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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-07-27 Support Documentation Town Council Work Session
TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1999
NOTE: Time of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied
_ upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item.
1. PEC/DRB Review. (15 mins.)
George Ruther
2. A work session meeting to continue to discuss a proposal to
George Ruther amend the Town's Public Accommodation Zone District (Chapter
Tom Braun 7). The purpose of this meeting is to further inform the Council of
the progress of the amendment process to date, to educate the
Council on the proposed text amendments, to continue
discussions on the amendments and address the questions of the
Council identified on July 13th. (30 mins.)
ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Engage in a discussion
with the applicant, community and staff with regard to the proposal
and provide any further direction the Council may have prior to
staff preparing an amending ordinance.
BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On December 14, 1998, the
applicant first appeared before the Planning & Environmental
Commission with a request to amend the text of the Town's Public
Accommodation Zone District. Since the first meeting, the
applicant has - participated in 8 additional meetings with the
Commission and/or the Town Council. Over the course of these
nine meetings numerous revisions and compromises were made
to the original proposal. Many of the revisions were made in direct
response to issues and concerns expressed during the work
session meetings.
On June 28, 1999, the Planning & Environmental Commission
held a public hearing for a final review of the proposed
amendments. Upon review of the proposal, the Commission
voted unanimously to recommend approval of the text
amendments to the Town Council.
On July 13, 1999, the Council held a work session to begin
discussions on the proposed text amendments. During the course
of the discussions several questions were raised by the Council.
These questions are discussed in greater detail in the staff
memorandum to the Council dated July 27, 1999.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development
Department will provide a recommendation at the time of a final
review on the proposed amendments to the Public
Accommodation Zone District.
3. Authorization of In-Kind Services Requested by WestFest in
Bill Brice Accordance with Council's previous direction. (15 mins.)
4. Information Update. (10 mins.)
5. Council Reports. (10 mins.)
6. Other. (10 mins.)
7. Executive Session - Legal Matters. (30 mins.)
8. Adjournment - 4:00 p.m.
Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-
2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information.
7/6/99 FORD PARK SIGNS GREG H./LARRY P./CHARLIE T.: The change in the bus
Kevin Foley service/pick up seems to be having a positive effect as far as
adding to convenience and ease of access (although the
ridership numbers are about the same); however, we need
additional signs in the parking structure directing guests to
the correct exit to pick up service.
7/6/99 WEST VAIL ROUNDABOUT TRAFFIC GREGS H. AND M.: Drivers exiting 1-70 east are making it Greg Morrison will meet with Eric Larson personally.
Eric Larson, resident of Intermountain very dangerous for drivers trying to get to Intermountain on
the South Frontage Road (apparently not expecting the
Intermountain drivers to continue "around" the circle on
South Frontage Road, but more likely, that they would head
north toward the Phillips 66 station). Is there additional
"warning" signing we could provide? It sounded as if there
was a further problem w/drivers heading north to south into
the roundabout and the tight right hand turn.
7120/99 COLLECTIVE COUNCIL VOICEMAIL PAM/BOB/RON BRADEN: Concerns were expressed re: the
Armour/Navas/Jewett current collective Council voicemail option. Until USWest
changeover is completed in January 2000, please implement
the following changes.
In the introductory voice message for Council, indicate there
- a three minute limit
- leave your name/phone # if you would like your call
- state opinion/issue
July 21, 1999, Page 1
7/20/99 BIKE TOUR OF IN TOWN BIKE GREG H./TODD 0.: Kevin forgot to mention this under
PATHS "other" today, however he would like to request the
Foley scheduling of a "rubber meets the road" (e.g., we're ON our
bicycles) to look over the town's bike paths. This ties in very
closely w/our current efforts at stepping up WAY FINDING.
Please schedule a two hour segment at an upcoming work
session for this tour.
7/20/99 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAL MIKE ROSE: Dan has suggested some maps to provide
MAPS AT EXITS FROM THE VTRC specific village mapping information as to distance-to stores,
Foley/Dan Telleen restaurants, etc., at the exits.
7/20/99 VAIL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNE: Joe has requested placement on an August work Joe will make a presentation at the August 10'h work session.
Joe Staufer session agenda to discuss proposals from the newly formed
Vail Chamber of Commerce. Please schedule.
ALMOND CART BY NOEL things - Town regulations be relaxed from now through
Eric Baumann Oktoberfest to allow merchants to display outdoor goods,
regardless of whether they're connected to a special events
permit; and additionally, to have the regulations currently
precluding his outdoor sale of roasted nuts modified.
July 21, 1999, Page 2
Monday, July 26, 1999
Project Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Community Development Department 11:30 p.m.
DRB/PEC/Town Council Roles and Responsibilities in the Development Review Process -(I hour
Site Visits : 1:00 P.M.
1. Ferry -1007 Eagle's Nest Circle
2. Barrett -1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive
3. Dobson Ice Arena - 321 E. Lionshead Circle
Driver: George
NOTE: If the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m.
1. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the establishment of single-family lot
boundaries within a clustered residential subdivision, located at the Residences at Briar
Patch, 1386 Buffehr Creek Road / Parcel F, Briar Patch.
Applicant: Web Atwell / Briar Patch HOA
Planner: Brent Wilson
2. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the vacation of an existing lot line to re-
establish two lots, located at 1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive / Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail
Valley First Filing.
Applicant: Phoebe Barrett, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Schultz Architects
Planner: Allison Ochs
3. A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two-family
residential site coverage in excess of 20% of lot area, and a request for a conditional use
permit, to allow for the construction of a Type II employee housing unit, located at 1007
Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7.
Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, Architect\
Planner: Brent Wilson
4. A request for a final review of a of a conditional use permit, to allow for a proposed locker
room expansion and loading dock addition to the Dobson Ice Arena, located at 321 E.
Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing.
Applicant: Vail Recreation District
Planner: George Ruther
5. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the creation of a public park, located at
Lots 1,2 & 3, Block H, Vail das Schone/2497, 2485, 2487 Garmisch and the unplatted
portion of the SE 1/4, SE 1/2, SW 1/2 of Section 11, Township 5, Range 81 West.
Applicant: Town of Vail
Planner: Allison Ochs
6. A request for a minor subdivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located
at 2477, 2485, 2487, 2497 Garmisch Drive/ Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2.
Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina Timm
Planner: Allison Ochs
7. A request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 37 (Antlers), to allow
for the construction of 24 new condominiums, 7 new employee housing units and a new
parking structure level, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place (the Antlers)/ Lot 3, Block 1,
Lionshead Third Filing.
Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert Levine
Planner: George Ruther
8. Information Update
9. Approval of July 12, 1999 minutes.
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during
regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community
Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information.
Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone
for the Hearing Impaired, for information.
Community Development Department
Published July 23, 1999 in the Vail Trail
Wednesday, July 21, 1999
3:00 P.M.
PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:00 pm
DRB/PEC Roles and Responsibilities - (1 hour discussion)
Bill Pierce Chas Bernhardt (PEC rep)
Clark Brittain
Hans Woldrich
Melissa Greenauer
1. Billingsley -1170 Ptarmigan Road
2. Alphorn -121 W. Meadow Drive
3. Gray - 5109 Black Gore Drive
4. Ferry -1007 Eagle's Nest Circle
1. Glen Lyon Office Building - Final review of an amendment 4o SDD No. 4. Dominic
(Cascade Village)located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision.
Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt Segerberg
MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 4-0
2. Alphorn Townhomes - Final review of the proposed exterior modifications. George
121 W. Meadow Drive/Part of Lot 1, A Resub of Part of Lot D, Vail Village 2"d
Applicant: Alporn Townhomes Association
3. Gray residence - Conceptual review of a new single-family & Type I EHU. Brent
5109 Black Gore Drive / Lot 2, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision.
Applicant: Harry Gray, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins Architects
4. Ferry residence - Preliminary review of a residential addition and employee housing unit. Brent
1007 Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7.
Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, Architect
5. Billingsley Residence - Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison
1170 Ptarmigan Road/ Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Village Filing 7.
Applicant: Lucy Billingsley, represented by Cottle, Graybeal, Yaw Architects
6. Town of Vail Arosa/Garmish Park - Conceptual review of a public park. Allison
Lots 1,2 & 3, Block H, Vail das Schone/2497, 2485, 2487 Garmisch and the
unplatted portion of the SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SE 1/2, SW '/z of Section 11; Township 5, Range 81 West.
Applicant: Town of Vail
7. Town of Vail - Conceptual review of a 4-plex and duplex. Allison
2477, 2485, 2487, 2497 Arosa Dr. / Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail Das Schone.
Applicant: Town of Vail
Staff Approvals
Chateau Tremonte - Entrance sign. - George
1890 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 27, Block 2, Vail Lionsridge #2.
Applicant: Steve Gensler
Birch residence - Split-rail fence at rear of property. Brent
1773 Shasta Place/Lot 13, Vail Village West Filing 1.
Applicant: Kathryn and David Birch
Kregowski residence - Re-roof. Allison
5014 Main Gore Drive/Lot 4, Gore Creek Meadows.
Applicant: Kim Kregowski
Valleau residence -Addition and remodel. Allison
4839 Meadow Drive/Lot 17, Block 5, Bighorn 5m
Applicant: Kathy and Bob Valleau
Spraddle Creek Properties (Bruckman) - 250 addition to Meadow Place Penthouse. Allison
44 W. Meadow Drive/Lot I, Vail'Village 2nd
Applicant: Spraddle Creek Properties
Patten residence - Patio enclosure. Brent
4708 E. Meadow Drive#A3/Parcel A3, Bighorn Townhomes Subdivision.
Applicant: Mr. Patten
Casa Del Sol Condominiums - Paint and stucco. Brent
2065 West Gore Creek Drive/Casa Del Sol Condos.
Applicant: Las Casa Condo Assoc.
Rizk residence -Window changes and landscape addition. Brent
740 Sandy Lane/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch Filing #2.
Applicant: Oscar Rizk
Stern residence - Entry addition. Brent
1517 Vail Valley Drive #1 /Lot 12, Block 3, Vail Valley 1St
Applicant: Don & Ann Stern
Johnson residence - Window addition. Brent
548 S. Frontage Road West, Unit #403/unplatted, Westwind.
Applicant: Mark Johnson
McKeever - 250 addition above garage. Allison
4034 Bighorn Rd. #2/Lot 1, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision.
Applicant: Mike and Nancy McKeever
Simba Run - Lobby renovation. Brent
1100 N. Frontage Road/Simba Run.
Applicant: Simba Run Condominium Association
Bowen residence - Repainting. Allison
5047 Main Gore Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Bighorn 5tn
Applicant: Peter G. Bowen
Scalise duplex - New single-family residence with EHU. Allison
2567 Arosa Drive/Lot 9, Block E', Vail das Schone 1 St
Applicant: James Scalise/Dennis and Dorothea Scalise
Hamelin residence - Garage addition. Brent
5167 Gore Circle/Lot 12, Block 3, Bighorn 5tn
Applicant: , Rolland S. Hamelin
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office
hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75
South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. -
Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356,
Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.
