HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-43 Recorded Copy� ti Recarded at 4:QQ P.�f. �e�ember 18, 1980 R�corder; Johnnette Phzllips oRVZ�T.a�cr No. �:3 (Series of 19s0) Fee �24,�Qpd Fagie County AN L�RDINAIvC� OF THE TOWN COUNCIL, A1�INEXI�IG AN AREA GENERALLY W�ST OF THE TOSY�i Ok' VA�L, C014T�ONL'Y KNQWN AS i9EST VAiL; S�TT�NG F�RTH DETAILS RELAT�iVG THERET�; AND DECLAiiING AN El�iERGENC'Y THEREFORE . WH.�REAS, the required number of qual.i.fied electars, w�a are resident in and ].andowners of t��e area proposed to b� annexed, to-wit an axea genera].�y �S'est of the Town o� Vail, carnmonly icnown as �'est Vai� and Interrnauntain, (described �n Exhibit A attached hex�to and made a part hereof} which is situa�ed in Eag1e County, a County of less than twenty-five thausand inhabi�ants, filed a Peta.tion f�r Annexa�ion E�.ection with the Town Clerk of the Town o� Vai1, Colorado, req�esti.ng the Town to commence proceec�zngs for the tao�ding o� an annexa��.on electiion, and in the event the proposed annexation is approved in sai.d e�ection, to annex said ar�a; �9HEREAS, the Town Cierk re�erred said Petition to the Town Counci�. of the Town oi Va�.]. as a cam�nunication a� a regular meeting of the Council on the 19th day of August, ].984; and EYH�REAS, �the Tawn Counci]. af ihe Town of Vail, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the "Town", faund the Petition far Annexatian Elect�.on to be in subs�antial campiiance with Secti.on 3].-12-107(2) , CRS 1973, as amended, and an �Che 19th day of August, 1980, adapted Resa7.utivn.No. 20, Series of �.980, whi.ch is ir.corporated by r�ference herein.and made a part hereof; �VHEREAS, on the basa.s of competenit evidence pxesented in the publa.c hearing an the Petition far Annexa�ian �lection on the 23rd day of September, �980, the Town Council detex�nined '`� t�a� the applicable provzsions of The riunicipa� Annexation Act Q�' 1965, Title �I, �rticle 12, CRS 1973, as amended, had been satisfied and adapted Resalution No. 2�, Sexies o�' 1�80, which is incorpc�rate�d by refere�.ce here�n and made a part heareQf ; tSHEftEAS, the Town filec3 a Petitian for A�nexa�a.on El.ec�ion i.n trie �7�sirict Ce�urt in and fo�r tihe County of Eagle, Stat� af Calorada, and th� court enteared in Civil riction No. 80C�'312 . .� ' ' • an Ord�r iar Annehat�.on EiectiUn diz�ecting tiaat the annexation elc:ctian be he2d on the 9th day of December, 1984, artd appointing three el�ection comrnissi.onez�s te ca11 and hold �}�e elact�on, said petition a�d ordear being incorpprated by xeference h�rein and made parts t�ereof ; �V'�iEREAS, the Annexa�ion Pla�, which was appro�>ed bq Resolutaon Na. 24, �eries o# �980, a cc�py of which was fz�.ed in Civil Action Na. CV803�2, is incorpoxated by reierenc� herein and made a part here��'; WHEREAS, an e�.ection was duiy called by the elect�on cammissio�ers to be he�d on th� 9ih day of December, 1980, between �he hours