HomeMy WebLinkAboutKATSOS RANCH MINOR SUBDIVISION LOT 1 - MEMORIAL PARKVdttl\[\ tzBb"kl h*Z l6t-"]^*l -'21 ENVI RONMENTAL AIIALYSIS FOR DEVELOPTIIEIIT ALTERNATIVES THE JAIN RYAN @tl.IPlNY . ffil Errn'sur, St wt . Dnxr, Uorah &28 . (301 8X' W4 I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYS IS . FOR DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES THE KATSOS RANCH - Prepared For - Department of Conrnunjty Development Town of Vai'l - Prepared By - The John Ryan Company 1601 Emerson Street Denver, Colorado 80218 October 1977 I I rNrRoDUcrroN I The purpose of this report is to provide background information I about development alternatives for a Town of Vail property known as the Katsos Ranch. The Town's five--vear capital budgetino requirementII necessitates long-range planning. It is, therefore, appropriate to begin I the decision-makinq process for the development, or non-development, I of this property to enable department heads to plan accordingly. I Limi tati ons I *.Oort does not assess the ent'ire spectrum of developmental I alternatjves. There are scores of poss'ib'l e land uses which are unconsidered I in this report. This report is a first step in the planning process; it I assesses broad categories of land use to i'llustrate the kinds of activitiesI which might be selected for the Katsos Property. In this sense, there are I four 'land use alternatives: I . No Development . Passive Recreation (l'imited use) I Active Recreatjon (intensive use) . An Executive, Nine-Hole Golf CourseI I I I 0rganization of the Report This report is organized into three parts: Section l. describes existing condjtions on the property. Section 2. presents alternative land uses and development impacts. Section 3. surrunarizes physical , activity, and cost considerations. I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I SECTION 1. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Katsos Ranch had been used for sheep qrazing prior to its purchase b.y Vail Associates in the earl_v 1960's. Vai'l Assocjates had planned to develop the property for housing; however, steep slopes and a number of natural hazards precluded extensjve development on the sjte. The preliminary land use plan finally submitted by Va'i1 Associates contained the fol 'lowi ng major 'land uses: 20.0 acres for housing, parking, and tennis courts' 20.1 acres for the Beaver Pond Preserve. 106.0 acres outsjde the deve'l opable area because of steep slopes and extensive natural hazards. U6.l_ total acres The property was purchased by the Town of Vail from Vail Associates, Inc., for $375,000 in July, 1977. The Town is now in the process of assessing its possible uses, considering the small amount of developable land outside of steep slopes and natural hazard areas. The .|46-acre Katsos Ranch l'ies immediate'ly east of the Vail Golf course- The property roughly resembles an elongated rectangle, ly'ing south of, and paral] el to, Interstate 70. It is five times longer than it is wide--approximately 1.25 miles lonq and one-quartgr of a mile widp for most of jts )ength. Gore Creek traverses the property from east to I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I west. The southern third of the property is dominated by thickly-forested, steep slopes 'in excess of 40 percent. Roughly a third of the property (the northern part) lies jn the 1O0-year flood p1ain. Between these two constraint zones is a thin strip of land, varying between 100-400 feet in width for most of the 1.25 miles length of property. However, it also has some steep flat area is occupied by a beaver pond. This beaver pond is ecological unit in the Gore Valley, as described more fully secti on. ln 1974-75 when Vail Associates was preparing a development p'l an for the Katsos Ranch, it retained consultants to assess avalanche hazards on the Katsos Ranch. A report was prepared at that time* which identified three major gul1ies, spaced somewhat evenly over the Katsos Property; they are named (from east to west) ... Terray Gully, Gilkey Gully, and Frontage Gu11y. See Exhibit No. l. Ava'lanches and Mudflows Zones des'ignated as "High Hazard" and "E{treme HJzard" cover approximate'ly one-half to two-thirds of the western ha'lf of the property; simitarly, hazard zones of this type cover approximately one-third to one-half of the eastern half. A site near the bottom of the limestone cliffs above the * McDowell-Smith & Associates and Arthur Defense, Tenth Filing & Katsos Ranch, I. Mears, Avalanche and Mudflow February 10,J975. I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I U'I *F* -HdI 7?aFcq(9<I *;;F.F lil I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I property has occasionally released wet flowing avalanches (The S'idewinder Track). Additionally, there have been wet, dry, and powder avalanches in the three maior gullies which flow into the property. Alpine mudflows which involve the movement of rocks and assorted debris down the steep slopes of mountainous areas have occurred in the past in the Katsos'three gu] lies; estimated return flows and general characteristics of the three gulties were described as follows in the McDowell-Smith and Mears' report: ,'The Terray debris cone is very unstable and frequent large mudflows should be expected. Typicaliy, they wi'l I not fl ow beyond the trees, but depending upon the-water content and viscosity, Some may extend to Gore Cieek. -Thb large mudflows on this cone are potentially dangerous to life and property and they often exceed the size of the Racquet Club mudflow."* 20 Years for the "Mudf'lows on the damage than thcse the cone indicate mudflows. It is damage should be Frontage cone on the Terray that a large unf ikely that anti ci pated. "* will be smaller and will cause less cone, but the two channels f1 anking area of the cone maY be affected bYlife will be endangered' but property 'or the Gil key Gu'lly (middle one) "The'Gilkey debri s cone is the least likely to flow.of all. the sjtes studied. Nevertheless, a mudflow in the prominent channel is very possible and the large number of dead 1ogs. in that-channel wouid'cause considerable damage if transported by a mudflow"'* * The report was quoting from work done by the Geoecology D'ivision of DARI performed through MSC, Inc., Boulder, Colorado. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I Detailed planning recommendations of Present Uses should obviously incorporate the findings and the McDowell-Smith and Mears report. The major use of the Katsos property at the present tjme is one of open space. The bike path is already constructed through the western third of the property. It crosses Gore Creek over a bicycle bridge' and ends short'ly thereafter. Bicyclists can continue on the Frontage Road crossing under I-70 to the North Frontage Road toward the Booth Creek Neighborhood. There 'is no bridge at the eastern end of the property. Parts of the l4th and lSth holes of the Vail Golf course were /*ttvL constructed on the western edge of the Katsos PropertVnVears ago. There is an existing footpath, developeC by usage, for runners and bikers which traverses the property. In the winter time, the Town of Vail maintains a cross-country ski trai'l through the property. The beaver pond serves as a visiting place for Nature Centre tours- In the summer of 1977.- more than 120 peopte were escorted to the beaver ponds on guided tours. 0bservers can walk very near the three beaver 'lodgesi therefore, they serve as an excellent teaching example. There are usually about six beavers in this Katsos pond. The beaver lodges are connected by channels--walled canals with mud walls carved out and packed by the beavers to facilitate their rapid travels across the pond. [uring winter, a lodge usually contains the parents, the two kits iust born the previous spring, and the kits from the year before--al'l together 4 t I T I I I I I I I t I I I T I t I t for protection against the coid, In the spring, when the next generation is expected, the female stays in the main lodge; the rest of the family moves to the auxiliary Iodges. Nature Centre Director Mrs. Jackie Pyka estimated that approximately half of the beaver population in the Gore Val'ley resides in the Katsos pond. In summary, most of the'l and on the Katsos Property is unsuitable for the placement of permanent structures because of the steep slopes' snow ava'lanches, mud f'l ows, and floods. Similarly, activities should be restricted during periods of high hazard risk--during and after periods of heavy rain, and during the spring when the snow cover is beginning to melt. I I I I I I I t I I t I I T I I I I I SECTION 2. ALTIRNATIVE LAND USES This sectjon of the report presents four alternative uses for the Katsos Property to jllustrate the kinds of activitjes which might take place on the property and the rnagnitude of the developntent impacts. It has not been the purpose'in the selection of these illustrative uses to preclude from future cons'ideration any other possibilities. The four development alternatives include No Action, DeveloPment for Passive Recreation. Development for Intensive Recreation, and an Executive Nine-Hole Golf Course. Alternative l: No Action The No Action course s'imply means that the Town Government would make no improvements 'in the property' Activit.i es. The current activ'i t'i es on the site were summarized in the previouS sect'ion: open space, hiking and running trails, and Nature Centre tours to the beaver Pond. Development Impacts. Development increased usage by the present types of to be limited; and, therefore' impacts 4,ArlfuUtr1"wt+t Alternative 2: Passive Recreation Development for "passive recreation" means a very moderate set of improvements. It is defined as the opposite of jntensive development for recreation (the next alternative in this report). impacts would be restricted to users. Access would continue would be m'in'imal . l^tt/z ry^\ l" 1r 4 *'t1-"f5 lp. t.{.it?r( S0a4!{r.1 a4r$ Far++q lo-tpl*tg Vtu #]h.v*ana\ yltn,. tl4-. I 4o.op' J I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I T I I I Activities. Specifical ly, for purposes of this report, the following facilities devel opment for Passive Recreation would incl.ude Exhibit No. 2): An asphalt-covered bike trail. An improved, bark running track. A.parcours variatjon with either one (or both) of thestations along the trail for designated calisthenics. Cross-country ski i ng. trai 1 . Picnic tables for walk-ins in the sunrner; and a specialwinter picnic area as a term'i nus for cross-country skiers. An improved wa1 k-way (probably boards) in and around the beaver pond with'interpretive signage. Deve'lopment Impacts. Extending the bike trail all the way through the property wili necessitate another bridge over Gore Creek at the eastern end of the property. The propert.y on the other (north) side of Gore Creek at the eastern end is I-70 Right-of-Way; there is no Frontage Road on the south side of the interstate highway at this point. Negotiat'ions with the Colorado Department of Highways would have to be conducted to use their Right-of-l'lay for 400-500 feet of bike path to connect wjth the South Frontage Road at the Bighorn Intersection. Alternatively, two parceis of land immediately east of the Katsos Property might be purchased to facilitate the hookup with the existing cul-de-sac in Bighorn, and thereby avoid frontage road traffic altogether. The ten-foot wide bikepath could also serve as an intermittent service/A-road for municipal vehicle\Water and sewer lines would not be extended /./ . ITor^t= "fy'flizu 9nt*.9\_tl (see qc&58 ge4xru^ *hr,,.14 lpb A&^e-t^ilolb J)u/, ., , to*u{ lrt$sJea 10 te Tla!!FI: -i* 'Odr :Esr<(tsFmLr<I *:;>Frgrf I I I I I I l= I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t into the property. Limited parking on the roadside north of Gore Creek could be made available for the p'icnickers, walkers, and runners. However, vehicular access by the public should not be allowed under this development pl an. et*A/Atlf?ve Alternative 3: Active Recreation -Development of the property of facilit'ies and infrastructure is defined as be'ing at the other recreation. " Acti vi ti es . Volleyba'l I courts. Basketbal I courts. A sma'l 1 amphi theatre. recreation means construction variety of activitjes. It for active for a wide end of the foA c* dr\s'raws rrfift {*lho+ichd4,n o^^A otl^Lrl'', k- ' dol^n { ! | 4t^t\/V/'r?tA-6ilQw*rfor' Active Recre'ation would 'i nclude the fol lowiowing activitivities (see Exhibit No. 3): . All of the activities included in the Passive Recreation A] ternati ve. . A Nature Centre "branch"--possibly with an astronomical observatory. . An all purpose activity field--baseball, football, soccer, rugby. . Tennis courts. spectrum from ,,passi r"\ffi#}"n, -,/ "op$o:l.lc- l4u, dfihrr" - ' a4}ou*fiih,.ooe14 til Vail^qo. $tT^'rAt*tg,'.v* | ' Development Impacts. Major development impacts under this alternative would include the construction of a road across the property and two new bridges. A more extensive parking area would need to be developed-- t2 I I t I I I lu, l=Elr,t *!