HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-27 Annexation PlatPA�T ❑� S�CTI❑NS PART ❑� SECTI❑NS 5, 8 AND 14 Af�� PA�CEL DESCRIP'fI��f - PARCE� A Csee shee�s 2 and 3 For parcel diagrar�) A par-ce € o� l anc[ l y i ng w I th I n Sec# i ons 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 nnd 9, Towrish � p 5 South, Range $D West oF the S�xth Pr{n�lpnl Meridlan, �agle County, Co(orado, deserrbed as Fo l I ows� Beg i rin i ng di the nortf�west corrier of sa s cl Sect i on 8, on the ex t s# i ng Town o� Vn � l Boundaryl thence, along the exlsting 7own pf Vail Haundary, the foilowing twa C2) caurses nlong the southerly and easterly lines of the parcet nnnexed to the Town o� Vnll, as Parcel B, by ❑rdinance 7, Ser�es of i980= C i) �EB9' 46' 27` E 13C7. 04 f eet t C 2) N00' 18' 14' w 155. 94 feet l thence, cont i r�u I ng a k ong the ex i st + ng 'Town oF Ynil BoWndnry, the following two C2) courses aEong the southerly I�ne oF the parcel annexed to the Tow� of Va�i loy �rd�nance 35, Ser�es of 1984= C 1) S66' S2' 12' E 241. f 0 feet� f 2) S73' 48' 32' E 2 f 4, � 2 feetJ thence, cont I nu t ng a long the ex i s# i ng Town af Vatl Soundary, the fol�owEng tF►ree C3) courses niong the southerty l�ne of the parcel annexed to the iown of Vn�l by C]rdinance ]1, Serles of 1970� ( 1) S73' 46' 15' E 7$9. 3d �eet� C 2) S78' 49' 16' E 567. 90 feetl ( 3) S75' 28' 18' E 942. 40 feet to a non-tangent po � nt on curve j thence, continutng nlong the existir�g Town of Va�l Boundary, and aiong the sou#herly line of the parcel unnexed to 'the Town of Vntl hy �rdinnnce 13, Ser�es oF 1970, 5327.90 feet nlang the orc af a curve to the left, having n radlus o� 5580. 00 feet, a centra l ang le of 13' 38' 04' , and a chord wh i ch beo�rs N89' 36' 34' E 1324, 70 feet j thence, cont i nu i ng v i ong the ex i st t ng Town af Va � t Bounciary, the fo l l ow i ng three ( 3) courses a l ong fhe souther l y t t ne of the parcel annexed to the Town of Vatl by �rd�nance 25, Ser�es of 1977= C1) 456.43 �eet along the arc of a curve to tMe left, hav�ng n rno[ius of 558Q.OQ feet, a centra ! nng l e of 04' 41' 12' , and a chord wh t ch bears N80' 33' 38' E 455.30 feet to a polnt of fangency� C 2) N78' 13' a2' E 1534. 29 fee#j C3) N67'41'33'E 415.B2 feets thence, departing the exlsting Town of Vall Bounofnry, the foitowing four (4) courses ulong the northerly rlght-of-way line of Inter-state H�gF�way No. 70+ C 1) Nb6' S0' 41' E 224, 7 feets C 2) N79' �S' 34' � 900. 2 feet j C 3) S83' 24' 41' E 316. 2 feet j i ti 3 iv78' 09' 1 i' E c35. 5 i'eet �o tihe ex i st i r�g 7own of Va t l Boundaryi then�e, ulong the existir►g iown of Val! Boundary, the fol{ow�ng ten (10) courses along the soutFrerly l�ne of the pnrcel annexed ta the �awn af Vnil by ❑rd�nance 11, Ser�es of 1972� C 1) N76'Q9` 11'E �46b. 5 feet� C�) �tS4' 27' S6' E 373. 4 f'eet to a �on-tangen� po � rit on curve� C3) 425,7 feet along the arc of o curve to the left, having a rnd�us af 543�.p feet, a centrn l ang le o� 04• 29' 31' , and a chord wh i ch bear-s N75' S4' 27' E 425,6 feet to a polnt of �on-tangency� C 4) N85' 3b' 29' E 724. 6 feet3 C 5) N73' 39' 42' E 2175: 3 feet ta a po i nt of curvature� t 6> � 667. 3�'eet a i ong the arc of a curve to the r i ght, hav � ng a raof i us af 5680. 0, a centra l ang l e oF 16' 14' 47' , and a chord rvh i ch bears N81'47'06'E 16b1.7 feet to a po�nt of non-tangency3 C 7) N43' 4Q' 33' E 151. 0 feet; C 8> N61' 07' 45' E 164. 2 Feef� C 9) S73' 41' 44' E 459. 3 feet� f 10) S67' 33' 05' E 1� 9 i. 52 feet� thence, con't i nu i n9 n E ong the ex � st � ng Town of Vatl Boundary, a�d nEong �the northerly I�ne of the parcel annexed to the Town oF Vn t t by �rd i r►ance 20, Ser i es of 1974, S1 �4' S6' 18' 11 337. 48 feet� thenee, coniinuing along the exlst�ng Town of Vn�E Bounainry, the follow�ng four (4) caurses along the �ortherly line a� the parcel annexed to the Town of Va�l by ❑rd�nnnce S2, Serles of 1973� C 1> N87• 33' p5' W$80. 