HomeMy WebLinkAboutE03-0098 (3)08-06-2004 Inspection Request Reporting Page 14 6:49 am Requestled Inspect Date. F~ ay, August 06, 2004 tion ddress. 3160 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL3A Lots 11 S 12, E'lock 2, flail Viiiage 12th A1P1D information AcliW4ty: E034XM Type: B-ELEC Sub Type: NC OM Status: ISSUED Const Tyype: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: EG Owner: VAIL MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Applicant: RiVERIA ELECTRIC Phone: 328-14111 Contractor: RIVERIA ELECTRIC Phone: 328-4111 Description: ELECTRICAL AND FIRE ALRM,SITE SERVICE NEW INSTALLATION Reguested in tialn Item: 10 ELEC-Final Requester Time: 06:00 AM Requester: RIVIERA ELECTRIC Phone: 904-0203 Assigned To: EGLATZLE Entered fay: DGOLDEN K Action: Time Exp: Item Comments: agar n Item Comments: final -empl -housing bldg a and b Item Comments: all classrooms. Item Comments: corritiors-a-b-basement Itbary fS~f y / / / f ~ f~ y ff uf'•N l Cl•r,~y,.-~, of G. C7C7 ~.r"f j~/C•'r.-fif i 17th ~ L'rG~e~/~ Item: 110 ELEC-Ter . Power Approved 08/2f3/T RInspectca: eg0 Action:APPR APP OVE Comments: unit a under grd pvc 10/21/03 Inspector:Action:APPR APPROVED Item: 120 ELEC-Roua7h Approved t}7f2510 ctor: EG Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: iCY GARDEN 01/1504 Inspector: egg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: area a main fevel 01123/04 Inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED CP2l2s:/C#4 Ins or:Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: naafis rriain t2g-school 0012/04 Inspp~ctor: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: celiing lights 04/09104 Inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments. ceilings Rem: 130 ELECaCondult *x Approved08/22103 inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: t4dg b-housing underground pvc 0SM103 Inspector: egCt Action:APPR APPROVED ommen s: phase a pvc underground09103nspectUr: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: undergrond pvc- 1013i103 Inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: pvc-to site transformer ad Item: 140 ELEC-Misc. Approved * 02/20104 Inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: new service for sctKoi Rem: '1901 ELEC-Final Approved Y" 08/05/03 Inspector: eg C t kidd d Arlon:APPR APPROVED y garommens.en W13/04 Inspax3or: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: final -empl-housing bldg a and b 06/22/t?4 Inspector: eq Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: all clas ms 07/081U4 Inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: corridors-a-6-basement tibary REPT 131 Run Id: 2166