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1982-31 Recorded Copy
�► 9 �° ,,� _ 24%7? �: �o .. _ . �c .�L�. . `� PAGE �33 _.. ,'�� . � "�. .-, ,`�,y � � � � dOHFtf��"i��� i'NlLk.IPS ,� , � �, �; t'?� , - ORDINANCE # 3�. EACLE C7Y.�RfCURDER � �� ��s � �,i {Series< o� 1582). ` �W ..:il �� ��;�� , 75 s. frontage road p �kli .5 ��.6 �'� ?�j vail, co�orado 81057 � ORDINANC� "ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF : ° of,ice ef towr� clerk VAIL; 2 PARCELS �F PROPERTY LOCATED IN �AGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, WHICH.PARCELS AR� ENTTR�LY GOI3TAINED F1'IfiHIN TH� BOiINDARIES OF TiiE TOWN AND HAVE BEEN SO Si�RROUNDED FOR NOT L�SS THAN THREE (:3 ) Y�ARS, AND SFTT�NG FQRT�1 FINDII�TGS AND CO�GI�US IOivTS AN� 4THER DETA f L8 IN �tELATi4N TH�'R�TO.. WH�REAS,.2:parcels of prop���y described i:n ExYiibit.A a�tached h�reio (;`the Property") are 1'ncated in; �ag3e :County;' and' . �4HEREAS, �he proper�y i.s .en�irel.y ccinta�neci .within �he bpundari�s of �;h� Town.of Vai:I and has.been so surrounded �or a p'erxod`of n�� less �han three (3}'years; and V�H�RFAS, 'in accordance.wi�h-;G.R.S, 3�.:�2.106, �:973 as amended,. �:he Town Council may°by'.ordi,nanc� annex �he property without_hearing . or election; anc� ; . WH�REAS, th� Town Counca.l is' ai the opin'ion �:iia� xt:would benefit �he healtn, sa�ety and weifare o� �he anhaba.tants of the Town a� Vai� ._if the proper:ty were ann�xed to t�ie Town oi Vai3; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE'TOWN COUNCIL pF=THE TOWN � OF VATL, THAT::: _ Section i`. Fi:ndin `s The Town Go�zncz�. makes t�e follow'�ng :�znii�ngs .oi fac-� in Aegard ,. to _the propexty: _ : A. The property is �n�ixely contairied wi�Yi'in the bounclaraes"of . �he Town oi Vail:ai�d has been;sa surround�d ior a period af thr�e (3) yea.�s. , B. No�ice oi th:is annexation has been given by publica��an as :provided ,by.C.R..S. 31--�2-108 {2), 1973, as a►nended, by pi�blicatian of saicl notice-once a»eek �or fo�:r (�) success�ve ;����ks in a ne�ti•s- ��aper of general circulation i.n the axea prop�sed to b� annexed. �'ir�t publication-oS said notice �uas a� .leas� �hzrty (30) days priox to ihe.da�.e of the adoptian _ G' . -T11e p�^0�1ei-ty ma:�r election in accordance:with of �his ord'inance. be� annzhecl t�y ord9.nance without hsaring :o� C. R.S. 37.