HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B TRACT A GORE CREEK PLAZA,l ' I,UruItrlftIt ooafraStrY ErrElooiEfr Design Revieuu Board ACTIOH FOR]4 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: GORE CREEK PTAZA Project Description: ProJect Address: 193 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 193 GORE CREEK DR DRB ilumber: DR8070150 Location: FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN A/C CONDENSOR UNIT, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREENING, AND THE REPLACEMENT OF AN EXTERIOR SPIML STAIRS Participants: OWNER SLIFER, RODNEY E. & ELIZABETO4II3I2OOT 230 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT GORE CREEK pt-AZA CONDOS 041t312007 Legal Description: Lot: 58 Block: 5 Subdivision: VAIL VLLAGE 1ST Parcel Number: 2101-082-1300-3 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtion: STAFFAPR Date of Approva| 0612117007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009087 The applicant shall paint the louvers of the mechanical equipement screens to match the existing deck rails, prior to approval of a final inspection. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tell 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479 -2452 web: www.\railgor.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must reeive apprwal prior to submifting a building permit appliotion. Please refer to the submittal requiremenE for the particular approval that is requeSed. An applioUon for Design Review cannot be accepted unul all required informauon is received by the Community Dwelopment Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envimnmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unlacc a building p€rmit is issued and construction commences withln one year of the appruval. Locationof theProposal: tot: SK ebckt O Subdivision Physical Address: p".""|no.,@(ConbctEag|eCo.Assessorat970-328-8640forparce|no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s)! Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:(o E-mail Address: fipe of Review and Fee:B Signs *\vflrd D \, D \(rr II1L,-o tr n H tr o Conceptual Review New Conslruction Addition Minor Alteration (mu lti-fa mily/com mercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consfuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addibon where square ffige is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-rooftng, paintng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, bnces and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Itr 6 re n-n7Er= rv LE U !/ l_E WoEvnu .I t:.rl n, ; '' .. i I ' , 1", r., 't iil[ffii ;ffi \' \,'..-.- ..\\ I rl L filt copr Dcpartment of Commtniry D eaelopmcnt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colonda 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 uww.uailgou.conr. April 30, 2007 Mark Schnupp Highland Builders Corporation PO Box 6345 Vail, CO 81658 RE:Gore Creek Plaza Buibing (DRB07-0150) 193 Gore Creek Drive /Part of Tract A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1 Dear Mark, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the Design Review Application for the replacement exterior spiral stair and new air conditioner condenser al the Gore Creek Plaza Building. The proposed air conditioner condenser does not comply with the Town of Vail's adopted design regulations. Pursuant to Sub-section 14-8-5-G, VailTown Code: "Rooftop heating and air conditioning equipment, Iarge vent stacks, elevator penthouses and similar features shoutd be avoided; however, if necessary, shall be designed to be compatibte with the overall design of the structure or screened from view of all adiacent propefties." This application has been scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board at its Wednesday, May 16, 2007, public hearing. Please submit revised plans addressing the ilem above by no later than Noon on Monday, May 7,2007. lf you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me directly at (970) 475-2173. Sincerely, A-l.Zz--?2. -4--+ BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {sryn'uo'*o FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO May 3, 2007 Bill Gibson, Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Gore Creek Plaza (DRB 07-0150) Your Letter of 4l3OlO7 to Mark Schnupp, Highland Builders Mechanical Equipment Screening Biil, In response to the above referenced letter, the Core Creek Plaza Condominium Association proposes to enclose the proposed mechanical equipment a louvered roof top equipment screen per the attachments. The Condensing Unit will provide air conditioning for the Sweet Basil Restaurant and is a MACI20 Air Cooled l0 Ton Chiller (26"X 60"X 60" high) and is located per the attached Third Level Floor Plan. The screen will be Architectural Louvers V2KS that will be installed on all 4 sides and will extend 6" above the height of the Condensing Unit. The colorwill be black Kynar per the attachments to match the nearby railings and metal stairs. Visibility through this screen is 0% at eye level or below and should provide complete concealment from this third level installation. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Best Regards, William Pierce, Architect Cc: Mark Schnupp r-j'r:: . .. '1_-) ..; i,t -: . i: :,1,11.. .. j , :,',, : i,, i::it;it.:,. 1 .1.t.'t..,,,. . I '.'- ' 4.':r ' :,i; Ftif;; Bill Gibson -mechanical equipment screen- Gore Crcek Plaza From: To: Date: Sublect: CC: Bill Gibson William F. Pierce 0510il2007 11:02 AM Re: mechanical equipment screen- Gorc Creek Plaza Mark Hallenbeck; matt@sweetbasil-vail.com; rslifer@slifer.net Hey Bill, Per our phone convercation this morning, the Town of Vall Staff has again determined that the proposed location of the Sweet Basil air conditioner condenser is not acceptable and still does not comply with the standards of the Vail Town Code. The proposed plans must be re-rerrised to comply with standards of the Vail Town Code, and then be resubmitted for further review by the To$rn of Vail, Additionally, it appears that the recently installed mechanical equipment currently located on Sweet Basil's north deck has not yet been screened. As required by the Vail Town C.ode, plans demonstrating how thls equipment will also be screened must also be submifred. Please be aware that the Town of Vail will not approve the final inspections for the Sweet Basil remodel until these lssues have been resolved. If you have any questions, feel free to contact via email or at (970) 479-2L73. Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (s7o) 479-2173 (970) 479-2452tax >>> "William F. Pierce" <bill@vailarchltecG.com> O5lO3lO7 11:09 AM >>> Bill, Please find the attached letter and summary ol our application for screening the mechanical equipment at lhe Gore Creek Plaza Building in response to you letter to Mark Schnupp on 4130107. I will have 3 hard copies with full data on the screening device delivered to you later loday. Bill Pierce Fritzlen Pierce Architects Top 100 Mountain Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Dr. #C-l Vail. CO 81657 p:970476-6342 ext.llf: 970-476-4901 biil@vail-ar-ph_ile-s1s,pqm wruu,ra:Llarcbi,_tgsts.co:n file://C:\Documents and SettingsWdministrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 05/07/2007 V2KS 2'' DEEP 45 DEGREE STORM K BLADE EXTRUDED ALUMINUM EQUIPMENT SCREEN r.n -l*f-F 2" SECTIONVIEW tortocc rE ETEVATION VIEW CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL INSTAIANON vERncAL lln ttbN (X,TSITIE CORI.|ER NOIES STANDARD F_ r+ -l T l,l' Il_ ARtrHITEGTURAL PROJECT @NTRACTOR --l-.El.U.V.E.RrE ARCHITECT | *,"' I JrEJFR | 0126/2006 | | | V2tGl May 02 07 11i4?a HGHI.A.[\ID BUILOERS qqv(a t, 970 476 48{18 p,4 OrLchrh ry r.h ill tt ffi:ffiffiT,"His FEA|IE!rtf,l'|llr ;ffif'.ft*dsrb-aoG*rrEnl. ; H= ilI=-fp* b|.|r| lu, r,oil dirrri g'ffftcgffi n hrr .r, ia, ahudorri Sl,::bl!l_:*l l--crf'n ryour ffi .ETB rr.",qffisrbraItil Of0.lr-rs .Hfififfi . *-*.r.- g-i :-l ,rlr L ta -||a 0 :. ?'d r aga-8t l, ( oa,B t udlz:e r.oo? |l .r.ta Louver Equipment Screen V2KS 2' Dcep Eorizontrl Bhrler o Y-.Ks:SedadHada 4'r Dccp Eorlzontrl Bleder o V-4JS- S.andard Bladc o V4YH- Vieion Proof Bladc 4" Decp Verticd Bhder o V4YV- Vision Proof Blade A 2005 Harray, LLC dba Architectural Louvers, all rights r€served An,eHTTEtrTURAL.