HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-02 Support Documentation Town Council Evening SessionVAIL TOWN COUNCIL
6:00 P.M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2007
75 S. Frontage Road W.
Vail, CO 81657
NOTE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and
cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council
will consider an item.
1 • ITEM/TOPIC: Citizen Participation. (15 min.)
2. John Pacheco ITEMROPIC: Eagle County School District Update. (10 min.)
3• ITEM/TOPIC: Northwest Colorado Council of Governments
Update. (15 min.)
4• ITEM/'i'OPIC: Consent Agenda. (5 min.)
a. 09.04.07 & 09.18.07 Minutes approval.
5. Stan Zemler ITEM/TOPIC: Town Manager's Report. (20 min.)
• Revenue Update.
• Construction Update.
• Forest Health Update.
• Housing Obligation Resolution Update.
• Wendy's Parcel Closing Update.
6. Rob Katz ~ ITEMlTOPIC: Discussion in regard to Timber Ridge
redevelopment. (45 min.)
7. Lorelei Donaldson tTEMlTOPIC: 2007 Election Judge Appointments for the
November 6, 2007 Regular Municipal Election. (5 min.)
ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Appoint eight regular and
absentee judges to participate in the November 6, 2007 Regular
municipal election. (5 min.)
BACKGROUND RATIONALE: By Colorado State Statute, each
polling place must have a minimum of three judges to assist with
municipal elections. We are requesting the appointments of Vi
Brown, Mary Jo Allen, Holly Cole, Mary Caster, Mary Ann Best,
Summer Holm, Earl Best and Kathrine Schmidt to be the Town of
Vail election judges.
RECOMMENDATION: Appoint eight judges to assist with tl'ie
November 6, 2007 Regular at-the-polls municipal election for tF~e
Town of Vail.
8. Kelli McDonald ITEM/TOPIC: Resolution No. 24, Series of 2007. (5 min.)
ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve or approve with
amendments Resolution 24, Series 2007, the 2008 Vai{ Loc<~I
Marketing District Budget and Operating plan.
BACKGROUND RATIONALE: To be provided in a separate
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Townn
Council approves or approve with amendments Resolution No.24~,
Series of 2007.
9. Greg Hall ITEMlTOPIC: Review and approve or approve with revisions the
recommendations of the Parking Task Force for 2007-2008
season. (15 min.)
ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL The Counril asked the tast'c
force to look at adopting a tiered rate schedule and developing a
business owner pass program. The committee looked at a tiered
system and has made its recommendation.. This was noel
unanimous among the committee members. Vail resorts made:
there concerns known but were unable to attend the meeting.,
Based on the recommended tiered rate structure Pass prices;
affected by the new peak period rates were evaluated and
changes were made. In addition the shopper parking rate time
frame was adjusted down. The creation of a discounted business
owner pass was recommended.
BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town Council established the
parking task force to provide direction to the Vail Town Council
regarding parking operation policies for each year. The council
had the task force evaluate a tiered parking rate structure and
review a business owner pass program. The task force
determined areas where attention was warranted. These areas
Rate increase to make up for the transit enhancements put
in place last year and cover operation enhancement cost
increases in parking in both winter and summer.
Significant increases in the pass use in the lower tier
passes (20-30%) resulting in crowding during peak
Modify the pass structure to be more in line with transit
pass cost to encourage transit and carpooling.
• Projected number of employees who will be in town early
season, estimates are up to 800 more employees working
in town through mid December.
• Provide consistent use of the west Vail area on all peak
• Parking ticket fines being more in line as a penalty
• Summer parking management
• Reveification of debit user classification
• The ability for employees and guests to access parking
spaces in the 9:30-10:30 time period
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The parking task force
recommended the following changes to the parking policies for
the 2007-2008 season are as follows:
• Rates and parking passes are proposed to adjust per the
attached rate structure.
• Expand the use of the free peak period areas in West
Vail during the 17 day holiday period from Friday,
Saturday and Sunday to all days during the peak
• In recognition of significant increase in demand during
the early season for this year, only allow this free peak
period area to be used Monday through Friday up to
the beginning of the Holiday Peak period.
• Restrict the construction pass to the Lionshead Structure
Monday through Thursday and Not allow entry to Ford
Park or the Soccer Field parking on peak days.
• Recommend an increase in the maximum parking
violation from $26 to something closer to twice the
rate of parking.
• Allow pass parking at the Wendy's lot.
• Enhance the area between Wendy's and the Chamonix
bus stop with level and asphalt milling shoulders.
• Look at having Donovan Park used early season this
year only.
• Provide enhanced transit service early season and
during peak periods for the Wendy's lot and West Vail
shoulder parking.
• Adjust parking fines greater than the current $ 26 to
be more in line with the $ 50 fines for shopper parking
• Enhance the summer parking management of the
structures during peak periods: three additional
seasonal positions are included in the 2008 budget
• Recommend this is the last year current debit card
holders can add value to cards without verification of
restrictions of use. Beginning next year, a
recertification process will take place.
10. Scot Hunn ITEMlTOPIC: The Applicant, Sonnenalp Properties, Inc.,
represented by Henry Pratt, Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Lindall
Architects, is requesting permission to proceed through the
Town's development review process for the re-alignment of ain
existing driveway across Tract A, Middle Creek Subdivision, for
the Solar Vail Employee Housing Project. (15 min.)
ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with
modifications, or deny the request to proceed through the.
development review process.
BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Applicant is proposing to re-
develop the Solar Vail property located at 501 North FrontagE:
Road West. During the preliminary review of this project, Staff
asked the Applicant to revise the plans to include improvements to
the grade and alignment of the existing access driveway for Solar
Vail to meet current Town standards. The existing acces:>
driveway, located to the east of the Solar Vail building,
encroaches over the extreme south west corner of Tract A, an un~-
platted parcel of land owned by the Town. Existing driveway
improvements impact approximately 600 square feet of Tract A.
Preliminary drawings indicating the ,revised driveway alignment
and associated extents of disturbance on Tract A are forthcoming
for review during the Town Council work session. The Applicarnt
must obtain approval from the Vail Town Council (i.e. property
owner) before proceeding through the Town's development review
process for any improvements across or over Tract A.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Vail
Town Council approves the Applicant's request to proceed'
through the development review process.
11. Nina Timm ITEM/TOPIC: Proposed additions to Exhibit B "Permitted Capital
Improvements" for the Town of Vail Master Deed Restriction that
is currently in place at Vail Commons, Red Sandstone Creek,
North Trail Townhomes, Pitkin Creek Park # 5-F and Vail Heights
# 11. (10 min.)
BACKGROUND: The Town of Vail Master Deed Restriction for
Vail Commons; Red Sandstone Creek, North Trail Townhomes
and Pitkin Creek Park # 5-F and Vail Heights # 11 limits
appreciation of these units to a maximum of 3% simple interest
per year. Additionally, the recoupable Permitted Capital
Improvements are also limited. The deed restriction has
maintained the units as affordable to local employees. At this
point in time it is prudent to expand the recoupable Permitted
Capital Improvements to maintain the units at a desirable level.
The goal of the suggested additional Permitted Capital
Improvements is not to further the resale value of an Owner's
home, but to provide some monetary relief if certain improvements
are made and an Owner must sell their unit within afive-year
ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with
modifications, or deny Resolution 21, Series of 2007.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Vail
Town Council approve Resolution 21, Series of 2007.
12. Kathleen Halloran ITEM/TOPIC: Second reading of the 2008 Budget Ordinance No.
29, Series 2007. (10 min.)
ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve or approve with
amendments second reading of the 2008 Budget Ordinance No.
29, Series 2007.
BACKGROUND RATIONALE: To be provided in separate memo
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve or approve with
amendments the second reading of the 2008 Budget Ordinance
No. 29, Series 2007.
13. Matt Mire ITEMlTOPIC: Second reading of Ordinance No. 30, Series of
2007. An Ordinance Amending Section 1-5-8 "Compensation",
Vail Town Code; Increasing the Compensation Paid to Town
Council Members; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto.
