HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-24 VLHA Meeting Results Vail Local Housing Authority Meeting Results September 24, 2019 3:00 PM Town Council Chambers 75 S. Frontage Road -Vail, Colorado, 81657 1. Call to Order Lindstrom call to the meeting to order at 3:06PM. Members present are Wilkins, McDougall and Lindstrom. Morales arrived at 3:30PM.Ruther and Campbell are present from staff. 2.Citizen Participation 2.1. Citizen Participation Eric Saleis a West Vail homeowner who has applied for the Vail InDeed program. His property is located in Vail Intermountain outside the Town’s jurisdictionboundaryand he owns both duplex halves.Salelikes the idea of others living in Vail and making alife for themselves here. He came tothe meeting tofind out about the program and to let the Authority know he is open to restricting both duplex sides. st He and his wife recently had their 1childand hope to raise their family in Vail. Sale noted his family is similar to others trying to remain in Vail to raise afamily. He sees this program opening other options for his family to remain in Vail and believes in workforce housing. Lindstrom mentioned Council is hoping Vail Intermountain will annex into Vail. 3.Approval of Minutes 3.1. VLHASeptember 10, 2019 Meeting Results MOTION: WilkinsSECOND: McDougallVOTE:3-0Approved 4.Main Agenda 4.1.Remonov & Co., Inc. Project Discussion -Housing Development Discussion Presenter: Makenzie Mueller, Remonov & Co., Inc. Makenzie Mueller presented the Mountain Hive, workforce housing project in Edwards. Remonov& Co.:Makenzie Mueller, Rick Mueller and Robert Hernreich, are seeking support or endorsements from the VLHA.Mauriello Planning Group (MPG) is assisting with the project development. Mountain Hive’s concept is based on co-livingor co-housing which is similar to sharing parts of housing,utilities, etc. with an end goal to offer independent living without full costs. The proposed Mountain Hive project is located behind Edwards Corner (corner of Highway 6 and Edwards Village Boulevard)in Edwards. Remonov & Co. is anticipating deed restricting70%for Eagle County residents. Based on their research the average rental for a one (1) bedroom is $1788/ month. The Mountain Hive proposal includes 263 units fully furnished with kitchenettes, shared kitchens and loungeson every floor.Single and double occupancywill be available and each unit includes kitchenettes and separatebaths.The project intends to have bike and electric car share on site. APUD was submitted to Eagle Countya few weeks ago and an amended final plat will be submitted. The economic reportis completewhich indicates this project will reduce in-commuting by 70K hours per year and could bring 131 new full timeemployeesto the valley. Lindstrom: Isthere pedestrianaccess from the east end to get to the bus stop? M. Mueller: The East sideof the property is too steep for adding path. Access is shared with Edwards Corner commercial building. Residents can usetheexisting drive to access bus. Lindstrom: What is the 30% is for? Dominic Mauriello state Mountain Hive is looking to do something similar to 6 West, looking for partners. Lindstrom: Is thelayout good for non-deed restricted renters? Mauriello: Yes,it will be fully occupied by Eagle Countyrenters, workers. Mountain Hive could potentially be an option for large events like Bravoin residencemusicians. Morales: Will the 30% non-deed restricted units be flex units between12 months or shorter? M. Mueller: No, the 30%will be for tenants, shorter or long term leases. McDougall asked about kitchenettes. M. Mueller: The units are private livingwith sinks, convection microwaves and bathroom, similar to anupscale dorm. Project parking was discussed. 193parking spaces are planned, underground and surface. Access will be from Edwards Boulevard and shared Edwards Corner access. There will be a parking charge. Mauriello stated they are hoping VLHA would offer support in writing or at a hearing prior to Eagle Countyhearing. The Board briefly discussed the project and is in support of the project. 4.2.Chamonix Vail Resident Leave of Absence Request Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator McDougall motioned to approve the leave of absence pending confirmation Town Council does not require review. MOTION: McDougallSECOND:MoralesVOTE:4-0 4.3.Annual Deed Restriction Compliance Verification Policy Recommendation Presenter: George Ruther, Housing Director McDougall motioned to table 4.3 to a future meeting. MOTION: McDougallSECOND: MoralesVOTE: 3-0 Tabled 4.4.Resolution No. 24, Series of 2019, a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described as Condominium Unit C, Building 9, Sandstone 70, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 907 Red Sandstone Road Unit 9-C, Vail Colorado;and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator No action required, applicant withdrew. 4.5.Resolution 26, Series of 2019, a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed Restriction Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator MOTION: WilkinsSECOND: MoralesVOTE:4-0 Approved 4.6.Resolution No. 27, Series of 2019, a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described as Sandstone 70, Building 13, Unit A, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 923 Red Sandstone Road, Unit 13A, Vail Colorado; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator MOTION: WilkinsSECOND:MoralesVOTE:4-0 Approved 4.7.EHU Compliance Status Update Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator Campbell provided acurrent status update for the 2018 non-compliant owners. Nine(9) non-compliant ownersare in violation of their deed restriction.ElizabethRoss Johnson Revocable Trust and Bulten-Ericksonhave not received summonses;Snook and Tivoli Lodge have pending October meetings with the Town prosecutor;Bivona, McNutt and Dobbie Properties are on one year probation; Harrington is pending submission of their 2018 tax return and Hughes-Ajlounyreturned their annual affidavit priorto a summons being issued. 5.Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members 5.1.Matters from the Chairman and AuthorityMembers Lindstrom reminded members of the Town Council candidate form scheduled for th September 25, at Donovan from 5:30-7:30PM. There may be an additional forum put on by the Eagle County Housing Task Force. Booth Heights is being appealed and will th be heard at Town Council on October 15.The Hockett Gulchproject in Eagle has been approved by trustees. There is a potential citizen petition to place on the ballot. Lindstrom reminded the group to consider ideas regarding review ofshort longterm / long terms incentives to be discussed at the next meeting October 8, 2019. 6.Executive Session 6.1.Executive Session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) -to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property interests and todetermine positions, develop a strategy and instruct negotiators, regarding: five(7) submitted Vail InDEED applications and program details. Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator Motion to enter Wilkins MOTION: WilkinsSECOND:MoralesVOTE:4-0 Approved Motion to reenter regular meeting MOTION: MoralesSECOND: McDougalVOTE:4-0 Approved 7.Any Action as a Result of Executive Session McDougall recommended staff continue forward with the Vail InDEEDapplications as recommended during executive session. MOTION: McDougallSECOND: MoralesVOTE:3-0Approved 8.Adjournment 8.1.Adjournment 5:00 PM (estimated) MOTION: McDougallSECOND: MoralesVOTE:3-0Approved 9.Future Agenda Items 9.1. EHU Capital Improvements, Labor Cost Housing Data Housing Sites Discussion Civic Area Plan Land Banking (sale of GRFA) Public Health Housing Incentive, Eagle County Health 10.Next Meeting Date 10.1.Next Meeting Date October 8, 2019 Meeting agendas and materials can be accessed prior to meeting day on the Town of Vail website www.vailgov.com. All housing authority meetings are open to the public. Times and order of agenda are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time the Vail Local Housing Authority will discuss an item. Please call (970) 479-2150 for additional information. Please call 711 for sign language interpretation 48 hours prior to meeting time. Housing Department