* 'zEI eFs I l- <or. l!FmE<I *H;lrt Fr=lb 13 I I I I t lH I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I probably at the eastern end of the Katsos Property. Acquisition of additional adjoining property at the eastern end of the Katsos Property would greatly facilitate vehiculu" u...rr3A water line could be extended from the Booth Creek Area underneath the Interstate and made avai'l able to the recreation area. A sewer line already traverses the property; several hookups could be made for pub'l ic restrooms. More picnic tables could be developed; they would be accessjble by automobile. A1 I of the impacts associated with the running path, bike path, and walk- way around the beaver pond would be repeated under this alternative. 0nr.{c.UtJrr.a.?Fa . Alternative 4: An Executive Golf Course The land is unsuitable for a nine-hole extension of the present golf course. Actually, parts of the l4th and l5th holes were constructed on the Katsos Property years ago. They utilize some of the limited amount of flat land in the western th'i rd of the property. The western half of the property has an extensive amount of land with 40 percent slopes--probably in excess of B0 percent of the surface area. The land a'l ong the Creek js the most level in this western half; it probably is w'ide enough to contajn one fairway. However, going the other way would require traveling--not playing--for almost a thousand yards, just to move through this narrow s tretch. Activities. As shown in Exhibit No. 4, there are approximately 40-45 acres of relatively flat not covered by the beaver pond. nine-hole goif course could be land jn the eastern half of the property-- It would seem that a par-three or executive physically placed in this area. 14 T I I I I I I l: FI =-E*.JEr ?ier_. (X FI *:i. JFl3 :trFI I I I I I I 15 $1,.{l[ '}^t^-!."Nd s"\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Development Impacts. constructjon of a golf course at the eastern end of the property would involve a substantjal amount of earth mov'i ng. The natural slope of the land is toward the Creek (to the north)' usually golfers do not enioy playing most of their shots with uphill and downhill ljes. Therefore, there would be a tendency to "level" the va1 1ey floor for the fairways. However, the changes in the land form caused by the alternate'l eveling and building-up assoc'iated with construction of a go1 f course might cause sizeable changes 'in the flood p'l ain. Golf course greens, for example, can act as dams under flooding cond'itjons; but when ? they give way, downstream fl ooding cou'l d be worsened. Any golf course plan should give special attention to the floodplain--both on site as well as offsite (downstream), and should consider the protection of human 'l ife as wel'l as propertY val ues. A golf course would require an underground irrigation system, and' of course, a s.izeable amount of irri gation water during the summer. (W.Mrr\- ltDvtlww Linking the ponding and water storage fac1lities both on the Katsos I l"/ Property and the King Arthur's Court Property should be studied to'insure an adequate supply of water for all of the uses. This initial assessment wou'ld seem to 'indicate that an Executive Nine Hole Golf Course would be a stand-alone operation--located at the eastern end of the Katsos Property with its own park'i ng area, club house' and supporting facil ities' Automobile access from the east does not exjst. Again, vehicula access would be greatly facilitated by purchase of the two lots immed east of the property (approximately eight acres). Many of the activitjes associated with the previous alternatives l6 {f,.i arcfira". rrhdJ. t ^-ot to',F + W.te ;",* b^ltcaa r!tuq df- ll"$.at-c\ rl'rN 6lrcrtr t rrr*-d^'r\m,^tr' I I I I t I I I cou] d be compatible with the golf course--biking, running, etc. However, congregations of people next to a golf course can be dangerous. Picnic tablesandathletic fie'lds would probab'ty be found to be incornpatible uses near a golf course. Exhibit No. 5 SurnmarY of Acti v'i ti es for Land Use Alternatives Considered I F:illll,o.'h (bark) Land Use/Activity Bike Trail Beaver Pond Interpretive h|a'l k Nature Centre Structure Picnic Tables Exi sti ng Passi ve Active Go'lf Conditions Recreation Recreation 9q!{!9 xxx1[rnirrprf) x xxxx x x x x x x x x x xxx x'xx xx x x (r.*prd) xt I Gazebo- All Purpose ActivitY Field Tennis Courts a Volleybal I Courts Basketbal I Courts I Amph itheatre Roadsr Parking on Site I I'later Line Extensions Public Restrooms I Golf course I I I I Ott{,,ttllju|l*? ,l L7 ^rr1 ,'Nrul4iw rjlh,i h4 ra"l"h t^ fu hq,t4 y I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T SECTION 3. SUMMARY OF PLANNING CONSIDTRATIONS This section of the considerations in terms report attempts to summarize major planning of physical concerns, user groups., and costs. Physi cal Considerations . The Katsos Property is a vital part of the diminishing open space system in the Gore Va1 ley. . Most of the Katsos land is in a natural hazard zone--avalanche, mudflow, and floodplain. Appropriate precautions are mandatory. . Most of the Katsos land is covered with steep slopes and is unsuitable for intensive use. . There is a significant wildlife feature represented by the beaver pond--worthy of preservation. tbil4,cs'. The property can pl ay/a key role as a transportation corrjdorfor hikers, runners,/and cross-country skiers--part'icular'ly in terms of linking Bighorn ihthe rest of the Gore Val1ey. . Acquisition of the adjoining property to the east wou'ld greatly enhance access necessary for the golf course and the intensive recreation al ternati ves. User Groups This project has not attempted to measure the potential demand for the various activities out'l ined under the several