o� 7:04 a.m. and 7:pD p.m., at a polling place situated i.n the Inn at west Vai�, in the �Vest Vail area propQSed to bs ar�nexed, described in Exhibii ,A hereo�; the no�i.ce of the electian was publ�.shed in the 'Va�l Trai..l, a newspapex� having gen�ral circulation in the area proposed to be-annexed, once a week �or four weeks and was post�d at the poiling place, said first publ.ication and posting occurring mare than fo�xr weeks prec�di.ng the election; W�iEREAS, in the annexation elec�ian he].d on the 9th day of DECember, 1980, �i0 propex bailots were cast by qualified �: e�.ectnrs, of which there was 243 votes �or ann�xation and 167 votes agains�C annexation, as indicated in the Certiiicat� of El�ctian �esults, which is incoxporated by referez�ce herein and made a part herea�;� WHEREAS, on the 10�h day of December, 1980, the Ais- trict Court entered an Order authorizing the Tawn to annex without special terms ar conditidns the area propos�d to be annexed, wh�.ch Order is ineoxporated by reference herei,� and made a part hereof; N0�4', THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI�IED �3Y T�� TO�YN CQU:�CIL OF THE TOtiti'h QF VA I�, C:OLORADO , AS FOLLOtti'S : Section 1. Annexat,ion of the West Vail Axea to the Tawn. Pur�uant ta the Order Authariz�.ng Ann+exation of the D�strict Court in �.nd �r�r �he County of Eag�e, 5tate of Cola�ac��, _�_ . . : ent�red in G��•al Action Nn. $qCV312 on the �Oth day o� D�cem�er, �98p, ths Tow� of Vai�, Colorado, hereby annexes without special terms or COn�itiO�S th� portion oi the �est Vail area, Caunty oi �ag�e, Stat� af Golorada, d�scxibed in �xhibit A hsr�o�. Section 2. Annexation Costs. A21 cas�s and expenses cannected with �he annexation, including commissioner �ees , shall be gaid by the Town of Vail, Co�orad�. 8ection 3. Filin a� Ca i�s of Annexation Plat and Annexin Ordinance. 1�ithin thirty (30} days after the eif�ctive da�e h�reo� the T�wn Clerk of �he Tow� of Va�1, Co�orada, sha11 iile the or�ginal copy af the Annexatian P�at, a copy of which was filed in Civil Actian �o. 80CY312 in t�e Districti Court in and for the County oi Eagle� State nf Colorado, with the original of this annexation ardinance in ihe records of the To�n, a certii�ed COp� of this ordinanc� and one copy o� sa.id plat with the County C1er� and Recorder-of the County of Eag1e, Sta�e of Golorado, and a cert�f�ed copy of thi.s ordinance and one capy of said plat with t�� Division a� Local Government af �hs Departmen� of Local Affairs, State of Colorado. Seetion 4. Zoning-af Annexed`Axea. Wi.thin nit�e�y {90) days aiter the ef�ectiv� daie hereof the To�n of Vail, Colorado, shall �mpose zoning an the annexed area in accbrdance wit�i its Zoning Ordinances. S�ciion 5. Effective Date af;Annexation. The annexation shal� �ake e��ect in accordance with the Charter of the Tor�� of Vai1 and the Statut�s of the State o#' Colorada. Section 6. Er�erg�ncy Ordinance. The Tov�n Cnuncil finds that an emexgency �xists ior the �Qmpletion nf this annexatian prac�ed�ng as fo�.