HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-02 an Ordinance to Amend Chapter 5-3, Pollution Control \ i
WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has held a
public hearing on the proposed amendments in accordance with the provisions of the Vail Town
Code of the Town of Vail; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has
recommended approval with modifications of these amendments at its January 8, 2007 meeting,
and has submitted its recommendation to the Vail Town Council; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds that the proposed
• amendments are consistent with the applicable elements of the adopted goats, objectives and
policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and are compatible with the development
objectives of the Town; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds that the proposed
amendments further the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations, Subdivision
Regulations and the Development Review Handbook; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds that the proposed
amendments promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promote
i the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and
enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential
community of the highest quality; and
WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety,
and welfare to adopt these amendments to the Town Code.
Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2007 1
Section 1. The purpose of this housekeeping ordinance is to clarify text and correct
errors in codification in the Vail Town Code. (Text that is to be deleted is sl~isker}. Text that is to
be added is bold. Sections of text that are not amended may be omitted.)
Section 2. Chapter 5-3 is hereby amended as follows:
ACCOMMODATION UNIT.• Any room or group of rooms without kitchen facilities
designed for or adapted to occupancy by guests and accessible from common corridors,
walks, or balconies without passing through another accommodation unit or dwelling unit.
CERTIFIED SOLID FUEL BURNING DEVICE.• A solid fuel burning device which is
certified by the Environmental Protection Agency and by the Air Pollution Control Division
of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to produce seven and
five-tenths (7.5) grams of particulates per hour or less. This shall include both catalytic
and noncatalytic Phase ll stoves as well as pellet burners and any other technology
which can be shown to meet these emission criteria.
COMMON AREA: The lobby of any "lodge" (as that term is defined in Title 12, Chapter 2
of this Code), the area of any condominium project available for the cammon use of all
• the unit owners and restaurants and bars.
DWELLING UN/T.• Any room or group of rooms in asingle-family, two-family or multiple-
~ family dwelling with kitchen facilities designed for or used by one family as an
independent housekeeping unit.
~ Employee Housing Unit: A dwelling unit which shall not be owner~occupled,
i leased or rented for any period less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be
occupied by at least one person who /s an employee. For the purposes of th/s
definition "employ®e" shall mean a person who works an average of thirty (30)
hours per week or more on a year round bas/s in Eag/e County, Co%rado,
GAS APPLIANCE: A fully self-contained, Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., (Ut) listed and
American Gas Association (AGA) "fireplace" unit which does not require venting through
a chimney and which does not permit the use of solid fuel.
GAS LOG FIREPLACE.• A fireplace as defined below equipped with an AGA and UL
listed artificial lag unit which is approved for the burning of natural gas.
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SOLID FUEL BURNING DEVICE.• Any fireplace, stove, firebox or device intended andlor
used for the purpose of burning wood, pulp, paper or other nonliquid or nongaseous fuel.
WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE: An open hearth or fire chamber or similar prepared
• place in which a fire maybe made and which is built in conjunction with a chimney,
Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2007 2
There shall be no wood burning fireplace and no solid fuel burning device, other than a
certified solid fuel burning device, constructed or installed within any dwelling unit,
accommodation unit, ~restfis#eeE-el~vellir3g employee housing unit or common area within
the Town.
Certified solid fuel burning devices, gas appliances, and gas log fireplaces shall be
permitted to be installed or constructed in dwelling units, accommodation units, restricted
dwelling units or common areas subject to the following provisions:
A. Dwelling Units: Dwelling units shall contain not more than one certified solid fuel
burning device , ' ; ore
~a/~e-not more than two (2) gas log fireplaces. , ' ,
B. i~ Employee Housing Units: ftest~is;ts~d~i+ag Emp)oyes
housing units shall contain not more than one gas log firep/ac , ' ,
C. Accommodation Units: Accommodation units shall not contain certlf/ed solid
fuel burning devices and not more than one gas fireplace. , ' ,
ss~iiaASe: All gas fireplaces located in accommodation units shall be constructed in
such a manner that access to the firebox is prohibited except for the purposes of repair
and maintenance. A sign shall be placed on each fireplace unit reading: "Caution -Gas
Fireplace Only." All gas log fireplaces and gas appliances in accommodation units shall
be equipped with a timing device or a thermostat which shall cause an automatic shutoff
of the fire for safety and conservation purposes.
D. Commas Area: Any common area shall contain not more than one certified solid
fuel burning device, or ' one gas log flreplac ,
A. Preexisting Devices:
1. Nonconforming solid fuel burning devices, certified solid fue! burning devices, wood
burning fireplaces, gas appliances and gas log fireplaces, lawfully constructed or
installed prior to the effective date hereof, may continue, subject to any Jimitations or
restrictions contained in this Section.
2. Any certified solid fuel burning devices, gas appliances and gas log fireplaces lawfully
designed and for which a completed Design Review Board application was received by
the Department of Community Development prior to August i5, 1991 maybe installed or
constructed subject to any limitations or restrictions contained in this Section.
8. Consolidated Dwelling Units To Comply.• if one or more separate conforming or
nonconforming dwelling units, ~es#isreai-c~weitir~g employee housing units or
accommodation units are combined to form one larger dwelling, employee housing unit
~ ~eslri or accommodation unit, the newly formed unit shall comply in all
respects with the provisions of this Chapter.
C. Moved Or Altered Fireplaces To Comply: No existing wood burning fireplace shall
be moved or structurally altered, unless it is modified in such a manner that it complies
with all the provisions of this Chapter.
D. Restored Units To Comply.• Whenever any dwelling unit, accommodation unit,
fes#~isted-s?~vellir~g employee housing unit or common area is substantially demo/fished
Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2007 3
or destroyed, whether by the intent of its owner or lessee, or by natural disaster, if such
dwelling unit, accommodation unit, fest~it~tee? employee hous/nq dwelling unit or
common area is restored or reconstructed, it shall meet all the provisions of this Chapter.
Section 3. Section 12-10-10 is hereby amended as follows:
8. Schedule B applies to all properties outside Vail's "commercial core areas" (as
defined on the town of Vail core area parking maps I and ll, incorporated by reference
and available for inspection in the office of the town clerk):
Use ~ Parking Requirements
ccommodation unit 0.4 space per accommodation unit, plus 0.1 space per
each 100 square feet of gross residential floor area, with
a maximum of i.0 space per unit
Banks and financial 1 space per 200 square feet of net floor area
Eating and drinking ~ ~ 1 space per 120 square feet of seating floor area
Fractional fee club unit 0.7 space per fractional fee club unit. Hotels with
conference facilities or meeting rooms 0.7 space per
fractional fee club unit, plus 1.0 space per 330 square
feet of seating floor area devoted to conference facilities
or meeting rooms
Hospitals ~ I 1 space per patient bed, plus 1.0 space per 150 square
I feet of net floor area
Limited service lodge unit 4 ~0.7 space per limited service lodge unit
Medical and dental offices 1 space per 200 square feet of net floor area
1Multiple-family dwellings ~ ~If a dwelling unit's gross residential floor area is 500
f square feet or less: 1.5 spaces
if a dwelling unit's gross residential floor area is more
than 500 square feet, but less than 2,000 square feet: 2
~If a dwelling unit's gross residential floor area is 2,000
square feet or more: 2.5 spaces
Other professional and ~ (1 space per 250 square feet of net floor area
business offices
Quick service 1.0 space per each 200 square feet of net floor area for
food/convenience stores the first 1,000 square feet of net floor area: 1.0 space pe
300 square feet for net floor area above 1, 000 square
Recreational facilities, public Parking requirements to be determined by the planning
or private and environmental commission
• Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2007 4
• ~Retai! stores, personal ~ ~ 1 space per each 300 square feef of net floor area
services and repair shops
Single-family and fwo-family ~ Ilf a dwelling unit's gross residential floor area is less than
dwellings 2,000 square feet: 2 spaces
If a dwelling unit's gross residential floor area is 2,000
square feet or more, but less than 4,000 square feet.• 3
If a dwelling unit's gross residential floor area is 4,000
square feet or more, but less than 5,500 square feet: 4
I f If a dwelling unit's gross residential floor area is 5,500
I square feet or more: 5 spaces
I Theaters, meeting rooms, ~ ~ 1 space per 120 square feet of seating floor area I
convention facilities
Timeshare units 0.7 space per timeshare unit. Hotels with conference
facilities or meeting rooms 0.7 space per timeshare unit,
plus 1.0 space per 330 square feet of seating floor area
devoted to conference facilities or meeting rooms
~ny use not listed ~ Parking requirements to be determined by the planning I
and environmental commission
Section 4. Subarticle 12-8D-2 is hereby amended as follows:
~ E. Outside Of Lodge: The following uses shall be permitted outside the main base lodge
and children's ski school buildings as Shawn on the approved development plan zoned
ski base/recreation ~-district:
Section 5. Section 12-13-4 is hereby amended as follows:
EHU Zoning Districts Ownership/ Additional Additional Site Garage Credit/ Parking Minimum/ Density
Permitted By Right Dr Transference GRFA Coverage /Reduced Storage Requirement Maximum GRFA
By Conditional Use Landscape Area Of
• Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2007 5
~ermitted Use: The EHU may be The EHU Site Coverage: Allowed 300 square Per Per zone district Counts as
1 Primary/secondary sold or transferred is entitled The site is entitled feet ofgarage area chapter second unit
residential as separate unit on to an to an additional S per enclosed vehicle 10 of this on property.
7tivo family residential the property. additional percent ofsite space at a maximum title as a
(All with lots less than (Previously required SSO square coverage for EHU. of
2 parking spaces dwelling
14, 000 square feet) deed restriction on feet. Landscaped Area: (600 square feet). unit.
both units to allow The site is entitled All units not
sale.) to a reduction of constructed with a
landscape area by S garage shall be
percent (reduced to required a minimum
55 percent ofsite 75 square feet of
area) for EHU. storage area in
addition to normal
closet space. This 7S
square jeer shall be a
credit for storage
Type Conditional Use: The EHU shall not The EHU n/a Allowed 300 square Per 300 square feet Allowed as
II Single family residential be sold or is entitled feet of additional chapter minimum. third unit on
TEvo family residential transferred to an garage area for the 10 of this 1,200 square feet property.
Primary/secondary separately from the additional EHU. title as a maximum. Does not
residential zone districts unit it is associated SSO square All units not dwelling count as it
meeting minimum lot with. feet. constructed with a unit. density.
size requirements garage shall be
Agriculture and open required a minimum
space 75 square feet of
storage area in
addition to normal
closet space. This 7S
square feet shall be a
credit for storage
Type Permitted Use.• The EHUmay be Per n/a n/a Per A. Dwelling Unit Not counted
III Lionshead mixed use 1 sold or transferred section 12- chapter Format: as density.
Lionshead mixed use 2 separately. I S-3 of 10 of this 300 square feet
Housing this title, title. minimum.
Conditional Use: type Ill 1,200 square feet
Residential cluster employee maximum.
Low density multiple- housing B. Dormitory
family units are Format:
Medium density excluded 200 square feet
family from the minimum.
High density multiple- calculatio S00 square feet
family n of maximum.
