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E02-0134 (3)
1-2-17-2002 Inspecdon Request Reporting Page 23 6:59 am. Insp tion Area: EG Zmft ddress: 714 W L..i~'+NSHEAD CR VAIL 714 VV Lil"'INSHEAD CIR AMID intwirmattorr Activity: E02-0'l 34 Tyj- e: B-FL EC Sub Typw AE,:OM Status: Conost ?'ype. Orrf i enll~ usw Imp Aree' FG i ~a~i~' i-1W.: Ar'QUMITION 1'OP? P`f, Appisceri4: i t-tC'OMPASS E1.EC:.TRICAL TE-1--'r NOL? IE - Phone. 970-S4.9-6095 POCKY M TN INC Contractor: E~1C:CC3MPASS ELECT MCA:. TECHNOLOGIES- Phcone: 97D- 5 ROCKY 1b1Ti~t ,t`JC r>a-;,6p HSrr INSTALL NEW ELECTRICAL FOR FHA, E i REii"OVATICN INTERIOR GUEST PChMo'=SIEXTEFtIOR Item," $903 E JEC f'inal' R u too: Ei`aCOtigiii=`AaS ELECfTMA'._TE4..HNt.el.OGIES- b ti*irl rits~: i;iwto ialtefm4m As nfAi To, EGLA;TZLE hater Cojr e,~,rits: h .sx~rr. 'ch fi -orridor it ! C:+1ni'a's(r1i,'s`: 3 r and 4h floor evrpiete P~anm Ccafs mentczi: 3162 361 4.61 46 5 1 563 -ft flioR i:orrWr Requested Time, ti't *00 PflA P4wme: 970499-£0-cur- 390- 7161 Entered f: I)G LDEN K f.2 G%2 terri:. i 10 EL E-C;-Ta mp. Powert 62item: .120 E!,_EC-Ro tnh Approved i' p) 31't9 in r: eg ArSon:p~~.y~.9~y4,~APP APIPPOVED cumlmenK Ev f1ov, s" 1 !xr(1i irietor r 1 3 F-'ma5 ?T ~773 " Ailic~n'APPR APp°iR:1/E€ Comments,: Mflote-2 C t yv " 111s vtor. eg 2 170°368--fi-3 37 3737 y Action-APPR APPROVED o1!rm,wi s:lfx 4.st?mineniz,arcs loo cox ti '~k 16{oo 8eA496 room Ll*;,: r!'0-1. % ctr.'r: em47 hA7 Acton:APPS: APPR VED tlfi~!'~MS.c'4 Mgi48440 10/01/01 Inspector, 0 Action;A+rPPR APPR04EG cofvirri'snts:14rtit a$i 1t 1iljt4ta2 Ins lclot. e Action.APPR APPR VIED t,«s,rRntm"X,4 fling We, t9 5960'.ih ur} k12 Inspector eq Action-APPR APPROVED Corr menw 4ai 464 lights 14?111il"'1 lkls edc-r: s 567 36[ 463 461 AclUon:APPR APPROVED iom.rYerl%: iOP! 15 U2 5 irsoector: ~r Action.APPR APPROVED 1,4 -0 _71,511 10!1£f0?iris {^a•r° 4 Action,APPR APPROVED t.roCC?rilr?b67 6£51II~vey67,`3 r4 669 iii; 4i t Inspector: egg Actin:APPR APPROVED otni~ts om 25e-3 Z61 461 46L ii,; 91 ,'C::' I rlsnect,(:r: eq ct*n.APPR APPIRMAEO 3i'i'iEi~v~#"i8a'11,a'ii~ ~~3 ~i~ I 1. lL~i Sz''tq*dor: ep Acto :A PR APPROVE-D l?7lEri rli 3 and . fl ter ir'=lky'- 1-663 appf ELEi~: C.;c.nciiiitem130 item. 14C° E~ ;E~ -Mt sc.fi , ,;aproV06 I i 4)Q21 inspector: eg Arti :APPR,,PPi~CVi=Cy e.• i~ir$ ?'ltv;now service i'tcive-fir Item: 190 FLC T. Mna.i A i,v .x 2:v;`02 inspet:.trr: 0"3.l Actiolri:APP APPROVED cot if,:3 rd and 4th floor c.omp!%t a RE PT l'-j i firm. Id: 601.