(10 MIN.)
ACTION REQUESTED OF. COUNCIL: Approve, amend or deny
second reading of Ordinance No. 30, Series 2007.
BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town council members'
current compensation for their service is $500.00 per month which
has not been increase since 1998. The workload required to fulfill
the council's obligation has increased significantly since that time.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve, amend or deny second
reading of Ordinance No. 30, Series 2007.
14. Warren Campbell ITEM/TOPIC: Resolution No. 22, Series of 2007, a resolution to adopt
the Solaris Parking Management Plan, pursuant to the requirements
of the Crossroads Development Agreement dated March 22, 2006,
and setting forth details in regard thereto. (15 min.)
ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with
modifications, or deny Resolution No. 22, Series of 2007.
BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On March 22, 2006, the Town
Council agreed to the Crossroads Development Agreement which
addressed the many pyblic aspects of the Solaris project. One of
those aspects was the management of the 81 excess parking
spaces in the subterranean garage which are a portion of the
public benefit to offset the deviations that were approved. The
Crossroads Development Agreement required that the applicant
return to the Town Council for review and approval of the parkirng
management plan prior to submitting for a building permit. This
request is being proposed to satisfy that requirement. (10 min.)
On September 18, 2007, the Town Council voted unanimously to
table this request to the October 2, 2007, public hearing.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Vail
Town Council approve Resolution No. 22, Series of 2007.
15. ITEMlTOPIC: Adjournment. (9:05 p.m.)
Sign language interpretation available upon request with 48-hour notification. Please
call 479-2106 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information.
Vail Town Council Evening Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
6:00 P.M.
Vail Town Council Chambers
The regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was called to order at approximately
6:00 P.M. by Mayor Rod Slifer.
Members present: Rod Slifer, Mayor
Greg Moffet
Mark Gordon
Kent Logan
Farrow Hitt, Mayor Pro-Tem
Kevin Foley
Kim Newbury
Staff Members: Stan Zemler, Town Manager
Matt Mire, Town Attorney
Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager
The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. There was none.
The second item on the agenda was the Consent Agenda.
• Approval of 08.07.07 and 08.21.07 Council Minutes
Moffet moved to approve the minutes with Gordon seconding. The motion passed
unanimously, 7-0.
The third item on the agenda was the Town Manager's Report.
• Amplified Sound Ordinance Update.
Police Chief Dwight Henninger reported since the noise ordinance was amended on May
15, 2007, the Vail Police Department has had six noise complaints. Henninger also took
the opportunity to present Councilman Mark Gordon with an emergency preparedness
"B. Ready" journal as part of a statewide awareness campaign.
• Revenue Update.
Finance Director Judy Camp reported sales tax collections for the month of July are
expected to be $1.3 million, flat with July, 2006. Year-to-date collections of $12.6 million
through July, however, continue to exceed last year's year-to-date by 6.7%. For
comparison, inflation as measured by the consumer price index, was up 2.41% in July
compared with the prior year. Construction permit. revenue, which can be considered an
indicator of redevelopment activity, continues its strong trend with year-to-date
construction permit fees of $2.1 million, up 70% from the same period last year. Year-to~-
date permit fees include $1.5 million from major construction projects: the Arrabelle a~t
Vail Square, Cascade Residences, Forest Place, Four Seasons, Lodge Tower, Lodge at
LionsHead, Manor Vail, Mountain View (formerly Apollo Park), Ritz Carlton, Solaris, Vail
Plaza Hotel, Westhaven Condominiums, and the Willows. Major projects were uK,
approximately $685,000 or 81 % over last year while non-major projects were uK-
$200,000 or 41 %. Construction permit fees include building, electrical, mechanical,
plumbing and sprinkler permits. Year-to-date RETT collections through August 27, 2007,
total $4.1 million compared with $3.8 million for the same time period last year, an 8%,
increase. Major redevelopment projects including Forest Place, Gore Creek Place,
Manor Vail and One Willow Bridge Road. contributed $828,026 or 20% of the total iri
2007 while only $464,500 or 12% of the total in 2006 consisted of major redevelopment)
• LionsHead Parking Structure Update.
Zemler reported work on an agreement to redevelop the structure had been taking place
and he hoped to have a new draft agreement ready to release to the public later in they
week, to be followed by a community meeting on September 10.
• Construction Update.
Public Works Director Greg Hall reported work would soon begin on the Gore Creek:
Whitewater Park improvements and Seibert Circle fountain. Construction will also be
taking place on the streamwalk between Vail Village and Ford Park as well as the
Katsos Ranch and Vail Cascade recreation path. "Solaris contractors are in the process
of obtaining permits to do storm sewer work...There will also be significant work taking
place. on the LionsHead streetscape...There will also be lots of flagging and construction
staging throughout the town." Logan asked what the condition of the Vista Bahn ski yard
would be when ski season began. Hall responded the area will be cleared and
snowmaking will allow for a pleasant atmosphere. He then clarified Seibert Circle should
be finished by mid-November. Addressing the 2008 I-70 repaving and glare screen
project, Hall announced the paving work would begin after Labor Day and the glare
screen work would be done at night. Community Development Director George Ruther
stated his department continued to plan for an abundance of Temporary Certificate of
Occupancy (TCO) requests (increased inspections) prior to the holiday season. He then
noted the Vail Plaza hotel should be opening "very shortly."
• Economic Vitality Study.
Economic Development Manager Kelli McDonald asked Council to approval a request
for an economic vitality study, which would include a background analysis and
evaluation of Vail's current retail offerings, benchmark other resorts, analyze retail
trends, and evaluate the region's competitive influences. Representing the Vail Chamber
and Business Association, Kaye Ferry spoke in support of the retail study but she didn't
think people would pay attention to the results. "It's not necessary and the wrong. way to
go." Representing the Vail Village Homeowners Association, Jim Lamont said the study
should expand to be more global. Moffet and Newberry expressed concern the study
was only repeating prior studies. Council agreed to not pursue the study.
The fourth item on the agenda was the Vail 20/20 Strategic Plan Update- Public Input
and Publication Options.
Planner Rachel Friede reported that on August 7, 2007, staff presented Council with a
draft of the Vail 20/20 Strategic Plan. Staff then held a public open house on August 16,
2007 at Donovan Pavilion, and has been collecting public input via email and the town
website. Additionally, staff has been working with Visible Strategies to explore the
possibility of a web-based publication for the plan, in addition to creating a printed
brochure that summarizes the outcomes of the plan. Visible Strategies has created a
test website for the publication that was presented to the Town Council. Friede then
presented a "walk-through" of the beta version of the site. Council spoke highly of the
product. Friede clarified the cost of maintaining the site would be approximately $1,000
per month. Zemler said this tool would allow for a reduction in printed material.
The fifth item on the agenda was the First reading of Ordinance 27, Series of 2007, an
ordinance amending Chapter 14-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code, to provide definitions for
terms of art, and to Chapter 146, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, for proposed
changes to the grading standards.
On August 27, 2007, the PEC unanimously forwarded a recommendation of approval to
the Vail Town Council for the proposed text amendments identified in Ordinance No. 27,
Series of 2007. Moffet moved to approve with Hitt seconding. Foley clarified foliage
requirements would be maintained and staff would only recommend the minimum
amount of site disturbance. "Trees come out only if it is absolutely necessary for trees to
come out." The motion passed unanimously, 7-0.
The sixth item on the agenda was the First reading of Ordinance 28, Series of 2007, an
ordinance amending Chapter 12-21, Hazard Regulations, Vail Town Code, in order to
comply with FEMA floodplain regulations, and Title 14, Development Standards
Handbook; Vail Town Code, for clarifications to driveway and parking standards.
On August 27, 2007, the PEC unanimously forwarded a recommendation of approval
with modifications to the Vail Town Council for the proposed text amendments identified
in Ordinance No. 28, Series of 2007. The changes make the town come into compliance
with FEMA standards. Moffet moved to adopt the ordinance with Newbury seconding.
