HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. 2014 Tier IV RFP Mid Year
April 18, 2014
TO: Special Event Producers
Subject: Mid- Year Funding Requests for Tier IV: “Life Long Learning” Category of Events in 2014
The Commission on Special Events is seeking proposals for innovative
and intellectually stimulating events in 2014 that promote Life Long Learning, will foster the Town Council’s strategic objective of a Health and Wellness reputation for Vail, and that align with our collective vision of Vail as
“The Premier International Mountain Resort Community!”
An application and guidelines are attached. “Tier IV Category Special Event Rating Criteria” will be used to evaluate all proposals with respect to how they align with the strategic
approach to providing a calendar of events that are well matched to the “Vail Brand” and will
exceed the expectations of a very sophisticated and international clientele.
Producers should submit the required information electronically in PDF format, plus 1 hard copy (unbound on 8 ½ x 11 size, minimum 30% PCW paper), to the Commission on Special Events no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 30, 2014. Qualifying applications will be
reviewed by the CSE at their regular meeting on Wednesday morning, May 7, 2014.
Please address any questions to: Sybill Navas, Coordinator, Commission on Special Events
E-mail: snavas@vailgov.com Phone: 970.477.3551 or FAX: 970.479.2157
Mission Statement: The Vail Commission on Special Events
(CSE) is accountable to deliver an annual Special Events Plan
which ensures world class events that are fully aligned with
Vail’s brand. The CSE shall effectively and efficiently allocate
available budget behind this objective.
The Events Plan will deliver measureable results in terms of
specific goals: economic impact, optimization of the seasonal
calendar, positive community experience and integration, as
well as positive guest-centric results that lead to future loyalty. To qualify for funding review, all events must support the CSE’s strategic priorities and meet the following requirements:
• The event(s) must take place predominately within the Town of Vail.
• Applications must be complete, providing all information and attachments requested on the application form. Incomplete applications
will not be reviewed.
• Applicants must request a specific dollar amount and a brief explanation of
how the requested funds will be utilized.
• Funding allocations will be dispersed only to the entity whose name appears on
the application.
• All Town of Vail permits and documentation required for the production of the
event must be filed under the name of the event producer as it appears on the
funding application.
Events will be evaluated using the following
• How well will the event:
o Promote, encourage and develop
enhanced leadership skills o Provide opportunities for intellectual dialogues
o Incentivize problem solving
discussion around current issues o Deliver an educational component o Reinforce the fabric of community o Foster the Town Council’s strategic
objective of developing a health and
wellness reputation for Vail
• Alignment with the “Vail Brand” and the target market as defined by the Vail Local
Marketing District (VLMD).
• Opportunity to leverage funding with sponsorships and/or media exposure so as to “stretch” the impact of the CSE’s contribution, as well as the proposed
event’s potential for growth.
• Experience and qualifications of the event producer.
• The event is proposed for a time of year that supports the CSE’s goal of ensuring a calendar of events that will stimulate the local business economy
throughout the year.
• Contribution to Vail’s “Sense of Community.”
• For Existing Events:
o How well the event has demonstrated success, per the CSE’s
measurement criteria. o History of compliance with Town of Vail regulations and special event permit requirements.
In consideration of the receipt of funds from the CSE, the Event Promoter
shall agree to:
• Comply in a complete and timely manner with all Special Event Permit
requirements of the Town of Vail.
• Agree to the placement of the Town of Vail logo on marketing and promotional materials associated with the event as appropriate to the level of
• Ensure accurate listing on the Vail community calendars.
• Meet with the CSE Event Liaison:
o To understand and be poised to take advantage of any and all marketing
or PR opportunities that the VLMD may provide.
O To ensure compliance with the “Vail Brand” on any and all promotional
materials associated with the event.
• Agree to comply with the all marketing gates on the Marketing Checklist.*
• Provide “activation” that will cross-promote your event throughout the community,
create guest awareness of your event and stimulate business in local restaurants/bars and retail establishments.
See Attachment A: Marketing Checklist and Activation” for additional information.
• Provide the CSE with copies of any film or photographs from the event for
the purpose of promoting the Town of Vail.
Accountability: All event producers receiving funding will be expected to present to the Commission on Special Events within 60 days of the close of their event a written,
post-event follow-up document which shall include:
• How did the event meet the standard of excellence expected of “The Premier
International Mountain Resort Community?
• An overview outlining the event’s strengths and weaknesses, specifically:
o What parts exceeded expectations?
o What measures could be taken to improve the event? • For existing events, an overview of how the event fared relative to previous years.