-t lI.fl.U.V.E.R.t Equipment Screens Product Catalog @ Louwrs Catalog Page I ofl ! Product Spe . ElT". Elgr Other Supp . EIn.. €At VZKS Equipment Screen is an inverted louver blade vision barrier. Louver blades nrn horizontal with intermediate vertical supports for attachment to stnrctural framing. This economical model has the following characteristics: r Horizontal Blade Orientationc 2.25" Blade Spacing o Vertical Angle zupports for easy attacbment to stsucttual frming. A variety ofstandard finishes are available o Wind loadratings to 100 mph Visibility through this model eguipnent screen is 0% at sight line 0 degrees (horizontal) or below. The visibility ttrough the screen increases as the sight line angle increases from horizontal (approximately 400lo visibility at 45 degrees above horizontal). httn'//ururw archlnnverq cnm/enrrinment sJ:reFnq V?KS hrm st?Dirn I NSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS EQUTPMENT SCREENS / VISION BARRIERS SECTION CONNECT OETAL.,,^'.t1)\--l BOLTCLIP ANGLESTO STRUCTURAT SUPPORTS MAXTMUM 36" O.C. OVER VERTICAL SPAN. SPLICE SECTION IS PROVIDEDWITH ANGLES ENTIRE HEIGHT OF LOUVER SECTION. BOI-T LOUVER SECT]ONSTO EACH OTHER AND TO CLIPANGTES PROVIDED. MIO SECTION DETAI. (2)\-/ BOLT CLIP ANGTES TO STRUCTUML SUPPORTS MAXIMUM 36" O.C. OVER VERTICAL SPAN. INTERMEDIATE STIFFERNERS ARE PROVIDED TH€ ENTIRE HEIGHT OF LOUVER SECTION. BOLT LOUVER TO STIFFENER AND TO CLIP ANC{ES PROVIDED. CORNER DETALo BOTT CLIP ANGLES TO STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS MAXTMUM 36" O.C. OVER VERT]CAL SPAN. SPLICE SECT]ON IS PROVIDEDWTH ANGLES ENTIRE HEIGHTOF LOUVERSECTION. BOLT LOUVER SECTIONS TO EACH OTHER AND TO CLIP ANGLES PROVIDED. RtrHITEGTURAL . El. lJ.V. E, R. t T6S4COLDBROOKLANE PH:88&56&8371 CINCINNATI, OH 45255 Fx:888-56&E370 rus!' IJRR I I I O2NO06 I INSTALL IT{STR *t***{.*:t*****+*f**+********,t****,*******f***+'****{'**+*+*+********+****+++***+**************** TOWNOFYAIL, COLORADO Statement+**++**********'t**************************+++************f*******,3************1.*t {.***'tt****** Statenent Number: R070000472 Arnount: 9250.00 O4/t3/2OO7O4:26 pV! Payment Metshod: Check HAT,IJENBACK Init : iISNotation: 292/NlIiRK Permit No: Parce]- No :Site Address : IJocation: This Payment: DRB0?0150 T!4re: DRB-Minor AIt, Comn/Mufti 2L01-082-1300-3 193 GORE CREEK DR VAII, 193 GORE CREEK DR Total Fees: S25o. oo rotal Ar,t PmEs: Balarce; $2s0.00 $2s0.00 s0.00*t****+t***'f********f'1.****{.:}**+**:t+'t**'}'i***{r+**'t***********+****++**+*************+*+f++**** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account code Descriptlon Current Pmt.E DR 001000031]-2200 DESICiN REVIEW FEES 250.00 r,lAYl.+ilql: GreU-.]4eer-4ze -zLLq II'IAC l?,O Air Cooled 1(} Ton ChiIIer fAnaq4bt. 2rol S.CL 1a5dt Atu.' Sl|r zll0ranr'n E9&7 Phtrr FSO ltl-l:16 ' Fu Ft4 rs1' r!&l 'trlraol||e'.cm a'd I ?S8- Ale ( t)r.6)33U r{dre:g 40oe tr - l,lray 02 O7 11:42a HIGFILAND BUILDERS i 970 476 4886 p,3 u, $ E kt]T { E iSE fl F e'd regB-8ra(o/.8)33u l.ldzg !e aooz t r Jegl t'ltay 02 07 11 42a i HIGHLAND BUILDERS 970 476 4886 p,4 OrLOhnfr trf.b ilIa-)att TAilBHI TEENTHT3 ; #fffd cr.'uo' si(bb.rdG r*d.. s m TgTb-+?rlllrrrrg ,b.d{. ftttn ionr or i'fr !: ffi #.1fl,*.fjFffiH'o[#'.** ar' r* obducron:. gl]t .l]pf| c{rUr rit aruur rru drqfi. 9 Rg- Hp 231gunrorilrg-aeli'wrrtfr e a*,d.1'$Innoolnnrnoriw;j;?ffirffi*"'g, Urf'Ebd |EirnCm r"rn6 rr *.* pf,"*. AUfd darl!'ls |or rrrirue. Ch.f, €lDulEtg dT|rrn-G .|guntb.tl ara Cc!, ffiISTErf,.ts ,'o.r,*Tffi.s{buzo Prqc (3i4 {sr-uu .ffi.fhTj3lg . *-.* ,.- -",, :l ,rll tra :.o T aatl 0 tl z'd I as8-Bf a ( 0{,6r t3g !ldt?:€ 40ttz tI .rr!t Louver Equipment Screen V2KS 2" Deep Horizontal Blades o Y_2KS:. S-taurrhrd Blade 4" Deep Horizontal Blades o V4JS- StandardBlade o V4YH- Vision Proof Blade 4" Deep Vertical Blades o Y4)A:IicjeniraafBlade @ 2005 Harray, LLC dba Architectural Louvers, all rights reserved An.trHrrEcruRAL^fr L-.El .u.v.E.R.El Equipment Screens Product Catalog @ Ipuyclseetalac Page I ofl ! Product Spe . Er". E:r Other Suppr . Elln.. &At V2KS Equipment Screen is an inverted louverblade visionbarrier. Louver blades run horizontal with intermediate vertical supports for attachment to structural framing. This economical model has the followine characteristics: r Horizontal Blade Orientationt 2.25" Blade Spacing o Vertical Angle supports for easy attachment to structural framing o A variety of standard finishes are available e Wind load ratings to 100 mph Visibility through this model equipment screen is 0o/o at sight line 0 degrees (horizontal) orbelow. The visibility through the screen increases as the sight line angle increases from horizontal (approximately 40Yo visibility at 45 degrees above horizontal). http ://www.archlouvers.com/equipment screens_V2KS.htm s/2/2007 V2KS 2'' DEEP 45 DEGREE STORM K BLADE EXTRUDED ALUM INUM EQUIPMENT SCREEN rs"*l*]-F 2" SECTIONVIEW ELEVATION VIEW CONSTRUCTION ryPICAL INSTALATION VERTICAL MULLION OUTSIDE CORNER NOTES STANDARD F_ 14 _____-l T l,l' J ARtrHITEtrTURAL PROJECT CONTRACTORrt -.'fJ.U.V.E.R;S ARCHITECT ^tri,r lrY: I REv. D^rE: I ouat{rrff I oArE: I oRAw Grn JRR | 01262005 | | | \2KS I NSTALLATION I NSTRUCTIONS EQUIPMENT SCREENS / VISION BARRIERS SECTION CONNECT DETAIL (1)\-./ BOLT CLIP ANGLES TO STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS MAXIMUM 36" O.C. OVER VERTICAL SPAN. SPLICE SECTION IS PROVIDED WITH ANGLES ENTIRE HEIGHT OF LOUVERSECTION. BOLT LOUVER SECTIONS TO EACH OTHER AND TO CLIP ANGLES PROVIDED. MID SECTION DETAIL /;\\9 BOLT CLIP ANGLES TO STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS MAXIMUM 36" O.C. OVER VERTICAL SPAN. INTERMEDIATE STIFFERNERS ARE PROVIDEDTHE ENTIRE HEIGHT OF LOUVER SECTION. BOLT LOWER TO STIFFENER AND TO CLIP ANGLES PROVIDED, BOLT CLIP ANGLES TO STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS MAXIMUM 36'O.C. OVER VERTICAL SPAN. SPLICE SECTION IS PROVIDED WITH ANGLES ENTIRE HEIGHT OF LOUVER SECTION. BOLT LOUVER SECTIONS TO EACH OTHER AND TO CLIP ANGLES PROVIDED. RtrHITECTURAL . o. u.v. E. R. E 7684 COLDBROOK LANE PH: 888-56&8371 CINCINNATI, OH 45255 FX: 888-56&8370 Arer BY IJRR I I I O2NOOA I INSTALL INSTR. Louver Einishes Patina GreenI Hartford Greenr Redwood Bone Whitem SandstoneI RawhideI Buckskin Slate Gray - Meduim Bronze Ap.cHITEtrTURAL/-' b. EJ. LI .V. E. R. EI Heirloom White TYPE OF FINISH KYNAR 5OO@ OR HYLAR 5OOO@ Superior Finish: 70olo PVDF paint finishes provide maximum resistance against color fade and chalking. This carbon,/fluorine bond, unique to the resin, when coupled with the finest inorganic pigments, produces the most durable and long lasting finish in the industry. These finishes are resistant to most chemicals, acid rain, salt spray and general air pollution. Architectural Louvers offers a twenty-year warranty on these finishes in standard colors. All standard colors meet or exceed AAMA2605-02.x BAKED ENAMEL High Performance Finish: long color life and resistance to chalking and chemicals. For optimization of the price-benefit ratio, they are http ://www. archlouvers. com/Louver_F inishes. htm Page 1 of2 Finishes and Color Guide Architectural Louvers finishes enhance product appearance building exterior. These same finishes provide extended wer finishes described herein represent building finishes most ty required for most applications. NOTE: colors are only a reference and should not be consid the internet and the individual settings of your monitor. Actr directly from Architectural Louvers. Kynar 500@ or Hylar5000@ and Baked Enamel Standar Pearlescent Colors We also have pearlescent mica colors available. The metall be accurately rqresented via the internet; please contact us examples of these finishes. The colors shown here are only a sample of thousands ol contact us for information regarding custom color matcl FINISH SPECIFICATIONS Before paint application, louvers shall be thoroughly cleaned and pretreated. Cleaning includes complete submersion in alkali cleaner, detergent deoxidization, amorphous chrome phosphate conversion coating and acidulated final rinse. Kynar 500@ or Hylar 5000@ finish shall be applied to provide 1.2 mils (30Um) factory applied, baked-on film build in accordance with AAMA 2605- 02* "Vol u ntary Specif ication Performa nce Requirements and Test Procedures for Superior Performing Organic Coatings on Architectural Extrusions and Panels". Color shall be Architectural Louvers (specify color name and number). Louvers shall receive factory applied, baked-on color coating following thorough cleaning and pretreatment of metal, The finish shall be applied at 1.2 mils (30Um) total dry fifm thickness in accordance with AAMA 2604-02l Beige Dove Gray Black Sienna Dark Bronze 5/2/2007 {,ouver Finishes appropriate coatings for today's non-monumental projects. Five-year warranty on standard colors is available for Architectural Louvers Baked Enamel. PRIME COAT Preparation for field painting. Finish may be topcoated with epoxy, vinyl, urethane and other heavy-duty coatings within six months of application. Prime coat contamination always occurs before field painting and requires thorough field cleaning prior to painting. PEARLESCENT High Performance Pearlescent Finish. Pearlescent is a Kynar or Hylar-based finish that utilizes pearlescent mica pigments to simulate the metallic appearance of anodized and metallic paint finishes. Pearlescent (709o PVDF) meets the AAMA 2605-02* specification. A twenty-year warranty is available on standard colors. COLOR ANODIZE Electrolytically deposited coating on aluminum: The color anodize process specified in Aluminum Association Code AA-C22A44 electrolytically deposits inorganic color pigment finish to a 0.7 mil (18Um) minimum surface depth on sulfuric acid anodized aluminum. Treated aluminum is sealed to convert a freshly formed aluminum oxide finish to a corrosion resistant, inert condition. Available only on aluminum, Some shade variation may occur. CLEAR ANODIZE Clear oxide coating for aluminum: Clear anodize preoxidizes the aluminum sufface for uniform clear finish not easily affected by natural oxidizing influences. Improved metallic luster appearance is similar to mill finish. 