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1974-20 Recorded Copy
���� f-�- . - ��' , .• ��Q7'T1�.T�I�i•;�;�.;. 1`::.i. �O . .. . .. :ic�rits:, O.f.: 197� Ii:� 1..?�,.tG}`:`:(,�' C?i?T�1.i:?i...0 ,.'. =,. ?�.:�11'�:?:C� ��I:?' Oi2i�:�� ��,1<_��'.�. �f..., �'.A,! .Ci l�. ���i.� _"1O.' l.': � �- ., I��.lo1;Q::�� � J!`_:�;i� a'�7 ':::ii. , JiC:� ?3�' :'T?'' i::C:ti?,:•(�i;i;`i'�(�:. .`�,;._.:,�'7. O::' i�''_: C.Oa:.''�C`_�' I;:;t:i�I� l>>.';;(:iZ�I.'TYO'; 01 'I:i:la �a.,::. ...;:J I.I: 'A ;;, ...;� !"�.0 :'1C:., iJ� �''u'�.� � CC:�C?'�ii?Or- �3�'�C':?iic.:�::�.r J-;::� �.; _.'�i ;'.C.� .. �..i 'y ���:..�., i� � c::�..'�?:C'., c�: ��C.. :1C>j": G��� i }.:(? -�: . � .C.'l':"S c'Ii:'<?iS � �0...:?i:;; C: .� Y� C' :�i�:i?:"C? Or {iO�.C?:"uC�O � "•:.�:1"C�'�iC4:i �}TL' G::c��,''l�•... rzcn�: uy, t:ne: �'.'�c,n Coi�.�:c�_`7. vf. Os�a:�z:r.��ce T:o. �3, Ser.iCS of 1974,: 027 't`..�'lC'' .�i1Ci Q�::wti' Oj: SlC;�1:C:;:;JC%� �� j� � �.�1('. Ct'{CC��VE'_ C��u�:.@ O� ,�di"]J_G�l •,a�::s tiie 3.?. �t� ��r„� a�' .5�;. ;�eniber , a_9 I;; `'�i:_,�..I;li i� i)?E? ZBq�cil CiG:.3CY�-}�ii1011 O� t}1C'. �i17i�C}:C,'(� ci.L'(?c3 � , ., , _ SE:'G �O�'t:!i �)1 ��5��1].J�.1� li O:L So.1.(z ci?7;1�?.:c1�.:�.02? O.x.C?:f.i1s1i1C(?� COT]�c31:iC.'Q TTt1.1�`'Li?�'.'�i,11 G.`_'1'07'>� 'C,Q`-:•;]_i: ""i.?7C e17'Oi1CJ'OL?i C�E'alClid�3_C)?TS Oi �Zc21'1<�;�(: fin c"a..� 1Zct2�t�C: �� c�."lC1 Z'ic%?'.jG )9 c25 �c?'x�E' i�j • :� i ; C -�� �����_ ti-� n...!-... yl��� i 7 l � -t+r+ � 3i=lti:i �. i°;�I ,T: ,?> , �r. c�.c.:�.� �-o cc�A �..._ �� �.cga� c�e,�..ri.i , ' ., . . . , . Oi {�C1E, clI�7lG:iG'(] F',.I'C�'..1.I� c��.� C�OC111�C:1���� pc�rtati��.r.0 �O t�":G �371_?E'...c.._ �].�I; t•;111:C:': CQi�j:.c ?.11 u�:L' AiOJ"C'Sc ].C� 7i11.11].S�:G'Y'lc'.1 C'Y'YOY.'S :t.}1G' fOS'7l1 ��Li:17.1"1GC�. �?'OYtI '�ilE? �?:: 't:i'1C{: COU1".�. ]_Il. cil1C� '�Ox' 'r�1G: C012:11:.I7' Qi EagZe, St�tc� ot,Co].�z�.cia, �n �cnc�ed Orc'er Aui:horizir.g A:�ne�a-- tion ��hzr.};`tai11 take c{�e:ct nunc p�-o �:uric as ot ihe fi�ing or , ei.f-ectivc :datc o� said aocuments, ��:nd : ±' tr'FiER1��iS, the To�Vn Cowlcil iinds �hat �t is necessary Sor �he preservatioi� of public pro�erf:y, 3.c�lth, vielfare, peace, or sa�eL•y to" enacL- `�his orclir�ancE as an e:��erqency rr.ea- sure so as tc incarporate the correc� legal'descripuion of thc annexed area �n the anr.exation ordinance und �o precZu�I� ar.