alternative developmen That assessment might be appropriate to estab'lish priorities. But clear there is a sizeable demand for all of the activities--cross-country skiing, bicyling, running, picnicking, golfing, nature hikes, and organi sports. Selection of a development alternative should consider the tota requirements of these various user groups throughout the Gore Valley; an then consider how development of the Katsos Property would fit in with t overal I plan. dnuil ,tu 1-1ts' Irv' I Izea It\ :"1 1B I I t I t I I I I t I T I I I I I t I Costs Development costs for various land use alternatives wi1'l vary depending on a variety of factors. A golf course, for example, might range between $25,000 to $40,000 per hole depending on the layout and des'ign complexity. An asphalt-paved bike path costs about $9 per linear foot. Reliable cost estimates require specifications for particular activities at des'i gnated locations. This report on environmental considerations has dealt with general categories of uses--but for talking purposes some ballpark cost estimates might be hel pful ... $ 7o,ooo - $160,000 - $470,000 - $ 0 Alternative No. I -- No Action. $100,000 Alternative No. 2 -- Passive Recreation. $320,000 Alternative No. 3 -- Active Recreation. $700,000 Alternative No. 4 -- Golf Course and andtrail system. It.should be re-emphasized that a Sleat deal of planning and engineering will be required before meaningful cost estimates are available. Hopefuly, this report wjll serve as a starting point in selecting a 'land use alternative for the Katsos Rancn. frtrA,n'r,(It^'r;tti..r.+ Cor+l ar^lrr^41tt\raF*rlrryrdrillvA eovfl | Crprla/.,+rutttil( arrrr.r{ ;v4'ekcd'pio.*r e.F,rrffilor4h ffloMb 19 zhf+ AO t-{ O<.. A c)trxotr| -1 EFIHF<OA <ZF()t4 ><E& o o trt rq14 0>& Z t.:UAFtrlo EaE-. 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Ay €22 '.3. 33 E€ 6s- tl Eo' tSag .€ Cd; NE i-31 gE g6>|iE 5: t:, :::E B€ E t o- L . t a- €d '.'i ib.' 3b ;o lre Er LE t:g9 :3- ' " 93. ;, iad . a - Eo r- '-aae'.. €' 3 .:5: :3 oot , .. l: .!\ij og<- -22 -i:5 ;?t- oE r to; \ =gE -'EC 'i^* dB"-e e:: '}€5- :e E<adE.-; E:E ;E:? tg ;rB- i.- =.?2 =rL.'a--: 5;e '.:.c EF Pa- D';t -r'E :I:: IF; n;-e :9 roSB c.:3 EaE- oooE fgt ilcE -qi! ;l?e :Eg E;": .;r 5-.'; ;-: 66r228 i-: .3 ei E ; ee =aeg! 5EE :!;3 !5s c; o <! P I ct N tf] L} nJ .4,L.,_'4..-- -lEF $ It ult 6 EI (lco. G' I'ir .9':e t \\,\\\\t N 3a9-. .9 lt|l,o Go!b9.-r!€- s Iti,o o c,l-- i.'. h bg TEVl\ UI F ffi tll[t CI$tt 0, ..EfGs6oe-L:€f.OuooctE F-, F ffi lr! & [3 ffi & ul 0gl k\L 6:d, -o EE.9t!z (, iEIJ:+ s -.t u)J 11 ' \n ul $ i', l-''I{ o (t -\s .i'::J tatl ..\\l\ i\. -\:" {:\'* ,. .) ':, :,. r i.' -::_- I fr .s; .i \ a ) x&4 oz (n Fr4l<. ; I. sri \ .q>; t-' , I ,..9'..; r'li ' t'i, i \.'. : "-j\ i'!1, ltii. 'il ,:l ',;. ,. ,\ ..: ': i' I i, I t, I i I' I ql L0 1'L5Vn tu Y -':- =:-. +:'- -'-3tils I li$ /'lrttl / '-- !!""rc'lwi trl#K ::\li l\ ',i,\'1,,,,, ,*l li N o LFXt-l O.mx = Va.! 4Et. C4 c|coX *fi*Ul il* gE v'do}(tot ^# lii i' '':""" lii ;r, .i ,. ' !i! ' :i' ,.*'t.", ;ii i +s', '^J l;{ " """* ^..il;-l.: l' s'\ *Ys i e l, 'i ' ,.qii"'' ,i'::': .,'i.'t' :!: ! ,i 'f>::\ l;; 'ii\51;.'i o f' ' l;)i il\ot \.,... c,..;;.,: ,., '.. l-l/a .v \ -ul:'';i i :' )Y'-:l l ,tl \;a o'( 'rS. $La.$rj! E -r5 rng (tl k V ts ffi t!J[t 0 ffitI EHssf $u$$$ eaaIatta a ao, ll. 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C\i l:i;(l!lilr:ti\,l\ \ ',,i1',i[$'4i.Vq1_:,,]'.tir;l Vlil/ ,\,Wt',n'.dlNll$n r 'H,''lt.W i;NtN,-Wr(,,ffi "-{N t s, *11X55;frrlit ttA\il. u) W [i $, "*V'iK,r,'\.,,?,,, .v*=Sk_fl F tfl m rlt k t I APPLICATION OUTDOOB RECREATION LAI{D AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND Submitted to: Colorado Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation 1313 Sherman St. nm. 618 Denver, Colorado Submitted by: Town of VallP.O. Box 100Vail , Colorado 3O31476-5613 27 December 1977 -r COI{TENTS f.) Non-State Assistance Form (A-95) 2.\ Map showing Location of Proposed Proiect 3.) Project Proposal Form (State of Colorado) 4.) Map of proposed Bike/Hike/Ski Trai-l 5. ) Description of Development Costs (Exhibit #3) 6. ) Environmental Assessment (Exhibit #1 ) ?.) Program Narrative (Exhibit #1) 8.) Documentation of Need (Katsos Park Ranch Report) lFf Jzo ul?J ul z aB =utE u,lFlt E oFz IJo.o- loN-srArE ASSlsrANql;'""1 coLoRADO I Vail lt sTArE TDENTTFTeR 3.131 CARD, n{lvl- D IAPPLTCANT 28.i2 Town of ILEAHtN6fi(.)U5t LU.r 5-ZZiUA I t HtC U. | 23.26 - lr.o. 73-80 N/A 02 AODRESS P.0. Box 100 va I Colorado 81657 ffien Ge--tenberger 303/ 476-5613 PROJECT TITLE I5.80 Katsos Ranch Park "Bike/Hike/Ski Trail" PRoffioEscRrPrroN The oroDosaT -r s for consfruction of a li mile long,l0-ft.-widepaved-surface path Tor'biking/hiking/cross country skiing,that wi ll connecf with existing irails at eith6r end 6f the Katsos Ranch P5rk, an open space,/pas- sive recreation park owned by the Town of Vail. The path wi ll provide access to fhe park and will serve as a fransportation corridor between East Vail and Vail Village. This path system will connect with the bike pal-h over Vail Pass 03 ASSISTANCFEDERAL rs.2zlsrArE 23-30 |$48,500 i i :E (FUNDS _ IN-KI LOCAL GOVT. 3l-38 $48, 500 ND _ ETC.)orHER 3e.46|TOTAL 41.54 I cAT 55.59 I 5. 400 FED PROGRAM AMOUNT & TITLE 60-67 $ 48,500 Land & Water Conservation Fund A - NEW JYPEii- riEruewar- [o6-l C - REVISION I F Ig-coryIr!.u]\r_lo_l!. | |E - AUGI\4ENTATION -F - NOTICE OF INTENT G - PRE APPLICATION 04 cAT 15.19 cAT 31-35 FEO PROGRAM AMOUNT & TITLE 39.4Ti NEVISION REOUESTED A - INCREASE DOLLARS 8 - OECREASE DOLLARS C - INCREASE DURATION O _ DECREASE DURATION E - CANCELLATION F - OTHER cAT 47 -51 FE -RoGRAI\,I AMOUNT & TITLE 5ffi2 ffi FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REOUEST N/A SiATE GRANTOR (IF APPLICABLE) . Colo. Div. of Parks & 0utdoor Recreatio 05 -FEOUIFE] FIRST YEAR ) MATCHING FEDERAL 15-I7 050 )ERCENTAGEI STATE 18-20 LocA L 2l-8 nnn STARTING DATEYEtg 42 43lMoxrH 44451DAY] 46-47 ENDING DATE YEAR 48.49IMONTH 5G5I IDAY 52.538t 109 130SECOND YEAR FEDERAL 24.26 N/A STATE ZI-29 N/A LOSAL J}JZ N/A THIFiD YEAR FEDERAL 3I.35 N/A STATE 36.38 N/A LOCAL 394t N/A tNolREcT cosTs b4.5e N/A NOTICE/ASXSX}C'{qX SUBMITTED TO: srArE LEVEL: Di v is ion of P lann ing REGIONAL/METROPOLITAN CLEARINGHOUSE(S)l t- Northwest Regional Counci I of 2- 3- l3l3 Sherman Denver, Co lo. Gove rnme n ts uvt itHEAu uu) t) ouos it/nllf r\ OOLLAR MATCH 66'73 I'{.KIND MATCH 7+79 N/A ls ENVTRoNMENTAL tMPAcr rNFo REoutRED? yes X No- DATE OF APPLICATION TO GRANTOR rs pRoJEcr UNDER A-98 REouTREMENTS? YEs x No -tWILL AODTTIONAL EMPLOYE€S BE NEEDED? YES - NO -HAVE IIIATCHING FUNDS BEEN APPBOVEO? VES - ruO X -wmwwl; ! F a.z 06 AUTOl5 16.r7 EG ION 18.19 I 20-21 I I COUNTYn.x 124-25126.27tt CITY 28.33 CITY 34-39 c'|rY *"1 ** i:$!'l'?l:" coLo 52.53 SEN. DI5I. 154-55 156-57tltl coLo H0u5t uls | . 