To: Vail Town Council
From: Community Development Department
Date: July 27, 1999
Re: A worksession to continue discussions on a proposal to amend the Town's Public
Accommodation Zone District development standards and other pertinent
On July 13, 1999, the applicant, Johannes Faessler, represented by Tom Braun of Braun
Associates, Inc. and the Community Development Department initiated discussions with the Vail
Town Council with regard to amending the text of the Public Accommodation zone district's land
use regulations. The-purpose of the worksession was to present the proposed text
amendments, as recommended for approval by the Planning & Environmental Commission, to
the Town Council.
Following a brief overview of the amendments and comments from the public, the Council
offered input and direction to the Town staff and the applicant. The Council members requested
that the following information be presented at the July 27th worksession of the Town Council:
? Fill in the missing data from the analysis of existing developments. spreadsheet.
? Evaluate how the proposed change to the definition of a "lodge" (70%/30%) will affect
existing properties zoned Public Accommodation.
? Assess how many new dwelling units could be built on the largest property (Bavaria Haus)
in the Public Accommodation zone district relative to the proposed amendments.
The following are questions and comments expressed by the Council members:
? Does a 45' flat roof height limitation encourage flat roof buildings?
? Should the parking requirement standards differ for small lots 1/z acre) in the Public
Accommodation zone district?
? Should fixed maximum be placed on the number of fractional fee units that can be built in
the Public Accommodation zone district?
? How should the proposed amendments be implemented? Text amendments, creation of a
new zone district, rezoning, etc.
Will the elimination of counting accommodation units for density purposes encourage the
unintended consequence of more small units or will the market dictate the sizes?
? Is the proposed increase in GRFA from 0.8 to 1.5 an appropriate increase?
? If an increase in GRFA is determined appropriate, is the increased percentage a maximum
or should it be a performance standard ("up to... if....")?
The Town staff and the applicant will present an analysis of the requested information and
respond to the Council's comments at the July 27th worksession meeting.
100 East Meadow Drive, Suite 34 • Vail, CO 81657
JULY 27, 1999
Presented by: Bill Brice, Vail Valley Tourism and Convention Bureau
I. Event overview and update on where we are in the process.
• Host fee and marketing funds
• Complimentary lodging
• Event sites
• Performers booked to date
Il. Sponsorship/reimbursement of council contribution
111. Request for Town of Vail services/department cost estimates
• Police ($7,100)
• Public Works (Estimate unavailable - will have at Tuesday's meeting)
• Transportation ($9,000)
IV. Areas for discussion with Town Council
• Refrigerated trucks at soccer field
• Exhibitor booths in Vail Village
• Access to soccer field for exhibitors, food vendors and equipment
Central Reservations 1-800-525-3875 Group Sales (970) 476-1000 Business Office (970) 476-1000
Group Sales 1-800-775-8245 FAX (970) 479-2364 FAX (970) 476-6008
Office of the Town Manager
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
970-479-2105/Fax 970-479-2157
TO: Vail Town Council
FROM: Robert W. McLaurin, Town Manager
Nina Timm, Housing Coordinator
DATE: July 23, 1999
RE: Buy-Down Unit
We have entered into a contract for the purchase of a second buy-down unit which is subject to
the Vail Town Council approval.
The unit is a one bedroom, one bath, unfurnished residence located at Pitkin Creek. The
purchase price is $129,500.00. We will be looking forward to your decision on Tuesday and
would them move forward with a closing, possibly as quickly as July 30t''.
Thank you.
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2157
July 20, 1999
Contact: Christine Stouder, 479-2119
TOV Finance and Budget Manager
(Vail)--Non-profit organizations or other agencies who intend to request project funding from
the Town of Vail's 2000 budget must request an application from the town's Finance Department
by 5 p.m. July 30.
Agencies interested in applying are asked to provide the town with a mailing address,
telephone number and contact person for the project. Application requests may be made by
telephone, 479-2122; or fax, 479-2248. The mailing address is: Finance Department, Town of
Vail, 75 S. Frontage Rd., Vail, 81657. This step is required for all applicants, including those
making new submissions and agencies who have applied for funding previously from the town.
Those who fail to request an application by the July 30 deadline will become ineligible for
Once the request for applications period has closed, the town will send packets to the
requesting agencies the week of Aug. 6 outlining the town's review policies and criteria. The
grant submissions will be due by 5 p.m. Aug. 31.
All agency requests for cash contributions, in-kind services and parking pass donations for the
2000 budget year will be considered during this process. Final action on the requests will take
place with adoption of the 2000 budget in October.
In the past, the Vail Town Council has awarded approximately $125,000 to fund programs that
address Vail's critical strategies of a positive, sustained economic climate and an
environmentally sensitive high quality of life.
For more information, contact Christine Stouder, Town of Vail finance and budget manager, at
479-2119. # # #
1. What could the Town Attorney do that would improve his effectiveness?
2. What could the Town Attorney do that would improve his relationship with the
Council and staff?
3. What could the Town Attorney stop doing which would improve his effectiveness?
4. What does. the Town. Attorney do that you find the most helpful or most effective?
JACKSON HOLE NEWS, Wednesday, Ju 14, 1999 - 21A
ai a_r ing -C0111
es closer
-P*d ¦ Police will also boost parking -
patrol, add "Denver boot." - k'
By Mark Huffinan
Jackson officials seem headed toward a new
experiment in downtown parking control, and y }:.."a
the people who park in one section of downtown ` t
i . '
will be part of it.
The experiment will be with paid parking.
Council's OK for more investigation and a
possible tryout of paid parking came at a meet- '
ing last week during which members also indi-
cated they're willing to increase the parking
patrol staff and told the police chief he can buy a
Denver boot" to attach to the tires of particular-
ly egregious parking offenders.
Council members told Jackson Police Chief
Dave Cameron they're ready to hear more about € ti
paid parking and instructed him to come back no
later than this fall with new information. Paid; Y
' parking in one part of downtown - as an "exper-
iment" - might ha
Peen by spring 2000, council i
members said.
There was little opposition, and considerable support for the idea of taking a new look at a
system such as that seen by Jackson oflicialslast
year in Park City, Utah.
Councilman Chris Kirk said paid parking,
even in the West, is "getting more and more
common." He said it is time for Jackson to "bite
the bullet and do it." Mayor Barney Oldfield, a b~
doubter in the past, agreed he would like to hear
more and to re-examine the possibility of paid z
Chief Cameron has been a supporter.
"I'm in favor of it, it makes sense for the
town," he said.
A big revenue source
Cameron said an initial study has concluded "
that paid parking for the 1,007 on-street spaces
in the two-hour parking zone would bring rev-
enue "in the millions in the course of a year." _
The money could be used to buy land for more
parking, he said, or for other town projects.
Paid parking would, most of all, give better '
L; r control over parking and make it easier to
enforce the timed parking limits, Cameron said.
Park City posted signs along streets directing
motorists to nearby parking coupon sales
machines. People pay and put a parking receipt
on their dashboard. Parking officers don't have
to chalk every tire in the district and return to
find a violation. They just examine the receipts
and write people whose time has expired. People
without a receipt get "a bigger kick" in the way of
a citation with a higher fine, Cameron said.
Cameron thinks the system would do a better
job of stopping overtime parking than the cur-
rent patrol system, keeping people from illegally
hogging spaces and preventing the turnover that
helps businesses.
Some members of the business community
feel it will impact their customers," Cameron
said. "I think it will only add to the ability to
find a parking space."
Above, Jackson community
Dueling parking spaces service officer Lawson Williams
Cameron favors trying the system along one places a parking ticket on a vehi-
street or one area. His first pick might be along $ cle parked on Glenwood Street
South Glenwood, a place where business people Left, Williams makes a chalk
have"dueled over use and misuse of parking- mark on the tire of a car parked "
The street is home to Teton Book Shop, whose in a two-hour space to monitor
owner, Gene Downer, is a frequent critic of park- the time it spends there.
ing enforcement-he has used a town ordinance
that-lets him initiate citations through the =
municipal court, without calling officers.
Council also told Cameron it is likely to OK a "I think it will
mid-budget request to add a person to the com-
munity service officer staff. CSOs enforce park- only add to the
ing rules, but also handle animal control. Until
four years ago, the town had a full-time animal ability to find a
control employee; because there wasn't enough t,.
work, the job became part of the duties of CSOs. - parking jIIQCC. »
But with three CSOs, the police can't ade-
quately patrol the two-hour district, not with dog - Dave Cameron
calls often drawing one away, Cameron said. He JACKSON POLICE CHIEF
won initial approval from council to go back to
having a full-time animal person - even if
there's not always full-time work - to guarantee it's there "for everybody to see. and reflect on it." figure that's the cost of cheap all-day parking,
better parking patrol. Councilman Mark Nowlin said the boot, used for
Council also OK'd a "Denver boot," what is repeat offenders is `a einb v Cameron sazd Another idea briefly discussed but
~ghl situa- .not much lilted last week was privatizing parking
F sometimes called a "tire lock." It fits around the tion for someone who needs public embarrassment.". bnforcement. • Some towns' have contracted out
tire of a car, preventing it from being driven. Council promised ea.rli-r t1 i=-,ear it would the job aad been pleased with the results.
r The boot will be reserved for people with tickets crack down on parking offenders-in the downtown Police department statistics show that officers
who don't pay them, Cameron said. Councilman area. Among other ideas discussed then were wrote 8,989 parking tickets in 1998. Of those,
Kirk said a boot is a nice visual reminder of what higher fines for overtime parking. The usual fine 44 percent were for violation of the two-hour
happens to people who break the rules, because is only $10, and a significant number of people ,.parking limit in the downtown area.. .
1cc "rte
Come and Observe the...
al 7,vv1
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Friday, July 30, 1999
Friday, August 13, 1999
Meadow Mountain Elementary School .
