HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12 Recorded Copy. 3 • .. � ORUINANCE NO. 12 . - ceriES oP i 973 : : ��N CRUIN���CE ANNEXING TO THE T�WN OF VAiL CERTAIN TER�ITORY SiTUATED IN EAGLE CUUN"S"Y, STATE QF COLA�ADO, MORE PA{�2TICULJ��LY QESCRIE3ED �� V/ai L VI LLAGE 1 1th FI LI NG , ACCORD- iNG TQ THE RECOf:DED P�AT TH�REOF; ZONING SAID FRGFERTY IN ACCCR�ANCE W[TH THE ZON[NG ` QRDIN�NCE FOR THE TOWN OF VAtL; AND SETTiNG FORTH fW�TTERS AND DET�I LS IN REL�TION T HERETO. ::. WHEREAS, .a petition for annexation oF �erritory into the Town of Vait, Coiorado, was dufy fiEed with the Town Clerk on or about the ' sixteenth day oFApril, .i973; requesting the annexation to the Town o� Vai[ oF certain property.commonty knows� as the Vail Vi[Eage 11th Fiiing, according to thie recorded p[�t thereof, County. o� Eag le, �tate of Colorado; aric �' 'WHEREAS, by resolutian the Town CounciE For the Town of Vail ` found that said petitions substantia[[y compliecE with the MunicepaE Annexa-- : tior� Act of 1955 of the State oF Co�orado; and . _ WHEREAS, th� Town Council For tY�e Town of Vail duEy estabf'tshed the time for holding a pubEic �eari�g an said petitions For annexation, and Following pubtic notice of said hearing the matter came beFore the Town Council at a public hsaring Y�eld on Ju[y t'7, 1973, in the Vail Munici�al ` Building, anci at the pub[ic hearing du[y held beFore the Town Council an `:July '�7, .1973, the Towr� Council, at the completion of the hearing by reso- ' lution se� fortt� �ts �'indings of �'act an� conclusiar►s inctuding t�e fotEowing: 1." That the requirem�nts oF the appticabie parts o�' the Sections,'CR� f39-2i--3 and 139-2'f-4, had been rr�t;and compiied with. : 2. That under the provisians af CRS (1963) i3�-21-6 {2) - no eEection wa.ild be required.- ` 3. That thet^� wouid be na additionat terms or conditions impased upon the annexation of the subject territory. , _ 4. That an appropriate ordinance would be introduced at , the'next ensuing regular m�eting oF t�re Tvwn Caunci! pErtaining ta the ar�nexation oF the subject territory. WHEREAS, the Tawn Council finds that the annexa�ion of th� subject s�roperty her�i�n described is neces�ary and desirabia, and in the best interes�.s o� the Town oF'�/atl �znd th,at said territary s�out�f Ge annexeci intfl the Town erF �'ail; NC�'V'U, TF-iEREFC��E, E�E [T C�R[�AfN�d �Y TH� TC1�Vf"J CG�UN�'fL.. ClF iHE '1°`GWN QF V'Ail.., C(7LC?RA,C?C?, T��fi,T: SEC'TIC.°N l. �'re�t�ert�r Annexec! *o the Tawn o� Vail. The F'c�Itc�winr describecf territcary�, whici� w�s descrit�ed in petitions Far ann�xatis�n, be, and the s�me is hc�re#�y� ann�xed to the Town of Vail, Color�da: � V�til '�/ill�c�e 1 1th F"iling, �ccardir�a to th� rrcorded �Iat 'ther�oF, Ca�.