58.59 16061 162-03lllt TYPE OTHER FUNOS 64-66 GEANTOR CODE 67 69 | 70.72 I 73.75 16 78 lw4[]f!lAgE-AMOUNT 07 KEY WORD | 5-31 KEY WORO 32-48 (EYWoRo 490s KEYWOHIT 66.80 SOC-1 DEc. 16 (over) ADDENOUM CONTINUATION OF THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION l,lOll-STATE ASSISTANCE F0R!4. beln$ developed by the Stafe of Colorado, and ls deslgned In cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service trai ls system. The path will have a posltive impact on the envlronment by providing a year-round alternatlve to the automobi le, concentrating activities ln lGtsos Ranch Park fo a paved surface, while permltting greater publlc use of the natural open space. (Narrative, maps, and impact study attached. ) <aE o SUPPLEI'IENTAL I NFORI4ATI ON For all NotLces of Intent relatlng to speclflc sites or require constructlon of nes structures or remodeling of existing structures, p1-ease supply all of the follordng information that ls currently available. CITECK LIST Attached An 8L" x 11" map ahowing the site as I't relates to the conflnunl.ty, the neighborhood, the street systen and to other publlc facl1ltles. REQUIRED. If available, a plat plan showlng the eitlng of the structure on the 1ot and ingtess, egress and parking. Indlcate the sources of the following utlllties: RE$JIRED' o Water Sewer N/A N/A , now avallable now ava1lable Is the site now zoned for the lntended use? Yes or are you in the process of obtainlng a zoning change? N/A Are there any soll testsr geologlcal reportsr well reports or other materials available for the site? Please enclose. These w{L1 be returned to the aPplicant' Attached Will the lederal Ageocy requlre an erwlronmental i:opact assess- nent?---Ig5-; If so, and available, please lnclude' None How many off-street parkl"ng sPacea are to be provl-ded 7' O None Are there any historlcal or archaeologlcal sltes on or near the proposed project slte? No ; if so' locate then on the above map. Attached Narrative PLEASE RET1JRN THIS SHEET TO TITE STATE A}.ID REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSE WITH YOUR soc-l FoRM. SOC-5, Apt 75 tE-l o MAP OF PROPOSED BIKE/IIIKE/SKI TRAIL KATSOS RANCH PARK F [: t!.q E Il& t3IE k [,3 oJ I tst[ IJJ B o E & 0o0 kv .Ig(, .t I Toz E U)oq t- Y z ccoII'..o I I \ 1.. I 't. OUTDOOR Land and l'later Acquisit'ion Z DeveloPment [/ Land Donati o.n n Descriptive Name of Project: N/A 2 copies - Atfached 2 copies - 3. For ALL Projects: a. Is there other or anticipated? a 0ctober 1977 PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR RECREATION Conservation Fund Federal Match'ing Assistance Requested - 50% of Total 6 space mlt ior name of proiect Land Donati ons : a. Total area to be acquired:acres. Applicant intends to acquire FEE SIMPLE f,t LEASEH0LD n 0THER (explainl D'interest in property by NEG0TIATED PURCHASE E/ EMINENT D0MAIN EZ LAND DONATI0N fZ OTHER (exp'lain) lJ. b. 1l1ill this acqu'isition cause displacement of individuals, families, busi- nesses or farms? \ES n N0 U (If yes, refer to Public Law 9l-646 for legal requ'irements which may affect project costs, prior to submitting this project proposal. ) c. Attachments which must be included for acquis'ition projects are: 2 copies - Plat of area to be acqu'ired showing adjacent land use. 2 copies - Acquisition schedule - per Exhibit #4' 2. For Development Pro , a. Applicant has FEE SIMPLE l? LEASEH0LD U 0THER (explain) E interest jn 'l and to be developed under this proiect. (Furnish copy of conveyance if other than FEE SIMPLE title is held.) b. Property was acquired PRIOR D to January 2, 1971- SUBSEQUENT E to January 1, 1971.. c. Attachments wh'ich must be included for deve'lopnent projects are: Attached 2 copies - simple site plan showing boundary of area to be deve'loped and 'locat'ion of facilities to be installed or constructed ' under this proiect. Also ind'icate existing facjlities' Va i I -Katsos Park Bike,/Hi le,/Ski Tra i land use. Site pl an must show access for users. Floor plan of any buildings to be constructed or renovated under this project showing use of the floor space. Itemized list of development per Exhibit #3. related Federa'l assistance on this project previous, pending YES t N0 &. (ExPlajn if Yes) existinq overhead er and telephone lines' and a!f,qgeq! I'.T|'t 3.l:"ilfi:lnt share r#o, totar) $-JL5oo *irflu financed bY LoCAL APPROPRIATION 8 BONDS LI SPECIAL TAX LEVIES L7 LAND DONATION ''oTHER (expl ain) D. (Donated materials or services are not elisible) (Donations of land may be used as all or a portion of the applicant's share) c. Notice of intent (s0c-1 & s0c-5) to apply for Land and water conservation Fund matching assistance was filed w'ith REGI0NAL CLEARINGHOUSE - YES &', N0Uon27Pecember,19-If,STATEPLANNINGOFFICE-YESgN0rJ on 27 December , 19 77, in accordance with OMB Circular A-95' d. A copy of clear.inghouse comments resulting from Iton 3(c) ARE ENCL0SED D' bIILL BE FORWARDED 82. e. Applicant D0ES U D0ES NOT 6/ engineering costs in the amount request retroactive from to date of Proiect aPProval . of not more than proiect Planning and for the Period f.Attaclunents for 2 copies - 2 copies - 2 copies - I copy this proiect which must be included for al'l projects are: City map showing geographic location of project' Environmental assessment per Exhibit #1 Program narrative Per Exhibit #2- Documentatjon of need for proposed project. (Pages or portions of planning studies, recreation reports, citizen surveys' or city council action minutes) 12/21/11 Da te Director, CitY or CountY Clerk, etc. ASSUMNCE: As the officjal designated to represent a Po]itical Subdivision of the State of ,Colorado and authoriied to act fbr the Politicaj Subdivision for the purpose of ;;;;i;i;.iing-in in"-lino ana t.tater Conservation Fund program, I recomrnend that assistance, in the amount indicated, be made ava.i lable from Colorado.s.apportion- ffii-iil-ihe Fund, when suctr moniei are made available. THIS POLITICAL SUBDIVI- iion Hns AVAILABLE SUFFIcIENT FUNDS TO MEET iTS 50% SHARE OF THE COST OF THE FnoJeCr AND THAT rHE-ncqurneD 0R DEVEL0PED AREAS hllLL BE OPERATED AND MAINTAINED IN PERPETUITY AT ITS EXPENSE FOR PUBLIC OUTDOOR RECREATION USE. Town of Vai l,Co lorado cal 5u vls on of State o cant County N0TE: Attach separate sheet for explanations if necessary' Eaqle Town Ma nage r o Eil oosJErlVL-.'