The motion passed unanimously, 7-0.
The seventh item on the agenda was the Second Reading of Ordinance No. 24, Series
of 2007 an ordinance making supplemental appropriations to the Town of Vail General
Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Real Estate Transfer Tax Fund, and Health Insurance Fund
of the 2007 Budget for the Town of Vail, Colorado.
Budget and Financial Reporting Manager Kathleen Halloran reported the only change
between the first and second reading was the addition of an increased contribution of
$25,000 to the Seibert Circle project by Vail Resorts. Moffet moved to adopt the
ordinance with Gordon seconding. The motion passed 5-2, with Foley and Newbury
The eighth item on the agenda was the Second reading of Ordinance No. 25, Series of
2007, an ordinance amending Sections 12-66-2, 12-66-3, 12-6C-2, 12-6C-3, 12-6D-2, 12-
6D-3, 12-13-4, Vail Town ,Code, to change Type II Employee Housing Units from a
conditional use to a permitted use in the Single-Family Residential (SFR), Two-Family
Residential (R), and Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) districts.
On August 13, 2007, the PEC forwarded a recommendation of approval for the proposed
amendments by a vote of 6-0-0. On August 21, 2007, the Vail Town Council approved the
first reading of Ordinance No. 25, Series of 2007, by a vote of 6-0-0. Moffet moved to
approve the ordinance with Hitt seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0.
The ninth item on the agenda was the Sale of 2079 Chamonix Lane # 11 and 4011
Bighorn Road # 6-H to Town of Vail employees.
The Town of Vail, as an employer, recognizes that recruiting and retaining employees is;
becoming more challenging. A key benefit to recruit and retain employees is housing.
The Town of Vail provides certain municipal services that are critical to the overall.
functionality of the entire town and if there is not adequate housing the town will not be~
able to provide critical municipal services. As stated in the minutes of the May 15, 2007,
Town Council Meeting, Town Council unanimously agreed to purchase 2079 Chamonix:
Lane # 11 and 4011 Bighorn Road # 6-H so "the unit(s) be included in the Town's
employee housing stock." The units have been designated for "critical employees" who
include: Firefighters, Police Officers, Dispatchers, Mechanics, Plow Operators, Building
Maintenance Specialists, and Public Safety Systems Engineers. Two administrative
actions were requested of Town Council:
1. A motion directing the Town Manager to amend the Town of Vail Master Deed
Restriction for the two units mentioned above only. To require the listing of the unit
upon no longer being employed by the Town of Vail in a form approved by the Town
Attorney. As proposed, the amendment will require an owner of one of the above
units to list the unit for sale with the Town of Vail within a specific period of time
based on their length of employment with the Town of Vail and their length of
ownership of the deed restricted unit. More specifically, as proposed, the subject
owner would be required to list the unit in a time period equaling no greater than
thirty (30) days for every year the owner has owned the unit and has been employed
with the Town.
Moffet moved to approve the first request of Item #10, Evening Session Meeting of the
Vail Town Council on September 4, 2007, with Logan seconding. Kaye Ferry asked for
clarification on the amount of time the employee could remain in a unit if he/she was not
employed by the town. Mire responded, `The individual would be able to remain in the
unit one month for every year employed by the town." The motion passed unanimously,
2. A motion directing town staff to develop a policy for housing employees of the town
of Vail. Staff recommends maintaining two separate employee housing programs.
The Town of Vail, as an employer, needs- an employee housing program and the
Town of Vail, as a government, needs a community wide employee housing plan.
Recognizing that these two programs will be funded from the same pool of funds it
will be important to fund each program separately.
Moffet moved to approve the second request of Item #10, Evening Session Meeting of
the Vail Town Council on September 4, 2007 with Logan seconding.
The tenth item on the agenda was the Second reading of Ordinance No. 26, Series of 2007,
an ordinance approving the sale of the deed restricted property in the Town of Vail legally
described as Vail Heights Condominium Unit # 11, Eagle County, Colorado with a physical
address of 2079 Chamonix Lane, Vail, Colorado.
On May 29, 2007, the Town of Vail bought Vail Heights Unit #11 for $280,000. The unit is a
one-bedroom, one-bathroom unit in West Vail. The purpose of purchasing the unit was to
add inventory to the town's housing stock for its employees. This ordinance authorized a
critical town employee to purchase the unit. Moffet moved to adopt the ordinance with
Newbury seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0.
The eleventh item on the agenda was Adjournment.
Moffet moved to adjourn with Newbury seconding at approximately 7:02 p.m. The motion
passed unanimously, 7-0.
Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor
Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk
Minutes provided by Corey Swisher.
Vail Town Council Evening Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
6:00 P.M.
Vail Town Council Chambers
The regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was called to order at approximately
6:00 P.M. by Mayor Rod Slifer.
Members present: Rod Slifer, Mayor
Greg Moffet
Mark Gordon
Kent Logan
Farrow Hitt, Mayor Pro-Tem
Kevin Foley
Kim Newbury
Staff Members: Stan Zemler, Town Manager
Matt Mire, Town Attorney
Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager
The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation.
Bill Jewitt asked Council to call for the review of a liquor license approved for they
Arrabelle at Vail Square, noting potential difficulties in communicating boundary areas tc~
guests. Town Attorney Matt Mire explained the issue had been discussed during they
Local Liquor Licensing Authority meeting and Council had no authority to call up the
decision. Hitt then asked if Vail Village could be licensed as a whole, similar to the
circumstances occurring during the Oktoberfest event. Mire explained a single entity
would need to be physically responsible for the licensed area.
Logan then thanked Bill Jewitt for his longtime participation on Town Council and various
town boards. Due to health reasons, Jewitt has resigned from the Planning and
Environmental Commission and will move to Florida. Jewitt then received an ovation
from the crowd.
East Vaii homeowner Steve Tovoso asked Council for help resolving a party wall
agreement. Council directed staff to contact the gentlemen and offer any information
The second item on the agenda was a Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC)
Board Vacancy Appointment.
There was one vacancy for the PEC and the Town Clerk's office received one fetter of
interest. Council was asked to appoint one member to the PEC to complete the term
vacated by Bill Jewitt, which ends March 31, 2009. Moffet moved to appoint Scott Proper
to the PEC with Newbury seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Proper had
been interviewed by Council earlier in the day.
The third item on the agenda was the Town Manager's Report
• Construction Update.
Public Works Director Greg Hall provided atown-wide construction update. "Work on the
pedestrian trail at Katsos continues to take ptace...The Vail Plaza Hotel is working on
getting a landscape easement from CDOT...Paving on the Vail Road chute should be
taking place over next few days...There will be a three-day closure of Vail Road from
Meadow Drive over the next few days...The Four- Seasons will begin landscaping in front
of the Main Vail Roundabout in the next few weeks...Streetscape will continue in
LionsHead...The Ritz-Carlton has finished building their Frontage Road access...The
Cascade bike path will be closed through the first week of October...Additional paving
around the roundabouts will take place as fall progresses."
• Vail 20/20 Strategic Plan Update.
Planner Rachel Friede reported aweb-site developed by Visual Strategies meant to
complement the Vail 20/20 visioning process would be too cost prohibitive to implement.
Friede said it would cost $15,000 for a one time start-up fee. It was initially estimated to
cost much less. Therefore, the town will proceed with other publication options for the
20/20 project.
The fourth item on the agenda was Parking Policy and Rates Approval.
Public Works Director Greg Hall reported the parking policy objectives used in years
past were reviewed by the Parking Task Force. The parking plan policy objectives are:
• Service Core Markets.
• Skiers, shoppers, employees.
• Manage the yield.
• Simplify the Product.
• Design project so it is revenue neutral.
• Increase Safety.
In addition, the Parking Task Force works with the following guidelines:
• Strongly encourage the use of transit.
