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E03-0163 (13)
11-03-2004 inspection Request Reporting Page 13 Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 Inspection Area: EG Site Address: 129 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 129 N Frontage Rd Middle Creek Village AlP/D Information Activity: E03-0163 Type: B-ELEC Sub Type: NCOM Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: EG Owner: TOWN OF VAIL Applicant: RIVERIA ELECTRIC Phone: 328-4111 Contractor: RIVERIA ELECTRIC Phone: 328-4111 Description: INSTALL ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AS PER PLANS Requested InjRkgt1L0Ajj 19d r`A Item: S EC-Misc. Requested Time: 08:00 AM Requestor: RIVIERA ELECTRIC Phone: 970-328-4111 -or- 904- 0182 Comments: service and wafter piece Assigned To: EGLATZLE Entered By: DGOLDEN K Action: Time Exp: _ Item Comments: switch ear.; Item Comments: bldg b main service-meters irlsp2oon History Item: 110 ELEC-Temp. Power Item: 120 ELEC-Rough Approved 07J110 inspector: eegg Action. APPR APPROVED Comments: finish fire proofing big b 07/29/04 1or: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: un In po and stairtower pod 2 08/10104 in : ~g Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: d pod 1 floors 5.4 8 08/24104 or: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: podl -pod7-floorl -2-3rand ele walls 09/02/04 inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: pvc underground,-bldg a outside Rtes-stairways 09/14104 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: all units In bldg a 09130/04 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: walkways west end pod 7 and meter stacks 10/15/04 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: n e -saddle bags -stairtower westend 10/29/04 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: saddlebags east and Item: 130 ELEC-Conduit Approved 07/15/04 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: undergroundopvcMom: 140 ELEC-Misc. Approved 09124104 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: switch gear 11/02104 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: bidg b main service-meters Item: 190 ELEC-Final V. Approved 10/21/04 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: pod 5 and 6 10/29/04 inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: pod 2-3-4 REPT'131 _ ~ ~ Run Id: 2533