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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992- 9 Creating a New Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing; Amending Chapters 18.10, 18,12, 18.13, [illegible], 18.16, 18.18, 18.20, 18.22, 18.24, 18.27, 18.28, 18.29, 18.32, 18.34, 18.36, and 18.39 to Provide for the Addition of Employee Housing Units'~ . .. ~' ORDINANCE NO. 9 SERIES 1992 AN ORDINANCE CRE6" SEW CHAPTE{ 8.57 -EMPLOYEE HOUSING AND SETTING FORTH DET. :EGARD THERETO; AMENDING CHAPTERS 18.10, i 8.12, 18. °+ w, - 1$.18, 18.1$, 18.20, 18.22, 18.24, 18,27, 18.28, 18.29, 18.:1, 18.34, 18.36, AND 1$.39 TO PROVIDE FQR THE ADDITION OF EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNITS AS PERMITTED OR CONDITIONAL USES WITHif~$ CERTAIN ZONE DISTRICTS WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL, AND SC r r 1NG FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO; AMENDING CHAPTER 18.04, SETTING FORTH CERTAIN DEFINITIONS FOR AN EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT, A BATHROOM, AND A KITCHENc r r ~. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail's economy is largely tourist based and the health of this economy is based on exemplary service for Vail's guests; and WHEREAS, Vail's ability to provide such service is dependent upon a strong, high quality and consistently available work force; and WHEREAS, to achieve such a work force, the community must work to provide quality living and working conditions; and WHEREAS, the Town recognizes the importance of its role in these efforts; and WHEREWAS, the availability of housing plays a critics! role in creating quality living and working conditions for ~ community`s work farce; and WHEREAS, .jnuary, 1990, the Town of Vail commenced the preparation of an employee housing study which assessed the community's need far expandirc~ the supply of employee housing for both yeaF~ ~ ~ rid seasonal, local residents, and provided a series of policies and recommendatior; be followed by the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vail Affordable Housing Study was completed and, following months of study, work sessions, and public hearings with the Town Council, the Planning and Environmental Commission, and the general public, the study was approved by the Town Council on November 20, f 990; and WHEREAS, the study concluded there is a shortage of employee housing in the Town of Vaii; and WHEREAS, the Town Counci! now wishes to implement recommendations and policies set forth in the Affordable Housing Siu~fy for the provision of certain types of employee housing as a permitted or a conditional use in certain zone districts within the Town; NOW, THEREI=ORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado: 1 iK Section 1 Chapter 18.04 -Definitions of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended by the addition of Section 18,A4.105, to read as follows: Section 18.04.105 Employee Housing Unit (EHU) shall mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rented for any period less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and sha11 be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees in Eagle County. EHUs shall be allowed in certain zone districts as set forth in Chapter 18 of this Code. Development standards for EHUs sha11 be as provided in Chapter 18.57 -Employee Housing. Far the purposes of this Section, afull-time employee shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average of thirty {30) hours per week. There shall be five (5} categories of EHUs: Type I, Type Il, Type III, Type IV and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forth in Chapter 18.57 -Employee Housing of this Code. Section 2 Chapter 18.04 -Definitions of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby amended by the addition of Section 18.04.033 to read as follows: Section 18.04.033 Bathroom shall mean a room containing a working shower ar bathtub, sink, and toile#. Section 3 Chapter 18.04 -Definitions of the Vail Municipal Cade is hereby amended by the addition of Section 18.04.192 to read as follows: Section 18.04.192 Ki#chenette shall mean a room containing not less than the following fixtures and appliances: a microwave oven andlor cooking surface, sink, and refrigerator. Section 4 Title 18 of the Vail Municipa! Code is hereby amended by the addition of Chapter 18.57 to read as follows: Chapter 18.57 - Emolovee Housing Sections: 18.57.010 -Purpose 18.57.020 -Employee Housing Units (EHU) Generally 2 ,r • r 18.57.030 -Applicability 18.57.040 - Type I -Employee Housing Unit 18.57.050 -Type 11 -Employee Housing Unit 18.57.060 -Type 111 -Employee Housing Unit 18.57A70 -Type IV -Employee Housing Unit 18.57.080 - Type V -Employee Housing Unit 1$.57.010 -Purpose The Town of Vail's economy is largely tourist based and the health of this ecanomy is premised on exemplary service for Vail's guests. Va[I's ability to provide such service is dependent upon a strong, high quality and consistently available work force. To achieve such a work force, the community must work to provide quality living and working conditions. Availability of housing plays a critical role in creating quality living and working conditiar~f~ for the community's work force. The Town recognizes a permanent, year round population pfa~- important role in sustaining a healthy, viable community. Further, the Town recognizes its rule in conjunction with the private sector in ensuring housing is available. 18.57.020 ~ Emnlovee Housing Units (EHU1 Generally A) A chart attached to this chapter and Incorporated herein by reference illustrates the requirements for each type of EHU. B} No employee housing unit which is constructed in accordance with this Chapter shall be subdivided nr divided into any form of time shares, interval ownerships, or fractional fee. C) All Types of EHUs may be leased, but only to tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle County. An EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty {30} consecutive days. In the case of Type I EHUs and Type III EHUs, the owner of the EHU must use it as a permanent residence as set forth in this chapter and must be afull-time employee who works in Eagle county. Far the purposes of this Section, afull-time employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30} hours each week. D} With the exception of Type I EHUs an lots less than 15,000 square feet and Type Ill EHUs, no EHU shall be subdivided, sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from any single- family dwelling, or two-family dwelling or multi-family dwelling it may be a part of. [f an EHU is permitted to be located in a garage it shall not be sold separately from the dweNing unit or units located on the site or lot. E) No later than F{ ~,:~cuary 1 of each year, the owner of each employee housing unit 3 ' i+ 7 - , ,T 1 within the Town which is constructed following the effective date of this ordinance shall submit two {2} copies of a report on a form to be obtained from the Community Development Department, to the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail and Chairman of the Town of Vail Housing Authority setting forth evidence establishing that each tenant whom resides within their employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. F) No property containing an EHU shall exceed the maximum GRFA permitted in Title 18 except as provided in Paragraph 18.57.444 {B)4, 1$.57.454 {B}5 or 1$.57.484 {B}3 of this Chapter. G) Ali trash facilities shall be enclosed. H) All surface parking shalt be screened by landscaping or berms as per Design Review Guidelines, Section 18.54.050 {D) 3. I} Any applicant who applies for a Conditional Use Permit far the purpose of constructing employee housing, shall not be required to pay a Conditional Use Permit application ...-~ r J}~ The provisions as set forth in Section 18.57.024 paragraphs B,C,D, and E shall be incorporated into a written agreement in a form approved by the Town Attorney which shah run with the land and shall not be amended or terminated without the written approval of the Town of Vaii. Said agreement shah be recorded at the County Clerk and Recorder Office prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of an EHU. K) Each EHU shad have a separate entrance and shad not be connected in any way to any unit it may be attached to. 18.57.034 - Applicability A} The requirements of this Chapter shad be in addition to the requirements set forth in each zone district where EHUs are permitted by this Chapter and al! other requirements of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. B} Where the provisions or requirements of this Chapter conflict with the provisions or requirements set forth in any zone district or any other requirements of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the provisions of this Chapter shall control. 18.57A44 - Tvpe I - Emr~lovee Housing Unit A} Purpose To allow for construction of an EHU on lots in the PrimarylSecondary and Two-Family Zone Districts which do not meet the minimum lot size requirement for said zone districts. 4 1 ' ~ , B} General Conditions A Type I EHU shall comply with the following general provisions; 1. It shall be a permitted use in the Primary/Secondary Residential, and Two-Family Residential zone districts. 2. It shall be allowed an a lot that is lass than 15,000 square feet in total site area. ~. It shall be one {1 } of the dwelling units in atwo-family dwelling pursuant to Section 18.54.050 {I} Design Guidelines Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development. It may also be located in, or attached to, an existing garage provided the garage is not located within any setback, and further provided that no existing parking required by the Tawn of Vail Municipal Code is reduced or eliminated. 4. It shall not exceed forty percent {40%} of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. An applicant, however, shall be permitted to apply to the Community Development Deportment of the Town of Vail for additional GRFA not to exceed two hundred fifty (250) square feet to be Used in the construction of the EHU. The applicant shat! submit an application for the additional GRFA on a form provided by the Community Development Department. Approval or denial of the request shall be made by the Design Review Board in accordance with Section ;8.54.040. If an applicant obtains Design Review Board approval for additional GRFA for the EHU, he or she shall not be entitled to receive additional GRFA pursuant to Chapter 18.71 -Additional Gross Residentia{ Floor Area of this Code for either unit on the lot. 5. A Type I EHU may be rented in compliance with Section 18.57.020 or it may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from any Single-Family, or Two-Family dwelling if may be a part of ar if located in a garage, from any of the other dwellings on the lot or site so long as it meets the following conditions: a. It must be used by the owner of the EHU as a permanent residence. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixed and to which one, whenever he ar she is absent, has a present intention of returning offer a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence. 1n determining what is a permanent residence, the Tawn staff shall take the following circumstances relating to the owner of the residence into account: business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. b. If a Type I EHU is sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the other unit in 5 • ~ ~ , . ,' aTwo-Family dwelling it is a part o#, then both the Type I EHU and the unit to which it is attached shah be subject to a!I the provisions set Earth in Section 18.57.020 F,G,H and K of this ordinance. S. No less than fifty percent {50%} of the parking required for the Type i EHU by the Vail Municipal Code shad be enclosed. 7. It shah be entitled to a GRFA credit of 425 sq. ft., as set forth in Sections 18.12.090 (A} and 18.13.080 (A} of this code. 8. if a Type I EHU is soid separately from the Two-Family dwefhng it is a part af, then the provisions as set forth in Section 18.57A20 paragraphs B, C and E as well as Section 18.57.040 {B} 5 {a} and (b} shall be incorporated into a written agreement applicable to both the Type i EHU and the dwelling unit to which it is attached in a form approved by the Town Attorney which shall run with the land and shall not be amended or terminated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Said agreement shah be recorded at the County Clerk and Recorder Office prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of an EHU. 9. Thlrty days prior to the transfer of a deed for a Type I EHU, the perspective purchaser shall submit an application to the Community Development Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the criteria set forth in Sections 18.57.020 C and 18.57.040 B 5 {a} and shall include an affidavit affirming that he or she meets these criteria. C) Araglication Any person who wishes to construct a Type I EHU shalt submit an appiication for Design Review Board approval #a the Community Development Department containing the following infarmation: 1. The name and mailing address ofi the applicant. 2. The written consent of the owners of the lot or property to be included in the appiication or the written consent of their agent or authorized representatives. For the purposes of this paragraph, agent or authorized representative shalt mean any individual or association authorized or empowered in writing by the property owner to act pn his or her behalf. If any of the property to be included is a condominiumized development, the pertinent condominium association may be considered the agent or authorized representative for the individual unit owner if allowed by alt pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 3. The legal description and street address of the lot or site for which the proposal is made. 4. A list of the owner or owners of record and their mailing addresses for the 6 ..• .• properties adjacent to the property which is the subject of the hearing. D) Review The application shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter 18.54-Design Review of the Town of Vail Municipa! Code. 18.57.050 - Tvoe II - Emplovee Housino Unit A} Purpose To allow for the construction of an EHU on lots in the Single-Family, Two-Family, and Primary/Secondary zone districts which meet the minimum lot size requirement for said zone dlstrlCtS. B} General Conditions 1. It shall be a conditional use in the Single••Family Residential, Two-Family Residential and Primary/5ecandary Residential zone districts. 2. It shat! be permitted only on tots which comply with minimum lot size requirements of the zone district in which the loc is located. 3. It shall be located within, or attached to, asingle-family dwelling or be located within, or attached #o, atwo-family dwelling pursuant to Section 18.54.050(1) -Design Guidelines Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development. It may also be located in, or attached to, an existing garage provided the garage is not located within any setback, and further provided that no existing parking required by the Town of Vail Municipal Code is reduced or eliminated. 