650 Eagle Road
Eagle-Vail, Colorado,
R.S.V. P by July 26 Cheryl Lindstrom i.
yr : TC
Please join us for the
Generously underwritten by
Dr. Jim Leibsohn
Honoring the
Sunday, August 13, 1999
2:30 pm
Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater
Reception immediately following IIIF.
the performance
Manor Lail Lodge
595 Vail Valley Drive
Vail, Colorado
R. S. VP. by July 26 Cheryl Lindstrom
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2157
July 20, 1999
Contact: Christine Stouder, 479-2119
TOV Finance and Budget Manager
(Vail)--Non-profit organizations or other agencies who intend to request project funding from
the Town of Vail's 2000 budget must request an application from the town's Finance Department
by 5 p.m. July 30.
Agencies interested in applying are asked to provide the town with a mailing address,
telephone number and contact person for the project. Application requests may be made by
telephone, 479-2122; or fax, 479-2248. The mailing address is: Finance Department, Town of
Vail, 75 S. Frontage Rd., Vail, 81657. This step is required for all applicants, including those
making new submissions and agencies who have applied for funding previously from the town.
Those who fail to request an application by the July 30 deadline will become ineligible for
Once the request for applications period has closed, the town will send packets to the
requesting agencies the week of Aug. 6 outlining the town's review policies and criteria. The
grant submissions will be due by 5 p.m. Aug. 31.
All agency requests for cash contributions, in-kind services and parking pass donations for the
2000 budget year will be considered during this process. Final action on the requests will take
place with adoption of the 2000 budget in October.
In the past, the Vail Town Council has awarded approximately $125,000 to fund programs that
address Vail's critical strategies of a positive, sustained economic climate and an
environmentally sensitive high quality of life.
For more information, contact Christine Stouder, Town of Vail finance and budget manager, at
479-2119. # # #
TOWN 75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
July 21, 1999
Contact: Suzanne Silverthorn, 479-2115
Community Information Office
Work Session Briefs
Council members present: Armour, Arnett, Foley, Ford, Jewett, Kurz, Navas
--Employee Generation Policy Next Steps Discussion
The Council agreed to continue its pursuit of an employee generation policy, despite the
absence of Eagle County as a potential partner. During a briefing yesterday, Vail Housing
Coordinator Nina Timm said the County may not be prepared to move the concept forward at the
countywide level due to its focus on the Riverview Apartment project. Councilman Bob Armour
expressed disappointment, noting that most models have worked better when the municipality
and the county have implemented the housing policy jointly. Employee generation requires
developments to provide a percentage of employee housing units based on the number of new
employees generated by the development. Although the Council authorized Timm to begin
scheduling a series of fact-finding and informational discussions with the Vail business
community, Timm was asked to return to the Council on Aug. 3 to provide a preview of the
upcoming meetings. Also yesterday, Councilmember Sybill Navas encouraged consideration of
a residential component to the employee generation ordinance for so-called trophy homes. For
more information, contact Timm in the Community Development Department at 479-2144.
--Information Update
Councilmembers reviewed an update from Police Chief Greg Morrison regarding a citizen
suggestion for improved safety measures at the West Vail roundabout. Councilmembers asked
Morrison to follow up with the citizen, Eric Larsen, regarding concerns in accessing the
Intermountain neighborhood from the south side roundabout. Also during the discussion,
Councilman Michael Jewett suggested consideration of speed bumps in the roundabouts similar
to Avon's installation, while Councilmember Sybill Navas suggested periods of increased police
presence to reduce speeding at the intersection. Also yesterday, Councilman Ludwig Kurz
expressed a general observation that people don't seem to be exercising personal responsibility
to the degree they could.
The Council voted 7-0 to deny a $1,000 funding request from CARTS (Corridor Alliance for a
Rapid Transit Solution). Although Councilmembers expressed support for the effort, it was
noted that updates and action plans would be needed to justify additional funding. The Council
has already authorized a $2,000 contribution for 1999; it gave another $2,000 the previous year.
Councilmembers viewed a bumper sticker produced by Vail resident Steve Zorichak, who was
an early advocate of Vail's roundabouts. The bumper sticker makes note of using turn signals,
Add 11TOV Council-Highlights/7-20-99
as well as taking up a cause expressed at an earlier Council meeting by Paul Rondeau, another
Vail resident. Rondeau has proposed a public education campaign to get drivers to discontinue
use of their cellular phones while on the streets.
--Council Reports
Kevin Foley, who serves as chairman of the Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority,
reported on a recent meeting of the organization in which service expansion was discussed as
well as adoption of goals.
Ludwig Kurz, who represents the Council on the Channel 5 Board of Directors, noted
improvements to the station's signature magazine show, Vail Valley Sunday, and encouraged
fellow Councilmembers to tune in.
Sybill Navas, who represents the Council on the community facilities team, said the group would
be meeting later in the week to prepare its recommendation on prioritized uses and next steps.
In addition, Navas, who represents the Council on the Vail Valley Exchange Board, announced
the upcoming trip to Mt. Buller, Australia, in which Town of Vail staff would join Vail Resorts in
recruiting trainees for the winter season. Navas encouraged other businesses to learn about the
program's benefits and to participate in the winter recruitment. Also, Navas said the Exchange
is considering the possibility of adding a South America venue to its Sister Cities program.
Michael Arnett inquired about the status of a joint discussion with the Eagle County
Commissioners.. The meeting had been postponed several weeks ago to allow for additional
fact-finding work in response to a series of budgetary questions posed by the Town Council.
Noting the increasing volume of phone calls to the Town Council's voice mail, some of which are
forwarded manually by staff, Bob Armour expressed concern for the staff time needed to
process the calls. Assistant Town Manager Pam Brandmeyer, who handles the processing, said
the problem will be rectified with the installation of a new phone system within six months. On a
related note, Sybill Navas asked if the time elapsed for each message could be shortened to 3
minutes to increase efficiency. If a constituent wished to extend the message, she said, the
person could asked to be called back by the Councilmember.
Navas also complimented the town for running paid advertising in the newspapers to promote
parking options at Ford Park during peak management days. In addition, Navas circulated an
article from an Aspen newspaper in which a councilmember there complimented the Vail Town
Council for being "nice."
Lastly, noting some confusion at last Tuesday's Council meeting in which the Planning and
Environmental Commission's approval of the Antlers redevelopment project was reported,
Navas made a motion to call-up the approval to clarify parking requirements. Her motion was
defeated on a 3-4 vote with Arnett, Armour, Ford, and Kurz voting against. See evening meeting
briefs for a second discussion.
Michael Jewett forwarded a comment from businessman Dan Telleen, who suggested the need
for a directory map within the parking structure to point out how to access shops and restaurants
nearby. Jewett also shared concerns about the inefficiency of forwarding Council voice mails.
In addition, Jewett asked fellow Councilmembers to retain the Park Free After 3 program, noting
Add 2/TOV Council Highlights/7-20-99
that he'll likely miss the Council meeting when a decision is made.
Kevin Foley inquired about a project initiated by the Colorado Department of Transportation
alongside 1-70 at the truck pull-off area by the Golf Course. It appears CDOT is constructing a
berm to mitigate noise at the request of a resident, Kit Williams.
Bob Armour noted that CDOT had recently asked the Vail Recreation District to halt construction
of a berm along one of the holes at the. Golf. Course. Armour said the berm had been placed on
CDOT property.
Kevin Foley acknowledged a letter from a participant of the Triple Bypass bicycle tour, thanking
the town for providing traffic control. Similarly, Foley said there were positive comments about
traffic control during the recent Courage Classic bicycle tour.
--Executive Session
The Council voted 5-2 (Foley, Jewett against) to move into executive session to discuss
personnel matters. The vote was taken because the Council agenda inadvertently left this item
off the public notice.
Evening Session Briefs
Council members present: Armour, Arnett, Foley, Ford, Jewett, Kurz, Navas
--Citizen Participation
Joe Staufer introduced a new organization, the Vail Chamber of Commerce, to the Town
Council. The 50-member group has initiated a membership drive this week and will be seeking
time on a future Council agenda to discuss the group's activities in more detail, Staufer said.
Among the group's requests is an interest in providing input regarding operation of the
information booths.
Kaye Ferry, representing the Vail Village Merchant Association, offered the organization's
support for the new Vail Chamber of Commerce, saying its Vail-only focus is a step in the right
Rick Sackbauer, representing the Vail Valley Exchange Board of Directors, outlined the training
exchange program between Vail and its sister city, Mt. Buller, Australia, and encouraged
businesses to consider employing the Australian trainees for the 99-2000 ski season. A
recruitment trip to Mt. Buller is planned soon, and will include representatives from the Town of
Vail. Last year during a similar trip, Sackbauer said he interviewed 110 eager applicants; 80 of
whom came to the Vail Valley. He said he was saddened to leave 30 qualified people behind
because he had no where to place them. Unemployment in Australia is high during Vail's ski
season, he said, which makes the program beneficial for both parties. For more information,
contact Sackbauer at 376-0178.
Next, Eric Baumann, owner of the Noel Christmas shop in the Sitzmark Building, appeared
before the Council to ask for additional flexibility by the town in granting permission to operate an
almond roasting stand in front of his business. Baumann, who has been operating his shop for
the past 19 years, said he needs the extra income from the outdoor operation to recover losses
from his shop. He asked the Council to support a "friendly Vail" campaign between now and
Oktoberfest to help merchants overcome a disappointing winter season.
Add 31TOV Council Highlights/7-20-99
Jim Lamont, representing the East Village Homeowners Association, requested Council
reconsider its earlier decision to let the Planning and Environmental Commission approval of the
Antlers redevelopment stand. Lamont said the Council should call-up the approval because the
matter should be discussed at the highest levels due to the magnitude of the project.
Kaye Ferry returned to the podium and echoed Lamont's request, noting that the parking
requirements for the Antlers needed additional review.
Ken Schwartz of Breckenridge, an acquaintance of Eric Baumann, appealed to the Council, to
work quickly to address Baumann's request for his outdoor almond toasting stand. He said a
similar request was worked out in Breckenridge which proved to be beneficial for both parties.
Given Vail's economic climate, Schwartz encouraged the Council to be more business-friendly.
Joe Staufer returned to the podium and offered support for the proposed Marriott
redevelopment, which was considered for second reading later in the meeting. Staufer said the
-proposal was in keeping with the newly-approved Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan by
transforming a "frog into a prince." On the other hand, Staufer criticized approval of the Antlers
redevelopment, saying it did not meet the objectives of the Lionshead Master Plan from an
aesthetic standpoint.
