional servLces, please contact this office at thephone nunber shown on the cover sheet. Sincerely yours, o Page 3lrlr. Robert Zeeb21 March L997 THE IiI.I I{UELI.,ER ltark J.President cc: ![r. Dan Stanek-Toun of Vail Building Official Page 2Mr. Robert Zeeb 21 ltarch L997 reguired by the Town of Vail Aullding Department for thisparti.cular project, if a partial rernodel is to be completed. b) APPROVED BUILDTNG CONCEPT The existing structure is a 3-Btory rrood framed buildingbearing upon a poured-in-place concrete foundation with ;slab-on-grade walkout baseuent level . The approved proposedEtructure is a 2-story wood franed building; with -all thefloors at elevations different than the original fLoorelevatLonE. The basement slab-on-grrade floor eievation haEbeen dropped 2 feet further into the ground than presentlyexists. The exterior finishes including but not 1inited towindov units and their locations, stone n!ap, siding, rooffascia, etc. are all being removed and upgraded. Conaition#5 of the Planning and Environmental Conmission approval ofthe front setback variance for this proposed remodel , statesthat, trThe main structural elements of the existing houEe thatform the perineter, or exterior structural walls of tne unit,nay not be denolished or altered, and must remain in-plac6throughout the remodel process.rl c) APPROVED BUILDING PROCESS The building process for this renodel , when folJ.owing theapproval conditions nentioned above, requires that aII tneel-ements of the existing structure be temporarily supportedwhile each structural elenent beneath is rEpfacea orrel-nforced. condition #5 is nearry inpossJ-bre to conform withsince the floors are bel-ng moved to different elevations,portions of the exterior walls wilL have to be replaced tornalntain walI continuity from floor to floor. fhJ loweringof the basement fl-oor requires that the existing foundationwalI be segnental_ly underpinned to naintain the existingfoundation systen. The nodification of the interior flooielevations causes the degree of cornFlexity and difficulty inthis renodel to increase dranatically. $ltren such a scop6 ofremode1 in the interior structure occurs, it is an industrystandard and gener^JIy. more realistic, to consider the optLonof conpletely- rebuilding the entire structure. Especiatty,when considering the overall condition of this existingstructure. In concLusion, lt is the opinion of this office, that the proposedremodel- could be more effectively accornFlighed if the buJ-rdJ.ng wereconpletely denol-ished and rebuil-t in the exact same position is the the mj mueller co., inc. 21 March L997 I,[r. Robert Zeeb ZEEB CONSTRUCTTON, rNC. PO Box L997Avon, Colorado 8l-620 Subject: Construstion Feasibility Inspection EHE KREDIET RESIDENCE226 Forest RoadVail, Colorado Dear Bob: At your- reguest, thie office has conducted a visuar inspection ofthe. exi_sting structure of the above referenced prolect, "rareviewed construction docunents as prepared by steven ,liues Ridendated L-3L-97 and approved- by the Toriln of vail conmrurityDevelopment-Depart_ment, for-the.proposed reuodel. Ttre purpose oithe inspectlon and plaT review is to determine the feasiuiiity orthe proposed remodel sith respect to the present condition of theexJ-sting structure and approvar conditionE of the Town of vail.The dr1mall has been removed from the upper two revels of tlreEtructure for visuar inspection. The following itemE are to benoted: a) CONDITIoN OF EXISTING STRUCTURE The existing buitding was constructed in or around 19G3, andwas construeted in accordance with the buildlng codes asadopted at that tlne. The 1991 Uniforn Buildlng Code aspreseltly adopted by the Towr of Valt_ Building Depirtnent issignificantJ-y more consciences of ll_fe-safety itenl , than thecode that the originar building was constructed under. Aa anexamFle, tle desigm snow l_oad rras 40 psf , the present desigrnsnon load is 80 psf . IrIany areas of structurar distress ha;ebeen exposed in the existJ_ng roof franing system, Lncludingthe- roof supporting s!,ructure down tnrough the buildinglfnadeguate 2x4 exterior wall construction, substandaiddiaphragrn lnsulation, failed franing details, ind undersizedstructural menbers are some of the other najor concerns withthis existing structure that will requlre slructural review.The engineer-of-record and the general contractor mustcoordinate the extent of structural-upgrade that will be cMl architectural and structural engineering o p.o. box2747 vail, colorado 81658 476-2627 476-2637 lF/xl Dan Stanek, Town of Vail Lauren E. Waterton, Town Planner March24, 1997 Page Two proceed with total demolition, we would thereby minimize any and all impacts upon the nearby existing residences. Additionally, if we are to proceed under the'makeshift" requirements imposed, I am genuinely fearful for the safety and welfare of my workers. Further, I fear that if an injury were to occur, that the Town itself my be brought into an action. I feel that the more reasonable and prudent approach would be to consider this project on its own unique merits and subject to its own unique deficits. I believe that this more well-reasoned approach would lead any fair-minded person to conclude that total demolition would have by far less impact upon the community, contribute significantly to the safety and welfare of the workers and serve Mr, Krediet more fairly. I assure you that with the aid of a competent surveyor, we can locate the new residence in precisely the same spot upon which the existing structure now resides. In so doing, we would be in full compliance with all relevant planning and zoning requirements. Please consider that any and all delays contribute signifrcantly to Mr. Krediet's costs, as well as to Zeeb Construction's bottom line. Accordingly, may I respectfully implore you to contact me at your earliest convenience so we may discuss a mutually saisfactory resolution to the unfortunate set of circumstances as they now exist. Rohn K. Robbins, Esq. Rebecca Givens, Esq. John Krediet President o ZEEB Cot'lsIBUCItoN,lNC. Box 1997 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-3292 l;4arch24.1997 Dan Stanek, Town of Varl Lauren E. Waterton, Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Krediet Residence 226 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 As you know, Zeeb Construction, Inc. has been awarded the bid to rebuild or remodel the Krediet residence, referenced above, and is currently under contract to perform the work of construction. In regard to that construction, I find that I am caught between the requirements of the building department and the conflicting requisites of the Planning and Zoning Commission. In the past, I have always diligently complied with any and all conditions set forth by the Planning and Zoning Commission. In the 25 years I have been building in the Vail Valley, I have, however, never before been confronted with a situation quite like this, where compliance with the Commission's requirements would be adverse to the best interest of all involved, including the Town of Vail and the adjacent neighbors. Out of concem for the mutual welfare of all parties, I have retained an independent engineer to evaluate both the proposed project and the existing structure. I have firrther asked of the engineering consultant to help me formulate a plan to reasonably comply with the Town's codes and concems. Enclosed for your review, please find a copy of MJ Mueller Company's report, detailing its findings. Sadly, it appears that the only resonable ways to proceed with the project of construction is either to demolish the existing structure in stages or else, more efficiently, to completely demolish the existing building. The latter altemative runs contrary to the conditions imposed upon the project by the Planning and Zoning Commission and, I believe, unfairly burdens the homeowner, Mr. Krediet. Too, the conditions unfairly and unnecessarily burden the adjacent homeowners. If we are relieved of these burdensome requirements and are allowed to Opdon 4 - Build the addition and remodel as approved. In this option, the applicant continues construction and builds the addition to comply with the origihal approval and the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. Staff response: Staff believes that it is possible to buiH the addition and remodel within tr|e;xisting structure. The structural engineer states, in his letter, that the remodel could be more "e.-ffectively accomplished' if the building were demolished. lt is not stated that the remodel cannot be done if the structure was not demolished' IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stiaff recommends denlal of the applicant's request to eliminate the condition of approval. Staff recommends that the applicant abide by the original condition, or if the structure must be demolished, revise plaid to comply with all development standards, including setbacts, building height and connection. There are also issues regarding the use of the Additional GRFA (250), as it relates to a demo/rebuild. An existin-g structure that is demolished is not eligible to apply for Additional GRFA. The action requested by the applicant will have impacts on the nonconformity. ln addition.to the action request:d, statf nas iOentitieO three other options that the applca-l!may pursue, although the appliiant is not requesting any of the three options at this time. Statf believes that undeidtanding all the dptions may be helpful for the PEC in order to evaluate this request. Option 1 - Request to remove the condltion of approval relating to thE walls and the roof (Applicant's current request). Should this option be approved, the applicant would maintain a valid approval for a.. setback variance. Reridving the roof'affects the building height. Because the applicant did not receive approval tor a OuitOing height variance, the removal ol the roof would require that the dipticant comply with the maximum 33' height limitation, or apply for.a OuitOing height vdriance. The'oiiginal approval did not require that the roof be brought into co-mplia-nce with the height requirement because the roof was not proposed to be altered. 'However, in this opiion, the roof is proposed to be modified, and therefore, must be brought into compliance. AOditionatty, should this be considered a demo/rebuild' the applicanl would have no right to use the Additional GRFA (250). Staff response: lt is staff's belief that had the applicant originally requested to remove tfre watts anO roof, staff would not have supported the request. Staff's original recommendation for approval was based upon the location of the existing structure as a, unique circumstance fbi granting the variance. Should the existing structure be removed' the unique circumstances no longer exist. Option 2 - Request a new setback variance. The applicant could request a new front setback variance. lf approved, this would allow for de'molition of the existing structure and construction of a new structure in a location approved by rhe PEC. As tith Option 1, building height would, have to comply with the nidximum g'e'. ROOitionally, the applicant would need to provide a connection to the other half of this duplex. Because this would be considered a demo/rebuild, the applicant would not have the right to apply for the Additional GRFA. Staff respon$€r.: Staff believes that should the existing structure be removed, no unique circumstances pertain to this site that would allow for a variance to the setback requirement. staff could not supporl a proposal for a variance of this kind. Option 3 - Submit a neur plan that complies with all aspects ol zoning. The applicant could submit a new plan for Design Review Board approval.. This would involvb'removing the existing structure and proposing a new plan that involves no variances, and all nonconformities would have to be addressed. These include, setbacks, height and connection. No Additional GRFA (250)would be available since demolishing the structure would be considered a demo/rebuild. Staff response: This resolves all issues regarding the nonconforming structure. Should it ne oecrmined that the building must be demolished, this is staff's recommended course of action. II. BACKGROUND On September g, 1991 , the PEC approved a setback variance to infill the carport .qrea in the fro.nt ""t6l"k, The proposal'also involv6d building a new garage, with a one-story addition, that would be directly connected to the main structure. On June 22, 1992, the PEC granted a two-year extension to the approved front setback variance' On May 23, 1994, the applicant returned to the PEC with a modified version of the earlier ipprouif. inis proposai involved an extensive remodel of the existing unit. The carport infill was pidposeO, aton! witn a stair tower additon to the west end ot the house. Part of the stair tower wjj witfrin the flont setback. A buried garage and buried carport were also proposed. . Retaining walls greater than the 6{oot height limii were necessary to construct.the carport, and.the carport was lolated within the front setblck. The PEC unanimously rejected the location of the stair tower and carport in the tront setback, but expressed support for the carport infill. On February 27, 1995, the PEC held a worksession to discuss a revised plan that included the intitt ot the iarport, dormer additions on the north side of the structure and a new garage. Part of the addition involved using Additional GRFA (250). At that time, staff was requesting that the applicant reduce tne freigFt of the roof by two feet, to bring the building. to within the maximum OiritOing height requirem6nt. At that meating, the proposal was revised to. eliminate the dormers from thi noin siO6 of the structure. According to the applicant's architect, Steve Riden' the remodel (without the dormers) would not affect the roof or other maior structural elements of the existing house. According to the staft memorandum to the PEC on March 13, 1995, staff was in support of the. variancelequest. Staff stated that the request to infill the carport area, which was below existing GRFA alreaby located in the front setback, did not exceed the current setback encroachment, and would noi negatively impact any adjacent properties, and therefore, the request could.be supported. The cinditidn of approval w-as placed on this projeclbecause the granting of the. ap'p'roval was based upon the idcation of the existing structure. Therefore, it was important that the structure remain in place during the remodel process' The Design Review Board (DRB) approved the Additional GRFA (250) tn!_the remodel on April 19, 1995.- On March 5, 1996, staff lianted a one-year extension of the DRB approval. 1il. lssuEs The applicant is requesting that the abovelisted condition ot approval be removed, but that all other aspects of the PEC approval remain in place' It is important to note that this proiect is nonconforming in several ways. First, it is nonconlorming regarding setbackS. As mentioned previously, approxim_ately one-half.of the structure is wiinin tne front setback. Second, the main ridge of the building exceeds the marirrr building height (33') by approximately 1.7 feet. Third, this is a primary/secondary lot in which the extstnj two-uniis aie hod ittached, as required by Chapter 18.54 (Design Review)' Ghapter 18.64 (Nonconforming Sites, Uses, Structures and Site lmprovements) of the Vail Municipal Code permits noncdnforming structures to remain until lhe structure is substantially altered', removed or replaced. Once thh occurs, the structure must comply with all applicable development standards. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEUORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 28, 1997 A request lo remove a condition of approval from an approved setback variance' requiiing that the exterior walls and roof remain during the remo-del process, tocbted lt 226 Forest Road/Lot 11A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: John Kredeit, represented by Bob ZeebPlanner: Lauren Waterton I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST On March 13, 1995, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved q front setback variance of 13.5 feet to allow approximately 213 of an existing carpofi to be infilled with new GRFA. Roughly one-half of the existing structure is located within the required 20{oot front setback. GRFA exidts above the carport and the approval of the variance allowed the carport to be enclosed no further than the existing GRFA above. The north face of the remodeled house at grade level would be 6.5 feet from the front property line. The variance was approved with five conditions. Condition #5 states: "The north-facing portion of the existing roof that extends into the front setback, and the existing roof ridg-e'beam, shallllel be demolished or altered except as expressly needed to atta;h the doimer that projects otf the south side of the ridge beam. The main structural elements of the existing house that lorm the perimeter, or exterior structural walls of the unit, may ng! be demblished or altered, and must remain in place throughout the remodel process." The appticant is requesting to remove the above condition from the approved front setback variance. On February 25, 1997, the Town of Vail issued a building permit for q garage addition, remodel to the existing residence and infill of the carport area. The contractor, Zeeb Construction, began demolitionbf the interior walls and became concerned regarding the condition of the structure' Zeeb Construction hired an independent structural engineer, The MJ Mueller Co., to review the structure. h is the conclusion oi the consulting structural engineer that "the proposed remodel could be more effectively accomplished il the building were completely demolished and rebuilt..." (see attached letters). The applicant is requesting that the condition, as listed above, be removed from the original approvit to allow the contractor to demolish the walls and roof, and reconstruct the building, with the addition, in its previously approved location (in the front setback). 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 3 8/479 -2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development April29, 1997 Bob Zeeb Zeeb Conslruction, Inc. PO Box 1997 Avon. CO 81620 RE:226 Forest Road / Lot 11, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing Dear Bob: On April 28,1997, the Planning and Environmental Commission unanimously denieci a request by John Krediet to remove a condition of approval fronr a previously approved setback variance. Mr. Krediet has the ability to appeal the decision of the PEC to the Town Council. Should he wish to do so, he must file an appeal application with our office within 10 days of the decision. Should you wish to make any cttanges to the approved plans, please corrtact me at 479-2454, so that we may discuss it. Unless I hear otherwise, I assume that you will be proceeding according to the original approval. Sincerely, LurwWffirtb'. Lauren Waterton Town Planner John Krediet Rohn Robbins Sleve Riden {gu"n*oruo aa a 4lzelqr Wr lMorP - \G, h.tt !.Eyr,\ avac-r,c'r\ )oirn' Ca'*. D( Oo.*"', U*+ \qD+ rtaL'+vvtan+ *ryvrpc*\*rc- kcAiet A{/N, ?-tr\an ' n(aMw -uc?wanh'wt awor^* Itlr.nrP ll\\wllry hn- t otAc\ll b( dow-UtJt'.lE{ltvce-l ih* -\p *Srf.+ =Dy\,@ a-lkrno/zius , bvd,ihe-n L,t,t cov,( Lic(- wtt|,,. o+\^!,'. udc,'t ( UeC-,), *toil nnuc,tvr, \+ Vtt vY W1,ltWd ? loAolo vewo.red C.etw" yr6go @r^ * ltnrl o,qhov6 | LnoV'?tiU& r,\clt.,tv q$fi$lqt 9g4t1v-k:ln4 lph,vn&?, rykwhra r\u,4) lw1,etu.7 *nrW\ryuv)r/vJ @v $nnt{ uh,ntg a" wW tlt"UW,Wu @V' Vffbhv? @)sw wi**bov i{ hr,,t, LA rrnW/ YX;L- _ wt Covneuyr y wt{h uodt+ . C"W'W'Nw|,t7W, Wuv *tnr-,v,z1lt, 1rr,r,l Wtoto, 1\outuw, e>h]3 ltr o. \s'f o( qrtrnkdry-. \Ililtlll. &je .T\ V\ C aw - 44'"Pflq1a h,* car.l flfxV rr4w<* wg Ntt - ,tav\&yvu N\h gVwn\-ol \zut a^ta ot'Iru e{i*tug =tvrctuxu.. [C Wp, "rr**l (fu , mcnvvvnilll a.tlDr,r,l Ntv+ aVfuu,d+ ,uJ ,ft tmru Nw*"6nniy*, Cl,r-l W do,wuyol d p,,.t D*ctt-. Galow: t"vrohbn 4a &uwfrnn : y'@ {okr* l'-o frnt/ Mark Mueller said the basement slab had to be lowered 2'. Steve Riden said GRFA had been removed from the upper levels' John Scholield said it would be a demo/rebuild if 100% was removed' Gene Uselton said it would then become a new buiHing needing a granting of a new variance lor this n"r building, which would mean the PEC needed to look for a hardship' Bob Zeeb said it would be a hardship on the neighbor to the east' Mike Mollica said the application was not about a setback variance, or its merits. He said that staff's response was to the applicant's request to remove the condition' Mike stated that the OuitOing sitould conform to the zoning and that nothing on that site was unique to the neighborhood. Gene Uselton said if this condition was removed than in fact a variance would be granted' Mike Mollica said a series of variances would then be necessary' Galen Aasland said although sympathetic, the applicant was asking for significant benefits' hiving been grandfathered-troir an existing building into a new building. He said that zoning said ifdidn't have to be practical, but it had to conform. Ann Bishop had no comments. Diane Golden said the PEC's hands were tied' Greg Moffet said the basis of the variance was the existence of the structure and that granting the iariance, given the structure, was not a grant of special privilege- He stated that if what was requested weie permitted, then a precedent would be set. He said the structure had to become contorming over time and it was now a special privilege. John Schofield suggested tabling this until the applicant could come back with a specific request. Rohn Robbins stated that really what we were doing was arguing semantics and that we could give an illusion of retaining the wall. He said lhere was a hardship with the view that was lost, [ne cost and for the comm-unity not using the full and best use of the property. He asked what sense it made and that regulations said to bring it into conformance, but it made no sense. Steve Riden said in 1992 the demo/rebuild rule was not in effect and he had been working on this proiect since that time. Galen Aasland made a motion for denial, in accordance with the staff memo' Ann Bishop seconded the motion. The motion for denial passed by a vote of 6-0' Planning and Environmental Commission Minules April 28, 1997 John Schofield disclosed, for the record, that he had contact with Mark Mueller, but he felt it would in no way affect his comments. Lauren Waterton gave an overview of the staff memo and said that the applicant was requesting removal of the co;difion of approval, as stated in the staff memo. Lauren said that the proiect was non-conforming in seveidl ways and she listed them, saying that once the structure was altered, it would have to conform t6 the development standards' Therefore, staff was t"torrienOing Oeniat, since stafl felt that the dpplicant should comply with the original condition of approval. Rohn Robbins, an attorney on behalf of the applicant, asked for common sense to prevail' as.the ouiroing wis to oe uuitt in "precisely the same'location. He stated that nothing about the exjstlng walls oi roof was in compliance witn tne existing building code. He said he was concerned about it being a non-conforming structure; that you could grab a wall and s_fate aJl three floors. He JaiO tn? lppficant was siirply updating ttie materiali and recreating the building in exactly the same locdtion, with no impact to the adjacent neighbors. He stated that in order to construct as itatt traO recommended, ii would Oe coitty, as the applicant would have to suspend the members of the walls while constructing. He said that this would cause considerable delays in construction, would cause a safety hazad and the staging would impact adjacent property owners. He said it was a silly exercise having to suspend the walls in order to stay in conformance. Mark Mueller, a structural engineer, stated that he had been in the valley for 15 years and he said ne woutC like to explain whaisaving the existing wall would entail. He explained some illustrated Orar"ir,gs and why'Bob Zeeb, the c6ntractor, needed to remove the walls and roof. He said that to exca-vate undei'neath segmentally around the building was very time consuming, laborious and very dangerous from a satety stand'point. He also said to temporarily.support the upper floors and tne r-oof was very time cbnsuming without a guarantee of the quality of the building' Steve Riden, the applicant's architect, said that this project was initiated in.August of 1992' He said, as a practical'matter, the client would like to maintain what he had enjoyed on the property prior to thd restrictions that had been placed on it now, with a practical resolution. Rohn Robbins emphasized that what was being asked for was a new, structurally-sound, non- . conforming building. He said getting out of the setback would result in a loss of the view entirely to the wesl, with no benefit to lne neignbors and be detrimental to the neighbor on the east. John Schofield asked Dan or Mike if the existing 2X4 walls complied with the UBC. Dan Stanek said, no, but there were other ways to construct leaving the wall intact. Mark Mueller agreed that it could be done, but was beyond the point of practicality. John Schofield agreed that it was possible, although not smart. He asked for some alternatives' as this was a clear example ot the PEC setting forth a condition that was in opposition with the code ol the TOV. He asied what portion ot the buiEing would be removed if it was torn down. Bob Zeeb said 100%. Planning and Environmental Commlsslon Minul'es April 28. 1997 ort*,ruuHAY I ?, 1.qg? FILE COPY 1. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the modification to the existing platted building envetope, located at 1082 Ftiva Glen/Lot 3 Spraddle Creek Estates' Applicant: Lee Kirch, represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: Lauren Waterton Lauren Waterton gave an overview of the staff memo and stated that the request had met the subdivision criterii and that staff was recommending approval with 1 condition. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There was none. He then asked if the Corn'missioners had any 6dmments. There were no comments lrom the Commission. John Schofield made a motion for approval with one condition in accordance with the staff memo. Diane Golden seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. 2. A request to remove a condition of approval, from a1 approved setback variance, requi'ring that the exterior walls and r'oot remain during the remodel process, located at 226 Forest Hoad/Lot 1 1A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: John KredeitPlanner: Lauren Waterton Planning and Environmcntal Commission Minutqs April 28, 1997 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA April 19th,1995 3:00 P.M. PROJECT OHIENTATION 12:30 pm SITE VISITS 1:30 pm 1. Hillside Condominium - 1819 & 1839 Meadow Ridge 2. Dressel - 1490 Buffehr Creek Road, Unit A-44 3. The Villager Restaurant - 100 E. Meadow Dr. 4. Coldstream Condominium Assoc. - 1476 Westhaven Drive 5. Garfinkel's - 536 W Lionshead Mall Drivers: Randy and George 1. The Ruins - Final review of a 30 dwelling unit condominium building. AK 1325 Westhaven Drive/Area A, Cascade Village SDD.Applicant: Jerry WormanMOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRATNERD VOTE: S-0 Tabled until May 3, 1995. 2. Garfinkel's - Request lor menu box. LWAK 536 West Lionshead Mall/Lionshead Center Building.Applicant: Garfinkel's represented by Stewart MeadeMOTION: BORNE SECOND: MOFFET VOTE: 5-0 Approved with conditions. 1. Take down chalk menu board prior to installation of new menu box.2. Electric conduit to existing menu box must be cdvered with wood,3. Sign must be on private property - confirm property line. 3. The Villager Restaurant - Sign and awning application. GR 100 East Meadow Drivel/ait Vittage Ptaza BuitdingApplicant: Joe StauferMOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRATNERD VOTE: 5-0 Consent approved with conditions. 4. Krediet Residence - Addition and remodel of primary unit. RS 226 Foresl Rd./Lot 1 1 -A, Btock 7, Vail Viilage 1st FilingApplicant: John KredietMOTION: BORNE SECOND: BRATNERD VOTE: S_0 Approved as proposed by applicant. 8:55 P.M. Randy Stouder Appeal of DRB decision to deny the proposed addilions and remodel of John Krediet's home located at 226 Forest RoacuLot n-A, Block ?, Vail Village lstFiling. Applicant: John Krediet. \ ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Review the design review guidetinespenaining to Duplex and Prirnary/S€condary development (attached and highlighted); review the proposed architecture torthe Krediet remdel; and uphold, modity or overtum the DRB denial of the proiect. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Although the DRB felt lhat the proposed remdel was a definite improv€ment to Mr. Krediet's home, they fett bound by the desbnreview guldelines tor duplex and primarylsecondary development whicrr require architectural integration between structures. The existing Krediet and samuels residences are located on the same lot in the primary/secondary zone district. Although the two units are physicaly separated, they ar€ architecturally integrated according to the design reviar guidelines. The DRB lelt that the proposed remodel and addition to the primary unit (Krediet resirlence; producid anarchitectural look that departed lrom the cunent architectural style of thesecondary unit (samuels residence) and lhus did not meet lhe design revisilguueline requirernent of architectural integration between primary and s-econdary units. \ I I I I I I i I I 9:25 P.M. 8. Jim Cumutte 10:10 P.M. 10:20 P.M. 9. 