�.aws: (a) A�ev�� �'i.smal az�d budget�,rq year comm,�z��es on Janua�y 1, 1880 and it is nec�*ssary for the Tawn an�d the xesidents ,� � � ,,; ::� , ;,., ;;:::i -�r � � . ' 3.��1Y� V\ • ��1 � < . " .. . - . � . . . _y` ' 1'�i �, of �iest Vail that s�rvices, governmental �t�nct�.'ons, pZanning and zonir�g take effect in conjunct�on with the new �iscai year. (b) Secti.on 31�12-113(3), CRS 19?3, �s-amended, provides that an annexation sha�l b� �ffective for the purpose of genera� taxatian on t�e �st day o� .ianuary i.n the year af�er th� e�fec�ive date of �h� annexing c�rdinance, the Tawn Cc�uncil, con�iders �hat i.t is ne�ce�sary �'or th� preservatic�n a� the public prap�rty, �ea�3.t�, we��are, peac�, o� sa�ety ta en$c� tMis orciinanee a.s an erne�gencyr measure so that it wi�l be ��fec�ive in 1980 iar the puxpose of prnviding municipal services ta the annexed area, ancl tite annexa��ort � wiiZ be effective for the purpase of general taxation on the lst day of January 1981. YNTRODUCED, READ AS AN E1�ERGENCY ORDiNANC�, APPRQVED, ENACTED T� TAKE EFFECT UPQN FiNAL PASSAGE.ON THIS.DATE, AND ' DADERED PUBL�SHED nNCE IN FULL WITHiN:.TEN DAYS:AFTER FASSAG�' OR AS SOON AS POSSiBLE, this 16th day of Decembear; 198p: - ��! iiiifiF117 {if) / � �� ' . ���. . \tiil��1 q,..l ,� + ! . . �F��,` / / . . . f �`�i � r,�"�� 'ji -�. �� �/� : :�`R��O �.�'1�1����=Jli�k� ��� � ...' �.� � � -� �.� i � ' l '�'�;i\�"�x � i�h - , - s, vd�4.�("+;����'ti4y� � W� ' �,: � _ � � .. . . . � ���y� ��b�� ��di . - .. - . . . . � . � �,, i� 4 Y . . . � :� ��� � -.., a��S �r E�,����sep 3 ��t < .:�'� .. � �` '` h : `�v v r K:- . t ;-; �ry���yyyrt{� � . - .. :r f,�f����;� Y i� '►ti x � . � . . � . �, � ��� _ � �. lJ�ptE i�! :� � �� � . _ . � . "f ": . �.� . .. . . . �..� � i;:� . � . � � . �r.,�., .:�r+, . ,. . � ._,��r§ � � 'l: i° � :'�f�. ��F�� � � � � �' i � �. �� r` � c� S C �. � ' � . �_ .�_ ✓ �' .� . , i L; (' 3 i € � �. � � . . . . . . , . �, , . 1 . . � _ . ) t..! 1'� r+�. �� .� �. 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T S e a - � - _ � - ' ' = .s. • - - . c�ct�r:� l2 ;.`�t:r.:e S �:` lg'�i" � ?755.9� �eet z:r::g the. nort�:er�y� 13r.eT_of: f.? ___ �� • - • _ � r� •� 7i}r�;;_ec��Tx CO.i�2T �O� �5c1� �ec[ian, 12; ;,iLl2T1Ct � �i #�.;�:• � i . - . �. 5�: c�C:�D:I �.� `:.O .� � . . } ... . , �;:=Y-:_' "'~+� ' -` ' � -� r ��`.i5'�9" � 1� ".�C `eet ai�:.� ..�2 z�sterls _3in� cf�sai�d�S�ction:=32;M,,__ri 4+..„ = , , � . _ Cs.. = ' •° S6`i3'L5" i, 3t��7.00 ;�et' L�.en�g ''�=�:,�`:�==-��' - '�' f.e;ice c��,ers�r.�..�Gi:. ,:c�.erx3 3 : e, S . , _ . � . _ . _ ;; :. - . 'r� . � _ . �S Lir35'S�1" �' �5£5.Y� `Eei, to�ayy,;�i on tT�e n^rt:�crly 1i.4e4uF,�ti�e'�h� 1�.4���.:- : � -� `�_�:• -��$E iiL �.f�s�id Secti�n�l�; i��en�e S S6`17'��'.' �i :075_Sl feet; a�ui�g'-.the= ��:._;�;�_�= -.