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u+ 115 1 NJ 0i I Rt"ഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSI TE ATഀ MWW*VK'ഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149ഀ MECHANICAL PERMITഀ AMFഀ Job Address: 2079 CHAMONIX LN VAILഀ Location.....: VAIL HEIGHTS CONDOഀ Parcel No...: 210311403022ഀ OWNER BUTE, GARY R. 08/18/2008ഀ PO BOX1079ഀ AVONഀ CO 81620ഀ APPLICANT R & H MECHANICAL LLCഀ PO BOX 810ഀ EAGLEഀ CO 81631ഀ License: 184-Mഀ CONTRACTOR R & H MECHANICAL LLCഀ PO BOX 810ഀ EAGLEഀ CO 81631ഀ License: 184-Mഀ 08/18/2008 Phone: (970) 328-2699ഀ 08/18/2008 Phone: (970) 328-2699ഀ Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT: REPLACE BOILERഀ Valuation: $15,000.00ഀ ALL TIMESഀ Permit M08-0202ഀ Project PRJ08-0401ഀ Statusഀ ISSUEDഀ Appliedഀ 08/18/2008ഀ Issued.ഀ 08/25/2008ഀ Expires .ഀ 02/21/2009ഀ #+rr*r**wr***wrxxxrw*rwr+rrrrrrxrr+r**www**rrrrwrrxrwxxrr++r####**www*r*****#**rFEE SUMMARY***+r+****rrwwwwwwrwxxxxxrrrxx«rr«++rrrw+rwrww**w*wwwr******xxxwwxwxxxwwrw*xxxr++w+rwഀ Mechanical Permit Fee---> $300.00 Will Call > $4.00 Total Calculated Fees $479.00ഀ Plan Check--------------> $75.00 Use Tax Fee------ > $100.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00ഀ Investigation $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $479.00ഀ Total Calculated Fees--> $479.00 Payments-----------------> $479.00ഀ BALANCE DUE--------- > $0.00ഀ +++r+r+r+rrr+rrx+r+r++r+xrxrrrrxxxrrrr+x+++xrrrrr++rrrx+rrxxrrrrxxxrxxxxrrxxx+x++++xxrrxrrr+++rr+++rrrr+rxrxxrrrxxxrrrrxxrxr++++++rr+r++::rrrrwxwrwrrxxrrrxxrxr+rrrxrrxxrx+++rrxw+r:+rr++ഀ APPROVALSഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTഀ 08/20/2008 JRM Action: APഀ xxwrffwxwrxrwwrrxrrrwr+rxrxrr+xrrr++arwrrrr**r***wwwwww*xxxrxrrxwrrxrrxrxxwrww+++rr+rrr+x+*rrrr**x*x*xw*wwwwwwxxxrrx+rrxxxxxxwx+++wrr+++rrr*x+www*+*x**ww*ww+*w*xrwxrxxxwxwxxrxrxrxxxrx+rഀ CONDITION OF APPROVALഀ Cond: 12ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ Cond: 22ഀ (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTIONഀ 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL.ഀ Cond: 23ഀ (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS ANDഀ CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC.ഀ Cond: 25ഀ (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC.ഀ Cond: 29ഀ (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003ഀ IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC.ഀ Cond: 31ഀ (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESSഀ LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.ഀ Cond: 32ഀ (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIORഀ TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.ഀ Cond: 30ഀ (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVEDഀ MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6.ഀ ++:rr***r*►rarrr:*wr*w*wr:::www*w*wxwxx*wxxwwrxxxrrwwwxwrwrrrxwrwxxrrwrrrx+x+r+wrwrrr+ww++wrrrrr+rwrrrrrrrrw***xwwrwwwwwrxxwwwxwwwxwwxww+wwwwwxxxxw+w++rrwxrr+rrrrrr+w+r++wrr*rrw*rrrrrrwഀ DECLARATIONSഀ mechcanical_perm it_041908ഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informationഀ as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structureഀ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Townഀ applicable thereto.