4. It shall not be counted as a dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating density. However, it shall contain kitchen faci{ities and a bathroom, as defined in Chapter 18.04 - Definitions of the Vail Municipal Code. It shall be permitted to be a third dwelling unit in addition to the two dwelling units which may already exist on the lot. Only one Type Il EHU sl~aii be allowed per lot. 5. It shall have a GRFA not less than three hundred (300) square feet, nor more than nine hundred (940) square feet. An applicant, however, shall be permitted ±ry apply to the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail for additional GRFA not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The applicant shall submit an application for the additional GRFA on a form provided by the Community Development Department. Approval or denial of the request shall be made toy the Design Review Board in accordance with Section 18.54.044. If an applicant obtains Design Review Board approval for 500 sq. ft. of additional GRFA far the EHU, he or she shall not be entitled to receive additional 7 r ` , + GRFA pursuant to Chapter 18.71 -Additional Gross Residentia! Floor Area of this Code for either unit on the lot. If an applicant obtains Design Review Board approval far net more than 250 sq. ft. of additional GRFA for the EHU, he or she shall be entitled to receive additional GRFA pursuant to Chapter f 8.71 -Additional Gross Residential Floor Area of this code for one dwelling unit on the lot. 6. It shall have no more than two {2) bedrooms. 7. No more than two (2) adults and one (1) child not alder than sixteen {16} years of age shall reside in a one (1) bedroom Type II EHU. No more than two (2} adults and two (2) children not older than sixteen {1G) years of age shall reside in a two {2) bedroom Type 11 EHU. 8. Each Type II EHU shall be required to have no less #han one (1) parking space for each bedroom located therein. However, if a one (1) bedroom Type II EHU exceeds six hundred (600) square feet, it shall have two (2) parking spaces. All parking spaces required by this Code shall be located on the same iot or site as the EHU. If no dwelling exists upon the property which is proposed for a Type II EHU at the time a building permit Is issued, or if an existing dwelling is to be demolished and replaced by a new dwelling, not less than one (1) of the parking spaces required by this paragraph shall be enclosed. A 300 sq. ft. GRFA credit shall be allowed for the construction of one enclosed parking space for the Type II EHU. 18.57.060 - Tvae III - Emolovee Housing Unit A} Puroose To allow for the construction of EHUs in multiple family and mixed use zone districts. B) General Conditions 1. It shall be a conditional use in the Residential Cluster, I_ow Density Multiple-Famiiy, Medium Density Multiple-Famiiy, Hlgh Density Multiple-Family, Public Accommodation, Commercial Core I, Commercial Core II, Commercial Core III, Commercial Service Center, Arterial Business District, Parking District, Public Use, and Ski BaselRecreation zone districts. 2. It may be constructed on legal non-conforming lots and sites as we11 as on lots and sites which meet the minimum lot size requirements in the zone district in which it is located. 3. It shall be counted as 0.5 dwelling units for the purposes of calculating density. The number of Type III EHUs shall be determined by the Planning and Environmental Commission as part of the conditional use permit review process set forth in Chapter 18.60.060 - Criteria -Findings. 4. It shall have a GRFA of net fens than four hundred fifty (450) square feet and not 8 ~ ~ ~ more than nine hundred (900) square feet. 5. It shall have kitchen facilities and a bathroom as defined in Chapter 18.04 - Definitions of the Municipal Code of the Tawn of Vail. 6. It shall have no more than three (3} bedrooms. 7. Na more than two (2) persons for each bedroom located therein shall reside in a Type III EHU. 8. It shall be required to have one (1) parking space for each bedroom. However, if a one {1) bedroom Type III EHU exceeds six hundred (600} square feet it shall have two (2} parking spaces. Any guest parking requirements shall be determined by the Planning and Environmental Commission as a part of the conditional use permit review process set forth in 18.60.06©. 9. It shall not be entitled to additional GRFA in accordance with Chapter 18.71- Additional Gross Residential Floor Area. 10. GRI=A shall be determined as set forth in Section 18.04.130 (B) of thic code. 11. A Typa 111 EHU may be rented in compliance with Section 18.57.020 ar it may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from other dweping units or Employee Housing Units that may be located on the same lot or within the same building in which the Type I11 EHU is located so long as it meets the fallowing conditions: a. It must be used by the owner of the EHU as a permanent residence. Far the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she is absent, has a present intention of returning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence. In determining what is a permanent residence, the Town staff shall take the following circumstances relating to the owner of the residence into account: business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. b. If a Type ill EHU is sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the o#her dwelling units andlar Type III Employee Housing Units in a multifamily structure it is a part af, or from other dwelling units and/or Type 111 EHUs located on the same lot, the Type ill EHUs in the structure or on that let shal# be subject to all the provisions se# Earth in Section 1$.57A20 F,G,H and K of this ordinance. i2. If a Type Ill EHU is sold separately from other dwelling units and/or Type III Employee 9 Housing Units in a multifamily structure it is a part of, or from other dwelling units ~ndlor Type III EHUs located on the same lot, the provisions as set forth in Section 18.57.020 paragraphs B, C and E as well as Section 18.57.460 (B) 11 (a) and (b) shall be incorporated into a written agreement applicable to the Type Ili EHU in a form approved by the Town Attorney which shall run with the land and shall not be amended ar terminated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Said agreement shall be recorded at the County Clerk and Recorder Office prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of an EHU. 13. Thirty days prior to the transfer of a deed for a Type tll EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application to the Community Development Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the criteria set forth in Sections 18.57.020 C and 18.57.464 B 11 (a) and shall include an affidavit affirming that he or she meets these criteria. 18.57.Q70 - Tvoe IV - Emnlovee Housino Unit A) Purpose ~~o allow for the construction of EHUs in muitifamily and mixed use zone districts which are similar to studio dwelling units. B) General Conditions 1. It shall be a conditional use in the Residential Cluster, Low Density Multiple-Family, Medium Density Multiple-Family, High Density Multiple-Family, Public Accommodation, Commercial Core I, Commercial Core II, Commercial Core III, Commercial Service Center, Arterial Business District, Parking District, Public Use, and SkilBase Recreation zone districts. 2. It may be constructed on legal non-conforming lots and sites as wail as on lots and sites which meet the minimum lot size requirement in the zone district in which it is located. 3. It shall be counted as 4.333 of a dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating density. The number of Type IV EHUs sha11 be determined by the Planning and Environmental Commission as part of the conditional use permits review process set forth in Chapter 18.64.060 - Criteria -Findings. 4. It shall -have a GRFA of not less than two hundred (240) square feet and not more than three hundred (300} square feet and shall include a bathroom and a kitchenette as defined in Chapter 18.44 -Definitions of the Vail Municipal Code. 5. Each building which contains a Type IV EHU shall contain a storage locker not less than 5' width x 6' height x 5' length (one hundred fifty cubic feet) in size for each Type IV EHU 10 ~ ~ ~ contained therein, and nat less than one (1 }washer and dryer for common use by each eight (i3) EHUs located therein. In no event shall Less than one {1 }washer and dryer be provided in a building with less than eight (8} EHUs. 8. No more than one {1 }person shall reside in a Type lV EHU. 7. Et shalt be required to Dave one {1} parking space. Guest parking requirements shall be determined by the Planning and Environmental Gommission in accordance with the conditional use permit review process set forth in Chapter ~ 8.80.080 Criteria -Findings. 8. !t shall not be entitled to additional GRFA under Chapter 18.71 -Additional Gross Residential Floor Area. 9. GRFA shall be determined as set forth in Section 18,04.130 (B} of this code. 18.57.080 - Tvrae V - Emgiovee Housing Unit A} Purpose Ta allow for construction of an EHU on lots in the Hillside Residential Zane District. B) General Conditions A Type V EHU shall comply with the following general provisions: 1. It shall be a permitted use in the Hillside Residential Zone District. 2. It shall be one (1 } of the dwelling units in atwo-family dwelling pursuant to Section 18.54.050 {I} Design Guidelines Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development. !t may also be located in, or attached ta, an exir~.~~~ ~; garage provided the garage is not located within any setback, and further provided that no existing parking required by the Town of Vail Municipal Code is reduced or eliminated. it shall not be a separate free-standing structure. 3. It shall have a GRFA of not more than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet. An applicant, however, shall be permitted to apply to the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail #or additional GRFA not to exceed two hundred fifty (250} square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The applicant shall submit an application for the additional GRFA on a form provided by the Community Development Department. Approval or denial of the request shall be made by the Design Review Board in accordance with Section 18.54.040. If an applicant obtains Design Review Board approval for additional GRFA for the EHU, he or she shall not be entitled to receive additiona{ GRFA pursuant to Chapter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residential Floor Area of this Code for either unit on the lot. 4. No less than fifty percent (50%} of the parking required for the Type V EHU by the Vail Municipal Code shall be enclosed. 11 • 5. It shall be entitled to a GRFA credit of 425 sq. ft. as set forth in Section 18.090.080 of this code. Section 5 Section 18.09.020 -Hillside Residential District (HR) Permitted Uses, of the Municipal Cade of the Town of Vai! is hereby repealed and reenacted: Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted in the HR district: A. ~ Single Family residential dwellings; B. One Type V Employee Housing Unit per lot as set forth in Section 18.57A80. Section G Sec#ion 18.10.030 -Single Family District SF) Conditional Uses, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph H to read as follows: H. Type II Employee Housing Unit as set forth in Section 18.57.050 of this Code. Section 7 Section 18.12.020 -Two Family Residential District {R) Permitted Uses, of the Municipal Cade of the Town of Vail is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph C to read as follows: C. Type I Employee Housing Unit as set forth in Section 18.57.040 of this Code. Section 8 Section 18.12.030 -Two Family Residential District {R) Conditional Uses, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph H to read as follows: H. Type II Employee Housing Unit as set forth in Section 18.57.050. Section 9 Section 18.12.090{A) -Two Family Residential District {R} Density control, is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: A. Not more than a total of two (2) dwelling units shall be permitted on each site with only one dwelling unit permitted on lots less than fifteen thousand square feet. The folbwing GRFA shall be permitted on each site: 12 ~ ~ ~ 1. Twenty five (25} ;square feet of GRFA for each one hundred (100) square feet of the first fifteen thousand {15,000} square fee# of site area; plus 2. Ten (10} sq~uarF:~ feet of GRFA for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area over fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, not to exceed thirty thousand {30,400) square feet of site area; plus 3. Five (5) square feet of GRFA for each one hundred (100} square feet of site area in excess of thirty thousand (30,000} square feet. In addition to the above, four hundred twenty five (425) square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA} shall be permitted for each allowable dwelling unit. No Two-Family Residential lot except those located entirely in the red hazard avalanche zone, or the flood plain, or those of less than fifteen thousand {15,000} square feet shall be so restricted that it can not be occupied by aTwo-Family dwelling. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Type I EHU may be allowed on lots which are less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in accordance with Chapter 18.57.040 of the Municipal Cade of the Town of Vail. Section 10 Section 18.12.090{B)Two-Family Residential District (R} Density Control, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: B. Notwithstanding the provision of Paragraph A of this Section 18.12.090, a Type I EHU shalt be permitted on lots of less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.57.040 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. Section 11 Section 18.13.020 - PrimarylSecondary Residential District (PS} Permitted Uses, of the Municipal Cade of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the addition Paragraph C to read as follows: C. Type I Employee Housing Unit as defined in Section 18.57.040. Section 12 Section 18.13.030 -Primary/Secondary Residential District (PS) Conditional Uses, of the Municipa! Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph G to read as follows: 'I 3 - ~ ' G. Type II Employee Housing Unit as set forth in Section 18.57.050. Section 13 Section 18.13.0$0(A) - Primaryl5econdary Residential District (PS) Density Control, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby repealed and reenacted to read as follows: A. Nat more than a total of two dwelling units shall be permitted an each site with only one dwelling unit permitted on lots less than fifteen #housand square feet. The following GRFA shall be permitted on each site: 1. Twenty five (25} square feet of GRFA for each one hundred (i OOy square feet of the first fifteen thousand (15,000} square feet of site area; plus 2. Ten (10) square #eet of GRFA for each one hundred (100) square #eet of site area over fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, not to exceed thirty thousand (30,004) square feet of site area; plus '?. Five (5} square feet of GRFA for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area E ==~.:.~;~s of thirty thousand (30,000) square feet. In addition to the above, four hundred twenty five (425) square feet of GRFA shall be permitted for each allowable dwelling unit. 4n any site containing two (2} dwelling units, one (1 } of the units shall not exceed 40% of the total agawable GRFA. No Primary/Secondary Residential lot except those located entirely in the red hazard avalanche zone, or the flood plain, or those of less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet shat! be so restricted that it can not be occupied by a Primary/Secondary dwelling. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Type I EHU may be permitted on lots of less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in accordance with Chapter 18.57.040 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. Section 14 Section 18.13.080(B) - Primaryl5econdary Residential District (PS)17ensity Control, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby repealed and reenacted to read as follows: B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph A of this Secticn 18.13.080, a Type I EHU may be permitted on lots of less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in accordance with Section 18.57.040 of the Municipal Code of the Tawn of Vail. Section 15 14 .. ~~ ~, • • • Section f 8.14.034 Residen#ial Cluster (RC} District Conditional Uses, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraphs 1 and J to read as follows: L Type III EHU as defined in 18.57A60 0# this Code. J. Type IV EHU as defined in 18.57.07D of this Cade. Section 18 Section i 8.18.030 Low-Density Multi-Family (LDMF) District Conditional Uses, of the Municipal Cade of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the additional of Paragraphs I anc~ J to read as follows: I. Type III EHU as defined in Section 18.57.064 of this Code. J. Type IV EHU as defined in Section 18.57.074 of this Code. Section 17 Section 1$.18.030 Medium-Density Multiple-Family (MDMF) District Conditional cal the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph. d J to read as foklaws: I. Type III EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060, J. Type !V EHU as defined in Section 1$.57.474. Section 18 Section 1$.2D.~?30 -High Density Multiple Family ~HDM1=} District Conditional Uses, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraphs M and N to read as follows: M. Type III EHU as defined in Section 18.57.464. N. Type IV EHU as defined in Section 1$.57.070. Section 19 Section 18.22A3D Public Accommodation (PA) District Conditional Uses, of the n,R~ micipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraphs P and ~ , ead as follows: P. Type III EHU as defined in Section 18.57.064. 15 _• ~ ; • .' Q. Type IV EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. Section 20 Section 18,24A40(B), Commercial Core I (CCI) District Permitted and Conditional Uses - Second Floor, of the Municipal Code of the Tawn ofi Vail, is hereby amended by the addition of Subparagraphs 10 and 11 to read as follows: 10. Type III EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060. i 1. Type iV EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. Section 21 Section 18.24A50(B}, Commercial Core I (CCI) District Permitted and Conditional Uses - " '-~.cve Second Floor, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the addition of Subparagraphs 10 and 11 to read as follows: 10. Type III EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060. 11. Type IV EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. Section 22 Section 18.27.030 (B}, Commercial Core III (CCill) District Conditional Uses, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, Is hereby repealed and reenacted by read as follows: B. Type I!I EHU as defined in Section 18.57A60 and Type !V EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. Section 23 Section 18.28.040, Commercial Service Center (CSC} ©istrict Conditional Uses, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraphs M and N to read as follows: M. Type III EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060. N. Type IV EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. Section 24 Section 18.29.030(A}, Arterial Business District Conditional Uses, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended by the addition of Type III EHU, as defined in Section 16 i 8.57.060 and Type iV EHU, as defined in Section 18.57A70 to the list of allowable conditional uses. Section 25 The following Paragraph is hereby repealed from Section 18.29.030(A), of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail: Multi-Family dwellings for the employees of the Upper Eagle Valley as further restricted by Section 18.27.130 of this zone district. Section 26 Section 18.34.030, Parkir.~ ~,~i,trict Conditional Uses, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, is hereby amended on of Paragraphs ~-d F to read as follows: F. Type 111 EHU a~ ~ Section 18.57.Ofi~. G. Type IV EHU a~ clefin:.,.:•. Section 18.57.x70. Section 27 Section 18.36.030, Public Use (PUD} Distric# Conditional Uses -Generally, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraphs T and U to read as follows: T. Type III EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060. U. Type 1V EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. Section 28 Paragraph 18.36.030(P), Public Use (PUD) District Conditional Uses, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, is hereby repealed. Section 29 Section 18.39.050(A), Ski Base/Recreation District Conditional Uses, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, is hereby amended by the addition of Subparagraphs 13 and 14 to read as follows: i3. Type 111 EHU as defined in Section 18.57.060. i4. Type IV EHU as defined in Section 18.57.070. 17 • ,~ r Section 30 Section 18.32.030, Agricultural and Open Space {A) District Conditional Uses, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph J to read as follows: J. Type I I EHU as defined in Section i 8.57.050. Section 31 If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shalt not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereaf, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 32 The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety, and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 33 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings a5 commenced under or by virtue 4f the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision ar any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 34 All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereaf, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. 18 . INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHEp ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 2~th day of August, 1992, and a public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on the 1st day of September, 1992, at 7:3Q p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. r.~i ~, Marga t A. Osterfoss, Mayor ~ ATTEST: M,ant•1~.~., ~'. Martha S. Raecker, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ~w .~j~.L.L this 1 ~ day of ~~'rrw~v , 1992. Margret A. Osterfoss, Mayor (/ ATTEST: Martha S. Raecker, Town Clerk C:IORD9.92 frunl:C:brdbrdg.82 andy:C:lhausing10R09.92 1lappy:a:urd9.92 19 .~ .~ V m Y ~~ L MM W Y LL O ~ = d ~f1 ~~CO ~ 'S v a s Zm(po O ~ Q ~ ~" O a ~a Q. ~~ C d O d C 0 ++ LL *'' ~ '~ c ~ c o~o N ~ C FF1 t v ~~ 3= ~~ W ~ ~ e y~ _O NGQ W H c pd O U ~i N d' H1 'O ~~ o U ~ r lL Q z z m 0 ~. ~' ~ ~ U ~ ~ N } ~ ~ Q] O o p ~ dam' ~ ~ a O ~I r .~ 3 a h r 0 0 m ~"~ ~,~o~ Q Q1 ~ s a° N r 7 c .y Ls :O ~ v N N a, ~, ~~ ~~ ~U ~~ N ~ T ~ ~ T i i L ~ l Y a i ~ cn N I C"3 w U w a O Z ai } N O O C] m rS a ~ r ~ O ~E ~~E~i ~~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ c~l~ ¢~ui~ II'I 0 0 _~ _..,. , , , .,..., .. _ . r. N i ~ i } a Z O Q1 Q c Z ~~~ ~~-a a~{Vjp ~~= mop g~~am ~~VU~ U~aU]~; ~~Q.Ud c I° ,,,, ,,,,._ , ,,,.,,,... i r a z U w a O Z 0 Z O C7 O N c~ 0 Q Z u_~~ aoUo a~UVc%i oUC~aUa H 0 n ti tc? r , N d' t ~ ~ ~ O !d o4 i? T N LCD m Z a z m 0 O Z a~i O L11 O 0 T W N i~ a °~ _~ T~ H 0 m 0 ri m ..T . ,.,._„,.... E m 'S Q U U ~. L 0 w ~ m a~ a ~ T _. ~, .._ . _ .., .y.,.. • ,.'.:.. ' x~ va~fi ~a isaz . 65 :; Checklist Appli~61e Inspect terminals.) ~p~Vindshi~el~dMrvipers (Chec& •Engine (As s preventive operation of wipers and wash- roeasure, invest itt a diagnastac ers. Inspect wiper blade end eheckofelectrical,igaltion,fuel arm. Replace ae needed. Top and emission control systems. oft washer fluid.) Have needed services, includ- •I ighte (Check a]1 lights, turn _~-____~ _ - _~...._. ._ ~T __ __~_~ Many Of The Finest Homes For Sale ehus~ 7 Q Cl ? ~ ~~~~~~~a~~ Q Q3 ~ a X ~~ ~ ~ "" ~ ~~ ~. o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,o~,~~~~ ,~ `~ ~ A ~ ~ ~~~o~~~~~~~ `r o ~ _ r ~~•~~ ~ ~, v ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~~,~~~' p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~°~°~o -« ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ W~~~ ~~ ~ Q 0 a Q C7 ~ `~ ~ ~ - o ~.. ~ : - . , .. ~. _.. _. -, .. _.,._ .~-,... - -- - - ~.~ w.. _ ._ ~F Moantahl Media4 I8I W. Meadow Dr., A2r10, Vail (above emerges~lyr room). Par more InFormsUon caQ Karen J. .wi , .._ 476.5693, or George Shartiidge 4761636. NARCOTICS ANDNYMOUS - Meetlngs every T`, epm at the Beaver Creek Chapel, end Friday 7pm at Minturn Muntdgl d~ Par mare infotmatkm nu jey~-6Sg- 4421 ce pMVe 4762902. work and Mme matnxnance. cwll Mifiad ffi7•Sfi'i5, issue u+rb®ge. WILLING, "HANDY` ^ttarney/ elatlddan aoupk avaWble for Jivo- in homeare. Can vacate during Ctrrlstonas, MG Local since 1964. References avai]able. Tams -and Darietl tJn : _. .. i Q03)4769754. rr Child Care CClvnraliDFAlT5 ANONXMOUS meet every Tuesday noon at the Vaa Interfaith Chapel. sahnday fi.9ppm Learning Tree 5(#lod, 9431- 6503. ALATEI7V MEETQ+IC;S - U you are a relative m frtend of an alcoholit, Alaleen can help. Meetings Mondays, Beaver Geek chaps! 730pm. 527.4287/9Z6.37aa. SERVICES ^ Caretaking LONG TLME LOCAL proFeedastal seeking permanent caretaker poeitton, Call Chuck McGWre 949- 55. SECURE YOUR VAIL/BEAVER CREEK HOME - Experienced ovehker with --_..,oea seeks lives in sihutlon in extbanga far eenlrity, WHISKEY HILL DUPLEX fl128 DALSY LANE FOR SALE BY OWNER Eau lmtt, 2360sq.R.of dvhtg area, lugegaragg3b ,. .. ...,den, 2.5 baths, air conditioned, heel pumps, oempkte kleelten, re0f, ' palls, eon',.,, ~ . fur- ltialtinge with name antiques. 6215.000 With Fulnisldnga 62910,000 Without Frunlahinge CDMMISSf©NABIE Bailor ... f .. :.on fa invited, Galt 'Ron' at 949.16fr2 titww. by AppatatraM Daly Owner. O.t. Turner (61812520356 12 REAR DLD will be mother's helper. Loves children. 42tr3652. i1 Home ][mp.., r ....,ant Wn+IbOW CQVER1NCrS - Sslee and tnetalhtion of blinds, verticals, plated shades, draperies, etc. D1s- oounted pridog. Call Hawkeye Sa- viwx in Avon 545-76b5. REMODSLEVG/PROPERTY MAIN- TENANCE servloee. We provide high quality work grid sellable sa- vfaefor you every need. Estabtfshed In YaB sines 1471, we epe¢slire In the smalls ~ Pkase cAttlaCY rti~ BI(nrtt lab. ^ Storage VAIL SELF, STORAGE - Dolt't be asmped for space, We have laty(e and small slangs lmtis avaW e. tau 94s-~6A6. INTERMOUNTAIN SELP- STORAGE - S4zee from 5'x4' to IOhd4'. Esay sce7a3 b volts. Very competitive rates. 1-4a6-2041 Ladvlile. Bellyache Ridge Lot 1.45 acres. Last nice lot remaining. Must sell. $<12,000. Cali Bonnie Lyn Carro]I, I~ICICCr 926-3999 aY ~- Brandtrss Sullding VYV ~. ~. 46Q sq. tt, ground floor RETAIL SPACE available now Call Btlan Cl'Itetlly 949-1636 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT L-. • -"`I «~3''" - •P1Nate tbrn6 far the Absentee Owner '~! • ,.. ! ' ~rrl and l :. .. _ . _ ~] lbsod'tion Mptrt. V ,, issifaasethatyeurl, ~ .. tronlerd - i rsbaingprahrlalaBylodced _. . atYr+NJlayauaraawayl tau,.. grime ~I roperfy ~IariBgerrlenf e~. 2077 N. kontaye lid. West • Vall, CO 89657 • pb3f476-2952 Locations Suitable for • Spaclafry Grocery Stare • Nite Club/ Restaurant • Photography Lab • RetaillOffice • Dry Cleaner Great Village location. Within walking distance to the sk{ slopes. Free customer park1r10 . Excellent tenant mix. Fbr lfliormation, cell.• SLIF'ER MANAGEMENT COMPANY (3U3y 47fi-1063 w weddings ~®tialtl ~ ~ «u a ~~ p z7 aa CAPTAIN VIDEO ~..,, .....1 video in Vail, atttoe 1976, Newer ledtnol- DOGS " "'°'~ at the Eagle ogy . ,....,, s psodtloe brighter video. ' Calmly Animal Sheila in Minturn ~' Attguet 73.19 tndude:'Chow/ Don t Iet rookies ar Unde Harry video ynrty wedding. You onlyy have 10~ ~'' °P°~ female, red, ~ Mlntrrr A 16 Bi d 'one dtaltee to do it tighli i30.~yi76 n ug. ; a c ~ b, ma1G picked up in Avon Au RENT. g, I7; Samoyed, male, whitq picked uP i Dther in Eagle Aug. IB. R area of these is i your Pet, p ceee wnMct the Eagle County Animal Shelter 949~i292. ALTBRATIOlVS BY 1.15A -TRis is the time to make Bore your summer - ~..1a uF to dotal Cs11476,3071 .MISCELLANEOUS far alt![atlofa R Herr Netem made dotiaes. VAIL ASliOC1ATEi LiF6f1ME PAS NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, SFS bought and sold Par the r -~..-- who hoe everythisgl GII Merv used by the U.SOlympic Sid TeaQl. .Lapin 45683. Ecology cafe cleaning products, ~ Akin rare. Stuktee, of muse. ¢l SINGL~ CUSTOM FABRIC CREATIONS. ~ LOOKING Unlimited possibilities in home decor, crafts, metumes, clothing, IPYOU'RESII+iGL8AND1..,,.r...JG embeillehments, etc. Satisfaction ~ people ro ~~ ~ ~ ~ [ guara n .Call The FABRIGtor feel ~~ E In~ V rrB i e ~ 9 can be difacult. And in the'Sltlgl & ~ ~ ~ ~y be able PSYCHIC/SPlRT11fAL READINGS by 14 year rdkient, Shawsa. Acs curscy by phone or in person. M_,~.ti.,.rd/Vtsli. Tape pmvlded. CAR POULS 003)9262170. 0o You wANT Ta Ceu PQOI. ro work? Or to Denver? To San Frandecot Minimize those nasty LUST & FOUND emt~oars and one uP a rider « a tide here Fa FREE. Call 'fire Vail S50REWARDforlet(analalxtmaE Trail at a27-4006 by 11sm antique bottles and gold pendant Wednesday. Four week mLaimum taken from' akbin in Minhvn. Gremt Far free ad. REPAIR UONT REPLACE +~.~~ ~ nevus. YOBN.@ M4lD9IMELD REPANI "lull your ttiattde WotM Nf~YUB!" 949-ZOCO . ~ ~SS~S55SS~ A.- TE~t,MMASTER carpel geurng anti Fksloralipn he Drapery, Upholstery Oriental Rug & Auto in{erior Gleaning, Carpet Repair, Food & Fire Resioratbn, , Odor gemoval. 24 Hour Service 476-1681? Do you want a~prvpercy matlager who t~17'1L~'Slarlt~S y0L[T wants ~ needsl CALX.-U'+S. WC 9Vlit aiKt/Or RRCfOIIr r..,, :.~ mmeet YOUR gook. Recttat ara7tr ttlaae rata, 303/476-0906. Carpet Cleaning ~2 Rooms only X29.95 `E'xtraction cleanlrlg brightens C010f& ark re(reshe35 plls. •Wf3 consuR with you to treat prtrblrarl areas wG.:y. •I(1sk about txlr Te4lort prott~ction to help ktI'9p your carpet and turniturs charter, ktrtger. lathy not have your Iiurnlture clued on the sense appalntmellt? - SOFAS only ti146.00 CHAIRS ONLY ~i.00 LOVESEATS onlt1y~835.00 ~ pn8~f8d tNO~tl00Itt~i AddlllQnal ~CharQB tDr dfyC~tltafl Onty fatxbs, bole tlttck cufahbns, Haitian on, and Stainmaster t~ ~~~ V Please call us tar C' .. your Hotfaelfaepln$ & C Janlt~orlal needs toot Services a 934ib•9E I Z Another Astonishing fact In an average houseFlold,l/3 of the garbage is packaging that is tossed out immediately. 7'lteunf[7Tnn-Jlt;gl+sta1.19B2',~~ Ptonn page B5 Te Mewbr aw aorrtrrtlion a rn alai m ba h 8w 8iyf-Faerit~ TwFwrily, and P~1'? 1 8^owda7 sons otshha whM mart 8rs lria- a $ ~r !er ^aid zam ditrlola - 1. B ahal ba ^ .. Y nr In des 84rplr Facer RwkMr,IW, rr~p-F.~riy nMid.nBtial and F' ,. ~ 2rahsl b•.' :any an~hh dy .Ah nidnann k! aM raeuksrrrrrar d dry rorw diabiri In wMah em Id l.leWed. a a antra be loarad arlhln a aaadfad te. • dwaahr or ba a dwslkq +art wkhin, ar rtadrsd b, a two-leNy dwNip grrwd b 8adian 18.64,ee8(f) . rwma Ciuldaanes nrydw, aYo M~leaalsd ~h ar~altad,sd b, r eodM q .dn.°1O1a4.1`"ed n. ~ ~ na leawa aMnn pwldad d,y no existrq a.w in:eeeda. a vM Y++ddpd 4. M ahtl not tr nourad r a dwYiq uM For ~ faapasas d wiadrYp dansky. t+ar.r«. t a1WE ooddn kaoMn f+daiM oral a brhrmrt4 dr . ~' ddknd h chapln IBAr - t)afrYrhna a sn Val Yurrhpd Ced--kahat beP~AlSd h6e atlYM d,.Bhq udt h ddkim b Ma t•F dwaliny uda whdr msy ^I'dd1'salr an a,s bL d,y area Typ. B Frkl dare h. rhw.d p« hl- ' A a ahM hart • tIFtFA red kua Men Bawa hrsrdrad f3eo1 square IaaR lror men Aran nkw hundred (seal aquae Ian. An appriwnl. lgwrar, ahM W . ~. : b~piy b ilr cmr v~ r„denanr tiRFi,'na io n~o.T.a~i,.da Ixardrad ld7 Qke) sgWn Isr b ba rrsd h Ma oawhudien d Nn EFlll. Tfra ~ shat sub ma ., fa tM addWnal flHFA m a form Orwidad M Ms C. .. R [ ANrord Y dw,W d 8w raquwl BMi16a made br riw uryn Rwiaw Bow h so- wth Badlon 13.57.010. a an apppnm abtatr f)srfyn narirw 9ord aNPrarr 4or adds 14nd 6RFA far t!r EHU, hs or she ahtl m b araYrd b naakw addklarW Ci~A Prasuarn b ChapEer 18.71 Adtlldwwd firer - Floa Ana d drY cod. far athw ura m M kl. e. f! shall haw na mere than tyro (It} 7.