�r " issu� as to the ef�i�cacy of the �nne}:atian;° - . �':, � .. . .� ..: _ � . . :.:�. . . ..�...;. NOS^l, TFiERE�ORE, BE ii 'O1217AItii�i� BY TIiE TOt3I�' COUitCrL 0� TIii; �'O;':N .Ol� Vt�IL, C6T,Oi;7�D0, ��S FOLLOZ•rS : ' C�l2��iF��D : COPY OF ORIGiNAL �°'�h.,S�s�� �s �,a'���rue copp of the original . C1���'eof w�%�,� is �.n the cusiody of the '`�To�vn''ilerl�` �n the reco�s of the Town ;;� kc� 1�la�l pt `Cql�rado � . � � �� � i i > �. �, � ` �eputj� x,o�vn Clerk Town "of .Vai 1;; Co orado - 0 _ � : s � - � � �� � � _.__- - ---- . � : S cr r_ �� ��� 1_'. '1' i i.1 e. ,' `.�'}1J..> C�7:<��11i�7TCC� .i�2cZl�. ���^ }:T1G�i%21 cl:� �:?}C ��i�3:i<7.I"ai.'.:JCC � _ € I�r,,�.7ci�.�?; P,ic�l��c>:°t1 ;::�r.c..;�:€.:ar� Orc3_>>:3r.ce }7y :tncoz���o��,f.:i.r.<,: Cor.� ? � , rect Lr.����? �c>c:r. a.}��:i.a,: c�: 1'::z,�t .•:e: T.:�-e<z" . ' Ser.; �.�n 7. �; ;,1c..cerlt:� t.c C3rr'.�.n����ce ��i:nexi.zlg a { Po1°L•in,i o.t c?:`:� .,a_cr,:or.n '�. �c,t� t.v i..,c :.'o;�,tr.. � . ,. • � , i'h� x'c::l1.c ,:,c.,�i�ic:::, or 0_ a:.a,�zi?c�- :;o. 13, Scxzes � , ... � " O� _t>!�z � Olr. 'i:ilC: �i�0..?i C'w \`ci`11 � �Q,�C]"�:C�U� c^1'r3 }1CYC:.��� i:�„�...GC'C� c^.� � � ; , r1CJ�C'..l.:icif {..C'_- �'i �vr i (:r.r� . . � � : � . ri .. .„ . . ,� _ .. . . :i�.Ci.:.03� !...> �i.t�f.17C1C-..n.. i:0' YF?<iC� uu fO�,.�O'�ti4: � t � - . • :�. • �. iY Sec.i:j c» 2. l�r.�nc�x«Lio;r' oS a por`�cton ot th� Lzc�;liori� � .. ar. e�: i:o tne ���c;��;� . � l?ur.�uf..rit �o �:?�e ?�inenc'ud �rc'Ic1- l,ut�or5.z9r,g`anncxai;�.o: � ,. : ! �� o` 'i:l?e Dic'c7::i.c� Court �:n and 3:c�Y'the CoL.ni;;� c�� .Eae�lt�, S��a:_� o; � - : �, . ,� ' Co�o���:do, er,��:-r�� on ��.;�� ?_5th c�a� oi Octo3scr, 197�i, takir.g � F r.- , ' .: ,. + c' f, ;, � . - ��.. ,r ry . .. . .0 {_ ' 7 � �� � � � �'� �f,_c:c�_ r_ur;c �>rc� i�unc �..• c�:. t.ic. Jing o•r cf.,.er�i�c. czat:4 of � . `,, az �. docu::len�t> p�:��:u.�r� ��:�r t� �.}zr <:>>�ze�at.i.�n, a. cer.�.i�� e� r.o;,1, � ; � � � , ���� � of ��hicli 1 s �.