HomeMy WebLinkAboutR_4_Vail_Reservations_Activity_Outlook_2012-03-31Destination: Vail Period: Bookings as of Mar 31, 2012 Data based on a sample of up to 24 properties in the Vail destination, representing up to 2,421 Units ('MTRiP Census'*) and 65% of 3,706 total units in the Vail destination ('Destination Census'**) a. Last Month Performance: Current YTD vs. Previous YTD 2011/122010/11 Year over Year % Diff 74.6%73.4%1.6% $428$422 1.4% $319$310 3.0% b. Next Month Performance: Current YTD vs. Previous YTD 28.7%30.7%-6.4% $270$213 26.6% $78$65 18.4% c. Historical 6 Month Actual Performance: Current YTD vs. Previous YTD 54.3%53.0%2.5% $397$377 5.3% $215$199 8.0% d. Future 6 Month On The Books Performance: Current YTD vs. Previous YTD 19.4%17.3%11.7% $196$183 6.9% $38$32 19.4% e. Incremental Pacing - % Change in Rooms Booked last Calendar Month: Mar. 31, 2012 vs. Previous Year 5.9%4.7%24.1% * MTRiP Census: Total number of rooms reported by participating MTRiP properties as available for short-term rental in the reporting month. This number can vary monthly as inventories and report participants chang e over time. ** Destination Census: The total number of rooms available for rental within the community as established by the Transient Inventory Study of July 2009 and adjusted for properties that have opened / closed since that time. This number varies infrequently as new properties start, or existing properties cease operations. DESCRIPTION: The Reservation Activity Outlook Report tracks occupancy, average daily rate (ADR), and revenue per available room (RevPAR); the key metrics most of interest to lodging properties. The report combines the data sets of participating properties into a destination wide view that features three data sets (providing that sufficient information is available) including: i) current YTD occupancy, ii) last YTD occupancy, iii) last season's ending occupancy. The Reservation Activity Outlook Report is generated on a monthly basis, usually for a 12 month subscription period, and is created from data provided by a group of properties participating in a cooperative manner, and representing a valid set of data as a result. Report results are provided only to those properties who participate by submitting their data. Additionally, participating properties can order (on an a-la-carte basis) an individual report whic h shows the reservation activity of their property, measured against an aggregated set of competitive properties that they choose from amongst MTRiP's other participants. As is the case in all MTRiP data, all information provided by individual properties is strictly confidential, except when aggregated with other data and indistinguishable as a result. Copyright 2010 - MTRiP, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information provided here is CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION and is the exclusive property of MTRiP LLC. It is expressly not for reproduction, distribution publication or any other dissemination without the express written permission of MTRIP, LLC. Sample reports may be provided to interested persons, specifically for purposes of their evaluation of a p otential subscription and are subject to Copyrights of this product. Data and Metrics represented on this report are representative of the Sample Properties only and may not be representative of the entire Community or Industry. Persons using this data