204-Rl (Aluminum Association Code MC22A31) provides 0.4 mil (10pm) minimum surface depth treatment recommended for normal weather exposure. 215-R1 (Aluminum Association Code AA-C22A41) provides 0.7 mils (18Um) minimum surface depth recommended for severely corrosive and abrasive atmospheric exposure, Both finish types available only on aluminum. Page 2 of 2 Section 4.2 and 4.3. Color shall be Architectural Louvers (specify color name and number). Louvers shall receive prime coating following thorough cleaning and pretreatment of metal. Field topcoat with epoxy, vinyl, urethane or other heavy-duty coating within six months of application. Prime coat shall be a minimum of ,3 + ,1 mils (8 + 3 pm) thick. Louvers shall receive thorough cleaning and pretreatment as described above. Pearledize coating shall be applied and baked to achieve a hard durable finish in compliance with either AAMA 2605-02* or AAMA 2604-02+ as selected and specified. Color shall be Architectural Louvers (speciff color name and number), Louvers shall receive electrolytically deposited color anodized finish complying with Aluminum Association Code AA-C22A44. Finish is applied to 0.7 mils (18Um) minimum thickness onto chemically etched and pretreated aluminum. Color shall be Architectural Louvers (specify color name). Louvers shall receive a 204-R1 clear anodize finish complying with Aluminum Association Code AA-C22A31. Finish is applied to chemically etched and pretreated aluminum to 0.4 mils (10pm) minimum surface depth by a 30 minute anodizing process. Louvers shall receive a 215- Rl clear anodize finish complying with Aluminum Association Code AA-C22A41. Finish is applied to chemically etched and pretreated aluminum to 0.7 mils (18pm) minimum surface depth by a 60 minute anodizing process. Dimensions in parentheses ( ) indicate microns. Hylar 5000@ and Hylar are trademarks of Solvay Solexis, Inc. Kynar 500@ and Kynar are registered trademarks of Atofina Chemical.* AAMA 2605-02 is the most stringent performance specification for organic coatings or exterior aluminum finishes in the industry, requiring 10 years south Florida exposure,t AAMA 2604-02 supercedes AAMA 605 and requires 5 years of south Florida exposure. oExtended Twenty-year warranties are only available on extruded aluminum products. http://www.archlouvers.corn/Louver Finishes.htm 5/2/2007 e Architectural Irouvera - http: / /www. archlouvers . com - phone: 888-568- 83 71 Specifier Note.' Fill in a77 highlighted areas or defete as necessary to meet your requirements. SECTION TO24O _ LOWERED ROOF TOP EQUIPMENT SCREENS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l-. Fixed, extruded- aluminum louvered roof top equipment screens B. See Division 5 Sectj-on 'tstructural Metal Framing " for structural framing supporting louver sections. L.2 PERFORMANCE REQUTREMENTS A. Design: Design louvers, including comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional engineer, using structuraL performance reguirements and design criteria indicated. B. Structural Performance: Louvers shall withstand the effects of gravity loads and the following loads and stresses within l-imits and under conditions indicated without permanenL deformation of louver components, noise or metal fatigue caused by louver blade rattle or flutter, or permanent damage to fasteners and anchors. l-. Wind Loads: Determine loads based on pressures as indicated on Drawings . 2. Wind L,oads: Determine loads based on a uniform pressure of 20 lb./sq, fL. (gsz Pa) , acEing inward or outward. 1-.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: For equipment screens and accessories. Include p1ans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. Show frame profiles and blade profiles, angles, and spacing. LOWERS AND VENTS 10200 - 1 C, Samples: For each type of metal finlsh required. D. Submittal: For louvers indicated to comply with structuraL performance requirements and design criteria, including analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparaE,ion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.I MATERIA],S A. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B 221M, Alloy 5053-T5. B. Aluminum Sheet: ASTM B 209M, Alloy 3003 with Lemper as required for forming . c, Fasteners: use types and sizes to suit unit, installation conditions. 1. For fastening aluminum, use aluminum or 300 series stainless-steel fasLenerg. 2.2 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. .foin conceaLed frame members to each other and to fixed louver blades with fi1let welds concealed from view welds, threaded fasteners, or both, as standard with louwer manufacturer unless oEherwise indicated or size of louver assembly makes bolted connections between frame members necessary- 2.3 EXTRUDED-ALIJMINUM ROOF TOP EQUIPMENT SCREEN A. Horizontal Blade Louvered Roof Top Equipment Screen 1. Basis-of-Design Product: ArchitecEural Louvers; Model V2KS. Subject Eo compliance with requirements, provide the specified product or comparable product by one of the following: a. Manufacturers of equivalent products submitted and approved in accordance with Section 01530 - Product Substitution Procedures . 2. Louver Blade Depth: 2 inches (100 mm) 3. Blade Profile: Plain blade with center baffle- 4. Blade Nominal Thickness: Not less than 0.063 inch (2-03 mm). I-,OWERS AND VENTS L0200 - 2 5, Framing Supports Nominal Thickness: Not less than 0-125 inch (2.03 mm) 2.4 ALT]MINI'M FINISHES A. High- Performance Organic Finish: 3-coat fluoropollrmer finish comptying with AAIvIA 2605 and containing not less Chan 70 percent PVDF resin by weight. in color coat. Prepare, pre-treat, and apply coating to exposed metal surfaces to comply with coating and resin manufacturere' wriLten instructions. L. Color and Gloss: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3 .1. INSTALI,ATION A. Locate and place equipment screens level, p1umb, and at indicated alignment with adjacent work. B. Use concealed anchorages vthere possible. Provide brass or lead washers fitted Eo screws where required to protect metal surfaceg and to make a weather-tight connecEion. C. Provide perimeter reveals and openj.ngs of uniform width bo allow for thermal expansion, a6 indicated. D. Repair damaged finishes so no evidence remains of corrective work. Return i-tems t.hat cannot be refinished in the field to the factory and refinish entire unit or provide new units. END OF SECTION 1O2OO LOWERS AI{D VENTS 10200 - 3 lrr.t0.l7 0l:tlm Frn'Tcilt 0F Vlll ffiXllY OElEt0Ptllt er0{tct{32 ?.|il r.00rl!01 t-lll *m rt-nP:Bt'+ Dcpwua cf CotnaaitY DatbPma* 75 s&hdqRd Uail Gclffi8t6J7 97u179-zriC FAtt9704ryaI52 w*miSnan Agril30, !007 i/ladr Scftnup0 Hlghland Bullders Csrporgtion PO Bo( 6S'lE Vrll, CO 8tSSE F* Gore Crcek Pleze Euildirg (DR807-0150) 193 Oor€ &eek Orlve /Fqtt of Tract A, Bbck 58' vail villsge Fili€ I Deer 1de4 Ths Tryn qf Val Stdt har radeupd lfre Design BEt ierv Applioarion fonhe replNoament extorbr splal eteir and neuv air condltictu condeGer at $e Qgre Orcck PlezE Buildm. Thc ptogoccd slr aordnbna @ndenser dogt not comFly wilh thB Town of Vail's adopled desbh tegulalionB. Furguanl to gutsaedlon l4{€€, Vail Tou,n C€dc] 'Rootw heatry afil zit oordtl,nfry qtftmenl, large vent Siadts, eid,vator. pw',|ansgs etf, anilar tegtrlu/es etwlcl bc awicl.d; hat}arv'r, il rteceseay, shal/De desgned fu De conpalibb wlth tlp ovenil cldclufi ol ilro ttttg/.utu or sc/'actw frcm wil d dl aq/rc€nt pfoflDfties." Thi$ appliaation hat brcn sctreillod for rsyisw by the Tosn of Vail Design Review Board at its Wednesday, May 1€, 200?, public hcartng. Plcase submit rwiscd flans rddrccsing tho ilrm abtntc by no hlrr than Noon d1 tlronda)', Mey 7, 2407 . It you hwo any quegtior6 or oommenter tecf fice to oorilacl me dlroaty at (970) 479-A ru. Slncerely, ElllSbson, AICP Torrt Planner Totn d Vail $wr,-*r- P.3(9?O) ?.+8-ASalf'faF 14 ?OfJ'l ?z22pti REC 6 F H -E 2 € I f; vt D.5.rl's. ??FE FiFXl6 ).1'si' sHo sr' + nt.onl!zi,jo -olIP= l{iur<+ 2ln tG',n fo i Rfri+mn_zem^1P<^ + -.*lmrt+nlA-t.-nlrl \)lI! rnFxQ zlooz ql I m n zon-{T rnt-rn i-{ l6tz !. Pi \,;l \ rc=l.'l \ -4 |rt \ !]1-l I;l \ nNill \ nin I'jl \ ;zl E I fHiii ctz ts =g,l!o- (a o |r1 o !o CN (n UJutt! F =uJ dft 06h l8 ,*ffirs dl OlOr p-t F1 F) & aH B Fl E lo\o'l t.