Public accommodation GRFA. Dormitory format
Public Accoruntodatton may consist of
Z several bedrooms
Commercial core I sharing common
Commercial core 2 kitchen and
Commercial core 3 bathingfacilities
Commercial service in a variety of
center formats or
~ Arterial business arrangements, in
Parking district which case may
General use exceed the S00
Ski base/recreation square
Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2007 g
Ty ny dwelling unit may The EHU may only Shall be n/a Shall be determined Per Shall be Shall be
I e designated and deed be sold or determined by zoning on property. chapter determined by determined
restricted as a type IV transferred by zoning 10 of this zoning on by zoning on
employee housing unit, separately. on title as a property, property.
unless already property. dwelling
designated as an unit.
employee housing unit.
7~pe Permitted Use: The EHUshall not The EHU n/a The EHU is not Per 1,200 square feet Counts as
V Hillside residential be sold or is not entitled to additional chapter maximum. second unit
transferred entitled to garage area credit. 10 of this on property.
from the additional title as a
unit tt is associated GRFA. dwelling ~
with. unit.
Type Conditional Use: As governed by the Allowable Allowable site Requirements shall be Per Allowable GRFA Allowable
VI Housing manageme»t plan. GRFA coverage and determined by the chapter shall be density shall
Shall nat be shall be landscape area planning and 10 of this determined by the be
subdivided or determined shall be determined environmental title or planning and determined
divided into any by the by the planning and commission. as environmental by the
form of timeshares, planning environmental required commission. planning
interval ownership, and commission. by the and environ-
or fractional fee. environme planning mental
ntal and cammission.
commissio environ-
n, mental
Section 6. Section 13-8-1 is hereby amended as foiiows:
B. Submittal Requirements:
i. Site Map; Statement: Two (2) Mylar copies of the duplex subdivision plat shall be
submitted to the department of community development.
Section 7. Section 13-9-1 is hereby amended as follows:
8. Submittal Requirements:
1. Site Map; Statement: Two (2) Mylar copies of the subdivision plat shall be submitted
to the department of community development.
i Section S. Subsection 13-10-5-3 is hereby amended as follows:
13-10-5-3: EXCAVATIONS:
F. Street Cleaning: When any earth, gravel, or other excavated material is caused to roll,
i flow or wash upon any street, the permittee shall cause the debris to be removed from
the street by the end of the workda
~lepesit In the event the earth, gravel, or other excavated material so deposited is not
Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2007 7
• removed, the Engineer shall cause such removal and the cost incurred shall be paid by
the permittee ar deducted from his/her bond
Section 9. Chapter 13-11 is hereby amended as follows:
Chapter 13-i 1: Sample Certificates and Plat Notes
Section 13-11-12: Plat Notes
A. F/oodp/a/n Plat Note: The following plat note shall be added to plats that
delineate 100 Year Floodplain data: "The 100 Year Floodplain line as shown
hereon is based on the Town of Vail adopted FEMA Floodplain Study or the best
available Floodplain data as approved by the Town of Vail Floodplain
Administrator: For future reference, the 100 Year Floodplain Ilne as shown shall
be verified for consistency with the currently adopted version of the FEMA
Floodplain Study."
Sectfon 10. Section 14-10-11 is hereby amended as follows:
C. Compliance With Requirements:
9. Due to the special aesthetic importance of the core areas of the town, exterior
installations of satellite dish antennas in commercial cores 1 and 2 and In L/onshead
mixed use 1 and 2 shall be permitted only if screened by some type of enclosing
• structure. Said structures required to enclose a satellite dish antenna in these areas
shall comply with all applicable zoning regulations and shall be architecturally compatible
with the existing structure.
Section 11. Chapter 14-8 is hereby amended as follows:
• Ordinance No. 2 Series of 2007 8
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• Section 12. 1f any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this
ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the
remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have
passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof,
regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or
phrases be declared invalid.
Section 13. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this
ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vaii and the
inhabitants thereof.
Section 14. The amendment of any provision of the Town Code as provided in this
ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that
occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or
proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amended. The amendment of any
provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or
superseded unless expressly stated herein.
• Section 15. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof,
inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall
not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore
PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 16th day of January, 2007, and a public
hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 6`h day of February, 2007, at 6:00 P.M.
in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado.
Rodney E, fifer, Ma~/or
or ei naldson, Town Clerk ~
• SEA ~
Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2007
PUBLISHED IN FULL this 6th day of February, 2007.
ATTE T: Rodney E.'Slifer, I~Aayor
~ c-
• 'OWN G
L~Felei Donaldson, Town Clerk
• Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2007 ~g
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THE VAIL DAl1Y 970.949.0555/vaildailycom Wednesday, January 24, 2007 -Pale CZ!
(Series Of 2007)
oaovinNCe a sErslES of abin, AN oRO~iANCE ro ANIENO cflArlEa sa, PouunoN co?r?a0y lliLE l2, zoFtraci REGIHJ1TtON8; lrrhe la, sveolvsaii RECU~AatoNSC Ano lrttE
DEVF1.OPflAFNT STANDMDS NAPi~600tG VAIL TOWN cooE.FOR::..:., aID,,,,nns.,. r...s A1iD f~.MIFiCATIDN370 TFIE VAIL TOIMi CODS AtiD 9E7TWIi FDHIiI oETArB w REAARD . r o,c r...
sNIEREAS, lee Pia
tirg arq Envrvllrtenlal Gorrrresiarl d Me To+m or Uatl h feN a p,Ok t>sa~irg m the Propoaad as shown on the approved deuelaprrlent plan zored sla hasahavattion 1 district:
txnh ae pro+iamsdthe V3N lows Codadthe TOWrldYal;and
WHEREAS, the Planning antl Environments ~COmmission of the Town of Vail has recornrrteraerl approval with Sedlon S. Section 12-13-4 a hereby arttenrkd as IOUOws~
modificationsof these amendments at itsJenuary B, 2001 meeting, and has submitted its mcwnmentlatlon
to the Val Tow Courtoili and 12 13 4: REWIREMENB BV EMPLOYEE FbUSINC UNIT (EHII) I VPE:
WHEREAS, Ihu PI3nn rg and E -mnmenlal Cq 'sc'ion finds that the prtaposed amendments ae consistont w Ili the nnj ryac*y,.emtet w ,xrtavp maorxa yle H a~ creuiv •mwg :rv a.uiry
ppbeaWg ebn t of tnu adopletl galls, obleetiws and pOlip es outlined wt the Val ComprWtensire rx, ,"papa QylbxnYl1Y bsB raelaura x*saR `t ;ye
Plan and are compaLble moth the development objectives of (te Tow nd , Ran ,rL1ei1 ; ?FA Cfl at
VJ}1EREA5. the F'lertrtirg end Errvvamertla Owattissm /rcris foal the Proposed - hstttmr the ge,aal and specR I:rcL,ato nU
purpgses of the 7orrrg Ra].il
IiorLS, SlbdhiskMt RapiatkXts and fife Da+sloprtenl f?eriew fiarPlbodc and
WHEREAS, the Planning and EnvirorwnentW Gwelmlengnlfinds that the Proposed a...,,,,,,.,,u..,, Promote the; health. solely, tae ttmmul ax:. nix nu ~Sb t:w m:e
m.,rys, and general welfare of the T and pwrwle the coexdinaled antl harmonious devoktPmertt of the ii.,rt-, ...xr.lr; imdu+nf mvkf u~ ry immM tm~le
e~ ire, y,w d r nE uhata re rM,~ ~
Town in a mavx, Ihat consavas artd rthartOas ks natural ermmnmenl and its estaaisnw charactw as a rv, brf; v-abu. al,s i, ,owl L,,n y„>w ~pgmy
resort and resaenaal community of dte hgltest quaNty era xn, sa see sot lion sw:v, w ~mrxo vab,v~J n u.imr
WHEREAS, lhy Val town C:ounoil ppnsitl«s it In the int«esl of the public health. Safety. and wekare to adopt tlxt5e .>e 1aAJ itle y,0 o-; ..y Arty hf;;~;y
amendmen1510 the TOWn GCtle. PnPOb, a>.aaJeb ,i,wmxmdi
n.IJM I.-rrtruA Iron mn: NAB
$edlorr t. 17ta pnpose of lets h~ilceheerwng cnbwxa 510 C11aRy text arxl ca,aci etas in tY,Nratm in the Vail Tavn Code
(Cwt thtuto bO aJAdis ba4l. Smckw>SSdtaN Uatare not a~neraen maY t>a omkled) 't Means seau_M.f
SecOOn 2 Cnapter 5-3 is hereby amended as fdlOws: :#m ~yl^ ,eW b,~ wma4
1c,1vtA „n.
xxRxxk i
5-;3-a. DEFINITIONS. r,rkca.eu®. yy
ACCOMMODATION UNIT: Any room or group of mans witMut Akcfwn facilities designed) for or adapl«I to occupancy lVb Pnrsn Nre tHA
by yuosls and accessible hum common condors, wales, or balconies wkrtout passing fitrougn another Inxs,.zxl ro ~ r,ge aa.
3000mmotlation unit or dweking unit. txnanya, „n Aare r„
CERTIFIED SOLID FU[L BURNING DEVIGE A slid fuel htmting dev,ce which rs certifietl by the Fnvironnienta -
~k.NU rmUman
Piotcxklwl Ayuncy and by ilia Ale Pdkdion Cattrol Division Of the Colorado Depanrrtenl of Public Haakh -
und Fnvuonment to produce seven and five~tenihs (y.5) grams of particulates per hour or less. This shall +evtw:iur
ntdudu both Wtalytic and rrcalMdtalylic Phase II Stuvue as well as pellet barters and any other technobgy rofl wr
high iAn be shown to meal Ihese ami5aiat uitena ~ 1 ~
fS1Mtv1CN ANEA. IYe lobby d any 'kd:7ti (as tl,a tam 3 delKteA m Tilkl 1„ Gtapla 2 d ONS COtle), the aaa d :ny 'wv :axm,u rs" tree n rsrze vr. 1. vtyn,r t;t
c«drxrvNlm prgect hx fife c«mton use of aYlM U.l exists mlrestauamts and bars. a 1: 4,t+Jrzv.>en+ rcil re slim i„n ur loan .-.y wlA tur.om a.+
DWELLING UNIT Any room or group of rooms in a singlo famAy, two family w multiple-famiy dwelling with klld n .x,r.ny, ierk,na sxl ,lxixai9aap uv. i wa,.ae a
facilities desigrt«f for or used by one Iemiy as an Independent househ t ar, 1xn,
Em to HouW Unit: Adwelli -eeping urn. uyrynvdav ieslurw -emu; e4nnte:l nutrrcoElu wrtwannt trmra
p yea ng rg unH which strati not ba owner-occupied, leased or remetl for any period v., Meos a>mUg say u uns nA
bee then thirty (30) coruecutive days, and shall De occupied by t least one person who la an r~,o++u:iu iav.a`~ a s „emxaua
empbyr. F« the purposes of this tlefinnion "employee" shall mean a person who works en vl.rnuo attwa~ ova igixinal `sasn•xw
awrege o1 Nlrty (30) hours per week «more on a year round basis In Eagle County, Colorado. mom, va W vt.el
GAS APPLIANCE: A fully seif~tprttairterl, Unnerwnt«t taboratonos, Inc., NU listed and American Gas Association ~+Tni.n~ys
(AGA) "(replace" urnt which does not require vtmting through a chimney and which does not pamd the xp.ru kW A
use Of Solid fuel.