00 feetl ( 2� N87' 30' 49' W 685. 82 feet� "" ( 3) N88` 19' 41' W i 50. QO feet� ( 4) S65' 1 p' 31' 11 283. 65 feet� fhence, Conf i nu f ng a long the ex � st t ng Town of Vall Soundary, the fotEowtng two C2> courses along the northerly line o� #he parcel annexed to the �own o� Vall f�y I3rdlnance 20, Series of I974� C 1) S65• lp' 31'w 32. 95 feet� (�) N89' S9' S2' W 858. 8D feet to a non-tangent po � nt an curve� thence, continu�ng aEor�g the extsting Towh af Vail Boundary, the following seven (7) courses alor�g the r�ortherly line of the parcel annexed to the Town of Va�I by L7rd I nance 9, Ser i es of 1972= C17 508.28 feet along the arc of a curve to the leFt, havtng a radius of 5550.00 feet, a centro l ang le of 05' 14' 50' , and a, chord wh � ch bears S75' 17' 11' V1 SD8. I O feet to n po i nt of to.ngency3 C 2) S73' 39' 42' II 375. 30 fee�� ( 3) S82' I I' 27' 1� 2D2, 20 feet� ( 4) S73' 39' �42' W 21�0. QO feet� C 5) 56S' 29' 27' 4{ C 11, 10 feet to n non-tangent po � nt an curvej - C6) 463.28 feet along the arc of n curve ta the right, hav�ng a radius of 5910. 00 feet, n centrfl l nng f e of 04• 29' 29' , and a choraE wh � ch bears S7S' S9' 25' 11 463. 19 feet to a po E nt of non-tangency j ( 7) S77' 27' 47' W 610, 8D feet� th€nce, cont i nu t ng a long the ex I st t ng 7own o� Vail Boundary, the foflowFng ftve (5) courses along the nortt►erly line of the pnrcel unnexed to the Town of Va�! by Urciinance 5, Ser�es of 1972� ( 1) N89' 23' 38' W l91. 15 fee�� ( 2) S78' 09' f 1' 4� 145. 86 Feet� C 3) S77' 34' 49' 41 27QU. 2i1 feet� C 4) S76' D4' S9' 11 747, 40 feet to a non-tangent po � nt on curve j (5? I07.63 feet along the nrc of a curve to the ri�ht, havtng a radius of 5923, 00 feetj n�enfra l ung le oF O1' 02' 27' , anck a chord wF� i ch bears S78' 40' 25' 4� 1 Q7, f,0 feet ta a po i nt o� non-tangencys thence, cont t nu i ng along �he exis'ting Town of Vai[ Boundary, the foiiowing three C3> �ourses nlang the northeriy ltne of #he parcel annexed to the Town of Va�i by ❑rd�nance 5, Seraes o� 1970: ( 1) N56' S0' S3' w 77. 60 feets C 2) S78' Q9' 11' 1! 355. 40 �e�ts f�7 S00' �3' [33' W 24. 48 Feet to a non-fangent po � nt on curvel thence, cont t nu i ng alnng tF�e exlsttng Town of Vatl Baundnry, the Fpllowing F¢ur C4) courses along the northerly line of the parce[ annexed to �he Fown oF Vatl by ❑rdinnnce 4, Sertes aF 1972� C1) Ip7p.51 Feet aEnng the arC of a curva of the r[ght, huving a rndlus of 5923. 00 f`ee�, a centra l o ng l e of 10' � 1' 20' , and n chord wh i ch benrs S88' 14' 25` W 1069. 02 feet to n po i nt oF r+on-tnr,gency� C 27 N79' 45` 29' u��7. DO feet ta a non-tangen� po � nt on curve� C 3) 1067. 50 �'eet a[ ong the arc oF a curve to 'the r t ght, hnv i ng n rad t us oF 5900,00 Feet, a central angle of 10'22'00', and n chord which be¢rs N78' S3' 39' W 1066. 10 feet to a po � nt of non-to.ngencyl ( 4) N71' 38' S4' 4f 324. 00 feet� thence, cont i nu t ng a long the ex I st 1 ng Town of Vall So�ndary, the follawing two C2) courses along the nartherly fine of the pnrcel orig�naliy tricnrparated as �the Town oF Vntt� ( 1) N00' O 1' 06' W 54. 51 feet� ( 2) N79' 45' 13' 4f 2696. 98 feet� thence, cont i nu I ng a long the ex i st I n9 Sown nf Va�l Boundary, and along the easteriy l�ne of the �arcel annexed to ihe Town a�' Vn I( by �rd i nance 8, Ser t es of 1969, N00' 23' 00' W 39. 20 feet, to the poln� of 4�eg�nntng. 41199 HlGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-�VAIL P.Q. BOX 'i230 Enwa�ns, ca. si s�z 970--94�9-7406 15 C PARCE� A) T❑WNSHIP S S❑UTN, RA�I�E 80 WEST ❑� THE C PARCE� B) T❑WNSHIP S S❑UTH, RAN�E 81 I�EST ❑F� THE EA��E C❑UNTYj C❑l�❑RAD❑ PAf�CE�, D�SCRIPTI[Jt� - PARCEL S Csee sheets 4 and 5 for parcel dtagrarr� A�arce t of i and l y I rig w i th � n Sec� i ons l 1, 1�, 14, ancf 15, Townsh � p 5 South, i2ange 81 West oF the Sixfh Prirtelpal Mer�dlan, Eagie County, Colorndo, descr�bed as �o l l a�rs� Beg i nri i ng; a� tlie cor�r�on 1/4 Corner of sa i e! Sect � ons 1 1 nnd f 2� thence N89' 27' 25' � 1386. 