10. ACfQN FEQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Review the proposed building expansionand site amendmenls and upholcuove.tumhodify the decision of the oReio grant final design approval for the proposed proiect. BAqKGROUND_ RATTONALEj__ On February 13, 1995, the ptanning andEnvironmental commission (pEc) approved the requested oomrnon are-a anopafting variances and a ma,or.exterior alteration in the ccll Zone District, withconditions (to be discussed in more detail at the rneeting). The vote was 7{. on February 2t, r99s, the Town councir "cailed up" the pEc decision tor tunherreview. The councit decided lo let lhe pEG approvals stand in order to allow theprojecl to receive final Design Review Board review. The council made theapplicant aware that they may then "cail up" the DRB approval lor further review,if lhey so desired. on March 15, 1995, the Design Review Board approved the poject, with conditions(to be discussed in rnore detail at the meetirE), with a vote ot 3_2. Town Manager's Report. AdFumment. NOTE UP@MING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (A!L TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUSJECT TO CIIAI{GE) oooooao THE I{EXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAB WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 4/11/95, BEGTNN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. rN Tov couNctL OHAMBERS. TllE Ent I .|r|nrlr- l, ..r ?'\r.r.r AAr r. r^rl,ii-v -;^-L i iirr-{ uvijirutl FEGULAF WOFK SESSIONWILL BE ON TUESDAY,4/18/95, BEGINNING AT 2OO P.TI.IN TOV COUTICiI. CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR E\'ENING MEENNGwfLL BE oN TUESDAY,4llaF,s, BEG|NNING AT 7:go p.rrt. tN Tov @uNctL cHAltBERs. C|\AGENDA.TCE ooooooo VAIL TOWN COUNCIL 6:30 P.M. 6:35 P.M. 6:z{0 P.M. 3. Andy Knudtsen 7:,10 P.M. 7:55 P.M. Russell Fonest 8:25 P.M. 6. Tom Moorhead l. a TUESDAY, APRTL 4, 1995 7:30 P.ll.lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Citizen Pa.ticipation. Consent Agenda. A. Approvaf ot the Minutes for the meetings of March j and2t, 1995. Ordinance No. 8, Series of f995, lirst reading of an ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 7, Series of f993 to provide changes to Area A requirements for sDD #4 that concem the development plans for the westhaven condominiums (The Ruins) Development site and settirE forth details in regard thereto. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve/deny/modity Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1995 on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On February 27, 1995, the pEC voted 4-l recommending approval of the requested major amendment to the Cascade Village SDD. Please see the attached staff memo. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: Approve the request for the maior amendment. Resolution No.4, Series ot 1995, a Resolution Approving and Adopting the Town ol Vaiwail Associales Program to Manage peak periods. Resolution No. 9, Series of 1995, a requesl to arnend the Vait Land Use plan lrom open space to Public-semi Rrblic to allow for the redevelopment of the vailgolf course mair enance tacility, located at l2?g Vail Valley Drive, parcel E, Vail Valley 7lh Filing. Applicant: Vail Becrealion District. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve or deny Resolution No. 9, to amend the vail Land use Plan from open space to public-semi public for the Vail golf course maintenance facility. BAoKGRoUND RAT|oNAE: since 1966, the gollcourse mairilenance facility has been located on Parcel E. In 1980 this property was annexed into the Town and zoned Natural Area Preservation Dislrict. This facility is a nonconforming use and any proposed changes to the facility requires a change in the vail Land use plan and a zonir€ change. changing the vail Land use plan is the tirst step in a three step process, that would enable the vRD to rezone the property to lhe General yse !GU) Dislrict and apply tor a conditional use permit to remodel the iacility.The Planning and Environmental commission reviewed this reguest on March2i, 1995 and unanimously (H) voted to recommend apprcval of this request. 9TAFF RECoMMENDATIoN: staff recommends that council approve Resolution No.9. Resolution No. r0, series ol 1995, a Resotulion ol the Town council of the Town ol vail expressing concem about'takings" legislation in general and urging etecledrepresentatives to oppose SB 136, HB lr7l and similar legislatbn. ACTION REAUESTED OF COUNCTL: Apprcve/deny/modify Resotution No. 10, Series of 1995. B.ACKGROUND RATIONALE: At the woft session on March 28, 1995, Council direcled staff to prepare a Resolution opposing the "takings" regulations presenfly being considered in the colorado state Legislation and in both Houses oi ttre u.d.Congress. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: Approve Resotution. 4. ). fu4fr/1A er&t F4'6 5/-1""(iln/r?^Va) KZ' Wa-^- Fazrr'tt /frt' @- 6ff ryy:q[, Wi;; 6;* o *r'1'+* /^4tu /tu"- wc 6'a *Fl Y {*t P--6'"t''<{tx/1' Liftside - Entruse sigr for complex. 1245 Wcsthaven Driva/Liftside Applicant MECM Enterprises Parksidc Vllas - Changes to approved plans. 1547 Matterhom CrlParkside Villas Applicant: Jack Snow- RKD LW LW r'1FR-22-1995 1.4122 STEUEN JAI'IES RtDEI'l FtlR RR 383 949 A3A4 P.61oe Steven Jniles Riden AIA Architcct P.O. Box 323E Avon. Colorndo E1620 Fax Cover Sheet I oArE: Q]tl' nME: T ro' p4q21 lDtl !xl,*u' 'ff011ui, r" -, t- FRoM: 5J? FXi,*'', 3313iffil;i . ,rA tr t," 11\,ri5l*.RE, t(?ggre,'f \ cc: rtrc.rrr'ct- ,,n,,wla'.- LJnK " 1n,,t\e-Numberofpagesincludingcoversheet: ./ (.,, \'' nnesraE€ llctd 14 +fu lxtlw i{4 wqry" ?.l*J {" fu ea,pc.t "ff;. l*ha. t),rt, u,*l), lil* ti d ,.bxil,* NiL W couttorl *toY ,J * wo?k +t94a"t *'{^ DPV w*rb*q /r^l r'trortz rull ,//'"1 tl-tt L ' i,^- ,J urrf[ or' Prrnrldr J" alwlo tLi, i,,, lr*r h tl. lneePt'fl J,nAl"ez M\)1"(l' (30?) e49-4r2r : N -) A M E S. POST OFFICE BOX 3238vArL, co.81658 FAX 949-0304 'r0tiAR2lBs Vail Town Council Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 March 21- 1995 Re: Krediet Residence Dear Members of the Council, Mr. John Krediet of 226 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado wishes to appeal the decision of the Town of Vail Design Review Board meeting of March 15, 1995, in which their decision was to deny the applicant permission to proceed with the remodel of Lot ll-B, VailVillage, I st Filing, based upon their interpretation of rown ordinance I E.54.050. I : "I. Duplex and primary/secondary development. I ' The purpose of this section is to ensure that duplex and primary/secondary development be designed in manner tlat creates an architecturalli integrateif structure with unified site dwelopment. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in 18.54.b5012 thereoqwith the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A singte structureshall have common roofs and building walls that crJate encl6sed spacesubstantially above grade. Unified srchitectural and landscape desigrr struttinclude, but not be limited to, the use of compatible buildingrnutoi"tr, architectural stylg scale roofforms, massing, architectural details, dte graOing &nd landscape materials and features. 2. The presence ofsignificant site constraints may pennit the physical separation of units and garages on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the design review board. Significant site constraints shall be defined as natural features ofa lot zuch as stands ofmature trees, natural drainages, stream courses, and other natural water feafureg rock outcroppings, wetlands, and other natural features, and existing structures thatmay create practical difrculties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site constraint that allows for thi separation of a garage from a unit. It shatl be the applicant's responsibility to request a determination from the design review board as to whether or not a sirc has significant site constraints before final design work on a project is presented. This determination shall be made at a conc€ptual review of the proposal base on review of the site, a detailed survey of the lot (to include information as outlined inSection 18.54.040 Cl,a.) and a preliminary site plan of the proposed structur{s). 3. The duplex and primary/secondary deveropment may be desigrred toaccommodate the development of dwelling units and garages in more than one . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. structure if the design review board determines that significant site constraints exist on the lot. The use of unified architectural and landscape design as outlined in section 18.54.050tI,I. shall be required for the development. In additioqthe design review board may require that one or more ofthe following common desigr elernents such as fences, walls, patios, deckg retaining wa[s, walkways, landscape elements or other architectural features be incorporated to create unified site development. (Ord. 12 (1988) ss 2:Ord.24(t9SS) ss l: Ord.9(1985) ss2,3: Ord. 39(1983) ss l.)" In response to specific areas of this ordinance, the applicant feels this is in compliance with the intent, as well as the letter ofthe ordinance in question. First, Paragraph 2 (18.54.050, 2) deals with separation of the units within the sitg as notto bring up any additional issues. The units are physically separated at pres€nt by prwious developments ofthe eastern half, herein called l l-A (the secondary sidi). Paragraph l, (18 54.050, l) requests compatibility in a number ofaspects, bri€flyboth I l-A & 1l-B utilize similar building materialg for examplg wood siding witl solid body stain finish, stucco and stone work, a similar relationship orists *in *re scale of the elements, identical roof pitcheg similar massing and details such as iron railings, boulder retainage, access to units and garages and significant additional landscaping. The grading of access by vehicles nowmoreclosely relates to each unit. The P.E.C. has approved a variance, based partly upon the condition that the original forrnnot be altered substantially, within the area of the variance hereby maintaining tfie originalform of the two residences. It might be appropriate to indicate at this poing tha:t anumber of renovations have been made to the eastern portion, I l-A with no requirementor enforcement by the P.E. c. or the Town of vail, that the western portioq lt-g, be made subjectively compatible to the re-dwelopment of I l-A. These units have been, for the most part, considered separated for many years and have passed a number of designreviews. Requiring the applicant, to either improve an existing outdated standard on ll-A cr improve I l-A to what is proposed fbr I l-B is a considerable hardsirip and not the specific intent of the code. Furthermore Mr. Krediet beliwes that these improvements comply with the intent of the code. In Section 18.54.010, the Council in the adoption ofthe code created the Design RwiewBoard to make a decision based upon the best interests of all those involved with some general guidelines. The intent states: "Other aspects of development are more subtle and less amiable to exact rules...Among these are, general form of the land, before and after development',, ..The appearance of buildings and open spaces as contribute to the areq as it is being developed and redeveloped..". In other sections, the guidelines offer these items] for which this application was designed. Section 18.54.050, Al General, states " It is not to be inferred that buildings must look a like to be compatible. Compatibility can be achiwed tluough the proper consideration ofscale, proportions, site planning landscaping materials and colors and compliance with the guidelines herein contained." Section 18.54.040, A.2 "Whenever possible, these existing features should be preserved and reinforced by new construction. The objective is to fit the buildings to their sites in a way that leaves the natural land forms and features intact...n'. This structure is in place for the most part, however it is the intent of Mr. Krediet to do away with some of the "existing features" and have it restored back to a "natural state" , for examplg the driveway ramp and the slopes above the new garages. Section 18,54,040, B.l:" The location and configuration ofstructures and access ways shall be responsive to the oristing topography of the site upon which they are to be located." Both units have cut in driveway areas. B.3: "Removal of trees, shrubs, and otler native vegetationshallbelimitedto removal of those essential for dwelopment of the site." B.4: "All areas distufted during construction shall be revegetated. If necessary, the DRB may derignate allowable limits of construction activity and require physical barriers in order to preserve significant natural features and vegetation upon a site and adjacent sites during construction." There will be minimal removal of any existing vegetation at the front of the lot and any disturbed areas will be replanted with mature plants so that the site will be restored as quickly as possible to the "natural" condition. 8.5: "All projects shall be designed so as to provide adequate snow storage af,eas for snow cleared from the parking areas and roadways within the project." This issue has also been addressed and provided for. C.l : "Building materials shall be predominantly natural, zuch as wood siding, wood shakes and native stone." Wood, stong stucco, slate and flagstone are predominant on both structures. C.2: "The same or similar building materials and colors shall be used on main structures and any accessory structures upon the site." The redevelopment of I l- B will actually bring more of a similar color and texture to the whole. C.3,4,5,6 : Colors of the details are natural and/or similar to that of I l-A and the forms are similar to what is already existing. Materials are also similar. Section 18.54.050, C.l2: "In no instance shall a duplex structure be so constructed as to result in each half ofthe structure appearing zubstantially similar or mirror image in design." Obviously this project is not a mirror imagg but do have similarity in form. C.l3: "Duplex and primary/secondary residential dwelling units shall be designeda lnanner that contains the two dwelling units and garages within one single structure. Howeveq in the event that the presence of significant site charasteristics necessitate a site design which includes a physical separation ofthe two dwelling units and/or garages into separate structures. such a design may be approved onlywhen the separate structures are visually attached by rneans ofthe use of similarand compatible architectural desiCn- colors and materials and/or physically connected with fences, wallg decks or other similar architectural features." Again, these have been separated, and the DRB has denied this application based on alimited perception of the compatibility of the two dwellings. whether this perception is warranted by the vagueness ofthe wording ofthe code or by the direction of the council. Mr. Krediet is now unable to improve his property effectively until the Town Council assists the Design Review Board on making this distinction. It is the opinion of this and other similar applicants, that the "matching compliance", which is never stated specifically as "matching", is highly restrictive on remodel developments and creates hardships, which are not what the zoning code intended intended. Please reconsider the decision ofThe Design Review Board and grant a reversal oftheprevious decision. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Best regards, Architect For G. John Krediet r CfiPY Jeff Bowen made a motion to deny the request for an outdoor dining deck, with instructions to the applicants that a streetscape bench or benches be placed against the wall of Pepi's as originally approved by the PEC, noting also that the standard village trash receptacle should be placed in the alcove along with the bench(s). The applicants wondered what size the streetscape benches were? Statf described the benches. Bob Armour seconded Jetf Bowen's motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 4-1-1. Henry abstained; Kevin voted against the motion, however, he liked the idea of the tables if the issues could be worked lhrough. 5. A request lor a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the Ricci Residence located at2576 Davos Traililot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: Nancy Ricci, represented by Galen AaslandPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Andy presented the project per the staff memo. Andy presented, on page 2 of lhe memo, five other examples requiring this type ol approval. Andy expressed concern about the original size of the variance and that the applicant had decreased square footage to bring the site coverage variance within the range of previous projects. Staff recommends approval with three conditions on page 5. Greg Amsden asked for public input, there was none. Bob Armour motioned that a request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addilion to the Ricci Residence located aI2576 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing be approved with the staff's conditions on page 5 of the staff memo. Jeff Bowen seconded. Vote 6-0. 6. A request for a front setback variance to allow for the redevelopment of a residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: John Krediet, represented by Steven RidenPlanner: Randy Stouder Randy presented the project per the stafl memo. Building overhang is 7'from front property line, chimney and stone veneer is .5'from front property line, stone work extends beyond overhang. This would allow more ol the front building in the setback. Three areas of intrusion into the front setback 13'5" and 1 6' lor fronl of house. Conditions, level of demo, nonconforming currently. No additional height in front setback, applicant has removed dormers that would have extended above that level. Staff recommends approval, reshingling roof. Greg Amsden stated the Commission hadn't had many questions since items were addressed lrom the last meeting. Bob Armour asked about driveway elevation. Steven Riden, project architect, replied that Forest Road is about a foot and a half down from garage. Jeff made a motion to approve a request lor a front setback variance to allow for the redevelopment of a residence located at 226 Forest RoadiLot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing in accordance with the conditions which are contained on page 4 and 5 of the staff memorandum. Kevin Deighan abstained due to a conllict ol interest. Vote 5-0-1. Greg Amsden requested a 15 minute break before the next ilem. Pl.nning .nd E lronmor el commi$lon ch t3,1995 liinuteg FEvh6o .t) OF PROJECT : r9 information is I before a final ]G }'IATERIALS : lalI Materi als Trim 'in ' Deck Rails tgs )nclosures ruSeS rPING:Name of D for subrnittal to the Design can be given:requ i red appr ova 1 TYPE OF qtilp Saffitrl MEr?{uL) /ocl 6a,4nota4 rBtottlou aruuc>Tox. ttea 6.n). SToPt vEPPUe "Uo&unAi) g?alD 'Nfr)1/Bo 1058 -wmatzez) 1059'llB 1060 uaes* /Ed,u 4tL4t= esrgner: Phone: /dr6 tvm. hpr.u P*flPA- 3/C gt0M 'fPn IATERIALS: 'n TeF Fq Botanical Name Conunon Name Ouantitv Size* ,i rFn Beniamin Moore Paints lUlrLLe caliper for deciduous trees' ffi*H+iftfffi""1?:*3:" FEE-23-1995 14:AE STEUEN JRf4E5 RIDEN AIA RR P.4!'t IPOST OFFICEvAlL, co. Februfft 11J905 Meoben af tht Plenning ud Bnvirroucntd Gommigdon Towuof Vail Vril. Colomdo Deer Mcmbcrs of thc Commilrrioa, Mr.Johu Krcdict ir prcrently rcquerfiug r vrrtrnc+ to lha zooing ordlnence thrt DrEt6rtagro$ rcddcntid lloor rcr (GRFA) to bc pl$cd withio thc frut reilbxL il Int lf-A Bhck-7 Vril Vil|rg3 Filtt fifidg (225 Forert Rmd) Thb rdditloarl uae ir el idlll bclow tte thc ui*ing tlvhg rjrcc rnd u Inlllt dryrce aDove thc livlng rprcc by lowcrhg lhc iop lctd lloor and clirnlouilg tbc nirtdlo lavd floor ud inttlduchg r lhcd dormer tO 61i111i6 mlnlnrnr fcd hdttt rt ttG lorttfia fltt To cooply with prrrsnt lrdght ruguhdolr thc roof ridp liuc rill bc toilcfil Dy Z lcd ilrtl will lhus loilcr thc cnve lincr by 2 fcct dra Othcr dtcrrtioor to thc erfutiag rtrufin iocludc the remwd of tltc ovcnizcd dorucrtofte rnrtb of tbc ridp ud thc rcoovrl of dl dfrc dcek crhnrlkr on the north clavrthn rd rll dcclc tbrt rlt pfttcdly t! tle frclt sctbrcL, lbe conct$ctiod ilrll Dc rcconplbbd by nrlntrrfiogtt dtuch olthc prrrelt xErrcbrc (lswrlh foundrdon.) rr poriDle $cre rill bc m chuge to tht udllty mnlccq wrlcrgcrvcrgr4 anrl electricrl connection* It iboilld bc notcd thlt thc buic foru of thc origiud rtnrctrrc wtll oot cleop rnd lhc co[ccpt of thc forn lr lt rclater to ttc $condrry urit ir not rigpiftmtly diffcrut Qurntltldtly thc eririirg fomr occrrpia f$65 cubh fcct fu vdumc vitlln tf,* ralbrck thir includa thc {r$$r {r volrruc! u thcy rrt ptrtcivort u caclorcd rprcrfl Cia,crrpod deck). Tlrc rtoodelcd olructurt occulde $All urbk rprcc in voluno dm includhg ttd cr4ort u roll rr tbc rddhion of ttc Scd dormcrr lltlh the rctbrctc ( Bll rttrcled cdorlrtiom) ThG rgt tqurrc Iootrgc of GRFA lo rddltho to the plt crt ttilcfuc ir rpprorimrtely 3lt9 $f. Thir varirncc k rrqrrertcd io cllmlnatc thc rtccp toHr to thc rcrldcrcc ud lo rvsid trcondnrctlon of t[c rcEidcncE od uoltcr r arer of &e si$ flilch b pdndly mccp ||r.l ll ududo6d rprcc' end dn to mirtiuize eddiflmd ric dictrrtucc frr up thr dta Thir vtdencc lrr bcu grrntql prcvlody wltb ruoru rqurlc footrgc thrrt Ic rtqucatcd rt thb tlue, f,oncrcr tftrt vrrirncc ru tror r dlfrcrrot d.dg! rcbam. Thlr nrlucc docl not tlctr{uotrlly dfcct tbc [glt'lir'dfut tudoo of poprh$on' trrrnrlnrtrtlonrtrfric,utilidcqor public mfuy. Mr. lftslict {pprtcirtg J0rr cooptrrtiod In thb Erttcn sox 3I r 6J I 23 . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHTTECTS' FEB-23-1995 1.4tAE STEUEN JAI,IES RIDENfa Calculations: 343 949 A3A4 P.E3 From plate line to ridgc (12rt)Dr36.5= 1753 1211,66136,5= 727 (r.66d.qt2d6,5--?s SUB TOTAIF 2555 Mrsr bdow platc line to crirtlng gredc 25.9I12I36,F 11344 chimnry 2,2x4.9x22= 237 SUB TOTAIF T4136 Deck rrcas in cetbrck north.36,3r4r.l - 438 crst- 16.5r.4r.1= lgt west- 16.51413 - lgE wcat-(I6.5116/k3=396 $ub Totel = l2:t0 I1oTAL, r3it66 Platc line to ridgc (mmc er crirting ) 2555 Mrcs bclow plete line to Erirting grndc 23.9112136.5 = 1029 Chinncy (crictiug)= ?,37 61512.2 - 66 4t2.5r2.?F 22 Additional Dormcrr 16.5(grblc cnd)r llFl 65 l6.5rt3 - 215 SubTotel= 13553 l/2Dctk @ lllBR.61314 72 AIH NR Volume Existing Residence; Proposed: TOTAL = f3625 FEB-23-1S95 t4"49 sTE(!EN JRNES RIDEN RIR AR 3A3 949 A3A4 P.A4_/-:-_r_ ', ./ f+ 4 I.;{ f., TOTAL P.A4 FEB-15-1995 A9313 STEUEN JAMES RIDEN RIA RRo 383 949 A3A4 P.t36 Fhnl Lirt . Comnnn Nome Colorado Bluc $pruct Lodgep,ole Pinc Qu,aking Aspen EuIIalo Junipcr Colorafus Frnnynrus Birds Nest Spruce Broadmoor Juniper Yellop Flower Currant Freneh Lilnc Oregon grape Siberiau Pessluub Potcndlla Seryic$crry Clematis (various) Botanical us.otc Piccr pungens glauca Pinus flcxils Popuhu Wnuloidcs Junipcrus sp, Eunymus forhnci sp. Pic€s abirs "nidifr reis" Juniperus rebina sp. Ribies odorltum Sytiuga vufgaris Mahoniaaquilfolia sp. Camgma artoresccnt PotfiUilla tiliuco$a Almanchier alnifolia Clematis h5brids Quantity SizG 2 t0'min.? l0'min. 23 20 7 7 t t2 4 2 II 3 6 I U2" €sl. mh- 5 gsl. 5 gal. 5 gal. 5 gd, B&E B&B 5 gal. 5 Erl. 5 gal. B&B 2 gal. Generrl Noles: Tres and shrubs shirlt be planted in pita I l/2 times the size of the plant rootbell and baddtlcd wilh a conrbinalion of topsoil. sell rotted manure ard compost All trEcs ohall hare a well a mjnimum of 4" deep. comparable in sirB to the drip line of ihe trco. All shrub b€ds shall be lin€d with eome t]Te of weed mar prior to being to#ressed, AII tree wlls and shnrb beds EhaI be lopdrccsod with a midmum of 3" of berk nulclt' All deciduous trees shall be staked witt 6' sreet "r pods ad guJred with #14 guagc galvurtizctl rvirc altd I l/2" x 18" nylotr troc susps- Ihrbaceous ptanting beds shall be topaoil, tilled to a depth of 6" and bc rmk free. A militrc of coutpo5t and well rollcd nunurc should be tilled into tln planting beds ( I cubic yard conpost per 350 s.f., one cubicyardmunurq:pcr250$.f). Allltcftaeousplantingbedsshaltbetopdressedwithl/2"black Colorado hunrus peal , All otlrer disturbed ureas shall be seedctl with a nativc grass tnixturt: 20%o lvlanchar Smollh Bromc: 30% Lin Perennial Ryc; ?0%Kentu*y 3l Fesore; l(l7o Poloanc Orchard Grsss l07oTimothlr l0Yo Shccp Fcscnc nt the sccdiug rate of 42 lbs./aore. Om application of lE-464 fcnilieor dult b€ brosdcasr pdor to secding at thq ntc of 7lb$./100 s.f. All rcwly platttcd orcs slull receive temporary drip inigation uf,til plrnt ruterids arc well e$ablished, otrc TOTHL P,A6 cu,o),'ol,l,tlr tvArL. co.81658 (303)94e-4r2r FAX 949-03M RSD.laru j o t995 w lrr'' rr vrr'rsulalt \,ollllllsslon , /Town of vail ,{/A/r .I I I South Frontage Rd. W. / ,t i'i i MVail,ColoradoSl65T I - iv .W January3o, 1995 Z,/tf< ' ! d W. (dPu''-", :'r-,' '\ n Re: Zonins Variance ",. / | L,{ l,u' L t\ L"'. (r"- 7\Re: Zoning Variance \1 ' / | "f/r," Lt l '. t /Li v*) I DearMembersofthecofrmission, {=W;l-"X ('\tl ffi:-,* ;:# *ance to,,:;rdinance,[,',k*!.5$ 1;:l*;1llllX 31:i_(g^Y,!.t" g:ph:: within the rrorit setback "t ioi ir_+ Brock 7, Planning & Environmental Commission Town ofVail Vail Village, lst Filing (226 Forl,st Road). This additional area is an infill above the existing living room. square feet. i,U|1 I n'LU' I I LJ'" (,t4"^rA.t $ an existing structure and areas formerly open spacenet additional square footage is approximately 5g2 The variance is requested to eliminate steep access to the existing residence and toallow parking with the property immediate vicinitv. much the same as other examples within the Relieffrom the strict interpretation assists in and the adjacent property to the west and a larger separation between this detrimentally effect the light, aiadistribution of population, transportation, traffi c,or public safety. Mr. Krediet appreciates your cooperation in this teve[ James Riden AIA . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. .b ".--, O1 , r,.i :- :-:-,t .( -1t -\-\ -, _.t'.-.--'*<' \ \' ,r ' r'bEi- -'"------.- --.e--' I Oa CI nV I I IJil J_i iIT !r.]l s:l q $ ---!!_ t, ii ro Ui, Xll !!t-: a'r I r\:; \t \Jili i 'J u 1 s d I -J$;itxli \ tl Id ---------------- s:Ss l ${ I i )! \T t d $ dD[5I\s€\{ $9I [1\ rl\ rr\t.r --ti t:ao 0t.-- t .il sll tn xll 'll-\b $ll {ll-l r/ll {lk *tl I 1II d i\. {X al-eil )+" c.$ -i {,6 il ltt :i : lt\ II t-\ L r \\S+ -+- t =;;ffi g *., ** -\++ ----- Or $ r{ ir (' '\ r-'1 -qF t .',. $ t_--- [-i t.tii ll+. -l "t$ tl _-1- ' +- ,, tr TOr .-nL_l-., !.-. O. /'!l'\--rl 'If- t rl . MEMORANDUM ro: ptannins and Environmentat commission F Fl fi: f; i , FBOM: Community Development Department DATE: February 27, 1995 SUBJECT: A request for a front setbaek variance to allow for a major remodel and addition to the existing Primary residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 1'1-A, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: John KredietPlanner: Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is proposing a major remodel of the existing primary residence. The proposal involves filling in the existing carport with new GRFA, and constructing a buried garage with a two-story addition on top. The garage addition would be connected to the main house by a two-story enclosed walkway. The garage would be accessed with a new, relatively flat driveway (see attached site plan). Portions of the existing structure are located within the 20-foot lront setback. Although the applicant is not proposing to add GRFA closer to the front property line than the existing unit, the applicant is proposing GRFA additions to portions of the existing structure that are currently located within the front setback. The proposal adds mass and bulk in the front setback. The existing carport is located wilhin 7 feet of the front property line, in the front setback. Thus, the request to inlill the cerport with new GRFA would require approval of a front setback variance of 13 feet. The existing chimney is located within 5 feet of the lront property line, in the front setback. Thus, the request to add GRFA on both sides of the chimney would require approval of a front setback variance of '15 feet. The applicant also proposes to lower the existing roof, eliminating areas of the structure that currently extend above the 33' height lirnit. However, the applicant wishes to add two shed dormers to the new roof in the front setback approximately g leet from the property line. I II. BACKGROUND On September 9, 1991 , John Krediet obtained approval of a setback variance from the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to infill the carport area in the tront setback. The proposal also involved building a new garage, with a one-story addition, that would be directly connected to the main structure. On June 22, 1992, the applicant requested a two- year extension to the previous front setback variance which was also granted by the PEC. A copy of the site plan for this proposal is attached for reference purposes. In May of 1994 the applicant returned to the PEC with a modified version of the earlier approval. This proposal involved an extensive remodel ot the existing unit. The carport infill was proposed, along with a stair tower additon to the west end of the house. A portion of the stair tower was located within the front setback. A buried garage and buried carport was also proposed. Retaining walls in excess of the 6{oot height limit were necessary to construct the carport, and the carport was located within the front setback. An addition was also proposed to the rear of the existing unit. The PEC unanimously rejected the location of the stair tower and carport in the front setback, but expressed support for the carport infill. A copy of the site plan lor this proposal is also attached for reference purposes. III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The property is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential, with a site area ot 22,263 square feet. Allowed/Fequired Existino GRFA:Primary: 3,1 1 I sq tl.Secondary: 2,215 sq. tt Tolal Allowable: 5,326 sq. tt. 2.196 sq. tt. 1,875 sq tt. 4.071 sq. tl. Pnmary. 