• � . =-_-- � - . .. : _ - _; - - - � :�crt��erly��I:ne � of _ s�id T�i �J4 5£ 1��: �o_the i�arthr•ester2� corner..of' sa�d ��.-.� • _ . - -- _ - " ' .:E �li� S�� �:n;. t:�e�ce 5 �i°39'{3fl"�3+'' 3.-3�3.�.SU �.eet a3ang the'westerl�W �irie of-%.�. :T _.`. - - - . sa:d� :�' ���+ �£ ��+� •Lo' L�e zi�rti:Easier'1� corne: of .ti�e 51+' .1�L �SE ��L ef saia. __ _ _ - . ' . � Y_ i . . � '� " ' - - ` . - .� -. - �ec [ �on i] ;. �h��ce � 5 ��6°2U' C�a�•. .�' j 3;S :'-+�' feet a. cng t7-�e n�r ��e'rly 's ii�Q ��.r � _ : , .. s2id Si� �; �. �E i/� to ti�E �o�r':4e5teri3 :cor.,e* o� s�`_d �k' I J� S£��.1 �;. =�eio� - ,�.. --- � 5 Gi`�a�'�+�" 1� ]37n,.`.6 �eet� along t'he �s�-esieYly ?�ae of soid Sk lf 5£ 1� .: �.• : � t�E ' 1� rr:r.e�- of saSd .Secrion i1 and said �ectian I�4; ther�ce 5 S6°1�'S�" �'' ,.'. '� � � 135�.2�i ;eet a'sor�g�i?�e�norili�rly lir.e o� .i�e ::E l.]4 l:�.'.11�+..�of said�Sect�an':_" - , - . '!' 'L t� 'r.e a-.rii:�:ester?r .cor�er� of said N£ 114 ?Z�+' 1i4; tl�ence S O1°?b'�S" E'. - - � ',� '� a?an� ::�e �ec�Fr�y l:ne ei sa��' T;r ?j�+ A+: 1IL to Lhe �c+ut�'.� -• - 1 ;.,5. ] i �°e�, o . -• .. �.e�t�rlx r�:: cr af s3±d t:� 1/� 1;..• li�+; ti;en<e :: �b°�+2'2i" E?O:L.32 ieet; ._ - • .. 4�c.ns :�;e s,;ut?�ezly l;ne of sai� AE �14 '':� 1�•'+ io a'�Soin[ on the northerly. -. • - . rial:t-t+r--a) ��z:se of Inz�:�c-a°e :iia`:�:a� T:o. 70; thence .he foll�u�n$.:teq• �- +_ r '. . g- - c�:�zscs a3ang sGid `nr�riherl� ri�hL-�f�way ?ire; c•�►3c�s is aiso t�e 'souther�]►: -: +. �� , �ine of Lnts 2i arsi 3S ai s�id Section,�6: :(l� � S 3S°�+fl` 30" �' ��4�+.:3L �eet;.::' .': ".. , _ , •� �� (3j S 3I°30'i15^ � 392.37 .feet to a poi.ii�:`:_ -':_ - . • (�) S �S �:£ 36 L' �__.73 Seet: . _ . - -. � : •'. i .. on cUr�e; i4) 785.�2 �eet alcng the. arc of a cu:ve io t7�e,I'�g�t�. Sa3d�CUTVe , r.. '., �,a,�� � a.r��ius-vf 1]60.0� feet, snd a c*�ord thak bears S 39°�.7.'00~.F' 364.92 -• � . • .. � #��'Sl'4� �► 3S7_$9 feet� _tb);�.5 6�'i9'3$" �S.' 313.S9,Ieet;:^�7��`.v � • -_ _ ,.; ieet;�f5i -S .� , . - • - . -",. ' . ` � `�� � ��t 'qp �curvs;�_(6j'-�?23:�.1 €eei eloug.�tfir�-- � � •:=' � _ " ,- , ' � 6i °S�'�2'.' i� 3�b.�4 f�Fet. io n po. . _ . - -. . . -_ _ ... .. _ _ ., • ' - erc �f .� cuzve to��.�t 3eft, Fa�d��vrve �aving�a_radi�s of 3DL5.�O�.feeL,°at�d` � � ��� �' ; ��' � .. � ' hears 5 53.'Y8'24•` i,• 323.ZS. ieei; .�93� S_39'll'.54"3t;307.,82�.�eet� ��_`=- W ch�r8 that :� , '- �'�'. . •- • . a ' • ;--, - ' ' . {}�) � �$°�a'�6" �.�3.69 feet; the:►ce�.Zepari'ing,sai� riort�erly`_ rfght-•oI-�ay y��, :`:'. -. � - . �iae� 'S E4`il'S�" u L69.19 'feet alnng the southerl� iixsr af�'said'i:ot 3$ .io ; ,� ..,��r __:_� � L�tor�er �o: aid Sect3oa I�� and sai.d 3ect'li� .i5; �Lhente S_$�'1$�30."..3i �t �: -� ; '-' - - � ' the '�1 � . . _ z. _ . . . � 13i?.�1 f�e: siong t'.^.e ndrtnerl� line of t�.e E 1i2 S£ 7,�k �� sa�d Sect�on_.�S':• -'-,• .: � � LiiPJICt S V�•3i,��1f. r�'1�71�.4I.�' ..+y _w � .