7a feetj thence S33'30` 38'11 80. 9Q feet to the TRUE P17TtJT IIF BEGINNING, on the exlsting Tawn o� Vall Boundaryl fihence, along the ex�s#�n� Town of Vai( Boundary, the following thlrteen <13) courses nlong the southensterly line oF the parcel annexed to the Town of Va�l by ❑rd�nonce 1, Serles of 1986� C 1) S52' S0' 29' W 768. 50 f eet � C 2) S42' 44' 15' W 51. 40 feett C 3) S52' S0' 29' W 131. 2a feet� C 4) S64• 31' 20' W I57. 9(3 feet� C5) S48•33' 00'41 2i8. 00 feetl C 6) S49' S2' 00' W 200. 54 Feet� ( 7) N37• 09' 3i' W 0. 90 feet to a non-tangent po t nt on curvej C B) 354. 80 feet a E csng the arc oF a curve to the i ef t, hav � ng a rad [ us of 591 Q. 00 Ff'pt, a�entra 1 ung i e of 03' 26' 23' ,�nd n chord wh i ch benrs S45' 33' 41' u 354. 75 feet to a po � nt of` tangencyJ ( 9) S43' S0' 29' 11 350. 00 fE'E'� to a po E nf of curvature� ( 10) 774. 93 fee't a long the nrc of n curve to the r t�i�t, hav � ng a rad i us af 5554. 00 feet, n eentra t ang t e oF' 08' 00' 00' , and a chord wh t ch �aears S47' S0' C9' 11 774, 30 feet to a po E nt of tangencyf ( 11) S51' SQ' 29' 41 350. 00 Peet � ( 12) S69' 41' 49' W 274. 9Q feet to a non-tangent po t nt or� curve; (I3) 45.U8 feet along the ar= of a curve ta the Eeft, having a radius of 6�E3�.a0 feet, a centra l ang 1 e of 00' 25' S0' , nnd o chord wh � ch benrs S43' 07' 34' u 45. OB feet j thenee, cont i nu I rsg a l ong the ex t st � ng Town of Va i l Boundary, tMe following twelve (S2) courses along the southeasterly ltne of the parcel annexec! to fhe �own of Va � t by �raE t nnnce 26, Ser i eS of 1986� <1) 68�.69 feet along the urc of a curve to the [eft, havtng a rad�us of 6000.0� �eet, a cenfra t ang 1 e of 06' 30' 42' , and a chord wh t ch bears S45' S1' S4' W 68l.52 feet to a po�nt of non-tnngencyl ( 2) S42' 34' 45' 1� 6. 30 feet j C 3) S62' 02' 39� Ii �82. ZO fE'ptJ ( 4) S26' i 6' �46' w 463. 30 feets { 5) S28• 44' 23' 41 458. 90 fee#� C 6) S46' 15' 45' 11 178. 42 feet #o a non-tangent po � nt on curve� <7) 219.16 feet along the nrc of n�urve to the Eeft, #�nving n radius of 8b0,00 feet, Q centra l ang le of 15' 41' 51' , and a chord wh i ch bears S46' 29' 36' �! 21$.50 feet to a poin# of non-tangencys C 8) S38' 44' 00' Il 414. 59 feet j C 9) S45' 48' 1 B' 11 422. 13 feet j ( 1Q) S2l' 36' �4' 11 392. 37 feef to a r�on-tangent po i nt on Curve� C11) 285.23 feet a{vng the a�c oF n curve to t1�e r�ght, having n rndius of 1760. 00 feet, a centrn l nng I e o� 09' 17' 08' , and a chord wh i ch bears SS9' �3' 18' 11 284. 92 feet to a po � nt of non-tnngency� C 123 S67' 03' 24' u 259. 95 fee�t� thence, depar# r ng ihe ex � st � ng Town of Va � t Boundary, the follow�ng th�rteen C13) caurses along the northwesterly right-of-way llne of Interstate H�ghway No. 70= C I3 S66' 57' 43' 1J 28, 15 feef, r 2� sc�• 2s� a�• w� i�. ����ts ( 3> S67` 2�' Q3' 1l 307. 8 4'eet to a non-tangent po � nt an curvet C4> 223.4 fee# along the arc of a curve to the left, hnvtng n rndtus of 3015,0 feet, a centra ! nng le of 04' 14' 40' , and chord wh � ch bears S63' 18' 22' 11 223. 3 feet fo a point oF non-tangencyJ C 5) S59' 11' 56' 41 307. 8 feet= C 6) S58' 11' 06' 1! 559. 0 feet to a po � nt of curvature� C 7) 2. Q fee# a l ong the arc of a curve to the l eft, hav � ng a rad I us nf 3040. 0 Feet, a centra l ang l e oF 00' 02' i 6' , and n chord wh � ch benrs S58' Q9' S8' 41 2. 0 feet fo pa � nt of non-ian�encyi _- .� ...... .... ... ,. . . . . . . . . C B) SO1' 32' 38' E 1 i. 30 f eet ta a non-tangent po t nt on curvei C 9) 711. 1 feet a long tf-►e arc of a curve to fhe left, hnv � ng n rnd � us of 588Q. 0 feet, a cer►tra � nng l e of 06' S5' 45' , and a chord wh 1 ch bears S50' i 9' 36' k! 71Q.7 feet to a poin� of tangency; ( 10) S46' 5S' 44' 41 464. 7 feet� (11) S75'i7'27'W 345:] feet ta a nan-tnngent paant on curvej C12) 174.5 feet nlong the nrc of a curve to the r3ght, havang a radtus aF 846.Q0 feet, a cenira t ung { e of 11' 49' , and a chord wf� � ch benrs S61' 3 f' i�4' u 174. 