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HomeMy WebLinkAbout01. 2019-2-6 CSE Minutes DRAFTCSE Minutes February 6, 2019 Page 1 of 6
Vail Town Council Chambers Wednesday, February 6, 2019 @ 8:30a.m.
Meeting materials can be accessed at the following link: February Meeting Link
CSE Members Present: Alison Wadey Mark Gordon Rayla Kundolf Kim Newbury Rediker
Barry Davis Sam Biszantz Marco Valenti TOV Staff Present: Ernest Saeger, Special Events Coordinator
Matt Miano, Economic Development Coordinator Mia Vlaar, Economic Development Director Others Present: Peggy Wolfe, Highline Missy Johnson, Highline
James Deighan, Highline Melissa Meyers, Bravo! Vail Pete Osorio, Vail Mountain Liz Gladitch, Vail Mountain David Becker, RRC
Chris Cares, RRC Sandy Holt, RRC Kyle Forte, Vail Mountaineers Hockey Club Kristi Scheidegger, Vail Mountaineers Hockey Club Lindsey Brozyna, Northwest SBDC
Molly Eppard, Town of Vail Karah Maloley CSE Chair, Alison Wadey, called the meeting to order at 8:30am. Administrative Items: Approval of the Minutes of the CSE Meeting on January 2, 2019
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Motion to approve the minutes of the CSE Regular Meeting on January 2, 2018 as presented. M/S/P: Kundolf/Davis/Unanimous. The motion passed 7-0 Upcoming Events:
• Project Funway – February 9
• Vail Legacy Days – February 15 – 18
• 10th Mountain Parade – February 15, March 8
• Burton US Open – February 25-March 2 Meeting Reminders:
• Miano said the annual Town of Vail Community Meeting is at Donovan
Pavilion on March 12 Event Recaps: Vail Mountaineers Hockey Club
*motion to release final funding disbursement required
Please see presentation for further details.
• Scheidegger said the challenges are ice time, confirming referees, and lodging
• Forte said they plan on drawing teams from outside the region in the future
• Valenti asked how many of the 930 rooms were in Vail
• Scheidegger said they were all in Vail
• Rediker noted that Room Roster website is very difficult to work with
• Forte said they are already planning on moving away from Room Roster
• Kudolf noted to show Vail vs. Eagle ice time in the future
Motion to approve the final funding distribution for Vail Mountaineers
Hockey Club M/S/P: Davis/Valenti/Unanimous The motion passed 7-0 Vail Snow Days
*motion to release final funding disbursement required
Please see presentation for further details.
• Gordon asked if Vail Resorts is going to continue funding the event in the amount of $200,000
• Deighan said they are going to continue to fund the event
• Miano said that Yann Benjamin of Vail Resorts told Council that as far as he knows Vail Resorts will continue to fund Snow Days
• Wadey asked how many survey respondents there were
• Miano said 470 people
• Wadey asked how the three day packages went
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• Johnson said they are continuing to download the lodging data and will
send it along when it is completed
• Rediker said there is only so much of a discount that hotels can offer
• Rediker noted that the Antlers was at full occupancy
• Kundolf noted that her business did not receive any information regarding partnerships with Snow Days
• Deighan said that is something they will improve in the future
• Biszantz asked if there were issues with the sound
• Deighan said yes, it was fine during sound check but did go out during the concert on Friday night
• Biszantz asked if labor and project fee in their budget can be explained
• Deighan said their standard is 22% of the gross project and is usually discounted down to 17% - 18% in Colorado
• Gordon asked what the economic impact was to the Town of Vail
• Deighan said the numbers do not include the residual after affects
• Gordon said that the sales tax impact is one data point that needs to be
• Deighan said he would argue that there isn’t another event that creates the level of return on investment that Snow Days does
• Deighan said the marketing and Axis TV show are two examples of incremental components with greater impact
• Deighan reiterated that Highline produces the event and that the Town of
Vail and Vail Resorts are the prime beneficiaries
Motion to approve the final funding distribution for Vail Snow Days M/S/P: Davis/Kundolf/Unanimous The motion passed 7-0