GAS LOG FIREPLACE' A htaplacn as dnfined below egwpped with an AGA and UL usl:atl artiflchl bg unit which is ~asm„pt
appoved for the burnstg 01 natural gas. .:,a crad
SOl iD FUEL BURNING DEVICE Any fireplace stove, firettOx or device intended anrL'w used l« the purpose of burnmg -E~,•. rra rs
wwq pulp, paper a other mdiqua w nongaseous hrel. kyl gty
WOOD BURNItJG FIREPLACE An open health w fire chamber w similar prepared place in winch a rim may be nwde auedab
and which Is bulk h conjunction with a chimney. h.yy.:,w
'rpn ,,,mvwo use emuner iase®t „gwtu ~vxnrtg u. ,nose
? 3'. FIREPLACES AND FUEL BURNING DEVICES RESTRICTED. ui Ix..nornoa~u.~t nya u to uaA paw I a +bcay
T11are shell be rq wood burning fireplaoe and rto solid fuOl burning Device, other than a cenified Solid tu61 burning xxN. al+mat,m? en.irrnr oW Me Urswc [a
deVlCe, COnStmded Or Instated Within any dWBHrg UNt, accOninrodation unit, Bmpbyea hOUWng Umil it'dg ~`4 r^IAV .nYt~F*'
w OwatxNt area within tits T wn. ''«,'Jkni IN nruy uFS t Je0 srr®a
li¢i1xtW'rlcle ax evlxlal
:t-a: PEHMITTEU DEVICES. Inv Mnvyn.aw sn`v, n,se ImrAry
C.ednvd sda fuel bumitg devices, gas appliances. and gas log fimNaces shall tie permitted to ba installed or Mxkm Merry z4tnA
constructed in dweking urns, accomnadalan urMS, restricted dwelnrg units w comnton areas subject • n,ry auto .+e~
to the fdlow+ng Provisions. fly`+MMt rnalk' t,ry;
A. DwaNing UnAS'. D«elfng units shall contain rwl more titan one certified slid fuel burning device or not more 1tN aTr^ ^xx~` t saaelem
than two (oj gas log firepl&ces. I-tL.. Aax.rmxemcn?
H Empbyr Houshrp Units. Empbyee housing urvls shall contain not more ktan one gas toy fimplace ~`~u•t+I [x:~r~a,re
Accommodation Units' Accommodation awls shah not contain cert9led solid IoW Duminp devbas ~'`•xY+Inrt:J „,ram
end not more tfen one gas fireplace. AN gas Meplaces boated r. acc«nnwdation urxts snail be mnew nry., 1 J
constucte0 in such a manrt« Ihat access to the firebox is prohibited except tw the purrx,ses Of raper ~,n*ecn s,.oar,ua arms
g ...y
and ntalntaran~n A sgn cl+aA De pla0od or, each hrepla-e i mat .rad!^ 'CauOpn r,,. Rreplaoa.~. ~lnN ^ A,..e l.ea.ss
All gas toy fireplaces and gas appliertees in ape' modation unM1S st43A be eefiippad vnth a timing devroa I~~ r •
or a thermo51a1 wttioh shall cause en automatic shutoff of the fire tw safety and onservabon purposes. ~ m a emn ~+er
U. Common Area- Any common area shall contain rot m«e than orte Oertifred solid fuel buminy device. Or ono:
gas log fireplace. ~ a war
a v rr,uL•. u
A Preexisting Devices: rear i
1. Nonconforming slid fuel burning devices. certified slid fuel barring devices, wood bw ning fireplaces, gas appliances stamp
end gas log firaplaCBS, lawfuly constucted « instated Poor to the effective date hereof. maY cortlinue.
subject to any hmita[ions « reebictiore contained in this Section. ypa , o„~y us ® vram
a AnY certNietl slid Ind burning devices, gas epplirtws and gas log fireplaces IewluM designed and t« whk;h aadad a+ao rein s_av 'zd +ne:•..l er:en~,sa ned ~01
a completed Design Revbw Board apNiwtwn ecdvotl DY the Department of Comr«nrtY a.ar,reu
mrgu, ru*gm gun msy veyut
Development prior to Aug st 15, 1991 may he nstalled « constructed subject to any lrMations « Inns uv. s,laaieh s.ny
resMgwns contakraf h this Section. y,ny
B Consditlated Dwelkg Urns To Comply: k one « mwe separate confortnirg « nomm~lormirg dweling s a,o.raow roux va
unks, empbyN Iwueirrp unks « accwnntotlatan units are combined to form orw Wgt dwelling,
rnpbyr frouaerg rank « r.,.......__.,:bn unit, the rtewhy bmrad unit sheN conlPN in ell respects vnth sea trr~t
i~oa traps
a 1
rmao ireormaf ro sc bra t nrut
~t. u+
ae fxovisions d this Cheptrr
C. Mated Q A0.ted Freplaces To c«rpN: No e>osaa9 wood A^ag fsepDCe sttal DB nvod a strvivaly altered, .afrDml ~`ga ~ n~A
Wass 0.'s nn6fed n sttlt a nlerrer tlet N carpYas' w8D el tlta proms dtFS C7ager.
D. Restored Urns To CortIPN: Wherravr ay d+.elNng utit. -~........,..~.iort uri. ~ ~ housing urtit «
mmnon also b «destroyed, whetht by tle rrrem d X.s rrvnar a lasses. « by ua r s
rehrei Aeastr, k~tlJ "ig~ Irrl, , nit. arpoyr DarMq oN.e~tq vat «cartrnon
area a restored « rec«etrucled, it stet meet al ae prwb'r«6 d tits Ctrepta. ~
Secibn 3. Seotbn 12-10-10 is hereby anteraad az tosows: ~ ~ moo-
~ ~ re
B. sa,eAne B apples to sl popatiea onside VaY9 caa areas' (as deAned m Me tts`.n a VeN sae area a ~ ~ ~ ~ I'~+9~d ~ rdutadad ~
rtrepe l aid N.... , . M resrerke end evetable br. . h ilia aKOa d lne anon drip: oaniha t 4 .
. bm` tdsrrg
y Irrl Nrleklasa . apace Par , . ion rM, pNS 0.1 space per earn 1 I
Ad 'd~1~ tlrOea resgerttiel floor enea, w1Ut a rnartlnsm of 1.
50YOLLC~iiy.90g1ta rvw ar nee Boer rev
8satlon 6. section 13-9-t s hreoy trended as iWaw,:
roans 0.7 apace Par tmctlael~iee club vN, 139-1: APPROVAL AND sUBMRTAL F1E'OIIIFiQvtENfS:
1.0 apace pt 330 sputa f9et d saemg Ilopr tea demoted t B. StnrtNttWRepirtrems
fecabea « Ireetrn rooms 1. Sae hlaP; SYWttent' Two R) kayler cppea d oe Apes s~.ision Net Wei be arerrNned ro tle . d
~rtor;pnaw 1 space pt Paesm no, Plus 7.u i-.~...~ . w gate trt d o°"vrkaWy tla'elapr"a"t.
Section 7. Sedbn 13-1 bhtWyy arrnraetl es kYawa:
13g~1: APWiONAL AND SIAMff7AL F€-0ll~lENfs:
f4nR,tampeadmermriWOnl>kasrellDearaaa,e" dc«mury
e- nps , a ++~~aV ues pose
elr Is Iwd agnate rrr B• ~~T'r+o
a 5 pose reroemlr noon area a rme dran 500 183106 3: IXGVATgNS131a53 b htaby amended es ftlbws:
e pose err z,rru square rear F Sbeat llearrllg: Vdren arty eeM, 9ra'.el, « oNr eazevatetl material a Otlsed b mY, tkxv « wash upon any street.
the panriltee Wtall cause tle debne to ba rengr6d hen the sired M 9e end d the wonkdey h the bead
.,n Br10 OU9RIBea otllces spy per ~ squem feet d let 1100r tae 1fe earM, pavW, «otht erxaveled mWenel 6D deposited b rot rengRd, bra Engeet step stns audt
seiHCe 1=ood/iwin%rience sTaes ,.li ~ .iedi 11TJ sgriare fiat 'a net poor tea rot me raa rernwW end ve mW marred Wei De ppfedd Dy foe ptrrY9ee «deAxaed rmm rlhn,t boa.
~1,l7)00 squae lest d net Moor sea: 1.0 space Per 300 equre feel Seooon 9. Chapter 13-11 is hreDY emrldad as Idlows:
het Moor raa aDOVe 1.OOD square teat Chapter 13-11: sanlPb Certlflcates end Wet 61dat
tealnes, puouc «prvere RI
snag nequnements ro be dxermned oy Ire Feenrirg tlq
Itwvorrranel romrssti«t I Section l3-/1-12 PW lbtae
Install stern. perearr serwcas ens leper arropeli pace Per east au agate reel «net rear err TM nos alien Yx atlded ro ltfeb trot . 100 war
1 's~yua'e A, r , Wal Nolc
k~atpe-armor to Cwo-ttnr aaeAirtga' p e among vole peas Irdrnlr Aoor tr a lees ,hen z. loo rw~FbaCPlain w. r Wham trrwn r Urea on foe TDwr mwl arlPPtaWP EMA
bel:2 soacea 8btlyarlM trterYYLY FbodPWndWr .by tlr Torn rMVW
~r a
Fwearg vats gwe rematrr so« area a 2,000 attune eW drVa far Nbsa . , tr 106 Nw f ~ Yre r efroen etral W yarlMe for
arras, IM less tten 4.000 square feel: 3 aPeces ~ wM IM wralAY aaWMd varMOn q tlr FERIA r BWItc•
i e awaelg aittt pose reaaernrr ll0ar tea a 4,W0 arNare Ism
e 1v+eeeg vrta pcae ~ noon tee Ts b,5W square rest a 18416 1 SATE11ffE 1DISFI 11~T~~ emeraed as Mows:
5 daces C. C. , „ Willi ReVirrtrtts:
I I raters. meerg morns. arnerrtron entitles Il epaoa Per 1111 equate teat «errg door erne 9. Ous b oe special eee0eec rrportarce d tM pare areas d ore town, arterr« rebtatnrs d sWeab den anterrae n
rrrealiare iirllb .rf~apece pr InleW,ra iii[. noTeL wtm corealerce /acNltles ears twedrdmatg atnctule. sed~ Wnx:err rev..ea to enclose
a~semWte~AWI~s10e~ In theaearei
r rooms 0.7 spep pt tknleWtene rra[, phis 1.0 space par shat carpy wiN al aPplbeble zorYtg neplatlae and shN be aldaternreN " : w0.h ale eruWFlg
bet d sealing 9oor tea devoted to bGWies .
yYry Ube r101 YtBq l~BrlMtg IagWrnama f0 DB dtMnNletl by InB pWtwg $aCtlpn /7
I W c«nmssion Geplr 1a-9 is hereby attended az Idbws:
Stlron 4. SuOerkcle 12-8D-21s trtaby arntaad az fdkrws:
E. Outside q Lodge. The loBOwng uses stwl be prrtined oulsitle the man base lod9a era dtkken5 std eritod Dkdlrgs
'r t
Page C30 -Wednesday, January 24, 2007 THE VAIL DAILY 970.949.0555/vaildaily.com
H yf /S, tt -.k 1[k II tLmitt -
lYSSar.lon(i,'UI Hl sl~ririe_st Ua ?t,bgr%.nt sla td'Irdslx 11! n' flD I-:U in tlx Turvrr al Ve 1. Tt standards seal
G; con^.itlCmd Ih0 miamam EtandardS VJI It'n Ivm Or mae standards CIXIHirt, the mae rC5lrlctrvP. slarxlad
Shall apply. AAdltiOnal and slnv:ial slarWarUS niay exist in accordarre with Titia 12, Zoning FieglJatiens.