�-�:2-1436, I973, as amended. .._�.._r. _ . r� �..:. .. . � :.. . .'.-._. ... . . " . . .. . .. . . -2- See�t ion 2 : . Annexatian . > .The propea�'tp �,ocated in Eagle Courity;;:Colorado; more particularip descxibed �n Exh�.bit A a�ttached herc��o, �.s annexed tQ i�+e Town of. Vai1-, Co�orado. Section 3.. Effective Da��., The anne�ca`tion and �his ordinanc� shall iake eifect in.accordanCe wi.th ti;Q' Char.ter of the :Town, a� Vail arid the Town Clerk_ is da.xec:ted :to f:ile 'for re�ording two certified. copies of this orda.nance and a map of the axea anriexeu coniairiing :� 1ega1 descxi:�ta.on of such area with the :. , Eag1e -County C1erk a,nd Recorder .and one copy� thereo� wfth the i)ivision of Local Government;; Dep�.rti ,ent af Loca� Af �azrs . 'Se"ction 4. "onin . . ; . , The:prop�rty hereb.y annexed to tb� Town a� Vai] shall.be referred ' to the P7:'anning :and Environmental Cammissa:on for revic:w and. recom- ' mendation in accordance with Ch�pter l$.68 of the Vai1 Meznicipal Code. INTRODUCED.,.READ ON F��iST R��D�NG, APPROVED AND ORDEREi) PUBLISH�D QNCE ;IN FtJLL THIS �9th I)AX OF Oictabex ,�;982 , and a publ:ic hearing on this ordinance sk�all be held a� �he'.rege��ar mee�Cing of the �; . . Town.Counci.l o� tht� Town oi Vail, Colorac�o, on the 2nd day of ' Ncivernb:Er ,, 1982, at 7:30 �.m. 'in the` A��nicip�.l F�uz].ding o�.� ` �he Town af Vaa.�.. ;:. : , , - ; . ' :: Rodn��r E. �1 fer, ?riay ; ATTEST. ^ ,.:, , �. �,: , �.._..._.� y.� , ,' " :Co�1�en hi. Kline, T���n Clerk �� II�'I'1�OD?JLED, R�r11] OIvT SECOIVD READXNG, .APPHOVED .4NI) �R17�.RED PLBLISHE� IIY TITLE �N�,Y `�HIS 2nd D,�Y OF. i�ot�cinber , 1982. " VRo ney E� lifer, b yo 1�TT�ST.: . � � � .. . . . . . 1�%f .� � Colleen hi.-Kline, �r�ti4n G7erk ` EXHiBIT �rA�f R . } ••� � _ �,�r,,�t iir:5t:1i 11�T1 tati� UF l:iltil)S � � �3� ,�x�t ��:� , . . � . :, : . � : : ,. � . .- � '' .y � _ _ � • 1',11:: s,i. �'1 �.tt+�a• �aCiS V{. L�11• :�:=4ti:at� .!lt�� "��!s34����, �il�cLi�.n t=� �i�at.ils�fl(� i rffifC�i.`. r.tt1}',C R� ��a?t(' ir1- � , . . , ,, ���.;f�;u F'riaci��a] �1i•rid:;:ktt c,a••:i•r:?tc.[ :�; �ril_is:,rs: . P.���ertttii�;t :�t th� G:=iiE� �' ':' r.�,r�ic•r .,!- ti:riJ :�t•� tis+i�- 12: tlrrn:.�• Llec• fi;�1`E�uin� �•i►:irt i•r+isr��.ti,,y;,s:]:; to�c.;�xstit;i;t;. E'��wh „! 1"•i'sl E��sttt�ct:tr�: 'i,:i) S�i9i'��'1(t"K 3°.Jt?.(?ll.�c•�.t; l.�.f, ,i;Zi���)j�,';<}�s,.� "!)