HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980- 7 Recorded Copy�-.. : , ._ .-- ,;, - . ._ � � '� ' , �� � � � 4RDINANCE N0. 7 Seriss o� 1.980 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE TOWN O� VAIL ��GHT PARCELS OF PROPERTY L�CA'�ED �N EAGL,� C4i�NTX, COLORADO, PRE��NTLY OWN�D BY THE iTNIT�,� STA'��S F'OR��i 3ERVICE; AND SETTING �'URfiH: FiND�NGS AN�? GONCLUSI4NS AND O'I`HER DETAILS IN RE�AT�ON T�I�R�'1'O i1'HEREA.S> a petit.�on �'ar annex�.tion to t�� Tc�wn r�f V�a�. o�' �ight �a.rc��.s o�' property �.aca.ted in �a�Ze Cc�uniY, Cc,l,orado �as �+�:en submitted to the Towr� Gl�rk o� the icawr� Qf V�,il and re�'erred th�reirom �;o �h� Town �ounei�-; WHEREAS, tk�� ow�er of 100� af the property proppsed for annexat�.on, excl.usive o� the str�ets and a�.�.�ys, is the Un�.ted S�ates Fores� Service; WHEREAS, tY�e pet�t�;on was s�.gned by Ernes� Nunn, Ho�.y Cross Distric'� Rangex; W�i�REAB, in accordance with C.Is.�. 31-12-107(1)(g), ].573 as am�nded, the Tawn Council may by a�dinance annex the above speci�ied property without nata.ce, hearing or electi.on �,nas�e�ch as the pet�.ta.on was signed by �h� owner of 100% o� ti�e proper�y; and ' WH�R�A,S, �Che Town Council �s o� the op�.nion that the petition should be �ran��d and tha� thE subjec� pxoperty , shou�.d be ann�x�d �o �he Town of Va�I; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT-ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TQV�N 4F VAIL, COLORADO, :THAT: Section �.. Fir�dings. The Town C1erk of the Town o� Vail has re�erred �o the Town Caunc�l a peti.taiv� �a� annexat.zon af ei.�;ht parcels of parop�r�Cy (h�re�na#�ter re�erred �a as �he "subj�o� proper�y' ; �� � z� `� :� � :; i �� z; �� � �� `;;',:� s-�;�; `3 � F _ ;s; � }; ';„ and more speci�ica7.l.y desc�ribed in. Exhibit "A" �.ttached herei;a) . ':;� .... .. . .. . . . . . .. . _ ,I . �� �'� ; � Ordinanee NO. 7 ,� � . � Page 2 tk�at a�e lacaied in Ea�Ie County, a.nd the Town Counc�.l specifi.cally f�nds upon review o� s�.id pe�a.tzon: (A) The pet�.�ion �.s �n substantial compl.ianc� with the r�quir�m��nts oi. �.'R:. S. 3�-1�2-Z07f �) � 1.973 � as amended. tB) The p�t'�:t�.on was si�ned by the own:�r of �00� a�' the area proposet3 ta be, ann+�xed, exc�.usive a� stx�ets and ai1��s. �C) The sub�jec� p�o�rt� is eligib�e.fox ann�xa�alon to th� Tawn o� Vai.