HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-30 Recorded Copy� . ': t�. a ♦ A � � � � � �; � `�. h I. y'.,''�:• . . ' s . ' .... .�.��',� �. ' ,. . "ORDTNANCE # 30 � � � :� � � (S�:ries o� 1983) � �.- ��p j'Q� AN ORDYNANCE ANNEX�NG T0 THE T�W1V OF VAIL �� ..:,� ��� ��, v A PARC�L OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE COUI�TTY ;, k; _, i;.���:� ���, � t ��' EAGLE , COLORADU AND MORE PART T CULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHTBIT "A" ATTACRED HER.ETO, � ��� G � �.� � ��� ANDSSETTINGWF�RTHYFINI)iNGSSANll�ACONCLUSIONS � AATD OTHER i7ETAILS �N RELATIOAT TH�RETO. WIiEREAS, ,a : petitiori 'for annexat3;an into the To�rn of Va�,l: of' a certai:n pa.rcel af prope�rty located' �n Eag1e Coun�ty, Co�orado, a�nd mare p'articu�.�.rly cieseribed �n ��hibit, ':t�" at�ached heretc�, has be�n submi��ed to �h'e Town'Clerk of the Town of Vail and referrcd therEixom;, to:the.Towm Council; and _ :WHEREAS, the own�r o� a�� hundred;percent (1�4�) o� �he;property , � � - -� , proposed �or annexa�zon; e�clusive o� �he stree�s and a�leys, �s '�aii : Assoca.a:tes; Inc, ; and WHEREAS, t#�e .pe�ition was signed by Robert Paxker, '�'ice Pre�i.dent of::Vail Associates,,Inc':, and WHEREAS, in accordance with CR8 31-12-107 (1} (g), 1973, as amen.ded, tY�e Town Council may by ordinance anriex ��e abave spe�i?�:ed ' property withou� notice, hearing or e�ec'�ion inasmuch as thc�;petitia�i< was signed by one hundr�d percent (100�) af �he property owners; and WHEREAS, the Tawn Council is o� the opinion tha.t the p�t�tion sh`au1d: be; gran�ed and thP ` th`e subject property shoultl be annexed to the `Town o� Vail; NOiY , THEREFORE , BE ::IT .ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNC � L OF THE TOVVI�I OF VA�L, COLORADO, THAT: Sec��on 1. Findings. ' The Town Cl�rk o� t�e Town of Vail has r��erred ta the'Town Council a:petition -'ior an�e�ation of a certain parce7. .o�' property (he�re3.na��er, referred t6 as `th� „subject prc�periy;, j and wi�ich �s more speci�ica�7.y described in Exhib�� "A,, at�tached h+�reto and tk�e Town Co�nc�:1 specifi'cally ; �a.nds upon revie�r of sa,3'd.�etition: (A� T�e pe�itian.:is in .substat�t�.a1 c4mp�a.an�ce witYi the �equire- ments o� CRS 31-�2--107 (:].), 1.97�,: as amended. _ (B) The petiti.on was signed by the owners of one hundred percen�t" (100�) of the area pro�osed tc� be annexed, exc�.us�:ve of ��re�ts and <alleys. : . I � ��. . s � • _�.Y: ( C) The�ub ject property is e1.ig:i�ble ior annexation 'to the Town o� Va:il 'in �hat at 1'east one sixt�r` (1%&) o�- i�s;;bounc3aries ar� contiguaus with the Town n� Vai.l, there i� community of.�.n�eres� between the Town of Vai�. and the.subject_property,;.the subject p�oper�y'will be urbanized a.n the near future, and it is cababa� 'oi being integra.ted intn the' Tnvun of Vail. (D}- There.axe no limit'ations �o the annexa�ian oY the subject p'roperty to the fiown.af Vaii `and that ;no lanc� held in idcn�ica� ownership has aeen di�v�cled without the 'wri`tte� consent o� t�he:' �.and _ owners thereof; no land helii in identica7, owne��ship comprising twenty ; {2Q) acres or more with an assessed valuation in excess of $200;,000.00' fox aci ;valore�r tax pizrposes has , been included withou� the wr�,tten cnnsent af the owner, no;other anneAaiion proceedings have b�en com�nenced b� another mun�cipalaty in relation ta the sub;ject proper�y, and .no 'area will be detached frorn a scliool 'dis�rict by this annexation: `(E) No adciitiona�. texms or c'ond3tio�s are '�o be imposec� upon �h'is arine�ation. � (F) The subject property ma;q be a.nnexed by ordinarice without no�ic�, hearing; ox elec��on in a.ccordance with'subsecti:on {g} oi 31-12-1:U7,_ CRS, i973, as a�ended. > :Section 2. Annexa�ion. The pxoper�y presently awned by Va�.l Associates l.ocated in Ea.gle Coun�y, Co�:nrado, more par�icularly described in ��hibi� "A" attached i��reto �y �:r�nexed to the Town of Vai1; Col'orado: ` Section 3.: Zoning. Pursuant ta Chapter 18.68, a��er �he e�iect'ivc da�e o� th�.s orcia.:�ance, the Planning Comrna.ssion shall set a date inr a.: public �earing to consider'.the zoning districts �o be imposed on the subject.p�aperty:. , iNTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS 6th dap o� September _, 1983, and a public`hearing sha11 be he�d on �his 'ordinance on �he,20th day o� September ,�.98�, at ?:30 p,�. in the Counc�.l Chairibers of the �a.il=: Munic�.pa1 Builcling, Vai�, Colorado. Ordered pub�ished iri fu7:1 tha:s :6th;' day ai September � _ .�.988: <; : : ., y � . � -3- �' � � � � �, � � � ey � E ��... 1 �'� er ,; ` � yor � � ATiE�� � � � �� � � � �r� E � ;�,_ ;°� • � �� :. � � ; . . randmeye , Taw� Clerk ; = .:, �(�c;� .• ,. "`,. ro . . :: _ . .; ` � "�. ' �. - � �>- :' . . . � � .� . .. , . � �k J v� z�;z.. �_��' �.., �. � , •' � -4�1 i�l - - , .,� t ._" '. ' . ' ` . :.,. .�:: . ;. � ..,.: . ':� .. : . . . , ., . . -. s r � ..;: . .. . . . .. �': f . . -. ,,. .. �. ,... . : ,: � ., ... . , . ' • . :. . - . . ., . .. . . . � `31�TRODUCE�,, °PASSEn :AN� AD�O►PTEp` thii� ,,�ath da� o# 3ept�mb�r,�. 1983, . ; . and ardered pub��shed> by ..titl;e�`ottly, oz� .$econd reading'. y " �: ;;, . F.: 1f er, a�►or , . . .. , . �� :: w: , AT'!'E5'T � ���� • � y � � r. l ;i� ° j , :- . r �a r ��r .���� .i .� . Pa�iei�► ` `,: - rafld�►eyi�r, awn C1�'��C r.+ ;: � , � _ 4 , t[,�� ., � Yd l�:`��� ��,.5"'' , , . . ' .. . , �'. i . . .'.i+ ' ' � i - � ��- �� . • .' � � ' , �ARCEL T0 BE ANN�XE.D � • `� � q :A Cr�ct at iand locaCerl in Sscrion�8,'Township 5 South, Range SQ Wes'L' btF�" `:. = f P:M. Eagle Cou�tty, according to:the Map of Vail Vi113�e.Seventh P31ing, rece�t�on t�o.:102780; and tf�e hEap of Vaii ViZlafie Tenth'filin� reeeptinn ''�?�. 12443 anr� accorcIin�; to'.the Ptap of Vaf1 Vfllage �irst Eaii�sg rece�tao�� No. 463�2 as fi:led in the Off�r.c of. the Eaqle Caanty:`'Cierk and Recorder, mor� particu�.aacly c3escribed as foll.ows; :i3�;G�NNiNC aE a pois�E on the Southerlv boundary -1ine .of Vai1, Vi11a�e: Seve:�Ch iiling Cract B whence the Northeast cdrner SoutE�east 1/4 yorthwesc �,/4 = � " oC said Sectinn.$ bears �TortEti 42° 20`"Ol" �ast,: $93.G2.feet; �'Eik:tiCEi :,loi��, sa:;c� Soutl�erly ;bounc�ary line tkie .foliowin� co�rrses; South ,.79° 20` U5" l:;�st,: 137�.2t3 feet; Ncrrth 89° k2' 37" East,' 5i5.(1iD fe+:t; Sautih $l�" 32' 33" F:�ist, 355,Q0; Nort�y 82° 58`'DO" iast� 1.05:00 €eet to,a pQint Qn the W��ter1Y �aundary li�,e of Vail VilZage Tentlti til:�.nr�; '1'tt[;;VCL South 07° 42` .OU" [.atit 354.78 feet along saici bounr�ary tc� �i �oint an tlre �ast-Zdesc i:�nceriine ��f °`s��iri Sc�ctibn:8; TN�NCI's..^y[�uLh 89° 42;.:37" West 1���.35 feet to a t�oint cin thc �ast bounciary line a,parcel des�ribed at .fieception �o. 115i38 fn tl:r �a�le Cat�ncy Clerk & Etecorders O�fice; TItEItiC'� a'Ion� sai.d bocrnii�ry `Etie .