�E:t.�,ci.�c� )�.�z cto � r.•c� a=�acic� a p�,r_ t 3��reo�', tl�e Tov,�n � ;� � � �, oi VaiZ, Co].oza;3a, her���y arZi;el;cs c•.ii�l�oti1L spcc'ia3. ��rms or � 4� condi'cions a,po��tion of- L-he 139.ghorn ar.ea, Co�:nty o� Eagle, ��� ��� � � � ;r State af Co:l_c>r_ado, dcscribed in I�mended �;}:l�ibit A Lecjal. Der- >>s a �,� crip�ion of said ordcr. �F " ,� , . �� B. Sccf:ion � i � amended to rr� i3 as follo�as : �� �a Sect.ion 4. i'i1in�+ o�' �nnexation �,�lat. " ' 1r;it1�5.n thi;i:;r ;days aft�r the effective date hereof , z th� �'o�-;n C].er}: o€ tlie To:vn of V4�_3_, 'Colaracio, sha].Z file or.e cop}� oi th� �mended e�nn�tiataon 1>lat, . a copy of which is 'on <:` file in �he Dis�rict Court in ��:nd t'or` the `County o� Eag}.e, � State oy Color�ac?o,` wi�fi th� orzg:ir_�l of tli.ir annexa�ion ordi-•` k n�ince in' the `�-ecoxds oi the To�an, one"'.co�y of saic� plat caith `' the Caunty C1erk .and Itecox�dez of thc County of Eacfle, S�.ate ; : . � of- Ca�.orado, �r�ci one copy of sa�_c1 p1.at W].�Il �}l� Divis3.an qf ; Loca]. Govcxnr.icii� af i;li� IJepartm`nt of Loc��l Atfaiz-s, utate of . .. . ... . ..� � . .3j , 3 ' CO�_0Y.'ZCIO. r f � . �:�.' . ��i , i. . . , ._ . . ... . .. .I' , , , :� �� � � � � £�c,cta.ar 3�.<: r'i'fecta:�rc�.-c?ate "o� ai�3endmc���t�; i:o ar.aze::�� , tYU�� �� c�a_nitnc� . . , '. - : ' ' . `.�.'�']E3 ci�C""!Ct�:^'.?t:.�'i::'�0 ��ZC'. <�!:11C:��:�].C�71� C?:�C.JI:t�?:Cv S{?i:.'i:Q:.t..�2 �:n Secta.a�-.?. hei=co� �h�]:1. it-:,:'� ef;f�ci: ni:�:c p��a tunc a;; ;r�� �}:�' c��eci.zv�� i�at:c Ui: s��i.� orrzi.n�.�':c�, i-.o-��,i� <ihe 11�h �a"�• of .. : Sej t���:�?:7�r. , 197� , ��:_ ��_o�� C. I',�it>c�i:'ive d�ii:e. �Z'^1.J QJ.GI:�1'.�.i:G� ...�i:IC3�.�. 1�.d}\C' Gi.#C'L� Li�Ci:: �:!1G' nci:�Saf��' r]C]'C4�': . , : . '. I1'�`J.'��:�i:�isC?:��� R;;l-.I7 i1�i .7si� 1 �:L �G_.?�;C`_r GFZD3.2�`,`;C�� !'il'l�i�C7��'?.,�J' � ` ` Fi�;1!C`1'F�1i '.�`0: `I.�.?�:": ��]�:'E;'i' Li�'C}:� Z'T:.'i��7., I.�I:SSAG1� 0:�:. '�'I3 � S l�1"'s':t`l:r. 1`'�Iti�D O�Zi37.1??:�:?7 1�U1;T�]Sl;:_:�� O,�:CL T.I� I'li3�L� tdI'�,3'!'II: T1::2: U��YS I�T'�'i.R Pt�aS?'aGL , _ , _ 4R T,S �70C?I7 T-.S I'i7�. T?