2018 RRC & Associates Survey Program Presentation: Please see presentation for further details.
• Cares noted that 30% of visitors in the summer tend to be first time visitors
• Cares noted that Vail summer marketing has targeted dynamic families with teens in 2019
• Valenti asked if the follow up survey means they complete two surveys
• Cares said yes but the surveys ask different questions
• Valenti asked if the two survey responses are compared and can he see the attrition
• Cares said yes and it can easily be seen that the responses are different
• Valenti said the lower survey results from the follow up survey are consistent across the board
• Biszantz noted that there are a lot more than families and kids out there to market and build towards
• Wadey asked for the number of respondents for the summer survey
• Cares confirmed there were about 1,300 intercept surveys and a total of 420 responses to the follow up survey
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• Gordon said for Council meetings he would like to include the Community
Survey responses that confirm the right balance of special events in Vail
to be included
• Vlaar suggested splitting up the visitor type by event into CRC and EE in reports
• Davis asked to include the number of respondents in the graph as well
• Kundolf suggested the idea that sports events may need to be split out from the others
• Rediker asked if the industry standard of 8 and 9 is a net promoter
• Cares said yes, it is used industry wide
• Gordon noted that for CRC events surveyed, the return is higher than
Council funded events Vail Centre Funding Reallocation Discussion
• Davis asked how much Maloley expected to receive from Vail Centre’s
CSE funding
• Miano said the Vail Centre requested $5,000 in their RFP that would be used towards the CLA program
• Davis asked if $5,000 will support the CLA program
• Maloley said she is asking for the Grand View Room in kind and is happy for any additional funding support
• Davis suggested the CSE support the in-kind allocation of the Grand View room for the CLA program
• Wadey confirmed that Maloley is not asking for any funding
• Davis suggested the CSE decide whether they are going to open an RFP or not
• Saeger confirmed that the $29,500 can be distributed however the CSE
would like as long as it stays within the Education & Enrichment category
• Davis said he would like to make a suggestion to fund the CLA but needs more information
• Wadey said she agrees that a more formal information is needed
• Maloley said she will provide information back to the CSE by Friday
• Gordon confirmed that the two entities can first request a part of the funding, CSE can then approve or deny those amounts, and then move
forward with final decisions Lyndsey Brozyna, Northwest SBDC
• Gordon asked if the Northwest SBDC is funded by the state
• Brozyna said yes from the Office of Economic Development
• Brozyna said they moved their office to Eagle County and their business has increased 100% since the move
• Davis asked what Brozyna’s requests are
• Brozyna said they are for cash funding and in-kind use of Grand View
• Biszantz asked if Vail Centre was allocating money towards the program
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• Miano said they were going to allocate $7,500 towards the
entrepreneurship program and $7,500 towards women’s business
accelerator program
• Brozyna said the events would be hosted in Vail and include up to 30 participants
• Brozyna said they need four days to host these programs and are asking for these as in-kind
• Miano said Brozyna is asking for $8,800 in cash and the remaining in-kind
• Davis said they will look at Maloley’s request and then make a decision for funding Civic Area Plan Update:
Please see presentation for further details.
• Gennett said all info is going to presented to Town Council on February 19
• Kundolf said there needs to be a theater style indoor setting for events to
• Rediker noted that the CSE should focus mainly on Dobson Ice Arena
• Rediker noted that the VRD feels strongly that Dobson needs to be a
multi-functional space
• Gordon said we need to think big during this process because we are Vail and need to continue to be a leader
• Biszantz suggested engaging the Library and opening up the awareness
of it through this process
• Saeger noted that if the RV Lot disappears there needs to be another space close to town for event producers to use for load-in/out
• Saeger noted that the VRD has spoken with event/concert promoters such as AEG who have said capacity must be at least 5,000 for them to even consider the venue
• Vlaar suggested staff create a draft for CSE to approve and then provide
to the Community Development team GoPro Mountain Games Signature Events:
• Saeger explained that staff and the Vail Valley Foundation met and
agreed that GoPro Mountain Games should be moved to the Council Contribution process as a Signature Event
• Gordon asked if the budget will change
• Saeger and Vlaar confirmed that this is TBD
• Davis said this is great and has a big upside
• Saeger confirmed that the Vail Valley Foundation would apply for funding
through the Council Contribution process but must also present their funding request to the CSE for their feedback and recommendation
New Business and Community Input:
• Miano said he will e-mail the suggested list of events to survey in 2019
• Davis suggested a date is picked and set for a CSE happy hour
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Austin Gavlak, Powabunga
• Gavlak said they have sold almost 1,000 tickets to date
• Gavlak said the average ticket buyer is 25-35 years old
• Gavlak said there is electronic influence in the music but they are all real
bands and not categorized as EDM
• Gavlak said that he had been given permission from Vail Resorts to host a costume ski down on the Black Forest course
• Gavlak said Vail Resorts has told him that he cannot host the event on
mountain anymore
• Gavlak said the reasons communicated by Vail Resorts are he can’t sell tickets to an on mountain event, he can’t have a costume ski race, can’t
allow alcohol to be part of the event, and lastly the forest service requires a permit approval process
• Davis confirmed that he is being told they can’t have a costume themed event on the mountain
• Davis asked at what point do they cancel the costume ski event and move forward with planning the concert element
• Rediker asked if the Town, Austin, and Vail Mountain can sit down
• Miano explained that we had conversations with Vail Mountain and can request a meeting
• Miano noted that in the end it is Vail mountain’s decision and not the Town
of Vail’s
• Davis asked what happens to other events that CSE funded that include costumes such as Pink Vail, Pond Skimming, Superhero Ski Day, etc.
• Vlaar said a meeting can be requested but we cannot speak for Vail
• Davis said the CSE would like a better explanation from Vail Mountain why this event is denied but others are allowed
• Saeger said he will send the Powabunga ERC meeting invite for February 14 to CSE
• Rediker stated that the CSE works extremely hard and it is their responsibility to spend tax dollars wisely
• Rediker said for Gordon to be attacked by an event producer during a recap is unacceptable
• Rediker said the CSE is going to continue to ask the hard questions and
hold event producers’ feet to the fire.
Motion to adjourn at 11:24am. M/S/P: Rediker/Davis/Unanimous. Motion passed 7-0