HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 Vail Veterans RFP TIER IV | 2015 EVENT FUNDING APPLICATION NAME OF EVENT: 2015 Winter Family Programs PROPOSED DATE(S): January 11 - 15, 2015 and March 1 - 5, 2015 AMOUNT OF CASH FUNDING REQUESTED: $20,000 PRODUCING ENTITY: 1. President or Executive Director’s Name Cheryl Jensen, Executive Director, Founder 2. Name and Title of Person Completing the Application Cheryl Jensen, Executive Director, Founder Jennifer Lucas, Development & Program Coordinator 3. Business Address (physical and mailing) 12 Vail Road, Suite 200, Vail, CO 81657 | PO Box 6473, Vail, CO 81658 4. Contact information Cheryl Jensen: (970) 476-4906, office | (970) 390-8225, mobile cheryl@vailveteransprogram.org Jennifer Lucas: (970) 476-4906, office | (970) 366-2944, mobile jennifer@vailveteransprogram.org 5. Event or Organization Website www.vailveteransprogram.org 6. Number of years operational 11 years 7. Mission Statement The Vail Veterans Program (“VVP”) transforms military injured and their families through individualized world-class outdoor, therapeutic programs building confidence and life-long relationships. 8. Organization’s tax status Since 2006, the VVP has a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Please see “Attachment 1. – State Department of Revenue Certification. The 2015 Winter Family Programs are hosted by the applying non-profit, VVP. EVENT DESCRIPTION 1. Detailed description of the event and its activities. If the event will have a culinary component, please include feedback from the Vail Restaurant Group. During the 2015 winter program events, severely wounded veterans and their families stay in Vail, CO lodging for 8 days (4 days for each event) and participate in adaptive skiing, adaptive snowboarding, tubing, family style meals, bowling, and group socialization opportunities on Vail Mountain and in the Town of Vail. Wounded veterans utilize personalized adaptive equipment rented through the thoughtfully Vail Adaptive Ski School to optimize levels of self-challenge and emotional and mental healing. Family members and guests receive ski/snowboard equipment from Specialty Sports Ventures, along with group lessons, and lift access to Vail Mountain. During the event, the entire group, including Vail adaptive ski instructors and volunteers, comes together for breakfast and dinner each day in Vail restaurants (Larkspur, BOL, Vail Chophouse, Vail Sonnenalp, Eagle’s Nest) to increase socialization, decrease isolation of those living with life-altering injuries, and meet mentors of the VVP. Experts in the fields of physical rehabilitation and mental health, military hospital staff, VVP board members and staff, VVP Ambassadors and mentors, and Vail community volunteers support the participants and family members throughout the program events. All of the above program components are fully funded by the VVP at no cost to severely wounded veterans, their families, or medical staff. 2. Where will the event be located within the Town of Vail? Please list the specific venues you plan to utilize, including dates and times, and whether or not you have contacted them to confirm availability. Since 2004, the VVP has hosted winter events exclusively in Vail between Golden Peak and Lionshead Village. Specific venues of the 2015 winter family programs to be utilized include: - Vail Mountain: all mountain pass access - Golden Peak - Vail Village - Lionshead Village - Larkspur Restaurant - BOL - Adventure Ridge - Eagle’s Nest Restaurant - Vail Chophouse Restaurant - Sonnenalp Resort - Vail Marriott Resort - Tivoli Lodge - Arrabelle at Vail - Lionsquare Lodge - Four Seasons Vail - Mountain Haus - Lodge at Vail - Antlers at Vail - Vail Mountain Lodge & Spa - Solaris Residences at Vail - Christiana - Manor Vail Dates and times: January 11 - 15, 2015 and March 1 - 5, 2015. The VVP has an 11-year history of providing services within the Vail community for wounded veterans and their families. Many of the owners, managers, and staff of the participating vendors have been contracted since the inception of the program in 2004 and report that the VVP event is one of their favorite events of the year. The VVP actively seeks contracts securing the group’s reservations in the fall of the year prior to the upcoming winter program. 3. Will any portion of the event take place outside of Vail? No. 4. Are additional in-kind services being requested from the Town of Vail? No. 5. Is this a new or existing event? Existing. Please see “Event Description, #2” regarding venue descriptions. 