Tade 8: Summery of Zonrxl Setb 1. and Developme'd Linlrtahons
Max tHU n Min. UCCK Mln. Ueeh Ma%. MB%. Jim In. Mln in. i J an0 ~eaong
cone urstncts I Donslly I Albwance I Building (ground level) I (not grolxxi bveQ I Architectural I Covemye I landscape IOUiklahle~ Frontage Sq. BUlldirg location
Setbacks Setback SotDack Projection Nea area, n Noe I Flelghl I r
IN^ S°t^3^,~
ResNenlal Dislnct5 Ju hat I ore , c
L Ilnlls per 1 IYpC IV O! !U Iront Mar Pmlecl MaY Prgecl MI a' ISio /UYo 21,/tlU JU W x t>U
HJlslde ReslMntial IoI V per lot as' 15' roar not mae tHan more titan Ilre mansard 10, Vail Town
(uniLS may a e rmitted 15' sitlcs the lesser lesser of 5' or Yi the 'W1
not be wld s 0110' a Vz required setback sbping
separalelYl t nw requlmd t
ar3'~ Ma Bcl not a 2u'r 5tl°ii~ 12,5W :tu~ rw xexr Ju a oee In Ic. viler
t unit per lot t type II eu Iront 6n y pmlocl y Pr01 an
aIN 10. Vail T Coda
Sngle Famlly per lot as a 15' rev riot Irxxe than m than Ine m
Residential conditional 15' 9il7as the lesser lasso o/5' or the foot
use Of 10' or'h required setback ~
ICIe required root
rvnr:~ 't units wl to wnt °G~~~.... 15,0[.0 - 36.--..-eD'zcw su hat or xe rare re. ~rrePrer
per lyCre I type Y Prt>W'~ aY P'olec m ansarcl 10. Val Twm Cade
Two-Family IV as a 15' mar not Wore thou nx,re lion Iho n'
Rasidi~nhll 8 Two pemllltod 15' sides the lesser lessor of 5' or Y~ the '~I
Family Primary/ usa,-Typo II Of 10' or 14 repuircxl setback 33 sbgrg
Secondary Pof lot as a Rte required root
caldilional selnack
Hl: a urnls qn fyCria. IV as to Iront May prolnn may proferl not n.n bu'7u O,tx'u x tw J~ ~,r~ sot ~rTiry n tmnt
RaSUMnhel Cluster ne a Co tmitted 1S' rear nrA mae Than mom than Ihu Im 9,r~00 n
n, Type III 15' Sides the les5a IesSe t 5' .r the of buildable loot AI (east 1 parkng
aS d o110' or'/ rEpulred seback aea) 33' sloputg space per unit sllatl
.onditional the required root bo ktcalW witdn the
setback nwi buikilrglsl or
LUMF b Uni15 per lyg3 IV a5 - Ont May prcryecl may protect n01 .f0'A 'm ~r d., a O p3 In
l~.w Density .re pomlitted use 20' bear not more than more than thn mansaNl Setback
Multiple Famlly Type III 20' sK1es the lesser lesser of 5' Or 1'i the t
of 10' or',: requiretl setback 38' sbpirtg
conditional the required fO°t
5p 4
UMt 1H Units pef IyIE N a5 !U IfUM May PIgF!Cl May prOIBGI Ml aS io .H1'1o 1U,(MlU X tW .fJ lal Of iV pafYJng Of
Medium Density r0 a permitted 2n' mar rwt more than more than the maruaN Iuadrg b tlmt
Multiple Famlly us ,Type III 20' Sides the lesser lasso of 5' a 1i the a tool setback
as a Ol 10' o!'r5 required setbank 3i3' sbplrg 50% d parlwg shag
corxirtronal the required rWt be located m then
Usb setback dudingls) 8 Iliclden
hom ptldlc view or
sltal be conybtdy
IMk1en hortl gmlrc
view iron adpXnrg
{przportie5 wXmin d
HUM! 25 IInl15 per IypP IV aS 1U' kohl May ggect May plO1001 rql a- h5yb :fU'fi~ 1U,WU SU~ CU' % W J ~k+ In
High Density acre a perntiued 2D' rear not nwre than more than the mansard setback.
Multiple Family use, Type III 20' Sk1es the lesser lesser o15' or 1i the t 75% of parking spell
of 10' a :'i required seinack 46 sbgng be boated n man
conditional the required rml br.ldrglsl 8 Ndden
usa setback hum pudic view a
shall be cwrplelefy
hidden hpn pudic
law hen adjoining
gopodias within a
H Subject to heed 20' hunt 4' S5'k, and up 30% Yrescnbed YmSCnbed rrescnoeU rresenne0 o rg or
Huusng PEG and in restr%:ted 20' rear to 75°~ at Dy PEC by PEC by PEC Dy PEC ending n any
.onjunctron employee [D' atlas dj
PEC with ~nlenage A Pial~
wlh CHUS housrg units n nlent
permlltod Variations dergrourxl requ~i and
usc, Type maV De parking slWl De approved
I'J as a approved by the PEC. Olt
conditional by PEC n~
('.hapler 12~1U, Vall
ivwn Coda, unless
a need for lower
lrabn9 spaces can
De darlp~straled
Lone Ur5lrrer5 a%. LHU Min tlUllO Mn. UBOK Mm. UCCA Max. Ma%. JI1B Mln. Mifl. LOI MNI. ax. ntlrrdng YarK?g at0 ~
Density Allowarx'a Setbacks (grwrltl heel (not ground IevaQ AmhitectUml Coverage Landsc age Square Height Locatan
~ I Setback ) I SeiDack I P~rnr
~t~~ I I Area aPe l ~bu8dede I Front I
rA LJ units per type IV as a LU Iron MaY Pmlac[ rqt ~fpY
Prolaot !ro d m JO% l0, WU s.l. JU W' x HU aJ hat ar martserd I rvo perwngroaan9 in
video ~ anm road uae 2n' marl irate man tna than trld t sr~ I tmrn 5atnack
Acccmmo- eypeM ~ -sloes Masser of ru a resser of o w E.3' s.,x..g .a. _ . r
dalan s a Variations may 15 the required Yz the required be bcatetl n man
conditional Do approved setback setback daldrg(s) 8hklden hexn
usa by PEC and/or q~ view
lA.l 25 units par type IV as a Ga~ie' WA WA WA t1UYO' r+'^'unr~ p,ulU 5.t. JV wH JJ - W'n rn o perKUg sran r>e
Commercial m pemmted usa, many building provded mate.
Core 1 lYM III lank suyxrg 33' - 4D% d
as a buNdng' too balling b hoot
`ontlilipnal s M"m`g'P"~ setback'
LJ UfNS par 11ypa rv as a 1 tr Iront MaY PmJCCI not MaY PrgeCl riot a /u:o-' ZU%'-` 1 u.UJll s.l. JU HU z VJ Ilat alq rvo paflWlg rOaaflg
1 Commorcial acre c~ nnided use, 10 rear mom than the morn than the nlansad tool n hoot SetbaOk
Core 2 Typa III 10' Sides" lesser OI 1 O' Or le$Sa of 5' of a8 sbplrg root
asla 151he reglured ilia required 50`k of pakrg sYlal
O dlliona Setback setback the krcated in man
LI.J l G Ilnlis pet yPC IV as a 2D' On C%[ClIOf May gOloci n01 May prOjBCt riot a' aUM Lhwo L>,UW s I. 1 W WA OD/rM31 IX marlSa FJU polkMlg IOaW'9 i
C mmercial acrd pe milted usa, boundaries of more Than Ne a than the r rU
C;ofe. 7 Typo 111 [ort¢ dishicl lesser of 1 C/ w !asset O/ 5' or Slogfg roof
as 'n iDe required 'a [ha required
nndnbnal setDadc setback
tl Units pet typl3 III Lll Im May prClenl (rot May protect n0[ 9' /OT 2Uro [U,IAN 5.1. 1 W H J.~ tlal a rtkan5N0 NO palKirg Ic»ang
Gummerciul re as a 20' rear more than ih0 more than the rwl in horn setback. '
Snrvice Genler - onclrtionnl ?O' stns lesser of 10' o lesser n15' o! 3H' sbgng rwt _
'r~ i F required K the required 5U -o of PaWng Shall
1 ~ sa back setback I.yeyoca~etl in main
eels F'¢r Iype IV 053 1U all" May plniCCl n01 May prOlCG1 Mt J' 70'16 20`%a" 1n,Vlld 5.1. nB WA /1 aVBfac7B ~I~`
Orpelklfp muStce
L in~mhunh re a ter purmated use mom then the more than the 82.5' nrux. bi,eted witdn too main
Mixr~d I loo I nr'3.T~~~ Ir.=set of Ill' ur lesser of 5' or buibing or buikLngs
Inc l; iha requued Yz the nxawred
s1 unite 5atbach 5etberk
nm i '
I f W Ill .V as n 1u all " I 1 pr 1 1 M ' 1 do of 7UYr " 20'Y 1D,tHJO s. t. niN18 N/A /t average 5u'v of park ng must ne
IL IU ( ttcrr ,se 11 t it fl ti H2.'v max" extisKl wllhnihe man
M c II.S•L i , I colt I..~ Uu ld ng or bu lJ nqs
,Inj th~f 1 I l I '1
I t.~. ll
L is 1>Lr yp~ II 1 ' ,i t F I r F IiU !5"+ + nxl S t. 1l>:I NrA i2' IUp it rU o of [a K g r aO~rg ~
A la,l .n I fll"II .J y to 1„ mil utt Selt'tl .h.
Rt'i~~•..:: SIUiu .1~ Fft t o- IT.-~rUr f r~FUr F•unioo
RBI ^0' for tl <~.lii~:,A ~ilr ;I. ~1 th.,~rasll
' ling .albeit, .ettmxl.
il, ni,i Miir sige~shell Uri
115 seder '.41?
inblht. u'1 I 1 1 d y
~ iii., I I.1
I is hi i
_ : 1 ~,1 Nr.~ TCa' r r ..i -rT 1~1c- p rk"x! 'l „l
1.... ii1 0
11i- rA ~r'7 - nnl - .ice 1 Tea'. C I - .
fl' :idPf I t l ^L 1 ,l,~iry it h`ry 1 C k~;
1 n ,~tt..l'~
i, I ~ I'r" 'tr~ Mir p _I "+1aV' P~I - ~.1' i i i rn m. CarK'IOaU rvl ire
, F ~fl t 1 t I t ciW :k
II:'',I 'I~s I. I f ~ s I ,,rl vtl sb(nyn I I P
cl.r ~.n ~i. YI'n.l 1 .Iii. ll ed t r 1 I rdteU
„ ~I' yrt~ .r.
TM~ 1MM. MN.1F 97p:~49.O585/vaUtlallycorn ~,a ~d V~ednesdsy, /enuary 24, 2407 - lava C,~t
taretH Agowrlce SetLede ~ fSOa111ue ~ , flonteee ~ lowbarl
emel _
C'JtwP ipeeaard Ax.+eelkn f71eAlICOb .