~i7o.~ Man two Rl .desk. .ro area Ill ~~' arad not akM tlran ah,lwn 1781 yars d ays ahM nslds N a Ono ff) hedrown type B EHU. No mors Man two {21 adalh and two r2} addnrr red saw son atnnw, (te) yawn d cps ahsa rnna. h a Iwo R1 .... 7 II klal. B. Bad, Typ. B Elul '.h.t h...q„YSd 1p I,sr. ro lsw than ens (,) rl+ra ,« ..ah badman beWd er.nh. At parkkg nuaen nr grdrad M ~ Coda rhar he tetrad an era wow bF a die r er. EHI7. a ro drahp.aal. spore ere wopwh which y prripwsd fa ^ Typ II Elel r Sr LLns a huAd'iq Pans V irusd, a k an ax• kaka dwdany V b 4 drnsarhad and raNsead - bi a new dwalirq, Hat lays th.n m» Ill a ar. p.,«q nalrind br tw . d,M B.p7~ B0: Tres BI -Enpky.M HewhB 1Fd. Te Mew ley am aarwauation d r3al. h muBF Fes iwrAy wd maw uaa son. diatriota ,. t. B sIW tr woondthnr up htha RarYta,. IW dnrw, L~ Dwrly Y - UurakY YakiPt.Faaar. I/bh narakY Fwmlb PuDib ' ... bn. C~. lS,a ~4. Ca•. 8. c . eu. n4 7 ewyloa L'arrMr, Mrw1Y 9,wY,ra '~ . ~~>~ iL t may 4 awrrtrtrowd sn legal nar'mNnr- mhy bu m,a dr. r wM ~ an hb and .res. whkA mw M. la dr na . +n aw 7cbna dirhlol h whah t N bared. A e ahak •» asrmMd r 0.5 unar 7w era Dupers d aalaYYp dwwlh', Tlw nuwEw d 7ypa li t31ils 1lada( bytlrPlwr- Nny wed E I CamnWkn q pa.l a sw .. 'ur Pane r.rirrr poww ar a 1orM h chaatw laapdee - Cdlrria - Fk,dnpa I. a shM hwra a LAIFA d rnR Yrr Man lour .~ Fraldnd HRy Ha'W agora tar and red maMlwr ~, k .han~h.r.~ad~aoaxl.. sad a r da1Md N clwolw 11A7 - lldlnl- tions d ors YuN6pp Oeda d des Twm d Var. 3. k shall hn. no men thin the. {8) 7.' ice ewr. r.w Iwo rn pwawr lay ..ah trdgwn kna3rd 6rrakr shM esslda h a Type III Ella a ! a!W tr ngrkad b Iraw area {t) psrkky spy. !a arh tradmonr Flowwar, e ^ ant Ill badroom7ypa IFI EFiFI aaareda ak tarrMksd (BpeJ sgwn Ird k alrM haw two (77 prNNp apaeaa Ary Bow! Prrkk9 wgr,Martlrrr sirs b eMar- mkmd br the tiarartq and f: . I Gam mYfion r a pM a uo .. rwa a.rna rayiaw pusses ar 7orM b 16.ef10BO. 3. R aMr red ba araalad b addllierri n11FA h ,maeanoa wrrh draper 13,Y7 . AddaMrr Grow i I FMx Arr. Al Purpow Tree N - EnvbYr Firm lAdl. To anon to ar amrsursan d EHUa h rnrki lardy .red mraa ura xau dirrhla wWdr Ys r7naar b dodo dMarq udta ~ fLnw.l ~. .... 1. B shay be es .. IM h tM naaldarF tkaCquater. OwwtyYd'. ~ _Ysdium nsrrYty YMipl-Fwrily, Danb ! Family. Pubfh ~ ... .3 bn. C. 1 , Oon 4 (~. Cora IL ~. ". ~ Cara Af, C. ., I ywriw t5wdrr. ArrwW ~igdd, f ~t1 ~Prbsa ta. and skittaw ~ 2 k~ary tw owalrvd.a an MB•l ' Br oar drrld h which t N loarrd. ~, a ahM b aourad r e~ d es d••W V nunewr d Ty~pa N EHUaM m Md Nr err Plaralrq and : CmMrNwMI M .~ pan d tlin .. wapmnar nrlwrpoars rt lonh h fY1g1Y /6.SO.0e0 OrNarta - ~. r, shM Imes . tarot d ma tw er.l two Iamdrw RBe} agmaw l.d and red mow Man r...l„nd,.d t7~1 aga.+f.r.nd.hM kraaa. R . ,. Yid a kiolwulla q daHyd h fXap Iw iaA1-r atb.vM Yurhipal Cads. 8. Each twltlQ wlddr aeraakw a Typo N EHII ahY aerh:r a gways hakes Hat Iwo awr e' wkkk a 8' haiyht ^ S Moth farm hrndrM fry oWb faaU h ales la Mesh Typo N gRl~oon- lrhad fiwsir, and rest kr Man errs (1larbw rd ~ ley oanarwn uw br ..oh in EH W kwrd thYain. h m rwr ahM lye Man ~. ~ ryi wrtw •r3~ sal rn a'fauM• .c wkh 1w Man At7o nwaMYr on. i0 n.H.ti a Typs N EF#l. 7. k rma be ngoM.d b haw area iq s•~km snwa. Ruaat pYkirg roq++kwnanb sfiall ,» See next page Y-~ ;__ , ,I ~L1. m~a rsar~r~, ~rar, =rte' •: ~~ Pia P~ 2 Tan {tq aawlr lad d OIbA tar wall ar . Dllbkl Oardl4rlr Uaes..d YIa Tana d Ohl by M P4adllp ar finr' , 1 laarbad (1001 a9uarr ktd d db aneaowwlirn na b rand tlIY• Nawrd {76 OWj pwe ba IMadolpal Cada• 4 hra6y ~d Camdldal N ~ wMI tlIa ouidl4nr , . btllawald .grr.frM d.M wrdw• SECTION M. SEalbn iB.9E-060IH, >MI W Iaa panel rorlaw ProoM M Iath h CMp1er ~ S Flo Nrl d OI~A w srh ar Dllblq C , + tAwa d des raven d Yal 16.dG.060 CdWta • FTtddipa. & M ahal IId ba anN4d b idd6ionr [IKEA Ihn+dra4 (1001 calve ltd d w wa N coact d MYb 81unwW (76A001 a00alr Ito! , Ywdebr Cdw 4 hsirby amrded by tlr.dd~ /ndarClleplar 1471 . Addllbtld Orola Reaidon- N addli0n b dr .haw, Ialr hlv,A'tl sally fbn d Sv... ,... ~ 19 veld 14 b Had r folowe: dw Flpor Ar.a !0.67,880 • Typo V' Ellnbyw HaueNp Ut11, Brr iu6t sgwn 4d d flAFA shat a pamllbd far seah .M7Mabla draErp Iwll Cw rrq i8r aan• ts. Typr nl fires r da6liad in Soalbn .H Plapesa 7o a8aw Ir owwbuotbn d r EHU on ri •n 1nhJlp Iwo I71 d~aalflq un1Y, ana (t) d Mr vrda shall nd nxosad 1071 d tM bW a8ewthb 10.67060. 11. Type N ENU Ir drlNad N 9actbn 8er Vita r . I aono bkbkt ' CIRFA lW PdlrrlvB .. ' w w• 18.67AT]. Bl Olnarr ... '' A TyPr V ETIII aMA oarrpy w6h qw tolawiep aopl diwo 4oalyd onlirry ~N do nd baton! aalarr/la :ana, a tlr good P4a4 a those d SECTION 90. 8 anY Pad. aad4rl, sWaaaWn, , ~i sler fir • Psmdsad urr b ill liHr 4ea dean Mann dwwwd p6,00q Wua+ bd ehaN a ro nlbiond d1r 8 aver Hat M orowgYed wran hahE b6~s hnalAd. aadl daddm ahi n~ni f i . Sara Dbbla. lly a Plbrrylf~ ., dwdblp. ~ ~ rod Ins 1a8d8Y d en , ParBaa d 6i 2.8 al+al d aw pl d tha dwaip urlq 4 a , klp tti , . TYPs I EHU maY a , adllwlw;ald tlw lam Can1oY Aenbtr dreYrr' twr•lamny dwlklnp pursuant la fiaalbn M kAS d-~ws Ywei fllwn I (16A001 M ward !taus prrad tll4 aeBlrlr. wr wdi F0.65A60 W Wdpn {ili44ua 1ay4a rd squat. laal in aparrdanw wqh Chagtau Part. aaal4n, rbaNieA a4ur ar f d 1 mti' nW 6a 1L67DIp d IM MulYeLul Cda d Mr Tewr d Pl+radr~~ d 8n Wf MlarlYnna lepabd N. a rladwd 1a. r rielY'Ip YM, a mew ParII. aedkorla, w , scorer. pwrYd 81e Oaa7o 4 nd IeeeMd w SOCTIDN 14 alaiesa a Waerrt fir dedanE Ynald. aa4Kp 1nNrkq raquYrd M Yr~pTa~m W vaL Yvrdahd , 8rrllen 18.19Ap0(Bj f f ' DiWfd tP81 O+nAr Cadrol. d Ihi SECTION 95. TIr lawn Cano1 IwwbY fYldr. 4 Gird d tl F M4 Cod. 4 ndrwd a ~1 M .ME nae bs • ' Yurlio~lr Cade d Ma Town d Val Y hwahy rr r .. and 6e PaWw fee dr IIaaY4 riay and wa8wa d Yes aYlnhwr. aepwela ~FIF d th and b elrld r 1dolea: alPaa4d Tom d VaN Ind tln' , . a thrall. e ors Ilnra S l eMfl ltexe w i A d r 61olrard filly hundlad R1ROOd a01an IssL M B. Natwllhalandlnap ill Provlpenr of T I i 8 ba b e y b w h h YPe Prsprylh A d tll4 >tad4ri 11.1SgD, ^ 7M npai a Ihr rlynr elr d .. . pP app ow , awalw, i t 1!>• Ow~abpnwnl , d qn EHUrewy a . ~ , on lap d i1r bran Awn tlnralM (I6,OD0) a9wa fill N ~ w8h d do Mlalbi+r CaOr d Ilr Taa~t '- doll na d- l NW N tA4 d Y town d Yai addlierW QRFA nd b rand aIe lalndrad nlb' iLBO'! s91~ !rt b li uasd N Brd4n 11670/0 d tM i4urlfebal Cede d IM Town d Yal . ~ M PIa, a ~ taIry1y ~ ,I,h~ ~ ~~ ay d~ . In aalwbllolbn d des fiHU. Tlw tlil/ iECTIOhF 76. - fnpess4 all vblr4n tIa eaewlyd Pdar b w aNodlvr dwtr hanef, anY Prosaoulbn avert! at+ fir YIa ~ . ~ ~ ORFA on Iksdhl 10.14080 flsaklwdid CWdr iRC1 „nor any Wlw wltlen a . , . w farm Praddod M Ihr C . f 1 Otsakl Cordlhmrl Ueaa.'d tlw tludt}.1 COdp r .. undo a a vkhw d Ile pravbbn d Cw Idglwd f Al4rald a derdr d tlr Town d VaA 4 Mnb1 . 6y tM ad- ~d a wp.Wd rd 1 TM wpar a1rM a node b!' 6n fMslprr fYMwr)lord N a wih Sldlan 10.61 Ob Y an ~d dYan d ' I I wM 1 to wd na bNwr. 17yps ql EHU r dahled N 10.67010 d dds d +M' .. ~ ~ nwobY alWt na wNw ry k d . . oldiilepse{p1 Rrv4w Hard IPprokd fir eddF Cade. a ~,yyb a eey .. pwrlwwy IePa e sepwee +prd Irrah supwaadod ttarr fSIFAIw tln EHU, hr ar rn sIW rIa ha 1 TYPa lVfiiBl r daRrlsd N 10.67.p7p d th4 ~ _ awl4d b IeaaMs addtlarlr tiRFA Paruad b Cede. N h1'41K aldrr• rsaekdbr rd C+wpw t0.T1 • AddB{wid CYra RtaYdtld B~TIDN 10. a path tllaraaF, blaolw4tard Aerarith w Boor Ana d die Cede Yr aMwr urA on dw 4L St114n t&tem0 Isa-0slnb Ydlfarriy ~~ bS,p sedwt ony d auoh 4aww4wwy- 1.Iblea181rlRywnead160%IdMwPak• E yr tlr YaF 7 ~ W LDYft O4irbl Condnlenal llwa, d Ihp d M T d Y 0. Y h TM4~~y,J nyMmwevadblw,4p aY ahal 6~aelNrad r W G°d, ~ ~ I ~ f 1 I r oNar, Iwaka4n. d ., ar ptl 8rrral, BrI/rlelarti wpnard... b wad r lo8owa: _ D SteBa1 11A8d'20 • F6llldn f• i . Oie• I. Typo III EHU Y dafkrsd N Baotbn ON FH87 DEREDRED PI1BLtB1ED ONCE blal 0Al Parnilod Uesa, d tlla Yurlbal Cade 10.67068 d th41,1adt, tIEAD6ID tlde le6i day d AupurL 1982 wd d tM 7own d YeA 4 hartby nyaaWd and ~• 7ypa N EHU r ddlnod b Soolbn pu4io hawklpdW be hdd on lNe ONbarww 1167070 d Ies Cede. tln !a day d 6 1172 a 790 P•^1 ih Pamild U..e: SECTION 17. ill Cowan Chamhen M Iha Ya8 Yurdpal 71n fo8eellq ueN eIIIN a Pemr6wd N do BrtliOR 50.18090 L ~ Yulbla• gl,ed4q, YaL Ldwado. 1d1 dkbid: Fwr+hr {YDYFI D4bld CardlbrW l1asl, d d1a TOYMt OF Yu. 4 Sfep4 FwrBtr rasldwrr dwaenw: O T V - Fl i Y M Q ~ COd. d Y» TPwn r YaB. 4 1wa6!' ~ 1 and J b w. wddkian d i b Mwprat A. Orarfaw ~ Ll rr par Tpa err rlp n B. .. .. c. i• "~+rt6n 1x167.010. . y Iaad w IaBaMe: ayar ATTEST: I. Typo FII EHU r dalhlod b Motbn Yadr & Raodlw . • i l ~ t~ A ~ . ., r= 11r LliA r~Coda d q ia Typr N ENtf as ddlwd in Station pdd(d,ad N Ty,. Yd TW -. ~ .,. ~. try bit 817 add841r 50.670'70, w Allpud Zt, t082 d F+~.n~.-;+,:, r.ed r blows: BECTIDN t0. Urt r w1 fill ~ 1 Yl I~ 4 ~ ~~ ~f wwb 8,67 d tl:leC~. N Sadio ir 1 ~ d M F . BECTIDN 7, klada4a Gdr d 1M Town d Valk, 4 baby Baodwt 10.~~ Uar, d dr ManlaWd IaV+rd M idMoaa: d P, .~ Y Tull N Pubiic Notice cell. a m. Tarn d Yal4llslaby wrlwldea hY Y. TttPe 111 EHU e. ddNW In Srdbn OROQAIICE ~ ~ .... do addiDOn d f ~ , C b Hall r idwa: 10.67060. • Se14a d 1N2 G 7ypt I f: .. Houdllp lbA r oat lorlh N. TYPO N EHU r daNwd In Brabn AN ORl]P7ANCE .,~-. ~.. ~:. FORTH A BPE- N 8aee4r, 40.67010 d INS IbM. SECTt(MV 0. 18.67070. 86CTgH 18. CIAL REVIEW PROCE86 TO ALLOW FOR Ctdken !8.12000 , Two F Nreklnrnltl U d 1i Nw kr r 1 C ardor 1812070 PRatr dd d d tM Y 1 U BTAFF APPROYALB FOR TEYPORARY 810[iA#. /t7RtlCfIIREa bey QEOOR, rrti r- l p aab1 M1 ~ C Otdr d ttn lawn al Ye14 hwalry rnwldrd M rt, u p ~~AAf~ pyrlct .. ~ ~ , God. tl 11N Terwi d Yal. b lrwdly anwna.d 4v AhID Old TEMPORARY aIP11OVBAENTB ih-adwtlnn d f H Y load r Illes.r: 8rr rdralan d PrIwM1eM P sled O b rind ar FOR 11; 1/ae MOUNTAr Pao= auORLD 611P K N Emdeyar Ilswlrp U+a r ad kordl b Saafm 18.67070. ke8era: P. rYpr 111 ~ E/1U wr dd{nad M 8rabn F~~• ~ 41p4a tl tlta ~ ~w awiru4 for . I N In ~ a t1b town oak 8~kn 18,1 tpp(l~ Twp Frrwy" I 4 l O R C M t 4 h b W d R O. Typo N ENU w ddlnrd In atabn ~~~ ~~ REAO ATO _ ~~ ....e. ON D b a O wr a O o1 l wwN Y np l ti67018 _ . SECOND READING AND QiiDERED ~ 1101 pwn tl+an bW d wad yre (9) dreg 8ad{en 1 ~.O1g81. C . .' f Cow I PUSI.EpED SY T1TLE CNLY tll4 181h dwy a Ia11s ahal b . w srh s6a wAn en1~~ 11f Iw I II a +id r ~ICDCCfl O4b4t Psm81W lsld . ~ t ikaa - 1M ld id r C ds of 6n 7 w 8 r H Mrpln-1~' TC16M # YA0. • w Mn alt. dww~p u on pe n l M d l ll p a w .ea oer, a u 11r ddlllell d ' ldrd b d Y N b h b Ya'PrW A. Oawbia . oan lo~wlw rpwa o nrA f I M M il TM f l f d e a . wa y epw y rltb d f lw W 16 liayu : I Ia pam o ow rq a w ewtlra7l^ aI lw r a a: .. ~ypt HI 6HU r defNad N Sadbn 14 ATTEST: 1 'rT. ~ .~,Mr loll d 17AfA Iw . 70.67.080. Yr1Yr B. lTrdw wdr~= . a.Wrt 4dddw Mr 61• 11. Typr N EHU r dafbrad N Saodar Taan.dwk ire r~....,., ~ ~ s9ars lsa d sla veto; 58.67070. ~ A16nlltad N llr Yrl TTY ~ ~ r Auplwt 21, 1078 Tan i46i rClwr ill d fIRFA fir redr ono .SD/ 1. [ ~ 1 Cab I 8~atbn 1/ lawldlad f1001 agues 1Mde8a wasawrMwn {~CCCQ Dxkbkl PamA4d wd CandliolW lives • dalwr It8,0p01 oglwd laaL nd b raaad M• AhPVr stall Fteor, ddn M7~~ Gad. d Dlr b tllallawd lb.~'1 squrd loll d all ersR VM Ton d Vrd. 4 llrrbY . aY tln wdAWn _ S fin f61 agues Isd d 1T,RFA for aaoA aw Ivxrdrrd 176oi tack a w aw k.rrr d r ~ . 10 and 11 bwad rlelewr: t6. rPa. +II EI+u . ddktad N a.eual s i c N~iiCe Pubi d udny 6a,ur~ soo66! row I.d. u67a66, A R N addllen b tlvI aheva, brr 1Palrrrd Ylallb " 1 t. 7 N EHV r delbrrd N Btelkan 1667076 HFI • . 1L .. ,. . 8va f~61 agues lad d Owwe ~ ,Floor . AUSilfr 81, 1MB Arr (DRFAI rtW ba taamdllad fir stab abw aA4 dwr~aq ultlu i .. BEGTkON 3R. Bsatlon 18A7090 {B1• [ ' Can W I U d 8 Y l kd DI ~II A®bA f i'!0 am • Dice VfaN. No Two- 41 arlpl tltro 1o- wdll n ul o aw. MrW ~. A 4 I W M RaOt>pm - Poblb Flawhg odld *dblh h des and liatad sat. t wiwy .and Cads d tl>. Taws R 4 81s YI18s: w In Sod pile, « Yrose d tits den tiMan .~ b Had r to8owa: I ~ aiaralr f!6.0001 agues ferlrWlbtrrarb• B. Typo III EHU r ddlwd N BEdbn &r wl! IId 8s11 h ale rld ba aaATrfed by w TrrFarry 10.670e0 and Typ H EHU r deirad b tad4n US W WYCairr Drra dwa7hrp. D ~, ~ bq 8r ~ a Type t EkAI my w ieand en 104 wisdr w fir sin 10.67A70. SECTION F7. PdBb I4rrho • 4A6 P.IiF d f k wb b d4 n. • 1 A Ylsan Yloueelr (16.0001 89liela frd N eaaar• Bedlan 1848.010. ~. " 1 Snlvbt i~1n• or a oa w n a ee4ls paPar b arrd aaa lDlod llwwa N Frt Vol drlat wYr CIIn1ar 18.87Aw0 d DIO Yurdoar W xCBD) O41rld CendiliaMt ~Unw, d tIM ddw brrddw aarareYbutk wnq wijarrsb Cads d des Tam d Yel BEC7lDel 10. Yuslobal Coda d 1M Tarn d YA 4 Iwray ! I Yn addlfon d f , Y wd H Fm ,h US MbYOfMr OrrrUlll4d PY rrr And t " S F N S l ttadlort70.12070{B1Two-frwlyAeeldenllr Dllbld IR) DwWb Carlhrll d Ifn Ylniclpl bn6dr Y. Typo III EHU r ddbnd {n Mdian l : V ,- tab ar elv ea 2AwglRrlaraayfraabllekwrlww-ba1• 6 i Y8 Cods d tlb Taem d Val. 4 hraby rrPlrled erd ' b wad r le6owa: 10.67A60. N. Typo N EHU w ddhwd kn 8rlbn , V • five w irw IrNrlr lesbd d Id t Baawd F 7'80 Shoal P1aea ~ ~ ' 1167070 daaaPlt A P's08Y Plwwr: Tlm xl.rlN. ~ ~ 8. f an ~ . d I ' A d ilrb 9awion i6iseli9, a ryp I alu dliir l O e IY a N . BECTICN 7w, BslAlwl 1840.070(Ai AIwW BrrNnses D4bbi 9. A ~ Ybia~ wy ~.. , , pry ~~ ~ et d lan lulaal ar W . ~ at 4r h6A00M sgrro ked 4 wYl the ~ I Mass. d an Yueie+lal Cede d d» B d~q, 370 Ploe~r ier k r C hr 4 Y 7 Ve• 4 d l S MIdP S d Sael4n 11,67.010 d M Ylaldpd Tam d Va8 4 haWry ~ by 1ha addlBen i e , a oe bsw wt a Cede a pw Tom d Yal d 7yPS Iq EHII, r ddb.d Y Saadan fSbr.OIB SECTION 11. end Typt IV EHU, r da8ned to Sedbn ' 8adlon 18.17,000 Pdmayl8aodidary 70.67A70 b Iles Bit d alaPel4 ~ . ~ ~ 1 ~« y ~I.~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ ;Public Notice ~ ~ TO BE DIBq 189ED AT IIMfAIiON 11D BID ~ _ Toad Fadiy r A6dd'a F4Y, ~ 1. A nglre lw w mrpr b !)OD ~ VaA C obrndo. Flo, R b rwrreo a pnvbus .. d ' M i ~ for UN No. 90, Phrt 4 Val YrAlga bpJ10DEalr1 d! t Flfalwnq~ 4 anla 230 P.O. Bal i i!2{. Yerar pi~Vn} YBpa Plra 0. ~ Avon. Cebrtde B1B20 • (9WI 84F3902, AppnarM: 88C d YdL CoNrade, LP~JFnN~ 'Wnlar: VaN Pak arld fi • [Hatriu. 2p2 Cbwa Pbvwlw: Ylu Ydloa yYsal Yetluv Drive, VaX. Cataado 81857 - p091 >L A Iplwd M a oak aasslan it a eaRarA 478.2717. varlarlon b n8ow for a ntw prrp. rd w addi- Bawd bM . rB 6. nwirad by Mlr Ya9 Prk Ion b r r4fbp bolaad r Iaa1 6, - _ wd S D4111d. P92 tYer Mellon Drira, Bfpfrwn Eapew71236 Akgpr lance ' Yal, Cdarrb 81867 unll 2:00 Pte, bor~tlnr, W.C, and God &nr. Planriar. ShaBy 11a8e. TyYry, f 4. 1982 Side Heald rw Tlr .. and i ~ . read des 6tie 0nla wi Hat M+eaev4d eed vest b• nlunnd poPOaah an avallab[t In Ihr Zonknp !' aEaw dlallp NPM dRr boas At Taal Plra and IMn, and prompllY ~ ~ wPadb+l. dlwaellw, a6 hk4 for nave hash defy nosiead ' IOWN CIF YAB. all d p16lely ePwnd and Ird aWud. N NW- DEPlVitIEElR OF owed prt4e w kniisd b rird. Tln Distrlot ' LOMMUIVIN DEYEICPMEVV7 naelwerlpht to reJetl ry wd r16Ye rd b -PaYldwd b 7M Ya8 Tee ewiw tias Or In . N try 6Y. an AIIPr 21. 7782 TM worb b b• . ~ ~ aarrfirxalon d a, wood harm iblroast an a ml>- ___ ~ -_ - aralo kllarr{m hawhp sso TeiM Roarw. a ' tlhorrar Room. call a Bkaap.'AroII N wp ' 690 rprr lad d ana4erd, un- Public~Notice Yes 4 paved, aorrwd alr8r. `'""da"`~"~"'°rd6"'~'°"a"'""~ -# ei4 Thal >» an a Ymp aan Lrb YllIAL ~~~ w8h a raquhanwnl b by ~ far {71 billaF Plnalisrw b 8rd4r, 99-38.107 GAB. 1877 Iron d lrlihaa all ~ N bs &larwr , r arlawldad. des Tam d VaN hrlaby plrr ilean4 ~ ~ 0^ d unk pwnen N lau d Itolloa did w .' 