�;�� !s•(•,E� Ln :! �=(+]Ili tiU �•itY�'t :� t.3j_ ���1.�-�s �Vl•L ";��sf11}; E�1C':11'i 'l�! t tl'3 ��f�.�a1: i'C1�ilL1!C;.� ilYtC �6� -L�::�• �ri}iiii � fs:iVlTi�-:l �t';1[�f(� `t..�iiS� •�F'a3Tti .�j��0���•7�,;����} ;.�%.�+.17� d /• . . !�.•E , . ('r � ,tti;i'�5`i:'3i+•�. 1,�'3..�(1 31•�•t : :i7) till}t,.;�' �'yti"ts ?�:��} •! i��•L;. i�s�_. \:3if��~8:* 1�1��1: '` i.1:�Sij I,<•�.1 : �� � �lill���s: �'•1 '� :"]'•�%,11(j i •t•l'�' �}!.1 `ti4�i��:.�5� i1��:L� �3��:O�i �'c'a•L * i�l 1�14� ;..►�'���' j -t^i ,,�t•i•,' S [ltl 1115'. . . . � � :$' . . . " .. � . �- . ...ti. . - .. . .� 1'11k2(.�I., K • }i��:t �r:?r( ••t GF ..{E:�,,�.a�� S••�'�fi�l: �=� '��itt,'i2�jil�ti _5 �i��t1C�t� j��fl�;L` �i h°i�C iif t)ti�: fif1� !� i�• i;•n; �:�r`i• i:�� ,.f. ,.• i:,�•� a: 1'.ei!t��:�: • � I.. ,_ _ , • �, tn','T,e�t �1.: .tt T�i:• ti��ltt��a'i�:[t•Y��' �•c�Yftt`i t+( ;it�i !:� ?latterhur�i ViijA};t'.�'��ii)� :�0. ��� { ,:t yu#q'�;.:,+n .r<rr.c+rci.�ti in•t'rt�• ;-tf;ta• o�f tltr:3�e�;?t. Cvuntv, Ce�]c�radu, Cl,:rk �nd>: i:r•:, r�1.r; ti.��».�.• t:h�� i.•1!.,u's���: ts•�o c<�es�'�tx :�lc�n}; t.h� 4xisfi��� Tavn uf 1►a'fl bc��raidary: � ( : ) .ri.�'; I') , � �•'f: 3i9. � i t �•� t ;• . �.'� � �Ua•'S'i':�6"E :I 13 .6A, f c•�t ; E 3) ;�Fi9°'i3�' 35"E . l 2 i : 7i • � .f�•a•:, (4) :�)�1"5�'3fi"1: ��r`.Ili) _+�c;t� :(.i).St39�'S�}'3!"k' 1Sl�.SQ fee�, co :t point t�f '� t-�ir�.:ti,�r�•; �6) 3i:�3 irc�t a:fua ; ti��• :irr ��i rt 2R.�'3.. frnt radiu, �urv�� t� th� Ieft, � ��r:vi�:t -:ni intcri��r r���s;lr x,f :���Q:' �i,• tn a' �+c•snt of t.zats:cnc�•; .(i) `S1>°Sl'3�,•W. 1;i:��F .sc•r.•t; .ti, h p�'i»t �,n r::r�=.�t (•`S),3�i.�2: �'�•rE al��n�;-ihr .irc �+f H 4�i.�i$ foni J'.ld�3�t4 �`tlTYV��t�� �Cii�' �: �::ili:: i�4�'��`?�1����°����Q���i .14-1.��t1 f��ei., �t�r:.�il�c� r.o+-.;..f�e.�st:erI�����r��rne',T'�� � c�i �:i it3 i>nt.. °_?; O!1) �'�t�a17''3 3"r 167._ti {.cc.t,. ;!l<an�; the. c,3.ta�r_l� ,} inE• of said Lot 27' tu ti�� poii�[ rf be��i�ani�t_. .• . � . '; -, _ '<,... ; � . . ' i , 7'9!ti`: r c)i'�C11. :�PP��ri:+li: � .i::;��.+.•��' lit` :iri'' i��uU t'�t�itt� !'►..�•• 1!tr .r�:s• •� !':IY I I:.t�iC -f:nr�qr�'� .Cl��t�1'::c1i�� itt , • . , E"•!':...�.t:1� . •``[�1':it�..t� " _ t��1�Qt.4ti tS:': �►:i:1Cj .�R�.,Lllt' ,�.t; •� �: ,.•:r'' •+14Mi�+�• Y�t•:=• r .►ii, i�:.��it• t:.sttrii`: (:tyl�+r:�d��. El�is: d:iv �•' _ !)•:. i�)?�'! ' ' .�..' ' ' , '' . .. , , ' '. .