ഀ REQUEST JJS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0(ഀ AM-411? N. A ~ഀ nature ofഀ Dateഀ Print Nameഀ mechcanical_perm it_041908ഀ ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ ഀ Statement Number: R080001466 Amount: $479.00 08/25/200810:34 AMഀ Payment Method: Check Init: DDGഀ Notation: R & Hഀ Mechanical 14119ഀ Permit No: M08-0202 Type: MECHANICAL PERMITഀ Parcel No: 2103-114-0302-2ഀ Site Address: 2079 CHAMONIX LN VAILഀ Location: VAIL HEIGHTS CONDOഀ Total Fees: $479.00ഀ This Payment: $479.00 Total ALL Pmts: $479.00ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 300.00ഀ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 75.00ഀ UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4% 100.00ഀ WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00ഀ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED F12J 0 `~O 3 -0 t/ഀ Projectഀ Building Permitഀ Mechanical Permit 0 - 6 62ഀ d 970-479-2149 (Inspections)ഀ TOWN OF MEഀ 75 S. Frontage Rd.ഀ Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATIONഀ Permit will not be accepted without the following:ഀ Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:ഀ ❑ Mechanical Room Dimensionsഀ ❑ Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationഀ ❑ Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationഀ ❑ Heat Loss Calcs.ഀ ❑ Equipment Cut/Spec Sheetsഀ CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONഀ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR Mഀ Parcel # J pഀ rx, 24b3i 1 N v ; ~ - - - -ഀ Job Name: ' C Jഀ b Addrഀ Legal Description Lot:ഀ Block: Filing: Subdivision:UO_4 / W-ഀ Owners Name: a D-l4,5ഀ v r s: .►I LCO Phone:ഀ Engineer:ഀ Address: Phone:ഀ Detaile scri tion of work:ഀ rILLc n (,Dvk ufr'Oഀ Work Class: New Addition( ) Alteration Repair ( ) Oth'er'('ഀ )ഀ Boiler Location: Interior (ഀ Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes( ) No(ഀ )ഀ Type of Bldg: Single-family( )ഀ Duplex( ) Multi-family Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other ( )ഀ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building:ഀ No/T e of Fireplaces Existin :ഀ Gas Appliances Gas Los Wood/Pellet Wood Burningഀ No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED)ഀ Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No(ഀ )ഀ ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******ഀ Other Fees: Planner`Sign-off: AccEഀ DRB Fees: Date Received:ഀ ~ L~ U VV Lc':'ഀ *ഀ \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\MECHPERM-DOC TOWN OFഀ Contact Faa/e Cnunfv d-scPacnrc of r.-A at Q71)- 27R-RgAll nr vicit innAnni cM171a_1-ni Infii ~nm Fit. A7ft 1 49ഀ n c 41ഀ n ~ഀ L Jഀ 'Jഀ r ~ഀ 1ഀ Jഀ 11ഀ ~ഀ ~ -iഀ n sഀ v~ഀ ~rഀ ' ^ഀ n ~ഀ 1ഀ ' R1 i=.D9 .ഀ R I 0=.052 P,30=.033 R.2,8=-357ഀ AREA SQUARE R VALUE U .ഀ • UA ~ DT • BTU's REG Otഀ FLOORS Z, V ~ to CEILING Jo t ~J ~yഀ tഀ WALLSഀ WINDOWSഀ ~roooഀ INFILTRATION ~ J l tpഀ ~ DDQ x .7b D.'l4 ~ •ഀ CONTRACTOR: we-ഀ BTU's OuipUT:ഀ ADDRESS:ഀ EFFICIENCY: t1 ADDRESS-ഀ P4 C-~~ GCS ~l &,g /ഀ ALTTUDE: 2.