�. in that at least one-sixti� of its boundaries are contiguous with the Towri o� Vai�., there is comm�nity o� interest betw�en the To�vn of Vai�, and t�e . subject prope�ty., the-sub�ect property.will be urbanized in: ��e neaar future, an'c3 it is capable oi being �n�ergrated into , the Town of Vail. �� ; .:� {D) There are na l�mitations ta the annexat3on oi the subj�ct property �o the Town of Vail. in �hat na ls,nd... �zeld i,n identical awnership ha:s-been divided without the written consen� o.f the �.a�adow�raer �hereo�, no larid �eld `�n � . - � . . . . :f� ideri�ical ownership comprisin►g 20 acres or more': w�t�, an ;'; � � � � ��;� assessed valuation in>exCess: of $20Q',004 �or ad valoarem ��, tax purposes has been �,nclud�d wi�hout the wr�tten cons�nt ,>. o� th� owner, no other an�aexat�,on proceedings:hav� beez� com�nenced by ano�hex muni.cipality with rel.ata�on tp :'the = � � ;� sub�ect properi;y, and no ar��. wi11 be detached �ro►�:a schaal � d�strict by �his annexation. `��; :z (E) No adda.tional tEarms or cand�tions.:axe tb be i�nposed upon this ann�xa�ion, `;� � ,:,s .�; F ..-... . ... .._ .. . _ ., _ . . '-. �:. .:. -• ,�. .. , . . -.., : . . � . . .. .. . . . f ..� ��� � � . . ' ��._.� � � ; i � ;: Ordinanc� Nn. 7 Pa�e 3 (F} T%e subject property may be annexed � .r �� :� � �' J c�" ,,-- - r , ,.�.-•. � � .. a �: ,�ti` `„ �,'; y, ' � ' Ma.yar , � C�`� �,.�,�J `' ., �: , f 5 i (� /i ' �. �, � ".�p � +���. i '? a i�� '� b. �i, { , j.`��;i Cy • � �t r ,� a '� � 'p�;h r� r , t • { �`i j ��� ,' , �. �� :,, :' r. '� i �`�� �ti . � ' ��� r';i��.i�t . �:. by ardinance w�thattt nnt�ce, heari,ng or e].eciion �.n accorr�- ance with subsectxon t`�) of 3�-12-10?, C.R.S. �.a73, as ara�nded. Sec��.on 2: An�exa�ian, The property �oc�.t�;d in Eagle County, Colorado, more pa�ticular�.y described in ;Exhzb�.t „A„ attached hereto is annea�ed to t�e Tov� oi Va�.l , Colorado . Sectian 3. Efiective Date. The anriexation and th�,s ordin�.nce sha�� �ake ef�ect in accardanc� with the charter af the Tawn of Vai.l ant€ the To� C��rk is direcied to :fi'].e ioz� rECOrding two certi�ied copies o� ��ii� :ora�rian�� �ba �, ma.p of the area annexed con�ain�ng a legal. descript�on of such area with �he �agle County Clexk a�d Recerder and ane copy �k�ereof wi.th the Division of Loca:l Governtnent of �he Depar�tnent o� Lacal A��airs. Sect�on 4. Zo�i_ng.- The subject�praperty.here�y�,�annexed��o �he�Town of Vail shall be referr�d to t�e Plannaing anci Environmental Ca�run�ss3an far review and recamtnendat�on regarding zonin� �.n accordane� wi.�h Chap�er �.8.68 0� tihe Vail Idunicipal Code. �NTRC}DUC�D, READ ON F�RST REA�3ING, APPR�i7ED AND OADERED Pi3BLISHED ONCE iN FULL, this 15th day o� �Tanuary, ],980, and a pub�ic hea.r�ng on this ordinance sha11 be held at the regu�ar me�ta.ng of �he Town cil f the Town o� Vai]., Colorado, or� the���^_day o,.�. Q�C- , 1980, at 7:30 P.M. , in the Mttnicipal Build�n�; of the Town. 0 h .�, ...'.