• Recover transit enhancements costs through parking.
• Parking cost increases will be borne by parking.
• Encourage turnover of shopper parking spaces.
• Have the rate of the shopper parking track closer to rates in the structure.
• Raise the top rate to offset continued increased cost of operation.
• Encourage carpooling.
• Pass prices reflect a relative value received based on the daily rate (ie season cost is
based on 21 week at five times per week at daily rate).
• Strictly enforce parking violations.
The parking task force recommended the following changes to the parking policies for
the 2007-2008 season as follows:
- Rates and parking passes are proposed to adjust per the attached rate structure.
Last year the only pass with an increase was the Gold Pass. Some pass prices have
not been raised in the past five years.
- Expand the use of the "free peak period areas" in West Vail during the 17 day holiday
peak period from Friday, Saturday and Sunday to include all days during the peak period
(12/21 - 01/06).
- In recognition of significant increases in demand during the early season FOR THIS
YEAR ONLY ('07-'08), allow the North Frontage Road in West Vail "free peak period
area" to be used seven days a week up to the beginning of the holiday. peak period!
- Restrict the construction passes to the LionsHead Structure Monday through
Thursday. New for this year - Do not allow entry to Ford Park or the Soccer Field parking
area on peak days.
- Recommend an increase in the maximum parking violation from $26 to an amount:
closer to twice the maximum parking rate, e.g. 2 X $18 = $36 or to mirror shopper
violations ($50).
- If the town acquires the former Wendy's property, allow pass parking in that lot.
- Enhance the shoulder of the North Frontage Road area between Wendy's and the
Chamonix bus stop by leveling and providing an asphalt milling surface.
- Consider Donovan Park for the early season only.
- Provide enhanced transit service in the early season and during peak periods for the
Wendy's lot and North. Frontage Road West Vail shoulder parking.
- Enhance the summer parking management of the structures during peak periods
(three additional seasonal positions have been included in the '08 budget).
- This will be the last year current debit card holders can add value to cards without
reapplying and verifying pass use criteria is met. In the '08-'09 season, require
reverification of those wishing to purchase debit cards.
- Cone off 50+ spaces in the Village Structure during peak times. Release their use in
the' 9:30 A.M. time period to allow for some employees/guests to have a chance at these
parking spaces.
Hitt clarified a hanging placard will still be required to park in the Ford Park lot and the
proposed reverification of debit card process will be publicly noticed. Moffet expressed
concern that construction workers (as they arrive early in the morning) will obtain prime
parking and Vail's target guest market will not be served. He then encouraged higher
parking rates during peak ski times. He also emphasized, "By reducing vehicles on
Friday and Saturday we can increase safety." Transit Manager Mike Rose stressed
parking enforcement would be enhanced in the upcoming ski season: Hitt then
encouraged enforcing length requirements on vehicles. During the citizen comment
period, Randy Guerrero asked if parking at the Roost was possible. Hall responded the
former hotel may be open again soon. Guerrero then asked who was able to purchase a
value parking pass. He then questioned recent parking increases as they appeared to
happen more frequently. Vail Village business owner Rob DeLuca said Village
businesses suffered worse from parking restrictions (as their employees required
parking during certain times). He expressed concern that a Gold parking pass ($2,100)
was the only option for business owners to provide parking for their employees. "We
have no realistic way to park." Representing the Vaif Chamber & Business Association,
Kaye Ferry joined DeLuca in asking for a pass intended to serve the local business
community. Moffet supported the idea as a pilot program. Village business owner Becky
Magoon asked for parking availability closer to village businesses as loading and
delivery was inconvenient. Moffet moved and Gordon seconded the preliminary adoption
of the Parking Task Force recommendations with additional review by the Council of
daily parking rates and a pilot merchant pass program at an upcoming meeting. Hall
confirmed the Parking Task Force would reconvene and provide additional
recommendations prior to the 07-08 ski season. Newbury suggested creation of the pilot
merchant pass program for businesses that have no alternative parking. Foley and
Newbury expressed concern that shopper parking rates are too low. The motion passed
6-1, with Foley opposed.
The fifth item on the agenda was Resolution No. '23 Series 2007, a Resolution
Approving the Development Agreement between the Town of Vail and Open
Hospitality/Hillwood Capital Partners, Dated as of September 6, 2007.
After nearly six months of negotiation, the town and aTexas-based development group,
Open Hospitality/Hillwood Capital Partners, dba OHP Vail One, LLC ("OHP") have
completed a proposed Development Improvement Agreement (the "Agreement") (DIA)
for redevelopment of the LionsHead parking structure. The negotiation described above
was preceded by a year-long competitive review process which included redevelopment
proposals submitted by two developers, and resulted in the selection of OHP by the
Council. Town staff and consultants, along with representatives from OHP, held a
community meeting on September 10, 2007, to review with the public the details of the
agreement. Following the background information, Gordon clarified the town would not
be responsible for any operating deficits associated with the planned conference center.
The operation of the conference center will be the responsibility of a metropolitan district
to be formed by the developer and funded by the owners of the property. Representing
OHP, Mark Masinter said he believed negotiations had been equitable. He then ensured
Council that OHP was requesting flexibility, only due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e.,
labor shortage, terror attack, monetary crisis). When discussing potential delays,
Masinter said, "It would have to just be something horrible for the project to stop...We
are already going to be $40-50 million into this project." Representing the Vail Chamber
& Business Association, Kaye Ferry stated, "I will always be opposed to the sale of Town
of Vail land." She then spoke in opposition to spending additional dollars on a
conference center as the community had voted against a conference center in 2005.
Town legal representative Malcolm Murray clarified any amendments to the agreement
would require formal action from the Town Council. Tom Steinberg clarified 1,450 public
parking places would be replacing the 1,150 that currently exist. He then encouraged
any private parking spaces included in the project be available to the public when not
occupied. Masinter explained that private parking would be managed through a valet
program. Steinberg then spoke of a fixed-rail system to help defer the need for additional
parking in the long term. Rick Silverman questioned the financial responsibility of OHP
with regard to the proposed conference center. Representing Stanwood Hotels &
Resorts, George Boone announced both hotel brands (W 8~ St. Regis) were excited to
be involved in the proposed development. Michael Cacioppo questioned the ability to
build a conference center for the proposed $14 million amount. In response to another
question by Cacioppo, Hitt stated Vail Resorts holds a deed restriction on the property.
Therefore, Vail Resorts now has "a say" in the determination of the use of the property.
Logan stated, `This single project is the most important project in terms of making the
most progress this town has consistently identified as its two highest priorities, parking
and employee housing." Logan encouraged Council to move forward with the
development agreement and .categorically reject the recent housing proposal from Vail
Resorts. "It is my fondest hope they (Vail Resorts) choose to work with Mark Masinter to
redevelop Timber Ridge." it was then discussed that the Temporary Certificate oi~
Occupancy (TCO) on the Arrabelle at Vail Square was contingent upon Vail Resorts"
meeting contractual employee housing requirements. Moffet moved to adopt Resolution
No. 23, Series of 2007 with the changes encompassed in the supplemental documeni~
provided. In addition, the motion added additional clarification to the document and
included a request by the developer to allow one year of unilateral flexibility within they
project timeline. Michael Cacioppo questioned whether Slifer and Gordon were able te~
vote due to a partner/employer relationship with Vail Resorts. Murray stated the twc~
were eligible to vote. Bill Jewitt asked that the agreement refer to a West LionsHead)
location for a third parking structure development. Reid Weily questioned whether Vail
Resorts could satisfy their employee housing requirement by purchasing existing units
and placing a deed restriction upon them. Any such purchase would need to be in
LionsHead area or area designated acceptable by the PEC. Foley reminded they
audience the Ever Vail project has no town approvals. Hitt said, "I believe this project is~
premature...But the agreement gives the developer a chance to tighten up some loose.
ends." Slifer expressed concern over the construction disruption that would occur in
LionsHead. The motion passed 6-1, with Foley opposed.