�T.J,, '�}.i � 5t}� .d�:y of-. l;o�rc�;ru:e� , 1 9i4 . � �_ �,l` i � ,�/ t , . �-`'�-- � �% ra '� . . . . . � _ . � " � �� . ' w. . ..�� � C.� ✓� . , , � . . . �_,. _._._..___.v..__.�� �"__n . i�l c] j' C 1 . ; li 1 ?'�.;'�' : ' '. ... ` . . _ / �l F' � �` r, �,f.•''-�✓-��%i,'Jt/d �r. J�'�'��.f*� �' ._..�_�._.,.._���`�t•a �1�: �'_ �jc � � � _ : : 3 '; � IN '�f-�C�`DISTt;1CT CC7cJC�T'p1N nrv[�<E-0!� '1"i-�� . et�Ui�TY Of�',f��/�G�:N . pIS`f'f;iCT {.' ,.'..7 . ; %c7; 1C COi.'!t/� i:J;:,+:��p ; sT�-�-c o�- cc�ori�oa c�r�►r���� f�t ��� 1�:��, �� ::: -.�-�s ��.-F:.�i . c��y ot t:,c c•i z:f ;� �! c:�:;:^ .. ��,.. Civii /�ctior� R�o. ?._2OG ll��ie .--..:���c�r'-r—:�-� �..�"�.1:'.� s. ........ ..... .. ..... .1 � � .�: :. � � . � � �. , � f%Z�-i�/--t1-!% � ,.c.....t-�..�.�c,•.- , ..... (lCrn .. it�3 Tt-{E.. f��Ti"[�i� C�t= T���' ; 3 � � � �x .,. !% (%.!�� y..... ... .� ....._...�. . ,..�,,. � , � :t->-�....... !\I`�1hfE�Xr"-�TiUi`u;df�' !� i�C;i`-�'`t'IC�N ; ) U�pt,:� C:atf: ar -r,.�r�.� r��c�E-��,,j�r�� .�r�c�, �' firv��=e.r�rr� c��pr-rz - �,nc��_�: c~c���,± � Y, cca�.c�. :,���c�, � ; ,�u�ri��ot�r��r�� ,�r�r���,�T�c�n! :-ro 7-E-�F�' -rawr,; c��- vn,��_, ) ca cc�;�,��c� ) � /�fter ccir��icic��^G�ia:-r r;fi the c�x �ari:e t�/'ic�ion for /�m�n�eci , Qrder /-�u�l�orizin�,� �a��i�exatior� {iled he��ein }�ursuar�t to Seciiorr 'i39- 21--1'i, Coto:^acio T:evisec3 S�atutes io63, as acn::nd�d, and ti��re being gooci cau�e th4t�efo,,, ' 1`i� 1S H�T�Cf3Y OF:D��i E� as fol4o�vs: � t. 'i"he mir�isi�ri«i errars in t3�e I�a�2 c�escripfion oi� Lhe . ahnexed a�,ca contAincci in E}.h:`�i� /a c�.t.he F'et:ition to Hotd an Annnxa- tiori Etnctic�n, �f;e i-�nncr.atio►� F'Lat,' znd vas~ious att�vr docur�n�nts Pilec� het^eir� and �erfair�ing to fihc� anner,a�ian, to-wit t1�e erraneous desic�na-- tior�.s of �2�ng� f30 as Range £31 ` aaid Range 7� �s �ange 80, were tecnnical, . mincsr, ar� F�d no appt^eciaUte �f�ect an the ann�xation e�ection and � constifiut-ed h�rm[�s; errors v�rith respect to the annexa�iori. '. ` 2. The correct ie�al description of tf�e annexed area is �e� for^th in Amended ExhiUit A Legal O�scription w�icl� is att�ch�d hereto ar�d 'rrrade a par� hereaf. . •. � , `; ' "3. /�l! docum�nts