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2004-11-16 Support Documentation Town Council Evening Session
E!/ENBNG SESSION ADEN®A VAIL T®i~lN COUNCIL CFIAIIABERS 75 S. Frontage Road VV. bail, C® 81657 6:®® P.fltll., TtIES®AY, NO~lEItAER 16, 2®04 N®TE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and canroot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. 1 • ITEflfl/T®PIC: Citizen Participation. (10 min.) 2. Greg Hall lTElifl/T®PIC: Streetscape Update. (10 min.) 3. Russ Forrest ITEAII/T®PIC: Conference Center Update. (10 min.) ACTI®N REQIJESTE® ®F C®UNCIL: Staff would like to review public input received to date on the three architectural images and proposed next steps. Staff anticipates forwarding a recommendation from the Conference Center Advisory Committee on the architectural direction, adoption of a master plan for the conference center/Lionshead Parking structure area, and governance of the facility at the Town Council's December 7 meeting. 4. Suzanne Silverthom ITEM/T®PIC: Chamonix Property Master Plan Update and a request to proceed through the Town of Vail development review process for the Town-owned Parcel located at 2310 Chamonix Road/Tract D, Vail Das Schone Filing 1. (45 min.) ~ACKCR®UN®: In July 2004, the Vail Town Council authorized the Town Manager to hire the planning team of Davis Partnership/Michael Hazard Associates to facilitate a master land use plan for the town-owned Chamonix property at 2310 Chamonix Road. The town initiated the planning process to determine how best to accommodate a future fire station on the 3.6 acre parcel, as well as other compatible uses. The work has included preparation of 7 site plan options for a future fire station on the property, which has since been narrowed to 2 options following a series of neighborhood and Town Council discussions. In addition, a Land Use Plan defining four main areas was created showing location of a fire station on the southernmost portion of the property, a development zone in the middle of the parcel, an open space zone to the north which would buffer the development area from the existing neighborhood, and recreation areas located on the east and west sides of the property to accommodate neighborhood uses. In addition, two master plan options were developed and presented at a neighborhood meeting on Nov. 1. Option 1 represents a low density and low use development, while Option 2 represents a high density, . mixed-use development. Those in attendance at the meeting expressed a degree of comfort with Option 1, due to its residential emphasis. There were concerns about Option 2, due to the potential for commercial or retail development, which is not seen as desirable by those who have attended the neighborhood meetings. The purpose of the update on November 6 is to review the process, to date, and to receive direction from the Town Council on next steps. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Based upon the feedback from the neighborhood meetings, consultation with the citizen review team and the Community Development Department, staff recommends Council approve a request to proceed through the Town of Vail review process for master planning the town-owned parcel at 2310 Chamonix Road. Please note that an approval of this request does not constitute an approval of-any of the other required applications associated with this request. It simply allows the town to proceed through the development review process. No commercial or retail uses would be allowed within the recommended master plan area. Should the Town Council approve the request to proceed through the process, the next step would be an evaluation of the proposed land use plan for the Chamonix property by the Planning and Environmental Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve request to proceed through the Town of Vail development review process. 5. Bill Gibson ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-76-4B, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1St Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (45 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, overturn, or modify the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit application pursuant to Section 12-7B-46, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-76-48, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, 1 to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road. The appellants, Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Association and its individual owners, have appealed the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval. Please refer to the staff memorandum dated November 2, 2004, for additional information. STAFF RECOf1AnAEP1®ATB®N: Staff recommends that the Town Council upholds the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-76-48, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1St Filing. Should the Town Council choose to a~phold the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-76-46, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1St Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto; the Community Development Department recommends the Town Council make the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this title and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this title. Should the Town Council choose to overtuo~n the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-78-46, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1St Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto; the Community Development Department recommends the Town Council make the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is not in accordance with the purposes of this title and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will not comply with each of the applicable provisions of this title. 6. Sybill Navas ITEM/TOPIC: First Reading of Ordinance No. 30, Series of 2004, Pam Brandrneyer the Town of Vail amending Title 3, Chapter~6, of the Vail Town Matt Mire Code regarding the Commission on Special Events and setting forth details in regard thereto. (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with amendments, or deny Ordinance No. #30, Series of 2004. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Commission on Special Events currently requires that three of the five member board represent specific areas of the business community; restaurant, lodging and retail and two at-large voting members. In addition, the current ordinance contains a self imposed conflict of interest provision which is not imposed on other town boards and is unique to the CSE. This scenario continues to create conflicts of interest. In the past several months, various voting members have had to resign due to conflicts of interest. By expanding the board from 5 to 7 members, deleting the self imposed conflict of interest provision and having all members at-large will enable the board to attract members of the community with expertise in special events and will also allow this board to function like other Town of Vail boards. (i.e. When a voting member has a conflict they would recuse themselves from voting on that item). This will enable the CSE to more effectively carry out its functions and responsibilities. RECOMMENDATION: Approve or approve with amendments, Ordinance No. #30, Series of 2004. 7. Warren Campbell ITEM/TOPIC: Second Reading of Ordinance No. #24, Series of 2004, Zehren Associates an ordinance establishing Special Development District No. 38, Manor Vail Lodge, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (5 min.) BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The applicant has requested the Ordinance be tabled to facilitate the development of an incentive program for the new units to be included in a rental pool making them more likely to be warm beds. 8. Judy Camp ITEM/TOPIC: First Reading of Ordinance No. #27, Series 2004, an Ordinance making supplemental appropriations to the 2004 Budget, Supplemental Appropriation No. #3. (10 min.) 4 ACTI®N REQtDESTED ®F COUNCIL: Approve or approve with amendments, Ordinance No. #27, Series 2004, on first reading. BAC04GR®IJND RATI®NALE: To be provided in separate memo. STAFF REC®Il~MENDATI®N: Approve Ordinance No. 27, Series 2004, on first reading. 9. Judy Camp ITEi~/T®PIC: First Reading of Mill Levy Certification, Ordinance No. #28, Series 2004. (15 min.) ACTO®N REQUESTED OF C®tJNCIL: Approve Ordinance IVo. #28, Series 2004, on first reading. BACIKGR®UND RATIONALE: Mill Levy Assessments must be certified to the county for collection annually; this ordinance authorizes certification. Please note these numbers are only an estimate. We are waiting for current information from Eagle County for accurate numbers. S~'AFF REC®AAAAENDATI®N: Approve Ordinance No. #28, Series 2004, on first reading. 10. Judy Camp ITEII~/T®PIC: Second Reading of Ordinance No. #25, Series of 2004 Budget Ordinance. (15 min.) BACI~GR®UND RATI®NALE: The Commission on Special Events (CSE) has requested either transferring both Vail America Days/July 4th (proposed funding: $50,000) and Holidays in Vail/Christmas/holiday (proposed funding: $25,000) to Council Contributions under the category of "culturally designated events," with Council absorbing the additional cost; or, providing sufficient additional funding to the CSE to produce both holiday events since it is Council's desire to fund both events at their current levels. STAFF REC®flnIVIENDATION: The Town Manager recommends Council not move Vail America Days and Holidays in Vail/Christmas into the "culturally designated events" category. Instead he recommends increasing CSE's budget by $25,000 in 2005 only to help pay for these events and instructing CSE to fund both events. The Town Manager has reduced other items so there is no incremental cost compared with the budget as presented for first reading. 11. Stan Zemler ITEf~i/'~®PIC: Town Manager's Report. (10 min.) ~ Request for Donovan Pavilion Donation Attached you will find a request from the Youth Foundation re: a donation of one day as an auction item for a fundraiser. It is the Donovan Pavilion subcommittee's recommendation to deny the request. With over 70 non-for-profits in the county, this would set a risky precedent that could seriously erode the bookings of the facility. 12. ITEM/TOPIC: Adjournment. (9:20 p.m.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMER 7, 2004, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS V Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2106 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information fiflENloIlZ4Rl®uM T®: Town Council FR®Ilfi: Stan Zemler, Town Manager Matt Gennett, Project Planner Suzanne Silverthorn, Project Facilitator ®ATE: November 16, 2004 SUBJECT: A request to proceed through the Town of Vail development review process to develop a fire station and master plan for 2310 Chamonix Rd/Tract D, Vail das Schone, Filing 1, in accordance Title 12, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard thereto. I. ~ACKGR®UiV® On July 20, 2004, upon the recommendation of acouncil-citizen-staff review committee, the Vail Town Council authorized the Town Manager to hire the planning team of Davis Partnership/Michael Hazard Associates to facilitate a master land use plan for the town-owned Chamonix property at 2310 Chamonix Rd. The town initiated the planning process to determine how best to accommodate a future fire station on the 3.6-acre parcel, as well as other compatible uses. The land was purchased by the town for $2.6 million in 2002. At the time, a fire station, affordable housing and land banking were identified as possible future uses. The land is currently zoned Primary- Secondary Residential. In authorizing up to $50,000 to prepare the planning study, the Town Council acknowledged that a master plan/land use plan would serve to guide decisions on the design, funding and the eventual construction of a third fire station for the community; as well as other future uses on the property: Members of the citizen review team were assembled to help manage the process. Those members are Dick Cleveland and Kim Ruotolo from the Town Council; plus Bob Armour, Tricia Hutchinson and Bruce Norring from the West Vail neighborhood; and representatives from the Fire & Emergency Services Department and other town staff. II. ®VER!llE~t! ®F PL~-RII~IINt9 PR®CESS August 2004: Information Gathering The planning process began in August 2004 with a series of information- gathering steps by Davis Partnership/Michael Hazard Associates. Zoning and density comparisons throughout the West Vail neighborhood were identified; a comparison of existing views from sample residences along Chamonix Lane were recorded; and existing vehicular patterns within the neighborhood were charted. This information was presented during a neighborhood kick-off meeting on August 9, 2004,in which participants identified 5 key themes for the study: 1) preserve and build upon community characteristics of the neighborhood; 2) pay particular attention to site access and traffic impacts; 3) minimize fire station impacts to the neighborhood; 4) explore financing options for the fire station; and 5) explore long-term needs and opportunities. August 2 -September 26 2004• Development of Fire Station Site Plans Next, the planning team developed 7 fire station site plan options using the following criteria: ease of fire truck movement; safety for fire truck access to site and exit from site; extent of site utilized/site availability for future development; response to existing neighborhood uses and existing zoning; and response to existing site grades. Two of the 7 site plan options were expanded to include possible master plan scenarios representing high density residential and land banking. The scenarios included a site section showing height relationships and the impacts on existing residential properties on Chamonix Lane. Also during this period, the planning team prepared an evaluation of possible scenarios that would enable the town to receive a return on its investment to help pay for construction of the fire station. The analysis investigated the value of the land for development of residential development and found that the highest value would be derived from the sale of the land, to one developer, for amulti-family project. The attached summary indicates potential mix of fifty 2 & 3 bedroom homes with a targeted land sale of between $1.3 million and $2.5 million. September 27 -October 31 2004• Neighborhood and Council Review The 7 fire station options were reviewed by the citizen review team and presented during a neighborhood meeting on September 27, 2004. The preferences expressed by the neighborhood included adrive-through scenario for the fire station bays, to avoid use of back up beepers, and locating the station on the south side of the property directly behind the Shell station and Wendy's to minimize neighborhood impacts. An update was presented to the Town Council on October 5, 2004, in which the Council expressed support for the neighborhood preferences and asked that additional consideration be given to the number of bays designed in the first phase as well as parking. The design team spent the remainder~of the month developing a land use plan and two master plan options that would reflect some of the themes articulated during the two previous neighborhood meetings: o Consider some park/open space opportunities on the site and buy- back using Real Estate Transfer Tax Funds (RETT); o Use North Trail Townhomes as a housing model (owner-occupied, for-sale, multiple-bedroom housing sold to families and middle managers); no rental housing needed; o Develop the property in a way that blocks highway noise and provides a visual screen from the service stations and Wendy's; Consider a small park with picnic tables; Maintain apedestrian/bike path through the property; Maintain a safe intersection at Chamonix Road and Chamonix Lane; Minimize traffic and noise impacts for the neighborhood. November 1 -November 16, 2004: Land Use Plan & Master Plan Options A third neighborhood meeting was held on November 1, 2004, in which the planning team presented a recommended land use plan. The proposed land 2 L1 Land Use Plan Summary: The land use plan defines four areas on the Chamonix property. The blue area defines the proposed fire station kx:ation. The fire station is located on the southernmost portion of the site so k will have the lowest impad to the existing residential neighborhood. Its uses are similar to the existing heavy service uses along the North Frontage Road.. The yellow area defines a development zone that would be used as a transition zone between the heavy service district to the south and the residential neighbofiood to the north. This development zone could include medium density residential uses. The orange areas define zones for recreational use that could indude sma11 parks or open space. The green zone defines an open space buffer that would blend the development zone and the fire station into the existing neighborhood. .~ \ ~ v I I I ---- ~ \~// I RESIDEh7iAL ~ I ~ ' ~ RESIDEh?IALI ,~ 1 ~ 1 I O ,, RESIDENTiP\ ~( --~ CHAMONIX ~~ '~ COMMERCIAL USE FIRST BANK 7 ELEVFu i itESIDEI i r-~ l~ LAND USE PLAN -TOWN COUNCIL MEETING " " '° ~~~, °w 9matennrsm.rmaas, ~,xEVSiui oert xo. Z~ Q WO ~~ 0.~0 0 0 ~~ pa >~0 oo~ 3z ~~o 0~ ~ z=J _ ~O~ U 0~ U r~ LAND USE PLAN TOWN COUNCIL MEETING art ~,/i°/a °Aaw er w, ev aro n sx, w artn nc u.a° m w aw ~..c ~.as ~~ L1 o.a.a Prso~cr r °GVU.°o L2 Land Use Plan Summary: The land use plan defines three main areas on the Chamonix property. The blue area defines the proposed fire station location. The fire station is located here because it would have the lowest impact to the existing residential neighborhood and its uses are similar to the existing heavy service uses along the North Frontage Road. The yellow area defines a development zone that would be used as a transition zone between the heavy service district and the residential neighborhood. This development zone could include multifamily residential and/or commercial uses. The orange zone defines a buffer zone that would use landscaping and recreational spaces to blend the development zone and the fire station into the existing neighborhood. The goal of this land use plan is to uses these areas to create a successful master plan for the Chamonix property. LAND USE PLAN -NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING '° ~~ ~. z° ~ wp a ~ w0 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ po. > ~ ~ Z p0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 00 ~ z=J Q ~~ ~ U ~N 0 ~ LAND USE PLAN JEIGHBORHOOD MEETING arz ii/o,/a Dawn ar w, ec dKD Bt 4{ W SIREf f°[ LIAq L2 o,a.aw~a~crr asa~ao Michael P.O. Box 1068 Hazard Vail, Colorado Associates 81658 Architecture 970.949.4958 Planning 970.9494838 fax Interiors mha @vail.net L3 MEMO Date: September 29, 2004 To: Scott Nevin, Mitch Rewold From: Michael A. Hazard AIA Re.: Land Value Estimates Chamonix Master Plan Vail, CO I've spoken to a few realtors to gauge current market values and have a few land value estimates: Under the newly adopted regulations, the following development would be allowed: Maximum FAR: 6,500 S.F. 3,900 S.F. -Primary (60%) 2,600 S.F. -Secondary (40%) Maximum Site Coverage: 20% of 15,000 S.F. = 3,000 S.F. therefore roughly 21h levels over (2) 2-car garages with a total basement area of approximately 1,900 S.F. between both sides. Minimum landscape area: 60% of 15,000 S.F. = 9,000 S.F. Minimum setbacks: 20', Front; 15' side & rear 1. Favorable aspects of Chamonix lots: ^ Rarity. There are very few small, undeveloped lots on the market. • Proximity/Access to services, the Village and the bus route. ^ Exposure. Good south exposure, reasonable views across the valley. ^ Buildable area. When the new FAR regulations are applied to these lots, a home (or 2 homes) totaling 6,500 S.F. is possible with "theoretical" sales values of roughly $1.8M (@ $275/S.F.). 2. Unfavorable aspects of Chamonix lots: • Size. At roughly 15,000 S.F., the resulting home will be somewhat compressed. ^ Buildable area. In spite of the new FAR regulations a likely range of home size would be 3,000-4,000 S.F. where a target price-point of $850,000 - $1,100,000 (using asales/S.F. of $275) might be more palatable to the area. • Proximity to the fire station. On one hand proximity would suggest safety while it might also detract potential buyers over concerns of noise and glare from lights in the evening. Any land use where market-rate residential uses are contemplated will likely need to carry design constraints aimed at limiting the incompatibility of uses (burying building, sod roof, limit on light/sound leak). • Grade of the sites. The existing hillside is steep and will drive certain construction costs. Al Master Plan Summary: Al Master Plan Areas: Al Master Plan Density: Al Master Plan Parking: The fire station is located at the south end of the site near the Fire Station -1.2 Acres Fire Station -16,000 Sq. Ft. Fire Station - 21 Spaces existing heary service zoning district. This allows for 13 to 15 Residential - 1.6 Acres Residential - 13 to 15 Units up to 36,000 Sq. Ft. Residential - 30 Spaces residential units to be located north and east of the fire Land Bank! Recreatian Area - 0.8 Acres Land Bank -10,000 Sq. Ft. Recreation Area - 5 Spaces station. The remaining site area will be used for town land bank and recreational space for the neighborhood. s..' ,. Y I ;' ~ ~ , ~. .~ ~, • •. , _ , t ~ , , ; ~ g .' ., ti4 ~ ~ • ~ •~ ,~ ~~ CHAMONIX LANE f ~tl' ' ~ ~. ' --- `~o T ` 4 ~ ,,.~ . ` 0 .:~~ _ ~. ~ ~ ~,... _..aW,. ~ ~ H US l ING MUSING e ' ~ / ~ / / ~ ~~ ~ NEIG TB~ORHOOD NITS ~INITS ~.. _ ~ ~ ~ ~ r;: /~ ' . ~:+ R; , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ' -•; ,~ ~ ~ RECREATIONAL ~' :~~ ~ ~ ~ ,~` i , ~ *~"! HOUSING'S. SPACE ~ ~• ~ FEEDER ROAD UN1T,S~''~ ~ ~~` •1 '~ ~~~ ~4 •~~ '~~ FIRE STATION ~ ~ : h ~ ~ '~ ;~ -,. i~ .- ~ 1 ~j ~ USES ~ ~'~.~ ~ "~+,~ RECREATIONAL ~' ~~ SPACE ~` ( PATH t ~ 'ENGINE BAYS e ~~ •~ '~''' CHAMONIXROAD ~ ~:1~ 1 :~i .,.b '~ ' ,~ ~ ~~. ;.;-~~ ~;~~Z1 ~ ~ t{{ t, / a... it .^~.JD., v)< .- ^.~ ~~ ~ PHILIPS ,•, ,'• ' ENDY'S• ~ •04 ~t'~," ~ ~ ~ 66 ' A `~,~ ~ i, tt V I ~ ~ "~ BULL , f, ~ _ . _ ~: ''1 ~? ~~y~yy~ ~ ~ ~" SHELL ;"` CRA65 ''17! 1 ~ > ~ / ~. ~.•;^ °' . T ?0 ~` i+" " ~ ,~ ; Y ~ FIRST BANK ~ s WE ~ ~ _ .. ~ ~, ( ~ 7 ELEVEN ' ,\'` ~ c ~ ~ "~ ' ' OFFICES ~, ~'> . , ~~: n ~: ~, ~ is ~ - . "~ ~q' ~~~ +" w . ~ ~~ ~~. ~ ^~ pRTH FRONTAGE R 4., . GE ROAD OAD NORTH FRONSA ~ ,~ , ~`' -~ .. i , , ~ +~ ~ ~ ' ..'~ n MASTER PLAN -OPTION 1-NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ° ,~ ~. . ~~ Z~ ~ wp a ~ Wo 0 ~ ~0 ~~ O > oU X ~ Z 0 YLL U I - 00 ~ ~ =J Z ~ Q ] > U 0~ Ur MASTER PLAN NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ~~ ~v°,ro~ ~, ~. QKD Bf SK Wf LIEEL fllE .11.Erq ~~ Al O.PA PROJECiM 04976.00 A2 Master Plan Summary: A2 Master Plan Areas: A2 Master Plan Density: A2 Master Plan Parking: The fire station is located at the south end of the site near the Fire Station -1.1 Acres Fire Station -16,000 Sq. Ft. Total Development - 18 Surface Spaces existing heavy service zoning district. This option represents Development - 2.0 Acres Development - 100,000 Sq. Ft. -182 Underground Spaces a mixed use development being located around the fire Recreation Space - 0.5 Acres station that could include commercial and residental uses. Underground parking would be used to increase the total site density. The remaining site area would be used as recreational space for the neighborhood. '` 1 1 1 1 b~ `' ' ~ 1 r 1 ;} ~. 1 .., _ B 1 •~ ' ~ , t "i 'b ; I 1 ~~ ~ yt. * ~ ~ a ,~ ~~ CHAMONIX LANE '' ~~~ ___~ ~.. ~ ` ~' ~ ~ AFO~ ,. ... _ ~ ~ ~ - E ,, S ,t` '~ ., , .. y 5~~~~, ~,~ ~` PATH Z $ , rR~gN F .. ~~t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ 1 ~'~ 3 TO 4 STORY 4. 3 STORY „~.,, r ~, 111 .1 -~._ . ._.. _ - ' ~~ MIXED USE MIXED USE ,, 'E 7 ~~ ~ ' ~- ~ ~- _ ~~~ RECREATIONAL ;, ~~ ' ~ +~ ~ ~' `~' ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ 2 STORY ` SPACE ~ ~ MIXED USE LOOP DRIVE ` _ 1 ~ 1 ~~~`~ •: ~ 3 TO 4 STORY ~' ,r ~,., .: F' r -? /~ ~} '' ~ ,' ~ ,' MIXED USE ~ ; ~ i~ ~ ~1' !~ ~ ~' FIRE STATION ___ _ -_. .. ~ / RECREATIONAL °I ~ ~ USES '~ ~~'`~ ~ / SPACE •.. ` I ~" _ 3 _ `, ~ ,. PATH _ j ENGINE BAYS, / i ' ~ ~ ~-,, CHAMONIX ROAD ,~ , _. ~ .~; , "~ ,,: 1- r .~ ~ i '~ ; -^Ci :~. W ~ i .. PHILIPS ~' ,~• ~' ~ cti ~ 'err . ~ ,, ~ I ~` ._ ~ ° BULL ~ ~ ~~ a ~~. SHELL 1 1 .. ----. ' ', CRABS 77 E ~ FIRST BANK 1 ~ w . ` - .. ~ ~ ! ~ `1 ~ _.. 7 ELEVEN 1 OFFICES a'i`d. ' ;~`, --~ .. -- ~ rL'._.~._ ^ $ ` ~ -- , '-- ~~~ - ~~ ,~ ~ P~ ~ ~ i, CRtH FRONTAGE T ASE R~ ~ ~ .,"~ ~ - ~ . ~`' Rt7gp MASTER PLAN -OPTION 2 -NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING nz r = w'-o' ~d ~,,: ~~. ~14AEYBp1 OA7E NO Z~ ~ wp a ~ Qa w0 Oho ~0 w~ > ZJ Z ~ 0 ~ 0~ ~ z=~ Q >>> U ~~ 0 ^ MASTER PLAN NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING a>E ,pro„o< ~~ ~~ °~ ~.~ ~~ ~~ A2 o vA a~cr° w°ae.o° use plan defines four main areas on the Chamonix property (see attachment L2 ): o The blue area (1.1 acres) defines the proposed fire station location and feeder road. The fire station is located on the southernmost portion of the site so it will have the lowest impact to the existing residential neighborhood. tts uses are similar to the existing heavy service uses along the North Frontage Road. o The yellow area (1.4 acres) defines a development zone that would be used as a transition zone between the heavy service district to the south and the residential neighborhood to the north. This development zone could include multi-family residential uses. o The green area (.5 acres) defines a buffer zone that would use open space to separate the development zone and fire station from the existing neighborhood. o The orange areas (.6 acres) to the east and west designate recreational spaces for passive or active use to further blend the development zone and the fire station from the existing neighborhood. Those attending the meeting offered support for the proposed land use plan. Next, the neighborhood reviewed two master plan options (see attachments Al and A2): o Option 1 represents a low density and low use development which included the fire station (with an option to utilize an existing easement for fire station egress between the Shell station and Wendy's), low density residential housing and neighborhood recreation and open space. o Option 2 represents a high density, mixed-use development including the fire station, residential and commercial buildings, underground parking and neighborhood recreation space. Those in attendance at the meeting expressed a degree of comfort with Option 1, due to its residential emphasis. There were concerns about Option 2, due to the potential for commercial or retail development, which is not seen as desirable by those who have attended the neighborhood meetings, as well as a higher density than what the Primary-Secondary zoning currently allows. Rather than pursue a mixed use option up front, one attendee suggested conducting aretail-demand study to determine if retail or commercial would be a viable option on the site. With both scenarios, site access locations from Chamonix Road appeared acceptable; however, most of those in attendance asked that a fire truck access easement between the Shell station and Wendy's be shown on the master plan options. The easement, they said, would help improve safety on Chamonix Road. III. REC®I~i nAEiV®ATI®N Based upon the feedback from the neighborhood meetings, consultation with the citizen review team, and the Community Development Department, staff recommends Council approve a request to proceed through the Town of Vail development review process, which may eventually include a rezoning application of the town-owned parcel at 2310 Chamonix Road from the current Primary-Secondary Residential zone district to the Medium-Density, Multi-Family Residential (MDMF) zone district. Please note that an approval of the request to proceed does not constitute an approval of the proposed .~ rezoning, which is a separate application before the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). It simply allows the town to proceed through the development review process. The Town Council will be informed of the status of the proposal through periodic updates. If approved, this review process would involve an evaluation of the proposed land use plan for the Chamonix property by the Planning and Environmental Commission and a request to make a finding that the property meets the applicable criteria for the proposed rezoning. The Town of Vail Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates the subject property, and much of the land surrounding it to the west and north, as Medium Density Residential. The Medium Density Residential category includes housing which would typically be designed as attached units with common walls. Densities in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwelling units per build-able acre. Additional types of uses in this category include private recreation facilities, private parking facilities and institutional/public uses such as parks, open space, churches and fire stations. No commercial or retail uses are allowed within the recommended MDMF zone district. The rezoning request is perfectly consistent with the Vail Land Use Plan designation for the property, which specifically identifies medium-density residential development and fire stations as suitable land uses on the subject property. IV. FIRE STATION PLANNING TIME TABLE Staff's request to proceed through the development review process for adoption of a master plan for the Chamonix property is the next in a series of steps that will be required should the Council wish to proceed with building a fire station on the site. The 2005 budget contains $250,000 for design of the station (this includes $100,000 which is being rolled from the 2004 budget). Staff anticipates bringing a proposal for selection of an architect to design the station in early 2005. The Capital Projects Fund for 2006 includes $2.5 million for construction of a new fire station. In addition, the Eagle County Commissioners will adopt a 2005 budget on December 14, 2004. The Commissioners are currently reviewing the town's request fora $1 million contribution to help with construction costs, due to the number of emergency responses made outside the town's boundaries in the unincorporated areas of Eagle County along I-70 at Vail Pass and Dowd Junction. Before decisions are made on programming, design and construction, staff recommends an evaluation of operational costs for the fire station and an assessment of the town's ability to sustain those costs over time. V. ATTACHMENTS L1 Land Use Plan Town Council Meeting Nov. 16 L2 Land Use Plan Neighborhood Meeting Nov. 1 L3 Land Value Michael Hazard Memo Sept. 29 Al Master Plan Option 1 Neighborhood Meeting Nov. 1 A2 Master Plan Option 2 Neighborhood Meeting Nov. 1 A3 Meeting Notes Neighborhood Meeting Nov. 1 4 A3 Chamonix Property Community Meeting Notes Monday, November 1, 2004 Holiday Inn, West Vail 5:30 - 7:00 1. Those in attendance appeared supportive of the proposed Land Use Plan, which shows four zones: landscape buffer to the north, recreation/open space farthest to the east and west of the site, a development zone in the middle of the site, and town and fire station uses to the south. 2. When reviewing the mixed-use option 2, concems were expressed about commercial or retail uses moving up into the neighborhood. There were also concems about increased traffic on Chamonix Road and the building height along Chamonix Lane. 3. Rather than pursue amixed-use option upfront, one person suggested conducting aretail-demand study to determine if retail/commercial would even be a viable option on the site. 4. Support was expressed for the low-density residential master plan scenario, shown in option 1. A preference was expressed for maintaining access to the residential portion via a feeder road onto the property. 5. In both scenarios, site access locations from Chamonix Road appeared acceptable; however, most of those in attendance asked that a fire truck access easement between the Shell station and Wendy's be shown on both master plan options. The easement, they said, would help improve safety on Chamonix Road. 6. It was noted the Fire Department currently has 3 pieces of equipment that could be stored at this facility. The master plan drawings will be revised to show future expansion of up to 4 bays. 7. concems were expressed about future zoning and the how the site could be developed if commercial was an allowed use. There was fear that a developer would build the maximum density allowed for the proposed zoning. 8. There were questions about whether the town intended to lease or sell off a portion of the property to help pay for the fire station. Council member Kim Ruotolo explained that Council has not yet addressed the public policy topic. However, one of the requirements asked of the design team has been to explore the feasibility of apublic-private partnership. 9. There was a question about whether traffic lights would be used for the fire station. A traffic study will need to be completed to define the location and type of signals that would be required. 10. It was also noted that a recreation path through the property would need to accommodate bicycles. EIVIORANDUII~ TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: November 16, 2004 SUBJECT: An appeal of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4B, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 15t Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant: Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Assoc. and its individual owners Planner: Bill Gibson SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is located at 333 Hanson Ranch, Road (Vista Bahn Building). II. STi4NDING OF APPELLARIT The appellants, Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Association and its individual owners, have standing to file an appeal as adjacent property owners. III. REQUIRED ,4CTIOftI The Vail Town Council shall uphold, overturn, or modify the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4B, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1ST Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, the Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Vail Town Code: "The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Regulations, Title 72) have or have not been met" The appellants' appeal application has been attached for reference (Attachment A). c' IV. BACKGROUND On September 13, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing to review a conditional use permit application from Remonov and Company to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building (i.e. the Tap Room), 333 Hanson Ranch Road. The Planning and Environmental Commission heard testimony and public comment supporting and opposing this proposal. The primary objection to this proposal came from adjacent property owners who are concerned about both the existing levels of noise from the Tap Room and the Sanctuary nightclub and the possible noise which could be generated by the proposed outdoor dining deck. The Planning and Environmental Commission expressed its concern about the current noise issues, but recognized that the existing noise issues are associated with the Sanctuary nightclub and not the proposed outdoor dining deck. The Planning and Environmental Commission voted 7-0 to approve the conditional use permit for the proposed outdoor dining deck with six conditions-intended to mitigate the impacts of the deck on the adjacent property owners: 1. This conditional use permit approval is contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval for this proposal. 2. The use of the outdoor dining deck shall begin no earlier than 7: 00 AM and end no later than 10:00 PM daily. 3. Amplified sound shall not be permitted in association with the use of the outdoor dining deck. 4. The use of the outdoor dining deck shall complywith the provisions of Section 5- 1-7 (Noise Prohibited), Vail Town Code. Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation of the conditions of approval for this conditional use permit. A violation of these provisions may allow the Planning and Environmental Commission to revoke this conditional use permit approval. 5. Any outdoor lighting associated with the outdoor dining deck shall comply with the provisions of Title 14 (Development Standards), Vail Town Code. Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation of the conditions of approval for this conditional use permit. violation of these provisions may allow the Planning and Environmental Commission to revoke this conditional use permit approval. 6. Any signage associated with or displayed upon the outdoor dining deck shall comply with the provisions of Title 11(Sign Regulations), Vail Town Code. Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation of the conditions of approval for this conditional use permit. A violation of these provisions may allow the Planning and Environmental Commission to revoke this conditional use permit approval. On September 15, 2004, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed and approved the design review application associated with this proposal. The DRB approved the application by a vote of 3-0 with two conditions: 2 The applicant shall not alter the existing informal pedestrian/skier path, located between the Vista Bahn Building and Mill Creek, from its present condition. 2. The applicant shall not remove any trees as part of this proposal. On October 1, 2004, the appellants submitted an appeal application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department appealing the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval. The Planning and Environmental Commission memorandum dated September 13, 2004 (see Attachment B) and the September 13, 2004, Planning and Environmental Commission meeting results, in-part, (Attachment C) have been attached for reference. V. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE TO~INN CODE Chapter 12-3, Administration and Enforcement (in part Section 12-3-3: Appeals (in part) C. Appeal Of Planning And Environmental Commission Decisions And Design Review Board Decisions: Authority: The Town Council shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission or the Design Review Board with respect to the provisions of this Title and the standards and procedures hereinafter set forth. 2. Initiation: An appeal maybe initiated by an applicant, adjacent properly owner, or any aggrieved or adversely affected person from any order, decision, determination orinterpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission or the Design Review Board with respect to this Title. "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this Title. The alleged adverse interest maybe shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. The Administrator shall determine the standing of an appellant. If the appellant objects to the Administrator's determination of standing, the Town Council shall, at a meeting prior to hearing evidence on the appeal, make a determination as to the standing of the appellant. If the Town Council determines that the appellant does not have standing to bring an appeal, the appeal shall not be heard and the original action or determination stands. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission or the Design Review Board by a majority vote of those Council members present. 5. Findings: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this Title have or have not been met 3 Chapter 12-16 Conditional Use Permits (in part Section 12-16-6: Criteria; Findings 12-16-6: CRITERIA; FINDINGS: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the planning grid environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particularreference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by chapter 12 of this title. B. Necessary Findings: The planning and environmental commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this title and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated ormaintained will notbe detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinify. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this title. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Vail Town Council upholds the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4B, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1S` Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Staff's recommendation is based upon evaluation of the criteria and findings noted in the September 13, 2004, Staff memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 4 As this site is adjacent to the ski yard, Staff believes the proposed outdoor dining deck is in character with the decks and patios at other eating/drinking businesses in the Village, will add vitality to the Village, and will generally be a positive amenity for Vail's guests. Staff recognizes that this site has a commercial zoning; however, there are adjacent residential uses. Staff believes that the limitations placed on the decks hours of operation and amplified sound by the Planning and Environmental Commission will help mitigate the impacts of the deck on adjacent properties. Staff also agrees with the Planning and Environmental Commission that the applicant and the appellant need to work together to resolve their current disagreements about the existing noise levels from the Sanctuary nightclub; however, these issues are separate from any potential noise generated from the proposed deck. The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Regulations, Title 12) have or have not been met. Should the Town Council choose to uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4B, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1St Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto; the Community Development Department recommends the Town Council make the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this title and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this title. Should the Town Council choose to overturn the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-76-4B, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1St Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto; the Community Development Department recommends the Town Council make the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is not in accordance with the purposes of this title and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. ~ 5 ~ . ~ ~: 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will not comply with each of the applicable provisions of this title. VII. ATTACHMENTS A. Appellant's Appeal Application B. September 13, 2004, Planning and Environmental Commission memorandum C. September 13, 2004, Planning and Environmental Commission meeting results (in-part) D. Public Notice 0 6 Attachment: A 1VIURRAY FRANKS GREENHOUSE LIST & LIPPITT LLP ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELOR S ~) GRANITE BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 1228 FIFTEENTH STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80202 Telephone (303)623-4500 Fax (303)623-0960 September 30, 2004 VIA UPS OVL1tNIGH.I, Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: APP>EJAL TO TOWN COUNCIL Appeal of Conditional Use Permit granted for Outdoor Deck Vista Bahn Building/333 Hanson Ranch Road granted to Remonov & Company, Inc. To Whom it May Concern: ~ Thomas M. List Licensed in Colorado and Florida flistnmt~~ll.com 303-623-002 File No. 1290-I The Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Association ("Association") and its individual owners hereby submit this appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3(C) of the Vail Town Code, to the Planning and Environmental Commission's ("PEC") September 13, 2004 decision granting a Conditional Use Permit to Remonov & Company, Inc. for an expansion to the outdoor deck on the Vista Balui Building, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C; Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1 ("Conditional Use Permit"). The Association and its owners will suffer an adverse effect to their interests as adjacent property owners which are fiirthered by Title 12 of the Vail Town Code. The Association requests that the Town Council reconsider the PEC's decision and deny the requested conditional use permit. A detailed explanation of how the Association and its owners are aggrieved .and adversely affected by the PEC's decision is contained in the September 10, 2004 objection filed by the Association and its owners to Remonov & Company, Inc.'s application for the subject conditional use permit, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. This September 10, 2004 objection also contains the grounds for this Appeal, including reference to specific code ,sections. Please find enclosed the following: Attachment A Appeals Form Attachment B A copy of the September 10, 2004 objection filed by the Association and its owners to Remonov & Company, Inc.'s application for the subject conditional use permit. Town of Vail Department of Community Development. September 30, 2004 Page 2 .~ Attachment C A list.~of names and addresses of all owners of property who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners. Attachment D Legal description of Bridge Street Lodge property in Vail, Colorado. Attachment E Stamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed. Should you have any questions regarding the Association's position or the materials provided herein, please do nit hesitate to call our offices. Y~ ~oma~ ~ist array r ~, e Greenhouse st & Lippitt LLP TN1LLj is Enclosures Sae-15=-04 11:~5am From-T041hi OF VAI! COMMUIiITl' DrVcLOPM=PIT 9704792452 T-961 P.~~2/Ot12 F-262 Appeals ~c~~>t~ tr~rt~~ Vii-" a Department of Community Development ~~jf1x Ltd Yt~!., 7~ Sfluth Frontage P.oad., Vaii, Colorado 81057 te1::970.47S?i39 fax: 970.=75.?45Z web: www.vailQOV.com General l,nfarmati orr_ This Corm is required for fling an appeal of a Staff, Design Revie1~~ Board, or planning and Environmen~l Commission action/decision. A complete form and associated requirements must be submitted to the Community Development Department within twenty (20) calendar days of the disputed action/decision. Action/Decision being appealed: ~eptP.lnber 13, 2004. Decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4 to allow for an outdoor patio, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road (Vista Bann Bldg}.; granted to Remonov & Company, Inc. bateof Action/Decision: -September 13 2004 Eaard or Staff person rendering actionJdecisian: p~ a„n; n~ any Fns,; rnmm~n+"-.i r' Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? ycs ~} (np) Tf yes, are you an adjacent property owner? ..yes)? (n4} Name of Appellants}:.Bri°1ge Street Lodge Residential Owners Assoc, and its individual Mailing Address: c/o Thomas M L~,,~t, Murray Franke CrPPnh~iicP r ; ~ owners t_ & Linni t-t- T,T,P 1228 15th Street, Suite 200, Denver, C08~~~e: 303 623-4500 Physical Address in Vail: 2Z8 Han~r,n Rangy-h Rnar1 Legal Description of Appellants} Pr e in Vait: Lot;w8lock_ 5ubdivision_See attachm r+-t E °~ I ~ Appellant{s) Signature(s): ~J (AC~aCh a list f sig tures if more spaca is required}. ' Jennifer .L.. Stenman, attorney for Appellant Submittal Requirements: 1. Dn a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, provide a detailed explanation ofi haw you.are an "aggrieved or adverseiy afrectAd person". 2" Qn a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite spedhc code sections having ralevance to the action being appealed. 3. 'Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing and physical addresses in Vail) of all owners of property who are the subje~ of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including owners whose properties are separated from the subject property by a right-of-wa)J, stream, or other intervening barrier). 4. Provide stamped, addr°,~sed envelopes for each property owner•listed in.(3.). FUSE 5U6MIT THIS CORM ANb ALL 5UBMI"fT,~,L REOUIP,~MENTS TQ: TOWN GF vA1L, DE°AP,-fN1i=NT OF COMMUNITY D~VELOPNI~N i , ~~~ (" ~ LUi)t! 75 SOUTH FR~I`rTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 51667. °~`~' r, t p~~.CE~Use O.Ply~~j:"m~r~, ~, ~,a^~~.:~~: _ -~s:, ;r.-.':-~.- c~~°~ ~~:~~J ~.,~~ ~ }, .... .CTS /^ _'" _..~._ uat~e~eit~e~` _- - - !~ ^ j° ~ ~ ~,~vTty No: ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~`_ " Plznner: - _ "`~ ~ ~`ProjecT No:~ ~-~~ ~ ~ o .~~~,~ ~'.T::.: ,r, ~ F' - r:lUser,~cd~~tFORMSIAPPL1C~o.ppaals.coc 1VIL7RRAY RANI-~ GR~hNHOU51/ .LIST & LIPPITT LILP ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELOR S GRANITE 6UILDING, SECOND FL OR 1228 FIFTEENTH STREET DENVEP,, COLORADO 80202 Telephone (303)623-4500 Far. (303)623-0900 Thomas M. List Licensed in Colorado and Florida tlistr'a~mf'ell.com 303-623-0025 September 10, 2004 Mr.