1/, 1872• artllwlwe ~ ~ ours 1aPPkq N ~~ dlr4 wad arts lTe alwad may a dt 8re !leak d Iles aha8 M nladt b Yal4y Clad l.aidloapig fa aE ~ an 8a YSega ~ 6ar bid a d bld CarBar L .. Pnj~k braid a11tlIi1 nn Town d Vld Calaradp Dwab~ Cep4e d eve and P+~ ~oBea- Barr for use N . Bkb may M oblailnd , . ~Ir Pte. ... ~ fib, d lawn Ihr Aloldbd alrr 78saday. Aupua tY; ltanaa... a .. ,.. 6n11 hr lur• 1882, m.WC addrrr r above, vpr PMNB " ~ . n$Iwd 467. Pwr4br a ahw nIP~ i9Dm let adr oal d Blddinp .. .Pay P7na Iwd by salt mMaeYer a r aubpwrhlp ^~ 4 b M erde b Araldllnl. N . lpra k1 a abarl Nw . d iY oak sort . ^rda is DraWlpe, r.. ~ . and Codnal Doounwda w rlotaalladlbb boded fibs done rr adlpaa eldm . yes . na fires prd by 6w .. ~ ar h4 B16oprr Cap4s a 7r DlwYnp. rd Pne{eet 8aralws up b and bloM+dkp tha tYlb d titW sd• Iterw eve rW on 17r and mry •» , . , d IM Yal Park and i Diwlof d8ra durYq Ylrrirn 4 npnY.d b Ps w vor7ilyd ~ ~ d tlIS wrrouvd des and urpaY wide tlr Town d Vtl ~ +aorNirg hart des Tureday. Ae+P+d 76, , AamBul: Todd C .. r, 75 9alrlh Fmntga YeB. Cobrndo 81167 on a bdur gap Rod t Each BkdanohrF •w ar8h fits SY ^ eaeldaY , Isnber 11, 1972 a tin Taws d Yal vdl M aliaak a a t31d Bond. N --. sdBl 8n M Wudblw b Siddra es4ard barn rY all.i ilhBty to tud+ a4hn, 71n Sidda p thanes Corlbslot 4rlwdad wB Tl'yyyN OF YAtL Todd C i» w9lihrd b Ialish a f . l P~t ~ .. Pwk a : od and Warranty Bond 7ua nLa np Iai h TslkBdnd N Tha Yrl Ter w Au w1 23 I' I arM tt 71 1882 Mo Stlr mV w a1hN a psr4d d p , . , spry f6vi days aAr tlia dsb Bde w aperrd. 6 8rr pMr+l ads on Ya,dr1'. AvauH 91 1bw2 r ' 16fl0 am YDT. SUe vex only a .. '. ~ ban SYden who Pubiic Notice ~'~:'d."."'~.,:~ dam 170TICfi 19 FEREBY 13tVEN Ihr M 17slayp fill bran N d tlw Pwbld liallYg and Zaalry LbnrrWbn ter tlw Tawn d llLdurn aIB d Idumd urapwrd. ai ndd ^ ptdr hswiy lax des purpwo d • . - ~ VA1L PARK AND w4rwt wpnr app W by Lynn Fd7er ter tha PaaPwb 4odMd MddSt Eq4 8bwt. Thp RECpFJ1TION DISTRICT ~Rab RebNaen 1wr4naa Ia91lert b for tlu wdlldbn d ri rr .. .. ~ Dir1a quhad Hdr yrd stills born fr+ fIr b a mH4 81se. Faa1r mum d tour fad frorrl des rwM akr d des bold- Rojed for Yq b tM rlorlrwn pwpaty li,a, PIk6dIId N Thr Yap 7rel Ths publle Aeatinp I. rehadulyd Inr Y , f Y, 7YY2 N Yw iWdlnn mAuDrelf 14. ~ and llR tOP1 Ownr.nal~ Cwsrr kiolsed d 7~ iKrre 8boe1. - .-. N1tun4 Cdrnar a Tee pre. Tin p.aeo 4 Yr Nked b ellard. .. I:DYYH CP YNRAiN ~~«~ Public Notice ,,,~id4~,~ IID7ICE # - an A/Ipud 2!, 1782 • WIML PAYIEJtT 11DT1CE IS FERESY GIVEN Yrd des lawn d ~~ ~ a YVMUm, Colorwdo at 10911 o'doak am., on Yady, Awpuw 24, 1712, b Ydtr COrlllrlre8or4 Public Notice `~ PA Ba. 6", ardr, coaeaa atsal. la a1 wok dues by .ra ,.. ... N aeariwbn ' - PDif ^DS " d Nn IYWr TndrrrrA Pon! Fir Addbwr. Bon Tani a aED uIFF No. x Codrad No. a a6 a will EAfn.E , ~ - - Bl~cf Badod bWs 1nM a noa4ad M Pw Tam d ~ ~~.I~~w1~Yn pr rest Ih. buwrd.d.. d 6» Teww "• '~""" 4 tlr Cary a Ep1r, ew1. d Red Cl8rlw dlww dpP Pbn BbaM. u CObrrdoi. ~ Any psraa4 d lu 200 I/nt Oar tbrla, Ire CM, Cabrado, ... ~ ., a .. , ~ ~ .. thrlt lid lla- . ~ 4 7762. Skis nerw,d rlar th4 ame 1181 t1d fir ao0egod vend wY 4 MYrwd , rr4Md~bar r Wessup. plr IoW ar aarlmrd bl suoh Canbeelu a h4 At tAid p41at vend thnr, and ProlndN ~ . , krawbad des Pw . dlha w k , ~ tllraalbr, J tilde Owt haw bon duy nosMd, ~ I b M dun and wtn darn en' .. rY fin WlbBeh' apanad and Hall rut. N Yar• hoe rn+I bon prd by 0w C , a erred Iw1W Iw Nrrild b 88wrd. i7n Town 114 B ~ ... .... r arty for 1P b art YIdIId• r wearvas tln right b nljad arty and aN bids rr b l astl4mslr! la dro wok Gorr N7 de +ln'e d Br arw. bnpdat4a or b , h anY bld, baoled b M dons, 4 ragldrad b INs a vwB4d ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ drsnwd d 6w veto! dp. en ~ ~ .rm . I a :o Maw+y . ~ an I t d .rh drlw in u+a ra.n d Yr nam. 9px Prw 8r E e p 4 R lw r aId tlr aenblltlbn d • ale• lAneL P.O~. ~ 900. MYIaan, Cebrado Blai6,r ~ I d ps rr Th ~ ~~ .. Nywfann ~ " r ; a bafua tlr Ihrr art dal ~ . shown. FWIr. en tM est d w ' ddlnaM b 64 aud ~ T ,.. ~ , Iba . ~ , wi foalbn ~ o alta p r P Y d twr r d dabs Prler b slrA 8nd ert- Capin d eve Pw1ad C .. ~ for w N +t"nad'Wi rMwa'srid Town d Mldlxn, li arunail mplnban aflbpn a tnln and , told! wy five aYBNW bam W G1 , , p d and hsn and ai fir ~ ~y dabb mdmwaF B90.00,Pb•+YablM Tom dRW ~~s qB, ~ fy Ordar d Yn Cly Gourd d t1b Ton d 7011117 OF RED CL]FF ~tl4baq Ca4rado. ' t.W lbanra ~ IOWN OF MBIIIlAN rowr~ ~` fnraal A. Chwrse Piblllyd N itr Yai r M~ an AVplal 2l,>W erd 8lidawbrr 8.1782 Pdfd+rdbThn Vdl 7rd - m JIIy 87.91. Allpud 7.71 wd Y1.1777! Raeldddld Uistrlw 1PB1 ihlna4d Ilaae, d do ~ ILLlCIIOa Wtar {AI•iM1ArH 110116 810 t8b1aI M0'091eW it ~ - - e~ 28. ~ , ' by tln wddhlm d Pwa7riph C b ewd Tlr M#ewYlp D i .. 4 lrabY npadad ~ r kllian: flan! Srallan 1128000(ly d M Ylaic~lr Ca4 . M R 61 1b C. Yypa I Enpleyr IlawNp Uri r ddNrd N d Iw Tam d YA; 1 a d ac es wr. . ~ ~ w w BEedan 1807.010. Yu1FFwdy SECTION ix pM Upp1r E+84 VaMy r lMtlrar by pads Mal pl 111len ' Ile9rdr+~ ~ aW OA-A f ~ ~ WI~ Ke 8 I4 gI d 8adbn 70.1S09D Pd~rfrlS Radian 18.77.190 d Mda saw dMbb. aadian TYDr Aaw MI s west oar . .. !60 Pa1rnW AdhMO . Arwad Atlewe r no s F Dt141a1 1P81 OondMwlr Uaw d Yn SECTgN 46. Muriobr Coda d Yn Yawn d Val b iwabY 8odl0n 16.?iA10. Pwkkq O4bI01 CadYao- u870e0 TyPr 1 PIS Trrr Fdnty laR M 18 avtk r rr ra ORe IaA wA ra IOIC wlrrrd by 1M eddilpn d Pawpraph O b Had r llar d OIa Yaddlil Coda d Yra Tam d Yr ' i8'~ . C11~A 1.2 rpses ~ , rfeaewr: 4hwablr ,by llr addMend Q Typo N Enplyba Iloladep lhlq r ad lor8i E and F b wad w !doves: 1177AS0 type It 8684 Fanay lanylaen OA 70tW W ep. 0. Yw Ib PEC 2 2 aduNS RA t .prd N Badim f0.67060. F. Type III EHU r dalird M SEdbn Prs T+eo Fwry d16A00 2oMwen hedroan• 813CT10N lA 18.67060. p O Typr N EHU u ddfnod In 8aolion 8rulan 1 Ie87A1o Ttpl i SGLkMPr I wA aA A7aPW 79.0. Ile RO PEC S a Rll ~/ ePaaa7 fin. ~~ Ma 10.67070 ~IY BECTKIN 27. tlurdopal Casa d tlls Town d Ynl 4 Iwaby ~ G6C7A60R7 IePra4d and bwdrkaan: 8rtlbn lB]8.1710, PIbW llar l~1 O4bkA PII+SBA ' A. Nd rlew dwrr n bblf d two ud4 CerrBblwl low • Gwlwaly. d dr Taw d Yr YonhpY Coda 41+elaby amddad by an addF r il b h 8 8h 1187070 type N RC/U1xlP1 WA sass 300.100 0. M Ile Hr PEC wA I IaMlen- t Ipro. , ,... an wc o a w a orr dwi'y udl ~ On IaII 4aa Than 60n d f ~ T Irrd U b Bead r !data: IaasiAl01A'7 PAK:CICCIV • nna nlarard e8usn 1rr. TM ldbrhq [3RFA etlal 7. Typi III EHU n ddiwd In 8aclian cSC7Ap0yp! bo . ,reach all: 16.67066. ~ PUrsBH - 1. Twordy 6n f26i ao7lwr Itd d ORFA fir U. Typo N EHU n dafllnd In Srelbn 67D7p 18 16870p Type v tarps 21.780 IA 71,206 •F 6 rra Fb 1186 WA wA Tyr ld eprae' . . etlh aer bundrad {760! rquMa lad d an I8d tlF- lean {16JOOR s9w"r fell d ell aaa: BECTIpH 28. RrkimtlU - _ _ - - _ wrdved Plus x+.rapropll 10.86.0DOfPI. PuMb Ilse tPIID) .,.~.,, • P4 aIr aer bld for rpaaao nq.A' mlwlle. - - _.. {' . .r•~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o~ .~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~N~ ~ ~ o :7• ~ CA `G ~ o ~ ~~ ~ Av ~ ~ ~, ~ • ~~ ~~~~~,~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ a~ ~~~~ ~ O ~ ~ Q ~ C ~~. ~ ~` Q ~ ~~ ~ o ffi ~ ~ o ~~~ ~- -« ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~gm g~ ~ ~, o ~ ~ ~~. ~S ~~ ~ ~, ~ a Q Q '" Q ~,~~~ m~ ~~ ~~ Q y ~ O ~y ih (]~~~i. ~ ~O ~, ~ C ~ ~~'x a n ~ Q. -~ ~ ~ -~r cn ~7'4 The l4rfl T.7o8 -sspterrther 4, f9B2 ^ Mobile Homes 1975 147(74, very aloe 2 bedrlron . 1 bath, small park outt4de Gypst<m, many extras, no , 518,000. Wt11 oonalder masonable offers. 1-625• 4458. MOBILE HOME LOT in Minttn'ti, ready to ga, 545,500, Sadler Rea] £utate, Inc., June, 476-3817. ^ Raricltes TRADITIONAL WESTERN HOMES- TEAD in McCoy. Fully restored gentlemen's horse nnch 45 minutes frortt Vall/Bdtver Creek. 140 deeded saes fatally surJxxutded by exclt~lve 2,100 acre BLM gazing permit which provides complete prlvary. 3 houses with corrals, borne, etc. managed by foreman living on Property. Trim-keeyy Ppuurrchase for ab- sentee buyer. 5875,000. Contact Richard Kesler, Vell Amoclatea Farm 8r Ranch Co. 949.•6400. Or all! Merrill Hastings, Owner 653-481U. ONE OF A KIND Northwea# Colorado cards tench with excellent hunting. Remote yet near kown, modern improvements, Iola of Ir- riganon water, pies springs, pond, reservoir and stock tanks. Biark ISear Beat Estate 32&2327. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES LOOKING TO SK] VAIL January/ February. Wlll exchange bcechfront reaarf mndo, 5t. Augustine, Florida. Weal./2 weeks [lcxlble. {404)287- 84.96. REPAIq DON'T REPLACE ~• L .~.wC.G~ ~~~. MOBILE M7tgtliiElD REPAIR ENJOY A WEEK of beautiful southern sppringtlme In March in Charlotte, tVC in c~rhange tar your 3 bedroom unit In fail with ea:ess to tuts or bus tine. You will have a kove- ly 4 bedroom, 5 bath townhattx fur- nished with antiques: a 3 bedroom, 3 bath lake hoax- 2 ate and a pair of NBA tickets to Charlotte NBA games during your stay. Call (704)334555. FLORIDA -FEB. OR MAR. '43. tkautlful million doWr 2 story, 4 bedroom home w/pool on Intracoastal, R. Lauderdale, in ex- change for 2 weeks tar e6mparaNe queAty home in VaB area al lame time. G.L. Gldwell, Box 22888, Ft. Latukrdak, F7.33335, (305)522-1000. OFFICE/ COMMERCIAL ' SPACE OFFICE AND SHOP SPAr;f: at Va8 dos Sehone shopping center from 55.00. Call r}' 1 Golden 4769452. BRAt ._ _.. ~JILDII~IC -Affordable office space for kale, 760-600 sq. fl., Town of Vail boa route, free on-aitB parking. Call Brian tYAellly 944- 1616. RESTAURANT SPACE FOR LEASE - Prime !clarion in "re9teurant row". Ready far tenant finish. Call Wasmer & Aesodates 827.1000. OFFICE, WAREHOUSE AND RETAIL space avalleb[e at the Ed- wards $uslneea Center and Eagle Park Censer in Eagle. 926.3366. OFFCCE SPACE, East Vail, txrgimdng June 15, 748 aq. (1, wit! be available. 2 offices and large reception area. Southern exposure, with ample parking, Far more informatlan al[ 476.6636. DFFICE SPACE tar lease, up to 3200 eq. (t., 315.00+ NNN. Cat1827-4000. STORAGE SPACE -Vall Village. Cali 476-4296. LARGE RETAIL/RESTAURANT sparn, Avon Centel. 2 large decks, great Ytews of Beaver Creek. 111 fnf(lc area, k>ta of trn~te Pu 6 Calory 21, VaH Valley 1'ropertlea 949-7979. HIGHLY VISIBLE Avan Center space, cwrent past office location, available Fall ]993. Perfect for realaurenL nlghl~dub, or retail business, Century 21 Vall Veliey Properties 949-7979, RETAIL, OFFICE AND 5'fORACE spACE tar lapse. Concert Hau Plaza, iTEAMMASTER nrpe! Cie:7nirxJ anti Fieslaaliori tic Drapery, Upholstery Orients! Rug & Auto Interfvr Cleaning, Carpet Rrpalr, Flood & Fire Restoration, Odor Rrmoval ~4 Hour Service 476-7680 Carpet (!sarong 2 Roams only ~29,. 95 'Extraction cleaning brightens colors and refreshl~s pile. "We consult with you to treat problem areas properly. 'Ask about our Teflon protection to help keep your carpet and furniture cleaner, longer. Why not have your h~rnitlire cleaned ors the same appointment? SOFAS only $46.00 CHAIRS ONLY $23.00 LOVESEATS only $3bA0 Combined tNingldining areas and rooms over 250. sq. h. are considered two rooms. Addftlona] charge for dry-Glean only fabrics, loose track cushions, Magian cviton, and Stainmaster tyJ,e carpets. 7 V Please cal! us for '?'' C your Hausekeeping & ~ ~~~.. C Janitorfsl needs tool Services ~~: a 8t9E5.9b l 2 Lionshead. Sifter Management Com- pany 4761063. Ci,ASS 1 office spare, ground !Foot Benchmark Plaza Building, 1.035 sq. fl., air conditioned, outside entry, un- derground parking. 449.5828, %9- 300 COMMUNITY SERVICE ARE YOU. HURTING? We sett bdpt Battered women all The Advoates of the Women's Rooftree Center, 24 hours, 476-7384, IF YOU WANT TO DRWK, thsYs your bttairt®. B yw want to atop, 1haYa ottra Aloohdics Anonymous, Vall, Colorado. Meetings in the base rrtetlt M the Vail Interfaith C1upd, Wtedneadaye, Thttradaya, Fridays at Spstt. 476-0572. CF YOIJ ARE A RE[ATIVE a friend of an alcohoBc, Al-Anon can hdp. Meetings Mondays, Beaver Crcek Chaps! 7pm newcomers, 7:30pm regular meeting. Babyaitting available. Also Fridays, Vall Inte- faith Qiapei 6:3ppm. %9365. OVEREATERS ANa1VYMOUS- VaB Interfaith Chapel, Wednesdays 530pm end Thuteday noern; Sundays 63flam VaB Mtmidpal Building. 476 0713. ReferencE-~s available. Tamra and Darien Underwood (303}4769'754, ^ Home Improvement WINDOW COVh'RWCS -Sales and inalallalion of blinds, verticals, plated shades, draperies, etc Dls- caunted pricitiyt. Call Hawkeye Ser- viem in Avan $45-7655- REMODELBJG/PROPERTY MA1N- TENANCH e_-..'-;,;. We provide high glJaBty work and reliable aer- vlaefor your every need. EstablLghed in VaB since 7972, we opedalize in the smaller projects. Please contact Rich Brown 949.4186. ^ Storage VAIL SELF STORAGE - Don'1 be axmptld hx tlyaoe. We ha++e large and xtaB st6rage tmib avttllebte. CaU %9~16GG. INTERMOUNTAIN SELP- 5TORAGE -Sizes from 5`x4' to lar:24'. Easy access ro units, very competitive rates. 1-486.2041 L~dviBe. SELF STORAGE - 24 hau aeoess. Approximately 200 aq. ft. Lowest prise. Call Gary Stevens 944-5749. ^ Other CANCER SUPPORT CROUP meets every ttemnd Wednesday everting 7:30pm in waiting room at Vail Mountain Medical, 181 W. Meadow Dr., A200, Vall (above emergenccyy room). Por more information ca1E Karen J..,.r:,,,.. 4765695, or George Shtrrtlldge 4761836. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS - Meetlrtgs every Tue.9day Bpm et the Beaver Creek Chapel, and Friday 7pm at Minturn Mtmidpat Building. For more informatlon all Jay 1-653- 4421 or Dave 4762902. CO-DEPENDENT'S ANONYMOUS meet every Tuesday noon at the Vall lnter(aith Chapel. Saturday meetings 6:30pm Iraming Tree School. 949- ALATEQ+r l~acc au+ICS . ]f yo.t are r relative or (rlend of an alroholle, Aleteen can help. Meetinga Mondays, Beaver Creek Chapel 730pm, 827-4287/92fr3788. SERVICES ^ CaretalClll$ LONG TIMfi LOCAL professional seeking permanent caretaker tion. Call tDtuck McGuire %4- 55. SECURE YOUR VAIL/BEAVER CREEK HOME -Experienced rareteker with references seel~q Bve- in situetfort in exchange for sentrlty, yard work and home maintenance. Please tall Michael 627-5638, leave message. WILLING, "HANDY" attorney/ e]echkdan Lovple available for Bve- in homecare. Can vacate during Christmas, etc. LocaE slnrn 1968. ~ndaw Cletmirtg ExpeTienced/lnsured! DependablelQuality Service Free Estimates 47&9525 ALTI3RATIONS BY LISA - This is the time to make sure your Bummer wardrobe is tip to data! Call 4763071 far alterations a new custom lrtade clothes. NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS need by the U.S.Olymplc Ski Team. Ecology sate cleaning products, natural skin care. Shaklee, of course. %9-1771. CUSTOM FABRIC CREATIONS- Unlimited possibilities in home decor, crafts, costumes, clothing, embellishments, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call The FABRICator 9262262. CALL MOM -Grocery shopper, er- rand runner, mom-alai!-trades for titre. Have a job yo[~ don't want to dot Call Mom 6tY-52;17. MISCELLANEOUS VAIL AS6UL7ATES LIFETIME PAS 51rS bought and sold. For the person who has everything? Cal] Merv Lapin 4765483. SI~~111 & LOOKING IF YOU'RE SINGLE AND LAwir.u 1G for people to spend time with, don't feel atone, Even Ln Ote Vail Valley it can be dlffitult. And in the Single & Looking" cla~ifieds ynu may be able to find 0ompanlons. THE ~ LOAN T'M For F.xcltaslve homes up to 95,400,000 -F#an income veriticatian -Law Points -Fixed/Ac~tlstible raffle 303-4713-3242 (ail: Jei'f KpCh GMAC ~ ~3sao Mortgage S l 838 V~ DELUXE CHRISTMAS RENTAL ReSO1Ct. 4 BR12.5 Ba Golf Course Home RentaXs & or 4 BR/3 Ba 1-lighland Meadows T Realt TnC 12J19192. 