~O 73 3ഀ -D T AL BTUs INPLIT NEEDED.•ഀ JOB NAME:ഀ Zcv vഀ ADDRESS: ~ഀ St~nw fine,-.ഀ PERfA IT;ഀ quipment Spec. l ~I~Td~ cif,ഀ 1 Jഀ SUS 000ഀ 6~ Sഀ ഀ ഀ Vഀ MIGHTYഀ THERMഀ Copper Finnedഀ Gas Fired Hydronic Boilerഀ Powerful,ഀ Efficient,ഀ Reliable andഀ Economicalഀ AARSഀ 4ഀ Energy efficiencies as highഀ as 82% are achieved through state-ഀ of-the-art design. Efficient heatഀ transfer and reduced standby lossesഀ result in lower operating costs.ഀ Design-certified by IASഀ (International Approval Services, aഀ joint venture of American Gasഀ Association and Canadian Gasഀ Association) under ANSI Standardഀ Z21.13. Boilers may be specified forഀ use with natural or propane gas.ഀ Indoor and outdoor modelsഀ are available for maximumഀ application flexibility.ഀ Working pressure of 160 psiഀ is standard in accordance withഀ Section IV ASME Boiler and Pressureഀ Vessel Code. Units are factory testedഀ per this ASME code and registeredഀ with the National Board of Boilerഀ and Pressure Vessel Inspectors or theഀ applicable Canadian provincialഀ jurisdiction.ഀ Integral finned copper tubesഀ meeting ASME specification SB 75ഀ are rolled directly into headers. Heatഀ exchanger baffles and an eight-fins-ഀ per-inch tubing configurationഀ extract combustion heat withഀ maximum efficiency.ഀ Heat exchanger headersഀ conform to Article 2, Part HC ofഀ ASME Code. External header coversഀ are field removable for completeഀ inspection of tubing and headerഀ passages. Heat exchanger isഀ replaceable without disassembly ofഀ burners or combustion chamber.ഀ Pressure relief valve is ASMEഀ rated and is selected to provideഀ discharge capacity in excess of unitഀ heat input.ഀ Combustion chamberഀ is Laars' lightweight cast refractoryഀ utilizing calcium aluminate cementഀ with 2000°F (1093°C) workingഀ temperature.ഀ Burners are atmospheric typeഀ constructed of AISI alloy 430 (sizesഀ 175-1825) or AISI 439 (sizes 2000-ഀ 5000) stainless steel.ഀ Controls meet requirements ofഀ ANSI Standard Z21.13 and theഀ Canadian Gas Association standardsഀ and include ignition safeguard,ഀ manual reset high limit, operatingഀ temperature control, gas pressureഀ regulator, redundant electric gasഀ valve (optional in Canada), waterഀ flow sensing, and manual gas shut-ഀ off valve. Standard control systemsഀ operates on 24 VAC power fromഀ class 2 transformer. Ignitionഀ safeguard reacting to flame failureഀ in less than 0.8 second is standardഀ on units above 400,000 BTU/hr.ഀ (117.2 kW).ഀ Chassis and jacket parts areഀ of galvanized steel meeting ASTMഀ Standard for G90 coating. Exterior isഀ finished with acrylic paint,ഀ thermoset at 325°F (163°C).ഀ The limited warrantyprovidesഀ one year on materials andഀ workmanship for controls,ഀ combustion chamber, pump andഀ tank (if provided). Refer to theഀ Warranty Sheet with each unit forഀ further details.