� ta �:�� ^�: t:::es�erl� cor: Er of sa;d E 1�2 S�'li . �� . •. - ieFt ale :g the :�este: 1� lir.e at sxi� i��2 SE 11� co tne sout�vestet�y�corner' . . o; saic E�; 2 S� ]./4; ti�cnce i: ?b°39'd�" � 1377.58 feet, � ta ti►e sout�easierly;-. . . , , :.�:�ce i: 41 `30' I?•� �+• 1�4�.57 �eet -to �ihe 5D•3Tb �. ',� _ � - _ cor�ez of sai.d'Sest,on �5: 114 cf sa:� Sectiors ]L; thence k S7'6�'35='�� �.__•• .-- ��SL �: ��' [:OT1:_. Q► i!i! ii ��� Sw .._ � ' 2761 . i5 feet a:o:�g �he cautt�er�v line � seid 3� i/2 Si+ 1J� tr the snutheasier2y: � i::. cc•:ner �f s2i� � 1/2 S�' �i4; :!,V.zce � U1'23'36" k` i3bS.3� ieet along t`•�e •- _- - � - ��ster7.y line af �aie � i1' S� 3IL to the t�outnezsi�r3y �rorner� of_ $he '�'�' i/b .. . _ � . � �, said Sectia� ���- ��r�nce c�n�.incing 3► Ol°?�'.3b" i.' ��367:�5. �eet� x�;o�g ihe ' : ' -- .: . - . �zste:�y li.�E of L�ts ?b xa$ ?2 0£ said Sertio� 1L zo tae nort�eas:er:y rorner �_ ,- of s��d �.ot �•^; :.her��e :: £E�`L?'�2" � =75R.�5 fget einrig thc savthex:y �fne o� ` � _�,E �: lj2 1;r��i� �-` szi° S�c:i�r. I4,.therct t: Q7.°23'?4° Li 139t3.75 ree:, te tht •, _'- r . - �. , .. � ,, ; � �'. nc�r...�rys'c-TV c�rr��: �of �z1d "e:t:cZ I4• t��;�re 5$0°5�+'3�" E l��b g� r j� � . + i .EC'C, a��nb t!�� c.1_:�:rl.v ?i�� af s,id, Sec:fun )2 to a?cin[ nr. t� � e�ls:i:;g . - �c�:^d:::y csi [`�e ��-: of V,�:1, C.�?c:��o; c�:E-:�ce�the foilc�ir,g ce�::ses �la:g � � tt+e e:.;s:!r.3 b��.:rSLary of t�:r ;��n of �a:I� Colar:.�da: ;; CJU°Q4'UO" ',� I30.J� "� �_ faei .:lcm Lhe ea5ceF1 _. .- .. S Y`so;,::daxti c€ H1g�:3�r►d ':e�u':�.+s Fi] f:�g ';o. 2, a sub- � -_ -. d;vi,sion recr•r�ed u:��er �cce�tion !3uc,be� I: TE92 �: .hc�nce �{ G5°51.'�3" Y �. .: ; - . $75.5t� .eet alor,g "said e�s�cr:y bouzdary aF iiignl�r.d ;�'Fr:,dc+.•s Ff:_ng So. 2 " . ` _� to [�2 scutheast�r�y cor�ner of Lor �(#� 'Satterho�n Village� Ff��r.g ;�Q. �� g �_ �su�div_sion recorded under Reception 2;u��aEx �p29t ; Lhezce fi 3�'1&'1{i" -'• �.E a9-19 fee[ along t�e essL�rly iirie oE said I.ot 10� to the northeasterly'• ' . : _� .�orn2; of safd. i,nt lfl; �tfen�e Ji 56'Sd'36" i�1 329.08 feet�along"the �artR.�r!y . -. °2ir�e c� said Lot i��to a�oin� �n t�se sov:heriy. ri�hC-o�-�:sy �.;r�e af Cr7eLa . .� ��iive; t'��.^.ce 4: z ie13c�:�^g ; cu: cours2s along ti:e sou�?�.erly ar,d vasrerlv ,'� , rig�:t-a.`-.:av :i:,e of s�id Cr-;e•:a urive: �(1) �30.14 feet �]�ng the are of .' a curve to c�e r=d��c� said cu:�:e ��av�;,g a:sdius af SQ.'34 feet. a ce:�a:ra� .. _,. . a^gie af 1=+�°�,xi, 0�•� �' ar.� a c:�ard tha4 bFa: s h i2°2�' 15" W 96.39 feet: (Ij, . . : , l�. S; °48'1�"' k??.D#. feet; i3) 2�Ji.77 f�et a]or►� t�te�arc of a curve� cv t�ie. - �, ,. r��k�t, w�:d cucv� i�y�i�g a:a�:us Qf 2�?�.]E feet, a cenrr�.� a;.g:e cf S8*,�2"50"', : � , �nd a c:�;,r� th;�t �ewrs �i 25�`21"49" W 198. i5 �feet; (4� :I (�1"bG `36" � b2]»]3 ' . ' �22i.�, L:lt' �C� ii .{`1.��:47�:+,.�.�� +i i(]f�+,'`. ;d'B.", LO s1 ��?3*fSI: A:Z �11@ C�iSi�Ca.liil'.�0� �3t.i£'i"` : hc�rn C;rcle; Cl�ence :he foilo�:�.ng� two caurses ala�r.g sa�d cersterltne: (X) . '. ��9.'