~Bill Gibson, Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 7~ South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: OBJECTION TO APPLICATION Application for Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Deck Vista Bahn Building/333 Hanson Ranch Road Applicant: Remonov & Company, Inc. Dear Mr. Gibson: File No. 1290-1 This letter shall serve as the written objection of the Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Association ("Association") and its individual owners to the application for a Conditional Use Pem~it for an expansion to the outdoor deck on the Vista Bann Building, located at 3.33 Hanson Ranch Road. On July 29, 2004, Remonov & Company, Inc. (the "Applicant"), represented by. Knight Planning Services, Inc., submitted its application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the expansion of an outdoor patio, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road (Vista Bahn Building)/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1 ("Conditional Use Permit"): On September 13, 2004, at 2:00 p.m., the Town of Vail Plaiuzing and Environmental Commission (the "Commission") U~ill consider a request for final review and approval of the Conditional Use Permit, submitted pursuant to. Section 12-7B-4, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Second Floor, Vail Town Code. The Association and the property owners which are the members of the Association vehemently object to the Applicant's proposed Conditional Use Permit. On July 10, 2000, a similar conditional use permit proposal by the Applicant for .the expansion of the outdoor deck was approved by the Commission, but this approval lapsed and became void. In 2003, the Applicant re-applied for approval to expand the outdoor deck using the same proposal. On May 12, 2003, the Community Development Department (the "Staff") recommended approval of that conditional use permit with conditions, including a condition for compliance with certain noise ordinances. (See May 12, 2003 Memo, attached hereto as Exhibit A). In its May 12, 2003, memo, the Staff specifically noted that improper use of the proposed outdoor dining deck could have negative effects of noise on the environment of the Commercial Core 1 District and attached complaints to The Memo from the Vail Police Department and Christiana Lodge related to noise.. (See Exhibit A) On September 18, 2003, the Association objected to the Applicant's request pending at that time. (See September 18, 2003 Bill Gibson Town of Vail Department of Community Development September 10; 2004 ' Page 2 letter, attached hereto ,as Exhibit B) During the year 2003, the Applicant withdretiv its application. The July 29, 2004, application. scheduled to be reviewed by the Commission on September 13, 2004, is yet a third .attempt by the ,Applicant to gain approval to expand the outdoor deck. As will be discussed further below, however, the coricerns related to noise raised in the Staffs May 12, 2003, memo have not been addressed by the Applicant and continue to have a serious negative effect on the surrounding property. Objection to Application The primary basis for the Association's and its individual members', objection is the ongoing noise issues at the Tap Room/Sanctuary, the bar and restaurant located at 333 Hanson Ptanch Road. Over the past few years there have been numerous complaints related to excessive noise and vibrations from the Tap Room/Sanctuary and documented violations of the applicable noise ordinances of the Town of Vail. An expanded outdoor patio will only serve to continue, and likely increase, the excessive noise, and noise ordinance violations at the Tap Room/Sanctuary. Section 12-7B-4 of the Vail Town Code (the "Code".) allows outdoor patios on second floors above grade provided that such use is approved pursuant to the issuance of. a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Chapter 16 of the Code. Section 12-16- 1 of the Code provides that "[b]ecause of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review and evaluation so that they.may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on surrounding properties." (emphasis added) Furthermore; 12-7B-8 of the Code specifically requires that the "[e]ffects of noise, odor, dust, smoke and other factors on. the environment" (emphasis added) be applied when considering an application for a conditional use permit within Commercial Core 1 District. The application must address "measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity." (Section 12-16-2(C) of the Code) The Applicant has completely failed to address the effects of noise which will result from the proposed expansion of the outdoor deck. The Applicant barely acknowledges that noise might be an issue and does not address the numerous problems with noise that have occurred at the property in the past and which still exist today. The Applicant makes no attempt to propose solutions to the existing noise problems and potential increased noise problems caused by the proposed expanded dining deck. In order to grant a conditional use permit, the Commission must make a finding that the "proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the ublic health safe p t5, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity" and that the "proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of [Title 12 of the Code]." (Section 12-16-6(B)(2) and (3) of the Code) The Commission cannot make the necessary findings because the noise issues will be materially injurious to the surrounding property and the Applicant has failed to even address the necessary requirements set forth in the Code. Conditions and limitations may be prescribed to ensure that -:Bill Gibson Town of Vail Department of Community Development September I0, 2004 Page 3 the conditional use will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. (Section 12-16-1 of the Code) The Applicant has failed to propose any .conditions to the new and expanded use which would serve to eliminate or reduce the impact of any future noise problems. "Where conditions cannot be devised to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied." (Section 12-16-1. of the Code) Documented Noise Complaints and Noise Ordinance Violations The Association has consistently documented its complaints about the noise from the Tap Room. On September 18, 2003, in addition to its objection to the Applicant's then pending conditional use application, the Association requested that the Tovvn of Vail immediately issue a Cease and Desist. Order against the Sanctuary/Tap Room demanding that the Sanctuary/Tap Room stop any further violations of the subject noise ordinances. (See September 18, 2003 letter, .attached hereto as Exhibit C) In response to this request David Rhoades, Town Code Enforcement Officer, sent a letter to the Tap Room stating that they needed to meet with the Town and explain how they would address these problems. (See October 20, 2003 letter, attached hereto as Exhibit D). On March 8, 2004, the Association sent a letter of concern to the Commission requesting that the Commission ,revoke the conditional use permit which permits the Tap Room/Sanctuary to operate as a restaurant and bar because of the noise issues and because the Tap Room/ Sanctuary was violating Section 12-14-14 of the Code. -(See March 8, 2004 letter, attached hereto as Exhibit E) Section 12-14-14 of the -Code provides, in pertinent part: In districts where .restaurants, bars, or similar uses are allowed, they shall be subject to the following requirements: A. Noise generated by the use may not at. any time exceed fifty (~0) decibels outside the enclosing walls or ceilings of the use. . The professional ambient noise level testing. conducted by the Association; discussed in more detail below, documents this Code violation by the Tap Room. The members of the Association who are the owners of the condominium units at Bridge Street Lodge continue to assert that the excessive noise from the Tap Room impairs their ability to use their property both for personal residential use and for residential rental to guests of Vail. (See affidavits of Association members attached hereto at Exhibit F. Those affidavits `which are not yet executed will be forwarded to the Town upon execution). Past efforts by the Applicant to assure the surrounding property owners that the Tap Room was attempting to deal with the noise issues were not sincere. On March 1, 2004, Matt Mire, Town Attorney for the Totivn of Vail stated in an e=mail that according to Mr. Kaufman, the Tap Room had taken several measures with regard to the noise issues including "rendering all upstairs windows inoperable, so that they can not be opened by bar patrons at night." (See Bill Gibson Town of Vail Department of Community Development September 10, 2004 Page 4 March 1, 2004 e-mail from Matt Mire attached hereto as Exhibit G) On March 10, 2004, at 9:00 a.m. the Tap Room upstairs windows were operable and open. (See photo taken by Christi~rna at Vail attached .hereto as Exhibit H). In a site inspection of the Tap Room by the undersigned in June, 2004 Mr. Kaufman showed the undersigned the proposed lock which would render the windows inoperable. At that time only one window on the second floor had such a lock. Mr. Kaufman stated to the undersigned that he did not want to incur that expense for the other windows "because he was going to be expanding the deck anytivay." The Christiana Lodge at Vail has documented numerous complaints related to noise from the Tap Room/Sanctuary dating from 2002. (See Christiana Lodge noise complaints attached hereto at Exhibit I). In addition, the Vail Police Department has records of numerous noise complaints and noise violations related to-the subject property. (See Vail Police Department Records attached hereto as Exhibit ~. These Complaints show that the noise problems have continuously had a real, .significant impact on guests and residents of Vail and surrounding property owners. Professional Ambient Noise Testing During the nights of August 16, 22 and 23, 2003, David L. Adams Associates, Inc. measured ambient noise levels from Unit 302 of the Bridge Street Lodge. David L. Adams Associates, Inc.'s September 8, 2003, report of these measurements concludes that ambient noise levels exceeded those levels allowed by the Code. (See David L. Adams Associates, Inc September 8, 2003 report attached hereto as Exhibit I~ "The mixed Commercial and HDMF land use noise limits were exceeded in every statistical measurement for at least part of the night." (See Exhibit I~~ During the night of March 12, 2004, David L. Adams Associates, Inc. again measured ambient noise levels from Unit 202 of the Bridge Street Lodge. During the hours of 9:00 p.m. to about 10:30 p.m., the main noise source was music from the Tap Room bar. After 10:30 p.m., noise from the Sanctuary nightclub and the Tap Room bar began to exceed the noise from the creek and by 11: 00 p.m. until 1:30 or 2:00 a.m., the nightclubs were the dominant noise sources. David L. Adams Associates, Inc.'s March 26, 2004 report of these measurements concludes that ambient noise .levels exceeded those: levels allowed by the Code. (See David L. Adams Associates, Inc. March 26, 2004 report attached hereto as Exhibit L) "[T]he noise level limit set by the Town of Vail zoning regulation for restaurants and bars (50 db), if we assume this level is to have units of dBA (decibels A-weighted), was exceeded from 9:00 P.M. until approximately 1:35 A.M. when the music stopped." (See Exhibit L) Request for Denial of Application The Association and its members request that the Commission deny the Applicant's requested Conditional Use Permit. The application fails to meet the requirements of the Code and the Commission cannot make the necessary findings to approve the use given the serious Bill Gibson Town of Vail Department of Community"Development September 10, 2004 Paae ,~ ~i noise issues. If the Commission does approve the application, which the Association strongly opposes, the Association requests that strict conditions be imposed to ensure that no noise - - ordinance violations .will occur and to reduce the effect of noise on the .environment. Any such restrictions or conditions should first meet with the approval of the Association and its members. Should you have any questions regarding the Association's position or the materials provided herein, please do not hesitate to call our offices. Sincerely, Thomas M. List Murray Franke Greenhouse _~~~- List & Lippitt LLP TML/j is Enclosures ~~~~~~~~~ ream-ivnn ur vRI~.CUk~AUfIITY DEV~LOPkEN7 .970~in2452 T-11P P.002 F=egg MEP~10RAtyDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FRAM; Community Development Department DATE: May 12, 2003 SUBJcCT: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, in accordance with Section 12-78-48, Conditional Uses, Vaii Town Code, located at the Uinta Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/t_ot C, Block 2, Vail Villane 1y Filing. Applicant: Remonov & Company, inc., represented by Terrill Knight Planner_ Bill Gibson SUMMARY The applicant, ,Remonov $ Company, Inc,, represented by Terrill Knight, is requesting a conditional use pennft, to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the Vista Bahn Building, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. The same conditional use permit proposal was approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission on July 10, 2000; howev.Ar, #}iis previous approval has since lapsed and become void. The applicant is now re-applying for a conditional use permit using the same proposal. Eased upon staff's review of the criteria in Section VIII of this memorandum, the evidence and testimony presented, and the Town's previous approval of this proposal, the Community Development Department recommends thatftte.Pianning and Environmental Commission approve th? requestad conditional use permit, subject to the frndings and conditions noted in Section IX of this memorandum. Staff believes that the use of an outdoor dining deck on this site is appropriate; however, based upon the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board's review of this proposal to date, staffbelieves that design alternatives are available which more. closely adhere to thE criteria for.review of a conditional use per-mlt proposal. In addition to a condition use permit, Town o7 Vai( design review approval is also required for this proposal_ Town of Vail design review of this proposal may require significant alterations to the proposed outdoor dining deck design and configuration_ DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST Pursuant to Section. T2-76-4, Vail Town Code, the applicant, Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Terrill Knight, is requesting a conditional use perrnlt to allowforan outdoor dining deck at 333 Hanson Ranch Raad_ This proposal will involve an approximately X10 sq_ ft_ expansion of the Tap Room's existing, second-f]oor deck located on the south side of the Vista Bahn Building. ,~ copy of the applicant's request and the associated architectural drawings have been attached for reference (see Attachment !3 and C). 1 ~~ -- ~~~~ ~ •-•~~ ~-~~~~ ~~ rn11 1,UA;~UI11Il vwcwrtrtni 9704792452 T-iIB P.0~3r=789 111. BACKGROUi~1D ~n July 70, 2000, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved this. same ~cor,dltional use permit proposal, pursuant to Section 72-78-4, Vail Town Code. Since construction of the previously approved outdoor dining dmck was not commenced within two years of the conditionai use permit approval; the Planning and Environmental Commission's July 10, 2000, conditional use permit approve( has lapsed and become void. The Planning and Environmental Commission reviewed the current application at its gppl 28, 2003, public hearing. The Commission requested that the appli: arrt further examine design alternatives for the proposed outdoor dining deck. One of those of#ematives was to realign the existing pedestrian access between Hanson Ranch Road and the bike path to be completely located to the east of the Vista Bahn Buiiding_ The appficartt's evaluation of those design aftematives has been attached for reference (see Attachment D), The applicant is contending that the outdoor dining deck design reviewed by the Planning and 1=nvironmental Commission at its April 28, 2003, public hearing is the most appropriate of the design alternatives. The Tovvn of Vall Design Review Board conceptua{ly reviewed the associated design review application for this preposal at its May 7, 2003, public hearing: The Design Review Board was generally supportive of the concept of an outdoor dining deck located on the south side at the Vista Bahn Building; hovvaver, the Board was not supportive of the proposed design on the deck. The folfowing.is a brief summary ofthe Design Review Board's comments from its conceptual review of this proposal: The proposed deck design hinders and discourages pedes#nan access to the businesses in the Vista Bahn Building and pedestrian access between Hanson Ranch Road and the ski mountain. m. Adequate head-height clearance between the proposed deck and the existing pedestrian access stairs is a concern_ The existing evergreen trees should not be removed. The deck should be located within the Vista Bahn Buildin ro e boundaries. g p P '~Y The proposed deck needs to be redesigned with a more logical connguration. The finish treatments and lighting forthe under-side of the proposed deck are a concem. A smaller deck expansion with a bridged walkway connection to the bike path should be considered_ 2 --~"--•-- ~v~•-r, rm, rrurn-I Vltil ~~r vAl. .cu~~tUN 17Y '.D"cVELOPh~NT ..A704i824a2 "T-119 ~~P.004 "=F=79fl ~~ Relocation.of the pedestrian access easement entirely to the eastside ofthe Vista Bahn Building should be considered. This may address many of the Design Review:$oard's concerns and provide an' opportunity for an even ~ ~ larger outdoor dining deck, with a more logical cont~guration, than is currently . being proposed_ , "The Design Review Baarri is tentatively scheduled to review this application again at its May 21, 2003, public hearing, N. ROLES OF REVIE~1llidG BODIES Pla a rid Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning end Environmental Commission is responsible for final approvallapproval with conditions/denial of a conditional use perrnit_ The Planning. and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for. 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other publicfacillties and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, trafnc flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas_ ~- Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses.. 5_ Such other factors and critera as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6_ Conformance with development standards of zone district. Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority of a canditional use permit, but must review any accampanying Design Review application. Town Cauncil` Actions of Design Review Board or Punning and Environrnerital Commission may be appealed to the Town Councilor by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Design Review Board, or Planning and environmental Commission erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, .uphold with modincafions, or overturn the board's decision. 5t~ffi: The stafr" is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the techni~I requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The stafr" also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. 3 - -- -- ~~ ~7oNm r cum- i unn ur vA 11. C00.~1UfV ITl' ..DEVELOP!/i`NT V 8704782452 T-119 P:005/04o r=jgg .Staff Provides a staff mama containing background on the ro e -.evaluation of the project with respect;'to the required P terra andafindtndgs a staff recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also faGiitatesahe review process. ~ PPLIC SLE PLAI~Wi~G DOCU}VIEI~'S Town of Vail Zoning Regulations (Tltie 12 .Vaal Town Codes) Article 12-7B: Commercial Core 1 (CC1) District 92-7B-1: PURPOSE: The Commercial Core 7 17istrict is intended to provide sites and fn maintain the unique character of the Val/ Vlllage commercial area, with its mixture of lodges .and commercial establishment,; in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core 7 Districtis intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and otheramenlb"es appropriate to the pe1n1tttsd and uses. The District regulations in accordance with the Vai/ Vlllage Urba~ Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site developmentstandards that are Intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tight/y clustered arrangements ofbuildings fronting on pedestrranways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architecture/ qualities that distinguish the Vlllage. 92-iB-4= PERMI-TED AND CONDIT/OVAL USES,- SECOND FLOOR: B. Conditional Uses:.The following uses shall be permitted on second floors above .grade, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Dog kennel. Household appliance stores. Liquor stores. Luggage stores. Meeting rooms- Outdoor pafios_ Radio and TV sales and repair shops~ Theaters. ' Type 111 employee housing units (EHUJ as provided in Chapter 73 of this Title. 12-7B-8• CONDITIONAL USES,- FACTORS APPLICABLE: In considering, in accordance with chapter 76 of this bile, an application fora conditional use perms within commercial core 1 district, the fo/!awing development factors shall be applicable: A. Effects of vehicular traffic on commercial core 7 district- E, Reduction of vehicular traffic in commercial core ~ district C. Reduction of nonessential off street parking, D. Control of delivery, pickup, and service vehicles_ a -~ -- -- ~~.~oN~~i rrom-ivttn ur VAIL CO~AIU~rIT'f DE1rELOPk~lll 870d7624~2 T-119 P.006(040 -t•=799 E. Development or public spaces for use by pedestrians. F. Confinuance of the various commercial, residential,. and public uses in commercial core 9 district so as to maintain the existing character. of the area. G. Control quality or" constTUCtion, architectural design, and landscape _ _ design in commercial core 9 distn'ct so as to maintain the existing character of the area, H. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and otherractors on the environment of commercial core ~ distract. , Chapter 12-14: SUPPLE,titENTAL REGULATIONS 12-14-74: RESTAURANTS, EARS OR SIMILAR USES: In districts where restaurants, bars, or similar uses are allowed, they shall be subject to the following requirements: A. Noise generated by the use may not at any time exceed frfiy (50) decibels outside the enclosing walls or ceilings of the use, B. Dwelling units in the same structure Orin structures adjoining restaurants, bars, or similar uses shall have the right to privacy and the restaurant, bar, or similar use shall be designed in such a way that view from the use is not directly into adjoining dwelling unit or units. Windows may be treated with appropriate covering. Chapter 12-18: CONDfT10NAL USE PEP,MITS 92-96-1: PURP05E; LIMITATIONS: /n arderto provide the flexibiliiynecessary to achieve the objectives or'this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review and evaluation so that they may be locpted properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with n=spectto their effects on surrounding properties. The review process .prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious developmentbetween conditional uses and surrounding properties and the town at large. Uses fisted as condtional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the town may prescribe to ensure thatthe location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with development objectives of the toyvn and -viy not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where condii~ons cannot.be devised io achieve these objectives, applications fps conditional use permits shall be denied, 12->6-8: PERM/TAPPROVAL AfdD EF,cECT_ Approval of a condrt'onal use perms sha//lapse and become void if a building permitis not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two (Z) years from when the approval becomes rrnai. 5 _"'-" "' "'~•yoMni ~~f ORI-IUR(i ~U; YAIL ~.COtr$d~1N IT'(~DEUELOPN'`NT :9704792d52 ~"7-119 ,~P:DQ7/04o F=79g Vail Village Master P}an The.Vail Village Master Plan includes the following goals and ebjectivas.that stal'r ~ believes are applicable to .this proposal: 2.7 Recognize the variety o{land uses found throughout the Village and allow for developmentti~at is comAatib/e with these established land use patterns. 2.5 Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and carnmercial facilities tD better serve the needs of our guests. 2.3 encourage a wide variety of activities, events, and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas 3.3.2 Qutdoor dining is an important s~etscape feature .and shall be encouraged in commercial infill or redevelopment projects. Vl- 517E ANALYSIS Zoning: Commercial Core 1 District Land Use Plan Designation: Village Master Plan Current Land Use: Mixed Use Devel_ ooment.Standard Allowed/RP wired Ex(st;n4 Lot Area: 5,000 s ft. - Proposed 4- 4,646 sq. ft. no change Setbacks: Building f=ront Per Vail Village p ~ Building Sides: Urban Design 0 ft.IZ ft. no change Building Rear: Guidelines no change Rear Deck (south): 22'0 ~ no change 21_$t{, 1 ft. Stream: 30 fit_ 1 g ~. no change Building Height: 60% at 33 ft. ar less 80% at .33 ft. ' 40% at 33 fit- to 43 ft. 40°6 at 43 ft. or less no hangs Density: 25 units/acre ~ units no change GRFA: 3,7'16.8 sq. tt. 3,507 s ft, q- ne change Site Coverage; 3,716:8 sq. ft. ~ 3,949 sq. ft, no than e 9 Landscape Area: Per the Vail Viiiage 314.6 sq. ft, .Urban Design Guidelines no change Parking: 1.5.7 spaces 0 s aces p no change ~~ ~~ dui-ce-us D2:49pmrrom-T01dN.Or VAIL COlrR1UNITY DEV5LOP6~NT 1/11. 5 U i~ R North: South: East: West: OUNDING t_AND U~ Land Use Mixed Use Open Space Open Space Mixed Use Vlll_ CRITERIA AND FI INGS 9704792452 T-119 P.008/048 =F-i99 E5 AND ZDNING ~oninq ~ Commercial Core 1 District Agricultural & Open Space District Outdoor Recreation District SDD #31 (Commercial Core 1 District) The review criteria for a request or a conditional use permit are established by the Town Code. The proposed outdoor dining deck is located within the Commercial Core 1 (CC.1) zone district. Therefore, this proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use peso-,it in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-1n (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code. Consideration of Factors Re ardino the Conditional Use Perm , t. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. Staff believes the use of an outdoor dining deck at this site is in concert with the Town's genes I developmerit objectives and more specifically those objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan as identified !n Section V of this memorandum. However, based upon the Planning and Environmental .Commission and .Design Review Board's review of this proposal to date, staff believes there are other design alternatives which more closely adhere to the development objectives of the Town. 2. The effect of the use on light and .air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recrzation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that this proposal, as designed, will have a negative effect on the light and air forthe pedestrian easement located along the east and south side of the Vista Bahn Building which provides access between Hansom Ranch Road and the bike path, The proposed deck design will cover a signincant portion of a public pedestrian walkway and wi[I result in a dark, uninviting walkway that will not appear to be for use by the general public. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, atrtomvtive . and pedestrian safety and convenience, ~afnc flow and control, access, rrtaneuverabi[ity, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that this proposal, as designed, will have a negative effect upon the pedestrian safety, convenience, and access or" the pedestrian easement connecting Hanson Ranch Road and the bike path. The proposed deck design will cover a signifrcant portion of a pubiic pedestrian walkway and will result in a dark, uninviting walkway that will not appear to be for use by the general public. 7 -~' ~° ~~ uc~4oPm rram-iuWN Cr`,VAIL CO~UNIT'f:GEVELOPkr_Ni 9704792d5Z T-llg `P.OggLg46 F-jgg -4• Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be io,:ated, including the s; ale and bulk of the propQSed use!in relation to surrounding uses- ~ Staff believes that the proposed use of an outdoor dining deck has many positive aspects and that the character of the area will be enhanced as a result of the proposed improvements. As this site is adjacent to the ski yard, staff believes this will .be an amenity to the public. However, based upon the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board's review of this proposal to date, staff believes that other design aitematives are available which more closely adhere to these criteria. Staff recognizes that this site has a commercial zoning, however, there are residential uses adjacent to the proposed outdoor dining deck. The proposed deck has been designed with a nearly eight foot setback from the Bridge Street Lodge Building to address the requirements of Section 12-14-14, Vall Town Code,.as referenced in Section V.of this memorandum. A!I Town of Vail noise ordinances are applicable to this site. As a conditional use permit, the Pianning and Environmental Commission has the ability to revisit the conditions imposed upon it, should any conflicts arise between adjacent uses. Pursuant to Section 12-76-8, in considering an application for a conditional use permit within Commercial Core 1 district, the fiollowing development factors shall be applicable: _Considerafion of Factors Regarding the Conditional Use Permit in the Commercial Core_1 (CC1) district: '~ - A..Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core 1 district. Staff believes that this proposal will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above-described .criteria. B. Reduction of vehicular traffic in Commercial Core 1 district. Staff believes that this proposal will have rninimal, if any, negative impacts on the above-described criteria. C.'Reduction of nonessential off street parking. Staff believes that this proposal will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above-described criteria. D. Corrtrol of delivery, pickup, and service vehicles. Staff believes that this proposal will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above-described criteria. -~~ -° ~~ ~~.ynvw rrom-tu;rn u~ YAII GOt's1,lUNITY Dc4'~LOP}~£Ni 9iDd792452 T-11E P.D1D/046 ~-798 E..Deve9apment of public spaces for use by pedestrians. ~> Staff believes that the proposed design of the outdoor dining deck will have a negative effect upon the light; air, and pedestrian safety, convenience, and access of the pedestrian easement connecting Hanson P.anch Road and the bike path. The proposed deck design will cover a significant portion of a public pedestrian walkway and will result in a dark, uninviting walkway that will not appear to be for use by the general public. Again staff believes that an outdoor dining deck use is an appropriate u9e on this site. However, based upon the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board's review of this proposal to date, staff believes that other design alternatives are available which more appropriately accommodate public pedestrian spaces. F. Continuance of the various commercial, residential, and public uses in Commercial Core 1 district so as to maintain the existing character of the .area. Staf; believes that this proposal will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above-described crlteria. However, based upon the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design. Review Board's review of this proposal to date, staff believes that other design altematives are available which more closely adhere to these criteria. G. Control quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in Commercial Core i.district so as to maintain the existing character of the area. Staff believes thai an outdoor dining deck located on the south side of the Vista Bahn Building is consistent with the character of the Commercial Core 7 district; however, based upon the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Soard's review of this proposal to date, staff believes. that there are other design alternatives which more closely adhere to these criteria. The proposed deck design will cover a significant portion of a pedestrian walkway and will result in a dark, uninviting walkway that will not appear to be for use by the general public. The Design Review Board has also noted specific concerns about the applicant's proposal to remove two existing, mature evergreen trees to accommodate the proposed dining deck. H. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environment of Gommereial Core 1 district. Staff believes that this proposal will have minimal, if any, negative impa~ on odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environment. However, staff believes that the improper use of the proposed outdoor dining deck may have negative effects of noise on the environment of the Commercial Core 1 .district- Copies of complaints from the Vail Police Department Christiania Lodge have been attached for reference (see Attachmen=.s E and r). 9 ' ~ "--~ ~~ ~ 44.YOVni r cvm-i unr~ ur vA I L ~ C0~7rfUN ITY DtVELOP?tEK i 970d1B24n2 ~ T-119 ~P..OI l /Odo ~~~F=i89 'T'he proposed outdoor dining deck is located within the Commercial Core 1 (CC~1)-zone district. Therefore, this proposal is subject to ff-ie issuance of a conditional use permit in ~; accordance with the provisions of Chapter Z2-16 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code. The Plannin and Environmental Commission .shall make the following findin s before orantinp e conditonal usA aArmit' That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code end the purposes of the Outdoor recreation zone district. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materiaAy injurious, to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IX. STAFF EzECON1P1iENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval wGth conditions for a conditional use permit, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, in accordance with Section 12- 7B-4B, Conditional Uses, Vall Town Code, located atthe Vista Bahn Butiding, 333 Hanson Ranch RoadlLot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1s` Filing. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of-this memorandum and the evidence presented, subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes ofthe conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Comrnarcial Core 1 (CC1) District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3_ That the proposed use will comply with each of the appli~ble provisions of the condifional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this conditional use permit request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1 _ This conditional use permit approval is contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval for this proposal. 1D --•--~~~~ ~ ,~~~, ~~~~~ ~~ Tni~.~unr,tu~t~ it ur.vt~urwnl -5704792452 'T-119 'P.012/040 'r=799 2. The applicant snail receive express written approval for this proposal from all effected utility providers; and the applicant shall submit said documentation to the Town o>' Vail Department of.CommunrtyDevelopment priortofinal design rpviaw approval. ~ 3. The use of the outdoor dining deck shall begin no.earlier than 7:00 AM and end ho later than 70:DD PM dally. 4. Ampliried sound shall oat be permfttad in association with the use o-f the outdoor dining deck 5. The uae ofthe outdoordining deck shall comply with the provisions of Section ~ i -7 (Noise Prohibited), Vail Town Code_ Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation ^f the conditions of approval for this conditional use permit. 6, Any outdoor lighting associated with the outdoor dining deck shall. comply with the provisions of Title 14 (bevel^prnent Standards}, Vet( Town Gode. Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation of the conditions or"approval forthis conditional use permit. 7. Any signage associated with or displayed upon the outdoor dining deck shall . comply with, the provisions of Title 1 i (Sign Regulations), Vail Town Code. Failure to cor nplywith these provis;^ns shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code .and a violation of the conditions of approval forthis conditional use permit. ~- ATTACHMENTS A_ Vicinity Map B. Applicant's letter of request C. Architectural plans D. Applicant's letter addressing design alternatives E. Vail Police Department noise complaints F_ Christienia at Vall guest complaints 1Z ~. 0 N v' f`J I- ~? z w w 0 0 u a io 3 O F- t IE 0 "~~-~°-°0 uc,o~Pm rrom-iuwt~ of VAIL.COkMUNITI'.GEV=LOP4~NT 97047.92452 "i-1.20 P:014/040r-799 AttachmQRt: ;B Variance Request Deck Addition The Ysta Bahr Building has bed and contuzues~to be, akey-element in the fa:tiric of the COmm~ m1ty center of Vail. 1r was a commitment by the owners of the ti'ista Baizzz Building to upgrade and improve the interior as well as the e:~terior afthe structure upon parchase. The first priority vas to complete major iaierior upgrades and cluaIity itnprovezn~rzts. The second and already accomplished priority was to improve the appeaz-ance of~the .building exterior. The approved de;,l: was to be built last yesr but was toot done due to cash flow considerations. Positive bencfzts to the public were demonstrated with -that approved application. To Summarize the discussion of the healing on the orig~al applicatio.q the following were the main poizrts: 1. The benefits of allowing the addition otrtweighed any potential negative imparts of the improvements. 2. The proposed use met key Master plan goals. 3. Iznprovem~ts to existing Structures arc strongly encouraged. 4. Concentration of tourist. services should occur in the CCI Zone District 5, A. hardship clearly exists due to the Iar,I; of alternatives for provision of out side dining space. 6. The space below the new deck is, for the most par4 paved so very little new impervious surface will be added. The planned improvements in this neu~ application are identical to the previous one. Not only are the conditions essentially the same the need has intensified. More services for the guests of the resort are desired. And this is the appropriate location. No negative impacts are anticipated. In this area other restaurants offer outside seating. This is a very popular service. Additionally this is an area where the Master plan enCOUI'dgCS thC3C i1S0S. ~. ~~ - - .. `i `-.'i7=' - ~i-.r. _ '~,~~: d<- - .,~ `,i: .. lair= - .?;, - •,'s,.. - ii_ ".4' S"--Z~t., -'.}- :1' - - +r` ,• •.+ ,. - .. , .' .~r'- _. 't• ~~. ~l _ :1' t "- 'i.. t~:~-'ir ~`.- TLL,, +I' € ~.' .t" c ~7; - , . .. ,' ..., .. .• . ~k~ _ er' - .~I'•- r- ~'1~. it.~~: 6i~r ~ ~' _~Fr - - _ 'F ~'~j F - ,. ,. ~f ~'...t ... , _ .. '~;- . . :} ~• I.: ~; :S C~-- `• .'.'. 1.' •' I•I v ~ ~ _ t. . F`. - - 'i ;T-' • ,r '1: - }: 'i - ~'. •1. --:1' A. ~c - ., ti. l:,, '~ •Y'"}. .`-~fa I r - -f l'.1j ic. .:~ ' _ C. ;~,> _ ,+• I -1. ~ n ~:5 t' t L , -3 :,. - -, ~ ->~ f q ,L ~I ~, ''~fsr;.. t. ~ - - ') s - :.i A rr 'l . -' L' - ! ' .P 'F L.. 'a~ r ~~ S r 'h r _ '' }' t '~' f , .i 1 ~•,~ '~y•r '1'1'+ J~ ~~1(S ~Ur! -I •r.T, -~'~~.. ~ •1T ~;:lC+ch~-tl F<~rk a~ ; .i ~ ~~ .li •"rte '+~ .j' 1 _ ']. c, Y+' !'f. ~It! c'J (. tilt.'-. 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'~ ~ :r. ~e;~ ~•+*^-.. t~wRll,!:. -r., N{'4 - 'i,;. .1 - '14Il[S~?' ,: LS3.~' T _.~: ~.:~ ._ .1 .. .. .~-r~~-?..,~.. . ~ ~ ~~Z~r4~,..~1'Y.r~-~ j,N'l ' ~ "''-~5~_.,L2~k'~. - v~-~L'.Y.~a - ^~-i~~=. ~~.,, t ~<::r, , :.~ - ,~. I t cur-ca-u~ oz:5Lam From-TO',yN OF VAIL COf~1UNIT'f GEVELOPk~Ni 97D4i9?452 T-120 P:O18L046 F=7,g0 . w ~~ ~ .:.~ sue, ~~ j'~ ~~ May 6, ?003 Via Far. X1:79-2452 Mr. Bill Cribsan Town of Vail tDeparmsenr of Cnmmuni±y Deve~.opmeat 75 South Fmutag: Road Vail, CQ $1657 REc T'he Vista Bohn Canditinnal USe Pc~it Dear Bill: j As the Planning anti Bnvironmental Cammissintl~nu°st related to the su~~ted o ed, we have reSesrchetl issuers ption of moving ~ public St~i.*Wgy at thL South aide of the SVis~ Kahn Building. Borhp~sical and nnanriel impacts have been analyzed. 4n Ivlanday, May 5`b`, I mut an Site wiXh, two ~pr~-~trvas of Holy CYass EIe: tric far a ~°~~ revi~v. There was immediate cnn~n stgted by than, as ~st;ng access to the tz'ansformer is e--tr-~ly ~c~ ~ goal of Holy Crass is to haue sr: ~..as e uehicles wb.,~ nec: &sary, Tl~ ir}cludes A b5' ~ ~"<}n..s to remove and replace. t~ e~sting tmnsl'armer as maybe receded, Mill Cre-_k., eYi ~ builduzt~ and lame ~xs c.ontrib~ne to the high d~ree of difncult a~xess currA that condi$o --~Y, Wbi]e thr new drel; would not exaeerbaze ~ there remains ~,c~ ~ Hnly GSross. The basie respanse app8arezi to be that the deck, as nurrently designed, would not ftmhe~r affect tI~ tran.sfo~, The desiEn also avoids impacts Qn the large junction boa: that is 1aca~d near thL tr-ans~'~r. These are major anal Gritica] elec~iral devises for a large part of this section of Vail. Holy Crass is v~y opnosc~ to any ~henge, which may affect these f~iliti~, Based on the unr3ergraund exteilsion5 from this device, tl~e is a very. carsiclerable ~+vire complex buried at this site. No pracisc dzawYnoa are availa6lr, however. The stone faced eonrrete rctaizrino wall wltiah i5 locked on Town of Vail pro~:_rty east of the building would probably not meet standards of the current strum setba k r_~:Iatinns. I~ location essay elimina'trs tip passibility of both an access at ground 1.~1 to the step„ that lead to the base crf-the mountain and a parallel set of steps lending to the bike and petl..^sttian Pte- '~= aria is j t3st too naro~~ ualass the s~~ s.-~rb~ regulati ores are violated, b~ 947 -eagle, c~ 81632 - ~7Q.3?8.6299 - tar, 97C.328.b;.~ ]cps®vaiLnst ~W,-~'-~~ u::arpm rrom-TOWPI 0 VAIL CO~,IUNfTI' D9VELOPh~NT 97047p24E2 T-120 P.OZO/046 -`r=jpp EA.II LIIi~IOI~"dAt 3IlC)..COInp~"{~eCbflile DAcrailoA C~,'`vice IS also loCB~G..11~. Ii as a ~~cant iml~noun of the went n.~ imricd cabl=s, etc, here. The CurPent propns~ design. o~ thn dew avoids all of tb..rse issues, _Tl~ was ~ sign~cant ~gn £actnr.in the uzitial d»^cisi.ori by bath the f7uildiag owner and ~ Town of .Vail, As .noted. above: tl~ remain some iml~own items, patfict~ly the exact ~!II~*nent and locafian of the tm.d.'xgronnd wiring. Vvithout es'g.~ cast of th.° dawn 3i.-ms, r~oviug the exisfin,b.stoneond concr~ wall, r~avingthrev trees and replacing the wall furt}term the East and closer to Mill C`serlc, adding a uew sot of stairs, end adding ~~%~~ Knd IteE9 1"D r~l.aCe those la5'~, I5 lIl the $$Q,000-$lOO,OOO T~s I5 considerably more than the cast of the prngnscd d_;,.1;, The matter of movjng clos:,r to the 5txeam wes oat discussed in muci2 d.^tail. At tha F~vwus hearings, in2O0Q, this was hi.ghiy disoaura~ed, thus resulting inth:, previously aPP~ved and cuiz-,.rrt proposed design. I hopc Ibis lass b,-rn of assistance in you; eoasiderations_ Please Hall me .at your conv~.iencc to discuss fiuthcr. .. Best reg , ~~ Terrill Knight c.=; Vi~aircn Campbell - Fax X79-252 Fick Moeller -Fax ~p26-6ZZ7 - }IOI6H V-LO[,ATC077S AT 9'llEt TAp ADDH 01j01/98 - O9fO9/0l QUERY 11ANE . ~ C-NOLSg LLBRAA7 }iA}iH , ypDQA7 PLLH L]BRNtY td HtaB EFi FDFZ+t}tT CAOCI+LL CJ4llP C1+D CrGL CA CI+LL CABp940 C:laDF CIiDb9 PO ~ CAL~9PD QCACITHL-7 CH78P9Y QCMTffLHJ CATR49 CA-RbDB LADE' CADIIDDR CAF~DDR DATA - O5/09/OJ TCMIi 151dO;]i i ~9) t10]9H VIOLATID}75 AT E1AIll(1H 17]0ATCLVH ~ .~ v 1 ~ LLv gip 'tiJ~'«3! S., l CA LLB 3RD ~ Di ep oS LtLOtt DA77I GGL TIF7P. Hv8liteaB TYP$ {70427 ]la Report 02/16f 00 If0I9S 33i35t97 TAP ROOF? 550178 7FaReport 07/74/00 N079H 22:49:01 TAP ROOM 710005 Rare Lng I8§ued 6]/]1/00 f70I9R 0:2Br 51 TAP ROOM 800470 1)10177 No Report 03/77/00 f7019E 23c14:51 SAP ROOF? 2]10349 7617 !7o Report Incident Aeport DSf10/DO OB/20/00 tI0IB8 I 77c0B:32 Tap ROOFI 10600441 No Aeport D7/09/01 ]OI9H HOIS$~ 23:17:15 2 TAP ROOM 10640369 No Report 07/10/01 110110 3t]A:20 13e7Dt]B TAP TaP RbaM ROOM 12290454 ~ ho Aeport 0B /17/01 lro ISH 23t41i41 TAP ROOM 10290454 Na Aapart 08/17/01 )IDI68 23og7t41 TAF A00r1 12450004 1-002716 Incident Aeport 09/03/01 110158 ~ 0;]DrD3 TAP RDOf7 72500441 1-002765 Incident J.epozt 09/07/01 TtOISH 22;52134 TAP Roof{ 1051037) ]-00777{ Incident Report 09/OB/O1 1FDISH 23:77113 TAP RODM 1.]210406 !lo Report 1]/17/01 ~k70ISH 0~t 06:22 TAP ROOH~ 13436016 po Aeport 17/09/01 110158 ];DLt43 TAP RDO,K 1314035] 17o Aeport 17/10)01 110I9$ 21127153 T9P AOOH~ 2604 D7Btl llo Report O1/O4 /02 2fOI9$ 7:00:20 TAP RDD}{ 40180397 llo Report 01/2A/D2 lIOISH 27t41i5A TAP RDOJ4 20540395 17o Aeport - 07/2]/07 L~OISH ]]:24it6 TAP ROD`S 20720440 2-000951 IncJdent Report 03/]3/02 1rDISH 22;42:15 TAP RODH 20730440 Summons/Cl tatla 03/13/P2 lf0198 27 154 170 TAP ROOK 20150195 Ho Aeport 03 /16 /D2 HD73H ~12r07i12 TAP RODH 7D 790195 Narning Ieaued 03/70/02 lID1$S LSr07t29 TAP ROOH 21800026 Ifo Raport 06/29/02 270798 LiJ7173 TAY RDDH 22460350 2-002207 lncidant Report OT/]5/0?. 2JO766 22145:O4 TAP ROOM ]2D6o350 Na Raport 07/25/02 N018f? ~ 27147:28 TAP RDOH 22)50376 !la Report 08/73/02 17070E 22 t45t]2~ SAP AODH 22350376 2-002406 lncj dent Report OBf23/02 NO]6E 22146110 TAP ADOM ]2350394 2-002488 Incident Report D!t/]3/02 17079E 2]156:0] TAP RO014 22360^12 Na Report 04/74/02 100196 ]:75149 TAP ROOH 22)60368 2-002495 IncJdent Report 08/29/02 t7073C 2It37:tl0 TAP ROOM 223fi 0396 2.002497 ]ncldent Report 08/14/02 NOI9E 01271]1 TAp AOOId 12710375 No Report 08/29/02 NO79C 2]177:00 TAB ]LDOFI Z2 /26387 2-002540 Inc Ldent Raport 08/30702 NOiHH 0:24:59 TAP ROOId ]24300{H !lo Report 06/71/02 NOP9H Zt76eD1 TAP hOOM 2]360374 ~ MD Report 12/01/02 ND79H ~ 2]108;55 SAP RDOf4 ]0920357 flo Report' Od /07/03 l10I9a 0r49:39 'I'Ae ROOD! ]0940776 !lo Report 04704/0,] NOSBR 02:10:44 TAP hOOFI T bTAL 11019E COIdPLA7ItT5 C OU17T ~ 36 38 ~~~ R N D D P R R P O A T ~~~ c z -t 0 v N O O T rn •~~-~r-~= uc:~apm rr-om=TOwta OP VAIL CO~UNITY:DEVELOPk~NT <97o4iB2d6Z T-1:20 P:023/OdE F-789 -Attachment: F ~ ~. < % r- . ~ ~f - .. ~~.- _Y .. •--- ---~-~._-.~~ ~/l" SS~r?_.; __ j%;~_S ~Y,~~~-yam --~~='_'-~~ G r~ _ _C~.s/ ~~ .• ,~~~;~ _. .J ~~a~,S f _ ~ / Cc. l ,% •'' ~. ~. `ice ..- . ~~ ,- ~ ~ /~~ , . , L _ . - . -- -/ ' ~ ~-- ~ -.--/nom ,~' TI/~r%~~i '~ 1;,, ~~-- ~ --•---- ... _- _- ._- .----- -----~ ~''~=5. ~S(J~ fir .._~i5 ~S~i~~iri ~, -i ~S 7` f~ ~; ~ - ~ ..------ - J 1. - f--- ~- -- _- ~. ~- - - .,,~-III-~~ uc:onpm tram=TOWtI:Or VAIL `C0~1{UN(Tti' DEVELOPtr~NT ~~ 9704TA2452 T-120 P.D24/D4o F-798 ~ p~~ i 7. Do you ;~=1 ~~~akinp your reservation was easy? ~~ Did ~rou have any problems Tending the Christiania? 3. D~, you ;==1 t~a~ >/hecking in ai the 1=ron~ desk wzs easy? ~- ~ti'as :.~a ;rant d~sfs 3gerit helpTU!? ~. U~n_ is your L~ni number? 6. Ar a you sais~ied wrtb your unt? lr r,o, please ~xoiain. ~'~ N ~~ N ~N ~OZ -~, N r``- }o-~ n (`~, being the bas};- / 8: Pl~asa r ~ th= .:sak ping s /`~ c ~ ~o' e° ervice. 9. P1`asa ;a_= t;~_ ovar~ll SerVICZ OT the Lcdcp- 1 ~, DOnj ally i;lY,:j~=r O3i i7tlf ST~ii Slai]d OUt? P(6aSe s~cte ui~1r nfilric i1C1 W,~y_ 1.i_ V4~ouid you spay in this particular unit again? hi ~2 V1~o,~ld J ou sie}' at znoi~er unit cwr~ad or manacad by ~- tha Cl-ris- -.... '13. Da ycu havz anv turher camment~~mpiaints or suacestior,s? ~S ~d ~o U~ ~ ~~ ~~~' ~ ~~ ~~ t hank you and erjoy yourst=y!!J ` /~~~y~ ~ ~ ~u rta-u~ 02,5apm 'ream=TOWN Or" VAIL'C0~?,iUNIT'r.D~V~LOP4~Ni 8T04782d52 T-120 P.825/0dG r•-798 ~ ~! ~/~/ ,~ ~-- ~~ ~~ ~ ~ Z ~. ~, I~- 6 ~~ ,~~-- j~ ~ ~tJ ~-a ~ n~'v ~4~3 S. ~i~e~m,~ ~~l ~~~~~ ~~ ~o ltd r eN I'7Ln't1J .UZ:sBpm From=TOWP~ Or'- VAII .C0~,IUN ITY DEV_LQPlrE1~T .97041 82452 ~i-120 P:026/046 ~ -"r-788 ~~ ~, C~!JL~I ~;/~ /c~ ~~ ~~~~ 7~~~ c_. ~/ w lm ~,~ir~ r,~P Ct~,~,~rn a ~~ m~,5 cif ~~ur f i ~n ~. ~~ /-,~,~~' ~ Can ~'i~ w~~o~ccP.~c:;~i~ ~~ ~~ J~~~~~~~~ 1~a~. ~f~~.~ ~~ ~ i ~u~-~r-~, u~,ouPm From-TOWP1 OF VEIL COp~?,1UN1'TY.D5V5LOP~ctIT :9704iB2452 °T-t21 "P.UZ6/046 -r-T98 f ~, ,~ f !-, ~ ~' ' ~ 1 ,i / ~r / ~ (~ llY1 ~~// ~Gt;~ ~,~/~ ~ CJ" ~i~ ~L,:~ Cvj r ~~L/uJ f l ~~ 2~. ~~~ ~~ ~2~' ~~~ a~~ ~~~-~~~~~~ ~~ ~, ~.~ ~~ . ~~ ~~ ~~ ~° ~~ ~ `~ . ~ ~ , ~~l' ~l/~/i1~' ~ dG~iO , ~ ~ CGO ..J -, ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~U~~ ~ ~ ~ U~ G; ..e0 ~. / v ~~~~1~~ .. C~ ~~ -~ .~~ ...,•~~rin ~n.uw-tvnn ur YH1[~..t;uk~rtun ~Tr-.utvcl.uPt~NT :;g7047g2452 ~~i~-121 F.027/gd6 .~-798 ~) To the Town of Yail Persottnl=Spiriiunl EmpOTUrtnter7t S eptemb cr h Dit• lTixsror, III My name is Dix ~4inston. I have boon coming to Vail for business and pictLSUre for over 15 Prt;~ie!(:pI yeah. You have a wonderful town, as well Ets a would class ski area. The lodgings and restatuanu are ttnciup~sed in ezccllcncies and delicacies. RowtD uF nlxECrotu But it is wish great rcoret that I will now have to start considering othez mountain venues Tor Jimynr6r both business and pleasure r,iti•~,urir. .. JwwLY! Clo c For thcpastsix years my family }~ spcn[LabotDay Weckand in Vail. I[ is aycarly hiehlight ' ., Gs'okur Im.nm,•m i•cunm eadetly anticipated by us all. Also for the tiSi six ea s P y z I have conducted a men's meat avera in 30 g g -. Lrlobn Ilrarrnl 40 men an the weekend following Labor Day- It has betn our great pIcasurc to stay at the Christiana r,„wnin Lodoc for both weekends. The Christiana is such a special place, quaint and "non-cheniney'", and up en6 P.rm.rvr until the last two years it has been quiet and restful. One of the things. my wile and I looked forwa-d >tntwnq.try,~r~ to each yeaz.u opening tLtc window and being lulled to sleep by the Soothing sounti~ of the creel: behind A+vcr iorrrr t11c Christiana. VanrrC n,n~.i1~~.0 ' The past two years have no[ been as enjoyable or as restful dvc to the n BU.1RD OF TiEFEREI'CE on stop evening noise fmm the Tap Room. Over Labor Day, even with the window; s closed my wife had diffi l , . cu ty fcndine n,:Jr,., fro„ Ch ~ sleep, The boom±ng bass, drunken howlers and crass cophony went. on well past midni ~ht `T'ne em IIJL•Cvmmumn gmirp _ = Mzn's weekend of the 7-9 was no different. It was only witn,a fan mnnirlY in the roo i d m, w n ows liaeR X..a.x.aq~ ~ closed, and ear p}ugs firmly in~place that I was able to sleep tt(t. 6lhte MtRtT )lnl~ , Srd I was not the only one disturbed by the aforctnentaoned establishment. ivlany of Lhc men lrxe!(t~ AO.~ xxam rcponcd diffculcy sleeping due to the dissonant din from the Tap Room. -++~b,urGnrlrk This situation needs m be addressed. Theirfrezdom to disturb should stop at my frzedom [o ~Ir,,,v,r~ t:nu>~nnni. sloep undisttarbed. nr. r9n.frrllan I would Iike to continue 6rino n~ my family and rely business associates io'Veii. B ut not if frcrn,~ia; fimimonin Chum Ih15 nOX10lL nolsc COr121n12 eS lIriabfllGLl_ Sincerely Yours, ~ ~ _ ~~. 1 ~\ l A~~1 I. Dix Winston.lIl(,_lvjv^ )wJ~ Presiden t LEI('.-ACT! - j i.n UTC P:un ter ~ Suite t)UO • F;nglr+ruud, CU • SnI l l • ;p.';o~IS • F2~: 'iU s-19?'0 • F,•?sll; ~Oimpaa @30LC0.11 -~ ~~;uiwo rr~m-iu~n or VAIL.CO?~Ui~iTY DEVcLQP4~Ni ;070479245 i-121 P.029/Od6 -F=79? fr/- ,r.;~. I -• : People.o£fhe $vo}t Ca-ncl t J i ~ ~ ~.~; S72 B o `~ ~ 672 F. ~AZYI~ b~ - - _ ... _ '~ _ ~.Eg C>Q 802I0 ~> 1. DQyou Teef making your reservation~was;8asy? Y ~. Did you have any problems Trading -the Christiania? ~ ~-; ~2~ ~1lOG~ ~~Y~ 3• Do ou reel that r ~ e ~` ~ r ~ `,~ ll I x y checking in at the Front desk w s easy? Y,~ ,,~ ~- Was the front des(: a p A h r~.r,{ ~y ,~ ~ ~. , S ~_~-~' g..nt h..ipful? Y ~~ ~~ What is your unrt number? 3~ 3 6- Are you satisi~ed with your unit? !f no, please exp;ain. ~~', 7. Please rate your unit, "~"- "F'" ("A" being the best). ,~ i _ 8• ~i~aSc r aI~ th2 I':ouSei~c~cpli;g set vlCe. ~- ~- .--, ~ 1 I l/ ti, 'mil 1~ ~--~.I 5. Please rate the overall service of the t_odge_ I~ `j` ; i 0, Does any member of our staff t nd out? a ^ Pi.. sC state their rams and why: y^ ~L S (s./=mot:, ~ `~'~ '`'-~c.c-z UJ I'iti. `rLC~ JL ~'"'C 11. Would you.stay in this particular unit again? y ~ ~/o ~~ 1~r, ~I° S~ A~ S~~ u ~c f y ~ a~--~-, 12. V~ould you slay ai another unit owned or managed by the Christiania?~~~ ~ 3. Do you have any further comments, complaints nr suggestions? Thank you and enjoy you st yl{! i ~- ~P~- ~- ~,;,~- ,,~ l ,~" ~ n rt'~ }~ ~'"t~.~U ~l~ .. rlt lr lvl f ~ ~G. ~~ ln., ~ r~"~ /~. ~ G.~~~ ~ Uy ~~'~'C ~ - ~~--z SLR p ~ ~ ~- ~ .~ ~ `y ~ ~,,,,r ~r~ ~~- ~--1 C7~fv ~ ce 'l j r`u ~ ~ ~'i~. ~ ;~ LC .~ t r' ~ e r S ,~ c r i ,-~.,, ~~ ~,- ~ ~~ ~' ~,~ ~.~ C ~ z: ~ .I' d ~~ v r ~ ~ ~ `v`'~erC o 4 ~-~. y~ L,__~ ~ -fit s P r 1't- ~. ~ `;~~/ ~f ~ ~ 1 v ~l fL~'~C Q G~ ~ ~~/~T~- ~ ~ fll ~ ~ ~~ ~ fL'/ l -- -- -- ~~•~~N~~~ r~.um-IUxff ur vRi~..GO?~,1U141TY DEVELOPh~r{T 970478242 T-121 P.028/046 F-788 ii ~J ~~ >~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .. .. _ ..~~-t.~_ . ~~ic-~~~... ~~~~?r-c'am' L~~ ; . - ,, _ ~ _ ~~' i' ~~ r f r y ..~i ~ / .- i. v - - -- -- ~- • ~ ~ r~~~ r ~.mir i vnn yr Yn I L GU1fMUlY I TT .DE VELOPhEN I 8704782452 -i-1Z1 P..D30/D4e F=7B~ --~ • , ~' - //~ i _ ~/ ~'T 1 I ~ ~~ ~' ~L. L'~ ~ --_ - - -~--- rG • i-.- --- -~~ - ~- . --• -- -- °~~~~~~~~ ~~~m-iunn ur vAI~.COk~,tUNITY D~YcLOPM~N7 ..9704702d52 'T-1'21 P.031/046 F-Z99 -'7-f Z_ 2 %"LC~~~.Cvr f?G2:-I`lG' i11~'G'/ G..Ct-~,J~, ~ i ` / ~ / . ~ C.~ % i ~"3~ -I .. .. . --~ -- -- ~~•~~N~~~ ream-IVnrr ur YAIL .COYMUyITY"OcVELOPl~'fNl ~ ~6 9i04Zfl2452 "j-121 P:032/046 F-7:98 / r-~ Date: ~_ ; -o'? J ,l . ~~ ~ . Do you fee! ma ina yDUr reservation was easy? ~ ~ ~ 2. Did you have any problems Tending the Christiania? Y Q 3. Do you feel that checking in at the wont desk was easy? ~ t`l ~. Was the front desk 2gent helpTU[? ~ ~, ~~ What is your unit number? ~ -, ~. Are y;,u satisTled with you; unit? if no, please explain. ~ r~~ ; ~.•. ~~ ~R ' r , . /. 7. Pleese rate ;our aril, -Af'- "F" ("A" being th.e best). _. >' 8.. Please r2ie the h~~~~sekeeping service '~ . . g. Please rate .: ~e ^vcl~1' service of tine Lgdge. 1 D. Does any- membar or our star star:d out? Please sate their name ad tivhy. ~ 1. WOUid ypLf stay li } tlll5 p3r~iCUlar unit again? Y 12• Would you sfay at another unit o~Jned or managed by the Christiania? ~,]~ ,~ ~ ~. Go you have any f anther comments, complaints or suggestions? r : ' ./~ I. ,. "hank you and enjoy your stay!!! ~w~-=z-L~ ua:uGpm rrom-TO'~N OF 4AIL Co~„IUNITY.DEV_!OP4ENT 9704792452 I_ ~ ~~ ~ z. ~~ ~ ~ Z _ ~~ ~ u ti:,~~~-~C~,v~0., 2e Sv1~~r~ k~''lC~.r~~t1 ~,..~ T-121 P. 033/046 F=788 ' I ~; '• .n ~-'- • -r:--~ CCn,,,~j r•~L,;.K.~~.~~..~.i._(•' .i(.c~;~{!~ i.at -F-v r~.c2 /YYLC2'YLI.y~ vL.Cr:.C/Gtf . ,tt~ LJ<'~a~- J ` ~~ ~ l,{,~ ~ GUv, D Gt ~-< v ;-~. ~Q Cti-c,~.r~ :..i.t ~'~ /{ ~ ~j ~-~ ~ ' ~ u..~ r-c..~. '~"~ .~/Lc~''?r~ /jn'1L"<'~'` ~ .V~ ('-C.(- .Ui c.k~.t c,X.:l , y ~ -t ' ~? l-,i,~ .~..-i ~n.c, c.T a~-~ ~„a ~y~~7~ ~; i-t.,t=t: ~ ~-t= _~t..c' ~ /l~i~ G._:.' I ,~~~ ~ ~~--(` a- ~-L~7 c~:ll ~~w2o .~"~ cu.':.~ -~•':-Y ~{ , ~ c. Guy /c't l ~J,? ;w-v'~~~ ..