PROPOSED DATE(S): November 27 – December 16, 2010
PRODUCING ENTITY: Vail Chamber & Business Association
1. President or Executive Director’s Name: Richard C. tenBraak
2. Name and Title of Person Completing the Application: Joyce Gedelman-Viers
3. Business Address: Please include the physical address as well as the mailing address:
241 S. Frontage Rd. E., Suite 2, Vail, CO 81657
4. Contact Info:
Telephone: Main/Cell/Fax: (970) 477-0075 / (970) 376-7972 / (970) 477-0079
E-Mail Address: joycegv@vailchamber.org
5. Event and/or Organization WEBSITE: www.vailchamber.org
6. Number of years your organization has been in business: 10 years
7. Mission Statement: * please see attached marketing plan
8. Organization's tax status: non-profit 501(c) 6
Non-Profit (501C-3), or Not-for-Profit (501C-6) organizations, please attach current
State Department of Revenue Certificate with this application: attached
Does the Event benefit a charity? no
Tax Payer ID: # 84-1509265
1. Brief description of the event and its activities: VCBA will coordinate restaurant and dining specials in order to entice visitors and restaurants to dine out between Thanksgiving
and Christmas.
2. Where will the event be located within the Town of Vail? All Vail Restaurants
3. Will any portion of the event take place outside of the Town of Vail? If yes, please explain. no
4. Will additional in-kind services be required from the Town of Vail? If yes, please explain, including a description of anticipated impacts on Town of Vail services: i.e. bus service,
parking, traffic control, street closures, etc. (The event promoter will be charged for all labor, materials and equipment unless such services are specifically exempted and approved
as part of the Special Event Permit.) no
5. Is this a new or existing event? If existing, please describe the location(s) of the event in previous years and the number of years it has been produced. Town of Vail’s individual
restaurants/2nd year
6. People:
Number of participants (athletes, artists, exhibitors, etc.) anticipated: 50 + restaurants
Number of volunteers needed: 0
Number of event staff: 0
Total Number of spectators/attendees anticipated and estimate: 2,500
o % Local: 60%
o % In-state (non-local): 30%
o % Out of State: 10%
7. Brief description of potential benefits to the Town of Vail, including an estimated # of incremental room nights and increased spending generated: The VCBA hopes to create restaurant
business during a normally slow period of time, luring families in to Vail for special offerings.
8. What mechanism are you using to direct non-local attendees to Vail lodging options? VCBA website, Special Events calendar of events, Vail All the Love, partner websites and Holidays
in Vail advertising.
9. What return on investment should the Town of Vail expect? Increased sales tax revenue and additional exposure to families who might not otherwise visit Vail.
1. Please attach a complete and detailed event budget, including anticipated revenues and expenses: attached
2. Describe briefly how you will use the funds that you are requesting from the CSE: To host, advertise and promote a family friendly event.
3. Should the CSE decide not to support this event, will it still occur? yes
4. What % of the total event budget is the CSE being asked to fund? 100%
5. What is the $ amount of sponsorships from alternative sources reflected in the event budget? 0
6. What % of the total event budget do you expect the event itself to generate? (i.e. ticket sales, merchandise, food and alcohol sales, etc.) 0
7. If possible, would you intend to host the event in Vail beyond 2009? If yes, for how many years beyond 2008? indefinitely
8. Do you anticipate requesting funding from the CSE next year? If yes, given that the CSE encourages the development of additional sponsors in order to leverage their own investments,
and anticipates that as events become established they will become less reliant on public funds, what %, if any, of the total event budget do you anticipate requesting next year? 100%
1. Marketing plan and detailed explanation of potential for sponsorships and media exposure: attached
2. Previous year's event evaluation, including income and expense statement (if existing event): n/a
3. Past or projected demographics of event attendees and spending: attached
4. Organization rosters naming:
All officers and respective positions: attached
Board of Directors and positions: attached
The CSE appreciates the inclusion, in electronic format please, of any additional support materials such as DVD’s, programs, news articles and other printed materials.
Applications for consideration during the regular CSE fall funding cycle are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 14, 2009, and will be reviewed at the regular October CSE
meeting on Wednesday, October 7, 2009.
SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION ELECTRONICALLY PLUS 1 HARD COPY (formatted so as to be easily copied, i.e. unbound, 8 ½ x 11 size, minimum 30% PCW paper) OF THE COMPLETEDAPPLICATION AND REQUIRED
Vail Commission on Special Events, C/O Sybill Navas, Coordinator
Town of Vail, 75 S. Frontage Rd., Vail, CO 81657
For additional information contact CSE Coordinator, Sybill Navas at 970 477-3551,
or by e-mail at specialevents@vailgov.com