ഀ Factory Provided Pumps - Standard PH Boilersഀ PH Sizeഀ Power (HP)ഀ Voltage/Phaseഀ Current (Amps)ഀ 175ഀ 1/25ഀ 115-1ഀ 0.8ഀ 250ഀ 1/12ഀ 115-1ഀ 1.6ഀ 325-400ഀ 1/6ഀ 115-1ഀ 2.1ഀ 500-850ഀ 1 /3ഀ 115-1ഀ 5.4ഀ 1010-1200ഀ 1/2ഀ 115-1ഀ 5.8ഀ 1430-1825ഀ 3/4ഀ 115-1ഀ 8.8ഀ Sizes 175-400ഀ Sizes 500-1825ഀ Sizes 2000-5000ഀ Recommendedഀ Minimumഀ Indoorഀ Outdoorഀ doorഀ Outdഀ Indoorഀ Outdoorഀ Clearance Fromഀ inchesഀ mmഀ inches mmഀ incഀ mഀ mmഀ inchesഀ mmഀ inches mmഀ Topഀ 37ഀ 940ഀ Unobstructedഀ 30ഀ 762ഀ Unobstructedഀ 24ഀ 610ഀ Unobstructedഀ Connection Sideഀ 12ഀ 305ഀ Unobstructedഀ 12ഀ 305ഀ 24 610ഀ 24ഀ 610ഀ 24 610ഀ Opposite Sideഀ 6ഀ 152ഀ 6 152ഀ 6ഀ 152ഀ 24 610ഀ 24ഀ 610ഀ 24 610ഀ Front*ഀ 18ഀ 457ഀ Unobstructed*ഀ 24ഀ 610ഀ Unobstructed*ഀ 48ഀ 1219ഀ Unobstructed*ഀ Rearഀ 6ഀ 152ഀ 6 152ഀ 8ഀ 203ഀ 24 610ഀ 24ഀ 610ഀ 24 610ഀ Ventഀ **6ഀ 152ഀ -ഀ **6ഀ 152ഀ -ഀ **6ഀ 152ഀ -ഀ Note: Base for combustible flooring standard on outdoor sizes 500 to 1825. Indoor sizes 500 to 1825 must be installed on non-combustible floors or withഀ base for combustible floors (Laars optional base A.G.A. design certified). Indoor sizes 2000-5000 and outdoor sizes 2200-4500 require installation on non-ഀ combustible floors.ഀ *At least 48" (1219mm) clearance should be provided in front of the boiler for maintenance accessibility (removal of burners, etc.).ഀ **1" (25mm) if double wall vent is used.ഀ Indoor Modelsഀ C•7ഀ 0ഀ Waterഀ Gasഀ Conn.'ഀ IBR Netഀ Connection'ഀ Sizeഀ Shippingഀ Indoorഀ Input'ഀ Output'ഀ Rating'ഀ Size - inches NPTഀ inchesഀ Dimensions' S -ഀ inches (mm)ഀ Weight'ഀ Sizeഀ MBTU/h kWഀ MBTU/h kWഀ MBTU/h kWഀ Natural4 LP4ഀ NPTഀ Aഀ Bഀ Cഀ Vഀ lbs. kgsഀ 175ഀ 175 51ഀ 144 42ഀ 125 37ഀ 1/2--3/4 %ഀ 11/2ഀ 18ഀ 457ഀ 27ഀ 686ഀ 231/2ഀ 597ഀ 6ഀ 152ഀ 255: 116ഀ 250ഀ 250 73ഀ 205 60ഀ 178 52ഀ 1/4 1/2ഀ 1 Y2ഀ 221/2ഀ 572ഀ 311hഀ 800ഀ 243/4ഀ 629ഀ 7ഀ 178ഀ 255 116ഀ 325ഀ 325) 95ഀ 267 78ഀ 232` 68ഀ % 1/2ഀ 11/2ഀ 263/4ഀ 679ഀ 35%ഀ 908ഀ 251/aഀ 657ഀ 8ഀ 203ഀ 325 148ഀ 400ഀ 399 117ഀ 327 96ഀ 285 83ഀ % 1/2ഀ 11/7ഀ 31%ഀ 806ഀ 403/4ഀ 1035ഀ 267/sഀ 683ഀ 9ഀ 229ഀ 360 153ഀ 500ഀ 147ഀ 410ഀ 120ഀ 600ഀ 176ഀ 492ഀ 144ഀ 715`ഀ 210ഀ 586ഀ 172ഀ 850ഀ 149ഀ 697ഀ 204ഀ 1010ഀ 296ഀ 828ഀ 243ഀ 1200ഀ 352ഀ 984ഀ 288ഀ 1430ഀ 419ഀ 1173ഀ 344ഀ 1670ഀ 489ഀ 1369ഀ 401ഀ 1825ഀ 535ഀ 1497ഀ 438ഀ 357ഀ 104ഀ 1ഀ 3/4-1ഀ 2ഀ 33%ഀ 857ഀ 451/4ഀ 1149ഀ 233/4ഀ 603ഀ 10 154ഀ 428ഀ 125ഀ 1ഀ %-1ഀ 2ഀ 38%ഀ 984ഀ 501/4ഀ 1276ഀ 22%ഀ 578ഀ 12 305ഀ 510ഀ 149ഀ 1ഀ 3/4-1ഀ 2ഀ "Aഀ 1124ഀ 553/4ഀ 1416ഀ 22%ഀ 578ഀ 12 305ഀ 606ഀ 178ഀ 1-1'/4ഀ 1/4-11/4ഀ 2ഀ 50%ഀ 1289ഀ 621/4ഀ 1581ഀ 213/4ഀ 552ഀ 14 356ഀ 720ഀ 211ഀ 11/4ഀ 1-11/4ഀ 21/2ഀ 58ഀ 1473ഀ 6916ഀ `1765ഀ 20%ഀ 527ഀ 16 406ഀ 856ഀ 251ഀ 1'Aഀ 1-11/4ഀ 21/2ഀ 661/4ഀ 1683ഀ 773/4ഀ 1975ഀ 20%ഀ 527ഀ 16 406ഀ 1020ഀ 299ഀ 11/4ഀ 11/4ഀ 2112ഀ 76ഀ 1930ഀ 87%ഀ 2223ഀ 19%ഀ 502ഀ 18 457ഀ 1191ഀ 349ഀ 1'Aഀ 1'Aഀ 2Y2ഀ 851/2ഀ 2172ഀ 97ഀ 2464ഀ 19%ഀ 502ഀ 18 457ഀ 1301ഀ 381ഀ 11/4ഀ 11/4ഀ 21/2ഀ 921/4ഀ 2343ഀ 1033/4ഀ 2635ഀ 19%ഀ 502ഀ 18 457ഀ 612 ' 278ഀ 702 319ഀ 750 340ഀ 830 377ഀ 945 429ഀ 995 451ഀ 1080 490ഀ 1175 533ഀ 2000ഀ 2000ഀ 586ഀ 1640ഀ 481ഀ 1426ഀ 418ഀ 11/2ഀ 1'A-1 Y2ഀ 4ഀ 551/2ഀ 1403ഀ 73ഀ 1854ഀ 241/2ഀ 622ഀ 22 559ഀ 1815ഀ 823ഀ 2450ഀ 2450ഀ 718ഀ 2009ഀ 589ഀ 1747ഀ 512ഀ 11h-2ഀ 11/2ഀ 4ഀ 651/2ഀ 1664ഀ 83ഀ 2108ഀ 24'hഀ 622ഀ 24 610ഀ 1950ഀ 885ഀ 3050ഀ 3050ഀ 894ഀ 2501ഀ 733ഀ 2175ഀ 637ഀ 2ഀ 11/2ഀ 4ഀ 78ഀ 1981ഀ 951/2ഀ 2426ഀ 241/2ഀ 622ഀ 26 660ഀ 2100ഀ 953ഀ 3500ഀ 3500ഀ 1026ഀ 2870ഀ 841ഀ 2496ഀ 731ഀ 2ഀ 1112.