for strategic purposes do so at their own risk and hold MTRIP harmless. Vail RevPAR for the upcoming 6 months changed by (19.4%)RevPAR Rooms Booked during last month (March, 2012) compared to Rooms Booked during the same period last year (March, 2011) for all arrival dates has changed by (24.1%)Booking Pace (March) RevPAR (March) : Vail Occupancy for next month (April) changed by (-6.4%)Occupancy (April) Vail Average Daily Rate for next month (April) changed by (26.6%)ADR (April) : Vail RevPAR for last month (March) changed by (3.0%) Vail RevPAR for the prior 6 months changed by (8.0%)RevPAR Vail Occupancy for the upcoming 6 months changed by (11.7%)Occupancy Vail Average Daily Rate for last month (March) changed by (1.4%) ADR (March) : Vail Average Daily Rate for the upcoming 6 months changed by (6.9%)ADR Vail RevPAR for next month (April) changed by (18.4%)RevPAR (April) : Vail Occupancy for the prior 6 months changed by (2.5%)Occupancy Vail Average Daily Rate for the prior 6 months changed by (5.3%)ADR RESERVATIONS ACTIVITY REPORT Vail Executive Summary Vail Occupancy for last month (March) changed by (1.6%)Occupancy (March) : 4/9/2012 Source: MTRiP Monthly Reservations Activity Survey 1 RESERVATIONS ACTIVITY REPORT SECTION 1 - 12 MONTH ROLLING SUMMARY GRAPHS 2011/12 YTD (as of Mar 31, 2012) vs. 2010/11 YTD (a s of Mar 31, 2011) vs. 2010/11 Historical NOTE: This is not a forecast of bookings. Data presented in this report represents Occupancy on the books as of the date noted above Period: Bookings as of April 30, 2007 Historic months total Chart 1a - Occupancy Rate 14% 44%50% 37%41%39% 60% 21%27% 59% 66% 75% 29% 21%27% 19%14%19%24%20% 56% 67%73% 7% 23% 14%8%6% 72% 31% 20%17% 73% -12% 6% -1%-1%2% -6% 68% 36% -6% 14%12% 36% 2% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% OctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberForecast months total Oc c u p a n c y R a t e & % C h g i n O c c u p R a t e -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Historic Actual Occup. Rate (2010/11 season) Occup. Rate as of: March 31, 2012 (2011/12 season) Occup. Rate as of: March 31, 2011 (2010/11 season) Percent Change in YTD Occ. Rate Chart 1b - Average Daily Rate $1 2 4 $1 4 3 $4 7 9 $4 1 1 $4 4 0 $4 2 8 $2 7 0 $1 2 6 $1 6 2 $1 9 1 $1 9 6 $1 4 0 $1 9 6 $1 2 0 $2 1 3 $1 8 5 $1 9 4 $1 5 8 $1 8 3 $2 0 2 $1 2 7 $1 5 3 $1 8 4 $1 7 9 $1 5 0 $1 7 2 $1 3 8 $4 1 2 $3 8 5 $4 3 2 $4 2 2 $1 3 7 $1 5 5 27% 3%7% 4%4% 16% 7% 2%1% -8% 4% 1% -11% $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 OctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberForecast months total AD R -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Pe r c e n t C h a n g e i n A D R ADR as of: March 31, 2012 (2011/12 season) ADR as of: March 31, 2011 (2010/11 season) Historic Actual ADR (2010/11 season) Percent Change in YTD ADR Chart 1c - Revenue per Available Room $2 6 $3 9 $2 8 4 $2 7 3 $3 1 8 $3 1 9 $7 8 $3 4 $3 8 $2 0 $3 8 $2 8 $2 8 $2 3 0 $2 5 8 $3 1 5 $3 1 0 $6 5 $2 7 $1 3 $3 2 $7 8 $1 8 $6 7 $1 1 0 $9 0 $5 5 $8 $5 1 $9 $3 2 $4 3 $7 1 -13% 18% -9% 41% 23% 6%1%3% 7%18% 38% 49% 19% $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 OctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberForecast months total Re v P A R -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Pe r c e n t C h a n g e i n R e v P A R RevPAR as of: March 31, 2012 (2011/12 season) RevPAR as of: March 31, 2011 (2010/11 season) Historic Actual RevPAR (2010/11 season) Percent Change in YTD RevPAR Chart 1d - Percent Change in YTD Occupancy Rate & ADR (2011/12 YTD vs. 2010/11 YTD) -12% 36% 6% -1%-1% 2% -6%-6% 2% 36% 68% 12% 4%4% 16% 7%2%1% 27% -8% 4%3%1% -11% 7% 14% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Oct-11 vs. Oct-10 Nov-11 vs. Nov-10 Dec-11 vs. Dec-10 Jan-12 vs. Jan-11 Feb-12 vs. Feb-11 Mar-12 vs. Mar-11 Apr-12 vs. Apr-11 May-12 vs. May-11 Jun-12 vs. Jun-11 Jul-12 vs. Jul-11 Aug-12 vs. Aug-11 Sep-12 vs. Sep-11 Forecast Months Total % C h a n g e i n O c c u p . R a t e & A D R Percent Change in Occupancy Rate: YTD 11/12 vs. YTD 10/11 Percent Change in ADR: YTD 11/12 vs. YTD 10/11 Historic On the Books Historic On the Books Historic On the Books Historic On the Books 4/9/2012Source: MTRiP Monthly Reservations Activity Survey 2 RESERVATIONS ACTIVITY REPORT SECTION 2 - WINTER SEASON SUMMARY GRAPHS 2011/12 YTD (as of Mar 31, 2012) vs. 2010/11 YTD (a s of Mar 31, 2011) vs. 2010/11 Historical NOTE: This is not a forecast of bookings. Data presented in this report represents Occupancy on the books as of the date noted above Historic Forecast Historic Forecast Chart 2a - Occupancy Rate 39% 55% 27% 59% 72% 29% 56% 20% 56% 73% 31% 66% 75% 54% 67% 73% 6%-1%-1%2% -6% 3% 36% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilWinter Total Oc c u p a n c y R a t e & % C h g i n O c c u p R a t e -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Historic Actual Occup. Rate (2010/11 season) Occup. Rate as of: March 31, 2012 (2011/12 season) Occup. Rate as of: March 31, 2011 (2010/11 season) Percent Change in YTD Occ. Rate On The Books Chart 2b - Average Daily Rate $1 4 3 $4 1 1 $4 4 0 $4 2 8 $2 7 0 $4 0 2 $1 3 8 $3 7 9 $2 0 2 $3 7 4 $479 $4 1 2 $3 8 5 $4 3 2 $4 2 2 $2 1 3 6% 4% 16% 7% 2%1% 27% $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilWinter Total AD R 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Pe r c e n t C h a n g e i n A D R ADR as of: March 31, 2012 (2011/12 season) ADR as of: March 31, 2011 (2010/11 season) Historic Actual ADR (2010/11 season) Percent Change in YTD ADR On The Books Chart 2c - Revenue per Available Room $3 9 $2 7 3 $3 1 8 $3 1 9 $7 8 $2 2 3 $2 8 $2 3 0 $2 5 8 $3 1 5 $3 1 0 $6 5 $2 0 4 $7 8 $2 0 7 $284 9% 41% 23% 6% 1%3% 18% $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilWinter Total Re v P A R 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Pe r c e n t C h a n g e i n R e v P A R RevPAR as of: March 31, 2012 (2011/12 season) RevPAR as of: March 31, 2011 (2010/11 season) Historic Actual RevPAR (2010/11 season) Percent Change in YTD ADR On The Books Chart 2d - Percent Change in YTD Occupancy Rate & ADR (2011/12 YTD vs. 2010/11 YTD) 36% 6% -1%-1% 2% -6% 3%4% 16% 7% 2%1% 27% 6% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Nov 11 vs Nov 10Dec 11 vs Dec 10Jan 12 vs Jan 11Feb 12 vs Feb 11Mar 12 vs Mar 11Apr 12 vs Apr 11Winter Total % C h a n g e i n O c c u p . R a t e & A D R Percent Chg in Occupancy YTD: 2011/12 vs 2010/11 Percent Chg in ADR YTD: 2011/12 vs 2010/11 On The Books 4/9/2012 Source: MTRiP Monthly Reservations Activity Survey 3 RESERVATIONS ACTIVITY REPORT SECTION 2 - SUMMER SEASON SUMMARY GRAPHS 2012 YTD (as of Mar 31, 2012) vs. 2011 YTD (as of M ar 31, 2011) vs. 2011 Historical NOTE: This is not a forecast of bookings. Data presented in this report represents Occupancy on the books as of the date noted above