Next, Councilmember Sybill Navas reiterated a request raised during the work session to call-up
PEC approval of the Antlers redevelopment. This discussion took place at the end of the
evening's regular agenda in which the Council again voted to let the PEC approval stand.
--Consent Agenda
The Council voted 7-0 to approve the consent agenda, which contained a mayoral proclamation
naming July 31 Colorado Cares Day, as well as second reading of an ordinance authorizing the
sale of the Red Sandstone Creek affordable housing property to the homeowner's association in
preparation for closing on the property.
--Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail Redevelopment
The Council voted 6-1 (Foley against) to approve second reading of an ordinance amending the
Mariott's Mountain Resort Special Development District (SDD) to allow for redevelopment of the
property. The project includes a "re-skin" of the exterior of the building as well as construction of
66 interval ownership club units on top of the existing parking structure. The proposal also
includes conversion of the "Windows" restaurant to four condominium units and the conversion
of existing ski/storage area to six employee housing units. In addition, the applicant has agreed
to master lease another eight housing beds for an eight year period. This represents an
employee generation housing multiplier of 50 percent. During the public comment period, two
attorneys representing the adjacent Vail Spa property raised concerns about the application's
completeness and its ability to meet the requirements of an SDD and the Lionshead Master
Plan. Town Attorney Tom Moorhead assured the Council that conditions had been met by the
applicant. Mayor Rob Ford expressed frustration with the Vail Spa representatives, noting that
they'd waited to the 11 th hour" to bring their issues forward, while Councilman Michael Arnett
said the attorneys were "grasping at straws" in objecting to the proposal. Councilman Bob
Armour said he suspected Vail Spa's real objection was the loss of private view corridors, which
are not protected by the town's codes. Councilman Ludwig Kurz said although the project won't
meet everyone's expectations, it is a great step in the right direction for the community's overall
benefit. In voting against the measure, Councilman Kevin Foley had previously expressed
Add 4/TOV Council Highlights/7-20-99
concerns about a landmark feature on top of the building, loading and delivery issues, as well as
a concern about notification criticisms offered by the Vail Spa attorneys. For more information,
contact George Ruther in the Community Development Department at 479-2145.
--Sale of Vail East Lodging Buy-Down Unit
The Council voted 7-0 to approve first reading of an ordinance authorizing the sale of the town's
East Vail "buy-down" housing unit to a qualified buyer. The closing occurred July 12. The sales
price for the deed-restricted unit was $140,000. For more information, contact Nina Timm in the
Community Development Department at 479-2144.
--Town Manager's Report
After hearing an update on a proposed wayfinding'study, the Council voted 6-1 (Arnett against)
to authorize up to $75,000 to hire a consulting team to develop a plan for improved directional
signs for motorists and pedestrians. Eight teams from across the country have responded to the
town's request for proposals. The town's last wayfinding program was implemented prior to the
1989 World Alpine Ski Championships. For more information, contact Town Manager Bob
McLaurin at 479-2105.
--Antlers Redevelopment
Following a second discussion regarding the Antlers redevelopment approval by the Planning
and Environmental Commission, the Council repeated its earlier vote and rejected a motion by
Sybil[ Navas to call-up the item for review by the Town Council. Navas had previously
expressed concerns about a parking variance associated with the approval.
July 27 Work Session
PEC/DRB Report
August 3 Work Session
Interviews for 2 Community Task Force Members
Golden Peak Ski Tunnel Appeal
Development Standards Handbook
August 3 Evening Meeting
Appointment of 2 Community Task Force Members
Second Reading, Ordinance No. 18, Sale of Buy-Down Unit
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2157
July 19, 1999
Contact: Rob Ford, 476-3614
Vail Mayor
(Vail)--Vail Mayor Rob Ford announced today he'll resign from the Town Council this November
upon completion of his two-year mayoral term. The resignation will come at the mid-point of
Ford's current four-year term.
Ford says his decision to step down is two-fold. "I found that I needed to find a better balance in
my personal life," he said. "I also believe my departure is in the community's best interest." Ford,
who's known for his aggressive leadership style, says he's become frustrated by Vail's inability to
act proactively in addressing its problems.
"During this council's first two years, we asked the community to outline and define what issues
they wanted us to address," he said. "Those issues were upgrading our aging economic
infrastructure, dealing with the affordable housing problem and adopting a plan for building
community facilities. In the second two years, we did exactly what we were asked to do. And
while many viable solutions have been brought to the table, the community hasn't embraced those
solutions with the same level of commitment. So, rather than continue the impasse, I'd like to see
someone else forge ahead with solutions the community can support," Ford said.
In 1995, Ford, then a newcomer to Vail politics, was narrowly elected to his first term on the
Town Council. He won a 2-year term, finishing fourth out of a 10-person field. In the 1997
election, Ford's rising popularity was reflected in a top-place finish. In recognition of his top finish,
Add 1/Ford to Resign
he was elected to a 2-year mayoral term, which expires in November 1999.
The next election will be an important one, Ford says. "We're at a crossroads." Ford says all
aspects of the Vail community must start to work together in establishing an acceptable balance
between being a viable resort and a residential community. He says a continued failure to work
together will force Vail to face the consequences of a prolonged and painful internal struggle like
Aspen experienced in the late 80's. "The next council must find that proper balance between
resort and community. The existing conflict between the various Vail factions, such as the
neighborhoods and businesses, must be resolved and quickly," he said.
A special election will be needed to fill Ford's unexpired term. That election could be held
concurrently with the regular election on Nov. 2 in which four other council seats will be elected.
Under that scenario, the council candidate receiving the fifth highest number of votes would be
elected to fill the vacancy. A final decision on the timing of the special election rests with the
current Town Council.
On a personal note, Ford says he's grown increasingly uncomfortable with the level of personal
criticism and negativity surrounding Vail politics. "You know such heated criticism is born out of
frustration, yet it definitely wears you down to the point where you end up asking yourself if it's
worth it. It's so easy to sit around and complain. The hard part is bringing constructive resolutions
to the table and negotiating their acceptance."
Ford says he's very proud of the major accomplishments that have been achieved during his
tenure. Among them, approval of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, adoption of the
multi-year, multi-phased affordable housing plan, and the introduction of a community facilities
plan. Additional housing accomplishments have included completion of the 24-unit Town of Vail
seasonal housing development, the 18-unit for sale housing development at Red Sandstone, and
the purchase of Vail's first "buy-down" affordable housing unit. Along with the Lionshead Master
Add 2/Ford to Resign
Plan, the completion of the Austria Haus, which was a battle in itself, according to Ford, are all
positives for Vails revival. In addition, Ford says council's rejection of the 8-story Vail Plaza Hotel
redevelopment proposal was an appropriate decision that preserves the scale and character of
Vail for the future. He hopes the developer will come forward soon with a smaller hotel
redevelopment proposal.
"I've had some wonderful experiences representing this community and for that I thank the Vail
community," Ford said. "To host the World Championships was truly extraordinary. I also can't
say enough about the dedication of Bob McLaurin and his exceptional staff. I will miss working
with them. My wife, Debbie, also deserves tremendous credit for being truly supportive."
Ford says he'll spend the remainder of his mayoral term working on current council initiatives.
Those include an employee generation ordinance, a revision of the public accommodation zone
district development standards and potential development reviews for the Vail Associates core
site. "We still have our sights set on accomplishing as much as we can within this council's
current term," he said. "We want to continue to fulfill our campaign pledges as best we can."
In addition to Ford's unexpired term, the four other council seats that will be up for election in
November are currently held by Bob Armour, Michael Arnett, Kevin Foley and Michael Jewett. To
date, Jewett is the only outgoing councilmember who has indicated he will not seek re-election.
Ford has lived in Vail since 1973 when he moved here from Michigan. His first job in Vail was at
the Vail Village Inn, where he was a maintenance worker. He later began a career in real estate
by working in the office of Rod Slifer. Ford currently sells real estate with the firm of Christopher,
Denton, Kelton and Kendall.
SENT BY:EAGLE, CO ; 7-22-99 ;10:17AM 970 328 7207 1/ 2
News Eagle County, Colorado AWAROWIM?ER
July 22, 1999
Immediate Release
(Eagle) Eagle County Administrator Jim Hartmann has accepted the position of
Spartanburg County Administrator in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Hartmann said he will start
his new job in mid-to-late August, giving him time to tie up loose ends in Eagle County.
The Eagle County Board of Commissioners has appointed Assistant County Administrator
Jack Ingstad as Eagle County's new administrator. "His appointment as county administrator is
effective immediately," said County Commission Chairman Johnnette Phillips.
"Jack brings a strong background to the position" said county commissioner Tom Stone.
"As saddened as we are with Jim's departure, we are just as heartened we have someone as
capable as Jack to take over the reins of the county," said county commissioner James Johnson.
Ingstad began work for Eagle County in March of 1993, Tn 1995 Tngstad was named the
county's assistant adminis-trdlor.
He holds degrees in public administration and law from the University of North Dakota
and served eight years as a North Dakota State Senator. Ingstad wac a practicing attorney and
radio station owner in North Dakota prior to returning to Colorado in 1991.
Tngstad currently serves as president of the City-County Communication and Marketing
Association (3CMA)_ 3CMA is an international organization with more than 700 government
500 BROADWAY, P.O. BOX 850 • EAGLE, CO 81631 9 PHONE (970) 3208805 • FAX (870) 328-7207
SENT BY:EAGLE, CO 7-22-99 ;10:18AM 970 328 7207-i 2/ 2
Ingstad- - page 2
"We are truly fortunate to have someone as capable and experienced as Jack," said county
commissioner Tom Stone. "Having Jack able to step in, we won't miss a single beat at Eagle
"T fell in love with Eagle County when I worked as news director for KVMT Radio in '
1977,° Ingstad said. KVMT war. Vail's first radio station.
Eagle County employees more than 360 employees with an annual budget of
approximately $60 million.
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2157
July 22, 1999
Contact: Suzanne Silverthorn, 479-2115
Community Information Office
The Vail Town Clerk has issued a letter of approval to representatives of the Coalition to Stop
Vail Expansion regarding the group's request to hold a protest march in Vail on July 24. The
approval authorizes a peaceful demonstration/parade to take place from noon to 2 p.m. It will
start at the Vail Bicycle Services retail space in Lionshead, then east along West Meadow Drive,
up Bridge Street, ending at the area below the Vista Bahn. According to the approval, the route
will not be closed to traffic, vehicular or pedestrian use and must remain open for bus traffic, as
well as ambulance, fire and hospital access. The group has been advised by the Clerk's Office
of the following criteria for peaceful demonstrations and protests within the Town of Vail:
• You may distribute information (hand to hand) to those who wish to accept it. Also, there
may not be any forceful interaction. Harassment is not allowed.