~vu-~ ~v ~i~L~w~~ G~'.c~e~.L-~~t L~t~ J~ cv-~Cu-G~ ~Wvr~ ~,.v c~ I _.1 ~-L-~t ~ ~ r ~y u~~L~-u"-3-~ ~ 1U _ )'1 ~. :"Ji _.. ~~.. ~..r ... I ... .'I X1:1.:/~.' ii I~~ --~ ~~ ~~ u~:ucpiu rrpm-iu~rv ur 4A1L .C01~1UNLTY.DEVELOFk=Ni C'~(~i~ ~ lA~l/~ ~(i ~~A/L. to ~c/~aj~ ~ T~ r`'lh~;' iJC~a?~ 9?04782452 T-1Z1 P.034/046 F-?98 ScPi n~ GGn.~ ~~~1 ~.~~~~~~JC ~)~1C S/,~ U ~7 7"L~lr~ C~l~C~~ -~~~ Cr S/ ~C~C ~C~C ~j . -----Y- GGoI~ ,l/OJSF ~fJJ ~/ZG r.4/JI i l'~~^rt;~ r`-/~C~~~'~- 'i HF ~ ~ ~ 6E ~'~Ov~J.S' O;~_1/~r~N G ~~ Du L i S D~'r~~~~ti~6 ~ N~ f ~~Ur`"C ~flE ~G'!C. D11=~ ~IE~ i ~oG(i ~'EP~ l1S /-'G/AK~~ ~/~1i/C. ~f~~J~~~ i C.. ~ l ~ - /~J Of-/ 2 ~Or"1 E ~OUJs~J f'i ~~I.FI L[, CDf'Zf~iuN ~T;1 /~ L'P~ i h~; F A/CW /(J~ ~~ (,vC }~f~c`'~CC //O r f E t72 ~ ~ F ~fCES J~ 1 ~~(~ ~7 OP~1`J Gc7 r'.1 i ~q /.C' ~.~ L~6J l 0 6o/ri~t~ ~r; i S i >'~'~ o~~~'U/ r~' / G~a.r c ~ ~/~i~1.c o~, ~'~f/O~~J Th'~/.~ .9 ~ ~,;,~2 //~x i i~'c,~r~ ~Dri~Q l/'EET//'/C . Ti~~'~'~ D C~( a i~ ~ D,G r ~ l~'Il,' irrr ;~,~~ /vl ~R/~'ic ~~F lx~}v.~cLF /~/. ;~ /330 ~ ~D --• -- -- ~ •~~r~~~ riur~r-ivnir vr.vAi~ I;UkA1Uf11TT CEVELOPhE~IT 97047B2di? ~T-121 ~P:.~36/046 F=i~98 b ~~~ Date: ' 1. Do you feel making your reservation was easy? O N 2- - Did you )lave any problems finding the Christiania? Y 'N 3. Do you feel that checking in at the Front disk was easy? ~ N ~. Was the from desk agent helpful? ~ N ~. What is your unit number? ~~~ B. ;rc yc~;:; Jal1J IcC •r~%t~ your unit? if no, please explain. ~y N 7- Please rate your unit, °q„- "F„ ("A° being the best), ~ 8. Please rate the housekeeping service: ~,~,~,.~~~ ~Z~ i ~, 9: Please rate the overall service ofi the Lodge- ~ ~~~; ,~, ~ 1 D. Dees any member o. our staff stand out? Pease state their name and wh}~, ~f~G~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ G~ '11. Would you stay in this particular unit again? ~ N 12_ Would you stay at another unit owned or managed by file Chrisiiania~- ~ 13. Do you have any fur<her comments, complaints or suggestions? --~ ~~~~~ ~~?/f~ ~_r_- ~ ~~ ..~ ~ ~~ - - --•--~~~~ ~ ~~~~~-~~nir yr vni! uu~rlulYl`~T uEV~LOPkEflT 9Z04Z82452 i-121 P:036/046 F=I9E -- .. \,~1y . ~ 1~~ • l ~.. ~ ~. '~' ~ '~ ~ ~ L /~ ---~ ~- ~-~G--~ l ~ ~~.~ L~ r ~/i /7 C._2~.vL . _.~, _. \ I •-~ ~~-~~ uacunpm rfam-lUH'N 0"r 4AIL.COk~riUNITY.GSVcLOPk~'NI `970d782452 '7-121 P.037/046 F-789 ,• ..__ ~ ~ ~ \,,1C,:i .j `~' ~`~~ ~~-~,.~C~2~, ~ ~ j ~ j ~-~t ~.. --~ -~` Cf 'mac Z~ r . J ~~..~~ ~_~ -~~_-~j j~~-- ~.~~~ ~~ .j.~ ~-~-~ .~ ~ ~.~jj,j f- - f C~ ~.~~ j ~ ;_,~,~~ ~ G~ :~' ~ `mac ~~ ~.. - ~- ~'-~~-°'~ ~..~~-~~j ~~ -~-rte ~~z~ jj ~C<~ f_; ~~ i j- j 1 '` /l' J / J~ ~ , ~' - j ~ ~ f ~ ~ C ~:-- ., C-~ / - z ~~--~j j. j,.Lj~j~ _~ j~~j~j.j~-~ , i J j f , ~ - ~- j~ ~ j j,,.Y~L~ ~ ~ ,~ j j-i~ j ~ ~ , i .- ~ ' •-~ ~• -~ ~~,~~N~u -rrom-IUrrr+ OF VAI!_ C0~,1UN.(TY DEVtIOPk~NT 97047g2d52 T-121 °.038/Dd6 F-7gE ---~. ~ `\ 1 ~\ ''n ~ _ --- ;;: - .,.,. , %~ "~~ ~ ) ;. - ~ J ~7 ; . r--~ v J ?= , ~ ~ '~-' ~ ~ .r1~Yiay- ' ' 4'. I - ~ L'[~~ ~~ti C ~~;~~ ~1i. ~.~i,..~ ~ . ~ - ~.rt.-yam:. ~ w ~/,, l l / L/ -~;:~~C tom„ i ~,-~.'U~- 1~ _ K _ j~-~-Yw ~-~~ ~, ~ ~~, ~~~' ~'r /~ ~y~ - ;. Jam,. ~ ` i - ~,~,• ter[, r_•~~ 1v1~ / /~_i~.,,.~ ~ J GI S J,-C ~-Z ,C•„-~/ ~y, ~, -~/ - ~ _ ~ •~+-Z- -r.~'~~ , _ : _ ~ ~ (l^~/1.v_^1 .i,..:i-Z-. ~. C-~: r ,t -~~cG ~"l'~C-Z..~l~~-.~7'.~ ~'~=r~r'l i ,f--~ - ~- ~-.C.'~J-~) Vii L- . -- ; } Jay ~•l ~-v~. ,~ . J • ~ - -~ y J ~J _/ i ;~ I ~f_ ,'~ ~ ~,~ u i J ~ J ~' ~~ ~/ ,i - •~ .) -. ~. I j3~~~ _... ._,.,. _, ,,,,_ .,,,.~,,,~~~~ ~ ~ ~_,«~~R~„~ arua7aza5~ _T-lYl P.039/046 F=798 .---^ ~ ~~ ~n ~ r ~' ~l ~ ~ ~ `~ `~ l` ~ Ly ff r ~ ~{ /'a r ~~ ~ /~--C ~/ .J U ~ ~ n : . ~ ~ ' '~ ~, r ~~ r nom, r .~ ~~ ~ , ~~ {, ~ ' 1 ~CDpj~ t ---- ~••~ ~~.~~~~ ~vmi.~r rni:.~ufrntuiriir.:uevtwrxtfVl .9704792452 Q ,' 1 n ~~" 1 . /'~. a n ~/ = T-121 P.040/046r=798 _~ ~/ ~f c ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~1~ ,1l! !~/ f~- ~-/ ,~ ifs' ~i~~ ~/~ ~G.J /./'.~+~CJ m n n ., -~---r~. ~7:~~ ~, /7 ~~~ u - - • -- -- ~~ • ~-.r~n r r um- ~ vnn ur vR ~ L GokpAUfl I T'f DEVELOPh¢tl l ~~G x 9704792452 'T-121 ~P•041/Od5 F=7,&g 1 ~ Do you fee! making your rsservafion was easy? ~ ~ 2. Did you have any problems finding the Christiania? Y N - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v4,o., 3. Do you Teel that checking in at the Front desk was easy? ~ N ~ ~~ , ra 4. Was the front desk agent helpful? ~ N _ `~'~ ~ 5. What is your unit number? 3p y ~~~ 6. Are you satisfied with your unit? !f no, please explain. Y N y ~.--I as-~ c..E ~.e ~ ~ . `g~ ~ ~ ~ S -~ ~ ~' ~~~. 7.. Please rate your unit, "A"- ")_" (uA" being the best). _~ St~~.A ~ 8. Please rate the housekeeping service, 9, Please rate the overall service of the Lodge_ 10. Does any member of our staff stand out? Please state their name and why 11. Would you stay in this particular unit again? .~, ~ ~b~t~'e- a ~- - 12. Would you stay at another unit owned or managed by the Chrisiiania~Y N ~~ ~ j~~ 13. Do you have any further comments, complaints or suggestions? Thank you and enjoy your sj~ay_llr - - -- --•- ~~~~ ~r.unr-rvnn yr rni. ~uASAUfYIIT.,DE4tLOPNEPI'I --~ .. .9704782452 'i-121. F.042/046 F-799 ~) _. ~ ~ (/~ ~ ~ i 1/ •7 1. ~ `1~iC r ~ ~.. ~ --~~ ~r~ --Ec=~ .-mot°C~ , ~' ~._ `, C? ~ ~^• r~ ~ `C1iL L~L!.~~C; ~-~ i,1.,` ~~~ ~ ~ L G~ ~w~, ~~~ ~;~ ~ ~z~ ~ ~ LC;C~~ ~ ,°~- :LPL. LTZL ~ ~.~-~~•-~ ~~~ -~~ "~-- C. , . /; (/,~/ = : , / / ;1 ' /- / / ~~. ~° .c L~; ~c~~~ - =~'~~C? Gam' '~ ~ ~; - -, > , U .7 ~: Z/ ~-`- f I ,~ ~ ~ q . ~ . o ~ ,~- `~-~ t ~~;o - -- -- - ~~~~ ~r~~i~-rvmr yr vnu ~u3RAUfI1TY.DEVELUYh'En~ 97D4782d52 `T-iZi P.;043/04o F-r99 ,----. ' .. ,~~ A Date: % - ~~ •-C~ Z-- 1. Do you feel making your reservation was easy? ~ N 2. Did you have any problems finding the Christiania? Y N 3. Do you feel that checking in at the Front desk was easy? ~ N 4• Was the front desk agent helpful? ~ N ~• What is your unlt number?~.% 6. Are you satisfied with your unlt? ]f no, please explain, ~ N 7. Please rate your unit, "An- "F" ("A" being the best). /`~ 8. Please rate the housekeeping service. ~ K 9, Please rate the overall service of the Lodge. /~ ~ 0. Does any member of our staff stand out? Please state their name and why_ 11. Would you stay in this particular unit again? y 12. Would you stay at another unit owned or managed by the Christiania ~ N i , ,~1" ~ 13, Do you have an ~ ynn:ir{her comments, complaints or suggestions? ~ f ` ' l/ L7 cfG"~ /3 L/-~ !-~ W ~r~O 2- ~ ~4~ tyy L~wc. GfJG !''L~ /L~' /Y~ L Sz~ ~%r ~- :.~ Thank you and enjoy your stay]]! ~`' ` ~' ~~`~--~~' °i~ ' `•" ' ~~~ . - -- . -- -- • . ~~~ n ~nir i van yr YR I L uu~nUfl I I T DEVELDPkENT gjo4j0245? - ~ -I p l F .044/046 '~~-jgc ltilaass, Brian Modifiad: Wed 1/95103 6:do PM ~' 1/14/03 ~ ~ ~i John Everly 6enernl Manager Christiana at Vail 356 East Haruan Ranch i2aad Vail, Co. 81n~7 Dear Mr. Everly- Thanks for taking the time to read my letter. T hope it is of some benefit to you and the Christiana. /', couple of winter sensors ago, me and my wife rented a unit at the Bridge Street Lodge through the Christiana, It was very nice and we had a terrific weekend, So when we were headed to Vail again last weekend(January 10th and 11th) we contacted the Christiana, I believe I may have called on Thursday, January 9th. T spoke to two different reservations people during the afternoon/evening- Unfortunately I don't remember their names, but I think one may have been Christine, Whomever I spoke to told us they had one room left at the Christiana, a garden view at e rensonebie price. T specifically asked questions about the view and whether it was noisy, as I am a very light sleeper_ The reservations person also mentioned a unit available at the Bridge Street Lodge(~304). There were rooms avaiiab(e at other places(Marriott etc-) and for less money- But after talking it ovzr wiTh my wife, we called back and got a different reservations person_ We took the Bridge Street room due to our previous good experience there. No one mentioned anything about any noise problems in the building- Mr. Everly, #304 was. a perfectly lovely studio. However neither one of your reservations people mentioned to us that there was a new disco in the same building- T believe it is called The Tap Room, The hideously loud music began both Friday and Saturday evenings continuing until approximately 2a.m. The thumping, vibrations and revelers were unbearable and kept us awake all night, both nights, Saturday night my wi-,'e, Erica, actually retreated to the bathroom and slept on the floor , to pet away from the noise. Thais haw bad it wc°, I believe unit #304 Ynay be the unit in the building closest t~ the disco. When we checked out Sunday morning, sleepless and grouchy, the young lady at The Christiana desk.was sympathetic and understanding. She told us The Tap Raam had-opened recently, and that Christiana reservations people are acutely aware of the issue. In fact, she said they are supposed -to tell prospective guests about this noise issue. We had been told nothing, and Chats rat right, nor .fair. We're disappointed that your people mode no mention of the new disco and the noise. If they had, we would have either stayed at the Ghristiann, or mode other arrangements. Obviously, we won't stay at the Bridge Street Lodge again, and .we wi11 advise friends going to Vail of the problems we encountered, and where they should not stay. I hope that as a matter o7 good busin~~s you make i' n rule 7fl have your employees disclose this issue to prospective Bridge Stree` Lodge guests in the future, Anything less would be misleading and deceptive. N1URP.AY FP~ANKc GRcCNHOUSE LIST ~: LIPPiTT _LLP F~TTORNEI'S P,ND COUNSELORS GRANITE EUILDING, SECOND FLOOF. 1228 FIFTEENTH STREET DENVEr., COLORP;DO 80202 Telephone: (303) 6Z:i-4500 Faz: (3031 fi23-0960 September 18, 2003 File No. 1290-1 ~~IA TE LE COPT AND F.E GULAR MAIL Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Vail 7~_Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81637 Charles Greenhouse cgreennouse~migll.com Girecl Gia!: (303) 623-8074 Re: OBOE CTI ON T O APPLI CATI ON Application for Conditional Use Permit Applicant Remonov 8: Company-, Inc. v Vista Bahn Building; 333 Hanson Ranch F`oad Dear Bill: ~X1e represent the Bridge Street Lodge F.esidentia_1 Condominium Association. This letter is specifica~l}j directed to the Sanctuary/Tap Room's application to expand its deck At the same tune I have sent to you a separate letter which is a request that the Tow=n of Vail issue a Cease and Desist Order against the Sanctuary/Tap Room, regardless of ~.=hat happens to this application. As you linou=, my client strongly objects to the application of the Sanctuary=/Tap Room to e~-pand its deck As stated in Ron and TerrS=Hughes' June 19, 2003 letter to y-ou, the Sanctuary/Tap Room has received over 38 complaints and one noise violation over the last several wars. The noise from the Sanctuary/Tap-Room is e~:cessive and there appears fo be no effon b~-the Sanctuary/Tap Room to abate this problem. Enclosed is September 8, 2003 repon from D.L. Adams & Associates u=hick documents the violations of the applicable noise ordinances b~=the Sanctuary/Tap Room on August 16`h ~_7nd and 23=2003. Based on information from Ron Hughes and others, the noise levels reported on the D.L. Adams report are tl~ical of the level of noise from this establishment. The Sanctuary/Tap Room is clearly violating the applicable noise ordinances of Vail on a regular basis. The addition of this deck should not be permitted while this situation ez_ists. Unless the Sanctuary/Tap Room can come in compliance -~~ith the Tou=n of Vail noise ordinances, it should not even be allowed to continue as a business, much less e}_pand. Further, there is strong reason to believe that this deck addition will just add to the problem It viould just enhance the likelihood of this business e~:ceeain~ the noise ordinances of Vail during its peak hoes of operation. I~~Ir. Bill Gibson September 1&, 200 i PaQP ? ~- Please feel free to call if you have anjr questions. Enclosure VerS' tru1Z- yours, ~~~ ar es Greenhouse Murray Franke Greenhouse List ~ I,ippitt LLP Cc: Ron Hushes, ~%ice President (w/enc.) Arthur Coy:, Jr., President (w/enc.) ~. ,~. i b ".~ ~' r~.L..=~,D ~~\~5 -.S50CL~.i ~5. 1NC. 1,~L. I? ona]d Pluuhes . Ol OC) •Tele~,-apr, F~oad, Suite ''?U Bin~'ham Farns_ 1vI1 ~u0=f~ ~:~~~ pnd~re Sire°~ ~,nd~e ~i~~loise (DL A ~ Refer°nce l'~ao. 67°91 Dear I`,~1r. HuYhes: We measured the ambient noise levels•at the b'rid=~• Streei LodS'e in Fail, Colorado, on the balcor7}~ OI U771t ]~~ dLr7na the I17~?11t5 Of .~11]._TLLSt ] Gth rind and ~)Td The IOllowin,' repor± S11rr7S'12ri~e5 OLLT LLndin=s and presents our noise measurement results. r:,'~,b:1~ gar ~'°~-,~^~~O~U~j Please ref°r to ,4ppendi;: A for a STlossar~ of acoustic ternino7.oRy. ~~v ;'~i ~~~~ I`?v~se iut~~es The State of Colorado incorporates ma:.imu~ a11ou%able noise levels as part of Title ~~ H°alth%Environmental Control in the Colorado Revised Stat,~t°s (CF`S). !'article 1? addresses noise a'oatement and states specific noise level limits in ~-vveiR-bred decibels (dBA) for several different land use zones. This document is used to enforce noise lirnits in the State of Colorado. However, this document states that loco] city and county noise codes may adopt standards that ~~e no less resti~cti~'e.the state noise code. For reference,tivehaveincludedtheperinentnoisecode.inforn~ation for the State of Colorado and for the Town of V ail. Colorado Re~~ised Statutes, Title ?~~eath/~n~~irunznenta] Control; Q~icle I? Noise ~~ai.emeut rrS ~`•-12-103. Maximum Permissible Noise 1_wels. Cunsultan[s In i.musucs and i'eriormin~ .tirts 7ecnnoioGies (1) Every activity to which this article is applicable shall be conducted in a manner so that any noise produced is not objectionable due to intermittence, beat rrequency, or shillness. Sound levels of noise radiating rrom a,properry line at o distance of twenty-rive feet or morn therefrom in excess of the dB(Aj established rot the following mime periods and zones shall cons?itute prima facie evidence that such noise is a public nu;sance: gone 7:00 a_m_ io next 7:00 p.m. 7;OD p.m. to next 7:D0 a.m. Residential commercial Lighl industrial "' Industral ~~ dBA 00 dB•A 70 d~A ' ~o dBa ~0 d°>; ~~ dBA o~ doA 75 dBA ~O~J=:S-700 r:-.:~ 3o3i-^.~~-~1c~7 7 707 3OUL~ER SiR~-T ~~ rti`v;P•_ COLGRnDG ~OZi l ~nnnr~.dlaa.com denv4-~~dlaa.com - ivL. Ionald ~-luRi~°s ?-~,c7~ -, Ui .l `rail, Colorado Town C.ude Title Public ?-icalth and S:~len. Cha~ie:- ~ "ubiic :~;uisar.c:-s, Section "?'wise Prohibited 5-1-7: Noise Prohibited: A.. Prohibited Act: The making and creating of an excessive or an unusually loud noise at any location within the Town heard and measured in a manner hereinafter set7orth, shall be unlawful, except when made unaer and in compliance with a permit issued pursuant to subsectierl F of this Section. E. Definition: An "excessive" or "unusually loud noise" shall be defined as follows' 1. Noise of anv duration which ex,;eeds the allowable noise limit Tor the'one in which the noise source is Located by fifteen (15j decibels. 2. A noise, one minute or more in duraticn out of any ten (10) minute period, which e;;ceeds the allowable noise limit for the zone in which the noise source is Iccatec by ten (10) decibels. 0. ,~, noise offive (5) minutes in duration and a total or`five (Sj minutes out of any ten (10) minute period, which exceeds the allowable noise limit Tor the zone in which the noise source is locaied by three (3) decibels. C. Sound Measurement Standard: For the purpose of determining and classirying any noise as e::cessive or unusually loud as declared to be unlawful and prohibited by This Section, the noise shall be measured on a decibel or sound level meter or standard design and quality operated on the ,`-',-weighting scale. 1. If the noise source is located on private property, fne noise shall be.maasured at or be;~ond the property Line of the properly on which the noise source Is located. 2. if the noise source is located on public property, the noise shall be measured no closer than ten feet (1D') from the noise source. . ,, D. Allov~able Limits: The following shall, be the allowable noise limits for the time periods and zones specined; Maximum Number of Zoning Designation Of Property Decibels Permitted From ~n Which Source Of Noise !s Located r:o0 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. All residential zones excepting HDfv1F 55 decibels Commercial plus HDMF G5 decibels Industrial service zones 80 decibels Maximum Number of Decibels Permitted From 11:OO P.M. to 7:00 ,~..M. 50 decibels 60 decibels 75 decibels Fail, Colorado Town Code Title 1? Lunin~ Re~ulaiions, Chap~er 14 Suppleme.ttal %e~ulations, Sectio^ 14 Resiaurants, Bars, or Similar Uses 12-14-14: Restaurants. bars. or Similar Uses: In districts where restaurants, bars, or similar uses are allowed, they shall be subject to the foliowino rouirements: ^ Noise generated by±he use n-~~ay nct ai any iir,~s e>:coed riffy (5C) dacibsis outside the enclosing walls or n. ceilings for the .use. w~.. Ron~~]d r1u~Thes Seatemb°,~ ~ . 2U0= '~' (315 ~`i~~;',:."S'~~"E.'?7I°ll ~(fCr`l~]Ub'~ fi?]V i.~:"UC"~L1I"`~ i=,tistin~a ambient sound levels were measured ai Orle ]OCatlOn, USln~,' nti%o different sound le~~el meters. ~Jll[ SOLnG fei%~] n7eter COI1t1r1u0Lt51~' mea5llred ol'er'~ll ~-ujel~l7ted sOLIDQ ]en'els. tilrOURhOlll :.'ash ti'rht using' 10 minute average times The second mete.rmeasured.spectral noise data anpro;cirnate]v once per hour using a ] (i n7inute avera~Te time. -~ The measurement location was or the balcony of 'snit 30_ near the north Fnd oft-ne ba com:% (o]osPsi tc file S;.u~::rsary =~~iC7htclub j. both sound ]ei'e] m°ters and microphones ~ti'ere mounted on tr;~ods. Tr,e microphone on each sound level meter was/positioned appro::imately ~' above the balcony V,rall~LTl~' SLLTlace. The contu7uous noise measurements were made with a Larson-Davis Model E20 M~'l~i 1.30~~ T~Tpe 1 sound level meter, toy,ether with a Larson-hJavis T/1ode1 2~oU (S/N 2639.; i" ralzdom incidence nicrcphone. The specrral noise measurements were made with aLarson-Ll~avis Model 2900 (S/1`1 Od7 i;) T}ape 1 sound level meter; to~reil7erwith a Briiel ~'t~jWr T~rpe ^ ] G~ (S/?~ 57~0~~') ?~_" random incidence microphone.: The measurements Lncluded statistical sound pressure levels.. Calibration. was chec:ed before and after each set of measurements ti,'ith a Larson-LJavis Mode] C_-``?.-'00 _-_CGL'stiC Calibrator (S.2~T Uo97)_ Tse. meters v,,ere sei for "slow" response, ant a windscreen covered the microphones du~n~ all measurements. The ca]i.bration of the sound level meters and cali'orator han'e been checked and certined by the manufacturer wi?nin the recommended period. ~y €,zise 1'~ e4s~.re~ en# ~.es~?*s Periods of h~ht rain were noticeable on August 10, ? 003 duru~~ the evening hours and continued on and off throughout the_niRlzt. ~' ern' beef periods ofmisting r gin were also noticeable on .4u Rust ??, 2U(~3 duz-ine the niyThttime hours. The primary noise sources during the measurements were. tin•ater flou~in~ in the nearby creslt, and noise from the Sanctuary niQlltc]ub and Taps Bar. Since there ~-as more rain on August 16; noise from water- 1lotivina douTn exterior roof drains was also noticeable. During the e~,'enin~ hours of S: UO P.M. to 10:00 P.NI. the main noise source was water flow noise in the nearby' creep. ~~er 1.0:00 P.M. noise from the Sanctuary nightclub and the Taps bar began to exc°°d t1_ze noise from the creels and by 11:OU P.T~~1. the nightclubs were the dominant noise sources. The Sanctuar;' nightclub .and Taps bar remained the dominant noises source until approxL~nately 1:30 to ?:UU A.1~2. Jn tl~e third ni~iii of measurements, Saturday a ueust 2J to Sunday August 24, one of Erie sound IPve] meters (Larson Daz'is v2~ j e,_penencedbatterypowerfailure and shut dov'n around 1?:,,.,1?~ .ice. vn ~uliOu}' Wit'-'-'~'Jt=~.~- ~=1LliOll~b ule COnT1I'iu0u5rn°~llr°uZe~1t~ slOplT]°d at 1 ~:;^ _~.~~I., all of the da~S ~' - up to L:~=' ='~ .i~!1. ~n'as securely stormed in nor_~-volatile nemor~'. .i1'1;. ]-~Oli:1ICi rll1~'1]~S l~ac7~ =~ ~1 J°SLi1LS i;UP] the ~Oilll.'1Lllil,5 iTl::.'15ll:'°i11~r1L:; a1-~ S11D\1~I; 1P L11: aIiai:iZ°L~ 1"1rTLT-°5 ~ illr~j!!rri~ --~. Y1S;±S~ ref°'-LC1 tl]~ alLaCl]C:C' LiIOSSar`~ lOr Q°_111]lUOT1= 0 tL'17T1". ,`'lr_'L1rE` i 5f70~"°. ~ ~r"1D1] Oi 11;E' r'~1Li7\;1j~nt 1011I7C1 i.°.:'P,i Cl.,~~) OT ;111 t17SE:`n]Ci1SL11-elrleI71 ]11r?1]LS. Flrrllr.° ~ S~]O\'\':i th~ 1, FI"C1T,`_' _' S17C11\'S ~11~ ' 511' _ '-' l l v a17ci Fi~rLll-e sho~,~:. tl7e L \-`~%her the window; of the ~ancLUa~~ ni~i]tc;uh arc: opel:~ t17:: n7c,~sur:-~ - m:i; ~ _ _ L;y ~T:~as aPnro;~imately 7U dB.-'. dunn~~ the hours vi`- 1 ] :O(? P..iVI ~lr~d 1 :3U b...f~-1. vv1]erl the ~;anclu~Lr~' ~tirinclo~~~~ :"ere ciesed dunrl<~ these same hours she i7aeasLU-ed L,~~ way appro;•_imatc;',v ail) - c;=~ d~' ^ J ,ihe )'~SLiltS 1TO.I17 ~17e S'U~SIi Llll] 17o1SE' .I17~:1SL1r~me77I~. arm' ShOI`~I]. he10~'. T11e Lable S1]C1V~'S th'e OV°;-'`.~11 -^~-u~ei~ThLPci sum for each measur°ment, bui octave.-ba17d noise claza is also a~~ailahlt. Auk Io,~'UU3 ?U:~S 6=~6 ~8 7 ~~o ---~ ~U ~i ,~:;6 ~ 606 ~9 ~y ~ 60 C>> ~`u~T 17-?OUP .. I UO:D? ~ 7?, 7C) r 6U 7? 7-~ _--'..liQ~'_, X003 - ~l:is 6U3 c; 6~ ~ 6~ ~ ~] ?~:1 I 771 ti7 ~ b7 69 I "~ , ;4u,?3, ~'C1U~ OU:?4 6=10 08. 67 69 74 0?:l~ 603 ~~ ~; ~; EO _gu~,?3,?UU, ?0:» I 6b6 I ~6 ~6 I ~~ bb ? ~:C14 6O1 60 ~9 bl i;4 _4u~~=~,?00~ 1 0].:); + 610 I 6o b~ I b7 I ~~ Oi:~3 I ~ -!31 ~~ » ~6 ~ 6U L'unnU aI1 tlu-eemeasur°mentni~rhts, 5L7011°_ low b:~ss seats ~-om the Sancruar;~nir=htclub «~ere easi)_v audible .in Linit 3O? With all v, indou~s anal doors closed ti~h.t. 5.epten~ber ~, ?UU p a«e ~, of _~ Specific to restau.:ant, bars, or sinular us°s_. the Town ol~\~ ail code states! ma;:imurn zloise knit of ~0 decibels. u%ith respect to noise radiatin~~ from a nropert.,-; no'. specific to restaurants or bars.. the i ov,Tn of~~: ai] code states; a n7a;~imum allotivable nighttime LC~~ of ~i0 dEA for a mi;:ed used HZ>1vIF and conun ercia] pronem'. 'n addition to the L~~, the ~%ai] noise cc>de also sets limits on shop term noises (See ~- ai] noise code _--; -1-~). This noise code slates that t11Y ma,.imur~ poise ]eve] for arl~r duration (-i } -,~,a~. cannot e;:ceed 1 ~ decibels above the noise limit; that noise one minute in duration out of ~u:y 7 U minute period (L ,~,j cannot e~;ceed 1 U decibels above t't7e noise limit, and that noise il~~e minutes in duration out of any 10 minute p~nod (LS~j cannot e;.ceed ~ d°cibels above tiae noise limit. Therefore, zor<irni~.ed Commercial andF7Dly~ ]and,usepropertyth~ ni~httiznema;.imurr~ =~lletiaable noise limits are as follows: Ley = 6U dB~? L ;~ = b~ dEA L ,~ = 7U dB_? T = 7ti dBA mix . the attached Figure 1 shows a graph oftlleL~~~ fer each of the three ni~hts..The P eaks in the noise CL~ Je fortlle _~.tl~_T115t 1 E Z17easurelr]ent5repre5eni t1IT_'eS ti~~l7en the u'lndov,~S Oftlle ,C~anCtl.laTZ%Il1~?11tC]uD ~N~ere OpeII. 1~L1r1Ila the _~it1~Tt!5t ~~ rneastireIneIlTS Il].e ~anCtLary rLl~'l1tC]llb w1ndOWS tiJere Open ~Oi T1111Ch O~tlle I11n17t- Tt-l.oti,7PVeI- e~~en wlt~l the tiVIr1dOV1S C]OSed, noise n-o7n the ni~Thtclub enCeC15 the 6U dB,A. V Similarh-, Fi ~7wes ~' through 4 all show that the mi-;:ed Ccmmercial and nTD1\g land. use noise liTnits were e.;ceeded in. ever/ statistics] measuremsnt for at ]east part of the night. Pease call n7e if you have any questioz7s- Sincere]y, ~ ///~ / ~~ Todd Seiler, P.E. Encl: ri~-,,Tes 1-~ r,-oPndi:: ^_ - Glossary; of ~ coustic Tern7inoloQy CC: C17?rlle GreetlliouSe; ?Vlu~a~- i.alll:° Gie°n~1o~Se 1_.1St L~'l'. Li1~p1tI LLP ~V1easurecl Leq for III Tl~i-ee f~~lea~uren~enL I~ligl~ls F30 -r..,.._,._~.._. 70 R m ~ 6G a~ m _~ GO t~ to ~' [L .~ C ~~ 0 GO ~~ ~~ ~i U '~-~-~~--r-- r---t--r-~--_~__-r___- -T----r--r_~---r---~ r---r-~- _ __ r'\`O , ti1~ r ~C~ `1;v0 ~;~0 ,~~;~~`> njO~ n;~~ n~tx~ ov0 Orl~ GfxO h~Jn i`~t~~ c~j'~~ rl;~~ . r~~~("~ rl;~`l n~~'~~ ~~~.~~ ~~,0 ' ~~~ lv~~Ci l~ l~ 1- `l, `l 1 `l- `l• `l, Tiitte of Mpasuranteitf ~~. .- ~ L erg-At ty-~? Leci-~,u~i 23 f=ir~~ire .I f~~leasurecl x-50 'fur all ~l-liree Me~lsuremen~ I~Ji~lils 75 ~_ C ~ - ~~ (,5 _ ,~ _ _ ~~~'~,~~ G5 cIL~~ Limit for I IDIr1FlCuninier~:ial ~~ LL~ ,~ ~.~ ~,. > ~ , 4 ~~ _ .." in u, ,.~ ~ - L.;l)-nuy-~ } Q, ,.4 ,~„ ,,,~ ~ ~ O ,~ ~ " 50 dB/1 Linril for F?eslauraiitsiBais CI ` - LI O 'L_--- ~ _-`1'-'-j--T-T- TIC-f ~" -T T--f.~~__rT__7_-__ 1._-.~. ___-I__--~_"___ _ ~ `O riJ t70 O~ ~~ ~ lU ~JO O tx0 ~O ~~~ tCl ~J~ `l,~ )~ ~j~ ,~O .b~-' 00 n~i';~ ~.I~' ~~Q ~G lime o(Measureillellt ~~9easured Leo for "al! Three Measuremerfl i~Ji~l~ls ou 7J 70 <~ -n z7 G 5 as a, ._r ' GO V L ^. " `U ~ lJ Q ' v0 cl r~ ~~ t~ " O ' ~~? ~x~ U> ~~ t~~ G~ '~:J 1,0 ~n r~~J b~-' ~;' ' rJ l r' O 00 , l~ ~4) ~ ~ ~ :~ I ~ ~ !:) ~ , Irk r~; ~ r r~. r ~~ '~~' ~.' ,' ~ "~' J' ~' Q' ~' Q' I r. . r~. r~. ~ . n ~ ~ n~. . n~. n~. tk. t~. l ~ rl rl . il ~ rti. ~ , 1iff~e of Meas~ir2f>>t'i~f. -~-°- L"i U "ntrg- 16 L i D-/fir i~-23 ~~~ I t~ L! I~e ,'l lvleasure~l I_„ pax for ~JII Three I`v~easuremenl I`~i~il~ls y5 ,,....._._....._ Loud IJoise bininy ~~ hJiylilr.,lub Clean-ul~ JO - f35 ~L [f] ~ ll U ~~~`T - - ~ai al _l f ~ c u~ \ ,~ ~ ~, 7 5 ,~-'r--~~. to ~~~ ~, ~ ~ ~ \1 a I ~ ~~ S ~ ~ ~~-- - N ~ tf - (/) Ii ~ ! r ~ ~ '' n a a ~+ ~ r ~. ~. a 4 l• Y it L e n ~~,~.~.e ~,~^~~~ ~ _ ~ 75 NBA Lirnil for I IUh:1FIl^UIIlI11eIC;1~3I ~~ }; ~~ 1 ~., - - - -I .....------ I l = I 1 ~ . -~:~~.~~. sue, .,.. _,_. ,,~.-. K_. ,-a~~ JJ -.-- ~----~-~- ii r--i--~ r---~----t---r-_...-~' ----~---~t ~ r----~-1'r----~--- J a-~ ~y~ : C~ r`~ ~~ ~~~ ~~l tU ~~~ r`,1 ~>i~ CJ~ !~' ~k rJ , !~, ,~~ , . C) . ~~~ l ~" ' ~1 r. l . . 1 1. ~ 1, n r,. ~ 'l, , ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ O ~ V ~ ! ~ n~ ~ ~ Y .~ ,~ ~ 1 ,~ ,1 ,1 1 ~ d J Tittle of d~Jleasuren~eitt _~ ------ ---I_ntax-~.tiy_23 C~'IC)I II E' l~ Glossary of Acoustic Termino]o~;~ ~...;! V1J~_S Sound LrPssu]'e Level _;OtinC1. C7" nO1Se, 1S Llle lerID ~T7~'er; t0 ti'arlatlOilS In air pre~Stlr`' trial aTe i;apaDl.' oi` DC1Il^_ C]e;.~::C°~~ by the human e:lr. Small flucluaL]OP_S Irl SIrrI0sp17er7C preSSLITE' ~ SollI]0 pressure.) GOnSt]tt1L`_' the p11~,~sical p.rope.m' pleasured with a sound pressure le~~~] met°r. BeoausF' the human ear ;;:~r~ dete:;t ti~ariations in atmospheric pressure over such :~ lar«~ ran«e of ma~rlitudes_ sound nressu; E is e;:pressed ors a locaritnrr]c scab in units ca1.led decibels IdE). ?'noise is defined as "un~~~anted': sound. ;r'echsdcally, sound pressure ]eve] (SPL) is define:) as: SPL -?U loJ (P~PTe`) dE '~~here P is the SOLlrld pTeSSUre jluCtllat]OIl (aDOV'e Or be].0~' atlrlOSt)I]er1C preSS'.iT°; aT1C1 P7_r 15 the reference pressure, ?U ~Pa, which is appro;:imat~ly the lou~es'i sound pr°ssure that can be detected b}r the human ear. T'ne sound pressure level that results from a combination of noise sources is not the a-ithri7eiic sum of the individual sound sources, but rather the ].o~aritilmic sum. For e,~ample, ~,~~c sound le•,~els of dG d~-' produce a combined sound level of ~- dB, not ] 00 d~. Two sound levels of 'TQ and SO dB produce a combir]ed level of ~0.^ dB. s-Taman sensitivity to chanties in s:~und pressure level is hi~"1]ly individualized. 5ensitivit;~ to sound depends or] frequency coat°nt; time of occu-Tence, duration, and psycho]o~cal factors such as emotions and expectations. Howe~~er, in general, a change of 1 or ? dB in the level of sound is diff]cult for most people to detect. A 3 dB change is commonly taken as the smal]es~t perceptible change and a o dB change corresponds to a noticeable change in loudness. _~_ 10 dB increase or decrease in sound level corresponds to an appro;.imate doubling or halvi_n~ of loudness, respectiZ~ely. A-VJeidhted Sound Level Studies ha~~e shown conclusively that at equal sound pressure levels- people .are =eneral7y more sensitive to certain]. hitiher frequency sounds (,such as made by speech; horns,. and v~histles) than most lower fzegtlency sounds (such as made by n]otors and engines)' at the same level-- To address this preferential response to frequency, the A-v,'ei~hted scale vas developed. Tire _~- u~ei~hted scale adjusts the sound love] in each frdquen.cy band in much the same manner that th.e hum'a`] auditory s}Tstem does. Thus the A-weighted sound le~~el dread as "dBA")becomes a sina]e number that defines the level of a sound and has some colt elation with the ~ensiiivity of the human ear to that sound. Dif]erent sounds with the same A-w~ighted sounnd level are. D.vn%_ Robinson and R.S. Jadsoa "_-_ Re-Deternination o~" the Eq_u-~l-i.ou~iness P_eie~ion_ for Prue - Tones," Bn.ish Jou~•~aa? of .~DDt'ieC' P/n~szcs, 101. 7. pp. ! oo - i ~1; 19=,d. (_=_do~t~d.b}~ ~.-h~ ~Zerna~onal Standar`s GrTanization as R °oorrr_~endarion P~-?~'d. ~°rCelve~ L:; C7eIIln equall:~.' loud..The _~_-k'el'?!1leCi nD1S~' le'J°] 1S COn1T17D17]`' 115eG'~ lOQ~~:' In ea.1'lrOnlllental nD1Se tlnal\'S1 a17G lI7 17D;S° re2lllatlOllS..T,,'p1Ca1 vCilleS D~ T.11~ _~-~Vel._~II1eC ~OllnC love' of various rlDiss sources,~se shows, ir. ri~ure ~,-l . ~> Eautvaien' Sound L,eve] The Equiva]ent Sound Level (L i is, a pro:: of avera~T° tivili:.h represents the sleadti ] °ve] that. C:1. _ inter-rated Dver a rime period: would produce the same ener~ti~~=, thc. ac7:ua] si<unaL T ho acruai i~z„°ZC112ZLZ71~OZC~ noise le~~els n~pical]}~ fluctuate above and below the n7easured Ley dur-in~' the rnes~u-ement period. The ~~.-wei?hted L~~ i~~ a corrl_lnon index: for measur'~n, en,~,-ironn7ental noisy'. ~tatisticai ~DUpd Level Tile sound levels e rlonJ-term. noise producing activities such as tra>'lic movement, aircraft operations: etc.. can vary considerably with tLTrle. In order to obtain a sulnle number ratan, o such a noise source, a statistically-based method .of e.,pressin~ sound .or noise levels has bean developed. It is l~lourn as the Exceedence Level; Ln. The Ln represents the sound ]eve? thai is e,cceeded fo.rn",•~, of the measurement brie period. For e,~:lmple, L,~, = 6G dBh indicate;; thai or the duration of the measurement period, the sound love] e,:c~eded 6U dB_^-~ 10°~~ DI the tinge. Typically, in noise regulations and standards, the specified time period is one hour. Co~lnlonly used E~ceedence Levels include L~,, L,~, L5L„ and L,,,, ~~~hich are v~ridely used to assess colllmunit~~ and en~~ironrnenta] noise. "~ ~i1~ l: _1i.~. ~• r'~ .,` ~'F~ r.l .~f',.~ ~i;.~ ~~ ..1.f' ~ +~ i i,~ ~.~ ~~i Ct)mrn(1n S(tU71ri ~'rCSSllr~ t-OZSIn"1(l71 ~?-1D~t._.IIVL' wtticror Sounds Level Iclr;:~i lnduor 5t~unds ?',~.•siuniion _ r~~nun_ ~~lanT Jaclhammcr at ~0' - Gas ia~vn mola~e- al-!' ~--s-- " ~l:) ~. J' UOd blender a~_ ~' ~ Telephone rin~~in~~ at ~' Concrete mi;:er at ~0' ~-"~ .let wove, at X000' ~ ~' ~`';rcuurr, cleaner at.=,' ~ Inside auto ai ~ ~~ mpg ~ Lame dn~ barlwR at ~0' ~ ~ Loud 7~ Electric shaver at 1.5' r ,~~uto (_~ ~ mph j at 7 w' 1~lorrnal conversation at ~' -- ~°~ ~ Lame transiorrae: at ~ 0' urban ambient ~ Ofzice noise ivloderate ~~ I SnaIl town residence Sort stereo music .-~--- ~~ in residence f " .~vcra~e residence jU 'vV1I] Ollt Stereo pla}tin, Faint Soft whisper at ~' wstlinD leaves . ?, 4 .~ 1~ Ver"~r Faint Threshold o7~nearing --~- o (or audibiiiry Common Sounds in Decibels DAVID L. „ D~,51:, A.550CL~TF~, ]NC. "yam Consultants T n~oustir3 antl Ycriorming Aru Tccnnoloai~ ~`---- 170i riGU!~E"r._~iP.EEi ` DEiJ'dEP.,'=DLG2r,DG p021 i ~+nvw.dloa.com • oe.^.veriv,laz.~om Lc~°_ ~_ ~e:r.o_r ~, X003 Jr2v/n ~ti __r, '~ =icure ~;o. _ . l _~,_ "'_T'P~~R~N.S_ACZ':I O'N :P.~EPO:pT ~. of/oi FAf:(T.~.) 2003/5EP/18/.THU 13.-49 r ~ UATE STAP,m 2•, RECEIVER COhi.TIhlE~PAGEI TY°E/NOTE I` ~'_ ISEP/18~13:48 11206""_30380 0.00Sb qFILE Oh cr~i7n 1 V \~ \' ~~~ fvlUP,r AY~FP~AN~r GR~EI~IHOUSL LIST ~ .LIPPITT LLP ATf~ORNEYS AND COU{~SELORS GRANITE BUILDING, SECDND FLOOF. 1228 FIFTEENTH STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80202 Telephone: (3031623-4500 Far.: {303) 623-0960 September 18, 2003 File No. 1290-1 ~~IA TELE COPY AND RE GULAR MAIL Mr. Eill Gibson Tour of ~%ail Department of CommunityDeyelopment 7~ Frontage Road Vail, ColoradD 8167 Re: REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF CEASE .AND DESIST ODDER Owner. Remonov & Company, Inc.; Sanctuary/Tap Room Vista B ahn Euilding; 33 3 Hans on F,anch Road Dear Bill: Charles Greenhouse cgreenhouse~ migll.com Direct Dial: {303) 623-.8074 ~'1e represent the Bridge Street Lodge Residential Condominium Association. This letter is a request that the Town of Vail issue .a Cease and Desist Order against the Sanctuary/Tap Room At the same time I have sent to you a separate letter which is specifically directed to the Sanctuary/Tap RUOm'S application to expand its deck As you ltnou~ from Ron and Te.rr~T Hughes' June 19, 2003 letter to you, the Sanctuary/Tap Room has received over 38 complaints and one noise violation over the Iasi several years. The noise from the Sanctuary/Tap Room is excessive and there appears tD be nD effort b~Tthe Sanctuary/Tap Room to abate this problem. Enclosed is September 8, ?003 report from D.L. Adams &r Associates which documents the violations of the applicable noise ordinances b~T the Sanctuary/Tap Room on August lo`I'., a~na and 23'~ 2003. Eased.on information from Ron Hughes and others, the noise levels reported,on the D.L. Adams report .are t}~ical of the level of noise from this establishment. The Sanctuary/Tap Room is clearlyviolatinb the applicable noise ordinances of Vail on a rebular basis. The purpose of this letter is to request that the Tour of Vail immediatel~~ issue s Cease and Desist order against the Sanctuary/Tap Room demanding that'the Sanctuary/Tap Room stop any further violations of the subject noise ordinances. It is time that the Sanctuary/Tap Room complies bZT the noise la~>s. If they cannot do so, then the TOVr'il of Vail .should issue a cease and desist order requiring the business to stop operation. ~~u. Bill Gibson S eptembe,• 18, 2003 Pane ? I do not know if I should direct this letter to someone else at the Toum of Vail. I would be happ~-to do so it you rjould tell me to whom it should be sent. Please Teel free to call ii you have any questions. Veer tr-ul~r yours, ~ ~f ~,~G ~ , arles Greenhouse MurrayFranl~e Greenhouse List ~ Lippitt LLP Enclosure Ce: Ron Hughes (w/enc.) firthur Cog, Jr. (w/enc.) ~- / ... I. ~.L. AD.Ai~~'S r~~50ClATES. 1PJC. Cunsulrana in r.cousric:; and I~c«orming ~r[s i ~cnnoioci~s September S, `'UL- lYSr. Roraid 1-lu~rhes X0100 Te]sRraph Road, Suite?~0 ~'inshairi Farms, ;R21 =~3U''~ F' ~,: P>7dC1e Street -.od~~e iaoise (DLG ^. r eforence 1~1a c,7~~~1 Dear It~Ir. Hughes: We measured the ambient noise levels at the Fridge Street Lodge in ~~ail, Coloradc, on the Galccny of Unit 30? dunn~ the ni ~T11ts of August 1 b~', ?~nd, and ?mid. The followin, repot summarizes our nzidi?7~s and presents our noise measurement rssuhs. yi;i~~;~r~i' '~°~ T' 1Z~U~'J~~ Please ref:,r to Appendi:c A for a `Iossa~~ of acoustic terninolo~y ~.3~~~'~i ~taL~ ~7 ~~sf: ~~~~S The State of Colorado incorporates ma,~imurn allouTable noise levels as pant of Title 2~ HealthlEnvironmental Control in the Colorado Rey-issd Statutes (CRS j. Article 1 ~ addresses noise. ahaiement and states specific noise level limits in A-wei~htsd decibels (dp ~) for several different land use zones. This document is used to enforce noise limits in th.e State of Colorado. However, this document states that local city and county noise cades may adopt standards that are no less restricti~~e the state noise code. Forreference, we have inc]nded thepsrtinent noise code. information for the State of Colorado and for the Town of Vail. Colorado ~tevised Statutes, Title?~z,~-"eath(Environxnental Control,_4rticle 1? IV'oiseAbatement Cr525-12-1 D3. Maximum Permissi}Jle Noise Levels_ (1) Every aciivity to which this article is applicable shall be conducted in a manner so that any noise produced is not objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency, or shillness. Sound levels of noise radiating from a properly line ai a distance or t~n1enty-five feet ar mcre therefrom in excess or the d5(A) established for the following time periods and zones shall constitute prima facie evidence that such noise is a public nuisance: moons 7:00 a_m. to next 7:OD p.m 7:OD p.m. to net 7:D0 a.m. Fesideniial Commercial Light Industrial Industrial ~~ d~A 00 dB>o, 70 d°o, 80 dBA ~o~/c5~- i 900 • F ~.:. 3C3/455-1727 SD dEA ~~ dBA OJ d~A 75 d° A ] 70? BOl1LD~it SrRE.=i ~Fr~~/EPA, COLGPSDO 8027 i 11~~w'N_dInC .LJtI~~ aenti er ~dlc.a_~~m ' lYl~. T`OP,21C111ll<?11°S ~~ail_ CUlurado ':-elti'v~n Cude Title ~ Public .:-~ealth azlc Sal°n~. Cliap~e' J 3'ublzc .~~uisar.ces, SectioD _ ?guise ~'ruh.ihited ~-1 ~:' Noise Prohibited: ~= PfOnlDitcd .~ict: Tne r1"la1CInC and creatinC~ Of an exCeS51Ve or an unusually loud noise at any IOCation within the i own heard and measured in a manner hereinafter se; Torth, shall be unlawTUl, e c°pi when made undar and in compliance with a permit issued pursuant to subse~tien F or.this erection. ;/. Definition: An "e;:cessive' or "unusually loud noise" shall be derived as fdllo~h~s: 1. Noise of any duration which.e.:ceeds the allowdbl= noise limit for the .one in which the noise source is located by fifteen (15) decibels. =' A noise, one minute or more in duration out oT any ten (1 D) minute period, which e;:ceeds the allowable noise limit Tor the acne in which the noise source is Iecated .by ten (10) dPcioels. ;,, r, noise of live (5j minutes in duration and a tDtal oTTive (5) minutes out of any ten (1 D) minute period, which exceeds the allDwable noise lirnit Tor .the zone in which the noae source is located by three (3) .decibels. - C. Sound ivieasuremeni Standard: For the purpose o. determining and classir"ying any noise as e::csssive or unusually loud as declared tD be unlawful and prohibited by This Section, the noise shall b° measured on a decibel or sound level rneier oT standard design and quality operated on the ;',-weighting scale. 1. if the noise source IS IGCa7ed on private property, the noise shall be measured at or beyond the property line of the properly on which the noisy source is located. ?_ IT the noise source IS iOCGIed on public properly, the noise shall be measured no closer than ten feet (1 D') Trom the noise source. D. AIIDwable Limits: The follDwing shall be the aIlDU~able noise limits for the time periods and zones speclrled; Maximum Number of Maximum Number of Zoning Denigration Of Property Decibels Permitted From Decibels P°rmitted Prom On Which Source Of Noise is 1_ocatsd 7:00 A.M. to 71:00 P.M. 11:D0 P.M. to 7:00 A..iJI. All residential zones excepting HDivtF 55 decibels 50 decibels Commercial plus HDIv1F 65 decibels o0 decibels Industrial service zones 80 decibels 75 decibels Fail. Colorado. Towv Cude Title 12 ~o~eina R~yulatiuns, Chapter 14 Supplemer~tal i e~uiatious.. Section ].4 ~estaurauts, Bars, ur Simziar Uses 12-'14-14:.Pestaurants, Bars, or Similar Uses: In districts v.~here restaurants, bars, or similar uses are allowed, they shat' be subjec~ to the following requlrerrlents: A. ND!Se generateG~ by the L'Sem,ay not at any tithe ovGeed Tl~y (oD) declDe1S D'JTsId° the enCIG51nG walls or G°Ilings 70r file L's2. S enten~b~r ~. ~' UU- ~'()IS~ ~~.;.'~Sii:MC;Yi1°n ~,()L'11?7C)~ ~:n~ ~'"'[)L'~~i.il-~, E;~isttn~- ambient sound levels were measured a: one location_ usin =~ tnvo different sound 1 eve] meters. One sound le.ve] meter continunusll~ measured overall _~-weighted soLLnd levels tnrou~Thcui °•ach ni ~Ti1t usin~~ ] 0 minui~ average times. The seconei meLermeasured spectral noise data appro,•~imat~]'.~ once per hour using a ] (i mi_nuie average time. - Themeasuremeni location ~~'as on the ba]cont.~ 01 unit 30'' nearthe north end ci the ba];,~ony (closest to the Sanorrary i~i~,htchib). Both sound ]eve] meters and: microphones ~~~ere mounted on tn_neds. T11c n7icrophone. on each sound level meter uwas positioned appro.,~imately ~' above the balcony wall:in~' s~..irface~ - - Tile continuG~~~s noise measurements were made with a Larson-Da~~is Tvlodel 820 (S!N 130~~ T}rpe 1. sound ]eve] meter, together ~~ith a Larson-T a?pis l~7odel `'dM (S/N ?639 j 1~_" ; andom incidence rnicraphone. Tl?e spectral noise measurernenLS were made. jNith a Larson-Davis 2~~lod°1 ?9U0 (Sl1~.~ 0~ 1 ~} T}`pe ]sound le~~e] meter, together tivith a Briiel ~ rijwr T}Jpe 41 C~ (S~'l~t 87 ~0~2 j ',-" r~,rdom incidence microphone. The measurements included statistical sound pressure levels. Calibration was checl~ed before and aiZer each set of measurements r,~ith a Larson-i~avis 1~2ode] C',L_I.,?00 _ acoustic Calibrator (S/T1 Oo97). Tie r17EtEr5 we]-~ Set IUr ~~S]OlV' reSD0275e, and ~ u'mdscreer1 :.Oi'ered the n17Crop110ne5 dLlr2n~ all measurements. The calibration of the sound level meters end calibrator ha~~e been cbecl:ed and certified b}~ tl~~e rrlanufacturer withiln the recomrnendedperiod. ?'~~~se l~eas~~ e~en~ ~~es~a~t=~ Periods of light rain] were noticeable on August 1. o, ? 00 ~ during the evening=hours and continued on and of~ throuUhout the nialit. Very briefpe~ods ofinistiz7g rain uT.ere also noticeably on August ??, ?UU3 du.-ing the nighttime hours. The primary noise sources during= the ineasuTements urere water. fiovt~in~ in the nearby creep, and noise from the Sanctuary nightclub and Taps Bar. Since there ~-as more rain on .4u,ust 16., noise n-om water i]owina do~~n e~ tenor roof d]-ains was also noticeable. During the evening hours of 8:00 P_M_ to l0:UU P.I'~~1. the main noise source tivas water flow noise in the nearby creep. Afi:er 10:UO P.NI. noise from the Sanctuar}~ nightclub and the Taps bar began to e..ceed the. noise from the creel: and by 11:00 P.Ivl. the nightclubs were the dominant noise sources. The Sanctuary nightclub anal Taps bar remained the dominant noises source until appro~~imatel}` 1: ~ 0 to 2: UO A.Ivl_ ~Il the t11u'd n7Qht of measurements. Saturday ~ L1gll5t ~3 tG Sunday ~ll~LSt ~~r, One Of the SOUnd ]eve]meters(LarsonDavise?0)e,~perienc°dbane:-}~poti.~erfailure..andshutdou~naroundl?:3~=! A_ivl. ur! Slii7Qaj~ iL1cLL5t ~z. ,^lthough the CGr1~SiuouSrrjeaSLlr eIl1eIlt5'LGpped at l 7.3~ 4 Tyj. g11 0f the d3La uD to 1?:'~s A_Yl. was secure]}% stor°d in non-volatile memory. ~rl.l. T:O11alG ~1LlL'I]"~ T' °SLllt`'. I;c~irl ti]e ::r,.ntlnuouS P'1 ::a51!1'~111ei1t5 11"~ 5~]Cl\~~'i~ Irl LI]F'~ alla~i]°:.~ ~'1'rtlr°~~ J ihJUL1°_"1"I '-~ .P)C~S~ role] tC~ t17~ atL~1Ci]'.'G ~_i~QS511r\ IOI Cle!]1'llt1011:: Ui LL'fTl]5. ~ 1"L1r~ I 51]0~','S ~ !rI~CIDj] O; 1.11 r.L~Li1~:;11en1 SOL:I]i~ L°~,'C1 ~~cu l Ur al tln-ee• m:asurem~rn Tll'_'171`,. ~1~_L11":; ~ SI]Olt'=: t~1e ~ ;,,, Fi ~~ure :~ 5~]OWS ~~1~ L~~~• ~17U.ti<r111"e ~ 5j101'd'•: 11 ]l' L. `~\'1]Ti L]]~ ~\'1I7C1(1~~'S 01 1~1~' Jr117CLli:.1r 1' nlLl7lGILlh CirC: 0~7F'i] t~7~ rp:.'•,1`.Ltj"C,l ma.. - _y Lb'aS :1DL'r0}:111"1;1LE~\ 7(1 <IZ~_-'.. du;in~~- the haul"5 C)i^ 1 j :U(1 F'_l~~l. aflCa ~ :.iO .y_.14'l. ~V'11~:7 tl]~ ~Cl]IC:CL1f1''_;' \t''.17C1(.]\\'S'.•; el-~ CJCSeu C1<li7IlL' 1~l~Se Sc1111C 1]OLirS 1}]L 17]L"dSLLT'eC1 I-cu \~'a6 Ll~Dr0:aI17cL~'~\; C)(1 - C~=: d~_=, ~'1]~ results iTOm t17: ~ectrum noise i]]e.~suremenl~. are 5hotivn he]oti1~. T1]e ta1_~l° shows the wer~~l) _^,_-~~ei~~hted sum io.r each mcasuremeni, Dul OCIaVC-bal]d noise data is also a~~ailable. :1ll~r l b, 000 ~0:~~ b46 I ~~ I ~7 ~ :~o ~ I ~~) ~~:36 5(16 ~9 ' ~9 60 c,3 ~I _^_u~ 1%,''D0, I UO:U? ~ 7?~ 7 0 I 69 ~_ -' 7u 01 :=? 646 64 I E.4 ~ ~ r,o i III _~u~ ~?, ?U03 j ?.l : i ~ I oC), 63 6= 6 =' it A:ua?3,~00~ 00:?4 I 6''S 6~ 07 69 I 74 0`':1~ 6G3 ~~ ~~ ~~ 60 a~u~ ?3, ?00; ~0:~~ I 66 ~6 60 ~~ oC~ aua "',~ ~'DU3 0]:l~ I c~10 66 6~ 07 ~? O1:.:3 I ~~l ~; ~~ ~6 I 60 T%L117nQ ali tlll-° Il]~~Slll-~iT]~,I11 T17~'1115. Stl-OIl~? low b:_55 Dzc1I5 TSOll] ~he ~~!17i,1~1;1r1' 111~rhtC~U~ti~~Cl"~ L1151J}~ i1L1d7~7~e 117 Urlll ~~,~~ V,7Cb al~ ~.'1r]dOV~~S ~T1Cj dC)075 C~05P~ t]~Tllt. ~~;i:. Rnnald ~IuRhes Senternber ~. ?OUP Ps~f~ S,o:~ _~ ~.~an~Ixu~cL~ ~-:-i~~ ~n~~ ~ E»~Tn ,7f ~;~ ui] ~oae Specific to restaurant, bars, or sunil~~r us:-s. the To`vr, o~~~ail cad~• s~ates,~ ma.;imum noise limit', o~ ~Ci decibels. j/y ltl] r°sDCOi 10 nO1S4 rad,atlnn x-0177 a properly- 7101 speclIlC IO restau,: ants Or bars-, tll° TOUrr] O7 ,~' u11 code states arnasirnum allowableniRllttimeLC~~ orh0 dE? forami.;ed usedI3L~lv~' and c~mmercia] prppe-n~. `_r addition to the LCD, ti7e ~,~ ail noise code also sets limits .on short term noises. See ~- ail noise code :-7-]-3). This noise code states that: t17.F~ ma,~imurr~ noise. level for sm- durataon (? n~_) :cannot e,>ceed 1 decibels :above the noise limn:, that. noise one minute in duration out oz anv 1 minute period (L,,,j eanrlot e:>c~ed 10 decibels abo,~e the noise limit, and thai noise fave minutes in duration out of any lU miluute period (L5~) cannot e;~ceed ~ decibels abovF the noise limit. Therefore, forami:~ed {'omrnercia] and~IDly~ ]and usepropertyth~ niahrti-ne•ma;-_izn~.im.allotivuble noise limits are as follows: L.y = do a~~ L;~ = o~ 7 ., ~ = 7 0 dEA Lm~, _ %; dS_~ 11ie attached Fio'ure 1 silo~~s a ~aph of the Ley for each ofihe three nights. The pears in the noise cu: ~e for the _ ~u ryust 16 measuernents represent times ~~hen the windo~~s of .the Sanczu~u-~~ rii~Thtclub were open. Uui~n~~ the 4u~-ust ~? measurements the Sanctuary ni~Thtclub urindotivs were open for. much of the ni~ri7t- Hotivever, even r~~ith the «~indo~~s close, noise h-ori~ t17e ni.~=htcl'ub enceeds the 60 dB.4. Sinlilarh~, Fi~7ures ? through '~ all show thatthe mi,.ed Commercial and ~-iTDl\~F ].and use noise lirizits were e ~ceeded in eZren~ statistical measurement for at leastpart of the nit. Pease call trio if_vou have an.y questions. Sincerely, ~ ` f Todd Seiler, P.E. Encl: Fi ~sres 1-=-' =4~pendi;: _-^: -Glossary of acoustic Terminology cc: Charlie Gree:li7ouse; ?`/lu~~d~~ ±=_anl.e Greenhouse. List & Lippitt LLP Measured LeCi for all -Tl~r~e ~~leasuren~enl I~li~l~ls fs a 75 Sanctuary . Vdincluws Open 70 ~,~ J ~ (i J ;, ` ~ at ~~._J •, ~_ ,,;, [l. r ~ 55 - .~~ 0 v~ 50 45 5ancluary v \ / UViu~lot.~~s Often i ~,,,. - ~- ,~. •~ ,~,~X GU ~13~ Liruil for I lUl•,1F,'Conui~erciai ~----°•- 1_e.cl-/`,liri l(; I erg-/11iy-2:3 5U t1QA Limii toi Restaurantsri3ais ~~ ~~ ~-~-T-r,--~-r--7r--t----r----~..----t----.-r---r---._.i_...----~ --rr--i.---T-~-- ---- ~~ `~~ ~~O U~~ ~f0 t'~ O~ .`l~ , x0 OC' `h Its ~~1 ~t ~ bc' ~)~~ ' Ir' l ~' r`U ~ IU l ~ ~.O , f`a 1 rj~` ih. rl~~. ~l ~~ i~~ ~~ ~, r'~nJ U O U ~~' I~. t~. rf '1 rl r~- it. ~~. ~.:. fr.' / ~ I [ LI I-~ Time ~i Mt~asuienferff Measured L5~ for all 7-liree Nleasureii~erl~ I~~ligl-~~s no 7a 70 <~ ~' G 5 a~ m ~_ i a GO v~ a~ ri ~~~ c ~~ O c~ GO ~J ~i ~~O '~~~ Lin ~l~' ,~h' ~'.~' rime oC ~.~easineii~ent _.~~ I.511-~i icy-1 f.. - ~ 511-n,t.ly-~3 -~' ~-IC)1.II e d `l .n r'l ~~ i l.C~ n~0~ ~,LO `~~xo w0 (11~'J OI'rl ~~J~ ~ h. ~I,v ~J`~ rl0 l`~ ~~l ;, `~~ ~, ~~ Ci) ~~Ci ~, ~ 1. ~ ~.'~ 'L `L `L ~ ~`'. `l'. `1-' ~l-~ '~~ ~ 1~ ~~ f~t~easw-ed l_1~ for all Three Nleasuremenl I~Jir~l~ls UU 75 - 7 U - ~-~ ~+.~ a.~i~~4 Jf ~~ I ___ `J1 !D clB/~ Liniil (or I lUf~af=!(~onui~ei~:ial ,,~~ ,,r. ~ ~., ,, I m ~"~ ~`? ,_~ , `-~ Gll ------- /~~ l~ , `\ .,, _ -~ ..: ,, - ------ cn ' GO ~I 50 ~©~ Limit fur f?eslauianlsil3ar Ill} .L__-t-__~".. _'-__ "'.~ -- __ _._ . ..' " ` I 1 l~ ~ ~r . - - T-.-_ ~-_---~_'_ ~-_'T__7.__~--~_-_. 1 .._--_i-T-~--,.'___ ~ ~> tn~ Cl~~ .~ •'~ `l~ ~~~ On '1CJ ~~) O~ tx~ n ~ J i ` ~~ ;~ c i1 ~J , C`~ t ~ \ ~ r~> '`\ ~ ' l'~~~ . t~~~ ~1'~ n'l f1~, . t~~ nnj nnj. r , ~ O I ~n C'j \ ~ >. r. \ 1 l , ~! ~ r-l; ~~` i t l ` f, I n ~ ~ t i ~ I n~ `~ Tune of Me~s(ii`en~E;ri ---~---- L 1 I1-!\ u g -16 . L 1 U-Luc)-7:1 I~IL~LII~C :~ f~~leasuhec~ L,,,ax for all Three Cvleasuremenl h'~IgillS y5 -,.....___......-_.....__. ~ [I (} j Q m ~~ au a~ m J N `-~ 7 5 in a 1.. ~. ~o 0 G5 GU 75 clE,q Limil for I IDh,1r/CC~muieic:ial rr J J - ,--t---r--T-, ~-, r--T'-'-1----I--T-'--~--'-1-'---1--"~ r---,--r--- , --,--- .C)-~ ~ 'h ~ .1~~ Cj ~ ~U 1n O~ ~,`l~ , .In O~ '1 ~ b'~ ~ G~ ,. `~~ Ix ~j' !~~ In ~.i~ ' I`~~ l~' Cil 'lrl 7~ime of Measuren~elit ------- I_niax-~.iiti- l i' I Lu~ax-Auy-~3 (^'I(.JLII E' ~~ Glossary of Acoustic Te?rzinolom~ 6~~p~?vDI --C'C~L'ST1C` T ~EJv~IN~LG~`±' _ ~ Sound Pressure Level Sound. or noi.s" is the terns giver to variations in air pressure ghat are..; anao]e. oi~bcin_~ det~~t° by the human ::ar. Small fluctuations in atmospi~eric pressor:. ~ sound pr°ssure) constitute t'r~e p17~ls~cal nropem~ measured with a sounc pressure level meter. Eev4Lso the human ear ;;ar, d~te~•t variation=. in atmospheric pressure over such a large rana~e of n~a?nirudes. sound pressure is e;,pressed on a lo~_anihmic scale in unitis called decibels~I dE ). ]noise s de%ined as `~Lnt~•anted" sound. Technically, sound pressure level (SPL) is defined as: SPL = ?0 log (P/Prer) dB :~~here P is the sound pressure fluctuation (abovo or bel.ou~ atn~ospnPric pressure) and P7G~ is the reference pressure, ?0 ~!Pa, tivhich is appro,_imately the lowest sound pressure that can be detected by the human ear. Thle~sound presaure level that results from a combination of noise sources is not the~-ithmetic sum .of the individual sound sow-ces, but rather the ]oR~-ithmic sum. For e,_amp]°, t-~~c sound le°,~els of ~0 dE produce a combined sound level of ~3 dB, P..ot 100 dB. Tu~o sound levels of ~0 and ~0 dE produce a combined level of ~0.=! dR. Human sensitivity to changes in _iund pressure level is highly individualised. Sensitivity id sound depends on frequency consent, time of occurrence, duration, and psychological factors such as emotions and e,~pectations. ~Iowe~~er, in general, a change of 1 or 2 dB in the le~Te] of sound is difficult for most people to detect. A ~ dE change is commonly taken as the smallest perceptible chanje and a 6 dE change corresponds to a noticeable chantre in loudness. A 10 dB inereas.e or decrease in sound level corresponds to an appro~irnate doubling or halving- of loudness; respectively. .A-Weighted Sound Level. Studies have shown conclusively that at equal sound pressure.levels, people are enerall~~ more sensitive to certain higher frequency sounds. (such as made by speech, horns, and whistles j than most lower frequency sounds (such as made b}~ motors and engines)' at the same level. To address this preferential response to frequency, the A-weighted scale tivas developed. Tine A- wei Qhted scale adjusts the sound level in each frequency band in much the same manner that the human auditory system does. Thus the.:g-weighted sound level jread as "dB.4"j becomes a single. number that dernes the l eve] of a sound and has some correlation with the sensiti~-ity of the human ear to that sound. Different sounds with the same .4-weighted sound level are L. ~'. P obuison anti F S. Jaason_ " r._ Re-i7elermina?ion of the ~auzl-Loudness F_elari.ons for Fore Tones;" B~izisl, .~02L771L~ G~ .;~_DPIl°.^ ,~hy;ics_ vol. i. pp. lbo - 1~1, 190. (-^~dopted by the 'nte~ational Standards Gr~anization as Reoor-~rriendarior P-??o. aerc°i1~ec' ~~ bein<< en•~all~, loud. Ti7~ ~-~ueia-rltec nois` ie~.~~' is con~1-17oni~~ used.teda~. in °i]';'1rO7L11°ilt<ll 71015: analvSlS al]d lli l]U1Se r~?L11at1017S. ~','nlcai ~"01ll°S Oi th:: _~-~~e1L`hteC SOlll]~ 1` :7P; Oi l'ar10LiS n01S~'. SOLIT~,°.lrc SilOwn li:.rl~?llT° C.-1 ~ `~ Eaulvalen~ Sound L evei Ti7c 1_.C]LI\`:11ent JOLIld L~~'el (Leq) 1"~ a T`,'p° O7 a"er`~n= ~'L7Ci] 7"U~TeS~ntS L>le Steadv level I17at. integrated n~~er a aim: period, would produce the same e:7er~_vL~~. the act~.lal signal. The actua; i~l~icnuu~zeau:; noise 1p1rels rypi::all}~ £luctuat° abov° and Deiov, the measLlred LC,, durin~~ the m~asLU-ement period. The Q-~~ei~hted Lr~~ .is a common ind_;_ 1•or melsu^rr~_~ en~~iro11n1~nta1 noise. Statistical Sound L.°vel TLlc sound le~rels c ~lon~~-i°rm noise producing activities such as traf~ic movement; •air:--raft op e.ations, etc.. can ~;ar.~ considerably wit~1 time. Ir! order to obtain a sln~le number rating of -such a noise source, a statistically-based method of ~; ,prossina sound or noise levels has been developed. It is la7ov,m as the Exceedence Level, L,,. The L„ represents t17e sound level that. is e„ceded for n°i4, of the measurement tune period. For e,~ample: L,~ = 6G dB.S indicates that or the dtu-ation orti7e measurement neriod_ the sound level e;;ceed~d b0 dE."._ ~10`i4~ of the time. Typically, in noise re~lllations and standards, the speci~~d time period is one hour. Co-7rnon7y used Es.ceedence Levels include LEI, L,~, Lsu, and L,yl„ which ar:: wide]}~ used to assess cornnuni.ty 'and enx~ironn7ental noise. ~~l t5.