ഀ 4ഀ 88ഀ 2235ഀ 1051hഀ 2680ഀ 241/2ഀ 622ഀ 28 711ഀ 2237ഀ 1016ഀ 4050ഀ 4050ഀ 1186ഀ 3321ഀ 973ഀ 2888ഀ 846ഀ 2-21/2ഀ 2ഀ 4ഀ 1001/2ഀ 2553ഀ 118ഀ 2997ഀ 241/2ഀ 622ഀ 30 762ഀ 2555ഀ 1160ഀ 4500ഀ 4500ഀ 1318ഀ 3690ഀ 1081ഀ 3209ഀ 940ഀ 21/2ഀ 2ഀ 4ഀ 1101hഀ 2807ഀ 128ഀ 3251ഀ 24/2ഀ 622ഀ 32 813ഀ 2750ഀ 1249ഀ 5000ഀ 5000ഀ 1465ഀ 4100ഀ 1201ഀ 3565ഀ 1045ഀ 21/2ഀ 2ഀ 4ഀ 123ഀ 3124ഀ 140'/2ഀ 3569ഀ 241/2ഀ 622ഀ 34 834ഀ 3050ഀ 1385ഀ 600ഀ 715ഀ 850ഀ 1010ഀ 1200ഀ 1430ഀ 1670ഀ 1825ഀ Outdഀ oorഀ Modelsഀ Waterഀ Gasഀ Conn.'ഀ IBR Netഀ Connection'ഀ Sizeഀ Shippഀ ingഀ Outdoorഀ Inpuഀ t'ഀ Output'ഀ Rating'ഀ Size - inches NPTഀ inchesഀ Dimensiഀ ons' - iഀ nches (mm)ഀ Weigഀ ht3ഀ Sizeഀ MBTU/h kWഀ MBTU/h kWഀ MBTU/h kWഀ Natural'ഀ LP4ഀ NPTഀ Aഀ Bഀ C Vഀ lbs.ഀ kgsഀ 175ഀ 175ഀ 51ഀ 144ഀ 42ഀ 125ഀ 37ഀ 1/2-3/4ഀ 1/2ഀ 11/2ഀ 18ഀ 457ഀ 27ഀ 686ഀ 14'hb 357 6 152ഀ 255ഀ 116ഀ 250ഀ 250ഀ 73ഀ 205ഀ 60ഀ 178ഀ 52ഀ %ഀ 1/2ഀ 11/2ഀ 221/2ഀ 572ഀ 311/4ഀ 794ഀ 185/8 473 7 178ഀ 285ഀ 129ഀ 325ഀ 325ഀ 95ഀ 267ഀ 78ഀ 232ഀ 68ഀ %ഀ 1/2ഀ 11/2ഀ 26%ഀ 679ഀ 353/4ഀ 908ഀ 193/16 487 8 203ഀ 325ഀ 148ഀ 400ഀ 399ഀ 117ഀ 327ഀ 96ഀ 285ഀ 83ഀ 3/4ഀ 1/2ഀ 11/2ഀ 313/4ഀ 806ഀ 403/4ഀ 1035ഀ 225/a 575 9 229ഀ 360ഀ 163ഀ 500ഀ 500ഀ 147ഀ 410ഀ 120ഀ 357ഀ 104ഀ 1ഀ %ഀ 2ഀ 33%ഀ 857ഀ 451/4ഀ 1149ഀ - -ഀ 751ഀ 341ഀ 600ഀ 600ഀ 176ഀ 492ഀ 144ഀ 428ഀ 125ഀ 1ഀ 3/4ഀ 2ഀ 383/4ഀ 984ഀ 501/4ഀ 1276ഀ - -ഀ 821ഀ 373ഀ 715ഀ 715ഀ 210ഀ 586ഀ 172ഀ 510ഀ 149ഀ 1ഀ %ഀ 2ഀ 441/4ഀ 1124ഀ 553/4ഀ 1416ഀ - -ഀ 906ഀ 411ഀ 850ഀ 850ഀ 249ഀ 697ഀ 204ഀ 606ഀ 178ഀ 1ഀ 3/4ഀ 2ഀ 50%ഀ 1289ഀ 621/4ഀ 1581ഀ - -ഀ 1000ഀ 454ഀ 1010ഀ 1010ഀ 296ഀ 828ഀ 243ഀ 720ഀ 211ഀ 11/4ഀ 1ഀ 21/2ഀ 58-ഀ 1473ഀ 69%ഀ 1765ഀ - -ഀ 945ഀ 429ഀ 1200ഀ 1200ഀ 352ഀ 984ഀ 288ഀ 856ഀ 251ഀ 11/4ഀ 1ഀ 21/2ഀ 661/4ഀ 1683ഀ 77%ഀ 1975ഀ - -ഀ 1185ഀ 538ഀ 1430ഀ 1430ഀ 419ഀ 1173ഀ 344ഀ 1020ഀ 299:ഀ 1'Aഀ 11/4ഀ 21/2ഀ 76-ഀ 1930ഀ 871/2ഀ 2223ഀ - -ഀ 1330ഀ 604ഀ 1670ഀ 1670ഀ 489ഀ 1369ഀ 401ഀ 1191ഀ 349ഀ 11/4ഀ 1'Aഀ 21/2ഀ 851/2ഀ 2172ഀ 97ഀ 2464ഀ - -ഀ 1490ഀ 676ഀ 1825ഀ 1825ഀ 535ഀ 1497ഀ 438ഀ 1301ഀ 381ഀ 11/4ഀ 11/4ഀ 21hഀ 921/4ഀ 2343ഀ 1033/4ഀ 2635ഀ - -ഀ 1630ഀ 740ഀ 2200ഀ 2205ഀ 646ഀ 1808ഀ 530ഀ 1572ഀ 461ഀ 11/,2ഀ 11/2ഀ 4ഀ 651/2ഀ 1664ഀ 83ഀ 2108ഀ - -ഀ 2300ഀ 1044ഀ 2800ഀ 2745ഀ 804ഀ 2251ഀ 660ഀ 1957ഀ 573ഀ 11h-2ഀ 11/2ഀ 4ഀ 78ഀ 1981ഀ 951/2ഀ 2426ഀ - -ഀ 2670ഀ 1212ഀ 3200ഀ 3150ഀ 923ഀ 2583ഀ 757ഀ 2246ഀ 658ഀ 2ഀ 11/2ഀ 4ഀ 88ഀ 2235ഀ 1051/2ഀ 2680ഀ - -ഀ 2750ഀ 1249ഀ 3600ഀ 3645ഀ 1068ഀ 2989ഀ 876ഀ 2599ഀ 762ഀ 2-21/zഀ 2ഀ 4ഀ 100//2ഀ 2553ഀ - 118ഀ 2997ഀ - -ഀ 3175ഀ 1441ഀ 4000ഀ 4050ഀ 1187ഀ 3321ഀ 973ഀ 2888ഀ 846ഀ 21/2ഀ 2ഀ 4ഀ 1101/2ഀ 2807ഀ 128ഀ 3251ഀ - -ഀ 3380ഀ 1535ഀ 4500ഀ 4500ഀ 1319ഀ 3690ഀ 1081ഀ 3209ഀ 940 'ഀ 2%ഀ 2ഀ 4ഀ 123ഀ 3124ഀ 1401hഀ 3569ഀ - -ഀ 3790ഀ 1721ഀ Notes: 1. Input and output must be derated 4% per 1000 feet above sea level when installed above 2000 feet altitude.ഀ 2. Dimensions are nominal.ഀ 3. Units with pumps: Add 20 lbs. (9 kg) to sizes 175-400 and 55 lbs. (25 kg) to sizes 500-1825.ഀ 4. When two gas connection sizes are shown, the smaller applies to the standard gas train, while the larger applies to optional trains. Consult factoryഀ for exact specifications.ഀ 5. Vent damper required for only U.S. indoor installations of sizes 175-250. For vent dimension without vent damper add 5" (127mm) for size 175.