+2 feer a'c, g.ne �rc of a curv� Lc, the 'rish[; said curve is�vir,g a�rad�us of 375.15 `zet, a�entrai �. g�,e vf 15'I�`4i`"„ a�� a chcrd tha[ b�ars *i 71'��' 3C1" ,«i 99.13 fa�t; (2) ;; 03°28'�9" �►* ?7.17 feet; trzace :� Sc�°10'28" k 58.50 -'_ � €eet co tne sau:ne.:stzsly�cor�er of Lat 3, Vail Village :;4st Filing No, 2. a . '-• '. �J�uf:/�5�':Y] i�''CGT�2� u.,t.cr�fi�ce�fii�n ��.`:.�iLi IQI:c°i`g � i:�E('iCe S���10��Qt� � �� 231.�], :�:�t a��r.� �,;;2 SL~:is::e_�3 ]ina c: ;szd �ot 3 tc t�:e so�:�'s:_est�rly ccr�z; �. oz safd :,at 3; _n�::,.a ?i 3b'29'S4" k' �:�.a0 fret alo:�g the r:ESterly Iine of said Lot 3 ta t�e so::�:��: �• ri��t-of--s;av 1 i;�2 of I�Le: state Hi !�sL= � • e Q � ay ho. 70� �?��zte �i ?3 �(3';0" L 5{^ „� =re: to the ::or�;�er13 :igi-.t-o:-::ay 21rie af Incersta�e �;.�f . �c. 7a; tner.�e v 33°a0';5" z SJ.�A fa�[ alc;�g sa'_3- n�rthe-ly rtght-�f-�r�y ;1: e - ar.d the scut�2r�y 1ir.e c��Lo: 12� a �esu5d:�fsfcr of Bufier Gre�k, a se�bdir:�:or, ' r�:or��d 'SF..:2r %�.e [iGn ;:u:�'�er - . .� p . .�ou.i:er��• Iine . _ +� J�::77 to.a oint or� Ei�.e . � of ii�n's R��o� Su�,�,ivi�ior. eii3r.� Iro. 3� a subdivf�iar� recc+r�ed u�de: Apce�- • : . tfon ti�:.�5er �b7:°3 �; t:�ence tI^e fo�los:�ng e?eti•ert ca�rses a?or.g ihe per�- _ eter oz� sai,i L�_n's 5idge S��•divi...�n Pili:� v�. 3: `; 8 il} S $9°27'2�" �' �3�5.70 • - fzet alc�g c�se s:4L[l�'_'1� 1�1;@ �f [�e �!� �/2 of ssi� SecLian :2 ta the 1/L co:r.er oi s3»� Sec:ion 12 a�3� safd �ect�e.^. 11; (2} � pi'35'S�" £ 1�62.?8 �eet EIcr.g ci�e �:es:e:ly line of saic S�:ctian ?Z; {3) ce�arci�g sa:d ti�ester�,y �i.ze of Sec.ioz },'!� I3.36 feet a2orsg ;i:e arc of a curve to the left, said curve 1:.�v�r.g ' a z.��ius o: i3fl.CJ feeC, a ce:�trzl a::g�e af OS°��']S", and a chard th�[ bears ' t� ��°G3'49" E?3.35 feet; {4) ;� 66'15'00" E 53Z.95 ;eeE; {5) 1�I 74`GS'p0" E.� . +3G.�0 :zet; (6i � b3`15'00" x. 99:�.00 feec: 47) N Sr?°35'00" � 330.Q0 ie�., (S) t+ SG°55' �5" s, b2? .05 f�_t, te ti�e sou[�,4esterly rfg!�t�of-�:ay �.ine of ' � Li�:-'s Ric�g� r�op: (9) Lben�e a�ong said SOUt::s:E5t2:Iy r.ght-a�-vay }irie� ' �5a•1b :ee: ai�ng ci�e are of a curvz Lo'the ?e€t, said cu:v"e havirig a ra�ivs�y of 135.00 fee.� a ter.cra? s;g�e o� 1G8`I7'4Q", a�c� a chord th.�t bears,5 56'�?G' NO" = �15_Sa ;2e,; (IO) ?? 69'�b'30" £ 49.27 feet elong�seid s�utl:tesLe:I� � - ri�;:�L-�;-�3� Iine; the:,ce de�a:: ing safd sovt7�zsterly rigi�t-of-��y Iine� . S 39°��'c:fi" .. 401.91 iep_ to t: e�c�u�herl� ribht-c`-.ay ��1lr.e a:. Lion's Ri�ge . - ��c�: t���ry�-z ;he ia':c•.:;:Q ;t;, cca.sz� a'o:�g sx:C sou:n.�rly Fiar��-of-Way,iine ��.' ;:.e =c�.�ner:y ?ir.e �f :.ica's �ic?�s cubdi_fsfon Fiiir,g *io. 2, a sl:bd.�is_°oz TfCL_:!'.'�. t r-' -: • .� ��� ar �� �� �6 .. ��.�C ` ' � , CJ ;.1:.�..L': : C�. G:. .s::�;'4f 7� !a� •. • � n � J�i'�� (_j ti .Er" fc��: a:,,�b t� _..rc c: � C:sC•!C :G z:�e ;r`` tai3 cur�e �a�.�g a . T1��:::i ]L il�t.