~~~'~.i ~i~l.'~.Lt,~~ !Jll :1J''~~il:~Ci~ ClIII]Ti1071 ~pllllL3 ~~'rL'S;II]':i LpI]]Ti'1(7Tl JllD,'L'L.T1Vt i~L(rtlil(1T Sf)L171d_; L,~l'~~ I C~~,fa) iiiL~l)Il!" ~()liTi(1S ~',:'Sl)LI~311()77 ~)~~ T'.1r1LII1Cr plant c ~ TJUJ.Ie:lln~' .laclu~ammer at ~U' Ga^ iatitiT mower a? u' ~ z•' en Loua L) U Faod blonde- at ~' ~ `Telephone rineint~ at 8' ~ Concrete mi,.er at ~0' ~'~ -"'- Jet i]vover at ~OUO' ~%acuum c]eaner at 5' i,ar~e die barl:irl~ ai ~U' ~ Inside auto at d=~ mpi~ ~ Loud 7U ~ Ele::tric shaver at I.~' ~4uto (: "~ mphj at l UO' ~a~ ?'aUIr11a] COnVCr5allOn a1. j' - Lame transformer at ~D' Urban ambient Ufrlce noise ~U l~.~Iode.ate Smal] town residence Son stereo mus]c ~ ~ in residence Aver~Re residence u>>thout stereo pla}~in~ 3 U F.;iint Soft whisper at 3' ' Rustling leaves ~) ~ ~ Very Faint Threshold of hearing U (or audibilirn) Common Sounds in Decibels DAVID L. ADAA1~ PSSOCL4TE5; ]NC. Consultancy in Acoustics antl Periormin; Arts iecnnnlogirs i10i BOU~~EIiJIT'.:.~ I 'DENVER. G01JIlnDG RD2I 1 ~wnv.diaa.~om ~ d_wAnivdlni.com ~_. i+c L~ -~*_e.^ber B. 2C~~ ras~n ~y ~; `)r riCi_:r2 tic.. ~_ y d ti ~;,t~,l~ ~y, ~ ay 'OWN 0~' VAIL Department of Commrmin~ Development 75 South Frontage Road Y'aii, Colorado 81657 970-479-?1.38 FAX 970-479-245? www.ci.vail.co.us October 20, 2003 Tap RoomlSanctuary Steve Kaufman 333 Bridge Street Vail CO 81657 ~~ CERTIFIED MI~TIrRETLTRN F~CEIPT ~..EQIIESTED Re: Noise complaints from adjoining properties Dear IvLr. I~iufman= one of the many functions of Code Enforcement is to provide for the ezx`orcement of the Taws of Vail Municipal Codes. It .has come to our attention that the above-described property maybe in violation of the Town of Vail Municipal Codes as rollows: Reported Violation(s): Noise generated.at` this location is often above the allowed limit. Tl~e view from this location is directly into adjoining dwelling units. Section 12-14-13 (RESTA U.Rt1N7~S, -I%A-R5' OR SIMIZ~R USES) of the To~,~n Code states, in part, that: 1n districts where restaurants, bars, or similar uses are allowed, th°y shall be subject to the following requirements: A, Noise generated by the use may not of any Time enceed f~~ (50) decibels outside the enclosing vvalis or ceilings of the use. ~~ R.S~G~1:L °D PAP".12 N0.z53 P.3iJ :B. ,Dwelling units in ~fhesame atructure or in structures .adjoining restaurants, .bar, or.-simiiar usesaha//have the right to privacy:and the restaurant, bar, or similar use.shall be designed in such .a way that view from fhe use is not directly into adjoining dwelling uni' or.unirs, Wiridozvs may bs treated with .appropriate covering. (Ord. 19(1976) .~ 15; Ord. 8(7973)..§ 1 %.4Q1) y, ~.. ,.' Please .contact me ~ith_iu,~r1'~ calendar days from receipt of 'this letter .to schedule a meeting to discuss tlluse issues. Failure to da sa will result in a sumrnans beinb issued. You prompt attention regardintr this matter will be greatly appreciated and w~11 help assure that Vail continues Lo be the desirable and pleasant resort community- for which tive all strive. Please feel tree to ca11 me with any quesdons, commenu or concerns you may . have. My office phone number is 970-477-3417. V ~v Yours,. David .Rhoades, Code Enxorcement 0 racer . Community Development Deparanent ,;~ 'I\/1LJP,F~,AY ~~PANKI= GR~~IVI IOUSI= .LIST & :LIPPITT .LLP ATTORNEYS AND CO UfJSE LORS GRANITE BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR ' ~ 228 FIFTEENTH STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80202 Telephone (303)623-4500 Far, (303)623-0960 March S, 2004 ILIA F~1 CSLYIILE: 970-476_4024 John Scofield . Planning and Environmental Commission Totivn of Vail 7~ S. Frontage Road Vail; Colorado 8167 RE: Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owner's Association Tap Room and Sanctuary LETTER OF CONCERN Dear Mr. Scofield: Thomas AI. List Licensed in Colorado .and Florida tlistr~u_ .mt_ °o)__l.~o,n 30 ~-G2 ~-00?S Please be advised that we have been retained by the Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Association with regard to ongoing noise issues at the Tap Room;'Sanctuary. Prior correspondence to NIr. Bill Gibson of the Town of Vail outlines the issues with regard to the Tap Room and Sanctuary and sets forth that over (48) complaints and one (1) noise violation (as of August, 2003) existed in just the last year. Noise from the Sanctuary/Tap Room is still excessive and there appears to be no effort b}~ the Sanctuary/Tap Room to abate this ongoing problem. We provided Mr. Gibson a September 8, 2003, report from D. L. Adams and Associates documenting the violations of the applicable noise ordinance by the Sanctuary/Tap Room on August 16, 22 and 23, 2003. Eased on information from our client and others, the noise levels reported on the D. L. Adams report are typical .of the level of noise from this establishment. The Sanctuary/Tap Room is clearly violating the applicable noise ordinances of Vail on a regular basis. It is our understanding that the PEC has .also in the past been given copies of the many complaints from guests of the Christiana. The purpose of this letter is to request that the PEC revoke the conditional use permit which permits the Tap Room/Sanctuary to operate as a restaurant and bar. Specifically, the Tap Room/Sanctuar}~ is violating Section 12-1 ^-14. of.the Vail Town Code. We are available to provide any additional. documentation that the Commission requests. John Scofield Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail March 8, 20M Pale ? If you have an}~ questions, please contact us. ~> Ver_v truly yours, Thomas M. List of Murray Franke Greenhouse List & Lippitt LLP TML/rsm Enclosure TRANSP~IISSIOf~! VERIFICATIOf~! REPORT 'TIME 03!07!2004 ?3.21 NAME h1- 6LL FAY, 309-629-0960 TEL 309+-623-4500 SEF,'.#~: BROLJJ941266 DATE,TIME FAX N0./NAME DURATION PAuE(Sj RESULT MODE 03/07 23:20 197047640249999 00:00:42 © J OK STANDAP,D ECh9 Jep ~ 'LU04 1 4:35 N. U'L ~. i AFFIDAVIT OF THE AF~T'HUk C. COZ QPR TRUST STATE OF i COUNTY OF ss. I, %1~l'T/~~/l ~ x .~ . Afisa~ hrr;~n, being firs duly sworn, depose and state as follows: ,._.__.. 1. I, ~~l bR~,ts asn fine 17 i2-y~s Q- ~ F forte. Arthur C. Col QPP~. TresL, an: of the record own.Prs. of Condominium Unit 309, 257 Piwson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado and have personal lmowledge ort the ;acts stated her~m. I submit this Affidatiat in support of the.Objertion by the Bridze Su-,.rt Lodge R:sideniial O~~n.-rs Associs.on (` :Association") to the Conditional Use Permi~ inr the addition to the deek~ on thA Vista Kahn Building, lo: aced at ~ 33 Hanson Ranch Road. This Affidavit will also serve as the , personal objection of the Trust as a properi}' owner, I 2, On 3uly 29, 200 Remonov & Compan ~ Inc. the `:~ licant' „resented 5 ~ ( pP ~, r°P by knight Plann_ its Services, Inc., su'amitt~i an application far a Conditional Us°. Permit to.allow for an outdoor pane. locaiai at 3~3 Hanson Ranch P.oad (Vista Balm Buildir~)/I.ot C; Blocl: 2, Vail Village Finn= 1 ("Conditional Use Perrnit'~. On 5eptcmb,~ I5, 2004 at 2:OD p.m,, the Town ofVail PiaTming and Fnvimnmenta.l Commission will cansidor a request for flndl review ofthe Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Si coon 1?-7B-4. Pcmutted and Conditional Uses; Second Floor, Vail Town. Code, ~ ~ The Trust i; the r~ticord o~vn~ of zeal adiac~i to them rt ~ Jm ~ P~P~' op.:rty which it t11, sub~.,ct ar the Conditional Use Permit and the Trust ib a member ofthe Association. The Trust's properi}~ is used exclusively for resid~tial uses, Tne Trust strongly obje:zs to the application for Conditional Use Permit and regyesrj that the Town of Vail Planning and Fan~iranrr.~tal Commission cL-nythe application. 4. Th;. Trust's objection is largely based on, but not Iunited to, ongoing noise issues at the Tap Room~Sanctuary, the bar and restaurant locat~l at X33 Hanson Ranch Road. aver the past few 3~°rars tti~ have b~ numerous cArnplai~s related to exc®ssive noise from the Tap Rnom/Sanctuary and docum,Pnted vialpzions of the. applicable noise ordinances of Vail. The requested outdoor patio will serve to continue, and likely increase. the ~cessive noise and noise ordinance violations at the Tap Room/5anctuary. The excessive.noise impairs my ability to use my property both for personal use and for remal to guests of V9.i,1. The Applicant has failed to provide amp proof that such excessive noise will.not e~:ist after construction and use of the proposed deck nor are there azsy proposed conditions to the use. i 5. The proposed deck would have the efrect of turIIlRg the residcntia.l mountain setting into a commercial setiinL,, The addition of the deck would severely detract from the sense of. serenity tnat the, Bntige Stre.°t Lode offers. SIGNATURE A~V'D NOTARI7IATTON FOLLOW' ON SEPAR4TE PAGE ~~da~~it of Arthu C. Goa QPR Tr u~-t page 1 of 2 acN f cuU4 14:JJ ~ ~.UJ i ~ ~r'r~"~ ~-~ x : ~-- , a~Zazzt h.-zrin, bang first duly swam, sty tnar.I b~ read the foregoing ~aavit and and it tru; and core to ta:, bust ai my lmowledge and beiie£ Da~rei the 2 daY ~'- 5-~ t~ i~r~ ~3 ~- . 2ao4. ElkIMA JANE CQX Q?~ TRUST i ~~ Name: ~t.~,~ ~• ~i ?c 3 f ~. Title: _ f ~'z-~ ir- F.F._ Subscribed anal sworn. tobefore me -thisy of p 2044 by ~~ ~~1 P ~„~ r, ~~ .,;° ~,,t . ti _ , y ~ ~ [~',,~,^ M Commission E~'pires: ,~ _ :~ ~°~ _- _-- v 1~ V _ M -_- .~~' Notary I~ublic ~ ~~~~~ ,; i I davit of r,mma lane Cox QPR Trust page 2 of 2 I AFFIDAVIT OF THE EMMA ~A.tVE COQ: QFR T~ZUST i ~ i STATE pF ) COL'TNTI' OF i ~-.ox ,, tL, Afitarii h„z°~n, bAing ilrst duly ewozn, dose and state as follows: 1. 'I, ~~7?~~>r~v. son, the ~ us ~ FE • £or the fimma Jane Coz QPR Trust (tl~ `°Tnist '), ~ of the .word owners of Condominium Unit 309, 287 Hansrni Ranch Rnad; Vail, Colorado and liaw~per7anai l~rnviedge of the nets stain ir.-ron. I subuIIt tbas :~ds~Zt in support o`the Objection by tn;, Eriade Str`,et LodY~ Resid^ntial pwnn~-s Associattan {".Association's to the Canciitional Use Permit for tb:, addipon to the decl: on the Vista. Balm Building, located at 333 Hanson Rauch Road. Tbis Af davit R~II also serve as the personal objection of tl~e Trust as a pnopert,~~ oR~er. I 2. On Ju}y 29; 20Q4 Rcmouov. & Company, Inc. (the "Applicant"), zeoreseuted by t+niaht PI<`~nting Services, Inc:, submitted an application for a Conditional Use Fezrnit to allow located ar 333 H~son Ranch Road ~ ~ outdoor patio, (Vista Baba Building)/Lat C, Flock 2, Vail Vi11a=p Fi1u~ 1 ("Conditional Uae Permit's. On 5eptcmber 13; 2DD4 at 2:00 p.m,, tae Town of Vail Planning and Coitrmission will cansiddr a r~uest far final re~>ie~v ofti~ Conditional Use P to Section 12-7B-4; Permitt;,d and Candiiional Uses: Secnnd Floor, Vail To«~ Code. errrut~ pursuazzt 3 • The Trust is the record owner of r..al propert3~ adjac~t to the A th° C,nndiuanai TJse Permit and the Trus~~ is a m~nb.,. of the Assocaarion. The Tn~~ which is th., subject of exclusi~~ely far rosldential uses. The Trust a , ~ ProP~' i used stran~l~ objects to tt~. application.for Conditional Use Pezmit and requests that t1L, Town at Vail Planning ~ci rsrvarQnrr~„~ial CorrrzrLission any the application. 4• Th" Trust's abjection is larr~ly based on, bui not lirtIIted to, ontroing noise issues ~ ~ Tap Raor~/Sanctzzary, the bsr and restaurant laeat~l at 333F~nson Rsnch Itaad.. Owrthe past few Y°~•TS th.~ Dave tin numarous complaitrts related to excessive noise from the Tap Roam/Sanctuary and docUZnented viala~ians of the applicable noise ordinances .of Vsil. The requosird outdoor patio evil] serve to continue, and likely increase; the excessive noise and noise orrlinauce violations at the Tap P,oarn/Sanctuary. Tne . excessive noise impairs my ability to use my property .both for personal use and for rental to.guests of Vail.l The Applicant has Baled to provide an~j proof that such excessive noise will not e~;ist afrer cons~uetaon and use of the proposed deck nor are there anv proposed condition; to tb.c use. I I 5. The proposed deck would have the cffe~t of turning the residctztial mountain ewttin~ iztto a commercial settinc. The addition of the deck would severely doiract from .the sense of serenity -that the Etidg~ Sheet Lodge offers. SIGI~i~TURE AND NOTARIZATIQAr P'OLLO~' ON SEP.A.R.A_TR PAGE i i fi~xcavit of Fnuns Jsne Coe: Q='R T'rust p3~ 1 0: 2 .,~N , tuuy I.4: ~o r. uu i , -~ , affi~nt h.-rein, b~ i~rst auly stivarn, staie ti~i.I hati~ read the foregoiu~ Affidavit and nncl it true and ~„r-t.to thr best of my lmowl~ and beuef. ' •.~ Rated the ~ day of ~'~ i rr~~L, X004, ARTHUR C O ` ST . 'pule: ~ 1 ~-7~s ~T' r~r~ r Subscribe) and swrnn to bcfor+r rc~ this~~y of ~~ 2004 by ~ ~j~1 ~ ~ ~' (~'(~~ ,~ _,._. `. ~(Se~1.~.J _ Ivly Commission Expires; I ~} - - . _ , - Notes; Public i 1~"iaavii of Arthur C. Coy Q?~ Z'I11St paa~ 2 ~' 2 -'~ ".~~-r r~o e~ti e~~;• ~I!'I'I I'1HS I ~i-:SUIY PROP. 4E'i2 965 859-L L~~P F~,'2lS E~~ 5~° ~.J~ ' >'J4 Lam; =.,c?pM .~ A.FP'~D~,.VTT OP' TH.E T.~t033ER~' E. M~i.STLP.SON REAL ESTA'T'E REYOCABLL 'Z'F,Uu'T STr~t~ OF ?~ rc.s~:G- 39. C QU~~ QF ! Yo C.c.~r G. S ~ l I, ,-fiF_.~ ~~~%r~~M,.Affiant herein, 6ein first duly sworn, depose and stair. a; follov~~;: ] • ],,~~ p.-f~ ~~~~`i the __i r~.~ f~F e for the kobert E. NZa;terson Rra, cstatr, ]~cvocabic Trust (the "Trust"), Erie record owner of Cenuomiriur;~ tlnjt 3Lti3, ~a7 Hsnsori Rarci~ Rtaa;;,.Vy,J Co7arado and have pets^na.l knowledge of the fats sta>_~,] herein. I submit this Afiida~7t in support oi; the ^bjection b)~ the .Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Association ("Association"} t~ fhe Condn'ional Use Permit ivrthe addition to the deck on 1:1ie V;;ta Bahrl Building, ,located at 333 I3snson Punch .Road. This ~fiidzvit will also scrs;c as the persona] objection of the Trust a 4 property owner. 2. On July ?9, 2004 Rcmonm~ c`L (:^rnpaiiy, ]nc, (the "llpplioant"), r prr3_ated h}~ Kni,Chz; PlAnnin~ Services, Tne_; submit-eed,art appiicatiun for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an outdoor patio, located at 3~; Hanson ftanclt Road (Vista Bann auilding)/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Vi11ag~ rii.ing 1 ("Conditional Use Permit'), On September 1?; 2004 at 2:Q0 p,m., the Town of Vail ~'lannir,g and c.nvironment'al romroission will r..onsider a request for t'~nel review of the Conditional Use Perrni~ pursuant . to Section 12-7B-4. Pe~nitted and Conditional Usos; Socond r)oor, ~'ai,l Town Coae. 3 • The Trust is fnc rocord owner of real property adjacent to the property wbicrl is the sub3~et of the Conditional Use Permit and. ~e Tnu-t is a rnerribc-r of the ~ssociauon. The Trwr's property is us%d e~;.clusivt:ly for residential uses. The Trust strongly o>?jecLS to file spplicat~oaA 1:or rondizianal Use pc;;mit and requ~.sts 13zar th::'Tovm of Vail, FJanning arc! J~i~~~i;onrner~rai ~;_u~,~rnissia~~ deny t}?e application. ~. The 'C'rust's objection is lru'gely bzLSed un, but rat' limited to, ongoing noise iesue8 at the Tnp P.oam/5ar,ctuary, tha bnr end restaurant {ocai~d at 333 Elansan I? arch L~^ad. pvor the pest faw years~tf,eco have been num~roxrs complaints relai:cd to e~^essive noise from tho Tap Room/San~.iary and•documen~.d violations of the applicable noise ordinances of Vail. The requested outdoor patio will serve to continue, and 1iJceiy inorease, tine excessive noise and noise ardiilance violations a; the Tap Room/S4nctrrary c7:e.,siv~ noise irnp :its the T,rust's abihrv zo use its . rQ ~~ . - ,~ ,~ The p~~ ~ p pert3'~ t~orh, for pez;onHl u.,e. and for rent., I,~ gve5ts of Vail. Thy Applicant:pa; failed to provide any proof that sur_h cxcesslve noise will not exist a~cr construction and use or the proposed o~ck nor arc ih~rc any propas~d conditions to the use; 5. The proposed deck would have the efrcct or"turning the rasiripntial mountain settine into a comrncreia] scti:ina. The addition ^f the deck would severely detract from the s:.nse of scFEr,ity 't;aa*. ~~ Eridgp Street Lode o11'ers. SI~I^1.A.TUIt~ A.~tD 1v~Ta~zATT~N P'OLT.4~'tl t'9i~ S~-~~.R,P~.TF F A.G~ ~daviz of ~.obert E. MzsttCSan P.ea( Esrte revocable Tnisr. pie 1 or 2 v ., r ~.- ~._r.- - ~ - - - ~ - ... ~ ~ i i i gyn., i ~r`wn rfcvr . ~4FJr ~~J G~ GS_ ~~r p J u ~ 5~P ~P, ' 1~~ ' iJ~ - 2i?Pri 1, ~~~ ~ P~f. ~• ~ ~ ~r-rr~ w ,.afrtant hyr:.'in., bez~g zffst.>july sworn: sr~ thaiT hsv~ read .the fare~aing ~~ndavit and end it t=u4~and carrer[ZO the best of my }rnowlea~e.and be1i~. ~~ Dated the ~~ day oi• ~Q~,rfr~...,1,~.~~ .2004. RCzBER'z'~E. T:~STER50N REAL ESTATE RE~'~CA~Li.. T~.US~' Title: i ~~s; ~.~ Subscribed and sworn to beiore,me this day of~~~, 2004 by ~i•e(~~ lL~~.a~.~..t~..~--~ jScal] ]~,y Cnmtnissi.on Cxpires: /a,/D 7 AI07gAy - $~ ~ ~ . ~ $• ~- ~R71GA~ ataxy laubli~ ~' Comm. f~, And! 12, 20QT ~tfr~davit of Robert E. Masterson R:a] Eo`:at~Revocable "gust pagc 2 ~= ~` =r u~ u~+ 11:44a~ Yelena Hessler .908-808-4186 @5/H5/2085 8~:26 2626354431. C~uic}a,-1~~,'1 11: _° -_'C+-°-6-•~ito- RDB~RT BISScGGER. PAGE 04 h'V ~N~ I_L~ .._ ~ \ AFF]D.4,~I-T flF YE"l'gR i+. ei55~LGHR ~ . CC1Utv'71" L~-F' 1 1 ~' dsr ) sa, I, Fc'ter A. Drssegget. afftatn herein, firing first tiuh• svao-rti dcpas~ tssxl start t+a fuUovfs: . 1 . I, Pat A- Bissectger, ttm the tc~rti oti~ntr of Condominittti Uni! Jf)4.'~7 Haruan R~-tr.f, Road. u~;l, C-01Drsdo and bas•- prr;c;nal know'tedgc of die facts s:ntal herin l submit this Af~;3e~it in sup~sari.oftlte ob}cctionby'tttc DridQe Strczt Lollar, Resitientirl Owne:a Ass•x:iutson("Associati+m") to fhc CL~rt,iirianaJ L)sc Parmh for tf:c sddinon to th^- :Sack cx; :hc V intr. Bzim BtiiVdinp, lo.etcd at 3 ] 3 Hanson Rancn Rand. T{us Affidavit will tt}so srr~cat 'try ~fonorin) nbj¢tion ~ a p+cpcrt}' owner. 2. Un July ?.9, ?.(M14 Rcmonnv k; Company. Inc, tih~ "A~+Ikant'); ;t:praertted h~' 1~rUgh( PLn,nin~ Servicq. inc.. submitted m• appiicstinn for a Ca~diuona) lJceP:nrtit do A51pw for ari twtdoar patio, lncatcd a133~ yinnson Ranch Read f r tsts Hahn t3ttiiding)~to; C..$IoCk~, V:tl lril~c F~~iling 1. ("Ccrtd{tiunal Use Pc:mit'~. Un Scpa:mhcr I3. ~Q04 al 2:6t'i p.m.,lheTpro~m of V~i1 Pl>r;vs~i~g aad Lnv:trotirnentul Comtuission wi(1 cotsiticr a JequesYforfmnt review' of the CottditiottR) Use P°rnur, pur~rrl to Section 12-7B-d, Pc;rmi nd ¢nd Conditional Uwrs. 9erond Flow,, V atl Sown Cod`. ~. 1 tun tic record owner of reel proprrty :+cijacen; to the propeR}• why~h is tL~ su6jaet ~f iitc Coudiriatral Uso Permit at:d I nm a mecrtfror of tix+ AabncinNo.n. M~ property i9 used exClusiveM frr . resi~ential Hate. i. staung}}+ nbiect hi f'trc apriicJtion for Conditior:sl'tj;~ Permit and retlt;rst !hat tau Tnwri of Vaal PltutninR ytd E.nvirorur~ental l-_omnission de:tJ~ the application. 4. 't'fy ubjeetior~ is furgely haseti at, Eu; nr*t limited tu, ongoing ttCist isttcs a111r. Tap 1tao.n; Sanctuary, tlx bar and restat:ran! {ttcntod at 333 Hanson Rand }toad. Ovrr tftc; po6l few y;~rs theta hu~c born :~nrncrou< cc?m~lc~ints relueti to exccssi~c nCise fxorr. tho Tap RotmtlSonctttar~• nn3 documrrtrcl viafgrioct~ of the ttpplioabio nr~isL ordina~o;e5 n` V;tii. Thr requested outdoor patio wilt scrt•e tr, >=antinuc, and ltkerj incrc>Lsr.~ tae excdsi~vo no:~~e end r2Dtsr Urdinunct violauans at the Tap R~mtSancwm7. The cYCOe~ive Hoist tmpPirs rr~y ahifiri' to use tn} propcrt}• wilt {or personal use tall t'vr rental ra gu_s~ n{ VYi1. Z"ttc .~ppli~anThtss it-iled to ptuvittc tmy prof t~tar»r.h =XC~sivt nnitic wi41 nut cxtu after cunstnicl:t,n and u:r cf tJ,e prc+pc~sarl decal nor arc there any proposed t:pt>ditioir n. thr ttsc. 5. The prttpts~d dick would have :hc rfTact UT hirninF the residrntia! mpuntrin. setting ima a t:omntevcitll s`tring' The addStlen of [he deck wpu~d srvctt=}y detrac.: From th= :cast of scren~ry that the Dridgc Street Ladgt: a E~crs. 4IGNATI~)~ Ah~ Np7ARI2A'Z']p1,y FOLlU13' UV wEPA1RA7'k; P.iC;{i •P . 1 \fftdervtl of Fcm n. Pas:~trdger page : v!' -- ... __ I- c I~Cl'"O(1'C 'D•PS•~l,er ~ '9QJ=€308-4180 r '`P c 09/09/2H05 07: 2E 262639A43] [''i,'Q~,•_lan~ .11:.%' ._6'-y~6-a5b7 _M~~RILHrSSEGGER PAGE E5 A• ~~ ]. ~7?l7 ~/55:~~typc?art lr-'sr., bem}; C~rsrd~~ty swam, staff that 1 havn mad the foregoing l Afrtda vit mid find :t true and corte~r t~ qho brat of m}' k~wK•Irdga snd bcbcf. 17~1ed the ~ day of sc % i E ~-( R~~ 2t?(kt. ~_ PE"r"£B, 4. HISSEG^vE3t `' -•-- Su'.+s-abed and swarm to bctorrs,~e t~is~~y nf_~~1)().; by ~ ` f' f F ~'~~5~ ~ /~ c ~ f ~1) Na~ary V ~ ~~ CHARLOTTE K. KING ` MOTAflY iUBUC-CALff(!gNIA V: Sin EItIN(d1110 twnly `~ -- 47 ComnL~Egril~i Auryn IC, I~OS '' A~davit of Pet:i ,1. ~i9,Cggcr pnge~ ofd r~~!~~:'Gt:I~J~~ ~ ~Ur~:q;, r i H. C155Eli6EP. M.U c1+41+828190?. SEITE• I GO ~ J:745 J. tCU~Ci'r; I .`i! ham. Gl 1 U'_+i ~•~; ~'t11~ 11: , , ~~~r~.. ~_raC'• •,afj,~rY~ hl_ i a~~r ~W~~ t::; r %! LI.F' . Gl~Vi~. ~ J; A,I'I~ ZDhVI i 1?T• ?~'I~: ARNt~LL' 1~~~'i~j' kbCi(3,cJH ~,1 ti'xNG T,T~I~}~T ~1',~'~7 x, (7I' Ct']U?~•rv Cx- r ~/~ i ~ `~~ } as I, ~.?~rr,~!,;~ ~;s5~~ a~ nt i~Crcin, mina first dal; sw~-ru, dc~asc and stn:c ne t~oli~-vs: 1, 1. f~_!_~-l~SEGG~~n,77 the _1~6fSi ~~___ frr the Amold Fffr:;~~~v'r I.~fvin~; Trus; (,th i' ''.r n;rt"), U?lC c,.(t!~tc MCQt'd t`1~?2 [t',• of C':gnaorninium 1.1 Ttlt& ~~~5, 3n j,.i3QF', 4,'1r,1 ;,{ tQ, vK i Hanaon Ran^h Ftogd, tJcv,i, r:olQrado :end hs-.~s F,m!-snt~ul kai;>wl~,dga a4'tiln fact9 n*,arad hclrtiiil. T submit thin ~~~tiri; to su.ppo~t :,;''1he n(ijrcEi~t1 ~- the B^id~;e qtr^_ct Lt~d~c &eaiderrtial pv,nr.rs. A~tt{c,i:l~ti9C1 (`'A$socintign'') to tl:r. Cotlditi.~n~l t'vt:''~-mi;.rrr the r~{d it}on to il•1~ dock an the VistaBaim Building, {o.ated at 333 ~I,~n9or, Raric:~, Rr_~3. '1'Fi; Affi:'iavit wi~l etiec, scrv~ zu thn pcrvorwl nbjc.^,tion of'thr. Trt13t ny u Frap~-*tv a~~nrr. ~. C)n ,i;aly 29. ~QG~. Kt`tnanUV ~. t":omrnry, Inc, j'thc "_Appitotu~t"), trnrrot'trc~i t~•~ni~k1: Alannir,~ ticrricc~, fn „ 9ui~m,tk^CS nn r~plicatie~n ftir ~ t.•;~t1e111'IonU! I..'30 F°et?YtittC! A1:0ti;' ('nr n.*1 ~tutdvsar (7ati,), Itka~u~cl sl a33 Ftun,~+c~n P.nti~l~ itnac (Vista. Ba.hn D~,~iidin~7,7„~t r", ~11~c;k :?, tirai( Vliln~o Fllfng (`'Cottclltiona! t?1;~ •F'crmlt'') pn Sela>/mbur 1., 3U04 rat '!.+)0 p,m., the ~'vwn of Vail planning and Fnvit<>nrrtanxb•I C"nrnrlis~iun will ca^.3;de7 a rQquast fvr r~nsl tTt~i^w ~~f the Conciitirynal L1tuu ~'aritrfC_ pureunnl to'~ectior, 12 '1'B .~, 11~rrnirtcd ctttd c'briditianul U.wo-n; :~a~c~nd Ffgo;. Vtil 'rhwn Gucie. >. T'ttc Trust is t}Y_ rccUrd c+wnar of rural prapmrt•v n~ffxGer,i tG rho prop^rt;,~ which zr• tha au~~~ct ~;I• tf1~ ~an~3itira,trt! Lisc n~rrnit and 1ne ~; rest IS n T11^•etfhtr tl'('The !i9¢taCitittbtl, T'hr„ TruGt'g prapQrty is u!x::] cxcittsi~roly f2r ra,~ ic4vntial use,. 'T'he 7ru6t st*cy-agly ~hid:'tG 44 til¢ ~ppl(cation f,x t:e+rxliclonnl Use Acrmjl and rcqu^^:~ that the ~'~,wn ref.' Vsil pl.enning and Cm•{ronm.entxl Co-nm+R;~rm rxcny 2hr 8p~fiiaiion. a. ?~,~ T'raet'v oLj:c~,ion is Iv~rga;~~ t,,,s•ac o,,)., but t:c~ limttr~l tn, anggillg n~,irr. ia9a~ ate thse Tap Routn,'~,artCtv:tr}, LhL hat send rc~iuturant (ocastvt:'~ rst 339 ~l.~ns,ran ~n.nch SZasd, f~Yor rt•IG l~a~it IC 1n' vec~.ts theta h,rati'b borr'~ n.ut7r~rcus compleini:~ rmiet^c~ m ~^xce~sive riaier. tram th Tc, 'Rorrn,'Sar,Ch;Aty an c! da~:~entcu vi~lrticrna n~ city appiicrk~le anise br~'lnanr,es of Vail. The, restu~;.+5tc:d outd~,or pt,ti~ wtli ax,rvfi m r.~ratimre, and iikai~• ir-tarnn~e, t;:~ cs~ccstnivr~ n•oiae :,rd noiso ardingnce ~•iola:iars at t:.~t4 Tap k~,4prplSanc~Cuury. Th• ~XCr~:;9f'4~E nOibe in~;palrr,~ tnc Tr.rat'~ ~.~i(iry t;o t:~c itx pmrart~' both l:or ~~4~i1.~( ,,tnz rnd fc.,rrcrt::;l to Ruoats o~'Vb.i.l, Thy :~,},pl te~rtt. hn~ fctilmd to prctv,d~ any ptvof thrlr gucl:t ~rr_cs>i~~ name uvill r,ar rxirSt'ii~~ar .. consiTUrtirr: end uqe, Ui~C~it; p-o,-x~scd dcak r.~x are there Q(1~ ~~)-Pj.7~9L+Ci GvrlC~IilO[;S S6 the use, S. -the propa~e+d dock ~1~nu]G tl~v4 thG ~f:•f~ct aFt•umErt~, the t~it{ctttia;l m~urtntrt yirttir~.~ imo ~ ci~mm~*rittl 9oi•Llnb. The r.,~diiion c„f r_hr. neck: wnuld yevcm{y rlatr~ct €r~rn the sr..nsc o4'sercniry that the Bride, Stf¢Qt T t d~• gf'IbrB. S3G~i.A7'C~32~ Ah?a N'~C]T'tt~.I:c„~4'I"9~,?!'ti b'4I.,I~L'~V4' C.rt4 S~FP.k~~l'X`T: PACR1= .4PFir'avii ~f'~'-,old ~.itye~,+,ar L.,','nq 7`nt?F Dna:= I uf.~. i n • ~'ALiE: ~~ i ~~ ~} I"-- -- ,_,,, [1~`iar.f E'~ercin; bCtfl~, 7~C31 (j:l{Y Ai'WOrtl, 3t+7ze tt~acJ, kasva reed the ~~P:ridati•it artci find aigtruo utd =urrc+;Im ih, bcnt of rr~y l.flU~~'l~~l,~ urtcl bUli9tf: 2`*ar~grain~ [)~t+~i d~e~ ,J d4~- ~~f -S~,p~iiij ,•U04, A.~t1`rC~L,D B~I~~~% ;R C~1~11.1'1'U 'X~Cr~~' L T~~tkc; subsat'iEsc,d ~rfd swnrn to k^~7ore mu ~h;a _ _ dd~' of ._,._... _ , 204Y tr7 I Sc,t~a Mir C; nn~missi~~n E,?c,~iro~: ,..^.__._..~._..__...._ ,S,ff•c~1r~t oi'~1rnal•ri E3tnc~;~~;' _.ivin~ 1'n:~t p:~e ?. Of 2 1 __ , af~lar.e h~rri~t, bc;inµ rlrsti duly sworn. haze tl~ntl lava eracl tine iorxgoict~ ~~t~ida`'ts wd fipd tt titan and s4rrc~:t in tht b: st ~f rm )tno~ti'lcag=• ~:td bclrr,f; qq ~ ,Dated G?rc J-d4~~ ~~t.JGp-~ ,o•i \. c.tJO~i. • ,~k,~rUtJn ~i~~G/~R C~IVANG 'S~iLr6'X' i; am ~~f /.°i1/OG : ~/ Sl~E~'.~/~'_ NT ~ . ~ rr SuoaGri~:d and ~wor?t tier h~Ynrc me {lu.+.... dd}' of - --.-- -, 2OQ4 b7 .-._~-- .. _, ~y~~;i Tqv C'nmm;ssian F;n.plroa, ,t,fFd:lrrc piAn~uld Bis~^t;j;n'_.ivinf 7'nxt vatlP ;. of 7 AI"k'IU,~I.VIT OF'FF3~ ~~LI~Ti'I~.T AN,p P1AN~ B,ARTELS ~~~C1CA$LF T1i,~CI~T INDIANA STATE dF _ _ j , ss, Co>.~a~rx o>~ S~- JasE~x ] Robert E. t, ]3artels . t~ax;t herein, b~iz:g nrst duly swam, depose sncl state as z4l~aws: Robert R- 1, I, Bsrtel.s , am the Trustee ~x3xtheRabertand~lancY~actcla P.evacable Trust ftnw "Tnzst'~, t17e record awnec' Af Coridornuuum Unite 201, 202 and 244, 287 Ranson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado and have pcrsotasl knowledge of the LY~t5 stat~d herein. I subrnirthie Affidavit in support of the abjection bar the Brid,~ Street Lcd~ R-s?dcntial Ov~mers Assaciatlon ("Assgciatiori'~ to floe Conditional Use Fcrmit fox the addition to tho seek on tha Visits $ahn Building, located at 333 I~snn Ranch Road. This Affidavit will also serve as the personal objection o$the Trust as a pmpcrty ownnt. ~., pn July 29, 2004 }2emonav & Carapaay, irta. (the "A.pp~cant'~, ~pres:ctted by I:.night Planning5erv'tc,s. Iz~c., submitted. an appllcatidn for a Conditional Use ~'ermit to allow ~ an outdoor pmtiD, located at 333 Hanson. Ranch Road (Vista Bohn 13uildingj/Lot G, Block 2, Vail Villsgc lvAiiing 1. ("C.~mditianal Use Farmit•~, Qn. lacp~mber 13.2044 st 2:OD p.rn., the Town of Vail planning and Environmcrrtal Coznrnissian wY11 ^onBid~' g rec}u^st far fmai review of the Conditional Use Permit, pursuani to Section 12-7B-4, ~crmitted and Gbndttional L7~es; ~ecand ~'ioar, Vail `t'own Cede, 3. The Trust is the re:ord owner o~reai pt4p~ty adJacwrrtto the property which is the subject of tho Canditior~al Use Fe-mit and the Trust is a rnenaher of t3te Association, lnc~ Trust~s.propert~}~ ~s used exclusively far r:sidential u~~. The Trust strangiy object to th.e applicatlorl far Conditional Use Permit and rcquAsts th3tthe Town afVail Planning.and Environmental CvraTUissian dcziy tho appiicatior~, 4, '1'hc Trust's objection is lsrgcd ~ 333 Iyanson Ran h Road ~ Dver thenp~ fow yetis there F ~oml9anctuary, the bar and restaurant locate have been numerous complairite rol.~tted tv exaca~iva noise ixotn the T'ap Roocn/Sanctuary' aid docnmcnted violatians.ofthe applicable noise ordinances of~Tell. The requested outdopt' ps~io will ser~~e to aantinue, and likety incn'aetse, the excessive noise anal noise ordinance violations at tbn Tag Raaml~an~ary. The e;GCessivc noise impeixs the Trust's ~b7'lity to use itv prop^-rty both far personal use and for rental t~ .tests ofVail, The Appiicarri has fe~iled to provide an.y proofthat su.eh cxcassivm naise,~vill not e::ist sfi-arr' construction and use o'.f the praposmd deck oar nrm there any prt'oposcd condzti~s to tha use. 5. The proposed deck 4vauld have the effre~t of turning t}te residential rnoulttain.sctii~g Inca a commercial sctcmg, Tha addition of the devil; vyould severely deir~ct from the sense of s4~'snit), t6st the Bridge. 9ircai Lodg~ of~'ers, SIGNAT~L+ ArTD NOTART?~ATIt~N FOLLCIW ~N S1JP~R.~.TE PAGT~ A-f~5davit p~FRabert and ;~lancy partcls Revo~Uie Trust pttga 1 ai 2 ~kobert E. Bartels `.~sas~tl°.min,b~uty~,:~~.iha~are~dt9aein~ .Sava ~ h ~ and tcx~c m ~+a lraa~ a~ my ~to~,vl~si~e and.t~ali~: Sdit~9t1-~}~e'f 6entember ,~, RLD~3s~R~.` ADD N~Q~' ~.~ 5''CpC'.A~E'R'~LT~T c" ~-- Mme; .Robert E. Bartels .~ Subas~ib~l and swam ~ b~fara mcthis 9 th~,y of S°°b,~4 by Pame~.~ S . Guzman ~~~~ I~iarch 1°, 2008 ~~ , " FAMELa s. ~UZr~iArv "r~T~~; ~ F~`''~_*~~ ~` 5t. Joseph Gounry ~AI ~i~~'' '' ` My Commission Expires C.+:... 4~y 9cAl t/~.0. `~ -~ .fi'~b~!~~ Mer~h 19, zooe rY ~b]Jo A~6mvie aE~1cb~: anbl 2~~' ~-~ Pa~sblc'rtsuc pia 2 of z _~.A.V7T QF'T~~ RDS'ERT ANTS I~iANC~k BAR'I~I..S ~VQCABLE Tft~LT~'I' ~ ~ ~ -- STATE pF INDIANA ~ ss. CC7[1I~tTY Or ST. JOSEPR ~ T arty ,10 Eartels 1~ ~---,- .earn herein; being first du'iy sworn, depose and sttizc as fuljo~~: Nan'c ,l o 1. I, Eart~ls , ~ the ~rL1S tie f~ the Roberk andNsncy Bertel5 F.Mvacable Trust (the "Trust°~, fne record owner oFCondominivm Linits 2b1, 2d"? srad Z04, ?$7 Hanson Ranch Roads V a.il, Galorado and have pcrsan2l k7iaw]ed~e of'thc facts stvicd heca;n. I submit this p,l:xida~rit in support of tha abjection by the Bridge 9trzat Lodes Iu.s{darti~l Owners Assaeiation ("Ass+xiatioti"y to the Conditions{ Use parmit for the add{tiara to the deok, on the Vista Satin Puilding,locai~d st 3?3 33~stin l?.suach Road. This Afr"idavit v~ill aSso serve as the personal objection of'the Tntst ~ a pto~rty owner 7 ()n 3uly 79, 2x0412exnanov & Ca~apany, Inc, ('tht "Appli~u>Yt'°]> rcpt sent-..d try TS.niglzt Punning Sarvic°s, Inc„ submitted an applioaiion for a Condrtinns.l Ltsa Permit to allow far an outdoor patio, located at 933 Hanson Ranch Read (Vista Kahn Building)ltut ~, Blacl: 2, Vail V illage Filing 1 (`°Candiuanal Use Farmitn~, On, ~vptcmber 13, 2d0~ at 2:QG p.m., ~e Tawrz of Vail Planning ~d 13nvironmental Commission wt'Il consider a regne~t ~"or fmat review of the Conditional Uso Permr~~, pursuant to Section 12-7B-~, Pcrmimd and Conditional Uses; Second Ft~oor, Va-it Town Code 3, The Trost is the record owner of'real property at~jaoenttQ the property which is tY-e subject of t}lv Conditional Y3se Pcrrnit and the Tn~9t is aznember d£tht Association, 'T~c TTUat's property is used ax.Clusivcty for residential uses. The Trust strongly objects ra tt~c appl~lott for Goraditional Use Pesm.it and rcgtt®5t5 that the 'Town a-1~''vrail Planning and l;nvironmerstal Ca'mmissitm deny tna ~pGcation_ 4, 'ihc Trust's objection is largcJy badod an, butnat iim{tad fi, ongo;ng raise issues attho `l'ap RtaomlSanctuary; tnc bar and ~,gtattrasst loca~d at 333 Haman Rattah Road, pvct'tlte past few ycazs there .have begirt numerous comptairrts relaxed to excessive n~oisv from the Tap Room(Sancttatry and dacumantcd viQlations.ofth~s $pplitablc noise ordinances QfVaal, Tlie requested outdoor, patio will sarvc to corrtinuc, and illcefy meraRSe, tha excessive noise and noise ordinance violations at ttio Tap RoomlSanu~uary. Th4 excessive noise impairs the T'rus>~'6 ability to us9 its property both f'or personal use and far r°rrtal to guests of Vxi{. The Applicant has :Failed to provide any proofthat sLYCh oxcessiu~ noise will nAt exist aft.~r Gonstructian u~nd u9~ o#'the proposed neck nor are here any proposed conditi,7ns try the use, 5, The proposed deck Would have the effect afturnirg the residentm.l mnurrtain setting into a commercial sotrnag. The addition of the deck would scVcrbl'~}~ detract from the serRSC dF set'eni~ that the I3ridgc Stre©1; Lodge nff'ers, tSIGIVA~'DP.E, AND NQTAR?~ATTQN FOLLt]~' (3I`T SIL''ETE PAGE A`a-ldavit 4f,Robart and 2VanQy Ha:t;ls Revocable Trust page 1 ~L 2 i~ X, Pdanc'r Jo Ba~'tels . aftiant h°reiz~, hcTng £'tt~t dut~.~a~,vortt, stag th~C ~ have z~aci the zare~it7~; A.fr~idavit and find it true and correct to the best of rr>~t Kne~wted~ and belief: TDrrtcd ti~5 9 cbday or. S cP temb~~r , 20a~'. ,~ R~?B~RT ~ Nt~~"~ICY B;4.kL'1'EL."~ REV~CABL~'~RUS'z' ~ F Nancy xtels Fiume; Trustee Title; Subscr{beti and sworn to before me this 9~hday of Sen temb e x(104 ~, P ameta S . Guzman `G ~~~$ COtT1mS5R1~~.1. E:i~i7~5' I `,\~L4 ~ G ~ ` ` J Seal] 3' ..~.*y:aye,,, PAtu1~LA 5. QUZh!AM „m„~Y?' : St..loseph County '~ ~ ~~II "~, $~ ,~~= My Commission Fxpirps ~~ ~~t/V'.C~,//~~ '1 ;n'~:~µ~?;~ Marsh 19.200 ,Afi~davit of Rn6ert and Tianry B~tteis R°_vo~tble TtuSt page 2 a`2 U7% CJv/ I, I:J C,~~t J..L. i. ,1 LLB J~V ~+... ... .. AFf'ITJAVI'.C OF ROBT:RT )~ISSEGGER STftTp OF ~ rSrGr?4,~ ~-~l-~ s~ C OU7SI1' DT' /C ~t / n G ) 1, .Rotxrt E3isseg3er, afisant ]tinrein, being First duly sworn. depose a.nd state as follows; l . 1,1toLscrr 8igsegger, am unc of t}r retort] owner ofCondominium C.tnit~ S-4 a.nd 30'2, 287 Hassan Ranch kaad, Lail, C.ulorade and ha~~e personal knowledge of the fant5 stated herein. I submit this' Affidavit ]n support of the objection Uy the Bride 5trr~ Lodge Residcntisxl Qv,'nery Aseccinticm _ (`~',~5sacixtinri") to the Conditional Use P®rmlt fir the addltian tv tlto deck an the Vi5t6 Bshn )~uilditt~, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. This Affidavit will also serve a9 my personal objection ~ a proper-y. owner. 2. On July Z9, 2U04 Rcmonov & Gotnpany, Inc. (the "~,ppiicant"), rcpresented by ~ttipb.t Planning Services, lne., submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allcna~ for an. outdoor patio Ivcatad at 333 Flanson 3tnnch Road (Visa, Bshn Building,}/`L,ot C, H1oc1c2, Vail Vil~a~e;/ilinp 1 ("Conditions( Use PGrtnit":~.. f)n 5cptember 13, 2004 at 2;q0 p.m; ,the Town oFV~il Plannir:g nod. Environmental Cemmtssion will consider a request for final revicr~~ Gf the Conditional Use Perrrtit, pursuant to Sa:ctipn ] 2-i$-=l, Permitted and Cundition~l Clses; 5ncund Floor, 'Vail Town Code. 3, Z am the tteord oumcr of real prc>laerry adjacent to the property which is the sulject of the C Cndititina'. t7ge Permit srtd I am a rnamtr:r of the Association, lvfy Property is u~d exc?trsivcly For residential.uscs. X 8tror!giy object to the application for Conditional Use Permit and request that the 'Tov,~n of Vail. planning and ~nviromnental Commission deny the application. 4. I~sy otijectivn is larg®ly based on, but not litrt'rxd ~, ongoi.ng noisy igsubg at the 'f ap ~tac~na/Sanctuary, tl~ bar and restaurant l.ocfLted nt 333 I lassos itancit Read, thrcT the pelt: frw ytrcrs there have l_iccn uumcraus ec~mpl:~ints related to excessive noise from the Tap Roorn/Sanciuan and dvcumanted violations of the applic.aple noise ardinanecs of Vai'.. The reguestad outdoor patio will serve to continue, and likely increase: the exeE~ssive noisy and noiuc o-rdinanGe violations at the 7tzp~~,avm/S~n.ctuary, The, e,ccoYSivc ngi~e impairs my attlliz}' to use mY property both. for personal ta.s~ and for testa( to gtu~st_5 oi' Vail. The Applicant has failed tp provide an}~ praofthar such e~:ceSSi4c noise will not exist after construction and use of lha prop~7sed deck oar are there any proposed conditions to the use. 5 Tht propuscd deck ~vvuld hflve the cfE'ect of turning the residentia; mountsi.in setting into a commercial setting. The addition cfthe t~cl< would aevarcly dotraet From the seas: of serenit}'that the $ririt~te Street Lodge oFrer5. SIG.NATURF, AND ?~ip'l;'AFtIZ.AT~~N T'OtL,L~W {;sN SEPARATE PAGE Affidavit of Rub°_rt $ isse~u:r pale 1 of? r--r7, (, ,~.~/«/ ~r55~ ~~=, afrte~nt herein, bcinR first ctul;~ s~tirom. state tnett I have reed t r. Carc~oing ~,~tdavii rnd findfind i~'td correct to t11~ best of m~' knowledge and belia~, J~ __,._ RC~ERT DIgS~G.GE~- Sabscrik~ed and sworn co beiot` m: this ~, day ~-__ ~ ~ -~' ~;~5 ~79~ r' _ ~_"' R~~ + , ~ h~iy Commission ~rpires: ~ -. 2 ~C~+~.°___~_~.., ~z, .;~~~ ' `~} ~~ W NUtary Pupl~c ~ ~ ~,~. : q ~; ,•'4 pftidavit of F obc:t E issc~=c Page 2 of 2 AFFX~~'4'I7' C7P''~tATALI~ ~ISSEGGER ~..____...~... _Y...._._...,_------ -- i 5T~'tTE C)F ~ 5 c~ o N .~ l ~`' ) ~ ~ ) 5S. COUNTY G`F _ l ~~ r . ~ I ~ ) f, '~lataii~ Bissc.ggcr, ait'tant h~;ein, being Eirst duly swam, aepose and +~~ ~ fn?tows: 1,. T, Natalie liissr,Bger, am one of the rec.c+rd aw„er5 of Condominium Unit. S-4 and. ~~'?, `'87 1-farson R,3rtch. Raa.s~, Vail, Cntc7rado and have per:enal knowledcr of the facts stand :terein. T s~abrnit this Af"ridavit in support o'Pth: ableciiarl by the Bridec Street La~1gc Residential Jwners Aasactation ("Ass~sciatit~il"'1 icy the G~nditigrtal 'Liao Permit t'ar 'the addltiQn co the deck or. the Viata Bahx, Buil.dixl~„ Igcnted et 333 Flannan'Rltnc.h Road• This Afxidavitwi'1 a{sn serve as my personal objecaicm as aprup^m, gvener. 2, pt+ 3uly 24, 2044 Retrtt~nov & Compan,y~, Tnc. (the `'~pplicuns''},.rspresencecf hY K.night I~lannmg SzrviceS, lnc., submitted an application !'or a Conditinnel j.~s permit To a.llo~ti~ for at, outdoor patio, lacazed at 333 1`lansgn T•tanch Road (Vista F3ahn ~uilding)~I.et C. Black ~, Vuil ~Iillage Filing 1 ("C,'onditionfll L)se Permit"). On 9cpie:mpcr 13, ~.Ot?4 at 2:(1f) p,m., the Town of Vail Plttnnint? and >rnvironmcnta.l Cnmmiseion will consicirr a request fur final rcvi~~.' of tho Canditianal L~se Fzrmit, pursuant. tb 5>rCtion 12-713-x, Permitted and Cartditicrtal Uses; Second F1gUr, Vail ,town Cod2• 3, 1 am the r~,GOrd purnrr of real prgpCm acijeexnt in thG pr~~perty wi-rich is the subj~~ of the C•ortdit;onal L'tse F'crmil andt am a tnemb.-r aFnc~ Association, ;~~'y praperfy is used exclusively for rrsiclrnri~l uAC3, 1' St70ngl)' ol~jec' to the appl[cation f'or C:onditianai Lf,~ Permit and request that tiic Town of Vail Piannirg an<1 ~n~iranmcritsl Cumrr+iSSion deny Chi ~pllcarign. q, :YIy ohjectign is largah' based on, but 'tae limited to, ongoinE; noise issutS at the 'Tap RoorrJSzt-,ch,crv, the rule ar~d t~:stauranr. locrt~d at 333 F-I2nson Rxnch Rpaci. ~vcr the paSC fe~~ ye$~ tl~.re hate b-cn riutncrous orrlplaints. ;~c~latcd tv rxc~9sive noise ~~ cm the Tap Room.f5arrruan' end documented . vialat7gns of the appltcablc nolSC U;'Cl(rl8nl`.2S at~Vail. The requested outdoor patio wilt serve to cantinu~°, srtd likc~i~' ine.t~:sse, the ~xcassivc~ ttaise a.n~3 noiac ordinance ~•iolttians nt tae 'Pup Rac~m~$xm:iuury, Ths exc~ssivc noise irnpe.ir? my a'ai.liry to use my properry hoth.for porsonal use and fur rental ra geacst'5 of Vail. ~l~ltt F`ppiic~ttt has t'a,iltd tq pra~'ide any proof that such c;~cessivc narsr will not exist at'tcr Gonstrtt~tiozt rutd use af_ tl~e prapesad deck uor are there any pr~.,l:osed cgaditions to the uS-, 5. The proposed deck would ha~c the efieci• of turning the residential mountain setting into a comrrtcrciu! setting. The addition of the de:.k would severely detract from the sense of Serenity that the Prclge ~trec~t L,gdge atTPrs. . . SIC Nr+~TT.JIRIe; A.NIS NC)T.4R17_,ATT~N FOL1.C}~'E' d1V SE~ARdTE YA.GE .AfFdavit of',3axalie ~issr.gaer page 1 pf 2 j, Ll ~G{.~! r ~l ~~' ~r~^ , ~frtanc her~ir~, bei.nb rust duly sworn, Starr t}><t f h~~e rend tizc fc~reg~ing /~ rtd~.vit and ti.nd it true ~~3•~correct to the best of trTy kzibwledge• and lxiiei, ~ . Dated the _~ day of ~~~'YJ1-r ~ \~, ~(}CIn. i .•~ ', n `ALIT BISS~'GGFR J Subscribed and ,lvor.'i er; 'oei`ere me this ~ day.of y,~~l~;.-, ?~ by f~ ~~--°~----•- ~.~t.~ My Commission Exptres: ~ ";Z ~- 7c~G ~ `~ V I eBo~~ ~ ~ Npr~~~ ~I1~11C ~~,, ~ fi ~V~'~G ,e,t'ffClal'tt pf Nus)tc ~145CCy_!~ ~agc ;: of 2 AFFIDAVIT OF BRIDGE STREET INVESTMENTS LLC STATE OF ss. :~ COUNTY OF I, , Affiant herein, being first duly sworn, depose and state as follows: 1. ~ I, , am the of Bridge Street Investments LLC (the "Company"), the record owner of Condominium Units S-10 and 501, 287 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado and have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein. I submit this Affidavit in support of the objection by the Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Association ("Association") to the Conditional Use Permit for the addition to the deck on the Vista Bahn Building, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. This Affidavit will also serve as the personal objection of the Company as a property owner. 2. On July 29,.2004 Remonov & Company, Inc. (the "Applicant"), represented by Knight Planning Services, Inc., submitted.an. application for a Conditional,Use Permit to allow for an outdoor patio, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road (Vista Bahn Building)/Lot C; Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1 ("Conditional Use Permit"). On September 13, 2004 at.2:00 p.m., the Town of Vail Planning and . Environmental Commission will consider a request for final review of the Conditional.UsePecmit, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Second Floor, Vail Town Code. 3. The Company is the record owner of real property adjacent to the property which is the subject of the Conditional Use Permit and is a member of the Association. The Company's property is used exclusively for residential-uses. The Company strongly objects to the application for Conditional Use Permit and requests that the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission deny the application. 4. The Company's objection is largely based on, but not limited to, ongoing noise issues at the Tap Room/Sanctuary, the bar and restaurant located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. Over the past few years there have been numerous complaints related to excessive noise from the Tap Room/Sanctuary and documented violations of the applicable noise, ordinances.of Vail. The requested outdoor patio will serve to continue,'and likely increase, the excessive noise and noise ordinance violations at the Tap Rodm/Sanctuary. The excessive noise impairs the Company's ability to use its property for guests of the Company, individuals associated with the Company and for rental to guests of Vail. The Applicant has failed to provide any proof that such excessive noise will not exist after construction and use of the proposed deck nor are there any proposed conditions to the use. 5. The proposed deck would: have the effect of turning the residential mountain setting into a commercial setting. The addition of the deck would severely detract from the sense of serenity that the Bridge Street Lodge offers. SIGNATURE AND NOTARIZATION FOLLOW ON SEPARATE PAGE Affidavit of Bridge Street Investments LLC page 1 of 2 I, , affianf herein, being first duly sworn, state that I have read the foregoing Affidavit and find it true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated the _ day of , 2004. ~~ BRIDGE STREET INVESTMENTS LLC Name: Title: Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ day of , 2004 by [Seal] My Commission Expires: Notary Public ' Affidavit of Bridge Street Investments LLC pace 2 of 2 AFFIDAVIT OF GEORGI LLC STATE OF COUNTY OF ss. I, , Affiant herein, being first duly sworn, depose and state as follows: 1. I, , am the of Georgi LLC (the "Company"), the record owner of Condominium Unit 306, 287 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado and have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein. I submit this Affidavit in support of the objection by the Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Association ("Association") to the Conditional Use Permit for the addition to the deck on the Vista Bahn Building, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. This Affidavit will also serve as the personal objection of the Company as a property owner. 2. On July 29, 2004 Remonov & Company, Inc. (the "Applicant"), represented by Knight Plarming Services,. Inc., submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an outdoor patio, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road (Vista Bahn Bui]ding)/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing,l ("Conditional Use Permit"). On September 13, 2004 at 2:00 p.m., the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission will consider a request for final review of the Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Second Floor, Vail Town Code. 3. The Company is the record owner of real property adjacent to the property which is the subject of the Conditional Use Permit and. is a member of the Association. The Company's property is used exclusively for residential uses. The Company strongly objects to the app]ication for Conditional Use Permit and requests that the Town of V ail Planning and Environmental Commission den}~ the application. 4. The Company's objection is largely based on, but not limited to, ongoing noise issues at the Tap RoomLSanctuary, the bar and restaurant located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. Over the past few years there have been numerous complaints related to excessive noise from the Tap Room/Sanctuary and documented violations of the applicable noise ordinances of Vail. The requested outdoor patio will serve to continue, and likely increase, the excessive noise and noise ordinance violations at the Tap Room/Sanctuary. The excessive noise impairs the Company's ability to use its property for guests of the Company, individuals associated with the Company and for rental to guests of Vail. The Applicant has failed to provide any proof that such excessive noise will not exist after. construction and use of the proposed deck nor are there any proposed conditions to the use. 5. The proposed deck would have the effect of turning the residential mountain setting into a commercial setting. The addition of the deck would severely detract from the sense of serenity that the Bridge Street Lodge offers. SIGNATURE AND NOTARIZATION FOLLOW ON SEPARATE PAGE Affidavit of Georgi LLC page 1 of 2 I, , afftant herein, being first duly sworn, state that I have read the foregoing Affidavit and find it true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated the _ day of ~ , 2004. GEORGILLC Name: Title: Subscribed and sworn to before me this -day of , 2004 by [Seal] My Commission Expires: Notary Public Affidavit of Georgi LLC page 2 of 2 AFFIDAVIT OF R. HOWARD CANNON STATE OF COUNTY OF 55. I, R. Howard Cannon, affiant herein, being first duly sworn,, depose and.state as follows: 1. I, R. Howard Cannon, am the record owner of Condominium Unit 402, 287 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado and have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein. I submit this Affidavit in support of the objection by the Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Association, ("Association") to the Conditional Use Permit for the addition to the deck on the Vista Bahn Building, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. This Affidavit will also serve as my personal objection as a property owner. 2. On July 29, 2004 Remonov & Compan}', Inc. (the "Applicant"), represented by Knight Planning Services, Inc., submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an outdoor patio, located at 333_ Hanson Ranch Road (Vista Bahn Bui]ding)/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing'1 ("Conditional Use Permit"). On September 13, 2004 at_2:00 p.m., the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission will consider a request for final review of the Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Second Floor, Vail Town Code. 3. I am the record owner of real property adjacent to the property which is the subject of the Conditional Use Permit and I am a member of the Association. My property is used exclusively for residential uses. I strongly object to the application for Conditional Use Permit and request that the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission deny the application. 4. My objection is largely based on, but not limited to, ongoing noise issues at the Tap Room/Sanctuary, the bar and restaurant located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. Over the past few years there have been numerous complaints related to excessive noise from the Tap Room/Sanetuary and documented violations of the applicable noise ordinances of Vail. The requested outdoor patio will serve to continue, and likely increase, the excessive noise and noise ordinance violations at the Tap Room/Sanctuary. The excessive noise impairs m}' ability to use my property both for personal use and for rental to guests of. Vail. The Applicant has failed to provide any proof that such excessive noise will not exist after construction and use of the proposed deck nor are there any proposed conditions to the use. 5. The proposed deck would have the effect of turning the residential mountain setting into a commercial setting. The addition of the deck would severely detract from the sense of serenity that the Bridge Street Lodge offers. SIGNATURE AND NOTARIZATION FOLLOW ON SEPARATE PAGE Affidavit of R. Howard Cannon pale 1 of 2 I , affiant herein, being first duly sworn, state that I have read the foregoing Affidavit and find it true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated the _ day of , 2004. ,~ R. HOWARD CAN-NON Subscribed and sworn to before me this - da}- of , 2004 by [Seal] NIy Commission Expires: Notary Public Affidavit of R. Howard Cannon page 2 of 2 i om .List From: Matt Mire [MMire@vailgov.com] Sent: Monday, Ivlarch 01, 2004 9:39 AM To: cgreenhouse@msgll.com Cc: David Rhoades; `George Ruther; Mary Ann Best; Steve Subject: Noise ' Charlie, Sorry it took a while to get back with you, but I was out of the country for same time and upon my return things were a little crazy around here. I can confirm that we had a meeting with Mr. Kaufman from the Tap Room with regard to the alleged noise violations. Based upon the complaints of noise, Mr. Kaufman has taken several measures, including but not limited to: 1) moving speakers away from the wall adjacent to residential units; 2) removing the sub-woofer from the ground and away from the wall adjacent to residential areas and placing it on an elevated device which is designed to reduce the reverberating bass tones; 3) rendering all upstairs - windows inoperable, so that they can not be opened by bar patrons at night; 4) placing his sound system on a timer,.so that outside speakers automatically shut off at a given time; 5) and hiring his own audiomi:trist to provide consult. With regard to the PEC meeting, it has not yet been placed on the agenda. Based upon my discussions with the Chief of Planning, George Ruther,.l-believe it will be placed on a PEC meeting in April..The nature of the agenda item and what will be proposed can be provided to you prior to that meeting. Once that agenda request is made formal, I will you provide you with all of the accompanying material. Finally, if you would like to discuss further the Town Police Department's response to noise in the village or at the tap room, you can contaci Commander Steve Wright, (479-3433). My understanding is that he has some background on these issues. Thank you for your continued cooperation and I will let you know the details on the PEC once I know them myself. Matt J. Matthew Mire Town Attorney Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rpad Vail, Colorado 81657 Ph. 970. 479-2107 Fx. 970. 479-2157 mmire(awailgov.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This electronic mail transmission and any accompanying documents contain information belonging to the sender which may be confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify me immediately by telephone or e-mail and destroy the original message without making a copy. Thank you. 3/3/2004 AFFIDAVIT OF TIMOTHY HALL CANNON STATE OF ) \~ ss. COUNTY OF ) I, Timothy Hal] Cannon, Avant herein, being first duly sworn, depose and state as follows: 1. I, Timothy Hal] Cannon, am the record owner of Condominium Unit 401, 2E7 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado and have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein. I submit this Affidavit in support of the objection by the Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Association ("Association") to the Conditional Use Permit for the addition to the deck on the Vista Bahn Building, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. This Affidavit will also serve as my personal objection as a property owner. 