• A complete explanation of how potential attendees were directed to book lodging,
the estimated number of room nights generated, and the mechanism that was used to track these bookings.
• A detailed event budget showing actual profit and loss numbers, cash vs. in-kind
sponsorships and an explanation of how the CSE funding was utilized.
• Survey results showing the estimated effect on the following:
o Attendance numbers and demographic profile
o Estimated benefits to the local economy
o Visitor Intent to Return
• A detailed overview of the marketing that was implemented to promote the event • Estimated Return on Investment (ROI) to the Town of Vail • Potential for growth and the development of sponsorships and
media exposure. • How did the event impact Vail’s Sense of Community?
• “Green Events:” What initiatives were taken to ensure compliance
with the Town of Vail’s commitment to environmental sustainability?
Please see Attachment B: “Guidelines for Post-event Recaps for All Events Receiving Public Funding” for a more detailed explanation.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract, CSE funds will be distributed per the following formula:
• 1/3 of the amount upon the signing of a contract stipulating the terms of the
CSE’s funding allocation.
• 1/3 of the amount upon receipt of an invoice from the event producer, accompanied
by verification of the placement of advertising for the event and the submittal of a
complete Special Event Permit Application (if applicable), which is due a minimum of
45 days prior to the start of the event.
• 1/3 of the amount upon receipt of an invoice from the event producer following the
completion of the event and the CSE’s formal vote of approval of the post-event
review presentation. Submit the required information electronically in PDF format, plus 1 hard
copy (unbound on 8 ½ x 11 size, minimum 30% PCW paper), to the
Commission on Special Events no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April
30, 2014. Commission on Special Events
C/O Sybill Navas, Special Events Coordinator
Town of Vail, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO
81657, specialevents@vailgov.com
Qualifying applications will be reviewed by the CSE at their regular meeting on Wednesday, May 7, 2014. Be prepared to send a representative who can
answer any questions that the CSE may have.
Please address any questions to: Sybill Navas, Special Events Coordinator
E-mail: snavas@vailgov.com Phone: 970.477.3551 or FAX: 970.479.2157
Event Recruitment Score Card
TIER IV Events: Life Long Learning Category
Criteria Rating
Life Long Learning -Enhance Leadership Skills 0-25
-Foster a Health and Well Being reputation for Vail
-Provide opportunities for intellectual dialogues
-Promote problem solving around current issues
-Deliver an educational component
-Reinforce the fabric of the community
Brand Fit Supports the key brand message of world-class outdoor recreation,
culture and well being, & brings it to life experientially 0-15
Timing Contribution to an optimal calendar of events 0-5
Demo Fit Optimize visitor mix 0-10
Growth -Continually deliver fresh content and
-Leverage media exposure and sponsorship support 0-20
Producer Qualifications Expertise, local knowledge, and resources to sustain
the event in a manner compatible with the Vail brand 0-10
Marketing Strength 0-15
Total Possible Score: 100
1. President or Executive Director’s Name
2. Name and Title of Person Completing the Application
3. Business Address: Please include the physical address as well as the mailing address. 4. Contact Info:
• Telephone: Main/Cell/Fax
• E-Mail Address 5. Event and/or Organization WEBSITE
6. Number of years your organization has been in business
7. Mission Statement
8. Organization's tax status: For Profit or Non-Profit*/Not-for-Profit*
• Non-Profit (501C-3), or Not-for-Profit (501C-6) organizations, please attach current
State Department of Revenue Certificate with this application.
• Does the Event benefit a charity? If yes, please name the beneficiary.
EVENT DESCRIPTION: (Contact information that may be useful is provided in “Attachment D”)
1. Detailed description of the event and its activities. If the event will have a culinary component,
please include feedback from the Vail Restaurant Group.
2. Where will the event be located within the Town of Vail? Please list the specific venues that you
plan to utilize, including dates and times, and whether or not you have contacted them to confirm availability. The Event Producer is responsible for booking and securing any necessary venues.
3. Will any portion of the event take place outside of the Town of Vail? If yes, please explain.
4. Are additional in-kind services being requested from the Town of Vail? If yes, please
explain, including a description of anticipated impacts on Town of Vail services: i.e. bus service,
parking (both for event production support vehicles and attendees), traffic control, street closures, police services, etc. (The event promoter will be charged for all labor, materials and equipment
unless such services are specifically exempted and approved as part of the Special Event
5. Is this a new or existing event? If existing, please describe the location(s) of the event in
previous years and the number of years it has been produced. 6. People:
• Number of participants (athletes, artists, exhibitors, etc.) anticipated
• Number of volunteers needed
• Number of event staff
• Total Number of spectators/attendees anticipated and estimate:
o % Local o % In-state (non-local)
o % Out of State o % International
7. Description of potential benefits to the Town of Vail, including an estimated # of incremental
room nights and increased spending generated. What return on investment (ROI) should
the Town of Vail expect?
