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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 Town Council Agendas Work SessionAGENDA ' VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WOaK SESSION Tuesday, January 7, 2003 2:00 P.M. 1. Executive Session -- Negotia#ions with VRI re: Front Door and Lionshead Redevelopment (C.R.S. 24-6-401(4)(e) and Property Acquisition (C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a). (90 min.) 2. ITEMITOPIC: Charge for use of Ford Park. (30 min.) Dick Cleveland Rod Slifer 3. ITEMITOPIC: Proposed Budget Discussion (30 min.} 4. DRB (12118) Report. (5 min.) 5. Information Update. (5 min.) 6. Matters from Mayor and Council. (5 min.) 7. Adjournment. (4:45 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: {ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2003, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2003, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. F: cocas terlagendalworksession/2002/121742 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION Tuesday, January 21, 2003 12:30 P.M, 1. DRB(1115103)IPEC ('1113103} Update. (5 min.} Russ Forrest 2, Judy Camp ITEMlTOPIC: Budget Discussion (1 hour) Bob McLaurin 3. ITEMITOPIC: Update on Financing for Lionshead Public Improvements. (TIFF} (30 min.} Russell Forrest Greg Hall ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Provide direction on next steps. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The purpose of this discussion is to update the Town Counci! on the public financing for Lionshead Public Improvements. Staff would like to review how much TIF is anticipated to generate now that we have more specific development information from Vail Resorts and input from the Eagle County Assessors office. Then staff would like to review next steps with the Town Council on moving forward with this public financing. 4. ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of Base Compensation (30 min.) John Power 5. ITEMITOPIC: Fire Services (30 min) Bob McLaurin John Gulick 6. ITEMlTOPIC: Visitor's Center Update (20 min) Kelly McDonald 7. ITEMITOPIC: Introduction and Discussion of the 2003 F': mcaster/agendalworksession/2003/012103 Rick Chastain International Cycling Festival at VaillProfessional Cycling Tour (PCT}. (20 min.} $. ITEMITOPIC: Artwork for Deer Mitigation Fence Discussion. Leslie Pickling (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Review AIPP selected art work and give direction to proceed with the project. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: A canvas fence funded by ECO and the Town of Vail will be placed along the bike path in Dowd Junction to facilitate migration of mule deer. The Art in Public Places Program would like to enhance the appearance of the fence lay applying a stenciled design to it. AIPP selected a design proposed by artist Barbara Baer which uses large organic shapes to suggest, cyclists, Gore Creek, and leaves. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the project. 9. ITEMITOPIC: Artwork for Donovan Pavilion Terrace. (10 min.) Leslie Pickling ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Review AIPP selected ar# work and give direction #o proceed with the project. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Art in Public Places Program has approved a design proposed by artist Kate Petiey for the patio of the Donovan Park Pavilion. An oversized Aspen leaf will be stamped randomly into the concrete and then hand colored to create a whimsical and interesting surface. Funding tames firom the projec# budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the project. 10. Informa#ion Update. (5 min.} 11. Matters from Mayor and Council. {5 min.} 12. Executive Session -- (45 min} - Property Acquisition C.R.S. 24-6-402{4}(a} - Contract negotiation C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e} - Personnel Matters C.R.S. 24-6-402(4} (f} F: mcaster/agendalworksessian/2003/012143 13. Adjournment. (4:30 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2003, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2003, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. F:mcaster/agenda/worksess ion/2003 /012103 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION Tuesday, February 4, 2003 12:00 NOON JOINT MEETING WITH VAIL TOWN COUNCIL, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AND PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION. {LIBRARY COMMUNITY ROOM} {1 '/z HOURS ~- LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED TO BOARD MEMBERS} 1TEMITOPIC: Joint Meeting between the Town Council, Design Review Board, and the Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Provide direction on next steps. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The purpose of this joint worksession is to develop strategies to improve communication and coordination between the Town Council, Planning and Environmental Commission, and Design Review Board so that the Town can most efficiently process a 3-4 .fold increase in development review projects. On average the Town of Vail receives 2-3 major commercial projects in a calendar year. The Town is now anticipating 4-12 major commercial projects in the next year. These projects have the potential to result in a zx~uch needed rejuvenation of both Vail Village and Lionshead. Specific strategies to increase the Towns capacity to process a 3-4 fold increase in projects include: o Clear and effective communication between boards o Effective decision making during the process o Improved techniques for visualizing development review projects o Utilize contract support to augment staff in reviewing projects. 2:00 P.M. (VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS} 1. PEC (1127103) Update. (5 min.) Russ Forrest F:mcasterlagenda/worksession/20031020403 r N 2. ITEMlTOPIC: Fire Services/Mutual Aid Discussion (15 min.) John Gulick Mike McGee 3. Information Update. (5 min.) 4. Matters from Mayor and Council. (5 min.) 5. Executive Session - (1 hour} - Property lease C.R.S.24-6-402(4)(a) - Conferences with attorney C.R.S. 24-6-402{4)(b) - Contract Negotiations C.R.S. 24-6-402{4}{e) - Personnel Matters C.R.S.24-6-402{4)(f) 6. Adjournment. (3:30 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2003, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2003, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. F:mcaster/agendalworksession12003/020403 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCfL WORK SESSION Tuesday, February 98, 2003 9:00 A.M. 1. DRB {215}IPEC (2110} Update. {10 min.) Russ Forrest 2. ITEMITOPIC: Continued Budget Discussions (3 hours} Bob McLaurin • Public Facilities Master Plan • Capital Projects List • RETT Capital Projects List • Critical Strategies Matrix • Revenues • Potential Competing Election Issues - RE50J New School Site at Avon PUD - Doug Bruce - Other Special Districts • Local Improvement DistrictlSlD for Village S#reetscape • Use Tax LUNCH BREAK (Lunch will be provided to Council) '12:30 P.M. 3. Pam Brandmeyer ITEMITOPIC: 2004 AND BEYOND FUNDING DISCUSSION FOR THE VAIL CHAMBER AND BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (VCBA}, VAIL VALLEY CHAMBER AND TOURISM BUREAU (WCTB), VAIL LOCAL MARKETING DISTRICT {VLMD}, AND COMMISSION ON SPECIAL EVENTS {CSE} (45 min.} + Business Improvement District (BID) • Business License Fee with check off for VCBA/VLMDIVVCTBICSE F: mcaster/agenda/worksession/20031021803 BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Although during the last two annual Council Contribution discussions, some members of Council have stated the funding provided would be the last contributed to some organizations, this issue was not actually resolved. Thus, staff is providing an historical overview of funding for these organizations. if Council chooses to continue funding all or some of these groups, staff would recommend the following measures be put in place to help toward evaluating the overall success and value of such continued funding: - Return on Investment (ROI) - Performance Measures - Contract for Services - Other Standards? 4. ITEMITOPIC: Benefits Overview. (30 min.) John Power BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town of Vail has experienced 2 years of declining medical care costs due to plan design changes, lower utilization, and wellness programs. To continue benefits cost containment, staff recommends controlling stop-loss insurance premium increases by reserving for higher deductibles and reviewing alternate coverage for survivors income. 5. information Update. (5 min.) 6. Matters from Mayor and Council. {5 min.) 7. Executive Session. (1 hour) • Personnel Matters C.R.S.24-6-402(4)(f} • Purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property C.R.S.24-6-402(4)(x) • Conferences with attorney C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b} • Negotiations; and instructing negotiators C.R.S.24-6- 402(4){e) 8. Ad}ournment. (3:05 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) F:m caster/agendalworksess ion12003/02l 803 THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, March 4, 2003, BEGINNING AT 2:40 P.M. IN THE TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, March 4, 2003, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. IN TOV GOUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notifcation. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. ~':mcaster/agenda/worksession/2003/021$03 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION Tuesday, March 4, 2003 9 :00 P.M. 1. DRB (2I19)IPEC (2124) Update. (10 min.) Russ Forrest 2. ITEMlTOPIC: Update of Child Care Facility. (10 min.) John Pawer Greg Moffet 3, ITEMITOP[C: Children's Garden of Learning temporary Allison Ochs relocation on Hud Wirth site. {45 min.} ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with conditions, or deny the request. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town of Vail is the property owner of the Hud Wirth site, which is the proposed location for the temporary relocation of the Children's Garden of Learning during the construction of Middle Creek affordable housing project. The Children's Garden of Learning is requesting approval from the Town of Vail #o proceed through the development review process. The development review process includes a review of a conditional use permit by the Planning and Environmental Commission to allow fora "private educational institution" in the Two-Family PrimarylSecondary Residential zone district. The Planning and Environmental Commission hearing is scheduled for March 10, 2003. In addition, the process will include a review by the Design Review Board for the associated design review application. The proposal includes the placement of modular trailers, and the construction of a play area and associated parking for the temporary relocation of the Children's Garden of Learning. RECOMMENDATION: ~':mcaster/agendalworksession/2003/021803 The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council approve this request to proceed through the development review process. Please note that an approval of this request does not constitute an approval of the proposed improvements, it simply allows the applicant to proceed through the development review process. The Council will be informed of the status of the proposal through periodic updates of the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board meetings. 4. ITEMITOPIC: Domestic Violence Ordinance Discussion. Dwight Henninger Introduce John Clune (30 min.) 6. (TEMITOPIC: Budget, RETT, Capital Projects, Revenues (1 hour) 7. Information Update. (5 min.) 8. Matters from Mayor and Council. (5 min.) 9. Executive Session: (1 hour) Purchase, acquisition, lease transfer or sale of property C.R.S. 24-6-402(4}(a) Con#erences with attorney G.R.S. 24-6-402{4}{b) Developing strategy #or negotiations C.R.S. 24-6-401(f)(e} Personnel Matters C.R.S.24-6-402(4){f) 10. Adjournment. (4:45 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE} THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, March 18, 2003, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAlL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, March 18, 2003, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. F:mcaster/agendalworksession/2b43 /021803 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION Tuesday, March 18, 2003 10:30 A.M. VAIL LOCAL MARKETING DISTRICT ADVISORY COUNCIL (VLMDAC)^~ QUARTERLY MEETINGlUPDATE. (2 hours) 1. ITEMfTOPIC: Information CenterslUse of Volunteers. Kelli McDonald (15 min.) VVCTB LUNCH BREAK FOR COUNCIL (15 min.) 2. DRB (315)IPEC (31'!0} Update, (10 min.) Russ Forrest 3. ITEMITOPiC: PEC, DRB, CSE, AIPP, LLA, Bldg. Board of Appeals Interviews. { 45 min) Interview applicants for 6 TOV board vacancies: AIPP {2 vacancies for 3 year terms); Building & Fire Code Appeals Board {1 vacancy for 1 year term); Commission on Special Events ~ Lodging position (1 vacancy to complete unfulfilled board term to December 2004); Design Review Board (2 vacancies for 2 year terms}; Local Licensing Authority (1 vacancy for a two month interim position to June 20013); and Planning and Environmental Commission (3 vacancies for 2 year terms) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Interview applicants for each board vacancy at the work session and then appointment appropriate number of members to each board. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: See attached letters of interest for each applicant for each board vacancy. 4. ITEMITOPIC: Bubble Discussion. { 45 min.) F:m caster/agendalworksession120031021803 r 5. ITEMITOPIC: Staff Recommendations for Budget ModificationslCost Reductions. Bob McLaurin (15 min.) 8. ITEMITOPIC: Capital and RETT Discussions. (1 hour) Bob McLaurin 7. Information Update. (5 min.} 8. Matters from Mayor and Council. (5 min.) 9. Executive Session: (30 min.) Conferences with Attorney C.R.S.24-6-4D2(4}(b) Contract Negotiations C.R.S.24-6-401(4}{e) Personnel Matters C.R.S.24-6-402(4)(f) 1 D. Adjournment. (4:35 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROX{MATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, April 1, 2003, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, April 1, 20D3, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. F:mcasfer/agenda/worksession/2003/02 i 803 AGENDA VAfL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION Tuesday, April 1, 2003 2:00 P.M. 1. ITEMITOPIC: TOV Anniversaries (6) (15 min.) - James Hervert -15 years - Jacque t.ovato -- 25 years -Albert Maes - 1 fl years - Linda Moore - 20 years - James Spei! -- 25 years -Diane Stanek - 1fl years 2, DRB {3/19)IPEC (3124) Update. (10 min.) Russ Forrest 3. ITEMITOPIC; Commission on Special Events (CSE) Sybiii Navas Update. (15 min.) • Summary of Mission and Event Categories • Summary of Allocations • Street Entertainer Permit Discussion 4. ITEMITOPIC: Capital and RETT Discussion. (30 min.) Bob McLaurin - Streetscape improvements from SCV to soccer field. 5. ITEMITOPIC: Continued Fire Services Discussion. (2fl min.) Bob McLaurin John Gulick 6. Bill Gibson ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of Ordinance No. 5, Series of 2003, an ordinance amending Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Tawn Gade, for proposed "house keeping" amendments and/or corrections, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (15 min.) BACKGROUND t~ATIONALE: Through the review process of various zoning applications, problems arise with specific code sections that are not clear to applicants. This often occurs with zoning code amendments, changes in procedures, or F:mcaster/agenda/worksessian/2003/021803 errors in codification. Therefore, staff periodically returns to the Planning and Environmental Commission and to the Town Council to "clean-up" the Zoning regulations. These amendments are no# intended to amend the substantive content of the code, but rather to "clean-up" errors and clarify sections of the cads, On March 24, 2003, the Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing to discuss the proposed text amendments. Fallowing discussion of the amendment, the Commission voted 6-0 to forward a recommendation of approval of the proposed text amendment to the Vail Town Council. 7. Information Update. (5 min.) 8. Matters from Mayor and Council. (5 min.) 9. Executive Session {30 min.) Property Acquisition C.R.S.24-6-402(4}(a} Contract negotiations C.R.S. 24-6-401(4} (e) Personnel Matters C.R.S. 24-6402(4) (f) 10. Adjournment. (4:25 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE} THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, April 15, 2003, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, April 15, 2003, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD far information. F:mcaster/agenda/worksession/2003/021803 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION Tuesday, April 15, 2003 12:30 P.M. SITE VISIT: Halaby Residence - (Meet at TOV to take van to site) 1. Executive Session: (1 hour) Property Acquisition C.R.S. 24-6-4x2(4}(A) 2. ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of condemnation contract Matt Mire nego#iations resolution. (15 min.) ITEMITOF'IC: A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TO ACQUIRE A FEE SIMPLE INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1280 L10NS RIDGE LOOP FOR PUBLIC HOUSING PURPOSES, FURTHER CONTINUANCE OF GOOD FAITH NEGOTIATIONS TO ACQUIRE SAID PROPERTY INTEREST, AND AUTHORIZATION TO INITIATE AN ACTION IN EMINENT DOMAIN TO ACQUIRE SAID PROPERTY IN THE EVENT GOOD FAITH NEGOTIATIONS DO NOT RESULT IN AN AGREEMENT TO ACQUIRE SAID PROPERTY INTEREST. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve or deny Resolution No. 4, Series 2003. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town of Vail has determined that it is necessary to acquire an unencumbered fee simple interest in the Property, and since good faith negotiations did not result in voluntary granting of the Property, it is necessary that the Town of Vail acquire said interest in said real property through the use of the Town's power of eminent domain as provided for in Section 1.2 of the Vail Town Charter. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 3. DRB (412)IPEC (4114) Update. (15 min.) Russ Forrest 4. ITEMITOPIC: CapitallRETT Vail Streetscape -Report by Diana Donovan Committee. (20 min.) Dick Cleveland F:mcasrer/agendalworksess1nn/200310415 Chuck Ogilby Rod Slifer TO BE HAND DELIVERED ON FRIDAY, APRIL 11T". 5. Bill Gibson 6. Pam Brandmeyer 7. Russ Forrest $. 9. iTEMITOPIC: Gross Residential Floor Area {GRFA} ordinance discussion. (45 min.) Update of the Planning and Environmenta! Commission's review of a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of proposed text amendments to Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to amend the Gross Residential Floor Area (GR1=A) reguEations in the Hillside Residential (HR), Single-Family Residential {SFR}, Two-Family Residential {R), Two-Family PrimarylSecondary Residential (PS), Residential Cluster {RC), Low Density Multiple-Family {LDMF), Medium Density Multiple-Family (MDMF}, High Density Multiple-Family (HOME), and Housing (W) districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. ACTION REQUESTE© OF COUNCIL; Listen to a skaff presentation briefly summarizing the applicant's proposal, discussions from the Planning and Environmental Commission hearings to date, and related policy issues. Provide staff with specific direction for policy decisions directly and indirectly related to the proposed text amendments. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Planning and Environmental Commission has held work sessions at its October 14, 2002, and January 27, 2003, public hearings to discuss the proposed text amendments. The Planning and Environmental Commission also held a public hearing for the proposed text amendments on March 24, 20D3, and voted 6-0 to table this proposal for further discussion to its April 28, 2003, public hearing. ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of Nov. 4, 2003, election scheduling (county/state and TOV elections.) (10 min ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of County Open Space Committee Structure & Guidelines. (20 min.) Information Update. (5 min.) Matters from Mayor and Council. (5 min.) 10. Executive Session ( min.) PropertylLease Negotiations-C.R.S. 24-6-402(4}(a} Personnel Matters-C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(F} 11. Adjournment. (5:00 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) F: mcaster/agenda/worksession/2003/0415 THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2003, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, MAY 6 2003, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2355 TDD for information. F: mcaster/agenda/worksession12003/0415 r AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION Tuesday, May 6, 2003 2:Q0 P.M. 1. Executive Session: (1 hour) a. Land Negotiations C.R.S. 24-6-402{4)(a)(b){e} (Sonnenalp) b. Lease agreements VCBA: WCTB C.R.S. 24-6-402(4}(e) c. Business Improvement District. C.R.S. 24-6-402{4)(b) 2. DRB (4116}IPEC (4128) Update. (15 min.) Russ Forrest 3. ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of Nov. 4, 2003, election Pam Brandmeyer scheduling (countylstate and TOV elections.} (10 min.) 4. ITEMITOPIC: Wildfire in the Wildland Urban interface BiH Carlson (30 min.} John Gulick ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Change DRBIPEC Standards to minimize fire hazards. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Reduce wildfire hazard and risk in Town of Vail. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Implement fire wise defensible space solutions into design review standards. 5. iTEM1TOPIC: Discussion of revised Work Session 1 Evening Pam Brandmeyer Meeting Format. (10 min) 6. Information Update. {5 min.) 7. Matters from Mayor and Council. {5 min.) F: m casterlagendalworksession/2003/05 0603 8. Adjournment. (4:15 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2003, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2003, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. P: mcaster/agendalworEcsession/2003/050603 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA WORK SESSION 10:20 A.M. TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2003 Lunch WIII Be Served Site Visit to Pirate Ship Park and Dobson !ce Arena at 10:20 A.M. (1 hr.) Van will leave Municipal Building at 10:20 A.M. 2. Executive Session C.R.S. 24-6-402 (4){b) Legal Matters re: Business Improvement District and C.R.S. 24-6-401{4) Negotiations re: Dobson Ice Arena Capacity (1 hr.) LUNCH BREAK FOR COUNCIL (15 min.) 3. Allison Ochs ITEMITOPIC: Design Review Boardl Planning and Environmental Commission Update {10 min.) 4. Pam Brandmeyer ITEMITOPIC: Recreation Discussion (2 hrs.) • Town of Vail's Role in Recreation • Decision Process for New Facilities • Vail Ice Dome • Dobson Ice Arena Capacity • Management of Existing Facilities • Consolidation 5. ITEMITOPIC: Interviews to Fill Vacancies on the Vail Local Housing Authority and the Vail Local Licensing Authority (30 min.) 6. Steve Wright ITEMITOPIC: Farmers' Market Update and Traffic Control Request (10 min.) Mike Rose ACTION REQUESTED AND BACKROUND RATIONAL: See Attached Rick Scalpello 7. Judy Camp ITEMITOPIC: November Election Discussion (30 min.) Pam Brandmeyer BACKGROUND RATIONAL: With five meeting days remaining before the 815103 first reading deadline for a potential ballot issue in the November 03 election, a proposed timetable has been created to assist in the Council decision-making process. In addition, a list of ballot scenarios has been developed as well as a 5-year financial projection far Council evaluation and direction. ACTION REQUIRED: Approve andlor modify discussion timetable and identify additional research andlor materials needed to prepare Council for the June work session discussions, Work Session Agenda Rage 1 5115103 8. Judy Camp ITEMITOPIC: Council Contribution Criteria (15 min.} Pam Brandmeyer ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Review Council contributions criteria as used for the 2003 budget and instruct staff regarding any changes to be made for the 2004 budget. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: In accordance with past practice, we are planning the following timeline for local organizations to request funding from the Council for 2004: May 20 Council reviews contribution cri#eria May 27 to June 30 Organizations may request contribution packets July 31 Deadline for organizations to return packets Aug. 19 Council reviews requests Nov. 2003 Notification of awards sent after final budget approval With the Donovan Pavilion coming on line this fall, there will be 12 Free Days available during prime time in accordance with the contributions' policy. The Free Days will be structured similar to the Free Days at Dobson with the user paying hard costs which are yet to be determined. Applicants for Donovan Pavilion Free Days will be asked to go through the contribution request process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends using the same criteria and timing as in prior years. 9. Mike McGee ITEMITOPIC: Fire Department Discussion {15 min.} John Gulick Increasing Permit Fees for Installation of New Fire Alarms and Sprinklers ACTION REQUESTED OF' COUNCIL,: Approve BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town of Vail currently charges for fire alarm permits based on the electrical code. Fire sprinkler permits are based on the plumbing code. The revenues collected under our current system do not cover expenses. Our current rate structure imposes a minimum permits fee of $28 to $45 for fire alarm and fire sprinkler permits, respectively. Our time and materials costs for a minimum permit run $325 to $440 respectively. The Town of Vaii has not historically charged for plan review ar inspections on a per hour basis. Baseline comparisons with municipalities, fire departments and building departments from Aspen to Denver, indicate our rates shpuld be increased. Minimum permit fees for other jurisdictions run from $150 to $200 plus a rate of $47 to $50 per hour for plan review and inspections. Fee schedules were developed and evaluated with the intent of cost recovery, based on: 1. Cost per device 2. Uniform Building Code Schedule Work Session Agenda Page 2 SIiS/03 3. Straight percent valuation of work being performed 4. Simple Fee Schedule The proposed fee schedule is as follows: Fire Alarm Permits Minimum Fee: $232 Fee % Valuation of Work: 3.75% Fire Sprinkler Perini#s Minimum Fee: $350 Fee % Valuation of Work 4.25% The minimum fee would cover all plan review, input, processing, recording, distribution and recording of plans, specifications and submittals. The fee for percent valuation would be assessed on the total value of the work being performed as disclosed by the applicant, and should cover reasonable and customary inspections. Re-inspection fees would be assessed at a rate of $58 per hour if the system fails the final test; rough-in inspections are incomplete; or plans, submittals and specifications require revision and re-review. Based on the work load experienced in 2002, the Simple Fee Schedule would have generated $44,358 in revenue for fire alarm permits and $74,295 for fire sprinkler permits, for a total of $118,653, versus the 2002 actual revenue derived of $16,830 for fire alarm and $32,850 for fire sprinklers. The Simple Fee Schedule would have a net increase of $68,973. The Simple Fee Schedule approach is the easiest method of calculating fees over the current system, the per device system and over the straight line valuation system. It also provides the most equity between large and small projects. Changing the permi# fee schedule is an administrative procedure and can be accomplished in the same manner as we changed building permit fees. The proposal has been reviewed by Russell Forrest, Charlie Davis, Matt Mire, and Pam Brandmeyer. We have also presented the concept to 12 fire alarm and fire sprinkler contractors, four large genera] contractors and three smaller contracting frms, and received an endorsement from each. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the change in rates for fire alarm and fire sprinkler permits from the 1997 Plumbing Code and National Electrical Code to the proposed Simple Fee Schedule as submitted. 10. Information Update (5 min.) 11. Matters from Mayor and Council (5 min.) • Proposal by the Vail Chamber and Business Association to create a committee #o address Vail's economic climate 12. Adjournment (4:25 P.M.} Work Session Agenda Page 3 5/15103 NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: {ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE} THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2003 iN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2003, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please calf 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Work Session Agcnda Page 4 5115103 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION Tuesday, June 3, 2003 9:00 A. M. 1. ITEMITOPIC: Executive Session re: C.R.S 24-6-402(4)(b) Roost Lodge Negotiations, C.R.S. 246-402(4)(a){e} Timber Ridge Nego#iations, C.R,S. 24-6-401{4)(a)(b){e) Conference Center Negotiations, C.R.S 24-6-402 (4)(e){b) Tax Increment Financing and C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a)(b) Sale of Old Town Shops, C.R.S. 24-6-402(4){e) Children's Garden of Learning (75 min.} 2. 1TEMITOPIC: Joint Work Session with the Vail Recreation District (2.5 hr.) • Discussion of Roles and Expectations • Define Maximum Benefit • Identify Key Measurements • Define Capital Costs 3. Greg Hall ITEMITOPIC: Site Visit to Tract A Noise Berm (Bast VaillPar 3), Picnic Lunch for Council and Tour of Donovan Pavilion {45 min.