A 71me t lypa 2U'hprH AffiYp~nVl na 11 afaY pn'~acl flW 1' bYb WA rjb~ wA wA I
alp`pr+nenaerp In anl'
IA Mld Par 35 Nasqq 16'rear m«e tna the ~nlple dlerr lte ~y) 33'akyelp rod
spree c«kWtPrld id' aMea least a 10' « Neax d 6' «
w qS4 tllB leglllBd ~ttrRrogrWd
r1y,y w!t N' mml 11141{ 1101 b'A N _wn A 1W'n <1 AI Qe1iB1eV OA ,leb Ic. Vr1YWY:,U,
Outdoor 20' net mae elrl ele mere dw, IM. ~ ~ " 1 rop9 Val7own C«fa.
Rwraatk» j
es ittlw dlecjWed »~drecp~rv ~pBe~Bq„ as ewpkv rod
re~ehr~ dW a
~e ...p~..~1~..
ww rvn wn W A~"-'-'" n,n n rvn wA rvn wA wn - rvw wn err pY
tJealrai Area
1 um 1 mNml'r v 11~rY A4~ ~ ^M9/PrQ~rror na14! aec v! m.. a,j1 W e2+; ,w atlas wn n _ _ { m~~ as vi rv+
per 8 pl ass mdo tlNrl lkle rtgre Rlen tAS PEC 1( ens w 61a1~B
Ski Base ease • keeeral0'~« .Weerab'« 4~&ab
Rerxeetlon uae Vi ttu~regJ'etl K tlle/aprYetl _4y0~S4a0~%a~ay~ p~1n1p
snrr< nvra yips ar q,rw Palau vent Sw by+kl% 1U,UW wn rvA I~3'~'~~~1 b[ffiad xMl~In9q trM1
6ki aeEe Per ePe mrYYbafIN, - kRBr
dlp baserd5ar a
CIX'b 1+WRM(19 fit. V MRi. 'NXn. UW'K nrn, uBUC aleF. MB%. bee MN1. .Mel. lDl OYO Mn. Mn. Mall. daurp 1'rIV®MIO
i° ~ l 1~ l° ~ I 1 I~ I I1
.sPea+end~.u. ,,.¦,de
r rvn ~ 111 WA WA ~'1(A WP wA wA wA wn Wn ~ !
7ypa IV rvn l~ileT~dgM' 1
s., ~
CienerW UaB PECK TjpsN m p~y c~ pa mq,g o aw M rec. set nY reu sal uY m. ~C cw M rew ua~ aY ra. ~Y~w
apse ~kee~ir ddb'
afo' «xulo
SN.NJ .Y91 nY Sel q y0llge aec nY X11 fry Se141'y1l:o4rce Lel eY l:Otelnf ear q' Lel bYtial/lO tlal W S1B1ly' ar W1.>#m alel nY lnaaa.,.
' Spaci~ Cplxl« Cpufdl C•glrlgY. Caae~ CaVwil Cg1a'J GOU'ldl
Ili_LH10" CwnManw.ew er7 amt «P«+ewlV a. aomaxaa uwwv /••arw.r pnwsr
o deelpralW me Wf uAfpn Oeegrt f~Alde Plml and Aedpl Wrgdderptlvna arrwldac. 'rtr~~
. ,-Mager Pon aw ~dar~on treteW M.ew.net reAw eM PraWa!~Ot a17. ~ ~ P~Y"fpaeMc
held ro be Yrvekd, sum dedaaf etail not effect the velimty a dle P«UOne a thk
12. 6 any Pert, 9ectlon, &lyesr,1w11 arrtafoe, dauee «p~
W~, b ~ Toom ~TROdJGFD, READ ON~ APPpp'JFD Nd7 ~e~v.~. pUO ONCE M~1~9' M~
CourlcM tledarea a xalAO haw peened tMe pd ~ eerxalce, neap « d aadl Tit apeier ~
rrwwkMaYd . atMrolx>rw eiylona«mwe'perd, eaetbm,a. ~ alrrweaphrasee
Fu.L ou ~
aeatby fa Ttle Town Colxla tnrenr end deaa{w tteq >hiu aana+w+s ~ . , end REAOINO ttYe inn dai of JenuM'. 2007, and a PubNc nawlnB for aecorM 11eeser~!tqp aMle . , peau,eam ey
poParT«tlls Mrwtlh. aelety end weMere.aaYe 7Wm~M1+eEWrcletNB1!ed.. aFehnerX 2007,« PM. In Mr CourW Cllrr6rsdlM WlMNUpe191lalq, uM,tabido,
8edlon 1M ~ Ttle ~ , , d erN 4ro~d~ d ttla term code. ProKled to tMe . . -anal ndl
am NGebwl itpe ooocaledPd7 fo the aeeodw deM hrea, Rodney E Eekr, hNYOr
- _ aN
y ~
~ o v
o ° p ~ y
.fl ~ o ~ o ? ~
.o C ~ 4- ~ a~ o r ~
a~i ~ ~ ~ a, o ; a, ~ o
.c o a 3 ~ „ ~ ~ en a
quip H ~ p' ~ ~ c?a P+ ~ t1a N
~ ~ r~l~ ~ ~ N V ~ ~ ~ C7 O Q
aA ~ a' p y ~
7 w O p c'd ~ O ~ C^ ~ U O
y 'r3 ~ ~ ~ N ^d (rl y T
6) ~
*C~ ~ rte{
~ p ~ tj 63 ~ ~ C6 ~ w
'r N a, cd a ~ 'y ry .fl cG
tS' U
~ ~ ~
a y~io~~~ a G cs ,n •."r.
~ ~ ~ y G ^~O chi, ~ d ~ vN ~ ~
C/1 r..+ ~ `A ""aGtf ~ ~ d ~ O ~ ta+ Oy p ~s '4?
3 •~y ~ ~ y~ ~ o ~ o ~
O ~ off",,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~
W ,p C U O ^r3 b4 ~ ~ ~ w m N
'Q' ~ ~ ~ ~ ,O -O G ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ G p ~ G ~
W ~ ~ o
W W > 7, ~ v O C v 3
~ ~ ~
j TII[ tJAiL DAILY 970.949.0555/vaildailycom Saturday, Fat'JUary 10, 2007 - lltt~a CiJ
OR00lANCENO.1 c;ca :o.'a--a.u`~ess7t~aetcanmh: ~ ,-saMtlllwf
tIH11060F fa07 bunlinDaW'o<oM atalaotmgaRlrn ate grs hgYrto• as-N-tltaaRemaoks~-ena6ss
' (HOIMQOA1 ateprarree. Argastn9pkcesbcstedh ,uMsshsrheanrgbuctedhauah
a retorter drat stress ro Ure wehar h pweowo eioaKM Ibrtlle purposes dfgwRend
ORDINANCE OEMES OP 100'7. AN WIDNLANCE TO AMEND CNAl1fER 1'1, rbll.UT'ION A slgrt shM he ptsasd m each ~appKb urw taadyg: 'Cautlon • Gas
CONTROL; TITLE 19, 7,~J1101911'10N4: ~ ~ TrtLII ti, IM~IRAT07itf;Alt1 Fker~e ~ ~ ARl785 bg acrd gas + h attar , . orals skirl
TITI# 1t. plVq,q!(~Ifl' iT'AIgAMOf 11Y~ADDE,1fEL~~ OQpE, lqR MQIYIiID be aPYf{aetl wtq+s thWg deuce d a „ , ~ !p whiMr slrr(yaee an aulcr~lh sAufol?
ddolOeArsaAxyard ~ ptaposec.
• OtSTAOi ill LKq?MID'7iIaR1'O. D. Ant: Arty ~ ~ rat shMarRdn rot amore Bran one cereNed sore
Ard OfrrWg dwdce, Orh•drsa0erneKsorte gas JOg B'aP - ~ fNeaAwenreliteene
WHEREAS, ate PNrmirq rwt fe ~ arW. Ca i ~ , 01 aM Tarot d Var htla ttsld •
putdk Marirp fNl the proposed amenfrrtsnta M ~ ~ 1YIdt eta praYWatN d au VM Town 5-3-5 Np11CCY~CN,ti1NNG DEVICES FIREPLACESANDAPPLIANCES
A. ~ sg Oerwes:
Cove oI the Town d V W; aM 1. MoncoNmrdpg mrd hrel6lntRg devices. OertlRre sore htW faar8rrg daMces. anod
~t9 gas aPP~~ and g%5 k+9lRepiacaa• awhttly aruaugaid a hsnlted
WHEREAS, 1haPMnfwtp and E 1,,CCrtaaq.W at. Town m vat tws Prkr ro the eBeraMe mae haeia, may wtdniw, sugku ro arh' ar , s
. conodnee h this 5ecslorr.
.approvr wiat ortaot tttanantatt6mMS at lr.Mntfny 0,.lo/TansNirp, z.Aay.,~,~:~:. sareMel atarwty tbrlces. gas avpNmcas ardgns log fh.MwlrMy
desfgrree and rot wfdcfr a rnrprebd Dsslgrr, jtevlew eons was rewfaee o7
and tree auWnitad b rstawnmendfwon b. Uta Var Tam Cotalcr; and the DepsrhnerR d Crrrxnrawy Detaeopnrent poor ro August 15, 1l~1 may be trsfsrMa
. corrsrttrrod sft6}efY ro arry ~ a rsakivdoro rnrroF~ h tMs SeAb(t.
WHERhAS,a»PlanrdngaWE i.. ardaMattM,.,.,~,. B. CartsolidetedOweMkglMrs7oComply.•roneateai6soparMeiV,~. ~n, .
/mows.... , , , , ~0!O r~ taYD ta14 r
. ~ .art. twNJtU,selppMRilebelemenaoluaadow.dpata,obj.ouws.nd uAsaR'candahsemibnnaarYrgrAMaNYq. i MuOihli
polidss afminM in ate VaU ComprshelreNe Fran and en CQmpwwe wph tM t ~ ~ n ~ fatlt ~ dept, ~Ch~ etroagrlilnaadtat aftat~caYyh~ar
Cµ•~~MOradAAMnedFRapYCasTo... ,;.RMrtadgRgwooApant;prrapRM:e9haJ
obJectiwe of dte Town: one ba proved tr srucarary Mend taVees r k apdNadsr such a nwawr that R
wltlrMtheprorWonsddrisC7tapar. '
WHEREAS, as PlenNng end c aL C~. „ , ; fat flnde thst ate O. ResPoradlAws To Campy: Ntrenever any dwetrg taw, acrom ~ . , ~ ~ traL .
. a ~ , . IurtMr ate general and BPeoaiC IwrPosee of the IonNt0.Re91~a1btts, 8tdxMrMlon rtosaeMedaMs/Wlg /w~Ap law a ~ , ,area 6 sttOStarrdMyaYatrarsdree
Ragulatbnt and tMC . , I RwrlawF~4ua4ook{and ~ atreMrg uN6 ~ ~ , , on iatR taNgxeA ampkyea hauaig eaeMhg uw a~ , , ~k.'.
ar~als ,..,.~:.areawsauued.RSASrmeaFMruprordsbrsdflxst'7grrer.