filed'her^ein and pertair�irog to the annexa- tEon'which conLain the afar^esaid ministeri�[ errors in �he leg�i d�scrip- '.,' ttan of Lhe'aiin�x�d area are amended by`the substitu�ion tlierein of tiie leg�l c3cscr4ptticarti ol' the annexed:�r.e� s�t;.for�h in Arriend�ci Exhibit A L�gal Description for ih� err�one:ous tcq�1 descripti`on. ,; • .., 4.. in ac.c:orciance with tl�e re�>uli of`'the anr�ex<-�tion'eteciinn hetd o�i tl�e Gth d��y of �ug����L, T�374, ���,rr�cre4n there vvcre 15i votes for�. annexatian �ind G�i vote� <z�ainrt annexat'ion; a;r;ijor�i:y of'tltie�.votcs c�.�st be'ii�c� in favor ot� annexZtia��, t�ic T��.vn aF:Vail, Colorado,` i� autfzor�zeci ta annex v�.�itf�ou� ��c:cia! term> o�^ con�it;ons a�ortic�n o� . fhe f3ighorn !urea, .E�gi� Ca�nty,'. Cotoracla, ci�uct^ibed in 'A�iri?r�d�d .. - �` ; �xhibit � E_eca! Descripteon. � ;, ;, ; : <. , ' 5. lall r.a�;i:s artitl �y:4�ense� connec�ec3 v�i'�!i the..annexa�iati, 1CICIUC�117� CRtYi1711a �ioner^ fces r�aL� er.cecGinc� For.,�� ch con-�rni�sio�ier ��2. �0 {�or eac� I�o..r' of� ne�es ,�ry s�rvi c� �; sf�� i 1�� be ��aid �;by thc To��✓n � of Va,i! t Coloracio. ; , .. . 6. Pet4�ior�Vr ���rit'l:forfh�Nith fiie f�crefr� a�� �mci�o�d /annexz--� . � � fiion f�l�ii: v,�iiick� contains tt�e lcg:�[ dcsci��i��stion of ih�� annexec� ur�a �efi � farth in /-�mer�ci�c3 cr.nibit �� Lec�al Descf�iptia�. 7. 1Ni�fi rt�s���ct io ali cit�curnu'nis fiEcci het^ein:and `p�r�ai►�inc� ' „ , to tl�� ai�ir�iexation ��o.� the `fili��q :hereot' tEiis or�er' vdi i� t�ke e('FCC� t-)U tlC , „. pro tutic as of th� fiiing flr ef�fecLiv� ciatc� or saici.c3acuments: .' ` . < �. bATL�D." �agfe, Coloracio, i:fZis 2� d�y;.of. bc�aber, 1�74. - . _ . ,. ,. . . ; . .„ . . _ . ,�, . ,„ ,,, , , , . . . , ,; , , � � . � Ch�.r7:�s }�. Ca'sey � , ; ...� . � r ... .� � �� ... . . . . . �l . - � • ... .� .�. ; - _.... �.._�- . . . ,. JUDG� OF TH'E AC3(�`/E Eh;TIiLC�` CC7Ui�"1� , � :.: ,: . . . ;; . „ . r. � , „ ,, , ,;. , '; • , ,. � ,, � . ,• , � ;. : . . _ /� f�� (_ i�; ,. E._ D - . ` FW�:I�Ili31-i'`i� ,, ; ;. > a _ `: L�.EG� I_ D! W`'C(�1 i''i!�N , :, : , � �'tZt"Cf'.� O� ti:!