Newbury left the meeting.
The sixth item on the agenda was the First Reading of the 2008 Budget Ordinance No.
29, Series 2007.
During the afternoon work session, Council made no amendments to Ordinance 29,
series 2007 for the 2008 Budget. However, the following comments were provided:
Greg Moffet and Mark Gordon requested a presentation from Vail Valley Community TV'
Channel 5 for the October 2 meeting regarding services and the franchise fee they
receive from the town. Moffet also suggested that Council be included in the review of
the Donovan Pavilion Management fee structure. Farrow Hitt asked about property tax
revenue projections and concerns about the possibility of a limit placed on taxes by the
state. Judy Camp clarified the town has legally "de-Braced" and is not limited in
collection of property tax. She also explained the property tax revenue budget is based
on the County Assessor's assessed value, but discounted to account for taxpayer
appeals. Regarding the recent funding request for the Teva Mountain Games, the
Council supported the event, and agreed the funding request should go through the
Commission on Special Events. During the evening meeting, Kathleen Halloran
presented the General Fund with net revenue over expenditure of $96,531 and an
ending fund balance of $14.8 million (50% of revenue). Council direction is to have a
35% ratio during this period of redevelopment. Regarding Council Contributions, Farrow
Hitt inquired about getting more prevalent advertising for the Town of Vail as a sponsor
of the Birds of Prey event (produced by the Vail Valley Foundation). He also requested
confirmation of .Vail Resort's matching contribution to the Vail Chamber & Business
Association for the Premier Impressions program. Halloran agreed to provide this for the
October 2 meeting, and 2nd reading of the 2008 Budget. Moffet moved to approve the
ordinance with Hitt seconding. The motion passed 5-1, Foley opposed. Foley stated he
was dissatisfied with the percentage of the budget spent on salaries and benefits.
Zemler responded, "We ask every department to qualify every aspect of what they do."
The seventh item on the agenda was Ordinance No. 30, Series of 2007, An Ordinance
Amending Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 8, "Compensation" of the Town Code.
Moffet moved to approve the ordinance with Gordon seconding. The motion passed 5-1,
with Foley opposed. Mire stated according to Town Charter, Council Members are not
to benefit from increased compensation brought about by their own vote. Subsequently,
Hitt and Gordon (both with two years remaining on their terms) are not eligible to receive
a salary increase during their current terms. Gordon and Hitt both said they supported
the vote because they wanted individuals with economic diversity on Town Council. The
ordinance increases council compensation from $500 per month to $625 per month and
retains the salary for mayor at $1,000 per month, effective January 1, 1998.
The eighth item on the agenda was. the Second reading of Ordinance No. 27, Series of
2007, an ordinance amending Chapter 14-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code, to provide
definitions for terms of art, and to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, for
proposed changes to the grading standards.
On August 27, 2007, the PEC unanimously forwarded a recommendation of approval to
the Vail Town Council for the proposed text amendments identified in Ordinance No. 27,
Series of 2007. On September 4, 2007, the Vail Town Council unanimously voted to
approve Ordinance No. 27, Series of 2007 on first reading. Moffet moved to adopt the
ordinance with Foley seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 6-0.
The ninth item on the agenda was the Second reading of Ordinance No. 28, Series of
2007, an ordinance amending Chapter 12-21, Hazard Regulations, Vail Town Code, in
order to comply with FEMA floodplain regulations, and Title 14, Development Standards.
On August 27, 2007, the PEC unanimously forwarded a recommendation of approval
with modifications fo the Vail Town Council for the proposed text amendments identified
in Ordinance No. 28, Series of 2007. On September 4, 2007, the Vail Town Council
unanimously voted to approve Ordinance No. 28, Series of 2007 on first reading. Moffet
moved to approve the ordinance with Hitt seconding. The motion passed unanimously,
The tenth item on the agenda was the applicant, Crossroads East One, LLC and
Crossroads West One, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC, is requesting to
proceed through the development review process with a proposal to construct private
improvements on the Town of Vail owned East Meadow Drive Right-of-Way.
It is the desire of the applicant to apply for a design review application to allow for the
construction of a portion of a set of stairs to access the southwest corner of the Solaris
development adjacent to the future bus stop. along this portion of East Meadow Drive. The
proposed stairs are proposed to encroach approximately three (3) feet into the right-of-way
for a distance of approximately 14 feet and one and a half (1.5) feet for a distance of
approximately 13 feet, for a total of approximately 62 square feet of improvements within the
East Meadow Drive Right-of-Way owned by the town. The applicant must first obtain Council
(i.e. property owner) approval before proceeding through the town's development review
process. Moffet moved to approve the applicant request to proceed through the
development review process. The motion passed unanimously, 6-0.
The eleventh item on the agenda was Resolution 22, Series of 2007, a resolution. to
adopt the Solaris Parking Management Plan, pursuant to the requirements of the
Crossroads Development Agreement dated March 22, 2006.
On March 22, 2006, Council agreed to the Crossroads Development Agreement which
addressed the many public aspects of the Solaris project. One of those aspects was the
management of the 81 excess parking spaces in the subterranean garage which are <~
portion of the public benefit to offset the deviations that were approved. The Crossroads
Development, Agreement required the applicant return to Council for review and approval
of the parking management plan prior to submitting for a building permit. Moffet clarified
there will public parking available at an undetermined cost. Moffet then moved to tablE;
the resolution until October 2 with Foley seconding. Representing the applicant, Dominic;
Mauriello stated, `There is incentive for the operator of the parking structure to operate
the structure at maximum capacity." Applicant representative Sharon Puczynski opened
herself up for questions from Council. Moffet told the applicant the documents provided
were more technical, and did not spell out an actual management rationale (how thE;
garage would actually work on a busy Saturday). Slifer and Moffet also asked for
potential parking pricing options. The motion to table passed unanimously, 6-0.
The twelfth item on the agenda was a Solaris Request for Town Council Approval of
Public Art.
AIPP Coordinator Leslie Fordham reported the Development Agreement dated 25 July
2006 required the applicant to provide at least $1.1 million in Public Art. Public Art must
be located in plain-sight where it can be enjoyed by the public. Installation of the artworNc
is scheduled for the final construction phase of the project. The Solaris Metro District will
be responsible maintenance of the public art. The AIPP board reviewed the site plan,
artist's resume, narrative description of the artwork, an itemized budget, site models and
material samples. Subsequently, the AIPP Board concluded the applicant complied with
the town's requirements and recommended Council approval of the Public Art. Project
artist Lawrence Argent said he believed it was his goal to make the whole plaza a "worN;
of art." Moffet moved to approve the project with Logan seconding. The motion passecl
unanimously, 6-0.
The thirteenth item on the agenda was Adjournment.
Moffet moved to adjourn with Hitt seconding at approximately 10:00 p.m. The motion
passed unanimously, 6-0.
Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor
Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk
Minutes provided by Corey Swisher.
' l~
It is my pleasure to suggest the following eight prospective appointees as judges (at-the-polls and
mail-in/absentee judges) for the Regular Municipal Election to be held Tuesday, November 6,
Vi Brown
2556 Cortina Lane, P.O. Box 547
Vail, CO 81658
Mary Jo Allen
1956 Cabin Circle, P.O. Box 861
Vail, CO 81657
Mary Caster
2510 Bald Mountain Road
Vail, CO 81657
Holiday (Holly) Cole
2084 Zermatt Lane, #C, P.O. Box 741
Vail, CO. 81658
Summer Holm
1858 West Gore Creek Drive
Vail, CO 81657
Mary Ann Best
115 Lupine Lane; P.O. Box 51
Leadville, CO 80461
Earl Best
115 Lupine Lane, P.O. Box 51
Leadville, CO 80461
Kathryn Schmidt
90 W Double Hitch, P.O. Box 3716
Eagle, CO 81637
Recommended Town of Vail Parking Program
Winter 2007 - 2008
Presented by the Vail Parking Task Force
- Parking Plan Policy Objectives
Service Core Markets
Skiers, shoppers, employees
Manage the yield
Simplify the Product
Design project so it is revenue neutral
Increase Safety
In addition the parking task force works with the following guidelines
o Strongly encourage the use of transit
o Recover transit enhancements costs through parking
o Parking cost increases will be borne by parking
o Encourage turnover of shopper parking spaces
o Have the rate of the shopper parking track closer to rates in the
o Raise the top rate to offset continued increased cost of operation
o Encourage carpooling
o Pass prices reflect a relative value received based on the daily rate
(ie season cost is based on 21 week at 5 times per week at daily
o Strictly enforce parking violations
Vail Village &Lionshead structures, 2,500 spaces
Hourly Parking
• Pay Upon Exit
Proposed Rates
Less then 1 %Z hour
1 % to 2 hr.