111193 y, . '~µ`' /~~ M tf~ $1,0001nt Many other allperfor homer 8 QO... , ~ .. ~ ., iG. r1a1L1 llld0 Runilvhl[ Va51 CO81155~7 Rued 303/4'16-0906 ~UBLIC NOTICES F~t6m page 6fi Bar PrinoprJ Meriaan; 6vra nitre panindarYy .. as idbws, b wi[: Bepinn:y w comer Na 1, ~a prim on tAe NorMetly ryMloingy lento the d U.S. Hphwy Noy. a and 24, from whidt the Noahsael Comer a Sadion 4 of aid Tawmhlp tad Rrtge bun N 09 dagrer 43'yr E 6318.64 fsa dstad; !!lance N BB dagrsr o6'4tr E 182.110 ran .long said linos Ina to Comer N¢ 2; alarta0 N 6B degrees 14' E 19D.36 feel b Ottnrr Ne, 9; Marva N 33 dprw 67 E 90.60 fat 1s Comer No. 4; tl+ettca N a0 dpraw 44' W 60.06 teal b Cenw Nw 6. a polo h tM aaraer a Ms Eapla R1rar: fhenoe 870 depr..a W 217.f7 lent dorlg tlrs carrhrerts d .aid Eaph Rlwr b Garner No. e; arrm 9 1B dpnar WIS E 41.44 feet b a W6rrw Cemar for Cernar 11s. B: Ntenoe 8 18 rtrprw Oe46" E 6fteb tee! b Oornar No. 7; tlr.rm 8 s50 dagrses 11'x6• W 2717 tut n Gvnw No. B; Menw 9 27 dspsr 96'18• W 64.72 hat m Came No- 9; thence S 6B degrer 9a'3a' W BB.B6 f.a w Cann tlo. 1 eta phoa d hrplnnltp. at1~ w- Gaar~adaaera"s1i121 Ro.d No. 9aufh S/1 d 8~onp I~T d Wd k,radad h Me B2 !Vaal d the BM Pr'ewipal tler,dferr, Eagle , Calorade, mfrs Paraaae4r drarwd a .. r a point en err south the d 9ea- aort 4 ham whch tlr $ 1M a Bastin 4 bear. N BB rlagrau 9Y4B• w. 77&00 IsM; tharres N of drpraa4 2301• E 473.01 last m a mien on era Baulh ripla d wry IFr d aw bernrer and Rc Orands RHread: Maws abng tM rativ.d ripM d ,a.r tdon0 a cta+ra ro t!r lee an arc hngM d Bt3.91 het tWa, • r.dta d 1969.aB !eM and a ostmal angM d 1a dagrsa f4'&Y; tharrr N 68 dagresa 97'96' E 706.28 tint; tltanm dapa,lhg from Me railrod right a carry 903 degrees 1 871' E 4e0A7 lest b Ors sauM Ir» d s.dion 4; ttten- a aterq tits scant i,» d Setlian t N (p dprer 0W18• W 7330.38 h.t to Ilia perm a bsglnnhg. EsoepB~g - d1 !list land tbntahed h the bead rerrxded January 29, 1878 in flank gal at Pegs f87, n Reo.gian Na. 177660 rMloh 's a~iar,d 'tae s ire BE~iri se~or~a, Tawrahp s 9ardA, ltanpe 82 weal d the stn Pdradpa! Meridian ywp aottherraa Ilia osntar- lina 1 tM Eagh fF;vet mo verticulndy dwaibed r toloaa: asginnlrrg oQ a point alrsrr- r ilia SE opnsr Ssaian 4, Towafip 6 South. R+r9a 42 Mlset d tlw ear Prigipel Meridian Assn 8 80 dpfar 12'93' E 7 fB2.68 lent; thsn- a ttbttg Ms 8wM line d wid Ssaia, 4 t! BO deg,esa 42'39• W 280.00 h.t b a pant on the a era Erph RNar; lrerws alwtg the dttr Eagh ItArar N 7t degror 41't4- E 280.19 ~; arwroa B 02 dprras 90'S,t E 88.00 real b ate point d beginning, 2. The prayer d firs Pa6Ylon k Mat iM abets propMlr d krdudad within err t10rw Eapl. val. ty Canrdidatwi Srniutian Darin. Acoerdtgly, Waite ie hereby gNan m err ir. Wretad parwra to appear tl the n.eerrg d the Board d Diarists d ilia pirlriot td H,s Ontria Ad- rrinitlretion Oaima ere 816 Forr1 Road, Vat, E+I~ Cwmy, Cdaado, on wsdmWay. the V~ ~~hwr wow In Oat, al Bra hoard 12n0 why oath Petise•+ •I,aM g.~me~ huro. l1PPER EAGLE VALLLl' CONSOLIDATED 9ANrrATION DISTRK:T By: Wahp, Kick Pudiehed h Ths Vail T,ap on 9 .. 4, 11 ant ter, 1992 Public Notice ORDatANGE ND.O tiattas taa2 AN ORDINANCE CREATING A NEW CHAP- TER 18.67 • iiMPLtrVEE HOUSING AND SE7- TOIp FORTH DETAILS iN REG,IRp THERETO; AMENDING GHAPTERB 13.1D, 13.12, i3.t3, 16.14, 13.16, 18-78, 13.20, 18.22, 13-24, 13.27, 78.28, 1820, 18.92, rB.34. 18.36, ANO 13.30 TO PROVIDE FOq THE ADDITIQN OF EMPLOYEE HWSINO DNne AS PERMITTEp OH CON01 170FlAL 119E3 1NTHIN CERTAIN TONE DI8- TRICTB Wm11N THE TOWN 4F VAIL, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REDARO THERETO; AMENDING CHAPTER 78,01, SET• 7ar1G FORTH CERTAIN DEFfNnipVB FOR AN EMPLOYEE if0U86x3 UNn, A BATHROOM, AND A KITCHENETTE. WHEREAS, the lam d Ya;M1 .. ie tar 9eb 1ourY1 hosed and the hetdth a Mi sosrwny N based on .. . ~ , service fw var. guru; and WHEREAS. Yaira adsry b arorlde woh aar- vfos h dspwrdertf t4ort ^ along, high gwlfiy and aornibently avaiahh writ forty; and WHEHEA9, ro at:hire soar a wok taros, the oonaramiy novel writ to praida qualify lirhg arrd *akinc ttondaiom; w YNfREAS, err Tam rsoopNrea an irtrwr- lsrtoa a ih rds !n thus eRode; and l'rtIF7iEA9. Ms aalYhliry d housMp Paq'e s trtfetl, tali let a.rkg quarry trlrrg .na rodthg .. for Ma mnatnaarl, wrk 1twa; and tA6tERFAq, h Jttntwy, 7800, Ms law a Vat nw.iw :adr~,.laat :a..::.d nr 'oarnt.rn"nl°`~`y° need rot ~ .. , the arppy d hsw- Ir,p sa bah yw•round artd sauces!, focal naMsaa, std proriJed a saris d pctdes and atiwts b hs Idiorad 6y the Tam d Val; and lvitETtEAS. 3w Towr d Vr8 ABardahh Haw- aq srodr ww .. ~ ard, folowtrq awdt. d atudY. rrerk aae.brs, a+d Public Freerirtga wrh Me Ttitrn Cwndt, tM Henntq and Enrlror,- W~ R~Cv~~.e The valley-wide pro gram for retycling is looking for volun- teers, if you are inter- ested, pleasecall Carey Vaughnat475-8723or the We Recycle head- quarters at 47fi-8633 and leave a message. ^A!k yfNh' frtefldf ta6old NdYU81" 943-2060 ' , ~ vet ~61a - set,Te-,lber a, ,>s~ ?5 r nartl C~. ~ std tlea BansrY pb8e. the a na EfAI alSall ba allb6ridsd trawiwrad a0y0 thak BraeR N4lwna a pYOe h tellifir L k sAal eql bsgax4d r a brekinp raYl t« tl. A Type III EMU mq d rrelad b tang study err epprered M Mr Terts1 Carat an , , . spar from etly shplrlaldy ~ faraY haWaBon Y read aril b st14dl ores, what- tM proper d odsradYg daeaiy. 11nSesra. 4 Pkartea vrYh Nedlarl 18.571720 «R cosy ba old, ' FlouBn'br 20. 1800; r,d YYftEAEAB, tM mudY aartakafd Btara Y ^ dswNriq, « dw+Artp a rte#Mtity ~.~ N mry M a pre d, p en EHU Y prrlek• wrest M a d4 Y ebsra, Ar a Ptaaara inhndote d rNuMlnp steer a dapeAUn er aMMp ellei tlerrNl idlohare tadMYs and a , r ddklad kr Cttapr 18.01- UsYlkiaa d tlr Vol t ~ , . « aorSawyad from oiler dreAip unit « EnploYUr Htrtrokip lhrka thro 8harlape d Irpuaky Y Ma Town d ~ ' fed b be laaebd a R pawya k stet nee M setl Breealranr. ~ d tNa dwarhn d abaartn. ~ wAr + ! MtaSYp.l Cad.. k shW M , ~ b b. athhd tlrslirq IrIM in addAian m Bw two aw.Krlg unite rraB M bea4.d m Il4 errs ka w stl8rltl B4 erns brWYq h which Bro Type 81 EHU Y b Yal: red yYFFJtEAB, tlr Tram Canwfl noes wYAr m warm+M from Yes dwaNrp one w Irtlr le[aled rm tlw a8s a Yt . n a tM Town slil8 shall take 1M Falgalilq ok- sllbh eery rtkaady sour an BSa tot DnM an 7114 taMd w Yry r ! made tlts ml6wirlq aortdkiorw: and poldwr ad . a nlmkp b Nr owes d B4 tasidatt• h Edal steak be aYorwd Per 7d. a q moat 4s aced W tAS ores d eM EHU m forth h tlr AlbtdRbls Florwl~ Btuty to Ills El ~ lye tAan FabrurY 1 d soot ysr, des w Nb amraa: 6resirwas IeSrarlw• ., ~ Mi 5. h e1411 haw w (igFA rest Ws tl+an tAra. Mxdrad fa7B1 attars laa6 rtd Iron eMa nM a . raaldenes• Far a4 Perpaas d Ihh pnviebn d ewdak, typ.. d S v. Itorrlp r aunty d sank 6orrokq ,rrN sloth Yes lreaarr selxD.a. 4r Ntporyr a d l id a d ltl 1d An aplyhcanl• hundred ie94y souses Taal Wngrlph, t petrr:enan7 reaMsrlw atop rrtsan IM h I l Y Y r . « e aondkional use h asdakl son. Town wHdl Y togrldrnalsd Yokoa4ry 1M aBsdWa i a l+, ns w D W puglraas. aye, mri loo 8 n d d Nd Y . Iteerstw, ehwk b. , . b apply m the Carly art4 w INaas n ad gl atNa hab at n Y fd Ih tl d b f b h M dilrioh wNhkl Vas town: d d k ' B s. daM d tlele .. ~ aha88Wrtlt ewe f2Y aeg tl d h 6 6 C ran any, a o Preade, epawa re t aM mebr eroWels 7d ar7 l il rra.IRy C : C , .... d the Town d c la an one, ar a w a ~p x Mrub mlt om l A d d ta w a NOVY• TFEREFORE, a k tr b1 wn onn a a kWr 4 d • raper! ate ^ krm b pa~dra sr ro traP Y. Yap far addNbnal LTRFA mt ro sassed ewe • e Areaa t tt y t w h o dl d Town Caural d M,s Tam d Ys1L Cobrarb: BECTION t. rtirnRl' [ C ~ . 4 b tAa Corn munRy C ".. [ d tM 7own d ~b. B a T'yps 3 EHU Y sold.. ~ a alr• huetdlad MY {260y aquw toil ro 6. used Y tM a spahun a alalrtos thlMam, Iapar Nl 1M duraNan d absence. m . ~ , sA1nt Y a 18.01 - Ddinkiom d Mw e4unkbY Yak and ChYmrr d tl4 Tarwr d Yap Fiariy vs7rrrl item 0w aBr Iail h • Two- ~ ~ .. .. ~ d Bte EHU. 774 . • ~ dWFetA F eaeidarlee, tl4 Town stmt ihall take Coded !M Town d VaR h Mreby amrdsd by . AdMRy aallAy larth asta68aldp Mm FamW dsMlkp It h a paA d, Stan Nato 4r TYPs I mR an tar 1M I C1HFA one ' the lpkDaiy tdrdrnmlerow relmlp b tM ostler t]4 addRiat d Saatbn 18.D1.106, to r.ed r each Ianan wfldw nlsNss wkhh thaN arrpby+s EyIU HId Ble ~ae1 b 1rAieh h h shaded e17aN M .. [ lam prwddad by !Aa Cammvnty D d the ~. fees atawm: 6tglrrea punur, Idoxs: htawNp unk Y a Iu14Wrw anptpyas H EsBY gAyW b aI 1M .. ' ~. Nt bRh In 8adien . ~o~ tr denial d tlr wywd a ... ', Income wYlwa, naldenn !or 8adlon 18.06.705 County. f 8.37-020 E.f,0.H and N d OIa ordiryarras. ellaA Oe nlada by hro DaaiOn Rerisw Gerd Y ae Inoprrro a aMr tax putpore, ape. mar4al Ertplovas Hawke UnA IEHUI shall msen a Fl Wo Property ooraainlry r EHU atop ez- L kb Isae tlwr f/fy posed (581L1 d tM paM• ~ ~' ~rYn t8A4A10. N an I status. raldanaa d panma, spauaa antl dwstynp uric whkde steal nhl be teased a ron4ea aced iM Irrldrrame f3RFA Prrrilrod h Tills 15 iro np4rad 1w Iles 7yq I El1V M tl4 Vsi dMkw Oaalpre lYeviaw 8oan! apPrarid tar fb0 ehNdnn N anY. kacaffon d psraonal and rrl bt MY pwiod lac than lhlrry 1301 aarteaautiva azoepl w ftravldrd h Preprwoh i&87.010 (814 81uNebal Gads aMY bs wrrbwd. e5. R d addkiwny QRFA for 8. ELlU. M a eM - prpprfY, end ne0a vehkle wgklratbn. dry., and ahea bs nretW only to terwnY rr11o w 18.67A50(B15 « t88T. 70 d YIY Chaper. 7. k srsll tr a^ldhd b a GRFA aadd d 425 µW roA 1» anlMed b nrha add dhrlal Gi7FA 71 - Addlden.f (iroaa Purouwd b CAapbr 15 A. k a Typo II! EHU r sour trarwfsmd, «yrn- !u1-tkne errpkvjrw h P.apk+ Courty. ERIN shill be aNerwd In esnakl xaw dYMeh r sr larch h 61 +V Irgh gdlhfw steal bs arr/ord. HI All wrfws patkky shop G soraaread ty as R, a1 M lotto in $aatlere f8.120801A1 and fikl-OBWAy d Item oeda . RsaidenYl Fba Ana d hSY Cods kx alha unN , veYSd wartlaM tram the dher dwalir8 unlb C7eaptr t8 d thY Codes Da\Wafxrwrtt ataalyda Iwrdsapinp a bans r pr Daalpn Rwhw 8. k a Type I EHU Y sold ,from Ms on do let. N an xppliam ahW rw Daj6n Rwisw R Bo4d soProval to net mess Men 250 eq d sd- stores Typa IFI Enpbya Rowing UnNa Ina mui- dlamiN mrudwe N N • Part d, a from dn« dw.l. lor EHUS atoll bs r Ororidad h Chyle 1857 • Etrplefae lbuslry. Fa N4 purpe.w d thY GrrldeBrlsa, 3aetion 70.64A60 (013. 9 MY aPAlaad wise aPpka kw w Gortdltional 78pFamNy tlrrakap k M a Perl d, Brsn t14 PnriYra r ad lwth k1 Badhn 78.b7.420 . . dRionaI GRFA f«3w EHU. M a sM steak 6e sn. p^e ohb ud+« Type ei EHUa loomed m 1M 9sezlan, a Yk time sAal trees a pr• m Usa PsrmN far rtes paters d tmnslrudkfp psragrapha 8, C sad •: as watt r Sadbn ~ IRlad b rsoaiw eddkierrd GRFA pYnwy b ~a 1&71 - Addilkael Clroa. RaideMid aatr4 ~' The Type III EFAh in 1Mslradure a on ~ ld shalt ba subject m ak !ha gov'sions ast son who works ^ mhltw d sn arrYBe d miny CJ4Y Mon pr aselr. Tkaro steal M fYS (87 hotwkp, i~htl not bs eaquir.d b pay ^ Cormelollal Ur Pr tae, 1&57.010 {BI k(al rd W) aAM bs ...: kAO a wllean m 6a1h rtes ~kM d Mia mils fb ma dwekirp uni on ~h m $adton 18.57.D2A F, 6, H r,d K d this d EHUe: Type I, Tye. II, Typo III, Type N and Type V. Prorhlorrs n6dlnp b each JI TM prodslsns as oaf forth b Ssetien 18,57A20 pmprapM B,C,b, red E ahW be h- r Tyq I EHU sad tlur dwdlip unto b vrhich k Y y tadrad h • lam apprrad fey pea Tarn Albrnay ~ 8. 8 shall Aare no more then two 127 odinrwro. 12. N a Type 111 EHU Y sold , . from np type d ENU ra sd lonh in ChaPlr 18,67 - , Ndo a eniYert I h a form sp while shop nn wkh 1M Iarld and ahW nil W 6adloonr. il 2 d d A 4 t dMr drrdiry unRS endbr Type FII E ioyee Haueirp Un4s Fn a tnuN6errily stn/aure k h a art C hfoualy d Mh Code. SECTION 2. pravW by 34 Town AYarray r14eh steal run wMI tae Ynd artd slWl nil G ~ ' « '~ snleredad a 4nrtYlalad xrNlarA tM tadean +a yard d iM Town d YaA $aN . steal e mac t xl two ( 7 I a u an ens [ l dill std oils than ehtWn cloy y..w d ape Mak p d. a from cYtst dwdlry unite aredld Type 311 Chaplet 18.04 - Delinitiona of the YeN a8fald rtes N+marl ppeord d B4 Tarn d Val. , hs racwdad a! the CeuMytyedl aril Fheddr Of- rwftle in • ar4 (11 • Type II EHU. No ntora ~n two 121 adub and Am (21 dtrnt7 Wei EHIh loomed on B4 errs bt, tM pravhiona r ell forth h $adion 18.57.020 pawprephs B, C Munlopal Cods h hra6Y amerdsd Iri lM addF 033 to t+ed y lokvws: 01 Bad Seaton 18 Said pnsrttrd chap M .~ y des Caunb Clerk and Raeadr O81er prbr m lies kauartos d Ike Pr7ar b t14 Ysumlr d a Mtldvg prink far tl4 oenmrudlon d en EFN. dtld than ahtMn It By yeses d ape shill rwHs seed E r weN r Bedian 18.57.080 IBy 71 (a] and ~ . . Satlim 18,01.033 t 6ulldhrg Per+rrh fa IM ootiSndien d an EHU. e. TlMdy dr5'a pries b Y4 mrrfa d a dead for In a roe 121 hadroortl Type II EHU. & Ead, Typo 11 EHIF e1,W M tpukad b Mn 161 steak M •... ~...: kilo o wrRSen pfeerr»d eppid>lstotM Tyne 111 EHU h a form ~ .. Bedlroortl ehaA mean a room odllainhp a waking ehawr a MYMub, of W, aM lalbl. NI Erh EHU shay ha+w a aapanro etltranes and aMJI nil M oonttedad In rY+a4' b rrY unR a Type I EHU, tM , ~. padtrar steal su6rril n apPBWbn b d+e t. Csrakp~ . r4 Isaa titan or (11 psekYp dos # aaoh ~' Me Tawn Asomey which aAal tun wih 1M SECTION 3. N may M aaadwd b. n4n1 Dapanmant docualsntallnp Ihat tAs 6adroan toasted d4raln I-hwdvsr' i e a^° (11 f4dreem Type 0 EHU are+ada sea ASxdrad f804y ~ ~ steal not 6e annnded a S .. I amfad Bra eeTivan soprowl d Yr Twvn d Yal. CAaAler 18.01 - Dallnftiona al Shs Vell Mrmldpsl Cads h Mn6y emended b1' IM addl. 15.57030 - ApphoaWAr , AI lln nq d Ihs GapMr ahtl be h ptaafaer nwds ills 0r8erfa ell faM h 9aotYra 78.67.0W0 C aref 13.57.040 8 5 {a) pasta feet, k steal Kw two 121 padtlp speross. $nld _ ahml be rsewded m Nn Ceudy tion d 3edicn 18.01.182 b rand r ldban: addNbn b IM requtanrrda ad ledh b sash and steal InOfuda n afkdark Wtrrriey that M a AI padlkp spaaea rpukad b1' tkls Cade shall M icoalad an Sts srro 1d a aka r tAe EHU N no ~ ~ ...; Olfies Prior to Nre:avwr,oe d IrrO pe'mN Iw tM tarotruolion d an EHU. firtkrr 18.66,192 1{Ikhsnelle shall • raarn wmehiry r7d xans t)Wtld wftra EfWs rte PsrnilMd by fhY CJtaplar and all wMr nq, d tt» Taal d aha ntaab dtere talarY. C) 1 .. . dsroNMp exists 6WOn 1M pety4ny whlah h 13. They days pod to tM Iramlr d a deed lase bllan tM lallowirrpp 1Atu+r and applirga: s ` Val Mrnippm Dada. Arry pwron who wWw b ooraArud a Type 1 ~ , tar a Type II EHU at tf4 tmq a buldky parml Y hauad alan aWinp tlwdinghmM mr a Type III EHU. the pospadlvs purdlaeer ahW sWmN an sppicmian fa Me Cotmtunky e Aran stills oaoANy wrfaa., Idrda. and nfrlprat«. 81 Wham tM pev'Was a raqukarrarrs d MY CheP1r rnrdld wkh rtes prpvYbm « tr• EHU steak eubmN an appllodbn la D.alpn Ifevlwr Beard approval !0 1h. Community , . 1 soil taPYc+d W e aw drlwRty. net b-rwlq+rnrd Dapadrrwm docvmem:y the the SECirCN 4. quYanama eM lonh In any zarre dlsldd a r5' M CsI \.. OaPartmem eadsildnp the colter- h b Iwo fltan tae (f y d M. PnkirB aP.e.n rsquirod 6N thb panpfaph steak be snored A 300 y. 8. ~ -. , Irndrrer mate the c+ArY ell lath h Sadiarw 1857.020 C end 78.67.060 B 11 lay Trt4 18 d 1M YaF kfunfe~al Cade 4 Irre6l' by the addNbn d Cheptw 10.67 to read utraW dlwr rpufremanm d tlr Taww d VW Cads.1M prwl.ione d thin Gltaptsr Mel soled. p Y mrmlan; f, 7M narM end tour kIq wooers d the ITRFA stook steak ba slkwwd fa tM norremdiarl rend steal keduds en elfidevl afraninp Muf he a r ldiewe: 70.67-G4 - 7yps I . Enpleyee Heu.Yq Urm apol°tx. d onl .. padrip spews fa Bw Type II EHU sM tercets a,a.. costa. 18.67A70 - typo N - Errpbyee 7kwahg UnR. CMgr 18.67 - Enpbyaa Hauaky 5adiarn: 18.57.010 - Putpow A) Pareses Ta slaw fa onrwtructbn d an EHU art Ids h 2.714 eT81an tlprrrtl d rite owns d Ihs 7d «peapery ro i. i+oludad intlr /VPBral+an «ihe . 58.67.080 -Type NI - Ermbyee Floushp Unk. A) Prrrpre 1867,0¢0 "" Floval,p Unas SEHUy - ~ IM Pdrraryl6 .