HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-35 Annexation Map�i —�---��... TO'WN OF VAIL BOUNDARY FOREST SERV/CE . � N M N 0 0 0 Z ... 3 M O N 0 O O Z NW CORNER SE//4 SW//4 SECT/ON 5 BRASS CAP FORES T SERV/CE N 89i°41�12��E SE I��' S�I/� 1331.07� GT��N 5 SE 39.554 ACRES ALUM/NUM CAP AND REBAR (R-O-W MARKERJ N 66°52�12��W . 241.10� (N66°54�53��W) � � � LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTI0�1 5, TOWNSH 1 P 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 V'V1�T OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. �1 garcel of land located in the southeast qvarter of the southvreat quarter of Section 5, Township 5� South, Range 80 Nest of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eaqi• County, Colorado aare particularly described aa followss Beqinninq at the southeaat corner of the aoutheast quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section S, a Brass Cap found in places thence alonq the south boundary line of. said southeA�t quarter of the southwest quartsr on a bearing of south 89°47'48" west a distance of 901.00 ieet; thence departinq said south boundary line on n bearinq of north 73°48'32" weat a distance of 21a.12 feet= thence north 66•52'12" west a distance of 241.10 ieet to a point on the vest boundary 11ne of aaid aoutheast quarter of the southwest quart�r, beinq an alu�inum cap arsd rebar right-of-�vay mark- srs thsnce north 00°20'31" xest a distanc� of 1161.66 feet along sr�id west boundary line to th• northvr�at corner of said southeaat quart�r of tha aouthwest quartor,�a Brass Cap found in place= thence nozth 89'�1'1Z" east a distt►nce of 1331.07 feet alonq the aorth bouadaty line of said aoutheast quarter of the southwest quarter to the northeast corner of said aoutheast quarter of thQ aouthweSt quarter, a Brass Cap found in placej thence �outh 00•11'00" east a distance of 13�0.14 feet alonq the east boundary line of said southeast quarter of the southwest quarter to the point of beginnfng containing 39.554 acres more or less. NE CORNER SE//4SW//4 SECT/ON 5 BRASS CAP ♦ r � � N73°48�32��W. 214.12� (N73°51�13��W,210.10�) SE CORNER SW CORNER � � SE//4 SW//4 SE//4 SW//4 .. �n SECT/ON 5- SECT/ON 5 26.42 (423.1) S 89°4 47 8� W ( S89°41 �29�� W ) N00°20�31 ��W 19.00� BLM /9T9 BRASS CAP REFERENCE MONUMENT 901.00� (903.91� 1327.42' (1327.00 hWY R�N! /N�- F�CE ��IyE ERSTq TF �O v � FORES T SERV/CE W O O 0 O O � l°!7/NT OF BEG/NN/NG BRASS CAP N 89°41�29��E �—��� --��— TO'WN OF VAIL BOUNDARY NOTES AND LEGEND : p DENOlES NO. 5 REBAR AND CAP C S ll� //204 SET. /. D/STA NCES AND BEAR/NGS SHOWN /N PARENTHESES ARE rHOSE OF RECORD ALL OTHERS ARE F/ELO LOCATED AND CALCULATED AS NECESSARY TO FORCE CLOSURE. 2. BEAR/NG BA SED ON A BEAR/NG OF SOO °//�00 ��E BETWEE/V BRA SS CAPS AT THE NE CORNER AND THE SE CORNER OF THE SE//4SW//4 SECT/ON 5. T. 5 S.. R. BOW. 3. CONT/GVOUS BO+UNOARY REOU/RED EOUALS B6/.53� (//6 of foto/ boundo�yJ ACTUAL Gi�NT/GUOUS 6�tlJ/VOARY EOUALS 25/7.88 � 100 200 400 0 600 $�QLE � �� = 2��� i ' . �� � � ANNEXATiQN OF THIS TERRITORY SHOWN ON TNIS l�IAP WAS APPROVED BY ORDINANC� Nfl b OF THE SEf�IES 1��''�'" OF A�D�, ,- THIS ����� DAY OF �D•, f;��'�<�. l ;��`��_' � �'; ' "!? �t�� r � _ Mi�YO R , ��,��;� � .����.�±�.�� �,��.,-� TOWNCLERK � SURYEYOR�S CERTIFICATE I, B. JAMES BURK A DULY REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PIAT IS A CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ON THE SECOND DAY OF AUGUST l983 TO THE BEST OF MY KN4WLEDGE AND BELI EF � ..r. "" ` e"`�```" .1; - DATED TH I S�T TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A� D� 1964 ;' '�� ' �...��� fi' ; , . . � `� , B� JAMES BURK R,L►S. `�_ . ,� ,��:.«. NOTiCE; ACCQRDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY� l.EGAi, ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURI�EY WITHIN SIX l 6) YEARS AFTER YOU DISCOVER SUCN DEFECT� iN NO EYENT ANY ANY ACTION BASED PON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN �1O ) YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON� CLERK AND RECORDERlS CERTIFICATE 3 Io 5 3� TFtIS P�AT WAS FILED FOR REC�ORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER AT ' 0 CIOCK L� M ON THIS I5 DAY OF �a� i_LL _.A. D, 1 a 85 AND I S DUI.Y RECORD�D I N�OOK pT PA�E 259 . l���kf #',: �'y- ,, , ` r �c f V'��.,�.1���\� : i::. :..i `. . . 9 ttFlr'�"f/rlf.�` �: �1J�(/f L%;i�+`i�� E1 I Y - ` ..L-'��x �-! �Y �1 / i��'�ii�F+�i � ♦ :_ �.,� . � � F � . � p' .'��%,3 .�i '/�S � iP` ,� , ;� W �. � ' e; �,� .. mountain eng�neering � iond rurv�eying co. 't;:,,, .:-_°��__ :. ` � ��� _. IR � � �i� �,� � �/�. : +� i� , :; � '�► s'• �9 +r �v