2 to 3 hr.
3 to 4 hr.
6 to 24 hr.
Non peak Period Peak Period
$18 All Day Cap
$20 All Day Cap
Short-Term Metered parking (recommended for 3 hours or less, or late arrivals)
Pre-Paid Metered Rates, $3 and $5 (Some as last year)
Rates Fees Good 7 Days A Week Both Structures
0 to 2 %2 hr. $5
60 Spaces on top deck in Vail Village for short term parking anly.
25 spaces available on the middle deck of Lionshead.
Available on a first-come, first-served basis.
0-24 hours in the remaining 160 spaces $ 20
Program will be strictly enforced.
Pre-paid meters accept credit cards and cash.
Free Parking Programs for Vail Village, Lionshead Structures
• Free 90 minute parking
Free entry after Three (free parking in both structures for entries from 3
p.m. to 3 a.m.)
Parking Passes
Premier Parking
• Gold parking Pass, $2,250 Good in all lots all the time.
Silver Parking Pass, $1575
Limited to use in Vail Village or Lionshead Structure only based on business
location (Ie. Vail Village Business License Owner can only use in Vail Village
Only a Business License Holder owner can purchase
Limit total sales to 50 per structure on a first come basis
Has the same rights as a Gold Pass
Employee/Locals Parking
• Blue Parking Pass, $900.
Good 7 days a week Lionshead, Ford Park, Soccer Field,
Mon - Thurs Vail Village.
• Green Parking Pass, $500.
Good Mon-Thurs Vail Village &Lionshead.
Good 7 days a week in Soccer Field, Ford Park. Available to Vail-based
employee's minimum of 30 hours per week with each pass purchase.
• Purple Parking Pass, $500
Good Mon-Thurs Lionshead
Available to General Contractors working within Vail. No access to Ford Park or
Soccer Field this year
Debit Card. $7 for Vail residents, employees and property owners for use Mon
through Thurs in Vail Village structure; $14 on peak days which include Fri, Sat
and Sun, Dec 17-Jan 6 and the two national holidays Martin Luther King Day
and Presidents Day.
Eagle County resident/propertynwner rate is $10 Mon through Thurs and $17 on
Fri, Sat and Sun. Debit card holders will use an inventory of 160 metered spaces
on the top deck of the Village Parking Structure, and 75 spaces on the southern
middle deck of Lionshead. All spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-served
Permit-Only Employee Parking
East Ford Park Lot, Soccer Field, 250 spaces.
Employee Parking pink Pass, $100. Enables access to gated lots Vail Village
or Lionshead-based employee 30+hr/wk.
Ford Pazk and Soccer Field serviced by existing transportation system.
Free Outlying parking for all 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
All areas listed below are serviced by existing Town of Vail transportation system.
Frequency varies from 15 min. during peak to 1 hr. non-peak.
Available all days
• Red Sandstone Park, 15 spaces
• Stephens Park, 15 spaces
• East Vail Interchange Trailhead, 12 spaces
• Spraddle Creek Trailhead, 18 spaces
• North Trail Trailhead, 6 spaces
• Wendy's Lot, 45-60 spaces depending on creative stripping.
Available every day early season this year only and all peak days
• North Frontage Road in West Vail, 180 spaces
To: Town Council
From: Kathleen Halloran
Date: September 27, 2007
Subject: 2008 Budget Proposal - 2"d Reading
Please refer to the 2008 Budget packet from the 1 S` reading of the 2008 budget (September 18th
meeting). The only change to the budget ordinance since the 1'` reading is the correction of an
overstatement in operating expenses in the Dispatch Services Fund (details on pg 2).
One item ~ of note is the 2008 Summer Air Program. Currently, this is budgeted at $12,000
($10,000 pledge and $2,000 admin/marketing) within the contribution request from the Vail
Valley Partnership. We were recently informed that the managing entity may change for this
program, and staff recommends that the $12,000 stay in the budget earmarked for the Summer
Air Program, but not directed toward a specific vendor.
Please see the attached Ordinance 29 for the budget allocation by fund.
2007 2007 2008
2006 Original Amended Proposed
Actual Budget Budget Budget
E911 Board Revenue $ 473,939 $ 563,654 $ 563,654 $ 582,183
Interagency Charges 863,644 901,858 901,858 956,694
Town of Vail Interagency Charge 525,994 512,427 512,427 535;657
Earnings on Investments 29,320 - - -
E911 BOARD Capital Grant 24,092 - - -
Project Reimbursement - - 72,000 -
Other 27, 766 -
Total Revenue 1,944,755 1,977,939 2,049,939 2,074,534
Salaries & Benefits 1,289,334 1,470,322 1,470,322 1,606,676
Operating, Maintenance & Contracts 365,966 475,119 475,119 465,511
Capital Outlay 15,391 50,000 122,000 50,000
Total Expenditures 1,670,691 1,995,441 2,067,441 2,122,187
Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 274,064 (17,502) (17,502) (47,653
Transfer to Capital Projects Fund
Transfer from General Fund
Beginning Fund Balance 269,122 329,044 543,186 525,684
Ending Fund Balance $ 543,186 $ 311,542 $ 525,684 $ 478,031
Second Reading
WHEREAS, in accordance with Article IX of the Charter of the Town of Vail,
Colorado, the Town Manager prepared and submitted to the Town Council a proposed
long-range capital program for the Town and a proposed budget and financial plan for all
Town funds and activities for the fiscal year; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Town Council to adopt a budget and financial
plan for the 2008 fiscal year, to make appropriations for the amounts specified in the
budget; and
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vail,
Colorado, that:
1. The procedures prescribed in Article IX of the .Charter of the Town of Vail,
Colorado, for the enactment hereof, have been fulfilled.
2. Pursuant to Article IX of the Charter, the Town Council hereby makes the
following annual appropriations for the Town of Vail, Colorado, for its fiscal year
beginning on the first day of January, 2008, and ending on the 31St day of December,
General Fund 29,334,196
Capital Projects Fund 9,511,460
Real Estate Transfer Tax Fund 8,834,656
Vail Marketing Fund 295,725
Debt Service Fund 2,324,896
Heavy Equipment Fund 2,837,343
Health Insurance Fund 2,815,553
Dis atch Services Fund 2,122,187
Total 58,076,016
Less Interfund Transfers 8,574,131
Net Ex enditure Bud et 49,501,885
Ordinance No. 28, Series of 2006
3. The Town Council hereby adopts the full and complete Budget and Financial
Plan for the 2008 fiscal year for the Town of Vail, Colorado, which are incorporated by
reference herein and made part hereof, and copies of said public records shall be madE:
available to the public in the Municipal Building of the Town. This Ordinance shall takE:
effect five (5) days after publication following the final passage hereof.
4. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is
for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of thE:
remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would
have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or
phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or' more parts, sections, subsections,
sentences,, clauses or phrases be declared invalid.
5. The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is
necessary and proper for the health, safety, and welfare of the Town of Vail and thE:
inhabitants thereof.
6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal CodE:
of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has
accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof,
any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under
or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any
provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or
superseded unless expressly stated herein.
7. All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent
herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not
be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof,
theretofore repealed.
PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this 18th day of September, 2007. A public hearing shall
be held hereon on the 2nd day of October, 2007, at 6:00 pm at the regular meeting o~F
the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, in the Municipal Building of the Town.
Rod Slifer, Mayor
Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk
Ordinance No. 28, Series of 2006
FULL this 2nd day of October, 2007.
Rod Slifer, Mayor
Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk
Ordinance No. 28, Series of 2006
WHEREAS, the Town of Vail, in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado (the
"Town"), is a home rule municipal corporation duly organized and existing under laws of the
State of Colorado and. the Town Charter (the "Charter"); and
WHEREAS, the compensation for the Town Council members has not been increased
since 1998; and
WHEREAS, an increase in Town Council compensation is appropriate to alleviate
expenses incurred by Council members in the voluntary contribution of their time and effort in
carrying out their duties and obligations as members of the Town Council.
Section 1. Section 1-5-8, "COMPENSATION," Vail Town Code is hereby amended to read as
follows: (deletions shown in s#ilc~t#~g#, additions in bold).
A. Generally: The members of the council shall receive such compensation and the mayor
such additional compensation as the council shall prescribe by ordinance; provided,
however, that they shall neither increase rior decrease the compensation of any member
during such member's term of office. The mayor and council members may, upon order
of the council, be paid their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance
of their duties of office.
B. Town Officials:
1. Town Council: Each and every member of the town council elected in the election of
council members in November -1-89 2007, and every succeeding election thereafter,
shall receive, effective January 1, x-998 2008, compensation in the amount of f+ve
six hundred twenty-five dollars ($625.00) per month for
each and every month during his or her term of office.
2. Mayor: The mayor, as selected by the elected members of the town council, in
accordance with the town charter, shall receive compensation, effective January 1,
1998, in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per month for each and every
month during his or her term of office.
Section 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is
for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the
remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it
would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence,
Ordinance No 30, Series 2007
clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts,
sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid.
Sect_.ion 3. The Town Council hereby finds, .determines and declares that this ordinance is
necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of V2iil and
the inhabitants thereof.
Sect_won 4_. The amendment of any provision of the Town Code as provided in this ordinance
shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that
occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any
other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision
amended. The amendment of any provision hereby shall not revive: any
provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly
stated herein.
Section 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent
herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer
shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part
thereof, theretofore repealed.
PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 18~' day of September 2007 and a
public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 2"d day of October, 2007, in the
Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado.
Rodney E. Slifer, Town Mayor
Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk
Rodney E. Slifer, Town Mayor
Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk
Ordinance No 3Q, Series 2007 2
September 26, 2007
Sales Tax
Sales tax collections for the month of August are expected to be $1.2 million, up 12%
from August, 2006. Year-to-date collections of $13.8 million through August continue to
exceed last year's year-to-date by 7%. For comparison, inflation as measured by the
consumer price index was up 2.0% in August compared with the prior year.
Construction Permit Fee Revenue
Construction permit revenue, which can be considered an indicator of redevelopment
activity, continues its strong trend with year-to-date construction permit fees of $2.3
million up 60% from the same period last year. Year-to-date permit fees include $1.7
million from major construction projects: 9 Vail Road, the Arrabelle at Vail Square,
Cascade, Forest Place, Four Seasons, Front Door, Lodge at LionsHead, Manor Vail,
Mountain View (formerly Apollo Park), Ritz Carlton, Solaris, Vail Plaza Hotel,
Westhaven Condominiums, and the Willows. Major projects were up approximately
double last year's amount. Construction permit fees include building, electrical,
mechanical, plumbing and sprinkler permits.
Real estate Transfer Tax (RETT)
Year-to-date RETT collections through September 26, 2007, total $4.4 million compared
with $4.0 million for the same time period last year, an increase of close to 10%. Major
redevelopment projects including Forest Place, Gore Creek Place, Manor Vail and One
Willow Bridge Road contributed $835,726 or 19% of the total in 2007 while only
$464,500 or 12% of the total in 2006 consisted of major redevelopment projects.
071002 Revenue Highlights - 1
September 25, 2007
To: Vail Town Council
Stan Zemler
Pam Brandmeyer
Judy Camp
From: Sally Lorton
Re: August Sales Tax
On the reverse side please find the latest sales tax worksheet. I estimate I'll collect
another $80,000.00 in August sales tax to bring August collections to $1,178,972.00. If
so, we will be up 16.8% or $169,302.00 from budget and up 11.7% or $123,358.00 from
August 2006.
999 2000
002 Town of Vail
Sales Tax Worksheet
2003 2006
s cMnge
January 1,935,782 2,052,569 2,715,359 2,066,459 2,034,529 2,210,547 2,073,487 1,997,091 2,225,841 2,275,967 2,597,985 2,484,585 2,779,763 295,178 7.00% 11.88%
February 1,993,389 2,089,673 2,153,721 2,021,486 2,223,670 2,366,321 2,281,833 2,111,163 2,362,825 2,429,377 2,527,130 2,476,869 2,714,535 297,666 7.42% 12.32%
March 2,240,865 2;580,992 2,368,077 2,415,202 2,545,573 2,568,871 2,699,664 2,372,942 2,344,178 2,785,101 2,852,954 2,728,545 2,981,459 252,914 4.50% 9.27%
April 966,993 874,427 1,107,334 952,843 926,771 1,043,431 870,875 871,468 992,157 915,554 1,280,324 1,224,558 1,328,777 104,219 3.78% 8.57%
May 318,920 329,783 382,718 370,864 388,121 448,234 414,248 428,919 471,595 458,770 449,283 429,747 543,855 114,108 21.05% 26.55%
June 594,907 630,366 633,400 692,811 721,774 757,439 657,707 742,755 732,113 834,913 805,362 770,187 952,060 181,873 18.22% 23.61%
July 963,777 1,043,637 1,107,882 1,130,883 1,235,470 1,157,867 1,044,966 1,075,532 1,128,574 1,766,183 1,255,243 1,200,524 1,246,066 45,542 _
-0.73% 3.79%
August 990.650 1,073,430 1,183,926 1,050,004 1.038.516 1,124,275 1,084,318 1,029,446 994:445 993,985 1,055,614 1,009,670 1.098:972 89,302 4.11% 8.84%
Total 1~~ ~ - _ - ? 10.074.877 11.O~1.F'17 1~-~,7C'~n.5~~2 11.114A24 11 r7U.985 11.127,092 10,629.316 11,191.668 11.859.850 12,823.855 12.261.6c35 18,645,487 1,3dCi 802 0.11 W, 11.26%
September 630,453 637,831 735,608 806,600 817,313 747,766 713,574 679,208 757,033 795,807 832,549 796,263
October 413,573 472,836 515,531 536,204 547,201 486,570 484,425 508,092 532,537 566,173 614,396 586,933
November 601,208 707,166 656,596 582,260 691,445 571,783 642,293 591,269 623,646 713,117 799,582 762,393
December 2,068,851 2,254,709 2,070,834 1,883,805 2,062.205 1,933,940 2,139,417 2,171,098 2,362,095 2,549,032 2,771,258 2,539,726
Total 13, 719, 308 14, 747, 419 15, 030, 386 14, 509,421 15, 232, 588 15,411,044 15,106, 80 7 14, 578, 983 15,466, 979 16, 483, 979 17,841, 680 17,050,000
l~e~t~y ~'Q~~~ Cow-~-~ ao~o
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special thanks to the following
Eric Weaver
Jamie Wilson
Kelli McDonald
Suzanne Silverthorne
Greg Moffit
Michelle Hall
Joe Hanlon
Stan Zemler
Todd Oppenheimer
John Monson
Bill Gibson
Mike Ortiz
Greg Hall
Joel Heath
Mark Gordon
Pam Brandmeyer
Scott Proper
wail sports and recreation
proposed sites
~t ie s
Dobson arena vafi Ifbr ary
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ar' erg r nge
sv a<e parts ~.
of atq. c~~e
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site 2: ford park
iteration 1
-demo parking
-COnSVUCtnew parwn9
construct pa~lwns
~crxtstrud theater additions
south frontage road
~.or u~~ a
-construct recreation center
ambrc xmcs ' ~ - _ _
j ~~' --
gold peak
.~--i j
re^v~+r waw -~ ~ ~ PHASE 1
~,en a -0emo ensting tennis courts
cnrLStruct boche and shuffle
temporary use of demoi-
ished space may include
pararg, and/or corsvuaian
staging area
Natural Grass (examine)
start up COS[ 5300000+
maintenance £65000/yr
~Oyr maintenance £650000
5950000 t0yrs
-reduced treat islantl
-soft surface
-blends into surroundirm
limited season use
~ncteased rna+ntenar~ce
-easily damaged
site 1: course and clubhouse
iteration 1
~I .,~~~
demo existing dnving range,
and place 6 new tennis courts
consrder a temoorarv are
site 2: ford park
iteration 2
construct reereauon cerner
~rmstruct parkng garage
aMorma~ce -consvuci new turfgrass
°~~ athletic fields
-~ ,_,
~~ _
°~~ ~ - _ ._
temporary use of demol-
~shed space may include
parking and/or cor[structan
staging area
south Irontage road
aRernate field to be used
wMk? Ford park soRball
lields are demolished
`~n(hetic Grass fexamolel
start up cost y57500(Y+
mainenance $50t]Oryr
10 yr maintenance b50000
E725000 tOvrs
-greater season use
-less m~ntenance
-potential resale value
-poor water run ofl
-generates heat
-increased miuries
val valley drive
gold peak
19.65 ~an~sau~~ J ~~ PHASE 7
aqua x -demo west exishrg tennis
acres courts (fOUr totap
-demo existing athletic field
site 1: course and clubhouse
iteration 2
-cansWa new cWbFquse, -consnuct east tennis courts
~ north ncxdic and ac~anc center (tour tota~)
site 2: ford park
iteration 3
pecesfran peln of navel `~"•. ''~~'' ~ T7I~~
f~r wren ~•
-15 8?7'k
,~~~ r ~
bJl`ine Ut exbt.^+~ aRSblic 1~eb6
ni.tlme d exislug parka
525tandarC - 31 I<
~~ ~ ~
~ enharne ven~cuar enery~exl
'~`~ % south 6ornage road
---7 =_-
"II terms tenor
toyarc. I I I---I---I i ~a ~"°~
I .I I I 1
I ~ .I ~ I 1
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1 _ _ i
/ I ~ ~•
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I ~~ 1
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site 1: course and clubhouse
iteration 3
south frontage road
~~~ ~
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h ~ ~ y `
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l ~ eei~m •~~
f ~,
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site 2: ford park
iteration 4
oedestran path of trarel •^''~~
N wnn
4ie b IWUre tlawlorftiW~l ortlire Of asie[irg pmkirq
Z5 257 W. n. ' S2 stan0ario - 3 HC
~- i `. 92!'~ '~ ~ b 1 ~ I~ ~n,c,ria~ anlry+bus accaas
~~ I ~ ~ ~ ~mance vc_im~~.ar unlry:~an,l
venir„rlar ezn
1l i '~` i,
iy~tiO yaMt~
_ ~ 1 s IOlbll LC'~111
ftrUa r 5 ^ ~ I---l--
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1 ' I
_____ ~ _ 1
aurtace parking a '
137 startlara - 7 HC
~'. ~ '-~J__-r.
\1 Doan Iwltl I
south frontage road
41e rn'~1ure tlew.+opnwnr
5fi 411 sq. ft.
site 1: course and clubhouse
iteration 4
south frontage road
new rums cerue~
mea N aevnopmern
sax«_ n.
d ~ ~`,
~ (/ ,_s
.--r 1 '"
$Un bUf51 dI1V8
'S~~ ~ & _
t s :/ r-~ ~
~ ~ i
~ ~'`> ~_
,~ ~ V(
i,, ,r `/~~,,~
,YA' it . _ /'~ "V
`- - ~ f 1
site 2: ford park
1b 2c
3c 3b 3a
1- "'t-- ~
I --
1; 'fir->_'.- -
~ __ _J-__--- +~
- ----
~~ ~ '= 1
~ :3, f ~-- --1
I / {I I 1 I - - -I---1
1 1 I 1
1 1~
1 -1
_ , I I
I 1
- 1. ----
_ ,
4f 4e
construction of new pavilions d, e, f
d) small performance pavilion
2730 sq. ft
e) rehearsal pavilion
3120 sq. ft.
f) visitor center
7250 sq. ft
demo existing athletic fields
reconfigure and construct new
artificial turf fields
-3 softball fields
-2 full size soccer fields
demo existing tennis courts at
Ford Park
PHASE II-optional
demo existing surface parking
construct new parking
enhance vehicular entry/exit
construction of new pavilions a, b, c
a) gate 2 ticketing/stage
power/green room/ped-
estrian entry 2500 sq. ft.
b) concession/restroom/
storage 5000 sq. ft.
c) gate 1 pedestrian entry
500 sq. ft.
site 1: course and clubhouse
2b }
, -~ `~~~%, v,
- - =~: '-~
L ~ -_-
~'~ '2b
--- ,
ti w
` ~' `\ 3b
1a 3a
demo existing driving range finish clubhouse construction
1 b (portion 1)
provide temporary indoor practice 3b
facility for golfers start construction of driving range
1 c foundations/footings
construction of tennis center with PHASE IV
spectator stands 4a
1 d finish construction of driving range
reconfigure 13t" and 18t" holes
to maintain 71 par
start clubhouse construction
foundations/footings (portion 1)
continue clubhouse construction
(portion 1)
demo former clubhouse and starter
add cart storage and maintenance to
parking structure
upgrade maintenance shop as require
construction of clubhouse (portion 2)
site 2: ford park
cost analysis
demo existing athletic fields = $ included in 1 b
(275 323 sq. ft.)
reconfigure and construct new artificial fields
_ $ 2 500 000 (275 764 sq. ft. ea.)
demo existing tennis courts
_ $ 20 000 (51 840)
demo existing surface parking =optional
construct new parking =optional
enhance vehicular entry/exit =optional
construction of new pavilions a, b, c
a) gate 2/ticketing/stage power/
green room/pedestrian entry
2 500 sq. ft. _ $875 000
b) concession/restroom/storage
5 000 sq. ft. _ $1 750 000
c) gate 1 pedestrian entry
500 sq. ft. _ $150 000
construction of new pavilions d, e, f
d) small performance pavilion
2 730 sq. ft = $ 955 500
e) rehearsal pavilion
3 120 sq. ft. _ $1 100 000
f) visitor center
7 250 sq, ft = $ 2 000 000
site 1: course and clubhouse
cost analysis
demo existing driving range = $10 000 (89 721 sq. ft.)
provide temporary indoor practice facility for golfers
_ $ 48 000 (6 000 sq. ft. ea.)
construction of tennis center with spectator stands
_ $ 390 000 (38 880 + stands)
reconfigure 13th and 18th holes to maintain 71 par
_ $ 30 000
start clubhouse construction foundations/footings
(portion 1)
continue clubhouse construction (portion 1)
demo former clubhouse and starter shack = $35 000
(23 000 sq. ft.)
finish clubhouse construction (portion 1)
_ $ 8 005 000 (20 011)
start construction of driving range
finish construction of driving range
_ $10 000 000 (89 721 sq. ft.)
_ $ 850 000 (83 221 sq. ft.) 225 spaces
add cart storage and maintenance to
parking structure = $ 650 000 (6 500 sq. ft.)
upgrade maintenance shop as require
construction of clubhouse (portion 2)
_ $ 6 600 000 (16 445 sq. ft.)