VdHERHl16, oat Ptaradrl0 anA.. ra ~ I Cwntadaalan inW atM tla propoaW eaeelon 1. eactlon 12-70.10 is haf Wy amaded as toaowe:
amerwmenla . , ~ , ~ aw tMMh, ephey. teaWR, ordpaftaatwaran Wiha Tam and Prorate
6. SGroaYae a appres ro M; ofsslde Vsrs , . u care arses' (as delkted
the faroMirtated and hannaaaue dr t el ttte Town ih a msattr daLcoftnerves and m the town d VM rarasroa paatlrg maps 1 and N. ~ ~ . , , b!' . , ~ and
aflhanCO{ Me netllfW . : n rM Na eatsbLelue eh9raCt01 as fi resat ofd ropldeMW
ulre I I Parkkg NsOi , , ; . - I
commurdty m the hlglroet qurNy; and cc. ~ ~ , ~ . ,
on frw ~a maxkramr d 1.8 soots • uN4 0.1 rpate prr
. ~ Iii
.-~iar~~~reydr°~arRaarana, aaa
WHEREAS, ate VWI Town Counci , h In ate kta/eM d the pubFic Itsaah, sarey,
and wMarq to afkpt thaaa amatdmards to ate Tpwn Code. ~ Ihandsl I (i. Rpxe pr 20o agrtroaAtd Bret Rear aroe
IEamgarodrRwhp ~IJS~sCepar>9p~ta/eAtafafjaaRtplboreras
YAII, COLORADO, THAT: I~tabrsrmaas
9aeaotr 1. The PtaDeMa atis ttewareeWro arWftance pb okray taw mod fXlfreft ~ . , i.. /Be cktb urt 0.T space par . , ./eecRt6 mot! Natees aM
cyrfeerarfce ndMhs or ~ ~ rtanne Q 7 space per
error In ootlakallon to ale Yall Town Code. (Taw out is ro W detarod Ie eNlelw+. Tew that k to ~ ~ /riadond lee cho unL plus J.0 specs prr.170sp/sre
reel dsaMarg aaorarw deraRedro aarRirs
be added 4 sold Seolions or taw trtat are red amafdM maybe omatedi nreetho toorts
. . `HasPAals . ~ t spaca~per
t1e+s Bed. pus f U pOt.~~/i,... :,~.,..r
emtHtded ee lOllnws: - . .
OaeYlOn 1. Ctte~Nr 6•S b hereby
5-9•a: DEfIN{i'IDNS ;.,r. . ~ LLknRadsarvke bdaa /rrr I ? 'tar Rorl4idaaMss AreDa mow ~ I
ACCOALMOL)AT10N UNIT. Aay nzm a grail d roans axlrota kRthen lacrRlas desigrraf d arts etraal OrlrCeS I ~ I space per 200 sgrrra re01 d reef Aoar eras 1
/orareAaptatltoaccuparxyDYg~stsard<... :ehaa ~ '~'.,.wares..or
trekonles tvlMoul psssRg dragh anahe~ , Bar uw a owelWrg mow. _ ~lMa daerrrg Mar's reeldwtdM Soar area n 500
CE&T1~lED SO!!O FUE! B!/RJIrA1GDEVICE: A s9rtl Mel Wrig devke wfYCh ds ~ tsgwMw Iew ar Ie.SS' 1 S sDaCR» '
aerteabdDythe £rrv , PtOaectbn Agency anday the AR PortMan Corwd Dhdsbn ra dtreslrp uNr§ gmas reNdadr Aodar~as is alas
adro cxlando e , x dlarere ferMro ud E , , ro , , sataar area lire- rnerr seo squae AaeL euf res aw+zodoagwre leer z
tenrrs(7,5)groms dpardctsafas pet AOwafess Tlds Sfras hckde Rath canytk std ~ Ilspacea
nontateytk PMse d stares as twr as pelbtrrnaa and ary aflfa tecfardoJq rdkrdr
~ Carl be SfroaM1 ro aatatlre5e BrnlSieen C/RB/!e. ' I Igo ar /ppr~~j,$ 50RCK beef ar9e k ,~Om
r COMMON AREA: The kWDy d any "begs' (es diet term b ale/krod h ilde l2, Chapter 2
ddfs Coee), rtc arse Barry , rrr prtliect avarsble ya the , . tree d M ~/rdeeslata! and I ~ 1 spsca pet Y60 squwe Aral drrot Raor area
DW~INGURII Arargolgor~ Q((o4leasi0aslrgle{~'Y,~~Yo''
lemrydaewp;wlhRtefaal ~dselyrtlNl Aratrar~.d~l sae /wnly es en srrvbe I.O space Per eecp x00sQuarela«d~e~ eaaarea lb
trrR. • ,~~"erroe Mares ale lRsr 1,tR705grrare AeMdaetfiua arw: l,0 space
Erryda~eJ4sJr~1A>AA'~NY~ MIIO,WekMaOaY- pNaLMased ~ ~300sgranftatlbraaftkganuabaeL000sq~re~
ar nrMd AoranplriW Ina lgrl}t Mihly py ~y; and slrt !e Ieet -
ocsare(adbystReaat eNfok ~fr tMpespaaee /ecrlGlas. -.1
Kara tresRea 0eeir~irraaaalOeibRi [~W _
MrxMksnGssilsapywion~ykepkce'uws/MCAati taP+f's pbs.~..~~~i: ,OyMa -
G115AP~PlIMICE: AMgrsaK,,.r. , . , t ~ . E e l:. he., (l1L) rwraoaYshma -lifrpwp%r~n.po~i?sdndeaorras ~
a ehhrfeysne trfrdt eba tbtpermR Me use dsaRd Mel .
GAS LOG ifREPlACf. A NePNCI as deflrred 6e/oar egtepped wih sn AGA and tA. rend ~'yes4'aMMO,q~yylitems~ww
~ 7~woo ' Rooraras is ws morel
errOGs/bg uNt wrMchk~,.. Ar dfebrsrwpdrtNmoal gas. 1tr. dawar6 urMrpa.e raeearaer Rovreoazooa
A,---- gny.dsv .,i epleaRc~essf~d~y.Me-fedeio~pekased, ,:..'-ter II~Mtornsraaaresananem0aplrstrca
tt~~ J ~'rr
a efasNea I
~ ~lapp~y{7p}cerseawlredsysaadwARSl~n~tegaRad re~eeteased raw+v ~+vdu rRaa raa le aam t
la~Mra' ~:,JnEageeQstsry. fatlrepurpesesd ~ . Il~eaaaantwatlrrYnawls5e9epreMla7 -
tAlralelAWlantaiflY~•wrlsaelrfayas~slrsl6e . , , ~ ~ . , ~ . ~ , 'a-a ~ ~ , aJ - IIIs~~~ooe~~s -
-pun~tlWy~.:.., week. aMailgtttsYmeraederaMaoaenreASao •
&:--Arryi ~~aR~rtlYsAdredaefng~eada-bem~6Nng-at„'~~'~„erseN
I~ swo~aas: s saeua _
~ .
StufDFUELBiIRRrNGi>E1RCF:ArryAepsce.srore.~trebasartlevks~~„~.:.ardbr 'lr.arrs, rnana (IlsprePrt7iegrlssrdarwpauarr.s.
usedh+rMepuyosadbnrlrgwnod,pgo,papsraradrarnawp+ldar nMeJ. ~ q~g '
N~00081JRIWAtGFJA~'PLACE:rUropanhsrMaOrechemberaslnNer..f,. ..place Talmhuaars iaynspsrsklrehsnswrRHao.kwl..
R4,whkAatnRM{NAMaladaardrMNMlsfkdthapyungffnsNhaclwrRrey, raossn~sprapr, W.
fA 7.fprqurr brfdewapRaaaea
. epapean'
5-3-3:h7REPLACE5 ANDFtAEl81APNING ESI~STAlCTED:' '.are1W°nm°'an°/°w.s
TheretshMberrowaotlbfrrwgM1SPlace aortlMrberrMrgderbe.atfartlrrra ~ (up•tuennrMea ,~MsNlarapasarnummaeamsregaeprnnrw
CBNAed smWf haxfa~twg detdcw a hseerae at4rrr arty dwetarg urw, ~eanndd .
. ~ unk tasaic , ~ . ~ AaeMfr taw a ~ . ~ area wAryn
Me Tarwr. ~ - aeeaaa R. erlbertlaa t4aIYR k lwwa'r aeloaowar
5-3-1: PERMITTED DEVICES: tY-80.7:: c... ~ ~.cD USES: - ~
CanlhedSWHAaIdarNngdeulm3°gM andg'asbg~~~.~~.:.,shar8e ~ E.awsMSOnagpr:msRNarkYusasYwMpwrMraadNaeawmsnawa+Ys
pemrredrofafhrsereda hAwMZtgurws....~, ~,,.~ta8ts.,~..,~.~.~~.' .ddahaeenrsasaadeuarnexMlaeema4ePVrw.O. proasrdrd
dtte0irgfasrsar... ..er~rodroNaoaifgprotdsbrs:~ aaada:
A. GrwAPfg oak: DwaOyq eriVtr shMtarKaRr trot roans Man ae artrleal cord Aral
fartwrg devke+ad~ytaa~~, w4~,~ ~ M®{?1g/e.,., aktLre resew b. aealan ttl-ts.eatwwoy ~ ~rtaaowa:
ax mss Bran eeof (A pas bg ' +rr1E#sadRl werethat
. (219m+PP are
8. llllRs . , , daaAkg Erpleyaa 17-17-I: RE(aA1Rl1Eft75 HY Eefi.OYEE HOIISMIG INeli(EMa TYPE:
haarrq moms slur caaarr na1 mss rrM sae gas bg IiapYae+nd'sr+dallaU ~ , , tau ~a,n.,. a.,.ar Arm..r AdNYr/aY crwen~ ~ ru+.n+ an+4
, 'iY~e-...•..£r..a. ~.,.°4.~.-•.~ bfM,Q ~v GMA Cn+n+I/WNrY.~ebl,I~w! aYiw~dYA
..:-:a" ~ ,:..cv . - -.:.e - . a ..:4Y.Brainb.,. „ ,..rte,-- _ ~n.tMre . -.:v..- .
« ~ Pale A;34 -Saturday, February 10, 2007 THE VAIL DAILY 970.949.0555/vaildaily.com
r,ye/ P TxrlNr,wn A~F.Y r• , Y.r ,,.~u„rn., -
m,. " t. Section b. Sector l&&l is Mreby amtattleA as lolkrws:
e•n~+r .n.. ,
ir,. w x,.J ,c.,. T w•w. B. SudnNtal Requirements.
",w ~ cw~
~„~"xe, a " 1. Site Map; Statement: Two (2) MyWr copies of the duplex wbdivisbn plat shall be
n '^r°" ",r suomitldrl b the depanmem d Community devebprncvN. The plat sha4 inclrMe a SIM
N, map foNaNNg the rrxryrpenrerx-af subseclimTJ-6-ig.af Phis rNle.
~w, •r,. • ~ Ssetion 7. Secum 13-g-1 is hereby amentletl as folows:
o- r ,,,"„o- rr,~, 8. Submittal Regtxements:
rrn rv r
, , " 1. Site Mdp: Statement: Two (7) Mylar copies N me subdivision pWt shall be submdfed
' ' J, ' to the department o/ cummundy devebpment. The pMt shah include a sae map as
, requwedby subsetfan-T3-6 iBof ltws raW
' SeNion B. Subsection 13-10-5-3 is hereby amerMeo es folows:
,.,.n. F.,,.,^,e,:.n.
r..:,,.•o J,." r..rre.,..,,,., n...,.", r.. u.:.,,„,~i,,,, s,.,.,...,,,r T S1ra:Y Cleaning: When any rank yraveG or other excavated matmal is caused to rdl.
m r...,„x...,~.,::~,e.,, , ,..:.,,c,~.:, r- ~ • , ~.i ,a,m~~ r+•~•,.,, .,,.r.,:,,,. flow w wash upon any street, the permalee stroll cause the debris fo t>e removed Bari
o ,.,e,,.,: .:,w,,,.,, n.:. ,:a.. r•.n,a, +,u w•„^.., the street by the end d the workday pwwara to subsetdrx,g}~gd IMS Cade after
, ~.,::~,,.e e„ r vn.r•.•„ n., deposN. In the evem the earth graved w dher excavated material so deposited is not
w ..r,.,,w,,,",,,, removed, the Engineer shah cause such removal and the cost intoned shall be pab by
' " ° the permidee a deducted from his/her fxarrd.
rn" x.~,•:~ Seetbn 9. Chaper 13-i l is hereby amended as follows.
