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Series of ].987
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WHEREAS, on the basis of competent evidence presented in a p�abfic hearinq on ;
the �etition far annexation of the territory more particuiarly described in Exhibit
A attached hereta ar�d made a part hereaf by reference, the Tow� Coancii made
certain:findings of fact and concluded that:
A. The requirements of,the applicable parts of Sections 31-12-iQ4 and 31-12- _
105, C.R.S., a�s amer�ded, have been met, and
B. No election for the annexation af said territory is required under
Settion 31-12•I07(2), and
C. That no additional terms:antl conditions are to be imposed upon said
territory; and
� WNERERS, tf�e Town Councii now wishes to annex said territory by ordinance in'
accordance with Section 31-12-11l, C.R.S., as amended.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the �own Council of the Town of Yail,
� Co�orado, as faiiows:
C Section l.
The territory set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and nN►de a part hereof by
reference is hereby annexed to the Town of Vai1, Colorado without specia? terms or
Section 2.
A. A copy of the annexation map wit� the original of this annexation
ordinance shall be fiied in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Vaii.
B. The Town Clerk sha11 file for recording two (2) certified copies of this
annexation ordinance and map of the area annexed tontaining a legal description of
such area with the County Clerk and Recorder of Eag�e County, Colorado.
C. The County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County shall be directed to file
one (1) certified copy af the annexation ordinance and map wfth the Divisian of
Locai Government of the Department of Local Affairs.
Section 3.
Within ninety (90} days after the effective date hereof, the Town of Uail,
Colorado shall impose zaning on the annexed area in accordance with Chapter 18.�8
of the Municipal Code of the Town of Uaii, Colorado.
This annexa�ion sfia11 take effect in accordance with the Charter of the Tov�m
of Uai1 and the statutes of the State of Colorado.
I1�TR4�CED, ;REA� AND APPRAYED ON FI�ST READiNG :THIS 7xh. day of A�i„�.� ,
1987, a►nd a public hearir�9:shali be held on this ordina�nce on the yxh. day of .
AiaK.i,� ,`''1987, at 7:30 �p.m. in the� Council Chanibers of� the Ya�il_ Municipdi
Buildinq, �lai1, Colorado.
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All of I.ots 20 and 2I� Section i, and part of the N 1/2 Section 12, all :n Tovnship
S South, Range 81 uesc of [he Sixth Principai Meridian� Eagle County• Colorado.
described as a whole as tollovs:
� Beglnnl�g at ��. existfng brass cap monument�marking the N 1/4 Corner of said Ser '
tfon 12; thence N00'O1'02"V 61.32 feet, along the vesterly line of Lot 1, ?he
Ridge at Va11 atcording co ti�e map thereof recorded at Rece�tion No. 202800. to the •
boundary ot Lfon'�;Rldge Subdiviston Filing No. 4 according to the map thereof
� recorded +t/Aecepcion No. 202794; thNnce chr foll�vfog cvo courses aloa� the vest-
� erly and northerly li�es ot said Liun's Ridge Subdivfsion Ffiing tto. �; (1) N00'O1'
02"5t 1307.66 feet; (2} N87'S1'42"E 1378.39 feet. to the norcheaster2y corner of
C •aid Lioo'a Ridge SubdivLsfon Flling No. 4; the�ce tbe foiloving sfx courses alang
�' the existtag ?or+ss of Vail boundary: (1) S00'04'39"W i379.52 feet along the eastecly
line of ssid Lioa's Ridge Subdivfsion Filing No. 4; (2) S88'17'b9"V 300.00 feet
along the southerly line of s�id Lion's Aidge Subdivfsion Filing No. 4, to the
northeasterly corner oE Lion's Ridge Subdivisfon Fiiiag No. 2 actording to the map
thereof recorded ac Reception No. 121219; (3) S00'03'25"W 49S.I8 Eeet along the
eascerly line of said Liors's Ridge SuDdivision Filfng No. 2; (4� departing safd
eascerly iine and concinuing 500'03'25"W 88.G2 feet� to the soucherly righc-of-va�•
ltne of Lion's Rfdge Loop; (S) 4$8.67 Eeec along said right-of-uay on the art of a
1171.95 foot radius curve to the right, having a centrat angle oi 15'48`04", and
having a chord that bears S51'3$'0»"w 487.12 teet; (6) S59'32'06"V 1243.10 Eeet
aiong said �ighc-oi-vay line to the Nasterl� line o! Lion's Ridge Subdivfsion
Filing �lo. 3 accot'ding to the mop the�eoE r�corded at Reception No. 187193; [hence
eontinuing aloag the exfsting ?oan oE �'ail bound:�ry snd 31ang Che easterly line of
said �.fon's Ridge Subdivision Filing �o. 3 N37'09'7t"41 60.41 feet. to thr �orther-
ly righc-oi-uay line of said Lion's RiJge l,00p; thencc continufng alo�►g the existing
Tovn oE Vail boundary and said nocthe�ly righc-of-vay line N54'32'06"e sao.33
feet, co che mosc eas�erly corner of safd Lion's Ridge Subdivisfon Fiiing Ho. 3;
thence �he foliowing nine courses along the er.isting Tovn of Vai1 boundary and the
easterly and nor�herly lines af said Lion's Ridge Subdfvision Filing No. 3: {1)
N39'S4'08"W 330.95 feec; (2) 569'46')0"W 4q.Z7 feet; (3) 255.ib teet atong t!�e arc
of a 135.00 foot radius curve cu che righc. having a cenc�al aagle ot 108'17'LO"�
and having a chord that bears t356'04'4p"w 218,By f�•et; (4) S84•55'16"W 621.05 feet;
(5) S50'OS'00"u 330.00 feec, (6) S68'15'00"�t 990.00 feet; (7) S74'LS'00"u 430.40
feet; (8) S66'15'00"� 532.96 teet; (9) 13.36 feet along ttie arc oE a 130.00 toot
radius curve to the right, hsving a central angle of OS°5l'1;". and having a chord
that bears S�0'03'�9"� 13.35 f4rt. to the vesteciy line uf s3id Lloo's Ridge Sub-
division Filing No. 2 also being ch�� W�strrly line a! safd Sectioo E2; chence NO1'
� 35'S9"E 1524.1G feet along said vesterly lines, [o [ite northWesterly corner uf said
Section 12; thence N88°lg'�1"H 2475.q2 (eet aloag the northerly line of s�id l.ion's
Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2 also being thc �ortherly line af said Sertion E2ti to •
the norchvester2y �urner of safd Lot l. The Ridge at 1'�il; tl���nce continuiai� :+long
rhe norcherly lfne c�E saicf Seccioo 12 and [hs n�r�hcrly linc uf yaid Lut 1, ti8ti°19'
41"E 284.4fl feec, co che poin� af b�ginning.