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08-17-2004 Inspection request reporting Page 17 Requested Inspect Late: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 Inspe on Area: Eta Sfte Address: 715 IN LIONSHEA.D CR VAIL Marriott PooltSpa area AiPID Infbrmatlon Ar-tlvlty: E09-0007 Type: B-ELEC Sub Type-, ACOM Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occu~ancy: Use: Insp Area: EG toner: HMC ACQU,SITK?N PRtcPERTIE,S WC Contractor: RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. Phone: 970-949-6095 Applicant: RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. Phone: 970-94"095 Descriptlon: Install emergency stop for pool and spe Requested Insvectloi4s item: 190 ELEC-Final Requested Time: 0E:00 AID Requestor: ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGIES. Phone: 970.949-6095 ROCKY MTN INC Assigned To: ECLATZLE Entered By, JMCNDRAGON K Actlon7 Time Exp: Inspection histarn Item: 110 ELEC-Temp. Power Item: 120 ELEC-RoughItem: 130 ELEC-Con ult Item;. 144 ELEC-_Misc. Item: 190 ELEC-Final REPT131 Run Id. 2206