�,- �: .. i f' �2 9 f ` ' t `� . � � . _ � � � �� , �` rY Qrdinance No. 7 ' Page 4 INTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPRQVED AND ORDEREll PiiBLISHED BY � ITLE ONLY THI � h` DAY 4F ��.����� � � � �� 1' ._�� Mayor : i> ;?;:� ,'� \ �„ �. `�� ��� s.� « � � � �. w;` �x�jzaz� ,� Parcei A The S� 1/4 NE 1/4 5E 1/4 5ect.ion 1, Tawnship 5 South, Rang� 8i �:est of �he 6t13 Pri.ncipa� �ieridaan, ;;aid 4� I/4 t�, 1/4 SE 1/4 Section 1 being nnre p�rticular�y describ�d as fallnws: Beginnkng at the Southeast Corner of SE I/4 �lE ]./4 SE �/4 of sai.d Sectioit 1, Towrtship 5 Soi�kh, Pange � 81 West o� the 6t}a Prznczpa� �er�.di.an; thenc:� N 00"U3 ` 5Q" E 353.92 feet on �.he east line of sa�c3 Sec'�iar► 1; thence N OQ°03'50" E 39�.97 fee� on said east iine and the west boun8ary o€ vaai/'Pota�o Patch, a sub- c3a.vis3.on recorcied �n the of�ice c�i thc Fag1e rounty, Cn�arado, Cl.erk �nd Recorc�er, tl�ence 5 87°47'40" �I 688.'i8 fee�: �a �he Nprthwest Corner of the SE �/4 23E 1/4 5� 1/4 of said Section 1; khcnce S 00°03'Sp" i� 635.89 feet tio the 5outhwes� Cor- ne� of �he S� 1/4 NE 1/4 S�; 1/� oi s�a.d Sectian 1; thence N 87°4i'40" E 688.78 feet ta the Point of �3eg5.nning, contaa.ning 478,940 sqnare feet or 10.995 acres, moxe or �ess. Parcel B �'he SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 �� Scction 5, mow�sship 5 Sou�i�, Range �30 west af the G�:h Prz��capal M�.ridian, saad SW i/4 0� the 5W 1/4 bei.ng moxe particu.lar�.y describ ed <}s �otlows: • Begannang at tt�e So«tf�west Corner af said Section 5; thenc� i� 00°23'18" W::. �320.00 i'eet to �he Sauth ,:l/15 Corn�r comtr�oz� to saic� Section 5 and Section 6, Tow� ship 5 Sovth, iz�nge $O West o� the 6th P�inczpal M�rzdian; E:henc� N 89"46'26"_1� 1328.99 feet. �o, the 'Saut}3west �/I6 Corner of 'said Sectior� 5, thence S OOo.18' 1�4": E 1324.00 f.eet ta the West 1/1fi:Corner conimon �o said Section 6 and Sectian 7, Town s2�ip 5 Sou�h, Range 80 Wcs� of the 6th P�incS.pa� Meridian; thence S 89°46'2'1" E 1327.0�3 f.eet to 'the Southwest Corner o£ said Sec�ion S, the Poa.nt o€ BeginnS.rig, � containing 1,752,978 square �eet ox �40.293 acres, more ar �ess. Parcel C A part o�E the NE 1/4 Section 7 and the Nw 1%9 Section 8, Tnwnsh�.p 5 South, itange 80 west nf the 6th Principa3. Meridian, sai.d part bezng mnre particu�arly c3escri.bed as �allows : 8eginning at the 3Vorthwest i/16 Carizer of said Section 8; thence S 00°09'00" E 443.2a feet oa �he westerly bpunc3ary of Block 1, Vail V'a.7.lage Fifth Fz.ling, a subdivision recarded in the ofiice of the Eag�e County, Colaradq, Clerk and Re- cordex, sairl boundary also being the west line af the SE �/q NW �/4 af said Sec- tic�n 8; thencc: cieparting said boundary N 62°2$'04" W 628.66 €eet; thence S 83°�4' 0�" W 765.21 fect; th�nce S 89°91'00*' W I472.83 feet; thence N 00°23`00" W i�0.44 f��t to the Southwest Corner of F,ot iS, Black 7, Va,ii Village Fi�st Fi.