.n,xre .n..,
Chapter 13-1 T ~ Sample Certificates and Pbt Notes
Sisi:fion 13.11.12: Plat Notes
A. Floodpfain Plat Note: TM tdlowing plat note atoll M added b plats that
, w dNlneate 100 Yaar Fleodplaln data: TM 100 Year Flootlplain Iirta n shown fwaon
is Weed Mr tM Town d VaR adopted FEMA Floodplaln Study or the beat avallabM
• ~ Fbodplaln data p approved try tM Town of Vall Fbodplaln Adminlskatw. For
, futuro ~ tM 100 Yrr Fbodplaln Ilrla n shown ttMB M varaled for
~ coraUtency with tM eurremly adopted varaion of tM FFJiA Flaodplab 8tudy.'
r, , ~n , w ~ ,'..ex4 !?eetlon 10. Section 1a-10-11 is Mreby amended as iWbwe:
ny"„ , ,,.r, 1" ' 74.10~11~SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAS:
C. Canpliance With Requirements:
, rrn~,.,, ,.,.r:,.,:"i ~ Y, , , • ^•M^•^ a. g. Due to the special aesthetic importance d the core areas of the town, exterior
~ r ~ installations o/ satelNle dish antemtas in commercial cares 1 and 2 end in Lfansfwad
w.,,.,, a".n,"
"w^:°°° cxr.. r mixed use 1 and 2 shall be permitted Doty it screened by srxrte type d encbsing
r.r• rx •w•,,.~•,rr„ ,x, va.,:,rM- .vi.""m„~,: x,"W,:•:,,,,.,m.ua r., .ur...,,re. oxi, v,..:,.:tir. stnfctwe. Sant shuctwes regtrxed [o encbse a satelNte Wsh anterNta in these areas shall
.r ...,".:,....",rant ,.xr, u,•.,.:::~.r n, ,x.:,,M ~"no- comply wuh all applicable zoning regulations and shall be archilectwalry compabde with
„ ~ w~.. the existing s(ructwe.
~ r.~w : ,
" ~ Saetion /1. Chapter 14-8 is hereby amended as folklws:
w,~„,,,..,ir. ,
8. Summary of Zoning Setback and Devebpment kimUatbns.
This aectbn (Table 81 spectlies site devebpment standards for all Zoning Drsrricts in the Town of Vail. These standards shall be considered the minimum standards.
When two or more standards confUct, Me more . _.._:...:..e standard shall apply. AddBbnal and special standards may exist let accordance with Tills 12, Zoning
Table S: Summary of Zoning Setback end Dweloptnent Llmitatbns
Zone Disuw-L Max. EHU Min. Min. Deck Min. Deck Max. Max. Site Min. Min. Inc Min. Min. Max. Parking and
Density Albwance BuiWe,g (gmunJ level) Inotgmund leveh An:hneclura Coverage lnndxupe Sur FNlila(,Y Sy. Building loafing laxmim
Setb;u:ks SelMxk Setback 1 Area (buildable Area Height
Pmjatiun area in
Into w hl
Resdential Districts
HR ~ 2 units per I Type !V 2t1'fnxn May pmj~rt nor May pmjeet not 4' I S :E 70^,E ' I,~xU 50' 1t0' x 41' flat or See Title 1?.
Hillside la or per kz I5'rea mom th.1n tle lesser mum then the ksur ti0' rtrnsaM • Chagcr 10,
Resllemial (unitxtmy a ISsides of 10' a 'h the of S' or u the nwf M.. ' -Vail
nut he sold permitted reyuircJ aelback rcyuired stlh;u:k 33' Tows Ctde
separately) use slrping
SFR I unit per Id I Type B 20' Inxtl May gojrxt nor May projut nut 4' 20% Ell k 12 Sfq 30' S(1' x 311' Bat or See Title 12.
Single Family per Inc as a I S' rear afore than the lesser none than the lesser &1' mansard Ch:tger 10.
Residential amditimal IS'sllet of 10' ex h the of 5' a Sz the roof M. Va8
33' 'Pr»va Cale
use rcyuircd setback reyuveJ xtlr:+ek
R & P/S 2 units per 'I'YPe 1 20' fnmt May project nor MaY gojztt nor 4' 20'X 60 ~ 15,000 311' g0' z 30' Bata See Tkk I?.
TvnrFanily kn Type [V as IS'rear nmrc than the lesser more than Ne ksw•r NO' mansard Chager Ill,
Resllential lk apertakted IS'>kfes of Ill' nr 4} the of S' a 'h the rmf lvk._,-, yaB
i3' Tows Gxk
' Two Fanily use,}-TyTx tixluirtd sdbrck required sdbuck
Pnntury! II per In a sbpin6
Secondary a NOf
RC h units per Type lV as 20'front May project nor MaY project nor 4' 2551. h(1°k 1S,11W 30' SO' x )0'Bat or tqo parking in
Residential xrc a IS'rcar more than the leaser meae than the ksur (min. N,(KK) g0' mansard fnmt set6a:k.
Cluster perntftted 1S'sides of 10' a 1r the of 5' or S4 the of budtlabk rmf At katlparkiag
us~s. Type reyuitul setback ieyuired setback area) 33' spa-e per unit
111 siuputg shall be bcaed
Type-FV rmf wiNin the main
as a buiklingla) w
conditinal ucceasory garage.
LDMF 9 units per Type IV as 20' front May goject not May goject nor 4' 35'R 411% 10,0(10 30' x0' z 35' fUu or No parking in
L,w Density acre permitted 20' rear mvxe than the lesser nwre than the k,u:r lilt' mansard fmnt xtback.
Muhipk Family use Type 20' atlas of Ill' ,x 44 the of 5' or u the rmf
ITI reyuin.J sctbrck rcyuircd setback 3U'
TYpr}V skrpmg
• as a coif
* THE VAIL DAILY 970.949.0_55_5/vaildaily.com _ _ _ Saturday, February 10, 2007 Ps>ge _C35
's~ID\I! Ix nn. (xr I'fype R a U t nl Mnv ptn~st nnl \lay 1 p t of 1 ~ •IS n il)'A Ill (NNI 1111' xl1 i5' I] r 1 t Iwk
SI I~um Us t. ly ~ sn a ll' - t m ~ tl nh I r nwr th d ls~er I %11 or I I -ufmti Inn
\tullgllc Fam ly pcntatkd _U .iJr+ 1 10 x d of ,a the I mansard ' tbaek
ux•, Tylx• « yuuul xlb~ 'k rata I •Ibad nxd NI F r f park 1~
III , I l `hall lx krated in
7yprlh sloping (main huikiingla
a+n I owl' I d hWden Mxn
?wJitional , public slew or
u.w i hall be
cwnpkmly hiJrkn
Imm puMa s
imm adjoining"
pnrprrties wtthin
_ _ I _I_ _ I _ _ I _ I.mtl_tiag 6cnn_
IIUMF 25 ann. per 'Type lV as _u'fmm hiay pm?e7 n I May pnycct i t ~S$(i i0S6- - -III,pNI i0' %11' z ;5'11 tar Nu lwkmg in
H~yl Ikmily ,tae a u/l're;u nam than th I re than the loser ~ %U' ornsard~ front setback.
lluhipk P;muly pcrmilhd 2U'sWrs ul 10' r r S6 the of i r ~ the j nwf 754 of parkin-
use, TYR rcyuuaLxtlxxk rnlwrc•Jrsciback d%' shall be kwatcd in
III I s4tping mum bmWingl`I
Typa IV ~ nwf I A hWJen tmm
` • I I IwMic vtrw ur
u~Jninnal i i ' `hall he
axnpktely hkWen
I ~ Irom public slew
Inan aJjt fining
Pmpenre' ithin
I _ IanJxapr hrnu.
N - Suhjn•I to 1I UcM-- ->0------------ - J'-~- 55 rk and 30r7r Pr
acribM Praxrib Prasari 1'rc
•nbcl Nu panting or
Housing P@C and in I nslricted Gnm up to by PEC ?d b} bud by d by ' loading in aay
~I corl{unrllon entpby~ 20' rear 75•h. al PEC PEC' PEC I selbarit. A
with EHl!s hrmsing 20'sides dicereliat I parting
units I of PEC I management
' permitted Vnrialio with I pbut a required
uu•, T}pe ns trtay undergro i and shall be
IV as a be and ~ approved by the
rondltional npprosc parking PEC. Off slrv+x/
' use d by ~ parlung shall M
PEC ~ Provided in
accordance wil6
Chapter 12.10,
i Vail 't'own Code.
I ' unlat a nerd for
i I ~ I ~ fewer parking
I i i ~ .paces can Ire
davrronslrated in
aacnrdaum with
i I ~ t Ariick 12-6L
/nnc \t:n 1.1 i1t Mai \t D :k \Ym Ur.6 M Mss. Silr M n hT Mm \Ln. Muv. t1uilJmg Parking anJ lAxt,lmp
Uixncn Ihhnsit - All w;ume ISUdJmg It i t l Irvrll Innt emus l Ar 6tecwnJ Cnvem a• L.mdx, 1 r Siir Fnnnuer ti user Hei •ht hwunun
y Sclha.ks ~S.tbark ~kscU ScttxxA N iillnt ~ Arco ~ Itbdl Wbll ~Arca 6
Ism Suttwck a u«ul
C'onunercwl Dis(rlts
V':\ '_S unirs per Type IV us 2U~ Iront May prois'~"t May project na J' 65'k ?O s IU.UIN) ?U' KU' a NO' 45' Flat ur Nn patting/leading in
Puhlk asrr a 211'nar not rnrxe than mn« than the SSSE, I s.f. mansard nwf front wrlvck.
As:utmna permlLLrd 20'slls Ific Inxr of ksur of S ur .h j i%' sloping nxfi 7S°6 of paling shall
lotion use, Type Variations Ill' or 44 the the nxlumd br 6w:ucd m main
III maybe nvluus:J setback buiWingtsl tlchkkk+r
'fypr lY approved xtback ~ from pub&view
as a by PEC
conditwnal and/or
_u=_ _ URH _ _ _
((I~ --unit+lwr TYpelh as Nnnc"--~N/A NIA Nr,4_-~- x0 a~' INu S.1N11.I S.f. .w' N%A 3i -MPs of Nu paling shall he
Conuncrual tsn a reductwn in huikling pnwWed nn-sue.
l'urc 1 pcrmilled I witting J?' -.1115h ul
use, Typt, land..:aping building " tin lxWing in fnmr
111 unks+ setback.