= followi�tg thre.e course5; North 02° 50' 00" �.`es�, 214,.27; 5uuth 87° 10' U�" tJest, 200.00` ; South 02° 50' 00" Eas[, 205.39 to tE�e 'East-We�t ccnter.li�ie oC:Saa� Section.$,. i'Ii�NCE alon�. said` centerli�e South E39° 42' 37" W�St,,; 1.A55.69 <.. €eet tc� ;a point; 7'CiENCi Nortit �0.° Q9' 00" tdest, 876.5fl feet tn a poinc on ' tl�e soueiierly boundary iine of Vail Village"E'3rst filing; T}�ENCf: �ion� said ti�undary line the followinfi cflurses; SouCt� 62° 28' 00" East, 611.5D; Sa�rth ` 30° 00',UO" East;, 124:44:;faet; North 32° �9' OCl" E�st, I1Q.19 €ee[ to . P.O.a. contain3:n� 35.802 acrea � a�, . . - , .;... .. . .. . . _ . . . . . .. . .. � . .• � • � P�TITION �OR ANI�EXATION- OF UNINC4RFORATEA TERRITORY iI� THE COUNTY 0� - EAGLE, STATE 0� COLORADO, � TO 1UE TOWN OF VAIL, CALORADO • (An ilnDlatted Parcel of Eag1e County) '. TQ l"�iE T�iTN COUHCIL OF THE �'OLiN OF :iIAIL: . 1'!�e undexsigned, in accordance With the Munfcipal Annexation Act of � 1963, as;amended, hereby petitians, as the 'so].e landowner af t�te axea, � ttre fio�wn Gonsrc�:7: af the �own'-af Vail to cammence pr�oceedings to annex ta the Tawn of .Vail cerCaix� unincorporated terxitory Icscate+� in t#�e County .rrf Eagle, State of Colcszado, Iegally idescribed ir�_Exhibit A attached to this ' petition and by t}sis zefexence in+corporated herein. in suppart of said - petition, the`petitianers a�].ege that: .i: Vail. Associates, inc,.is the sole`Zandowner of the area proposed to be annexed. . _ 2. It is desirable:and necessary that the above described ' ':: terra.tory.be annexed xo the Town af. Vail ; ,, 3.' Not less than one-sixth of the perimeEez of the area progosed to be annexeci is contiguous with the Towr, nf : Vail. 4. ,A Community o€ interest exists between the territory proposed to be annexed and.the Towri of Vail.. - 5. The texra.rory proposed to:be annexed is comprised iar�,ely of open space, skf Crails and xelated improve�nents; and � suss�mer recreational amenities. : 6. The [erritory proposed to be annexed xs i�tegrated or ; is,capabie of'being inteRrated with the Town of Vail.' 7. No land held in identical oranership has-been divided into separate parts or` parcels without ihe;writtes� consent of;the landowner.. <.� ' � , . $. . `No �and hr:ld in i.dentical .ownership compri.sinR twenty`:,.acres ' or more with a'.vaivation for assessment in excess of.$20C,000 '#or ad valorem tax purposes'has-been incl�ded without,the wrztten conser�t of the 'l��adowraer. ' . .. r. ,. „ ; :: :i,, ':< � _ ; - ,.. , •••+• � •♦,_ � .. � � ..•.. . •� � . �- �g.. , � �; ;. PLT�i`IOII ;1??Olt A��ir.°c�oate. :�ke pet�tioa�r tistist�► : requesct t�ac c�ue so� Ca�cfi o�. , ,. . � _ ,_ ' ' tba Teri� o� Y!aii, . Cola�rsda. ,ai�l�ce s�iridiaS oi . co�lia�ne+e !or tieYs pt�itioa and c�ce � p�l�ceed;l�p io� aue►exstio� . . ' ot' .s�id t�z�i�o�►. ��� � �;; � ��:� � � �'e�itioae�t � � ., . _ �:. � VAIL: : E)GIAT�S, I � ti�i�;/ j�t AC est: � gp': , < � <�' , _ .Vice-Presid�rtt. : � ,. � � � . ��� � � � , . • , �` � > y , , �� Secretarjr Mailin$ "�ldress: , ' � : g�� .�, . � . . � ��� � � '. � �' 'V'sil, Colorado 8165� . li ,t��j � � � � . . �� �t . � � { . . ., . � ���, � ,- , � � , . hi: .. .,. . , . �( l „ > � il ' A 4: " .ii ' l :. � . , . ... .' . . , ��: .'� .: . .... 'i �.. :. �." . . .'...� ,4 � . „ .. � � . . .