HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-26 Recorded Copy' t CERiIFIfD COPY OF ORIGINAL• � ihis is a true copy of the original _ hereof which is in my custody in the records of the Town of-:Vail, Colorado. ��J';' . � �' � �� : : ;� , .�: ORD INI�NCE NO . 2 6 Town 1 er�;. � = Seri�s of 1975 �� Town of V���'�,, � ad`b ;-,R- : ^ �� ��! �2�. z� AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 11NIJ�XING TIi� LI01�� .. --� ����� � RIDGE AR�A TO TIIE TOWN OF VAIL, COLOR11D0'�''";�+�t��'""� `' i WHEREAS, at least ten per cent of the qualified electors,:who are resident in and landowners of the area pro- posed to be annexed, which zs situated in a county of less than twenty-£ive thousand inhabitants, fiied a Petition for Annexation Election with the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail, Colorado,:on the 7th day of October, 1975, in accordance with Section 31-8-10i(2), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended, z�questing the municipaiity to commence proceedings tor the holding of :an annexation election to determine the matter of the proposed annexation of the Lions Ridge area, Coun�y of 'Eagle, State oi Colorado,' described irr Exhibit A attached : hereto an8 made a part hereof, to th� Town of Vail; �]HEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vai.I, Colo-. rado, hereinafter referred to as the "Town", found �he Aeta.tion for Annexation Election tq be in substantial compliance with Sectian 31-8-107(2); CRS:1973, as arnended, and on the 7th day `' of C}ctober, `1975, adopted' Resolution No. lI,` Seri�s of 1.975, which is incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof; WHEREAS, on the basis-of competent;evidence presented in the pubJ.ic hearing on the Petition for Annexa�ion Election on the ll�h day ot November, 1975, the Town Council det�rmined �hat the app].icable provisions of The Diunicipal Annexation Act of 1965, Title 31, Article 3, Part �, CRS 1973, as amended, had been satisfied and adopted Resolution No. 15, Series of 1975, which is incarporated by reference herein arrd madE a part l�ereof; WiIEREAS, the �'own filed a P��i�ion fo� Ann�xation ��.ection in the District Cour.t in and for the County of �agle, State of Colorado, on the I.4th day of November, ].975, and on said date the court �ntered in Civil Action No. 7.h34 a Findings � Town rk ���ti.`�y / I , ;� . . . . � . . 4i, ;. Ord. 26► 1975 Paqe 2 � . � �<: �n, ,l; ^: ' ` . , ; � � ,, and Order for Annexation Election directing tn�t the annexation ,. ,E � � s � � ' f � election be held on the llth day of December, 1975, and appo�nt � s �; � ~ ing'three= election commissioners to ca11 "and hold tlie election, h�` � , ��;� , �,,,. said petition and order being a.ncorporated by reference herein �� � �nd made parts hereof; �, W �� ` ��� . � WHEREAS, the Annexation Plat, which was approved by ;1 � : E�� `. 12esolution Na. 15, Series of 1975, a co of wh.ich was Fi1ed �� � py ��e � in Civi1 Action �10. 2634, is incorporated;by re�erence herein � and made a part.hereof; � � u! � � WHEREAS, an election was duly called by the election ' � commissioners to be held on the llth day of December,°1975, � i ;�s betweem the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:'00 P:M., at a polling place °` 4 . . . . .. - � . � situated in-Vail Run, 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, in the Lions Ridge az �� area groposed to'be annexed, described in Exhibit A herepf; the ! , ; �: ,.. ,. � �� �� � notice of the election dated tlie 13tti day