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2014 CSE Tier IV: Lifelong Learning Funding Recap
Prepared by: Gaby Milhoan and Lauren Arnold
Presentation Date: November 12, 2014
Peak Wellness Retreat is a new type of funding recipient for the CSE, as both an event
producer and a new business developed to elevate Vail as a health and wellness destination.
The funding we received was more complex than the standard Tier IV funding, since we
received both activation-specific and education/program development funding. We thought it
would be helpful to provide and in-depth overview in addition to the recap presentation in the
instance that we are unable to present our recap due to time limitations on November 12th.
Funding Allocation Updates
$7,750 – Dine-around & nutrition program with Essential Wellness & Kelly Liken
This is the core educational programming piece that will become the foundation of all of the
activations, programming and retreat services. Funds will be used to create a robust nutrition
program that includes “Peak Approved” menu items at several Vail restaurants. These fees will
be paid directly to Essential Wellness and Kelly Liken in exchange for their consultation and
participation in collaborative meetings with six local restaurants to review/create “Peak
Approved” menu items. They will also develop nutrition based educational programming and the
“Cooking with Kelly” class offered to retreat guests and the public. With their involvement, PWR
will offer several classes throughout the summer that provide guests an intimate experience with
a world-renowned chef.
Update: We utilized $6717 of the $7,750 allocated, the majority of which was paid out as listed
above, to Kelly Liken and Essential Health and Wellness to create the Peak Wellness die-
around program in Vail. We also used some of these funds to bring more programs onto the
dine-around program including Sweet Bail, Mountain Standard, AtWater, Montauk and La Tour.
The significant accomplishment is having “Peak Approved Menus” at these participating
restaurants along with a fantastic nutrition protocol that is consistent with the recommendations
of Sigma Human Performance and our medical director, Dr. Larry Gaul. We hope to expand
this so that we can have these menus available all the time and continue to add restaurants to
the collection to provide our guests with additional options and revenue to more local TOV
businesses. The remaining funds went to cover additional costs associated with the pilot
program and women’s weekend.
$6,750 – PWR Grand Opening & Women’s Weekend
A kick-off event for the community with all of our partners to showcase PWR programs. This
event will include health assessments, fitness programming from VAC, outdoor fitness training,
educational programming, food from all of our restaurant partners, spa services and much more.
It will additionally include a unique offering for destination guests and locals to experience hiking
on Vail Mountain with one of the best female climbers in the world. This two-day offering will
include indoor and outdoor training, healthy meals, educational sessions, and fun activities.
Update: We had 11 women participate throughout the weekend and involved many partners in
the TOV. We included Vail Resorts products, the ropes course and lunch at the 10th along with
fitness through VAC, nutrition, education and “fit adventures” with Minturn Anglers and Lakota
Guides. We would love to do this event next year and continue to grow it. We got a mix of local
ladies and one from Breckenridge and one from Denver. Next year we would prefer to pick a
date with less going on and hope to get 15-20 women. We spent a lot of money on local
advertising, Vail Daily, Radio, and distributing flyers. We would love to leverage in-kind support
for this as well for next year and have a greater lead time to market the event. The dates were
decided on 5 weeks prior to the event, which left a short window for marketing to the front
$5,000- Educational speaker series at Vail Vitality Center
The Vail Vitality Wellness Professional speaking series has brought valuable educational
material to our local community and visitors alike over the last two years. To enhance the
quality and bring in more largely recognized professionals, we are asking for funds to host the
2014 speaker series July - September. Each of the hand selected professionals provide
a complete view of preventative medical tools. Each series follows a set topic within
preventative medicine, then filters all of the nations current messages being provided in
magazines and other publications, finally giving the participants a clearer view of the choices
they can make in the Health and Fitness industry.