["�'7 ( �l�Yl� lil t�\;a �•t]i�{:f1 ��? pr CL'_CllO.'l �? � ��C.)1;VElrf"liC3 �� aOl.ti}l� t^Fzil�[? �� Vv'C:`.;i:� fllG: `;f�'.:t�l j��:C)i �.���' .`';O�ltfl '{�:' O� ��C'.C::1C;�1 7� l�C)VJfI�;}"11� J SQC.1���y t'c.�Il�� i30 vti�est, f}�� c�i�;L 1%? o� thc r�o:�'�f��.;:i_�f '/" at� �cct?c;:i 7 i, �l��c�w:-��>t�iE� 5 sc�..�fi, !'`c !lC]� f�i� �'.�;'-�>� �: ���C: \1�i ;;�. 'f�:? r_;t^:f if��' �>O,.ri:�1: <;u'i; '��f Q� �[.'GttCi;l ��� iOVJ)ZS1.I� J aOLilFI� i'c���.�� ii�.? �•✓nr,f? �F:� 11Gl�i1�r''.�3.`>i �,r��. p�' �;'!� fi�;�it:C:'cl�t ���5-0� ._C`')C'CtFCi'l j� � TOL's�C1�s11�") :�l ;"CUi:rly �uil^t? Fi(} \;�VS�� ��IY.j if"lC_ ['�O:'i,�'�:,'(�'4{. ��� Of t:Sl� iIOY't.�l�'�°�<�t: ��r'r i�i'tf1C; 1lOC�'t:}l\V�?';i �%� Qi .f:E:G�IC;�I IEi� r0':'�/i:��llj.i J `��•' x � �s � : '� � _,��,;h r� r�;�c i�3 v.�cst oF c;1� �f:E`i �Y'11`1C:1;�i11 f1'1�:�"1Ci:cA�'1� E-c:tC:�n ��;�:lE"lt�i� CO;pt�� C}U� c:i��� CfC:SCY`t�y'C� �35; �.�E.'K�lf�fll(1'��' r. �• t r �. ;v. crc. � �tC>�i .3' i:�l°I'1Cf� �i C:.El�7 t:�`1L' �OUi: •v �=�.1 at ti-ec �e:�r�i��:�.;t �,o r�c c7f id _�c-' , t ii_li�-3 of �d > Sc�ctit�r-� €�? f.3�°23'�i;'' \"�' � E�i r�. ?-T �<<<;�3 q�l,.c.t;�.c� Eti' :>3°G1 f� ;" f; 6�;>.00 f�e�; .r�c:r�r.c� '�+ i'7°�1 `2f t` f�" �;;5. t>�) �'c.c�, tE � n�.e t�i ���>:.Oi'�'�" �r �8;). O� Pee�; �'r�•°r�ce t�� i:i" i Q` i3" � , ,, , .r.., � � °� ,, =; „ C: �`30. �O ce��:; ii�,ence S ta7 °20' 1 "i" � � 00. 0� W 12G. 1 fe.c�k; L,,_.� .�. � TU .. �. f�c�i; tl°��r�4cc� c£�:s°.;U' i I" C-- 3CJ. QO fc�c��; i:i��r�cc: i�� 8°38'2,�'° VJ �'Y'i4.�5 fee� to t��� sc�;.a�h �^i��-�4�-r� •--�.j� .y ii� �:�> o�= ���'��^r: .�.�tc 7C.; °s-.�r;c�: ata�:� s�:id south lir,�e on tne fC���C�f:�lt:'} CC::'^.�C'�3: �&.-_i��>>' ;,;i,r E�. f3vC5.�C) iE:C't� ��? 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Cii JTI�f "'�4��4f� JCti c�'..i1:% tiy�: �:C�.i��"1�'-t�Il[7"1pSt �1i1� O� V�zl� US���IC,�'� T����:�t�� (';1ir��;,:tE,<<r,c^ ��io .., s� ic3 cat�-,t�-�o�� Iin� o�Z t{�� �olio�Nin� co:�t^se:�: c ' O�ir.t�:_'il _.l�.;.: ) ' .r. C',��( � 1! {^ �. �37 �., �),� (� � � , . 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' ti�e na;h�h s�ichi:-..Jr._t.,��:Sr Iir��� af.I�7�c�r�tat-e �C; th�nce ala�7c� s�:id narth lin� S � 3�°'i5'a'i" E���.6:) f'��t, t}�.