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09-26-2663 Insan R~uest Reporting Page 12 7:02 am YirS~18[OF Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2093 inspection Area: EG Site Address: <None Listed> DONOVAN PARK 1600 S FRONTAGE RD AM Information Act &y: E02-0149 Type: &ELEC Sub Type: ACOM Status: ISSUED Const TTyyPee Occupancy: Use: Inap Area: EG Contractor: D.P. ELECTRIC Phone 970.926-4140 Color: ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGIES- Phone: 970-949-6095 MTN INC Owner: TOWN OF VAIL Description: NEW ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ON NEW PAVILLION Comment: CHANGED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SEE LETTER IN FILE - DFLORES Comment: ROUTE TO ERNST FOR REViEWIAPPROVAL - DFLORES Res ted Ins22gMst Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requested Time: 01:00 PM Requestor: D.P. ELECTRIC Phone: 471 -W7 Assigned To: EGLATZLE Entered By: D©OLDEN K Action: Time Exp: lam 6~ -.2/~, C~ r on HIskft Item: 110 ELEC:-Temp. vvw"" Item: 120, ELEC-Roouuggh * Approved " 03!13/03 Inspector: ey Comments: exterior lights 04/22/03 Inspector: eg Comments: newtmndornnerlocation 04129103 Inspector: ag Comments: PeAllon rough Rem: 130 ELEC-Condo Apprcve~d 10111/02 Inspector: Comments: nd"conduit 10/15/02 Inspector: eg Comments: pvc from trandbrmer to elec. room 111002 inspector: eg pvcComments: round 03121/03 !nape eg Comments: conduit under stab Item: 140 ELEC-Misc. "Approved 05120= Inspector: Comments. now service f* pi vitiion Bern: 190 ELEC-Final Action: APPR APPROVED Action: APPR APPROVED Action: APCR APPROVEDICORR,ECTION READ Action: APPR APPROVED Action: APPR APPROVED Action: APPR APPROVED Action: APPR APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id~ 1264