918 sq. tl. Secondarv: 1 .096 sq. fl.Total: 2.014 sq. tt. (9.05%) 19.4.14 sq. tl. (87.3%) u.7'" 7' 1571 5' 15' 4 spaces provided Proposed 3,361 sq. tl.' 1.875 sq. tl. 5,236 sq. n. Pnmary: 1 ,994 sq. tt. (+ 1 ,076 sq. ft.) Secondarv: 1.096 sq. tt. (no chanoe)Toral: 3,090 sq. tl. (13.88%) 18,368 sq. tl. (82.5%) 32.7** 7 (crrpon lnflll) 5' (chimn6y) 9' (sho dormers)'-- 15Y15' 15' 6 spaces provided Sile Coverag€: Landscaping: Helght: Setbacks:Front: 20' Sides: Bear: Parktng: 4,453 sq. tt.(20%) 13,357 sq. ft. (60''/") JJ 15715' 15' 4 spaces requrred ' The applicanl has applied lor a 250 addrlional GRFA allotmenl in ord€r lo pressrve lhe secondary units rsrnaining GRFA (up to 40% ol lotal allowed GRFA)." Exisling ridge on primary unil exceeds cunenl h6i9ht limil and is lhus legal nonconlorming by 1.7',"' Applicanl is proposing to reduce lhe ridge herght on lhe pnrnary unit by 2' so the structure will be conforming in regards to heighl."" The applicant is requesling variances of 13, 15 and 11 le€l inlo lhe lronl setback for the carpon infill, lhe chimney additions, and lhe dormers respeclively, tv.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review ol criteria and Findings, section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal code, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested variance based on the following factors: Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship ot the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The requested front setback variance for the carport infill, if approved, would not adversely affect the use or enjoyment of adjacent properties. The existing structure encroaches 13 feet into the required 20{oot front setback. previously, a different driveway configuration existed which allowed residents of the primary unit to pull{hrough the carport area and continue across the adjacent secondary unit lot and exit onto Forest Road. The owner of the secondary unit approached the PEC to reconfigure the driveway and eliminate the pull{hrough. The PEC granted the request, which reconfigured the parking area on the secondary unit and eliminated the pull{hrough drive. This approval provided an undesirable situation to the primary unit, since the applicant has to back out onto Forest Road via an extremely steep driveway section. Staff feels that the proposal to change the driveway as reflected on the proposed site plan, is a significant improvement to the existing situation. The new driveway and garage render the current driveway unnecessary. Thus, staff feels that infilling this area with GRFA is acceptable. The additional GRFA in the front setback would not be perceived as additional mass and bulk due to the location under the cantilevered living space above and due to the openness of the entry patio area. At staff's request, the applicant has agreed to bring the entire roof of the existing structure down 2 feet (keeping the same pitch) in order to make the height of the remodeled unit conform to the current 33-foot height restriction. The existing height of the main ridge is 34.7 feet. Although the applicant has agreed to reduce the height of the roof, the applicant has also added two dormers to the front half ol the root in the front setback area, and chimney expansions in the front setback area. Staff believes that the scope of the remodel is sufticient enough for the applicant to bring the entire structure into conformity with existing mass, bulk and setback controls, with the exception of the carport infill. Staff feels that lowering the roof is a significant improvement but adding the dormers replaces the eliminated mass and bulk of the existing structure, and thus, does not reduce the nonconformity related to the setback requirements of the Code. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achisve compatibility and unilormity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the oblectives of this title without grant of special privilege. A, 2. B. staff feels that approving the carport infill is consistent with treatment given to other applicants throughout the Town. Where existing structures already encroach into setback areas, the PEC has allowed minor GRFA additions to beplaced in the setback as long as it does not exceed the current limits of encroachment, nor does it negatively impact adjacent properties. This has occurred on a limited basis throughout Town and has been supported by staff and the PEC. Granting a setback variance to intill the carport is considered by staff to be acceptable since GRFA already cantilevers over this area. Staff feels that adding dormers to upper level of the house, in the front setback, adds back unnecessary mass and bulk to the structure. Both the second ano third levels of the structure include ceilings up to 12 feet high. Reducing the ceiling height in these levels to 8 feet would still allow for the addition of the dormers at a lower level than currently proposed. This would reduce the mass and bulk of the proposal in the front setback, and reduce the impacts of a large vertical structure on the property line. Staff feels that the strict literal interpretation of the setback requirement control the mass and bulk of structures, and the proximity of structures to streets and other slructures. Thus, staff feels that the applicant should revise the proposal to reduce the height ol the existing dormers by reducing the vaulted space in the main living area or by reducing head heights on the top level. 3. The effect ot the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public lacilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed dormers will produce additional shadows on paved areas of Forest Road. This may create additional icing problems which would present a significant hazard to the public. Staff feels that the height of the structure in the setback should be reduced the extent feasible as recommended in ltem 2 above. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or wellare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted lor one or more of the following reasons: 2. e a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified I regulation would result in practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tifle' b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site ot the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the requested setback variance. Statf teels that if the applicant reduces the height of the existing dormers below the existing roof level height, that the application could be supported. However, the applicant has refused to reduce the height of these dormers to conform with the intent of the setback requirements, and thus, staff is recommending denial of the proposed application. Staff supports the infill of the carport area due to the existence of cantilevered space above and as noted in the consideration of factors section of this memo. Staff feels that adding dormers above the height of the existing roof line, and expanding the chimney areas, adds unnecessary mass and bulk in the setback. Approving the dormers and chimney expansion would be a grant of special privilege. Slatf cannot find any practical difficulty or physical hardship that would allow us to support the request. lf the PEC decides to approve the variance requests, staff recommends that the lollowing conditions be placed on the approval: 1. That Design Review Board (DRB) approval of an additional 250 GRFA allotment shall be obtained. 2. That final review and approval of the site plan by the Public Works Department shall be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. That an exterior lighting plan shall be submitted, reviewed and approved prior to issuance of a building permit. clpsc\m€mos\kediet.227 ,., I Ffl" t $ff$] y (l l(Y\ , \ \{t t-'\Fl \ il \ ; j : .iiil i r^- -Jc: Iil ;/ i 'i .': II] :) { ) :1 d{ F i: lf li{: i I t.il DS!s *t \/t I i-tli t, s -l i ? liriiiiiiiiEiliiE It iiii$?iiiiiti I 1 LiBI = tlIt:t Li 1liit? Itiirl, !q isrilil!;t:iri!tiie!:;r I$FJliiiil ir IE iili iii Irg illirtlil gl!lii i!, i!1 iiililra iii ii;lai ;ei =l t, ,iEige: iti.t: Iii!rllri }r:itl T] L t ! i Lt at :l :l;l ri 'iliiri; iii:1r iit grE E:it!: !lirtltiTI fi t; lr ri!i.iiiiiiii lHq i:iii::iiiii;i a I(rediet Residenco t tIII F, .r> ' !E-{€ sr[,t -.- rl I q. -l r! i{ ct {:'r I + -- -= i: ) "t ' :ara $ F I' llc,\-ri'+"I .a rlFr rl' ;' il.s l'r d ,l $ + "t'"i,T t'. I I I ';,l I $i 9.*. I i'lii ,1 . lll\ll'!qit--ti _ | r , .l- _\l -il1tli-I I IItit ^a{It itI I rt/ rIrJ iJi ] TIF l.i iilllrl l5 I IooI irr4*rf;--I I- e! tliII| . :. 1'ft"F I lF s l--1, i t t \ L $ " ,Fl'i'.j't :'i'-.- * ;- r'-: ] ll ,I o 4 I 1-J lsJ t -.. i 44',) J .t' ;- I t._15 r.l e 1 I , :r \./', '' '),. \_ ' ., Ioo li l' L:V*aHr.no KREDIET ADJACENT PROPERW OWNERS Ed S. and Gloria M. Hicks 3026 S. Padre lsland Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78415 MichaelA. Shannon 245 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Francis A. Beer 115 Hawk Lane Boulder, CO 80302 R.H. Pickens 8111 Preston Road, Ste 800 Daflas, TX 75225 David W. Graebel Family Trust 7o Citizens Bank and Trust P.O. Box 59 Wausau, Wl 54402-0059 Bernard and Jeannine Samuels 5624 Evelyn Court New Orleans, LA 70124 1000 Broadway Co. 233 Milwaukee Denver, CO 80206 Norman Waite, Jr. 1710 N. Burling Street Chicago, lL 60614 Steve and Suzette Kirby 24 Riverview Heights Sioux Falls, SD 57105 John A. and Mary Hartwig 8811 Grestwood Road Nr Bloomington, Mn 55437 , -.. r l- eN ? lR lqb- CIdld&drs Nrx- Ls' '.J / Ir>l rv u J" IS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 27,1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the Ricci Residence located at2576 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: Nancy Ricci, represented by Galen AaslandPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 (Simba Run) to allow for modifications to the previously approved development plan for the Savoy Villas Development located an unplatted parcel at 1100 North Frontage Road. Applicant: Walid SaidPlanner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion of the Aasland Residence located at2527 Arosa Drive/Lot 3, Block D, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: Galen AaslandPlanner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a CCI minor exterior alteration to allow for an addition to the Golden Bear retail shop within the A and D Building, located at 286 Bridge StreeVlots A and B and a part of C, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Lee HollisPlanner: Randy Stouder 5. A request for a proposed change to the Land Use Plan from Park (P) to Low Density Residential (LDR) for a parcel owned by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: VailValley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat DauphanaisPlanner: Jim Curnutte 6. A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll EHU located at 4040 North Frontage Road/Lot 3, Pitkin Meadows. Applicant: David HilbPlanner: George Ruther "t A request for a front setback variance to allow for the redevebpii'"nt of a residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filin$. Applicant: John Krediet, represented by Steven RidenPlanner: Randy Stouder L A request for a side setback variance to allow for the construction of a new garage located at 7928, 794A and 7948 Potato Patch Drive/Lots 1 0 and 1 1 , Block 'l , Vail Potato Patch Subdivision. Applicants: Cogswell, Clark, Willson and Ludwig, represented by Richard HemPlemanPlanner: George Ruther L A request for a setback variance to allow for the construction of a freestanding garage to be located at4524 Meadow Drive/Timberfalls Condominiums. Applicant: Richard Vossler, Timberfalls Condominium AssociationPlanner: Randy Stouder 10. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 Cascade Village to allow for the completion of the Westhaven Condominiums (The Ruins) located at 1325 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village, SDD #4. Applicant: Gerald Wuhrman, General Manager of the Westhaven CondominiumsPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 11. A request for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, stream setback and common area variances and conditional use permits to allow office on the third floor and to allow an outdoor dining deck to provide for the redevelopment of Serrano's, located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks and Vail Associates, Inc.Planner: Andy Knudtsen ". ,,"*a"t ,1 't Appl icatlon NAME oF ApptrcANr 6,. JCj*}\I keEjt2rEif- ADDRES S NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE A. c. NAME oF owNER(s) (rype or p.i"il E. JO*N LlRaDtfT owNER(s) srcNAruRE (s) ?-9'- FaY'- D. ],OCATION OF PROPOSAL: ar,ocr,,-f FrrrNc : LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: torJL:A_ u tl l<f ADDRES S THE FEE yUSj! BE PAID BEFORE THE COM}ruN I T y DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YCI]R PROPOSAL. F, Stamped, addressed enveloprs of the names of owners ofaI] property adjacent to ,..he subject property INCLUDINGpRopERTy BEHTND AND AcROSS srRneis, ai:o I riit of t.heirnames and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BERESPONSIB],E FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-application conference with a planning staff mernber isstrongly suggested to determine if a;y addiiional.information is needed. No applicatioi wiII be acceptedunless it is complete (must include a1l items requli"d-Uythe zoning adninistrator). It is the applicantr; 'responsibility to make an appointment h,ith the staff to findout about additional submittal requiremenLs, rrr' PLEASE NorE TgAT A coMPt ETE AppLrcATroN !{I!L srREAl,rLrNE THEAPPROVA! PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBEROF CONDITIONS OF APPROVA! THAT THE PLANNING ANDENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC} I.TAY STIPULATE. ATLCONDITIONS OP APPROVAL UUST BE I]OMPLIED WITH BEF-RE ABU]LDING PERMIT IS I SSUED FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE Ff,. ,,..:IG MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN S?ATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THEVARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION IM/OLVED. THESTATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS : 1. The relationship of the requested variance toother existing or potentj-al uses and structures inthe vicinity. 9250.00 B. Iiteral interpretatlon and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and uniformlty of treatment amongsites in the vlcinity or to attain the.obJectivesof this title wlthout grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,dist ribution of populatlon, transportation,traffic faciliries, urilities, and public safety. 4. Hovr your request conplies with Vai1rsComprehensive plan. A topographic and/or improvernent survey at a scale ofat ]east Ln = 20' stamped by a Colorado licensedsurveyor including locations of aII existingrmprovements, including grades and el-evations. Ot.herelements which nust be shown are parking and loadingareas, ingress and egress, Iandscaped areas and utilityand drainage features. A site p.lan at a scale of at Ieast L" = 20, showinqexistinq and proposed buildings. A11-preliminary building elevations and floor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, generalappearance, scafe and use of aIl buildtnqs and sDacesexisting and proposed on the site, A preliminary title report to verify ownership andeasemencs. If the proposal is located in a multi-familvdevelopment which has a homeowners' associaiion, thenwritten approval from the associat.ion in support. of theproject must abe received by a duly authoriild agentfor said association. Any additional naterial necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zonlng admin j. st. rator . For j-nterior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan nay be waived by the zoning administrator. D. A. F. IV. TIME REOUIREMENTS A. The planning and Environnental Commission meets on the2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A completeapplication form and all accompanying maf'erial (asdescribed above) must be submitted a-mininum of four -(4).weeks prior to the date of the pEC public hearing.No incomplete applications (as determined by the "onl.,gadministrator) will be accepted by the planiing staffbefore or after the designated subrnittal date. B. AlI PEC approved variances shall lapse if const.ructionLs not commenced within one year of the date ofapprovaL and diligently pursued to completion. If this application requires a separate review by anylocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town ofYlll, !h. application fee shalt be increased by$200-00. Examples of such reviehr, may includel but arenot limited to: Colorado Departmenl oi High$,ay AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc: The applicant shall be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of bOi of th;application fee. If, at the applicantrs request, anymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matt.er tobe re-published, then, the entire fee f5r such re-publication shall be paid by the appllcant. B. AlRlications deemed by the CorununiLy-LevelopmenEl*1;;;. ; = *; i"; ;.;i-;i;.; =;= " ff i lts=il !-- "i-n .n.comnW[ty nay require- revLew ly 6onsuTtElFs other thattonn staff. Should a deternination be made by the townstaff that an outslde consultant is needed f,.o rev:.ei,,any application, Conmunity Development may hire anoutside consultant, it shall estlmate the amount ofmoney necessary to pay hin or her and this amount shallbe forwarded to the Tovrn by the appllcant at the timehe files hls application with the Cornrnunity Developmen!Department. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the fund6forvrarded by the applicant for payrnent of theconsultant whlch have not been patO to the consultantshall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurledby the Town ln excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be pald to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the-Toldn. ^ " r?O" o M r,{ r r M E N r ftJAN Jo pes SCI'EDULE A our order # v226t3-2 For Infornation Only - charges -Alta Lender Policy $1,664.00Tax Report $20.00Endrsnt # 100.00 S25.00Endrsrnt # 281 .L S25.OOEndrsrnt # too.zg $166. 64 'Endrsnt # 103.1 $50.00Endrsmt # 335.6 $zs.oo--TOTAL-- $1,975.64 ****I{JTH YOUR REMTTTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. V22613.2**** L. Effective Date: Deeernber o5, 1993 at B:OO A.M. 2. Poliey to be issued, and proposed Insured: I'ALTATT Loan Policy 10-17-92 g925, ooo. oo Proposed Insured: BANCBOSTON MORTGAGE CORPORATTON 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Cornrnitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffeetive date hereof vested in: G. JOHN KREDIET 5. The land referred to in this Cornrnitrnent is described asfol lows: tOT 11A, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 11, BLOCK 7, VAIL VIIJLAGE FTRSTFILTNG, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDT;D JUIJY 12, 1979 IN BOOK288 AT PAGE 100, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STI,TE OF eoLoRADo. PAGE 1 I SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) Our Order # V226L3-2 The following are the requirenents to be conplied with: l. Paytnent to or for the account of the grantors or rnortgagors ofthe full consideration for the estate or interest to beinsured. 2. Proper Lnstrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured nust be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. DEED OF TRUSI FROM G. JOHN KREDIET TO THE PUBLIC TRT'STEE OF EAGLE COUNTYFOR THE USE OF BANCBOSTON MORTGAGE CORPORATTON TO SECURE THE St'I.t OFi975,0O0.00. rF THERE IS A CHANGE TN OWNERSHTP OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSURED HERETN FROI'ITHE VESTED OWNER SET FORTH rN rTEM 4 OF SCHEDULE A HERETN, THE TERMS, PROVISTONS AND CONDITTONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSF'ER TAX MAY BEAPPLICABLE. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS.OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 ALr|!coMr{rrMENr SCHEDULE B-2 (ExcePtions)our order # v226r3-2 Thepolicyorpo}iciestobeissuedwillcontainexceptionstothefollowing unless il;-;";; are disposed of to the satisfaction of the ConPanY: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 throuqh 5 printed on the cover sheet' 6. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payable and special assessment, "I["vIl-".iiiri.d to the Treasurer's office. '1 . Any unpaid taxes or a,ssessments against ryaid land' 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges' if any' OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO TTIE 9. 1993 TAXES NOT YET DUE TREASURERS OFFICE. I.o.RIGHToFPRoPRIETORoFAVEINoRLoDEToEXTRACTANDREMovEHISoRE THEREFRoMsHoULDTHESAMEennoUNDToPENETRATEoRINTERSECTTIIEPREMISES As RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT F.ECoRDED September 04, |923, IN BooK s3 AT PAGE 98. ,t*ENDORSEUENTIOO.2g''*THECO}IPANYHEREBYINSURESAGAINSTLOSSWHICHTHE INSURED SHALL iUSrErW BY REASON.-OT' OEUACE TO BXISTING IMPROVEMENTS' INCLUDING LAWNS, SHRUBBERV On insEs' nnsur.,rrNc_FROI'I THE EXERCISE oF ANY RIGHT TO USE THE SURFACE OF SIi-N iETIO F'OR THE EXTRACTION OR DEVELOPMENT OF THE I,TINERALS NXCEPTED FROM TTTi OESCNIPTION OF SAID LAND OR SHOWN AS A RESERVATION IN SCHEDULE B-I ' II..RIGHToFwAYFoRDITCHESoRcANALscoNsTRUcTEDBYTHEAUTHoRITYoFTHE UNITED STATES AS NNSNNVED TN UWiTNO STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTETNbET O4 ' rg23, rN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98' ***ENDoRSEMENTlo3.l***THECoMPANYHEREBYINSURBSAGAINSTLoSSoRDAMAGE WHTCH THE INSURED SHALL SUSTAiN ES A NNSULT OF ANY EXERCISE OF TTIE RTGHT T]! USE OR MAINTENANCE OF THE EAS;MENT REFERRED TO ABOVE OVER OR THROUGH SA]I) LAND ' 12.RESTRICTIVEcovEN^NTswHIcHDoNoTCoNTAIN^FORFETTUREoRREVERTERct,AtII']|,:, BUT o'rrrrllc-nnilnrcrroNs, rF A;"rY; BASED 9I IlcE' eoloR' RELrGroN', oR NATI6NAIJ oRIcIN, AS g6NTAINED iN i11srRtn,1etlr RES6RDED Auqust 10' 1962' Ill BOOK 174 AT PAGE ]-79. UTILITYEASE},IENTSTENFEETIN}ITDTHALoNGTHEWESTERLYLoTLINEANDFIVE FEET IN I{IDTH ALoNa THE soUTHERLY'ioi lrHn oF sUBJEcT PRoPERTY As sHowN oN THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE iTNSt FILING AND RESUBDIVISION THEREOF' (', .J PAGE 3 13.l ooALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exeeptions) our Order # V226L3-2 14. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROyLSTONS OF COVENANTS, CONDTTIONS, RESTRTCSTONS Alil\ EASEMENTS RECORDED August 08, 1979 IN BOOK 289 AT PAGE 493, AND A!.'ENDI'IENT THERETO REEORDED JANUARY 24, 1992 IN BOOK 571 AT PAGE 333. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS A}ID RESTRICTTONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT FOR A RESUBDTVISION OF LOT 11, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILLAGE PTRST FILING. 16. EXTSTING LEASES AND TENANEIES. , ***ENDORSEMENT 281.1*** TIIE COI'IPANY HEREBY INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAI,IAGE BY REASON OF:(1) THE INVALIDITY OR IJNE}IFORCEABILITY OF THE I.,IEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE RESULTING FROM THE PROVISIONS THEREIN WHICH PROVIDE FOR CHANGES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST. LOSS OF PRIORITV OF THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE AS SECURITY FOR THE UNPAID PRINCTPAL BALAI'IEE OF THE LOAN, TOGETHER WITH TNTEREST AS CHANGED IN AccoRDANCE WITH THE PROVTSToNS OF THE INSURED I,IORTGAGE, WHICH LOSS OF PRIORITY IS CAUSED BY SAID CHANCES IN THE RATE OF TNTEREST. ''CHANGES IN THE RATE OF I}ITERESTII , AS USED IN THIS ENDORSEMENT, SHALL MEAN ONLY THOSE CHANGES 1N THE RATE OF INTEREST CALCULATED PURSUANT TO THE FORMULA PROVIDED IN THE INSURED MORTGAGE AT DATE OF POLICY. THrS ENDORSEMENT DOES r{or TNSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BASED UPON (A) usuRY, oR (B) ANy CONSUT{ER CREDIT PROTECTTON oR TRUTH rN LENDTNG LAW. THIS ENDORSEI{ENT IS MADE A PART OF TIIE POLICY AND TS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVTSToNS THEREOF AND OF ANV PRrOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO, EXCEPT THAT THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THTS ENDORSEMENT IS NOT SUBJECT TO PARAGRAPH3 (D) OF THE EXCLUSToNS FROM COVERAGE. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLIEY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSE}IENTS, NOR DOES IT EXTEIID THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THEpol,lcy AND ANY PRrOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES rT INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT THEREOF. ***********ENDORSEHENT 335. 5*********** THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEMENT IS ONLV ETFECTTVE IF THE LAND II,' USED OR TS TO BE USED PRTilARILY FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. THE COMPANY INSURES '-rIIE INSURED AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE SUSTAINED BY REASO}I OF LAEK OF PRTORITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE OVER: (A) ANY ENVIRONMENI'AL PROTECTION IIEN WHTCH, AT DATE OF pOLICy, IS RECORDETIIN THOSE RECORDS ESTABLTSHED UNDER STATE STATUTES AT DATE OF POLICY FOR TIIE PURPOSE OF IHPARTING EONSTRUCTTVE NOTICE OF MATTERS RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY TO PURCHASERS FOR VALUE AND WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, OR FILED IN THE RECORDS OF THE CLERK OF THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICTIN WHICH THE LAND IS LOEATED, EXCEPT AS SET FORTH TN SCHEDULE B; OR (B) ANY ENVIRONMENTAI, PROTECTION LTEN PROVIDED FOR BY ANY STATE STATUTE IN EFFECT AT DATE OF POLTEY, EXEEPT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEETION I,IENS PROVTDED PAGE 4 toALTA COMMITI.{ENT - SEHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) our Order # V226I3-z FOR THE BY THE FOLLOWTNG STATE STATUTES: NONE THTS ENDORSEIT{ENT IS I,TADE A PART OF THF: POLIEY AND TS SUBJECT To ALL oF TTIE TERI,TS AND PROVISTONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO. EXEEPTTO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NETTHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVTSTONS OF THE POLTCY AND ANY PRrOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTfVE DATE OF THE PoI-,fCY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSET{ENTS, NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT THEREOF. , 17. DEED OF TRUST DATED DeeembeT 16, ].993, FROM G. JOHN KREDIET TO THE PUBLIE TRUSTEE OF EAGLE EOUNTY FOR THE USE OF BANEBOSTON I.IORTGAGE CORPORATTON TO SECURE THE Stl{ OF 5975,oO0.0O RECORDED Decenber 22, 1993, IN BOOK 628 AT PAGE 141. PAGE 5 ZONE CHECK I a f*, *, @1o"" orrr*, LEGAT DESCRIPTION: LoI II-I BIocK -Z riTi,,g DATE: '/' r lat @' zlulqr '\ +-owNER b€rlrU PHoNE ADDRESS: ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE PHoNE ff?-{/>t Allowed (30)dO v/.7 + 4zs =-22/{_ /f7{ 1r6/'f te'7 ./_,."/Site Coverage Z09t ,r-o,v 4/f3 d/ o/r 3,lfo Date approved by Town Engineer: /vL", Corridor Encroachment:Yes No .).).) ,ntit;.E6vi ronment a 1,/Haz ards : 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfall 4l conditions of approval c) Debris FlowWetlands Prevloug Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? How much or tne alLowed 250 Addition is useffifi:.his requesxz 4// **Note: Under Sections 18.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the MunicipalCode, Lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than15'000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. TheCommunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth underSections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code includingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rentar unit for full-t,ime employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. -4ater Course Setback Sides Rear 20, 15t 15' (30) (s0) + 425 = Tltl ;? t? ( ,e?1* z'l ,V/* /13f7 lq,W4 /Psor ?t lat 7'5 xeera ,-\(300)(690./ (900) Permitted Slope z/u 1) Flood Pl-ain 2't Percent Slope (check property titer: N/4 (z -^./, r/) (1200) 6/A (4 )o 6aFA)/2?o-lWJd Actual Slope /) 2r a(({r$rd"j \,**LoT srzE edr7Q3 6 taln'eo#il'tExisti/nq Proposed Total E ".rnn,Fl , --rotar cRrA /fz'l Ptf/E'r'imarv GRFA ' t- - S" y'\\a'r/econdarY GRFA ( tt''1 .,/"tu".t " Front ,/ Landscaping Colo tiin r.zRetaining Wall Heights /parking /Garage Credit 'drive: r/,,,1 i * ana{udos 7{rt 5gPP Jo{wr*k 10 o TO: MIKE McGEE PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: -1 l-tl_t!-f,:t ? -ir rr-r--Ul-l-tl\iH =ifuiEi-. RAIIDI STCUDEI. Town Piannei' TODD Flelurn lo k*i/r/ e^N-,n ^t 4( *"/ ; &V g?fh .t^ (rn1nf Znif )r n^ fi"'ff tef{";/4 ' Engineering: Reviewed by: TEn Marri,-2. Dale: .?Ferua(.1 lqAf . Commenls: 'El- *,ue"(^1 ffd6 a^n.,o r etI_CEd\Ll,. E Retatt'Unq u'A\\5 (liftloy t€ qceoj(I. .trr$ O'.ula\\Eolroc3rM\u5\ Y€{.-lg encdftFri t**p . -..u ,t,t- aQFrr\s 1".1t?.. ro rhy2 bacY.o€ rr.evvrse- (erJ(dde b drain o. .-n*on ar-'n"1.(rr7r/z,*'sr.sro<Fl&afvl //a x- atq/1cry'';re,tn,S (edr, ftgl ?A(tqoqreA.j-re.r<tt?.g- frc.,t ditcnsho.rA re rsroaeotoA<arcr . M{t'*& * /\rtL fl tana*opro$ rea$r5e-r c'. c-esoc-obrs crc6nt o( u"o.1 Qur*if , Landscaping: Reviewed by:Dale: Comments: {1'D.",*rrrQ Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Date: GREG HALD DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING IDistributed to the Fire Departmenl, public works, and Landscaping on +/ / I TO: M PROJECT: GREG HALL TOND Return to I@ n r)h!-l\:t ?-!f, | r-:--:\-/ | | i-t ri Ii-ltvll_: . RA..iDY STCUDE!, Town Pianner Landscaping: Datc: Date: Fire Dcpt.:t, Reviewed ov,-fu-4&,oate:ZZ-f 7 .._ Commcnts: Le'v5'6od' Distributed lo the Fire Department, public works, and Landsc aping on )J t_='EJ+ INTER.DEPARTMENTAL R EVIEW Upt. DATE SUBMTTTED: Aza DATE.{-- pUBLtC HEAE-lr\tG COMMENTS NEEDED BY: "lf BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAI-: tac",>t rt, ^A/4 ).^-€*6 5---#4- - .7*--14.2,?