\c{ it LU.l FtF "-) l9 F.] a) \t+Hbr z =l ulF o E F Iz =o =z oul z(tz6 d) .6 =zo r! ul ='r€ \liP lir;l{TN E NIi frdif, N\'Fa \tlE \ \tl NN No (u € .., o-7 Efra t/ t'd) Y)E{eacU =-r 0Er-"oB ..r+ F 8t+ (g ^ ll; rrl+ fi ellr{If()I+ olo0) uiq, .9.9 !-oDd\, Fil C" .g oN -o ior F o ot Pooo.s ah .9 9 o 6 ar;;(5 -.i - q)ot:(E'= g, (t)*ioE8F E.2 n.:p 66ptre.= (U bF€ '- ute:i:SF<>=c96 EsE EEEsoo EneF* i.=- 6o.€ o-sEtoPo_E*:E5:EP b O(E:e iEi-s =e-C€o- gEE '6>.O(!= i6:ERU hEe9E oqEEI-OED -o6 sC\(Y) c!\:st o (f) lrrN rn c\,1 ttl F =uJ ozoJ :<(-) uJ (Jz J J C) () UJJuJ (9z =Jo- J Iz = !!uJILz uJ LU 3UJtuJ z 6ut F o. IJJ z IJJ (J x Flllo (f, UJt!tt ts =t UJ F F z c) -J J Ie,FC)|lJJul oz TDE J z C'uJI F] H H NOtrvn'lvA (n j ztrl l(at>toto EF ;tr za\az =FrGX 8rr1 uJz?\ 2Zoo F-.ho==?l=gY.oo6bQ2rL<oo. =8d (\i =>E -r aM Irl zo F TLqo e.(, IJJ F \o cr') t!E &a J z Eo z tr g. LU 3 LIJz tltltttl U' =zlzo u, o< > iii>axrr6o<z thiz. 9z "i l- BtrOI lulJ E zY = z tr z I z 7, I J.J B F ul o 3 )<ttrl-_l zl .. >l ut llJ UJzot E.uto- J z Eo ?Fa J @ l I I el EI<it!l iT| .1,.lolltltd l;,l:og I& I-rl--) |lr-.@.t -* 0no A 7,1 Ct-' Ol N 01 >lFl F) lljF u,dlo zo F0lrlY lrJo oF F Eut.L t!o TLoO ulFoz E =IuAlt EE E<clf€frE9?L E =o-=>=ur'-E E=o i ;iiE :EE E6E iuE 6rr-oi!i LIJd!oF --- E =E, lrJo-zIF(JfE, 6zo(J IIJ o nntr z 'n !l =< =z O- tr dfi 2?= =HE666 I I(J El E 3 q M (j =- -l HIzlErl :<J F) M HU'trl rJ H ii z E -) I tsFlo H& ti a! z H t.r'I c.l ..t U> o = o- Hovt (h F & zz cn HE =tr N\c) t< uJ c o\F\o Ior o- a E =tr Hv)z z Hv) I>l I |.\ ci g,lEJ lr-oz3 r-l(v1N IT\ c.,l@tt trF H Fl trl Hd tsHFB =ctr Itn.$ r-.1 .iz rriI! J z;oF (n\t I $o\, llJJlur zF{trlt Ft H zHE E tr z A lu.E J ll- z;oF I |-- Nrt rn-+ Io\\fo\ E tr J UJt J l!oz =9 Etr z ll'| = z3oF uJ urF t,lJz = E <Fc()l/J <ZE(rzo(J -J&<o(JF FS XF'--t ZuJoj'() z (n =fJ ; Iz :.) zr LU = l-_E irg-r- tb-z )<OP,trol - O lnwn 75 south frontage rcad Yail, cdorado 81657 (3{t3) 4792138 (3Cl) 47$213s office ol community developmenl Plan Review Based onthe 1988 Uniforn Codes PROJACT NLI{BER: 7 /9/9O ADDRESS: Unit 3 Gore Creek Plaza Blg. OCCTTPANCY: R-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NAME: Rivolta DATE:7/27/9o CoNTRACTOR: Gray-stone Const. ARCHITECT: Michael Sanner ENGINEER: Boyle PI,ANS EXAITTINER: MICHAEL WHTTAKER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Guardrail height outside of unit in R-1 occupancy required to be nininum 42'r height. UBC 17LL. rrBrr vent for gas fireplace cannot extend through wall parallelto property line. UBC Table 5-A. Safety glazing required as per UBC 5406. Mechanical ventilation is reguired fron bathroom additionwithin structure to outside. UBC 1205. Pickets only alloved for outside giuardrail as per DRB approval . Additional structural information required. Atlorh"rt Boylc Enginccring, Inc. 143 Eaat l,'leadou Drtve, Suito 390Uail. Colorado 81657 303/478-2170 FAX t Oate: July 30' 1390 Subject ' Rivolta RemodclUall, Colorado lvll c hacl Sanner P.0. Box 667 Avon. Col,orado Architcct 81620 0ecr l'lichael: This is to conflnn thai I havc nade r atructural rcvierg of thc above notcd rcmodcl . Thls comnentary on the follordinc itena should rrrakc it possible for you to coprplete your construction docunants. Thc cxisting t^18*24 ste6l bcan !n the r^rcst urall ulll bc ablc to rpan, 12' and carny thc floor loads fron thc 'T' gysten abovc. The ncul bcan io support the top of ihc ched roof raftcrr should be a 5.125 * 15glu-lan. Ii rpanc 23' frorrr naEonry uall to maronry uall. Thcsc nafters should bc hangered top and bottom urlth UZIO hangers. I have also revieued the line loads on the precalt tT' floor systcn frolr tho shcd roof beanlng ualls and found that the existing syeten ls capable of carrylng these loadE. Plcase eive ne a call if you havc any othen questlons on this proJect, PIcase Ttnothy ll. Prosldent o GRAY.Sf,(D{E CONSTRUCTION Ihrry C. Gray P.O. Box 721 . Mintum, CO 81645 . 303{27-5231 -core Creek Plaza Bullding flRivolta Residence Renodel CONSTRUCT ION SCIIEDUI.,E Denolltion, layout, franing Yeek S2 Rough plunbing, contlnue frarnlng veak #) YeeE #t+ Electrlcatr - rough, complete rough plumbing, and heatlng, fraue roof Dernolieh corner of deck, erect scaffold.ing, ,set windows, etart stucco work and erteriorilnieh Dr1ma3.l, eonplete stucco and exterior finish,roofingweek #5 week #6 week #? week #8 trnterior finish, decking Conplete lnterlor flnish,loose ends Punchlist and nove out. eonplete al.l exterior abL.r.VyV dz4l4 a 'f,o,t9 tz? t) .LnLttW ta4lYta?'1 wt12tl4 i gfla-tit14 #a1) 427*z2ae a+rtrll 'l-tw+fr , ilATb-tt lIl2-o I rpf t,-i $\\i(f*$t>5 rt sl a,I1 t! zq o, N€.