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qw r~ yf D?-15-2004 lnspeclon Request Repoffing Page 4 6:43 am VAJ Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, July 15, 2004 inspectlcn Ages: LV Site Address: 2527 AROSA DR VAIL 2527 AROSA DR AM Intgralawl Activity: E97-0144 Type: 5-ELEC Sub Type: AOUP C Type: Occupancy: rice: leant ©ALEN AASLAND Phone: 475-0.515 GALEN AASLAND Pty: 476-0518 Owner: AASLAND CALEN A Dear ' ELECTRIC-AL FOR ADDITION PERMIT HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 8105195 - CHARLIE Std: ISSUED knp Am: LV ASIM IO090P Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requested Time: 08.00 AAA AsslgR: E~T7.L Entered : LCAMPBELL K AcWn: Time Exp: 7116 -2 0 C e74 e 1MWggtftm HI tM ftm: 110 ELEC-Temp. Power fin: 120 ELEG-~ h 101241t1d3 Inaapecia: ®g Action: APCR APPROVED/CORRECTION REOD Comm ::ZwV addlf m Item: 130 ELEC-Crandon Rem: 140 ELEC-Misc. Own: 190 ELEC-Final REPT131 Run Id: 2093 r ~