6. People: - Number of participants: 160 (includes veteran, spouse, family, and military medical staff) - Number of volunteers: 24 (includes ski buddies, event preparation crew, and photographers) - Number of event staff: 60 (includes VVP Executive Director, full-time, and Program Director, part-time; and Vail adaptive ski instructors) - Number of spectators / attendees anticipated and estimate: 40 spectators, 244 attendees. 7. Description of potential benefits to the Town of Vail, including estimated # of incremental room nights and increased spending generated. What ROI should Vail expect? Economic Benefits to Vail The following table outlines actual spending at Vail-based businesses by the VVP during the 2014 winter family programs, January and March. The VVP’s 2015 budget utilizes these spending estimates in preparation for 2015 winter programs. An estimated 320 room nights (based on an average of 40 rooms utilized over 8 nights) within Vail Village and Lionshead Village are expected to be generated. Clothing & Supplies (purchased at Vail retail stores) $8,699.83 Ground Transportation (Colorado Mountain Express) $18,388.59 Lifts, Lessons, Equipment in Vail $96,939.01 Lodging in Vail Village and Lionshead $115,995.47 Meals in Vail Village and Lionshead $64,913.63 TOTAL 2014 SPENDING IN VAIL $304,936.53 Qualitative Benefits to Vail The VVP’s therapeutic events benefit the Town of Vail economically and by strengthening the community and its reputation of wellbeing. Many wounded veterans and their families would not be able to integrate the type of world-class, therapeutic experience into their lives that the VVP provides in the Town of Vail. Vail holds a special place in the souls of wounded veterans and their families. Through the VVP events, the entire Vail community possesses a unique opportunity to reach out to our veterans and families who feel isolated or forgotten, and show a commitment to them now and for the future. So deeply affected by their experiences in Vail, many wounded veterans and families have returned on their own to visit Vail during summer and winter. BUDGET 1. Please attach a complete and detailed budget, including anticipated revenues and expenses as well as the amount dedicated to marketing efforts. Please see “Attachment 2 – 2014 Budget”. 2. What % of the total event budget is the CSE being asked to fund? The requested amount of $20,000 represents 5.7% of the total event budget. The total budget for the 2015 winter family programs is $350,000. 3. Describe how you will use the funds that you are requesting from the CSE. The requested cash amount of $20,000 will pay for ground transportation, lodging, adaptive equipment, meals, supplies, and lessons all purchased at local Vail Village and Lionshead businesses. These vendors include Vail adaptive ski school, Vail restaurants as previously listed. 4. Should the CSE decide not to support this event, will it still occur? Yes. 5. What is the $ amount of sponsorships from alternative sources reflected in the event budget? The VVP anticipates prospective sponsorship partnerships from Infinite Hero, Vail Resorts (in-kind), Frontier Airlines (in-kind), Safeway and private donations to support the 2015 winter family program event budget. 6. What % of the total event budget do you expect the event itself to generate? The VVP’s 2015 winter family program events are not traditional profit generating events as attendees do not pay for services received, nor are products sold to generate a profit. However, significant funds are generated as a result of the event and are as follows: Revenue generated for the Town of Vail: 87% of total event budget Based on the actual spending during the 2014 winter family programs of $304,936.53 and the 2015 event budget of $350,000, the VVP estimates that 87% of the total event budget will be spent in Vail, CO. Prospective generation of donations to the VVP as a result of 2015 Winter Family Programs Raising awareness and supportive funds for future VVP therapeutic events are additional outcomes to the primary services provided to wounded veterans and their families during 2015 winter family programs. At this time, the VVP is unable to predict a percentage of total event budget represented by donations made as a result of the 2015 winter family programs, but recognizes that community awareness increases due to the event’s visibility and donations do result from these activities. 7. If possible, would you intend to host the event in Vail beyond 2015. If yes, for how many years beyond 2015? Yes. The VVP is dedicated to providing meaningful services to wounded veterans and their families for the long-term. The VVP will continue to provide therapeutic services for the foreseeable future. 