^^&< f"-dt * &iU'7x ' Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: O 6. FI[. I CBPY Peter Koliopoulos was directed by the PEC to come back to another meeting with a better solution to the site issues other than to have buiEings in the setbacks. A request for an amendment to Section 18.57 ol the Town ol Vail Municipal Code, Employee Housing, to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. Applicant Jay PetersonPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JULY 11, 1994 Dalton made a motion to table this request until July 11 , 1994. Jeff Bowen seconded the motion and a 5-0 vote tabled this item to the July 1 1 , 1994 PEC meeting. A request for a front setback and wall height variances lo allow for additions to an existing Primary/Secondary residence located at 226 Forest RoacULot f 1-A, Block 7,Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: John KredietPlanner: Randy Stouder TABLED INDEFINITELY Dalton made a motion to table this request indefinitely. Jeff Bowen seconded the motion and a 5-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely. Approve minutes from June 13, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 13, 1994 PEC meeting with Bill Anderson seconding the motion. A 5-0 vote approved the minutes from the June 13, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen gave a presentation on a wetlands conference he recently attended. Jelf stated that both the science and law of wetlands are extremely broad. There are three key words relating to wetlands; hydrophilic vegetation, hydrant soils, and hydrology. Riparian areas are not specifically covered as wetlands, nor are banks of a stream necessarily covered as wetlands. Laws relating to wetlands are considerable. The Clean Water Act (404 permit) is implemented by the Corp of Engineers and can be overridden by EPA. The Colorado Health Department is inlerested in the type of pollution a development might create with wetlands. Crested Butte and Telluride have implemented a process regarding wetlands. lf one half of a property is in a wetlands you can transler development rights lrom this property to another property through a conservation easement. Kristan PriE asked if the development righls are transferable to any specific area. Bill Anderson asked what agency is the "bottom line" on what is a wetland? Planning and Environmental Commissign June 27, 1994 7. 8. 9. ITF! Ffi ti[-[. A request for an amendment to Section 18.57 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Employee Housing, to allow for common area lo be used for employee housing. Applicant: Jay PetersonPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JUNE 27,1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request until June 27, 1994. Dalton Wlliams seconded the motion and a 7-0 vote tabled this item to the June 27, 1994 PEC meeting. 10.A request for a front setback and wall height variaqqlgllg fffiPY 9. existino Lrimary/Seco1dary residence located atffiil Applicant: John Krediet 11. Planner: Randy Stouder TABLED TO JUNE 27,1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request until June 27,1994. Dalton Williams seconded the motion and a 7-0 vote tabled this item to the June 27 ' 1994 PEC meeting. Selection of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson lor the PEC. Bob Armour nominated Kathy Langenwalter to be selected as Chairperson. Dalton Williams seconded this nomination. A 7-0 vole selected Kathy Langenwalter as the PEC Chairperson. Bill Anderson nominated Greg Amsden to be selected as Chairperson. Jeff Bowen seconded this nomination. A 7-0 vote selected Greg Amsden as the PEC Vice Chairperson. Approve minutes from May 23, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 23, 1994 PEC meeting with Bill Anderson seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote approved the minutes irom the May 23, 1994 PEC meeting. Pbnning and Environmental Commiseion June 13, 1994 12. 11 t --.1: -\t--- - \ro: M'KE ==P'roPo*-oj-PjN*u'aar BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ,MNDY STOUDERRelurn lo Town Planner # I*rPROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED Comments: .5if.E $(!d'nq 5tlt\ e.l(€ecl S a:I Wi^f^f,,rtt^/', rvl, ( ,t_. 7 dr;*rff' 6ff ,r/fu..- Revibwed by: km Date:t "- Q,-ct4 . hgd io gf-"*l &a.fnaq€ 4ytor{ lri"rq.'1 \s.xe, rr.:r*r p.o?";.€d Ccnq.r(x., . VJqt\l ns€{-\ to 5s. ',t(t\*d t\ .r'a,n'x-x'ral o{ lgj> I ir(Y'{-,, r-caN en ql rrcef, . &\a-c' rr\- *'-,y.J 1,r{rn'r r{(tJ.i..-d llr i6ng1'aog' 121 .,.rfc' . orir,s,ry o !.\g.,rqt'e cl ''Il\ iY€ct on'o- -r. i;r' ti"t .", ^ ;; ;'J$l''"'' =.:r.tl3*-g$*.ff .*,.: f'gv'^'Reviewed by: _ Date: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Juraa,,r,(t7i Uru;^ Ktu h/,,/( kq|m + lll 7a1>ur Date: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Distributed to the Fire Department, public Works, and Landscaping on l{rlcrfr zlo Ad4affs Bernard & Jeannine Samuels 1000 Broadway Co. Michael S. Shannon 5624 Evelyn Court 233 Milwaukee 245 Forest Road New Orfeans,LA 70124 Denver, CO 80206 Vail, GO 81657 Francis A. Beer R.H. & Jan Pickens David W. Graebel Family Trust 115 Hawk Lane 8111 Preston Rd., Ste. 800 % Gitizens Bank & Trust Boulder, CO 80302 Dallas, TX 75225 P.O. Box 59 Wausau, Wl 54402-0059 John A. & Mary Hartwig Steven & Suzette Kirby Norman Waite, Jr. 8811 Crestwood Road 24 Riverview Heights 1710 N. Burling St. Bloomington, MN 55437 Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Chicago, lL 60614 -_-=0K I olaol q4 - odtcto-l-r*s sl-i.t o.r-r\yl\,_ r (l Ed S. & Gloria Hicks 3026 S. Padre lsland Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78415 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on June 15, 1994 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for an addition to the Krediet Residence located at 224 Forest Road/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: John Krediet The 6pplications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on May 25, 1994. (r FI!.E COPY Dalton Williams seconded the motion. The PEC voted 7-0 to make a recommendation to Town Council to approve the requested amendment to the Hazard Plan. 3. A request for a worksession for a front setback and wall height variances to allow for additions to an existing Primary/Secondary residence located at 226 Forest Roacl/Lot 11-A, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: John KredietPlanner: Randy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the staff memo. Kathy Langenwalter requested that Steve Riden, the architect for this project, show the plans to the PEC. Steve Riden explained to the PEC the proposed front setback and wall height variances. Kristan PriE requested that Steve show the PEC the west elevation so that they could see what was proposed to happen with the garage. Bill Anderson asked what would happen if the stair tower was moved back 4 leet in order to get it out of the setback. Steve Riden responded that this would atfect the interior of the house more than the exterior. He stated that the house was essentially divided into four sections for circulation reasons. Bill Anderson stated that he did not have a problem with infilling the existing carport. He said that he did have a problem with the stair tower encroaching into the setback 4 feet. He felt that there was a way to make the stair tower work without the 4 foot encroachment. He said that he felt the same way about covering the carport. He said that parking in the setback was one thing, but that covering the parking was another thing. He felt that there was no hardship on the site that would warrant the covering of the parking. He added that he did not have a problem with the retaining walls. Bob Armour stated that he agreed with Bill's comments. He added that he also had problems with the carport. Steve stated that covering parking with a carport would allow them to landscape above and preserve as much green open space as possible on the lot. Greg Amsden stated that he did not have concerns with the GRFA in the front setback or tfie proposed retaining walls. He did not feel that he could not find a hardship on the site to allow for the carport. Pl.nning rnd Envlronmrntal Commls6lon tilry 23, 1994 Jeff Bowen agreed with the comments of the other PEC members regarding the carport issue and felt the tower should be out of the setback. Allison Lassoe stated that she did not have a problem with the location of the stair tower, retaining walls, or GRFA in the setback. But, she could not find a hardship to allow the carport in the setback. Dalton Williams stated that he liked the idea of the carport but could not find a hardship on this site. He stated that he did not have a problem with the location of the stair tower. Jeff Bowen stated that he would like to see the stair tower pulled back out of the front setback. Kristan PriE summarized that the PEC would like to see the mass of the structure pulled back off of the front ol the site. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the PEC was open to the idea of a variance for retaining walls on the side ol the garage as necessary. 4. A request for amendments to Section 18,57, Employee Housing, to set forth requirements for renting Employee Housing Units and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the staff memo. He went over the four proposed changes to Section 18.57, Employee Housing, with the PEC. With these four changes, Andy stated that staff was recommending approval ot the proposed amendments. Jetf Bowen suggested the addition of the word "however" at the bottom of the beginning of the last sentence in Paragraph M. Jay Peterson stated that he had clients that were concerned about the level of scrutiny that the Town was subjecting potential owners of employee housing units. Jeff Bowen stated that the Town needed to take measures to ensure that the employee housing units were being rented to locals, Kristan Pritz stated that the purpose of the amendments to this section was to make employee housing units available to employees. She added that the Housing Authority has always had the authority to cite an owner of an EHU who was flagrantly violating the ordinance (ltem M, Page 3 of stafi memo). She stated that ltem L, Page 3 of the stiaff memo was written to establish a standard market rate for EHU's in Vail. Planniog md E[vlronmeotlt Co]||mirllon Msy 23, l99a QUU Proiect Orientation/Lunch Site Visits The Valley/Zneimer Krediet Drivers;Randy and Andy Public Hearino 1. 2:00 p.m. A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan to allow for a realigned driveway focated at 1726 and 1730 Buffehr Creek Road/Lots 6 and 7, Zneimer Subdivision. Applicant: Ed ZneimerPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request for an amendment to the Hazard Plan to allow for the removal of a building from a avalanche hazard area located at 1600 - 1730 Sunburst DriveA/ail Golf Course Townhomes (Sunburst 3rd Filing). Applicant: Bill SargentPlanner: Russ Forrest A request for a worksession for a fronl setback and wall height variances to allow for additions to an existing Primary/Secondary residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 1 1-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: John KredietPlanner: Randy Stoude A request for amendments to Section 18.57, Employee Housing, to set forth requirements for renting Employee Housing Units and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request for an amendment to Section 18.69.050 to clarify how slope is to be measured and to allow for 6 foot walls to be constructed in the front setback lor projects where the average slope of the site beneath the proposed structure and parking area is in excess of 30% slope. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther 12:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 3. 4. 5. 6. A request for an amendment to Section 18.52 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Off- Street Parking and Loading, to allow for an increase to the parking pay-in-lieu fee. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Mike Rose. Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for an amendment to Section 18.57 of the Town ol Vail Municipal Code, Employee Housing, to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. Applicant: Jay PetersonPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JUNE 13, 1994 L A request for variances for locating GRFA in the front sehack and for a wall height variance to allow for a primary residence with a Type I EHU, to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, Vail Viilage West 1st Fiting. Applicant: Peter and Susanne Apostol/Michael SannerPlanner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO JUNE 27,1994 9. A request for a variance from Section 18.57.040 (8,6) requiring a minimum of 50% of the required parking to be enclosed and Section 18.52.080(A) requiring parking to be located on-site to allow for an existing secondary dwelling unit to be deed restricted as. a Type I Employee Housing Unit, located at 2635 Larkspur/Lot 2, Btock 2, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Greg AmsdenPlanner: Mike Mollica TABLED INDEF|NITELY 10. A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Ron ByrnePlanner: Jim Curnutte TABLED INDEFINITELY 11. A request for a variance lrom Section 18.57.040 (8,6) requiring a minimum ot 50% of the required parking to be enclosed and Section 18.52.080 (A) requiring parking to be located on-site to allow for an existing secondary dwelling unit to be deed restricted as a Type I Employee Housing Unit located at 1881 Alpine Drive/Lot 38, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: Susan M. Stout BirdPlanner: Randy Stouder WITHDRAWN 12. Approve minutes from May 9, 1994 PEC meeting. 13. Discussion of Eagle County Master Plan. 14. Update on Blu's planter adjacent to dining deck. ,l $',' .* :3PI TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 23, 1994 A request for a worksesslon for a front setback and wall height variances to allow lor additions to an existing Primary/Secondary residence located at 226 Forest RoacUlot 1 1-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: John Krediet Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCES REOUESTED The applicant is proposing a major remodel of an existing residence and a small addition that is connected to the main house by an enclosed wallaray. The enclosed walkway and the . addition are shown on the applicant's site plan, a reduction of which is attached to this memo. The applicant is requesting a variance from lhe front setback requirement to allow him to infill the existing carport area. The carport area is currently located under a portion of the house that is already considered to be GFIFA, and is located within the front setback. The applicant is not proposing to extend the unit any further into the front setback than the current limits of the existing house. The closest part of the existing house is selback 5 feet from the lront property line. The carport area which the applicant is proposing to infill is located within 7 feet of the front property line. Thus, the appllcant ls requesting to locate new GRFA within the front setback, and is requesting a setback variance to allow thg GRFA to encroach 13 feet into the front setback whlch results in a 7 foot front setback for ths carport. The applicant also proposes to locate a stair tower partially within the front setback. The stair lower encroaches 4 feet into the setback, and therefore results in a varlance request to allow the stair tower to be located within 16 feet of the property llne- The applicant is also requesting a front setback variance to allow for the location of a buried carport in the front setback. Due to the fact that the carport is built into the hillside, the applicant needs to place retaining walls along the side of driveway as it approaches the carport entrance. These retaining walls would exceed the 3 loot maximum height limitation in the lront setback. The proposed walls are 6 to 7 feet high and are located in the front setback as well as on Town right-of-way. The carport encroaches to within 1.5 feet of the property line. Thus, the applicant is requesting a front setback variance of 18.5 leet for ths carport, which results in a 1.5 foot setback. t, The applicant is also proposing to place boulders along the hillside adjacent to Forest Road in order to prevent further erosion in this area. These boulders would be located in the public right-otway and would require a revocabls right-of-way permit to be issued by the Department of Public Works. II. BACKGROUND On September 9, 1991, John Krediet obtained approval lrom the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to infillthe carport area and build a new garage. The infilling of the carport required the PEC to approve a front setback variance of 13 feet to allow GRFA to encroach to within 7 feet of the front property line. On June 22, 1992, the applicant requested a two year extension to the previous front setback variance which was also granted by the PEC. The applicant is currently proposing to infill the carport as in the previous request and is also proposing to add a stalr tower to the west end of the house, half of which would also be located in ths front setback and is also considered GRFA. Thus, the staff felt that this application, involving additional GRFA in the front setback not previously approved, requires reconsideration of the front setback variance by the PEC. Concerns raised at ths review of the previous variancs request involved impacts to existing vegetation. A large aspen and two large spruce trees were of particular concem. Relocation of vegetation as feasible was required in the previous variance along with mitigation tor the loss of the large trees. III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The property is zoned Primary/Secondary and the site area contains 22,261 square feet. Atlowed/RgouirEd Exislino Sile Coverag€: Landscaping: HEighl: S€lbackg: Fro : 4,1153 sq. lt.(20%) 13,357 sq. ft. (60e/o) 3il feel n' 2,196 sq. tl.' 1.875 so. fl. 4,071 69. ft. 2,014 sq. tl. (9.174 33 teol 7' 157t 5' 1s', 4 spacaE Primary: 3,11 1 sq. fi.Secondar/: 2.215 sq. fl. . Toral Allo.vable: 5,326 sq. tl. Prooosed 9,684 sq. tt. 1.875 so. tl. 5,559 sq. tt. (233 sq. ft. ov€r)' 4,087 sq. tt. (18.4%) 17,743 sq. tl. O9.7%) no change 7 (crrpon Inflll) 10' (3Llr lowcr) lnd 1,5' (new carpodf' 15715'15' ',,r:1 6 spaoes 1 J-, ryFn Sides: 15715'Rear: 15' Parking:4 6pac€s 'A 250 applicalion has been submitted by lhe applicsnl 1o cover lhe overaoe. "The applicaril is requ€sting a varianc€ of 13 le€t in lhe fronl selbadr in r€lalion lo thE house and 18.5 leet in relelion to lh€ carporl. o tv.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Ths relationshlp of the requested variance to other exlsting or potentlal uses and structures in the vicinity. Granting the front setback variance and enclosing the carport area would not produce any additional encroachment beyond what cunently exists. The house currently overhangs the carport and thus encroaches into the front setback. lnfilling the carport area should have no impact on adjacent properties. The area of the proposed encroachment is already disturbed. The proposed buried carport will encroach into the front setback as well. However, since it is buried, the only thing that will be visible from street level is a rock wall entrance with an archway through which cars access the carport. The top of the carport will be waterproofed and landscaped. The carport should not effect adjacent property owners and will improve the parking situation by eliminating the steeply sloping driveway and providing two additional spaces lor vehicles. With the new proposal, the driveway enters the carport at 1 foot above street level, improving the existing slope to the driveway. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulatlon is necessary to achieve compatlbility and unlformlty of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the oblectives ot this title wlthout grant ot special privilege. The setback variances will allow the applicant to build out the GRFA on th6 property and improve the parking situation. The development is concentrated on the northern portion of the lot which is somewhat flatter and is already disturbed. Stafl feels that the cunent location of the house is a practical ditficulty wananting the front setback variance for the carport infill request. The requested infill of the carport area will not result in further setback encroachment. Infilling the carport area is preferred to additional site disturbance elsewhere on the property. The degree of relief from the strict literal interpretation of the code sought by the applicant, has been granted to other property owners with similar circumstances in the neighborhood. Because of this fact, staff does not feelthat approving the requested variance would be a grant of special privilege. 3. The eftect ot the requested variance on llght and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The requested variance will not have an impact on light, air, dislribution of population, transportation and tratfic facilities, public facilities and public safety. Due to the house's current location in the front setback, and the location ol the additional GRFA being requested, stafl believes the variance requests will have little to no impact on sunounding properties. The location of the carport in the front setback will actually improve safety and access to the site. The location ol retaining walls partially in the front setback and partially in the right-of-way, ar€ necessary to access the buried garage. These walls will not provide any problem with site distances according to the Town Engineer. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino lindinqs before orantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of thE variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or malerially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would resull in practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives 0f this title. b, There are exceptions or exlraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properlies in the same district. v. DtscussloN lssuEs A. Approximately half of the proposed stair tower is located in the front setback. This additional GRFA was not a part of the previous variance request granted by the PEC. Should this stair tower be contained within the fooFrint of the existing building? ls there a hardship related to this proposed GRFA in the front setback? B. Does the proposed improvement to the parking and driveway situation warrant the encroachment of the carport into the front setback? Could the improvements be accomplished and adequate off-street parking be provided without the carport? c:\pac\rnem6\l@dhL523 " -r- rBI tA1 /n.. rE \\q\ t r, i\at \ r \\'\o it) 1\t\ ,t a : (t)url 'E:),-uJht tr' .'.riott!,|fI,zHtr- z 'a a l' \./ )fafl 1 \r 1 I I I \ \ I tr ft \ g !ltrIo 'x f, \ \ \t $ $ FLz nc x frL ! F TI l$q\ ct flr t $Irf IJ 2g H -- t JI "loI6F-i-Fts---- /l/a {@{ I I I I I I tsll --T r 'tl F dlrf fi nlF T-( $ I ) ,\ \\1- It t1 Ir t Ilr't I , TItl.JlI '- -- li:iil i: I':i !tI II ;l.) I I '! t , I -, ot .,al ,/,:"\ rL-r-lL-J----r-l I \ I L_'t Y Y t-t. I)- rII I(-\ i) r- Kredlel f-leeldencr Lol ll.A, Block ?, Vell Vi,tto Porc.rl fioldr-Vdl , r t-t l t{tst EtHvAfloN ri;illlI l'rillr t*_lrl L, I -=l|[--.-.:' i "ill __' BAal'srnvAnoN <.'< Irtcl-l ll.. tr+F:I -lF} t!, z. (a.oq -1 tflFm Fl'_loz z rl t:lFlrt i t/q.'ol7r trt>gr-l trlFl|I PTo7 ",,i- !^ i MEMORANDT'M Jg and Environmental Commissioh FROM: CommunityDcvelopmentDepartncnt- DATE: September 9,l99I SIIBJECT: A request for a front setback variance for propcrty locarcd within the Primary/Secondaxy mne disnict, the Krediet Residence, 224 Forest Road/Lot l1-A, Block 7, VaiI Village First Filing. Applicanc John lGcdietPlanncn Jill Kammercr garage. I. DESCRIPTION OF TI{E VARIANCE REOIJESTED Under this redcvelopment proposal, the applicant proposes to construct a garagc, with 639 sq.fr of additional living alca (GRFA) abovc thc garage, and to infill a carpon arca with 309 rA.fr of living arca (GRFA). The ncw garage addition wiU be located to thc wcsr of rhe existing rcsidcnce. Thc carpon arta to be infilled is located beneath an existing second floor cantilevcred recreadon room/entryway on thc north sidc of the structure, adjacent to Forest Road" The site slopcs up to thc south- from the low point on the north side of the lor The carport is currently acccsscd by a steep drivcway off of Forest Road. A front setback variance is required in order to allow thc infilling of this carport area Thc cantilcvered area currently cncroachcs 12'-8" into the front (north) setback. The proposedinfill addition would encroach 12'-8" into the front setback. The applicant is requesting a variancc to dlow the constnrction of this addirion 'l'-4" ftom the front property line. front setback. A setback variancc is not necessary for the garzge @ l,*, tr. ZONING OONSIDERATIONS A. Tanng: Primary/Secondary B. Site Area: 22,263 sq, ft C. GRFA - Primary and Secondary Residences CombinedAllowed: 5,326 sq. ftExisting: 4,091 sq. ft. Proposed Incrcasc: 1.056 sq. ftRemaining: 169 sq. fr D. GRIA - Primary UnitExisting: 2,196 sq. frProposcd: 3,262 sq. frIncrcarc: 1,066 sq. fr E. GRFA - Sccondary Unit Existing (No changc proposcd) 1,895 sq. ft. F. Site Coverage QO% of Site Area)Allowed: 4,453 sq. tt (N%)Existing: 2,014 sq. tt (9.1%)Proposed: 2,734 sq. ft. (t2.3%)Increasc: 220 sq. ft" (j.2%)Remaining: l,Zl9 sq. fr G. HeightAllowed: 33 fwtProposed: No change to existing maximum height H. Setbacks Fmnt*Rcquired: 20 fwtExisting: 7 feet-4 inchesProposed: Z fcet-4 inches Note: fuea of addition would be set back 7'-r[" from property line* Arca of requested sctback variancc. All other sctbacks are unaffected I. Parking: The rcquired 5 spaccs arc accommodated on sitc. No additional parking is rcquircd wirh rhis proposal. J. Proposcd Primary Unit Garage: 518 sq. ft. i o\\i / -- CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon rcview of Cliteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Deparfiicnt recommends approval of the requested variancc based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. The relationship ofthe requested varience to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The requested flont setback variance, if appoved, would not advenely affect the use or enjoyment of adjacent propenies. The existing structuc encroaches 12'-8" inlo the rcquired 20-foot front setbaclc. The arca of thc proposcd addition will cncroach no furtbcr into thc rcquircd front setback than the existing structurc. By concentrating the dcvelopment on the wcstern and the nortbern portion of the lot adjacent to Forest Road, less site disturbance will occur. If the applicant werc to construct thc same size addition, but not locate the addition undcr an arca which currcntly encroaches into the front setbaclc, thc ncw living arca would be located furttrcr up the slopc, thercby crcating geater and unnecessary sitc disturbancc. 2. The degree to which retief from the sbict and titeral interpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The proposed addition could be constructed clsewherc on thc sirc and not encroach into Ore front setback. To thc west of thc existing primary rcsidence, in conjunction with this addition, rhe applicant is proposing to construct a two- car gar:'gc with GRFA abovc the gange. Staff believes the construction of this garage will improve the general appearance of the lot by allowing for the interior storage of automobilcs. The applicant does not have the abiliry to consrruct the addition to thc cast becausc of the proximity of the existing sccondarJ unit to the applicant's . primary unit. Any addition to the south would necessitatc extensive site work due to thc topography of the site. For this proposal, staff believcs it is rcasonablc to consider the existing rcsidence's location in thc front sctback to be a practical difficulry warranting a front setback variance. Thc applicant is rcquesting a variancc to infill a calport area which does nbt excccd thc existing front sctback encroachmenr This degrcc of rclicf from thc strict and literal interprctation of thc code is appropriate, and has becn granted to other properry a o-O-' owners with similar circumstances. Becausc of rherc factors, the request is not a grant of spccial privilcge. 3. The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilitieg public facilities and utilities, and public safety. With the exception of the addition requiring the ransplanting of an exisung, approximately 18-20 foot evcrgrieen, the proposed addition will havs no impact on any of thcse considerations. The applicant has agreed to transplant this nee to the southwcst comer of the sitc. Tbe Plannine and Envircnmental Commission shall make the followinF findings before Eranting a variance: 1. That thc grurting of thc variance will not constirute a grant of special privilegc inconsistent with the limitations on orher propcrties classified in dtc same district. 2. That the grurting of thc variance will not be dcrimental to rhc public health, safety or welfar€, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in thc vicinity. 3. That the variancc is warranted for one or more of tlrc following rcasons: The strict literal inteqprctation or enforcement of the specificd regulation would rcsult in practical diffrculty or unneccsssry physical hanbhip inconsistent with thc objcctives of this tirle. Therc are cxceptions or cxraordinary circumstanccs or conditions applicable to the same sitc of the variance that do not apply generally to otlrer propcrties in thc same zonc. Thc strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified rcgulation would deprive thc applicant of privilegcs cnjoyed by thc owners of other propcnies in rhc same distict. ry. STAFF REOOMIvfENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requcsted front setback variancc, subject to cond,itions, duc to thc fact the cxisting housc is currcntly located in thc front sctback and lcss sitc disturbance results from this location for the proposed addition. Ttre fact there is GRFA rcmaining on rhe B. b. 4 O o site also waranB support of thc variancc GquesL Staff belicvcs thc sctback variancc is not a grant of specid privilcge, as this ty'pc of situation has justificd othcr setback varianccs in the pasL Thc variance crircria citcd included Findings 1, 2, 3(a+). The conditions of approval arc as follows: 1. Thc cxisting spruce trEc impactcd by. the construction will be relocated. 