} • Van will leave at 1 p.m. 4. Allison Ochs ITEMITOPIC: Design Review Board! Planning and Environmental Commission Repor# (10 min.) 5. Judy Camp ITEMITOPIC: Continued Revenue Discussion re: Tax Increment Pam Brandmeyer Financing, Lionshead Public Improvements and November Election Greg Hall {30 min.) Russell Forrest 6. John Power ITEMlTOP1C: Benefits Discussion (30 min.) 7. Dee Wisor 1TEMITOPIC: Timber Ridge discussion, regarding a request to create the Timber Ridge Affordable Housing Corporation, making of a loan to Timber Ridge Affordable Housing Corporation in connection with the Corporation's acquisition of Timber Ridge Apartments and authorizing the execution and delivery of a project agreement. {30 min.) $. Kelli McDonald ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of Consolidating Information Centers {15 min.) 9. Kelli McDonald ITEMITOPIC: Volunteer Incentive Discussion {45 min.) 10. Information Update. {5 min.) Work Session Agenda, Jamie Wilson Page 1 5130/03 11. Matters from Mayor and Council. (5 min.} 12. Adjournment. (4:35 P.M.} NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE} THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2003 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2003, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2332 voice or 479-2358 TDD far information. Work Session Agenda, 7amie Wilson Page 2 5130103 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION 10 A.M. TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2003 ITEMITOPIC: Executive Session • C.R.S. 24-6-402(4){e) Negotiations re: Insurance (10 min.) • C.R.S 24-6-402 {4)(b) Tax Increment Financing (20 min} • C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e)(b}Timber Ridge Housing Corporation {30 min.) • C.R.S. 24-6-402{4}(a)Middle Creek Private Activity Bonds {30 min.) • C.R.S. 24-fi-402 (4}(c} Confidential Masters Under State Law Pursuant to C.R.S. 24-72-204 (3)(a){XI){A) (2 hr.) 2. Kelli McDonakd ITEMITOPIC: Consolidation of the Information Centers (30 min.) 3. 2 P.M. ITEMITOPIC: Employee Anniversaries: 15 years for Brad Baldwin and Mike Warren; 10 years for Beth Dobransky and Chris Leninger (20 min.) 4. Greg Hall ITEM/TOPIC: Site Tour of Donovan Pavilion (30 min.} • Van will leave at 2:20 P.M. 5. Judy Camp ITEMITOPIC: Continued Revenue Discussion re: Tax Increment Pam Brandmeyer Financing, 5-year Capital Projects Plan and November Election Greg Hail (30 min.) Russell Forrest 6. Nina Timm ITEMITOPIC: Discussion re: Private Activity Bonds for Middle Creek Development (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: This Ordinance authorizes issuance of Bands by the Town for Middle Creek Village Apartments project. The Bonds are not a debt or obligation of the Town within the meaning of Tabor or any other state or local law, but are issued under the state statute known as the County and Municipality Revenue Bond Act, which specifically limits the obligations of the Town. Bond proceeds will be loaned to Middle Creek Village, LLC., who is solely responsible to pay for debt service on the Bonds as well as issuance casts. Issuance of this type of bonds is a common form of financing for low-cost financing of affordable multifamily housing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Page 1 7. Bill Gibson ITEMITOPIC: Request to proceed through the development review process with a proposal to construct a portion of a new outdoor dining deck on the Town of Vail property. {10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with modifications, or deny the applicant's request to proceed through the development review process. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: It is the desire of Remonov & Company, owners of the Vista Bahn Building, to construct a new outdoor dining deck at the Tap Room, located at 333 Hanson Ranch RoadlLot C, Block 2, Vail Village is' Filing. Since Remonov & Company is proposing to construct a portion of the new outdoor dining deck on Town of Vail property located directly south of the Vista Bahn Building property boundary, Town Council permission is required to proceed through the development review process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council approve this request to proceed through the development review process. Please note that an approva! of this request does not constitute an approval of the proposed improvements, it only allows the applicant to proceed through the development review process. The Town Council will be informed of the status of the proposal through periodic updates of the DRB and PEC meetings. 8. Judy Camp ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of 2004 Budget Timetable and Philosophies ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Direct staff to proceed with preparation of the 2004 budget based on the timetable and budget philosophies as presented or as revised per Council recommendation. (15 min.) 9. George Ruther ITEMITOPIC: Design Review Board/ Planning and Environmental Commission Report (10 min.) 10. George Ruther ITEM/TOPIC: Discussion re: request to table Ordinance No. 9 and Nv. 10, Series of 2003, during the evening meeting. (5 min.) 11. Information Update {5 min.) 12. Matters from Mayor and Council (5 min.) 13. Adjournment {4:20 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Page 2 THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, JULY 1, 21103 IN THE VAlL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, JULY 1, 2003, IN VAlL TQWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please calf 479- 2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD far information. Page 3 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION 9:30 A.M. TUESDAY, JULY 1, 2003 1. lTEMITOPIC; Executive Session • Land Nego#iations re: Safe of Old Town Shops to Eagle River Water and Sanitation District C.R.S 24-6-402{4)(a)(e) {10 min.) • Town Manager Contract Negotiations C.R.S. 24-6-402(4}(d)(e} (30 min.) • Timber Ridge C.R.S. 24-$-402 (4}(a){b} (30 min.} • Housing Authority C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e){b} (15 min.} • Middle Creek C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a}(b){e} (20 min.) 2. Allison Ochs ITEMITOPIC: Information Gathering and Site Visit to Ore House, 9 Vail Road re: DRB and PEC Appeals (25 min.) • Van will leave at 11:15 a.m. 3. Bill Gibson ITEMITOPIC: Discussion re: Text Amendments for Employee Housing Unit Regulations and Requirements (30 min.} 4. George Ruttier ITEMITOPIC: DRBIPEC Update {10 min.) 12:20 P.M. LUNCH BREAK (15 min.) 5. Sybill Navas ITEMITOPIC: Joint Work Session with the Commission on Special Events (45 min.) 6. Rick Chastain ITEMlTOPIC: ProCycling Tour (PCT) Overview and Funding Request (30 min.) 7. Judy Camp ITEMITOPIC: 2004-05 Budget Discussion re: Revenues {30 min.) 8. John Gulick ITEMITOPIC: Fire Impact Fee Presentation by Rocky Mountain Malcom Smith Group (45 min.) BACKGROUND RATIONALE: We have discussed exploring the concept of implementing an impact fee to help support the capital needs of the Vail Fire Department. The impact fee, if implemented, would be comparable to the impact fee we currently assess for recreation amenities. This impact fee approach is currently utilized by the towns of Gypsum, Eagle and many special districts in Eagle and Roaring f=ork counties. ' 9. Matt Mire ITEMITOPIC: Review the Draft Master Deed Restriction for the Nina Timm Occupancy of Units at Timber Ridge Village Apartments (15 min.) Page 1 ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Review and provide direction to staff regarding the draft Master Deed Restriction. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town of Vail is acquiring Timber Ridge Vigage to maintain affordable, rental housing on the property in perpetuity. The Master Deed Restriction will be recorded against the property in order to achieve this goal. RECOMMENDATION: Provide staff with the changes Council would like to the draft Master Deed Restriction for the Occupancy of Units at Timber Ridge Village Apartments. 10. Caroline l=fisher ITEMROPIC: Denison Employee Culture Survey Overview (1 hr.} ACTION REQUESTED Olr COUNCIL: Actively participate in discussion. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Since 1997, the Town of Vail has used an employee survey instrument to measure the town's "culture" as it relates to the overall work environment. Results of the 2x03 employee survey will discussed, including how leadership by the Vail Town Council and Town Manager impacts the results. 71. Information Update {5 min.} 12. Matters from Mayor and Council (5 min.} 13. Adjournment (4:30 P.M.} NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 20031N THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 2003, IN VAiL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Page 2 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION 12:30 P.M. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 2003 ITEM/TOPIC: Executive Session • Town Manager Contract Negotiations C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e) (15 min.} • Impact Fee, Vacant Store Fronts C.R.S. 24-5-402(4) (b} (15 min.) • Tax Increment Financing C.R.S. 24-6-402(4){b}(e) (30 min.) • Contract Negotiations wi#h Vail Resorts, Inc. C.R.S. 24-5-402(4){e} (10 min.) • Fire Services Negotiations and Conference with Attorney C.R.S. 24-fi-402(4){e)(b) (30 min.) 2. Judy Camp ITEM/TOPIC: 2004 Budget Discussion re: Major Revenue Items, Capital Projects and Real Estate Transfer Tax {1 hr.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Provide direction to staff regarding major revenue items to be included in the 2004 budget; review first draft of Capita! Projects Fund and RETT Fund 5-year projections 3. Bil! Gibson ITEM/TOPIC: Update of the Planning and Environmental Commission's review of a request far a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of proposed text amendments to Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to amend the Grass Residential Floor Area (GRFA} regulations in the Hillside Residential {HR), Single-Family Residential (SFR), Two- Family Residential {R), Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS), Residential Cluster {RC), I_ow Density Multiple-Family (LDMF), Medium Density Multiple-Family (MDMF), High Density Multiple-Family {HDMF}, and Housing (H) districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (30 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Listen to a staff presentation briefly summarizing the applicant's proposal, discussions from the Planning and Environmental Commission hearings to date, and related policy issues. Provide staff with specific direction far policy decisions directly and indirectly related to the proposed text amendments. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Planning and Environmental Commission has held several public hearings for the proposed text amendments, and their final recommendations will be forwarded to the Town Council an Aug. 5. 4. George Ruther ITEM/TOPIC: DRB Update (10 min.} Fage 1 5. Frank Johnson ITEM/TOPIC: Quarterly Update on Vail Valley Chamber and Tourism Bureau Activities (30 min.) 6. Information Update (5 min.) 7. Matters from Mayor and Council (5 min.) 8. Adjournment (4:30 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE] THE NEXT VAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2003 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUES©AY, AUGUST 5, 2003, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Page 2 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION 2 P.M. TUESDAY, AUG. 5, 2003 1. ITEMITOPfC: Execu#ive Session (1 hr.) • Town Manager Search C.R.S. 24-6-402(4){e) • Attorney Conferences re: Vail Daily Case No. 03CD465 C.R.S. 24-6-402(4}(b) • Eagle River Water and Sanitation District C.R.S. 24-6- 402(4)(a} 2. Rad Slifer ITEMITOPIC; Site Visit to Vail Mountain School Soccer Field and Cabin (30 min.) • Van leaves at 3 p.m. 3. Judy Camp ITEMITOPIC: 2004 Budget Discussion re: Revenues, Capital Projects and Real Estate Transfer Tax (30 min.} 4. George Ruttier ITEMITOPIC: DRBIPEC Update (10 min.} 5. Gregg Barrie ITEMITOPIC: Renovation of Pirate Ship Park Playground (15 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Confirmation of design direction and suggest any desired modifications. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Please refer to attached sheet and Illustrations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the general design for the renovation of Pirate Ship Park is heading in the right direction or suggest desired modifications. $. Information Update {5 min.) 7. Matters from Mayor and Council {5 min.) g, Adjournment (4:35 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: {ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2003 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Page 1 THE NEXT VAlL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGlN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2003, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please cal[ 479- 2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Page 2 AGENDA VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION 1 P.M. TUESDAY, AUG. 19, 2003 1. ITEMlTOPIC: Executive Session • Fire Services C.R.S. 24-6-402{4)(b)(e) (1 hr.) • Town Manager Negotiations C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b)(e} (30 min.) • Attorney Conferences and Nego#iations re: Old Town Shops C.R.S. 24-fi-402(b)(e} {10 min.) 2. Sybill Navas ITEMITOPIC: Vail Commission on Special Events Discussion re: Lorelei Donaldson Commission Member Qualifications (10 min.} Matt Mire BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The current Commission on Special Events ordinance (Ord. 18, Series 2002} allows producers andlor promoters of events to sit as voting members of the board as long as those entities and individuals are not requesting funding. Based upon that distinction, some apparent conflicts have arisen. Especially as it relates to in kind services ACTION REQUESTED: Accordingly, the staff would like direction as to whether it was and is the intention of the council to prohibit producers andlor promoters to sit as voting board members in any situation and what restrictions should apply. 3. Russell Forrest ITEMlTOPIC: Discussion re: Evaluation of the Fiscal Impacts of Guest Lodging (45 min.) BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town Council has asked staff to evaluate the fiscal impacts of alternative lodging types including accommodation units, fractional feeltime-share units, condominiums and condominium hotels. Staff has also evaluated the regulatory issues related to guest lodging types. In addition, staff has provided a study prepared by Harvard business school graduate students on fractional fee time-share uses in the Town of Vail. ACTION REQUESTED: Review the information on this issue and provide direction to further research regulatory and fiscal issues identified in the staff memo. 4. George Ruther ITEMITOPIC: Design Review Boardl Planning and Environmental Commission Update (10 min.) 5. Judy Camp tTEMITOPIC: Council Review of First Draft for 2004 Budget (30 min.} S. Information Update (5 min.} Page 1 7, Matters from Mayor and Council {5 min.) 8. Adjournment (4:25 P.M.} NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: {ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2003, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Page 2 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA 11 A.M. TUESDAY, SEPT. 2, 2003 1. ITEMITOPIC: Executive Session • Fire Services C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b}(e) (20 min.) • Negotiations, re: Ford Park Parking C.R.S. 24-6-402(4}(b){e) (10 min.) 2. ITEMITOPIC: The Vail Town Council Sitting as the Board of Directors for the Timber Ridge Affordable Housing Corporation {45 min.) • Spending Limits • Laundry Rooms • Rent Deposits ~~ __ LUNCH BREAK (10 min.) 3. Gary Severson ITEMITOPIC: Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Review of David Miller 2030 Statewide Transportation Plan {40 min.) BACKGROUND RATIONALE: CDOT has asked Northwest Colorado Council of Governments NWCCOG to orchestrate 31 individual meetings with elected officials of municipalities with populations of less than 5,000 to discuss their 2030 Statewide Transportation Plan. NWCCOG Executive Director Gary Severson and CDOT Region 3 Planning Director, David Miller, wiil discuss how the plan will be put together, as well as invite the Town of Vail to participate. Q. Warren Campbell ITEMITOPIC: Site Visits- Van Leaves at 1:35 P.M. (1 hr. 40 min.) Matt Gennett • 2121 North Frontage Road West! Vail Dos Schone Filing 3, re: appeal of the DRB decision denying DRB03-0277, a s#aff approval to replace the existing awnings on the Vail Das Schone Building • 1350 Sandstone Drive, Lot G3 re: an appeai of the DRB decision denying DRB03-0256, a request to replace a black rubber membrane roof with a new white painted rubber membrane roof at the Eiger Chalets • Sign Code site visit and discussion re: repealing and reenacting Title 11, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code. 5. Matt Gennett ITEMITOPIC: Discussion re: Ordinance No. 20, Series of 2003, Regulating the Outdoor Display of Merchandise in the Town of Vai! (20 min.} 6. Judy Camp ITEMITOPIC: Council Evaluation of Contribution Requests (~15 min.} Page 1 7. Judy Camp IITEMITOPIC: Council Review of Second Draft of 2004 Budget (30 min.) 8. IT~MIT~PIC: Design Review Boardl Planning and Environmen#al Commission Update {10 min.} 9. Information Update (5 min.} 10. Matters from Mayor and Counci! (5 min.} 11. Adjournment {4:40 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAlL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2003 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2003, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2332 voice or 479-235{? TC]D for information. Page 2 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA 12:30 P.M. TUESDAY, SEPT. 16, 2003 1. ITEMITOPIC: Executive Session • C.R.S. 24-6-402{4)(b) Conferences with Attorney re: Fire Services (30 min.) • C.R.S. 24-6-402(4}(b} Conferences with Attorney re: Roost Lodge (30 min.} 2. ITEMITOPIC: The Vail Town Council Sitting as the Board of Directors Vail Local Marketing District, re: Quarterly Meeting • 2004 Strategic Budget and Strategic Priorities (15 min.} • 2003 Update {5 min.} 3. Kelli Mc©anald ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of Off-Season Hours for Vail Visitor Centers and Funding Request for Off-Season Signs and Information Signs for Information Centers (15 min.) 4. Nina Timm ITEMITOPIC: The Vail Town Council Sitting as the Board of Directors for the Timber Ridge Affordable Housing Corporation re: Lease Terms and Executing Laundry Contract (10 min.} 5. George Ruther ITEMITOPIC: Design Review Board Vacancy Interviews {15 min.) 6. George Ruther ITEMITOPIC: Design Review Boardl Planning and Environmental Greg Hall Commission Update {10 min.) 7. Matt Gennett 1TEMITOPIC: Discussion of issues related to the new proposed draft of Title 11, Sign Regulations brought up at the Town Council's last meeting on September 2, 2003. Issues identified at the last meeting include, but are not limited to: • The proportionality of sign size to business {frontage) needs careful consideration; • One size seems like a good idea for SD 1; • There should be two size charts for building signs: one for SD 1 and another for SD 2; One size sign in SD 1 does not work; • The size of building signs seems too large; • The new sign code should have an overall objective of enlivening the Town of Vail; • It makes sense to have larger signs in SD 2; • Could the code become two separate documents, with one operating Gke a handbook? • If the code becomes two separate documents, one should be like a handbook. {30 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Page 1 Listen to a presentation and provide input. No official action required at this time. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On Apri! 28 the Planning and Environmental Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval to the Vail Town Council the proposed modifications to Title 11, Sign Regulations. The commission determined that the objectives set forth by the community, town officials and staff had been accomplished in the proposed new draft. The Town Council discussed the new draft of Title 11 at i# last regularly scheduled meeting held on September 2, 2003. A copy of staff's last memorandum to the PEC is attached for reference, as are further supplemental materials intended to clarify the differences between today's sign regula#ions, and the various alternative iterations that have been explored thus far. 8. Kirk Hansen ITEMITOPIC: Discussion and Request for Funding for Set-uplTake Down of Vail Ice Dome for 03-04 Winter Season and to Discuss lnteres# by Vail Junior Hockey Association and Western Eagle County Metropolitan Recreation District andlor Eagle County to Purchase Bubble and Relocate to Temporary Site at Miller Ranch (30 min.) 9. Judy Camp ITEMITOPlC: Discussion re: 2004 Budget (30 min.) 10. Judy Camp ITEMITOPIC: Discussion re: 2003 Supplementak Budget Appropriation (10 min.) 11. Information Update (5 min.) 12. Matters from Mayor and Council (5 min.) 13. Adjournment (4:30 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE} THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2003 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2003, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Page 2 TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA NOON TUESDAY, OCT. 7, 20Q3 ITEMITOPIC: Executive Session • C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b) Conferences with Attorney re: Timber Ridge Affordable Hauling Corporation (1 hr.) • C.R.S. 24-6-402(4}(b)(e) Conferences with Attorney and Negotiations re: Fire Services (30 min.) • C.R.S. 24-6-402(4}{b)(e) Conferences with Attorney and Negotiations re: Four Seasons Development {15 min.) LUNCH BREAK (10 min.) 2. Caroline Bradford ITEMITOPIC: Black Gore Creek Update re: 2004 Funding Request (20 min.) 3. Warren Campbell ITEMITOPIC: Site Visit to Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road/parts of Lots Land K, Block 5E Vail Village Filing 1, re: a proposal by Sonnenalp Properties for the adoption of an encroachment easement of the Sonnenalp Hotel building on Town of Vai! land, Tract I, Vail Village Filing 1. (20 min.) 4. Matt Gennett ITEMITOPIC: Sign-Code discussion re: Ordinance No. 19, Series of 2003, an Ordinance repealing and reenacting Title 11, Sign Regulations, Vail Tawn Code, to accomplish longstanding goals and objectives set forth by the Town, with input from the public, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (45 min.} 5. George Ruttier ITEMlTOPIC: Design Review Board/ Planning and Environmental Commission Update (10 min.) 6. Bill Gibson ITEMII'OPIC: Update of proposed text amendments to Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to amend the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) regulations in the Hillside Residential (HR), Single- Family Residential (SFR), Two-Family Residential (R), Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential {PS), Residential Cluster (RC), Low Density Multiple-Family (LDMF), Medium Density Multiple-Family (MDMF), High Density Multiple-Family {HDMF}, and Housing (H) zone dis#ricts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (45 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Listen to a staff presentation briefly summarizing the applicant's proposal and the Planning and Environmental Commission's recommendation. Provide staff with specific direction on a review schedule for these proposed text amendments. Page 1 BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On Sept. 13 the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval for proposed text amendments to the gross residential floor area (GRFA) regulations for Vail's residential zone districts. 7. Information Update (5 min.) 8. Matters from Mayar and Council (5 min.) 9. Adjournment (4:35 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2i, 2003 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WELL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 20x3, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation availaE,le upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Page 2 TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA 2 p.M. TUESDAY, OCT. 21, 2003 1. ITEMITOPIC: Executive Session • C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b) Conferences with Attorney re: I-70 Noise and Engine Brakes (10 min.} • C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a)(b) Conferences with Attorney and Negotiations re: Red Sandstone School Property Lease (10 min.) • C.R.S. 24-6-402(4){b) Conferences with Attorney re: Urban Renewal Authority {15 min.) 2. Kent Meyers ITEMITOPIC: Summer Air Update (15 min.) 3. Sybill Navas ITEMITOPIC: Interviews to Fiil Two Vacancies on the Commission on Special Events (20 min.) • Ian Anderson • Mark Cervantes • Stephen Connolly • Marty Stewart 4. Russell Forrest ITEMITOPIC: Design Review Board/ Planning and Environmental Commission Update {10 min.} 5. Greg Hall ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of Colorado Department of Transportation Stan Zemler Issues (45 min.) Owen Leonard Joe Russell Frontage Road • Sand Clean-up on Vail Pass • I-70 Noise - Long-term vs. Short-term - Permanent Noise Mitigation -Signage 6. Information Update (10 min.) • Direction on Skatepark • Memorial Park Construction Manager • AIPP Artist in Residence, Ford Park 7. Matters from Mayor and Council (5 min.) 8. Adjournment (4:20 P.M.} NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIi_ REGULAR WORK SESSION Page 1 WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2003 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 7 P.M. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2003, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Page 2 TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA 2 P.M. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2003 1. ITEMITOPIC: Meeting of The Timber Ridge Affordable Housing Corporation (TRAHC) (30 min.} • Executive Session: re: conferences with attorney and negotiations re: Timber Ridge. C.R.S. §24-6-402(4}{b}(e) 2. George Ruther ITEMITOPIC: Site Visit to 145 Vail RoadlLots 1 & 2, Mill Creek Subdivision re: Front Door PEC Approval Appeal (45 min.) 3. George Ruther ITEMITOPIC: DRBIPEC Update (10 min.) 4. Information Update (5 min.} 6. Matters from Mayor and Council (5 min.) 7. Adjournment (3:35 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2003 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2003, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Page 1 VAfL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2003 2:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ITEMITOPIC: i. Committee Appointments: (1 hour} a. Northwest Colorado Council of Governments Board. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Sybill Navas has served as the Board Member on NWCCOG. Although in the past there has been an alternate for this position, for the past four years there has not. After discussion of this item, a motion shauld be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Tawn Council on the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments Board of Directors." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The appointment of the Alternate, if needed, will be similar. Sybill has served for the past 8 years and would like to encourage Council to appoint another Council member. As well, NWCCOG has asked that Sybill remain on their board as a represen#ative for Vail through the end of the year. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. b. Water QualitylQuantity CommitteelNWCCOG Member. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Sybill Navas has served as the Council's representative an this committee. Although in the past there has been an alternate for this position, for the past four years there has not. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Appointment Committee to QualitylQuantity Committee) NWCCOG." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The appointment of the Apprentice, if needed, will be similar. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. c. Vail Valley Tourism & Convention Bureau. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Rod Slifer has served as the Board Member on the VVT&CB Board. Greg Moffet has served as the Alternate. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Vail Valley Tourism & Convention Bureau Board of Directors." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The appointment of the Alternate will be similar. A Town Council member is required in the bylaws. Meetings are held I:he third Wednesday of every other month, approximate hours 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. The time commitment is 2 to 3 hours every other month. With the current merger of the VVTCB and the WCC underway, this appointment may not be of long tenure. VOTING MEMBER. d. Colorado Association of Ski Towns (CAST) Member and Alternate. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Ludwig Kurz, Greg Moffet and Bab Mcl.aurin have served on CAST. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as foNows: "I moue that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council for the Colorado Association of Ski Towns." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. Meetings are held every other month around the state. There is no set date or time limit. The Mayor should serve on this, with the Town Manager. VOTING MEMBER. e. Vail Recreation DistrictlTown Council Subcommittee ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Diana Donovan and Kevin Foley have served as Town Council representatives on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that and be appointed to represent the Vail Town Council on the VRD/Town Council Committee." The motion should be seconded and voted on by the Council. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. at the Vail Golf Course -Krueger Room. A Council member should sit on this committee. ADVISORY MEMBER. f. Special Events Committee. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Sybill Navas has served as Town Council representatives on this committee, with Greg Moffet "shadowing" since .lanuary. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed to represent the Vail Town Council on the Special Events Committee." The motion should be seconded and voted on by the Council. Meetings are held as needed. The meetings run about two hours. Greg Moffet would like to continue on this committee. However, Greg would like Council members to alternate on a monthly basis. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL D[SCRETION. g. Bravo! Colorado Board. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Rod Slifer and Kevin Foley (alternate) have served as Town Council representatives on this board. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that and ~ be appointed to represent the Vail Town Council on the Bravol Colorado Board." The motion should be seconded and voted on by the Council. This board meets quarterly for 2 to 3 hours and a Council member is required. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. h. Town of Vail Housing Au#hority. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Chuck Ogilby is serving athree-year term as the Council's representative on the Authori#y (expires in 2004}. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I moue that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Vail Housing Authority." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The appointment of the Alternate will be similar. Meetings generally are held once a quarter within a one hour time frame. There is the potential for more time when there are special projects. VOTING MEMBER PER STATE LEGISLATION. i. Channel 5 Vail Valley Community Television Board. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Ludwig Kurz has served as the Council's representative on this board. After discussion ofi this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Channel 5 Vail Valley Community Television Board." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 a.m. j. Art In Public Places (AIPP). ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Sybil) Navas has served as the board's representative on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Art In Public Places board." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. VOTING MEMBER REQUIRED BY TOV ORDINANCE. Meetings are held the second and fourth Thursday of each month with meetings generally from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. A Council member is required by ordinance. k. Mauri Nottingham Environmental Award. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Diana Donovan and Chuck Ogilby have served as the Council`s representatives on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Mauri Nottingham Environmental Award Committee." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. Meetings are held annually. Award to be given at Street Beat Concert January.2, 2002. Committee meeting on Dec. 15th Council member is required. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. !. Vail Valley ExchangelSisterClties. ACTION REQUESTED QF COUNCIL: Sybil) Navas has served as Town Council representatives on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Vail Valley Exchange Committee." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. Meetings are held randomly throughout the year. A Council member is required. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. m. Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Kevin Foley has served as Town Council representative and chairman on this authority. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Regional Transportation Authority." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The appointment of the Alternate will be similar. VOTING MEMBER REQUIRED BY STATE LEGISLATION. n. Ford Park Management Plan. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Kevin Foley has served as the Council's representative on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Ford Park Management Plan Committee." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. Through the approved Fard Park Management Plan, quarterly meetings have been set. A Council member's presence would be appreciated, but is not required. Pam Brandmeyer serves as staff. ADVISORY MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. o. Vail Valley Chamber of Commerce {VVCC). ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Greg Moffet has served as the Council's representative on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Chamber Commit#ee." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. The Chamber meets the third Friday of each month. With the current merger underway (see Item e), this tenure may be of brief duration. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. p. Open SpacelCharter Committee. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Sybill Navas has served as the Council's representative on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Open Space Committee." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. VOTING MEMBER REQUIRED BY TOV CHARTER. q. Colorado Ski Museum and Ski Hall of Fame. Ludwig Kurz has served as the Council's representative on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Colorado Ski Museum and Ski Hall of Fame." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. ADVISORY MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. r. Vail Youth RecognitionlAmbassador Award. Sybill Navas has served as the Council's representative on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Tawn Council on the Vail Youth Recognition Award committee." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. This committee gets together once a year to determine the award recipient. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. s. Vail Alpine Garden Foundation Board. Town of Vail staff member Todd Oppenheimer has served as the Council's representative on this board. The board meets on the third Friday of every other month. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Vail Alpine Garden Foundation Board." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. ADVISORY MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. t. Colorado Alliance for a Rapid Transit Solution (CARTS}. This board meets as scheduled. Kevin Foley served as the Council representative and Greg Hall as staff representative. Meetings held as needed. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Colorado Alliance for a Rapid Transit Solution (CARTS} Board." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. u. Vail Local Marketing Distric# Advisory Board. Greg Moffet served on this board. One member should be appointed, and this member should be different from the Special Events Committee. As well, schedule "circulating member participation" by all other councilmembers on a monthly basis so all Cauncilmembers have some degree of exposure to the process by which this board operates. After discussion of this i#em, a motion should be made as follows: "i move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council an the Vail Local Marketing District Advisory Board." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. VOTING MEMBER REQUIRED BY VLMD BOARD OF DIRECTORS. v. Vail Chamber and Business Association ~VCBA) Board. Sybill served on this board in an advisory capacity. The board meets the second Tuesday of each month. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Vail Chamber and Business Association Board." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. VOTING MEMBER. COUNCIL DISCRETION. w. Parking Task Force. Ludwig Kurz and Greg Moffet currently serve on this board. The meetings are held as needed, approximately 6-8 meeting per year. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appointed as the representative of the Vaif Town Council on the Parking Task Force." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. ADVISORY. COUNCIL DISCRETION. x. Eagle County Capital Projects Advisory Board. Greg Moffet currently serves on this board. Meetings are held approximately twicelyear. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move that be appainted as the representative of the Vail Town Council on the Eagle County Capital Projects Advisory Board." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council ADVISORY. COUNCIL DISCRETION. y. Vai! Child Care Center. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Greg Moffet has served as the Council's representative on this committee. After discussion of this item, a motion should be made as follows: "I move tha# be appointed as the representative of the Vail Town Council an the Vaif Child Care Center." The motion should be seconded and voted by the Council. VOTING MEMBER REQUIRED BY NON- PROFIT STATUS. 5. Information Update {5 min.} 6. Matters from Mayor and Council (5 min.) T. Executive Session -Land Negotiations C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a) and Legal Updates C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b}. (45 min.) 8. Adjournment. (5:A0 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WELL BE ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2001, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEi=TING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, DECI=MBER 78, 2001, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language Interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2332 voice ar•479»2356 TDD for information. TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA 1:00 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2003 1. Pam Brandmeyer ITEMITOPIC: Employee Anniversaries {25 min.) John Power Five Years of Service Christopher Delles Samantha Graves Sherry Bunch Marie Steffen Lynn Campbell Krista Miller Steve Blair Gilbert Maes Fdwin Hansen Joan Nolan Ten Years of Service Suzanne Silverthome Gilbert Martinez Fifteen Years of Service Lois Hart Florencio "JR" Mondragon Twenty Years of Service Leonard Sandoval David Richardson Twenty Five Years of Service James "footer" Overcash Sally Lorton Mark Benson 2. Bill Gibson 1TEM1TOPIC: Discussion of Gross Residential Floor Area re: proposed text amendments to Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to amend the Gross Residential Floor Area {GRFA) regulations in the Hillside Residential (HR), Single-Family Residential (SFR}, Two-Family Residential (R), Two-Family PrimarylSecondary Residential {PS), Residential Cluster {RC), Low Density Multiple- Family (LDMF), Medium Density Multiple- Family (MDMF), High Density Multiple-Family (HDMF), and Housing (H) zone districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto (15 min.