HomeMy WebLinkAboutE04-0114 (6)11-11-2004 inspection Request Reporting Page 12 7:03 am lf AIP/D Information Const Type: Owner: Applicant: Contractor: Description: Comment: E04-0114 VML LLC Thursday, November 11, 2004 CD 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL 352 EAST MEADOW DRIVE Sub Type: ACOM Use, B & B ELECTRIC. INC. Phone: 970-242-2454 8 & B ELECTRIC, INC. Phone: 970-242-2450 PHASE 1 OF REMODEL REVISION AMOUNT SUBMITTED, $20.000 TO 250,000 - JSUTHER Requested Inspect Date: Ins(~ection Area: Site Address: Type: B-ELEC Occupancy: Status: ISSUED Wisp Area., CD Rectuested lnspectlonisl Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requested Time: 08:00 AM Requestor. B & B ELECTRIC, INC. Phone: 390-7217 signed To: EGLATZLE Entered By, DGOLDEN K Action: Time Exp: comments: re ura~ ~ n£'331--f5-317 47) Inspection History Item: 110 ELEC-Temp. Power Approved 09/28104 Inspector: eg Action. APPR APPROVED Comments: 3 new meters Item: 120 ELEC-Rouggh Approved 07/02/04 Inspector: sg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: restrooms 17T3ot11ces Istorage area 155 09/03/04 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: eu 3,4,5-au 18 09/10/04 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: level 177 unit 18 and 20 09/16104 Inspector: so Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: resurant addition -unit 302-11up09121/04 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: spa retail rooms and room 7 1005104 Inspector: eg Action., APPR APPROVED Comments: 407-409-411 -415-404-228 11/05/04 Inspector: eg Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: room 308 419 417 503 505 251 Item: 130 ELEC-Condult Item: 140 ELEC-Misc. Item: 190 ELEC-Final Approved 10/05/04 Inspector: eg Comments: restaurant-333-315-31 REPT'131. Run Id: 2556