ഀ Deduct 51/4° (133mm) for size 250.ഀ Indoorഀ Sizeഀ Outdoorഀ Sizeഀ 20°F / 11 °Cഀ Hd Lossഀ 25° F / 14'Cഀ Hd Lossഀ 30°F / 17'Cഀ Hd Lossഀ 35F / 19°Cഀ Hd Lossഀ GPMഀ Ft I/sഀ Mഀ GPMഀ Ft I/sഀ Mഀ GPMഀ Ft //sഀ mഀ GPMഀ Ft l/sഀ mഀ 175ഀ 175ഀ 14ഀ 0.5 0.9ഀ 0.2ഀ 11ഀ 0.6 0.7ഀ 0.2ഀ 9ഀ 0.5 0.6ഀ 0.2ഀ 8ഀ 0.3 0.5ഀ 0.1ഀ 250ഀ 250ഀ 20ഀ 2.1 1.3ഀ 0.6ഀ 16ഀ 1.2 1.0ഀ 0.4ഀ 13ഀ 0.8 0.8ഀ 0.2ഀ 11ഀ 0.6 0.7ഀ 0.2ഀ 325ഀ 325ഀ 25ഀ 3.4 1.6ഀ 1.0ഀ 20ഀ 2.1 1.3ഀ 0.6ഀ 17ഀ 1.4 1.1ഀ 0.4ഀ 15ഀ 1.1 0.9ഀ 0.3ഀ 400ഀ 400ഀ 31ഀ 5.2 2.0ഀ 1.6ഀ 25ഀ 3.4 1.6ഀ 1.0ഀ 21ഀ 2.3 1.3ഀ 0.7ഀ 18ഀ 1.7 1.1ഀ 0.5ഀ 500ഀ -ഀ 38ഀ 1.4ഀ 2.4ഀ 0.4ഀ 31ഀ 1.1ഀ 2.0ഀ 0.3ഀ 26ഀ 0.9ഀ 1.6ഀ 0.3ഀ 22ഀ 0.6ഀ 1.4ഀ 0.2ഀ -ഀ 500ഀ 41ഀ 1.7ഀ 2.6ഀ 0.5ഀ 33ഀ 1.1ഀ 2.1ഀ 0.3ഀ 27ഀ 0.9ഀ 1.7ഀ 03ഀ 23ഀ 0.7ഀ 1.5ഀ 0.2ഀ 600ഀ -ഀ 47ഀ 1.8ഀ 3.0ഀ 0.5ഀ 37ഀ 1.4ഀ 2.3ഀ 0.4ഀ 31ഀ 1.2ഀ 2.0ഀ 0.4ഀ 27ഀ 0.8ഀ 1.7ഀ 0.2ഀ -ഀ 600ഀ 49ഀ 2.3ഀ 3.1ഀ 0.7ഀ 39ഀ 1.6ഀ 2.5ഀ 0.5ഀ 32ഀ 1.1ഀ 2.0ഀ 0.3ഀ 28ഀ 0.9ഀ 1.8ഀ 0.3ഀ 715ഀ -ഀ 56ഀ 2.5ഀ 3.5ഀ 0.8ഀ 45ഀ 1.9ഀ 2.8ഀ 0.6ഀ 37ഀ 1.5ഀ 2.3ഀ 0.5ഀ 32ഀ 1.0ഀ 2.0ഀ 0.3ഀ -ഀ 715ഀ 58ഀ 3.2ഀ 3.7ഀ 1.0ഀ 47ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.0ഀ 0.7ഀ 39ഀ 1.6ഀ 2.5ഀ 0.5ഀ 33ഀ 1.1ഀ 2.1ഀ 0.3ഀ 850ഀ -ഀ 66ഀ 3.4ഀ 4.2ഀ 1.0ഀ 53ഀ 2.5ഀ 3.3ഀ 0.8ഀ 44ഀ 2.0ഀ 2.8ഀ 0.6ഀ 38ഀ 1.4ഀ 2.4ഀ 0.4ഀ -ഀ 850ഀ 69ഀ 3.6ഀ 4.4ഀ 1.1ഀ 55ഀ 3.1ഀ 3.5ഀ 0.9ഀ 46ഀ 2.2ഀ 2.9ഀ 0.7ഀ 39ഀ 1.6ഀ 2.5ഀ 0.5ഀ 1010ഀ -ഀ 79ഀ 4.7ഀ 5.0ഀ 1.4ഀ 63ഀ 3.4ഀ 4.0ഀ 1.0ഀ 53ഀ 2.7ഀ 3.3ഀ 0.8ഀ 45ഀ 1.9ഀ 2.8ഀ 0.6ഀ -ഀ 1010ഀ 82ഀ 5.0ഀ 5.2ഀ 1.5ഀ 66ഀ 3.6ഀ 4.2ഀ 1.1ഀ 55ഀ 3.1ഀ 3.5ഀ 0.9ഀ 47ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.0ഀ 0.7ഀ 1200ഀ -ഀ 94ഀ 6.5ഀ 5.9ഀ 2.0ഀ 75ഀ 4.8ഀ 4.7ഀ 1.5ഀ 62ഀ 3.7ഀ 3.9ഀ 1.1ഀ 53ഀ 2.6ഀ 3.3ഀ 0.8ഀ -ഀ 1200ഀ 98ഀ 6.9ഀ 6.2ഀ 2.1ഀ 78ഀ 4.9ഀ 4.9ഀ 1.5ഀ 65ഀ 3.6ഀ 4.1ഀ 1.1ഀ 56ഀ 3.1ഀ 3.5ഀ 0.9ഀ 1430ഀ -ഀ 112ഀ 8.9ഀ 7.1ഀ 2.7ഀ 89ഀ 6.5ഀ 5.6ഀ 2.0ഀ 74ഀ 5.0ഀ 4.7ഀ 1.5ഀ 64ഀ 3.5ഀ 4.0ഀ 1.1ഀ -ഀ 1430ഀ 117ഀ 9.5ഀ 7.4ഀ 2.9ഀ 93ഀ 6.7ഀ 5.9ഀ 2.0ഀ 78ഀ 5.0ഀ 4.9ഀ 1.5ഀ 67ഀ 3.7ഀ 4.2ഀ 1.1ഀ 1670ഀ -ഀ 102ഀ 8.8ഀ 6.4ഀ 2.7ഀ 85ഀ 6.7ഀ 5.4ഀ 2.0ഀ 73ഀ 4.7ഀ 4.6ഀ 1.4ഀ -ഀ 1670ഀ 109ഀ 9.1ഀ 6.9ഀ 2.8ഀ 91ഀ 6.8ഀ 5.7ഀ 2.7ഀ 78ഀ 5.0ഀ 4.9ഀ 1.5ഀ 1825ഀ -ഀ 114ഀ 10.0ഀ 7.2ഀ 3.0ഀ 95ഀ 8.0ഀ 6.0ഀ 2.4ഀ 81ഀ 5.5ഀ 5.1ഀ 1.7ഀ -ഀ 1825ഀ 119ഀ 10.4ഀ 7.5ഀ 3.2ഀ 99ഀ 8.3ഀ 5.2ഀ 2.5ഀ 85ഀ 5.7ഀ 5.4ഀ 1.7ഀ 2000-1 Pഀ -ഀ 164ഀ 3.9ഀ 10.3ഀ 1.2ഀ 131ഀ 3.6ഀ 8.3ഀ 1.1ഀ 109ഀ 1.8ഀ 6.9ഀ 0.5ഀ 94ഀ 0.7ഀ 5.9ഀ 0.2ഀ 2Pഀ -ഀ 164ഀ 10.5ഀ 10.3ഀ 3.2ഀ 131ഀ 7.4ഀ 8.3ഀ 2.3ഀ 109ഀ 4.9ഀ 6.9ഀ 1.5ഀ 94ഀ 3.0ഀ 5.9ഀ 0.9ഀ 2450-1 Pഀ -ഀ 201ഀ 5.9ഀ 12.7ഀ 1.8ഀ 161ഀ 3.9ഀ 10.2ഀ 1.2ഀ 134ഀ 3.8ഀ 8.5ഀ 1.2ഀ 115ഀ 2.3ഀ 7.3ഀ 0.7ഀ 2Pഀ -ഀ 201ഀ 16.4ഀ 12.7ഀ 5.0ഀ 161ഀ 10.2ഀ 10.2ഀ 3.1ഀ 134ഀ 7.7ഀ 8.5ഀ 2.3ഀ 115ഀ 5.7ഀ 7.3ഀ 1.7ഀ -ഀ 2200-1 Pഀ 179ഀ 4.8ഀ 11.3ഀ 1.5ഀ 143ഀ 3.8ഀ 9.0ഀ 1.2ഀ 119ഀ 2.6ഀ 7.5ഀ 0.8ഀ 102ഀ 1.8ഀ 6.4ഀ 0.5ഀ -ഀ 2Pഀ 179ഀ 13.0ഀ 11.3ഀ 4.0ഀ 143ഀ 8.5ഀ 9.0ഀ 2.6ഀ 119ഀ 6.1ഀ 7.5ഀ 1.9ഀ 102ഀ 4.5ഀ 6.4ഀ 1ഀ 4ഀ 3050-1 Pഀ -ഀ 250ഀ 9.3ഀ 15.8ഀ 2.8ഀ 200ഀ 5.9ഀ 12.6ഀ 1.8ഀ 167ഀ 4.5ഀ 10.5ഀ 1.4ഀ 143ഀ 3.8ഀ 9.0ഀ .ഀ 1.2ഀ 2Pഀ -ഀ 200ഀ 16.4ഀ 12.6ഀ 5.0ഀ 167ഀ 12.5ഀ 10.5ഀ 3.8ഀ 143ഀ 8.5ഀ 9.0ഀ 2.6ഀ -ഀ 2800-1 Pഀ 222ഀ 7.4ഀ 14.0ഀ 2.3ഀ 178ഀ 5.0ഀ 11.2ഀ 1.5ഀ 148ഀ 4.0ഀ 9.3ഀ 1.2ഀ 127ഀ 3.0ഀ 8.0ഀ 0.9ഀ -ഀ 2Pഀ 222ഀ 18.2ഀ 14.0ഀ 5.5ഀ 178ഀ 13.8ഀ 11.2ഀ 4.2ഀ 148ഀ 9.3ഀ 9.3ഀ 2.8ഀ 127ഀ 6.7ഀ 8.0ഀ 2ഀ 0ഀ 3500-1Pഀ -ഀ 284ഀ 12.0ഀ 17.9ഀ 3.7ഀ 230ഀ 8.7ഀ 14.5ഀ 2.7ഀ 189ഀ 5.7ഀ 11.9ഀ 1.7ഀ 164ഀ 3.9ഀ 10.3ഀ .ഀ 1.2ഀ 2Pഀ 189ഀ 16.8ഀ 11.9ഀ 5.1ഀ 164ഀ 10.5ഀ 10.3ഀ 3.2ഀ -ഀ 3200-1 Pഀ 255ഀ 10.2ഀ 16.1ഀ 3.1ഀ 204ഀ 6.8ഀ 12.9ഀ 2.1ഀ 170ഀ 4.3ഀ 10.7ഀ 1.3ഀ 146ഀ 3.1ഀ 9.2ഀ 0.9ഀ -ഀ 2Pഀ 204ഀ 18.1ഀ 12.9ഀ 5.5ഀ 170ഀ 12.0ഀ 10.7ഀ 3.7ഀ 146ഀ 8.3ഀ 9.2ഀ 2ഀ 5ഀ 4050-1 Pഀ -ഀ 332ഀ 17.2ഀ 20.9ഀ 5.2ഀ 266ഀ 11.9ഀ 16.8ഀ 3.6ഀ 222ഀ 8.1ഀ 14.0ഀ 2.5ഀ 190ഀ 5.8ഀ 12.0ഀ .ഀ 1.8ഀ 2Pഀ 222ഀ 24.0ഀ 14.0ഀ 7.3ഀ 190ഀ 16ഀ 12.0ഀ 4.9ഀ -ഀ 3600-1 pഀ 295ഀ 14.2ഀ 18.6ഀ 4.3ഀ 236ഀ 9.3ഀ 14.9ഀ 2.8ഀ 197ഀ 6.3ഀ 12.4ഀ 1.9ഀ 169ഀ 4.6ഀ 10.7ഀ 1.4ഀ -ഀ 2Pഀ 197ഀ 17.8ഀ 12.4ഀ 5.4ഀ 169ഀ 12.7ഀ 10.7ഀ 3.9ഀ 4500-1 Pഀ -ഀ 369ഀ 21.75ഀ 23.3ഀ 6.6ഀ 295ഀ 13.2ഀ 18.6ഀ 4.0ഀ 246ഀ 10.0ഀ 15.5ഀ 3.0ഀ 211ഀ 7.0ഀ 13.3ഀ 2ഀ 1ഀ 2Pഀ -ഀ .ഀ 211ഀ 20ഀ 13.3ഀ 6.1ഀ -ഀ 4000-1 Pഀ 328ഀ 17.0ഀ 20.7ഀ 5.2ഀ 262ഀ 11.1ഀ 16.5ഀ 3.4ഀ 219ഀ 7.7ഀ 13.8ഀ 2.3ഀ 187ഀ 5.5ഀ 11.8ഀ 1.7ഀ -ഀ 2 Pഀ 219ഀ 20.8ഀ 13.8ഀ 6.3ഀ 187ഀ 15.7ഀ 11.8ഀ 4ഀ 8ഀ 5000-1 Pഀ -ഀ 410ഀ 27.0ഀ 25.9ഀ 8.2ഀ 328ഀ 16.8ഀ 20.7ഀ 5.1ഀ 273ഀ 13.0ഀ 17.2ഀ 4.0ഀ 234ഀ 9.0ഀ 14.8ഀ .ഀ 2ഀ 7ഀ 2Pഀ -ഀ .ഀ -ഀ 4500-1 Pഀ 365ഀ 21.3ഀ 23.0ഀ 6.5ഀ 292ഀ 14.3ഀ 18.4ഀ 4.4ഀ 243ഀ 9.9ഀ 15.3ഀ 3.0ഀ 208ഀ 7.1ഀ 13.1ഀ 2.2ഀ -ഀ 2Pഀ 208ഀ 19.5ഀ 13.1ഀ 5.9ഀ • = Not recommended, consult factory. mswഀ 1 P = Single-pass heat exchanger.ഀ 2P =Two-pass heat exchanges •ഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ ഀ ~ഀ 111 111ഀ ~Rഀ Arnoഀ .ഀ 0 Waterpik Technologiesഀ 1AAM 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 • 805.529.2000 • FAX 805.529.5934ഀ 20 Industrial Way, Rochester, NH 03867 • 603.335.6300 • FAX 603.335.3355ഀ /Heating SYsiems 480 S. Service Road West, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6K 21-14 • 905.844.8233 • FAX 905.844.2635ഀ www.laars.com Litho in U.S.A. © Laars Heating Systems 0405 Document 1043Pഀ Jഀ Indoor/Outdoorഀ Tഀ Front A BBഀ 11 (279)ഀ Inlet Outletഀ Topഀ " Cast Iron 51/4, Bronze 23/4ഀ Vent damper required only for U.S.ഀ indoor installations of sizes 175-250ഀ 293/4 Bഀ 12%4 Pump ~-(756)ഀ r.Zഀ (311)ഀ uഀ toഀ tEgഀ Gasഀ -T C. Conn. Pump rF~ഀ (PH Models)ഀ i Outഀ A - Out Inഀ ~ /_1 B (147O p Rearഀ i-73/-{~ 30/,ഀ (1s7) 2s 1s Gas (781) 7'r.ഀ (483) Inlet (197)ഀ 1260, Iഀ (260) 2) _ X788) a (30522ഀ ) - A -413/.ഀ Top Side (1060)ഀ Front Sideഀ Indoor Outdoorഀ 14ഀ Tഀ 61ഀ (1549)ഀ (102)ഀ Outlet When Single Passഀ 71/2 Heat Exchanger is Specifiedഀ 191ഀ Outlet ~ 10ഀ (25dഀ A Bഀ 1 I rഀ 74ഀ Tഀ Bt 21ഀ C c z?ഀ Topഀ Indoorഀ Dimensions shown are inches (mm).ഀ 40ഀ ~16)ഀ 4% Aഀ ~-r11di fT--ഀ V (Dia.) r 13Y,ഀ (337)ഀ Frontഀ 409/16(1030)ഀ 303/,6 (767)ഀ 26%ഀ (673) Cast Iron 113/8(289)ഀ Sideഀ 16'/. 170ഀ (413) (1778)ഀ t~lഀ 112 a~~ `ഀ (305)ഀ uu u~ഀ 37 21 ~tj tj~ഀ (940) (533) aഀ -54% -~I Gas/ 1.Bഀ (1384) Inletഀ Side Frontഀ (1880)-ഀ ഀ 72 8)ഀ --((1829)ഀ 37 out Inഀ (940) 19ഀ 483)ഀ a6Oഀ (1524)ഀ Sideഀ Oഀ utdoorഀ Standard Featuresഀ • 160 PSI working pressure.ഀ • Constructed to Section IV, ASME Boiler andഀ Pressure Vessel Code.ഀ • Factory mounted pump (sizes 175-1825, Model PH).ഀ • Design certified and tested by I.A.S. (A.G.A. & C.G.A.)ഀ • Meets requirements of ASHRAE Standard 90.1.ഀ • Electronic flame supervision.