2 feet to a poEn� of non-fnngency� ( 13) S73' 28' S8' lf 22. 8 feet, thenee, depart I ng sa I c� northwester l y r i ght-of-way l i ne of I nterstate H i ghway �to. 70, SO 1' 34' 29' E 518. 1 feet to the southeasterly righf-of-way l�ne of interstate Highway tJo. 701 thence N54'47'S2'E 53.69 feet along satd southeasterly right-af-woy l�nes thenee the fotiowtng four C4) caurses along the northwesteriy llne of Vail InternountaEn Deveiopnent Subdivis�on, Block 10, according to the piat thereof recorded �n Book 254 nt Pnge 974s f 1) N54' 47' S2' E 181. 51 feet ta n nan-tarsgent po t nt ori curvej ( 2) 241. 88 f'ee# a[ ong #he arc of a curve to the left, hav � ng a rad € us of 1246. 00 feet, a centra E ang l e of 11 ` 07' 21' , and n chord wh t ch benrs N61' 02' 34' � 241.50 feet fo n point af non-tangency� ( 3) N55' S9' 33' E 373. 60 feet� f 4) N43` 42' S2' E 99. 72 feet� �thence the fo l[ ow � ng three C 3) courses v l ong the northwester�y (�ne of�Votl Internountnin Ilevelopnent Subdavision, Blocks 5 and 6, nccording to the pl+at thereof recorded sn Baok 218 at Puge 759� ( 1) N44• 14' 3 i' E 72, 78 feetl ( 2) N45' S9' 09' E 303. 00 f eet to po a nt of curvnture; (33 309.23 feet along the arc a� a curve to the rtghf, havtng a radtus of 3344, 40 feet, a centra f ang le of 03' 03' S6' f 05' !7' 23' ca lcu (atec{) , and a chore! wh i ch loeors N47' 31' 07' E<N�48' 38' 06' E ca lcu lated? 309. 11 feet, to ihe ex�sting Town oF Val[ Boundaryl then�e, alo�g the existing Tnwn of Vo�t� Bodmdnry, the fpilowing eleven L11) courses along the nvrthwesterly line of the parcel annexed to the iown of Vail by Ordinance 15, Ser�es of 1587= (l) 350.i9 feet along the arc of a curve to the r�ght, having n racE�us of 3344, 00 �e�t, o c�ntr� 1 an� t� af 06' 00' DO` , and a chord wh ��h bears N55' 10' 38" E 350. 03 feet to a po i nt of' -iangency; C2) l+158'll'06'E 559.86 feetj C 3) t�S9' 1 El' Cl9' E 290. 3q feet to a nnn-tangen� po i nfi on Curvei C4) 154.36 fieet alnng the arc of a curve to the rsght, hav�ng a rad�us of 25$0. 00 fee�, a tentra l ang 1 e of 04' EJ9' 1 B' ,�nd a chord wh ! ch bears N63' 37' 44' E 194. 3S feet to a po � nt o� non�-tnngenCy1 C 5) 4�167' 25' 09' E 197. 10 feet3 f 6> N8i' b9' DO' E 220. 75 f eet� C 7) N21' 37' 06' W 73. 65 Feetj < 8> N69' 34' 00' E 315. 60 f eet to a non--tangent po � n� an curvet C 9> 783. 9 feet a long the nrc of n curve to fhe left, hnv i ng a rnd t us aF 211Q. Q feet, n centrn l ar�g l e of 2 f' 17' 1 1' , and a chord wh I ch bears N53' 14' 18' E 779. 4 feet to a po I nf of non-tangency3 ( 10) N35' 13' 27' E�473. 0 feet� ( 1 U N35' 10' 47' E 13I. 67 feett thence, depnrt I ng #he ex I s�t I ng 1'own o� Va 1! Baundnry, �he following two C2) courses along the snu#heas�erly r�ght-of-way [ine of Interstate Hlghway No. 70= SIXTH PRINCIPA� SIXTH PRINCIPA�. ME�I�IAN, MERI�IAN, C1� N35'13'41'E 74.93 feet ta a non-tangent po�nt on curve� C2) 299.2 feet a[ong the arc of n curve to the r�ght, having a rudlus of 5540,0 Feet, n centrnE ongle pF p3'05'37`, and a ehord which bears N35'22'O1'E 299.1 feet� thence the follow�ng six C6) courses olong the norfhwesterly line of Elliott R�nch Subd�v�s�an, nccord�ng ta the plat thereoF recarded �n Baok 285 nt Pnge �325� (1) 2BD.92 feet alor�g the nr� of a curve to the right, having a radius of 5540. 00 feet, a centra i ang l e oF �2' S4` 19' , ane! a chord wh i ch benrs N38' 23' 19' E z80. 89 feet to a po i nt of tnngencys ( 2) N39' S0' 29' E 100. 00 feets ( 3) N52' I9' 38' E 92. 20 feet j ( 47 S63' 45' S3' E 36. 10 feetj ( 5) N39' 50' 29' E 34Q. 00 Feet j ( 6) N27' 00' �S' E 34. 74 feef � thence, depart i ng the northwester t y l � ne of sa i d �ilioft Ranch Subdtvtston, and conttnuing along the southensterly rsght-af= way IEne oF Intersta#e H�ghwny No. 70, the following seven C7) courses� < 2) N27' 00' 07' E 1 p5. 