�.ing, a 5ubdivision xecorded S.n the office.of the Eagle Cour►ty, Colorado, Cler3c and Re- caxder; thence N 89°41'00" E�472.83 feet an the southerly boundary a£ said Vail Village First Filing to the North 1/16 Corner of said Sections 7 and 8; thence con- tinuing on said bnundary N f39°44`00" E 1322.52 feet to �he Po3.nt of Beginnin9, con�aining 540,t3G6 square feet pz Zi.498 aczes, more or 1ess. . ,. � ,. � � � Pz�xeel D T1Z` N I/2 5W 1/4 SW 1/�i i�W 1/4 �f�uf.ic�n 9, '1'c���sl�ip 5 Sc�ut�h, Rariy� £�Q v�'s;Y��. af t:hc ht�.h z�-.i.F�r��.t��l t�Sr��•.i��.an, ,r�ze� ���zee�. bci.nc; mor.� p�x�tie:ul<arly d�. ,c:r�b-- t5 c3 a�: £ n,i 7. q�� ,: P�oi�irziric� <�t� t:.l�e 5pu�l�w�st C�zner c�� L•}ae N 1,/?_ nW �/� NW L/4 c�P ��.id S�c— t.i.c>n �; the3,ccz S�3�°I3'47„" E 6C�4.C�S fee�. c�n t�hc �c�ut.hc�rl.y bc��.»�d�.r.y of 43.1.ncks � 5 �ind 7','��i�. 1�i11.:�,� �3e�^a��t��ih Fil.ir,g, � stabc3ivzsa.on rc�earded i.n 1.}�� ca����ce nf t;xae t:r�c�tc� C:���r�ty, Cc�l.c�z�c�a, Clc�k �nd Reccaz�c3�ar; �:11c�nc� cir>��,:��-L.anq sa.i.d bo�ar�c���ry � C3(3" 1�3' S1" w 330. (30 fc���; i_h�rice N F��° 2:�' �l7" w C6b.96 ic�c� Yo a��a�n� ar� fihe ' wr��L l.i.�icr c�f :;��ac� S�1c�t��c�n 9; �i��nc.c N 00°7.3'C33" � �3n.(30 fc��t on s�ai�i w�s� l,an� to t.}�e Pc:�ai�i: c>£ i3c���.inn,i.r�c�, cni�r�r���ting 7_1�3,(3G? s�3t��r.�: �"e�e�. nx S.U46 �c�:es, mo�e c�r. I�.sys. F��r.ccal k; 'I')�c� t.�1 i/� 5i� 1,j4 I�W 7./4 S�ct�ar.kn 9, `�`�}•,�r�i;}�.i.p a 5c.>��th, f�r:�n��c. £3Q 4�Ic�st� af t�lzr:; C,t,lt 1?r-.if�c�.�,��3, d�l�';r..ic3.i�n, :��ir'E �a.�rc�l i:�c:�i.��c� mnxe ���tz±.5.c���,t�r],y r3<��ac;�i2a�d �s fral— �C7k`y: i�rgS.izni.�ic� ��t t�h� t3arthwcw�t �,/1.6 Gcaz�r��:r caf s�.i.+� Sc�4�:a.on 9, �.ilenr.e S S9°23'41�� 1: G(if?.04 t:c5��i� �n �:tzn .�c�ut:h .1i:nc �f tohe 1� 1/2 c�� t.hc� N I/2 of �E�id S�ct�a.on 9 wh�c:h i.s tt�r :-,c»kt:.}2 ��taus����ry c�f V�i� 'V�l�c�� �'i.rsi. �il.ang� � �u.hc�ivisiofl r€�coxc3ed .ir► i:he c>�'f,i.�c� crf t:lzr„ F:�ag1c+ :Cc�uni��►, .C'o3.c�r�c�a, �l�rk ��nd �2��ccsrd�r; thc�7c� c3e��r�itig said �scauieh �>4?unc3<��y S(}p" 1.G'' �(?" W i�C>q', U@ �'����� can t:he t>,�s�. .l.i ne uf. ,ai.d 1�W 3./4 SE 1/a Nt�� .1J�; tli�.:tiM:r. N£?�3°?.�'41" i� C,CiO:`:i74 fet�� tan t:3�c �r�ut�h ].it�e af s��i.:r3.NW t/4 �� �/4 tdW 7j4; t.}�c.��r:�* tJ 00°3,(�'n0" �; f�G�.::�0 f�ra#: c�n t:.l�e w�s� l.inc of s�afl NW ]./4 S� 1/4 Nw 7./4 t.r� i:hr� �?ax.n�: c�� �r�c�S_zzii.ing, r:c�n�.