�nty o�' E�r�le, �t�t� c�F Calor�-�do. � . . � , :.. ., _ SECTiON 2: Eligibi ity �or Anr��xatibn. : The Town Co�anci! �inds and defermines that Lhe ter•ritory described tn Section 1 is cligible for annexafion in accord�nce wifh`th� requiremer�ts o�the Municipat Annexation Act pF 1g65, Colorado Revised ��atutes (1gc^,3) C�apter 139, Art�cie 2i;.as amended, anc! tY�at at[ oF'the procePdings reEating to a pubtic hearing, pubtic notice and findings oF fact have been conduc�ed in accordance with tiY�e said Municipai Annexatton /-�ct oF i965. SECTION 3. Zpning, .nl! pf the subject property:annexed to the Town oF Vail by virtue of thf O d' s r inance �s zon�d -"Twa»-Farn{ty Residential" in accordance with the Town oP Vail zoning orclinance {Ord�nance No. 8[Seri�s of ig73� ), as arr�nded, arid the:ofFic€ai zoning map For the Town oF Vail shal� be ' appropria�ely amended to inctutie such zonirog ciesignation for the territory herefn annexed. SECTION 4. Severability. � If any part, section, subsectior�, sentence, clause or phrase oF this ordinance' is Por any reason hefd �o be invalid, suc� decision sha[E not aF�ect the validity of the remaining pprtions o� this ordir�ance; and the Town Council�For the Town of Vail hereby deciares it woufd have passed this ordir�ance arui each part, section,' subsection, sentenc�, clause or phrase thereof, irrespecttve oP the fact that any one ar more parts, sections, subsections, scnterrces, c[auses or pf�rases be declared inva[id. INTRODUCED, READ, `APPROVED, AND OR�ERED PUBLISHED " - THiS :`., •. r�� � day of August, 1973. TQWN OF VAI L : By Mayo ATTEST: � ,,� J ,; f �. /'. �` ;'� �, _ . �`'; '' Town Cierk INTRQl�UCED, RE.AD, �,DC7R'TEC7 A�lD CRQER�C7 PUBLIS#--I�C+ TF�IS 21st d�y aF August, 1�i�. a�rE:��r;. . _.•,: ; . y . r , �. �� ' ^' � �. ! � �' {...�� Y �1"awn Clcri< r� T Cl1NN C? �'V1� i L �'` �M � ��I�. j �_ ' �` r� C� � �� •,/f,r'' ,' ,� % '' � , ° ,!�;� �'\� ���F�"�1� �wrr.'.y,�k %.-. r lW!l�,e�r fiS � � �. ._, �: � � � r, .�, � F��. ,�.��� �:� ... � ,� i'�'`..�� T'"i��' A,.� C� ,:w_1� C;� � , ,r „ �' ,,.C! i''f''��-,;;� ` {'� r � ��.. � �tl� ' ,J ......_ lJl'�'i,'i ir� � i'� ,....w v�...i� i,.`{�f rl�_'C";-'� , V [ i�.�L. o,ar�:.. �,: .��:�;�..��� z�;���:._�.�:..��,.�, � : - - ..�..._ ` � � �j' _ _ , . �..��. _ . _ � ....K ............. , . . ..,. . . . ..................................... --2- ��ti��'�iv �;�_.t:�C ANNEXAT�bN l F'-------�ANNEX/aTION TO THE TOWN O�= VAI L, COLORADO ; � EF,.fA4FC.�=F�r:�E�FCS•.,n f CeFC�+': v: � - . � _ � � . �-�� V�IL Yl6rFir767� ���Y�/!'�/7 F/L/NG www�.�.......�.+�..,.�. �......�......-.��%V��-�. � . . .. �-^ - — � ��.. .���� � . . � - � - - . . . .. � - _ .� ' .... . . . j �� `�� w sue3�jr�aa a� �.��rr oa rfr� tw¢ �s�cTr�+v s� r� s�� aFSECT/ON � ��.� .r r...�...�, r.►�. r.w+.. �.-r .r. r«�..+ w..w .i � ���.`fQwNS�/�SSOY/1'K.P.f,1rE101YES7`OKTN�GTNP.AR• F.IOLP CD:/�vTI;CO�O�ii'� , s•��� +••••• � t•• r••• �� �•• - ••• s• -•,•• . ...... �.�y .� .,,.. , . . y ,... �.,... . -._—�....--�........�---'� +—�—���������� � �y�•n.�w...ryw.. �. �.r....y.i...�.•..w- , � � ------ ------�---�- �w e/w,.. ;.....µ.�.�.s....�..•�...�....M., . � . �...��r��.i.,��.� •.�aw� s �//A.�, w..w�ol•P•� I.a.vN�'..r....a�..rwre' � �nomlf.r: �r..�r irrweoe�i �vrop..'. �v�v .�r�..r-r rn�.v . � JY� .�t �.�•p'.I'f �Irr /.r �.. r.w r r/ l.�w. 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