+i' -s, +rE\ .+s ss,tss =PS S.N J..l5 1- I I II +- 7s(\5 ,<- i! I - --i--\- /' _N|/\ '/ lt-Ir\.t\ \ { ;N\J [\ \\r \ --N\= $ I \ ict(rtD -'S.-I!. a,c) -:.Ec'.!r: =5 qi;l =::i:] 1|?!:. I'- i i.'; Jgr-\P{l l- \. -rv i$s- -""- \ $$ il INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr tr E tr n tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I! s INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST l-"I U\/ ,T TOWN OF VAILin,'1'/ .'r, ,. -,* -. U INSPECTION: JOB NAME ,---=1 1 MON,/ CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: [' lf- i'. ;.,".', j.i' l+tp.'l,Lf ,.t{/- i/WED THUR FRI AM PM '.\ NUMBER OF PROJECTqlr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr o tr tr UMB!NG {7fl tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERbdnnurruc - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION -tr HOOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr r-'r FtNAI r-l trtN A l ELECTRICAL: E TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr|.. l- D SUPPLY AIR tr O FINALtr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIQNS: Fg'snnenoveo ffnerruspecroN REeuTRED oore ?*rll/i - 7o rNSpEcroR ti!.t; T UA'-i';i I,ii., INSPECTION REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER- OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME ;"1- '' ,MON,, CALLER TUES WED ,it ', i,,;;1 11 { PMAM r! 1 .TOWN OF rVcltr. (1 ;'-r L L . ,\:- THUR :.,/. BUILDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr uNDERGR ouND f;/d<./ tr FOUNDATION / STEE-gr6uo^/ D.w.v. - O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr APPROVED GOBRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED ilrlni il .^t^-.Ar, IINSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJECT TQWN oF VAIL tVolla rDATEJOB NAME CALLER TUES f}a.u-,, (to'-t-{ r.--,-..1 G..-, z. /2, ".1-, gFD @ FRr f^?' PM/19--',Xs- # =_. READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL d.Kor,*o N GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH _ D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, 1rt-4-fd rNSPEcroR 4/.1 I r-)/\l t'"INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL I REQUEST oor= /of / ( JoB NAME {-- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB 6^.rr^o.K NA,L tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr E tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL f,eeenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t 7 D Jos rlnMe INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT FRION CALLER TU WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING. / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TU8 tr FINA tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr n trtr FINAL FINAL p$t"nou=o CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR prffi$oP tINECTIONTOWN OF I REQUEST VAIL 4{,\ CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: MON BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED .:'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,,7;.^ 'c!ll59ll9[' INSPECTOhDATE .,. * PERMIT NU ER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED UOLTrq INSPECTIONTOWN OF I REQUEST. VAIL a 7/-'J3 / BUILDlNG: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr E ! tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEE_ UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH i WATERD FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr 1r'runt tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: ! HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr D F*\AL tr FINAL n-*$eaoveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR Pniffisgo" n TINAI, INSPECTION'S COMPI.ETED Tbe Lterns belon need to be conplete beforegiving a pernit a final C of 0. Pl-ease check off ln the box provlded. FINAL PLIJIfBING DATE: FINAI, MECITANICAI. DATE: il.{PROVB{ENT SURVEY OK RESID. NA}C: K,'Ud/f4 olgru,z .j'qo 4.P ' [ri l-{t+ l-] FINAI, BUILDINC EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: FINAI ELECTRICAI TffPORARY C OF O DATE: [CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: I.ANDSCA?ING DIIE DATE: FILE NAUE: L.*a*.e,*-F Project Application I t,,a i,:7 r\,-r J, I t_l Project Name: Proj€ct Dpscription: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: l\;-,1- / 5^*-., 747 - L2 7OArchitect, Address and Phone: L6gal Description: Lol Commenlg: Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPHOVAL DISAPPROVAL h / ,/./,a) ' Town Planner Stafl Approval