Period: Bookings as of April 30, 2007 Historic months total Historic Forecast Historic Forecast Historic Forecast Chart 3a - Occupancy Rate 14% 44% 60% 50% 37%42% 6% 21%27% 19%18% 7% 20%23% 14%15%14%8% -6% 2% 14% 36% 68% 19% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% MayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberSummer Total Oc c u p a n c y R a t e & % C h g i n O c c u p R a t e -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Historic Actual Occup. Rate (2011 Season) Occup. Rate as of: March 31, 2012 (2012 Season) Occup. Rate as of: March 31, 2011 (2011 Season) Percent Change in YTD Occ. Rate On the Books Chart 3b - Average Daily Rate $1 2 6 $1 6 2 $1 9 1 $1 9 6 $1 4 0 $1 3 7 $1 7 1 $1 2 7 $1 5 3 $1 8 4 $1 7 9 $1 5 0 $1 6 7 $1 7 3 $1 5 5 $1 8 5 $1 9 4 $1 5 8 1% -8% 4% 3% 1% -11% $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 MayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberSummer Total AD R -14% -12% -10% -8% -6% -4% -2% 0% 2% 4% 6% Pe r c e n t C h a n g e i n A D R ADR as of: March 31, 2012 (2012 Season) ADR as of: March 31, 2011 (2011 Season) Historic Actual ADR (2011 Season) Percent Change YTD ADR Chart 3c - Revenue per Available Room $8 $3 4 $5 1 $3 8 $2 0 $3 0 $9 $3 2 $4 3 $2 7 $1 3 $2 5 $1 8 $6 7 $1 1 0 $9 0 $5 5 $6 9 20% -13% 7% 18% 38% 49% $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 MayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberSummer Total Re v P A R -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Pe r c e n t C h a n g e i n R e v P A R RevPAR as of: March 31, 2012 (2012 Season) RevPAR as of: March 31, 2011 (2011 Season) Historic Actual RevPAR (2011 Season) Percent Change in YTD RevPAR On the Books Chart 3d - Percent Change in YTD Occupancy Rate & ADR (2012 YTD vs. 2011 YTD) -6% 2% 14% 36% 68% 19% -8% 4%3%1% -11% 1% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% May 12 vs May 11Jun 12 vs Jun 11Jul 12 vs Jul 11Aug 12 vs Aug 11Sept 12 vs Sept 11Oct 12 vs Oct 11Summer Total % C h a n g e i n O c c u p . R a t e & A D R Percent Chg in Occupancy YTD: 2012 vs 2011 Percent Chg in ADR YTD: 2012 vs 2011 On the Books On the Books 4/9/2012Source: MTRiP Monthly Reservations Activity Survey 4 RESERVATIONS ACTIVITY REPORT SECTION 4 - FILL ANALYSIS 2011/12 Occupancy Pace as of Mar 31, 2012 and Feb. 29, 2012 versus same period 2010/11 NOTE: This is not a forecast of bookings. Data presented in this report represents Occupancy on the books as of the date noted above PERIOD: Bookings as of July 31, 2007 Period: Bookings as of October 31, 2006 Historic ActualOn The Books OCCUPANCY AS OF MAR 31 OCCUPANCY AS OF FEB 29 Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Incremental Incremental Absolute Percent 2010/11 as ofas ofAbsoluteas ofas ofAbsoluteoccupancy bookedoccupancy bookedChange inChange inHistoric actual Month of Occupancy:03/31/12 03/31/11 Change 02/29/12 02/28/11 Change during Mar. 2012 during Mar. 2011 Incremental Fill Incremental Fill**occupancy March74.4%73.1%1.3%65.9%63.7%2.1%8.6%9.4%-0.8%-8.8%73.1% April28.7%30.7%-2.0%21.1%20.1%1.0%7.6%10.6%-3.0%-28.0%38.7% May6.5%6.8%-0.3%4.4%6.0%-1.6%2.1%0.8%1.3%155.9%14.1% June20.9%20.4%0.5%15.6%16.7%-1.1%5.3%3.6%1.6%44.5%43.9% July26.6%23.3%3.3%20.4%20.5%-0.1%6.2%2.8%3.3%117.5%59.8% August 19.3%14.2%5.1%15.1%12.2%2.8%4.3%1.9%2.3%120.4%50.1% Total 30.1%28.4%1.6%24.2%23.7%0.5%5.9%4.7%1.1%24.1%47.5% “*Based on providing complete pacing data within