HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-29 Recorded Copyz, � ` �e� ��.ot� -�; � � � ��i��";�t� �3c?��c ���. �'��� ��g ' OR�I1dANC� N�. � ��corc�ed a� �:,�b �.N�. �r�v �� �.979 Series of 't9� � . . ecarder. �'ohnn��te Pi-�.�,:�.ps AN QRDII�RI�CE RNNEXING T�} �E TOWPi OF VAIL R ���-� ��unty PARCEL �F PROP�RTY I.�RT�D iN TIiE IV� 0� S�C�ION 12, TSS, lR$'IW OF THE 6�h P.Nt., �AGl.E COU�f1"Y, COLQRADO, RRES�lVTLY OWIVED SY 7HE P�1'���'ION�RS; AND SETTING �OR�}E FINDiNGS AND CONCLUSIdI�S AND 0'CHER DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO WHERERS, a pet�tiart for annexatian to ti�e 'Cown of Yail a certain parcel of property located in ,:the N� c�f the Sect�or� 12, �'SS, R8�W of the 6th �.M., Eagl� Cnuniy, C�larado h�s been submitted to the Town Clerk of ihe Town of Vail �nd referred therefrom to �he Town Go�ancii; WHEREA5, the o►+v�eti^s +�f �00'� oi" the prap�r�y psropospd far annexatian, �xc3usion:�f �he streets ai�d a1leys, have s�gn�d the pe�i��on far annexatian; w����as, in accorda�ce witr� c.�.s. 3�-�2-�0� f�? (�), �r�e �own co�nci� may by ardinance ann�x �he a4�ve spec�f�ed properiy without n�otice, hearing ar el�ction �nasi�ach as t�e p�et�tion was signed by 1I�0� of the property owners; and WFi��tEA�, t�e Towr� Caunci� is of the:opinion that the pet�iion should he grar��ed and ihai the subject property should be annexed to the Tawn of Vail; {�4W, THEREFQRE, BE IT ORDAIN��:;�Y THE TOWN `C�UNCIL (#F 'THE TO�iN OF VAIL, COLflRA�O, �IAT: _ . Section 1. F�ndir�gs. The �'own C1erk of the Tawn o� Vail has referred to the Town Councii a ;° �e�it�on for ar�nexatin of cer�ait� parcets of property (here3nafter referred to as the °subject property'� and is �re specifical�y described in Exh�bit "q" attached here�o) ti�at is �ocated �n the N� o� 5ectio� 12, i55, R8�W of the 6th P.M., Eagte County, and tfie 7own Counei� specifically'finds upor� review of sa�d petition: (A)': T�e petition �s in �ubstant�al`co�l�ance with ihe requirements of C:R.S. 3i>-12-147 (i �, �973, as �mended. (B} The petition was signed by the owners af 10Q� of �he area proposed to be annexed, exc,usive of streets and alleys. (c) The subject property is el�gi#�le for annexation to the Tawn of �`ai1 in tha� at least on-s�xth of its boundar�es are cont�guous with �he Town vf 11ai1, there is community a� ir�terest between the iown of lfail and the subjec� praperty> the subj�ct properiy wi�l be urbanize� in tl� near futu�e, and it is capable of being �r�tegrated irito �h� Town of Vai1. _� � * . . ' �. +. � � . Ordinanee No.�� Page 2 � (�} Ther� are na limitations to �he anr�exattion of ��e subject property to t�e Town of Vail in that no;la�d held in �dentical c�wnership has been divided without the writter� consent of the landorr�er thereoF, no land held in identical ownership comprising 20 acres or more witf� an assessed vaivation �n excess o�f $200,OOQ for ad va�orem �ax purpas��_F�as been �n�luded wfthaut th� written cor�sent of �he owner, no �ther annexation proceedings have been comn�rced by ar�other mun�cipali�y with reiatian to �he sub�e�t praperty, and na area w317 6e detached fram a sc��o� distr�ct by '��s annexation. (E) N� add7tiona� terms or ccrndi�9�ns are tq be imposed r� thi upo s annexa�ion. ��'? The subject prope�^ty r�ay. be annexed �y ardin�nc+� wi�hout ncit�ce, i�earing or electian in accordan�e w�th subsectiot� (g) of 31-12-107; Section'2: Annex��ior�. 1 The pr�perty located in;the N� o�'5ect�on �2, TSS,,R81W of ��e 6th`p.M., ` �'agle Caunty, Co�lorado, inare `�rticuiarly de�cri�ed irr Exhibf� "A" ait�ched hereto ;. is annexed to the Town of Vai't, Colorado: ` Section 3 �ffective Da�te: 1"he ar�nexai�on 'and this ardir�ance sha11 ta�Ce effect : in accordance wi�h the charter of the Town o#' Vai'1 and the Tawn C'ierk �s d�rec�ed to f�i'te for record�r�g , two certified copies of this ordinance and a map of ;the area annexed'cvn�aining a 1ega� description of such area with t�e �ag7e Coi�nty C�erk and Recarder and ' one copy thereof with the D�vision of Loca1 Gov�rnmer�t of th� Depar�nt of;E.oca� ,, Af�airs. INTRO�l1C��, R€AC? ON FIRS� READING, APP�QVED AND O��EREp PUBl.ISHE�;OIVCE IIV Ft11,L, ti�is 17th day of J��y,; �979, and a pub1ic hearing on �h�'s ar�inance sha11 , rs be he1d at the regu'lar �nee�ing of the Town Counci'1 of the Tavn of Yaii, Colorado, ; r� � , �,��: � on ____,��day of �.. �, 1�79, at �:3Q P.M., in the !►l�r�ic�pa'� Buildir�g °�< ,�: o�' the Town f N � . � ' yor !i r f'{�S�Y 4 . . . ��� Ti. �' � IY��/YA1�I'�' ,- . K _ .. . \ .� + � O1Nt� G �t" � : iNTROpUCE� R�RD ON SECt�fV READI�IG, APPROYED ANO ORDERED P'!1�l.ISH�� BY 7�`iE.E pNLY ; T1� IS ��DAY OF G'�t� �,. ,� ��-;' 1979. ,,_� . . , .. , 4 . .. � ' I'�j�Ib1", ATTE��` � Tcs�,m ����rk�� ,,, � �