2. Prior to issuancc of a building permit, thc applicalrt shall install a construction fencc to protoct cxisting vcgctation in thc front sctback The fence shall esablish the boundary which no construction activity will cross. clpccrocoor\&rdirt909 o- q N s $-rFZ {Fqfit: {$r $sl +$i \t1 +9lrt ss( i$ \ I I I rO(oo ,/)v)€T6-{q 5gE: r*llfioOi'is i'r:-.8 :IIe r,J:Eg 3Er\a o, -_I !Il- G} $Nt-.*dt i v lc'-o r-' a, o 'c0, CDc ; o D a, tUo. J, o E-o >iolTI .l-++is l-- I tl $il N s I {st l- s!L tu tzl F$ iSnt I i$ l- I t_ $s Sl3Eg +ls: {l i3 $|aa\| tql":o t-'0,=o,co0 -9 3 0-x y( EF T? 1 o-f- tt(Dovtv)rOT6 Ror{' v s:o Nao>61.iF'85 o..o!e @O3Ecr a, z.sl- -(\ .(. \$ F frLx\{ rrN dt6 sl[JrI -I\7- o tt l'o o 'ca, CDCo o-g o D ooo. J o Et oE] F, t5 o €(oov||.)€T6Ror{' u x'66> NoO>61.cF:i Tg aoofiE$aa d..: d r-'a,=o]co CDc! 3 o o o oo(I J o E -o oT rrnnsmauu & wnrmsnrn*i" a. ATTORN EYS AT LAW 26TH FLOOR, REPUBLIC PLAZA 37O SEVENTEENTH STREET DENVER, COLORADO AOE02. 56E6 PHON E l303lAzs-08c)c) TELECOPIER ( 303 ) 629-76tO ltA) ? IOV. C()IllI[/l, DEV, DEPT,H. MICHAEL MILLER l,lay 23 , L994 VIA FACSIMILE AND REGUI,AR MATL(3O3) 479-2452 Ur. Randy Stouder Town of Vail75 South Frontage Roadvail, co 81657 Re: Dr. and Mrs. Bernard SamuelsProperty located in Vail, colorado Dear Mr. Stouder: Reference is made to ny letter of May 18, 1994. I noticed thetypographical" error in the last paragraph on the first page. WhenI refer to the letter fron the Tortn Planner, Mr. Sayre, to me andllr. Railton, I intended to indicate that the date of that letter was March 7, 1983. By typographical error, I incorrectly referredto the letter as dated March 7, 1993. Very truly yours, ,), 'v ,/ t:J ' / /y'/,/ ,/ /ry, / ///[ZJL H. Michael Miller HIIM: scs cc: Kevin B. Lindahl , Esq. (Via Facsinile (303) 328-7051)Dr. and lr{rs. Bernard Samuels (via Facsinile (504) 885-0675, oBr H. MICHAEL MILLER RENrIATTM & WnrNsrrrnn C. ATTORN EYS AT LAW 26TH FLOOR, REPUBLIC PLAZA 37O SEVENTEENTH STREET DENVER, COLORADO AO20e- 5626 PHON E (303iA25-O800 TELECOPTER | 303 ) 629-76tO oK, P' May 18, 1994 Via Facsimile - (3f,i) 479-215'l Mr. Randy Stouder Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Dr. and Mrc. Bemard Samuels/Property Located at 226 Forest Road" Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Stouder: I represent Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Samuels, the owners of Unit 8,226 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado. I am writing with regard to the proposed addition by their neighbor, Mr. Krediet, the owner of Unit A,226 Forest Road. Our firm is also working together with Kevin Lindahl, who has also visited with you regarding this matter. Dr. and Mrs. Samuels were recently furnished with the proposed plans for the Krediet addition. They initially had concerns regarding the aesthetics and changes to their views. However, the Samuels are confident that these concerns will be adequately addressed and satisfied. The Samuels also had a concern that a portion of the remaining GRFA allocable to their property would be utilized for the Krediet addition. However, I am now advised that revisions are being made to the Krediet plans which will reduce the required GRFA to a Ievel which will leave the GRFA available to the Samuels' properry unaffected. Accordingly, the Samuels have no objection to the proposed Krediet addition, provided none of the remaining available GRFA allocable to the Samuels' property is utilized for this addition. As your file will also reflect, I have represented the Samuels with respect to this property since their acquisition in 1979, at which time the property was divided. From tlat day forward, as confirmed in the letter from the Town Planner, Mr. Sayre, to me and Mr. and Mr. Railton, dated March 7, 1993, it has always been acknowledged by the Town that torty (4OVo) percent of the total available GRFA would be allocated to the secondary unit (Samuels'property-Unit B) and suty (60Vo) percent to the primary unit (Krediet property- Unit A). This allocation was utilized as recently as 1991 regarding a request by Mr. Krediet Bbnnrnaur"r & mrnQrmvx. P. C. Mr. Randy Stouder May 18, 1994 Page 2 for a variance (please refer to the Memorandum dated September 9, 1997 from the Community Development Department to the Planning and Environmental Commission, and the handwritten computations made on page 2). If you have any further questions, please advise. Very truly yours, HMM/jccc: Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Samuels Kevin B. Lindahl, ESq. 1nt" facEimite - (3tn) 3z& 51 and maitcd) tqqr .}-- i2Z=---'- l\l\ 6t +o ,.11Y I I I I n'- -ho Ir- I t.-o- ?a eb ?d A v . ;ri,"ii,,,'' !'$, . 'lrf 6u \\:I I I ..t_ II ) \{\t- ^rt\\\r\\ i\i i 'l I f .i. 'f,r'i t:i r gt 7A r'/r t. h | //'---_ 7ttf/ '{l \) Ir ;f _tl I -t \-" r I I {- tr:ki 'li i :;) I l-'t t'*'t t t\ lt* \r :e D: ,71 :I ,F, r3, H i -+---- - i f,oR A \tARr.Afct for any proJect reguestlnq arllll not be aceepted untii all 6Dte'1- ADDRESS ^Z(i FOFES( Wto VA.IV , Co . PHONE B.NAI'E OF APPLICANT'S NSPRESENTATIVE NAME oF owNER(s) (Lype or prlnt) ownnR(s) srcNnruRE @ (Pf,'. Fk ADDRES. 16 ut:t" NE/K pdfuf FDLD pA&tr,N ,o09a P}IONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: rcr_$d nr,ocx-l FTLTNG VltL vl*b€ 14 fut' ADDRESS E. FEE PAID cKt F. stanped, addressed envelcn.:.s of the hames of owners of' gJI property adjacent r_n Lne subjeer pf;;.;[y tNcLUDr[iGpRopgRry BEHTND AND AcRoss srRenis, ai,cl i ti'st oi-in"iinames and mai lJ ng addresses . TllE Appt,ICANT !{ILL BERESPONSIBLE FoR coRREcT MATLING ADDRESSES. A pre-applleatlon eonferenee wrth a prannlng staff member rsstrongly. strggested ro determlne lt airil aaaf f f onii-lnrornatlon is needed. _ No. applleaLlon ,!ll. be acceptedurlless lt ts -eomplet-e (must inclrrde al l tt.erns-r"qril"j-Uythe zonlng-admlntsttator). rt is the-appi i^;ni;;'responslbt tlly to make an. appoint-ment- wi i:tr tne s[af f to f indout about addltlonat submlttil requlremerrLs. -- *-- III. PLEASE NOTE IlU l-g.Itrlgrg APFLIE^TION I^Irr I, STREAULINE TIIEAppRovAL pRocBss ron-T6ilF'-Fno.rEcr By bEcRF^s rrlc iiii-triifieiil"or cotqntrloNs oF pFRovtrL THAT .t,HFt pr,ANlJt[r: 11spENVrROltMEtlrAr. r:orrMl ssroN (rnt! ilAy s.rltuL,Al E'.' Ar,r. '-,"fllnl?nynff c rrE nrrrth/\rrlr iarc.,' rtF ,,.rr,^, __:* - p" BY THE FEE IIUST BE PAID BEFORE DEPARTMENT WILI, ACCEPT YCIIR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOP PROPOSAL. II rerlrcd tol3nl IPPLIel.lIoTI Thls procedure ls requlredvarlanee. The appl leatlonlnformatlon ls submttted. A. NAI{E OF Appl,Icant 6, O Appllcat{on PEe MEETING Date j.3o'7'S DATE s250.00 (303) e49-4121 FAX 949-0304 March 28,1994 Members of the Planning and Environrnental Commission Town of Vail Vail , Colorado Dear Members of the Commission, Mr . John Krediet is requesting a variance to the zoning ordinance that prevents gross residential floor area (GRFA) to be placed within the front setback at Lot 11-A Block -7 Vail Village First Filing (226 Forest Road) . This additional area is an infill below an existing structure and areas partially within a stair element west of the existing structure, Also Mr. Krediet is requesting a variance the enable a wall to exceed the 3 foot height limit in the front setback . This "wall" is the face of a carport structure leading to an underground garage . This wall is placed to allbw the carport and garage to be placed below grade and filled on top with adequate soils for additional planting , The alternative would require extensive retainage to maintain access to the garage off Forest Road . The variance is requested to eliminate the steep access to the existing residence and to allow parking within the property boundaries much the - same as other examples within the immediate vicinity . Relief from the strict interpretation assists in maintaining a larger separation between this and the adiacent property to the west and does not detrimentally effect the light ,air,distribution of population , transportation ,traffic, utilities, or public safety . Mr . Krediet appreciates your cooperation in this matter . ;J*\, "l,xJll1,,I[9r\ vArL, co. sr6jd Regards, Steven fames Riden A.I.A. .MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS t LJUTr\ TJF ('H I1- niscel laneous CGh *l- 15-?+ lB:41:44 Fiii,:Ei.F,t fl' 1'+45I:" ij,1i...ii,r-rt 1 T *t,lEr.rt Flt:'F-l'1'.trF,:Er F:EE 5Er.Er6 i:ilri:rr-rrr l. i,:'rid* r'+d j' I tern Paid g$dJnt Paid iJi.u';i*rE4.if,f,i rlFE 58' 68 i,ii.:rn,J,,} i-':,' t r-rf rr*rl :: B' 68 -THFH}{ l/CrJ tt":r-' r c r';l-r i* r F:ERTHR o TOWNOFVAIL DEFARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEMT CHECRS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL ACCOUNT NO.ITEM 01 0000 41540 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILD]NG CODE i50.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 36.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECFIANICAL CODE "32.ffi01 0000 42415 UN]FORM FIRE CODE 36.00 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRI CAL CODE $30.00 0r000n4z4r5 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)i7.00 0l000042412 XEROXCOPIES ',0.25 0r 0ffi0 42412 STUDIES otunO 424t2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 413_32 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE I$40 PER HR,I 4r0000 42332 OFF HOURS ]NSPEC"TION FEES 0l 0000.11412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41413 SICNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 0r 0000 41413 ADDITIONALSIGNAGEFEE t$I.OOPERSQ.FT.I 01 rxno42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION dl0oou{I:rJD PRE PAID DESIGNREVIEW BOARDFEE -{)ouwwoa4z37lIWESTIGAT]ON FEE (BUILDING'I 31 000045110 TOV PARKINGFUND 0lw022az7 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND "' 01 0000 21112 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE) * 0l 0000 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER PEC APPLICATION FEES . \tI. 0l 000041330 ADDITIONALGRFA "250"ti200.00 0l 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS THAN lOO SQ.FT.I $200.00 0l 0{n0 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORETHAN IOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEWI $1,500.00 01 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND $1.000.00 01 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 0000 4130 VARIANCE $250.00 01 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS s250.00 0l 0000 41330 RE- ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTN-: zt()<tt COMMENTS: Mo#r ,,**, Lll,ily'u "^*4l4zL/ClrfREE.BYt__J4__ '+.oo oo oo .)o z/L=<'- oo oo'. t-'-f,ti \ ,-r.tKi )) ,4. ri oo oo I '*r -*:j .A "ri:IT::;ff ;:"mlTfitf, AR, 4'ss1DATE OF DRB MEETING: *-_Trr g_ lFprrc^rr;i ;rll lio, Br AceEprEDttnTrr. Ar.'.L Rceurnsl^ :nroRuirion-r6' suBr.rrrrEDttttl***!rrI. A. t- G. H. Phone epffiq Phone NAME OF OWNERS: rSIGI{ATURE (S) :Ma11lng Addtes K. ,J.Condominiun Approval 1f appllcable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submitlql oi ;RB-;ililcarton. Larer, h,henapplying for a bui1din9. p"r.fii-ni.""" identlfy theaccurate vatuation-of [hb .propos'"i. irr"-i".r"-ir"tairwitl adjurr rhe fee-accordins'io-il,e iiiire-u"rJi,'i.oensure the correcL fee is paiO. FEE SCIEDULE:8EE fAlb::_ ^ VALUATToN FEEt, 0-$ 10,000 slb.oollg,ggl-s so,ooo iib.oo$- s0, 001 - $ is0,000 ir6i,. ooSlqn nnr - 6 DESCRIPTION: PRO,JECT INFORMATION: I B. TYPE OF MVIEW: _ :::,::'".::::ton (s200.00) Minor Alterarton ($20.00) t /n.ZONTNG: LOT AREA: If required,. applicantstanped survey snowing l;l-;;;: NAI{E OFMaillng APPLICANT: ( , -J-un ()zuu. o0) Minor Alteratlon ($20.00)K Addition ($50.00) _Conceptual Revlew (g0)c. ADDRESS: zAb fopAr rio*ptD. LEGAL DEScRIPTIoN: ,;E;;T Subdivi sio ".Ifproperty':,1:::':!ed.byameetsandbound"F ' deseriptionr.please providl oh a separate sheet andattach to this appfitationl ' I. NAI4E OF Mal l lng Address: APPLICANT, sAddress: must prov.ide a c{Frent Phone OJ l.*- Date of Appl lcatlon _ _ ., Date of DRB iteeilng_ A. PROJECTDESCRIPTION: Ojotror,r Foh A,biror'Al cnFA IFOR PROPERTIES II,I E)(CISS OF ALIOI.IABLE OhFA A pre-appllcetlon conference wrth a member of.the prannrng staff rs stronoryencouraged to dlscuss lhe ploutslons'unoe"."rrrir,-aliitionir"cnrn can be aidldto a slte' It should be uhders[ooi-tt'i[-il'if "ioit'iiie"tlis not^assure eaih-properrye.!ffi["#'?,,lXl;,I":j,,ii;ii[1,-"nitrli"]'irii"lil[rllil" ;;r;;";I"1i,,t5,u Appl lcatlons for 6ddrilons under thrs ,sectf on will not be accepted uniess thevare complete. rhrs rnciud"s iii iiiioniitron r;qui..i'oi=tfri, fonn .,s we1 as-Deslgn Revterr Board suumil[it -..qrire;iht.. B. LocATtoil 0F Address PROPOSAL: Zb Fa&tf pqtt Legal Descrlpfion: Lof /l-A Zon€ Dfstrl ct ?/5 c.}IAI'IE OF APPLICANT:-bt+t-t KfzeA6T- Address lg La*srt ,rLolLrr. ?D. p4|"rft or. D. }IME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESEIITATIUEI AIE/AJ JAyl6 F.I6 LIA. IPTNTGI.Add',,t nonl ffi4*f, - 4tz| E,t'rAr.tE 0F 0r,filER(s) :'k **sf gnature(s J|i F, Address F, Fllln'E Fee of fioo.oo f s requlred at tlnrc ThE foll.otr!ltg Inforrrraficp; In addlilon to DRBrequlred tvltfr thlc submttIriil, Uerlflcatlon that the unlt has recetved2, ltemes and melltng addresses of adJacentuntti on the sami lot. ttris tnioinriiitinAssessorrs offlce. of suhntttel _ suhnlttal requlrernenti, ghrll be r flnrl cdrtlflcate of occuprncy. pfop€rtj.owrrers and of owners ofrs available from the Eagle County 3r condomlnlum rssoclaHon rpprovrl (lf appllcable).4. Erlstlng floor plan of structure. {]J,'I;J,'U+ d'fE. 13 '^l r..4S t{:5b,9i 1?;i* -o';t.,r,UTIJ {,' !I J;J ffiJEN !Er!t& *"F*$CRIP lOll t tJ JUllN ItKllU IE I alttt I?:Bt nrq lf{c t .ttt l et16E. i+?.S0) f[n6r tltcrrtlo!$s0,00t --concrpturl nrrtrfi tlosl #frff#,ffiE*m ed by ou1the p E, rfFE Of ..*:*H*x e6nEL _blloattron {t10,00r (a0t $ubrllulsien r ff prFp€tly it darcd*fctlpt l=., -' I F1eAgt l_r'tr!! rDd bqu$dt lrfalqn r r.f,irrtr rbfit da.tt€ch E6 thib lFplt t len. SoltrNo I ,'Ir,A? AF,E&I Tf raqprl*Esstrl*d qur+ey dhei r 9ppllcrfit riurtg lot arEr. 4 It{,h}'98 oF f,PPlrctnr:l"fall1ng fldd:esei It ? t+A!g oFHr 1] tBg .titdc€rt i I SRB farar ttqt ruhlttrlfor r bugAlurtlorl 6lIt tha 'fac ecorrtcC I *arrnrrrmlor rC*a13rnq ldoieai $ltii{€ oF oirnsnE Condoolnl DnB FEEIthe tlnt.FF:ylncl tc fi$r etarlll sdjufn!ilrs th [- f rgpllctSlr, il:l!"tillhiit"l: *'Hll, .tn"o 1nllilt ptmrc_ racnrrii-if,r--' !.,f1ngse3_. rh| tourr it-viuordtn?_to rhr t.Dra-bjr;i, -iiIt pr{d.lrr lrirrt t _, *I f, r1 0 1B' 0ol 50, 001lEO,00r rtEs 20.00t 50,00 ills.!e $ Bt s TtOtl l0r 00050.000lSor oo0qno nn,r t*:.*i;l*+"J,1ft*';r?r,{c i #4""1.* a*"*;#*- f+Fi#, r+ :iTIuGqT[:Ttu?! ;ti-ffii. t,l[,lliiTttt,'tiil lt,'FHtti+ a i{Ee, !r rh'uld U* ui+arrEw,,t-tFrrr.t:{iii.ta+ut esc rqrr+:* teei aF {i#A1"Es €Esrfl ruril ir,rFrp rE cond*roar rrl'iili::'ili'ilirllil.Tfrl$u$:'gg**"t E*gilr:aii-.:trE l*q,m*tttgrrl u4tf thlg, rr*itott r{tt |Ft ba t+la r+':r;q! :€+t&.{ Tlr i l t ncl udg a r il . iir-srnE'til''rii;i ;i -ni-eiii-tffi ll'lllr'l!v *n;y'. k*e:** eiire *-*r*rt*., *urrdiif".Hil"U.of.ffiTffi Slllirtlf i "4* rFlttuilsfi Fsn {DutflorrL effl. F0* pffi.fsrlEt r* rrct}s oF r|.tiltAtlE IRFA &. r.SlJ&€ tr$ii,EtpTi|:tr, g r :-i i :-:? frlF I | - -1"-- ll| | Drtr of lFf tutlol*,.--_, lhtr of 0$ ftrrtfna-__- rrron mrenJcr I -.li ';a.! Eaas. ip: i,:*: l i*t {:4 ,-gra),,,: .trirtrt_ 7./f-- * r=a.r* rii +.:F:_ f f,#tf l _.o!{FJ "-*'-t',i. ;;* €-lL-', _Flt _.!j4tk E*dru*;j HHil a} *&e Eiffr{h*n{r E#dts* ?EE tfl !#t;:B i-.:!e-+srtrqul-reii fliek i,illr tft ls rqrfred:rt ilr ol rrdrtttrl - -- I r-lr r#ltlolr td Dnr ilff-t!! ilryrFHit r rtlil brHrt | .. t. ! €f,Arq.l J4frGt, FHllb},.4f,L*ilqntfr4'- la unlt ftr {ctlvrd r flrrtl otrilflcrtt cf ccqrnqy. f tPif; i,'f.i#L"ilhoiloillt ffil'i,#,t slifril'uI' ItfoB ff$Yrl;{rf r$llsrhlrlr : La --L--r.L..-r l F, 9f li$ F*c sf llM0" c atEi f. t€Flfte€ilsd rhrrt*t $nd rrltf nourtitl 6n tftr rh;fttc$rtt o?flcr. fanlhfnlu lt:ecf lrfltl:rj llocr Ft " rl'***j NAI,IE OF \-tPRO.'ECT I l<?4 rrrsr oF MATERTALS rO LEGAL DEscRrprroN: Lor_l!.& BLocK 1_ suBDIVrSron vaohtate. l{ STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following lnformation isReview Board before a final requlred for submittalapproval can be glven: TYPE OF MATERI.AIA. to the Deslgn coroRBUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materl-als FascIa Soffits Vilindows Window Trlm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashlngs ChimneyS Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT T.IATERIAI',S: PROPOSED TREES <t-xte ?AtzF'- bqecl eiltaftlei 2*- OehR. douo Ebil &4 B.qf Deslgner: Phone: Botanical Name Ouantltv Slze* ?esll.lr-GgBelaF'35 Z'/ nitl.ry /0'mtN /0 . ./t'a,iu/- ?:r4A-J4,l4nr,t-t ?ilur Flertrqj EXISTING TREES TO8E REMOVED t .'-{T-_ - W (ryron_ry)dnctt (rapr*ffn' F n4eE) LTEIfi Conmon Na$e p0l,06th? fllPdP+tt:S ::;k::::'ouantltv Slze* t\ 4A 6yc \ 22 -$*b 'l7 fua'L2.^ _W o\ llndicate slze5 qal I on. GROUND COVER9 soD SEET) TYPE OF IRRIGATION of proposed shrubs . .EJE. l,linimum size of shrubs Ls Square Footaoe 4tl* c. D. pswh_ #wrr.,vAwq JNW_-GtSt tANDscAPE LIGIITING: If exterlor llghting ls proposedl please , show the number of flxtures and locatlotrs on a separate ilqhting plan. Identify each fixture from the lightlng plan on the iilt teto" and piovlde the $talt-ager helght above OTHER I,ANDSCAPE FEATUP*ES (retalnlng walls, fenres, swinnLng pooi", et",) Flease specify. rndleate helghts of retalnlng'warts. Haxi.num height of witts t ithln the ftont getback is 3 feet. Maximum helght of walls elsewhere on the Property EXISTING SfIRUBS TO BE FEMOVED Arc..lrleeE?A.-r,r|fCql DuctD grade and type of light ProPosed- ls 6 feet I. ,ottD cHbeft_--ffi- 3Fh1 [,1 4,"!/$,zoNb 6tSffrlifs bAtE I LEeAi, bEscfrtltroNt r,or ll'A ero"* ibbREss I ohl.rbfr Ancilttbct zot'fb blSrh,lct FhoFoSEb tJsE tGeragE ct6dlr brlv6 ! Vleo corrluof Ehctblchh€htr lnvlronnertr t /tntlttlg ! t: Ptopos€d 'l6trl "44 -* E{, tlia I :. FHoflii pfioNE Atlo*ed bnlsf.lttrH€tght rror1fr) 4-b , r, rotrr cfrffi ffi- w{:'i' n*rhaiy co'A z4t4 * jr, ,53bgi-. ffi- *.trBt#r":fr#to*t,,r-t *i25' - -@ std6s 15,' Rear 15, t30, l50t746r.4 a.___:-;i!rs .;..::.i_- 3) /6, 3 Reqtd t3oot j6@rsoot t1200t" aa6"\---./' pennltbod Slope * dl , Aiuurl !l6pa ,tiltl,ilrN +% bstO approv€d by t6r,h Ehglholit Iso.... ..- .* No;_"A.o,_., ltt=*-** 1t flood lleth , ,.--,.-p/L ...,..,..-,*.-* *..,-' i+-+: ' rle,. UrfrGrlc{:,811_ 2t lgtegtrt SlbFt *,! Ftcr,lod! eohdrLlbhg 6f tppiov6l lehech FrbFgfty lll ? nrrrnE , ,/-vulta"l4 . A1lo*ed fFft.u ::::::i' i'ra,, r,e,shhs Frtklng boeo thlr r&rl,rest.lnvolve d eiO tddrtt onl -Ydl:H6N ftuEh 6r rrr0 eltored 250 Addttron ll b0etr6,Iifi-T:frt! t0qu!lt?.^l+_ llNot!l-!,ndur secrrdhs_lB.lz.btd.tBl lnd.t0,tJ.0!0tBf 6t thr lruritct6rteod€1.l6tt rotisd rl,6 rrntri r;j-Ftihirt/sitibnjiii'[irrcir ilr iiii!-tf,ifilgtggg,gg,. r!,,rh rr.r.'irv'hor bbrtrluLt-i-sdrirrl iliieiirf,l=uiiEi 'if,i. iiliiiitrd"rilittEi:dFi:;ifi i:!i:re!t!ild.,itf;rii;l.iE,:lif, ''dI;90euon!.lt,iz,0sorbr ahd i[;ij.ita0iii.6t-i!tr-rriniliFri'ioiE-iiieruornopetilthehtly r€sLflbtthd the rrni['ro'r. t6rrs:isdi-iiniii'u[ii=f6'd"iilii!'ttft'e ehFlot,Fes of th! fpper beEia-Vliliil' t0 EahFN.rAivtES, POST OFFICE BOX 323vAIL, CO.81658 ,. (303i. 949-4r2r FAX 949-0304 Krediet Resdence 256 Forest Road Lot 1"1-A, Block 7 , Vail, Village lst Filing GRFA ANALYSIS Existsing Lot Divisions Lot-A = 13656.4 s.f. Lot -B = 8604.9 s.f. GRFA: ,"11-A; 1.3656.4 x .25 = Ul!:L /.aStandard Allowance = 4fi5 ,' / ,. Additional via Appplication 7 250 ' /a) ',,,TOTAL= .."' AOgg-J /"t ,/' ,"' Site/ovenge z '\,,... ,/\,/Allowabld ; l%56Ax.20 = 3403.4 Irrcposed ; L 2750 T \ .q,' tl-\- \l . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. ,^qL -4r'-{_o : DATE SUBMIfiED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Rstum to PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: o.Date: 11 B tr f.\ Comments: 50r Ve^{ n€eds spot <E{oC\CrVb ned dlueus't pqn , poss\b\e c\r\rer \ uqdec cstln cl.rve$,c\-l uko'h h,c'ppens bo oereFrbccs Arrln -srJ oo eo.s\ s\de ?. Wil'l thts ceqrr'\ce. oddrtrcnq\ u E\Gh\ cqFAer\ I ccrts ?. \s \hc drivewa\ ho be h€o.\<d1 Need \o snow tlt\ artrnt oF grodtcrqz'ailq - roi\\ neecl \o ?ocec$\c\ ccA(crc\ fied r:er\' $,r\$c\ d.tolr'AtF 'r '\ boL{-ot g th\s o. ce,bu\\d of q cer*:Aef',5;er -* ^.A...- -- .-,-.- - r - *". di,.:,ilru., "--','-' -ts{o: Retum to INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:/oz/,"-tr @ "DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BR|EF DESCRTPTTON OF irHE pROpOSAL: @s, fu--X"( fr\or<k.. 3 , lcgA lrruu)*tnr: fu)"etz N, Ion ;*,(ffiff ,*r,.t# - y.*or:-=:h,, PUBLIC WORKS t ocJain u'l <rrval' Reviewed bY: Tern MrNt,rnz , ar**,.i"lrour't. O"t"' Comments: ' Oqfl rerccAlae c\tr\ o\ \!ro\ Qe{t\\t'& c\cceg ?ttT'* r stoqirng prarf ' - f,X\\r\':a\.s\\\ c@d QAc\ -regr<de d e:(i5\\\3 d(^<11a1qr1g- <\r\ckr \o cr-)lrro(-tr ned '(.|lcr t.rds..\ee \,cDrd<r9 mral intes iece o,\.\^\ drcurr'( 1 n€€d ho $s furtt-cr borr (iau.l SbryJ laoc. =ca^,t/ * * qra'& \cr slte d'rcrrscrfp"n va'* fu - tJe:d \o \c6rcr$e qrod\(\3 tcf, €n\\r€ 5i1s 46l\:sboc{@ - Need tcp 8 bot\on oc c'r'\\ gtopcr*d c.)c'\\<' ' - (rYc\r: C6!i\nl:) 'f irv\t\ r-drr-'Jt \ct\ f 5 F ut^V,,ff @7{X P'^'\f rii.ad l lrJC onr *o'rdgage Forn 401 t eoricf. uu12oo348 Order No. V22613 Amount 9975,OOO.0O SCHED('LE A Address 1. Policy Date: Decemlter 22, 1993 at 5:00 P'u- 2. Nane of Insured: BANCBOSTON UORTGAGE CORPORATION 3. The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is encunbered by the insured nort'gage is: A Fee Sirnple 4. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: G. JOHN KREDTET 5. The mortgage, herein referred to as the insured nortgage, andthe assignnents thereof, if any, are described as follows: DEED OF TRUST DATED Decenber 16, 1993, FROI{ G. JOHN KREDIET TO THE PIIBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR THE USE OF BANCBOSTON UORTGAGE CORPOR,ATTON TO sECttRE THE SIIM OF S975,ooo.oo RECoRDED December 22, L993, IN BoOK 628 AT PAGE 141. 6. The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado, and is described as follows: LOT 11A, A RESUBDMSION OF LOT 11, BIOCK 7' VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PI,AT RECORDED JI'LY L2 I L979 IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE 1OO, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI,ORADO. Page 1 This Policy vaf!.a only if Schedule B is attached. pouc$ uu12oo348 5. 6. ORf lfo'rtgage Forn .1O1 Order No. v22613 SCIIEDT'LE B-I This policy does not insure against loes or danage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or claius of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easenents, or clains of easeuents, not sholtn by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroach[ents, and any facts rhich a correct survey and inspection of theprenises would disclose and which are not shorn by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or naterial theretoforeor hereafter furnisbed, inposed by lav and not showa by the public records. 1993 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE A}TD ASSESS}IENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED I'O THE TRE,ASURERS OFTICE. RIGHT OF PROPRISIOR OF A VEIN OR I,oDE TO EXTRACT AND REI.IOVE HIS ORE fiIEREFROI,I SHOT'LD THE SAI{E BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREIIISES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septenber 04, 1923, Itf BoOK 93 AT PAGE 98. **ENDORSEIIENT 1OO.29** THE COUPANY HEREBY INSURES AGAINST IOSS WHICH THE INSURED SHALT SUSTAIN BY RE,ASON OF DAI,IAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVB{ENTS' INCLUDING I"AWNS, SHRT'BBERY OR TREES, REST,'LTING FROI{ THE EXARCISE OF ANY RIGHT TO USE THE SURFACE OF SAID I,AND FOR THE EXTRACTION OR DEVEI.,oPIIET{T OF THE MINERALS EXCEPTED FROU THE DESCRIPTION OF SAID LAND OR SHOWN AS A RESERVATION IN SCHEDULE B-I. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I,NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN TTNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPtENbET 04,t923, rN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. ***ENDORSEX.IENT 103.1*** THE COMPANY HEREBY fNSIJRES AGAINST LOSS OR DAIIAGE WIIICH THE INSI'RED SHALL SUSTAIN AS A RESULT OF ANY EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT OF USE OR UAINTENANCE OF THE EASEI,IENT REFERRED TO ABOVE OVER OR TTIROUGH SAID LAND. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFEITI'RE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE, BIIE OI.{ITTING RESTRICIIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATTONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRT,UENT RECORDED AugUSt 10, 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 7. 8. Page ORT [ortgage ForD 4O1 roric-f uu12oo348 order tao. v22613 SCHEDT'LE B-I 9. IITILITY EASEII{EIflIS TEI{ FEET Til TfiIYTIT AIPNG THE WESTERLY I,oT LINE AT{D FIVE FEET IN I{IITTH AIPNG THE SOUTHERI.Y IdI LINE OF ST'BJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON TTIE RECORDED PIAT OF VAIL VILI,AGE FIRST FTLING AND RESI'BDIVTSION THEREOF. 10. TERUS, CONDITIONS Al{D PROVISIONS OF COVENAI{TS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICIIONS AllD EASEITIENTS RECORDED August 08, 1979 IN BOOK 289 AT PAGE 493, AND AI{END}IEIIT TITERETO RECORDED JANUARY 24, L992 IN BOOK 571 AT PAGE 333. 11. EASETIENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESSRICIIOIfS AS SHOI{N OR RESERVED ON TlrE RECORDED PIAf FOR A REST'BDIVISIOil OP IOT 11, BISCK 7, VAIL VILI,AGE FIRST FILING. 12. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. ***ENDoRSF.T{ENT 281.1*** THE COITIPANY ITEREBY INSURES AGAINST I,oSS OR DN,TAGE BY REASON OF:(1) THE INVALIDTTY OR UNENFORCEABILITY OF THE LIEN OF TIIE INSURSD !,IORTGAGE RESULTING FROI,T THE PROVISIONS THEREIN T{HICH PROVIDE FOR CTIANGES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST. I{}SS OF PRIORITY OT MTE LIEN OF THE INSURED IIORTGAGE AS SECURITY FOR THE ttNpAID pRrNCIpAt BAIAnTCE OF THE lpAlf, TOGSIHER WITH INTEREST AS CHANGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TTIE PROVISIONS OF TIIE INSI'RED IIORTGAGE, I{HICH IISS OF PRIORITY IS CAUSED BY SAID CHANGES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST.IICHANGES IN THE RATE OF INTERESTIT, AS USED IN THIS ENDORSEMENT, SHALL I'IE"AN ONLY THOSE CIIANGES IN THE RATE OF INTEREST CALCULATED PI'RSUANT TO THE FORI.IULA PROVfDED IN THE INSITRED I.{ORTGAGE AT DATE OF POLICY. THIS ENDORSN,IENT DOES NOT INST'RE AGAINST LOSS OR DAIIAGE BASED UPON (A) USttRY, OR (B) ANY CONSI,uER CREDIT PROTESIION OR TRTIIH IN LENDING LAW. TIIIS ENDORSEI,TENT IS }IADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERITIS AND PROVISTONS THEREoF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDoRSEIIENTS THEREIO, EXCEPT TITAT THE TNSURN|CE AFFORDED BY THIS ENDORSEI.TENT IS NOT SIJBJECT TO PARAGRAPH3 (D) OF THE EXCLUSIONS FROl,l COVERAGE. EXCEPT To THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NETTHER IIODIFIES ANY OF THE TERI,IS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICy AllD ANY PRIOR EIIDORSEI.IENTS, NOR DOBS IT EXTEND THE EFFECTM DATE OF TIIE Irotlcy AND ANy PRIOR ENDORSEI.{ENTS, }fOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AIrlOIrr{r THEREOF. ***********ENDORS$ENT 3 35. 6*********** TltE INSIIR"ANCE AFFoRDED BY THIS ENDORSEUENT IS ONLY EFFECIM IF THE IrAt{D IS USED OR IS TO BE USED PRII.IARILY FOR RESIDENTIAL PT,RPOSES. THE COUPANY TNSI'RES TIIE INSURED AGAINST LOSS OR DAI-IAGE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF LACK OF PRIORITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INST'RED I'TORTGAGE OVER: (A) Alty ENVIRONT{ENTAL PROTECTION IJIEN WHTCH, AT DATE OF POLICY, IS RECORDED III TTIOSE RECORDS ESTABLISHED T'I{DER STATE STATT]TES AT DATE OF POLICY FOR THE PT RPOSE OF II.IPARTING CoNSTRUCTM IfOTICE OF IATTERS RELATING TO RELL PROPERTY TO PURCHASERS FOR VALUE AND WITTIOUT KNOWLEDGE, OR FILED IN THE RECORDS OF TfiE CLERK OF THE I'NITED STATES DISTRIC.T COURT FOR THE DISTRICTIN I{HICH THE LAND IS rOCATEP, EXCEPT AS SEf, FORTH IN SCHEDI'LE Bi ORPage 3 oRT ilordgage Forl 4o1 || Order No. V22613 SCHEDT'LE B-T (B) AlrI EI{\IIRON}iENIAL PROTECIION LIEN PROVTDED FOR BY AIIY STATE STATUTE IN EFFECT AT DATE OF pOLICy, EXCEPT EIIr/IRONIIEI|:TAL PROTECIION LIENS PROVIDED FOR TtlE BY TIIE FOLLOhING STATE STATUIES: NONE THIS EIfDORSEI{EI{T IS ITADE A PART OF TIIE POLICY AND IS SI'BT'EgT TO AI.,L OF TTIE TERtiS AIfD PROWSIONS THEREOT AND OF AITY PRIOR ENDORSEIiENTS TIIERSIO. HI(CEPT TO TIIE EICIEXT EXPRESSLy STATED, IT NETTEER ITIODIFIES Al{y Or TH8 TEnUS AllD PROIIISTOTS OF TIIE POLICY AND AITY PRTOR ENDORSEXiTENTS, I{OR DOES IT SICTEI|D TITE EPFEEIIVE DATE OF TIIE POTICY AND AIIY PRIOR E}IDORSEIIENTS, NOR DOES TT TNCRE,ASE TTIE FACE IIIIOT'NT TTTEREOF. **FOru lOO** NOTE: ITElls 1-4 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. FoRl.l 100 IS HEREBY ATTACHED AND BECOI,IES A PART OF THE POLICY. IN I|ITNESS MIEREOF, TTIE COI{PAI{Y HAS CAI'SED TIIIS ENDORSEI.IENT TO BB SIGNED Ar{D SE LED AS OF THE EFFEErIVE DATE OF THIS POLICY, TO BE VALID WHEN COI'NTERSIGNED BY Alf AIINTORIZED OFFICER OR AGEilT OF THE COIIPAI{Y, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITTI TTS BY- LAtfs. SCHEDI'LE B.II In addition to the matters set forth in Part I of this Schedule, the title tothe estate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule A is subject to the following matters, if any be shown, but the Conpany insures that the lien or ctrarge of the insured mortgage upon said estate or interest isprior to such natters. NOI{E noric$ ru12oo348 Page TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: IIEMORANDUM PlannirB and Environmental Commission Community Development Department Planner:JillE. lGmmerer June 22, 1992 . ' A request tor a2 year extension to a previously approved front setback variance br property located in he primarylsecondary Zono Dlstrict tho Kredlet Residence, Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vait village Fkst Fitingl224 Forest Road.Applicant John l(rediet L DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST on september 9, 1991 the Planning and Environmental commission (pEC) approved afront setback variance in order to allow for an expansion to an existing primary'unit. The approved setback variance would allow for the addition to encroJch 12 feot-g inches into the required 20-foot front setback. STAFF RECOMMENDATION stafl recommends approval of the request to extend the previously approved front selback variance, based on the attached pEC memo daled septeinbei g, lggl and subject to the conditions of approval as indicated in the pEC meeting minutes datedSeptember 9, 1991. The conditions of approval are as followsl 1' lf the large aspen adjacent to the wesl of the construction site dies, it will bereplaced with two 14-16 foot spruoe. 