� , , � . . �, �. , . .,. .;�� . �.. . ' ., � :;. ' ' ..' . ,., : �. . : ' :, , ... , ' �: . .�� .. . . �-�� .. '� ., . . , . . :. . . . .. .'. : . . � ... . . ;', ...,.;' „ .. .�_ . . .. .. �.� � . . _ .. :. . :'. . , . �. .� �. �. .. .�: a , •'''' . . ` '. ,... ' ' � . . :'.. .�... .. L . .. '. _ . , . . .. .. , .. , . . , . _ . . �,' � . . , . . . • � .. .�. • a � � �� ��. . _�w . .PETITION`�`OR ANNEXAYiON cont. 9.`. Ko annexatiari resn�ution pursuarit to C.R.S. 31-11-10b: and na an�exation.pe:.itinn or petition for an a:tnexatfon _ ` � clection:p�xsuant to C.R.S. 31-1�'-10� have:beea commenced for , . the snnexation of part;or al� of such territary to axiather ' eactsting 'mimicipa7.i�y. x0.` This:proposed a�nnexat�aa will riot result in`the deCachment , of the area �rora ar►y sc'hoc�l district. . 11: :�'tie :a�ai:lin;g "�ddzesses of the s�.gr�ers af this petition and .' .. ':: ', . rhe date af signfng are af�ixed ta the tpeti��io�s. � i2, Attacheci to this petition is the affidav3.t' thaC tt�e .. sigRature I�e�ean is the signature of the person wi�pse name ` , � iie purpor�s .to be. . " 13. Accompanying this petitiaa ar�".-four prints of az� annexation map also fncluded in Exhibit A at[acYeed to this peti.tion and by this reference 'incorporated herein, containing the fol3owing informztion: a) :.A written l.ega�_des�ription::of the bounciaries' of the area proposed.to be ar�nexed; b) A ma� sfiowing the boundary of th�:-area:proposed to be annexed; 'c) i�ext to t�e boundary of the area }�ropased to'be : annexed is drawn the :contiguous boundary of the - 'Town of Vail; � . d) The.da�easions af the contfguous boundaries are showa on the map; ' e) The map bears the-certfficate and `seai of a` xegistered engineer or land surveyor and shows Lh� dimensians by scaie.of the boundarfes 14. ?'ii3s Peti��fon.a►ay be'execvted in counterparts, each to have ` - the effect af an origfnal. � : ,. , .. � � k � • . . • � � ••• •• . � �� y•� _ � rai �� ` Geatots and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek 1'ne undersigned hezeby.certi�i�� �ts follows: 7.j . I a,m the du�y .eZe+cted a�iid qualified' actinR' �ssistanC' Secretary . af V.�'�L A530CIAT�S, iT�C., a Col,crradc� corpara�ion �the '"corparat3.o�nt'); , ;. ' and as such am ��tthorized<to make this cerC�iication,.and 2j that Rcfbert. W« 1'ark�r is 'a duly eiected, qualified, a�ci acting Vtc�-President af the Corporation, and,as: suGh,.he is authorfzed , , ta.execute an;be�talf.of the Corpflration, aa annexation plait; and `' ``: „ 3:)' tifie signature:appearing opposite his ngme below is the ge3nui.ne signature of,:Robert W. Parker, Vice President;of the.Corporation; ��� ���� � � �°, � ��> ��, «, �., �� �� ��' ��""` . "�'` ,. , ; � �obert W. larker � � 'y'�r� ..r, ��.��#y� � � � �-- Y ��k\��Jii� � t.�d3�� ��. � .. . ,� �nd witness v..hereo£, I have here unta subscribed my name and af�iued Che corparate seal:of said VAIL ASSOCIA�ES, INC., this.l5�h day;.of � h����,� =?�iugust, 1983. 2 . +. � � , , _ . , ��_ � �: ��:. 3 �r.� (; G �! � � Q �.f'� � ���,,�� � . �� ,._ .. . � . � �� ;. � ,. ,,,,,� v3/G(�/:,:� ;.ti',,�j'l,��l/� '�����-� :`' �) ��° ���!sc. �,l�c t _ As�istant Sec � ,�'r � r' _ � � 'i � � � 'r ; ' . .� '..;, � 1 � i y• �' ����J � � '�� � , - > .,' , `.� ' �/ �}`� , -� �,�, � 1 - �. , ;,;Y '., ' j .:i-,� ` ` ' �` R�st Off`ict Bpx 7 • Vail. Colorada $165$ � 4303W76-5b01 ; ` �� ,�.;, , �.!