2. On July 29, 2004 Remonov & Company, Inc. (the "Applicant"), represented by Knight Planning Services, Inc., submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an outdoor patio, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road (Vista Bahn Building)/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1 ("Conditional Use Permit"). On September 13, 2004 at 2:00 p.m., the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission will consider a request for final review of the Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Second Floor, Vail Town Code. 3. I am the record owner of real properly adjacent to the property which is the subject of the Conditional Use Permit and I am a member of the Association. _My property is used exclusively for residential uses. I strongly object to the application for Conditional Use Permit and request that the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission deny the application. 4. My objection is largely based on, but not limited to, ongoing noise issues at the Tap Room/Sanctuary, the bar and restaurant located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. Over the past few years there have been numerous complaints related to excessive noise from the Tap Room/Sanctuary and documented violations of the applicable noise ordinances of Vail. The requested outdoor patio will serve to continue,, and likely increase, the excessive noise and noise ordinance violations at the Tap Room/Sanetuary. The excessive noise impairs my ability to use my property both for personal use and for rental to guests of Vail. The Applicant has failed to provide any proof that such excessive noise will not exist after construction and use of the proposed deck nor are there any proposed conditions to the use. 5. The proposed deck would have the effect of turning the residential mountain setting into a commercial setting. The addition of the deck would severely detract from the sense of serenity that the Bridge Street Lodge offers. SIGNATURE AND NOTARIZATION FOLLOW ON SEPARATE PAGE Affidavit, of Timothy Hall Cannon _.. page 1 of 2 I, , affiant herein, being first duly sworn, state that I have read the foregoing Affidavit and find it true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated the -day of ,.2004.. ,' TIMOTHY HALL CANNON Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ day of , 2004 by [Sea]] My Commission Expires: Notary Public Affidavit of Timothy Hall Cannon page 2 of 2 . ! L~L~ ~. F k'G ~2. ~^ ~ a r R '1 g .~~l+S~~u+7~x~Y .. .~.,.~'~-.- .. ~~~k .JI S .,~ :. . •~ .y'. F 'P . y- ., . ~ ' • .. ....' , 4S4x ~Z, 1 .;vets 4 ,x' ,~ ~,•?` ~~~~ ... _ _ ~ d k3 ~ ~ ~ ~~S^~5' e~f F '{ , w ~1~ L 7 F~ ~! 9 5 ~. ~~ f LLL^^^"' r~ F l ~} ~ ~~{l~ 'kxN ~ h ~ ~ .w „,e i~ ~ f r {(... ~ _ ~~jC~l l~~~k ~~ - ~ 1if ~. ~ r:. ~. ~- ~ , ~~'~ k rk ~~ ~~i ~ ~~ . . .., .. .. y~ 'n~N ~ . ,h:. . Rlt"~ . T 4 pl~il''}'' LS' ~ .. . t!~ ~ ~C Y '~~ f ~d' r.l ~1' ~u~ l ~ '• ~n ' ~ ?~ rL a yp ~ gdi.i r,~ 4 . ~ ... ,~ ;' _ _ ~Lki,{(ff~y t.~ ~` r 1~ r .~ Y „_, Wf; ?, ~''' -~~..~;~. ~t k. }.. ~ Attachment:..r ._.. __ _/~ __ - _ ~1, ~ ~~ F ~ .._L-... ..- _.. __ ~--' - ..__ .._.-~~.-.ij(~~__!'.//~5~~-~ -.~ r~ 5 ~Y,~~~:/fi --~~~~-~l~,G ~r~ _~~'~_s~/ ~ L.~'/'l_Lr~ -- _..... , . - - - ---•U . ~r-~..1.'.C~.;tIC~S_ f~~~.~,i;,',~-~ ./?/ ~/L.1_ i, .^.G~l /~..,- 7 ~"r Cam' /? i --•• _.. ... . _ i'PGi.c~. trYc_.~_. %' ~~.'-~~ ~r.___,' •-/, ~ G ~~/ /r.Ly7~l~~ ~ .~, ~,~ ~ ;a, - _ h ,r .~ ~i _ .~1_. __ U --` ----~ -- - ~n/ , ---- - -- - • - -J /f-'~~ --•- ~ ,1_.,,'~~r~ /G' G~ ~ .-~'~~ - CLC-~'_~ G~~.G 1(J'~. Z c~ -_J ~' /"%I I ~ f '_ ~: ~i ..~. /~-~-~ r -- • - -- - •- --- . ~ -! v YyJ S~T~~.c~i.~G. ~~ f i . D~ ycu Baal , ~ ~aE;mg your r°5°rVaflOrl Was Ea~Y7 \,.I/ ~ 2. ;Jid you nave any problams Tending thn Cnristiania7 ~, ~ ~/ 3. Dc you ;__! ~~= cneci;ing in at the From Mask Was c~5y~ i ~. ~~'as the ironi disk agant ;n~1pTU1? ~ N ~. V~n_ is your uni nurnbnr? /~-~ 6. era you s_iisr~ed wit; your untl? fr r,o, plRzse exoiain. ~ N t.n n urn ~,,,, ^ being ~>Z° bast, :. Ill=~S~ TcL~ V~'_i "n(i: h f'", n ~ i- 8. Pf=asp ray t~~ ;;~;.~s=kaeping sarvic?. 9. P{ea==_ ra'a ~~;= ova-211 service or the Lcdca. ~ ~. ~o°S cny ,;, ~~~f Di DLIr S~~i~ ~LailC! OUt? picaS? Spat= iir~lr riaritc and W'iy 1 ;. V~~oulo you stay in tiffs ~articular• unit again % ~ N 12. V1~o~i)d ;you slay ci 2; IOf18r Ui1lt CWfiad or managad dy i~a C ~ris~i_,~ _'~` N 73. Dc ycu i-!avz ar ~~-~~ o ~s -tea Tu, Sher cornm ~o~~ it~~mpiainis o. suaoestior,s? ~~ ~ ~~o~ ThanF }you end enjoy your s~=_y!!l C ~~ ~ _ saw ~~~ ~~ ~~ Q~ ~~~~~ T~ ~~~~ `~ ~~ ~` / ~ l ~o ~~uz, ~ C,a~..o- ~zr,J-~ T~ flrm,.J lrr ~ (may O D ~~~--- ~/ ~ ~ n~~, ~~~~ ~~ ~~ltl ~I '~ YYY l~ / ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ w lm e.,~i~ c~ C~~,~ o ~a~ ~5 Cif I~ui~i -i ~ ~~. ~~1~P~„Q ~ ~26ulNc%P/I C~'I ~I~u'/.~.~„r~~~» c n~ ~~~ `a~~ ~~ l~~r~n ~ cGr~~~ o2~xf alc~t- ~ li ~~ ~~q ~~ :Ga~~ ~l)~~~~1~ ~7Ur~,o, ail ~l~o ~^r~.~, ~~ ~~7Cu ~f ~ ~l'~ ~ rn~~ ~%~~ ~7 Ott G -Glr.~ G~~C,~~~~s~~~;rr.~ ~~-v ~,.~o~~ f~ ~l~ , ~~~s. '~ ~~°~ ~~ . nor ~4 ~ ~ ~~ ,. U~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ o~ ~~ 1 ~r,~D C~ ~~ ~~~ 1~ ~GC~.~ ~~ ~' ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ J _ , ~~~ ~~~ u~~ ~~~~~;~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~o 1~~~ ~~ W~ ~' ~~~' ~ ~~ .,~ ~ G ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~l7 `UI 1 /~ ~~ ~~~~ 0 ~• Septeznacr To the Town of Pail > . M}r name is Diz Vrinston. I hav;: been coming to Vail Tor btrsiAess and pleasure for over li; !. Dis lfz'nttor., III Pr~idC~l ~ years. 'You have a wonti.-rFul Lowe, as well ets a world class ski arsa_ The lodgings and restaurants ase unsurpassed in ezcellcneias and delicacies. Brit it is with great regret that I will riaw have to start considering other mountain venLes for ao,utn ur Utxt:croxs J,mLnrdr ~ both business and pleasure. r,tN•>~n;r For the past siz years my family has spcntLabor Day Weekend in Vail, It is a yearly hiehlight /W,dult U~rC eagerly anticipated by us all. Aiso for the past six years I have conducted a nltn's nzT~at averaging 30- Grcfokur lmwunm~ iacunn~ 40 men. on the weel.~nd foIlowina Labor Day. It has been our areal pleasure to stay at ~~ Chrtstiana Lr.Jobn nrarrm rl„~~,,, Lodge for both weekcntis. The ChrtSdana iF such a spacial place, quaint and "non-ehaainey", aIld rip until The last two years it has been quiet and restful. One of the things my wife and I looked forward to ene nmror ' Nntlan9 .r Anrl each year is oncnin= the window and being lulled Lo sleep by the FootIung sotutds of the creel; behind p,,,r,,h„„~ the Christiana. Nonrr Wnun..bun '~}te past two years have got been as enjoyable or as restful due Lo the non stop cvenin~ noise iiUI.RD DF tiEFERE\CE Lznm the'Tap Room. Over Labor Day, even with the vwindox~s closed, my wife had bi_~+-iculty finding ,~~,,~~„~, sleep, The boamira bass, drunl:cn howlers, and crass cacophony went on well past midni_ht. Thz Cncm• IIdL- Commnn.n Chwrh Men's weekend of the 7-9 was no different. It was only with a fan innning in the room, windows xw.oH.W~aU closed, sod ear plugs firmly in place that I was able r~ sleep, lk1 "B~hIe AIPFIT>lm' I was not the only one .disturbed by The aforcLnentioned establishment. Many of the rne~ ~~~riult"' reported Liift"LCU]ry sleeping due to the dissonant din from the Tap Room. CO.cWan This situation needs to be addressed. Their freedom to disturb should stop at my frzzdom Lo .xutr,urrroirt ~+n,nvua cnU>cnnnl: sleep undisturbed. I would Iike to continue bring rig my family and my business associates io'Vei]._ BuL not if JT.: Tian Jknoa Grccmnudf nnmumn rnurrJt j1llS nOS10llS nOICC Cpr1LInLI I.S 1ITlc'Lt78LCd. Sincerely Yours, C7 ~\~ ~`~': ~~~ L Dtz Winston. III PtesicL°nt IbIP~,CT! - 5 iyj UTC P:ui.~u~' • Suite ~)OU •'En~riruutf, CU • Snli] • it7i_,-;ti~T IS • };t.~_ ;SCE S= "1.9?"0 • F;•~:1k couupa~t @soL[:011 ~`~-;-r ry '~' '.Z'eople.o.t'tae.Book.Cartel o r :a °r - Y unfl.eom `~ 1s'z2 5. AD-A-~YI;9 D A... 1. D~ou Feel makin ;your res?rvafio: ~was;sasy? ~ 1,, ~r 7 r-c ~ l~„r' r ~ ~- 2. Did you have any problems Trading jthe Chrisiia ia? ~. Do you reel that necking in. at the Front desk w s eas ~ _ 4. Was the front desf` agnni helpful? ~. ~ a. ~ Viral is your unit number? -3 ~ 3 6. Are ,you SatlSTled with your unit? If na, please explain. Y ;. ~ ~ ~./ d- ~ V~ vy, U_.;~P I ~i/'!2 ~ C ~ ~ J" . ova G~ Wlrz U ~ 7~ r.l.~ y; v~. .._ 7. Please rate your unit, uA" "r" ("A" being fhe best). 1~ - j~~ l f Q~v 1 Gi~L~' LI l~ ~vU~^J' na F^ / 8- :~_..... z }~Iri~ `vCl VICC• ~" ~ ~1 ~ "(~L~ ~~ }~ ~~v~ 0 9. Please rata the overall service of the Lodge. ~j `i' 10, Does any member a` our staff t nd out? Pie e state their ramn .and why. ~~~.~~ h k_.~ - . Uv~ c ~~p `I ~nd~ ~ USN ~ ~ ~n ~,~ G'L S ~~ ~, ~ s--t.~,~ UJ ho. ~~ J L ~f _ 11. Would you stay in this particular unit again? Y ~~ ~U ~' 1 f P l ,~ Y- 12. Would ycu stay ai anotherunit owned or managed by tha Christiania?~~1\r i 3. Do you hav;r any further comments, camplainis or sU~peSIlOnS? ' ~L ~ f f~1-. S vl. ra ~~ ~ ~ ilir ~r. ~-1,r fG ~r•-r,_,s-C L°,~ ~c ~C ~ I~-d~--~ fr t.UGv4 ~/ ~ ~, ~ y,. ~„~ vvr w rte., ~~ ~ Thank you and enjoy you, st y!!? ~ r' fj ~ ~2r~' ~;~ .v ~^~r-,G~r ~p ,~. c ~~~y U ~ w~-o'~C fig . ~u~~-zS`,~/~Y ~~p ~- .~ ~ , ,ter ~- U,,,.- ~-~ ~-r , ~? y ~r~ Wiz; ~ 1- d L' ~ ~' t ~ ~ ~ ~-, ~~ . ~~ 1 r of s ~ ~ Z ~j ~. J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (l. ~ ~~/~ ~Uw ~J~- ~ ~ ~ =~7/ 1-Jb yj, ~ 1 yr~r f~~-!vG ~/G ~= ~ ~L~L' ~ ~.I~ ~ ~ ~(1 l~'Ci/ ~ - - i ~ ~y ~ ~ _ _ . _, L- •~ n!~ C%' r "7 ~ `~~ ~ > l V fJ-~~i Lam'' "~Y~L' /~,~{ ~~// ~ ~ ~~~~ ' . ; _ ... ti Y • I ~ ~ -_ _~ ~ -~- _. _-_~_. _. 1 _. ___ ~ .~ ~. - ~~-- Gov c/~~~~- _, _T. ~~~~ ,ice _ /' ~1 ----~ ~ - /7 -C'- ~ y ' / ~ / ~ i e ._ -.-.--. _- -- ~ - i -- ', 1 `, f 0 y~ J Cc- n2 ~ 1~ k ~~'t,U~ a ~CIL' % L,.°- ~,~ J ~L .JL~ v12, V~~/ c~i ~.. ~~-'~ ~ ~L~~~~~ {~ ~ L .r '~ (~ / ~ ~ (~ ~.' f ~ / ,~-~. - ~ C~;~ G J I ~3 ~'--- ~/ ^ ... ~ '~ L''~j . . ~'r vI r, /~ . . 1..~~ I r~ - ~:~:~ Date: ~- '; -,~'? f ~. / ~~ ~ . Do you reel ma'~ino your reservation was easy? ~ ~ ~ 2. .Did you have any problems finding the Christiania? Y~,'~. 3. Do you feel that .checking in at the r-ront desk was easy? ~~ ~! ~, Was the front desk agent heipfu(? ~ T~ 5. What is your unit number? ~- 6, Are you satis~i~o with your unit? iT no, please explain. Y f~ ; 7, Pleese r to ya! r unit, -A"_ "F° ("A" t~~ing the best). __ ~' 8. P}ease raise tie hu~~sekeeping service. __ ~ ~. P!E~;se. r~,'te _: Te ovrra~' ssrvice of tine i_odge. _ 1 D. Does .any ~emhar o. our star; stared out? Pleese state th=ir Hama G:d Lvhy. 1'(. V1,'ould you stay in this pariinular unit again? Y '12. Would ycu stay at anoiner unit .owned or managed by the Ch. isti_nia? ~1N ice. Goo--ryou have any ~urthzr. comrnehts, complain:s or suggestions? 1 I) )~~ Y:J .~ ._i>i '~li C 1-~~ =~".JI'f r7`=1c r..=', :~- r- ~. ~. ~~ r ~ r':~ r ~ r.J +'~J J: ~i~f.~~ :~ . Thank you and enjoy your stay!!! I i j '~, . ~.. vtR, , r X1`1 I ,~ J ;,_„~ ~~ w,,. __ -~J '~ i ~. ~~ i. ClnnJ•) r~ ^-~~~.~,...r.,c.. ~' ~32~i ~ ~-l.{12 ~172C2~'LC.L.n~ V~.i,,-(/~ , ~ LJ~'~ 1.cJ..'-v j~ I / _ _ ( L ~"C.C.I ~ :-Cil JJ ~.. ~% r~ t{ (iG"71 'T~ ~-t i.C..J :/,,,b. ~~ M I din ~.,o /)-~~-i' c;.,; ~e., c, u ~-+' _~t.c' ~~"~. G~ ~~ ~:~ r /1 ' ~ ~~ p''~ `fin ,:~ 1 <L ~,,, ew1 '~~( a zc ~ d f C~~ .~- / ~`~ .ln.:zc:~ ~17 ~v cv Lt/J ~c, ~.~rc/L.c c.L.~'it L-%tt--(-'.'t.l.~ .Lv~ ccTt u--G~ ~~"CLVvn '~-i. ~-L.-[n /l.~dn.~ .~c,-i 'f~'l ~ -i ~.~ -,C%,L'j~~`C-~.c,P• J„v czvt I i ~`~ ` t I ~ ~ .~ ~ j 1 ~J rJ I/~~7' 1~1~~1',P~~i~ n~~ ~ if/c- Lo~t~ ,cInIS.~ Rr~~:~ D~~r~tu;~~ ~'yc~r~:r r=~Ur'~ ?H ~ L. A ~: l=. ~ C~~O y~!JS' Q ~ 1/~il N ~ ~` D (.C L 1 S Der/~ ~~N6 ~ n~ - ~ Si ~"~ ,: ~~r/ C',C' ~~FT"/~/I'~C-, rD~ ~~ c'~cT/~~t/~~ TNC 1~~.; c~ ~~Ut`'t 'itlE ~'Gt~c. DN%~ ,VL ~ ; Dcc~ Y, EFi l1S trWRYE~ ~/r~i/~ ,~C~'l~'.s r~i. ff~ 6u2 ~Ot^'1E ~OfiJ9J ~ ~f-r.ALL C'of~r~~u~~:r~ /~/ ;~PS'~~~~~ . ~c W ~U~ (~ r.~c ~/A~` c No..s~' I~2 D r Fi,~/CE~~' ~~ ND /'i' Of~.~ ~~~,./T~ i~(.~ ~l. ~ U~ f o 60 /~i~/ ~; i S ; ~'PE o t ~ ~~U/ ~~ i G,1 ~.r c ~ ~/~rlc yo u ~'E(//F~J j ~l ~ f1 ~ y~:~2 N~~ i iZ~~,~rr .~otr~l~ //'EET//'/C . ~rf/'l~~ y0 u ~ iLC. -d ~~f L ~'JC. /~~~E /v~ ~~1~'rc A~~ Uri r> /" ,' ~D Date: ~ ' ~~ ~~~ 1. Do you feel making your reservation was easy? ~ N 2. Did you have any problems finding the'Christiania? Y 'N 3. Do you Teel that checking in at the Pront desk was easy? ~y N 4. Was the TronL desk agent helpful? ~J N ~. What is your unit number? ~~~ 6, ;rc yca ;atis;;ed ~riti~ your unit? 1i no, piease explain. ~ ~ 7. Please rate your unit, "A°= "F" ("An being the best). ~~ 8. Please rate the hou=ekeeping service_ ~~~0 C..~~IC~J =-~.~ ~` 9, Please rate the overall service.oTthe Lodge. .~ ~~'~~ ~ 7 D. Daes any member or our stafr stand out? Please state their Warne and why, _ i ~-_ ~ j ~ ~f~~~ .~~~rd ~ Gam' ~~.~~~~ U 1'1. Would you stay in this particular unit again? ~ ~ '12. V~Iould you stay at another unit owned or managed by the Cnristiania~i~ '13. Do you have any Tur<her cornm2nts, complaints of suggestions? y U ,. 1 ~.~~~ i ~~ 5~'~ / ~ ,,,v,0._ r°. -'~~7 ~ / /. - } i ~ J ~, ~~~~ ~v " Yom, ~-- /~~ ;, j J) °_~' `~ ~~ i \~ ~ / ''~ ~; ~ .~~'"'r°~'" :.~- l ~ ~' f r~ .i / J i ` -2'j l~`~ / l~ l,, ~p ~ L LLB ~,~ L~ t--~ L• c= ~~ ~~~.~ V~~~ ~ ~~ l/ I ~ ~ /~ ~ ~~, ~ . ,~ /_.. '_ ; ~` .~ f ~ - L i• ~ / , ~~~-~~'.? , C`-~ ~ 1L, ~ I ~~ Cyr ~ C -~ =~~~ ~(~~L.! ~, ;!= ~~~ ~-- . ~--~ .t.~<~ , :J ~~,~ I ~~ v ' J ~~~~7 ~ ~~ I I ~-- ~\ -~-" ,. _ i ,~ c~ vi / `/ ~~ v ~ Y t ~ • r 3' r :. : Jim ~% I ~'1,', •~ ---r:~'. ,,'. `, ~~` '~, r-. /-' / v ~ ~~ ~ I ) 1~ ~"~-f J r ~~ j f ~ ~ , ~,; . ~ r . -~- - -~ . ~ r, , ~' fl;~ ~t~~~~ ~~_~ 'ter-;5 / 1 ~l :r ~~~ ~ ~ 1 ~, J. l~.'~ ~Gi~----~ _ 'ir-•',w- ;/ .~ / , V ~ V ~ ' ' J !/ ~ ~ ~ ~~, l 1 '/ ,/•J =Z''., mil, , `~,. ~l~ ~ ,-,,, ~ ~ J ~ / !' J. .c ' ~_,,2 ~ ,1,~L.,, -~t.-Cr ~ . . , j L^}/1"r~ ./...:/J ~v'~i ~-~r~q_~ ~..C,'= ..ter r l .J~' /`: -(.'mil •- ~L'L. r l i 'v 1,//.~ ~,~ ~tii. ~~ u - -'J-~- , ~f / ~ / r' ~! ~~ ~~~ ~~/-~ 1 - ~ ~> _ ,~ r , f --~ r _ „~ ~- ,~ c~ r ~-.~ - ,~ 1 `" _~ /~- ~ jj~ P _~ ~ r ^, J G ~~ ~~ ,= ~, ~_ ~ ! ~ '/ r ~./',~ ~ Off.. - ~ Q/1~~ GF'~ t ,c/J~f~_ i j ~ _ ~~~/~.r'j' ~/ ~~/ 1~ O F~..rLCrr ~~i 1 J" ~G,G' L.G' .C~i ~/ ~ ~~ fi9'`7?~[-t~,%' ~-~-~7'-~7 1~ _~f~~ ~~ ~ ~~ =~~C' ~ 'l_.O,l , . /~ `~ ~ //~. '% G ;i~ r; ~-4~ ~r .; t `~ ,. :Date: 3 ~ ~ .~ ~'~ 1. DD you feel making your reservation was easy? ~ N 2. Did you have ariy problems rending the Christiania? ~ N - ~6 '~" ~ ~ +prr, +,9., 3. Do you feel that checking in at the Front desk was easy? ~ N a,~,~,~„~, 4. Was the front desk ageni helpful? Y N ~ ark 5. What is your unit number? ~ ~ ~ ~. Are you satisfied with your unt? lfi no, please explain. Y N _ ~~~-1 ~t~ ~$~~. `~~ ~~~5 ~ ~~es~ 1S ~~tS ° u " " " " ~ SL~{~ ~ 7. Please rate your unit, 1= ( A A = being the best). ~ ' 8. Please rate the housekeeping service. 9. Please rate the overall service of the Lodge_ °~ 10. Does any member of our stafr stand out? Please state their name and why. 11. Would you stay in this particular unit again? Y ~ ~~~re ~k 12. Would you stay at another unit owned or managed by the Christiania N ~' ~ ~ 13. Do you have any rurther comments, complaints or suggestions? Thank you and enjoy your 5~ay11r '--~ .. /'~ L ,. ~,. / - ~) ~ ~` r ~J ~ _ / r1~LE' •`'"~ ~-~.. ''~~,.[~J ~ ~ yn r' ^~~ /,%{! '--y ~~yrt 9 ~ `G/~ ~^~~~G~JL,?r.~, ~ "~ l_! L _"_'z .lei (,r,_J. ~~ /`-O~G~ / ~ L t. / "C.~It-._/7/ •~/ ~ ~: ~?~~' / :.~`=Z_. ~ti ~~--r ~~~Lz`_ G'*~'.~1 ~ ,//~-~ ~ ~u:.•L.c~_ Lt.-L~~GL _ ~~-G~~,:1._.~/• ,- ~ ~~ r' " ~ ~,,'r77'7 Lf~; ~~L LL`,G~~LJ L7L LTZ~~ ,~.~Gc.-~ /..-~~'~:_ C ~~ ,_,~ /;[.~c_.u~ -' /~ ,~4.1 '~ ~ ~' vL'~~a _ '~~~~.~' Cam. G~.G ~-~` L--~.~:. '/Mr^~ / ~ 1 , L ' y • ' ~--' ~- ~ . C C ~'' .;tip ,~-~~ ~~ ~ _ _ G", ~ =~~~' . =,'~ ~~ ~~~ i-~-%~ ~-~ y~~~-z=~ ..,-z~.~ :.~.~~ J - i ~~' r`• -~ ~ ~!. .~ " , ~ ~- .~-~~i. r ,.i ~ ~ i ~. ~,~ •%.~ G~ ~, ~~ ~~ - Q 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I r /~ ~ / ~. r ~~..e%e_oC__ 7~ ~.~,-- .~~ C~c~ ~ -gym- ~'j ~' v -v ~ ~,~ZS~ ~~ L' J i J C7C ~ ~ .fir ` 5 I y' ~. Y ' r Date: % -- ~ °,-C'.~- 1, Do you Tee] making your reservation was easy? 2. Did you have any problems finding the Christiania? 3. Do you feel that checking in at the Front desk was IIasy? 4. Was the from desk agent helpful? b. What is your unit number? 6. Are you satisfied with your unit? [f no, pfeasp explain 7. Please rate your unit, "An- "r" ("A" being the best) .~' N Y~ N ~N 3a~ N 8. Please rate the housekeeping .service. Q K 9. Please rate the overall service of. the Lodge. /~ 10. Does any member of our stafr stand out? Please state heir name and why. r 11. Would you stay in this particular unit again? y 12, Would you stay at another unit owned or managed by the Christiania ~ N i ~~ ~' ~ 13, Do you//have anynnfurther comments, complaints or suggestions? ~ f ' ~ L' J G' ~7~ U -~ l~ ~• ~',~. - J b fZ- ~ /I.~ l~ ~ wc. GL/G !~ f G.~° /YO [ S z.. L~C~ ~ G ~G ~--~.a L~ ~~ r~L ~ C.1'Yo ..~ S r ` /'c9, ~ Ofl •Z ,~ N'.. r / f J_ S !'~rJ~ ~'- .. '^,4~: ~ .=.: ti., '~~ X14 ~ =i.,..ci ~ t ~ vLo ~ ~ '7IGC. ">'27 Thank you and enjoy your sfiay!!! ~`' ` P ~~ "`>~~' °~ ~ ~ ~ `~`~ .~ `Maass, Brian Modified: ~ Wed 1/'f 5103 6:48 PM 1/14/03 John Evenly General Manager Christiana at Vail 35b East Hanson Ranch Road va; {, co. a1G~~ ~~ Dear Mr. Overly- Tnanks for taking the time to read my letter, T hope it is of some benefit to you and the ~hristiona. A couple o1 winter seasons ago, me and my wife rented a unit at the Bridge Street Lodge Through the Christiana, Tt was very nice and we had a terrific weekend, So when we were headed 'to Vail again last weekend(January 10th and 11th) we contacted the Christiana. ~ believe I may have called on. Tnursday, January 9th. z spoke To two different reservations people during the a7=ternoon/evening. Unfortunately I don't remember their names, but I think one. may have been Christine, Whomever I spoke to told us they had one room left at the Christiana, a garden view at a reasonable price. ? specifically asked questions about the view and whether it was noisy, as I am a very light sleeper. The reservations person also mentioned a unit available at the Bridge Street Lodge(~304). There were rooms available at other pinees(Marriott etc.) and for ie.=~ money. But after talking. it over with my wife, we called back and got a di`'ferent reservations person. We took the Bridge Street room due to our previous good experience there. No one mentioned anything about any noise problems in the building. Mr, Evenly, r~#304 was a perfectly lovely Studio. However neither one of your reservations people mentioned to us that there was n new disco in the same building- I believe it is culled The Tap Room. The hideously loud music began both Friday and Saturday evenings. continuing unfiil approximately 2a.m. The thumping, vi6raTions and revelers were unbearable and kept us awake all night,. both nights, Saturday night my wife, Erica, actually retreated to the bathroom and slept on the floor , to aet away from the noise. Thats haw bfld it wa:, I believe unit #304 may be the unit in the building closest to the disco. When we checked out Sunday morning, sleepi_ss and grouchy, the young lady at the Christiana desk was sympathetic and understanding. She told us The Tap Roorn had .opened recently, and that Christiana reservations.peonle are acutely aware of the issue. In fact, sae said they are supposed to tell prospective guests abou t this noise issue, We had been told nothing, and thnts oat right, nor-fair. We're disappointed that your people made no mention of the new disco and the noise.:.f they had, we would have either stayed at the Christiana, or made other arrangements, Dbviousfy, we won't stay at the Bridge Street Looge again, and we will .advise -friends going to Unii Di the problems we encountered, and where they should not stay, I hope that as a matter of good busin°ss you make iT a rule To have your employees disclose this issue To pr esPective fridge 57ree` Lodge guests in the future. Anything less would be misleading and deceptive. ti016H ViDLAT[OflS AT 771H TAP ROOH 01(01/98 - 09/09/0] QUHRY 7111Ne CDRO L3H LLHRIiRT 27AbIH ~VPIlOR2 FILB LIBRTRI lEHk6EH POFl4AT Ct10CALL CAD lr CADCAGL CA C!\LL C)\DD9P0 CADF C/tDD9 PO CAD9PD QCADTHLHJ CI{IBPHP QCADTHLH] CATHGH C11-NJDR CADF CAD7IDDR C1IADDR DATH 05/09/OJ TL~1H 15td0:J4 (H) NO79H V]OLAT LOt75 71T HRIUOB t7I0HTCGUH ~~~/} W f7 l0 fil ! i r.1 41~-c~'N, S.r .19 rv' rt .. 1)Y CD}i4~'IjA N'TB T SHH .~,~ ~,1~ ' CA LLa IRN AlOpoSltlon DAT H CALL TIMP, Hu s lnesa TYP9 d70427 550476 llo Report lI 02/16J00 110398 23135:97 TAP ROOp1 7]oD05 a Report Na lb Lng Issued 07/74/00 D3/11/00 L1019B NO] 22:49x01 TAP ROOM B]D477 Ifa Re ort P 03/7]f Ob 8B CIOI9E Di2Br51 TAP ROOM 1710]7] 211D149 IIo Report 09/10/00 NOI66 23r]4:51 27e0Bx32 TAP TAp ROOM AOaN ]0600441. 76 L7 In ej dent Aeport N R OB/70/00 110296 23:]7x15 TAP ROOM ]b690369 o epart No Aeport D]f09/O1 03/]0/01 110I58 Z ~23r]B:2D TAp ROOM ]2290959 Ilo Report DB/]7/01 110 S6 ITO ISH ]3r201]B TAP nOOM ]]290454 17o Aeport OB/17/01 1f0I 73 e42r/] TAP HOOM 12450004 L-0037]6 Incident 0.eport 09/07/0] 6B TIOZSH 73 c92x4] Dr]D 0] TAP ROOM 17500441 1-b02765 Inc{dent Aeport 09/07/01 fT0I6H x 22:52 34 TAp ROOK 1]SLD373 1-OD7774 Incident Report 09/bB/O1 HOISH r 23x17x13 TAP TAP ROOM ~ 13110406 L343D016 Il0 Report 1]/17/01 ftOISH 0106127 TAP ROOr f ROCVT L344D351 Ro Aeport 17 /09/DI ItOISR 1;01;43 TAP ROOK 20040300 Ifo Aeport Ilo Report 12~10/OS 01 /D9 /02 ft0IS8 2t 21x]7153 TAP RODH 7016 D397 )To Report 0]/LDJ02 OI98 1fOIS8 ]:00120 TAp RDOH 2 D540395 20?20440 Ilo fleport 07/27/07 110ISH 27r4L158 2]:29:46 TAP TAP R003t RDO~{ 20 1-000951 Incident Report 03/13J07 110158 2];42115 TAP RDDI{ 7]D440 20750195 SUrrmonsf CltatLa 03/13(02 2fnI9H 2]:54130 TAP ROD}{ 20790195 _ Ho Report Rarning S813lted 03/16/07 D3/20/02 H0198 NO]HE ~L7107i1] SAP RODH ZLBOOD26 Ilo Report 06/29/02 IJ 0]S6 15,07179 1137 37 TAP T POOH 22 D6 D35D 2-002207 Incl dent Aeport 07/75/02 2JD]SE 1 22 45 04 AY T ROOH ]2D6 0360 Ile Report 07/25/02 7JD]9E 1 : 22147:78 AP TAp ADOM RODH 22350376 2-002486 Iin d denttAeporb b8/73/02 LJO76B 22350394 ~2-002488 Incident Repart DB/]3/02 N019~ 22146x10 31156:01 TAp TAp ROOH RO 22]60012 22160368 2-002995 No Repart 1nCldellt P-ep0[t DB/74/02 DB/74/02 NOI96 LJD19C ]:15x99 TAP OH ROOH 22]60396 2-DD2497 Incident Report 08/79/02 t70I9C 22x37:00 0 77 3L 7AP RUOM 22410315 22120387 2-D02590 No Repart Inc Ld t R 08/29/DZ NO79C : 1 21 r]7:OD TAP TAP ROOI! ROOTI 72430049 eu eport }Io Rep ort ~~ DB/30/02 DB/I1J02 NoI68 N0 9H 0:74:59 TAp ROOid 2]360374 Ho Report L2 /0]/02 7 ~LTOS9H 2r26:D2 2]108:55 TAP TAP AOOFI RDOfd 7n92035a 70940778 110 Aeport D4/O]/03 L10I9R Or09r39 TAP fl00L1 !lo Report 04f04/01 N026H 22:1]:94 TAP flD014 TDTAL 11019E CDT9pI~q ]IfPS COU n'I 38 38 . ~'~ H N D O P R A P O A T •+~ .~~ NOISE COh1P LAINTS AT THE .SAP7TUARY JAN 2000 - MAY 2009 CALL~k ~ IR# Disposition DATE CALL TYPE 20240366 20790337 21820373 21850025 21860019 21860019 21860905 21870942 22000402 22020008 2207037'7 22070377 22070377 22070377 22080909 22000404 22130436 22280387 22280387 22200387 30880326 31870404 31870904 31890373 31930350 40670005 TOTAL NOISE COMI COUNT 26 No Report 2-001031 Incident.Report 2-001949 Incident Report 2-001975 Incident Report No Report No Report h7o Report No Report 2-002156 Incident Report 2-002164 Incident Report 2-002218 Incident Report 2-002219 Incident Report 2-002218 incident Report 2-002219 Incident Report NO Report 2-002235 Incidec~t Report ' 2-002273 Incident Report 2-002910 Incident Report 2-002410 Incident Report 2-002910 Incident Report 3-001072 Incident Report ' 3-001076 Inci.d ent Report 3-001876 Incident Report 3-001897 Incident Report CIO Report NO Report 'LAINTS 26 01/24/02 NOISE 03/20/02 NOISE 07/01/02 NOISE 07/09/02 NOISE 07/05/02 NOZSE 07/05/02 NOISE 07/05/02 NOISE 07/06/02 NOISE 07/19/02 NOISE 07/21/02 NOISE 07/26/02 NOISE 07/26/02 NOISE 07/26/02 NOISE 07/26/02 NOISE 07/27/02 T70ISE 07/27/02 NOISE 08/01/02 NOISE 08/16/02 NOISE 08/16/02 NOISE 08/16/02 NOISE 03/29/03 NOISE 07/06/03 NOISE 07/06/03 NOISE 07/08/03 NOISE 07/12/03 NOISE 03/07/09 NOISE E N D O F R E P O R T TIME Business 22:47:11 SANCTUARY 23:33:35 SANCTUARY 23:32:58 SANCTUARY 1:23:01 SANCTUARY 0:39:92 SANCTUARY 0:42:32 SANCTUARY 0:06:17 SANCTUARY 23:13:.07 SANCTUARY 23:58:43 SANCTUARY 0:48:23 SANCTUARY 23:33:48 SANCTUARY 0:16:34 SANCTUARY 23:33:48 SANCTUARY 0:16:34 SANCTUARY 23:24:02 SANCTUARY 0:13:31 SANCTUARY 22:36:21 SANCTUARY 21:31:51 SANCTUARY 21:31:51 SANCTUARY 21:31:51 SANCTUARY 21:36:23 SANCTUARY 23:08:08 SANCTUARY 23:08:08 SANCTUARY 23:14:44 SANCTUARY 23:12:56 SANCTUARY 0:39:11 SANCTUARY tdOZSE COMPLAINTS AT THE SANTUARY JAN 2000 - MAY 2004 CA LL# IR# Disposition ~ DATE CALL TIPJE Business TYPE 20240366 No Report 01/24/02 NOISE 20790337 2-001031 Incident Report 03/20/02 NOISE 21820373 2-001949 Incident Report 07/01/02 NOISE 21850025 2-001975 Incident Report 07/04/02 lIOISE 21860019 No Report 07/05/02 1dOISE 21860019 No Report 07/05/02 NOISE 21860485 Dlo Report 07/05/02 NOISE 21870442 ~ PJO Report 07/06/02 NOISE 22000402 2-002156 Incident Report 07/19/02 NOISE 22020008 2-002164 Incident Report 07/21/02 NOISE 22070377 2-002218 incident Report 07/26/02 NOISE 22070377 2-002219 Incident Report 07/26/02 NOZSE 22070377 2-002218 Incident Report 07/26/02 NOISE 22070377 2-002219 Incident Report 07/26/02 NOISE 22080904 No Report 07/27/02 NOISE 22080409 2-002235 Incident Report 07/27/02 NOISE 22].30936 2-002273 Incident Report 00/01/02 NOISE 22280387 2-002410 Incident Report 08/16/02 NOISR 22280387 2-002410 Incident Report 08/16/02 NOISE 22280387 2-002410 Incident Report 08/16/02 NOISE 30880326 3-001072 Incident Report 03/29/03 NOISE 37.870409 3-001876 Incident Report 07/06/03 NOISE 31870404 3-001876 Incident Report 07/06/03 NOISE 31890373 3-001897 Incident Report 07/08/03 NOISE 31930358 t~lo Report 07/12/03 NOISE 40670005 No Report 03/07/04 NOISE TOTAL P10ISE COMPLAINTS COUCJT 26 26 *"* E N D O F R E P O R T +++ 22:47:11 SANCTUARY 23:33:35 SANCTUARY 23:32:58 SANCTUARY 1:23:01 SANCTUARY 0;39:42 SA1CTUARY 0:42:32 SANCTUARY 0:06:17 SANCTUARY 23:13:07 SANCTUARY 23;58:43 SANCTUARY 0:40:23 SANCTUARY 23:33:98 SANCTUARY 0:16:34 SANCTUARY 23:33:48 SANCTUARY 0:16:39 SANCTUARY 23:24:02 SANCTUARY 0:13:31 SANCTUAAY 22:36:21 SANCTUARY 21:31;51 SANCTUARY 21:31:51 SANCTUARY 21:31:51 SANCTUARY 21:36:23 SANCTUARY 23:08:08 SANCTUARY 23:08:08 SANCTUARY 23:14:99 SANCTUARY' 23:12:56 SANCTUARY 0:39:11 SANCTUARY 3 / 0 8 04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 N25N05NNMNNNNN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CADNCALLMINFORMATIONryNNN~~~~~~~N~~~~~~~020240366ry Call Number: 020240366 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 1/24/02 22:29:14 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt:. City......: VAIL Block#= 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last: First:CASEY Mid: See Caller: N Address...: MGRS APARTMENT Apt: City/State: Phone#: 477-0319 Source: Call Taker.: 521179853 KEMPF JENNIFER QPADEV0018 Dispatcher.: 521179853 KEMPF JENNIFER QPADEVOCI8 N A R R A T I V E GUEST FROM CHRISTIANA CALLING TO COMPLAINT ABOUT THE SPEAKERS OUTSIDE BEING ON PER 210 THE SPEAKERS ARE NOW OFF *NONE Unit Status History Information 1/24/02 22:29:14 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 210 Unit Status History Information 1/24/02 22:39:50 4 DISPATCHED D 1/24/02 22:39:50 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 1/24/02 22:44:05 6 ON SCENE O 1/24/02 22:46:44 20 AVAILABLE A 1/24/02 22:47:10 4 DISPATCHED D 1/24/02 22:47:10 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 1/24/02 22:47:13 20 AVAILABLE A 4318 MULSON 22:29:30 22:29:30 22:46:56 KURT D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 009 No Report Case# 1 - 00-000000 Unit: 210 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1' 16:25:23 CAD CALL INFORMATION 020790337 Call Number: 020790337 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 3/20/02 23:11:44 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY ~` Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#= 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last: First:DEBBIE Mid: -See Caller: N Address...: THE CHRISTIANA Apt: City/State: Phone#: Source: Call Taker.: 429556180 MELTON SUZANNE QPADEV0008 Dispatcher.: 479848360 HUXFORD SUSIE QPADEV0012 N A R R A T I V E GUESTS COMPLAINING OF BOOMING BASS FROM THERE 23:12:39 METER READINGS TAKEN SPOKE WITH THE TAP ROOM MANAGEMENT *NONE 3/20/02 23:11:45 207 3/20/02 23:13:31 3/20/02 23:13:31 3/20/02 23:13:35 3/20/02 23:23:57 3/20/02 23:34:20 Unit Status History Information 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 118609256 CASEY 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A 23:33:10 23:33:33 CHRIS D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-001031 Unit: 207 /08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 N25N34NNNNNNNNMMNNN~N~~~~N~~C~~CALLNINFORMATIONNN~NN~~N~~~~~~~~~~~021820373N Call Number: 021820373 Ca11 Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/01/02 23:15:16 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ~ ST Apt: City.....:: VAIL Block#~ 30a Loc ID: C!Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:BILL 'Mid: See Caller: N Address-...: 3 08 HANSON RANCH RD Apt City/State: VAIL CO Phone#: 476-6034 Source: Call Taker.: 522432408 GRAY AMY QPADEV0014 Dispatcher.: 522432408 GRAY AMY QPADEV0014 N A R R A T I V E THEY NEED TO CLOSE THE DOORS 216 WILL SWING BY 201 LOCATION AND THEN BE ENROUT 208 THEY HAVE CLOSED DOORS AND.WINDOWS IR TAKEN FOR DOCUMENTATION *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/01/02 23:15:16 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 208 Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A 6640 BALDWIN 23:16:17 23:19:38 23:19:38 23:33:20 23:33:33 BRAD 7/01/02 23:21:54 7/01/02 23:21:54 7/01/02 23:21:57 7/01/02 23:28:41 7/01/02 23:33:37 216 Unit Status History Information 7/01/02 23:18:57 4 DISPATCHED D 7/01/02 23:18:57. 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/01/02 23:19:11 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/01/02 23:19:51 20 AVAILABLE A 8809 DOUGLAS SUSAN A D D I T I O N A L C A L L A D D R E S S E S 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:25:46 CAD CALL INFORMATION 021850025 Call Number: 021850025 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/04/02 1:12:16 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Ca11er Name: Last:MORTON First:BILL Mid: See Ca11er: N Address...: 308 ~ HANSON RANCH RD Apt:. City/State: VAIL CO Phone#: 476-6264 Source: Call Taker.: 521179853 KEMPF JENNIFER QPADEV0009 Dispatcher.: 3258 UHLRICH BETH QPADEV0003 N A R R A T I V E DO NOT.CONTACT RP, JUST WANTS THE NOISE TO STOP 1:12:35 RP WANTS THE NOISE COMING OUT OF THE SANCTUARY 1:12:49 TO STOP, AND SAYS IF THIS DOESN'T STOP HE IS GOING TO CALL 1:13:07 THE MAYOR 1:13:07 RP SAID THEY NEEDED TO CLOSE THE DOORS AND WINDOWS 1:15:59 AND THAT THE DECIBEL LEVEL WAS WELL ABOVE REGULATION 1:16:06 208 DISREGARD WITH THE NOISE METER 1:22:49 MUSIC HAS BEEN TURNED OFF PER 216 1:22:49 ALREADY DID LAST CALL.PER SGT 1:23:35 UNABLE TO GET A METER READING 1:23:35 *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/04/02 1:12:17 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 216 Unit Status History Information 7/04/02 1:15:12 4 DISPATCHED D 8809 DOUGLAS SUSAN 7/04/02 1:15:12 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/04/02 1:16:26 6 ON SCENE O 7/04/02 1:23:40 20 AVAILABLE A A D D I T I O N A L C A L L A D D R E S S E S 1 308 HANSON RANCH RD Apt: e City: VAIL ST:. ZIP: Block#: 300 Common Name D I S P O S I T I O N S 3/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 x:25:59 CAD CALL INFORMATION. 021860019 Call Number: 021860019 Ca11 Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/05/02 0:34:40 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency ...... .: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: , VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANS ON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:BILL Address...: 308 HANSON RANCH RD City/State: Phone#: 476-6264 Call Taker.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES Dispatcher.: 7192 COMROE REBECCA N A R R A T I V E RP BELIEVES - WAY BEYOND THE NOISE LIMIT RP KNOWS THE DECIBEL LEVELS THEY HAVE WINDOWS OPEN GAVE TO EOC THEY WILL AIR TO THE VILLAGE 223 ENROUTE SHE IS TAKEN THE NOISE MEETER Mid: See Caller: N Apt Source: QPADEV0008 QPADEVOOOF *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/05/02 0:34:41 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 223 Unit Status History Information 7/05/02 0:42:28 4 DISPATCHED D 522537529 CALL 7/05/02 0:42:28 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/05/02 0:42:30 6 ON SCENE O 7/05/02 0:42:33 20 AVAILABLE A 225 Unit Status History Information 7/05/02 0:39:31 4 DISPATCHED D 7/05/02 0:39:31 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY. PR 7/05/02 0:39:43 20 AVAILABLE A 3838 RUSSELL 0:35:09 0:35:39 0:35:44 0:39:38 0:42:26 JENNI JOSEP D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 009 No Report ~ Case# 1 - 00-000000 Unit: 225 PAGE 1 HTE CAD 021860485 x/08/04 CAD CALL INFORMATIONN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ x:33:33 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~ Police ~~Call~Number~:~021860485 Ca11 Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAIN'T' police 7/05/02 23:44:23 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Entry Day/Tm: , A enc 001 VAIL P.D. g y........ ST Apt: CmnN: SANCTUARY~333. BRIDGE Location...: Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC City....•.: VAIL HANSON RANCH Intersectn.: GORE CREEK ~ Mid: See Caller: N Caller Name: Address.... City/State: Call Taker.: Dispatcher.: Last:MORTON First:WILLI 308 HANSON RANCH RD Phone#: 476-6264 314965002 NIELSEN LISA 522432408 GRAY AMY N A R R A T I V E NOISE IS TOO LOUD AT SANCTUARY IT DOWN THEY NEED TO CLOSE WINDOWS AND TURN *NONE 7/05/02"23:44:23 Unit Status History Information 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT Apt: Source: QPADEV0008 QPADEV0010 Unit Status History Information 205 D 8867 KNOX 7/05/02 23:45:59 4 DISPATCHED 7/05/02 23:45:59 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/05/02 23:46:00 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE O 7/05/02 23:53:25 6 ON SCENE A 7/06/02 0:06:23 20 AVAILABLE Unit Status History Information 223 D 522537529 CALL 7/05/02 23:46:47 4 DISPATCHED ENROUTE TO SCENE O 7/05/02 23:46:49 26 7/06/02 0:01:25 6 ON. SCENE A 7/06/02 0:06:23,. 20 AVAILABLE 23:45:21 23:45:34 MICHA JENNI D I S P O S I T I O N S ' Case# 1 - 00-000000 Unit: 205 1 009 No Report i/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 ~ry33M44NNMNNNNN NN~~~~~~-MNMryNCADM CALLMINFORMATIONNMNN~ N~~~~~~~~N~~~~021870442N Call Number: 021870442 Cal l Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/06/02 23:04:19 061 NOISE COMPLAINT .Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 0.01 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ~~ ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:BILL Mid: See Caller: N Address.... Apt: City/State: Phone#:-476-6264 Source: Call Taker.: 521179853 KEMPF JENNIFER QPADEV0002 Dispatcher.: 521179853 KEMPF JENNIFER QPADEV0002 N A R R A T I V E KEEPS GETTING LOUDER EVERY HOUR WINDOWS ARE OPEN PER 223 THIS IS CROWD NOISE, HAS ASKED THE BOUNCERS TO CLOSE A COUPLE OF CORNER WINDOWS *NONE 7/06/02 23:04:20 207 7/06/02 23:10:43 7/06/02 23:10:43 7/06/02 23:13:08 Unit Status History Information 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 118609256 CASEY 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A 223 Unit Status History Information 7/06/02 23:04:59 4 DISPATCHED D 7/06/02 23:04:59 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/06/02 23:05:08 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/06/02 23:10:40 6 ON SCENE O 7/06/02 23:13:08 20 AVAILABLE A 522537529 CALL 23:04:24 23:04:27 23:13:00 23:13:00 CHRIS JENNI D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 009 No Report Case# 1 - 00-OOOOOO~Unit: 223 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:33:56 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022000402 Call Number: 022000402 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/,Tm: 7/19/02 23:25:37 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. , Location:..: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: ~~ City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:CALLAIS First:CASEY Mid: See Caller: N Address...: CHRISTIANA Apt: City/State: Phone#: 476-5641 108 Source: Call Taker.: 610329919 BONTA ERIC QPADEV0017 Dispatcher.: 5080 GREY - MICHELE ~ QPADEV0003 N A R R A T I V E SOME PEOPLE OUT ON THE BALCONEY HAD SOME GUEST COMPLAIN THAT THEY THEY PARTIES ON THE BALCONEY ARE BEING VERY LOUD IN THE AREA PER 226 MEETING READINGS/ 3 SIDES/ DID NOT EXCEED LIMITS *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/19/02 23:25:38 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 226 Unit Status History Information 7/19/02 23:35:49 4 DISPATCHED D 7/19/02 23:35:49 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/19/02 23:35:49 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/19/02 23:49:00 6 ON SCENE O 7/19/02 23:58:49 20 AVAILABLE A 522356667 FERRI 23:25:46 23:27:40 23:28:12 23:49:06 23:53:09 23:58:40 ROBER - D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002156 Unit: 226 3/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 ~N34N14NNNNM~NNNN~N~~~~~~~~~~CADNCALL INFORMATIONNNNNMNNN~~~~~~~~~~~022020008N Call Number: 022020008 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/21/02 0:19:46 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency........: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#~ 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:WILLIAM Mid: See Caller: N Address...: 308 HANSON RANCH RD Apt: Phone#: Source: City/State: Call Taker.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES QPADEV0011 Dispatcher.: 539847092 MITCHELL JENNIFER QPADEV0007 N A R R A T I V E COMPLAINING ABOUT NOISE ORDINANCE 0:20:10 TURNED UP ALL THE .WAY 0:20:16 WILL BE COMPLAINING ALL THE TIME 0:20:22 DOORS ARE OPEN 0:20:27 DRUMS ARE REALLY LOUD 0:20:35 NO CONTACT W/RP 0:20:50 ADVISED 226 0:20.:58 NOISE UNDER CITABLE LIMIT 0:48:43 THEY ARE GOING TO CLOSE THE DOORS 0:48:50 *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/21/02 ,0:19:46 1.8 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 226 Unit Status History Information 7/21/02 0:21:48 4 DISPATCHED D 7/21/02 0:21:48 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/21/02 0:24:26 6 ON SCENE O 7/21/02 0:48:53 20 AVAILABLE A D I S P O S I T I O N S 522356667 FERRI ROBER 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002164 Unit: 226 PAGE 1 `~ HTE CAD 022070377 9/08/04 CAD CALL INFORMA'I'IONN~N~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16:34:26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~ Police ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOISE COMPLAINT Call Number.: Entry~Day/Tm: 022070377 Call Type.: 7/26/02 23:19:38 CmnN: SANCTUARY 333 BRIDGE Location.... City......: VAIL Intersectn.: GORE CREEK Block#: 061 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Agency Police , 001 VAIL P.D. ....... ST Apt: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC HANSON RANCH First:BILL Caller Name: Last:MORTON~IANSON RANCH RD Address...: phone#: 476-6264 City/State: SHARON Call Taker.: 524374254 FARMER CHARLES Dispatcher.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS N A R R A T I V E Mid: See Caller: N Apt: Source: QPADEV0015 QPADEV0012 NOISE LEVEL.TOO LOUD, RP WANTS THEM TO SHUT WINDOWS AND DOORS 207 IS OUT AT RED LION THIS IS WHERE THE NOISE IS COMING FROM RED LION SHUT THEIR DOORS - LOWERED THE MUSIC NOISE WAS FIRST REPORTED AT SANCTUARY - CHANGED TO RED L RP CALLING BACK STATING THE NOISE IS AT THE SANCTUARY AND IS LOUDER THAN BEFORE THE RP IS NOW WILLING TQ SIGN RP STATES NEED TO SHUT THE WINDOWS 207 ADVISED - WILL. HEAD BACK OUT IN A MINUTE VOLUME HAS BEEN ADJUSTED BELOW 60 HAVE RP STATE WHAT' KIND OF NOISE *NONE Unit Status History Information RT I 7/26/02 23:19:39 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 7/26/02 23:46:54 18 ROUTE CALL TIME Unit Status History Information 207 D 118609256 CASEY 7/26/02 23:21:38 4 11 DISPATCHED ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/26/02 7/26/02 23:21:38 23:21:53 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE O 7/26/02 23:26:40 6 ON SCENE A 7/26/02 23:33:57 20 AVAILABLE D 7/26/02 23:48:57 4 DISPATCHED ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/26/02 7/26/02 23:48:57 23:59:17 11 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE O 7/27/02 0:02:10 6 ON SCENE A 7/27/02 0:37:20 20 AVAILABLE U.N I T L O C A T I O N S 23:20:16 23:20:16 23:29:18 23:29:25 23:33:47 23:47:26 23:47:38 23:47:54 23:48:01 23:48:22 23:48:47 0:17:17 0:17:17 CF i /08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 2 :34:26 CAD CALL.INFORMA.TION 022070377 1 304 BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 07/26/02 City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 300 23:29:31 Common Name: RED LION A D D I T I O N A L C\~A L L A D D R E S S E S 1 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 300 Common Name: SANCTUARY 2 304 BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 300 Common Name: RED LION. D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002218 Unit: 207 2 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002219 Unit: 207 9 / 0. fs % 0 4 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:34:50 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022080404 Call Number: 022080404 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/27/02 23:06:15 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Location...: 333 BRIDGE City....... VAIL Intersectn.: GORE CREEK Caller Name: Address.... City/State: Last:MORTON Call Taker.: Dispatcher.: Agency........ 001 VAIL P.D. ST Apt : ~~ Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC HANSON RANCH First:BILL Mid: See Caller: Y Apt: Phone#: 476-6264 Source: 524374254 FARMER SHARON 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES N A R R A T I V E 226 GETTING THE NOISE METER TO MEASURE 226 WENT ON A TRAFFIC STOP ENROUTE TO THIS CALL 205 HAS ASKED THE ESTABLISHMENT TO CLOSE ITS WINDOWS 201 TAKING THIS CALL NOW 201 .OUT AT THE SANCTUARY BETWEEN 61 AND 64 PER 201 UNK IF PEOPLE ON .DECK OR THE CREEK 205 ASKED CLARK TO CLOSE WINDOWS EARLIER PEOPLE ON DECK - ARE NOT YELLING THOUGH TRAFFIC BETWEEN 201 AND 205 *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/27/02 23:06:16 18.ROUTE CALL TIME RT 201 Unit Status History Information 7/27/02 23:40:55 7/27/02 23:40:55 7/27/02 23:40:58 7/27/02 23:41:30 7/27/02 23:57:07 7/27/02 23:57:07 7/27/02 23:57:08 7/28/02 0:05:38 7/28/02 0:13:41 205 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 20 AVAILABLE A 4 DISPATCHED - D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A Unit Status History Information 7/27/02 23:22:32 4 DISPATCHED D 7/27/02 23:22:32 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/27/02 23:24:04 20 AVAILABLE A 226 Unit Status History Information QPADEV0007 QPADEV0003 6995 GRAVES 8867 KNOX 23:08:26 23:22:07 23:22:51 23:41:10 0:05:46 0:12:48 0:12:56 0:13:07 0:13:16 ' 0:13:29 SAMAN MICHA /08/04 :34:50 7/27/02 7/27/02 7/27/02 7/27/02 7/28/02 23:07:03 4 23:07:03 11 23:07:04 26 23:12:50 9 0:13:41 20 HTE ~ CAD CAD CALL INFORP DISPATCHED ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY ENROUTE TO SCENE STARTED SELF-INITIAT AVAILABLE PAGE 2 ZATION 022080404 D 522356667 FERRI ROBER PR E SC A D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 009 No Report Case# 1 - 00-000000 Unit: 205 2 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002235 Unit: 201 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:35:00 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022130436 Call Number: 022130436 Ca11 Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 8/01/02 22:09:54 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last: First:CASEY Mid: See Caller: Y Address...: CHRISTIANA FRONT DESK Apt: City/State: Phone#: 476-5641 Source: Call Taker.: 610329919 BONTA ERIC QPADEV0009 Dispatcher.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES QPADEV0012 N A R R A T I V E BASS, PEOPLE SCREAMING, ALL THE DOORS ARE OPEN 22:10:30 RP WOULD LIKE THE OFFICER TO COME BY THE FRONT DESK 22:10:54 PER 2.17 - THEY ARE WELL BELOW THE LEGAL LIMIT 22:36:46 *NONE Unit Status History Information 8/01/02 22:09:54 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 217 Unit Status History Information 8/01/02 22:11:29 4 DISPATCHED D 8/01/02 .22:11:29 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 8/01/02 22:11:33 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 8/01/02 22:32:34 6 ON SCENE O 8/01/02 22:36:48 20 AVAILABLE A 521359482 ZALOUDEK MARK . D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002273 Unit: 217 x/08/04 HTE CAD ~ PAGE 1 :35:10 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022280387 Call Number: 022280387 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 8/16/02 20:48:37 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: .300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC . Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:SMITH First:LOUANNE Mid: See Caller: Address .... Apt City/State: Phone#: 476-5641 Source: Call Taker.: 7192 COMROE REBECCA QPADEVOOQ3 Dispatcher.: 521179853 KEMPF JENNIFER QPADEV0010 N.A R R A T I V.E RP IS CALLING FROM TEH CHRISTIANIA GETTING COMPLAINTS OF TOO MUCH NOISE FROM THE SANCTUARY 201 EN ROUTE TO PD FOR NOISE METER PER 201 NOISE METER USED AND WELL UNDER NOISE LIMIT EVEN WITH OCCASIONAL CROWD YELLING *NONE Unit Status History Information, 8/16/02 20:48:38 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 201 8/16/02 20:54:36 8/16/02 20:54:36 8/16/02 20:54:41 8/16/02 21:05:54 8/16/02 21:17:30 8/16/02 21:21:09 8/16/02 21:40:56 20:48:51 20:48:51 20:54:51 21:32:33 21:33:09 Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 9 STARTED SELF-INITIAT SC 10 ENDED SELF-INITIATED EC 6 ON SCENE O 9 STARTED SELF-INITIAT SC 6995 GRAVES SAMAN U N I T L O C A T I O N S 1. 75 S FRONTAGE ROAD W City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Common Name: VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT 2 333 BRIDGE ST City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Common Name: SANCTUARY Apt Block#: Apt: Block# 08/16/02 1 20:54:57 08/16/02 300 21:22:36 i D I S P O S I T I O N S .9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:35:22 CAD CALL INFORMATION 030880326 Call Number: 030880326 Ca11 Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 3/29/03 21:20:14 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:SMITH First:LOUANNE Mid: See Caller: Address...: CHRISTIANA Apt: City/State: Phone#: 476-5641 Source: Call Taker.: 521731521 SMITH Dispatcher.:. 543231136 SCHECK KIMBERLEY RITA N A R R A T I V E HAS RELIEVED SEVERAL COMPLAINTS OF YELLING OFF BALCONY THERE WAS NO ONE ON THE BALCONY PER 207 THEY CAN HAVE THE SPEAKERS ON UNTIL 10 BUT THEY WILL TURN THEM DOWN *NONE 3/29/03 21:20:14 Unit Status History Information 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 207, Unit Status History Information 3/29/03 21:36:,22 4 DISPATCHED D 118609256 CASEY 3/29/03 21:36:22 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 3/29/03 21:36:45 6 ON SCENE O 3/29/03 21:37:33 20 AVAILABLE A 232 3/29/03 21:22:28 3/29/03 21:22:28 3/29/03 21:22:30 3/29/03 21:29:00 3/29/03 21:30:07 3/29/03 21:32:18 3/29/03 21:36:10 Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 9 .S'T'ARTED SELF-INITIAT SC 10 ENDED SELF-INITIATED EC 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A 21:20:52 21:36:41 21:37:11 21:37:11 572752300 MILLBERN QPADEV0008 QPADEV0013 CHRIS RYAN D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 03-001072 Unit: 207 x/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 1:35:40 CAD CALL INFORMATION 031870404 Ca11 Number: 031870404 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/06/03 22:14:42 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: '333 BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:HUGHES First:TERRY Mid: See Ca11er: Y Address...: BRIDGE ST LODGE Apt: City/State: Phone#= 476-1547 Source: Call Taker.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES Dispatcher.: 3336 BRAGA STEPHANIE N A R R A T I V E INSIDE SPEAKERS TOO LOUD FOR RP 1ST TIME RP CALLED THIS HAS GONE ON FOR 3 NIGHT IN A ROW UNBEARABLE TO THE RP OWN THE UNIT - ONGOING PROBLEM HAVEN'T BEEN THERE SINCE MARCH 17 YEAR OWNERS HAVE OFFICER CONTACT RP QPADEV0011 QPADEV0003 22:15:03 22:15:36 22:15:36 22:16:40 22:17:00 22:17:06 22:17:19 22:17:29 232 AT PD FOR SOUNDMETER BETWEEN CHRISTIANIA AND TAP ROOM TAKING NOISE READING NOW GOING TO THE PIRATE SHIP 232 TAKEN READINGS FROM 3 PLACES NO VIOLATION SPOKE WITH TAP ROOM *NONE 7/06/03 22:14:43 232 7/06/03 22:18:02 7/0.6/03 22:18:02 7/06/03.22:18:06 7/06/03 22:28:55 7/06/03 22:29:15 7/06/03 22:38:01 7/06/03 22:38:01 7/06/03 22:38:0.2 7/06/03 23:04:02 7/06/03; 23:08,:3.9 Unit Status History Information 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 40. OUT AT THE PD OP 20 AVAILABLE A 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A 22:29:05 22:51:20 22:57:33 23:07:55 23:08:07 572752300 MILLBERN U N I T L O C A T I O N S RYAN 1 75 S FRONTAGE ROAD W Apt: 07/06/03 City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 1 22:26:13 Common Name: VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 2 16:35:40 CAD CALL INFORMATION 031870404 2 75 S FRONTAGE ROAD W Apt: 07/06/03 City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 1 22:40:17 Common Name: VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 07/06/03 City: VAIL, ST: ZIP: Block#: 300 23:03:58 Common Name: SANCTUARY A D D I T I O N A L C.A L L A D D R E S S E S 1 278 HANSON RANCH RD Apt:' City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 200 Common Name: BRIDGE STREET LODGE D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 03-001876 Unit: 232 X08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 V35N51NNryNNN~~N~~~~~~~~~~~ CADMCALLNINFORMATIONN~~~~NN~~~~~~~~~~~~031890373N Call Number: 031890373 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/0.8/03 22:39:54 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY \~ Agency........: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333.) BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:HUGHES First:RONALD Mid.: See Caller: Y Address...: BRIDGE ST LODGE Apt: City/State: Phone#: 476-1547 Source.: Call Taker.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES Dispatcher.: 610329919 BONTA ~ ERIC N A R R A T I V E RP COMPLAINING .ABOUT SANCTUARY/TAP ROOM AMPLIED SOUND COMING THRU RP'S WALLS DOES HAVE WINDOWS OPEN '. NEED EARPLUGS TO SLEEP IT'S THAT BAD NEED THE SOUND TURNED DOWN HAVE OFFICER CALL THE RP BACK CALLED ON THE 6TH THE SOUND DROPPED ONE HALF THE LAST TIME OWNER SINCE 1989 232 HANDLED CALL ON THE 6TH PARTY WAS IMPRESSED BY HIS RESPONSE TERRY HUGHES WAS RP ON LAST NOISE COMPLAINT 07/06 608 FOUND A SMALL BAGGIE OF MARIJUANA BUT COULD NOT FIND THE SUSP PER 217, CALLED RP TO MEET HIM DOWNSTAIRS RP WAS UNCOOPERATIVE AND RUDE ADV 217 OF ACCESS CODE AND ROOM NUMBER OF RP READING WAS STILL UNDER THE LEGAL LIMIT TAP ROOM IS GOING TO TURN DOWN THE BASS *NONE 7/08/03 22:39:55 217 7/08/03 22:43:28 7/08/03 22:43:28 7/08/03 22:43:30 7/08/03 22:51:36 7/08/03 23:21:20 QPADEV0017 QPADEV0003 22:40:03 22:40:31 22:40:31 22:40:40 22:40:46 22:40:58 22:41:43. 