HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11 Recorded Copy�_ OROINANCE NC}. 11 Series of #972 AN ORDtNAIVCE ANEV`XItvG TO Tl�E T�WiV.OF VAIL CER- TAIN "'.�-RRtTORY SITUATEQ IN T!-[E SOUTHEAST QUARTER O� TI-iE SOUi'HEAST QtJARTER �� SECTION 4, Tt-iE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 3, ANO THE NCRTH HALF OF THE SOUTH- WEST QUARTER OF SEC i[ON 2, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE . 80 WEST OF T�IE 8TH °RINCIPAL MER[QiAN, EAGLE COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO; JETERMWWG THE El_iGIBILITY OF SAID TERRITORY FOR AIVNEXATiON TO THE TOWN OF VAIL AND COMPLIAIVCc bVITH THE MUNiCIPAL ANNEXATIOI�I ACT OF 1965; ANC S�TTING FORTk-! DETA[L..S IN RELA�i'ION THERETO. WHEF2EA5, a PetitEon for Annexation oP Territory into the Town of Vail, Cotorado �a municipal corooration) has been duiy filed with the Town of Vail by Vait Associates, Inc. , a Coiorada corporation, the owner of 100 percent of the real p�opert;� described in said �etitio!�, requesting the annexation of said prop- erty into the Town of Vail; and WF-lEREAS, the 6oard of Trustees Por the Town of Vail has resotved and determined that the territory described in said petition is etigible for annexation in accordance with the orovisions o� C�S (19E;a)139-21-3, as arnended and that 100 percent of the prooerty descrtbed in said petition is owned by Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorado corporatior�and that no notice, public hearing, or etection is required for the annexation of said territory into the Town of Vail; and the Board further finds tha*_ the petition for annexation duiy compiies with the requirements of CR� �1983)139-2i-6, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees for the Town of Vait finds that a com- munity of interest ex?scs between the *_erritory proposed to be annexed and the Town oP Vaii and tha� it is necessary and desirable, as well as being in the best interes� oF the community, that said territory should be annexed into the Town of Vail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT ORDAINED BY TNE BOAR� OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAI L, COLORADO, THAT; Section 1. The Fottowing described territory, owned by Vaii Associates, Inc. , a Coiorado corooration, be, and the same is hereby annexed to the Town of Vaii, Colorado: A parcel of land lyirg i� che Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 4, the Souch ratf of Section 3, and the f�orth half of the Southwes*. Quarcer o� Sec'ion 2, Townshio 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal P�,er•.dian, County oP Eagle, State of Colorado, ancf lying North of in�2rs�aCe Highway f�o. 70 Right-of-Way described as: 8eginning at the i�JOrcnwest Corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quar�er or sa:d �ection 4; thence S89°23'38" E 731i.67 feet to the Northeas� Corner or �he Southeast Quarter or the Southeast Quarter of said Section 4 v�hicn is �he Northwest Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter o� said Section 3; thence S89°25'33"E 1309.48 feet to the Norrheast Correr �hereof which is the Southwest Corner oP the Nor*_heast Ovarter o� the �outhwest Q�arter oP said Section 3; thence NO°�' 1�:' 'f^l 1�20. 80 F?ec to the Northwest Corner thereof; thence 589° 26'48"E 3928.71 Feet aiong che East-�Nest Center lir�e of said Section 3 to the `ast C-tuarter �orrer of said Section 3 which is rhe West Quarter Corner oP sa;d Sectton 2; :_hence continuing atong the East-West Center tine of said Section 2, v 89°46'30" E 2683. 17 feet to the Center of said SeCtion 2; ther:ce �O° 13'23" E 1071 .90 feet alOng the North-South Center tine of said Section 2 to a ooint on a 2190.00 Poot radius curve which is on the North�rl� I;re oF sutd interstate Highway No. 70 Right-of-Way; thence `JJesterl� alon�� tne said Northerly iine on the following fourteen . �_ `� ;i r ��' <,' s�� {. �� ,. t �,'� i; } courses: r1) 275.38 feet along the arc of said 2190.00 foot radius curve to the leFt whose central angte is 7°12'17" and whose long chord bears N 74°55'11" W 275.20feet;�2) S 86°39'10" W 645.60 feet; �3) N 87°83'05" W 1778:30 feeC to a point on the West tine o� said Section 2 which is S O°01'30" E 972.55 feet from the West Quarter Corner thereof; C4) continuing into said Section 3, N 87°33'0$" W 224.3 feet; (5) N 73°41'44" W 459.3 feet; �6) S 81° 07'45t' W 164.2 feet; (7) S 43°40'33" W 151 ,0 feet to a Qoint on a 5880. 0 fobt radius curve; ! 8) 1667 .3 feet alang the arc of said curve to the left whose central angle is 16°74'47" and whose tong chord bears S 81 °47'06" W 1661 .7 feet to a point of tangent; (9) S 73°39�42" W 2175.3 feet; /10) S 85°36'29" W 574.5 feet more or tess to a point on the West line of said Section 3 which is N b°02'30" W 728.10 feet from the Southwest Corner thereof; ( i 1) continuing into said Section 4, S 85°36'29" W 150. 1 feet to a point on a 5430. 0 foot radius curve; (12) 425.7 feet aiong the arc of said curve to the right whose centrat angte is 4°29'31" and whose long chord bears S 75°54'27" W�125.6 feet; �13) S 54°27'56" W 373.4 feet; and � 14) S 78°09't 1" W 460.5 feet mcre or less to a point on the Westerly line of said Southeast Quarter of the Soutt�- east quarter of Section 4; thence N O° 02'37" W 1034.20 feet along said Westerly line to the point of beginning, containing 205.73 acres more or less . Section 2. The above described territory shall be zoned within ninety (90) days from the effective date of this annexation ordinance in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail, ORDINANCE NUMBER i �Series of 1969), as amended, and said territory shatl upon the effective date of this ordinance be subject to all of the applicabie ordinances and regulations of the Town of Vail. Section 3. Severability: It is the intention of the Board of Trustees that this ordinance or any part or provision thereof, shall be considereci sever- able and, if any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is heid invalid, such invalidity shali not affect other provisions or applications of the ordinance which can be given effect wit�out the invaiid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared severable. Section 4. 'The Bdard of Trustees Pinds that this ordinance is necessary to preserve and perpetuate the welfare of the Town of Vail and that this ordir�ance shatt become effective upon its adoption and publication in accorciance with the laws of the Sfate of Colorado and shall become effective thirty(30) days from pubiication of same`. INTRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED PUBLISHED TMiS 27th of June , �9�2 • ATTEST: // . 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