�� �2�� ..'�:.fi�.�� °����. � �r)c•-•���r�"a • '� � '� i �+= � n:74 .Z C 1:� C'� L}:3: f'e C5 :i �_*:b�L'+ « .. ..Z :2°� �:2.^.�2 i r•V�v3 �7��- � iS'].fl: S@�:► 3�:^.g L�:L' 2�5:$ . � +�.� �� _:. jw :.�. ..�a ��'_j-•a'.�..�..5�.`^. 5�:1��,u'„ �i:.. �.� :b���3 ri•1-',� ..... �:e:� SOL.,:�.�'�y . ,� ..... . . r .. _ ,._. _. c�: _ _'_� _--.-Rr. ' • thF• :� ` .... .''yy" = 3_:.�C�,f•r�; '--_ a � � � . i� -�.• 0 ,� � - � Y, t�.� scut.herly 11�e of sa�Q. �Lot ?1 to [t►P��savthe��cerly" epri�d� � of �E�id Lo[�.2�, -�. ` �`' t3-,e:�ce i: ��`tl3'23" �• .769.32 :iiet rs:esig_t�e �co.���a lir�e of� sa�3 I,ots 21 a�d, . . y � ; - 2d �of ..5a:d �5�ttici:� 1'arui�Lio��s ���ge �ui>diristoi%PiZ�fi�g��ci. I;� s 5�,�ai.�����,n�:1 , . . . �, . .. .. . •- , r�c�r�ed'ui�dei� Peceptio� 2;:s:�5er� l�l f25b;..�z?ter.ce� continuing A OG°03'25" �; b�,i�.4Q `L _ _ . . .. . . _ _. � -, feet aIo^g t�e��c�sicrly l�:se of �said L�t 2a,. to th� point of� b�gi.^.ning; cen-` • _ _ - - - � txi�ir.g;�d4.SJ�ocres; r��:e or 1ess, �rith t}ie�er.cic�sicn'oi ari excepted ��rcel " .� _ � ', cc: si"st:r.g�of Fspen at S[���c.s'_de, said"ezrcgtee ��rce1 be::ig �.�re ��+articv�Gr-�- ` � ; • . � ' Iy uestrf�ed��s fo�?.:us: • - - . . ' . . :.. '� � ' = ' .} : ', _ . , , . � . � - . - �. � � - _ . _ � - _ , . - _ - ��. _ ' , ' • . �5�g.rini:�g at t�:e i�crt�:;�est�:ly cr• :�er�af_Lot 20, righ2aad �".�ado�-s, a �ubdiri-' , - . ._ �s}oii.:eccr�ed un�er t��cEp�ian '::zW�Er ?675b3, t':e�ce S_ 27°15'�8`.' £ 3�.�7 fee[� _ ��� " ala�g �the� i:�sierly lia� of `saiG Lat , Zfl to the'r`.c�rt�easter�wcorner_ af �.ot 11_-t�, _ -1. -_''of ssid High�an��?:ew�o:cs; i�ence S�9°17`a5" li �31}.50 :eeE a3atig_t3.e nci�t�:- . :� �� erlj :�ine��af said i.ut Y� Qad L� Ls 22 and 23 a€ ssid H�.g��a�d+�:eadcws'�ta ��the. ' -� naiLh�:e�:eir�y cornEr �o� s�id 3,ot 23;� thence :i 40°�2'S2" St- �5.63 feei;.tl�enc�� �-.t- ' - - -r - � �- 5.5�.°4U'S9" Si,.;55.45� feet;__"ience. 3� 32°lSr'�i" ��.`� 19.ib feet;.�Lhe�:sce 5 5.7_'4U'•"�° : "_ _.� 5g" j,'" �54.�D� fee[; -t�eace S 32°3.9��33�" �E 19:flf7`f�et; t:�e�ce S S�°kQ'S9"� 1�r� �'. `� - - - � - �E3.00 aeet; thE�ce:2+1� 32°�.9'{)�" 1i ' 1�.00 fetit; tt�_ence S fi7`?6'ui" N. �99.�9=- � - _ - , - - . feet;� ti�E:.ce 2: �i`i9���3°-1.•r �7.C30 �f�et�t�o t�e sfluth�i�y ri��;t�-of-::ay �ine��of"� _ - --- -� ._n.��t�t�ie Hi��riay ?�a:. 3fl;� th�nce N 4S`00'S�" £ 2a2.25 �e�t alang s:.id soutR--' . :� .: �erly r�ght-cf-Lay ��:te ta"a -point cn tbe r�or�h�rly ��ne �f the hE 1/� of Sec-- �• � r: •�� ,tioa 3�i, �'c��sl�ip S Saut!:, R�.nge 8�. �est of the 5th Frinc`_gal ?:eridian; the:sce�� , ;>. • ._ � Sb°l2`0�",E 10.25 feet al�ng sa�d narttierl}�line; ther.ce N 36'�1*30" u � ,= -� � - - . 45.00 �ceC to �a �c�int on �t3�e apprcxi�:s:e c'e�terlin� of Gor� CreEk; �thente the - _. ' fflalakiag �three coLrses alo:sg sa;� ay; :�xir�te ceaterl±:se: (1} H sb'25'2I" . _-;,, • - ' _.. � 291.39 feet; {2) S 82`29'3byf E ]65.39 feet; (3} N 85°53'14" E �i25.03 : : . feet io tha -point of beginni�g, containing•.3:86 atres, e�are or less ",-... �• :. .. : - , � : _ . . . . - . ' . . . � , - . .. . � . _ ` . _. • ' . � . _ �. , - , � ♦ ° ± : f�li+ . ..