Type IV sail
as a cuux• '
conditional shown
C('' ~5 un in per Type IV as 10'tnml MuY pn+jesT May pmjrd ntN 3' _ 7l1 h" 2ll F~" W,INNI 31I' %ll' c %tl' qs' flat and Nu parking ur
C'uuunercinl ear a 10'rea~ nut sour thmt start thmt the s.f, mansard nwf I lwJutg in front
Cum'- pnrmillyd 10'aWes''+ the ksxr of ksu•r n(Snr» I I J%'slupme tort°4 I xtback.
ace. 7 jllc 10' ur the the reyuveJ
III rcyuirrJ xtback SU~4~ uI p:uking +hall
TypelY I xtback h 4x~atrJ m own
a a huilJingl tl.
use _ _ _
c'('i 12 units per Type IV a, 211' ht May projn~t May' projut mu J' JINN 1251 25,1NN1 IIXI' N/A ip flat w Nn parking or kzWinc
C'ununcrcwJ arm a prrmlwer wt na mum th:m murc than the >.f. transsrd ruin In imnt xtback.
Cnrr3 pumilted m ezlerior the ksxr of ksxr of5tx'r ~ 3%'sloping rcwY
ux,7ype boundariaa IU' ru S': the dtc rtyuitcJ
III of lone «ywred xtback.
Type lV Jistrk;t xtback
s a Mwtnlaakt
C'tii' I%unia per ly1e 111 20'in ntt May Im ject May projset nut 1' 75°k 21P6~ 211,INN) IfNI' N/A i5'flat or No parking nr
Cumme¢ul see Type-IY 2U'rc:rt na moo: than murc than the s.l. narnsard nxrf 4sading N frtutt
Service a<a 2l1'siJcs the kcxr of ksxr of Ynr !h ?%`tWping nwf .xthxk.
Comer cundnksnal Ill' or 45 the the reyuircJ
use rsxluircJ setback SU`& of parking shall
srtb:a:k be lxarcJ m main
l.Mll-I 45 units p;r Typr R' as 10' all May pujart May prnjert ma 1' ~ - 7lii(~ 20
F Il1,lNp mine N!A 71' avenge Sfl'F of parking must
Lionshead acre a nut more Than mom than the s.f. %2.5' maz. " be lrcateJ within the
Mixd Ilse or iir.E permitted the lesser of lesser of S'tx ~ main 6uiWutg <x
1 increase use,TYI>r 10' nr 'h the the required buildings
over IV reyuireJ setback
ezitdng ;ype-IY xlb;uk
unvs nn asu -
prupenY eettditlrael
Pale C88 -Saturday, February 10, 2007 fl1E YAN, DAILY 970.949.0555/vaildady.com_
i ~ LMU-2 35 unite per Type R' as I!]' aU'• May pmjet May pmjay na 4' 70 A: ~'!F IU,11110 rxxto NIA 71' avenge 3096 of p.alcing may
l,innshead acre a n« mne Ulan taxu than the s.f. tl2.5 tswt m kwated wahin tM:
Mbced Use 334E pgatglted Na bsser of bsser of 5' ur !h meat bai6ling a
2 attrease ttaq~Type 10' tr µ the .the teyuaud buUdatgs
ewer >a rataad sabatt
- existing ~"4V adbeck
twila Wt Wa
wo '
• ABU 15 bniuper T!'prU] IS'(root May Wit. b1xY Pm1~M+t J' IG04F ~,25% 23:000 IOU' N!A 3?'lupm7U%of No patkbaa~
Arterial are 7jpsTM ~ ~ (<(i091 ma mare.Bum mme •tA®t drc ~ sS. nwF) io traN se~adc. I
8usineao m a, altxtg S. lhe~ ktpar t1f fartar.of S' a N I i 4ry (txiwr potion
axdrtktrU Prswtepe Rd t0'er 44 the tht: mquQOd I' ~ of dte roof).
.use 20'[or requaad ~ sdbaclt
rerrwotktg a«lydc i ~ Min. slope YtaU
4056) I he3:12 ~ ,
1S'sida~ 1_7046 of roof may
IbWgMa ~ heRat
Q4dg he
X20) 1
NS WA N/A 20' front May pmjal May pmjort n« 4' 17596 109k µ1,00D ~ 50' WA 35' fW x No parking tw I
µravy 2U'teu nM. mtao thaw more then the ~ c.f. tad in front uatbaclc
Sersce 30'sitbs Ne k+srar of bssaof5'arB ( 3f'Wppngboof tliu-,~,.. , pvRroa
10' or 44 rho ate tayuind tmty be N agbck.
`ereetSbak suck
PA4 2;.. oohs TypeaYS 3tl'tnst MaY PoRMN May WRkd d' r;d% ~ M%. tU,dYtl ,39' tlY!>t•Ytl' 44'fMter NaP
~ PubBr pp~ •or • ptxutiped 20! rtsr not ttxn trot mom gtaa p.t. ~ ~ ~ ~ not r frawt mlhatt
AmatnmP twe, Typo 2Y'tdds Wan pta Wo Itasm d S' M't~llpht{ teat 7!% of pmgq .
tlasMta.~. W as 'a. Varlatkna kxae' d x K tW e , abatliebtt'apd`
wpxl ttry be w 'h the sagalrod mtda baRdit{la) t
we gpprored tegtttred unmak biddenframpttWt
by PF.[' aatback Hew
T.txte Dii4icts Max. ~ 6HU ~ ~ Mat. Min. Deuk~~ ~ ~ ~ Min. Max. Max: SUe ~ Mot. M6t. La Min. Min. Mex.BuBdatg tkight Paelmtgapd Lnadiog .
.Density Albwane IluiYlbg {gtamdlem0 Dade AreAUeetur w.,,.~i,,, L...~..,.. Sme Latgia4
' e Setbacks Satlwck lout of. Mee (buiklehk a Area
end - +tm) . .
kveD fM4,.
Setback Setbaale
' Opeu Space aalR... Distrkts z
A I uaU ' ~I Type n" 2D'ttart Maypmjotx wt ' May project 4' S% ~ WA 35 acres N!A N/A 30' ibx aP mawmed No parkatr4, ady
Agtteahahtt .pet 33 ~ o fS'tear mom Nan the n« more roan { 1 acre toot a«hack
and Dpan., . actpp• dwditiaoa' 13'sides kescr td l0'or the bnxrd5' ~ ituildabfe) 33'sbpieg mod
SpaeC fuse ~ SS the tcxtuoai «16 the
s«dtdc royuved
OR _ WA ~ hkA. ~ YO`'4mnt ~ #fa ~ - ~ ~ _ .
Oultkwt~ ;u . , 2Q'ntu-.. mnR Utah 'aR,' 6mdnaYPrejecen: 3~L.:;~.'. duetminvi» t>~lxay:.w+.. ~ _
Recrenlioa - 20'sidea ..leper of lU'a the basatofY byt6e . 24'alotxng rsxd Tows Cale.
. laxcgit a 1'- the n:quked nr N Iho lYsign
nwy be xthati: required Review
funMr setback . 8oud at,
txatkled by
the PEC io
walla .:.a;.
INe o0tlnill . .
ervation I N!A WA NIA I N!A I N!A ~ NIA I NM I NIA' ~ NfA I WA N!A I WA Sd by tW.C
SpR l unit Type nl set by PEC 1 S«by-P88 Se6AyA&E3 ~ Stlt'~y"" S« Dy SeI bTPBC 40 acroa NIA , .NIA 35~(6p%otbuUdasg Sa by pEC
per tl as a Mey praJeM MaY prttieq Pf:C PEC (1 one eoveaxge)
Ski Base acres exmdRlm two more Wtm aet mtrm ibtm baUdttbk)
ReetvaUtm al twe tke leaar d ~ We baser d S' ~ 40'(40% of buiklatg '
TYpe"N ld' or SS dte • ar N Ibe ~ eowrape)
tequiretl ngahad
x11arA ~ _ k
SRRd tl mtNa Typo ID 6e1 by PRG 'May pt~eA ~ bray ptadact 0' Bet by Bet bT P6C 10,tltlfP NJA N/A 13"r 9S% atparbittl
' PK !ts 9 mtl mom tltaN was more tlwa PRC abW Ye halal
Skl Sax am atWhloa the latest of qx of 3' whbi Na mole
Raotaagaal a1Px Iba ~~e bpMMdd /
~Zme Diwrina Mac. ~ EHU Min. Min. T Mina, Max. j Max. Sqe Min. Min. La Min. is4in. Max. BuilNnt Prkietl sad
Densiy Aibwaaoe BuiWiog Deck Dtxi Arcbitocwml ;Coverage i Lmdecape Sin Frmtage bquara }WgM ~ Lmdig (
I Sahacka ~ tgroand (nut Projection ' -Aroa (buildable , Arca t.ocaUott
IeveO gttwtrtd Inm Setback ama) i
yeNxck ~ bSmback.
Spxixl ant Mo~oeUenatwt Disttitts ~ ~ . , ~ ,
Parking Type N ~ I ~ ~C'GYlplCr 10.
as a cogllafamal J`I b/Nititipal
use VaRTow
UU Sa by. Type 111 .sot M' P6C MaY MaY 4' Set try Pf=C Sra by PEC Sat by PEC Su by Sa oY Sal bYPGG Set M PBC
General Use PEC Typo !V prgject pglact n« PBC - . p~
as.atxmdilit>ttal. tt<a trtote mate than ~ t~,
use Nan the rho teeter ,
brat u( of 5'or Vs_
10'w14 the
tNaajumed a~ettw~
sedrek _
THE VAIL DAILY 970.949.0555/vaildaii .coin _ Saturday, February 10, 2007 - Pago C37
tiDD V s.r ny kr ny (nnn~ l ~ ti,~ n ny kr ny 4r ny ~t ny a,nn~d kt M - Scr ny sc. ny su nl k~ ny ><•r M
' Slx -r I Cranrcd I j Coun:il l+wncil I Council Cuunril Cou n:il I Council Cuun..il CuuncJ I (rwncd Cuurwil
„ wpn.n~ ~ I{
Uiatrxl ! I j
'unless otherwise desgnated by the Vail VNtage Urban Design Gwde Plan and Desgn Considerations
"unless otherwise tlesignated by the Lionshead Redevebpment Master Plan
Seedon 12. 11 eny part, section, subsectaq sonlence, eVause or phrase of this INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED. AND ORDERED
• ordmance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decisbn shall not effect the validity of the PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 16th day of January, 2007, and a pubUc
remaining poniens of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would Dave hearing for secontl reading of this Ordinance sat for the 6'" day of February, 2007. a16:00 P. M. in
passed this ordinance, and each pert, section, subsection, sonlence, clause or phrase thereof, the Council Chambers o11he Vail Municipal BuiWvg, Vail, Cobrado.
~ regardless of the fact that any one or more pans, Sections, subsections, semences, clauses or
phrases be declared invffiid.
Rodney E. Slicer, Mayor
Section 13. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares Mal this ATTEST
ordmance is racessary and proper for the health, safely and welfare d the Town of Vail and the
inhabitants thereof.
Lorelei Donadson, Town Clerk
Sactlon 1/. The amerWment of any provision or the Town Code as providetl in this INTRODUCED. READ, ADOPTED AND ENACTED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED -
ordinanceshall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty Imposed, any violation that
occurred prior to the eMective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or PUBLISHED IN FULL this 61h day Of February, 2007.
proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amerMetl. The emendmant of any
provision hereby shall rat revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or
Rodney E Slifer, Mayor
superseded unless expressly slated herein. ATTEST:
Secfbn 15. All bylaws, ortlen:, resolutions and ordinances. or parts thereof,
ir,consislenl herewith are repealed to the extent only of sucn inconsistency. This repealer shah Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk
not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or pan thereof, theretofore
repealed. Published in Me Vad Daily February 10. 2007
a e