�r�ce N�`�°5c>'i't" C�3<:i0.�7 ie:Bi:; �henCe S' C?°20'4�" : E 5�3.�3 f��;�t �:a th� r�c;�#:f� r;�:i!��-os��v,�uy lir,e e�F Inter�tui:e 7b; L��ence � b°20'U4�� '� 5C�4.E3� f`�et to thc: sc�ui:h ric�t„--oP--w�.y tine a� In�:erst�<e 7Q; th�nce S O°2C3'Q�'," E."-,.+'i2:0U i'���; tl�et7ce S�'i�°�2'�'+;a�� f� �3c?�':fJC3 F�et; t}-�encG� � O°O�'4Cl" E; 'l��5.4:a ' fe�t; t}it�ncc N�3°�G'�3" E 1�'�[�. � 1 f�eL; thence.S D�U�'40't 9320,�?� f'e�et t4 the norl.h�,vest ca�^ner oF said �"ccticn i�3, ti��nc� �.tor�g the norf:h t'tne oF ���ic� �.�ec�icn , 1F3 5�'�°53„�4" � 2�.7.70 f'<het; c`.hw�tce S 2�°O�"5�" VW 585.^�8 feet to tF�e we'�t ;Ifnu of s4�id ��ciic�;� 1F�; thc�nc� N�0°C70'OU" Vv' 7.{7C7 ��e�;.thenc� S CJ`"C�0'q�" 177 CO ;;; f��t; thenc� N�Q�°aC7'C�4" Er 7.Q� �"e�t ia lh� ��st tine c+F �aicf S�c'tion 1�; th�nc� S C3°00`�70" G1�.E3"i fe�t; tY��rrC� N F3�°5�'2�t" W i.^-,0�.%5 f•�c:t; thenC� N()°Ci�tiJQr' 1322.G;3 fee� to th� �outh iini aP s�id �ec�ion 12; thenc� along said srautE� line N£39°�3'2Gn Vu 130�'i.E3:7 F�GL'�, �:h�r�C.^_ N C:°�'�.F'.�+'i£3"' 1�^J 1�12.�� f'�C:�t} th�r1CC: N F3�3°57'00" W'�123.�0 Feet; thenr.e hJ ��9°��,n�`� VJ iw��"+1,�5 feet to thc �ve�� tine �,� ` ,of ��x id �ectiori 1'4 ; thenc� a IOrzg s� ia wc�s*. I inf� N 0° 1�'d�°" LN i 9F'h3. 12 'Fec:t, tFienc� � F33°5G';��" V�/ �u2:5�3 f�e�; tf��nce N C7°i9'�r" W�Gb.59 i`eet; thence f�+? ��°��'Q,�" ` 4'a �G?.��� fec.:t; lhenc� �*J O°0?,��" C'i3?0.7G P�c� to the souL}� lir�e oF �aic3 �='c:c:tian 2; �h�ncc a.r,ng ; aici �c4�th tin� N�3°5?'�42" �V 1:�25.'?5 fC�L� th�nce t�: f3�°43"r5„ V'V' 2��.�?.`'�1 Pcct Lo the tru� point of beginnic�c�, <-� tract afi lunc.l`which conrait�s C�� .�E C>�+ ��cre�, r���rc or iess . ,, ; 1�33�.5 " : : - : STAT� OF �QLORADO F . , ss. : , ; ' EAGI.E CAUNTY ` f . 1 hereby certify tha# i1�is instrumes�t ` ' -' , ; vV�s led -fc� ord ln y offic� t�t�d ..�d ay af'�` cf�tr:�:�r��..�..�.� 19.� :�.:�� �!�-.a'clock �.M., an�f is duiy recorder� ,in Book.�„��'._,Pa��`��?.�.... „ w..�-�:��;� .�'��. ---...._ , , Co�nty lerk a�d R�corder ' '; ;, : , �3ji.�.._...._ .. ....., , . , . � � �,�, F� ��..��. ,�-��. � : _ , ; ; . � _ � ,