a given month of occupancy only. Results may differ from those presented elsewhere in report if property set differs.” **Results for "percent change in incremental fill" indicate how room nights booked during the month just ended compare to room nights booked during the same month in the prior year, for occupancy in the month just ended and for the upcoming five months (as well as the six-month period in total). These results provide an indication of the degree to which booking activity occurring during the month just ended was greater or less than booking activity occurring in the same month a year ago -- i.e. a measure of the strength of booking activity occurring during the month just ended. Supporting Table for Chart 4* & Change in Increment al Fill INCREMENTAL OCCUP. BOOKEDCHG IN INCREMENTAL OCCUP. (i.e. FILL DURING MONTH JUST ENDED)BOOKED (I.e CHANGE IN FILL) Chart 4 - Year over Year Fill Analysis 73% 31% 7% 74% 29% 6% 21% 27% 19%20% 23% 14% 21% 4% 16% 20% 6% 17% 20% 66% 20% 15% 64% 12% 38.7% 14.1% 43.9% 59.8% 50.1% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust Month of Occupancy Oc c u p a n c y R a t e 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Occupancy as of 03/31/12 Occupancy as of 03/31/11 Occupancy as of 02/29/12 Occupancy as of 02/28/11 2010/11 Historic actual occupancy 4/9/2012 Source: MTRiP Monthly Reservations Activity Survey 5 RESERVATIONS ACTIVITY REPORT SECTION 5A - SUPPORTING DATA TABLES Bookings as of Mar 31, 2012 NOTE: This is not a forecast of bookings. Data presented in this report represents Occupancy on the books as of the date noted above OCCUPANCY RATE OCCUPANCY RATE: YTD 2011/12 VS. YTD 2010/11 Occup. Rate as of:Occup. Rate as of: PercentHistoric Actual# of March 31, 2012March 31, 2011 Change inOccup. RateProperties Month of Occupancy (2011/12 & 2010/11)(2011/12 season)(2010/11 season)#YTD Occ. Rate(2010/11 season)in Sample October 20.8%23.5%-11.8%22 November 27.2%20.0%36.1%22 December 59.3%56.0%5.9%24 January 66.4%67.0%-0.9%23 February 72.1%73.0%-1.2%24 March Historic Actual 74.6%73.4%1.6%24 April On the Books 28.7%30.7%-6.4%38.7%22 May 6.3%6.6%-5.7%13.8%23 June 20.9%20.4%2.5%43.9%23 July 26.6%23.3%14.1%59.8%23 August 19.3%14.2%36.3%50.1%23 September 14.0%8.4%68.0%37.0%23 Grand total 37.2%35.1%6.0%47.1%24 Historic months total54.3%53.0%2.5%53.0%24 Forecast months total 19.4%17.3%11.7%41.1%23 AVERAGE DAILY RATE ADR: YTD 2011/12 VS. YTD 2010/11 ADR as of:ADR as of:PercentHistoric Actual# of March 31, 2012March 31, 2011ChangeADRProperties Month of Occupancy (2011/12 & 2010/11)(2011/12 season)(2010/11 season)in YTD ADR(2010/11 season)in Sample October $124$1203.6%22 November $143$1383.6%22 December $479$41216.4%24 January $411$3856.7%23 February $440$4321.9%24 March Historic Actual $428 $422 1.4%24 April On the Books $270$21326.6%$20222 May $126$137-8.0%$12723 June $162$1554.1%$15323 July $191$1853.4%$18423 August $196$1941.5%$17923 September $140$158-11.4%$15023 Grand total $345 $329 5.1%$288 24 Historic months total$397$3775.3%$37724 Forecast months total $196 $183 6.9%$172 23 REVENUE PER AVAILABLE ROOM REVPAR: YTD 2011/12 VS. YTD 2010/11 RevPAR as of:RevPAR as of:PercentHistoric Actual# of March 31, 2012March 31, 2011Change inRevPARProperties Month of Occupancy (2011/12 & 2010/11)(2011/12 season)(2010/11 season)YTD RevPAR(2010/11 season)in Sample October $26$28-8.6%22 November $39$2841.1%22 December $284$23023.2%24 January $273$2585.8%23 