- fl $ ts ffi tr! & 0 tr n m 0 $t kVdL Jaa( trl- riv UI ulVi lxV.c. E olt-lts 2 fr $ tr sttS 5-tra25g t+5 rt} E ;$'.t-2 t$!!t" Clps )rl &E $r dt \t.lc >J 4,8>-f= !l{n? . I --.1i.l l1 :d.il il r;l:il :lJ i:l-l a' rl' :| i -i Town of Vail OOutdoor Recreation Applicatlon27 December Ig77Page I DESCRIP?ION OF DEVELOPMENT EXHIBIT NO. 3 Subdivision of Project Title: Government: Town of Vail Katsos Ranch Bike/Hike/CrossCountry Ski Trail . c.) d.) Construction: a. ) Excavation, finish grading b.) Gravel base & asphalt service 7,92O 1inea1 ft. x $9,45/linea1 feet 4 culverts I bridge TOTAL Funding: Federal Share Local Share TOTAL PROJECT Estimated Costs $24,92A 49,930 $74,850 $ 2,150 $2O,000 $97, O0O $48,500 48,500 $97,000 It 1s understood that in the event this projectls approved, an official billing for reimbursementwill reflect only those items listed above which isa description of our project. Any deviation from thislist of items must first be approved by amending the oTown of Vail Outdoor Recreatlon 2? December 19'17 Page 2 Appl icat ion RECREATION APPLICATION gNVTBoNMENTAL ASSESSIUENT EXHIBIT NO. 1 Katsos Park, 1t will be an rtant link with the continued develoPment ot a ev-w ski route. 1. Description of the Proposed Aetion The Town of Vail acquired 146 acres of un- doveloped land in itre freart of the community in 1976 ' it i" referred to as the "Katsos Ranch Park'" The =it" i" a beautiful , natural parcel containing a U4"""" pond, large groves of aspens and pines ' over a rnile of stream'irlntage, rvaterfalls, cliffs ' meadows and numerous other natuial features of interest ' It is the last remaining piece of undisturbed open spa'ce rittt tt. Town. The purpose of the acquisition.was io p"."u"ve the of"n'.p".u for passive and semi-active recreation for a1i of ihe citizens and visitors of Vail. The Vail Town Council has determined that the most appropriate use for the land is to maintain it in i.ts natural state. Horvever, they also believe ii extremely i-mportant to make this unlque parcel available for Public enjoYment. To open the Katsos Ranch Park for public- use 'we propos-e to .onstruct a 1t mile path for bikers 'hikers. and. cross is iding- access . l". lh' The proposed trail will be an asphalt surface' LO feei-wide'and 7,29O feet long' It will require one bridge across Gore Creek. The path will connect ,uitt un existing parh at the west end of the property' and with residential streets at the east end' During the winter, the cross country ski trail is maintained with a ski mobile and track-setter by the Torvn' 3:tl.:l l3:l"t"n ApDlication27 December 1977Page 3 ' The path will connect with the federally fundedbike path being constructed over Vail Pass. It isalso being designed in conjunction with hiking andski trails being designed by the United States ForestService in and around the Gore Val1ey. The developmentof this project will permit the expansion and up-grading of the existing ski trai-1. Several other recreational activi-ties areplanned for the Katsos Ranch slte in addition to thepath. These will be developed over a period ofseveral years; they are being designed to complimentexisting parks. The construction of the path at thistime will not only permit greater public use of theKatsos property, but will permit the residents ofthe Bighorn neighborhood (eastern portion of thevalley) to bike safely to Gerald R. Iord Park, thesoccer fie1d, vo11eyba11 courts, tennis courts, andgolf course. In addition, it will serve as atransportation link for biking commuters during the surnmer and skiing commuters during the ',vinter. In keeping with the Town Council's overall goalsto maintain open space and protect the naturalenvironment, the bike/hike/ski path across Katsosis critical to minimizing the impact on the sensitiveenvironment while permitting public use. The pathwill concentrate activities on a paved surface,minimizing the potential problems of erosion anddestruction and of sensitive ecological areas d.ueto unrestrained foot traffic. 2. Description of the Environment The 146 acre Katsos Ranch property roughtyresembles an elongated rectangle, lying south of,and parallel to, Interstate 70. It is five timeslonger than it is wide--approximately 1.25 mileslong and one-quarter of a mile wide for most of itslength. Gore Creek traverses the property from eastto west. The southern third of the property is dominated by thickly-forested, steep slopes in excessof 4O percent. Roughly a third of the property 'f,Fn Town of Va11 #t8:::.,ff ;"#'" APP'ication Page 4 (the northern part) lies in the 1OO-year flood. plain.Between these two constraint zones is a thin stiipof land, varying between 100-400 feet in width formost of the 1.25 miles length of property. However,it also has some steep slopes--portions of this thinstrip have 30 percent slopes. There is a relativeLy flat area of approximately4O acres in the flood plain of the eastern- third ofthe property. It could be considered appropriatefor certain types of recreati.onal improvLments evenconsideri.ng the flood p1ain. However, approximatelyhalf (20 acres) of this relatively flat iiea isoccupied by beaver pond. This beaver pond is asignificant ecological unit in the Gore Valley. Zones designated as "High Hazard', and "Extreme- Hazard" cover approximately one-half to two-thlrdsof the western half of the property; similarly,hazard zones of this type cover approximately- one-third to one-hal f of the eastern ha1f. A siienear the bottom of the li-mestone cliffs above theproperty has occaslonally released wet flowingavalanches (The Sidewinder Track). Add.itionaily,there have been wet, dry, and powder avalanches-inthe three major gullies which flow into the properry. Alpine mudflows which involve the movement ofrocks and assorted debris down the steep slopes ofmountainous areas have occurred in the past in theKatsos' three gullies; estimated return flows andgeneral characteristics of the three gullies weredescribed as follows in the McDowerl-smith and lltears'report: "The Terray debris cone is very unstable and.frequent mudflows should be expected. Typically,they will not flow beyond the trees, but depend_'ing upon the water content and viscosity, sbmemay extend to Gore Creek. The large mudflowson this cone are potentially dangerous to life Terra F Town of VailOutdoor Recrealn Application27 December I9F7Page 5 and property and they often exceed the sizeof the Racquet Club mudf1ow."