2. The area to be infilled under the carport shall not exceed 400 sq. fl. of GRFA. 3. The large spruce in the center of the construction area shall be relocated. lt that spruce, or any other spruce planted as a part of this project, dies within 2year, it shall be replaced with a spruce between 14-20 feet in hepht. 4. All aspens which must be removed in order to allow the construcuon of thisgarage to occur, shall be relocated to another portion of the lot. lf the PEC approves this variance extension request, the front setback varianceapprovalwould then be valid until September g, 1994. il. \ clo3ctnc|lrorUndbt.622 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDTJM Planning and Environmental Commission Communiry Development Depamnent Scptember 9,l99L A rcquest for a front setback variancc for property located within the Primary/Secondary zone distict, thc Krediet Residence, 224 Forcst Roadl/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicanu John KrdietPlanncr: Jill Kammercr I. DESCRIPTION OF TI{E VARIANCE REOUESTED Under this rcdevelopment proposal, the applicant proposcs to consFuct a garage, with 639 sq. fr of additional living area (GRFA) above the garage, and to infill a carport area with 309 sq. ft. of living area (GRFA). The new garage addition will be located to the west of the existing rcsidence. The carport arca to be infilled is located beneath an existing second floor cantilevercd recreation room/entryway on the north side of the structure, adjacent to Forcst Road. The site slopes up to the south from the low point on the north side of the lot. The carport is currently accessed by a steep driveway off of Forest Road. A fmnt setback variance is required in order to allow the infrlling of this carport area- The cantilevcred area currently ensroaches l2'-8" into the front (north) setback. The proposcd infill addition would encroach l2'-8" into the front setback. The applicant is rcquesting a variance to allow the consruction of this addition 7'-4" from thc front propeffy line. Thereforc. the applicant's reouested variance is to encroach 12'-8" into the rcouired 2Gfoot front sctback. A sctback variancc is not necessary for the garage and living area above thc garage. A. B. c. D. E. F. G. I. Parking: J. Tnnng: Site Area: GRFA - kimary and Allowed: Existing: Proposed Increasc: Rcmaining: GRFA - Primary Unit Existing: hoposed: Increase: GRFA - Secondary Unit Existing (No change Site Coverage (20Vo of Si Allowed: Existing: hoposed: Incrcase : Remaining: Height Allowed: hoposed: Primary/Secondary 22,263 sq. ft. Rcsidences Combined 5,326 sq. ft 4,091 sq. fr 1.066 so. ft. 169 sq. ft Area) 2,196 sq. fr 3,262 sq. fr 1,066 sq. ft. 1,895sq.ft. -'-- "'.LW' -"'-*u"A -- -'--7'I ft*o^z5 4,453 sq. ft (20io) 2,014 sq. ft. (9.l%o) 2,734 sq. ft. (l2.3Vo) 720 sq. ft. (3.2Vo) 1,719 sq. ft. 33 fert No change to existing ma,ximum height variarrcc. All othcr sctbacks arc H. Setbacks Front* Rcquired: Existing: Proposed: Note: t 20 feet 7 feet-4 inches 7 fect-4 inches Area of addition be set back 7'-t[" from propeily line Area of rEqucsted unaffccted. Thc 5 spaces are accommodatcd on site.No additional parking is required this proposal. hoposcd Primary Unit : 518 sq. ft. m.CRITERIA AND FI}IDINGS Upon rcvicw of Cliteria and Findings, Scction 18.62.060 of thc Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Depaftnent r€commends approval of the rcquested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested yEriance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Thc requcsted fmnt sctback variance, if approved, would not adversely affect the use or enjoymcnt of adjaccnt properties. The cdsting strucilrc encroaches l2'-8" ino the rcquired 2Gfoot front setback. The area of the proposed eddition will encroach no fi:rther into thc required front setback than the cxisting strucrure. By concentrating the development on the western and the northern portion of the lot adjacent to Forest Road, less site disturbance will occur. If the applicant were to construct the same size addifgn, but not locate the addition under an area which currently encroaches into the front sctback, the new living area would be located funher up the slopc, thereby creating grcater and unnecessary site disrurbance. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The proposed addition could be constructed elsewhere on the site and not encroach into the fiont sctback. To the west of the existing pdmary residencc, in conjunction with this ad.lition, the applicant is proposing to construct a two- car gamge with GRFA above the garage. Suff believes the consruction of this garage will improve the general appearance of the lot by allowing for thc interior stonge of automobiles. fie applicant does not have lhe ability to construct the addition to the east bccause of the proximity of the existing sccondary unit to the applicalt's primary unit. Any addition to the south would necessitate cxtensive site work duc to thc topography of the sie. For this proposal, staff bclieves it is rcasonablc to consider the cxisting rcsidence's location in the front setback to bc a practical difficulty warranting a front setback variance. The applicant is requesting a variance to infill a carport area which docs not excced the existing frorit serback cncroachmcnt. This degree of rclief from the strict and titeral interpretation of thc codc is appropriate, and has becn granteil to other ProPerty 0 owneni with similar circumstanccs. Because of these factors, thc rcqucst is not a grant of spccial privilcge. 3. The efrect ofthe requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilitieq public facilities end utilities, and public safety. With the exception of rhe addition requiring the transplanting of an existing, approximately 18-20 fmt evergr€cn, thc proposcd addition will havc no impact on any of thesc considerations. The applicant has agreed to tansplant this ree to the southwest comer of the sitc. B. Thc Plannine and Environmcntal Commission shall makc the followinE findings beforc €rantins a variance: 1. That tbe granting of the variance will not constirute a gnnt of special privilege inconsistent with the limiutions on othcr properties classified in the same disrict. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be derimental to thc public health, safery or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the viciniry. 3. That thc variance is warranted for one or more of the following rca.sons: . a- The srict literal interprctation or enforcemcnt of the specified regulation would rcsult in practical difFrculty or unnccessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraord.inary circumstanccs or conditions applicable to the same site of thc variance tlrat do not apply generally to other propcrties in thc same zone. c. The strict interpretadon or enforcement of the spccificd rcgulation would deprivc the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other propcnies in the same disricr rV. STAFFRECPMMENDATION Staff rccommends approval of the requested front setback variance, subject to conditions, duc to the fact the existing house is currcndy located in tbe front sctback and less sitc disturbancc rcsults from this location for the proposed addidsn. The fact there is GRFA remaining on the 4 . sits also warrants support of thc variance rcqucsl Staff belicves thc sctback variance is not a ;.,-' grant of spccial privilcgc, as this tyAe of situation has justificd othcr sctback variances in thc : pasr The variancc critcria citcd included Findings 1, 2, 3(a_c). The conditions of approval are as follows: 1- Thc existing sprucc trtc impactcd by tlrc consruction will be Elocarcd. 2- Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall install a construction fence toprotect cxisting vegeEtion in the front setback. The fcnce shall cstablish the boundarywhich no construction activity will cross. ctpcdocoor\&ndicr-909 F + + +s o - -..------.--- I il $il_ iilr $ll- 1- lli'\ ll 6tlr[ tl sll J: -tr $ | +s Sil-i .1.: f e +ll il; si Xil-llT *l il El3 E3 {il tl€ eE RlTlr 6. o' l{ !rf N 2,. f(qE<o s? u$ {}[: $n \ t\'r rlt to oao83:6 .: $e i H-i =6tOoO ' .:!J6$xI o-65eg ).otE 3E -.l|\|g qrN s I$lUizl fl sl hltrl rnil4tlrLli zsFdE $\L2 P K o t $sv2-{F 9rs6=t$r $y.^ fl. xlo xSX Yt +$i i$ s!l a I INI!l dl af I *l \-l Htl\$ li( I ll :t-ll 'O(Do r.lY)0 :o.: seci ,.r-j !-f 8Y r =.{ffi!.:n X6-oX 'tql o-6!sg s-l-t + = 3E \..r G.4 L o !) G' CL -voE s -J\ :tr !I Fs $s gii v a €aD8g:6d Ro ieE =clO oo> >cl 6.EXI o-d!se )ot= (o:o |.)o -tc{o. rt ooct .J o E 'toT' \t-nt\-{. ll-s FzI$l-xN lrN N rrl tl a_( u_ $ F N. L:I \tt tl- .v_ ax-\) t!J lu 1-t; !Lsz_ tr sl.tI 1-7 david mark peel, a.i.a. kathy langenwalter, a.i.a. architects 2588 arosa drive p.o. box 12O2 vail, co Bi 658 303 476-4506 T{ay L9, 1992 Ms. Ji11 Kammerer Town of Vail Community Developurent Department 75 South Frontage Road Vaj-1 , Colorado 81657 RE: Krediet Residence front setback variance. Dear Ji11; John Krediet wishes to extend the existing front. setback variance approval granted by the Planning and Environrnental Connission for his property located at 224 Forest Road, Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. The variance rras granted on Septenber 9, L992 for a period of one year. Since then the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance was changed to a11ow two years between variance approval and pernitting of the project. Therefore' we request a two year extension of this variance. Drawings of the approved design are enclosed. Please initiate the proceedings necessary to obtain the requested extension and 1et me know if you need any additional information. Thank vou for vour assistance in this rnatter. enwalter, AIA John Krediet Yours tru1y, Enclosures o )+\J-!>J! }K o-o o- 3o 'ctoo I o lx !n, rlit\ qs sl'-n g- { lR ilgsl(\ x* 3I F?' rl,- CtO Ol+-- N =lK .lF ;lil s* F' l--rt cq \l$ sHr(\.\Jt-o\ TTII\s \ a -L- 7t\\t\ -=r !zI ss\I i$s lH$Vk )-;fF=SU fiT -t N u\- sE \F {h C5 -s\ -t\ N'-Tt,\ TI\ui-t Ty ! s h -+\ F t\ $t T$I$L U\-T 7Sc(\ flI -+- rN]r ,o tN)Y Esfi33N 8gcoE it i\i 3"r -u)-rr i8C ;i..E 0dr- !9;.O(rl(,0@o\ rl \-' Itx tffillu llN ll-1 ilf\)lla \ ll*-ll- I o-o CL 3or Eoo I-'o o oJ(oo =to o o -'o S r rlrN $.-' :! t>\ t+ft E rn {=s 'i ft Ss*+5$-c\ -_ s6 $}z1i\s I I I ,,-l il+I llP I llTT I il*l ll=l I I j l?ll"i'l3l toll;t lEl l.r+toll:l rl I I l-NIT liT\t!It\\ l* tf IlU l> t6lN -:lt- $ N-\ h---lJ =\-jNI- -{rr-N T--t t\\lxl-tslL-I --r ls l--\l)-l$tfIlwiit-t\ lz- I I I I I I iI- I !N2Sas sg-{il: E-rH 3Xo- 9sl' iCro ot9= x8$ =? 9n\ -.od p e;.o(n(Jrocoo 5* FNq Itt { \>vUI N'z o-o o- 3or T'oo o o ro - ofoo =to o r-l o o $ N_$ __$ .(t l\taso@ Febgtro 9o- -. -4.N<c)oN -(,;o =. (..);iod Eis8c, (> KREDIET RESIDENCE VARIANCE APPLICATION September 9' 1991 PEC Meeting Lot 1I-A, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing 224 Forest Road VaiL, Colorado 81657 ADJACENT PROPBRTY OI{NERST LOT 9: + ,,!W^ rb"- /znaFl '/7,cf tp-\ WWVu la \J v , PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GfVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 18.66.060 of the Municipal code of the Town of Vail on September 9, 1991 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1-. A request for a front setback variance for the Krediet Residence, 224 Forest Road/Lot 11-A, Block 7, VaiI Village First Filing.Applicant: ,John Krediet. 2. A worksession to consider rezoning Lots 3 Lhrough 9 and 12, Vail Meadows Filing No. 2 from Agricultural and Natural Open Space to Residential ClusLer.Applicant: Vail City Corporation and David Elmore 3. A requesL for a major subdivj-sion and a Special Development Disttict for an unplatted ?.5 acre parcel generally located east of Nugget Lane and South of Gore Creek Drive-Applicant: Timberfalls AssociaLion 4. A request for a setback variance for the Vl-aar Residence' 2953 Beltflower Drive/Lot 7, Block 6, Intermountain. Applicants: Hans and Mia Vlaar Information on the listed items is available aL Lhe Community Development office in the Vail- Municipal Building duringr regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on August 23t l-991. /1pLnf ( -:s-zt.P UTILITY IPCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAI,IE SAMUELS/KREDIET RETAINING WALL AND VARIANCES 11-A and B FILING Vail Village lst Filing ADDRESS 224 Forest Road The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines orproposed lines, must be approved and verified by the followingutilities for the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature U.S. West Communications ik1gL-800-922-r987 '-?- 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Conpany 949-578t Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530Gary Johnson V^^l 6-/8-?/ 6- jr-1/ Upper Eagle Valley water & sanitation District * tAr*,i#;tfi:i,"" ""W [-rr^Y/ NOTE! These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fromthe Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and toobtain utilitv locations before dicrqinq in any pubJ.ic right-of-htay or easement in the Town of Vail. Abuildinq perrnit is not a street cut pernit. A streetcut permit must be obtained separately. This form is to verifylocation. This shouldpreparing your utilityinstallations. service avaiLability and be used in conjunction withplan and scheduling * Please bring a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. .t /?..? Ne".J h be /ea////4a< €*t ;lsv/rc<- n\ Nee.d. tDua '"77,_ * & CAIL I - froo-'?2 2 - tE%1 FoR ABIE LOqrYS 16 ftoo?s BErcRE_ DrcGtuG *F* N*^s{ sor*a\q.,^ \o' $\rvr. d.>\o.*oe- \"^ ,4do. q\J\d- c,\rt S.tr,..' ..- \ \QA , .*.=\,^3 oo oa PLANNING AND EI.IVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Scptembcr 9, l99l Staff Kristan hitz Mikc Mollica Jill Kammercr Andy Knudtscn Shclly Mello Bctsy Rosolack Ambcr Blccker FILE COkdre/ : kl r/-Ailo* 7fatr4/its;/tr(., Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connic Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whinen The meeting was called to order by Chairpcrson Diana Donovan. l. Applicant: The Mainland Co.. Inc. Planner: Jill Kammercr Jill Kammercr rcviewed the proposal and explained the staJfs areas of concern. Jack Snow, rcpresenting the applicants, stated that he believed there werc two issues in thc proposal-the exterior alteration and infill, and the altcrations to the bay window and door' He said thc owners had asked for this worksession to receive a prcliminary endorsement from the Commission for the changes. If they rcceivcd that endorsement, the applicants were willing to work together with the staff to determine an accepulble landscape plan. Diana Donovan askcd for the consensus of the Commissionen on the project. Thc conscnsus was that therc were no major problcms with the ProPoscd extcrior alteration. Jack Snow discussed the planters. He said the intention was to keep the area att qPcn as possiblc in orrder to mainuin circulation to thc stores. Kathy langenwalter askcd if the "*isting suirway south of rhe Gold and Silversmith commcrcial spacc entrancc would be retainei. Adjacinr shop owner, Jim Cotter, said that approximately 8M of tlrc traffic to his storc uscd that stairway, and he did not want to scc this stairway climinated and rcplaced with a planter. Dana exprcsscd her prefcrcnce to have vertical landscaping, and was not as conccrncd with the actuai square fmtage of landscaping providcd. Jack said it madc sense to kccp the arca open, but Oid not want the tr€€s to scrccn the display windows. Jim Cottcr added that if shopp"rt had to look inro tre windows from a disunce of 5 fcct, thcy would not b able !o Villaee Fbst Filins. h>oo Oo sec thc jcwelry. Diana asked if thc sidcwalk was cunently in front of thc windows. Jim Coter rcplicd it was. Connic Knight questioned why therc were three scts of stain. Kathy Langenwaltcr said she was troubted wittr Oe dcsign of thc stain, in that they werc only about 6 fect apart. She thought a betrcr dcsigr would bc to combinc nvo of thc stairways into one, as proposcd. Gena Whiccn asked if thc enuy o Clazy Shirts could bc flippcd with thc proposed bay window. Jack said the only flow-through of raffrc was to thc north, but thcy would look at t1c potcntial of moving thC eatrancc. Howcver, hc fclt thcre would bc a disadvurtage to that proiosition, in that it would crEate a dcad-end spot within 9" I*t and the display window iould not bc efrective. He believcd it would bc a fair tradc-ofr to locate the landscaping clscwherc in the vicinity and place some t)?c of transpareng vertical lurdscaping ncar the shops. Connie asked if the stain on the south sidc could bc eliminatcd. Jim Cotter answercd that the winter traffic panem would bc affecte4 as that stairway was commonly-used Jack proposcd placing lurdscaping in front of thc blank wall of Vcndena's building. Connie bclieved that would be a good altcmative. Chuck Crist wondered if rhe planters' sizc was decrpase4 would they still bc able to hold aspcn. Jack said they would, but if those aspen were more than 3-4 fcct tall' therc would be too much of a visual barricr. Jim Coner said that flowers weIE grcat for the arca, but tr€€s would visually block that side of thc suect. Chuck did not find the tlrec staircases objectionable, snd ag.eed that rclocating the landscaping to Vcndetta's wall was a good option. Jim Shearer suggested the applicant and staff get together and discuss the po.ssibility of having on" ,"t-Jf targer stcis, or if rhrec scts of suirs were dccidcd upon, pcrhaps eliminating rhe ulpcr-lcvel sidewalk. He cncouraged the landscaping plan to get as much out of the ptantin as possible. He bclieved Wall Srect had becn improved because of the undulation of itrc sidewali area- Hc advocated more vcrtical landscaping, saying it should blend with the cxisting. Hc also suggested varying the height of the planten themselves. Jim Coner said ttri ptrit"tt *"* oft"n uscd as ieating by shoppers, and he was in favor of keeping the height of tic planrcn as they wcre. Jim Cotter also likcd the suggestion of locating additional landscaping along Vendctta's wall- Karhy asked what would happcn to the alley. Jim Cottcr said it would not be affcctcd and it would actually bc a good placc for venical plantings. Kathy askcd ttrat-thc landscaping bc kept in the arca of tlie cxpansion, and if thc existing stairways wcrc maintained, shc suggestcd n"t-*ing tlc sct which wcnt to Ctazy Shiru. Shc was also not comfortable with the bay window. {l ,: oo oo Ludwig Kurz agrccd with Kathy's oomments regarding narrowing thc stain. IIc askcd if the stairs ana sidcwalk would bc concrctc or pavcnl. Jack rcplicd that pavcn would bc uscd. Ludwig asked that the aspen at the nonhern corner be save4 and bclieved the landscaping along Vendetta's wall was a good radc-off. Diana agreed with the landscaping along Vcndcna's. Shc strongly rpcommcn&d using pavers on thc stairways. Shc also advocatcd vcrtical landscaping, and suggesrcd trying O find aspcn with high branches. Shc did not want any nct loss of landscaping. Jill rcminded the appticants that if thcrc was a nct loss of the landscaping, thcy would havc to justify it to the Commission. Filine/365 Vail Vallcv Drive. Aoolicant: Marearct Hill Marital Trust Planner: Shellv Mello Jim Shearer movcd, and Chuck Crist seconde4 to table this itcm to the Scptembr 23, l99l meeting. The motion passed unanimously, 7'0. Jill Kammercr explained the rcquest, stating that staff rccommended approval with conditions' Kathy Langcnwalter rcpresented the applicant- Diana Donovan asked Kathy wherc the large sPruce trec would tr relocated. Kathy explained the large sprucc trree would be relocarcd to the northwcst corner of the sirc. Dana thcn asked Kathy io eitablish rhe maximum incrcase in GRFA which would rcsult from this addition' Kathy cxplained rhe sia plan to the C.ommissionen. She stated she could not givc an cxact GFJA frgurc at this time, but would like a variance to state the addition would bc not more rhan a00k. ft., which would still keep the GRFA for the sirc undcr thc maximum allowable. Connie Xnigtrt asked if there was an iisue of how the GRFA for the sitc was dlocatcd bctween tJnimary and Secondary units. Kathy answered that was addresscd through private covenants bctween the two owncn. Dana requestcd that the large aspcn to thc wcst of thc garage bc protccte4 and that all cxisting aspcn which nced O bc removed in order to allow thc construction of thc garagc be rclocatld. Kathy askcd what thc Commission would p'rcfer if ttrc largc aspcn could not b- saved. She wanted an altemative, but stated the applicans would do everything thcy could to protect that tree. Gena Whitten preferrcd to state that saving that fcc was a condition of ., I.tooo. approval. Connic Knight agrecd with it bcing a condition of agproval or, altcrnativcly, that it bc rcplaccd with thrcc uccs. Shc dso reguescd I guarantcc pcriod of 2 ycan. Gcna also requcstcd thU drc Uecs along the rd bc examinc4 rs thcy appcarcd to bc diseascd. Chuck Gist suggestcd requiring that ury dead tacs be removcd. Kathy asked $at rcquest bc churgcd to any dcad recs in the arca of constnrction bc removed. Jim Shcarcr wantcd thc smaller aspens in the arta transplantc4 c rcplacc4 at a l:l ratio, wirh all attcmpts madc to savc thc largc aspcn adjaccnt to thc building arca Hc also rcquestcd t Z-year warranty pcriod for thc transplantcd and affcctcd necs. If thc large aspen did not sun'ivc thc constnrction, hc suggestcd rcplacing it with 2 sPrucc. Ludwig Kqrz did not believe thc largc aspcn would survive constnrction, urd pointcd out it *"r 4t".dy dyrng at thc top. He would considcr thc trcc a "gonc,r." Hc suggcstcd rcplacing it with 2 sprucc of at least 20 fcet. Kathy prcferrcd to replacc it with sces of lrt-16 fcct, as those wouid compliment the other large spruce to bc relocatd rather than having it appear like soldien in a line. Diana agreed wirh having thc aspcn replaced with 14-16 fml spruces, and also wantcd the apptonal conditioned that the large spruce bc transplantcd, along with any aspcn directly, aiiectea. Any dcad trees in the area of the conssuction would bc rcmoved- She askcd for a 2-year guarantee on any landscaping. Kathy asked for consistency in the warranty pcrid' r.qu"rdng thc samc conditions as what was given Spraddlc Crcek. -Diana remernbcrtd Spraddle -Creck Subdivision was rcquired to provide a watranty of 2 growing s€asons to cnsure the cvergrecns- Diana clarified the conditions of approval as follows: l. If the large aspen a-djacent to the west of the construction site dies, it will bc replaced with two 14-16 fmt sPrucc. 2. The area ro bc infilled under the carport shall not excetd 400 sq. fr of GRFA. 3. The large spruce in the center of the construction arca shall bc relocatcd If that spruce, or any other sprucc planted as a paft of this p'rojcct, dies within 2 ycars,,it tit.tt U" rcplaccd with-a spmce betrpccn 14120 fwt in heighr : 4. All aspcns which must bc rcmoved in ordff to allow the construction of this garagc to occur, shall be relocatcd to another portion of the lor i Chuck Gist moved that thc raquest fq a front setback variucc for the Ikediet Residcncc, 224 Forcst Roadlat 1l-A, Block 7, Vail Villagc Fint Filing bc approvcd with the conditions noted above. Jim Shcarcr sccondcd the motion. It was approved 6G'1, with Kathy I-an genwalter abstaining. TO: FROM: DATE: STIBJECT: MEMORANDIJM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departnrent September 9, 1991 A request for a fr,ont sctback variance for property located within the Primary/Secondary zone district, the lkediet Residence, 224 Forcst Road/Int ll-A, Block 7, Vail Village Fint Filing. Applicant John Krediet Planner: Jill Kammercr L DESCRIPTION OF TI{E VARIANCE REOI.JESTED Under this redevelopment proposal, the applicant proposes to construct a garage, with 639 sq. fr of additional living area (GRFA) above the garage, and to infill a carport arca with 309 sq. ft. of fiving area (GRFA). The new garage addition will be located to the west of the existing residence. The carport anea to b€ infitled is located beneath an existing second floor cantilevered recreation room/entryway on the north side of the structure, adjacent to Forest Road The site slopes up to the south fiom the low point on the north side of the lot. The carport is currently accessed by a steep driveway off of Forest Road. A front setback variance is required in order to allow the infilling of this carpon area The cantilevercd area currently encroaches l2'-8" into the front (north) setback. The proposed infill addition would encroach 12'-8" into the front setback. The applicant is re4uesting a variance to allow the construction of this addition 7'-4" from the front property linc. Therefore. the apolicant's rcouested variance is to encroach l2'-8" into the reouired 2G'fmt front setback. A sctback variance is not nccessary for thc garage and living area above thc garage. tr. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS A. Taning: Primary/Secondary B. Sitc fuea: 22,263 sq. ft C. GRfA - Primary and Sccondary Rcsidcnces CombinedAllowed: 5,326 sq. frE:<isting: 4,091 sq. fr hoposed Increasc: 1.066 so. frRemaining: 169 sq. fr D. GRFA - Primary UnitExisting: 2,196 sq. frhoposed: 3,262 sq. ftIncrpase: 1,(X6 sq. ft. E. GRFA - Secondary Unit Existing (No changc proposed) 1,895 sq. ft. F. Site Coverage (20% of Site Area)Allowed: 4,453 sq. tt. (20%)Existing: 2,014 sq. ft. (9.19o)Roposed: 2,734 sq. ft. (12.3%) Increase: 720 sq. tt. (3.2%)Remaining: 1,719 sq. ft. G. HeightAllowed: 33 fectProposed: No change to existing maximum height H. Setbacks Front*Rcquircd: 20 feetExisting: 7 feet-4 inchesProposcd: 7 feet-4 inches Note: Area of addition would be set back 7'-4" from pmperty linc* Area of rcquested sctback variance. All other setbacks arc unaffccted- L Parking: The rcqufued 5 spaccs are accommodated on sitc. No additional pa*ing is requircd with ttris proposl. J. Proposed Primary Unit Garage: 518 sq. ft. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Crircria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the C-ommunity Devclopment kpartnent recommends approval of the requested variancc bascd on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and $ruc{ures in the vicinity. The requcsted front setback variance, if approve4 would not advenely affect the use or cnjoyment of adjacent propcrties. The cxisting strucnre cncroaches 12'-8" ino the requfued 2Gfoot front setback Thc arpa of the proposed addition will encroach no further into the rcquired frront setback than the existing strucftre. By concentrating the development on the wesEm and the northern portion of the lot adjacent to Forest Road, less site disnrbance will occur. If the applicant werc to construct the same size addition, but not locate the addition under an area which currcntly encroaches into the front setback, the new living area would be located further up the slope, thcreby creating g€atcr and unnccessary sitc disturbance. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve cumpatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the yicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The proposed addition could be constmcted elsewherc on the site and not encroach into the front setback. To thc west of the existing primary residence, in conjunction with this addition, the applicant is proposing to constmct a tw<> car garage with CRFA above the garage. Saff believes the construction of this garage will imprcve the general appeannce of the lot by allowing for the interior stomge of automobiles. The applicant does not have the ability to constnrct thi addition to the east because of the proximity of the existing secondary unit to the applicant's pnmary unir Any addition o the south would necessitate extensive sitc work due to the topogaphy of fte sitc. For this proposal, staff believes it is reasonable to consider the existing rcsidence's location in thc front sctback to bc a practical difficulty warranting a front setback variance. Thc applicant is requesting a variance to infill a carport arca which does not exceed the existing frorit sctback encroachmcnt. This degree of relief from the strict and litcral intcrprctation of the code is appropriate, and has becn granted to other property ownets with similar circumstances. Because of these factors, the request is not a grant of special privilege. 3. The efrect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilitieq pubtic facilities and utilities, and public safety. With the exception of the addition requiring the tranqplanting of an exisring approximately 18-20 fmt evergr€cn, the proposed addition will have no impact on any of these considerations. The applicant has agreed to transplant tris tee to the southwest corner of the sitc. B. The Plannins and Envhonmental Commission shall make the followine findines before sranting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constifute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimenal to thc public health, safety or welfale, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3, That the variance is waranted for one or more of the following rcasons: . a- The strict literal interpretation or enforcemcnt of the specified rcgulation would rcsult in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are cxceptions or ertraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply gcncrally to other properties in the same zonc. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the spccified rcgulation would deprive the applicant of privilcges enjoyed by the ownen of other properties in the samc disricr rV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff rccommends approval of the requested front setback variance, subject to conditions, due to thc fact the cxisting house is currently located in the front setback aod lcss sirc disturbance rcsults from this location for the proposed addition. The fact there is GRFA remaining on the sitc also wanants support ofthc variance rcqucst. Staffbelicves thc sctback variance is not ai ,. grant of spccid privilcgc, as this t1'pc of situation has justificd othcr sctback varianccs in thcpast The variancc criteria cited includcd Findings l, 2, 3(a+). Thc conditions ofapproval are as follows: l. firc existing sprucc E€e funpactcd by the construction will be rclocared- 2. Prior to issuance of a building pcrmit, the applicant shall insall a constnrction fencc to proEct cxisting vegetation in fic ftront setback Tbe fencc shall esablish thc boundarv which no constnrction activity will cross. clFc\6caodb€di!r909 + + ++ ...-..-...--..-- \\I\)z 4 s F\\ D_ $\ +\ N s n s r$l$ .It- N r I ls\1F 0_ J v J \\ €aoc:) v!|r|€:6ci Ro ci :if3e =otO oo) :!:5$xqEj!eg ) <ot = (D=o lt) o-r (\, C! o.-: d o a,o o E.o o ${\J Nz. xqE <.o+A\'< n rN{j lrl \tt R: <_-,s r,TSJ' \-\ 5!\ €ao83;6d Ro'::". ;gEgGlI:E5$xsgi )oEE EE-Y.\|O. Is-N s I!llUizl fl H n.lul sl oI *$yI rtrfl ; \.(ii$ u2-r {\t f. .S s z bAq ',$lll $a\z s { t $$ I I ll *ll!llr4iln<-il:qil" >ll htl 6tlts ll(, ll'i-11 >r_ll ,.ocol =l*fi qlln EIE;:ill El€ sE <llT'|-y (\r o. lltl !I Fr $s Fdi ---+ E_l oo83:6tiRo 3sr =(\l9eR E !XI o-E!ee )o? = 3E -{6|O. (\ t- tl.{. }L$ t-zNLxN I N s lr's,+ltg ZONE CHECK --foR DAIE: ,'y' u/ "'^' *' rye-9zoNE DrsrRrcrs LEGAL@Btock .7 trtrng ADDRESS z ZZ4 Ertc l,&',-, ARCHITECT ^--.,!,, --;. ' ../ .: .. ,. * - Lt.' : t / "< . zoNE Drsra:rr P/s - PROPOSED USn -1!E:' -;t r. (, -'n, PHONE PHONE Iteight Total GRFA Primary enra (ucl ) secondary GRFAt4o;i/) Allowed (30) (33) 447/,+ reSil--@l clo Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Slte Coverage,' 20fr\, Landscaping Retaining ldall Heights ParkJ.ng Garage Credit Drive: View CorrLdor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : 20, 15' 15' ?cr'/' , / 875"5Llt 2 714it't 3',/6' Yes 1) 2l 3) Does thl-s request Lnvolve a 2SO Addition?How much of the arrowed 2s0 AddlCion-ie";seffiTEET'rs request? lal \ 3'/5 -ana 2/7/ -450/- Lor srzg 22,243 Existinq proposed Total lVo :Az ,,,;.+ xb)Z = 2L36 +425'31// x ,/u,/ - /7 20 + 425-- 22/5 3/i / AloS n_tow_ =227/ nnlE, lo 2-* .Li4'J /X a>,:2 A/,/A.....'-- 4 1/.\ Reqrd (300)C(600)1s00) (L200't 9(u;''t 2(d :-t\-/ Permitted Slope Ot Actual Slope Date approved by Town Englneer: No-_ ??? Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands 10 o eptr4 ,*trzbru ,7_*Jes Aruund f1- c76/{ F/ 972 Jnz F/ ozo/g/ lew/ 3ffi 2/9b M@qql 9oo $nun 1a.) /* -<fi /aa.er F/. A/f uhpi Fl 993ior.,4r/d"r#/ 42 arAa€,€ l, tty' 4 + + * * t- ?raza-rec/zv-=,/39" 02= z/s/n aps' ts/ / (Pa 3?8O:/&6'3262 7H=/bto zAflL Pr,nelg' 4 {*otthrgiGerz "Jzoz t tfri '- 5/G9 dre 6v. tl"ao t/ / /y' = 44 Gpra A//oa€d Sgzb o,. >17€ OutRAC-t; y'ttau'eb +b3 /5 7 / rferrfrttrrnq .". /r7/9 / Tennilrrq '1r -_#o3o?- ->-\i ?t ') Y// 5 fu'tVnf .fg nolnrr7El >*lzr,-' /oo4 - 7ra*c/fir frzz- ath. fr"za /vo A?d lz e//e ?€/ 78 'n AOma- J': j.l 1 ./'." (2 /na) iii i 6 0 'r+?l-r' ca-zuzza'/ /t a"'"*t "ru7/au- a:/ /0 4./2 e /h fu naaed { du- tg//acz/ aL) fzz"/a": /4za- etlluzt Ary.'* . fooL drscaae{ t"td 1o f /z/vo /e-- - At4/LotL aU dead Aryare o^- Afu oe /rq antp "zN-rt.r: J*g a"\U LL ,"n *d- / ; / rtkcak-trup/ /dead a,71-pr 't g,lco '/e* g ? f .ao/ rna& tt *%/ 7zlcc- , f ,.0auv,/?9 la /?/acz- ke.A- anLc. bL qrc.dt7 ./4rL4 r/77a/2,/C- Ja/&_/ . /nS/,1,-27af/^- ary a-' fucz- /r1 ,ffi f-flffi/o dfaLn'Vh*- -'nry/* ,vg"M-qfu qobd addrlae4 (r,oL .o.x- r\ b( dro frW*trr*'t,rr,re- q\ lp-h, S t;;:pd^k/ (W a CI llq ['-, II arc a.va"-?t g /'t' */ri/fr*1*2, O:o 4. /a4t4rylary^y',d.zuJnnf fr44;A{4 Q, o 7 t/zu{t//oL' %./_ 777 . ";r.s/ -r%"o rr.Fz'tazzr shzo, ,6 Aq7d;4,6 * d / eAl,tudi?, '"fl *tr' rt,fr* A-z-ne-t ? /-i- -2a,1 qra,-fuzU.bftd 4eU&-,6 -- nlc/o /rq rt"Z- /1 \/'H4J. '//,{#fu ,/ s- I I - -- I I If". - I L le,r'.Mt/a0 *rt% PRo.TECT: DATE DATE OT PUBLIC Wrfontry I COMI.IENTS NEEDED BY: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed bY: commentBs FIRE DEPARTIIENT Reviewed by: ComentB: RECREATION DEPARTIiENT Reviewed bY: Connents: revlsed 3/LL/9L ' \\ \S:\' ' tX.Sx*. \*;s5ry,\tN -- Date: Date: Date! Date: ritc0 AUo 2 81991 PROJECT: DATE SU COI.II''ENTS NEEDED BY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TIIE PROPOSAI,: PUBLIC WORKS Revl,ewed bY: Connents: ErP.E DEPARTI.IENT POLICE DEPARSI{ENT RevLewed by: Conments: RECREATTON DEPARIT{ENE Revl.ewed by: Conments: revl.Bed 3/LL/9L Date! Date:8'>f - 3f_ Date: Date: ,/,it - l/38 rNTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW fut/,azn(Z- DATE OF PUBIJIC HEARING Reviewed by: Cornments: l,), TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS0l 0000 41540 TJNIFORM BTJILDING CODE0r 0000 42415 T.JNIFORM PLUMBING CODE0r 000042415 0t 0000 42415 0l 0000 42415 0l 0m0 42415 0l (m0 42415 01 0000 41548 )(EROX COPIES /STI'DIES0l 0000 42412 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS01000042371 or cnF,o42322 01 0000 41412 0l m00 41330 0l 000041413 KREDIET RESIDENCE VARIANCE APPLICACTION Lot 11-A, Bl-ock 7, Vail Village lst Filing 224 Forest RoadVail, Colorado 81657 September 9, L99I, PEC Meeting This proposal request.s variance relief from PrirnarY/Secondary ResidentialDistrict Section 18.13.060 SETBACKS. In the primary/secondary residentialdistrict, the minimum front setback shall be Lwenty feet... The existing residence encroaches into the front setback thirteen feet. This encroachment is primaril-y on the second 1eve1 with the first level being a carport. Currently t.he three required parking spaces for the property are in the eLeven foot wide carport and the driveway behind. The cars must be stacked one behind the other. The slope of the existing driveway is appro- ximately twenty-three percent. Because of the difficult parking situaLion the owner would like to provide accessible parking and create an entry for the residence in the area of the carport,. A two car garage is proposed to be constructed on the west sideof the residence. This wil-1 provide the required three parking spaces for Lot 11-A, two enclosed spaces and a third behind rhe garage door. The garage addition will not encrsach into the front or side setbacks and should not need variances. We believe that the locatj.on of the existing house is a physical hardship _tothe property, and that the owner should enjoy the rights of other ohrners by being allowed to build within the existing building footprint. Addingthe garage and enclosing a portion of the carport area will provide safer vehicular as well as pedestrian access to the residence. Relief from the st.rict and literal interpretation of Section 18.13.060 will a11ow the owner ;to proceed with this project and wil-l not. be a grant of specialprivilege. The variance will have no affect on Light and air and the distribution of populat.ion. Removing automobil-es from Fores! Road will enhance transportation,traffic facilities and the public safet.y by eliminating a year-around andpotentially dangerous condition. Utilites will be unaffected or relocated as required. I ' " ,t..,wr\!r/,lrll'v.,.u' \- O ,- sl*, Appllcatlon t'nlu.r 7f "flluolncnl .hD*- pEC l.tEFIIt{G DATE seprember 9: LssL./ J', - ' it:-") "' 't/ /- h"i'*',,'&ttff.rntt^ts AppLrcATrotri FoR A vARrAr,tcE m0 AUO 1 ZlgglAf/.*5,)urff'- ,,/'o,r(2 l.-zi161t prccedure ls.requlred f9I lnl proJect lequestlng a varfance. The appllcailoxll'l not De rccepted until rll Infomatlon ls suHnltted..ri, - t.rr .reL uE scgBPEeg UnEl | !ll InTgnnAIlOn 15 SUU[lffEqr ' 11 /" \F' lt L' ^ /L' ,nrt A. Ml'lE OF APPLICANT Mr. John Krediet (1!7Y-ci;.,'r ) t,-i ,,\r'- t '' IDDRESS c,/o C.F. Capital Corporation, 1 Landmark Square,1- LLt '',' ' i': . * 18rh Floor, sranford, cr 06091 p6glEzd:-:zs-oozz '^' B. ]lAl{E 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATTVE Kathy langenwalter ADDRESS PEEL/LANGENWALTER ARCHIIECTS P.O. Bbx 1202, Vai1, CO 81658 Pl()ttE;fts c/o C.F. Capital Corporation, I Landnark Square, c.t John'Krediet DDRESS 18th FLoor. Stamford. CT 06091 PHoNE 203-325-OO77 LOCATION OF ADDRESS PROPOSAL 224 Forest Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT11-A BLOCK 7 FILING Vai.1 Village lst Filing E. FEE THE YOUR PArDjforZ ll_cK n_&/J_ Fton7z PAID EEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPI,IENT DEPARTI.IENT IIILT ACCEPTFEE MUST BE PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject propert INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their malling addresseg. THE APPLICANT I.IILL 8E RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT I.,IAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANNING STAFF I.IEMEER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO:DETERMINEIFANY'ADDITIONAL tNFORI,IATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I{ILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST II{CLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONII{G ADI,IINISTRAT0R). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESP0NSIBILITY T0 !4AKE AN APPOIIiTIIENT l,rTH THE STAFF T0 FIND oUT A80UT ADDITToNAL SUBMITTAL REQUIRIilENT5. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION !'ILL STREAI,ILINE THE APPROVAT PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT gV OTCTilSIfrFTHE NUI.IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNINc AIID ENVIRONMENTAL COI'Ii.IISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIOI{S OF APPROVAT HUST BE COMPLIED I.IITH BEFORE A EUILDING PERI'IIT IS ISSTIED. IlI. F0UR (4) COPTES 0F THE F0LL0r.ftNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A I{RITTEII STATEI{EI{T OF TTE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIATICE RTQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMTNT }IUST AISO ADDRESS: I. The relatlonshlp of the nquested varlrnce to'other exlstlng or potentlal. uses lnd structures'ln the vlclnlty. 2. The degree to whicn rsrlet rroil 'dne strrct or literal Interpretrtlon and enforcement of a speclfled regulatlon ls necessrry to rchfeve conrpatlblli. lnd unlformlty of treatment among sltes In the vlclnlty or to rttain the objectives of thls tltle wlthout grant of speclal prlvllege. 3. The effect of the variance On light and air, distrlbution of-populatlon, transportation, traffic facilitiis, utilities, and public safety' h./tJr E/Et.Ar7oA/EASr AcV477o4 <-,,r/asu EUVATT2L/ QTus/ /77/ N \ \ a \t ,N N N s R $t $ MINNESOTATITLEA 0wnerb Policy Issued thrwgh the 0ffie of: LATID TITI-E GUARAI{TEE COI'PAIIY 3033 E. FIRST AVEIiUE, SUITE 600 DENVER. COTORAD(I 80206 303/321 1880 "lmpoftam: We appreciae the opportunity to provide you with this insumnce plicy. Keep it with your valuable documents. Upon revle of your home, suggest to Wur Bealtop that he or she use the Minnesota fitle agerrt listed afurn lt nry save money and expedite the resle of Wrhond Policy American Land litle Asmiation Fom B- 1970lAmended lG17-70) PolicyNumber AZ 7548L8 MINNESOTAt'tT !\ SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PBOVISIONS OF IHE CONDITIONS AND STIPTJLAiIONS HEREOI TITLE INSURANCE C0MPANY 0t MINNESoTA, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount 0f insurance stated in Schedule A, and msts, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incuned by the insured by reason of: 1. litle to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such tille; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. lN WITNESS WHEREoE the said ]itle Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corpotate name and seal to be hereunto affixed W its duly aulhorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the policy to be vafid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent ol the Company. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA A Stock Conpany 400 Second foenue South, Minneswlis, Mhnesota 'Wl -E*."Y*:E'-- Iftest Seaetary TIM Fom #130 8/86 25M o TIM Eurnecs Form 3312 Policv No. AZ754B!B Fi I e Na. Vl.:j567 Am('unt fi7?Q, Cl(l(t. O0 SCHEEULE A Address 1. Pol icy Date: Nc,vember 04' 19*8 at glcto A.l'1. ?. Name crf Insured: G. JOHN KREEIET 3, The estate or interest in the land descrihed in this Schedule and urhich is covered hy this PolicY is! A Fee Sinrple 4. Title ts the estate ar interest csvered bv this policv *.t the date heneof is vested in: ]J. JCIHN KREDIET 5. The la,rrd referred to irr this rrol icy is sitr.rated in EAI3LE Eounty' Coltra,Jo, errd is describ,erJ as fOl lgtrtS: T.OT 1IA, A RESLIEIIIVI$ION SF L,trT T1' FLOCK 7' VATL VILLAGF FIRST FILING, ACfiCIRDING TO THE PLAT RECCIRIIED ,IULY 1:, I?7" lN BONF: ?BB AT FAEE lOO' trOUNTY trF EAGLE' STATE BF COLORATIO. Fase I This FEI icr val id onlY if :3':hedule B is attached. I' TIl'l flrrlrrer Fc.'rm f3l3 Fi I e Na. Vl1567 F'c, I i cy N{'. AZ754B1* SI]HENULH B This p*l icv dues rrc,t irrsrtr'e as;rinst l,:ss ,lr' damaee f'\' reast:'n of the {,r I I *uJ i ns: 1. Rights or' rlainrs 'rf par't i.es irr p,:sseg:si 'lrr rrnt shourrr b'r the publ ic r'ecr,rds. ?. - Easementsr rf,F rrlaims c,f easenrerrts' rr,lt shttirlrr h'r' the publ ic recor'ds. i.t. Eli.scr.eparrcicasr c,rrrf I i cts irr bourrd+.r'.r. I irresr shorta.se irr area' errcrr,achrn€nt-e, arrd arry facts ulhich a cgrr'€ct surv€'r' and irrspe':t i,trr *f the pr'emises uoul d discl,rse a.rrd sthich F.r'€ rr('t str*urrr br the publ ic recr:,rds' 4. Arrr l ien' or r'i.eht to a I ierr' f *r' services' la.br-rrr Er rna.ter ial theretnf ar.e ur' hereaf ten f urrrished' inrpc,sed hv I aur arrd nct shc,ulrr br* t he pr:b I i. c recBr'dF. 5. T?*S TAXET: NI:IT YET TIUE ANB PAYATiI.E" 6. LIENS FDR UNFAIN WATER ANN SEhIER *HARfiES' IF ANY. 7. RIGHT C'F FRIPRIETfiR OF A VEIN IIR LOLIE TCI EXTRAIT AN[' REI'IT'VE HIS NRE THEREFRI:;IM *HDULTI THE $AI'IE FE FI]LINN TO FFNETRATF fiR INTHRSFI:T THE PREMISES AS RESERVEN IN UNITEN .ETATES PATENT RE|]fiRNETI SEPtCITrbET. CI4' I3?3' IN FLIUI( ?3 AT FAIJE 78. E. RIISHT trF T^'AY FIJR TIITI:HE5 I:IR |]ANALs CON.STRULITFD FIY THE AIITHNRITY OF THE UNITETI STATEE AS REFERVETI IN I.INITEI ETATES PATENT REI:I:IRNEN SeptenIben O4' 1---113, IN BoLrl-: ?:1 AT PArjF, ?r3. ..?. RESTRII:TIVE I:EVENANTLI hIHIIH NN NL'IT fiI:INTAIN A FNRFEITLIRF I]R RHVERTER CLAUSE' BLIT NMITTING RESTRICTITJNS, IF ANY, BASEI] TIN RAI:E, T:ILFR' RELIGIl.lN' NR NATII]NAL I]IRII]iIN' AE; I:NNTAINFN IN INSTRLII,IENT FFILIRNEF AUSUST I.O' 1,,3h7., IN BOI:IH 174 AT PA$E T7?. 10. UTILITY EA*EI"IENTS TEN FEF-T IN WINTH ALI]NIJ THF I..IH5TFRI..Y I..,fiT I..INE ANN FIVE FHET IN ],\|ITITH AI.I:INIJ THE $C'UTHEFI..Y LCIT LINE I:IF F.;UB.JE*T PFOPERTY A5 SHOI'iN []N THE REf,ERNETI FLAT fIF VAIL VII..I..AI3F FIR$T FILINI:i ANN RES|.JBNIVISIRN THERENF. 1l, TF-R|'15, t:FNnITIfrN.r; ANn FRCIVISII'N*| fiF nEC:l..ARATItf,N OF |.;C|VENANTLI, l]tlNfrITItrNS' RE:iTRII:TINN5 ANB EA:3EMENT5 RECI]RNEN AUEUST 0.1' IP7? IN H'fIlI-I IS? AT FAI}E 493. Fase : rt TIl"l tJurrrer Form l3l* Fi I e No. VL?.F,lr7 Fol icv No. AZ754tql,B SCHEtrUI.E E IT. EASEHENTS, RESERVATIBN$ ANN RESTRIfiTINNS ALi SHOhIN OR RESHRVED T]N THE RECCIRTIEII PI..AT FfiR A RE"CiUBTIIVI.qIfiN fJF LTIT I1, BI-.CII]H 7, VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILTNG. 13. EXISTING LEASES ANN TENANCTES. 14. DEEE OF TRLIST IATFD November (tl.' L?Eg' FRfiM 6. J{]HN F{REIIIET Tn THF PUHL.IC TRU5TEE OF EAGLE CfiUNTY FCIR THE U$F CIF FIRSTBAN}{ CIF VAII- TfI SHCI.IFE THE SLIH rf,F t400'O00.tlO REf,frRttED November t)3' lpBB' IN FtlEF; 4?4 AT PA{rE 163. SAIB FEEtr fiF TRUST l"fAS FLIRTHER .SEfiUFEIt IN ASSIGNI{ENT fiF RENTS REf,ORnEn Nnvember Oi{' 1?S$' IN B0fiK 4p4 AT PAftE 1t14. Fage 3 a@3oi2;2+?Edt<-j oz'o -lm'' -l AE;t =F el { -to @m'r377t.mt1 c,t-ot;cI"' {lc, ol'n ol!=lm!t-i Fta: mt< -{!-mrr! ,6t{o (ttoc zono1t.0 mt ={ iHe =98ir r. FE"- nntr PE==o@ 3;z nE! zo{m IooT o'l| !m! =-{ o @mxm!{oz ooct m I m Cr FK N) ,o @\o !tnu3 7 l3 o9p-{c 8Ede o2n{mvz>mc)!{>or-v t-ooz =IT 7(F HIr'H ll'F Fl l-:l F( Fl Fl td -za t{ t; IF F =Ear0tqilt98|E lt(N |tdN ltrlo\ lt,ll-rEl ll{ot|.:lFIFllv)lHl EI I o-t HF !F I -.1oEz on Ftn PzI -tofzo1t Ftm F'zo -{otz o'rt I-!tloz9 t€ F,\o IHq\ N) -{o€zo.n F!|tl 9)zo Nt-o_{ESio> .rl68;aEBI;Ei662- F>- N@= Pm=tr,I-5-<!< 3 om2ma ?omI3! 6-ott{ott IE xcrt Flcl |{FHC) }l H EiggF FEiiiiagE€ ieEiF lgs 3i l3EgEilP o d 3 *1IFi 86:3.n 3 1efiE 3 *s *iB > att =dv2-{>I{mcaI:tm20l|I'nFotzm! o ooz{! oIo,.llotg 3omt-1t 00{6z t- tm! t or t4 ?i4!l u)or FJ =l-tF rR IE I I r-E lk trl r- H.:' lH t3 {o-l -!mF =-{-n mmU' NR$ IN C SPECTION REQtJEST. TOWN OF VAIL tPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIWED AM BU DI trl tr DI tr Dl o ILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING E tr E, ROUGH tr o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR 1E FINAL FINAL EI APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR Proiecl Name: Contact Percon and P6sn6 \*/t)/: €qq -- Owner, Addr€ss and Phone: Legaf Description tot // 4 ,Block 7 , Fitins C,&''1, ' --'Li'a&le- ,Zlxx-*A7*Z' Design Review Board Morion by: t iifr'r1 i' , , '0 | \\\ .1 ' ( ) seconded uy: b\ L.t Ll-vt qi - i APPBOVAL \DISAPPROVAL { r,l,'\' f ' Town Plannei {1 t:,. i(.in.,- u,Jl )/f \, E statt Approval 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) .176-7000 offlce of communlly development Auguat 26, 1986 Mr. John M. Perkins P.0. Box 265 Vai1, Colorado 81658 RE: Fell inger Residence Vail Village lst Lot 11, Block 7 Dear iohn, 0n August 20, 1986 the Design Review Board gave final approva'l to theFellinger hot tub addition with the following conditions: 1). The siding wil'l be vertical to match the existing siding. 21. All existing landscaping that is impacted by the additionwill be relocated. 3). The other owners of the duplex (the Samuels) will provide a'| etter of approval for the addition at building permit time. 4). Bill Andrews reviewed the Title Report. He needs moreinformation on item #9 jn the title report which states thatthere is an agreement between Vail Assocjates and GasFacilities, Inc. He would like to no exactly what this agreement is. This information must be submitted before abuildjng permit will be approved. If you have any further questjons please feel free to call me. Si ncerely, 46hn{',h Kristan Pritz Town P'l anner KP:jlt I i. -t'l-'t J APPLICATIOi{ DATE: DATE OF DRB I'IEETII.IG: 4 2a duG. //gG . DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL ' .':: ,. INFORI4ATION IS SUBIIITTED*********THIS APPLICATI0N I'|ILL NoT I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: . A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to a'eleirih! ti any aalitioiat inforiration is needed.- No application will. be-accepted unt"rs it is corpieie (must ilglyg: all items required by the zoning administrator). ii is-tne appi.icint's iesponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find,:out about additional submittal requirements. Please nqte that a C0I"IPLETE app'l ic:- iion-wiii iireamtine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number ot-.onaitiont of ipp"oval that the DRB may stipulatb. ALL cbnditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. . B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Zza tuPPRtr AAb Descri pti on Lot //B C. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT: A/- Frul-/Mr @6c6 Addres s tel ephone D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address Lega'l Zoning B'lock ___? -__ Fi'ling flasr tel ephone ?4ry-AA.S'l E. NAItlE OF OI,INERS: S ignature F. Address DRB FEE: The fee wi.l I VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - '$ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 be paid at the time a building FEE tel ephone permit is requested. $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ so.oo $100.00' $200.00 $300.00 II4PORTANT NOTiCE REGARDING ALL SUBI'IISSI0NS .T0 THE DRB | ' l. In addition to meeting submittal requirerirents, the applicant rnust stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. Thjs work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The revieer process for llEl.l BUILDII{GS r'ri'l I normally involve two separate me-iings of the [esign Revievr Board, so pian on at least ttJo meetings for their approval . 3. People who fajl to appear before the Design Revierv Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have hot asked for a postponement vrill be required to be republ i shed. *rLa" l"rlh 4.The fol'lowing ltems They, however, have skyi ights plane of lonqer have to be presented to the Design be firesented to the Zoning Administrator Review Bc:rd 'for aPProval: that do not alter the no to anq the a.simi iar building; exterior changes and IllF,oS=!i8iFflo" ' LIST OF NATERIALS STREET AOI]RESS: DESCRIPTiON OF information is required for submittal a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Deiigh Revi ewThe fol l orvi ng Board before A. BUILDING COLOR 9,Roof aiJi-nrrrrJllrY . 0ther }lal I l'!ateri al s Fasci a . Soffi ts l,|i ndo',vs l,|indow Trim Doors Door Trim ' Hand or Deck Ra.ils Fl ues Fl ashi ngs .. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPII'IG: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Common Name Quani ty Si ze* EXrsrrNG TREEs To 4/* BE REiiOVED *lndicate caf iper for decjducious irees.for coni fers . '. l^,.^-\ Name of Des'igner:' Phone: Botanical Name Indicate height IMPROVEMENT LOCATI CERTIFICATE LOT il- B , A RESUBDIVISIoN oF LOT ll, BLOCK 7' VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE CCUNTY, CCLORADO 224 FO'(EST ROAD LEVE L SFRAME SCALE l"= 3O' O sno. PtN,/cAPE2tE3 l_,:,-l- 5 I HOrJ S F...! I lB L IN lz ;t , j r -'-' r J ti.sr4 l-t I : %"x I ItElulijY CijllTI;r 'til.iT firIS Iii'iiol'-$'ll'iir l.ocATION CtliTllICArE NAS PREPAIILD roit DR. s^\;lUll]s &'Ililj T0ini oF v.r.lj-, Tli,,iT ll IS NoT A l';\iiD sL:i"YlY PI-AI OR llttllo\rE- }it:);,f .jURr.'EY .1L..,I ii:) Tll/'.i Il, I:; ]iol. i(r ,ji :iIjt-Li',) UPo:i roi .r.til ]-:j.|l'bt,iSti]n':i,f (}1. fliliCE,lJUILDlNG,uli()'fllEl:LniT.liilEIlii)IiuVE]:l'l{T}'IliIS' I, FUI{,IllnR CEII..IIFY ,rln.I T}lD t).IlIi()vE:.IrjN IS oN rHE 480\.tr DIi5cj].IEED ])Aiic[], ()N TIIISDATE,Ii0\rl:i!3ER14,1983,[:iCEiTUIII-I'rYCONI{ECTl(}}is'AREX!'lTl]lglYl'iITIllN Ttig BoLllDlli.I[S o]1 rrts irrnCst,, CXCEPT AS II;DICTITED' T]LI''T'Illgrul 'AP'E l'lo E]lCRoncH- xEN.ts ()ll f ilti i)L:icllllttD i'RDllsI;s Bi' Il:riLo'"f::Ii)il'5 oN Ai'lY .l'D.lOt:;l:'lc Pl'J::lIS[S' E:CLl''r,r.5 Sh.Oliti,.,iiD Tlurl ili]jllu IS ii,l ^{PP-\li.liliT [\'IDf]-'icf, (]ji sICi'l ()l: ANY I'\SUtENr ClO55l:iC tlll lJLllJlll'Ili(l AliY f'\l'f t)ir SAli) P1\nClll" I;\:C E I'T AS :{OfI]D' l8-o 7.5 I . t6.2' urfu BACKLUND LAND SURVEYS P. O 80x 514 FRTSCO. CO 80443 PHONE r303! 666'3 7 -10 Dl, DATT; til PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: INTEP-DEPARTiISI{TiL RE'/I :}II DATE OF PUSLIC HEARING I{ L\11,".,1.^ COMMENTS NEEDED BY:r/Hf rrBRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE UI L 'O Reviewed by: Date Ut*; L+t{.n- q'*+- ft}"nof'f \" ^''iit+ \-loo'PP @ u*o tb s6q- t^rle7 /G6<R ta\7 FIRE DE'ARTMENT ftr<tctztest /nc /s 4- # 7 ffi<t&t U4 4&-s /^, 'n)tL{ EgaAr Conments; Rev'iewed by: . Corments: . POL]CE DEPART}IENT Date RFCR|AT j Otj D:?A qTi,lllJT Reviewed by: Connents: (azt\\L \ \qJM' ND\ e ruo\ t I Mark Cadmus Box 1105Vail CO 8L657 AMOUNT PREMIUM owNER s 330,000 00 g Peid -MORTGAGE g 200,000.00 5 20 0o ADDITIONALCHARGES F-IOO g 'I(I OO COST OF TAX CERTIFICATE g 500 SURVEY COSTS $ TOTALS $ CC'sTo:1- Robert Carter, 3328 Seminary Dr. W. Fort Worth Texas, 76133l- Mark Cadmus Box 1105, Vail CO4- Mike Miller, 2200 Lincoln Center. Denver CO1- First Western Mortgage, VaiI CO Ser: Hn'l l l t II i II Your Reference No. 4102498 _c -5 SheBt 1 of. 4 COMMITMENT TO INSURE Transamerite Title Insurance Company, a California corporation, herein called the Company, for a valudble considelation, hereby. commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgageE of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land rlescribed or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premium:. and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the conditions and stipula- tions shown on the inside of the cover. CustomerContact: DeAnn Alexander By Phone: 476-5922 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURL 19 7a at..8-:l)O-AM.The etrective date of this commitmsnt, js Augus t 8 , At which time fee title was vested in: t A.C. FELLINGER and JOHN KINSELLA as tenanta in common SCHEDULE.A 1. Policies to l,re issued: (A) Owners': A.C. FELLINGER and JOHN KINSELLA I (B) Mortgagee's: KKN 4 FORT WORTH MORTGAGE CORPOMTIGN 3No. 4102398 C- 5 Sheet 2 sf 4 SCHEDULE A-Continugd f 2. Covering the Laud in the State of Colorado, County of Eagle Describcd as: ii l) Loc ltA,a Resubdivision of Lot 11, Bloek 7,Vail Village First Filing, aciordi,lrg to the p1at, recorded Julyri ilifi in Book 288 at Page 100 I i' L2,Lg79 t' * -' .:- *{ Fortn I{o. C-llr,t tNo. 4102398 C-5 Sheet 3 of 4 SCHEDULE A-Continued' REQUIREMENTS B. The following are the requirements to be complied with prior to the issuance of said policy or policies' Any other instrument recorded subsequent to the date hereof may appear as an exception under Schedule 3 o3 tr16i,policy to be issued. Unless otherwise noted, all documents must be recorded in the office of clerk and recorder of the county in which said property is locateci. Deed of Trust from : A.C. Fellenger and,'John Kinsellato the Eublic Trust,ee of the County of Eaglefor the^use of : Fort Worbh fuortgage Corporationjoint venture' .t,br secure : 200,000.00 t A. t\ J I Form No. C-ll2.l tNo. 4102398 C-,6 Sheet 4 of 4 SCHEDULE B THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED HBITEUNDER WILL NOT INSUITB AGAINST: 1. Rights cir claims of parties in possession not shorvn by the public records' 2. Ersements, or clainrs of easements, not shorvn by the pul:lic t'ecords. B. Discrenancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmenls, and any facts which a ccrrec,i.survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are noL shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished' im- posed by larv and not shown by the public records. 5. Ta:.es du, and payable ; and any tax, special assessments, charge or lien imposed fot' water cr sewer service, oi' for any gther special taxing district. ;6. i;{estrictions, which do n6c contai:} a fbrfeicure or reverEer clause,I but omiEEing restricEions, if any, based on race, color, religion., or national ,..rigin,as concained in i-nscrumenE recorded Ocrober 25, 1963 in F.nok 178 ar Pale 1i9, and.as amended by inscrumenE recorded A.trgusu 3U, 1971 in Book 221 at Page 497. Right of the proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extracg and remove his ore"therefrom, should Che same be found to Penctrate or intersecE E.he premises hereby granted, and Righc of Way for ditches and canals consErucrer,l by Ehe autho,:ity of the. Uniced Scates, as reserveJl ':-n United Siates Patent$recorded--July l2 ' I899 in Book 48'at Page 475 and Septenber 4, 1923 in Book 93 ac Page 98. Easements as shovrn on Ehe recorded plac ef VaiI ViIIage, Firac Flling and on the plac of the resubdivislon of loc ll, Block 7, Vatl ViIIage, FlrsE.,Filin8 Agreemenc between Vail i^^ssociat.es,Ltd., and_Cas Facilities, Inc., recorded July 17 , L964 in Book I83 au Page L57 - ReStri{::Eions which do not Contain a forfeiCure or reverEer cl.ruse, bug omitting restrictions, if any based on race, color, religion, rr' Or naEional-origin, as ccnEained in lnstrurnenc recorded August B, ln Dook 231 at Page'/r93. :', t , ,^ 1. 8. a IO { il I ,. I' ,l t] jr.I il t' t F.r.n !,1" (' ll? . ntv a.l8-?6 oo Endorsemenl lssued By i llv Order Number + Inansamencalltle lnsunance lfompany The Cornpany hereby ineuree againet lobs which said Insuted ehall euetain by reason of any of the following matl4rs: l. Any incorrectnegs in the aeeurance which the Company hereby givee: (a) That there are no covenants, conrlitione, or reslrictions under wlrich the lien of the mortgage or deed of truet referred to in Schedule A can lrc cut off, eubordinated, or otherwise impaired ; , (b) That, except as shown in Schedrrle B, lhere are no present violatione on eaid land '\ of any enforceable covenante' conditions, or restriclions; (c) That, except as shown in Schedule B, lhere aie no encroachments of buildings, stnrc- tures, or improvements locaterl on said land onto adjoining lands, nor any encroach- ments onto said land of buildings, struclurcs, or improvemenre locared on adjoining, lands. 2. Any futqre violatione on said land of any covenanls, conditions, or restrictions occrrrring prior to aequisirion of title.to said estate or intcrlst by the Insured', provided euclr viola- tione result in loss or inrpairment of the lien of the mortgage or dectl of trust referred to in Schedule A, or result in loss of the title to sai(l eslate or intercsl. if the Insured shall acquire euch title in satiefaction of the indebtedness secured by such nortgxge or tleed of trr8t. I 3. Diinage to exieting improvemcnts which,are locaterl or encroach upon that portion of the land subject- lo any easement shor,r'n in Schedule B, which damage resultq fronr lhe exerciee of rhe right to use or rhainlain such easernent for the purpoeee for which the Bame r,ras granted or res,:rved. 4. Any final court order or judgment rcquiring removal frorn any land adjoining eaid land oI anv encroachment ehown in Schcdule B,'( Vherever in this endorsement any or all tlle words "covenants, condilions or restricticns" appear' they shall not be deemed to reicr ro or inr'clude the ternri, covenants and conditione con. tained in any leaee referred to in Schedule A. The total liability of the Company nnrler said policy anrl .rny enrlorsement therero shall not exceed in the aggregate, lhe face amount of said policy and costs which the Conpany is ollligated under the Conditions and Stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsernent is made a part of said policy ae of the policy date thereof and is subject to the schedules, conditione and stipulations and exclusions from coverage therein contained, except aE modified by the provisions hereof. _i Inansamenrca ftlle Insunance Company 4L02498 C-5 tury Endoreement Form C-I00 Presidcnt ...a'-f Proiect Name: Project Application ''*'| t ;:.'i t"t r- llt ' fnaro :'cvl0 Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: atocx 1 , riting UU t s(- t..,:.:," J I ..i:. I r. .s . 