• You may distribute arm bands to those who wish to accept them.
• You may circulate and have passersby, who wish to do so, sign petitions (again, no
forceful or aggressive behavior).
• You may carry signs as long as this activity does not interfere with the flow of pedestrian
• You must be located on Town of Vail public areas only.
• You may not use any hand-held or stationary banners.
• No handbills or brochures may be left at establishments without written owner
permission, nor may they be left on or in vehicles, on or in newspaper boxes or any other
public receptacles.
• No amplified sound is allowed (this includes bullhorns).
• You may not be on private property unless you have written permission from the owner of
the property.
For more information regarding this approval, contact Vail Town Clerk Lorelei Donaldson at
JUL-22-1999 14:23 VAIL REC DISTRICT P.61
9:00 A.M.
Tuesday, June 8, 1999
Krueger Room, Golf Clubhouse, Seasons at the Green Restaurant
1778 Vail Valley Drive .
Called to Order at 9:10 a.m.
PRESENT Ross Davis, Chris Mofett, and Nancy Stevens.
ABSENT Bart Cuomo and Steve Simonette.
PRESENT Bob Trautz, Mike Ortiz, Loriane Skolasinski, and Rhonda Hickman.
MAY I 1 T" AND 25"
MEETINGS Chris motioned to approve the minutes of both meetings. Nancy seconded.
Passed unanimously.
AGENDA Loriane came to express thanks to the Board for the past 25 years of
support for the ladies invitational. This year they decided not to hold the
event but to participate in the Vail Cup, which was moved to June. Ross
expressed his support of her as liaison between the Ladies Club and the
Board of Directors.
EXECUTIVE SESSION Since all the members of the Board are not present, the executive session
was excluded from this meeting.
PROPOSAL Mike went over the list of equipment needs and explained this is not a wish
list, but items necessary for safety issues. He stated he addressed Bart's
concerns on the phone of moving the equipment and the special flooring
that became available for purchase through a friend of Dan's. Chris
motioned to approve purchasing the listed equipment. Nancy seconded.
Passed unanimously.
JUL-22-1999 14:23 VAIL REC DISTRICT P.02 n
Along with the equipment needs, Mike is asking for a change of the fee
stricture. Ross feels the higher fees now would get participants used to
paying a fee more suited to an improved facility. Chris is concerned with
those families not able to absorb the higher monthly fee. Mike stated he is
willing to pursue scholarships just for gymnastics programs to facilitate
those who cannot afford the increase. Chris also wanted Mike to be careful
not to structure programs and classes that pay for themselves, nor to make
decisions based on financial issues, as the true meaning of recreational
programs is to provide a service not necessarily to make money. Mike
stated this increase would give us an opportunity to have the program grow
and the fee will be properly set up when it does move into'a new facility.
Chris motioned to approve the fee increase to $6.25 as opposed to a
smaller increase now and again when we get a new facility. Ross
seconded. Passed unanimously.
VARIANCE REPORT Bob reported the YTD District bottom line for the 4-month period ending
April 30' shows a favorable variance of $176,000. Variances from
Operations is favorable $113,000 (only slightly less than last month), and
is still mainly due to timing differences while Captex is favorable
$63,000.Golf branch is favorable $58,000 and results from the pending
payment of $46,000 for the cart fleet (payment made in May) and a
reduced early season parts order for maintenance. Other revenues are
favorable $49,000 due to an unanticipated one-time dividend of.$31,0W
from Standard Insurance as well as taxes being up $15,000. Sports is
favorable $10,000 due to savings in salaries as there were some vacancies
in staff. Contributing unfavorably are Dobson ($27,000); Youth Services
($18,000); Admin. ($12,000); and Outdoors ($8,000). As communicated
last month, Dobson's variance has "caught" up as anticipated revenues
were collected, however, the unfavorable variances from rink rental, guest
fees, and skate rentals, as well as salaries due to the championships still
remain. Youth Services variance remains the same from our last report,
which is due to misposted buy-in revenue. Admin. and Outdoors variances
are the results of additional salaries due to the salary survey and an
addition to staff, respectively. Cap/ex is mainly due to Golf Maintenance
which is favorable $66,000 and is due to timing as our new fairway
mowers have yet to be purchased. Other minor fluctuations are present
within other departments, however, these too are just due to timing.
DOBSON UPDATE Bob issued a memo from Jim Heber on the results of a meeting between
TOV, O'Dell Architects, Design Workshop, and Peak Civil Engineering
concerning flood plain issues. The group's decision was to have a more
elaborate study of the area ready for the June 28' PEC meeting.
GOLF FEES Bob updated the Directors on staff s decision to keep the rates discounted
until June 18", At that time, the rates will be increased to full season rates.
WORKSESSION It was decided to cancel the worksession scheduled for June 22, 1999.
JUL-22-1999 14:24 VAIL REC DISTRICT P.03
ADJOURNMENT Clzris motioned to adjourn. Nancy seconded. Passed unanimously-
Meeting adjourned at 10:40 am
Nancy Stevens, Se etary Rhonda Hickman, Admin. Assistant
Post-iY Fox Note 7671
coJPept Go.
-i' ' • . is i 1pQE Phow #
pt #
r . Farr fax i
JUL-22-1999 15:01 VAIL REC DISTRICT P.01
Vail n
g~00 ft- of fan
Vail, CO 81657
1178 Vail Valley Drive
Vail. Colorado 81657
'Fax: 479-2355 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the special meeting/work session of
GOLF the Board of Directors of the Vail Park and Recreation District d/b/a Vail
MAINTENANCE Recreation District, Eagle County, Colorado scheduled for 9:00 a.m.
1278 Vail Valley Drive
479-2262 Tuesday July 27, 1999 at the Krueger Room at the Golf Course is canceled.
Fax: 479. 1451
PARK By /S/ Nancy Stevens
700 S. Frontage Rout
VAIL TENNIS CENTER I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Notice of Cancellation of
700 S. Fmntagc Road Ewa Special Meeting/Work Session was, by me
479-2294 personally, posted in three
Fax: 479-2281 locations within the District's boundaries. (Dobson Ice Arena, Town of Vail
JOHN A- DOBSON ARENA Clerk's Office, and Vail Recreation District Administrative Office).
321 Lionsbead Circle
395 Rhonda fEckrnan
395 E. I,iotultcad Cirtlt
Fax: 479-2815 I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Notice of Cancellation of
VAIL NATURE CENTER Special Meeting/Work Session was, by me personally, forwarded to The
Vail Valley Drive
479.2291 Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office, P.O. Box 537, Eagle,
700 S. Fmnmgc Road East
94, 4
700 S. Frontage Road Eau
479-2280 Rhonda Hickman
Fax: 479-2281
Or vu+r to at.
Post-ir Fax Note 7671 D~ I T4 7o tJ~ From
GoJDept Co. f c ,
Phone # Phone a
Fax i ~ Fex ~
JUL. 22. 1999 3:05PM NO. 7098 P. 113
Contact: Eric Resr ick - Vice President of Strategic Planning
and Inve! for Relations
Vail Rest arts, Inc.
(970) 84.-2490
`Theresa 18chillero
Miriam 1,dler Financial Media Contact
Morgen:,Walke Associates
(212) 8511-5600
- The 885-acre Category Ill terrain expan rion at VaU proceeds -
- New six-passenger high-speed chairlift on Peak 9 in Breckenridge -
- Expansion of the Conference Center . it Keystone begins -
- Build out of Bachelor Gulch at ,Heaver Ch ek Mountain continues -
Vail, Colo., - July 22, 1999 - Vail Resorts Inc. (NYSE: M'M today announced plans to invest
approximately $60 million in resort improvements for its Vail, Breckenridge, Keystone and Beaver
Creek mountain resorts during calendar year 1999. These capital improvements are part of the
Company's growth strategy to enhance its core operations and related amenities.
"A core strategy of Vail Resorts is to ensure that we offer the l dghest standard of quality to our guests,"
commented Adam Aron, chairman and chief executive officer, "This $60 million capital investment
program reflects our commitment to making our resorts among; the highest-quality destinations in the
world. We are committed to quality and growth, and are confident that these enhancements will enable
us to deliver excellence for our customers and growth in earnil tgs for our shareholders."
The following is a breakdown of selected projects:
? On July 1, 1999 the company continued the expansion of i:s world-famous Back Bowls by resuming
construction on the 885-acre Category III terrain expansio i. The terrain is expected to provide
improved early- and late-season terrain options and additic oral intermediate bowl skiing for Vail
guests. The area is scheduled for a fall 2000 grand opening;.
? The Two Elk lodge atop Vail Mountain is also under reeot tstruction and the Company will invest in
an approximate 200-seat expansion of the facility, representing an approximate 28% increase in
overall seating capacity.
? The Lodge at Vail, one of the Company's premier hotel pr operties, will undergo further renovation
of guest rooms.
4 Additional capital investments include the renovation of c:rtain dining operations, the enhancement
of security systems, the upkeep and maintenance of snowr ialang facilities, and the replacement of
snowgroomiug equipment.
Vail Rrsnrti; Manugrment Company • Post Offiee Box 7 • Vail, Colorado F1050 • 1;57 Benchmark Ruud • Avon. Colorado 81620
V A I L - B E A V E R C R E E K R B R E C 4 E N R I D.G E K E Y S T 0 N EP
~UL.22.1999 3:06PM NQ.7098 P. 2/3
? The Quicksilver lift, the primary access point for Peaks 9 end 10 at Breckenridge is being replaced
with a new high-speed six-passenger chairlift and will be renamed the Quicksilver Super6_ The base
of the lift will be relocated to allow more convenient acces; from the recently acquired Village at
Breckenridge property.
The highly successful TenMile Station restaurant that opened last year will introduce a new 220-seat
outdoor barbecue deck, increasing the overall seating eapa;ity by approximately 65%.
• Additional capital investments include planning costs for a potential terrain expansion,
improvements to the Village at Breckenrdige property, the upkeep and maintenance of snowmaking
facilities, and replacement of grooming equipment.