Update: We paid 100% of these funds to Vitality Center/Vail Mountain Lodge throughout the
course of our operating season. This speaker series was well attended, there was an average
of 28 people with as many as 49 people. It is a great way to involve the community in Vail’s
health and wellness economy. The speaker series included:
• July 30 Ben Stone – “Optimizing Weight”
• Aug 6th Jamie Shapiro – VVC in house Nutritionist and Exec Wellness Coach
“Conscious Eating for Better Health”
• Aug 20 Dr. Dennis Lipton – “Becoming Disease Proof”
• Sept 7 Mark Pitcher – Building a strong structure “Key’s to longevity”
• Sept 17 Dr. Larry Gaul – “Cardio Vascular Safety and the aging athlete”
$4,640 - Pilot Program for 3 local community members
Three participants will be chosen to participate in a 4-day program at cost. They can help offer
feedback on program development and execution, and get familiarized with this new business.
Goal is to choose individuals who can generate the most exposure. We’d like one media
participant, one contest winner, and one community member. We fully utilized these funds and
applied a small amount of the surplus from the dine-around program development.
Update: TOV chose Nina Tim participate in the PwrHer Weekend. Melanie Wong from the Vail
Daily also participated in that weekend and gave us some great coverage online and in print.
We offered a sweepstakes and Bill Walker from Swift Communications was the winner of a 3-
day custom retreat. We also had local “Vail Celebs” Ryan and Trista Sutter go through a mini-
retreat to help generate some PR and social media presence.
Event Recap Questions
1. Please describe how the event is compatible with the Vail Brand.
a. Laid the groundwork to position Vail as the healthiest mountain destination on
b. Generated local awareness of new health & wellness resource in our own
c. Established a simplified ‘concierge medicine’ program with VVMC for Peak
Wellness Retreat clients.
d. Brought incremental revenue for lodging, facility, F&B, medical, and activity
e. Perfectly aligned with the Eagle County and TOV Economic Plans and Vail
Resorts 2014 Summer brand messaging of health, education, travel/tourism.
f. Brings new non-skiers to Vail, the “Wellness Traveler.”
2. An overview outlining the event’s strengths and weaknesses: specifically, what went well
and what measures could be taken to improve the event. For repeat events, please
provide a comparison to past years.
a. Exceeded expectations:
i. Clients’ happiness with PWR programs has generated demand for winter
PWR programming – we will operate 2-3 retreats this winter
ii. 100% satisfaction from PWR attendees, especially from the unanticipated
local market.
iii. Established a core group of H&W leaders in Vail’s community.
iv. Created business collaboration with multiple new healthcare, activity
providers, restaurants, and wellness professionals.
b. Measures that could be taken for event improvement:
i. Greater lead time on marketing efforts
ii. Improved marketing support from lodging and activity partners
iii. National and statewide marketing and PR efforts
iv. Secure sponsorships
v. Increase group size - In our first year we had to limit group size to ensure
each person’s experience was top notch. Being mindful of the guests
experience was critical to the success of building the business, but limited
us from achieving our desired group size and revenue projections.
3. An event budget showing actual profit and loss numbers and how the funding was
utilized. Please separate the in-kind support from cash revenues and sponsorships.
Women’s Weekend Budget
To start, we’ll focus on the activation of the Women’s Weekend/Grand Opening event. We will
then include the budgets for the other programs that we applied funds to and then include the
summary of how funding was utilized. For the Women’s Weekend, we have first updated the
projected budget submitted on our 2014 funding application to reflect the actual number of
attendees = 11. On the next page, we provide the actual event budget and comparison to
projected vs. actual.