9 feet; t c�) N36` 42' 22' E 332. 9 feetl C 37 N46' 33' 1 1' E 346. 1 feetl C4> N37`Q8'22'E 7J,.4 feet3 C 5) N4T 33' 2�' E 69. 1 Peet j t 6) NO1' 39' 40' E 2�4. 9 feet3 t 7> N48' QQ' S7' E 322. 92 �eet to the ex I st i r�g Tnwn o�' Va I l Boundaryl thence, n i ong the existing iown nf Vait Boundary, the foliowtng six C6) courses along the northwesterly ltne of the parcel anr►exed to the 7own o� Yall by ❑rdinance 18, Ser f es aF 1986= C 1) N48• OQ' S7' E 308. 28 feet� C 2) N44• 5Q' O1' E 217. 50 feet to o non--tnngent po � nt on curvej C3) 783.60 feet nlang the arc of n curve to the left, havl�g a radius of 5780.�� feet, a central ang�e af 07`46'04', and n chord wh�ch benrs N48'22'27'E 783. 00 feet to n po E ni of tnngen�y f C 4) N44' 29' 29' E 8�5. 90 feet to n po i nt of curvature� <5) 410.24 fppt along tMe arc of a curve to the rsght, hoving n rndtus o� 28I5. 00 feet, n centrn l nng l e of OQ' 21' 00' , and a chord wh t eh bears N48• 39' S9' � 405. $8 feet to a po � nt of fangencyl C 6) N5�' 50' 29' E 552. 40 feet� thence, cont � nu a ng n long the ex I st � ng Tcrwn oF Va I l Boundary, and nlong the northwesteriy line af the parce{ annexed to the Town of Vn � t by Clyd � nance 25, Ser � es of i 976, N23' S0' 20' E 656. � feet, to the TR�C Pf�; IJT fl� R�f S A!!J S;.If;. SURVEYQR'S CER�I�ICA�� I, Dann�e Corcornn, be�ng a Reglstered Professional Land Surveynr In the State oF Colarado. do hereby certify t�at th�s Annexation Plnt wns"prepo,red by ne nnd ur►der r�y d i rect superv � s� on, I further cert � fy thnt nQe'q� ,thal,a►'�+;�rie-hs i xth oF' the y� _:,�,, E✓ S :,.. 1^:, exter � or boundury af each of #he twn pnrGe t s be � ng o;r�ne:x��;,A.�.s�nc��t i�uous w 1 th the ex i st I ng boundary of the Tawn of Va � l, Co i orado. ;'„� ���t �,,���R��';� �, °Q°4- ��� q4 �J 4 � � `a� '. F�� I3ate� _� _� T041N CDUNC I L APPR�VAL � �� ' � � z _� •��� �1-� s --------- :, Dn�hn k e GorCorp►,i ,.; '�Cai':1o'r�do P L:�+S:.:,16827 , ��y'�..�,��;.�,a,� - Approved by the Town Counc�! of fhe Town of Vntl, Eugle County, Colorado, by flr^ri i nnnt-w i�n. ��'� , SPr � os n� 2f100. u i tness rov hnn�,and the Corporate Sea t of the Town of Va i I;�Eag le County, Co l orado, th t s,,.�„�„�.�- da of _'����a�. �_ , .� A. B. . �DO:r � �� � �# � --- A7TEST: ,r`""���_ �Rt ���� "�' �o,-_,�.M,,�--�~ �� � ��r � ,- - °�"� ���_��--��'_ ________ ��_ _______ �To�wn %C lerk Mayor � Town o� Vn t l Town of Va i'�l� CLERK AND REC�RDER' S CERT I F I CATE ��'�y� I hereby certlfy thnt this instrur+ent was fileci for record in the nFfice of fihe Eagle County, Colorada, Clerk and Recorder at �=���, M. , fhe �=? day of f�����, R. D. , 200f. Recorded under Receptton NuMber _41��,;��+-�__ �xa � ��C:� ����Ai��� ��ii�i ��.plrT G lerk and Recorder � ��a �����°°"' Eagie County, Coiorado �J i �� � ���� � � �1iJTES� 1) Th�s Annexat�on Plnt is bnsed upnn the parce[ descrlption for the origlnal Incor�oration oF the Town of VatE, Annexation Plats of subsequerit nnnexations to the Town o�' Vn [ t, Co �orddo Ilepartnen� a� H I ghways i� i gh�-o�-1Jay Maps For Prn�ect I-7iJ-2C7)183, and subdivtston pla�s referencecf hereon by Book and Pqg.Q recorded in the office of t#�e Eagle County, Colorndo, Clerk �nd Recorc�er, Yt in no woy repr�sents an a�tunl fielaf survey o� the parcets being n�escrlbed fnr annexa#�on. 7he purpose o� the Annexatann Plat 1s to describe the parcets be�ng tncluded wEthin the corporate i�r��#s aF the Town of Vail. This piat should nat be used to locate or estabt�sh real praperty corners for nny af the subject parcels. �) Bearings shown on the conf�guous Tpwn af Vnil Boundary are per the parcel o[escription a� the ariginal incorporat�on of the Tawn of Vail and the Annexn��on Plats of subsequent annexations to tl�e Town af Vatl. 3) Bearings and d€stances shown orr the non-cont�guous porttons of th�s nnnexntton bounda�y are per the Co l orno�o I3epnrtroent of FE i ghways F2 I ght-of-uay hSaps for Pro,�ect I-70-2C 77 1 B3 nnc{ the subt� I v 1 s i or� p t ats r-eFerenced hereon. Length af Parcel A contiguous w�t� existing Town of Vasl Boundary - 33304.14 feei Max 1 r�ur� per ��eter a l l owab t e for Parce 1 A nnnexat � on -- 155$24, $4 feet Peraneter of Parcel A nnnexntton - 34984.74 feef Length of Parcel B cont�guous wtth existing 1"avrn o� Vnil Boundary -- 15086.9f feet Hnxarour� pertr�eter aliawabie For Parcel B annexataon - 905z1.45 feet Perineter of Parce! B annexatlon - 23070.68 f'eet ��� ... � , SHE�T 1 QF' S .