? Construction of a 37,500-square-foot conferencelexhibit facility will nearly double the capacity of
the existing Keystone Conference Center. The project is underway, with completion expected by
summer 2000, and is expected to provide Keystone with continued growth in its meeting and
conference business segment.
s The new 18-hole championship River Course at Keystone started last summer will be completed
with play scheduled to begin in summer 2000-
6 Approximately 6,500 square feet of meeting and conference facilities will be built in River Run to
accommodate the growing demand for meeting space in 'W hat is fast becoming the village core of
Keystone Resort.
? Additional capital investments include the replacement of on-mountain night-lights and the upkeep
and maintenance of snowmaking facilities and replacerner t of grooming equipment.
? An on-mountain dining and lounge facility, Zaeh's Cabin,'is bciug built for members of the new
Bachelor Gulch Club.
• The Arrowhead Alpine Club in Arrowhead Village will be completed providing members with
enhanced skier services, fitness facilities and various other - membership privileges.
• Additional capital investments include the enhancement o %security systems and upgrades to
commercial leasing space as well as the upkeep and maintenance of snowmaking facilities and
replacement of grooming equipment.
JUL. 22. 1999 3:06PM NO. 7098 P. 3/3
• Improvements will be made to the rental ski fleet, store frc nts, fiuniture and fixtures, and
information systems across the 70-plus retail and rental stc res controlled by Specialty Sports
Venture,. Vail Resorts retail joint venture.
? Investments will be made to upgrade and implement new i aformation systems and the Company's
extensive Year 2000 plan. Plans include improvements to ,,Meld management teehnology and
computerized point-of-sale systems as well as hardware ar'd systems infrastructure upgrades.
• Outside of the Company's capital plan, the recently acquires Grand Teton Lodge Company
experienced capital investment this year under prior owneship, which will benefit this summer's
resort operations.
• Most significantly, the Jackson Lake Lodge underwent a S D% conference and meeting facility
expansion, increasing total conference space to approximately 16,000 square feet.
• Separately, the Company plans to invest approximately $26 million in real estate development.
? Significant projects include architectural and engineering Manning for future developments at
greckenridgc, Vail and Avon, planning for golf course dex elopment near Beaver Creek, and
continued village development in Bachelor Gulch and Arrowhead at Beaver Creek
Vail Resorts Inc. is the premier mountain resort operator in Nc7th America. The Company operates the
Colorado mountain resorts of Vail, Breckenridge, Keystone ar d Beaver Creek and the Grand Teton
Lodge Company in Jackson Hole Wyoming.
Statements in this press release, other than statements of historical is formation, are forward-looking statements that
are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Secur hies Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such
forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertait ties that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those projected Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking
statements which speak only as of the date hereof. Such risks and un,^ertainties include, but are not limited to,
general business and economic conditions; competitive factors in thE,ski and resort industry; and the weather.
Invesrors are also directed to other risks discussed in documents filet! by the Company with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
James Franklin Lamont 970-827-5856 07/23/1999 09:45:11 AM P.2
Officers: President - Bob Galvin Secretary - Gretta Parks Treasurer - Patrick Gramm G-r-6)
Directors - Judith Berkowitz - Dolph Bridgewater - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Langley - Bill Morton - Connie Ridder
To: Town of Vail
Town Council
From: Jim Lamont, Executive Director
Date: July 23, 1999
RE: Antler's at Vail, Design Review Procedure
The Association requests the Town Council to review immediately the sequencing and sta-
tus of the Design Review approval and appeals procedure for the Antler's at Vail. The Association
believes that there has been an inappropriate application of the project review procedures.
The Association requests that the Town Council require the publication and conduct of a
public hearing before the Design Review Board to consider final design review approval for the Ant-
ler's at Vail.
The Town has historically imposed a standing policy over all development projects that they
cannot receive final design review approval until all matters pending or under appeal before the
Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council are completed. The decision for final
design review approval must be made at a public hearing with adequate public notice. This long
held procedure has been followed so that the Town Council could make decisions that were not
bound by decisions of lesser boards such as the Design Review Board. According to Town Admin-
istrators, final Design Review approval for the Antler's occurred before all matters pending before
the Town Council were completed. According to Administrators the period for appeal of the final
Design Review decision was closed prior to the Town Council's final decision with respect to the ap-
plication. If true, the administrative appeals process may have been suborned.
Please review the attached memorandum with respect to the issue of concern surrounding the
Design Review procedures as well as other matters associated with the review of the Antler's at Vail.
Post Office Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658
Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Message/FAX: (970) 827-5856
James Franklin Lamont 970-827-5856 07/23/1999 09:45:11 AM P.3
Officers: President - Bob Galvin Secretary - Gretta Parks Treasurer - Patrick Gramm
Directors - Judith Berkowitz - Dolph Bridgewater - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Langley - Bill Morton - Connie Ridder
To: Bob Galvin, Board of Directors and Interested Parties
From: Jim Lamont, Executive Director
Date: July 23, 1999
RE: Lionshead Master Plan Antler's At Vail Decision
Introduction: The Homeowner's Association is concerned with the correctness of the deci-
sion making process surrounding the recent approvals by the Town of Vail for the expansion of the
Antler's At Vail condominium building in Lionshead. The Town of Vail, under the provision of the
recently adopted Lionshead Master Plan and rezoning ordinance, approved twenty new condomini-
um units and granted an unprecedented variance from the parking requirement. Each of these ap-
provals did not conform with the primary goals of the Master Plan. The Town's approval is
precedent setting. The Antler's is the first project to be approved under the auspices of the Master
Plan and the Lionshead Mixed Use Zone District.
The Master Plan calls for the exterior architectural upgrade of existing buildings. The plan
stipulates that redevelopment projects would be allowed density increases if there is an increase in
the on-site inventory of short term visitor accommodations. Redevelopment projects would be ap-
proved if there is no net loss of parking. The Town's approval of the Antler's conformed to none of
these goals.
The Antler's decision gives the appearance that the Master Plan is being used as a ruse to
give away density, parking concessions, and variances. The practice of give-aways would have been
prohibited under previous regulations.
The General Manager for the Antler's is a former Town Councilman. He is closely aligned
with the tax increase and public spending agenda before the Town's Administration. The lack of
compliance with the three fundamental tenets of the Lionshead Master Plan gives the appearance
that political influence was brought to bear on this matter.
Vail Resorts Inc. is currently in negotiations to make an estimated $250 million capital in-
vestment in Lionshead and Vail Village. A majority of the investment will occur on their properties
that are in close proximity to the Antler's site. The types of development under discussion are high
end residential and commercial projects. The effects of these projects on property values throughout
Lionshead and the economic health of the community will be profound.
The Antler's proposal threatens to undermine the full extent of the positive influence that
VRI's investments could bring to the resurrection of Lionshead from its economic doldrums. If
Lionshead is not pulled up by the VRI investment the economic well being of the community will
continue to suffer.
Exterior Architectural Upgrade: The Antler's tower is a dominant image on the land-
scape of Lionshead. It occupies a central location and is viewable from nearly every vantage point
Post Office Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658
Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Message/FAX: (970) 827-5856
James Franklin Lamont 970-827-5856 07/23/1999 09:45:11 AM P.4
JFL?BG/BOD/IP - Lionshead Master Plan - Antler's At Vail Decision - 7/23/1999
in the surrounding area. A failure to upgrade substantially the existing Antler's building will cause
it to be an economic drag on surrounding properties and the redevelopment of Lionshead.
The failure to upgrade the architectural exterior of the existing building will adversely affect
investor interest in making quality improvement to surrounding properties. The Antler's plan will be
an overall deterrent to a qualitative redevelopment of Lionshead because it will deflate expectations
for a meaningful return on investment on the part of surrounding property owners.
If the Antler's property owners wait to undertake redevelopment until qualitative develop-
ment occurs in the area, the opposite effect would result. Qualitative development on nearby sites
would have the effect of raising values on the existing Antler's property. A rise in real value would
give the owners a greater degree of reliability that they will receive a more desirable return on in-
vestment through a higher degree of qualitative redevelopment, commensurate with new qualitative
standards for the area, of their existing building.
Town administrators justify their decision to not require an upgrade of the existing building
by arguing that the new addition looks better than what is there now. Many believe, it's not good
enough. The architect for the expansion project is an owner in the building. No effort was made to
hire a consultant architect to consider methods of improving the appearance of the existing structure.
The Town of Vail did not invoke its authority to have the project reviewed by a professional design
consultant. The Town has used such consultants frequently in the past. Administrators use the
number of meetings needed to review the project as a measure of its successful compliance with
Town standards rather than as an example of an intractable applicant.
Short Term Bed Base: The Antler's will not make a commitment that the new condomini-
um units will be required to be rented short term when the owners of the units are not in residence.
Similar requirements are imposed by other condominium associations throughout the Town in order
to increase the volume of visitors coming to the community. The Town Council has not approved,
in recent memory, this amount of unrestricted fee simple condominium units.
Parting Variance: If the Antler's is unable to meet its parking requirement through valet
parking and other design consideration it is tied, through the terms of the parking variance, to the
payment of a pay-in-lieu parking fee to make up any deficit in required parking. The pay-in-lieu
parking fee is a means of property owners to buy their way out of paying for the construction of
parking spaces. Construction cost for a parking space well exceeds the cost ofthe pay-in-lieu fee. In
actual fact, via the pay-in-lieu, the parking demand from new development on the site is transferred
to the public parking structures. Therefore, there will be a net loss of parking available to the gener-
al pubic.
In most areas of Vail Village pay-in-lieu parking is limited to the pedestrian precinct where
on-site parking is not desired. Such is the case because increase vehicular traffic conflicts with the
pedestrian quality of Vail Village. The Antler's is not in a pedestrian precinct, nor will it be, accord-
ing to the Master Plan.
The Town Council has commissioned a study to determine if it should reduce the amount of
parking for short term accommodation projects. If the Antler's does not make a commitment to short
term their condominium units, they would not be eligible for a parking reduction. As part of their
deliberation regarding pay-in-lieu parking fee and parking standards, the council is considering re-
moving from eligibility for the pay-in-lieu fee those sites that are accessible by vehicle and lie out-
side of the pedestrian precinct. If adopted, the Antler's would not be eligible for pay-in-lieu. Finally,
James Franklin Lamont 970-827-5856 07/23/1999 09:45:11 AM P.5
JFL/BG/BOD/IP - Lionshead Master Plan - Antler's At Vail Decision - 7/23/1999
whatever standards and pay-in-lieu policies are adopted they would be applied uniformly to all prop-
erty owners in similar circumstances. The Town by granting the variance to Antler's granted a spe-
cial privilege to void requirements that are presently applied to all other property owners.