22:41:43 22:42:28 22:43:31 22:43:31 22:44:24 22:45:20 22:45:25 23:09:06 23:09:16 23:09:29 23:21:03 23:21:15 Unit Status History Information 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 521359482 ZALOUDEK 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A MARK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ti~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/08/04 HTE CAD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PAGE 1 16:36:06 CAD CALL INFORMATION 031930358 Call Number: 031930358 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/12/03 22:48:29 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: ~~ 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ~ ST Apt: Z3 City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:HUGHES First:RONALD Mi..d: See Caller.: Y Address...: BRIDGE STREET LODGE Apt: City/State: Phone#: 476-1547 Source: Call Taker.: 543231136 SCHECK RITA QPADEV0008 Dispatcher.: 524374254 FARMER SHARON QPADEV0017 N A R R A T I V E NOISE FROM THE SANCTUARY 22:48:37 MUSIC IS REVERBERATING THROUGH THE WALLS 22:49:19 PER 201 SHE IS OUT AT THE VPD FOR NOISE METER 22:54:12 201 ASKED TAP ROOM TO TURN BASS DOWN 23:15:50 NOISE METER IS WELL UNDER THE LIMIT 23:15:56 REFERRED .RP TO TOWN COUNCIL TO CHANGE THE LAW 23:16:14 *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/12/03 22:48:30 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 201 Unit Status History Information 7/12/03 22:49:42 7/12/03 22:49:42 7/12/03,22:50:17 7/12/03 22:53:48 7/12/03 22:54:00 7/12/03 22:54:56 7/12/03 23:00:19 7/12/03 23:12:58 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 9 STARTED SELF-INITIAT SC 10 ENDED SELF-INITIATED EC 40 OUT AT THE PD OP 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 6 ON .SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A 6995 GRAVES A D D I T I O N A L C A L L A D D R E S S E S 1 278 HANSON RANCH RD Apt: City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: Common Name: BRIDGE STREET LODGE 200 SAMAN D I S P O S I T I O N S 9/08/04 HTE 'CAD PAGE 1 5:36:22 CAD CALL INFORMATION 040670005 Ca11 Number: 040670005 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 3/07/04 0:28:03 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Location...: 333 BRIDGE City.:..... VAIL Intersectn.: GORE CREEK Caller Name: Last:GEORGI Address.... City/State: Agency..:....: 001 VAIL P.D. ST Apt : Z3 Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC HANSON RANCH First:MARYL Mid: See Caller: N Apt: Phone#:.970-479-0959 Source: Call Taker.: 510625075 WENTWORTH MARL Dispatcher.: 652102401 DOHERTY-EXELL EVELYN N A R R A T I V E THE RP IS NEXT DOOR IN THE BRIDGE ST LODGE STATES THE NOISE LEVEL IS "IMPOSSIBLE" COMING. FROM THE SANCTUARY CAN'T GET THE KIDS TO SLEEP PER THE RPS THE NOISE IS COMING THROUGH THE WINDOWS THEY HAVE TAKEN LEGAL STEPS TO MAKE IT .QUIET DOWN QPADEV0014 QPADEV0007 PER 220 OUTSIDE SPEAKERS ARE OFF PER 220 ALL APPEARS NORMAL HE SPOKE TO THE BAR TENDER WHO IS GOING TO TELL A MANAGER *NONE Unit Status History Information 3/07/04 0.:28:04 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 220 Unit Status History Information 3/07/04 0:29:34 4 DISPATCHED D 3/07/04 0:29:34 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 3/07/04 0:30:1.5 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 3/07/04 0:37:53 6 ON SCENE O 3/07/04 0:39:15 9 STARTED SELF-INITIAT SC 137742534 DEMAREST 0:28:34 0:28:47 0:29:12 0:29:35 0:30:18 0:30:33 0:37:49 0:39:04 0:39:09 LEE D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 009 No Report Case# 1.- 00-000000 Unit: 220 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:36:40 CAD CALL INFORMATION 020240366 Ca11 Number: 020240366 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 1/24/02 22:29:14 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#:. 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last: First:CASEY Mid: See Caller: N Address...: MGRS APARTMENT Apt: City/State: Phone#: 477-0319 Source: Call Taker.: 521179853 KEMPF Dispatcher.: 521179853 KEMPF JENNIFER JENNIFER QPADEV0018 QPADEV0018 N A R R A T I V E GUEST FROM CHRISTIANA CALLING TO COMPLAINT ABOUT THE SPEAKERS OUTSIDE BEING ON PER 210 THE SPEAKERS ARE NOW OFF *NONE Unit Status History Information 1/24/02 22:29:14 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 210 Unit Status History I nformation 1/24/02 22:39:50 4 DISPATCHED D 1/24/02 22:39:50 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 1/24/02 22:44:05 6 ON SCENE O 1/24/02 22:46:44 20 AVAILABLE A 1/24/02 22:47:10 4 DISPATCHED D 1/24/02 22:47:10 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 1/24/02 22:47:13 20 AVAILABLE A 22:29:30 22:29:30 22:46:56 4318 MULSON KURT D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 009 No~Report Case# 1 - 00-000000 Unit: 210 _... - 3/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 1:36:54 CAD CALL INFORMATION 020790337 Call Number: 020790337 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 3/20/02 23:11:44 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...:~~ 333 BRIDGE ~ ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last: First:DEBBIE Mid: See Caller: N Address...: THE CHRISTIANA Apt: City/State: Phone#: Source:. Call Taker..: 429556180 MELTON SUZANNE QPADEV0008 Dispatcher.: 479848360 HUXFORD SUSIE QPADEV0012 N A R R A T I V E GUESTS COMPLAINING OF BOOMING BASS FROM THERE METER READINGS TAKEN SPOKE WITH THE TAP ROOM MANAGEMENT *NONE Unit Status History Information 3/20/02 23:11:45 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 207 Unit Status History Information 3/20/02 23:13:31 4 DISPATCHED D 3/20/02 23:13:31 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 3/20/02 23:13:35 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 3/20/02 23:23:57 6 ON SCENE O 3/20/02 23:34:20 20 AVAILABLE A 118609256 CASEY 23:12:39 23:33:10 23:33:33 CHRIS D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-001031 Unit: 207 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:37:05 CAD CALL INFORMATION 021820373 Call Number: 021820373 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/01/02 23:15:16 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY. Agency...:...: '001 VAIL P.D. Location....: 333 BRIDGE > ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:BILL Mid: See Caller: N Address.'.'.: 308 HANSON RANCH RD Apt: City/State: VAIL CO Phone#: 476-6034 Source: Call Taker.: 522432408 GRAY Dispatcher.: 522432408 GRAY AMY AMY QPADEV0014 QPADEV0014 N A R R.A T I V E THEY NEED TO CLOSE THE DOORS 216 WILL SWING BY 201 LOCATION AND THEN BE ENROUT 208 THEY HAVE CLOSED DOORS AND WINDOWS IR TAKEN FOR DOCUMENTATION *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/01/02 23.:15:16 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 208 Unit Status History Information 7/01/02 23:21:54 4 DISPATCHED D 7/01/02 23:21:54 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/01/02 23:21:57 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/01/02 23:28:41 6 ON SCENE O 7/01/02 23:33:37 20 AVAILABLE A 23:16:17 23:19:38 23:19:38 23:33:20 23:33:33 6640 BALDWIN BRAD 216 Unit Status History Information 7/01/02 23:18:57 4 DISPATCHED D 7/01/02 23:18:57 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/01/02 23:19:11 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/01/02 23:1.9:51 20 AVAILABLE A 8809 DOUGLAS SUSAN A D D I T I O N A L C A L L A D D R E S S E S )/08/04 HTE CAD.. PAGE 2 1:37:05 CAD CALL INFORMATION 021820373 1 308 HANSON RANCH RD Apt: City: VAIL S.T: ZIP: Block#.: 300 Common Name D I S P O S I T I O N S \~ 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-001949 Unit: 208 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:37:18 CAD CALL INFORMATION 021850025 Ca11 Number: 021850025 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/04/02 1:12:16 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:BILL Mid: See Caller: N .Address...: 308 HANSON RANCH RD Apt: City/State: VAIL CO Phone#: 476-6264 Source: Call Taker.: 521:179853 KEMPF JENNIFER QPADEV0009 Dispatcher.: 3258 UHLRICH BETH QPADEV0003 N A R R.A T I V E DO NOT CONTACT RP, JUST WANTS THE NOISE TO STOP 1:12:35 RP WANTS THE NOISE COMING OUT OF THE SANCTUARY 1:12:49 . TO STOP, AND .SAYS IF-THIS DOESN'T STOP HE IS GOING TO CALL .1:13:07 THE MAYOR 1:13:07 RP SAID THEY NEEDED TO CLOSE THE DOORS AND WINDOWS 1:15:59 AND THAT THE DECIBEL LEVEL WAS WELL ABOVE REGULATION 1:16:06 208 DISREGARD WITH THE NOISE METER 1:22:49 MUSIC HAS BEEN TURNED OFF PER 216 1:22:49 ALREADY DID LAST CALL PER SGT 1:23:35 UNABLE TO GET A METER READING 1:23:35 *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/04/02 1:12:17 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 216 Unit Status History Information 7/04/02 ,1:15:12 4 DISPATCHED D 8809 DOUGLAS SUSAN 7/04/02 1:15:12 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/04/02 1:16:26 6 ON SCENE O 7/04/02 1:23:40 20 AVAILABLE A A D D I T I O N A L C A L L A D D R E S S E S 1 308 HANSON RANCH RD Apt: City: VAIL ST: .ZIP: Block#: 300 Common Name D I S P O S I T I O N S /08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 N37N29NMNNMNMNMNNNNNNNNNNNNNCADNCALLNINFORMATIONNNNryNN~~~~~~~-ryNNNN021860019M Call Number: 021860019 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/05/02 0:34:40 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Locati}on...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:BILL Mid: See Caller: N Address...: 308 HANSON RANCH RD Apt: City/State: Phone#= 476-6264 Source: Call Taker.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES QPADEV0008 Dispatcher.: 71.92 COMROE REBECCA QPADEVOOOF N A R R A T I V E RP BELIEVES - WAY BEYOND THE NOISE LIMIT RP KNOWS THE DECIBEL LEVELS THEY HAVE WINDOWS OPEN GAVE TO EOC THEY WILL AIR TO THE VILLAGE 223 ENROUTE SHE IS TAKEN THE NOISE MEETER *NONE 7/05/02 0:34:41 223 7/05/02 0:42:28 7/05/02 0:42:28 7/05/02 0:42:30 7/05/02 0:42:33 Unit Status History Information 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 522537529 CALL 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A 225 Unit Status History Information 7/05/02 0:39:31 4 DISPATCHED D 7/05/02 0:39:31 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/05/02 0:39:4.3 20 AVAILABLE A 3838 RUSSELL 0:35:09 0:35:39 0:35:44 0:39:38 0:42:26 JENNI JOSEP D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 009 No Report Case# 1 - 00-000000 Unit: 225 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 6M37~41NNNMM-NN MNNNNNNNNN MNNMCADNCALL~INFORMATIONNNNNMN~~~~~~~-NMryMM021860485N Call Number: 021860485 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/05/02 23:44:23 061 NOISE, COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency .......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:WILLIAM Address...: 308 HANSON RANCH RD City/State: Phone#: 476-6264 Call Taker.: 314965002 NIELSEN LISA Dispatcher.: 522432408 GRAY AMY N A R R A T I V E NOISE IS TOO LOUD AT SANCTUARY THEY NEED TO CLOSE WINDOWS AND TURN IT DOWN *NONE ~ Unit Status History Information Mid : See Caller :~ N Apt: Source: QPADEV0008 QPADEV0010 23:45:21 23:45:34 7/05/02 23:44:.23 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 205 Unit Status History Information 7/05/02 23:45:59 4 DISPATCHED D 7/05/02 23:45:59 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/05/02 23:46:00 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/05/02 23:53:25 6 ON SCENE O 7/06/02 0:06:23 20 AVAILABLE A 8867 KNOX MICHA 223 Unit Status History Information 7/05/02 23:46:47 4 DISPATCHED D 522537529 CALL 7/05/02 23:46:49 .26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/06/02 0:01:25 6 ON SCENE O 7/06/02 0:06:23 20 AVAILABLE A D I S P O S I T I O N S JENNI 1 009 No Report Case# 1 - 00-000000 Unit: 205 ~/08/0~ HTE CAD PAGE 1 :37:52 CAD CALL INFORMATION 0218.70442 Call Number: 021870442 Cal l Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/06/02 23:04:19 061 NOISE .COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt:~~ City......: VAIL Block#= 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:BILL Mid: See Caller: N Address...: Apt: City/State: Phone#: 476-6264 Source: Ca11 Taker.: 521179853 KEMPF JENNIFER QPADEV0002 Dispatcher.: 521179853 KEMPF JENNIFER QPADEV0002 N A R R A T I V E KEEPS GETTING LOUDER EVERY HOUR WINDOWS ARE OPEN PER 223 THIS IS CROWD NOISE, HAS ASKED THE BOUNCERS TO CLOSE A COUPLE OF CORNER. WINDOWS *NONE Unit.Status History Information 7/06/02 23:04:20 18 ROUTE CALL' TIME RT 207 Unit Status History Information 7/06/02 23:10:43 4 DISPATCHED D 118609256 CASEY 7/06/02 23:10:43 6 ON SCENE O 7/06/02 23:13:08 20 AVAILABLE A 223 Unit Status History Information 7/06/02 23:04:59 4 DISPATCHED D 7/06/02 23:04:59 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/06/02 23:05:08 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/06/02 23:10:40 6 ON SCENE O 7/06/02 23:13:08 20 AVAILABLE A 522537529 CALL 23:04:24 23:04:27 23:13:00 23:13:00 CHRIS JENNI D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 009 No Report Case# 1 - 00-000000 Unit: 223 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:38.:05 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022000402 Call Number: 022000402 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/19/02 23:25:37 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency...... .: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK ~ HANS ON RANCH Caller Name: Address.... City/State: Call Taker.: Dispatcher.: Last:CALLAIS First:CASEY CHRISTIANA Phone#: 476-5641 610329919 BONTA 5080 GREY ERIC MICHELE N A R R A T I V E SOME PEOPLE OUT ON THE BALCONEY HAD SOME GUEST COMPLAIN THAT THEY THEY PARTIES ON THE BALCONEY ARE BEING VERY LOUD IN THE AREA PER 226 MEETING READINGS/ 3 SIDES/ DID NOT EXCEED LIMITS *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/19/02 23:25:38 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 226 Unit Status History Information 7/19/02 23:35:49 4 DISPATCHED D 7/19/02 23:35:49 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/19/02 23:35:49 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/19/02 23:49:00 6 ON SCENE O 7/19/02 23:58:49 20 AVAILABLE A D I S P O S I T I O N S QPADEV0017 QPADEV0003 522356667 FERRI Mid: See Caller: N Apt: 108 Source: 23:25:46 23:27:40 23:28:12 23:49:06 23:53:09 23:58:40 ROBER 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002156 Unit: 226 x/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 x:38:17 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022020008 Call Number: 022020008 Call Type.:. 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/21/02 0:19:46 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:WILLIAM Address...: 308 HANSON RANCH RD City/State:. Phone#: Call Taker.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES Dispatcher.: 539847092 MITCHELL JENNIFER N A R R A T I V E COMPLAINING ABOUT NOISE ORDINANCE TURNED UP ALL THE WAY WILL BE COMPLAINING ALL THE TIME DOORS ARE OPEN DRUMS 'ARE REALLY LOUD NO CONTACT W/RP ADVISED 226 NOISE UNDER CITABLE LIMIT THEY ARE GOING TO CLOSE THE DOORS *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/21/02 .0:19:46 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT .~ 226 7/21/02 0:21:48 7/21/02 0:21:48 7/21/02 0:24:26 7/21/02 0:48:53 Mid: See Caller: N Apt. Source: I QPADEV0011 QPADEV0007 0:20:.10 0:20:16 0:20:22 ~ 0:20:27 ~ 0:20:35 0:20:50 -0:20:58 j 0:48:43 0:48:50 ~ Unit Status History.Information 4 DISPATCHED D 522356667 FERRI 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 6 ON SCENE O 20' AVAILABLE A D I S P O S I T I O N S ROBER 1 001 .Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002164 Unit: 226 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:38:29 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022070377 Ca11 Number: 022070377 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/26/02 23:19:38 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY ~' Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 .BRIDGE > ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr; 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:MORTON First:BILL Mid: See Caller: N Address...: HANSON RANCH RD Apt: City/State: Phone#: 476-6264 Source: Call Taker.: 524374254 FARMER SHARON Dispatcher.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES N A R R.A T I V E QPADEV0015 QPADEV0012 NOISE LEVEL TOO LOUD, RP WANTS THEM TO SHUT WINDOWS AND DOORS 207 IS OUT AT RED LION THIS IS WHERE THE NOISE IS COMING FROM RED LION SHUT THEIR DOORS - LOWERED THE MUSIC NOISE WAS FIRST REPORTED AT SANCTUARY - CHANGED TO RED L RP CALLING BACK STATING THE NOISE IS AT THE SANCTUARY AND IS LOUDER THAN BEFORE THE RP IS NOW WILLING TO SIGN RP STATES NEED TO SHUT THE WINDOWS 207 ADVISED - WILL HEAD BACK OUT IN A MINUTE VOLUME HAS BEEN ADJUSTED BELOW 60 HAVE RP STATE WHAT KIND OF NOISE *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/26/02 23:19:39 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 7/26/02 23:46:54 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 207 Unit Status History Information 7/26/02 23:21:38 7/26/02 23:21:38 7/26/02 23:21:53 7/26/02 23:26:40 7/26/02 23:33:57 7/26/02 23:48:57 7/26/02 23:48:57 7/26/02 23:59:17 7/27/02 0:02:10 7/27/02 0:37:20 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 6 ON SCENE 0 20 AVAILABLE A 118609256 CASEY 23:20:16 23:20:16 23:29:18 23:29:25 23:33:47 23:47:26 23:47:38 23:47:54 23:48:01 23:48:22 23:48:47 0:17:17 0:17:17 CHRIS U N I T L O C A T I O N S /08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 2 M38M29NMNNMN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CADMCALLNINFORMATIONM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~022070377N 1 304 BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 07/26/02 City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 300 23:29:31 Common Name: RED LION ~) A D D I T I O N A L C A L L A D D R E S S E S 1 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 300 Common Name: SANCTUARY 2 304 BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 300 Common Name: RED LION D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002218 Unit: 207 2 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002219 Unit: 207 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:38:48 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022080404 .Call Number: 022080404 Ca11 Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/27/02 23:06:15 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Location...: 333 BRIDGE City....... VAIL Intersectn.: GORE CREEK Caller Name: Last:MORTON Address.... City/State: Agency........ 001 VAIL P.D. ST Apt': B1oc}c#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC HANSON RANCH First:BILL Mid: See Caller: Y Apt: Phone#: 476-6264 Source: " Call Taker.: 524374254 FARMER SHARON QPADEV0007 Dispatcher.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES QPADEV000.3 N A R R A T I V E 226 GETTING THE NOISE METER TO MEASURE 23:08:26 226 WENT ON A TRAFFIC STOP ENROUTE TO THIS CALL 23:22:07 205 HAS ASKED THE ESTABLISHMENT TO CLOSE ITS WINDOWS 23:22:51 201 TAKING THIS CALL NOW .23:41:10 201 OUT AT THE SANCTUARY 0:05:46 BETWEEN 61 AND 64 PER 201 0:12:48 UNK IF PEOPLE ON DECK OR THE CREEK 0:12:56 205 ASKED CLARK TO .CLOSE WINDOWS EARLIER 0:13:07 .PEOPLE ON DECK - ARE NOT YELLING THOUGH 0:13:16 TRAFFIC BETWEEN 201 AND 205 0:13:29 *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/27/02 23:06:16 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 201 Unit Status History Information 7/27/02 23:40:55 7/27/02 23:40:55 7./27/02 23:40:58 7/27/02 23:41:30 7/27/02 23:57:07 7/27/02 23:57:07 7/27/02 23:57:08 7/28/02 0:05:38 7/28/02 0:13:41 205 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 20 AVAILABLE A 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE ~ E 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A Unit Status History Information 7/27/02 23:22:32 4 DISPATCHED D 7/27/02 2.3:22:32 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/27/02 23:24:04 20 AVAILABLE ~ A 6995 GRAVES 8867 KNOX SAMAN MICHA 226 Unit Status History Information x/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 2 x:38:48 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022080404 7/27/02 23:07:03 4 DISPATCHED D 522356667 FERRI ROBER 7/27/02 23:07:03 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/27/02 23:07:04 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/27/02 23:12:50 9 STARTED SELF-INITIAT SC 7/28/02 0:.13:41 20 AVAILABLE A D I S. P O S I T I O N S 1 009 No Report Case# 1 - 00-000000 Unit: 205 2 001 Incident Report. Case# 1 - 02-002235 Unit: 201 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:38:59 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022130436 Call Number: 022130436 Ca11 Type.: 061 NOISE .COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 8/01/02 22:09:54 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY ~' Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last: First:CASEY Mid: See Caller: Y Address...: CHRISTIANA FRONT DESK Ap.t: City/State: ~ .Phone#: 476-5641 Source: Call Taker.: 610329919 BONTA ERIC QPADEV0009 Dispatcher.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES QPADEV0012 N A R R A T I V..E BASS, PEOPLE SCREAMING, ALL THE DOORS ARE OPEN 22:10:30, RP WOULD LIKE THE OFFICER TO COME BY THE FRONT DESK 22:10:54 PER 2.17 - THEY ARE WELL BELOW THE LEGAL LIMIT 22:36:46 *NONE Unit Status, History Information 8/01/02 22:09:54 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 217 Unit Status History Information 8/01/02 22:11:29 4 DISPATCHED D 8/01/02 22:11:29 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 8/01/02 22:11:33 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 8/01/02 22:32:34 6 ON SCENE O 8/01/02 22:36:48 20 AVAILABLE A 521359482 ZALOUDEK MARK D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 02-002273 Unit: 217 3/08/04 HTE CAD .PAGE 1 x:39:11 CAD CALL INFORMATION 022280387 Call Number: 022280387 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 8/16/02 20:48:37 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Location...: 333 BRIDGE City..... VAIL Intersectn.: GORE CREEK Caller Name: Last:SMITH Address.... City/State: Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. ~~ ST Apt Block#: 300 Loc~ID: C Mapr: 5VC HANSON RANCH First:LOUANNE Mid: See Ca11er: Apt: Phone#: 476-5641 Source: Call Taker.: 7192 COMROE REBECCA QPADEV0003 Dispatcher.: 521179853 KEMPF JENNIFER QPADEV0010 N A R R A T I V E RP IS CALLING FROM TEH CHRISTIANIA 20:48:51 GETTING COMPLAINTS OF TOO MUCH NOISE FROM THE SANCTUARY 20:48:51 201 EN ROUTE TO PD FOR NOISE METER 20:54:51 PER 201 NOISE METER USED AND WELL UNDER NOISE LIMIT 21:32:33 EVEN WITH OCCASIONAL CROWD YELLING 21:33:09 *NONE Unit Status History Information 8/16/02 20:48:38 201 8/16/0220:54:36 8/16/02 20:54:36 8/16/02 20:54:41 8/16/02 21:05:54 8/16/02 21:17:30 8/16/02 21:21:09 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 6995 GRAVES SAMAN 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 9 STARTED SELF-INITIAT SC. 10 ENDED SELF-INITIATED EC 6 ON SCENE 0 8/16/02 21:40:56 9 STARTED SELF-INITIAT SC U N I T L O C A T I O N S 1 75 S FRONTAGE ROAD W Apt: 08/16/02 City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 1 20:54:57 Common Name: VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT 2 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: 08/16/02 ,City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 300 21:22:3.6 Common Name: SANCTUARY D I S P O S I T I O N S 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE. 1 030880326 6N39~24 ~ ~~_MCADNCALLMINFORMATIONNN~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ _~~~~~_~ Ca11 Number: ~~~~~..~..~ 030880326 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT NOISE COMPLAINT Police Police Entry Day/Tm: 3/29/03 21:20:14 061 CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency .......: 001 VAIL P.D. ST Apt: Z3 Location...: 333 BRIDGE Block#: Loc ID: C 300 Mapr: 5VC City......: VAIL . HANSON RAD7CH Intersectn.: GORE CREE K Caller Name: Last:SMIT H First:LOUANNE Mid: See Caller: Address...: CHRISTIANA Phone#: 476-5641 Apt: Source: City/State: Call Taker.: 521731521 SMITH KIMBERLEY Dispatcher.: 543231136 SCHECK RITA N A R R A T I V E HAS RELIEVED SEVERAL COMPLAINTS OF YELLING OFF BALCONY THERE WAS NO ONE ON THE BALCONY PER 207 THEY CAN HAVE THE SPEAKERS ON UNTIL 10 BUT THEY WILL TURN THEM .DOWN *NONE Unit Status History.Information 3/29/03 21:20:14 207 3/29/03 21:36:22 3/29/03 21:36:22 3/29/.03 21:.36:45 3/29/03 21:37:33 232 3/29/03 21:22:28 3/29/03 21:22:28 3/29/03 21:22:30 3/29/03 21:29:00 3/29/03 21:30:07 3/29/03 21:32:18 3/29/03 21:36:10 QPADEV0008 QPADEV0013 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 118609256 CASEY 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 6 ON SCENE 0 20 AVAILABLE A Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 9 STARTED SELF-INITIAT SC 10 ENDED SELF-INITIATED EC 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE A D. I S 'P O S I T I O N S 21:20:52 21:36:41 21:37:11 21:37:11 572752300 MILLBERN CHRIS RYAN 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 03-001072 Unit: 207 / 0~3 / 04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 :39:38 CAD CALL INFORMATION 031870404 Call Number: 031870404 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/06/03 22:14:42 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location....: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 City......: VAIL Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:HUGHES First:TERRY Mid: See Caller: Y Address...: - BRIDGE ST LODGE Apt: City/State: Phone#: 476-1547 Source: Call Taker.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS CHARLES Dispatcher.: 3336 BRAGA STEPHANIE N A R R A T I V E INSIDE SPEAKERS TOO LOUD FOR RP 1ST TIME RP CALLED THIS HAS GONE ON FOR 3 NIGHT IN A ROW UNBEARABLE TO THE RP OWN THE UNIT - ONGOING PROBLEM HAVEN'T BEEN THERE SINCE. MARCH 17 YEAR OWNERS HAVE OFFICER CONTACT RP QPADEV0011 QPADEV0003 22:15:03 22:15:36 22:15:36 22:16:40 22:17:00 22:17:06 22:17:19 22:17:29 232 AT PD FOR SOUNDMETER BETWEEN CHR:ISTIANIA AND TAP ROOM TAKING NOISE READING NOW GOING TO THE PIRATE SHIP 232 .TAKEN READINGS FROM 3 PLACES NO VIOLATION SPOKE WITH TAP ROOM *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/06/03 22:14:43 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 232 Unit Status History Information 7/06/03 22:18:02 7/06/03 22:18:02 7/06/03 22:18:06 7/06/03 22:28:55 7/06/03 22:29:15 7/06/03 22:38:01 7/06/03 22:38:01 7/06/03 22:38:02 7/06/03 23:-04:02 7/05/03 23:08:19 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 40 OUT AT THE PD OP 20 AVAILABLE A 4 DISPATCHED D 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 6 ON SCENE O 20 AVAILABLE. A 22:29:05 22:51:20 22:57:33 23:07:55 23:08:07 572752300 MILLBERN U N I T L O C A T I O N S RYAN 1 75 S FRONTAGE ROAD W Apt: 07/06/03 City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 1 22:26:13 Common Name: VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT 9/C•S/04 HTE CAD PAGE 2 16:39:38 CAD CALL INFORMATION 031870404 2 75 S FRONTAGE ROAD W Apt: 07/06/03 City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 1 22:40:17 Common Name: VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 07/06/03 City: VAIL >. ST: ZIP: Block#: 300 23.:03:58 Common Name: SANCTUARY A D D I T I O N A L C A L L A D D R E S S E S 1 278 HANSON RANCH RD Apt:_ City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: 200 Common Name: BRIDGE STREET LODGE D I S P O S I T I O N S 1 001 Incident Report Case# 1 - 03-001876 Unit: 232 PAGE 1 9/08/04 HTE CAD NN NNMNNNNMNM031890373N CAD CALL INFORMATION~~~~~ ~~ _6:39:50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..~~~~ _~~~~~~~~"""~""~""~~~~~~~ COMPLAINT Police Call Number: 031890373 Call Type•~ Entry Day/Tm: 7/08/03 22:39:54 CmnN :. SANCTUARY . Location...: 333 BRIDGE City...-•: VAIL Intersectn.: GORE CREEK 061 NOISE 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Agency.;'•••••• 001 VAIL P.D. ~ ST Apt: Z3 Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC HANSON RANCH First:RONALD Caller Name: Last:HUGHEBRIDGE ST LODGE Address...: phone#: 476-1547 City/State: CHARLES Call Taker.: 559022975 HUMPHREYS ERIC Dispatcher.: 610329919 BONTA N A R R A T I V E RP COMPLAINING ABOUT SANCTUARY/TAP ROOM AMPLIED SOUND COMING THRU RP'S WALLS DOES HAVE WINDOWS OPEN NEED EARPLUGS TO SLEEP IT'S THAT BAD NEED THE SOUND TURNED DOWN HAVE OFFICER CALL THE RP BACK CALLED ON THE 6TH THE SOUND DROPPED ONE HALF THE LAST TIME OWNER SINCE 1989 232 HANDLED CALL ON THE .6TH PARTY WAS IMPRESSED BY HIS RESPONSE TERRY HUGHES WAS RP ON LAST NOISE COMPLAINT 07/06 608 FOUND A SMALL BAGGIE OF MARIJUANA BUT COULD NOT FIND THE SUSP PER 217, CALLED RP TO MEET HIM DOWNSTAIRS RP WAS UNCOOPERATIVE AND RUDE ADV 217 OF ACCESS CODE AND ROOM NUMBER OF RP READING WAS STILL UNDER THE LEGAL LIMIT TAP ROOM IS GOING TO TURN DOWN THE BASS *NONE 7/08/03 22:39:55 217 7/08/03 7/08/03 7/08/03 7/08/03 7/08/03 22:43:28 22:43:28 22:43 :30 22:51:36 23:21:20 Unit Status History Information 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT Unit Status History Information 22:40:03 22:40:31 22:40:31 22:40:40 22:40:46 22:40:58 22:41:43 22:41:43 22:42:28 22:43:31 22:43:31 22:44:24 22:45:20 22:45:25 23:09:06 23:09:16 23:09:29 23:21:03 23:21.:15 4 DISPATCHED D 521359482 ZALOUDEK 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE O 6 ON SCENE A 20 AVAILABLE Police Mid: See Caller: Y Apt: Source: QPADEV0017 QPADEV0003 MARK 9/08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 16:40:01 CAD CALL INFORMATION 031930358 Call Number: 031930358 Call Type:: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 7/12/03 22:48:29 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. Location...: 333 BRIDGE ST Apt: Z3 City......: VAIL Block#: -300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC Intersectn.: GORE CREEK HANSON RANCH Caller Name: Last:HUGHES First:RONALD Mid: See Caller: Y Address...: BRIDGE STREET LODGE Apt: City/State: Phone#~ 476-1547 Source: Call Taker.:. 543231136 SCHECK RITA QPADEV0008 Dispatcher.: 524374254 FARMER SHARON QPADEV0017 N A R R A T I V E NOISE FROM THE SANCTUARY 22:48:37 MUSIC IS REVERBERATING THROUGH THE WALLS 22:49:19 PER 201 SHE IS OUT AT THE VPD FOR NOISE METER 22:54:12 201 ASKED TAP ROOM TO TURN BASS DOWN 23:15:50 NOISE METER IS WELL UNDER THE LIMIT 23:15:56 REFERRED RP TO TOWN COUNCIL TO CHANGE THE LAW 23:16:14 *NONE Unit Status History Information 7/12/03 22:48:30 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT 201 Unit Status History_ Information 7/12/03 22:49:42 4 DISPATCHED D 7/12/03 22:49:42 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 7/12/03 22:50:17 9 STARTED SELF-INITIAT SC. 7/12/03 22:53:48 10 ENDED SELF-INITIATED EC 7/12/03 22:54:00 40 OUT AT THE PD OP 7/12/03 22:54:56! 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 7/12/03 23:00:19, 6 ON SCENE O 7/12/03 23:12:58 20 AVAILABLE A 6995 GRAVES A D D I T I O N A L C A L L A D D R E S S E S 1 278 HANSON RANCH RD Apt: City: VAIL ST: ZIP: Block#: Common Name: BRIDGE STREET LODGE 200 SAMAN D I S P O S I T I O N S '08/04 HTE CAD PAGE 1 .40N14NNNN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~~C~'LNINFORMATION NNNNMNNNNNNNNNNN~M0406700~05N Call Number: 040670005 Call Type.: 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police Entry Day/Tm: 3/07/04 0:28:03 061 NOISE COMPLAINT Police CmnN: SANCTUARY Location...: 333 BRIDGE City....... VAIL Intersectn.: GORE CREEK Caller Name: Last:GEORGI Address.... City/State: Agency.......: 001 VAIL P.D. ST Apt: Z3 Block#: 300 Loc ID: C Mapr: 5VC HANSON RANCH First:MARYL Mid: See Caller: N Apt Phone#: 970-479-0959 Source: Ca11 Taker.: 510625075 WENTWORTH MARC Dispatcher.: 652102401 DOHERTY-EXELL EVELYN N A R R A T I V E THE RP IS NEXT DOOR IN THE BRIDGE ST .LODGE STATES THE NOISE LEVEL IS "IMPOSSIBLE" COMING FROM THE SANCTUARY CAN'T GET THE KIDS TO SLEEP 'PER THE RPS THE NOISE IS COMING THROUGH THE WINDOWS THEY HAVE TAKEN LEGAL STEPS TO MAKE IT QUIET DOWN QPADEV0014 QPADEV0007 PER 220 OUTSIDE SPEAKERS ARE OFF. PER 220 ALL APPEARS NORMAL HE SPOKE TO THE BAR TENDER WHO IS GOING TO TELL A MANAGER *NONE Unit Status History Information 3/07/04 0:28:04 220 3/07/04 0:29:34 3/07/04 0:29:34 3/07/04 0:30:15 3/07/04 0:37:53 3/07/04 0.:39:15 18 ROUTE CALL TIME RT Unit Status History Information 4 DISPATCHED D 137742534 DEMAREST 11 ASSIGNED AS PRIMARY PR 26 ENROUTE TO SCENE E 6 ON SCENE O 9 STARTED SELF-INITIAT SC D I S P O S I T I O N S 0:28:34 0:28:47 0:29:12 0:29:35 0:30:18 0:30:33 0:37:49 0:39:04 0:39:09 LEE 1 009 No Report Case# 1 - 00-000000 Unit: 220 i D.L. ADAMS ASSOCIATES, INC: ~', Consultants in Acoustics and Performing Arts Technologies ~ ~ September 8, 2003 Mr. Ronald Hughes 30100 Telegraph Road, Suite 220 Bingham Farms, MI 48025 RE: Bridge Street Lodge Noise (DT AA Reference No 6789} Dear Mr. Hughes: We measured the ambient noise levels at the Bridge Street Lodoe in Vail, Colorado, on the balcony of Unit 302 during the nights of August 16t'', 22"d, and 23rd. The following report summarizes our findintrs and presents our noise measurement results. Aco~:s~ic Ter~i.nology Please refer to Appendix A for a glossary of acoustic terminology. ~- Govea-ninb Noise Codes The State of Colorado incorporates maximum allowable noise levels as part of Title 25 Health/Environmental Control in. the Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS). Article 12 addresses noise abatement and states specific noise level limits in A-weighted decibels (dBA) for several different land use zones. This document is used to enforce noise limits in the State of Colorado. However, this document states that local city and county noise codes may adopt standards that are no less restrictive the state noise code. For reference, we have included thepertinent noise code information for the State of Colorado grid for the Town of Vail. Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 25 Heath/Environmental Control, Article 12 Noise Abatement CRS 25-12-103. Maximum Permissible Noise Levels. (1) Every activity to which this article is applicable shall be conducted in a manner so that any noise produced is not objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency, or shiliness. Sound levels of noise radiating from a property fine at a distance of twenty-five feet or more therefrom in excess of the dB(A) established for the following time periods and zones shall constitute prima facie evidence that such noise is a public nuisance:. Zone 7:00 a.m. to next 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. to next 7:00 a.m. Residential Commercial Light Industrial Industrial 55 dBA 60 dBA 70 dBA 80 dBA 50 dBA 55 dBA 65 dBA 75 dBA 770] BOULDER STREET DENVER, COLORADO 8021 ] 303/455-1900 FAX 303/455-9187 v~ww.dlaa.com denver~dlaa.com _ Ivlr. Ronald Hughes September 8, 2003 Pale 2 of ~ ~%ail, Colorado Town Code Title 5 Public Health and Safet3~, Chapter 1 Public Nuisances, Section 7 Noise Prohibited 5-1-7: Noise Prohibited: A. Prohibited Act: The making and creating of an excessive or an unusually loud noise at any location within the Town heard and measured in a manner hereinafter set forth, shall be unlawful, except when made under and in compliance with a permit issued pursuant to subsection F of this Section. B. Definition: An "excessive" or "unusually loud noise" shall be defined as follows: 1. Noise of any duration which exceeds the allowable noise limit for the zone in which the noise source is located by fifteen (15) decibels. 2. A noise, one minute or more in duration out of any ten (10) minute period, which exceeds the allowable noise limit for the zone in which the noise source is located by ten (10) decibels. 3. A noise offive (5) minutes in duration and a total of five (5) minutes out of any ten (10) minute period, which exceeds the allowable noise limit far the zone in which the noise source is located by three (3) decibels, C. Sound Measurernent Standard: For the purpose of determining and classifying any noise as excessive or unusually loud as declared to be unlawful and prohibited by this Section, the noise shall be measured on a decibel or sound level meter of standard design and quality operated on the A-weighting scale. If the noise source is located on private property, the noise shall be measured. at or beyond the property line of the property on which the noise source is located. 2. If the noise source is located on public property, the noise shall be measured no closer than ten feet (10') from the noise source. D. Allowable Limits: The following shall be the allowable noise limits for the time periods .and zones specified; Maximum Number of Maximum Number of Zoning Designation Of Property Decibels Permitted From Decibels Permitted From On Which Source Of Noise !s Located 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. 11:00 P.M. to 7:OD A.M. All residential zones excepting HDMF 55 decibels 50 decibels Commercial plus HDMF 65 decibels. 60 decibels Industrial service zones 80 decibels 75 decibels Vail, Colorado Town Code Title .12 Zoning Regulations, Chapter 14 Supplemental Regulations, Section 14 Restaurants, Bars, or Similar Uses 12-14-14: Restaurants, Bars, or Similar Uses: In districts where restaurants, bars, or similar uses are allowed, they shall be subject to the following requirements: ~> A. Noise generated by the use may not at any time exceed fifty (50) decibels outside the enclosing walls or cei]ings for the use. Mr. Ronald Hughes September 8, 2003 Page ; of Noise IY~leasurement Location and Proceaure Existing ambient sound levels weremeasured at one location, using two different sound level meters. One sound level meter continuously measured overall A-weighted sound levels throughout each night using 1 U minute average times. The second meter measured spectral noise data approximately once per hour using a 10 minute average time. The measurement location was on the balcony of Unit 302 near the north end of the balcony (closest to the Sanctuary Nightclub). Both sound level meters and microphones were mounted on tripods. The microphone on each sound level meter was positioned approximately 5' above the balcony walking surface. The continuous noise measurements were made with aLarson-Davis Nlodel 820 (S/N 1303) Type 1 sound level meter, together with aLarson-Davis Model 2560 (S/hT 2639) %" random incidence microphone. The spectral noise measurements were made with aLarson-Davis Model 2900 (S/N 0518) Type 1 sound level meter, together with a Briiel & Kja;r Type 416 (S/N 87502) %2"random incidence microphone. The measurements included statistical sound pressure levels. Calibration was checked before and after each set of measurements with aLarson-Davis Model CAL200 Acoustic Calibrator (S/N 0697). The meters were set for "slov<~" response, and a windscreen covered the microphones during all measurements. The calibration of the sound level meters and calibrator have been checked and certified by the manufacturer within the recommended period. Noise I1~[easu~-ement Results Periods oflightrainwerenoticeable onAugust 16, 2003.during the eveninghours and continued on and off throughout the night. Very brief periods of misting rain were also noticeable on August 22, 2003 during the nighttime hours. The.primary noise sources during the measurements were water flowing in the nearby creek, and noise from the Sanctuary nightclub and Taps Bar. Since there was more rain on August 16, noise from water flowing down exterior roof drains was also noticeable. During the evening hours of 8:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. the main noise source was water flow noise in the nearby creek: After 10:00 P.M: noise from the Sanctuary nightclub and the Taps bar began to exceed the noise from the creek and by 11:00 P.M. the nightclubs were the dominant noise sources. The Sanctuary nightclub and Taps bar remained the dominant noises source until approximately 1:30 to 2:00 A.M. On the third night of measurements, Saturday August 23 to Sunday August 24, one of the sound level meters (LarsonDavis 820) experienced battery power failure and shut down around 12:3? A.M. on Sunday August 24. Although the continuous measurements stopped at 12:34 A.M., all ofthe data up to 12:34 A.M. was securely stored in-non-volatile memory. . ~Ir. Ronald Hughes September 8, 2003 Page 4 of 5 Results from the continuous measurements are shown in the attached Figures 1 through 4. Please refer to the attached Glossary for definitions of terms. Figure 1 shows a Graph of the Equivalent Sound Level (Le0 j on al] three measurement nights, Figure 2 shows the L511, Figure 3 shows the L,o, and Figure 4 shows the Lm~. When the windows of the Sanctuary nightclub are open the measured Leq was approximately 70 dBA during the hours of 11:00 P.NI. and 1:30 A.M_ When the Sanctuary windows were closed during these same hours the measured Lei was approximaie]y 60 - 66 dBA. The results from the spectrum noise measurements are shown below. The table shows the overall A-weighted sum for each measurement, but octave-band noise data is also available. ~; ~~ ~£, ~i I 1 1 111 e 1 I1 I I 1 . ' ~ Aug 16, 2003 20:58 646 58 57 58 60 22:36 606 59 59 60 63 Aug 17, 2003 00:02 723 70 69 72 74 01:22 646 64 64 64 66 02:11 ' 714 56 I 55 56 65 Aug 22, 2003 21:18 I 603 63 63 65 71 23:31 771 67 67 69 74 Aug 23, 2003 00:24 645 68 67 69 74 02:15 603 55 ~5 55 60 Aug 23, 2003 20:55 665 56 56 ~8 66 23:04 601 60 59 61' 64 Aug 24, 2003 Ol :13 610 66 65 67 72 01:53 431 55 5~ 56 60 During all three measurement nights, strong low bass beats from the Sanctuary nightclub were easily audible in Unit 302 with all windows and doors closed tight. Mr. Ronald Hughes September 8, ?003 Page ~ of ~ , Compliance with the .Town of '~jaiI Code Specific to restaurant, bars, or similar uses, the Town of Vaii code states a maximum noise limit of ~0 decibels. With respect to noise radiating from aproperty, not specific to restaurants or bars, the Town of Vail code states amaximum allowable nighttime Leq of 60 dBA for a mixed used HDl~IF and commercial property. In addition to the Leq, the Vail noise code also sets limits on short term noises (See Vai] noise code 5-7-1-B). This noise code states that the maximum. noise level for any duration (LmaX) cannot exceed l~ decibels above the noise limit, that noise one minute in duration out of any 10 minute period (L,o) cannot exceed 10 decibels above the noise limit, and that noise five minutes in duration out of any 10 minute period (L50) cannot exceed S decibels above the noise limit. Therefore, for a mixed Commercial and HDMF land use property the nighttime maximum allowable noise limits are as follows: L = 60 dBA eq LSO = 65 dBA L,o = 70 dBA Lmax = 75 dBA The attached Figure 1 shows a graph of the Leq for each of the three nights: The peaks in the noise curve for the August 16 measurements represent times when the windows of the Sanctuay nightclub were open. During the August 22 measurements the Sanctuary nightclub windows were open for much of the night. However, even with the windo~7s closed, noise from the nightclub exceeds the 60 dBA. Similarly, Figures 2 through 4 all shoe that the mixed Commercial and HDMF land use noise limits were -exceeded in every statistical measurement for at least part of the night. . Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Todd Beiler, P.E. Encl: Figures 1-4 Appendix A -Glossary of Acoustic Terminology cc: Charlie Greenhouse, Murray Franke Greenhouse List c~, Lippitt LLP Measured Leq for all -Three Measurement Nights 80 75 70 Q ti 65 a, a, ~ 60 rn a` ~ 55 ~ . 0 50 45 40 00 ,~o ~o 00 ~o ~o 00 ~o ~o q,'~ ~ q,'~ ~ `L~ ~ ,~`1-' `Ll. ~ `L`l' • `L`5 ~ `L3 `L'~ • Sanctuary Sanctuary Windows Open ~ Windows Open i ~~ ~~~ ~..~ ~ _ ~ .~ ~ ej r~ - t 60 dBA Limit for HDMF/Commercial ~. ~ .. e .ta R . .._ .a. -,. ,~ 50 dBA Limit for Restaurants/Bars --, 00 ~o ~o 00 ~o ~o 00 .,~o ~o 0o ti° ~o 00 ~o Time of Measurement Leq-Aug-16 -~-° ~°°Leq-Aug-22 Leq-Aug-23 f' I ~ LI 0"~ "~ Measured L50 for all Three Measurement Niyl~ts. ~o 75 70 - d 65 ~, m J GO ~ m ci c 55 0 50 45 40 r ~O ~O ~O QO ,~O ~O ~O ,LO ~O ~O ,LO ~O ~O ~O ~O ~O ,LO ~O o0 ,LO ~O ~O Time of Measurement i ~ ~~~ ~ r r 65 dBA Limit for HDNiF/Commercial `~ `/ r~ f S f r. `mss ~ ,~~, i y ,«~ " 50 dBA Limit for F~estauranls/Bars -, --- O ~~, -~ L50-Aug-16 •°~° ---°-~ L50-Aug-22 L50-Aug-23 F'IC~Ut"e 2 Measured Leo for all Three Measurement Nights ao 75 70 Q 65 ? a i 60 N a~ L a c 55 0 50 45 - 40 0 ~,~o e...., `~ 70 dBA Limit for HDMF/Commercial ~ . ~ '° ,, s ^ u . t ,,r A{ ,~., ~,. v. , , _. 50 dBA Limit for Restaurants/Bars ~o ~o 00 ,tio ~o 00 ~o ~o 00 ,tio ~o 00 ~o ~o 00 ~o ~o 00 ~o ~o 00 ~o Time of Measurement L10-Aug=16 °•-~L10-Aug-22 L10-Aug-23 Fi~ut-e Measured Ln,ax for all Three Measurement Nights 95 90 t3 5 Q ~? 80 - m m 75 N C 70 O 65 60 55 00 ~O ~O Do ,LO ~O o0 . ,~O ~O o0 ~O ~O o0 ~O ~O o0 ,LO ~O o0 ,LO ~O o0 ti,. `L,~. `L~. `1,~;. `L,ti. ~y. `L~. `L~. `L~. p. o. a. ,~. ~. ,~. 0;. 0;. 0;. ~~ n; ~~ D~- lime of Measurement ~ . Loud Noise During ~ Nightclub Clean-up u ~ ~ ~- i e ` 75 dBA Limit for HD~,-1F/Commercial ~ u ~ I +5 b I c ~ ~ ~ ` _ - _ _ ~ ° '`° 1 n ` ' r 1 1 a r4 ~~ ~ v a .,. ' ~ V i P 6 i "~ ~ E ' 1J F q ~ S. R ,. ~ . .., p O D~~ ~~. Lmax-Aug-~ 6 °• °°~ Lmax-Aug-22 Lmax-Aug-23 ~IC~lal'G ~~~E1~tI~I~ A. Glossary of Acoustic Terminology APPENDIX A ACOUSTIC` TERI~IINOLOGY Sound Pressure Level Sound, or noise, is the term given to variations in air pressure that are capable ofbeing detected by the human ear. Small fluctuations in atmospheric pressure (sound pressure) constitute the physical property measured with a sound pressure level meter. Because the human ear can detect variations in atmospheric pressure over such a large range of magnitudes, sound pressure is expressed.on a logarithmic scale in units called decibels (dB). Noise is defined as "unwanted" sound. Technically, sound pressure level (SPL) is defined as: SPL.= 20 log (P/P7eF) dB where P is the sound pressure fluctuation (above or below atmospheric pressure) and Prof is the reference pressure, 20 µPa, which is approximately the lowest sound pressure that can be detected by the human ear. The sound pressure level that results from a combination of noise sources is not the arithmetic sum of the individual sound sources, but rather the logarithmic sum. For example, two sound levels of 50 dB produce a combined sound level of 53 dB, not 100 dB. Two sound levels of 40 and 50 dB produce a combined level of 50.4 dB. Human sensitivity to changes in sound pressure level is highly individualized. Sensitivity to sound depends on frequency content, time of occurrence, duration, and psychological factors such as emotions and expectations. However, in aerieral, a chance of 1 or 2 dB in the level of sound is difficult for most people to detect. A 3 dB change is commonly taken as the smallest perceptible change and a 6 dB change corresponds to a noticeable change in loudness. A 10 dB increase or decrease in sound level corresponds to an approhimate doubling or halving of loudness, respectively. A=Weighted Sound Level Studies have shown conclusively that at equal sound pressure levels, people are generally more sensitive to certain higher frequency sounds (such as made by speech, horns, and whistles) than most lower frequency sounds (such as made by motors and engines)' at the same level. To address this preferential response to frequency, the A-weighted scale was developed. The A- weighted scale adjusts the sound level in each frequency band in much the same manner that the human auditory system. does. Thus the A-weighted sound level (read as "dBA")becomes a single number that defines the level of a sound and has some correlation with the sensitivity of the human ear to that sound. Different sounds with the same A-weighted sound level are D.W. Robinson and R.S. Dadson, "?, Re-Determination of the Equal-Loudness Relations for Pure Tones," B~ztish Journal ofAppZied Physics, vol. 7, pp. 166 - 181, 196. (_Adopted by the International Standards Organization as Recommendarion R-226. perceived as being equally loud. The A-weighted noise level is commonh~ used today in environmental noise analysis and in noise regulations. Typical values of the A-weighted sound level of various noise sources are shown in Figure A-1. ` Equivalent Sound Level The Equivalent Sound Level (Leq) is a type of average which represents the steady level that, integrated over a time period, would produce the same energy as the actual signal. The actual instmua~ieoacs noise levels typically fluctuate above and below the measured Leq dunng the measurement period. The A-weighted Leq is a common index for measuring environmental noise. L ` Statistical Sound Leve] The sound levels of long-term noise producing activities such as traffic movement, aircraft operations, etc., can vary considerably with time. In order to obtain a single number rating of such a noise source, astatistically-based method of expressing sound or noise levels has been developed. It is lmown as.the Exceedence Level, Ln. The Ln represents the sound leve] that is exceeded for n% of the measurement time period. For example; L,o = 60 dBA indicates that for the duration of the measurement period, the sound level exceeded 60 dBA 10% of the time. Typically, in noise regulations and standards, the specified time period is one hour. Commonly used Exceedence Levels include Loy, Ll~, LSD, and Leo, which are widely used io assess community and environmental noise. I' ;~~~;m®~ `'noun-~~ ~~ ~e~~-~~~ ~, Common Outdoor Sounds 3ackhaminer at 50' Gas lawn mower at 4' Concrete mixer at 50' Jet flyover at 5000' Large dog barking at 50' Auto (55 mph) at 100' Sound Pressure Common Subjective Level (dBA) Indoor Sounds Evaluation 100 Printing plant Deafening 90 S0 70 60 Large transformer at ~0' Urban ambient _ SO Small town residence Rustling leaves 40 30. 20 10 0 Verv Loud Food blender at 3' i i ' Telephone r ng ng at 8 Vacuum cleaner at ~' Inside auto at» mph Loud Electric shaver at 1.5' Normal conversation at 3' Office noise Moderate. Soft stereo music in residence Average residence without stereo playing Faint . Soft whisper at 3' Verv Faint Threshold of hearing (or audibility) Common Sounds in Decibels DAViD L. ADAMS ASSOCIATES, INC. Figure N o. Consultants in Acousti~5 and Performing Arts technologies 1701 80ULDER STREET • DEt~NER, COLORADO 80211 ~ /a ~ ~y www.dlaa.com • denver@dlaa,com Date Drawn By r$ g Se'tember 8, 2003 _ trb D.L. ADAMS ASSOCIATES, INC. ~•, Consultants in Acousiies and Performing Arts Technologies ~~,• March 26, 2004 Mr. Tom List Granite Building, Second Floor 1228 Fifteenth Street Denver, Colorado 80202 RE: Bridge Street Lodge Noise (DLAA Reference No. 6789A1 Dear Mr. List: We measured-the ambient noise levels at the Bridge Street Lodge in Vail, Colorado, on the balcony of Unit 202 during the night of March 12~', 2004. This report summarizes our findings and presents our noise measurement results. Acoustic Terminology Please refer to Appendix A for a glossary of acoustic terminology. Governing Noise Codes Colorado Revised Statutes, Titie 25 Heath/Environmental Control Article Z2 Noise Abatement The State of Colorado incorporates maximum allowable noise levels as part of Title 25 Health/Environmental Control in the Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS). Article I2 addresses noise abatement and states specific noise level limits in A-weighted decibels (dBA) for several different land use zones. This document is used to enforce noise limits in the State of Colorado. However, this document states that local city and county noise codes may adopt standards that are no less restrictive than the state noise code. For reference, we have included the pertinent noise code information for the State of Colorado and for the Town of Vail. CRS 25-12-103. Maximum Permissible Noise Levels. (1) Every activity to which this article is applicable shall be .conducted in a manner so that any noise produced is not objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency, or shrillness. Sound levels of noise radiating from a property line at a distance of twenty-five feet or more therefrom in excess of the dB(A) established forthe following time periods and zones shall constitute prima facie evidence that such noise is a public nuisance: ~~ 1701 BOULDER STREET DENVER COLORADO 8021 l 303/455-1900 FAX 303/455-9]87 www.dlaa.com denverCdtaa.com Mr. Tom List March 26, 2004 Page 2 of ~ 7:00 a.m. to Zone next 7:00 p.m Residential 55 dBA Commercial 60 dBA Light Industrial 70 dBA Industrial 80 dBA 7:00 p.m. to next 7:D0 a.m. 50 dBA 55 dBA 65 dBA 75 dBA Vail, Colorado Town Code Title S Public ~3[ealth and Safety Chapter 1 Public Nuisances Section 7 Noise Prohibited 5-1-7: NOISE PROHIBITED: A. Prohibited Act: The making and creating of an excessive or an unusually loud noise of any location within the Town heard and measured in a manner hereinafter set forth, shall be unlawful, except when made under and in compliance with a permit issued pursuant to subsection F of this Section. B. Definition: An "excessive" or "unusually loud noise" shall be defined as follows: 1. Noise of any duration which exceeds the allowable noise limit for the zone in which the noise source is located by fifteen (15) decibels. 