2014 Women’s Weekend Budget (projected May 2014)
Projected Revenue 11 $879 $9,669
CSE Support $7,500
Total Revenue
Marketing 1 $3,500 $3,500
Ellen Miller 1 $1,500 $1,500
Staff 7 $500 $3,500
Meals 11 $100 $1,100
Education Session 10 $250 $2,500
Cooking with Kelly Liken 3 $1,000 $3,000
Gifts 11 $30 $330
Activity 11 $200 $2,200
Nutrition 11 $125 $1,375
Program Cost $19,005
PwrHer Women in Wellness Weekend August 21-23, 2014
Actual Budget
INCOME Actual Projected Difference
Sales Income
$5,543 $9,669 -$4,126
CSE/Grand Opening Allocation
$7,498 $6,750 $748
CSE/Nutrition & Dine-Around Allocation
CSE/Pilot Program Allocation $1,794 $750 $1,044
$17,934 $17,169 $765
COGS Actual Projected Difference
$2,960 $2,200 -$760
Gore Range Adventures $810
Gratuity $160
Minturn Anglers $1,200
Vail Resorts $790
$1,527 $1,100 -$427
City Market $60
Vail Resorts $407
Terra Bistro $1,060
Welcome Gift
$820 $330 -$490
Gift Bags $750
Tshirts $70
$2,151 $5,000 $2,849
VAC (incl Ellen) $651
Fitness Staff $1,500
$3,589 3500 -$89
Always Mountain Time $400
KZYR $300
Vail Daily $1,015
Walmart Supplies $74
Printing (Brochures & Fliers) $300
Video (Satchele) $1,500
Professional Services
$2,124 $6,875 $4,751
Walking Mountains $200
Angela Gaffney (Nutrition) $425
Kelly Helminski (Education) $155
Cooking w/Kelly Liken $1,344
$13,172 $19,005
Total Revenue
$4,762 -$1,836 $6,598
PWR Test Group May/June 2014
Actual Budget
INCOME $13,731
Sales Income $8,683
CSE Funding/Pilot Program $1,934
CSE Funding/Dine-Around/Nutrition $3,113
Minturn Anglers Casting $302
Bully Ranch $149
City Market $68
E Town $251
Hotel Colorado $118
Hyatt $175
Kelly Liken Restaurant $1,070
La Tour $243
Montauk $139
Red Lion $190
Terra Bistro $46
Westin $189
Whole Foods $62
Terra Bistro $2,934
Jay Balsamo $1,590
Omari Bernard $1,590
Vail Vitality Center $1,386
Vail Mountain Lodge $4,998
Howard Head $600
Sigma Human Performance $1,196
Copy Copy $41
Walmart $4
Professional Services
Centered Life Counseling $160
Essential Health & Wellness $1,970
Kelly Liken $1,143
Vail Behavioral Medicine $300
CME $118
Tickets.com $76
Travel $80
United Airlines $307
US Airways $833
PWR Total Body Overhaul Actual Budget
October 19-26, 2014
CSE/Nutrition & Dine-Around Allocation $254.59
Dining $1,611.33
Kelly Liken $117.56
Sweet Basil $118.77
Montauk $135.82
Terra Bistro $1,239.18
Fitness/Spa $2,373.00
VAC $873.00
Fitness Staff $1,500.00
Medical/Testing $2,025.00
SIGMA $1,275.00
VVMC $150.00
Howard Head $600.00
Professional Services $150.00
Welcome Gifts
TOTAL COGS $6,459.33
Income Price per Qty Total
Sales $2,236.51 5 $11,182.55
Dining $209.00 5 $1,045.00
Lodging $296.21 5 $1,481.04
Fitness/Spa $500.00 5 $2,500.00
Medical/Testing $499.00 5 $2,495.00
Education/Prof Services $185.00 5 $925.00
Other $100.00 5 $500.00
TOTAL COGS $1,789.21 5 $8,946.04
Total Revenue
PWR Custom Retreats Budgets
Various Dates July – September, 2014
INCOME - Bill Walker Custom Retreat
CSE Pilot Program Funding $1,197
Medical/Testing Sigma $425
Dining Terra Bistro $172
Lodging $332
INCOME - Mini-Retreat Sales
Mini-Retreat Sales
Kelly Helminski 155
VAC staff 276
Revenue $569
At-Home program sales
Prof Services (Nutrition)
Revenue $300
The following budget shows Peak Wellness Retreat’s overall Profit and Loss to date.
