HomeMy WebLinkAboutE04-0158Sep 10 04 01:31p Wade White 7k'1r A / 0 09-2004 inspection Request R OEjn9 Page 36 4'50 Dir Requested IInescphect DDaea. FrriiMy, September 10, 2004 Site Address: 1814 GLACIER CT CT., UNIT B ND Information Activity: E040158 Type: B-ELEC Sub Type: ADUP InspArea: JRMED oast Type. Occuppaancyy:~ Use: r Owner: WHITE, WADE C. & THOMPSON. MARGERAT M. Phone: 970-904-7066 Aq~~ilcant: D. JENSEN ELECTRIC, INC. Phone: 970,9047065 r: D. JENSEN ELECTRIC. INCCdniracto Desolation: HOOK UP POWER TO HOT TUB Item: 990 ELEC-Flnal I Requester. D. JENSEN ELECTRIC, INC. Assigned To: EGLATZLE Action: Time Exp: 3.4 Inspection History item: 110 ELEC-Temp. Power item: 120 ELEC-Rough Item: 130 ELEC-Con ult item: 140 ELEC-Misc. item: 190 ELEC-Final iUC 970-476-4472 p.1 Requested Time: 08:00 AM Phone: 970-904-7065 Entered By: DGOLDEN K C~ 7 r-1 - - l 4 7 Z s:z Li 3 ~ cxcJ ~ 5 LC c?r~ ~%~.r C): y 1~.y scx• e-.1'1~e-e REPT131 Kun la: Lz.3.1 Sep 101 04 01:31p Sep O 04 12:07p y Wade White Linda Fox 16 Second St Edwards, Co 89632 Prone 9 (970) 926-9407 Fax p (970) 9226-8887 Email: FoxhohubsCaol.com 970-476-4472 p.2 9709268887 p.1 RM Pages: Phan= Dote. me: cc: O Urgent D for nevieMw O Please coma ent u rlease Reply O Please Recycle 0 COMMMIts: Sep 10 04 01:31p Wade White 970-476-4472 p.3 Sep 10 04 12:07p Linda Fox 9709268887 p"2 atr lu CUU4 I0:54RM HP LRSERJET 3200 P.1 B!C'ttttC aiAA, lCtJYelptTQ AND Aal90dA?tn RCL%"NBiT tlOyEJAOVA lafa 14.2 For otftee thin a Iuatar or -am a ewroo CoNsator. dOCtcka L adrnseted blrs Jadateed IMdbfe Cone may test the Qrottetdarn a nI am par bor lnp. 14.3 A bondlllp •eondugor eftM be aoNd Copper no wow than No, a AWG PA mni~ and My too0Me144OrW& A b m tp conductor Shaw be stead Clow to the toMaur of the equlpmerttbtediuCe -ft risk of 4NM durbtQ sm1cirte_ tLa A aoldarinp IrD• W+rin for, ~~t:orviscr. a a>n~r /rJ~o~NltcorureCtor sfieA nat be ueadmafsuadaateorspikeabondingorproundinpconductor. 14.5 A panww* V*w ape Mdth aocaeslbis msbt ss speclpad in 6oaetaAOstillarxasdhierrte0tlIddsrordefteracnasibleeasedhardwarebondedtowrorlr othereacoaap'bls ao0esalby ateW ~ etsmoi hudwara. In addIdan, the Spa ahd co I 10 prnuleiDn tier banvrp 0.6ectlon tS s~ and othw acoemeb r9aW hardware to the Watindkq t ow s spendW In shell nail be made at to actMy. ~ eve is ~ 4nateNed at a Add Ioeauon, Thl4 bcatdirtp oonrteWon ts.8 A P~ wles Cottrreaor, aked b actontrrtodata a Na >sAlI11G (a.4 ~1 eoNd copper cprKhrcepr,shah be pro+*M to bond Ow Ur* to the NMI aormwn bonding WM dw ty fnsmtNatlon, The wks etorateeootOWbeooedudNelycomrmwsoteesprourWkVrneertsepeCafedinGrcurtdfrta3mcdonI& 74.7 If a unit is oorgttucisd to stbrpty aiscxricat Pcmw to a doW4wMk%d afaclrfcal appger" (otftethanPigaslntplecontrdorPilotdtrtyItax". one addNfwW pre"" V*9 Cornteclpr sexed mDnanodatea111'. 5 AM X4 nmPr SON copper conducw atW be pm Wad to bond each addbbnatsppknw. J - to at~,t cgil.cmora 16.1 iI a water haslet in a tmlt fa not pr6i Y VAh a Uotadod enemal wckw a, a Joel"P cumtteoNectorawbeprovlde0inthetltesetclnctkftsystembetweenthepointsofpickupofWEfromfttuborSpaandthein<+et to any ammicaf ccff*w s. and another bewSean the point of raWm d the watermDdotuborspearilsWsfecldeafOwWwntThetrwm96*0 of the Odbctm Shell be such Ow no waterwftMpendtiambvtftatubwowsthoughthetwocoliectm BOWINIM 04'rsr Canabv*Yon f98ft wesarp davlcas armyba eaedilde4rrt*mdbyelks Lsak WCOff0wTeatbt16004, SeCIRW 50, to wait the arar*&b /aakape currant in due wetw dmukrmtp syaroei. 1&2 A imok"e auwrtt Cowectdr aW be raWe of an mplatad metal much as brass, staiNssa sooK w401stNWiYcorraabrwresbtantmetalthatisludedroISWgpdwanit; jMkrn inacoordm= Wlh t0.4.Gapaatlxed Memel pipe to not conskkn d to be @UWC errftlt for um as a currant caMcmar.tf sapper efloy is toed. It " be eor»f bad of no more than 13 per t 2km A cltt dw isd ape currantGMecW *W hm a minlrraan IwVth of Om ftn its own Inside dbnWw. Ex"Wwr: Leekape ererrar" ODW=ftm d odrar types arlormr mW be mod & do coeactom we Aww to1kniltoawgabbMaltegeCommindrewMmr-cft&aoh g spwwn whm .urnacted ro dre Le MUM QsrarrtTeatinWOW. %Oobn SM 15.3 Akmd~ ctlrnem COOda. Jf PrOvkW. and all other Wounded natal in the water dmdmdi g "d nn9Wbo1b1chlicktadbynancartQlldhrepepsforatleast (t) 12 fretless (o5 mm) tram the ne mw CPO" to theM.9 rnrro or an ow Mnw then ww pipe t'. used or C1) tt7 inches we mna *am ter aesrastqmtototheOrbwplpsWgarthen2InchesindFsnwwIsused 1-J