�❑B No. 1589 � � r� � � 0 z m PART ❑F� SECTI❑NS �,3,4,5,8 AN� � T❑WNSHIP J EAG�E UNPLATTED tWHITE R�VER NATI�NAL F❑REST) I SECTIC]N 5 • .{ � P❑INT ❑F BEGINNING � � �'�. r- . N❑RTHWEST CORNER SECTI�N 8 �' f•' • �' �� '� . ,. . � . - �. � • .. . . . UNPLATTED •�l .. ... • .� • • �, i �� `•1• • � . . . � "• I,'. • � �••• � ~ ..* ' • ••�• � � •, ' � •� ��t S J N 89'46'27" E 1327.04' � :" ,; � - _ � � • ..... ` , w • S >�4. :. „ �... � ' 4 � SECTI❑N 8�� "a':• � 6�5" e ' ` ' -; � . .. : ;, . � . . j�Te >8g 30,. •- . .-.,. .- R � .- . •, • . S •�:+: ` �. � � ,. . ..s • • N �9 45-13. T A TE ,. , . : ,, � , :y • W ` �6 96 9�, • - • • . ' •• • �'. .•• . � . ..._ .•�: t . . • . =_: . , . � ... ...�,. •.,. 41199 HlGNI'YAY 6 & 24, �AG�E—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 � EDWARDS, CQ, 81632 f 970-948-1406 CPARCE� A� 5 S❑UTH, RAN�E 80 WEST ❑� THE SIXTH PRINCIPA� MEf� I�IAN, C❑UNTY, C❑L�❑RAD❑ UNPLATTED S, .. '' ' ... 7$4 . ���.• ` ~�. • 9�16� � ".,: ._r.. . 56 7, 9�, - • ; Y . ,� _ ` ....- S•..: , •. • 7S• , •' � ;. . -• • • : .. . . c'g � . � �. • ' ..:.,•_ ,.' . .. 8 � 9 • •: EXISTING TOWN BDUNDARY `�•' .'•s, � H.j� 4�4p" VAIL VILLAGE :. N �I 3400- �wAY F'�RST AND FIFTH FILING •.• •. 8S4" �, .:. ' �. . .. .:, : . .: . � . �,� ` . 'y •. � . � • •� � .Sr, . � � .; L=1067,5�' � "' � R=59QO.fl0' Delta=l0`22'00' Brg=N 78`53'39'' W Ch=1D66.10` UNPLATTED CF�RD PARK) � i� i� .�a � � �� � � , . : �w �� . EXISTING TOWN BDUNDARY .,•.. . ., L-1327.90' R=5580.�0' Delta=l3'38'04' Brg=N 89°36'34' E Ch-1324,70' SECTI�N 5 SECTIDN 8 , ... .` . . .s•� _ ... + • , � , . ` . . �. _ , •.'. •` • .s • . • � . . . � _ ., • '+. No, . � �z �, oo, . . 9 45�29� • �- • �,'a�� `+ 1 i . . • � • ,o .. tiy . . • �. � � ��, �. .�� . r '.+• .. �••. . .�y., . ��.' � r �y • ti• �•, . ` . . .. . r • . •L ` ' • ' EXISTIEVG T❑WN ❑F VAIL BDElNDARY . . ti .. � -. . ... . , . ', '.. . . , . ,, _ SECTI❑N 4 SECTI❑N 9 UNPLATTED CT❑WN ❑F VAIL SH❑PYARD) L-456.43' MATCH LINE 'A" � R=5580,00' SEE SHEET 3❑F 5 Delta=04"41'12' T . • � /1nn�l�li/A�'1i J3 C' t��. �= i�i �S U.S .� ,� i3 t' Gh=456,30' I �- , �. :•f � � � �. � •� ; •�. '-, � 70 , S 7 55,4� , �[ �9���.. . , . ��o � ,•�•`4' ,� I : .` . . �. ,i .,�„ .� . � L-1Q70.51' R=5923,00' Delta-l0'2I'20' Brg=S 88'14�25r W VAIL VILLAGE Ch=1D69.02' E�GHTN F�LING � NaTICE� Accorcling to Colorndo law you r�ust cor�roence any legal action baseoi upon any defect in this survey within three years a�'ter you first discover such defeet. In na event, r�ay nny actinn basec! upon any cEefec# in this survey be cor�r�enced r�c�re than ten years fror� the cfnte of the certificnfion shown hereon. �� � SHEET 2 ❑F 5 J❑B No, 1589 SECTIDN 5 SECTI�N 8 �� SECTI❑N 4 SECTIDN 9 1 11 4.1 .1•i ������� F•• •`• • � .1..•• ^. � �� ••• •: •.. •-~' .-�.•� •+~•. . - EXIS7ING T�WN ❑F VAIL BOLiNDARY �-- — .I-- y r. ,_. ,.__: : — . - L • . . •- �-;._.;-�-. -- . - — � � - UNPLATTED � ' ` ' ' "� ' ' ' ' ~' ' • • ' = � .�• �, r. � CTOWN ❑F VAIL SH�PYARD) �:. ��, a�� �, EXISTING T❑WN BDUNDARY - , '•. ' ' N �' �1`�$ } � MATCH LINE 'A� .. � ti � CPARCEL. A� UNPLATTED CWHITE RIVER NAT�CINAL F�12EST) 025`34� � 900 2, �y 7 9 ' a,�r � 662 a�� - - N�GH� A�( � SEE SHEET 2 ❑F 5 � . ..•'. �':•' 1534.29� �! 2���•2�� . , ^'(}' 13'�2� E �7"34l49R . � � ~ • • • • �e . � . � . . • ' • ~ • + ~ • , ,. N ,. � •� � .• .�• '� • }• • • � N� �RS-� A�C E � � � r � 7 4� :4�� 4 = , ;• ti . . • ' S �6�a4�59. ,.