* 20 Years for the Frontage Gully (westernmost) "Mudflows on the Frontage cone will be smaller and will cause less damage than those on theTerray cone, but the two chahnels flanking thecone indieate that a large area of the cone may be affected by mudflows. It is unlikelythat life wi.11 be ende.ngered, but property damage should be anticipated."'i. 50-100 Years for the Gilkey Gu1ly (middle one) "The Gilkey debris cone is the least likely toflow of all the sites studied. Nevertheless,a mudflow i-n the prominent channel is very.possible and the large number of dead logsin the channel would cause considerable damageif transported by a mudf1ow."* Present Uses The major use of the Katsos property at thepresent time is one of open space. The bike pathis aLready constructed through the western thirdof the property adjacent to the Vail_ Golf Course. Itcrosses Gore Creek over a bicycle bri.dge, and endsshortly thereafter. The report was quoting from work done by theGeoecology Division of DARI performed through MSC,fnc., Boulder, Colorado, 'G Town of Vail 3i:!T:,ffi"it'" Applicat ion . There is an existing footpath, developed by usage,for runners and bikers which traverses the property. The beaver pond serves as a visiting place forNature Centre tours. In the summer of Ig77, morethan 120 people were escorted to the beaver ponds on guided tours. Observers can walk very near thethree beaver lodges; therefore, they serve as anexcellent teaching example. There are usually aboutsix beavers in this Katsos pond. In summary, most of the land on the KatsosProperty is uhsuitable for the placement of permanentstructures because of tbe steep slopes, snowavalanches, mudflows, and floods. Similarly, activitiesshould be restricted during periods of high hazatdri-sk--during and after periods of heavy rain, and -during the spring when the snow cover is beginningto melt. 3. The Environmental Impact of the Proposed Action An "Alternatives Use Analysis" for Katsos Ranch Park was conducted by the Town staff incooperation with the John Ryan Company of Dehver,Colorado. A range of activities and their relatedimpacts were reviewed. These included alternativesranging from no development (or access) to theconstruction of an executive nine-ho1e golf course.Based on this study, it rvas determined that the mostappropriate use was 1ow intensity recreationalactiviti-es, particularly a bike/hiking and ski path;also recommended were a jogging trai1, nature trailsaround the Beaver Ponds, and picnic sites. Primary physical consideration for determiningthat a bike/hike/ski path j.s the most logical development at this time include: a. The Katsos property is a vital partof the diminishing open-space systemin the Gore Vallev. 'r'own oI val.lOutdoor Recreation 'rlr?""f^oer rf Application b c. Most of the Katsos landnatural hazard zone, i.emudflow, and flood plain Most of the Katsos landwith steep slopes and isfor intensive use. ].S1na. avalanche is covered unsui,table d. There is significant wi1d1lfe featuresrepresented by the Beaver Pondwhich is worthy of preservation. e. The property can play a key roleas a transportation corridor forhikers, runners, cross country skiers, and bikers; particularly for linkingBighorn to the rest of the Gore Va1ley. The following potential impacts have beenconsidered in the proposed project: a. Disturbance to existing vegetation: The development of a bike/hike/skipath will have some negative impactson existing vegetation. the 1B milepath will be approximately 10 feet wideon the average. It will be necessaryto remove some vegetation, both duringconstruction period and permanently.The location of the path has beenselected to minimize the damage to thevegetation and to avoid extremelysensitive areas that wouLd continueto be threatened by such development. b. Disturbance to wildlife: The proposed path will have no negativeimpacts on existing wi1dlife. The mostunique wiLdlife on the property are thesix beavers. Part of the intent on the o Town of Vail Outdoor Recreation 27 December 1977 Page 8 Application c.Increased down-stream flood hazard:. There wi.11 be minimal grading for the construction of the path. There will be no signifi-cant earth work in the flood P1a.in that will have anY effect on down-stream flood problems Adverse visual Lryagl5_:d. proposal is to reduce tbe potential trattic adiacent to the Beaver Ponds by concentrating it along the well- deftned path; this will minimize the potential problems resulting from extensive usage of the Park. There will be some adverse vi-sua1 lmpacts from the construction of an asptratt path across what is presently a totally undeveloped site. Ilowever, due to terrain, it will be seen from only a few locations on the Interstate and therefore does not constitute a problem. During the construction period, there is a potential for some silt run-off into the creek. In addition, there will be minlmal additional run-off from the construction of an impervi-ous surface on the site. Because it i-s a 1ong, narrow strip of asphalt, rather than a large concentrated area, there wi-1I be negligible run-off problems ' There will be no fertilizers or nutrients used in landscaping the site and therefore this will not be a problem. e. Town of Vail #'$:::,ff:'i3#' Applicat ion Page g f. Increased vehicular traffi,c: The construction of a bike, hike,and ski path connecting the easternportion of the Valley with the Villagearea wi-11 result in a" reduction in thevehicle-mi1es in ttre VaffEll---Ttris pathhas the potential to be an i.mportanttransportation route, parti.cularly duringthe summer months (but