February $318$3150.7%24 March Historic Actual $319 $310 3.0%24 April On the Books $78$6518.4%$7822 May $8$9-13.3%$1823 June $34$326.7%$6723 July $51$4318.0%$11023 August $38$2738.3%$9023 September $20$1348.9%$5523 Grand total $128 $115 11.4%$136 24 Historic months total$215$1998.0%$19924 Forecast months total $38 $32 19.4%$71 23 4/9/2012 Source: MTRiP Monthly Reservations Activity Survey 6 RESERVATIONS ACTIVITY REPORT SECTION 5B - SUPPORTING WINTER DATA TABLES Winter Bookings as of Mar 31, 2012 NOTE: This is not a forecast of bookings. Data presented in this report represents Occupancy on the books as of the date noted above OCCUPANCY RATE OCCUPANCY RATE: YTD 2011/12 VS. YTD 2010/11 Occup. Rate as of:Occup. Rate as of: PercentHistoric Actual March 31, 2012March 31, 2011 Change inOccup. Rate Month of Occupancy (2011/12 & 2010/11)(2011/12 season)(2010/11 season) YTD Occ. Rate(2010/11 season) November 27.2%20.0%36.1% December 59.3%56.0%5.9% January 66.4%67.0%-0.9% February 72.1%73.0%-1.2% March 74.6%73.4%1.6% April 28.7%30.7%-6.4%38.7% Winter Total 55.5%54.0%2.9%55.3% AVERAGE DAILY RATE ADR: YTD 2011/12 VS. YTD 2010/11 ADR as of:ADR as of:PercentHistoric Actual March 31, 2012March 31, 2011Change inADR Month of Occupancy (2011/12 & 2010/11)(2011/12 season)(2010/11 season) YTD ADR(2010/11 season) November $143 $138 3.6% December $479 $412 16.4% January $411 $385 6.7% February $440 $432 1.9% March $428 $422 1.4% April $270$21326.6%$202 Winter Total $402 $379 6.1%$374 REVENUE PER AVAILABLE ROOM REVPAR: YTD 2011/12 VS. YTD 2010/11 RevPAR as of:RevPAR as of:PercentHistoric Actual March 31, 2012 March 31, 2011 Change in RevPAR Month of Occupancy (2011/12 & 2010/11)(2011/12 season)(2010/11 season) YTD ADR(2010/11 season) November $39 $28 41.1% December $284$23023.2% January $273$2585.8% February $318$3150.7% March $319 $310 3.0% April $78$6518.4%$78 Winter Total $223 $204 9.2%$207 4/9/2012Source: MTRiP Monthly Reservations Activity Survey7 RESERVATIONS ACTIVITY REPORT SECTION 5C - SUPPORTING SUMMER DATA TABLES Summer Bookings as of Mar 31, 2012 NOTE: This is not a forecast of bookings. Data presented in this report represents Occupancy on the books as of the date noted above OCCUPANCY RATE OCCUPANCY RATE: YTD 2011 VS. YTD 2010 Occup. Rate as of:Occup. Rate as of: PercentHistoric Actual March 31, 2012March 31, 2011 Change inOccup. Rate Month of Occupancy (2012 & 2011)(2012 Season)(2011 Season) YTD Occ. Rate(2011 Season) May 6.3%6.6%-5.7%13.8% June 20.9%20.4%2.5%43.9% July 26.6%23.3%14.1%59.8% August 19.3%14.2%36.3%50.1% September 14.0%8.4%68.0%37.0% October Summer Total 17.5%14.7%19.1%41.5% AVERAGE DAILY RATE ADR: YTD 2011 VS. YTD 2010 ADR as of:ADR as of:PercentHistoric Actual March 31, 2012March 31, 2011ChangeADR Month of Occupancy (2012 & 2011)(2012 Season)(2011 Season)YTD ADR(2011 Season) May $126 $137 -8.0%$127 June $162 $155 4.1%$153 July $191$1853.4%$184 August $196$1941.5%$179 September $140$158-11.4%$150 October Summer Total $173 $171 0.8%$167 REVENUE PER AVAILABLE ROOM REVPAR: YTD 2011 VS. YTD 2010 RevPAR as of:RevPAR as of:PercentHistoric Actual March 31, 2012 March 31, 2011 Change in RevPAR Month of Occupancy (2012 & 2011)(2012 Season)(2011 Season)YTD RevPAR(2011 Season) May $8 $9 -13.3%$18 June $34 $32 6.7%$67 July $51$4318.0%$110 August $38$2738.3%$90 September $20$1348.9%$55 October Summer Total $30 $25 20.0%$69 4/9/2012Source: MTRiP Monthly Reservations Activity Survey8