ot November, 1975, , �� ' � � � � was published in The Vai1. Trail, a newspaper having:general ' �: ��, � � , � circulation in the area proposed to be annexed; once a week,.for � ; �- four weeks and was posted at the polZing place, .said first pub- � � ; a licata.on and pos�ing occurririg inore,than four weeks preceding �s � a � . � the election; � � � � WHEREAS�, iri��the annexation���elecfiorx held on the llth ���� �day of December,��1975,��� 92 proper balTot"s�were cast�by qualified �£ electors, of whioh there were 79 votes.f.or annexation and 13 �. ` < = votes against annexation, as indicated"in the.Certificate af � , ,.. , ; �� Election Results, which is incorpora�ed by reference herein and made a part he�eof;' �`, PIHEREAS, on the ].6th day of December, 1975, the Dis'- � �� trict Court en�ered an Order Authorizing Annexation in Civil` o;: 1 ��' Action No': 2634 authorizing the Town to annex without special ` �': ��' terms c7r conditions the area proposed to be anne�ced; which Order � � �� � � i � _ , � is incorporated b� reference herein and made a part hereof; and i: � ` WHEREAS, Inasmuch as Section 31-8�-1�3(3); CRS 1973, i }' •; �� as amended,,provides that an annexation sha1.� be effect.ive for � 6 _ � . Town erk ` DQ�."�� � � � �-:` Or.z. '26, 1975 Paqe 3 th� purpose o£ general taxation on the lst day of �anuary in the year after the effective date of �he annex.ing ardinance; the`Town Council considers`that it is necessary,�or the pre- ' se�vation of'the public property, health, welfare; �eace; or , safety to enact this ordinance as an eme�gency measure'so that % it will be effective in 1975 for the„:purpose af providing municipal services to the annexed area, and th"e';annexation will . be effective for the purpose of ;general taxation on the:lst day'of Janua�y, 19i6; NOW,,THEREF.OI2E, BE IT ORDAiNED BY THE TOWN COC3NCIL: ' OF THE TOWN OF VAII„ COLORADO, AS FOLI�CWS: � �'�� � Section 1. �Title��. �� �" � � � � � � �� � � � � � This ordinance �shall , b�e known a'�s �he "Ord�inance�� � � � AnnExincr the,Lions Ridge-Area to:the Town". , ` 5ection:2.. Anriexation of the Lions Ridge Area to �; _ the Town. ` Pursuan� to the Order Authorizing Annexata:on"of the District Court in and for the County-;of Eag1e, State of Colo- rado, en�ered in Civil Action No. 2634 on the 16th day of December,.I975, the Town of Vail, Colorado", hereby annexes " writhout��:spec�ial,term"s���or cendit�ions,the��.Lions��Ridge area, �o�inty of Eagle, =5tate of Golorado,-described in Exhi�,it A hereof. Section 3: Annexat"ian Costs„ ' A11 costs and expenses connected with �he annexation, including commissioner fees not exceeding for each commissioner $2.00 for each hour o� necessary service, sfiall be paid by the Tawn:.o�: Vai1., Colorado. � -,. ;. _�5 .: _ �:�?�Section '4. �'iling of;� Copies of� Anne�ca�ion �Plat and Annexing Ordinance. Wi�hin`thirty days after the effective da�e hereof the Town Clerk of the Town:of Vai1., Colorado, snai.�. file th�' or-igirral copy of �he Annexation Plat, a copy of which was file� Tow er � �e��h,`t�/ r , � �: { ♦ � , � , � t Ord: 26, 1975 Page 9 � � � � � � � � �-� �:; � � ; in Civil Action No. 2634 in �he District Court in and for the `� County of.�Eagle, State .of Co1.or�dc�, with !!,_, �r,oi.n� ;.