ഀ • Natural or propane gas.ഀ • Electronic ignition.ഀ • On/off switch with indicator light.ഀ • Fused control circuit.ഀ • Non-combustible base - standard on all sizesഀ 175-400 and outdoor sizes 500-1825.ഀ Available Firing Modesഀ • On/Off: Standard on sizes 175-400.ഀ Available on all sizes.ഀ • Two Stage: Standard on sizes 500-5000.ഀ Available on all sizes.ഀ • Four Stage: Available on sizes 500-5000.ഀ • Motorized Modulation: Available on sizes 500-5000.ഀ • Mechanical Modulation: Available on sizes 325-1825ഀ • Motorized On/Off: Available on sizes 500-5000.ഀ • Motorized 2-Stage: Available on sizes 500-5000.ഀ Galvanized steel jaclഀ with acrylic finish foഀ strength and long li,ഀ Built-in draft divert(ഀ (indoor sizes 500-5(ഀ to simplify installatiഀ Automatic gas valy,ഀ on/off, 2-stage, 4-sഀ or modulatingഀ Stainless steel burrഀ assure long lifeഀ Slide out burner trഀ easy maintenanceഀ (sizes 175-1825)ഀ optional Equipmentഀ GAS TRAIN:ഀ • Additional manual shutoff.ഀ • Additional safety valve.ഀ • Motorized safety valveഀ (available with proof of closure).ഀ • High/low gas pressure switches.ഀ • Normally open vent valve.ഀ • Leak test valve.ഀ OUTDOOR RESET CONTROLS:ഀ • On/off (1:1).ഀ • 2-stage (1:1 or 1:1.5).ഀ • Motorized modulation (1:1).ഀ • MightyMatic 3 Sequencer - 4-stage.ഀ • MightyMatic 4 Sequencer - 8-stage.ഀ CONTROLS:ഀ • 100% lockout.ഀ • Low water cutoff - with manualഀ reset and test button.ഀ • Low temperature aquastat - on/off,ഀ or 2-stage.ഀ • Automatic reset high limit.ഀ • EMI - Energy Management Monitor.ഀ iperatureഀ y firebox linerഀ )0°F (1093°C)ഀ er efficiencyഀ finned copperഀ hangerforഀ fficiencyഀ itch standardഀ iodelsഀ I header flangesഀ 1 serviceabilityഀ ned or bronzeഀ s for corrosionഀ iceഀ l'10ഀ U1-22-21Jo9 Inspection Request Reporting Page 13ഀ 4:14 gm Vail- C CitTOfഀ Requested Inspect Date: Friday, January 23, 2009ഀ Inspection Area: JRMഀ Site Address: 2079 CHAMONIX LN VAILഀ VAIL HEIGHTS CONDOഀ A/P/D Informationഀ Activity: M08-0202 Type: B-MECH Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUEDഀ Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: JRMഀ Owner: BUTE, GARY R.ഀ Contractor: R & H MECHANICAL LLC Phone: (970) 328-2699ഀ Description: COMMON ELEMENT: REPLACE BOILERഀ Requested Inspectiontsഀ Item: 390 MECH-Final Requested Time: 11:00 AMഀ Requestor: R & H MECHANICAL LLC Phone: (970) 328-2699ഀ Comments: W/C JOEL - 1 HR- FOR ACCESS 970-471-5679ഀ Assigned To: JMONDRAGON Entered By: SBELLM Kഀ Action: Time Exp:ഀ Comment: bUlLtK lb APPROVED.ഀ SOME GYP HAS BEEN REMOVED ON CORRIDOR WALL DUE TO WATER DAMAGE. THE HOAഀ NEEDS TO REPAIR AND FIRE CAULK EXISTING PEN TR fQNS.ഀ 1ഀ o \ഀ 1ഀ Inspection Historyഀ Item: 200 MECH-Roughഀ Item: 310 MECH-Heafingഀ Item: 315 PLMB-Gas Pipingഀ Item: 320 MECH-Exhaust Hoodsഀ Item: 330 MECH-Supply Airഀ Item: 340 MECH-Misc.ഀ Item: 390 MECH-Final Approvedഀ 11/03/08 Inspector: shahn Action: AP APPROVEDഀ Comment: BOILER IS APPROVED.ഀ SOME GYP HAS BEEN REMOVED ON CORRIDOR WALL DUE TO WATER DAMAGE. THEഀ HOA NEEDS TO REPAIR AND FIRE CAULK EXISTING PENETRATIONS.ഀ REPT131 Run Id: 9048ഀ