� f . • •, , ,., ..: • � f-: • • : :: •, : 'L=1a7.63' R=5923,Q0' � DeEta�01`02'27' Brg=S 78'44'25' W j Gh-�07,b0' 1 � L . .+ � . •• �� , •S• . �• � � • S 83'24�4�M E 316.z� ,• ., VA�L VTLLAGE THIRTEENTH F�LING EXISTING TOWN B❑�NDARY �` :~ 5� . + , S' . . � ti . 46� 5, 239 �5f � g� 09` 11� E J MATCH LINE 'B' L-425.7' R=543QA�' 1 DeEta=04"29'31' Brg=N 75'S4'27" E Ch=425.6' ,. �_ �--- . �L �t• y : . • S . . . .\ -� � �- : • � ,2���n� .�' � �� 3�`� No � 0 N • •. — _ � _ �9 •` • + � • ti .� , . . : . �' . �. .•� .. = � .' �� f . .�. .. ., � . ` EXISTING TOWN B�UNDARY 0 . .•�-•, .• y r �' '` i � 6�0.8� . . •.� . � . � SECT��N 4 � SECTI❑N 3 . , S 7�•2�.4� , .�. .: •• L=463,Z8' �e _ � �=5—�1n 00' . ti • • — — • • ' Detta=t34'29'29' Brg=S 75°59'25"' W VAIL G�LF C�URSE Ch=463,i9' � SECTION 9 SECTION 10 .• � ' • ' � VA�L VILLAGE L-1667.3' THIRTEENTH FILING VAIL VILLAGE R=5880.0' , , .. • • � ., Delta=16'14'47' �5 EiGHTH �ILING Brg=N 81'47'06' E •' S 73a� •' ''•` Ch=1661���, � . ti . ' � 4 �� � � ',�,. . � • r: • • .;ti , 459 3,4 .. . •• �. • `• EXISTING TC]WN B�UNDARY � ,. . �•.� •' ' '� '� .� _ . . .� . . . No, 70 � . . r •: . •� . VAIL VILLAGE TLJELFTH FILING �• • • •ti •• .:y �{ti • • ti•� � 4• • ti. S 87°33'Q5" E. 1191.52' , �• � ...•� . 3 ' .� �w� :�� � � .•�. �� �� .70 .. 31+ �c�' �6 N 87"30'49' W 685.82 �` • • A.� �•10� 283 , , . ; . , . �., ...• . . . , � N 87°33'�5'' W 88Q.OQ' `� • ��� �, . . � . ,• ; � �� s . � • . HI N 89°59'S2' W 868.80' s �i�� �: t . � • . . .� , ti . . • .{ • . . . . . . �• ..' ��• .•. . . . � • . � ' • � . � tir� • S'•• � . +. ~•. . • • . • •� � • � . • �•. � . . • �� . • VA�L VILLAGE ._. i r W �'' ELEVENTH F"�LING . . 21�5 3r 42 : y . . .... �i� ° g+ '.. ' � ~ . / 4�� � 5 �3 3 3�r .. . • � L=508,z8 � VAIL VILLAGE . - � �3�39 375 . . . � � R=5550.00' / MATCH LINE rB� THIRTEENTH FILING N �� , : .�'� Delta-05°14�50' f � . . r, • . y• - .- • • ' Brg=S 76"17'll' W / � UNPLATTED • L ' / Y � � �. � � � • • EXISTING TOWN BOUNDARY Ch=508.�� ,«� . I � ti . . t � ��� •r - . . • �= �RS� � . ••-- UNPLATTED .� . . .o.: •;�9���E 7z4.6' Z�1"� o' . . •� : :"- • .. VAIL G�LF C�URSE N 85 36 � 1�� � � • � 11ar � � � : . . 21 ��2 •�. �,�o � � SECTI❑N 4 SECTION 3 I I SECTION 9 � SECTIDN 10 4ii99 HIGF{WAY 8& 24, EAGLE—VRIL P.O. BOX i 230 ! EDWARDS, C0. 8�632 I 970-949-1406 �-�• : r42K W �. �,•. � �3039 � • ' � . S � .. ' �1 N 00'18'14` W 155.94' "4 .'�_ � L2 S 66'S2'12' E 241.10' '' ' . ' ` � UNPLATTED ,, L3 S 73'48'3�' E 214.12' �• ' �/��L GDLF C❑U�i�E L4 N 43'40`33' E I51,0' f�❑7ICE: According �o Colorado law you r�iast cor�r�ence any [egal action based upnn any clefect in this survey wi�hin �hree years after you firsi cliscover such c�efecf. In no evenf, r�ay any action f�aseci upon nny c[e�ect in this sur�ey be cor�r�enced r�ore than ten yenrs frar� the date of �the certifi�ation shown hereon, SECTION 3 SECTZON 2 I SECTI❑N 10 I SECT��N 11 SHEET 3 ❑F 5 J�B No. 1589 . CPARCE� B) PART ❑� SECTI❑NS 11 1� 14 AND J I 15 T❑WNSHIP S S❑UTH RANGE 8 � 1 WEST ❑� THE SIXTN PRINCIPA � MERI�IAN J EAG�E C❑UNTY, C❑��RAD❑ L�T 20 43�99 HIGHWAY 6 & 24, �AGLE-VAIL �.o. �ox � z�a EDWARDS. C0. 81632 97b--949-1406 � �� ,s .�� ������� .'.`' I ' '. ' f �, •. ~ .- ' ' •ti ' ' ♦ ' ' - EXISTING T❑WN ❑F VAIL B❑llf�DARY ' ••�•r'•' ' ' ' � ' • ' • ' . ..'�. .'. UNPLATTED ! MATCH L INE 'D" ��j VAIL RIDGE L=45. 08' � R=6000. 00' De l ta=00` 25' S0"' Brg=S 49° 07' 34" W Ch=45, 08' L=681. 89' . R=6000, 00' - ' De l ta=06' 30' 42"' • Brg=S 45° 51' S4' W"� � Ch�=681, 52' .ti � • •~' S 42"34`45' W �.30' VAIL DAS SCH�NE .~ �` FILING No, 1 �3g� . . �2r Q 20� _ S 2�2. � .j . .. o° � � �o a� � VAIL DAS SCH�NE �vQ7 � F�LING No, 1 .�' . y S 46°15`45" !;� � � 178.42' � • 1 ��{� \ �� q� � L=219, 18' q� • h�' 1►� R=800. 00' '`�' � �' De lta-15° 41' S1' .� ,�,'ti� Brg=S 46' �9' 36' W ' �O' Ch=218. 50' • + � � . ��, \ : S 83a45'S3� E e� o0 , ''' 36,10' n}o� �D��� . � N 39"50'29"' E � 4 ifi rin� �. N��°i 9�'�R' E • � � V V � V V 92.20' �4�' , � L=280. 