} BACKGROUND: On September 8, 2003, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission voted 6-0 to forward a recommendation of approval fior proposed text amendments to the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA} regulations for Vail's residential zone districts. On October 7, 2003, the Town Council established a review schedule for the proposed text amendments to the GRFA regulations. 3. Bill Gibson ITEMlTOPIC: Discussion of a proposed zone district boundary amendment to rezone Eagle River Water and Sanitation District properties, located at 846 West Forest Road, from Outdoor Recreation (OR} and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 (LMU-2} zone districts to the General Use {GU) zone district (15 min.} ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with modifications, or deny Ordinance No. 34, Series of 2003, on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On October 27, 2003, the Planning and Environmental Commission voted 7-0 to forward a recommendation of approval for the proposed zone district boundary amendment. ~t. Warren Campbell ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of a proposed zone district boundary amendment to rezone the Lionshead tennis court site from Agriculture and Open Space zone district to Two-Family PrimarylSecondary zone district and to rezone the ski-way from Agriculture and Open Space zone district to Outdoor Recreation zone district, located at 615 West 1sorest Roadlunplatted (15 min.) 5. Warren Campbell iTEMITOPIC: Discussion of an ordinance amending Section 12-7H-5, conditional uses; generally (on all levels of a building or outside a building), Vail Town Code, to amend the list of conditional uses and allow single-family residential dwellings and two-family residential dwellings as conditional use in the Lionshead Mixed Use-1 zone district; amending Section 12-16-7, use specific criteria and standards, to add four use specific criteria to be used in the evalua#ion of a conditional use permit request for single-family and two-family residential dwellings in the Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 zone district, and setting forth details in regard thereto (15 min.) 6. Greg Hall ITIwMITOPIC: Vail Village Streetscape Cost Sharing and Paving Materials Selection {30 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Staff is requesting Council provide feedback and direction on the three following items re: the Vail Village Streetscape Redevelopment Project. a. Plan for cost sharing between the town and private property owners. b. Contractor selection process. c. Selection of paving materials. BACKGROUND RATEONALE: Cost Sharing The Council Design Committee and town staff have developed a plan for sharing the cost of streetscape improvements between the town and the private property owners affected by the streetscape project. A draft letter intended to be delivered to each of the property owners and/or associations is attached for the Council's review and comments. Staff has had discussions with most of the property owners affected and has determined that most property owners are in favor of a voluntary participation in the funding of streetscape improvements as long as the process is equitable to everyone involved. In the cost sharing plan, each property is assessed for the actual private property area included in the streetscape improvements. The amount of the assessment is based on the estimated cost of $91 per square foot for streetscape improvements including design and contingency. Credits are given for privately funded streetscape improvements completed in the past five years and far private areas which are used as public spaces. The attached spreadsheet outlines the areas and dollar assessments for each property. Contractor Selection Considering the tight schedule, the need for minimal impact to businesses and residents during construction, and the desire for a quality constructed project, the Town of Vail is requiring a selection of a general contractor based not only on cost. The selection process will be based on a combination of experience in similar work, references on past work, resources available to perform the work, ability to bond the work, the approach to the project, and construction cost. The process for selection of the general contractor for the work consists of a prequalification process and a proposal process. Please see the attached proposal for contractor selection for the complete process and timeline. Materials Selection The Design Team has selected several types of concrete unit pavers and stone pavement for inclusion in the streetscape improvements. Staff will have samples of the various pavement types available far council review and comments. STAFF RECCOMMENDATION The Town Council is requested to review the information provided and provide feedback and direction to Tawn Staff regarding the continuing processes of cast sharing, contractor selection and materials selection. e 7. Pam Brandmeyer ITEMITOPIC: Discussion of Complimentary Use of the Donovan Pavilion (30 min.) BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Council and staff i•rtiet to clarify categories and rankings for complimentary use of The Donovan Pavilion. Direct staff as to policy. 8. Russ Forrest ITEMITOPIC: DRBIPEC Update (10 min.} g, ITEMITOPIC: Information Update (10 min.) 10, ITEMITOPIC: Matters from MayorlCauncil (5 min.) 11. ITEMITOPIC: Executive Session re: • Contract Negotiations with Vail Resorts C.R.S. 24-6- 401(4)(b){e) (20 min.) • Vail Town Council Sitting as the Timber Ridge Affordable Housing Corporation C.R.S. 24-6-409(4)(b)(20 min:} 12, Adjournment (4:40 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: {ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2003 IN THE VAlL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAiL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2003, iN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. TowN courlclL WORK SESSION AGENDA '12:20 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER '16, 2003 1. ITEMITOPIC: Executive Session re: • Contract Negotiations re: Lionshead Redevelopment C.R.S. 24-6-401(4}{b){e) (90 min.) 2. ITEMITOPIC: Interview three candidates for three openings on the Vail Local Marketing District Advisory Council {VLMDAC): (15 min.) • Andrew Karow • Ken Friedman • Steve Rosenthal 3. George Ruther ITEMITOPIC:DRBIPEC Update, (10 min.) 4. Steve Rosenthal ITEMlTOPIC: Quarterly Report VCBA (10 min.} 5. Gregg Barrio ITEMITOPIC: Renovation of Pirateship Park Playground. (15 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OIF COUNCIL: Confirm design direction and suggest any desired modifications. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The town has hired the services of Ty Gillespie, a local artist, to assist in the design of the new pirateship. Ty has constructed a model of the proposed ship, and will present it to the Council. Staff has overlaid photos of the model into photos of the existing site in order to show the approximate size and the ship's relationship to the site. Please see attached photos. 6. George Ruther ITEMITOPIC: Presentation of the Draft Developer Improvement Jay Peterson Agreement for Veil's Front Door Project (30 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Listen to a staff presentation on the proposed agreement and then provide staff and the applicant with specific direction on the proposed terms and conditions of the Developer Improvement Agreement BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On September 22, 2003, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing for the final review of the development plan for Veil's Front Door Project. Upon consideration of the plan, the Commission unanimously voted to approve the plan with conditions. One of the conditions of approval required that the applicant submits a Developer Improvement Agreement to the Town of Vail for review and approval by the Vail Town Council. The purpose of this meeting is to present a draft agreement to the Council for consideration and to receive any input the Council may have on the agreement at this time. 7. Bill Gibson IITEMITOPIC: Discussion of Ordinance No. 33, Series of 2003, an ordinance amending Sections 12-6A-3, 12-613-3, 12-6C-3, 12- 6D-3, 12-6E-3, 12-6F-3, 12-6G-3, 12-6H-3, and 12-61-3, Vail Town Code, to allow a funicular and other similar conveyances as a conditional use in the Hillside Residential {HR), Single-Family Residential (SFR), Two-Family Residential {R}, Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential {P!S), Residential Cluster (RC), Low Density Multiple-Family {LDMF}, Medium Density Muitipie- Family (MDMF), High Density Multiple-Family (HDMF), and Housing {H) Districts, and se#ting for details in regard thereto{15 min.) • Site Visit {45 min.) 8. Information Update (5 min.} 9. Matters from Council {5 min.) 10. Adjournment (4:20 P,M.} NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE} THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 2 P.M. TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2004 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2004, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please tali 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for infarmation.