1. Please attach a complete and detailed event budget, including anticipated revenues and
expenses, as well as the amount to be dedicated to marketing efforts. 2. What % of the total event budget is the CSE being asked to fund?
3. Describe briefly how you will use the funds that you are requesting from the CSE.
4. Should the CSE decide not to support this event, will it still occur?
5. What is the $ amount of sponsorships from alternative sources reflected in the event
budget? 6. What % of the total event budget do you expect the event itself to generate? (i.e.
ticket sales, merchandise, food and alcohol sales, etc.)
7. If possible, would you intend to host the event in Vail beyond 2014? If yes, for how many
years beyond 2014?
8. Do you anticipate requesting funding from the CSE next year? If yes, given that the CSE encourages the development of additional sponsors in order to leverage their own
investments, and anticipates that as events become established they will become less
reliant on public funds, please explain how you intend to grow the event and indicate
what %, if any, of the total event budget you anticipate requesting next year.
1. Please provide a detailed description of your marketing plan and indicate how the
budget will support the program.
2. Explanation of potential for sponsorships and media exposure. 3. Specify any marketing support you are requesting.
4. Name, telephone number and email addresses of your PR and marketing contacts.
1. References and/or referrals from other communities are required if you do not have a prior history of producing events in Vail.
2. Explanation of how you will direct prospective attendees to book lodging within the Town
of Vail and a description of how you will track the number of lodging nights generated.
3. Previous year's event evaluation, including income and expense statement (if existing
event). 4. Past or projected demographics of event attendees and estimated spending.
5. Organization rosters naming:
All officers and respective positions
Board of Directors and positions
The CSE appreciates the inclusion, in electronic format please, of any additional support
materials such as DVD’s, programs, news articles or other printed materials.
Guidelines for Post-event Recaps for
All Events Receiving Public Funding:
A post-event recap is required from all events receiving Town of Vail funding. Please schedule a presentation to the Commission on Special Events within 60 days of the close of your event. Events
receiving an allocation of $10,000 or more are required to present independent survey data corroborating
the results. This presentation should be accompanied by a written, post-event follow-up document which shall include:
Please describe how the event is compatible with the Vail Brand.
An overview outlining the event’s strengths and weaknesses: specifically, what went well and what
measures could be taken to improve the event. For repeat events, please provide a comparison to past years.
An event budget showing actual profit and loss numbers and how the funding was utilized. Please
separate the in-kind support from cash revenues and sponsorships.
Estimated results including the following information, per the CSE Criteria as described in the RFP: o Attendance numbers and demographic profile:
Estimated attendance. If your event is non-ticketed, please describe what method you used to estimate the numbers of attendees.
What percentage of people came to Vail specifically for your event? What percentage of
people has attended the event in previous years?
Where did attendees come from: local, regional, out of state, international destinations?
Average age and income bracket of attendees. o Estimated spending by event attendees:
Lodging: Please include an explanation as to how participants and/or attendees were
directed to book lodging.
• What percent of attendees stayed in the Town of Vail?
• Average amount spent on lodging per day?
• Estimated number of room nights booked in association with your event.
Other Activities o Visitor Intent to Return and Satisfaction Ratings: Would you come back? Was if fun? Please provide the NPS (Net Promoter Score) number determined from survey results.
o Estimated Return on Investment (ROI) to the Town of Vail: Specifically, how much additional
spending within the Town of Vail was generated by the event? What is the ratio of increased revenue to the amount of funding received? How much additional sales and lodging tax revenue
generated by the event accrued to the Town of Vail? o (Town of Vail sales tax is 4%, Vail Local Marketing District lodging tax is an additional 1.4%).
A detailed overview of the marketing that was implemented to promote the event.
Potential for growth and the development of sponsorships and media exposure.
Did the event impact Vail’s “Sense of Community”?
In light of the Vail Town Council’s commitment to a sustainable environment, please describe any and all measures that were taken to produce the event in as “green” and environmentally friendly
manner as possible.
Please submit your event re-cap electronically on the PowerPoint template provided in your funding
packet to the Special Events Coordinator at specialevents@vailgov.com, not later than noon on the
Wednesday prior to your presentation.