2. A noise, one minute or more induration out of anyten (10) minute period, which exceeds the allowable noise limit for the zone in which the noise source is located by ten.(10) decibels. 3. A noise of five (5) minutes in duration and a total of five (5) minutes out of any ten (10) minute period, which exceeds the allowable noise limit for the zone in which the noise source is located by three (3) decibels. C. Sound Measurement Standard:' For the purpose of determining and classifying any noise as excessive or unusually loud as declared to be unlawful and prohibited by this Section, the noise shall be measured on a decibel or sound level meter of standard design and quality operated on the A-weighting scale. 1. If the noise source is located on private property, the noise shall be measured at or beyond the property line of the property on which the noise source is located. 2. If the noise source is located on public property, the noise shall be measured no closer than ten feet (10') from the noise source. D. Allowable Limits: The following shall be the allowable noise limits for the time periods and zones specified; Mr. Tom List March 26, 20.04 Page 3 of 5 , ~> Zoning Designation Of Property On Which Source Of Noise is Located All residential zones excepting HDMF Commercial .plus HDMF Industrial service zones Maximum Number of Decibels Permitted From 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. 55 decibels 65 decibels 80 decibels Maximum Number of Decibels Permitted From 11:00 P.Ni. to 7:00 A.M. 50 decibels 60 decibels 75 decibels Vail. Colorado Town Code Title 12 Zoning Regulations Chapter 14 Supplemental Regulations, Section 14 Restaurants. Bars or Similar Uses 12-14-14: RESTAURANTS, BARS OR SIMILAR USES: In districts where restaurants, bars, or similar uses are allowed, they shall be subject to the following requirements: A: Noise generated by the use may not at any time exceed fifty (50) decibels outside the enclosing walls or ceilings of the use. Noise Measurement Location and Procedure Existing ambient sound levels were measured at one location, using two different sound level meters. C-ne sound level meter continuouslymeasured overall A-weighted sound levels throughout the night using 10 minute average times. The second meter measured spectral noise data approximately once per hour using a 15 minute average time. The measurement location was on the balcony of Unit 202 near the.north end of the balcony (closest to the Sanctuary nightclub). Both sound level meters and microphones were mounted on tripods. The microphone on each sound level meter was positioned approximately 5' above the balcony walking surface. The continuous noise measurements were made with aLarson-Davis Model 820 (S/N 0768) Tvpe 1 sound level meter, together with aLarson-Davis Model 2560 (S/N~3158) %z" random incidence microphone. The spectral noise measurements were made with aLarson-Davis Model 2900 (S/N 0518) Type 1 sound level meter, together with a Briiel & Kj~r Type 4165 (S/N 875052)'/2" random incidence microphone. The measurements included statistical sound pressure levels. Calibration was checked before and after each set of measurements with aLarson-Davis Model CAL200 Acoustic Calibrator (S/N 0697) for the Larson-Davis Mode1820 and a CAL250 (S/N O118) for the Larson-Davis 2900.. The meters were set for "slow" response, and a windscreen covered each of the microphones dtu-ing all measurements. The calibration of the sound level meters and calibrator have been checked and certified by the manufacturer within the recommended period. Mr: Tom List March 26, 2004 Page 4 of ~ Noise Measurement 12esults The primary noise sources during the measurements were water flowing in the nearby creek, mechanical and gas main `hissing' and noise from the Sanctuary nightclub and Tap Room bar as well as from pedestrians walking along the creek ornear the bars. During the evening hours of 9:00 P.M. to about 10:30 P.M. the main noise source was music from the bar, but water flow noise in the nearby creek was usually still audible. After 10:30 P.M. noise from the Sanctuary nightclub and the, Tap Room bar began to exceed the noise from the creek and by 11:00 P.M. the nightclubs were the dominant noise sources. Music from the Sanctuary nightclub and Tap Room bar remained the dominant noises source -until approximately 1:30 to 2:00 A.M. Results from the continuous measurements are shown in the attached Figure 1. Please refer to the attached Glossary for definitions of terms. Figure 1 shows a graph of the Equivalent Sound Level (Leq), as well as Lm~, L,o and LSO. The results from the spectrum noise measurements are shown below. The table shows the overall A-weighted sum for each measurement. Octave-band sound pressure levels are also available. Duration Overall Sound Pressure Level (dBA) Date Tame (seconds) Le L50 L10 Lmaz 9:07 - 9:22 pm 900 56.0 55.5 57.0 71.0 March 12, 2004 10:21 - 10:36 pm 900 59.0 58.5 60.5 64.5 12:03 - 12:18 am 901 59.0 58.5 61.0 63.5 12:15 - 1:14 am 941 57.5 57.0 59.0 62.0 March 13, 2004 1:54 - 2:09 am 910 51.0 50.0 52.5 65.0 4:17 - 4:32 am 901 45.5 45.0 46.5 58.0 From 9:00 P.M. until the music was turned off (approximately 1:35 A.M.) ,strong low-frequency bass beats from the Sanctuarynightclubtyere easily audible in Unit 202 with all windows and doors closed tight. Compliance with the Town of Vail Code Specific to restaurant, bars, or similar uses; the Town of Vail code states the noise level may not exceed 50 decibels outside the enclosing walls or ceilings. .. Mr. Tom List March 26, 2004 Page 5 of 5 ~~ With respect to noise radiating from a property, not specific to restaurants or bars, the Town of Vail code sets a maximum allowable nighttime (11:00 PM to 7:00 AM) noise level of 60 dBA - for amixed 1-IDMF and Commercial use properly. Additionally, this code sets a maximum.level, Lm~, limit of 75 dBA for noise of any duration and short-term noise level limits which represent the following statistical noise levels. L,o = 70 dBA L50 = 63 dBA The attached Figure 1 shows a graph of the Leq, Lm~, L,o and LSo, as well as the Town of Vail Leq limit. Noise from the nightclub exceeded the 60 dBA Leq limit from 11:00 to 11:10 P.M., and froml 1:30 P.M. to 12.:00 A.M. The mixed Commercial and HDMF land use noise limits for Leo and LSO were not exceeded during.the measurement period. The LmaX limit was exceeded once during the night, between 12:40 and 12:50 A.M.. However, we believe that this is not attributable to noise from the Sanctuary nightclub or Tap Room bar as it was caused by accidental contact to the tripod supporting the Larson-Davis 820, which. was recording the continuous sound level measurements. Furthermore,' the noise level limit set by the Town of Vail zoning regulation for restaurants and bars (50 dB), if we assume this level is to have units of dBA (decibels A-weighted), was exceeded from 9:00 P.M. until approximately 1:35 A.M. when the music stopped. Please call me if you have any questions. Sin rely, ~~ Daniel M. Purdom Encl: ,Figure 1 Appendix A -Glossary of Acoustic Terminology cc: John Everly, Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Assoc. DLAA On Balcony of Unit 202, Bridge Street Lodge, Vail, Colorado 100 90 .-, m so -~ a~ ~ ~o as L ~ 60 L c 50 40 Legend L.eq _.._.., Lmax -- - ........... L50 _._._ L10 Vail Code ~ Leq Maximum Limn (60 d~A) _ _. - ~: :~ -- - , ~ i !+ i" . 'r ~ r _ Vail Leq Limit Exceeded from ~•'•` ~• --- - -- 11:00 to 11:10, and from __ -~'~`~.-;:"~ ~------------- - 11:30 pm to 12:00 am ~~ ~ ~ • ~~= ' 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O ~ ~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O N N M N o ~- cV M ~t ~ 50 dBA limit for restaurants and bars exceeded front 9:OOpm until music stopped at 1:35 am Time ®~ Mea~t~re~en$ ~0~~~"~ ~ A.PPENI)I~ A Glossary of Acoustic Terminology APPENl)J[~i A ACOUSTIC TERMINOLOGY Sound Pressure Level Sound,. or noise, is the term given to variations in air pressure that are capable of being detected by the human ear. Small fluctuations in atmospheric pressure (sound pressure] constitute the physical property measured with a sound pressure level meter. Because the human ear can detect variations in atmospheric pressure over such a large range of magnitudes, sound pressure is expressed on a logarithmic scale in units called decibels (dB). Noise is defined as "unwanted" sound. Technically, sound pressure level (SPL) is defined as: SPL = 20 log (P/PTer) ~ where P is the sound pressure fluctuation (above or below atmospheric pressure) and Piet is the reference pressure, 20 µPa, which is approximately the lowest sound pressure that can be detected by the human ear. The sound pressure level that results from a combination of noise sources is not the arithmetic sum of the individual sound sources, but rather the logarithmic Burn. For example, two sound levels of 50 dB produce a combined sound level of 53 dB, not 100 dB. Two sound levels of 40 and 50 dB produce a combined level of 50.4 dB. Human sensitivity to changes in sound pressure level is highly individualized. Sensitivity to sound depends on frequency content, time of occurrence, duration, and psychological factors such as emotions and expectations. However,.in general, a change of 1 or 2 dB in the level of sound is difficult for most people to detect. A 3 dB change is commonly taken as the smallest perceptible change and a 6 dB change corresponds to a noticeable change in loudness. A 10 dB increase or decrease in sound level corresponds to an approximate doubling or halving of loudness, respectively. A-Weighted Sound Level Studies have shown conclusively that at equal sound pressure levels, people are generally more sensitive to certain higher frequency sounds (such as made by speech, horns, and whistles) than most lower frequency sounds (such as made by motors and engines)' at the same level. To address this preferential response to frequency, the A-weighted scale was developed. The A- weighted scale adjusts the sound level in each frequency band in much the same manner that the human auditory system does. Thus the A-weighted sound level (read as "dBA") becomes a single number that, defines the level of a sound and has some correlation with the sensitivity of D.W. Robinson and R.S. Dadson, "A Re-Determination of the Equal-Loudness Relations for Pure Tones," British Journal oftlpplied Physics, vol. 7, pp. 166 - 181, 1956. (Adopted by the International Standards Organization as Recommendation R-226. the human ear to that sound. Different sounds with the same A-weighted sound level are perceived as being equally.loud. The A-weighted noise level is commonly used. today in environmental noise analysis and in noise regulations. Typical values of the A-weighted sound level of various noise sources are shown in Figure A-l. ~~ Equivalent Sound Level The Equivalent Sound Level (Leq) is a type of average which represents the steady level that, integrated over a time period, would produce the same energy as the actual signal. The actual instantaneoics noise levels typically fluctuate above and below the measured Leq during the measurement period. The A-weighted Leq is a common index for measuring environmental noise. Statistical Sound Level The sound levels of long-term noise producing activities such as traffic movement, aircraft operations, etc., can vary considerably with time. In order to obtain a single number rating of such a noise source, astatistically-based method of expressing sound or noise levels has been developed. It is known as the Exceedence Level, Ln. The L„ represents the sound level that is exceeded for n% of the. measurement time period. For example, L,o = 60 dBA indicates that for the duration of the measurement period, the sound level exceeded 60 dBA 10% of the time. Typically, in noise regulations and standards, the specified time period is one hour. Commonly used Exceedence Levels include Lo,, Llo, I-so, and L90, which are widely used to assess community and environmental noise. Common Sound Pressure Common Subjective Outdoor Sounds Level (dBA) Indoor Sounds Evaluation • 100:''. Printing plant Deafening Jackhammer at 50' Gas lawn mower at 4' Very Loud 90 Food blender at 3' Telephone ringing at 8' Concrete mixer at 50' SO Jet flyover at 5000' Vacuum cleaner at 5' Large dog barking at 50' Inside auto at 55 mp11 Loud 70 Electric shaver at 1.5' Auto (55 mph) at 100' Normal conversation at 3' 60 Large transformer at 50' Urban ambient Office noise 50 Moderate Small town residence Soft stereo music 40 in residence Average residence without stereo playing 30 Faint Soft whisper at 3' Rustling leaves 20 1 ~ Very Faint 0 Threshold of hearing (or audibility) DAVID L. ADAMS A55~ClATES, INC, Consultants in Acoustics and Performing Axis Technologies 1701 BOULDER STREET ~ DENVER, COLORADO 80211 www.dlaa.com • denver@dlaa.com Common Sounds in Decibels Bridge Street Lodge Noise DLAA Project #6789A Date March 26, 2004 Drawn By DMP Figure No. °~ \> BRIDGE STREET LODGE RESIDENTIAL OWNERS ASSOC. OBJECTION TO APPLICATION ADDITION TO EXHIBIT F Application for Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Deck Vista Bahn Building/333 Hanson Ranch Road Applicant: Remonov & Company, Inc. p . 04 ,, ,:r ,_ --i -- ID=9 8 1 32081 39 PAGE 02 09-09-04 .. 16-:60 13c CXEYE6`9 ;5C0B87LOGtES INC MFGLL LLP ~19/56/29i7~ 1a:3~ A,FFY1lAVL'I QP' TIMO'I'YaIY F3ALL CAN7VQN j ss. L Timothy Ha]I Cannon, Affiant herein, being first duly sworn, depose.and state s9 fohows:.. t. 1y Timothy I-Ia11 Cannon, am the record owner of Condominium Unit 401, 287 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Co]orado and have personal lrnowtedgc of the facts staxcd herein. I submit this Affidavit in support of the objection by thn Bridge Street Lodge R°.sidentie7 Owners,4ssoaiation (",association"} to the CLtnditiannl Use Permit for the addition to the deck on the Vista Bahn Building, located at 333 Hanson Rauch Road• This Affidavit will also serve as my personal objection as a property owner. 2. On 7uly 29, 2004 Remanov & Company, Inc. (the "Appli~r'), rtpresented by Knight Ptanrring Services, 7nc., submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an outdoor patio, located at 333 ITanson Ranch. Road (~ isle Bahn Buildmg)lLot C, Block 2, Vaii Village Filin~g.l ("Conditional Use Permit"). On Septemberl3, 200A at 2:00 p.m., the Town ofVail Planning ~ ursuani Environmental Commission will consider a request for final review of the Conditional Use Petzn~t, p to Section 12-']B-4, Perrnittnd and Conditional Uses; Second Floor. Vail 'own Colo. 3, 7 am the record owner of real property adjacentto the property which is the subject of the Conditional Use Fermit andl am a member of the A9sbciatian. Ivly property is used exclus.ivcly for residential uses. I strongly object to the application for Conditional Use Perrn,t and request chat the Town of VailP.lanning and Environmental Commissiandenythe application. a. M}' objection is largely based on, butnot limited to, ongoing noise tastiest f we ears there Room/5snetuary, the bar' and restaurant located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. Aver the pas Y have been numerous complaints related to excessive noise from the Tap R.ooml5anctuary and documented violat5ons of the applicable noise ordinances of Vail. The roqucsted outdoor patio will scr+re to cotltinue, and likely increase, the excessivz no'>~ and noise ordinance violations st the Tap RoomlSanettlary. The excessive noisy impairs my ability to use my property both for persona] use and for rent8l so guests of Vail, The Applicant has failed m provide any proof that such excessive noise will not exist• after construcrion and use aftha proposed deck nor arc there any proposed conditions to the use. $, The proposed deck would have the effect Of fuming the residential mountain setting into a commercinl.sctting. Tho addition of the deck would severely detract from. the across of serenity that the Bridge Street Lodge offers. STG1~I.aTC31<2E' AND NOT.4RIZA.'1fION FOLLOW oN SEPA.RATE C'AG>E Affidavit of Timothy {~ta11 Cannon page i of 2 F.A2 O9-a9-94 15:A8 ~RECELVED FRD?t'726 946 9837 ID=9013208139 r'•d~ 09-05-04 16:01 BUCKEYE TECHNOLOGIES INC PAGE 6:; 05i0t;/20ea 14:::5 ?20-946-0287 MFGLL LLF 1, f~~L ~ a --~^-~~- ~ , aff'ianr hcrrin, being first duly sworn, stste thtlt T have cad me foregoing Afi~davit and fmd it ty'uc and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated thz ~ day of J c ~~'~"~-~~~~. ? 004. ~) TI1viOTHY c,~x;\'pN Y Subscritzed and sworn to before me this i~ day of S~ P~ . , 2004 by (1 M o-~ ~ ~/ ~c~.n o ~ [Seal) My COm ion Expires: ~ ! l~ ~ ° 6 . 'ry Public JONATHAN DALMASI NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No.01DA6048215 Qualified in Bronx County Commission Expires Sept. 18, 20 Aff;davlt Of Timod~y Hfzll G$nnon page Z of Z 99-08-04 15:a1 RECEIVED FROM:720 946 9887 P.83 AuQ-31-04 11:37am From-TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8704792452 T-800 P.019/053 F-037 V~5TA EA'BN ,ADJACEI~TT PROPERTX OWNERS Revised: Apri119, 2004 2101=082-42-DO1 Remonov & Co. 298 Hanson Ranch Road P.O. Bow 1.8$8 Edwards, GO 81632- 2101-082-42-008 Vail Corp. Hanson Ranch Road - VVS Tract E P.O_ Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 2101-082-42-009 Town of Vail PZa~son Ranch Road - UV ~ Tract H 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-39-004 Town bf Vai1 c/o Finance Dept. 75 S. Frontage Road Val, CO 81657 2101-082-69-010 -X3~t 112 Vaxl Corp. P.O. Box 7 VAiI, CO 81658 1 Aus-31-04 11:37am From-TOWN OF.VAtL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9704792452 T-B00 P.020/053 F-037 12ed Lioa lnn Condos ~~ 304 Bridge Street ~ Vail, C® 81657 2101-082-53-007 -Unit R-1 Oscar L. Tam 600 Sty' Avenue, 8`~ Floor New York, NY ].0020 2101-082-53-010 -Unit C-1 Landmark ComLnercial Dev. Co. 610 VJ. Lionshead Circle, Suite 1.00 veil, co s16s7 2101-082-53-009 - Unit R 3 Top of the Bridge Corp. 1101 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800-5 Miami, FL 33131 $-ridge Street L,odDe 278 ~1[ansoz~ Ranch ~.2,oad ~d''ail, C® 81657 2101-082-69-001- TJrut 101, 1 O1-A Rey-BSL LLC 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 2X 01-082-69-004 -Unit 102 Red Three LLC 228 Bridge Street va;l, co s165~ 2101-082-69-013 -Unit 221, 221-A Bolanovich Trust c/o John Kaemruer 434 Goze Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-69-016 -Units S-2, 5-12, 401, 403 Robert E. Cannon P.O. Box 84407 Memphis, 'ZN 3 8108 2 Aus-31-D4 11:37am From-TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9704792452 2101-08269-018 -Units S-5, 301, 308, 310 . Arnold Bissegger Living Trust 2625 S. Atlantic Avenue 5 NE r?aytona Beach Shoies, FL 32118 210X-082-69-020.- Units S-8, 202, 244 Robert & Nancy Bartels Revocable Trust 3426 S. Twyckenham Ar. South Bend, II~T 46614 2101082-69-022 -Unit S-10 Bridge Street Investments LLC ~elnc Gn~rna„ No. 16 CoI El 1'arque 53390 NaucalpanMexico 2101-082-69-035 -Unit 309 Arthur C. Cox QPR Trust Emma lane Cox QPR Trust 12001 Gu~£ord Road Annapolis Junction, ZvID 20701 2101-082--69-040 -Unit 501 Bridge Street Investments LLC Felix Cruz_man No. 16 Col El Parque 53390 Naucalpan Mexico 2101-082-69-fl02 -Units 101, 102-A, 104, 105, 106 Colorado Ski Service, Inc. P.O. Box 2796 Vail, CO 81658 2101-082-69-006 -Unzt .103 Karl & Ursula Hoevelznann 161 Sou#l~ Golden llrive 5ilt.. CO 81652 2101-082-69011 -Unit 220, 220-A John Kaemmer Trustee 291 ]3ridge Street Val, CO 81657 2101-082-69-015 -Units S-1, 5-13 MBVJ Realty c/a Ron Riley 228 Bridge Street Val, CO 81657 ~> T-800 P.021/053 F-037 3 1 Aua-31-04 11:37am From-TOWN 0'r VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9704792452 T-800 P.022/053 F-037 ' ~ 1 2101-082-69-017 - Units S-4, 302 Robert & Natalie Bissegger X345 Wind Poizat Road Racine, WI 53402 Z1D1-082-69-019 -Units S-7, 303 Robert E. Masterson Real, Estate Revocable Trust 1?.O. Box 390186 Omaha, NE 68139 . 2101-0$2-69-021-Units S-9, 306 Geargi LLC 3 0 Madison House, The Village I01 Armes Street Landau S'W1127W, England 2101-082-69-023-Units S-1'I, 201 Robert & Nancy Bartels Revocable Trust 3426 South Ttivyekez~t~m brive S. $end, IN 46614 2101-os2-69-03 8 -Unit 402 R Howard Cannon c/o Buckeye Cellulose Carp. 7574 Poplar Avenue Gezmantown, TN 38138 21 Ox-0$Z-69-032 -Unit 304 Peter A. Bissegber 3021 Gars'etson Avenue Carona, C~,. 928 S 1 4 ATTACHMENT 1) \~ g,EGAL DESCRIPTION OFRIDGE STREET g,ODGE PROPERTY Golden Peak House, a Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village Fifth Filing and a Part of Lot C, Block 5-C, Vail Village, First Filing and Golden Peak House, according to the Plat recorded in Book 665 at Page 983, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado ATTACHl~[El~T E - - Attachment: B ~N MEiVIORANDUIlfl TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: September 13, 2004 SUBJECT: ;4 request for a conditional use permit, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, in accordance with Section 12-7B-4B, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1St Filing. Applicant: Remonov & Company, Inc.; represented by Terrill Knight Planner: Bill Gibson L. SUIViNiARY The applicant, Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Terrill Knight, is requesting a conditional use permit, to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the Vista Bahn Building, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. A similar conditional use permit proposal was approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission on July 10, 2000; however, this previous approval has since lapsed and become void. The applicant is now re-applying for a conditional use permit. Based upon staff's review of the criteria in Section VIII of this memorandum, the evidence and testimony presented, and the Town's previous approval of this proposal, the Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve the requested conditional use permit, subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section IX of this memorandum. II. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST Pursuant to Section 12-7B-4, Vail Town Code, the applicant, Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Terrill Knight, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. This proposal will involve 655 sq. ft. expansion of the Tap Room's existing, second-floor~feck located on the south side of the Vista Bahn Building. Copies of the applicant's request and the associated architectural drawings have been attached for reference (see Attachment B and C). III. BACKGROUND On July 10, 2000, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a similar conditional use permit proposal, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4, Vail Town Code. Since construction of the previously approved outdoor dining deck was,not commenced within two years of the conditional use permit approval; the Planning and Environmental Commission's July 10, 2000, conditional use permit approval has lapsed and become void. 1 This current request was origirially reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board in the spring of 2003. At that time concerns were expressed about the configuration of the proposed deck and its encroachments onto Town of Vail property. The applicant has since revised the design of the deck to a more simple geometric shape and has eliminated all encroachments onto Town of Vail property. IV. Additionally, during the 2003 review of this proposal several adjacent property owners had expressed concerns about noise from the proposed deck and both the existing Tap Room and Sanctuary nightclub.. Many of these adjacent property owners still have concerns about the existing level of noise generated from this site and any additional noise which may be created by the proposed outdoor dining deck. The Design Review Board is tentatively scheduled to review this application at its September 15, 2004, public hearing. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/approval with conditions/denial of a conditional use permit. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the-proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the. Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. Conformance with development standards of zone district. Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority of a conditional use permit, but must review any accompanying Design Review application. not the Design Review Board or Planning and .Environmental Commission erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or 2 Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zoning Regulations (Title 12, Vail Town Code) Article 12-7B: Commercial Core 1 (CC1) District 12-7B-1: PURPOSE: The Commercial Core 1 District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core 1 District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The District regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village. 12-78-4: PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES; SECOND FLOOR: B. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted on second floors above grade, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Dog kennel. Household appliance stores. Liquor stores. Luggage stores. Meeting rooms. Outdoor patios. Radio and TV sales and repair shops. Theaters. Type 111 employee housing units (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title. 12-76-8: CONDITIONAL USES; FACTORS APPLICABLE: In considering, in accordance with chapter 16 of this title, an application for a conditional use permit within commercial core 1 district, the following development factors shall be applicable: ,` A. Effects of vehicular traffic on commercial core 1 district. B. Reduction of vehicular traffic in commercial core 1 district. C. Reduction of nonessential off street parking. D. Control of delivery, pickup, and service vehicles. E. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians. F. Continuance of the various commercial, residential, and public uses in commercial core 1 district so as to maintain the existing character of the area. G. Control quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in commercial core 1 district so as to maintain the existing character of the area. H. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environment of commercial core 1 district. Chapter 12-14: SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS 12-14-14: RESTAURANTS, BARS OR SIMILAR USES: In districts where restaurants, bars, or similar uses are allowed, they shall be subject to the following requirements: A. Noise generated by the use may not at any time exceed fifty (50) decibels outside the enclosing walls or ceilings of the use. B. Dwelling units in the same structure orin structures adjoining restaurants, bars, or similar uses shall have the right to privacy and the restaurant, bar, or similar use shall be designed in such a way that view from the use is not directly into adjoining dwelling unit or units. Windows may be treated with appropriate covering. Chapter 12-16: CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 12-16=1: PURPOSE; LIMITATIONS: In order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review and evaluation so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties and the town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts maybe permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the town may prescribe to ensure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with development objectives of the town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. c 12-16-8: PERIIi11TAPPROVAL AND EFFECT: Approval ofa conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not 4 r commenced and diligently pursued toward completion or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two (2) years from when the approval becomes final. Vail Village Master Plan The Vail Village Master Plan includes the following goals and objectives that staff believes are applicable to this proposal: VI. 2.1 2.5 2.3 3.3.2 SITE ANALYSIS Recognize the variety of land uses found throughout the Village and allow for development that is compatible with these established land use patterns. Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. Encourage a wide variety of activities, events, and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial infill or redevelopment projects. Zoning: Commercial Core 1 District Land Use Plan Designation: Village Master Plari Current Land Use: Mixed Use Development Standard Allowed/Required Existin Proposed Lot Area: 5,000 sq. ft. 4,646 sq. ft. no change Setbacks: Building Front: Per Vail Village 0 ft. no change Building Sides: Urban Design 0 ft./2 ft. no change Building Rear: Guidelines 22.5 ft. no change Rear Deck (south): 21.5 ft. 1 ft. Stream: 30 ft.. 19 ft. no change Building Height: 60% at 33 ft. or less 60% at 33 ft. no change 40% at 33 ft. to 43 ft. 40% at 43 ft. or less no change Density: 25 units/acre 1 units no change GRFA: 3,716.8 sq. ft. 3,507 sq. ft. no change Site Coverage: 3,716.8 sq. ft. 3,949 sq. ft. no change Landscape Area: -Per the Vail Village 314.6 sq. ft. no change Urban Design Guideli nes 5 Parking: 15.7 spaces 0 spaces no change VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Zoning North: Mixed Use Commercial Core 1 District South: Open Space Agricultural ~ Open Space District East: Open Space Outdoor Recreation District West: Mixed Use SDD #31 (Commercial Core 1 District) VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of a conditional use permit are established by the Town Code.' The proposed outdoor dining deck is located within the Commercial Core 1 (CC1) zone district. Therefore, this proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-16 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code. Consideration of Factors Re arding the Conditional Use Permit: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. Staff believes the use of an outdoor dining deck at this site is in concert with the Town's general development objectives and more specifically those objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan as identified in Section V of this memorandum. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff does not believe this proposal will have a negative effect on the light and air for the pedestrian easement located along the east and south side of the Vista Bahn Building (which provides access between Hanson Ranch Road and the bike path) provided appropriate lighting and design treatments are used to create a well lit and inviting pedestrian corridor. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic f{ow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff does not believe this proposal, as designed, will have a negative effect upon the pedestrian safety, convenience, and access of the pedestrian easement located along the east and south side of the Vista Bahn Building (which provides access between Hanson Ranch Road and the bike path) provided appropriate lighting and design treatments are used to create a well lit and inviting pedestrian corridor. 6 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes that the proposed use of an outdoor dining deck has many positive aspects and that the character of the area will be enhanced as a result of the proposed improvements. As this site is adjacent to the ski yard, staff, believes this will be an amenity to the public. Staff recognizes that this site has a commercial zoning, however, there are residential uses adjacent to the proposed outdoor dining deck. The proposed deck has been designed with a nearly eight foot setback from the Bridge Street Lodge Building to address the requirements of Section 12-14-14, Vail Town Code, as referenced in Section V of this memorandum. All Town of Vail noise ordinances are applicable to this site. As a conditional use permit, the Planning and Environmental Commission has the ability to revisit the conditions imposed upon it, should any conflicts arise between adjacent uses. Pursuant to Section 12-7B-8, in considering an application for a conditional use permit within Commercial Core 1 district, the following development factors shall be applicable: Consideration of Factors Re arding the Conditional Use Permit in the Commercial Core 1 (CC1) district: A. Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core 1 district. Staff believes that this proposal will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above-described criteria. B. Reduction of vehicular traffic in Commercial Core 1 district. Staff believes that this proposal will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above-described criteria. C. Reduction of nonessential off street parking. The Town of Vail zoning regulations do not required any additional parking to accommodate this proposed outdoor dining deck. Staff believes that this proposal will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above-described criteria. D. Control of delivery, pickup, and service vehicles. Staff believes that this proposal will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above-described criteria. ~ E. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians. 7 Staff believes that the proposed design of the outdoor dining deck will have a negative effect upon the lighf; air; and pedestrian safety, convenience, and access of the pedestrian easement connecting Hanson Ranch Road and the bike path. The proposed deck design will cover a significant portion of a public pedestrian walkway and will result in a dark, uninviting walkway that will not appear to be for use by the general public. Again staff believes that an outdoor dining deck use is an appropriate use on this site. However, based upon the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board's review of this proposal to date, staff believes that other design alternatives are available which more appropriately accommodate public pedestrian spaces. F. Continuance of the various commercial, residential, and public uses in Commercial Core 1 district so as to maintain the existing character of the area. Staff believes that this similar in nature to other outdoor dining decks in the Commercial Core 1 district and maintains the existing mixed-use character of the district. G. Control quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in Commercial Core 1 district so as to maintain the existing character of the area. Staff believes that an outdoor dining deck located on the south side of the Vista Bahn Building is consistent with the character of the Commercial Core 1 district; however, based upon the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board's review of this proposal to date, staff believes that there are other design alternatives which more closely adhere to these criteria. The proposed deck design will cover a significant portion of a pedestrian walkway and will result in a dark, uninviting walkway that will not appear to be for use by the general public. The Design Review Board has also noted specific concerns about the applicant's proposal to remove two existing, mature evergreen trees to accommodate the proposed dining deck. H. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environment of Commercial Core 1 district. Staff believes that this proposal will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environment. However, staff believes that the improper use of the proposed outdoor dining deck may have negative effects of noise on the environment of the Commercial Core 1 district. The applicant must comply with all Town of Vail noise regulations. The proposed outdoor dining deck is located within the Commercial Core 1 (CC1) zone district. Therefore, this proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-16 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Outdoor Recreation zone district. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IX. STAFF RECONIiViENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, for a conditional use permit, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, in accordance with Section 12- 7B-4B, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1St Filing. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section VIII of this memorandum and the evidence presented, subject to the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Commercial Core 1 (CC1) District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditio"ns under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this conditional use permit request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1. This conditional use permit approval is contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval for this proposal. 9 2. The use of the outdoor dining deck shall begin no earlier than 7:00 AM and end no later than 10:00 PM daily. 3. Amplified sound shall not be permitted in association with the use of the outdoor dining deck. 4. The use of the outdoor dining deck shall comply with the provisions of Section 5- 1-7 (Noise Prohibited), Vail Town Code. Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation of the conditions of approval for this conditional use permit. A violation of these provisions may allow the Planning and Environmental Commission to revoke this conditional use permit approval. 5. Any outdoor lighting associated with the outdoor dining deck shall comply with the provisions of Title 14 (Development Standards), Vail Town Code. Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation of the conditions of approval for this conditional use permit. violation of these provisions may allow the Planning and Environmental Commission to revoke this conditional use permit approval. 6. Any signage associated- with or displayed upon the outdoor dining deck shall comply with the provisions of Title 11(Sign Regulations), Vail Town Code. Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation of the conditions of approval for this conditional use permit. A violation of these provisions may allow the Planning and Environmental Commission to revoke this conditional use permit approval. X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's request and architectural plans C. Public Hearing Notice 10 ~ ' ~ ~~ .. ,_~ sly' : r' . ~ ~. s r ,~ , •, ., ~~~ _ ~ ~ ;- ~, ~~= e~®e~®v C®mpany, Inc. r :`~1 1~ .~ ~ 333 Hanson Ftanch Road ~ T ~ { ~~~~ r ~~ '~ ; ~ ~ R~ r Pt ~'_'~ ~~ fir( -_~ ~ ~~~ -~~ ~~~`' ~ ~~~ ~ ~r, Plannin and Environmental Commission Se ternber 13, 2004 ~. "' ` °~~ ,. ~ _ ~~ ` ~~ d ` ~ - ~^5~E ~"~",- 1 ~-r~ 'IF~F~~''~"r^" ^ °e~~,-~.sr--~•-~ -gin -- - - - -7 ~: ~ "'~r ,a ... ~- , .~ .. r~-r-r - - -e-~- . . - ~ h ~ `', .~ ~~'{`},s y ~ .. r ",ti'.>~~ -- ?.y - ~ ~ ~ ,~~ -'r-'-v ~ ~~`~ ~"_'S's"^^~~ x _.'._. `~ ~n~,r,~cr. 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(Darrel line work Is aPDroxlmate) Attachment: B ° ~ .r 1 '~ , _,.i ~~~~~~~~~a~~ ~9se Per~~~ ~e~~ ~~~a~~or~ P~ann~~g & ~r~viron~er~~a~ Co~~~assion ~~~ ~ box 947 -eagle, co 81631 - 970.328.6299 -fax 970.328.6254 kps@vail.net - Vista Bahn Building Conditional Use Permit Table of Contents Cover Letter II. Application III. Vicinity and GIS Maps IV. Introduction of Project V. Submittal Requirements List of Exhibits: Exhibit A: Adjacent Property Owners & Tax Map Exhibit B: Disclosure of Ownership Exhibit C: Letter of Authorization Exhibit D: Alta Land Survey Exhibit E: Flood Plain & Topographic Maps Exhibit F: Easement Agreement Exhibit G: Photos of. Site Exhibit H: Site Plan Exhibit I: Architectural Elevations and Floor Plans Exhibit J: Site Plans with Modifications c ®~ 0 ., y July 29, 2004 Mr. Bill Gibson, Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Conditional Use Permit / Vista Balul Building Dear Bill, Please find enclosed a Conditional Use Permit for the addition to the deck on the Vista Bahn Building, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road. As you know, we previously withdrew this application until such time that several outstanding issues could be addressed in a cohesive manner. As with the past applications on this proposed improvement to the Vista Bahn Building, we intend to work closely with staff on any further issues that may arise during the planning process to find appropriate resolutions. Knight Planning Services, Inc. has enclosed a check in the amount of $650.00 to cover the fees of the Conditional Use Permit and a $300.00 check to cover the Design Review Fees. We have also enclosed envelopes and appropriate postage for notification of adjacent property owners. I look forward to working with you once again on this Conditional Use Permit. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns that you aught have on this issue. Best regalds, / 7 ,~ ij ~~.2Z~ rrill Knight fight Planning Services, Inc. Enclosures cc: Rick Mueller file - - box 947 - .eagle, co 81.631 - 970.328.6299 -fax 970.328.6254 kpsQvail.net v~~~~,~ty ~p Eagle County Map Output Page Page 1 of 1 ~/ista ~ahri ~uildina with Area Context 1. Lrrgend 5elsde~.i Features . Copyright 2004 ~f 5treet5 Eagle County GIS PO Box 850 O Parc~is Eagle, CO 81631 1998 F~.atial Phatas .RIMER :This map was created by the Eagle County GIS Department. Use of this map should be for al purposes only. Eagle County does not warrant the accuracy of the data contained herein. http://gi sweb.eaglecounty.us/servlet/com. esri.esrimap.Esrimap? ServiceName=ecgi s&Cli en... 5/19/2004 Eagle County Map Output Page Page 1 of 1 h~ . F `i: 7 '~ ~, YJa. ~ "'~:. 3 4 2` ~ !~ .. 1 ~ f ~ p _ Y ~ ~ i i C ~k pp f. ~ ~ ~~, , ~ ~ i ' ~ 5 ~ . . ~ _., ..-~~5., ` .v ~ ~e~ - ~ ~ - ~ x ~ a wt " f . F ~ -- g - ~ .~ .tom ,~ , 7 ' f t s3` ,y ,- '9 4 U r. ~ ,~ 3 `--z~ y. i t h, ~ a+ F ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ t q,i i ,,,~ ~ ~ .. ~ :,. ~ • ~~ ~~ ~~ S ~ , S P d i- ~- ~ ^~ym c _ , ' Ltsgeiid . 5aledeii Faalure Copyright 2004 ~/ 5lreats Eagle County GIS PO Box 850 ~ P~rs~ats ,~ ,_, Eagle, CO 81631 1998 Aar~1 Photos DISCLAIMER :This map was created by the Eagle County GIS Department. Use of this map should be for general purposes only. Eagle County does not warrant the accuracy of the data contained herein. http://gisweb.eagl ecounty.us/servlet/com. esri.esrimap.Esrimap? ServiceName=ecgi s&Clien... 5/18/2004 Vista Bahn Building Conditional Use Permit Deck Expansion IV. Introduction: The owners of the Vista Bahn Building received a Conditional Use Permit, for an expansion of its south facing deck, approved on july 10, 2000, by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Positive benefits to the public were demonstrated during that application hearing process. However, due to monetrary conditions the applicant was unable to proceed, with the improvements to the building, within the two years time requirements. The Vista Bahn Building has been, and continues to be, a key element to the fabric of the village center of the Town of Vail. The present owners of the Vista Bahn Building made a commitment to upgrade and improve the interior, as well as the exterior of the structure upon purchase. The first priority was to complete major interior upgrades and quality improvements. This phase of the renovation process has been completed. The second priority was to improve the appearance of the building exterior. Many cosmetic improvements, as well as regular maintenance improvements have occurred. Also, the applicant has placed a large public sculpture along the public road on the northeast side of the building. The expansion to the deck was planned to be built prior to 2002 or expiration of the approved application would occur. However, this investment was delayed due to cash flow consideration$ and priorities of the above mentioned improvements. As a result, the applicant, Remonov & Company, Inc. is submitting this Conditional Use Permit for a deck expansion to allow for an outside dining area on the south side of the Vista Bahn Building. A Conditional Use Permit for the deck addition was applied for in 2003 on this same property. However, the applicant tabled this application in order to address outstanding issues. The Town of Vail staff .ultimately removed the item from further review. We therefore are submitting this application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the expansion of the existing 160 square foot decks on the south side of the Vista Bahn Building. An additional 655 square feet of usable space is being proposed to this out side seating area. The total square footage of the ~ new deck combined with the existing deck would be 815 square feet. Conditional Use Permit Vista Bahn Building July 2004 To summarize the discussion of the 2000 hearing on the original application, the following were the main points: 1. The benefits of allowing the addition outweighed any potential negative impacts of the improvements. The benefit of increased vitality to the Village Core is paramount. 2. The proposed use met key Master Plan goals. Recognizing the variety of land uses found throughout the Village and allow for development. 9 Encouraging the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of guests. Encouraging a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. Recognizing that outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged. 3. Concentration of tourist services should occur in the CC1 Zone District. 4. The space below the new.deck is, for the most part, paved so virtually no new impervious surface will.be added. As indicated by the Vail Village Master Plan, improvement and redevelopment of the core area of Vail is being encouraged and promoted, through the upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing commercial facilities. This year key streetscape improvements are being constructed in the Village Core to increase pedestrian usage. More upgraded services for guests of the resort are desired. The proposed improvement to the Vista Bahn Building is a private sector response to this civic minded direction. It was determined in 2000 approval by ~ 2 \ Conditional Use Permit Vista Bahn. Building July 2004 the Town that the project was a desirable one. Several modifications have been made from the original 2000 approval and the withdrawn 2003 proposal. These modifications were made in response to suggestions received during the review process based on issues discussed by the various boards. The following considerations have been to the new plan: - The present shape and layout of the deck has been modified in order to meet concerns of the Design Review Board: The Design Review Board felt that the angles of the deck were out of character with the existing building. The new design has addressed this concern. - The walkway below the deck area has been designed and modified with arched entrances that provide an inviting and structured entry way. Adequate lighting has been added in order to address the concerns of lighting issues in the walkway. This new lighting plan will create an inviting walkway that will help in directing pedestrians to the south side of the building in order to access the Pirate Ship Park, Vista Bahn Lift and public trails. These changes are in direct response to suggestions and alternatives discussed at by the Design Review Board. - An improvement to the pedestrian pathway area along Mil! Creek has been proposed by both the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board and will be added in order to create a more formal path to the Pirate Ship Park, Vista Bahn Lift and public trails. The flood plain will not be modified in any way. - Research was conducted as requested by the Planning and Environmental Commission related to the suggested option of moving the public stairway at the South side of the Vista Bahn Building. This will be relocated as shown on the attached site plan. This stairway has been relocated in order to redesign the deck lay out as requested by the Board. The Design Review Board had expressed concern over the shape of the original deck design that had been designed around the present stairway._ - Meetings have been held with representatives of Holy Cross Energy. The present design and location of the proposed deck meets the concerns of Holy Cross Energy in relation to the location of the transformer and their need for continued maintenance in this location. The design also avoids impacts on the large junction box that is located near the transformer. - The proposed deck design does not interfere with the present location of the large evergreens in that location.c\ 3 Conditional Use Permit Vista Bahn Building July 2004 No negative impacts are anticipated with the expansion of this deck. The Vista Bahn Building is in the CCI Commercial Core Zone. The expanded deck is in an area where other restaurants offer outside seating as an amenity. This is a very popular guest service. Additionally, this is an area where the Master Plan encourages a wide variety of activities, events and street life along the pedestrian ways and plazas. The Vail Village Master Plan clearly states that outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial infill and redevelopment project. This deck addition clearly meets this master plan goal and should integrate smoothly with the new Front Door improvements. We have reviewed plans for the Vail Front Door Project in order assure compatibility. Indeed there appears to be mutual support for these new additions to the Town. r 4 Conditional Use Permit Vista Bahn Building July 2004 Town of Vail Conditional Use Permit Vista Bahn Building 333 Hanson Ranch Road V. Submittal Requirements: A. Ap,~licant's Idewtity: Remonov & Company Rick Mueller P.O. Box 1888 Edwards, CO 81632-1888 Applicant's Representative: Terrill Knight Knight Planning Services, Inc. P,O. Box 947 Eagle, CO 81 63 1-0947 970-328-6299 970-328-6254 Facsimile kpsC~vail.net B. Adjacent Property Owners: Stamped, addressed envelopes aid a lost of the property odvhers adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind awd across streets. A list of adjacent property owners as of April 19, 2004 is enclosed as Exhibit "A". Also included with this exhibit is an Eagle County Tax Map. Addressed envelopes with postage for the adjacent property owners are also accompanying this submittal. C. 7-itle Report, including Schedules A & B. A title report including Schedules A & B is attached to this submittal as Exhibit "B". 1 Conditional Use Permit Vista Bahn Building July 2004 ®. NI/ritten approval from a condominium association, landlord and joint owner, if applicable. A letter of authorization from Rick Mueller of Remonov & Company, Inc. owner of the Vista Bahn Building is attached as Exhibit "C" to this submittal. E. A written statement addressing the, following: 1. ®escribe the precise nature of the proposed use and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. The Tap Room currently maintains a restaurant establishment on the second floor of the Vista Bahn Building, located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road, also known as 333 Bridge Street. The Tap Room currently has a small deck on the mountainside of the building. ~~ ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~,:~ ~7t~ ~r~ ~fiT ~ ~`'~~°~ -~ ~ x ~ ~~ ; ~= ~ R Present Deck v I ~r. 1 ~ ~ yf ~ tiro F, :r -i ~~ I ~l ~i ~~~fl ~~;il i~7 e"~`~ '~+.a - ~ ~.~ ~~ ~;~- "F Existing deck on the south side of the Vista Bahn Building. The current square footage of the existing deck is 164 sq. feet. The square footage of the proposed deck is 655 square feet. The additional square footage on the proposed deck would allow for additional and adequate outdoor restaurant seating. This additional space meets several of the goals of the Vail Village Mater Plan. It will further help to foster strong tourist involvement and to promote year- round vitality for the historic core of the village. 