Inappropriate Application Of Review Procedures: The Town has historically imposed a
standing policy over all development projects that they cannot receive final design review approval
until all matters pending or under appeal before the Planning and Environmental Commission and
Town Council are completed. The decision for final design review approval must be made at a pub-
lic hearing with adequate public notice. This long held procedure has been followed so that the
Town Council could make decisions that were not bound by decisions of lesser boards such as the
Design Review Board. According to Town Administrators, final Design Review approval for the
Antler's occurred before all matters pending before the Town Council were completed. According to
Administrators the period for appeal of the final Design Review decision was closed prior to the
Town Council's final decision with respect to the application. If true, the administrative appeals pro-
cess may have been subomed. The Association will request the Town Council to review immediate-
ly the sequencing and status of the Design Review approval and appeals procedure for the Antler's.
In contrast, the Marriott Hotel redevelopment, located adjacent to the Antler's was required
by Town Officials to conform to an extensive array of Master Plan and design review stipulations.
The Town's double standard for the Antler's becomes painfully evident when a comparison is made
of the proposed exterior architectural treatment of each of the buildings.
Summary: The review and approval of the Antler's project is fundamentally flawed. Criti-
cal master planning conformance criteria and design standards, in these precedent setting decisions,
are substantially undermined. The equal application of parking standards and review procedures
were suborned, creating a special privilege. The actions of the Town of Vail are regrettable. They
do a disservice to the integrity of the institution and the economic well being of the community.
The Homeowners Association participated throughout the entirety of the Lionshead Master
Planning and rezoning process. Its membership includes properties subject to the Lionshead Master
Plan and the zoning ordinance. The Association became involved with the Lionshead planning pro-
cess to insure that the plan had no adverse effects upon the interests of Vail Village and its sur-
rounding residential neighborhoods. Further, that the design standards and review procedures are
implemented in a fair and consistent manner as they are precedent setting for similar regulations in
Vail Village.
The Association raised objections to the appropriate authorities with respect to the foregoing
issues throughout the entirety of the Antler's review process. The quality of decision making, as
well as other affiliated issues regarding rezoning and related matters in Vail Village, give due cause
for the Association to be concerned with the consequences of this decision.
Office of the Town Attorney
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657 1999-VAIL-BEAVER CREEK
970-479-2107/Fax 970-479-2157
July 23, 1999
Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr., Esquire
Dunn, Abplanalp & Mauriello, P.C.
108 S. Frontage Road, Suite 300
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Schmidt - 381 Beaver Dam Road
Dear Art:
After a complete review of your letter of July 19, 1999, a review of the Town of Vail records and
proceedings on 381 Beaver Dam Road, review of the Vail Town Code and the Uniform Building
Code, I have arrived at the conclusion that there is no merit to your claims in law or fact. There is
presently no decision or action subject to appeal.
It is my understanding that the Town of Vail will continue to monitor the progress of this project as
it does all other construction projects within the Town of Vail.
Very truly yours,
R. Thomas Moorhead
Town Attorney
xc: Gary Goodell
Russell Forrest
Planning & Environmental Commission
Jay Peterson, Esquire
Vail Town Council
* - _ ~
:C Design Review Action Form
Project Name: W & B Development LLC
Project Description: construction of a detached primary and secondary residence
Owner, Address and Phone: W & B Development LLC
Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Jay Peterson, 108 S. Frontage Road West Suite 204, Vail, CO 81657 '
Project Street Address: 381 Beaver Dam Circle
Legal Description: Lot 1, Blk. 4, Vail Village 3'' Filing
Parcel Number. Building Name:
Comments: The PEC approved the Type II EHU on June 14, 1999
Project': PRJ99-0114
Board / Staff Action
Motion by: Pierce Action: Approved
Seconded by: Woldrich
Vote: 4-0
1. Must provide stamped engineercd detail on all retaining walls in excess of 4' in height prior to issuance
of building permit.
2. Must provide wetland study and obtain Army Corp of Engineers permit prior to issuance of a building
permit on secondary residence.
3. Must comply with tree report submitted and have arborist verify that all requirements are being met.
Town Planner. Dominic Mauriello
Date: 6/16/98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00
,y Jam/ U" 0
my /
CAROL WOODS SCHMIDT, whose address is 3901 South Gilpin Street, Cherry Hills
Village, Colorado 80110, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, Grantor,
s for the consideration of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS, the receipt and sufficiency of
which are hereby acknowledged, Lireby sells and conveys to
whose address is 3901 South Gilpin S Cherry Hilla VillagoI Colorado 011 ounry
of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, Grantee,
the following real property located in the County of Eagle, Sate of Colorado:
Block 4, Lot 2, Vail Village Filing No. 3, all in the Town of Vail, County
of Eagle, State of Colorado,
also known and numbered as 401 Beaver Dam Circle, Eagle, Colorado 81657,
with all its appurtenances,
and warrants the title to the same,
subject to liens and encumbrances of record, if any, and subject to the lien for general
taxes for 1998 due and payable in 1999,
subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, exceptions, exclusions, rights-
of-way, eastments, decrees, and all other matters of record, if any.
No document ary fee is required pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes Sections 39-13-
102(2)(a) and 39-13-104(1)(b).
Signed and delivered this 10th day of August, 1998.
111111111110111111 IN IN
673342 16/21/1M 61:21P 432 Sara Flahee
I of 2 R 11-M 0 1-M N 6.M Eagle CO
City and County of Denver )
The undersigned, being of lawful age and being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and
1. Affiant is a Trustee of the trust named below and has the authority to execute
and record this affidavit.
2. The name of the trust which may acquire, convey, encumber, lease, or
otherwise deal with any interest in real property is CAROL WOODS SCFff- =
3. The names and addresses of all Trustees who are * v such name are:
CAROL WOODS SCMi UDT, 3901 South Gilpin Stree erry Hills V age, Colora
4. The Trustees who may convey, encumber, lease, or otherwise deal with the
interest in real property are: CAROL WOODS SCHl1"=, 3901 South Gilpin Street,
Cherry Hills Village, Colorado 80110.
5. This affidavit is executed and reoo_rded pursuant to the provisions of Colorado
Revised Statute §38-30-166.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of dcl~-~
1998. Witness my hand -and official seal.
~ r
0 ssion expires:
Notary Public
7? ~l1G ~r
I I!lIII !!III 111!111 !!fl !1!1 fill!! ll11ll III !1111(1!! 11!1
~p~nmjssion Edits June 24 2002 6TZ611 10/ 16/ 1U6 94:W 161 Sara Fisher
1 of S R 6.00 0 0.06 N 6.06 Eaele CC
Ownership Information
Owner information Property Location Lot#/Location
Applicant/Property Owner
W & B Development LLC 381 Beaver Dam Circle Lot 1, Block 4,
3 Essex Road Vail CO 81657 Vail Village 3rd Filing
: Summit NJ 07901,
Adjoining Property Owners
Carol Woods Schmidt Qualified 401 Beaver Dam Circle Lot 2, Block 4,
Personal Residence Trust Vail CO 81657 Vail Village 3rd Filing
3901 South Gilpin
Cherry Hills Village CO 80110
Nancy R. Byers 352-A Beaver Dam Circle Parcel A, Lot 5, Block 3,
352-A Beaver Dam Circle Vail CO 81657 Vail Village 3rd Filing
Vail CO 81657
Warren A. & Laurie E. Miller, 352-B Beaver Dam Circle Parcel B, Lot 5, Block 3,
Trustees Vail CO 81657 Vail Village 3rd Filing
P.O. Box 350
Deer Harbor WA 98243
Beaver Dam Road L.L.C. 392 Beaver Dam Circle Parcel E, Lot 4, Block 3,
c/o Howard Koenig Vail, CO 81657 Vail Village 3rd Filing
7 Breakers Isle
Dana Point, CA 92692
Beaver Dam Road L. L.C. 392 Beaver Dam Circle Parcel W, Lot 4, Block 3
c/o Howard Koenig Vail, CO 81657 Vail Village 3rd Filing
7 Breakers Isle
Dana Point CA 92692
Vail Associates no street address unplatted land north and
Post Office Box 7 west of Lot 1, Block 4,
Vail CO 816,58 Vail Village 3rd Filing
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2157
July 23, 1999
Contact: Nina Timm, 479-2144
TOV Housing Coordinator.
(Vail)--Lottery applications are currently being taken for the resale of two Vail Commons units.
The property at 2090 Zermatt Lane, unit F, is listed at $118,262.63. This unit has 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bath,
a washer and dryer and built-in microwave. The unit will be shown at an open house from 5 to 7 p.m. July
29. Applications are due by noon July 30. A lottery drawing, if needed, will be held at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 12 in
the Vail Town Council Chambers.
The property at 2092 Zermatt Lane, unit B, is listed at $117,459.72. Applications are due at noon Aug. 6.
This unit has 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bath and a washer and dryer. The unit will be shown at an open house from
5 to 7 p.m. Aug. 3 and repeated Aug. 5. Applications are due by noon Aug. 6. A lottery drawing, if needed,
will be held at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 19 in the Vail Town Council Chambers.
Lottery applications are available from the Town of Vail Community Development Department. To quality
for either lottery, applicants must:
• currently own no other real estate in Eagle County
• use the residence as an owner-occupied primary home
• work in Eagle County a minimum of 30 hours per week over the course of a year and plan
to continue working that same amount until the sale of the property or retirement
• agree to a re-sale cap of 3 percent annual appreciation.
To date, the town has conducted resales for 9 of the 53 Vail Commons units. Three of the nine have
included residents who've moved from unit to another within the development. Five others left the valley to
pursue other interests while another former Vail Commons owner recently purchased a free market unit in
Since 1995, the Town of Vail housing program has facilitated ownership opportunities for 78 buyers. For
more information, contact Nina Timm, Vail housing coordinator, at 479-2144.
Now" 11
expansion , 4 ti -j f A&4"
} +i
cr h j I -
Monday July 26, 1999
' Micnvim Vr4n~
moon ain bike race over the weekend. Grainger nished 716615s dnd §tdrted on the 81h, completing 124 miles. wnen 3t ~dn~t rain, said
j See Cat ill, 7
Gol noes
towns.. tackle- rowt
..g . they takes a toll on
Counties. in three years:
{ on nsus sought Slope David Broadwell, staff, attor- Giving counties th
`?r};to S rat g . Ies for neY 'for the Municipal,Leagu
e t to orchards
e,, i5comment . on cities' planning
fir, tiVe "growth drafting a proposal ars.and cities some input into
It is critical, if possible! to pre- r. counties' plans for,- areas near MONTROSE, Colo.