~ e7ld Two FaMy gene carmen aansant d lMN psryt or sufhorizad AI Puprs Te Wow for tM Qerrsul+ction d EHIb In muNl- (isnanlly ~ ~ Dhtdda which do nil inset tl4 rrdnkrelm lot size spneamatiwa. For Ihs purpeeaa of this Ta a74w la d4 aorlnxdion d EHt1s In rtWi- taeriy aril plead use zone daari to vrhidr era 18,57A30 • ApplieWldy raqu}rarr,erl fa aadd xa4 diarkY. prapraph, pro a autlarixrd .. ~ diva PY tanily and rdeW uaa zone didrbh. flrriq m scoots drrwiArp unite. ey 13sn«d Cd,dir7otr 10.57.040 • Typa I - Erryby.e Hawlnp Ural B] Chrwrm Candlbrr Matll moan any Individual or ufaciatipn By tarwrd GarNklarr 1 A shay w a candR7oad use Fh Hw fiaiden- 7B.y.7A50 • TyA. II - Ertphysa Houshp UnN A Type I EHU shell oanply w4h Me folowlry ' adhatesd a ~ . ~ , in wrkinq by theaapr• h f k n 1. h steal ea a tfoMaerrd ua h the Reaidsn- ~ poste, Low Psraly IIuN}els•Fam7y med'um 19.67A60 -Type 111. Enployee Howng Uric U d grwrd , , ~. ,: P i l hie a Mr 6a la . 8 any d t h trarwr m cal o e h d i d lid gshr. Lew Derwky MukplsFarNy. M.diam , ~^~• MuN'.' Y, High DerrRy Mukpb- r 15.57.oT0 • Type IV • ErtpleyM flershp t t nrry }, N shsk be a pamdNa ua in FM f orr nw~mire pngMy b M tduded Y a oen aesR1' mdYalefrrity, Fllph DaereRy Mlrkpb~ Family, Pudb Aaoonve4ddion, f:ommarclal t8.57.080 • Type V - EapYyae Flarwiry Ura )y Saaondary Resldenlle{, and Twe•fam drrwlaprrwrt, Itro pertirrard onndarrinium aa• Faintly, pu61h Asmmrelodrobn. [YDmrt4rclal ' Cara I, :'. 1 Con fl, Cerrerrardal Con III 18.57.010 - Pupwe pakrdW zoos diariph. aochtion may b• canalda+ad eh. pool or . t Goo 11, [. . Ogre III, Cora 1, C. . , C.. 1 Brno. Canty MerW Buia4a Iles Town d Vaih aoonamy L w9s7Y loudal 2. h steal be aldwM on a M BItl h Ica than aOMwizad ropresanlalw 1w tM kldiriduel uerR .. 1 Bonita Cerdar, AArYI Buisesu , ubic UW and BkYElre ' bred and She hraNh d thY soanonry h ptsrdssd 16,000 yore fed h total sIY seas oas4t k Wewsd by W elerltlra/n tagJremarda d ' • Dialrld. Parking Oimdd, Pu6tic Uaa, and Ski ~ P 0Sr4 flfetrids on szartplery serrios br Yale quests. Yalt 3, h shill !r ores (1y d 1M tlwNlky ones h • tM .. :. un raooimYttY daalefldiora. - ' Bar ~ Zone Diatrlds. 2 k my ba cotatnrled on bDm ndlaaYw- eblAy bprovide such robs h . I upon . p pursuant to 8edbn l ll n e two•f^mEIY dw std rirad eddrar d 3 Tks h8d . 2. k may b• oOnmrVded en leerd non-aanra• ~ ~ ~ aNr r wsf w on tote rd spa Y avaM6h e story. hlph quafry and .. a e Ip n D Clubdlw blPlse aril 1861A50 {Q elr p «a4s tar typo, Bw yaPasd Y mods, trip Isw and aNa r w.Y r on Ids and eMa 7Mliefe rr.y Ihs mNman loY see nq h oak lace. Ta achYw sash w wah tome, IM Porn ry [n L M my rNo ba d 4. A YH d Ms owrwr a cress d tamed +M rkldl rrwst 8w miNmum Id dze nqulrawweas h tM Woos dwMq In widdr R h Ia~amd ~ mwt work n piovlde r{umky Brhg ~ Itrwgd Y, a dbeolrad b, r a Burgs Nwlr rrtaBry d rtes ... edieoent h Yr xar4 dhlrkl b whloh Y h londW. f & k steep d oeuraa r o s33 d w dwN soil work erp oadzior. AvallsdNy d frotwh9 prorldsd Bn eraBe h nil Iruled wkrrkr rN e b tfr n~wa PraPMY wlioh to Nr s,,bjs[I d t « 9. N .Fur I be muMad r 0.6 dr+llkq uMe un! la the W roses d amw4M1Arn darwlh. The phre • oliem roY h aawey queOY a'Ir9 ana rsrk~'rq nvrdetlms toe Ihs aonmineya work aerbeok', ettd Irether worlded cry rte seYMw prk rytWnd toy 9,a Tarn d VW Mudcrswl hemkrp. ~ D Res Slutbn M wl lha TM e p b d b the WPaae• d amwWwq derwA!- TY~ nw~4a d Tyew IN EHW sAaN lw Weil 6Y the Pten- ! CamYrkn r pet d M M nuniMr d TYp~ N E1kH aM8 be . ly tM Phnnlnp soil Fs+r 1 Csrrmlrien r Sane. 7Te Town remgnee.s a perrMewr[. Ye.r Dade 1. ndu«d a der,Yr.t.d. pp e r y a awe R l d h dm C i B d g a : sob l ti ~ d!M .. ... I wparmin a wee praarwe rested popuWlon pYYa N Wgdlad mY In eus~ 'Wads onrtrletNby, FunDwr. Ihs terdtp • heaAkY 4, h alrk rW awed lily Perosrd faa+U d tees tPlm IBfiFA dbwad an tM bt. M snPlnarn. as 8n alr ear ePOadartea v MSyar av 18.64-Dnlgn Rwirw of the Town of Vail rsr 8,a , . ~. 1 ewe t>en^ ssr Prrsss forth In Chapter 16.e0.480 • Crilria -Findings. an fetch in Chaplar e8.80.0t10 Crl7ariw - FiMy , Town raapgedzaa as rote in aspndbn tyke IM horenwr, chap M . - b aPpM yo e.~. Can- I4unbNm Cads- 4. a steep hate a C1RFA d nil tees than mar pa 4 k a1w8 A.vs w QRFA d ru Yes tMn two pdvma sWOr h anwdnp ha»inp Y avalable. m,mH DalMoprrwnt DaWnmed d IM Town d 7B.67D50 • Type fl. Enpbyss Hauairp Ur:t lwndnd tkty N50) pars feet end ml mots rtes, _ ~ ~ a0uw loin and nil man than tB.57,020 • r. i ., Harley Unite IEHUI Dareerdly VW 1 t addllknaF ORfA nil fe e>rwsd two hurtdad IYH 12541 a4tws fey b a uad Y ees AY PuPase To elbN fa 7M .. ~ don EHU en Iola nkle hatdrsd (gD01~f4rwrs hd. 6. N shalt here kkchen laollklr and a Bra hwWrod {:If101 pwve fad eM shlJl wmkde do il > Al A dwd ariaUwd to tAY dmpar and moor- aanaltudipn d She EHII. TM ~ ahaY sub b Bee B:plrFamky, Two-Friy, and Prrraryf 6mAroorrr M darted in CNplr f BDI • As1Y}~ a •, , • so a k fchrmtN r tted in Chen tar 18.84 - Dslnldorw d Iles Val Muniopel Cella. parm.d Itrain br nfanrlea HWaka IM ts• m! M kx IM .ddYhnaf tllfFA on a 8 .. zsrw dMrier aldde toed Yes rrwi- dam d 1M flunkpm Cad. d the Tawn a Vat. 5 E.ote avNdip WMh Qantaln a type N qudetrwlN Id sash lips d EHU. Isrm goNdb ~' IM GdnnmRy C ... warn p see !a said zaw dirrid+, ~ - 8. h steak haw na moo Than !Area (77 EHU 1haN otrdain a sbn0e baks+ nil less Than B} Ne .rFlo/se hawing unk rM'oh w oon~ sauaad n awatlmw wish MN Ghepla• ahY! M E APprWW a danlN d hr squad ahW M marls bYtM Daepn Ravbaw Board hoc B7 Cfanaral +. : . I. 8 Mal he a .. I ua b Bw 9f7pls badtoenr. 7. No reeds tlan Ma {2) parwrw for aaoh 5' wiMh a 8• hepM x 5' YryM {one Aundnd fifty eEic Ise41 n size ter aaNt Type N EHU oon• wbdividad or divha0 In10 any form a! Ifma eerdrraa Wlh Bedion te.54.010. k e+~ sppForh FamBy FhaHedhl, TrpFSxlily fiasidarWsl s+d bedroom loaned Yarn shW rrideY aTypa 31 ~~ ~~ red ~ less Olen w4 (Il wrMr slwa, Ndervat oa*rereh{rs, a Iradir5al kee. abfakte Drips RevYw Board eppord for adtlF Prim .: ., ., RakhdW ierw dimricSS. EHU. and dryer is omaan dr 6Y soh eigm (el C) AF Types d EHUs nay l» Yr.d, hd onto Berlal ilRFA for tM EHU, M a she ahd not be 2. R steak M prtr8hd only m kMS r4tiah corn 8. M ahml M requrad b haw ono (lY padllp Ef1W Nomad tAre7n. In rio avsM short Yoe than m bneata who an iul4ims ur46}wr 6W1a wade solid ro Iwoafra addllaem CBPFA wsur+l m f+1! rah tratitlam W sees ~. ~,~ ~ ~ d She afar for eaoA bedraorrr lbwmsr, k a ono 11] pry (11 wwahr aril dryr.r ba Iravided h a buAd• in EpY County. An EHU shall nil M head is a Ghaixr 18.71 AddNSwW fYvu Raaperdyel xar4 dhbid h whkYt rtes M h Ieamsd. 6W man Tyne Ill 8NU raeeda ae hoodoo (BOd) ~ ~ Isar thorn ~ (ql EHUs. priori leas then thirty 130+ oanesadMa ton. In Floor Ana d MY Cade br skher uN1 an Yes M. 3. k steep be kaatad wBAIM1 w a5adwd m, a ' aqums fed R shell Awe lrro {2} Qaddp spaoa. & fh mesa than one 111 tesnon ehd raaide in tM Cra d Type I EHVa end Type III EHUa. the 6. A 7Yfw f EHU my b tadad b mrpYuaa ld 5 0 b b N rg lint with:s, I, dwNinp w 4 w dwel punuwd m a rdnbfrad b ^ ero•1amM tMwli My pool paddry requysrrlrrw sAaO W delar• and EnvlronrrmnFal Gorth tls PYnnn d 6 k a Type N EWU. ewnar d IM EHU moat ua- N r a prnevSMl may . co , er YH7h BaoS n 18. 7.02 , y 61 0fS0 I i l b 18 D f ' ' ' D l $ g y in e r diti l ril d I 7. 6 shW 6s raqur.d w Awe one S1Y MnrY,g raaidarere m ell forth Y thh dulplr end «wl b• tnmlrnd, w .. arrparmdy from any . ( J • ., n . sa pet i . m aa uP i d ~ P rB ua Pe Ae aorl en. r rrYaion r w Pad apace. CfUrt parklnq requirarwnh shall M aluBrrew enyloyae woo wade k, Eph Goumy. wpFamily dws0fry k terry 6sa p4plrFarr~y, u T aaon N may and r ary nrY nrhw ptooer ell lonh n 18.80.480. ' ~sry~ by tM PYnninp rW Enriruemamal Far Ne IhnPaar d dIh 8sdlon. ^ iWythw ~ prl d « k kam kI a Prapa. from arAr d the aYo he bnutl h, a airad»d b, ri aitkq aidlal CRFA Y 8. N steal oat 6e eMded m add ~b~ Y a~~ ~ tM oardiiond \ . ,Yana Mw wake an abwpa d a mM~ aNwf dwM'rr,ppsa en Ihs to a sNS w tap r N turps pro+idsd Tres fiara8s h red toaagd aeMh aaaonenr with Chapter 18.71 Addkiond ur ~~ r~Yw Ards ~ forth N Ch.plr Norm d th'ely (JOl faun will week. nlasn IM fdbrAry aordltom: nY a84rlt, and lrxlllr Presided Mal M rYenp flrosa Raiderd W Flog Arr.. 18r70Ae0 Crihrle • Fidirys, 01 N11h the axoaplian d Tye I EHIh m lea a N mwl M uead r a . PadSyy raquynd 6y d4 Town d VaA mtr:dwd 10. t3RFA a1W1 ba , r ad faAh 6 See neXt pt cJe Yes fhr 16,000 Yuan lad aril Tye. I!I EHUa, Fa IM paPra d Shh paragraph, ^ presvwrd Cade Y ndaoad a elRrtklmad, 8adim 16.d1.13o fB1 d 1Ais coda. { [i°C8(~ I~k lUli f1C7 t I IOC~a[ Wilfj1O111 LT IDC'E'S1. SECTION 1857,020(A~ - E1,IPL0YEE HOUSING UHiT3 {EHU} GENEAAI.LY klax. NID. Catfe EHU ble Whkh Rcqu~ Cedcub- GRFA f . ~ Ip hg~W rooms Sscliatl Type Allow EHU'8 tnenta tl6tu N85MIL116M 254 PoIBOdd A • :. AIIBYIed 18.57,040 Type 3 IB.fi7,p60 Type II !8,57.060 Type III [`Lf ASf 1, ~<-r<r .,,.rlr~l 13.57.479 typo yY wif~r moh~Ins. ~e~uu1. wil6ouf I~c Saresl b, ~i~e is un,mogin:>61c. E'~Ir Yov Ca.. Pmrnl fu•<,I Fir„ ~~ 78.67.089 Type V '~, PIS Twa Ftlmly AprlQUfturaV Open S{78Ce Sl+ple Family P!S 7w6 Family r70A.DMP! MbMFMDMFI PAlCCVCCIV CSCIABDlP! PU756A RC/LDMPf MpMFMDMF! PAlCCVCCIU CSClA8D1P! f'U73RR Hillgide ResldenbAl LBYB 418rt 1.9 40°6 of Yee Yes, troth DRB 15,000 sNtlwelhle unkc pet C3RFA ra8111cted IrfnknYm 0.0 3041100 eq. R Yes No , PEG d 15,000 WA OS ~ 450.800 tq. k. No Yes pEC WA 0.333 20D300 sq. h. ND ND pEC 21,780 1 A 41 X00 Bq. tt. Yes Np ORB • Pteasa sae leki for apedtlc requirements. Wq 2 3 816x. N0. of Reel• WtMen Palidng dents Fedll• sequlre• Allowed Uea memo N!A Full 5(19; endpsed'; 1-2 spaces 2 souks Full 1 I1p8te! 2 children bedrpaa' 6 I Fttll I t apecet bedroom Crodlts 425 &q. K Coe garepe sp. Of 300 sq. R ', MulSrtamNy ~ CratiNs WA 1 I NIB en- ~ 1 space I MtltV~ miry ~ ; ~ WA ~ WA F101 t•2 ~ 425 sq. R ' ~~. _ ,-.:J .,. ~. .: .,:.~,r.,, ,. _., .. .,.. cep ' S a' « , 4r~~f.~ l V ,73ae -f.Tr7 7}alt • SeP6embry ~, 1982 FTnrn preuf0u4 page & A +IrYI rwt W •rall•d b adNbrrtl ORFA ~rat~ROaCts~ te.n - AdA9aw Gror Rr:dsn• 9. ORFA atoll bs " r M 1aM M 8solhn 18.0/.130 tBi d tlde oeds. ta67AB0 • Typo Y • ErrYtbya HwsYrp UM. To Yorr fa owwlnrdim d •n ENU an Iw• h tM FRMIId• f' °- I Torre giYhitl, 31 Limerr CoaNiar A Typo V ElW cYwVl merpty wtn !M tdlowltrp pwrar parabns: !. A ahsH ba ^ perrtAled ur F !M liil4Ye Rsab•mhl 7pr• thtdol, 1. k ahrl tl. ariP (1i a IM dw.Nnp unlY in • [wo-f#mfly dwalllnp punuani to Bcolbn fae4,6eo 19 DWnn ciuaf.lyar Dupl.v rd bard '~ -« iahdrsS to, an .ve4y~r,p dprro a provYPd tM parap. h red kfoard wMdn arty anhrdr, oaf hxttra proridsd ttud no rrtrp PwkhF rWuind 4y !M Twm d VaN ilwddpal Cade w r.aro.e nr dydnr.d. h rwk red a ^ a.pwrra gruaurs. 3, M •hap hove ^ FA d real man N+an ono eharwand Irw hurrdrW (t~W) s4Yan isr. M ~appldYd, Ire++•rw, aMl its . ~~ a~yi drY Town d Mal to addkiorraY SiHFA trot b toed two hundred Tlry ia1b1 W ewr• 1•al b W Weed N Mb mndNdkn d the EHU. 7}w Ippkoam shall gYxedt an Ipr tM addilrnYl OAFA an ^ lam prertdYd di 1M Canrrz•i!y C .. E 6 AYprorr a daNr d the n9rrr afirt b rtrda by IM Dsalpn Retrieve Stud r err dadarp wih Stlhn 1B.d4.0/0. k an.aplric•rn a41•Mw n Rcrhw Bawd appercl fa add4 Boreal GRFA tM EHU, M a YM aful trot br +rai4d b neeMva wddhbnr gRFA Prxauard b ChslASr 18.71 - Add44n•I Groat R•aYaatui Fleur Arr tl tub Cab Id YMrM uNl On Bw bl. 4. No tar than 11y Psrosr (607ri d tM p.rl. hq rsQvksd is Mr Typc V EHU b'r ton Vd Yunk~al Cad. •Ir•F ba a+elee.d. 5, h ahaY r .dyad b . QRFA ark d 429 a¢. tt. r asf mnh h Badbn 18.060.086 d kdY oetlP. SECTION b. 9cdian 18.06.020 • HiNld• -, ! Dr- Plot (HR} P•rtrillPd UYw, d IM Mw,hipsl Cods d lha Tarn o} YaN N harPpy r•psalcd and nsn•dr: Panlilad Uar: TM bkwMrp trees aha6 ba , ~ b M+ HR drtdd: .rr~y B. 0 i i}ryfa Y ErrplpyeP Fbu~lnp ~LMk par ki r sd IorMr In Seotiorr 70.f}7AB6. SECTION B. SWfprr 14.10.090 - 8 FarNly Drhid (BFY [ . , ', ~ I Ihas, d IM fAwrtobd Dada d tM Towrr d Vdl r fwr•bY by Mrr addNOn d ParprapA H b read M le8owa: lL Type II f:~ Horbp Unto w Yd lodh h 8swrn lae7,pe6 d tldc Cale. BECTyJN ?, 8sdkn 18.12.010 -Two famly ~ t DiKrkt IR} Prainsd Urs, d IM Murddpel Cods d the Tam d Mae 4 hereby amardPO M 8+s addition d PpprWlr C b mod r 6dloarY: kr 8Cie7rle~n 10. MdrCod.UnL r ar kM SECFgH 8. 9•dfan 18.t261a -Two Fan,Yr I 1%rekx PIl Carrrberrr ll., d Nrr Yrwr4lpw Cade d ih• T•wn d Vse } hsrahY M H. T1'P• tf EnlMUyr Heahp Unto r rl IorM •n 8eatlan 18.IS7,060. BECTIDN 9 Badlan t4 f2080(AY -Two FarrNy R•YY•rYIrY Dheia tRl OwwAy CaeroL 4 hereto' reputed Ynd , m nee r IoBowa: A Nor more tlrur a btr d fao I?! darWrp rave anah to panriaed a, •edr aY wtlr Yrr erPlfirq .fir prmifMd an IoM Its aMn l~i . lever tMa.rd aarew• la•t. 71re felorMnp GRFA afraN be Pcm+ibd m aYeh PM: 1. 7w•dy fM (1e1 aquu• feat d ORFA kr saoh ores hvrdrW (166) a4rrwa led d1M firw lll• ter Moucur {76,000} YgVan lea d sM rYP; p 2 Tsn (1 Vj aquw 1•s1 d GRFA for •wdr pre frrndrad 5300}•a++w Iwl d lit anY ore lYlaan Mrotnarrd f 19,600) aqurs hr, red b rprd IAy y tharre•M {96,OOOi sp+ww led d aea rr; Mda a Fr• Ie1 •gaan tad d CiRFA for alwh arw hvrrdrPd 1100) aquw tar d Mks #na In roar d IFwrly rl,er,aand (90,006! purrY hd. h eddlkm 101fq rrpre, tour bonded IrrenN Hrs (425) aQur. MI d Grua RwWaxW Fbar Ana (ORFA) chsl W psnrik•d for each aYorr able drrdYrp Writ. No TwaFamly Rwid.rxir Yd a•aYpl tl+ar b- adsd .rair•y h t!r tad hw7rud araYurcFw zone, r tlrs flood pt~n, a Mrose d hr Than fWam dbrrard (16,000) Mr1re iYr sfrW tr: r rwhb• ted tort n Dare not w ... ~ . 4r ^ Twa•Frrlh dwNyg. NolwlrhaWrdip tM rep. • TYPc I EHU ^MY bs dawvd on iw r~+ wa hr thr filleen Mrouaard (16,000} frquan red h aap• dantla wim CAw•r 18.67.010 a tM Munkipd Wtls d H,s Tam d YaA. SECTION t0. 88dian tB.12.090(BI Two-FUrwy FirYsnlil Dlehiw fRl DP^ahY Canlyd. d IM Munh¢d Cr!dc d 8w Town d Vr4 h botchy r•psshd and , 10 reed M Ia110We: S. Nptw4hltralkq Mra prov4bn a Parynph A d thh, Scotian t8.f2AW, s Type I ENU MaY Ee . m yob d has than IWc•n thawand 1f5,000i aavPre !sa h PeoadwroY rlrh tlb prwrrbra d 9adien 18.67A40 d Yra Ymidp{ Cade d IM Trim d Mal. SECTigFF 11. 8ewlan 18.13026 P+ImaryBacandsry hcYYd•diYl Dbtrid (PBi Pamikcd Usr, d tM Yuni~ll COda d I1w 7awrt d Val, h Mrsb( urw4•d by tM addiim d Pwwpwph c ro rwd r ldlewa: G. Type t Errybyc Hardnp Un4 r ddined ti BEdion 18.57,610. SC-CTtON 12. Brliar 18.17,036 PrimarylBeeontlary Rsaidsnr4l Dhldd (PB) CerrBonr l/Yac d rhY Yurrk~el CoN d tM Town d V•l r tweby by tlr addhlan d Parpr•ph G m read r Ydrera: 0. Typo 11 Enplo~• Hawlnp UnY r er iarih b 9wiwr 1457.060. BGCTgN 19. SWbn 10.73.bBY%A) PdmryBsaaMPry RYaYsri4 D4VYot (PBi DmPhy Control, d IM YurYorpld Gale d 11re Town d Yei 4 Itar•hy wpcree aM .' b rrd r IoNowY: A. Nd rrbra MrPn a mlr d true drrwlknp unN• rrM b " on each sib moth tub one dYrPllq vnk psrrrdncd an bN Wa lean fetrn Mraward rwrc 1•d. 71r• Idb•Yrrp ClRFA •MB he . , m aYah •i•: saelr err~ndrp f I66} Y an~uw MI d !M BrN fk• seen Y,arrand (fe,0pq aauerc hd d c9Y ant; i>M CJ 2, Ten (ID! aaaah ltd d QAFA br eatA pM hrndnd (100y /love 1a,N d sM rwpw febsn (16,0001 ~qurelar, trot brrW r:- y 9~ M (7D,'BVBY Wur+hdddrd.a:dw 19Y a4x•n far d ORFA br aaar en• fknrdhPd (1OOY aquw 1Ya1 d w aYea N .rasa d mNY Mrorward 170A941 arnr•oa IesL Y addihn b tlr abort. tar Yuadred 1r+•nM fMS (4281 agerw hd a GRFA ,hd d psrnrnW lw Padr .. daeKrrp unk tin arty Ike arr- 7.hkq rrr011Y dwsMnp urdh. am (t} dtM tenth shaft not Word 4071 d 1n- toW aYewrabh ORFA No' ' } .. "ry F M r• aq IhOa• Yarlid witlrdy in tlr red hazed aww, a the rand phlA a Yaw d la4 IfrYr+ Mraan Ilyduawrtl {76,OpYY aprwYS teat Yhdl ha •e rarr4lad thr Y Dare ne! 4 osaprd by a Primary d .. dwsllnp. hlolrrBrahrrd- kV Ilr . , ^ Type I EHU try •k parrrwNd an 6rs d fro N•n Meer, Mrorwwrd 1141rooY s4vnr• Int In aaeordanaa wkh ChaPm 14.erA44 d the Ywrio4r Cad. d Bra Town d Vrl, BECTON 14, 8sabn 18~17.68MBf - Pdnwry18seaMary F 1 Or1rW 1P81 D+rw11y Cerrhirl, d tM MurJeywd Cody d Yrc Town d Y.1 4 twrdy ntyrsalW and ncrlr>fad b rPlsl r fdkwn: B. Ne1wIlhHandinp IM prorlalons of PwpYph A d Mr4 Bsttlyrr 14,13A10, A Typ. I EHU may J» . . an Ir- d hw tlrrt 14b•rr tlrorraard 116,000Y aWrs 4w h wlh BYdrn 18,67.610 d rM Yudapt Cede d tlrs Town d YaY. BECTXN ib. Sealer fat4A36 f I Crwlr (RC) OdhniaT~Cerrdaiorrd Ura~Mw Yur X11 COd. dtlm d f ~ 1 and J b Nwd Y rlerw: 1. Type IIf ~HtJ w dclkrd M 1a97J680 dthis Gads. J. Type N EHU r deleted h taB7A76 dMb Cods. tlECTXIN 16. Stefan 19,18,096 Law-Derrly YukLFwriy tLDMF) Dislrla-CondNlonar UN•, d the Mur4Y¢r Cods d IM Town d VrE Y Mrtly . ty IM rYNaal d ParapraPhl !and J M reed r,dlaw.; I. Typ. III EHU a dallned In Saatbn 1467Ad0 d IIiY Gads. J. Type iV EHU a drlnsd In 8adlon t0.57A70 d MYS Coda BECTIq{ 1 r. Ssdlan 1&18.D9p YsdywnD.rwly lluldPir• Fwriy (MDYFI Oheiiof CardYlwrd U•sa, d M,s Yvnbbsl Coda d Yra TYan d YaN, Y hdalN bytM addllend PanprYplrllrrJb nee r ~olowY: L Typc 11! EHU a tl•11md In 8adbn 1a67A60, J. Type IV ENU u ddin.d In 8aolbn 1&67A70, 9ECTX7N tB. Ssdlon t8-26.tp0 Igph Dwrwky YW4ir FrNy piDMF} Dlrrkl Candkkrrd lMlw d tM Yvnbbal Cods d IM Tarn d Va6, r Iwra6y wrrwrdYd M tM addYar fi r Y Pod H b rand r Aifor,.: M. Type III EHU as eNin•d In B•abn 1B.67.ae6, N, Typ• IV EHU r ddin•d 1n B•albn 18.67A70. 9ECTYOM 19. 8aarwr 1° »nv, PIWo iPAI OiM.W [horror list. d d,s YuWAwI i`.otls d fire Tarxr d V•y. 4 hrMy : py Mc Wdybn d~ P tar O b r~ r fploae: P. 7YP• III EHU as ddlnW In ewtlen 1467AB0, O. Type IY ENU a ddln•d In Ssalbn 10.67A70. SECTION 20, 8eainn t8,24,o40(6Y, C.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~., Con i ICCA phuW Pamr1W veto ~ J llaaa Bsaad Fro, a the Yuridpal Cads d Mb Tewn d Vrl, 4 hereby anrwdwJ by Br edBYion d BubParpr~he 10 and 1 } b IMd a fokww: 10, YType 111 EHU u ddin.d in Bsdipn t9e7Arr6. 1!. Type IY EHU r dsfbcd fn Scdbn 1B.efAT1J. BECTIDN 21. 8adl6n NR4,OBOIB}, G. 'Carr i ICCq DWrid PanrMW mod CarrdtrrW Usw - Aba+Baaad FYa, d rive PpdY dtM Town d VaB,_ 4 hardy Nrs adrMlen d & .. ~ f 0 /rd 11 b read r ddlewa: 10. Typi III EHU r ddlned In Bsdbn 16.67Ad0. !1, TyW IY EHU r ddY+cd b Brlbn 19.S7A711. BECTIDN 22, 88olirn 16Z7A90 (61. +• Y Con III (ccnp olYbw carrdkbnr LwN, d tM Mwridpr Cads d drP Town d VaA r berry npaYlad and rPmaaNd b mad r (dbwa: B, ryes HI EHU a. ddincd In BEabn 18.eTAfiD and Typc N EHU r ddhwd r 8aa6yrr 10.67A76. SECTION 29. B•dlm 1B2B.t140, C. ., J Bcrore Over icr (CSC) grhid ta,albnr Uses. d tM Mwr4prd Cede d Mrs jowl d Val 4 herb/ . by pre addWar d P , .. Y wrd N b road r krbn; M. Type III EHU es dcllncd In 8aolbn 16.67AB0. N. Type IV EHU as dsiln•d an 8aeibn iB.57A70. 8EC71ON 2i. Bedlm 19,29.090(A) ARYrir Swinw I)4trkl GorrdYlona! Ueae, q firs MwYabal Cads d tM Tam a Vall M Mrdy anrabd by Nrs addarn d Type Ill ENU, r drfar•d ro Bcdbn 1B.S7.p86 and Typc N EHU, r defined In Bcalon Ie.57A76 b fire wr a a8ow~ls .. .:. d ~BEGTIDN 25. TM idewhp Paapaph r hwsby repcahd fnxn 9adbn 78.29.090(A) d 8rc YunrlpY Cads d Mr• Toew d Val; MdIMFamly deaKrrpa ter rile d tM UPPa t:aph YaNy r furYra rsdridsd b! BYdlan 18,17.176 d Ilda zoos dteMq. BFATION'40. 8cdlen 18.94.010, Prkhq D4hk! CarrdWrr r Iln. d Iha MudoMt Cads d lM Town d Val r t.raby . by M» addirlon d PanOapl+ E and F m read r fdbws: F. Typc III EHU as dafFn•d In SEolbn 18.67A80. D. Type IV EHU aY drinad in Bcdbn 18.57A70. SECTION 27. SadM 18.96.D10, Pubic Lrs (PUpI Diebkt CandYpnal lMCe - Oawraey, d ere Tam d Val M~un~ al Cads, r 7 ~ Urrayio~bwa: ~ 7, TyPi~lll EHU a dafinW in Bsdbn 18.67.686. U. Typ. 1V ENU a drNnsd In 8colion IB67A76. eE•crioN ~. praprph 143e.6301PY, Prdk Ur (PUD) Ollnkx CarrdBenr Ilea, d firs Tam d VaY yWnbtW Cod., k IwnbY npaw4d. 5: ~..TRaN 2B 'b3»n t8.78A6gA}, 91;r BwlaRcwWbn tlrra Coridl4YW Uaw, d MrY Tdw d Vai Munropl Cede. 4 botchy amwd.d by 7h• sdd~ lion d Srd~parapraph 13 Ind f4 b rYad r Idorwc 13. Typ. 111 ENU r 4finsd In Section 1aB7A80. li. Type IV ENU r ddlnW in Ssdron fa57A7D. BECTIDN 90. Badion 18.72,030, Agdaukural and tlpen SPPeP fA1 [NH4d CaruNhrW 1hca, d five Town d Mai Munlaipd Cads. h hYeahy M Nrs wddNeet d Parq~ph u b and w 1oNeae: J. Typo If EHU Pe defined in 8•dbn faerA66. SECTION 91. 4 any pad. sadlwl su4aaai0n, scnMrr, darwc a Phracc d Mats ~ h for anY ra•on hYY b b Yrydd, rah derision shell refit a1lPa Nra raYdlry d rive , porfona a Ih4 , and firs Tar Carrek IrwabY dadrr n wwrY lave Pared thr , , ,and sorb Pro Yewrrl, arasacdhn, aaiwrr, drwc a plxre8rrad. tprdleas d MrsfW M,r any are d meta hrb, aadiorw. suhasotbr. .. , r/rrss a phrww be daeWed irrreYrl. ~4.. ..192. 11r Town Coundf booby Krds. . and dlalrr tMl YdY .. h ~ and prw~n a .kv r~ur ~ tl,.~wd.~ a tlb TM ry1w1 a tlr rapsel and rsarraNnwrY d eny prorWan d 4rP Mr•do~W Coda d the Tarr d Yaf r faorklsd h 6r4 . ahai red d- lael anr MpM wNWh has aaarYCd, arty drill MrPased arrl'riolllbn IhY Oowrad prlw b lM efl8diw date heron}, any proasamlon ,, rrr any a8wr adhn a, .. r,, lundoaby ri9rdB+s pbr4Yon r/psldsd a repealed and i. TPY rsPer d any .. hasty alrak red nr4w any a rD' orrirarrea prerhrry +aP++rd a nFPrasdsd Write sapwc afabd fwr•in. SECTk1N 91, AT b(Wr, ardarl. erehabr and .. a PMIa Ur•racl, YraarciataM haewilh w rlpasisd b tM •cbd o+:IY d arroh ~ . . 1'hh raprW slraB nll b eerwhrued b narir Pry 11ylYr, order. nsNYbn, R odhrtr a pr! Hared, fharaolerP, rapeaW. NRRODUCfi0, [SAD. APPROVED AND OR- DERED PUSEIBHED ONCE N FULL ON FIRST REAQHKi Err IBkr try d t9p2 err a Mw 1d1r d~q' d BaPrrr4Pr. 7 in iha Cdunaii Chambsn d !h• Vdl Munldpr DuidYrp, Yai, Gorrado. TONM OF YA4 Mrprd A Oal~ w ATTEST: YaAha S. Rasrkcr Town Clrk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND REiIq• iNG AND ORDEAED PUBLYSNED ONCE IN FALL pro tat dayd~:~ .1662. tDnN OF VAk Marprd A Oabrbr ATTY~8T Mardr 4 R••d,•r Townfirh PueYrrd h 71M Y•a Yrr r ; • 4, 1986 Pubiic Notice DADBIAIICE MD, !9 Settee M 1896 AH ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AHD DIRECTYNG ACOUISFTIDN DF CERTAIN PAOPE RTY MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN E%HIBi7 A. ATTACHED HERETO ANb MADE A PMT OF THIS OR• U4MNCE BY REFERENCE, FOA BN(E PATH PUFIPDBES 8Y hIEGOTNTION IF POB$IBtE. AND, f NEGQTIA710N IB fY07 SUCCESSFUL W OBTAN4lG THE : n..:~.. - BY EY4iEfiT 4OYAkV rrw..~c+eDBXiB. NBtEREAB, rive ProPC+IY ~ " h Erdribil A (1M ProPrprl h br tlr• awbuo• Man d aprtNO bits prlr b be Weed la - prnperl by IM dBzara d Pad rhibre b tore Tawt d val. NOW. T}EREFORE, W i ard•:»d by iM town carnal d Bra Taw, d VrE Celondo: SECTION 1. Tres Town Garmdl malt 9w IoF r*inp flndlnpe: AY TM Tam Cpurol whhr m hold • 4im pellh b PnrYP ., opparlunidr l« dtlarw Pnd rr8an b er Tam d Val. BJ TM prtpMy 4 ryowaYy for Mrs ootwhuo• Mw, d tlrc blr• Prin. CJ TM aoquhk:7rr d the p+WrtY wit care tlrs Eeet Y4arscb d Mrc prdi0. BECTIDN 2. TM Town alai! ie Mrchy adhwhrPd Pnd daaalsd b ahWrr m apprrW d Hw properly red b +e9rt• firs propsdy fhralph . N tlw prWaty don M M aagiAnd MNagh . ,. .,, Br Tartu Mtorrwy a hr dwiprr r urBrarlecd and diKA7d b yyllre aM puryrw ankrcrY denrln .. , b co- ~BECTIDFI 3. k rrY prl, awbr~ wbar8on, ahrrr a Plrrw• d 11+4 h br uy reran M1d m hs Inrald, such daarbn ahrl red rlrt the rahdhy d Mw patiaw d ihr W Mrs Town Camdl~hwebp dcarrr h mart haw Parse thh , .. Prd •edl pYd. ration. WbaaLMan, aararrp, drw0 a phrPrthasd, ~IdMrsfadthr cry one a mw parts, ssidaw. ~ . slewc• d plraar b• daclrad arva2d. BECTIdV 4. Tly Town ColproN IraabY Ilydc. , tad rrdrae MrIY lh4 .. r nYarrry and pnipa ier 1M Iraalh, aPidy and weew aPors Tam d YaY and Ora YdrYhBanh Mrwsd. roc,.,...,, 5. 77a ,aped p Mw r1pa1 and d ry ~poNeien d fire Yurrk~pal Code d tM Town Y provYsd ar thr .. Arai real r- fabl any r1pM whp3r hr aaerwd, any du6~ ftrpoaad. try r4iafrn tlrt oaorarcd Pda b tore NfcolFra dale hero}, try prouautlan ., nr cry dlwr adk•r a ... r .. ~ - under a by rahre d 8M prdrhion n1pPPW a nPr4d usd I. The npsd d ny praWYn aha4 net rwrw any PreulYkYr or anY enRrwroa prariawfy r•pcard a r, , I alto czpraaaN rated hae•fn, BECTIDN B. All bylaws, a+dars, rnelulians and erdlnrra•a, a psrfa Nru•d. Iroeroircnt hwwrilh an np^dad b 6r• srbm P+Yi' d srrA f .. TNa nPaYdar Yhak rrd b• oorr- aWad b mre snY b}Arrr, wrier, resohdien, r . ~ a PPd tlrwed, M+arretdc IMi}ODUCED, READ. MPAD1fED~OR- IYEREp Pt1B1.18FiED ONCE iN FULL ON FkRST READMIt Ihr tat dq d BYPlsrrlrr, 1982 rrd • pible Ywanq shay b Irsld on tlr4 Ordlrrnro• on Ms 16th day d 8apbrnbw, 1692 r 796 Rm Mr Ihs Cpumil Chamber d IM Va4 ManiciAal BuidYp. YaA, Cdbrado. TOWN OF VAIL Yary.+•1 A OYterloae Maya AriESi: M•ttlra & Raark+r Town Crdr E1p8B1T A ilalrisa tl ErddW A w awirbls 1a pbia kr apadbn h Mr• dfioe a tM Town Crrk dump nomrl brrafnW hewn, . h TM VaN Tray on E~ 4, 1994 Public Notice ORDMiANCE ND. 9! tallr a 1882 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIREDTING ACQUISITION OF ORAINA(fE EABEMENiB OVER, ACFiOBS AND UNDER CERTAYV PROPERTY MORE PMTKXII.ARLY DEBCRIBEq IN EXHIBt7 A, ATTACHED YEfiETO ANO 4lIApPOM7ED HEREIN, FOR PUBLIC DRAINApE PURPOSES SYNEGOT111T1DN, AND YF NEODT1A71ON +5 NDT BIIfxEBSFUI, BY EMINENT DOMAIN , aJMKiS. fAS. 11w Tam Y h Ire•d d an ceur mad r . ~ . b Erhbk A f'Br for Irrpr•r and rs and to twnNrud, ' rNrir, opwra, and r+arin• bkr radrprWnd ram swwr pp•e, oandWN. frWNS, rW puipnwd I r8h s•Y ~aaer mod txtda 6r• prgrab dwari6cd 'n NOW. THEREFtlRE, b• A ordahd by eM Town Card a Mrs Tam d YaA, Cdorsdo: BECTON 1. TM Town Cor+noN rrakr tlrs bf- 7he aoCuralon d lM h rreorary drabape P:+ rd wit a•rv- tlr• BECTIDN 2. ThP Town alaN I• Mnby YWrwf1•d and daae4W b ahbin M appaWl d 1M P!oPr1Y lard m rroatdn Mrs hV Y pob6ls. k Mr properly wn real ha aagrrbd by rrspeB•ticn. Brs Town Auarnsy a hla r rwfwdesa and dyed.d m idllrs rd punrw enird domain prorOdirrpa b ac ~z BEGtgN A B rV ParL aWioM1 rdatwr, a4ewa a pM/wc d MYr adlnanoa 4 for cry raven MY b b• Yw•ed, such ert4bn aMlt raY alfsd Mrs teYday d firs nnwhinp parYor d Mr odarra; Pnd tM Town Cawro6lrrahlr dsdarsa a rout frarr prscd M41 ardirrr, aM each pad, rdrn, wharlbrl dWS a plraasthw•d„ , edlMfadMriryara a mac Perk. acatlar, w , alrwr a ahrrw hs dnYrYSd Mww16. aEGTION 4- TM Town dental rr•r•by ll,da. . . arU tladrr BW Mde. rrr•arsry end pnepr for 1M 6••NU •rl!IY antl rr•kne af11rY Tawr d YaT and tlr ~ ~ ersrd, The taped a tore rWar and d any .. d tM MraeabN Cads d Bre Town d Ya4 r prafdld M Srla . .. tdraN nr r• fcr arty rlpht wnldr hr aowvae, any dvy hPOSCd. try vblaBen Mlr ... . prig b tM af3ediw daU hereof, any proseautien . rra any dMr adhn a pnfpsPdilrpt r ~ rM•r a by Mrlw d Mrs prarbicn raeaaiad a nprbd and i. Tlr np•Yi d Pry prorrbn rraY red nwrM any prer4hn a sty .,• ~.. ' P+•'•rvayl aapsard ao .~ ~ ~ ~.~ w~ra rYad MrN+. SECTION &~ AYI bylaws, ordsra, rnelutlona and gdlnrreeP, a parts MNr•d, Inconainad hYrne4lh ors repaard b Yrr extent ony d aruah awarwlYlNw1'• Thr HP•rr NraY ml W parF• ehrrad b errs wy byfrw, ardr, resalAiwr, a ordkwrree. ar Pr1 tYwra4, y ~ rcirYWd. 4TTADOl1CED, READ, APPROVED AND OR- t1ERED PUSL1&IED ONCE BJ FULL ON FIRST iiEAD4i6 Br41r day d S.p•nba. 1982 and c prbe0 hcadnp YlraN M fr•id an tlda Ordnarw on Mr• iBdr day d SeplMrba, 1092 r 7'40 P~m. h tM Ceumil Ch:rtbaa d iM YPII Yvnldpel BuiYhp, Val, CerrPde- TI7AR3 OF VAR Marprd A Ocferlor Mayor ATTESr: MaAM B. Rlwdcex Town (Mork E%IBSFY A CaPlea d E4dbk A w arwll•hb tar public in• in 11r• dTw• d fir Town Crrk Aviv rrOmwl IAwarYa4 !loon. PUhWlyd 4 71w YNI Trd an S 4, 1462 Pubiic Notice TM repir rrawtuq d the I.ooN i-w.rwYq Autlnrh}r Ave tM lam d Vail wli b. MY h tM Cclw+all Chrr6ra d tore Mai MuNalpal Buidlnp, 76 Boutlr FrarYlps Aoad Wrl, YeiL Cdorade, m Wadnaadry. BaPlanber 9. 1682 r f0.{rp am. Tire rgrda, b M W Mrs mornyrp d the hrrhp, ~1. Carwidentpd Mrs ldlawinp fa D-R.R, kx:, rite RuwckL: R ,,. , . ~ abadurs dw+ga. 0. Asrrawr- 2. CarNadion d iM IoUowinp fa Vail MWOPOifan RPdallron biYtria, ripe, John A UaMann~le~e Arena: R ITap4tend nRrrYOar b, RanaawY, 9. PUBLq FIEARBiD - Corofdenlbn d a SP•dal Ereds ParrriA Ma~rrww/SpiMuaw Bererapsti for ' Ckwrdr d God, an Satladq, OdrbPr 10. 11162 from 6A0 pm. m 12dY0 ern., aY Yr boYtion d 292 Wrt ldsadax DdraNaA Puhlr L4Yry, Mai. Cdorado. 4. PUBLIC h1EA17610 - Camidsntion d a awpawrn ..~ a•rrias b a rwna, Yet J~aaka~lop•, Ina„ dYur, JaShampc Cafe and fi, d rend , a error. era.. dire NYdt's. A Lrrrrb, Ina, Miahaal's Amlriwn 9ialre, LyrAed Par6wrshiR dha, MkhaMs . ,. 64ho. C a Rat Brwrry d YaA dbS IA~brwp Bnarr•ry rttl 141drerr. d NJ Supsr Yarkr. Ino., dh., 1TIkG• ht•rNYl. & Arty otMr rtrrbra Mr Adraiy wWw• ro diaas. TOWN OF VAIL LOCAL LIQUOR LtDEN8pl0 AUTFIOHRY Mrlha S. Rsrkx Pudialwd h Thri V~ Toil ASH an 8a1Man8•r 4. 7892 Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBflC lIF.AR616 TOWN tlF AVON ED BUDGET 770TICE f8 1fEAEBY oNEH ihr • ,.. -. 4rrvI hr been arkrrAtsd b 8r Awn town CautoH far tM srruinp ya.r d 1989. A Dopy d Yeah .. . 4dpct tut been Hrd h lM a6i[a d Yr lawn ['ha, Awn Yvniaywd Buld:rp, Armor, Colorado, Wrrc aama 4 Wan 1a public Ywpsdlan. SYId prgrpsrl budget ail be oorr- eYwcd r a rpurr nrdyrp d fire Awn Torn CaaxY b b I+ab r Awn Nuncpd &rildaq on 22, 1W2d790 Rm Mfr kYYesdW sladac d acid Town d Awn may knpcr4 Yr proprsd 6rudOr .red Ib a ~~my.." ;d BrrAorrryr tirr. pdam Dabdthh 27th day d AupuaL iBB2. TOWN OF AVON Paty Neytrart Puh141rd h TM Yrl T Tarrr LlseN en C, 4. 11 and 18, 1682 Public Notice OF A&t - 00008 NOTIO:E }S HEREBY gNEN IIW • are moll be frakf punuwM b TAh 38.21.6-i01 CR5. 1679, r . on a filar Ihs tsdr dY;y a 1992 r 2AD Rm- r 474fiB HIDM+Y a Vsk 8•N 81asp, FaplrVai, Ce4rado. TTa prWaly m be add 4 M fire unit: RorraYlo Rodra, Ud18109, 980[ W4lhelmer, Brrl• 101. liorwlprr, Traa 77012 • Slrh, hods. pelpumldHins, 3 du11N bwpa, (A11 8791 - Veneta Udumwn -Stria, horAa, pde/. 1cYr4bn, haoha, ~ - a. lAA 81112 - Tcrrrl lJnknorm • Ehdrarb 1(Ip Dslaran. Unk +12e0, PA. Br 70, Val. 81856 - Bkb, akl teak had harrw. •rwr• are nradrhra. . ra. Xrr WNr, Uri x962. Tays. mush. drsll d , ~~ had hlerrs. .. .box ter arfi rM ~ b ha npned ad tM dry d~th~s are. VAa e£LF 9TORAOE By: Ernda Lkrdcror PuYrhb h T'M Vrl Trd hlrr•B•r en e- . 4 and 11,1662 Pubil ~No tlce Puaurx m Bsdlm 98$&107 C.RB. 1973, r amended. Rr TPm d Mad MnYbY pNr raRioa Mral art :' - 14, 1842, slral b- rtare b Yakey Gnr l .... ," ,, for ti C•nbr lanaeupa ~ ~ ViYrps p btwled wHin Ilr Trran d Va#, Cdaado. A! Porten. .. hb. rsadriorr d prsaw, .. .~ a aarparrlan mr hr far ri}ehse rbor, rtrrrrr. pnaviakxw a fiber sup Pit wed by wudr osrNadar or Ye Yubmrdno- bn Yn a about the , d Aa nap oar traobd to fr riot and wlror ddm . hr rwt been PaW by 1M C. a tr4 Sdrmm traclaa rr' b .red induerg eM lirrre a Gtr rt Marrrrd 4 raquirae b fie a wYN'wd slrarrd d IIM lurwum fir rd urrprd wide Vw Tam d Vat, AMsdion: Todd C -. ~ , 75 South Franlape Fiotl, V#YI Cdaada Bt657 on a bdan sq,- lanka /1, 1942 or Sts Tam d Mal wit be retard tram cry and ai 6~iYy for YYCh dayri TOWN OF VAIL Todd DPPenlrrnter P#dr Srpalmrdsm PrABahed'n The VaN Tai on Augur 21,19, 9egarbsr 4 end 11, 1982 Public Notice Ar,~o~ ,- -NT PDA BYOB TOYIM OF RED CUFF FJIfiLE .,..,.a.: BRIODE Scald bYc rriN be retired b1' fhs Town d Red CBf d the rrarrrripr dfwr, 400 Pine 81nre1, Red CYI. Cobrado, vrAA 1iJ0 rem (oral Bnre, 9 a 1482 Bldg raiwd aver tNY tars wiA red be aooaptcd and wi8 /» rNUmed Aw~a d plats and lime, and promptly tlrnerbr, a6 hide Yrr hwre bean duly rcwN/d, r•N M p!h6dY oPayd and read loud. Ai irbr- wbd padir rue iwRad b nllcrrd. TM Town raaxrr fire ripen b ra' any end Yk hide +vd b wYdrs irrspulrlrs a M:mrmyliise in any bid. T1w trek b bs ,. ~ pwreraly Irrdudas tM rr»vurd d an rh1aV an-WrY hridps over tlr Erph Rirw end Mw .. .. . 4n d a truo- Iww Gidps adlr we+rY , . , .'~ . t h tM etnrw 9rMr locrion. 7rrrpwuy rover traeapp veil Mtlapiw of tM Pmjrq DaaunwlEe iw Wee h preprbrg bids may M ablaYred ban M+. CYf Tfrarw r tM Town d7ww for the rbn-rdum deblY oast d 190.00, PaYabb m fir Tam d Red CJN. TOWN OF RED CLIFF Cr Tfrornr PuN'wtr•d h TM Yrl Trap d.r m Aupw121. 2B and f, - . 4, 19112