8. Do you anticipate requesting future funding from the CSE next year? If yes, given that the CSE encourages the development of additional sponsors in order to leverage their own investments, and anticipates that as events become established they will become less reliant on public funds, please explain how you intend to grow the event and indicate what %, if any, of the total event budget you anticipate requesting next year. Just as the VVP prioritizes the individualized relationships created with each participant and family member, we regard just as highly those relationships with the generous supporters who make delivering the programs possible. If awarded CSE funding for 2015, the VVP would consider seeking a CSE partnership in future years to create a Town of Vail presence and commitment to the wounded veterans and families who come to heal in our community. An appropriate percentage would be requested each year depending on organizational needs, not to exceed 5-6% of the overall program budget. In its 11 years of providing rehabilitative services to wounded veterans in Vail, the VVP has strategically raised funds to support programming through the diversification of revenue sources, such as private donations, corporation contributions, and in-kind donations. The VVP strives to provide programming independent of any one contribution, coupling these sources to have an overall effective plan of sustainability. MARKETING 1. Please provide a detailed description of your marketing plan and indicate how the budget will support the program. The VVP’s priority is to work with national military medical centers to provide therapeutic services to wounded veterans and their families. Because of our work, the Vail community has received national recognition as a place that fosters health and wellbeing. Marketing of the Vail community occurs through the VVP because of our efforts. 2. Explanation of potential for sponsorships and media exposure. Please see “Attachment 6 – Promotional Opportunities for the Town of Vail” Previous media exposure of the Vail community through the VVP includes national media coverage, 4 NBC Prime Time News pieces, national, regional, and military print media, and local TV, print, and radio media featuring the VVP and Vail. 3. Specify any marketing support you are requesting. Name, telephone number and email addresses of your PR and marketing. None requested at this time. Please see above contact information for VVP staff. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 1. References and/or referrals from other communities are required if you do not have a prior history of producing events in Vail. Not applicable. 2. Explanation of how you will direct prospective attendees to book lodging within the Town of Vail and a description of how you will track the number of lodging night generates. The VVP staff book lodging within the Town of Vail based on ADA room accessibility, seasonal hotel availability, and lodging rates compatible with the VVP’s lodging budget. The VVP tracks lodging nights by tracking the number of attendees and number of rooms utilized during each event. 3. Previous year’s event evaluation, including income and expense statement (if existing event). Please see “Attachment 3 – 2013 Budget”. 4. Past or projected demographics of event attendees and estimated spending. Please see “Attachment 4 – Demographics Report”. Please see Question #7 for 2015 estimated spending. 5. Organization rosters naming: all officers and respective positions; Board of Directors and positions. Please see “Attachment 5 – VVP Board of Directors”. ATTACHMENT 4 DEMOGRAPHICS REPORT The following two tables evidence the current residence and racial demographics of wounded veterans participating in the VVP. 1. Regional Report City, State Percentage Washington, DC 28.9 San Antonio, TX 24.2 San Diego, CA 37.5 Other 9.4 2. Demographics Report Race or Ethnicity Percentage African American 5.4 Asian 3.8 Caucasian 69.2 Hispanic 21.6 ATTACHMENT 5 VVP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Cheryl Jensen – Executive Director, Founder Vail Veterans Program LTC David Rozelle – Vice Chairman United States Army Lieutenant Colonel, Active, Korea Nanci Northway – Treasurer Internal Audit, Vail Resorts, Retired Lindsay Blanton – Secretary Co-Founder B&B Behavioral Therapy Michael Galvin - Director Chairman/Founder/Vice President of Harrison Street Capital, LLC Corporal Daniel Riley, USMC (Ret.) - Ambassador Marine Corps (retired) ATTACHMENT 6 PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL The VVP will provide a follow up report including photos and stories of participants of winter family program events