1'v-'1':f' Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL Summary: t) r1) i.//" / // i /1- OJ 0'l k'.--/, I*tn Planner , /.-., r /- -oate: GiLb/f "7 /r. lX Staff Approval rh.!dirrr,e.. I o NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other I'Jal l Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts ll.li ndows t,Jindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LiST OF MATERIALS ).t1 >l * </z(o-ooga Stl-r 1 4 HlP {F?P B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name Quan'i ty Si ze* for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height JrJf.l -: I r-,:r lr:{d c.F, C. F. P,Z l,*rrA,, coR"ot rroN ilun€ 16, 1989 Mr. Denny ShayPaintlng Senrlcea 4822 EaEt lleadotr LaneVai1, CO 8165? Rcl 226 Forcrt RoadExqFrlorjalnt_ D6ar Danny! .. Pl.aac pal.nt thc hounr i€roud crGytr 8H-1g. r hav. larked lton th. D€voa Palnt chart, flhlch you aent to Ee. r would rltre thetrln to ba uhlte. r havs ch6aen ocroverarrct'r zHzp frorn thacol0r x-ey palnt c-hips. r rrould ltlce the itucco portlon of thehous€ aleo painted $ith ilClov€rgwactil. h*sttrunt$adftjl! ., -_ - r hotlever, I wouldag the trLn and PIeaEa p-alnt tha deek Elgo ln mcloud €reyrt,llke tne ralllng to bE palnted thB satre urritiatucco. I aEr€e to your pl+!. of g4rso0,00 and look for a cornpletlondate Frlor to July 1", L999. Do not hesltate ta eontact ne if yeu have any queFtlone. d'n?e# I IGJXtrqanr Dnclogurq -" One Landnarf,. Squara Ninrh Fioar Stamlofd, Ccn n pctrcur 0690'?Tel.209425-0077 Fax . 203.325-1057 RefV-Mixed Solid Hide {}ins Available in Alkyd (94XX) and Acrylic Latex (93XX) lncluding White (SH-02) o Available in Alkyd {94XX) and Acrylic Latex (93XX} Key 1 Color Olive Country Redwood New Brass SH-24 s H.26 Key 1 Color Butternut sH88 Key I Color Cocoa sH-89 Key 1 Color Eich Brown SH-39 StonehedgeSH,69 Modern lvory SH-73 I Key 1 Color Green Aspen SH.7O Biue Key 2 Color S€ndstone Butf sH-42 Key 2 Color Charcoal Gray sH-18 Wild Sage SH-72 Key 2 Color Key 2 Color Key 2 ColorPotteryKey 2 Color Barn Fled sH-81 Sutter's Gold SH-58 Key 2 Color Forest Green sH-o7 Key 1 Color Kev 1 Color Notmeg SH-29 KeV 2 Color Flustic Redwood SH-22 Custom-Mixed Solid Hide Stains Mission Brown Cordovan Tobacco Key 1 Color Key 1 Color Key 1 Color Dark Brown sH-37 Key 2 Color Key 2 Color Key 2 Color sH 16 SH-78 Available in Acrylic Latex (93XX)* Key I Color Tiverton sH-28 Key 2 Color "na\ + e \..\ v') -| et + er ,SLl, ..0 NI 0J (\\ \d .{\ \j t) \n \r R i\\.- Key 2 Color Matching house paint colors are available for all solid hide stain colors.*Ebony Black (SH'17) is also available. Key 2 Color -? 1/ t Proiecl Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Phone I I Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL l4"ownqqA rceiore "s16C ,3!r,r4F1:|F,'i-.,^.?rrrF af I :9m6S4 lc+to'tg :noitqh"ego t'Joiorq $aodq bfl6 noersq t3stnoo :sncrl9 hns e3elbbA .renw0 :."rflorfq ba6 aeglbbA ,tcatlrf A l I I I -- gnos . !., I - --- *L*- iuJ 'n'ci,qtraanc l$0,6jeniti:l :ernsfflfftoC l 9t6(l J4yg&15*gia .Vd florloM :yC trtfrnoroB -IAVO fiqclA :yrarrtr r.rE lsvorqqA ttslS [J rgrirtrjlg ftrre1 l|tt6(l Brondess-Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. P.O. BOX 1105 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 . (303) 47&1450 !.lana.Jeni3riL (3C3) 476-.2855 Sepiember: l, 1981 As managing agenr;s for the homeou,'ner of 226 Forest Road.we ha."e ar;proaclied the f.wn ,.)I \/ar l_ for approval of anew eoaL of painL fcr the horne, fn order for tiris ap-proval to be granl:ed, \',rr: must pl:€sent you as a<ljacent h .'r.lhh/\rc nf +ho errh ir:r,# y-\'.,.,.^dr.r-r, Wi th a samn.l o of theu-y vr _:_ urr r: oq..!rp!c-- vroroposed paint scheme. Enclosed ,is a piece of cedarsiding rvith a crark green paint, wtrich is to be used ona majority of t-he house" The creme col or: is to be palnt-ed olr the trim, uith the whitr stucco remaininq the :!.cu.ii g ",{F fle.su filI cut the attached nppr:cvaL fr:rm at y.lrr earlrestciitrvenience. i,'t iv;,r l-ci ir.ke to be-_i in repairri-ing the homein rnicj-lc-1.1p g.i-'r'iernber. Tlrr: pr'-. ject shc'.rld Lcike ar,proxi-mately one v;eek, Tlrank vou fcr \rorlr conperatior.: in fhiematler. Amsden ADDR-ESs : -- /-25 _CEg_DhAJER: PHONE: -Aii'J Jru6=vf63 L/' T approve hhe use of thc+ enclosed color sanrp1eresidence aE 226 Forest Road. f d. not app.rove of the use cf t-he encl_osecl color sam-ple on the resj"dence aL 226 I'oresL Road, please state rea-sons below. Br ss-Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. r. onde P.O. BOX ^ 'r ts$t\' As managinq agent-s ior the homeowner of 226 Forest Road,we h.rrre approached the torvn of Va. j-l for approval of anew coaL of paint. fort.he home. In order for Lhis ap-proval to be granted, we musl. present lrou as adjacentneighbors of the subject property wj_ttt a sarnple of thepr:oposed paint schene" Enclo=ed i.s a piece of cedarsicling with a darh green paint, which is to be used ona majority of t:ire liclrse. Ti:e cr€fit€ color is to be palnt-ed on +,he lrim, ivith the whi-+-c r.tucco renraininq the same. PIeasc f i11. out the attar;h,i'il 1r-r1-r1 ,;ya1 f ornt at \zorir 6":'1rI iest corivc'n.i rlrrc€, i^le wouIC 1.rke Lo l:r:girr repainting the homein mid-to-1ate Sept-embe.r. 'IIi r*: | '.r.i ecL *.rhculd talc approx-.i_-matel.y cne week. Tl:ank vou for \roitr a,)el)er;rtion in +his nia L t-c r'- , ADTIFESS: 1105 vAlL, coLoMDo 81657 . (303) 4761450 l.4an a (l erlerri* (3t l i 47 5-2855 5Lt Scpt.ember I, I981 sample on theitoad. thr-l use of thc encl-osed coLor sam*226 Forest Rcrad. Please state rea- \/ t apprrove tl'rc r-', s e of the en<:.Losed colcrresitLenr:e at 226 Fo::i,: - I do noL ;rn]:,rove of -.1_pl.e cn the .res rderlr:e a t -qcns below. Br ss-Codmus lleol Estote, Inc. t onde P.O. BOX 1105 vAf L, coLoMDo81657 . (3m) 4761450 Manaqement. (303) 4'76-2855 (anl-omlror 1 I OAILt As rnan.rqing aqents 1.r-,u the homeor,,ner oi 226 Forest l1o;td,we have appr'oacired the i-own cf Vail f:,r ap1-_rroval r:f a n ev/ coat of paini for r,he ho:r,r. in rrCer for tlis ap-prc;',,ral t,: be Eranted. '.^'e mus:t prcse,)t you as aC3;cen+neighbors of i-i e stib-j*cL pr:cperi'y wit;h a samp.l.e o f thaproposed. pairri- gcll..-ini - Enclosr: u i-s a p i-ece oi c.r,larsiri,i ng with a dark c1:-een paint, r.,i!:ich is tc be used ona na jCri::., of the itc:r"isc. T'Jr-: crem. ,:r)lor'is t.: he i'a i:rt-eci cn thr: trim, wi ih the wir.it*e sl-,.ir;c,_r .remaininq th::same. Please f r.l-l cur: i:.he af i:acherl aporcva.l fonn at. your €l rI iestconvenience " .rJe rvrt:l ! <i l^ rke tcl be<1i n re1:a intinq thc honein mi.d-to-1ate Sept-ember, Thr: psoject should take arrr:roxi-matel.)' one week" Ti-i;rnh you fcr: y()rr1: cooperation jn t-hismat-ter. ADDRESS:224 tuatr rzg.OWNER: sA/hu€(s PHCNE: of the enr;,Iosecl color I)n.= A sarrrrlle on the I do not approve ol' the use c;f .l_he enclosed :o1or sam-p1e on lhe res jde.nr--r: at 226 ir(:.!:esL Itoad. please stah-e rea- -.<- { : 3pprove Lhe use IEE:i-dence at 22r. iic,rest Ia l -I Errl,lUT t. tsgetnr ;. w elxs Htc xi x. erCH^ft xlr!EF JC5 EPa 3. OOFTU5 E^FFr Pte|- ul .r^eag ^. J^co6soll varL otarcl vrr! i^tror^! l.Fr !ut|-or-o e o 60r tltoe^r!.co!oc^o0 I rolt t a ! aPxoxr CtOl.16-rot! WEITSITIENK' MILLER. BORUS & P ArronNeYs AT LAw 2?OO LI NCO LN C ENTER BUILDING l660 LTNCOLN STFeeT DENvEn. CoLoRADo 40264 TELEPxOXe l3o3) 6Ol-'555 '*"0'l"i"l^:V[* 'o;$Aco bleLawrence C. Rider, Esq. Town of Vail AttorneY P.O. Box L00Vail, Colorado 8I657 Dear Mr. Rider: I am writing rvith regards to self and Jim Rubin concerning the rt€ my conversations with both Your-divj-sion of . Lot It, Block 7,-Vai1 vj 1 1 a g e F iIg!-F i 1 i ng -i1 !-o-s-epa ! 1te parcels Lotllispresentlyzoned.,Two-FamilyPrimary,/SecondaryResi-dentiaI,,. There i;-;;;:.""tIy situated on the l-,ot a large -single--ii^iiy residence ."a'- snalllr single-family "guest" residence, aII as shown on the =;;;.; tufti"n I delivered to you, prepared by. Richards inginu.ting, dated uay :O' l9]?. r rePresent the two separate grouPs wh6 prese.,ily or' the Lot, holding title to undivided interest as Tena nt s- rn-com.on . ---O"" gio.tp int6nds to occupy the larger residence and one the smal, Ier residence. They desire to divide the Lot into two parcels, .".ii-p"i"el inctuaing Lheir respective residences' The ienalr "o**ittir,g io place " petoinent loan on one of the residences requi.res the owner to own 100t of the fee title to his entire portion of the Lot, and will not accePt a division which contemplates Part of the Lot being owned ir, "o*ron. The owners desire to divide the Lot into tro parclir,-"ipr"ximately as shown on the survey of May 30, :-g79, with the di;i;i"9'Lot line-sub]ect to some-change to-possibly increase the tanJ area-to be included in the smaller parcel' This letter wiIl confirm our understanding and agreement -thatthe separation or o*nut=hip of Lot 11 can be eifected by dividing the Lot into tr.ro separate parcels, each one including the ownert s respec- tive residence, ""-"""temp1ated by the survey dated May 30, 1-979 -(subject to changing the angte or location oi the dividing Lot line to increase the Zi"6 "t the smalfer parcel). 1t is my understanding that the o.,ry 'eq,-,irements which the owners must satisfy to complete the division in ihi" ^u.,r,er is to record a survey similar to the one dated May 30, Lgi; and to record a "Townhouse" declaration executed by the owners. ft is aLso my understanding that the only reguirements for the ',Townhouse" declaration are that it subject botlr parcels to .. J'J,*= .', eNx. Mr rren. to*Jfr.,.,,rt Lawre:rce C. Rider, Esq. Page ?woJune 15, 1979 restrictions that (i) create cross-easements for purposes of ingress,egress, utilities, repairs and maintenance, and (ii1-itt the eveit ofdemo'l ition or destruction (by casualty or otherwise) of either of theexisting residences, such rclidence could be restored to its pre-existingcondition, or rebuilt pursuant to new plans and specificationi rneetingthe requirements of tl.re Trvo-FamiIy primary/Secondiry Residential zoniig,with both parcels being aggregated and treated as one lot for purposesof applying and interpreting ihe zoning requirer,rents. rt is also my understanding that a division of Lot 1l into twoseparate parcels as above dcscribed rviII create no variances or non-conformihg usesr_and will require no formar review by the pranningcommission, the Town council-or any other official oi agency of theTown of Vair- Even though the orvtrers are required to simpry recordtheir survey reflecting the divisj-on into two parcels and- tireir"Townhouse" declaration, neither the survey nor the ,'Townhouse', dec-laration requiring-any approvar, it is my understanding that if we sorequest, the Pranning commission rvirr sign the survey [rior to record-ing to confirm that the survey, dividing Lot rl into two parcels asaboye described, coniplies with the applicable zoning and subdivisionord j-nances and regula tions. If this letter accurately represents the position and understand-ing of the Town of vai1, please acknowledge a copy of this letter andreturn it to me. Upon receipt of your acinowledgment, ,,re rvill completethe division as lrerein described and proceed to 6lose the permanentfinancing on one of the parcers (whicir financing is continient uponour ability to make this division of the Lot). ?hank you again for your assistance EPPROVED this Very_ truly yours, I ','' 1 t' . '-/''--/ "-(- H. l,tichael MiIler day of June. 1979. La\./rence C. Rider, Z ! l- .1rr /:r, Hl"ilt/ce Enc losure n cin o€ lz= jl a box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Mlke Miller 2200 Lincoln CenterDenver, Colorado 80264 department of community development 19 February 1979 Re: Division of Lot 11, Block 7, Yai:- Village 1st concerningthis lot twothe lot is approval only contact me. Dear Mike: . This letter is to confirm our conversationthe above-referenced Lot. The proposed division ofby the separate ownership of the l-and underneath thebuil-dings with the eombined ownership of tbe rest of pe:.-missabl-e and can be accomplished without officialfrom the Town of Vail. However, I want it clearly understood thatone kilchen is permitted in each building. ff you have any further questions, pl-ease Sincerely, |t -. -d o -0-,;a*-t rr. !'vF -- James A. Rubin Zoning Administrator JAR,/gew '-ra!:tf!fi!-.. I I It v i i it ! DECI,ARATION OF COVENANTS, This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements is made as of this'day of ( "Samue1s" ) , and A- and Kinsell-a" ) . 19?9 by Jeannine SamueJs and Bernard Samuels C. Fellinger and John Kinsella ("Fel1inger h-IiEREAS, on June 1, 1979 Sanuels a' joint tenants acquired an undivided 22/55ths interest as t( ants in common in and to the fo] lorii-ng described property loca' ct in the Town of Vail: !qt__L1_Block 7-Vtll-Vi11aqe r Eagle County, '-s-L-I!+-n9- ;lorado hereinafter referred to as the "Property"; ; d I';tsERL+S, on June 1, 1979 Felling 'r and Kinsella, as tenants in co.,-r,rnon, acquired an undivided 33/55ths interest aS tenants in coir,non in and to the Property; and h-!-.3R-LAS, on July -' l_979, Samuels. and Fellinger and Kinsefla (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Declarants'), bei_ng aI1 of -uhe persons then having an interest in the Property caused a Plat of the ProPerty to be filed in the records of the Clerk Page and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado in Book at of said records (t:he "P1at"), which Plat shows the division of ihe :'roperty into two seParate parcels being Lot 114 and 11B, Block ?, Vail Village First Filing (hereinafter soneLimes referred to as ":,ot 11A" and "Lot 118" respectively) ' ';a:--:P:-lS, Declaran-,-s dee.m it desirable for the efficient use of ihe ?:ope:iy io inpcse -ch e folIowing covenarrts, conditions, restrictions ani e3se-,ients on the FroPerty' lioil, :;aR;FORE' Declarants hereby i;npose upon and subject the Property to :he following easetnents, restrictionsr covenants' Lif - rJoo q rl conditions and equitable servitudes, all of which are for the pur- pose of uniformly enhancing and protecting the value' attractiveness and desirability of the Property anil shall be a benefit to each Lot and a burden upon such Lot and shall be deemed to run with the land. I. Definitions. For the purpose of these covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, the following terms shall have the following meaning: A- The term "Lot" shal1 mean and refer to a lot as shown on the PIat of the Resubdivision L,ot 11, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. B- The term "Unit" shal"1 mean and refer to the single family residence constructed on each Lot and any replace- ment thereof. C. The term "Owner" shall mean and refer to record owner, whether one or more Persons or entities, of a simple title to each Lot. D- "Zoning Ordinance" shall mean and refer to the Zoning Title for -..he Town of Vail' E. The term "First lvlortgage" shall mean and refer to any morcgagee or beneficiary under a deeil of trust or simiLar security instrurnent encumbering a Lot and Unit which is prior in interest to al-t other mortgages, deeds of trust or similar security instnrments enculbering such Lot and Unit' fI. Easements- ?-- Sassrents fol-qt-r=tglt- Each Owner sha1l have a perpetual, non-exclusive easement over and across the adjoining Lot for access to his l-,ot, provided that vehicular and pedestrian access sha1l be only across dr-ives and rtal's provided for that pur- :-:'se. :lach O;rr:: !s 9r-antei ari eL -'':::'nL- (2i')t al'ti across the ai- joining Lot for t.he purpose of effeciing repair and inaintenance of, and snorl renroval from, aI1 drives and r"-ais situate on such adjoining Lot. the fee -2- ,r shall- adjacent mainten- sewer, gas, A. . Each Oe/_ner (Joo . B. Easements for Utilit ies. Etrch Orvner have a perpetual, non-exclusive easemeDt in and Over the Lot and Units thereon for the j_nstallation, use, repair, ance and metering of utility services, including L'ater, electricity, telephone and similar services. f f I . Corn,-non Expens es . shall contribute equally to the cost of repair and maintenance of corrrrnon utility lines and facilities delivering utirity services to both Lots' and for the repair and maintenance of that portion of drives and ways as are used in common for access to the Lots, provided, howewer, in the event such repair and maintenance is caused by the negligent or willful acts or omissions of one of the oivners, such oi+ner shalr bear the whole cost of such repair. rn the event an o\a'ner fails to contribute to the cost of common Expenses' the owner of the adjacent Lot may pay such defaulting orvner I s share of such expenses for and on account of the defaulting owner and be entitred to maintain an aciion for recoverv of such amounts from the defaulting Owner. amount of each ownerr s contribution for the cost of rnaintenance and repair of utilities, drives and ways shalr be the personal obliga_ tion of each ov"ner, his heirs, personal representat ives, successors and assigns, provided, however, that any horder of a First Mortgage of r,ots and units, purchasers (at a forecrosure sale) and grantees of ieeds in lieu of forecfosure of Lot-s and ihe uniLs thereon fore_ closed or conveved pursuant to any First l.iortgage sharl not be 1iable for such exDenses unless accruing during the period r^,hen such i-,rort_oagee or purci:a ser is the ow-ner of said Lots or units. IV. !.e__l:"e i,o..-. F,o-Lh Lot I r.4 ;-;ri t,ct l LB c,resent!-y co;_ stitute a single rot under the zoning ordinance and is zoned as a lot in a Trvo Fa-,rily prir,ary/secondary Residential District as B. Enforcement ol_ f,:ght of Contribution. The -3- TJoo defined in said ordinance. Notwithstanding the recorditrg by the Decl-arants of a Plat resubdividing the original Lot Il lnto Lot ltA ancl Lot 118, for thc purpose of applying the Zoning Ordinance and conplying with and satisfying the requirements of saicl ordinance' both Lot 11A and Lot 11B shall continue to constitute and be deerned -.o be one Iot, z-oned under said ordinance as a Tvo Family Frimary/SecondaryResidentialDistrictJunlessotherlessrestric- tive zoning is hereafter imposed' upon either or both Lots by the Zoning Ordinance or a variance from the Zoning Ordinance' In tbe event of damage or destruction of a Unit on either or both Lots' for purposes of rebuilding or replacing such Unit' Lot 11A shall be deemed to be the lot for the primary Residence and Lot 118 the 1ot for the Secondary Residence' as such terms are defined in the Zoning Ordinance ' lio improvements shatl be buj-lt or altered on either r,ot unress such improvements compry with the requirements for improvements constructed in a Two Famity Primary'/Secondary ResidentialDistrictasdefinedintheZoningOrdinance'orsuch other less restrictive reguirements as may be hereafter imposed uponthe]-otsbyarnendmentstoor.variancefromtheZoningordinance. a'v. Term' The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall inure to the benefit of and bind the Owners of the I,ots ' and iheir successors, assigns and personal repre_ sentatives, for a term of 20 years from this date and shal1 auto- matically be -extenied for successive periods of ten Years unless terminated by an lns-'ru;nent duly recorded and executed by all O",-ners a:rd morig;ce?s of LoLs and Units' vI- Severab-i-1l!y' lnvalidation of any one of tbese covenants or resirictions by judgnent or court or6er shaIl in no wise afiect any och=r F'rovisions unich shall re::'ain in full force :-::3 tzl' ':c+- . -4- a /, \.,I EXECU,I'ED this \JI day of , r979. Bernard Sa_,nuels A. C. FelJ-inger STATE OFSCOLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss- The foregoing instrument was subscribed andbefore the undersigned this _ day ofJeannine Samuels and Bernard-EanruETE. sworn to, LgTg, by Witness my hanil and official seal. I'Iy gorrnt=sion expires: STATE OF TLTIIIOIS ) ) cor.iNTY oF cooK ) ss. The foregoing instrumentbefore the undersigned thisA. C. Fellinger. !v.-a s subscribed and swornday of , 1979, sea1. to by Ifitness my hand and official_ I'ly cor."-nission exoires: l;cia rv Publ ic -5- Vtr rJoo subscribeilof STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) couNrY OP COOK ) ss. The foregoing' instrument was before the undlersigned fhis tlay John Kinsella. and svorn to _, 1979, by Y Witness my hand andl official seal. l.ly comrnission expires: -5- ? I l') : C)< cm'D .r 2;c)x<Ycta92ts- =z OD : r0 qro'6; Lr or or -le - =,e -l l- E sl-Iz o u m D 3 -{ {r|-oI !m 'lll-oo D m l m ltm3mz z m o |- D D zom ir rtI a PLUMEIINGi/MECHAI\IICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL {orrrouro I otsnppnov ,OETTCF--OF BUILDING: oF woRK: fl new Zl-noorrroru ! nEnnooel I neparR PTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER , i VALUATION $vALUArf oN E /r>r>/fr REMARKS:REMARKS:<-\/r PERMIT FEE PERMTTFEE ( (z €- .t+A +t; --@- TOTAL FEES: S ,/ Town of Vail F:I,nCIRICAL PmMIT Job Name-. of .....1s..7-2.-...... Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Femrit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-..-..--..-.. 394 $......-...................-. EM# APPROVALS s....h.:.. ,furr. Received By Eu|ldht Oltlclal THIS FORM BE POSTED OI{ JOB SITE DURING COilSTRUCTION 24 HOUruI ADVANCE NOITCE REQTJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS rrr r. r- Hcrarll ao.. ol||Yar Permit No. 000274 l,AIt WATER Al{ll SAIIITATIII}I DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMTT WtLL NOT BE TSSUED UNT| L TAP,FEES HAVE BEEN pAtD tN FULL. NAME OF JOB GEl{ERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER o, u",t - r/75-- *o.oo=@ D*eBitted /- 16-77 Date Paid hn Lrc. No. Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Meter Size Y (,c. Finance Direetor - Contr.ctor - Pink; - Accounting - Gold.nrod 'eeua*Lut-...& .,- Electrical Contractor- Applicant-.---.-..."..--..Slltrlturg LOCATION AND LEGAL 6e-{o, Wator end S.nit.tlon - Grrn; - Public Wgrkt - Crnlry; (}t- REvIri:-rJqAlq rl DArE or MEETTNG, Afrlu w,' \Q11 MEMBERS PRESENT: .,1 flr r ACTTON TAKEN ev son$ / 2 *orroN , 6t9k* sEcoNDED tx ' KRA'rt'r€ SU}JJECT: VOTE: FOR:.AGAINST: -t-t'--APPROVED: ./ DISAPPROVIiD:-- r ABSTENTION: SUIrI\IARY: ffini* ilmltrrl of1lc--[6frd : i "'r '--- 1. ti;::;.Jst' ..Zncl I I ' I I l. 'i'oiLct, l.fri,.:;rJ..ItcciCr:;i:laI Co;r: ..: :rc i e I or. lla,rh5c..r.l 'tiho,,rcr ol Ti:ir >: 0.75 =x J..00 :x :1.,50 ::-LQ,-'2,l]a r . :L $'t 2n<)ilr{lltil 3. ll:ts' -'l- s1: 2n <i!trd' ',}flr fcc Ii:chi.:;c s llralt e:t Cc arl.::"sanC r.late:n fout,ci,.i.;s >: 0.25 = .? I btIilr. 1., 1i'.'i:jli /t:lt) l;..,.:ll 1,r.,.;. rr,,: i ir.('.r:.1 .--.r. r'ir r.r.rrar..r.,;. l'., ttnt t., ,]. ilr.:: . .!.61: 6. lla.r 2rrc! 1r;t ' 2ncl ---- t\t.r ) D - r-,^. srd . (rrr. ri.:i n - . tltlt ----- 7, Ll::r D.r slst 2nd 3r.d{th llas.Ist Xi t clr,::;: s Con.rc:.cial r.rr :;;11... r Silc n Xitchcns .!c s igc:rt.i.rI,lJr::li:,'ir i!rt c r. .. x 2.50): l. 0c ! i I(, l,;rttrr,lr',' lir,,. i,r,,^ r... ., r.._....r er,/ | \..trlJ.I't.';, ll.r 3: | 11, 1. 2nd' :J r:(llith >3 n. ll.::;, .lrit'illrtl . li r.rll:I lr .t l. 0.s0 :--____-._t I :Lll l5 16 : ) ,oi lra.....nr I l !'l; ,;t(t3rtl r' tr th t,;:lr,. ';, Cot;;;rr:r'c j.;rI .a9hc},, t(ri ;(:i! tlei. c:. ( :;, : ri;:,uur o.1' r;:rc ) (lu': jr!dc 9i::.J n!;J.c:.s >:2,00 : x '1.'00 :: x0.33-_'.._ 3.las I $'d 2:xi 3t';i 4 tlr Iirtr liosc Cabincts Scr.vice Station Sr'ri;::;:rj-ng Pocl t: 1.00 x30. 00 x 5.00 = li:isls't' ' Sf ii Con\ra:nt:!o:t Ce:)tC:::' ltth ----* tter. i'cr.son x 0.L0:: tOT!;1. 10: oo. 'fc'i;;:L l. 0ii:TS ).'c,:i:it s Uiiits t RQ& = ].QQ if;1;'.1 ,175 * s !;c(:to) . f<,-: ll-o:.. in $ -l'!:c cc::ir).e'c:i.orr <il' c c::t s t.':'.:c'! ior oJl .:l- ccrl:,:;c'r'ciu L st,r..uc'i:::.: c . tile Dj.:r';:':i-c't slia.!.J- ot:rj:a:r"; i-rI a:': cl 'Epc+ti$,n of el-1 pl.c;;lj.f:cs 'co <j el t c t'r:: j.ir c tlte irr::;:l:t\{of pci-r:ts tcbc irs$ni:;ei r:cco:.ri:i::g ":o 'the li';:.Ter. ai:d S.::.rcu :i'.:i) lcc. air<1 l::i.3Sc'r:rrclrt1,:, ils a;icnrir:rj 1 ar)d 'aliti D.i.i;l nic:t s,':: l:" l- l::.:jte ;:ny .r <.1j us'::lt-.:r::;t)eccsn.i:it jtt th-:: o:-i.gi;r;rJ- tair f-:.c ]rej<1. .I.irj.s ins?ect::o;1 shel'lal-s;o detea:::inc t::c bu;-''-ci-irrg oir:te::rs r.'atct a:rci sci.,'ct scl.vii:<+cbar.ge. .. . ., . Doa.r.cl of l,ri rc:c'ior.l;Vail I'l;r'c er. ancl Sani.;ation ilistr.,lct ol JOB NAMED.ATE TOWN OF FIEOIJEST" VAIL I TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D orHen MON COMMENTS: I pnRrrnl. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION, WED THUR tr i'l FRITUE AM PM E nppRovED ! orsapp RovE D ! nerNsPEcr fl uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE U O il\tsiPEcfoa't,' TOWN OF HEEt,EsiT. VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen MON COMMENTS: f]penrtrl READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM LOCATION TUE EJ npp RovE D ! upon rue CORRECTIONS E olsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG GORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR INSPEC FIEOUESiT. TOWN OF.. VAIL {',|tr',, RECEIVED- AM ! orren MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,-'THUR I EI nppRovED n uporu rse CORRECTIONS E otsap.pRovED FOLLOWI NG COH REGTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr _-7DATE It.r rNseecft TOWN OF FIEBIJEST. VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! otrrn MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnnnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM E appRovED E orsnppRovED B?'erNsP Ecr ! upol THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR It a- -1-- -1 -'"7.' ) ' z-.::- '/'--a JOBNAME oa INSPECTI FI EGI IJ E SiTFN OF DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen D pnnrrrr LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ,^, ,1/ .tl*,-t*MON GOMMENTS: ' TUE EIappRovED n uporu rue CORRECTIONS D otsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr . /, t/ , i ( t-.' .t . La ir,tspscron DATE rtI !ao OONALO M. LESHER ERIC C. JORGENSON DENNIS C. MCGONIGLE DONALD M. LESHER, P. C. 5OO BOSTON BU ILOING g2€ SEVENTEENTH STREET oENVER, COLORAOO 90202 January 2, L976 AREA CODE 3O3 e25-r234 Building Department Town of VailVail, Colorado Dear Sirs: Please prepare for the undersigned a certified copyof Building Permit No. 1660, dated itune 26 | L973. Said Build-ing Permit vras issued to Paul Orlaughlin, Box 224, YaiL, Colorado. I have enclosed my office check the amount of $5.00for this service. Please return any excess funds not required. Very trul)nyours, e; Q.\off.^ar,.^--Eric C. JorUenEon EcJ/Lscc/ E. W. LeonardRuth Vocate e#4 p** ,/=/ta o 0 t..^ R,*,-"-fu g. b/**'.*t [s4 -l -{et - -e.?| =|- E E 1'Izo E m! 3 I { -{o.,| -.t!?oo, !|n -{o{ |--o{ !m 1l- ot tlnDt Io m 0m =|nz{att czoo m |no !|- zo |nox ttzoIl| \ \ s R + st-tL > m!-oItloo, I 2on E I Fi8io!cmieAo:z,1ots5IozgD So 6ozo= r|n..:n::\9'0; r-D C' -lmo.l! DE tro Ioz ooz fi o r- Dcft c 6\E es 8 t$ c-{ 6\o ! f\0 - =!F Itm0ob U'.E mI 'l1 m E, mxt =D-ro rJ ,DA 5 F 2Io1trsz c =-{ zm: |-{||l DJo = oI =o2 tm! ; Eg FozG, !mt ={ ollnoI ! 7z G'EI hz t. GI t!> .A t:o |t z z € rl E ra o F! tl z F' >l r5 ft PLUMEilNGi/MECHANTCAL PEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING:Ct'o/n 1..' ,'/u fr" t GLASS oF woRK: F "."" fl ooo,r,ort E nemooel E nepnrn DEscRfprroNoFrruoRK: P/nt.,/-), * y'tofipt Korr*ouro E otsappRoveo w, Tr pHone 7.5-7-fr7/ PLUMBfNG: NUMBER | 4 6A ?MECHANfCAL: uvueea lhbQ ftl {_ oo VALUATION $ ,{DOA - t4 VALUATION S {SNAA 9 REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT ,r, f 6g. so )PERMlr rrrfk6o ) (/ ToTALFEES: $ 37. fr DArE q-4-73 rT _lrusPEclt" ,.EGluEsr ., ./ TOWN 7' *,.:d',,, , . la ,/.DATE JOB NAME CALLER ll orxen E pnnrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR D nerNsPEcT \ ,or, 4 -') | -'i I r5 rNsiPE.tt REeuEtr TOWN OF VAI,L io - /(" -73 I ornen . MON COMMENTS: DATE TIME RECElVED PM CALLER flpanrral. READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI o"6il)V://' APPROVED ! upor rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr DArE ,0-'16*13 e5 rrusPE"lt HEorrEsir (Lr-t /TOWN OF IL 4U(fu,' {..tuJOB NAME ;AM iPM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR f] pnnrrnl LocAroNE orsen FRI AM PM $"rrR ov E D f]orsappRovED R*.tNsPEcr }(l uPoN THE FOLLOWTNG CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS 14flf AdeE A\€f /e ,.ri- tE -13 r5 rNsiPEclt oJTOWN HEeU"EFT F 'V.A I L' DATE q- b - 73 JOB NAME rrME REcEtvED /+0o oM@ AdGrJ Lr rJ Auv E orusn MON COMMENTS: TUE WED ! panrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION p!!J.lFoo orr@FRI forrRovED florseppRovED E nrrNSPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR q r r,-l| - ln- I I' r rNsPE"ln rovY.4 o, Kl'dJOB NAME CALLER Wo111ea 5e-7TftcK Epnnnnl READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR LOCATION '''Ynnw,Prn FRI 9"-1,+<t a- El eppRovED E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE lD- t1 - ^t'\ INSPECTOR ol trNsPEcld* HEBUE=T DATE .'".-, 't'/ TIME RECEIVED /,., AM JOB NAME l*, WN O F VAIL PM CALLER E pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE APP ROV E D I orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr El uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS:/ -'. ;Fr CORRECT|ONS.JJ .,.!,.rn,, '-7t,,-, dl t rNsiPEcl; i iI I rf DATE z?:l Nr or,/ TIME RECEIVED AM FlEeUES.T TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME (--) ' Lr\.,r,! ,. ,, . , .., 1: .',^- .t, tt .. ,., .., .- i la- . ) PM CALLER E ornen I pnnrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM ..'j .: r'lt/lO}|.- 6t- L A,i€ COMMENTS: APPROVED fluporu rnE E orsappRovED FOLLOWING GORR ECTIONS: 2 I nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ITNSPECTOR