�. r> , �'n. -��. ► ,.„; ; s :: �, . . . .-, .. . � , . . �. � . . .,: , . � � . . „ .;. ✓ :' . ��� � L ..�i e `ti � . � '� ` �:� �� i `� � ��� } �. �� � � � � -} � � � .�� � Y �� , ... / �j � .� . i r� . � . � . � �� . . ....:.-., ., �. ::...lw� w�✓ � �L.J :; � . .. . .. . . . . .... - � . . :.� .... ,.- . .: : �. : THE . At an E�ection held FOR t�£ST VAIL AN _ " 5TATE OF �NiNTH OE fllB� ..�.....� . Ca�orado, on the.....�..w �.day of..�.�......�.�.�...�.�.........:.,19...�.�..�:.. 1���S'f VAiI. A��IEXAiIdN �I.EC3I�N QUESTI�H . . �o� PROPER7Y OWN�RS , REGISTEREU EL��TpRS (non-�roperty owners} ; � /'J,_ , ,�,� ACAtNST PR�PERTY OWNERS REGISTERE� El.EC�ORS tnvn-property awners} CERTIFIED BY US THIS 9t� , Dt�Y OF, •.�.�•.����r�.��•••r•�..•��r�•••��.�•.•n••..... r • � Number o! Votes . ^ . � �s',�-.�.L � . . ' ' .S`% � ; ,. , ; �. � � 3 _ . . _ ! � �,:. . . 3`�'� ,. ........�.._ . 3�'" �cember, 1 �sa ` � �.��r...�...���..�.�A.����������.�����������' COMMISSI4t�ER5 �f Electian TH�S AB5TR�CT� TO BE POSTED !N A Ca�VSPlC�10US �'LACE OUTSlDE THE POLLING- PLACE 1Nt11�EDlATELY UPON C0�9PLE�'t�N 4F THE COUN�'. . � .. • 0 � . S�ki� OF CO�.�RA�O } STp7Er•1��IT At�� CERiIFICATE j ss . . C0�71�TY OF ERGLE ) 0� O�TER'•iittiRiIE}N STNT£h�EEtT A�JD CERiIFICkTE OF p£iERi•tIirtAiiON UF RFS[�l�i OF SPECIAI �1EST YAiL At�i„cXATiOH E�ECTIDi� HELD �1ECE,•�6ER 9, 198� � wE, Tli� t,�ND�RSIG��p CO��t+4�55�0�+�R5 OF TliE WEST VA1L AN�EXAiIO�I, ELECTI(lN NEL� €H �AGL£ CQEl�IiY (1N �'HE !�I[�iH QAY OF OfCEN16'�R, 1980, UU �E�esY C�R7I FY: � , • . t µ " THAT �H� �CI�.L�3l+t��kG IS A�"RU� A�lC1 CORRECT ABSTRACT £IF 'fkiE ►1EJ"�E5 CAST 1�f�D SiA7Et�tEN� 4F ��� REStlLT 4F Y�i� SPECiAI. 1dEST VAII AtiNEXAiION EIECTIEIH. � F�R Aht�EXATIE}N: � . � �'ROPERTY OI�NERS . 8aj�ots cast at the Po11s � � � Absentee •Ballats _ - °� � � Total� fi�EG1S�ERED EL�CTORS Ballots cast at Lhe Poils 5� Absentee Ballots � -7 • Total ,,,,� � ! � Combined 7ota1 _ � 7 3 ' � .__.�� --� . ._ . _ �_ �. . _ _-.. . _: , , . . .. � J AGAI��ST A�1t:�Y,k�IOF�: PPOPERTY (3:,�t�ERS Bailots cast at the Po��s Absentee Bal3ots R�GIST£Rf� �I.ECTpRS .8ailats cast at the Pal'!s Absentee Ba�lots ��� � _.._�.s � Total %� 3 � - 0 ��� �ota 1 3�� � . • Co�ibi ned Total �� � IH �IITNESS W�#�R�QF, WE HAY� t�EREl�N7� S��' O�1R HANDS �NIS 9th DAY 0� IIECEf�BEl:, 19$Q. - - . - ECTI CO1riMiSS� ER - ��`�� ��� � . �-�-�- •�. __ � `''C=_-�- --�. ElECTIf}N COMMi55I0H�R �.� �� �'/� : ;. �v EtECr 0� � � iArf€�t � _.� ..` —�..' .� ...w�YM,.� :�i ;y' • :::=� �i . 1 +�� � v`�'i � y�� �:i5 . �� ' a' . . •' r�S � .. . � . . �.;.a��Pf �. � '- a . `!. �� ' i' '.: , , . ti ' - >„�i,. � �3i . . .. d :�. � .. � ': 1 1�' .. .. ,. . ,. . .. .. . ... . ... .. . . . ......h1r�:51i1. .: