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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-02 Support Documentation Town Council Work Sessionr ?. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA VAIL. TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 75 S..Frontage Road`W. Vail, CO 81657 . 1:40, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2008 NOTE: Times of.items are approximate, subject to change; and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. No public commentwill'be taken. 1. ITEM/TOPIC: PEC/DRB Update. (15 min.) 2. George Ruther ITEM/TOPIC: A work session to discuss a prescribed regulation amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7; Amendment, Vail Town Code, to Section 12-61-8; Parking and Loading, and Chapter 12- 10-Off Street Parking and Loading; Vail Town Code, to amend parking. requirements for employee housing units and to clarify the ,parking requirements in the Housing (H) zone district, and setting forth the details in regard thereto. (30 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Provide staff with policy direction on. the -town's expectations related to the transportation needs and parking requirements in the Housing (H) zone district. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Based on.. numerous discussions on the transportation needs and parking requirements for the Housing zone district, it is often identified that the flexibility provided, in the. parking requirements also creates a certain amount of unintended . confusions ' and ambiguity. There Community Development Department is requesting that the Town Council clarifies the Towr,'s expectations related to parking and transportation in the, Housing zone district. Currently,. the stated' policy. for parking in the Housing (H) zone district is,. °ihere isa trallisporta.rion -need generated by residents living within the Housing zone district that shall be addressed." STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None at this time. 3. Kathleen Halloran ITEM/TOPIC Discussion of Ordinance No. 29, Series of 2008, an ordinance making suppleme tai appropriations'to the Town of Vail 2008 bLidget. (20 nrn. ) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Provide input regarding the 3rd supplemental of 2008. Ordinance No. 29, Series of 2008, in preparation for approvi.-ig Ire first reading during 'the evening session. BACKGROUND RATIONALE. To be provided in a separate memo. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council approves Ordinance No. 29, Series -of 2008, upon-first reading this evening. 4. Matt Mire. ITEM/TOPIC: Discussion bf Ordinance No. 30, Series of 2008, an Ordinance Amending Title 1, Chapter' 3, Section 2 of, the Vail Town Code the Adcitibn, of the Definition of the Word "Publication"; and Setting Forth Details in Regard. Thereto. (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL; Approve, approve with modifications, or der;y Crdir ance No. 30, Series of,2008, upon first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The 2009 budget was passed second reading -on November 18, 2008. The 2009 budget eliminates funding for publication in the local papers. Section 4.10 of the Town Charter requires p_,blicatiori of ordinances upon their introduction and Gdoption. Tt;e Charter does not define what Js required by "publication In 2007. the Town spent $19,693 for publication of its ordinances in the Vail Daily,. requiring the Town Clerk to increase the office advertising budget during the third supplemental appropriation by an additional $12,000. The Town Clerk has currently spent 519,492 of her 2008 budget on publications of ordinances. 'STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve, approve with modifications, or deny Ordinance No. 30, Series of 2008, upon first reading. 5. George Ruther ITEM/TOPIC: A work sess -_)n to discuss Resolution No: 25, Series of 2008, a resoutIon amending tie fees assessed for certain planning &. Environn;enta! Commission, Design Review Board, and Administrative developrr,ent review applications; and setting forth details i.ri regard thier?.to. (30 mini ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: The Community Development is requesting that the Town Council provides any input or feedback they may nave on the proposed adjustments to the review fees BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The "2008 Communitv Development Department Work' Plan" identifies the task of evaluating and adjustin j, ;f necessary, the existing fees for certain development review app:.cationss to more accurately reflect the cost of.the service prov&-.,d. In.evaluating the application fees, . staff has focused oly on those application types where it is believed that the cost of the service provided significantly outweighs the existing fee charged for the service. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Vail Town Council provides f =: clack in anticipation of a reading of Resolution No. 25, Sen,_:s on December 16, 2008 6. ITEM/TOPIC: Information U crate. (15 min.) 7. ITEM/TOPIC: Platters f; a n Manor & Council. (15 min.) 8. ITEM/TOPIC: Adjournm ,nt. (3155 P.M.) NOTE.UPCOMING MEETING S !-ART TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR v'dORK SESSION WILL BEGINAT TBD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2008 IN THE VA.IL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION November 24, 2008 12:00pm TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS / PUBLIC WELCOME 75S.-Frontage Road -Vail, Colorado, 81657 MEMBERS PRESENT Michael Kurz . Sarah Paladino-Robinson Susie Tjossem Bill Pierce Rollie Kjesbo David Viele MEMBERS ABSENT Scott Proper. Training: 12:00 PM Town.of.Vail Economic Development Strategic Plan - Kelli McDonald - 30 minutes Putting the "E" back in the PEC - Functions and Duties of the PEC = Kristen Bertuglia - 30 minutes, 1:00 pm 1.- Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Presentation (Ever Vail) - George Ruther - 30 minutes 30 minutes 2.. A request for a final review of a Conditional Use Permit, pursuant, t6.12-7D-2, .Conditional, Uses,-: Vail Town Code, to allow for a drive-up facility, located at 2111 North Frontage Road West, Suite A/Part of Lot 3, Vail Das Schone Filing 3 and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080060) Applicant: Xpresso Drive-Thru Cafe, represented by Beth Levine Planner:. Nicole Peterson ACTION: Approved, with conditions MOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Viele VOTE: 6-M 1. The applicant shall obtain Design Review Board approval for the exterior changes to the building and, signage. 2. The proposed signage shall maintain the character of the neighborhood and be consistent with the architectural scale and bulk of the Xpresso, building, as determined by the Design Review Board. 3. The applicant shall obtain -the Town Engineer's approval of the final traffic flow plan including but not limited to proposed pavement markings delineating the, stacking lane and traffic direction and drive-way widths, in conjunction with the building permit.. 4. The applicant shall obtain the Health Inspector's approval in conjunction with the building permit. 5. The applicant shall obtain the Building Official's.approval:thru an approved building permit prior to any construction, on- site. 6. Any and all deviations or violations of the adopted conditions herein shall warrant and cause the re-evaluation of the conditional use permit by the Planning, St Environmental Commission, pursuant to Chapter 12-16 Conditional.Use Permits. Nicole Peterson.gave a presentation, per the. Staff memorandum and a power point presentation as Well., Beth Levine, architect, representing the applicant, gave a presentation stating that she and the applicant have been working diligently with the Town to resolve all the issues. She requested Page 1 that the Commission not regulate,the hours of operation, as stated in proposed condition #3, page 5, in the Staff memorandum. Bill Pierce asked if the applicant planned to provide outdoor seating for walk-up patrons. Ms. Levine, described the original plan to remove landscaping from the -site, and provide an outdoor seating area. However, 'she explained the landscaping percentage, required by zoning, was short --on-site, and therefore to remove landscaping. would require a variance, which the applicant did not wish to pursue. Sarah Robinson-Palidino.asked about the loss of parking spaces due to traffic flow. Beth Levine described that two parking spaces were to be removed, however the parking requirement is met (163. spaces required and 164 provided on-site). Michael Kurz asked how long the building was vacant. Ms. Levine guessed it had been not used as a drive up teller station for approximately 10+ years and was a drive thru ATM in recent years. Susie Tjossem stated concern about the traffic flow and asked if the stacking lane could be delineated with a line. Mt., Levine stated that she will work with staff on a proposal . traffic per the condition. Bill Pierce stated that he would like to see outdoor seating on-site and,suggested that the applicant come back to Staff with a plan to provide the required landscaping in a different area of the site. He also stated' disagreement with limiting the hours of operation. 20 minutes 3. A request for a final review for a..variance from 12-6E-7, Height, Vail Town Code, pursuant to 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a building in excess of 33 feet in, height, located at 2754 South Frontage Road West/Lot B, Stephens Subdivision,'and setting forth details in regard . thereto. (PEC080066) Applicant: Lorraine Howenstein, represented by Beth Levine Planner: Bill Gibson=arren Campbell ACTION: Approved MOTION:. Kjesbo SECOND: Viele VOTE: 5-14 (Pierce opposed). Warren. Campbell gave 'a presentation per the Staff memorandum. Beth Levine; architect, representing the applicant stated thatthis was an oversight as the foundation needed to raised one foot above the floodplain.- Commissioner Pierce, asked for greater clarification on the history of the site. Mr. Campbell explained that in approximately 2003 or 2004 that FEMA performed a new study of Gore Creek-and its floodplain and the results placed this lot and the adjacent lots almost completely within the flood plain. In 2005, the applicant, Staff, and FEMA worked together to develop an overall grading plan for the affected lots so that they would remain developable and not negatively affect the floodplain. The overall grading plan was approved by the PEC in July of 2008. , The resulting discrepancy and cause for the variance request today was that the applicant did not calculate that the finished floor of here design needed to be one foot above the floodplain: Page 2 The Commissioners expressed their understanding and support for the request. Commissioner Pierce stated that he did not seethe hardship. 30 minutes 4. A request for a work session to discuss prescribed regulation amendments, pursuant to Section 1273-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to Section 12-61-8, Parking and Loading, and Chapter 12- 10, Off Street Parking and Loading, Vail <Town Code, to.amend parking requirements for employee housing units and to clarify the parking requirements in the Housing (H) zone district, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080067) Applicant:. Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther ACTION:: Motion to Table-to December 8, 2008 .MOTION: Viele , - SECOND: Kjesbo VOTE: 6-0-0 George Ruther made a presentation per the'staff memorandum. Commissioner Pierce said he wants to know how other communities deal with this exact issue. He felt that flexibility was a benefit, and once it is codified, this benefit goes away. Most developers don't draw, employee housing. and then ask for relief. He said it would be helpful to have discussions before things get drawn to discuss how the parking will be dealt with within a project. Commissioner Kurz said that there are forces here. Do the parking requirements work? There are guidelines for each area, where if you are transit oriented development, you have lower guidelines. Perhaps we could have guidelines that break it down 6ydormitory, one bedroom, two bedroom, single family etc andbased- on,location and desired occupant. The developer will provide a-plan for parking,'and if they deviate from general guidelines, they will have to provide additional amenities like sidewalks, bike parking, etc. We need to let.the developer respond with a creative method that works for each project. They should also be able to provide shuttles or some other mechanism to provide transportation to the people who live there. If the parking comes first, on top of all other requirements, they may decide that's not what they want. George Ruther asked if it is possible to come up with a parking requirement for a dorm unit. Commissioner. Kurz responded that per dormitory unit, you cannot have a single requirement because they have a wide variety.of number of beds. Kurz said general guidelines are good, but then need to take into account the other factors like transit oriented development. Commissioner Tjossem asked if this came out of the Town Council discussion on redevelopment of Timber Ridge. She.said a requirement might allow more measurable development: Isn't this helping make the housing affordable? George Ruther said that the Timber Ridge Advisory Committee is the impetus behind this request. As. a developer, there needs to be clear and predicable expectations, and not just open-ended interpretation. Commissioner Viele said he looks at what makes sense and what is required/legal. He agrees that there needs to be flexibility-in approval, but there has to be a minimumli aximum guideline that shows a threshold that needs to be met or that the Town considers to be adequate. Commissioner Kurz said that putting a requirement puts a, limit. on what can be built, and'he said that developers need the ability to be creative. If we require it at all, it will not bring new solutions. Page 3 A. George Ruther asked if zero parking is an option if alternate means of transportation are provided. Commissioner Palladino-said that no, it is not ok because the Town takes responsibility for the, cars." being somewhere else, like on. the Frontage Road 'at trail head, parking or displaced elsewhere in town. She said as much as no parking is great, it is not practical. The town is-still rural and not dense enough, and there are no rental car places in the vicinity as an alternative means of transportation. Commissioner Tjossem said that the seasonal workers are changing and are again switching . from international back to domestic. There are many domestic laborers out of work and they are. coming here, and like it or not they have cars. We cannot base this amendment on who we are attracting at a single point in time or who we would like to attract because it keeps changing. However, proximity to public transportation and alternate means of transportation to a building would be better to control the' issue. Commissioner Pierce said. guidelines need to. be provided as a starting point. Chapter.10-of the. Code provides closely defined requirements, but If its in a different location, the parking . requirement is less.. He said the Code needs to take into. consideration some units that are a-' typical. Perhaps need to add requirements for dormitory rooms or number of spaces 'per:pillow".. He believes we need to have requirements so that people understand what is required from the start.. Alternate housing opportunities should have their own section. George Ruther sought to clarify the comments he heard from the PEC: He said transit oriented development helps to reduce requirements from. other places, such as transportation; etc. He said he was wondering if there.are times when the transportation' system goes underutilized. He said there may be opportunities to greater utilize infrastructure, including,-buses, sidewalks, bike paths, etc. Commissioner Kurz said that if the town had 24 hour bus service and you could live in the. village, there could be a reduced need for cars. People however want cars to go other, places: We cannot ignore that. He said it would be good to take cars off the road with environmental sustainability in mind. George-Ruther asked about parking for visitors. He asked if it's ok if visitors to the project do not have parking. He said this is included in the calculation for parking. The Commissioners said you need to provide visitor parking. Commisioner Viele said there needs to be an element of trust within the market. There needs to be parking provided that the developer will provide on their own. Commissioner Kjesbo said that each project is different, and with for-sale units, you need more . parking. Commissioner Tjossem said that when a business owner has a building we don't want .them to have the ability to say, no parking. With Timber Ridge, she says the developer needs to understand what is required. Commissioner Kjesbo said there needs to be flexibility. Page 4 George Ruther said that developers. tell the Town that they would like predictability. He said that is it clear at to distance from services, buses, etc. Commissioner Kjesbo said that in Solar Vail there was a parking plan that allowed flexibility. He said there is not enough parking in any building in Town was his perception. Commissioner Viele said that the Code is the.worst case scenario, and that should be put into the pro-forma and anything allowed in less is a bonus. He said the question is whether that requirement should be different in the Housing District. George Ruther asked if the criteria are good for this type of development (ie Housing -zone district),. can they be expanded to other districts? Commissioner Viele said there is a provision in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan that allows for flexibility from the Town Code. He said there should be flexibility written in. George Ruther asked if we want all the cars and parking that comes with development, but perhaps take another method, Pike transportation, etc: Do we want the outcome when we assess that parking? Should we be looking at other ways to address problem? Commissioner Kurz asked if a transportation plan is required. George Rather said that there are aspects of a transportation plan in. each project, but not in detail. If we rely solely on parking spaces as addressing transportation needs, perhaps we are not getting results we want. Commissioner Kurz said that if the units require parking, the developer will put that in the economic'model. He said that location should help determine what your parking requirements are. George Ruther said there. has been a paradigm shift where parking is very valuable but if you give people walkability, they may not need parking. Commissioner Kurz said it needs to be in conjunction with traffic flow considerations. Dominic Mauriello said that parking requirements could be established but then allow for diversions from that. Commissioner Kjesbo said that at Middle Creek, they charge for parking. On Timber Ridge there is a model with how many parking spaces. There is history to use to understand what parking requirements are. Commissioner Pierce asked about parking at Timber Ridge Nina Timm said there are 398 spaces for 198 units, and all are utilized: She said you:cant . regulate the occupant but you have more people per units at Timber Ridge. Because of financing, you can limit occupancy but you don't have more than 2 people per unit at Middle Creek, driving it more than anything. Page 5 .- 20 minutes 5. Report to the Planning and Environmental Commission of an administrative action approving a. request for a minor amendment to SDD No. 39, Crossroads, pursuant to Section_ 12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to.-the approved building plans for Solaris increasing commercial floor area, located at 141 and 943. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing -1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080068) Applicant: Solaris Property Owner, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: - Warren Campbell . Warren Campbell gave a presentation including a report on a letter provided by Art Abplanalp, attorney representing the Vail Village Plaza Condominium Association. As many PEC members had not seen an administrative action with regard to an SDD the.process was described in.detail. He added that the applicant, in an attempt to take more time to resolve issues and concerns raised by the neighbors wished to drop from the administrative action the request to narrowthe east-west pedestrian connection. Dominic Mauriello of the Mauriello Planning Group, representative of the applicant, said.that the applicant has withdrawn the portion. of the application that includes the narrowing of the tunnel. However, the rest of the application is as it appears in Staff's letter to the PEC. Commissioner Pierce said that there should not be a time consideration and wondered if the application should be called-up and reviewed in its entirety. Commissioner Viele, said that the construction is at a point were this changes approved by Staff are timely and need to be acted on in the near term or end up costing multiple times more to construct. Art Alpanalp, representing the Vail Village Plaza Condominium Association; said that if the PEC is concerned about any of the issues, the PEC should call it up. The Association is concerned with the passageway which the Town master plan requires. If the applicant is eliminating element #3, he and his'clients have no issue with what has been proposed. Commission Palladino said there is no need to call this up.. She said that the PEC wants to give Staff the ability to. approve, items that are smaller in scale.- .There is a solution; and any. . significant changes will be required to come back to the_PEC. Otherwise, she said the PEC asked for this type of procedural administrative approval, on minor elements. Commissioners Tjossem, Viele, Kjesbo, and Kurz stated that they did not believe this need to be called up. Commissioner Pierce has concern about the southwest corner, with the ability to look through the arcade on the southwest comer. After discussion there was no motion made for a call up allowing Staffs administrative stand as amended on the record. 6. Approval of November 10, 2008 minutes MOTION: Viele SECOND: Kjesbo VOTE: 6-0-0 7. Information Update Reminder of December 2, 2008, joint work session with Town Council in the evening Page 6 8. Adjournment MOTION: Kurz SECOND: Kjesbo VOTE: 6-M The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office-hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the. Town of-Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information. Community Development Department Published November 21, 2008, in the Vail Daily. Page 7 Y; 1 PROJECT ORIENTATION MEMBERS PRESENT . Tom-DuBois. Mike Dantas Pete Dunning Elizabeth Plante Brian Gillette DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA PUBLIC MEETING November 19, 2008 1:30 PM Council. Chambers 75 S. Frontage Road - Vail, Colorado, 81,657 MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS 1. Manrco Cashmere, 242 East Meadow Drive . 2. Vail Village Inn, 68 East Meadow Drive 3. Kirschner Residence, 1995 Chamonix Lane, West Unit PUBLIC HEARING -TOWN. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Mountain Haus Condos DRB080531 / 10 Minutes Final review of a minor exterior alteration (re-paint) 292 East Meadow Drive/Tract B, Vail Village Filing 1 . Applicant: Mountain Haus Condominiums, represented by KH Webb Architects ACTION: Approved MOTION: Plante SECOND: DuBois VOTE: 5-0-0 2. Manrico Cashmere DRB080577 / 10 Minutes Final review of a minor alteration .(re-paint) 242 E Meadow Drive/ part of Tract B,. Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Manrico Cashmere, represented by Chad Goodman, Kona Designs ACTION: Tabled to December 3, 2008 MOTION: Dantas SECOND: Plante VOTE: 5-" 1:30pm 2:06pm 3:00pm Rachel Rachel 3. Kirschner Residence DRB080542 / 10 Minutes Nicole Final review of changes to approved plans (overhead power, landscaping, driveway, etc) . 1995 Chamonix Lane, West Unit/Lot 27, Buffehr Creek Subdivision Applicant: John Kirschner, represented by JL Viele Construction ACTION: Approved with condition(s) MOTION: Dantas SECOND: DuBois VOTE: 5-0-0 CONDITION(S): 1. The applicant shall paint the trim around the garage door, brown, to match the existing trim around the windows, prior to Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Page 1 2. The applicant shall paint the light above the garage to match the trim,, or the light shall be replaced and match the trim.. If the light is to'be replaced a cut sheet of the light shall be submitted for review and approval by Staff, prior to Certificate of Occupancy issuance. 4. Vail Village Inn DRB080559 [10 Minutes Nicole Final review of a minor exterior alteration (path removal) 68 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Vail Village Inn Phase Iff, represented by Anne Bishop ACTION: Approved with condition(s) MOTION: DuBois SECOND: Gillette VOTE: 4-0-1 (Dantas recused) CONDITION(S): 1. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan, including replacement plantings in the. . walkway removal area and retaining walls on the north and south sides. that match the existing and/or proposed Solaris retaining walls, within 60.days of this approval "(January 19, 2009 by 5:000m), for Design Review Board approval. 2. The proposed retaining walls' shall be properly constructed, as approved -by the Town . Engineer, and finished to match the abutting retaining walls on the north and south sides of the removed walkway. " The finished retaining wall system for the subject property and . Solaris shall be seamless and in keeping with the character of the Vail Village. 5. Solaris DRB080580 / 25 Minutes Warren Conceptual review, of changes to approved plans (commercial additions) 143 East Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Michael Suman Conceptual, no vote 6. Presentation regarding the Lionshead. Redevelopment Master Plan with regard to Ever Vail - 30 minutes STAFF APPROVALS Rucksack Building DRBOB0445. Final approval for changes to the approved plans (elevations) 288 Bridge Street/Lots C, D, Block 5A, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Jeffrey Selby, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Sonnenalp: DRB080497 Final review of a, sign (freestanding "lot full") 20 Vail Road/Lot L; Block 5=E, Vail "Village Filing Applicant: Sonnenalp Mountain View Residences. DRB080535 Final review of a sign (building identification) 442 South Frontage Road West/Lot D, Vail Village Filing 5 Applicant: Lunar Vail-, represented by Ron Constien Charlie's T-Shirts.DRB080539 Final review of a sign: 234 Gore Creek Drive/Lot B, Vail Village Filing 1, Applicant: Charlie's T-Shirts, represented by Annie Egan ..Rachel Bill Warren Bill Page 2 Bighorn Condos DRB080541 Final review of a minor exterior alteration (landscaping) 4207 Columbine Drive/Lot 19-13, Bighorn Subdivision Applicant: Bighorn Condos, represented by Diana Donovan Vail Resorts Ski School/Ticketing DRB080544 Final review of a sign application (ski school, lift tickets, etc) 536 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1 Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Kyle Griffith Park Meadows DRB080553 Final review of a minor exterior alteration (landscaping) 1472 Matterhorn Circle/Vail Park Meadows Applicant: Finn Boyer Morris Residence DRB080554 Final review of a minor exterior alteration (thermal system) 2945 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 11 Applicant: John Morris, represented by Grid Feeders Vail Cascade Resort DRB080555 Final review of changes to approved plans (revised entry sign) 1300 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village, SDD #4 Applicant: L-O Westhaven Inc, represented by Rick Pylman Peterson Residence DRBOB0560 Final review of a minor exterior alteration (landscaping) 2972 Bellflower Drive/Lot 14, Block 6, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Ralph Peterson Children's Snowsports School DRB080561 Final review of a sign 675 Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Lionshead Filing 6 Applicant: Vail Resorts Holiday Inn DRB080562 Final review of a minor exterior alteration (fire pit, flags) 2211 North Frontage Road/Lots 1, 2, Vail Das Schone Filing 3 Applicant: Holiday Inn, represented by Vanquish Vail Francoise Residence DRB080563 Final review of an addition (infill deck with living space) 2834 Snowberry Drive/Lot 18A, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Reginald Franciose, represented by Sawatch Land Co Warren Bill Warren Bill Nicole Warren George Bill Rachel Sciotto Residence DRB080564 Bill Final review of a conceptual review (a/c condensing unit on roof) 380 East Lionshead Circle, Suite 410/1-ot 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1 Applicant: Beck Building Co Page 3 Gerstenberger Residence DRB080565 Rachel Final review of changes to approved plans (eliminate sloped portion of shed roof) 1320 Greenhill Court, Unit B/Lot 16B, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Sawatch Land Co Eye Pieces DRB080568 Final review of a minor alteration (decorative painting) 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot A & B, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Eye Pieces, represented by Dan Barry Town of Vail DRB080579 Final review of a minor exterior alteration (windows) 2783 Kinnickinnick Road #4/Lot 8, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Town of Vail Gold Peak Children's Center DRB080581 / 10 Min Final review of a minor exterior alteration (exterior renovations) 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village Filing 7 Applicant: Jeff Babb Warren Jeri Bill Prudential Colorado Properties DRB080582 Rachel Final review of a sign (business ID) 228 Bridge Street/ Lot A, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Prudential Colorado Properties, represented by Michael Slevin The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information. Page 4 MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: December 2, 2008 SUBJECT: A worksession to -discuss prescribed regulation amendments, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to Section .12-61-8, Parking and Loading, and Chapter 12-10, Off Street Parking and Loading, Vail Town Code, to amend.parking requirements for employee housing units and to clarify-the parking requirements in the Housing (H) zone district, and setting forth details in regard thereto: (PEC080067) Applicant: Town of Vail Community Development Department Planner: George Ruther I. SUMMARY The purpose of this memorandum is to inform the Vail Town Council of the existing regulations--for addressing the parking requirement and transportation needs of development within the Housing (H) zone district and to share the Planning & Environmental Commission's initial input on the issues and options for amending the prescribed regulations. Based upon the input received to. date and the input shared by the Town Council, staff will be. returning to the Planning & Environmental Commission on December 8, 2008, with a proposed amending ordinance. At this time we anticipate first reading with the Town Council to be held during the evening session of the Town Council meeting on December 16, 2008. II. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, the Town of Vail Community, is requesting a.worksession with the Vail Town Council to discuss possible prescribed regulation amendments, pursuant-to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town :Codej, jo Section 12-61-8, Parking and Loading, and Chapter 12-10, Off Street Parking and Loading, Vail Town Code, to amend parking requirements ,for employee housing units .and to clarify the parking requirements in the Housing (H) zone district. The Town's stated policy for parking in the Housing (H) zone district is, "there is a transportation need generated by the residents living within the Housing (H) zone district that shall be addressed. In addressing that need,: however, presently there are two options an applicant can choose from to meet the transportation need. The Iwo options are either: ti 1) adhere to the parking requirements prescribed for residential development as stated in Chapter 10 of the Zoning Regulations; or 2) successfully demonstrate . that the transportation- needs of .the residents is met by means other than providing for the convenient use of a private automobile. According to Section 12-61-8, Parking and Loading, Vail Town Code, the, parking requirement for development in the Housing (H) zone-district shall be as follows,' "Off street parking shall be provided in accordance with chapter 10 of this title. No . parking or loading area shall be -located within any required setback area. At the discretion : of the planning and - environmental commission, variations to the parking standards outlined in chapter 10 of this title may be approved, during the review of a development plan subject to a parking management plan: The parking management plan shall be approved by the planning and environmental. commission and shall provide fora reduction in the parking-requirements based on a demonstrated need for fewer parking spaces than chapter 10 of this title would require. For example, a demonstrated need for a reduction in the required parking could include: A. Proximity or availability of altemative modes of transportation including, but not limited to,- public transit or 8. A limitation placed in the deed restrictions limiting the number of cars for each unit: . C. A demonstrated permanent program including, but not limited to, rideshare programs, carshare programs, shuttle service, or staggered work shifts." To -summarize the regulation, the parking requirement, for development in the Housing (H) zone district shall comply with the standards set forth. in Chapter. 10 of the Zoning Regulations. Pursuant to Chapter 10, 'a minimum. of 1.5 to 2 parking spaces shall be provided: per dwelling unit. Conversely, recognizing the importance of ensuring the affordability, of dwelling units constructed in the, Housing (H) zone district, and. the many unique . challenges in doing so; the current regulation also grants the Planning and Environmental Commission discretion when determining the parking requirement for development within the district. According to the regulation, the Commission may grant a reduction in the number of required parking spaces if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Commission that alternate provisions exist . to meet the transportation needs of the residents living within the District. There is little doubt that the intent of the current regulation, as written, is to maintain flexibility through discretion in the application of. the parking requirements. However, several issues have come up questioning the 2 effectiveness and efficiency of the current regulations (ie, "the probleml. Those issues include: • Given the demographics and likely lifestyle choices of potential residents of the Housing (H) zone district, are 1.5 to 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit the appropriate number of parking spaces or is that too many spaces? • Does the current regulation clearly state the Town's development objectives and expectations for development in the Housing H) zone district? • Does the current regulation provide predictability for an applicant in the imposition of the parking requirements or does it unintentionally create ambiguity and confusion for applicants? Is it the most efficient way to address the situation? • Are there additional issues (traffic congestion, traffic flow, public transit capacity, environmental, distribution of population, availability of public parking, etc.) that can be addressed with amendments to the parking requirements for the Housing (H) zone district? DISCUSSION ISSUES The Community Development Department has identified a number of issues which should be discussed prior to drafting an amendment to the existing regulation. They include: Should affordability (economic) have a greater priority than livability and assuring that transportation needs are met? 2. Should the residential parking standards be amended to include a provision for providing parking spaces on a per pillow basis in addition to a per dwelling unit basis? 3. How should the parking needs of visitors be addressed? 4. Should any amended parking standards be expanded to all employee housing units or should they only remain applicable to development within the Housing (H) zone district? 5. Should quantifiable standards be created to better determine when reductions to the requirements can be granted (ie, distance to public transit stop, availability of sidewalks and bike paths, proximity to commercial centers, etc.)? 6. Should the regulations be the same for rental projects and for-sale projects? What about dormitory/studio units versus one, two & three bedroom units? 3 7. Should public, transit, bicycle path, sidewalk improvements, etc. be required in ..lieu when granting relief from the prescribed parking requirements? 8. How should.the issue of "displaced' vehicle parking be addressed? . 9. It has been suggested that a parking requirement of one space per four bedroom dormitory-unit be established (i.e.; 0.25 space/pillow). Is that a reasonable . requirement given likely demographic of the residents choosing to live in a dormitory unit? 10. Others? IV. PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INPUT On Monday, November. 24, 2008, . the, Tow n of Vail Community Development Department held a workses'sion. with _-the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC), to. discuss possible.. amendments to the transportation and parking requirements. Following is a, brief overview of -the key points the PEC identified related to the parking and transportation needs of employee housing residents. 1. Residents have transportation needs. a. Irregardless. of any parking provided residents. have a need to, get from their home to work; the grocery store, etc. These..needs must be addressed by the development. i. Sidewalks and bike paths; ii. Proximity to bus stops; iii. Parking spaces; and iv. Location of the development.. b. If transportation , needs are not addressed by development the Town will be . forced to address the increased' transportation needs generated. 2. The targeted-.demographics of a development will dictate the parking and transportation needs of the residents. a.,. Recognize that different housing types have different target markets with different needs i. Flexibility may be allowed based on the product being developed. b.._ Establish guidelines, based on. the specific market demand for what may be the best mix of parking and transportation provided. 3. Establish minimum guidelines. a. Recognizing that certain employee housing types do not function like a more typical dwelling unit, it may be appropriate to_ assess parking requirements based on bedroom .count and not unit count. i. Seasonal rentals may require 0.25 parking spaces per bedroom. ii. Owner-occupied units may require 1 parking space per, 4 bedroom or 1.5 parking spaces per unit. iii." No parking is not acceptable based on current transportation options and transportation paradigms.. b. Can-not create parking regulations based on who is living in units. L Need to establish a flexible system based on specific criteria. 1. Proximity to jobs 2. Proximity to services I Proximity to existing public transit 4. Unaccounted for Vehicles and Guest Parking must be-addressed. 'a. Provide plan for resident's vehicles not provided a parking space. b. Provide`plan for short-term and long-term guest parking spaces. c. Town can not be left holding the bag. L A management plan that is "trustworthy" must be provided and : approved. 5. Other community examples 5 MEMORANDUM TO: Town Council FROM: Stan Zemler, Judy Camp, Kathleen Halloran DATE: . November 25, 2008 SUBJECT: 2008 Supplemental Appropriation On Tuesday evening,. you will be asked to approve the third supplemental of 2008 upon first reading. The following information is included in you packet: - Third Supplemental Appropriation Request - Detail - Statements, of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - 2007; Actual Compared with Amended Budget and 2008 including the Third Supplemental Appropriation - Ordinance No. 29 General Fund Based on actual results through November, construction permit fee revenue has been adjusted by . an. increase of $715;000. However, due to market conditions in 2008, investment income has been decreased by $90,000. Council previously approved. a $550,000 transfer of General Fund dollars to the Vail Local. Marketing District (VLMD) to be used toward winter marketing. This supplemental appropriates the money so payment can be made to the VLMD. Heavy Equipment, charges of $147,000 represent the allocation of cost -from the Heavy Equipment Fund (HEF) to the General Fund for fleet maintenance. The deployment of the Northwest Incident Management Team (IMT) to Assist with the Democratic National Convention this fall has resulted in a reimbursement of $13,627 which is offset by internal costs of $1,258 and a pass-through to other agencies of $12,369. . Other expenditures offset by revenue include $1,800 of security / traffic .,control that was reimbursed to, the town from the Farmers' Market and $30,000 of Food Drive donations offset by the food purchased at City Market for that program. Uniform expenditure of $60,000 was originally budgeted in 2009, with an offset of $50,000 in sponsorship from Volvo. The coats will be received in 2008 and therefore the expenditure should be reflected in 2008. The 2009 budgeted amount will not be spent. Ongoing litigation will need additional funding of app, uAimately $10,000. Capital Proiects Fund Construction Use Tax has been increased by $82,000 (for a total of $582,000) based on actual receipts year-to-date. 1 f? On-going work toward the redevelopment of Timber Ridge will require additional funds of approximately $35,000. Streetscape funds of $50,000 are being transferred to the Art in Public Places (AIPP) for use toward the new ?..?.?nee of Meadow Drive. Adjustments that were made during the second supplemental to debt service payments are being reversed. These adjustments reflected the savings to principal and interest from a refinancing of the town's. 1998A bonds. However, due to market uncertainty the town has not finalized the transaction. The town will not refinance the bonds unless the planned savings can be realized. Real Estate Transfer Tax Fund (RETT) The town's Art in Public Places (AIPP) program sells manhole covers and jewelry to supplement their annual budget.' The AIPP budget has been increased to reflect the net income of $7,518. $50,000 for the new entrance to Meadow Drive is funded from the capital streetscape project. Conference Center Fund Revenue from earnings on investments has been decreased by $200,000 to an amended $225,000 to reflect lower interest rates than originally projected. Heavv Eauinment Fund As mentioned above, the General. Fund operating budget will be charged for overall fleet . expenditures totaling $147,000. Again, investment income is projected at a decrease of $20,000 from the original budget. Debt Service Fund As mentioned, above, the 1998A bonds will not be refinanced unless the planned savings in principal and interest can be realized. This adjustment reverses the savings that were budgeted during the second supplemental. 2 Proposed Supplemental Appropriations and Budget Adjustments #3 of 2008 Revenue Expenditure. Increase Increase Description (Decrease) (Decreasef Reason GeneraFFund- Construction Permit Revenue 715,000 Basedon current'overage Investment Income (90,000) Rate of returmhas dramatically dropped during 2008; originally budgeted at a rate of 4.5% and currently earning 2.37% Winter Marketing Campaign 550,000 Nov 4th, Council determined this s/b paid from the General Fund surplus Heavy Equipment Charges 147,000 . Accounting adjustment to allocate cost to the departments; offset by revenue in Heavy Equipment Fund Democratic Nafl Convention 13,627 Reimbursement from state for per diem / mileage Democratic Nat'l Convention 1;258 TOV staff expenses (per diem / mileage) - TOV donated staff time Democratic Nat'I Convention 12,369 Reimburse other NW Incident Mgmgt Team expenses (other municipalities that were deployed to the DNC) Shared Cost / Reimbursement 1,800 Farmer's Market reimbursed TOV for overage in security services Security for Farmer's Market 1,800 TOV granted $6,000 of council contributions to the Farmer's Market for traffic/security; the cost came in more than budget Food Drive - Citizen Donations 30,000 Donations collected for annual food drive Food Drive - Expense 30,000 Purchase of,food from City Market Uniforms 60,000 Public Works coats - budgeted in 2009, but we are now ordering to receive in 2008; offset by Volvo sponsoring (2009 revenue) Professional Fees 10,000 Ongoing litigation Subtotal General Fdnd 670,427 812,427 Capital Projects Fund Construction Use Tax 82,000 Based on current overage Streetscape (50,000) Transfer funds to Public Art for Meadow Drive entrance Timber Ridge Legal / Zoning 35,000 On-going work toward redevelopment and request for qualifications Transfer to Debt Service Fund 35,000 Reverse budget adjustment done at 2nd supplemental for the refinancing of town's 1998A bonds Subtotal Capital Projects Fund 82,000 20,000 RETT Projects Fund Manhole cover revenue 10,626 Revenue from sales of manhole covers and jewelry Manhole cover expenses 3,108 Year-to-date expenses Public Art 7,518 Net proceeds•from Manhole cover sales go toward AIPP Public An 50,000 Transfer of funds from streetscape account to pay for Meadow Drive entrance Subtotal RETT Projects Fund 10,626 60,626 Conference Center Fund Investment Income (200,000) Rate of return has dramatically dropped during 2008; originally budgeted at a rate of 4.5% and currently earning 2.37% Subtotal Conference Center Fund (200,000) - Heavy Equipment Fund Heavy Equipment Operating Revenue 147,000 Allocation of charges back to each department (see General Fund expenditure above) Investment Income (20,000) Rate of return has dramatically. dropped during 2008; originally budgeted at a rate of 4.5% and currently earning 2.37% Subtotal Heavy Equipment fund 127,000 _ Debt Service Fund Transfer from Capital Projects Fund 35;000 Reverse budget adjustment done at 2nd supplemental for the refinancing of town's 1998A bonds, Principal (45,000) Reverse budget adjustment donee 2nd supplemental: for the refinancing of town's 1998A bonds Interest 80,000 _ Reverse budget adjustment done at Ind supplemental for the refinancing of town's 1998A bonds Subtotal Debt Service Fund 35,000 35,000 Total All Funds 725;053 928,053 '4, Supp 3 of 2008, 3 1112512008 3:59 PM P' 3rd Supplemental of 2008 First Reading . TOWN OF VAIL 2008 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE GENERAL FUND Budget Ammended 3rd 1 2008 2008 1 Supplemental Revenue Local Taxes: Sales Tax Split b/t Gen'I Fund & Capital Fund Sales Tax Property and Ownership Ski I.A.Tax Franchise Fees, Penalties, and Other Taxes Licenses & Permits Intergovernmental Revenue Transportation Centers Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures Eamings.on Investments Rental Revenue Miscellaneous and Proiect Reimbursements Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries Benefits Subtotal Compensation and Benefits Contributions, Special Events and Econ Day All Other Operating Expenses - _ Heavy Equipment Operating Charges Heavy Equipment Replacement Charges Dispatch Services - Total Expenditures Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Transfer to Capital Projects Fund . . Transfer to Vail Local Marketing District Net Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance I 60/40 1 60/40 $ 11,640,000 1 $ 11,640,000 3,843,500 1 4,293,500 3,123, 852.1 3,123, 852 826,110 1 926,110 2,353,950 1 - 2,786,950. 1,366,800 1 1,748,660 3,736,380 1 5,111;880 817,135 767;135 215,000 259,0001 675,000 675,0001 763,000 797,400 70,000 1 111,357 29,430,727 1 32,240,844 1 I 13,073,428 I .13,371,331 4,512,762 4,519,262 17,586,190 17.890,593 1 1,394,101 1,399,706 1 7,095,455 7,371,5181 2,093,150 2,100,6501 629,643 631,026 535,657 535,657 , 29,334,196 29,929,150 1 96,531 1 2,311,694 I (441,000)1 1 96,531 1,870,694 I 14,686,181 19,834,717 1 I $ 14,782,712 $. 21,705,411 715,000 13,627 I (90,000)1 1 31,800 1 670,427 1 115,427 147,000 262,4271 1 408,000 I, I Proposed Ammended 2008 60/40 $ 11,640,000 4,293,500 3,123,852 , 926,110 3,501,950 1,762,287 5,111,880 767,135 259,000 585,000 797,400 .143,157 32,911,271 13,371,331 4,519.262 17,890,593 1,399,706 7,486,945 2,247,650. 631,026 535,657 30,191,577_ 2,719,694 ' 1 (441,000) (550,000) (550,000) 1,728,694 I 19,834,717 $ 21,563,411. 4 3rd Supplemental of 2008 , . First Reading TOWN OF VAIL 2008 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1 Proposed Budget Ammended 3rd Ammended 2008 1 2008 Supplemental 2008 Revenue Sales Tax $ 7,760,000 $ 71760,000 $ 7,760,000 Use Tax - 500.000 82,000 582,000 Federal Grant Revenue 815,577 815,577 815,577 Lease Revenue 187,800 187,800 187,800 Proiect Reimbursement - 1,001,510 1,001,510 Eagle Counter. Grant Revenue - 317,000 317,000 Employee Housing Fee-in-Lieu - 418,000 418,000 Earnings on Investments and Other - 10.850 195,043 195 043 Total Revenue 8,774,227 11,194,930 82,000 11,276,930 a enditures ILand Purchases jAltair Unit - 178,066 178,066 (Gore Range Units 2E & 3W 1 599,452 599,452 Equipment Purchases Document Imaging 350,000 350,000 1 350,000 (Software& Hardware Upgrades 43,000 1 43,000 1 43,000 Comm Day Interactive Permit software - 1 21,838 21,838 Software Licensing 8,500 8,500 8,500 Network.upprades 32,000 43,478 43,478 Website & E-commerce 12,000 32,000 1 32,000 I06_Mpute?r Aided Dispatch (CAD) / RMS Proiect 43,000 57,640 1 57,640 1Parking Equipment. - 52,985 52,985 1 Patrol Car Video Cameras 1 8,000 1 8,000 8,000 IJail /Municipal Bldg Video System Upgrade 1 23,000 1 23,000 23,000 Fire Truck Rdbuild/Refurbish 1 520,000 1 - - IRadio amplification in parking structures I - 1 50,000 50,000 Heavy Equipment new capital I - 1 3,400 3,400 Generator- •. I - 1 250,000 250,000 (Office Equipment . 1 14,6351 14,635 .14,635 1Replace Buses I - 3,840.297 1 3,840,297 Radio replacement (public works, public safety) 495,500 545,500 1 545,500 Vehicle-Expansion - 61411 1 61,411 Subtotal Equipment Purchases 1,549,635 5,405,684 I 5,405.684 Capital Maintenance I I I I Bus Sheker Replacement 1 .10,000 1 79.354 1 I 79,354 Capital Street Maintenance 1 1,625,000 1 1,702,280 1,702,280 Parking Structure Improvements 1 935,000 1 1,163,216 1,163,216 General Facility Improvements 1 400,000 1 568,817 568,817 Data Center - 35,500 I 35,500 Flammable storage / Mag Chloride - 1 24,000 1 24.000 Subtotal Capital Maintenance 2,970,0001 1 3,573,167 1 - 1 1 3,573,167 I Street Reconstruction 1 Neighborhood Road Reconstruction _ 150,000 150,000 1 150,000 Neighborhood Bridge Reconstruction 75,000 75,000 75,000 Sul ! :1 Street Reconstruction _ 1 225,000 225,000 - 225.000 _. Buildings & Improvements Fire infrastructure improvements 250,000 1 329,229. 329,229 1 Fiber Optics in Buildings 15,000 1 30,000 1 30,000 Variable Messa a Si ns / Wain-Finding Imor 30,000 36,416 1 1 36;416 Donovan Park Pavilion - 13,000 I 13.000 Subtotal Bldgs / Improvements 1 295,000 1 408,645 - I - 408,645 i 3rd Supplemental of Me First Reading TOWN OF VAIL 2008 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN-FUND BALANCE i 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND I I Proposed . Budget Ammended - 3rd t Ammended 2008 2008 Supplemental) 2008 Streetscape Projects j Manor Vail Street Plan I .. - I 100,000 I 100,000 West Meadow Drive 1 1,720,0001 1,720,000 1,720.000 East Meadow Drive-Streetscape Heat I - 165,000 165,000 Village Streetscape I - 1.013,761 (50.000)1 963,761 Subtotal Stisetscape Projects I - 1,720.000 2,998,761 1 (50,000)1 2,948,761 Housing Program I 1 I Buy-Down Program 100,000 - I _ Atkin Creek Employee Housing Unit I - I 7,350 1 7,350 (Timber Ridge Debt Service Guarantee I - 1 925,000 1 925,000 Timber Ridge Legal /Zoning - 28.927 1 35.000 63.927 Subtotal Housing Program 100,000 1 961,277 1. 35,000 996,277 LionsHead Redevelopment I I LionsHead Improvements - 1 32,242 1 32.242 Subtotal LionsHead Redevelopment - I 32,242 1 32,242 _ Other Improvements I Property Tax Increment - Reserved - 441.000 441,000 ITOV Strategic Planning Nail 2020) Housing Strategic Plan 25,341 I l 25,341 West Vail Area Plan I - 22,732 i 22,732 Chamonix Area Plan - I 130.545 130,545 I1-70 Fiber Proiect _ - I 909,1281 909,128 IStreet. Light Improvement Program I 75,0001 75,0001 75,000 11-70 Noise 250,0001 1,079,282 1 1,079,282 I LH Parking Structure Redevelopment - 1 64,857 1 64,857 Bio-Mass Study _ - I 50,000 I 50,000 Underground Utility Improvements - 1 212,7831 212,783 E.. Vail Radio Tower 1 5.000 5.000 1 5.000 Subtotal Other Improvements I 1 330,000 I 3.015.6681 - 3,015.668 _ Total before Financing I 1 7,189,6351 17,397,962 1 ' (15,000) 17,382,962 Transfer for Debt Service I (2,321,825) I (2,286,825) (35,000) (2,321,825) Transfer from Dispatch ) 75,000 75,000 Transfer from General Fund 1 441.0001 1 441.000 Total Financing (2,321,825)1 I (1,770,825)1 (35,000)1 - (1,805,825) Total Expenditures 9,511.4601 I 19,168.787 1 I 20,0001 19,188,787 Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures (737,233) 1 (7,973,857)1 ' (7,911,857) Bea inninq Fund Balance 754,153 I 10,154,128 1 10,154,128 Ending Fund Balance $ 16,920 1 $ 2,180.271 1 I $ 2,242,271 6 P TOWN-OF VAIL 2008 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX FUND 1 Proposed REVENUE Real Estate Transfer Tax Grant Revenue Golf Course Lease Lottery Revenue Project Reimbursements Eatninas on Investments and Other Budget Ammended 2008 2008 1 $ 8,230,000 1 $ 7,230,000 151,858 126,708 126,708 20,000 20,000 6,000 200,000 308,330 Recreation Amenity Fees 125,000 125,000 Total Revenue 1 8,701,708 7,967,896 1 I I EXPENDITURES Annual Maintenance .3rd I Ammended Supplemental 1 2008 . I. $ 7,230,000 151,858 126,708 20,000 6,000 10,626 318,956 125,000 10,626 7,978,522 RETT Management Fee (to Gen'I Fund) 1 411,500 1 361,500 1 361,500 Park, Path & Landscape Maintenance 1,253,900 1 1,311,066 1 1 1,311,066 Rec. Path Capital Maintenance 222.789 1 384.262 1 384,262 Alpine Garden Suooort 70,000 90,000 90,000 Tree Maintenance 1 60,000 115,931 1 115,931 Forest Health Manaqement 1 360,000 531,808 1 531,8081 StreefFumiture Replacement 1 20,000 26,143 1 26,1431 Black Gore Creek. Sand Mitigation I 100.000 1 184.000 1 184,0001 Subtotal Maintenance 1 _ 2,498,189 1 I 3,004,710 1 - 3,004.7101 1 . Recreation Pa#dTrail Development 1 Katsos Ranch Path , - 346,887 1 346,887 1 Cascade Bike Path - 6,977 6,977 TmberRidge-Buffshr Crk Rd Path I - 653,700 653,700 Streamwalk & Safety Imorovemetns 1 225,000 225.000 1 225,000 Trailhead Development / Improvement 1 22,100 33,250 1 1 33,250 Meadow Drive Streetscaos 1,250,000 1,023,000 1 1 1,023,000 Frontage_ Road Bike Lanes /Trails 1.275.000 1,275,000 1 1 1,275,000 Subtotal Pathways I I 2,772,100 I I 3,563,814 - I 3,563,814 I Capital Maintenance ADA Compliance w/ VRD - 100,849 1 1 100,849 VRD Agreements - Legal Counsel 50,000 - - Raw Water Project / Irrigation Control I - I 9.927 9,927 Stream Tract Incursion Survev 1 30,000 1 64,881 64.881 Big Horn Park - I - - Plavground Safetv / Red Sandstone 1 425,000 465,037 465.037 Retrofit Park Restrooms-3 seasons I - 78,659 1 78,659 Park / Plavrouiid Capital Maintenance 1 105,000 125.229 1 125,229 Landscape Medians : - 1 570,000 1 570,000 Turf TODdresser - I - I - Bear Proof Containers - 5,578 5,578 Sibert Circle 1 323,230 1 323,230 Ford Amohitheater Renovations - - - Greenhouse - 100,0001 100.000 Dobson Ice Arena 77,200 98,907 1 98,907 Gvmnastics Center = 1 29,611 1 29,611 Ford Park / Tennis Center Improvements 62.000 1 78.800 1 78.800 Subtotal Capital Maintenance - - 749,200 1 I 2,050,708 1 2,050,708 I Art in Public Places (AIPP) Public Art 1 75,000 1 318,998 1 50,000 368,998 Project Management 62,167 1 62:167 1 . 10,626 1 '72.793 Subtotal AIPP I 137,167 1 381,165 1 80,528 I 441,791 _ Park Development Donovan Park - 45,043 1 1 45,043 While Water Park - I 48.325 1 1 , 48.325 7 3rd Supplemental of 2008 First Reading ?. 3rd Supplemental of 2008 First Reading TOWN OF VAIL 2008 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX FUND •. I I I I Proposed Budget I Ammended 3rd I Amended 2008 2008 Supplemental 2008 LionsHead.Park i 928,0001 1,067,000 1,0671000 Skate Park - 65,000 63,000' Kavek Take-out - 10,000 10,000 - Ford Park Master Plan-Intor'oveme its 1.500.000 ( 1,581 `340 1,581,340 Subtotal Park Development 2,428,000 I 2,816,708 2,816,708 Recreation Master Planning - 79,543 79,543 Environmental Sustainability 250,000 309,711 309,711 OoenSDace Acduisition - 551,019 551,019 Total Expenditures 8,834,656 i I 12,757,378 60,626 12,818,004 Revenue Over (Under) ExpendiWres . I (132,948)1 I (4,789,482) .. (4,839,482) Beainninq Fund Balance 1 6,953,621 I 11,769,273 I 1 11,769,273 I Ending Fund Balance 1 $ -61820,673 $ 6,979,791 1 1 $ 6.929.791 8 ? TOWN•OF VAIL 2008 I I BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE,. EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN-FUND BALANCE CONFERENCE CENTER FUND I I I Proposed 2008 3rd Ammended Buddet Supplemental 1. 2008 Revenue '. Taxes Sales Tax - - Public Accomodations Tax 9 - - Penalties and Interest on Delinquent Taxes Subtotal Taxes - - - Other Eamings`on Investments 425,0001 (200,000)1 225,000 Total Revenue 425,000 1 (200,000)1 225,000 Expenditures - General Government Management Fee General Supplies and meetings - - Capital Outlay - - Total Expenditures - - - Revenue Over (Under) Expenditum 425,000 1 ' I 1 225,000 I • Beginning Fund Balance 8,921,901 1 9,046,283 Ending Fund Balance $ 9,346,901 1 $ 9;271,283 I_ 3rd Supplemental of 1068, First Reading 9 r TOWN OF VAIL 2008 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE HEAVY EQUIPMENT FUND Proposed Budget Ammended 3rd ' I"Ammended 2008 2008 Supplemental 1 2008 Revenue Town of Vail Interagency Charge $ 2,795;945 $ 2,804,828 1 $ 147,0001 $ 2,951,828 Insurance.ReimbursementsA Other 38,800 59,8571 59,857 Earnings on Investments - 65,000 65,000 1 (201000) 45,000 Eciuipment.Sales and Trade-ins 133,530 133:530 133.530 Total Revenue 3,033,275 3,063,215 127,000 3,190,215 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits': 970,593 970.593 970,593 Operating; Maintenance & Contracts 1- 1,180,450 1 1,413,721 1 1,413,721 Capital Outlay 686,3001 923,456 923,456 Total Expenditures 2,837,343 1 1 3,307,770 3,307,770 I Revenue Over.(Under) Expenditures 195,932 (244,555) 127,000 (117,555) winning Fund Balance 1,473,250 I 1,734,787 1,734,787 I Ending Fund Balance $ 1,669,1821 $ 1,490,232 1$ 1,617,232 10 3rd Supplemental of 2008 First Reading 3rd Supplemental of 2008 , First Reading TOWN, OF VAIL 2008 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENU E, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES -IN FUND. BALANCE DEBT SERVIC E FUND Proposed Budget Ammended 3rd I Ammended 2008 2008 Supplemental = 2008. Revenue.. Transfer from Caoital Proiects Fund $ 2,321,825 $ 2,286,825 35,000 $ 2,321,825 - Earnings. on Investments. Total Revenue 2,321;825 2,286,825 ' 35.000 2,321,825 Expenditures. Princioal 1,890,000 1,935,000 (45,000) 1,890,000 lnterest.Exoense 432,396 352,396 80,000 432,396 Fiscal Agent Fees 2,500 2,500 _ 2,500 Total Expenditures 2,324,896 2,289,896 35,000 2,324,896 Revenue_Over(Under)Expenditures (3,071) (3,071) - (3,071) Beginning Fund Balance 247,154 252,710 252,710 Ending Fund Balance $ 244,083 $ 249,639 $ 249,639 11 ORDINANCE NO. 29 SERIES OF 2008 AN ORDINANCE MAKING SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO THE;TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND, CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND, REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX FUND, AND DEBT SERVICE' FUND OF THE 2008 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL, . COLORADO; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURES OF SAID APPROPRIATIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, contingencies have arisen during the fiscal year 2008 which could not have been reasonably foreseen or anticipated by the Town Council at the time it enacted Ordinance No. 29, Series of 2007, adopting the 2008 Budget and Financial Plan for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and, WHEREAS, the Town Manager has certified to the Town Council that sufficient funds are available to discharge the appropriations referred to herein, not otherwise reflected in the Budget, in accordance with'Section 9.10(a).of the Charter of the Town of Vail; and, WHEREAS, in order to accomplish the foregoing, the Town Council finds that it should make certain supplemental appropriations and budget adjustments as set forth herein. NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, BY THE-TOWN COUNCIL OF THE' TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO that: 1. Pursuant to Section 9.10(a) of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado, the Town Council hereby makes the following supplemental appropriations and budget adjustments for the 2008 Budget and Financial Plan for the Town of Vail, Colorado, and authorizes the expenditure or (reduction) of said appropriations as follows: General Fund $ 812,427 Capital Projects Fund 20,000 Real Estate Transfer Tax Fund 60,626 Debt Service Fund .35.000 Total $ 928,053 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance iS for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the. remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part; section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Ordinance, No. 29, Series of 2008 s i 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines,. and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health,. safety, and welfare of the town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other-action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 2nd day of December, 2008, and a public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on the 16th day of December, at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, in -the Municipal Building of the town. Dick Cleveland, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ordinance No. 29, Series of 2008 ?Pr MEMORANDUM To: Town Council From: Matt Mire, Town. Attorney Subject: Ordinance 30, Series 2008; Publication of Ordinances Date: 11/24/2008 This memorandum . addresses the Town Council's options regarding the.publication of ordinances as a result of eliminating, the funding for publishing ordinances in full in the newspaper as part of the approval of the 2009 budget. I. Purpose Ordinance No. 30, Series 2008, has a single purpose: to._ . eliminate the use of the newspaper for the publication of Town of Vail ordinances in their entirety. Accordingly; -if the Town Council (the "Council") wishes to continue to publish ordinances in the newspaper .(either as the sole method of publication, or in addition to any other method of publication, including the internet) then Ordinance No. 30 should NOT be adopted,' and a supplemental, appropriation should be approved to cover the 2009 costs associated with publishing ordinances in full in the newspaper. II. Background The Town Charter (the "Charter"), which was approved at an election in 1972, provides in pertinent part: (a) The ordinance shall be introduced at any regular meeting of the council by any member thereof. (b), The ordinance shall be read in full, or in cases where copies of the ordinance are available to the council and are or have been made available to the public, said ordinance may be read by title only. (c) After the first reading of the ordinance, 'the same shall be approved with or without amendment or rejected by a vote of the council. (d) If the ordinance is approved on first reading. it shall be published once in full unless otherwise provided herein. The council shall set a day, hour; and place at.which council shall hold.a public hearing on the ordinance and notice of said day, hour, and place shall be included in the first publication. (e) The ordinance shall be introduced at council a second time, at a meeting not earlier than seven (7) davs.after first publication. 'for final approval, rejection, or other action as may be taken by vote of the pouncil. . (f) Except, as otherwise provided herein, an ordinance, if amended subsequent to its last publication, shall be bublished in full after final passage; but if not amended, it shall be published either by title or in full as the council may determine. (g) Whenever an ordinance shall be published by reference or by title. the publication shall contain a summarv of the subiect matter of said ordinance- and shall contain a notice to the public that copies of the proposed ordinance are available at the off ce of the town. clerk. The- publication . publication of any ordinance by reference or by title as provided herein, must set forth in full any penalty clause contained in said ordinance. As set forth above, the publication of an ordinance both at its introduction and after its adoption is a legal prerequisite to the validity of any ordinance adopted by the Council. Although the 'word is not defined for purposes of the Charter, the Town of Vail has always interpreted the word "Publish"' or "Publication" to mean publication in a newspaper and has historically published the full text all of its ordinances in the newspaper as its method of Charter compliance. Previous Town Councils have been advised that in order to comply with the above-referenced Charter, provision and to avoid the process of publishing its ordinances in the newspaper, the Town would have to amend the Charter_ via a general election. However, the 1aw in' Colorado. actually allows the Town to define the word "Publish" or "Publication" by ordinance and without a general election. III. Recommendations Since the publication of an ordinance is a legal requirement to its validity, it is 'not advisable to create additional procedural hurdles to an ordinance becoming effective. SO, AGAIN, IF THE COUNCIL WOULD LIKE TO CONTINUE TO PUBLISH. ORDINANCES IN THE NEWSPAPER, DO NOT PASS ORDINANCE 30. 2 P", The following options are available to the Town Council: OPTION 1 - CONTINUE TO PUBLISH ORDINANCES ONLY IN THE NEWSPAPER If you choose this option, do NOT pass Ordinance 30, Series 2008. OPTION 2--, CONTINUE TO PUBLISH ORDINANCES IN THE NEWSPAPER, AND ON THE TOWN WEBSITE (AND ANY OTHER WEBSITE(S)) If you choose this option, do NOT pass Ordinance 30, Series 2008. Passing this ordinance would only create additional procedural pitfalls in the adoption of any ordinance, which could render the ordinance invalid. OPTION 3 - STOP PUBLISHING . ORDINANCES .IN t ttr. NEWSPAPER If you choose. this option, PASS Ordinance 30 and define "Publication" in the, manner you feel is appropriate (other than publication in the newspaper). Keep in mind, however, the'.way you choose to define the word "Publish" or "Publication" dictates the legal process the Town must comply with to make the ordinance valid. If you choose option 3 and decide to pass Ordinance 30, the following definitions of "Publish" or "Publication" are provided for your consideration: 1) Define "Publish" or "Publication" as publishing on the Town's website onlv. (this is the option reflected in the current draft ordinance) a. This is the recommendation of the Town Attorney because the Town can control the publication of all ordinances in compliance with the Town Charter. NOTE: We have been successfully publishing all ordinances and resolutions on the Town's web site since directed top do so by the Town Council on June of 2008. b. Even though the definition would only require publication on the website, the Town could also choose to publish or post a legal notice regarding the 3 ordinance, in the paper or in any place in Town without making it a statutory requirement. 2) Define "Publish" or "Publication" as physically posting in Town in one (1) place or in multiple. places only a. This is the method used by Avon. b. This method is only recommended in addition to publication' on the website as described below; or as a: backup method to be available if the. internet is down for any extended period of time. 3) Define "Publish" or "Publication"-. as a combination .of the posting on the website and/or physically posting'in Town 4) Define "Publish" or "Publication'.' in' any manner deemed appropriate-by Council'that has not yet been proposed by, staff 4 ORDINANCE NO. 30 SERIES 2008 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 2 OF THE VAIL TOWN CODE BY THE ADDITION: OF THE DEFINITION OF THE WORD-"PUBLICATION"; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail, in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado (the-'Town"), is a home rule municipal corporation duly organized and .existing under' laws of the State of Colorado and the Town Charter (the "Charter"); and WHEREAS, the members of the Town Council of the Town. (the "Council") have been . duly elected and qualified; and WHEREAS, Section 4.10 of the Charter requires publication of ordinances upon their introduction and adoption; and WHEREAS, the Charter does not define what is required by "publication;" and . WHEREAS, the Council understands that more and' more. citizens, are. receiving information through the World Wide Web than through traditional newspapers; and WHEREAS, the provisions of this ordinance provide for the greatest dissemination of information to the citizens of the Town regarding matters of public.concern; and WHEREAS, the Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to adopt this amendment to the Vail Town Code. NOW,.THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Title 1, Chapter 3, Section 2 of the Vail Town Code is hereby amended by the addition of the definition of the word "publication" which shall read as follows: l Publication, publish or For the purposes of the Town Charter and this Code, except Published: where publication in a newspaper is specifically required by the Charter, an ordinance or state statute, the term "publication "publish" or "published" shall mean posting on the Town of Vail web site. If, for any reason, publication on the Town's web site cannot be accomplished "publication"; "publish" or "published" shall mean a minimum one (1) of the following two (2) methods: (1) physical posting at the Town of Vail Municipal Building; or (2) publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of .Vail. Section 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence; clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council. hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, .regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Ordinance No. 30, Series 2008 1 Section 3. The amendment of. any provision of the Town Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amended. The amendment of any provision hereby shall not revive -any. provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 4. , All bylaws, orders; resolutions . and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer, shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. Section 5. The Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the. Town of, Vail and the inhabitants thereof. INTRODUCED, READ . ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 2nd da? of December, 2008 and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 16' day of December, 2008, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Richard Cleveland, Town Mayor . Attest: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ordinance No. 30, Series 2008 2 MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: December 2, 2008 SUBJECT: A worksession to discuss Resolution No. 25, Series of 2008, a resolution amending the fees assessed for certain. Planning & Environmental Commission, Design Review Board, and. Administrative development review applications, and setting forth details in regard thereto. 