This budget does not include revenues/expenses for the upcoming November program
because they have not yet been accrued. This is accounted for using our coding
system, therefore some line items may not transfer exactly to the previous budgets; for
example the Test Group R&D expense line item includes multiple expenses attached to
line items coded differently for the program budgets incl: lodging, fitness staff, meals,
Peak Wellness Retreat
Profit and Loss
January - October, 2014
Grant Income 24,140.00
Referral Income 427.35
Sales 11,050.00
Discounts given -688.00
Metabolic Testing 1,014.58
Custom Retreats 2,947.00
PWRHER 5,543.00
Speaking Engagements 2,260.00
Pilot Program 8,683.24
Total Body Overhaul 9,050.00
Total Sales $39,859.82
Total Income $64,427.17
Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of Goods Sold
Activities - COS 5,813.58
Cost of labor - COS 225.00
Gratuity 450.00
Meals - COS 3,235.20
Metabolic Testing- COS 2,397.00
Subcontractors - COS 325.00
Supplies & Materials - COGS 1,000.48
Test Group R&D- COS 22,325.15
Total Cost of Goods Sold $35,771.41
Total Cost of Goods Sold $35,771.41
Gross Profit $28,655.76
Advertising & Marketing 20,400.00
Bank Charges 20.00
Charitable Contributions 0.00
Consulting Services 1,905.00
Credit Card Processing 423.79
Dues & Subscriptions 355.00
Educational 5,000.00
Employee Benefits 100.00
Insurance 1,975.00
Legal & Professional Fees 2,456.25
Meals and Entertainment 251.40
Office/Program Supplies 226.69
Program Subscriptions 2,100.84
Shipping and delivery expense 93.01
Subcontractors 1,630.80
Taxes & Licenses 243.75
Telephone & Internet Expense 89.37
Travel 78.44
Uniforms 381.39
Total Expenses $37,730.73
Net Operating Income -$9,074.97
Net Income -$9,074.97
Peak Wellness 2014 CSE Funding Allocation: Actual vs. Requested
4. Estimated results including the following information, per the CSE Criteria as described
in the RFP:
Attendance numbers: 34 total retreat attendees
a. PWRher Women in Wellness Weekend: 11
b. Total Body Overhaul: 3
c. Custom Retreats: 13
d. November Program: 7
e. Speaker Series: 28 on average, 49 at highest
5. What percentage of people came to Vail specifically for your event? What percentage of
people has attended the event in previous years? (n/a)
a. PWRher Women in Wellness Weekend: 18%
b. Total Body Overhaul: 66%
c. Custom Retreats: 70%
d. November Program: 100%
e. Speaker Series: 0%
6. Where did attendees come from: local, regional, out of state, international destinations?
a. Our women’s weekend was comprised of mostly Vail locals with 2 coming over
Vail pass
b. Our longer retreats have been mostly destination visitors
c. No international clients yet
d. As an aggregate:
i. Local: 45%
ii. Colorado: 22%
iii. Out of state: 33%
7. Average age and income bracket of attendees.
a. Age 55-70
b. 87% Women, 13% Men
c. household income over 250k
8. Estimated spending by event attendees
TOTAL TOV Revenue Generated by PWR
Activity $3,262
Fitness/Spa $12,564
Dining $12,707
Lodging $11,677
Professional Services $6,997
Medical/Testing $8,661
Shopping $4,080
Other $5,254
Total $65,202
Estimated ROI & Tax Revenue
Ttial Event Spending Generated $65,202
Funding Received $24,140
ROI (as %) 170%
ROI (as Ratio) 2.7:1
Lodging Tax $630.53
Dining Tax $508.30
Shopping $163.20
Total Tax Generated $1,302.03
Revenue PWR Paid out to Vail businesses
Activity $3,262
Fitness/Spa $12,564
Dining $9,987
Lodging $6,812
Professional Services $6,997
Medical/Testing $6,741
Other $5,254
Total $51,617
9. What percent of attendees stayed in the Town of Vail?
a. 48%
10. Average amount spent on lodging per day?
a. $126
11. Estimated number of room nights booked in association with your event
a. 93 room nights
12. Visitor Intent to Return and Satisfaction Ratings: Would you come back? Was it fun?
Please provide the NPS (Net Promoter Score) number determined from survey results.
From our survey monkey:
a. Satisfaction ratings: Overall how would you rate this event?
Response: 100% excellent (22 of 33 surveyed responded)
b. Testimonials from Women’s Weekend:
“I’m sad to see it end, I guess is the best way to say it. I could just keep coming
back, learning more and doing more stuff. The take away from this was just what I
“This retreat was a great way to get exposure for your company through locals. I
think you should do it more than once a year.”