��a.r�ing �3S,f��(3 sqtzr�re f�e�, ox l.�.Qf10 acr�s, n�o�:c c:�r. leca�. Parccl �' A�:.r�ct pf' lanc3 caru���3.�;ed pf rl�e SW 2/9 SW 1/4 NW i/� and the W Z/2 SE 1/4 �W 1/4 NW 1/4 5c�c�ta.an 2, Tawn�3�.i.� 5 Sca�zt�1�, Range 30 C�iest a� 4he 6�h Pri.�aci���.�1 hf�- zid'zt•in, .��id t:z�,�a�� za��in� mca�� �s�z�icularly desc.-rakaed as falZnws: I3rg5.z�rtir�q ��. th� W�st 1/+3 �nrn�r a£ aaid 5c�ctic�n 2; t:hc�nce S f39°24' ��" F 978. zn feet ai� t�.h� ;;�ut;he�rly 3.�ne af t.he NW I/4 c�f �aa.d Sectian ?, al�o heing ttze ��axt.h�r�y i.iour�da�y of V�.f1 V1.l,t��c,�e 7'w�,�1f�h e�iid `f"t�ir';r�nt.h �'xlinys, whiah ��rc� :�ub- divis_i.on� �S.l�r3 zn l:ize o�`£ac:� c>f t:tt� T;��gle L'r?Laria:Y, Ct��c3r.��da, Clerk ��nc� R��ozd�r; t�3��:t�cc� �i���az�a,s�g s��S.d l.inu� N Q1°�14' 7."T" E GhO.Oq fc+�zC an t�i�c� ca.>h ] zne af ttie W 1/2 SF 2/4 S�V 1./4 N[�l tj4 0� ,aa.d Sc�c:r.sdn 2; t:hc�nc:c N�39°24'1:3" W 978.18 f�et an l�he c�carklZCa1-ly lan� pf 4:3i� S 7./2 5W 1/9 vW ],/9 oi s��.id Sertiar� 2; t.henG� S Ol° �9' 1"T" ts fa6C}.Qq fe��t t�o t:t�� Pr�i.nt e>f L��.gi��n.'tnc3, ca��i:�in.ing 645, 470 s�u<-�r� f�eL c�r lA.�#�� ��ci:c:�, mnre a�' l.ess. ti : � � ?. i. � .3 _. .�.,. . � . . ' �i e. � �� �. �c3Y'CG'� i`a A�art oi the SW 1/4 5W i/4 S�chzon 7, Tawr�shz� 5 Sc�uth, Ran�� 79 F�c�st of L}3� �+�h Prir�cip��l I�eradi.an, £ac��.e �ot�nty, Col,or.ado, said ���rt o€ Sect-�.csn 7 1>einc� more �t�rtick�.tariy c3escr.i}aed as fol]nws: �3eginnir.g a� the Sau�hwest Carn�� of sazd Section 7; tihence N 0�°00'00" E �i30.0f3 feet on �he w�st�rly line o� said Sectian 7; thence S 67°38'08" E 1135.40 feet La a�o�.nt on ihe sa�ath�r.�y �.ine csf s�aid Seci:zon 7; t:t�ence N£39°53'24° W 1�.''>0.00 fc�e�. on said so��1:}�er.ly Iane t,o Che Southwc�st Corn�r af said Seci.{ort 7, the �oi.t�t o€ �3eginni.ng, cpntaa.nzng 225, 75a square fee� ar 5..182 acr�s, mc��� c,x }.ess. ParCei fi Thc i�T� 1/9 NW ]./9 5�ction 18, Tawnship 5�auth, Rang� 79 wcst af h.l�e G�h Principal Meridi;�n; s��ici NE 1/4 iVW I/4 bt�ing ►store �c3rt.�e:��larly d�scr.i�>�d as fol- lav,�s ; i3eyinning at tfic :�'est 1/ib Corner aammon tu s�3id Sectian 18 and Sectiun 7, '�'ownshi_ 5 Sc�ui.h, J2�nge 79 Wes� af the 6th Pra,._c�.gal MerS.diar�r, hence S$9°53'24" E ;32�.�0 fee�: to t:he:t�arih 1/4,C rn�r of s.�S.d Sec�i.cin i.R; Lhene� S 00°02'00° E 132�.4Q fc>�t tq t;l�e CE� I/ib Cornex of s�id 5ect�on ,}.8, t;h�n�c� N A9°53'24" W 3:i2Q.00 fc�ef: ta �.he Nnxi.}��est �./.16 Car.ner t�� �a:ici:S��i:ican 18; �henr,e N �D"Q2'Op'� W t370.00 feei: t:o s�id W�st t%3,6 Gr,xne�, i:h� Po,int o� t3cc�i��n.�.n9, cc�nf:�a_nz.ng 1, 792, 39a squ��z-e f4e� ar �O. Qi]Q acres, mc�re ar .l:�ss; r ::; s��