successes within 30 days of each event’s completion. Below is a list of promotional opportunities for the Town of Vail: • Recognition at winter family program events o Town of Vail logoed banners on display at two base areas at Golden Peak base area and Gondola One o Name recognition in print, TV, and radio media o Town of Vail logo hyperlink on VVP website • Exclusive invitations with VVP board members and military injured during winter family program events • Hard copy photos of program activities upon request • Sharing of media coverage (such as video news clips and print media) by VVP with the Town of Vail It is integral that each individual or family who may appear in media or offer a personal quote or story is doing so only by his/her own choice, to advocate on behalf of the program’s successes and share to a level of their personal comfort. Participants are not asked to sign a media release in order to participate in a program. ATTACHMENT 3 2013 EVENT BUDGET INCOME Donation $500,000.00 In Kind Donation 156,000.00 Interest Income 1,200.00 TOTAL INCOME $657,200.00 EXPENSES Program Army 10 Miler Air 2,000.00 Lodging 1,500.00 Supplies 800.00 Total Army 10 Miler $4,300.00 Golf Program Gratuities 500.00 Green Fees & Carts 2,150.00 Ground Transportation 2,000.00 Lodging 8,000.00 Meals 4,500.00 Supplies 3,500.00 Total Golf Program $20,650.00 Summer Program Air 22,500.00 Clothing 6,500.00 Gratuities 2,500.00 Ground Transportation 11,000.00 Guide Services 14,000.00 In Kind 15,000.00 Lodging 24,000.00 Meals 20,000.00 Supplies 3,000.00 Total Summer Program $118,500.00 Winter Program I Air 6,000.00 Clothing 12,000.00 Gratuities 5,000.00 Ground Transportation 1,400.00 In Kind 66,000.00 Lifts, Lessons, Equipment 14,500.00 Lodging 25,000.00 Meals 27,000.00 Supplies 1,500.00 Total Winter Program I $158,400.00 Winter Program II Air 20,000.00 Clothing 7,000.00 Gratuities 5,500.00 Ground Transportation 8,500.00 In Kind 75,000.00 Lifts, Lessons, Equipment 16,500.00 Lodging 30,000.00 Meals 26,000.00 Supplies 1,200.00 Total Winter Program II $189,700.00 Contract Labor 5,000.00 TOTAL PROGRAM $505,579.28 $496,550.00 Office Bank Charge 500.00 Computer 1,500.00 Credit Card Fees 2,500.00 Insurance Interest Exp Labor (includes Benefits) 95,000.00 Mileage 2,500.00 Misc. Postage and Delivery 500.00 Public Relations 1,800.00 Rent Paid 7,000.00 Supplies, Bus 10,000.00 Utilities, Bus 3,000.00 Website 200 Total Office $124,500.00 Fundraising Fundraising Expense 11,000.00 Meals & Entertainment 6,000.00 Travel, Bus 4,000.00 Total Fundraising 21,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $642,050.00 Capital Expenditures 10,000.00 Net Cash inflows (Outflows) 5,150.00 Add/(less) Capital Expenditures 10,000.00 Depreciation Expense (1,500.00) Net Income (Loss) 13,650.00                           ATTACHMENT 2 2014 EVENT BUDGET INCOME   Donation 568,700   In Kind Donation 200,000  Interest Inc 600   TOTAL INCOME $769,300     EXPENSES    Programs  Army 10 Miler   Air 1,000   Lodging 1,000   Supplies 1,000   TOTAL Army 10 Miler 3,000  Golf Program   Air 1,500   Gratuities 500   Green Fees & Carts 8,000   Ground Transportation 6,000   Lodging 24,000   Meals 10,000   Supplies 7,000   TOTAL Golf Program 57,000  Summer Program   Air 26,000   Clothing 7,000   Gratuities 2,500   Ground Transportation 15,000   Guide Services 25,000   Lodging 37,000   Meals 27,000   Supplies 5,000   TOTAL Summer Program 144,500  Winter Program I   Air 36,000   Clothing 10,000   Gratuities 5,000   Ground Transportation 10,000   Lifts, Lessons, Equipment 33,000   Lodging 44,000   Meals 25,000   Recreation 7,000   Supplies 3,500   TOTAL Winter Program I 173,500  Winter Program II   Air 20,000   Clothing 7,000   Gratuities 5,000   Ground Transportation 9,000   Lifts, Lessons, Equipment 26,000   Lodging 75,000   Meals 28,000   Recreation 5,000   Supplies 1,500   TOTAL Winter Program II 176,500  Winter Program III (none in 2014)   Total Winter Program III -  Labor and Benefits 56,400   Other Program Costs 8,000   Total Program $618,900    Office  Bank Charge -  Computer 2,500  Contract Labor (inc Benefits) 32,050   Credit Card Fees 1,500  Insurance 2,500  Interest Exp -  Mileage 2,500  Misc  Postage and Delivery 1,700   Public Relations 12,000  Rent Paid 10,400  Supplies, Bus 10,000  Utilities, Bus 3,500  Website 2,000   TOTAL Office 80,650  Fundraising   Fundraising Expense 15,000  Labor and Benefits 39,750   Meals & Entertn 6,000  Travel, Bus 9,000   Total Fundraising 69,750    TOTAL EXPENSES $769,300    Capital Expenditures -    Net Cash inflows (Outflows) -    Add/(less)   Capital Expenditures -  Depreciation Expense (1,327)     Net Income (Loss) $(1,327)