“I thought it was first class. You all thought of every detail”
“The science behind the metabolic testing is top notch. I eally enjoyed hiking and
connecting with nature and being exposed to everything Vail has to offer in a
concise, simplified package. I will be back and I will tell my friends.”
13. Estimated Return on Investment (ROI) to the Town of Vail: Specifically, how much
additional spending within the Town of Vail was generated by the event? What is the
ratio of increased revenue to the amount of funding received? How much additional
sales and lodging tax revenue generated by the event accrued to the Town of Vail?
Estimated ROI & Tax Revenue
Ttial Event Spending Generated $65,202
Funding Received $24,140
ROI (as %) 170%
ROI (as Ratio) 2.7:1
Lodging Tax $630.53
Dining Tax $508.30
Shopping $163.20
Total Tax Generated $1,302.03
14. A detailed overview of the marketing that was implemented to promote the event.
a. Print:
i. Vail Daily: 10 full page ads, 8 ½ page ads, two editorials
ii. 2000 fliers distributed in Vail Valley
b. Radio:
i. KZYR: 90 x :30 sec spots and 4 x 2-3 minute interview
ii. 101.7 KSKE/ 92.3 The Lift: 25 x :30 sec spots and 5 x 2-3 min interviews
iii. 20 minute interview with David Bock Aspen Sports Radio
c. Online:
i. E-blasts to our Database of 15,000
ii. Newsletter inclusion: VVP, Slifer, VVF, Cordillera members, VAC
iii. Robust Social Media program on PWR, VAC, and activity partners
iv. Vail Resorts blog feature
d. PR
i. Press Release to Kristin Yantis and Vail Homeowners Association
ii. Concierge program outreach
15. Potential for growth and the development of sponsorships and media exposure.
a. We are in development of the Corporate “Get Fit Meetings” concept in
collaboration with Vail Resorts, Vail Cascade and any other interested lodging
partner. We have finalized the program and pricing structure and will be
launching wide scale outreach to lodging and community group sales teams.
b. Athlete Evolution pitch to NFL – we have finalized this product in collaboration
with Jeff Morgan, Sigma Human Performance, VVMC & Howard Head and will
be pitching to the NFL before year end. This is a larger concept and the
business model is an annual contract in place of per person revenue. This could
bring substantial guaranteed revenue to multiple TOV medical, fitness, dining
and lodging partners.
c. Leverage more in-kind sponsorships – We need to secure cash and in-kind
sponsorship for effective marketing and PR with enough of a lead time. Should
November revenue projections remain as is, PWR will barely break-even (not
bad for our first year, but) with a cas position of $1,450 to carry us over the next
2-5 months. Securing sponsor dollars will result in the ability to market with a
better lead time and grow the actual revenue above 2015 projections
d. Continue to develop dine around program and incorporate more restaurants
e. Increase hotel partners, concierge program, and group sales team participation
16. Did the event impact Vail’s “Sense of Community”?
a. Our #1 goal of establishing Peak Wellness Retreat was to foster business
collaboration and communitize wellness as an economic driver. After our first
season, we can successfully say we’ve done that!
b. Fitness professionals working side-by-side that previously viewed each other as
c. Created simplified, packaged access to numerous health & wellness offerings in
Vail for the consumer.
d. Provided concierge wellness to locals, destination travelers and second
e. Local peak participants have established workout clubs and accountability
groups post retreat!
17. In light of the Vail Town Council’s commitment to a sustainable environment, please
describe any and all measures that were taken to produce the event in as “green” and
environmentally friendly manner as possible.
a. With only two employees, PWR has a very low carbon footprint and we diligently
try to maintain sustainable practices.
b. We partner with eco-friendly organizations Vail Resorts, Vail Mountain Lodge,
Terra Bistro and more.
c. We are in discussions with Vail Valley Foundation to establish a community
wellness fund to benefit local entrepreneurs in the health and wellness industry.
d. We work exclusively with permitted professionals on National Forest Service land
to ensure conservation efforts are maintained at all times.
e. Whenever possible, we source local meat and produce to support Colorado