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6 - 13zo 06 -30 -2010 Inspection Request Reporting Page 66 4:38 pm VailCO - City Of Requested Inspect Date: Assigned To: Thursday July 01, 2010MDENNEY Inspection Type:ELEC Site Address:600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL UNIT A9, NORTHWOODS A/P /D Information Activity: E10 -0105 Type: B -ELEC Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: Owner: ESPEJO, MELITA MONICA Contractor: FRENCH ELECTRIC, INC Phone: 970 - 328 -6216 Description: ADDITION: RELOCATE LIGHTS, BASEBOARD HEATERS AND RECEPTACLES Reauested Inspection(s Item: 190 ELEC -Final Requested Time: 11:00 AMRequestor: FRENCH ELECTRIC, INC Phone: 970 - 328 -6216 -or- 328- 4401 Comments: 471 -0707 Assigned To: MDENNEY Entered By: JMONDRAGON KAction: Time Exp: Comment: requires an outdoor recep ac a on the deck with GFCI protection. Inspection History 7- / / Item: 120 ELEC -Rough ** Ap ov 06/15/10 Inspector: sgrem r Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 06/16/10 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 190 ELEC -Final 06/29/10 Inspector: mdenney Action: DN DENIED Comment: Art. 210.52(E)(3) requires an outdoor receptacle on the deck with GFCI protection. REPT131 Run Id: 11641