(AP) - The farther west, the more
ma gecnent sent a united front: from "1661 their boundaries: freezes and hail have taken their extensive the damage, Talbott
governments on .wliat..can and-'. =Allowing counties to block toll on the Western Slope fruit said.
R ,(AP) =Two organi- should be done," Broaawellsaid.:.::;.develo ment on 1
p and that
I that/represent cities and The groups proposed : a 10 be annexed into a'city., " dieting "they will reap only 15 but they're going to be pretty
ieounties ark .taking' th off nsive point plan
during this year's leg Proponents of mana m the percent to half their usual yield.. scarce," he said.
in the tiattlelover gro>th d are g g Harr Talbott of Talbott
illative session, but the plan growth making Colorado one of Y ; The main peach harvest sea-
trying to r~y support for gisla- wasn't proposed as a bill. the fastest-growing states in the Farms said he likely will have 15 son is the first of August
w hon designed to make it a ier for Growth-management legislation country, pledged to go to the bal- percent of his peaches and about through the first of September.
communities to cooper to on that some county and city offi- lot when lawmakers killed a bill 50 percent of his apple crop. Last year's crop was outstand-
glow ri4ana ement. ~ .
The" Colorado Munici cials thought went too far failed. titled the Responsible Growth That is not atypical for the Pal- ing, but conditions were bad
pal The city and county groups Act. isade area, he said. two years ago.
League and Colorado Counties . hope to fend off a ballot proposal The Colorado Public Interest
Group and environ- But four five miles westof
Inc. are building support for their they fear would be too restrictive. Research Palisade and d " most eve
fruit gTalbottrowers said victims if
are vctims of glob-
" , proposal with such groups as the They might present their plan as mental groups supported the bill is completely froze out," Talbott al warming.
Denver Metro Chamber of Com- early as next month to an interim by Sen. Bryan Suliivant, R-Breck- said.
merce and Colorado Ski Country legislative committee working on enridge. They have said recent g a little micro cli- "I bought my farm in the
USA.' You've of
r . the growth issue. polls show Coloradans are con- mate on the east end of the val- early 1950s and *for 14 1/2 years
"They are saying, 'We want The points might include: cerned about the impacts of ley. East of Palisade, some have I grew peaches," he said. "Then
you to take the lead on this,"' said - Preventing cities from growth. COPIRG has said it will
wind around 50 machines percent and if frost thep rotecy used in the next eight years I lost three
Chris Castilian, director of leg- annexing land if they couldn't try to place a growth-manage-
illative affairs for Qolorado provide services to the area with- ment initiative on the ballot. - crops. So if it isn't changing, I
tion of some kind," he said. don't know what's happening."
IVi"a" °
Monday, July 26, 1999
P_roiect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Community Development Department 11:30 p.m.
DRB/PEC/Town Council Roles and Responsibilities in the Development Review Process - (1 hour
discussion) .
John Schofield
Galen Aasland
Diane Golden
Brian Doyon
Tom Weber
Chas Bernhardt
Doug Cahill
Site Visits.: 1:00 P.M.
1. Ferry -1007 Eagle's Nest Circle
2. Barrett -1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive
3. Dobson Ice Arena - 321 E. Lionshead Circle
Driver: George
NOTE: If the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m.
1. A request for a minor subdivision, to. allow for the establishment of single-family lot
boundaries within a clustered residential subdivision, located at the Residences at Briar
Patch, 1386 Buffehr Creek Road / Parcel F, Briar Patch.
Applicant: Web Atwell / Briar Patch HOA
Planner: Brent Wilson
MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 7-0
1. That the applicant provide the Town of Vail Department of Community
Development with a revised final plat with all required signatures for recording,
prior to submitting an application for Design Review for any proposed
improvements on the property.
2. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the vacation of an existing lot line to re-
establish two lots, located at 1397 & 1427 Vail Valley Drive / Lots 6 & 7, Block 3, Vail
Valley First Filing.
Applicant: Phoebe Barrett, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Schultz Architects
Planner: Allison Ochs
MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-0-1 (Doyon recused)
3. A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-9, Town of Vail Code, to allow for two-family
residential site coverage in excess of 20% of lot area, and a request for a conditional use
permit, to allow for the construction of a Type II employee housing unit, located at 1007
Eagle's Nest Circle / Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 7.
Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by Eric Johnson, Architect\
Planner: Brent Wilson
MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-0-1(Aasland
4. A request for a final review of a of a conditional use permit, to allow for a proposed locker
room expansion and loading dock addition to the Dobson Ice Arena, located at 321 E.
Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing.
Applicant: Vail Recreation District
Planner: George Ruther
MOTION: Chas Bernhardt SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 4-3 (Schofield,
Bernhardt, Doyon opposed)
1. That the applicant submit civil engineered drawings of the required West Meadow Drive
realignment and bridge reconstruction for review and approval, prior to submitting an
application for a building permit.
2. That the applicant retain the services of a Consulting Arborist to assist in the implementation
of the mitigation measures recommended in the Tree Preservation-Plan prepared by A Cut
Above Forestry of Breckenridge, Colorado dated 3/20/99. All mitigation measures shall be
strictly adhered to for the duration of the construction project.
3. That the applicant actively participate with the Town of Vail Art in Public Places Board to
develop a visually interesting, yet modest, loading dock gate design, and that the gate be
reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board
4. That the applicant revise the proposed landscape plan to include the relocation of the existing
vegetation on-site, rather than off-site. The revised plan shall be reviewed and
approved by staff prior to the issuance of a building permit.
5. That the applicant revise the proposed site plan to relocate the existing layout of the
pedestrian path and to include brick pavers at the entrance to the loading and delivery
area. The revised plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
6. That the proposed plans be revised to add a note prohibiting roof-top mechanical equipment
atop the new addition prior to the issuance of a building permit.
7. That a barrier be added to direct the pedestrian flow from the dumpster to the bike path.
8. That the dumpster area be reclaimed and relandscaped.
9. That the asphalt be minimal when the road is widened.
5. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the creation of a public park, located at
Lots 1,2 & 3, Block H, Vail das Schone/2497, 2485, 2487 Garmisch and the. unplatted
portion of the SE 1/4, SE 1/2, SW'/2 of Section 11, Township 5, Range 81 West.
Applicant: Town of Vail
Planner: Allison Ochs
MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 5-2
6. A request for a minor subdivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located
at 2477, 2485, 2487-2497 Garmisch Drive/ Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2.
Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina Timm
Planner: Allison Ochs
7. A request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 37 (Antlers), to allow
for the construction of 24 new condominiums, 7 new employee housing units and a new
parking structure level, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place (the Antlers)/ Lot 3, Block 1,
Lionshead Third Filing.
Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine
Planner: George Ruther
8. Information Update
9. Approval of July 12, 1999 minutes.
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during
regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community
Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information.
Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the
Hearing Impaired, for information.
Community Development Department
July 27, 1999
To: Vail Town Council
Bob McLaurin
Pain Brandmeyer
Steve Thompson
From: Sally Lorton
Re: June sales tax collections
Attached please find the latest sales tax worksheet. I estimate I'll collect another $34,000.00 in
June sales tax to bring June collections to $680,675.00. If so, we will be up $47,275.00 or 7.46%
from June 1998 and up $25,245.00 or 3.85% from budget. Year to date collections would total
$8,496,511.00 and we would be down $263,498.00 or 3.01% from 1998 and down $567,957.00
or 6.27% from budget.
June Events Included
1998 1999
The Mountain Challenge The Highline Sports Mountain Challenge
Hot Summer Nights Hot Summer Nights
King of the Mountain Volleyball King of the Mountain Volleyball
Bravo! Colorado Bravo! Colorado
Vail Chili Cookoff Vail's Southwest Chili Fest
Fila Skyrunners Verticle Kilometer Fila Skyrunners Verticle Kilometer
Town of Vail
Sales Tax Worksheet
% Change % Change
1999 Budget from from
Month 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Budget Collections Variance 1998 Budget
January 1,126,496 1,465,870 1,599,123 1,713,091 1,709,654 1,855,364 1,805,707 1,894,597 1,935,782 2,052,569 2,115,359 2,188,943 2,065,526 (123,417) -2.36% -5.64%
February 1,205,101 1,561,286 1,695,850 1,737,343 1,780,568 1,828,766 1,814,495 1,816,107 1,993,389 2,089,673 2,153,121 2,228,041 2,020,574 (207,467) -6.16% -9.31%
March 1,591,705 1,939,758 1,897,718 2,051,820 1,977,995 1,988,090 2,250,656 2,139,298 2,240,865 2,580,992 2,368,077 2,450,164 2,412,128 (38,036) 1.86% -1.55%
April 550,205 567,684 634,174 616,648 691,163 864,303 794,668 791,092 966,993 874,427 1,107,334 1,145,861 949,864 (195,997) -14.22% -17.10%
May 170,567 215,548 236,359 250,809 268,000 257,248 287,315 324,681 318,920 329,783 382,718 396,027 367,744 (28,283) -3.91% -7.14%
June 329,039 393,470 448,227 468,948 468,598 475,161 548,820 590,685 594,907 630,366 633,400 655,430 646,675 (8,755) 2.10% -1.34%
Total 4,973,113 81143,616 6,511,451 6,838,659 6,895,978 7268,932 7,501,661 7,556,460 8,050,856 8,557,810 8,760,009 9,064,468 8,462,511 -601,957 -3.40°0 -6-64%
Jul 559,683 649,139 665,094 737,288 742,750 811,538 892,830 893,483 963,717 1,043,637 1,107,882 1,146,156
August 575,887 668,119 678,071 761,992 767,257 825,954 891,566 867,125 990,650 1,073,430 1,183,926 1,224,834
September 422,502 469,032 482,328 491,684 485,954 560,535 725,205 645,902 630,453 637,831 735,608 760,913
October 291,204 335,740 364,002 324,802 367,578 400,525 408,405 461,791 413,573 472,836 515,531 532,652
November 376,235 430,820 438,731 428,086 497,907 553,681 594,491 611,147 601,208 707,166 656,596 678,336
December 1,455,948 1,615,278 1,625,219 1,691,775 1,846,223 1,974,553 1,992,855 1,994,540 2,068,851 2,254,709 2,070,834 2,132,272
Total 8,654,57210,311,74410,764,89611,274,28611,603,64712,395,71813,007,01313,030,44813,719,30814,747,41915,030,386 15,539,629 8,462,511