2 Conditional Use Permit Vista Bahn Building July 2004 Proposed Deck Elevation ~~~~_ _ ~f~j~L~ I ~ ^ f ~ i ~. Rendering of Deck Elevation The location of the Vista Bahn Building is in the Commercial Core 1 (CC1) of Vail. As stated in the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations (Section 12-7B-1) the CC1 District is intended to provide sites.and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. As such, there are many restaurant establishments in the area that offer outside deck seating for their patrons. The Christiana offers outside seating just to the east of the Vista Bahn Building as does Los Amingos directly to the west in the Golden Peak Building. In Section 3.3.2 of The Vail Village Master Plan it identifies that outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged. The proposed deck addition to the Vista Bahn Building clearly meets both of these goals. The Town is encouraging and promoting the improvement and redevelopment of the core area of Vail is being, through the upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing commercial facilities. The proposed expansion of the deck area is an improvement to an existing structure that fits well within the revitalization of the Village core area. This expansion will not only improve the appearance of the current building and increase satisfaction of resort guests, but will increase sales tax revenue through increased sales. The fact that the deck will face the south side of the building and is in direct proximity to the Pirate Ship Park and Vista Bahn lift will only help to create a center of activity and vitality for that area of the mountain. It is located to the east of the recently approved Front Door Project that will also encourage and provide revitalization and an expansion of commercial and guest services at the base of the mountain. This proposal is also is accordance with Section 2.3 of the Vail Village Master Plan, which states, "Encourage 3 Conditional Use Permit Vista Bahn Building July 2004 a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas." The expanded deck is designed to be architecturally compatible with the exterior of the Vista Bahn Building as well as neighboring buildings. Architectural elevations and floor plans for both the existing deck and the proposed deck are attached to this submittal as Exhibit "I". 2. The relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The proposed use clearly meets the Vail Village Master Plan goals and objectives of: -` Recognizing the variety of land uses found throughout the Village and allow for development. - Encouraging the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of guests. Encouraging a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. - Recognizing that outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged. As permitted by the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, (Title 12, Vail Town Code) 12-7B-4: Permitted and Conditional Uses; Second Floor: 9 Among other uses permitted by Chapter 16 of this title, outdoor patios are permitted. 3. The e f fact o f the use on light and air, distribution o f population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. The addition 655 square feet of additional space to the ~ existing deck and structure would not have any negative ,effect on the light and air, distribution of population, 4 Conditional Use Pernut Vista Bahn Building July 2004 transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 4. The effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. There would be no negative effect upon traffic with this addition. Bridge Street is a pedestrian area. The addition of square footage for this deck will only enhance the desired streetscape atmosphere by encouraging guests to remain in the core village to shop, dine and enjoy apres ski activities. S. The effect upon the character of the area in varhich the proposed use is to be located, including the scale And bulk of the pYOposed use in relation to surrounding uses. There are many positive aspects of this proposal. The character of the area should be enhanced by the additional outdoor seating capacity of the Tap Room. This proposal is a natural extension to the Front Door project to the west of the Vista Bahn Building, as well as to the vitality of the Siebert Circle and Bridge Street. ~. This area clearly seems to be meeting the Master Plan goals of upgrading, renovating and maintenance of existing commercial facilities that better serve the community and guest of the resort. The deck expansion provides positive amenities to this area. The applicant recognizes that while the Vista Bahn Building is located in the heart of the vibrant commercial core of Vail There are also residential uses in this area. The deck has been designed to minimize its impact on the residential neighbors. Every effort will be made to mitigate any additional noise from outside dining that might occur. F. Existing and proposed site and grading plans (Four complete sets of plans). ~ Full size existing and proposed site plans are provided under ' separate cover. 8.5" x 1 1" copies are provided in Exhibit "H" of 5 Conditional Use Pernut Vista Bahn Building July 2004 this submittal. No grading will occur with the construction of this deck. G. Existing and proposed architectural elevations (Four complete sets of plans). Full size architectural elevations are provided under separate cover. 8.5" x 1 1" copies are provided in Exhibit "'I" of this submittal. 1-l. Existing and proposed architectural floor plans (Four complete sets o f plans). Full size existing and proposed architectural floor plans are provided under separate cover. 8.5" x 1 1" copies are provided in Exhibit "I" of this submittal. 1. All plans must also 6e su~ienitted in S.S" JC Y 1 "reduced foronat. All plans are submitted in 8.5" x~ 1 1" format. These plans are also found in the submittal as Exhibits "H", "I" & "J". 6 Conditional Use Permit Vista Bahr Buildinb July 2004 ~~~ ~ !~ 6~~r9 t~djacen~ Pro~er~y ov~r~ers VISTA BA)EIN Afl)JACENT PIZ®PERT'X ®V~i'1vERS Revised: April 19, 2004 2101-082-42-001 Remonov & Co. 298 Hanson Ranch Road P.O. Box 1888 Edwards, CO 81632 2101-082-42-008 Vail Corp. Hanson Ranch Road -VVS Tract E P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 2101-082-42-009 Town of Vail Hanson Ranch lZoad -VVS Tract H 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-39-004 Town of Vail c/o Finance Dept. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-69-0 l 0 -Unit 112 Vail Corp. P.O. BOX 7 Vail, CO 81658 c Red Lion Inn Condos 304 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81~b57 2101-082-53-007 -Unit R-1 Oscar L. Tang 600 5`h Avenue, 8~' Floor New York, NY 10020 2101-082-53-010 - Unil C-1 Landmark Commercial Dev. Co. 610 W. LiQnshead Circle, Suite 100 Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-53-009 -Unit R-3 Top of the Bridge Corp. 1101 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800-5 Miami, FL 33131 Bridge Street Lodge 278 Hanson I2ancla Load Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-69-001 -Unit 101, 101-A Riley-BSL LLC 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-69-004 -Unit 102 Rad Three LLC 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-69-013 -Unit 221, 221-A Bolanovich Trust c/o John Kaemmer 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-69-016 -Units S-2, 5-12, 401, 403 Robert E. Cannon P.O. Box 80407 Iviemphis, TN 38108 2 2101-082-69-018 -Units S-5, 301, 308, 310 Arnold Bissegger Living Trust 2625 S_ Atlantic Avenue 5 NE Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 2101-082-69-020 -Units S-8, 202, 204 Robert & Nancy Bartels Revocable Trust 3426 S. Twyckenham Dr. South Bend, IN 46614 2101-082-69-022 -Unit 5-10 Bridge Street Investments LLC Felix: Guzman No. 16 Col El Parque 53390 Naucalpan Mexico 2101-082-69-035 -Unit 309 Arthur C. Cox QPR Trust Emma Jane Cox QPR Trust 12001 Guilford Road Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 2101-082-69-040 -Unit 501 Bridge Street Investments LLC Felix Guzman No. 16 Col El Parque 53390 Naucalpan Mexico 2101-082-69-002 -Units 101, 102-A, 104, 105, 106 Colorado Ski Service, Inc. P.O. Box 2796 Vail, CO 81658 2101-082-69-006 -Unit 103 Karl & Ursula Hoevelmann 161 South Golden Drive Silt, CO 81652 2101-082-69-011 -Unit 220, 220-A John Kaemmer Trustee 291 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 2101-082-69-015 -Units S-l, 5-13 MB W Realty c/o Ron Riley 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 3 2101-082-69-017 -Units S-4, 302 Robert & Natalie Bissegger 5345 Wind Point Road Racine, WI 53402 2101-082-69-019 -Units S-7, 303 Robert E. Masterson Real Estate Revocable Trust P.O. Box 390186 Omaha, NE 68139 2101-082-69-021 -Units S-9, 306 Georgi LLC 30 Madison House, The Village 101 Armes Street London SWl 1 2JW, England 2101-08269-023 -Units 5-11, 201 Robert & Nancy Bartels Revocable Trust 342b South Twyckenham Drive S. Bend, IN 46614 2101-082-69-038 -Unit 402 R. Howard Cannon c/o Buckeye Cellulose Corp. 7574 Poplar Avenue Germantown, TN 38138 2101-082-69-032 -Unit 304 Peter A. Bissegger 3021 Garretson Avenue Corona, CA 92881 4 IV V' 7 TRACT C (EXC MPT) C)0 A . s. ) r e, O iRgCT 9 I j °j • °" -•-I I 29 001-O7E I lea pl j •~,~ 1 to of ; 1]z.eei MOUNTAIN MAUS CONDOMINIUMS ' I \ GI I loo. oo' ~ '°. 1~ M~^I.T411(~0~ f \~ 003 ~. `o o, oo' .r c ~ ~•`,_ I 3` I 2 6 i ~ ~ oo. oo ~ /"~ ~"- TRACT 8 ~ ~ ~'J'•~• / Q' .. 002 0 o\•`J9 / ~~\ I I I a /' 002 ))• ~.D e'l oe' `~ 2p. !iC I// Cq EE,y ~ ~---'~`_~ ~--~ see~,~n 2a ]°.I]• ]9.99' .. ~ W ~ ~u.ar' ]9' zs << A C •'`~ •`~ ~~_ / _ • si ~ P VAII TR ILS CN[ ~ E ~. , c. , r'~ o ._ ~ °' i(~ / o.)N ' zq~rz ~, PI RST Aea .a•°s O ~\.V ,~ .P I _ 2 m S a Y l ~ N n 2 ~' p o za.oe' z..9s' Fl l i ry r, 1 to °i CpNp /1 e\ S_ a n x.]7' ~ 1d o - «in o 8 J8 /go° ° r z+.9s'z].]r .tBOVN~QR z•? Of ER .~ \ ~ .; ool_ ° V ! 1 e w n c /y z x01' ~pF ~ ~ ,Jp. \'l ~ q 2 ]' ::--' ~ p o.r7' soar' a 8 a •~ _ 0 5 '. °~ _ ]r. r6• ~J. ° ~o. 1°22' o Vq/L 7 e o S~ 8° _ O I J; / \6 t>s ro~ R.r~a.q• V zoo W/,,H 7 z o ~` ~.° ^ 9 `J. .\S •ti •~ a 4 ~~ ~ 7a. Q USf 8 9 ~ _n Qpy o o q •p - A Q • ~ 2~ as ?4• .. au. /On 11 _ OII-012 m ° \ ' ~ C 1t So. o7' _ ?l a' :~a). VAl L o] IJ 12 _ o ~ `p1 : 1 9 ~ 8 o J z) V~~ C za.e) r].I 2].oY xa R ~ ~) _ Op ' a~ : ~ uv Y ' .O t~ O .D 001 ~ . , J) z FIFTH ?1'~a• z.7.oa' a°° r - -•a.,_•- . •~,. ~,ti ,, ~ R E x6.61' a..]a' _ ~c~a~ '~~!cc °ti 99 .0O1 pE Is.]:• az.a ~ a,9/ BOUNDARY G REEK ,,°. _ D O ~ ~ ~ J °' ' X001-065' MILL GREEK ~ - w~',t0 p>B so IEXE MPT) COURT I I Q •~~] 001 J9 k h f z, n' 3 8 -c '°o LON DOMINIUM P-3 JO 6]'p0 O ~jA ~ ~ O 5 A r~• 'o ® ® ~ 003 ~ 1 GARDEN OF THE GODS O l ~ VILLA CLUB AT VAIL CC9 ~``, `O Y~ o. \\ G ~ , a•p0 90y )z. zj• l YAL MA LLA ~ e 'b ~ QO2 V~ CONDOMINIUMS _ K tis o m °• ~ `O ~ `NN 8' 1 \\ R•7r.9 e' w1' 1 001-012 '• /EO ~~ON ,. •' `,~. to l.ao' . ` y4 •'1. , r•a+ .. i 5 o ,y CMRISTIANA < L/ NJJ• Oy ~ O P O $ ]x'ai J'• h pO~•p~6 •rj ~ ~ 4Y '~•/~ CC,gC'~a ~1 ~ ~I,a R '~,8~ Js~ [ ,'~ xs.as• ~ 5 ~ a O 'O EE yC C~ x,,es GN 12 001- ~~`°' Apr' ~ f 008 Od_00J /'~ F/'p •~~6 ze.ez' F~ P N ~5~.'`° 0~4_ : d 9R ,~ 0 }• 515 ' /'~ ~ ~ 1.i~ST .~ R. l 0 2 ~e..so' f ! il.oT'• (ti,•~ 366 row 6 ~ H I aJ I 90.07. : .:. ]I oos • ~' TIVOLI LODGE '~ $48 WI ~8 CHATEAU Im $ d.1 1 ~ ~^' GN RISTIAN !n g '• 004 I r sso c E ~~ ! u. 12 O0J t x 'Jf i y zsni ~ 001`04 5°cP 00 I 001-009 1 ,r o.o o' BRIDGE STREET LODGE ,'•' I ]]. oo' ! nl.zl' ]o „• 2,, zi ', t °• 1[,00' Adjoining 2101-082 ~~~~~~ 6699 disc!®s~re o~ ~~rn~rship t From Land Title Guarantee ~ Fri 21 Mar 2003 04:31:22 PM MST Page 4 of 9 Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. V50000116 Schedule A Cust. Ref.: Property Address: LOT C, BLOCK 2, VAIL VII,LAGE 1ST FLG 1. Effective Date: March 04, 2003 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Information Binder ' Proposed Insured: REMONOV & COMPANY, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION 3. The estate or interest in ttie land, described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: REMONOV & COMPANY, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION 5. 'The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT C, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE, F'LRST FILING, ACCORDNG TO THE RECORDED FLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. . TOGETHER WITH ALL RIGHT TTI LE AND INTEREST IN A.i~1D TO THAT CERTAIN EASEiV1ENT AGREEMENT DATE Jt.ILY S, 1996 AND RECORDED JULY 9, 1996 IN BQOK F99 n~' pe r_~ dcd From Land Title Guarantee Fri 21 Mar 2003 04:31:22 PM MST Page 5 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -Section 1 (Requirements) Our Order No. V50000116 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be itLSUred. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c).Payment of all tapes, charges or assessments ]evied and assessed.agairut the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR IIv`FORM.ATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY `T'ILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. From Land Title Guarantee Fri 21 Mar 2003 04:31:22 PM MST Page 6 of,9 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -Section 2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50000116 Tlie policy or policies to be issued will cotitait~ exceptioi:s to the followi~ig uliless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession no t shown by the public records. Z. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by tl~e public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroaclunetits, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for set-cices, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, advere claims or other mattErs, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaclvng sutsequent to the effective date hereof but prior ~to [he date the proposed insured accpnires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not showm as ex-isti~ig liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7_ Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. Iii addition, flee owr2er s policy will be subject to die mortgage, if airy, noted in Section 1 of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED Lxi t UNTIED STATES PATI+~i 1T RECORDED JULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK48 AT PAVE 475. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH D O NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT ODIITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEY, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY" TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVINANT (A) IS EXEMk~T UNDER CH.aPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNTIED STATES CODE OR(B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT nrcCpr~rrtve'r~ A~A1NC'i' PfANnICAP r~FcSOivS, AS Cvi'~1 tiulD ,"i; 7AiCTUirn,~NT uWr,,rnRnED , 11\V 11\V1 AUGUST 10, 1962, Iii I BQOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 12. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING,__ ___` __._._____ From Land Title Guarantee Fri 21 Mar 2003 04:31:22 PM MST Page 7 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -Section 2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50000116 The policy or policies to be issued will contain e~ceptiotu to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 13_ TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEME_ NT AGR~MII~IT RECORDED J[JLY 09, 1996 IN BOOK 699 AT PAGE 454. 14. EXCEPTION IS MADE TO THE FOLLOWING D4ATTER AS SHO«'N ON THAT CERTAIN ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY" DATED OCTOBER 23, 2001, LAST REVISED NOVEA~ER 1, 2001 PREPARED BY LEd,AND LECHI~7ER: THE EFFECT OF BUILDING AND SECOND LEVEL DECK NOT ~YITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY. 15. RIGHTS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION, AS TENANTS ONLY, UNDER UNRECORDED LEASES AS LISTED ON EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO. 16. DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 29, 2001, FROM REMONOV & COMPAI~7Y, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF COUNTY FOR THE USE OF INSTITUTIONAL COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE FUND V TO SECURE THE SUM OF $5,000,000.00 RECORDED NOVEMBER 30, 2001, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 777017. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED IN ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS RECORDED NOVEMBER 30, 2001, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 777018. 17. FINANCING STATEMENT WITH 1NSTTTUTIONAL COM11'IERCLaL MORTGAGE FUND V ,THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED NOVEMBER 30, 2001, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 777019. ~~~~~~ c~~g~ ~~t~~r o~ ~~~h®r~zat~~n ~ CCO, I(~C 970-926-6226 FAX 970-926-6227 P.O. Box 1888 Edwards, Colorado 81632 . .rely s, aoo4 .~ ~ _ ~ ~ Mr. Matt Mirc, At3arncy Town of Vail ~ I 75 S. Frontage load ~ - ~~ Vail, CO 81G57 Re; Vista Baim Building I Mr. Mire: ~emonov ~ Cemgany, Inc., owners oftt~e Vista BaI~Q Building located at 333 !Bridge Strect, hereby autlaarize Terrill d~nigl~ of Knigbt I']anning aeiyic~s, Inc. to ag}ly for a Conditio~l Use Application a;<id asiy otlier~aPplications required to makc modifications to the building. Mr. Kr~igl~t is sutlmgized to cosup~ete all n~ssary forans and provislc adcgt:ate infoz~nation as required Mr. ICuigbt isYa_*ther autZlori~ 1Q meet with staff and all appropriate Town_l3oards at~d to represent tl.ie a~plica.ntx fully. ~ ~ Sincer y, . ' , Richard Mueller President cc: TenrillI~nigl~t ~fta ~a~d S~~re~ Legend lot line o lot comer _ _- _ _ perime"ter of pavered walk ~ storm drain 1~' pin and cap ~- MSZuttif g- o ~l rD~ ~ A~ ~ ~ s / ..~, ~~ s°fi ~~~4~~~ - ~ . ~1~ Scale 1"=20' o' l o' 20' .\ _ pac-ered walk ~ / ~ ~. \ the southerly edge o(1'.anson Ranch Road pavement /' ,Ej ~ \ (ollo:vs a!cng the nortberfy edge of the pavcrEd rrallc ~, :~.' ~r -~ /,ae~ rryo \ ~~ \ \. water line h / - ~~~ so. rte, i o. a' \ Gov Tr~c~ E \ ~ - ti~ T ,,~ ~ ~p ~ (Town Qf Va11) /; ti me<sur~rrnts to .S mdc faaa ~'-y - , 2 `1• b v Z8 7 \_ ~ -SS - - ~ ~3 ~ \ i.. ~s r 'O ~ $ ~ \ \ Se~% /•-s 'i. •~ 30' ;=fill Cr°efc setback line ,~/ / ~ ~Ll Sr \ to ruain public sewer line / '~~ T ~ . ^~~ ~ \ cS~ ~~o building outline at main level ~~ ~~. r-t.T;•rr :ra11s of the 2 btuldz below grade are 0.3' apart Bridge Street I,cdge Condolzliniums (formerly Lot b j I.O~ C ~ 3.y 0.1069 Ac. (calculated) ~,a ` m\ multi-level building •. a ~ ~~,~ \ site covcr-roc o! [hc building at grad.. is 80% ~ '\ Address: 298 Hanson Ranch Road Qp ~` also lfftown as 333 Bridge Street a , ~3 ~ 0 _o' ~~ ~- building outline at main levrl building outline ai grzde v~ 5 °• ~\ '- ~~~ ~~ I ct het de: din unl set ove she 15~ JO AG 11. dat ma, Dat Rev r f q E """`"~ ` ./ ~N 18°53' F~ 4.90' w ' / i°7pm arui mp ~vibicsv corner' LS. 26598 -~ --~~/" ~- Fj0 ~ t (electric, Phone, cable TV ry~-`1 aPPrvArrrate locatin:r of utility lines to btuldir. r r p` approved site plan to ab:rve grormd bozr_ .. ~' L'eing irr Tratt E (Town of Vrv~ public pmPcrt ~~cS 0T ~ `-'•'~'' r- - ~` Pavcttd walk O ~" ~ • (apparent public pedestrian access easement J c ~c~0 / ~~ c r-J ~.,,.^. ~~ gas line Tract E I --` gas meter/source pin and cap'cviL'rr~ mmd' L5.2b598 S 30'15' $ 4.00' from prapcrty caner Note: According to Colorado late, you must corrfinence any le;aI action based upon any defect on this certificate a~thin three years after you first discover such defect. In no event maj any action based upon any detect in this certiLcate be commenced more than ten years from the date of ceftificagon shott'n hereon. t e.znd Lechrter PLS 30946 County Rd. 356, Buena V stz, Ca. 81211 (719) 395-9160 ant Agency, such determination having been made from~a personal review of flood map number 080054 0002, which .t available flood map for the property. The property shown contains 0.1069 acres and no on site parking spaces. y has been made in accordance with " A~~nimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/AGSM Land Title Surveys; ~blished and adopted by American Land Title Association { ALTA ), American Congress on Surveying and Mapping d the National Society of Proffessional Surveyors, Inc. { NSPS) in 1999 and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7(a), 8, 9, 10, of Table Athereof'-Pursuant to the Accuracy Standards as adopted by ALTA, NSPS, and AGSM and in effect on the certification; undersigned further certifies that the Positional Uncertainties resulting from ~a~,~neasurements ie survey do not emceed the allowable Positional Tolerance. ,~''~cpp.~E~ISTF'°`~., 'Z~ Leland Lechner PLS~i~ ~~=~°~`~ `'Q , L.~~ya ~'~~ ' =, day of October, 2001 _ ` ~ ~-°- ~- • ~, ;~ fs- =~~ ;''~,;~~/iVil L L ~~~~5 `~ ment recorded in Book 699 at Page 454, (No. 15 of Sche3ule B, Section 2 of Land Title Guarantee s Com~itnent No. V allows for construction encroachments that that relate to the structure and. support of the building walls that foIlow :erly line of Lot c. This. easement also is for a trash easement. (the locations being non specific ) rded information and the Iegal d.Pscription was provided by Land Title Guarantee Co. by Commitment No. V27340. rding to FIRM Community.Panel Na. 080054 0002 C Dated May 1, 1985, this parcel lies in Zone C. nearest intersecting street is Bridge Street which lies 50' west of the Northwest corner of Lot c. are no means for nor visible evidence of vehicular ingress/e~ess over' the property. . storm drains shown on the drawing are connected. Surface drainage enters these drams and flows from the most .y drain to the east and north to a public storm drain system lieing within Hanson Ranch Road. d upon Eagle River Water ~ Sanitation sewer and water as built maps, sewer and water service to this property is i from lines located in the Hanson Ranch Roars rght-of--way. (see drawing } service to this property is from Tract E (Town of Vail property) . (see drawing ) v~l Exit Town of Vail ~ m a [ W North `~' No Scale Subject Site ~a Road 0 n ~~ Hanson Ranch Road o a, Vicinity I~JIap ~~~119~ L6~49 ~I®~d ~@~in ~ ~~~~grap~~c daps ., J j ~'~~( LIGHT (TYPICAL) a 2 ~~ source -Town of Vail and ~ # o I ~6 ~ \~ Federal Emergency Management Agency • > o I o, (~ ELECTRICAL MAN J O 2 (•TYPICAL) ~ I ~ ~~ 0 I J ~~ \ ' ~ TELEPI O DESTAL' ~ V' ~~ (TYPICAL ~ \ ELECTRICAL I ~ q ~ ~ TRANSFO~" ~ ~ ~~ t~ ~ I ~ ~ Co O • ®~ % !~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ EVERGREEN TF2EE ' `~ ~ /~ ~? (TYPICAL) ~ \ SEWS MANHO E ~ %~\\ ~. ~~~ RIM EL V. _ • ]~2(J.C TELEPHONE VAULT ~ I ~~ ~\~~ ON CONCRETE PAD p I ~~ ~ ~~~i ~ ;~,1 „~ ~J AGp.F,99~51 ~ ~ v ~ ~ . ~.\ ~~, 8188.8 183.6. ~ i ' ~PSF-gip. ~~ 81 8.9 81 9.7 818.7 188.7 4 ~ ~ DECI LP- , 818 .8 . _ (TYF 8189.0 c IAN 1 o. ~ ~ BRI GE 9 ` ~ ~ 8188.9 81 9.6 .. x•190:3'4• © /. 8188.8 ~~~ / ~ \ / ~ _ ~ 8185.0 ~~\ ~~\ ` -~ /~~~8188.4 184.9 81L 188.7 ~~ ~~\\ i P ? P / "~ I ~ -~- ~ ~ / /~ PSeN~~ ~~~ WT-2 .~ WT-6 p AMPLE-2 WT 4 `~~ /~ i WT-7 -$- ~O~ v- WT- 5 /~~ ~! SAMPLE 1 ~ ~ ~ ~i~/ ~/ 'Z T-3 I a1a6 -}- 6 -> ~ o ~~% ~ ~ Z 100 YEAR °' ~l ~ ~ ~j ; I FLOOD PWN' Clj ~ :'-?~ ~ \ / Q . ~ 15~ OVERHANG ! ~ ~ EASEMENT ~\\ ,90 ~ :~ ~-4 ED OF ' \ MILL C ^EK 8188.3' ~ \ r - ~ Eas~~te~~ Ag~eemen~ G~; ~;~.- EASEMENT AGREEMENT S t /fin THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT, effective the ~~ day of /y1C((~( 2000, is by and between THE VAIL CORPORATION, a '-'-~ Colorado Corporation doing business as VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., (".Vail"), and ~~ AND COMPANY, INC., a Colorado corporation ("Owner") ~i~.monav RECITALS A. Vail is the owner of Tract E, Vail Village Fifth Filing, Town. of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the plat recorded on April 25, 1995 in Book 665 at Page 983 in the records of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder ("Tract E"? . B. Owner is the owner of that certain project known as The Vista Bahn Building located on lot c, Block 2, Vail village First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the recorded plat thereof ("The Vista Bahn Building"). - C. The Vista Bahn Building is adjacent and contiguous to Tract E. D. Vail has previously permitted certain improvements to be constructed for the benefit of The Vista Bahn Building on a portion of Tract E as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (the "Easement Parcel"). E: Owner has requested that Vail grant to Owner an easement upon the Easement Parcel for the purpose of the construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement., existence and use of such improvements benefiting The Vista Bahn Building,. and Vail is willing to comply with such request, subject to the terms and' conditions set forth herein. GRANT OF EASEMENT .'NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises -and the covenants contained herein, Vail hereby grants and conveys unto Owner a perpetual, non-exclusive easement on, upon, over, under; through and across the Easement Parcel for the benefit of the Vista Bahn Building subject to the terms and conditions set forth below (the "Easement"), the Easement Parcel and the Easement sometimes. hereinafter collectively called the "Easement".. 1. Use. The Easement shall be used solely for the purpose of the construction, reconstruction, repair, .replacement, existence and use of stairway and sidewalk, patios, decks, retaining walls, signs related to the businesses, residences (if any) and activities an said Lot c, utilities (and associated vleeabahe~bldg....0oe 1 . 05,01,00 9:46 ~, ~~II ICI I~II~~I I~II~ II~~I III ~I~I III ICI 11~911i~~lll~~i 72991 0'3/16/2000 02:3$P.173 Smra~ Fiffihmr 1 of 6 R 30.00 D 0.00 P! 0.00 Eaglo CO meters), and pedestrian ingress and egress by the general public, Owner and the Permittes (defined below) between Lot c and Tract E. Subject to the above restrictions, Owner shall be entitled to make the Easement available for use by 'the owners, residents (if any) and tenants of The Vista Bahn Building and their respective agents, tenants.,- employees, licensees, guests and invitees, {collectively, .the "Permittees"). 2. Easement Appurtenant. The Easement shall run with the land and shall be appurtenant to lot c and Tract E so that a transfer of title to lot c and/or Tract E shall automatically transfer the burdens and benefits of the Easement under this Easement Agreement. 3. Liability for Injury. Vail shall not be liable to Owner, the Permittees or to any other person whomsoever or entity whatsoever for or on account of any injury or damage to persons or property occasioned by reason of Owner's or the Permittees' use of the Easement. ' 4. Indemnification. (a} Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Vail, its subsidiaries and affiliates, their respective officers, directors, agents, servants and employees from and against any claims, demands, liabilities, damages, liens, actions or causes of actions whatsoever, including reasonable attorney's fees, (i) arising out of or related to any loss, cost, damage or injury, including death of any person or damage to property of any kind occurring in connection with or arising out of Owners's or the Permittees' use of the Easement or (ii) arising out of or caused by the willful misconduct or negligent acts, errors or omissions of Owner. or the Permittees. (b) Vail agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Owner, its subsidiaries and ,affiliates, their respective officers, directors, .agents, servants and employees from and .against any claims,. demands, liabilities, damages, liens, actions or causes of`act'ons whatsoever, .including reasonable attorney's fees, aris.ng;out of or related to any loss, cost, or damage to Owner's improvements located on the Easement Parcel occurring in conrie'c.tion with or arising out of Vail's use of the Easement. 5. Retention of Rights. Subject to the terms and provisions of this Easement Agreement, Vail specifically retains all its right, title and interest in and to the Easement Parcel. 6. Entire Agreement. This Easement Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the entire subject matter hereof, and there are no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, oral or otherwise, not embodied herein. This Easement Agreement specifically supersedes any and all prior discussions, agreements, proposals, negotiations and representations relating wlaCaCaTn-ldgamm.doc OS/Ol/00 9:96 AM 2 ,~ 1111 ~~III ~~I~~~ ~~I.I~I~{ III II~~i I~I ~~II I~1 ~~~I 729913 0/16/2000 02:38P 173 Sara F!~ a of 6 ~ 30.00 D 0.00 P1 ®.00'Emg!® c0 hereto. 7. .Counter arts; Facsimile Transmission. This Easement Agreement may be executed by facsimile and or in any number of counterparts, any or all of which may contain the signatures. of less than all the Parties, and all of which shall be construed together as but a single instrument and shall be binding on the Parties as though originally executed on one originally executed document. All facsimile counterparts shall be p,.romptly followed with delivery of original executed counterparts. S. Successors and Assigns.. The terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement. shall be binding on the successors and assigns of all parties. hereto. 9. Miscellaneous. (a} If any clause or. provision of this Easement Agreement shall be held to be invalid in whole or in part, then the remaining clauses and provisions, or portions thereof, shall nevertheless be and remain in full force and effect. (b) No amendment, alteration, modification of or addition to this Easement P.greement shall be valid or binding ' unless expressed in writing and signed by the parties to be bound thereby. (c} The captions of each section are added as a matter of convenience only and shall be considered of no effect in the construction of any provision of .this Easement Agreement. (d} If any party hereto shall bring any suit or action against another for relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this 'Easement Agreement, the prevailing party shall have and recover against the other party, in addition to all court costs and disbursements, such sum as the Court may adjudge to be reasonable attorneys' fees. ,: (e) This Easement Agreement .shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. .; :.:.: I IIII X9111 ~~1~~1111 III~~I I~II~ Ii~~l III ~~I~ IIII ICI 729913 0/16/2000 02:36P 173 Sara Fiahor 3 c4' 6 R 30.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 Eagl® CO rl.t+b+hnhld3.sa,poc \ OS/O1/00 9:46 AM 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Easement Agreement to become written above: STATE OF COLORADO } } ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE } parties hereto have executed this effective as of the date first THE VAIL CORPORATION a Colorado corporation d/b/a Va= tes, Inc. By: Name: Title : Y. ; ~ e ~WNER ~monod Rf~id~0"J` AND COMPANY a Colorado corporation B ~/ ~~ ~ Y= Name: ~~~N r~-r~ i4,14d~Lc~~'~ Title • y~x,t- ~-. The foregoing instrument was acknowledge before me this S/ day of ~Q. 2.000, by f7larf~~c ~ . R~ ~ Vn as ;.; ~; e~„---bf THE VAIL CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation doing;business as VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. ",.::.W:itness my hand and official seal: ,... ;.., : D ~ My commission expires : ~ ~~ ~ - ~ D G~~RY aRN~<~ ~ Noy Public ~Q rA~y ••. ; ~~~~~~.'°~eL tic ..~ ~0 1 VIII Iil ~I~~N ICI IIf~l 1116111 III ~~III II Iii ~T.... o FpF'~a~pRQ' 7a991g ®x/16/200® 02:36P g73 Sara Fdahmr v 4 of ~ R 30.00 ® 0.00 N ®.00 Eagl® CO c vir[ahahnbldgeem.Aoc os/oi/oo 9:46 ~ 4 STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fore oing instrument was acknowledged before me this as ~ day of ~' ~ 2000, by~~ ` „~,~ ~. 1'(1u ~~Q.C` (P ~ ~~~, o ~9N9V AND COMPANY, a olorado corporation. k 'monov Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires : ,-- ~- 2~3 - . ~ ~_. .. ~. Notary Public ." " ~ ~ ..J ' ,_i . J..... ' ;.,... I IIII VIII ~I~~II ICI I~II~I I~II~ III III ~~1~I Qill l~~l 729919 0°3/16/2000 02:36P 173 S~r~ Flsh®r g of 6 R 30,00 D 0,00 M 0.00 E9glm CO vf.[abahnDlOg~~~.~ 5 OS/O1/00 9:96 AM ~~~~ X699 Sate ~{'10~~5 Existing Deck on south side of Vista Bahn Building ~P ,~ a _ Y~ - ~ w ~~ L! _. ~ f ,. .. fVeighboring ®eck Looking to the East ~~1"~~ G~~~99 $~t~ Flan P 8 C A CE I R P 5 0 i IR yA I _ EDGE OF $ III _ -__ - _ _ I ~II '¢ II U II I I a ill I I PROPOSED ADDITION 6 II TOTAL DECK Ai ~\ 3ACT E ~ '~~ 4 r ~; ~i ` \ .Y I \\~\ ~ m \ I o\\ / ~9~ i AEI e - 2F I f D.~et I.O ,. -_ , ~ , P'i T7i rOAyOip / - Exfsnl ~~ i c; ~ TRACTH~ a _ ` ~ `m / TOWN OF VAIL ~ ~ / i - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - l i i a ~ ~ ~- ~ MILL CREEK TRAIL ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ Q4~i \ \ ATp550~.fpP~` PUBLIC ACCESS TO THE VISTA 9AHN , ~ _ / ~ AfIL1 CREEK ~ _ ` _ ' ~ ~ ~ ^- ~ ~ ! ' Q U z U) Q Z n ~1 1 I II' Scale 1!4" .1' JULY 2004 ~/ISTP+, ~AF-ff~d 13UILDIIi~CC Proposed Improvement Plan ~~~~ 6699 Archi~~~~~r~! ~fev~~i~r~s ~ Tor Plans PROVIDE STEPS ~ ml ~ TO LW1ER LEVEL HEATED WI STAMPED s~ OGNORETE OI ml z~ 9TEP510 DEGY. I FROM BIKE PATH (v.IF. NUMBER OF RISERS NEED) 0~ RELOCATE ~ LAMP POST TPAGT E I r 1 I 1 ,. i -J ,. ~- THE NEW DECK IITTO , EXISTING WHERE I \\ / ~ \ ` POSSIBLE ' TRACT N "~ ~ ' TOILN OF vAIL ~$J ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ I MAT_ Ef~IA~S' i I DEGY: °'~+~EMers cFr~Brsi~E STAMPED CONCP~ETE ~~:+.re r~~rEeumuxa 70 MATCH EXISTING ' _ I P~.41L: CEDAR TO Y1ATCN - ' EXISTING , I IAIDER: TAG ~ SECOND LE~/EL EXTEIZIOP DECK PLAN! / / SCALE: I/4" I'-O" ePIDGE ST12EET LODGE ~~ MATGN EX18T11~1C~ PUBLIC ACCE55 VISTA BARN LIFT' MAT~Rf,4L 0 ~ _ ~ Q J J ~ - ~ ~ n ~ T ~ ~ X Ofi~EN N X ~ <( o a 1.1 o ~ ~ ~ p~C#~. ~ a Q. ~. ~ ~ llJ~4LKl.U~~l' ~~C~4D~ ~ ..' ~~~ '~f - 1~.~ -.'.~ . . ~.+ ./~ ~. \ ~ /' ~ . ~ - ~- ~~~:~ P~a~ w6~h ~di~~ca~~~ns ~~cp®s4d ®eck Ir~ap~~verrae~ts Vista Cahn ~uildi~g Q.9~3__~IC' ~:C~~~s '~~? th ..~I~t~ ._ , ~ ; ,-t ~';.. `~ Vista Bahn Building ~~ ~ ;a ~~~~ ~~'~ ~~~ bT Et ~ L { J-- . Telephone ~l~ty~-box ~k ;~.,; _~ 4 { ~-' \ ;,.. r ." \ t_-..m ~ ` _ 4~ ~,,,. ,P +~q ter f: t '~ ~. `.:. ,~ r nw:r~'Y L'+4 Holy cross Tr;~sf: ~~ _ 'a~.° ~~ h~~pe~ty ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ -~ _. p ~ ti?7TH'. S'G+E W/~:~ ~~ I'~C:'~th tQ C~ll~~d1 1'1~~~:s ~ _ ~+-acrt ~r~s't Attachment: C P~B~l~~"s~i1 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY ' ~' '+ PUBLIC NOTICE 1'U~4~Oi='Y~~,~' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on September 13, 2004, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for final review of a sign variance, pursuant to Section 11-10-1, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a variance from Section 11-6-3(1 a) for a new business identification sign, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Robert Aikens and Barbara Ruh (Verbatim Booksellers) Planner: Matt Gennett A request for final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7B=4, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Second Floor, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor patio, located at 333 -;;~`~~-~, Hanson Ranch Road (Vista Bahn Building)/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. '~`` Applicant: Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Terrill Knight Planner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a variance from Section 12-7B-12, Height, Vail Town Code, and a request for a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7B-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Building)/Lot A, Block 5B, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto: Applicant: Bob Fritch, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects . Planner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7A-12, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, and a request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12- 7A-3, Conditional Use Permits, Vail Town Code, to allow for a lodge, including accessory eating, drinking or retail establishments located within the principal use and occupying between ten percent (10%) and fifteen percent (15%) of the total gross residential floor are of the main structure or structures on the site, located at 20 Vail Road (Sonnenalp Resort of Vail)/Lots K and L; Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Sonnenalp Resort of Vail, represented by Resort Design Associates Planner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a work session to discuss a major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Vail Town Code, to allow an amended approved development plan, located at 1325 Westhaven Drive/Development Area A, Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Wright & Company/PIA Land Planning Planner: Russ Forrest A request for a recommendation to the Vait Town Council on a proposal to establish Special Development District No. 39, pursuant to Article 12-9(A), Special Development District, Vail Town Code, to allow for the redevelopment of Crossroads, a mixed use development; a request for a text amendment to Section 12-2-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Section 12-3- 7, Amendment, to add a definition for bowling alley; a request for a text amendment to Section 12-7E-4, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, to add bowling alleys as a conditional use; and requests for conditional use permits to allow for the construction of an outdoor operation of the accessory uses as set forth in Section 12-7E-5 (ice skating rink); a major arcade to include indoor entertainment; a theater, meeting rooms, and convention facilities; multiple-family dwellings and lodges; and a private club to allow for the establishment of a for sale parking club, pursuant to Section 12-7E-4, Vail Town Code, located at 141 and 143 Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Crossroads East One, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks ,Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition to encroach into the side setback, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 8, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Erickson S. Shirley Planner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Section 12D-9, Site Coverage, and Section 12-6D-10, Landscaping and Site Development, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 2714 Larkspur Lane/Lot 4, Block 3, Vail intermountain, setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Andrew and Margaret Forstl Planner: Bill Gibson An appeal of staff interpretation, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Administration and Enforcement, Vail Town Code, of an administrative interpretation of Section 12-11-4, Materials to be Submitted, Procedures, located at 1448A Vail Valley Drive/Lot 18, Vail Valley Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Robert Kossman Planner: Russ Forrest The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information. Published, August 27, 2004, in the Vail Daily. Attachment: C PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION `. ~ PUBLIC MEETING ~~~~~~~+ Monday, September 13, 2004 PROJECT ORIENTATION -Community Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Anne Gunion Bill Jewitt Rollie Kjesbo George Lamb David Viele MEMBERS ABSENT Site Visits 1. Vista Bahn Building - 333 Hanson Ranch Road 2. Sitzmark Building - 183 Gore Creek Drive 3. Sonnenalp Resort of Vail - 20 Vail Road 4. Cascade Village - 1325 Westhaven Drive 5. Crossroads East - 141 and 143 Meadow Drive 6. Forstl Residence - 2714 Larkspur Lane 7. Manor Vail Lodge - 595 Vail Valley Drive 8. Briar Patch - 1390 Buffehr Creek Road Driver: George NOTE: If the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the Commission may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearing -Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7A-12; Exterior Alterations or Modifications, and a request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12- 7A-3, Conditional Use Permits, Vail Town Code, to allow for a lodge, including accessory eating, drinking or retail establishments located within the principal use and occupying between ten percent (10%) and fifteen percent (15%) of the total gross residential floor are of the main structure or structures on the site, located at 20 Vail Road (Sonnenalp Resort of Vail)/Lots K and L, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Sonnenalp Resort of Vail, represented by Resort Design Associates Planner: Elisabeth Eckel ACTION: Approved with condition(s) MOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Lamb VOTE: 7-0-0 c CONDITION(S): 1) The applicant shall agree to proceed with construction of this phase of the project concurrently with the proposals which were approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission in 2003 and the applicant shall submit such a phasing plan to the Community Development Department prior to applying for a building permit for this aspect of the proposal. 2) The applicant shall submit a final parking plan designating the type and lay-out of all parking spaces required on site as a result of this proposal to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to applying for a building permit for this phase of the project. Elisabeth Eckel introduced the project according to the memorandum. Mike Foster further explained the project and the purpose of the proposed enclosure. Doug Cahill asked about the design of the enclosure and Mr. Foster described its flexibility to be used both during good and bad weather. Mr. Cahill also asked the applicant of his confidence that the project approved in 2003 would be finished, making the parking requirement related to this proposal valid. Mr. Foster replied affirmatively, that the first condition would not be problematic. The Commissioners had no further comment. 2. A request for final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Second Floor, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor patio, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road (Vista Bahn Building)/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Terrill Knight Planner: Bill Gibson ACTION: Approved with condition(s) iyIOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Bernhardt VOTE: 7-0-0 CONDITION(S): 1) This conditional use permit approval is contingent upon the applicant receiving Todvn of Vail design review approval for this proposal. 2) The use of the outdoor dining deck shall begin no earlierthan 7:00 AI1~i and end no later than 10:00 PM daily. 3) Amplified sound shall not be permitted in association with the use of the outdoor dining deck. 4) The use of the outdoor dining deck shall comply with the provisions of Section 5-1-7 (Noise Prohibited), Vail Town Code. Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation of the conditions of approval for this conditional use permit. A violation of these provisions may allow the Planning and Environmental Commission to revoke this conditional use permit approval. 5) Any outdoor lighting associated with the outdoor dining deck shall comply with the provisions of Title 14 (Development Standards), Vail Town Code. Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation of the conditions of approval for this conditional use permit. violation of these provisions may allow the Planning and Environmental Commission to revoke this conditional use permit approval. 6) Any signage associated with or displayed upon the outdoor dining deck shall comply with the provisions of Title 11(Sign Regulations), Vail Town Code. Failure to comply with these provisions shall constitute both a violation of the Vail Town Code and a violation of the conditions of approval for this conditional use permit. A violation of these provisions may allow the'I?lanning and Environmental Commission to revoke this conditional use permit approval. Bill Gibson introduced the project according to the memorandum. Terrill Knight, applicant's representative, gave a presentation of the proposal and made himself available for questions. Charles Greenhouse, an attorney representing Bridge Street Lodge residential owners 2 association, noted their associations objection to the proposal. He explained the main issue of the homeowners was one of excessive noise and they are concerned that the proposal will only exacerbate the existing noise problem. He stated that the applicant had already failed to comply to ordinances that the Town has instituted. Professional tests had been done to show that the use was in violation of the noise ordinance on several occasions. Paul Johnson, of Christiania Lodge, stated that he failed to understand the conditions that were a part of the memorandum; so Bill Gibson restated the conditions as they were listed in the memorandum. Paul Johnson noted the Christiania's objection to the proposal. Tom List, a partner of Charlie Greenhouse, representing Oscar Tang, noted his clients objection to the proposal. Ron Riley, the owner of Los Amigos, a nearby restaurant, spoke in favor of the proposal, stating that the club/bar aspect of Vail Village was nearly non-existent and this type of facility was integral to the Vail experience. He continued to say that the outdoor dining deck did not have to be attached to the problem of the noise coming from the nightclub. Jim Lamont, Vail Village Homeowner's Association, commented that the proposed use was in a transitional zone, and some problems existed around keeping the area vibrant but not a nuisance. He suggested that if an approval was given, an annual review be required, a compendium of complaints be kept, and hours of operation be imposed upon the use. Rick Mueller, Vista Bahn Building owner, stated that the nightlife in the Village was not what it should be for a resort of its stature and this proposal was meant to help the Town, both for visual and economical reasons. He stated that the Town had done its own noise level readings during which even the Creek was over the Town's noise level regulation. Steve Kaufman, owner of the Tap Room and Sanctuary, stated that the Tap Room does its best to add to the Town and to address problems as they arise. He stated that no complaints had been addressed.to him directly, aside from one instance. Further, windows and doors are dead-bolted during the evening to keep noise from adversely affecting the neighbors. He stated that their only request was for a deck, which "polices itself' due to weather constraints. The Commissioners clarified that the Tap Room was a permitted use, the Sanctuary (i.e. the nightclub) was a separate conditional use, and the proposed deck was also a separate conditional use. The Commission noted that vitality within the Village remains an important issue, and stated that dining decks are a positive amenity. The Commission stated their concerns about the noise issues related to the nightclub, but separated those issues from the deck proposal. The Commission expressed that with the appropriate conditions, the deck would be an appropriate use on the site. The Commissioner's strongly recommended that both the applicant and the neighbors work together to resolve the existing noise issues, and noted to the applicant that the Commission would "call-up" this approval if noise issues arise from the use of the deck. 3. A request for final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, ,to allow for a variance from Section 12-7B-12, Height, Vail Town Code, and a request for a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7B-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Building)/Lot A, Block 5B, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Bob Fritch, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Bill Gibson Attachment: D ~, ~~ ~~ 3 '~, TOWN OF VAS "~ THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, November 2, 2004, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4B, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1St Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant: Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Assoc. and its individual owners Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 7.5 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2114 voice or (970) 479-2356 TDD for information. _~ ~.. ~wlv of vii THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, November 16, 2004, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail, Municipal Building. In consideration of: ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a conditional use permit application, pursuant to Section 12-7B-4B, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for an outdoor dining deck, located at the Vista Bahn Building, 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1St Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant: Bridge Street Lodge Residential Owners Assoc. and its individual owners Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the-Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2114 voice or (970) 479-2356 TDD for information. t 10/28!2004 11:00 720-946-0887. 1VIFGLL LLP Pr~GE 02 Ape~9i°04 11;37am From-TOWN OF VAIL C0~,4!l1NITY D~VELOp1~NT 97p4~92d52 T,906 ,P,019IOfi3 F-037 ~S'TA 8~1~ .~~.~CE~T'T PR~P.'~~T'SZ ~~leT!'R~ :11~~~3: Ap>~ 19, 20m~ zlox-osa~.~-ool Remonov ~ Co. 298 Hanson Rich Road P_0. Box 1888 Edwazr]s, C~ 81632 ~ ' 21 D 1 ~O 5~-4-2-DD8 ~ , Vail CQZp. Haason.R~nch Road ~ W$ Taaot E P.{~..Box 7 Vail, Cd 816$ 2J,03~~OS2-~z-Ofl9 Totem o~`~ail Hanson Ranch R.aad - V~T~ Txa.GX H 7~ S, ~'aani$gc k~oad vas. C~ $z~s~ 2101.dD$Zr39~004~ Town o~'V~7. c/e Faz~anca T)c1rt. . ?~ S. Fsoahagc Road Va~7, CO 8167 . 2101=082-59-0X0 -Uxtit 112 Vaal Corp. , P.4. }3ox ? `fail, CO 516$ c 1 10/2812004 11:00 720-946-0887 MFGLL LLP Huc-~ ~-ua 11; 37am From-Town oF. VA t ~ coN~-uN rTY DEV~Lop~ENr o7oa7~z4fi2 Red Lion Xnn Co~ados 304 Bridge Street Va.i~, CO 8~.6~7 2101-OS2-~3-007--Un~R-1 Osoar L. ~T~ • 600 5~ A,venue, 8~' F1oar Nctiv York, NY a, 0020 2101-OSZ-53-0],0-Unix C~I Landmark Comzzaerciai Ae~, Co, 610 W. Lions~d C~cclc, Std 100 Val„ CO 81657 21 bl -082-53-009 - TTuit R 3 'Sop af'the B=ide Corp. 1101 J3rickaltAveaue, S~ $00-S ~~ FL 3313], Sricige Street Laa~e 27s ~~I16Q1] g9TiiC.~1 ~.OIId vafi, co si6s7 . 2J,01-0$~-59-001--Unit 3.01, 101-A • R~7~y BSL LLC 22$~$tidge Sweet Val, CO 81657 2 ~ 01-0$2-69-004 - Ua~ 102 Rad Three LLC . 228•B~dge Strcet Mail, CO 81657 ?101-082-59=413 -Urait221., 221-A. Eolanovich Txnst clo Jahn Kaamr~ 434 Gone Cxe~ Ihive Vail, CO 8167 2101-082-69-016 - Unrts 5=2, 5-12, 403., 403 Rabat &. CaDnon, F.O. Bax 80407 Nicmpizis, '~ 3 810 S PAGE 03 ~T-800 P.~2D/063 ~-0~7 2 10128!2004 11:00 720-946-0887 ~~IFGLL LLP PAGE 04 „ea ~~~~~+ ~~:aiam trom;l'uWN of VA16 C01~IUNI~Y D~VELOPN~NT 874782462 Ta9dU P.B21/~53 €-037 2101-Q82-E9-OJ.8 -Urazts S-S, 301, 305, 310 A~.old Biasegger Zsving `rust , 262 ,~. Ati~ic ,~ivenne ~ 1~IE 1~gytQna Bah S1wi~s, k'.~ 3211E 21oa-o$2-69-o2o.-Units ~-$, 202,ZDq. Robert ~ Nancy Bsttels Revorab~ 'east 342b S. T~vy~Jtenbam I?r. South Bend, Tl~' 46614 2101-OS2-69-02.2 -Unit .S-14 Bridge Strut ~vesiments Z,LC helix 4ux~aa~n.16 Col E1 Pardue X3390 Nau~aipan.Me~ico 21o1-OE2-69-03~ -Uait 309 P~thur C, ~Cax QPR Trust Emma 7aae Cvx QPF. Tavst 12001 Grrvlford xoad ,4~polis 3unction,lvID 20701 2101-052-59-040 -TJn~ 50], Bridge S9zeet laves~nts T.~.C Felice Guzman N'o. 1 o Col El Pazque X3390 NaaacnlpanM~xico 2101-08269-002 ~ Units 101, 102-~, 104,10_ I06 Caloxaclo Ski. ~u~ce, Tuc. P_O, Boa~2796 nail, co szs~$ 2X01-082-69-006 -XTnut 103 ' . bar! ~c TJxsala 13o~velmarn4 161 South, CYOIdep.lArsve Siff, CO 81652 2101-082-&9011-Uzait 720, 220-A xohn cr Tzustec 291 Bridge Slxeet Val„ CO 81657 210X-OSZ-69-O15 -Units S-l, ~-1.3 ~TBVJ Beatty e!o Ron 2aS Bridge Stre®t VaO, CO >516~7 3 10/28/2004 11:00 720-946-0887 MFGLL LL:P Aue-31-04 11:37am. From~tOWN OF UAIi COIAIIUNITY DEUELOPI~NT 9704782452 210].-082-69-017-Units 8~-4, 302 Robert ~ Nata]ie Bisseggv~ 5345 Wind Point Road Ra~cinE, W.I 53402 zlol-082-69-Oi9 -U~ 5-7,303 Ro'~t E, M~.~tcrson R~ Hstate Revocable Trust P.C_ Sox3901S6 Omaba, TSE .657.39 ' 2101-082-69.021-Units S-9, 3 D~ GeQZ~i T.LC 3 011~disozl Hausc, The Vil}a~e 1 O1,Ami~s Street Loadoa Sal. J. 27~, ~p~laud 21010&2-~69~023 ~ T3~3zs S--1 ]., 207 Rabezt ~ Nency Bartels Re~+ocable Trust 3426 South Ttixryckez~ham. D-iiv~ . S. Bead, IN. -0~661~4 2101-0~~5~-03 S -U~i: X42 R Howard ~ Canncn cJo Buclcryc Ccltulo9~ Corp. 7574 Poplar .~vcaue Gea,msntow~n, T'~ 3 S l 3 S 2107. ^082-69-032 -Unit 304 Peter A. $issegger 3021 Crdrretsoz~ Avenue Corona„ CA. 928$1 PAGE 05 i-800 P.022/~53 F~D37 4