� ` � annexation ordinance'in the records of the Town, a certified � � � � � � � �s � copy of �his ordinance and one copy of said plat with the ? County Clerk and Recorder o£ the County of �agle, State of � � q Colorado, and a certified copy of this o�'dinarice and one copy � >; of said plat with the Divisian of Local Goverriment;.of the � Depar�ment of Local Affairs, State o� Coloraclo. � t Section 5. Zoning of Annexed Lions:Ridge Area. � Wi�hin ninety days after the effective date hereof the Town of Vail, Colorado, shall impose zoning on the annexed ' Lions Ridge.area in accordarice with i�s Zoning Ordinance, � Ordinance No.;8, Series of I973. � � � � � Section 6. Effective Date of Annexation. t The annexation, e�tcept for the pu�pos� of general � ro ert taxation as rovided in Section 7 hereof, shall take , :. P i� Y P � ? e�fect upon �he effective date of this annexation ordinance.: ` Section 7. Effective Date �or General Property Taxa- tiori. � For the purpose''of general p�pperty taxation the � : � annexation shal,l be e£�ective on and af�er-�he lst day of 3anuary, � I976. ` � , + Section 8. �ffective Bate. d � This ordinance sha11 take e�fect upon the passage � hereof . INTRODUCED,'..READ AS AN EM�RGENCY ORDZNANCE, AAPROVED, � ENAC'I'EB TO` TAKE EFFECT UPON FI�iAL PAS�SAGE ON THIS> DATE, AND � ORDERED PUBLISH�D ONCE IN"Fi7LL WITHIN TEN DAYS AP"I`rR 1?rlS�nrE 's � OR AS SO02� �AS Pt�SS iPl,x", t.I>> S 1Fi�-th c:��-�� t�ti �Uc ��rt':,�'� ,� i� r`�. � � � /�� , � ATTEST : '- N � 'Toc,7ti C er ,� - c��.�-+� Mayor � 1 � , _ --- ,. . . , �--. r , EXHi''IT A Lega1 Description of,Terr�tor� Annexed to the '��wn of Vail, Coiorado A traCt of land ly�ng.in portions of Section l and 12, Township 5.Souih,,Range 81 � West of the 6th Principal Meritllan an�i'in portions of Lots 1 ar�d:2 of Section 6, 7ownship 5 South, Ranqe f30 41est of the 6th Princ�pal Meridian being more particu- larly descri6ed as follows: Beginn�ng at the Soutt�west corner of the S� 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said 5ectior�=1, . Said pofnt of beginning also E�eing a_point on the boundary line of Lions Ridge,Sub= :�divlsion'as recorded in the office of<the .Clerk a nd Recorder, County of Eag1e, Colarado; thence alone� said l.lons Ridge Sub�i;ivision bouncSary 1ine, said 7ine ' also being the west line'of said SE �/n of the SE:I/4 of Section 1,'tJ 00°Q3'25" E, 769.32 feet� to a point on the'nortfiwes:ter1y:.right-ofl=way ]'ine`of Lions Ridge Loop in"said Lions Ridge Subdivision; thence de�artinq.said Lions Ridge Subdiv3- sion boundary line but continuing along said`west'line of the :SE ,l/4 of the SE i/4 of Sectfon 1 fJ 00°03'25" E�10.40 feet to the Northwest corner of said SE ]/4 of:the SE 1/�; thence PJ P7°�t�'35" F�02.69 feet`along i�e norih line of said'SE l/4 of the SE 1/4 to'a point on t�e norih`boundary �ine<of said LioRs � Ridge Sub�lv.ision, said point also beinc� on'the norti�westerly right-of-way line of said E.ions Ridqe Loop;:thence:continuing along said<north :1ine`of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 and also a1on� tf�e`'north baundary line of said Lions Ridge Subdi- vision N$7°48'35" E-..574.87 feet'to t�e �lortheast corner of said SE 1/4 of the 'SE 1/4 of Section l, sa9d corner also being a point on the west line of sald Lot 1 of Sectfon 6;`thence departina said'L3ons Ridqe boundary line �n a course bear- ` ing N 00°04'45" E 353.92 feet along the west,lzne of said Lot 1;'thenc� depart- ing safd west line on a course bearinc�!5 89°55'15" E 337.00 feet; thence S 40° '` 41' 15" E 91 .57 feet; thence S E36:°49' 15" E�l28,27 fee:t; thence S.`i8�°44' 15" E 164.18 feet; thence S 65°38'45" VJ; : 206`.97 feet; thence S�14°45'45".:,W ' 89.45 feet; ' thence S 14°58'45",61 83 96 feet"; the�ice S 34°03'15° E 162.G5 feet; thence � S 00°00'15" E 2�4:38 ;feet-; thence S 89°59`45° l�l 336.53 fee�; thence S.62°35'45" W 11.82 feet; thence `N �39°,55'�15"'!