92' _�,�. c� � � � -�-�----- -- — � �� c� ' �'`P ! ��2ti`� ��� �.2 ,�, � N 35°10'47' E 131.67' . L❑T 2� '� L=285. 23` R= � 760, 00' De [ ta=09` 17' 08" Brg=S 59° 23' 18" W .. Ch= 284. 92` • �. ;' • L• �: L = 783, 9' .. � � R=2I 10. 0' , ; ' De lta=21° 17' 11'' .�' Brg=N 53° 14` 18" E � E '� ~ Ch=779. 4' 9o3a�'�� . ' L❑T Z3 N 6.31�-h�` :. N 21`37`06' W , 73.65' : . '. ' '.� �� R=554Q, 00' De l ta=02' S4' 19" Brg-N 38° 23' 19'' E Ch=280. 89` L=299. Z' R=5540, 0' De l ta=03" 05' 40' Brg=N 35° 22' O 1" E Ch=299, 1' �N 35°13'41" E 74,93' N 47°23'22" E 89.1` � �O /�,�ti J 1 �� ���� � UNPLATTED �N 27°0�'�7' E �05,9' � N 27•00'25" E 34,74' MA�CH L�NE "'C" � f 5 J� 5 .o° �2 ���22' � VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL�NG No, 3 N O1°39'4p"' E 24,9' N 37°08'22" E 71,4' N 37°09'31"' W 0.90' .-�-� z O � � � w ci7 I r� .-.-+ � z O � U L,_3 N P�INT ❑F BEGINNING •• N 89`27'25" E 1386,70' • � � . . t p4 `. . �p �b . BUFFER CREEK � �' ���� � � ' � S 42'44'15"' W 51.40' o � �S 64°31'20" W n`� 157.90' .� ti • � • ' ~/'�+ � � �' •r • .,� . q�o2� ,Z� ., . ..•S �2 0�� � :�' Z� . � •' • _�S 52°50'29" " 131.20' '� 7 }. 'j� 2 �O • • ��° ��,� � � � , /�hD� • � �� �p0 � + . � ��T T� � 2 �, � � ' SCALE S� 02 . - L=354. 80' . S 49�52'00" W h'Z� •.. R�5910, 00' ' � 200,54' � , • • De l ta=03° 26' z3' .. .' Brg=S 45° 33' 41 " W ~� ~ •' Ch=354, 75' ;.. ti. •��� • VAIL VILLAGE VAIL COMMl7NS .� •. �� FILING No. 2 , . • L =4 �. U. ��' L=774, 93` �. R=5550. 00' De l ta=08° 00` 00" .� Brg-S 47" 50' 29� W . Ch=774, 30' . . . � . . 3 .ti � '' .. . MATCH LINE "C" �S �9°41'49" W •.,; R= 2815. 00' �� ' De l ta=08° 21' 00" or�,� � .�.:, - Brg=N 48' 39' S9' E � oo . Ch-409. 88' y ��j0' 1 • r , ��0 . �`�P `�2 . �`�'� oi �,; • ' p2�2 • ' �� � ,.. .' � � :: P�� . . �-�'� . : • ��'�� . : SPRUCE CREEK .. - T❑WNHC]MES '. L�783. 60' ,•' " � R=5780, 00' •• De l ta=07' 46' 04" �:' � Brg-N 48° �2' 27p E , - , � Ch=783. 00` 274,90 • • N 44�5Q'O1' E • • \ 217,50' ��� ti 'EXISTING T�WN B�UNDARY • N 48°00'S7' E 308,28' �• CASA DEL SOL \ C�ND[]MINIUMS \ l \ N❑TICE� Accord;ng to Colorado Eaw you r�us� caMr�ence any legal action based upon nny ciefect in this survey within three yeo.rs after you �irs� discov�r suCh defect. Irz no event, r�ay any action baseo! upon any defQct in this survey �e cor�r,enced r�or� than tPn years fror� the dmte of the cer�ification sF�own hereon. �_S 33°30'38"' W 8�.90' TRU� PDINT ❑F BEG�NNING SHEET 4 ❑F 5 JOB No. 1589 � �e �� .�� � � � � � � � • ti ... . . . - �. . K•• �, � , . . . .. � • � .a • . . . . . . , , ._ ,. ' • . . 47799 HiGNWAY 6 & 24, �AGLE-VAlZ P.O. BQX 1230 E�wA�as, ca. s,s.�� 974-949-1446 -- �X�STItJG TOWN ❑F VAIL BCIUNDARY CPARCEL� B� L=z. 00' R=3040. 00' De t ta=00` 02' 16" Brg=S 58` 09' S8' W Ch=2, 00' , `a � o� ���� S� S 0�°32'38" E 17,30' L=71 �. 1` R=5880. 00' De l ta=06a S�� 45r Chg71050" 19` 36' � �NPLATTED � }��� 1 +"V ` �ti , ��Q ��`'1 S �` S 73°28'S8" W 2�.0� � �R � � _ -���a� � N 43b42'S2r E 99.�2' L=241. 88' R=1246. 00' De l ta =1 1° 07' 21 � Brg=N 61 ° �2' 34'' E Ch=�41, 50' VAIL INTERM�UNTAIN N 54"47'S2' E 181,51' UNPLATTED ��C'`� . ti L�35�� 1 7� � • • � R=3344. 00' �. De i ta=06" 00' 00" • Brg=N 55° 10' 38"' E '•' Ch=350, 03' MATCH LINE "D" i S 66°57'43' W 28.15' S 68'25`47' W 113.3' L=223. 4' R=3015. 0` De l ta=04' 14' 40'' Brg=S 63` 18' 22' W Ch=223. 3' i �� � ♦ � �9 Y� � S � 30� � �� W C�' 0 °2 � 5 �� ��� a UNPLATTED UNPLATTED �/AIL INTERM❑IJNTAIN s� EXISTING T❑WN B❑UNDARY L=309. 23' ' ' R=3344, 00' ~ De l ta-03° 03' S6' Brg=N 47° 31' 07' E Ch=309. 1 I' N 44`14'31' E 72.78' L❑T 22 N 67�25'09'' E 1 197,10` STEPHENS � SUBDIVISI❑N �l❑TICE� According to Colorado i�w you r�ust cor,rnence any legal action based upor� any defect in �i�is survey wi�hin three years after you first discover such defect, In no event, r�ay any action based upon nny defect in this surv�y be cor�r�enced r�ore than ten years fror� t�e date of the cerfification shown herean. SHEET 5 ❑F 5 J�B No, 1589