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The "2008 Communitv Development Department Work. Plan" identifies the task of evaluating and adjusting, if necessary, the existing fees for certain development review applications to more accurately reflect the cost of the service provided. In evaluating the application fees, staff will be focusing only on those.. application types where it is demonstrated that the cost of the service provided significantly outweighs the existing fee charged for the service. For instance, the Community Development Department currently charges $650 to process an application for a conditional use permit. In analyzing the actual costs (labor and overhead) associated with processing an application for a conditional use permit through the Town's' required development review process, conservative estimates suggest that the community is presently subsidizing nearly 60%, or $975 of the total cost of the review ($1,625). The Community Development is requesting that the Town Council provides any input or feedback they may have on the Town's present fee schedule philosophy and instruct staff, if it is determined appropriate, to return to the Town Council 'with proposed adjustments to the review fees. II. BACKGROUND Year to date, the Town of Vail Community Development Department has processed ,a total of 669 development applications: Of the 669. applications, 73 of the applications required. Planning & Environmental review and the remaining 596 required Design Review Board review. As of November 25, 2008; the total application,fee revenue received by the Town of Vail Community Development. Department for the review of'all development applications received is $104,959.24. Assuming that the Planning Team dedicates only 80% of its time on current planning applications, the Town will spend nearly $296,153.60 (plus overhead) to process all 2008 development applications, resulting in a projected deficit of $191,194.36 (plus overhead). 1 0 STEEL PARKING SCREEN STONE CLAD WALLS AT STAIR ENCLOSURES SLOPING METAL ROOFS 14 121 EMPLOYEE HOUSING FLATS 0 STONE CLAD PLANTERS - STUCCO AND PANEL SYSTEM AT EMPLOYEE HOUSING T 1 ?117v, 1 ? i ? ?1? IIII ,ESE.. _..... _... STONE CLAD PLANTERS EMPLOYEE HOUSING FLATS ON TERRACE LEVEL 3 LEVELS ABOVE GRADE PARKING a }7'? DYNAMIC RIDGE LINES 1 LEVEL OF 2 STOREY EMPLOYEE TOWN HOUSES i k 2 LEVELS OF 2 STOREY E MPLOYEE TOWN HOUSES 1 VAiL R"? o T5' '? EVER VAIL . „ . ?o..„. C A L L I S O N Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 STONE CLAD WALLS AT STAIR AND ELEVATOR ENCLOSURE STUCCO AND PANEL SYSTEM STEEL PARKING SCREEN GLASS CANOPY AT DAY SKIER PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE • :r - - ?I 0 IO 20 40 80 W1 I BUILDING ELEVATIONS 26 • GLASS AND PANEL WALL SYSTEM METAL AND COMPOSITE - PANELS AT BALCONIES owl STONE CHIMNEYS AND BASE STUCCO PRIMARY GABLE METAL ROOF 4:12 SLOPE Mimi I 1? min • SECONDARY SHED ROOFS METAL AND COMPOSITE STONE CLAD CHIMNEYS PANELS AT BALCONIES AND BASE GLASS AND PANEL WALL SYSTEM STUCCO - STONEWALL SAT GLASS CANOPY AT PRIMARY WALKWAYS RETAIL PAVILION GABLE ROOFS AII, =, 1?j? i¦ ?1, METAL ROOF 412 SLOPE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE AT 2 STOREY EMPLOYEE RED SANDSTONE CREEK TOWN HOUSES GLASS CANOPY AT RETAIL PAVILION 1 SAIL R 5 ?1 SEGMENTED MASSING - STONE RETAIL BASE - 2 STOREY EMPLOYEE RAMP TO PARKING -? TOWN HOUSES BELOW f T ' -- - M 7'V 11 T" i 1 E ^? I i ? Im..1- 10 20 40 80 EVER VAIL W2 & W3 I BUILDING ELEVATIONS 27 Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 • STONE BASE GABLED RIDGE LINES IMP= v' ,/ ? i i i I? I?? 1? •tl ??_~ ? I i i y ?ff I GLASS RESTAURANT WALL ACTIVE STONE BASE _ I j STONE CHIMNEYS ALPINE HORIZONTALITY REINFORCED BY ROOFS y AND BALCONIES e,??E?, i?11111 - „-?., 1 1 1 1 1 QUIET STUCCO MIDDLE ROOF ENGAGED WALL GRADUAL RISE FROM RE :s EVER VAIL „...oM..„. CALLISON Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 STONE CHIMNEYS ILa, i? i ? I II 0 10 20 40 60 E1 & E2 I BUILDING ELEVATIONS 28 • STONE CHIMNEYS 8 GLASS CANOPY SIGNIFY ENTRY V A I L/ _ R E S O R S ULVLLDYMLNI COMPwNr CAI IISON • PRIMARILY GABLE ROOFS, ENGAGED WITH WALLS QUIET STUCCO MIDDLE WITH PUNCHED OPENINGS ii? 1 1 EVER VAIL Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 It 0 10 20 40 80 E3 I BUILDING ELEVATIONS 29 GLASS 8 FRAME EXPRESSION ON SOUTH BUILDING ENDS TAPERED TO REDUCE SCALE 0 0 0 VARIETY OF STEPPING ROOFFORMS? STONE CLAD RETAIL BASE GLASS AND PANEL SYSTEM METAL ROOF METAL AND COMPOSITE STUCCO 412 SLOPE PANEL BALCONIES vLEVE_.- - I ?,? ,, i :i 1 lI t Ai I iti t ]? i if n ;n 19 ai 1-1l I' NJ .1 .1 1 IiP f(I I I:! 91 IIILI STONE CLADDING STONE CLAD CHIMNEYS STONE RETAIL BASE GLASS AND PANEL SYSTEM 11 1I'1?1 I I __ n I I --- --'-? II II -? k 1! II METAL ROOF SEGMENTED MASSING GLASS AND PANEL TWO LEVEL EMPLOYEE 4'.11 SLOPE A SYSTEM STONE RETAIL TOWN HOUSES STUCC BASE .E,E ---- - -------- r r -- -------- - rr r rrk F f Q A.:N., -- ---- --- -- -- - i 1?. Q v 0 10 20 40 80 0 EVER VAIL E6 I BUILDING ELEVATIONS 30 Vn R E SO R TS' a, ut?: ow Cw1115ON Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 METAL AND COMPOSITE STONE CLAD CHIMNEYS PANEL BALCONIES STONE BASE ROOFS STEP HORIZONTALLY AND VEHTICALLY SMALLER OPENINGS ON NORTH EMPLOYEE HOUSING TOWN HOUSES FACE FRONTAGE ROAD VARIETY OF PUNCHED OPENINGS IN STUCCO - EVE. , ---- - ---- ---- --- --- - -- - 1 ? AA ? I I ? I I -Ili ? GLASS 8 FRAME EXPRESSION CONTRASTS WITH PUNCHED OPENINGS IN STUCCO SURFACES STUCCO WITH PUNCHED OPENINGS TWO STORY STONE BASE INCLUDES OFFICE OVER RETAIL ALPINE HORIZONTALITY REINFORCED BY ROOFS AND BALCONIES O` -----.-- --.- - . ww =411 ww low w. w VA RESORTS' ??ri??vrn t_ni canrvnnr CALIiSON EVER VAIL Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 p", o 10 zo aD aD E7 J BUILDING ELEVATIONS 31 0 0 0 ® PORTALS • CONIC MARKERS TO E DOORS' PATHS GH OUTDOOR ICONIC ELEMENTS • ADD DELIGHT AT KEY NODES AND FEATURES SPECIAL FEATURES •LINKPEDESTRIANSTOTHEGONDOLA • GUIDE PEDESTR.ANS THROUGH THE DISTRICTS AND OUTDOORS ROOMS f TAPER BUILDINGS & CHIMNEYS AT ENDS VAIL R 5 'A EVER VAIL MASSING STRATEGIES 32 Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27; 2008 • E2 VACATION CLUB 1I- E7 RESIDENTIAL !I ' GONDOLA PLAZA BEYOND SKIER STAIRS I ESCALATOR;, VIEW A - COMPRESSION E3 HOTEL 1 1 7 y r r f - !9131 E2 VACATION CLUB Awiv BRIDGE TO VACATION CLUB - 4' ii?1t aC^ =1?- 0171 ILL- GONDOLA 'I. -'?-y PLAZA BEYOND - -, A VIEW B - COMPRESSION E1 RESIDENTIAL E2 VACATION CLUB E3 HOTEL 1 t?T+i 1 0 E6 RESIDENTIAL MARKETSTREETBEYOND E7 RESIDENTIA E6 RESIDENTIAL E3 HOTEL MARKET STREET VIEW D - COMPRESSION 1H:0.6V r,???rf?i ' 1 11,? ,?) r?=t r rn D1 ??II " lII T f X14 ' ,,f? VIEW E - RELEASE VIEW C - RELEASE EVER VAIL WIDTH-TO-HEIGHT I EVER VAIL 33 VAIL R E SORTS' oFwE?, ?MP, . ?A<< sow Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit October27, 2008 is •/ ,j? , KEY PLAN SECTION A-A V A I L/ _ R E S O R S .E „?o Air.. -` 8 1 H:0.8V I? I? t KEY PLAN 1H:1V ? I1- 1H:0.6V SECTION B-B SECTION C-C EVER VAIL Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 I u' 100' zoo' 400• 1 H:0.6VV I -I ? SECTION D-D l ! 0' 8' 16' 24' WIDTH-TO-HEIGHT I VAIL VILLAGE 34 0 0 0 r r Z?, - ,-- 1H0-8-VT SECTION A-A 1H:1VI l t- SECTION B-B KEY PLAN "%= 0' 100 2W' 400' EVER VAIL WIDTH-TO-HEIGHT LIONSHEAD 35 R s ° R' S' Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 wnr C•\l15°N ................ _? r r r r r r 7- • • • ?t. SECTION C-C I 1H: 0.6V i 1H:0. KEY PLAN I. EVER VAIL WIDTH-TO-HEIGHT I LIONSHEAD 36 VAIL R E 50 R TS' ..,o M.?, o .. CALLIS°M Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 s 1 1 1H:1V f " SECTION D-D • lip 1 I - 1H:2Vy I 1 - I 0 SECTION E-E KEY PLAN pmlw§?Emw I 0' I00' 200 400' EVER VAIL WIDTH-TO-HEIGHT I LIONSHEAD 37 Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 ut?l. orrni nr turn rnr C?IIISON • • ARCHITECTURAL LANGUAGE TRADITIONAL ALPINE Essential Attributes of Traditional Alpine Architecture: • Simple, sheltering roofs of moderate slope • Anchored to the site • Overall horizontal proportions - especially roofs and balconies • Repetitive forms - variation on a consistent theme • Punched openings • y??V EVER VAIL ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER 38 VAi L R E S OR TS' ,'.'1.PMt„, =o„ _ C A L L i S O R Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 0 0 ARCHITECTURAL LANGUAGE VAIL VILLAGE Essential Attributes: • Simple, sheltering roofs of moderate slope • Overall horizontal proportions - especially roofs and balconies • Repetitive forms - variation on a consistent theme • Punched openings • R EVER VAIL ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER 39 Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 ARCHITECTURAL LANGUAGE CONTEMPORARY ALPINE The "stage "for the Choreographed Contrasts story is the architecture. By embracing the long-standing principles of alpine architecture, reinterpreted for today's opportunities, the buildings form a timeless, grounded home base after a day on the slopes. Essential Attributes of a Contemporary Alpine Architecture: • Follows timeless design principles of form, scale, order • Responsive to the setting and environment • Respectful of historic alpine antecedents; looks to the future • Simple, sheltering roofs of moderate slope • Anchored to the site • Overall horizontal proportions - especially roofs and balconies • Repetitive forms - variation on a consistent theme • Punched openings R q EVER VAIL ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER 40 ?LLONM„, oMP.„. CALLISON Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 • • R 5 EVER VAIL PERSPECTIVE VIEWS 41 °E E,° Mt° °°MP^^< CA1L15ON Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 AERIAL VIEW OF E7 AND MARKET STREET AERIAL VIEW OVER FRONTAGE ROAD VIEW OF E1 FROM GORE CREEK AERIAL VIEW FROM MOUNTAIN r • • VIEW OF W2 AND WEST SIDE DROP-OFF EVER VAIL PERSPECTIVE SKETCHES 42 VAIL R E 50 R TS' oL «o M,?, M ^ ?.,L,s°R Major Exterior Alteration & Conditional Use Permit I October 27, 2008 W2 AND RED SANDSTONE CREEK VIEW OF HOTEL FROM WEST MARKET STREET VIEW OF CENTRAL PLAZAAND E3