•I 34,7:79 feet to a point on the wesi line of said Lot 2 of Section 6; thence S 0�°09`45" t�l 250.69,feet along,said west iine ' ' of.E.ot 2; thence!departinq said west line on`a course bearinq S 83°18'09" W 143.35 feet; thence'S 53°�8'09"`1�J 50.00 feet; thence N 87°38'37" !J 45.00 feet; thence S 61°52'37" YJ b6:35 feet; thence 5 17°00'g9" 4► 40.00 feet;`t�ence S Q2° 21'll" E 469.00 feet;, thence S 0�°49'29" I�1 117,II6 feei to a point'on Lhe r�ortherly right-of-way line of .Interstate Highway No. 70; thence along said i-70 right-of- � w�y line N 62°26'45" E 268.92 feet; thence alon� said I-70 ri�ht-of-way line N 00°31'36" W 19.70 feet; thence along said I-70 riqht=of-way line P� 59°36'22"9 E 49.90 feet td'a point on said'west ]ine of Lot 2; thence along said west � line S OQ°04'�5" W 161.00 feet to the Southeast.corner o�' said Section 1; thence .. S 00°07'O1" W 1397.09 feet to the.��ortheast corner of Lot 1 in said Section 12; thence S 89°06'03" 41 1387.64 feet to<the �forthwest corner of said �ot i; thence ` S 00°4Q'34" 4! 2782.01 feet >along the west=3ine of. saiiE Lot � and �ot 2 of said Section �2�to�the Nartheast`co�rner of�Lot 3 of�;said,���Sec�iion 12; thence PI 89°38'12" W 1397.70'feet to the Florthwest:`corner.of sai.d Lot �,.�hence ri �0°42'50" E 1193.86 feet along ;the Plorth-South centerTine.of sai�ry;5ection l2; thence depart� ing said PJorth-South cent?rline N$9°28'10"`E 232`;00"feet; thenee �d 00°42'50" E 187.00 feet; thence S 89°28'10" 4J 232.00 feet to the center of said Section 12; - thence along tY�e East-West centerline of said Section 12 S 89°2�'10" 4, 92i.21 feet:to a point orr the southerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 70; thence N 21°37'31" W 363.42 feet`to a point;,on the northerly right-of-rray lin� � of said Highway, said paint also beinq a point on the soutlierly baundary lin�.of �1ons Ridge Subdivision Fi�ing h�o: 2;as recortled in the office of said Eac;ie Caunty Clerk and Recorder; thence alon� ;safd southerZy boundary ]'ine and north�rly right- of-way 1ine on the fo31owin� caursess" N 52°50'29" E 842.34 feet; t!?�nce Pt 41° 31`43" E 102.00 feet; then�e hl`52°50'2�" E` 191`:45 to the Southwesterly cornet^ of Block "C" of saici Lions Ridqe Subdiv:ision;, thence departin� said northerly r�ght-of=way jine and along the westerly,boundary l�ne of sai� Rlock "C° N 37° `09'31" W`269:33 feet to a point on the souiherly r�qht-of-way line of Gions 'Ridge Loop:;in said Lions Ridge Subdivis;ian;;thence alanci said soui�erly right- 'of=�+ay on the fo1lowinc� courses:.'N 59°,32'�6" E;�243.30 feet; thence 488:67 feet alvng the are of a 1771.95 foot ra�iu�; curve to tt�e left, the chord of which bears N 51°38'04" � 487.12"feet; tl���nce depariing said l.�ons R3dge Loop rfght-of-way along ihe westerly boundary ;iine of said l.ions i�idge Subdivisfon N'-00°03'25° E 583.80 feet to a Poi�t on't.i�e no'rth line o� said Section 12; thence' N 88°17'a9" E 30Q.00 feet alonq'said norEia line to the.point of beginning, con- _ taining 222.93 acres more or less. ------ --._. _ --- _ � .� . . � _ -- - _ - - � L � �. ` - �� .. - � . . - . :;�' `l�a � ' ' . .� ... ... .... . {1�'1 - - 'i ''Y .. : �'.. ... . _ . .xi . �� � .'.� '% i � .... � ... � ' � ...' ..'.:.:: �.'..;. - _ � ' . . . ... ..'�' . . . . . _ - �'� � , - ..- . �.t.� .. .. ....... ..� : , � " '. :. �. 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