also i.n the winter)This project will not involve theconstruetion of any parking lots on thesite; therefore, the net result of theproject should be positive in terms ofreducing vehicular traffic. f. Decreased air quallty; Based on the reduction of vehiculartraffic, the development of bike, hikeand ski path will have beneficial impacton the air quality in the Gore Va11ey.fhere will be no permanent structuresbuilt on the property; therefore, fire_places witl not be a consid.eration. h. Increased noise to neighbors: Twelve residents presently border theKatsos property. There will be infrequentj.ncrease in noise leveIs resulting fromthe construction of the path. (Asfnterstate ZO also borders the sameresi.dential neighborhood, any noiseresulting from use of Katsos will belnsignificant by comparison). The cultural and social impacts are all consideredpositive from this project. The construction of theconnecting bike, foot, and ski link betiveen Bighornand the Village permits-even encourages_the use ofnon-motorized vehicles for transportation. It willalso encourage enjoyable physical activities bring_ing the citizens closer to ttre beautiful naturalsetting of the park. FE EJ5 3:ffi.:l x3:1.f,."27 December Ig77Page lO Appl i cat ion Specific impacts resulting from the constructionwill include: some heavy equipment and vehiculartraffic on the slte; some additional run-off and siltin the stream; increased noj.se levels; and generallyunsightly constructlon activities. All of theseimpacts wilL be extremely short in their duration.Th_e project will be constructed during the summerof 1978. None of these impacts will eii.st afterthe completion of the project. 4. Illitigating measures : As previously stated the negative environmentalimpacts resulting from the construction of the bikepath will be minimal . The primary impacts that musrbe addressed occur during the construction process.Thereafter, the project wiIl result in many-positlvebenefits to the community. During construction, aI1 equipment will beconfined to a lO-foot corridor upon which the pathwill be located. There are a ferv points at whichsome cut and fi'l1 will be required. fn these areas,a slope of not greater than 30% will be developedand will be immediately seeded with natural grissesand protected with jute mesh. It may be necessaryto develop a settling pond if run-off and silt inthe Gore Creek appear to be problems. This decisionwill not be made until during the constructi.onprocess and the Town's environnental health officerdetermines that a problem exi-sts, 5. Unavoidable adverse environmental effects: There are no environmental impacts which willhave a negative effect on the community that cannotbe avoided. o ! ! Town of Vail ApplicationOutdaor Recreation 2? DecembeY 1977 Page 11 6.Relat ionshi between Theintentofthisproject.:"topreservea]-46 acres of naturar'"pui-lp;;;-i1..ii?^:.ll"I'"t*i 7.Irreversible and irretrieva acres ot nalura' I5='ini';;;";;";iion of a bike/ $:3:;:'"J"f :;;o-i: tii;' ii. ? it::: i::.xl:: ll: " " " by citizens ano ;;;;l-";-*ttir" concentrating the transportation t;;;ia;i so as to have less detrimentaf etteJi^"n-irt" environment' The Town couneil has deteiirl"a-lnti--trt" highest and best use of the Katsos n"""ft--p"tk ls to maintain it in rts natural state. ;ii f;;;t of natural wildlife and vegetation will li-p"Iittt"a' ttre itrort-term benefits such as a uitceTp!;":;;;;;-iinx rrom one end or the val1ey to the tt;:;;";;il tt""t rooe-term benefits for the environment ' resources: The bike/hike/ski path will-not remove any natural t""oo.""t-'f"ot the "o*tunity' There are no archaeologicar "; ;i;;t;ic sites which will be touched by the p"titl""irte"e-*irl be no extraction of naturar ""to""l"s or infringement upon the habitat of endangt"tA "pt"ies -as^a result of this project. In t.t'i"-ot land use' a presently un- developed ttt. o'iit be maintained in the same condition; the ";i; ;;t;Ee wilr be that the public will be able to benefit from it ' 8. The alternatives considered'included no action' developins a uixe'i"itt-""-ihe highway front-age road' developing u *ooi "r'ip t"""ing paih on the Katsos Droperty only, tna-pt-"uiding i paved bike/hike/ski iout. abross the ProPertY ' Town of Vair IOutdoor Recrealion Application27 December L977Page 12 It was determined that by taking no action,the last important parcel of open-space in the Va11eywould not have any community use other than viewedfrom the fnterstate. Constructing a bike route on the highwayfrontage road poses a number of safety and maintenanceproblems. It is also beli.eved that by providing anundesirable path, the interest in using the pathwould not be as great and therefore there would.have lltt1e impact on vehicle traffic. In addition,during the winter months, the frontage road pathwould not serve as a base for the cross country ski.trai1. Constructing a wood chip running path acrossthe site would a11ow the public to use the property.This would have some different public benefits,.butwould be limited to a small group of the population. Due to the unavailability of parking at either endof the lt mile long site, it could not serve as ageneral jogging track. The alternative selected appears to offer thegreatest benefits for the least negative lmpactsto the community and the environment. Town of Vail #ts:::,"iff "ili" Applicat ion Page 13 VAIL BIKE/HIKE/SKI TRAIL PROPOSAL PROGRAM NARRATIVE EXHIBIT NO, 2 Brief Description of this project; The proposed project is the construction of 1*miles of paved btke/hike/ski path across \46 acreopen-space park owned by the Torvn of Vai1. The pathwill function during the winter as the base for inaintained cross country ski trail. A trail servesas the last major link between the bike and skitrails in the eastern portion of the Va11ey with theVillage and Golf Course neighborhoods. The bike pathwill be approximately lO-feet wide asphalt on gravelbase. The path will serve as the prlmary circulationcorridor providing access into the last largeremaining open-space in the VaIley. Within the park,it will provide for ped.estrian and bicycle use on thewell-defined path, thus minimizing negative impactsfrom hikers over the extremely sensiti-ve environment.The construction of the bike/pedestrian path willrequire one smal1 bridge to cross Gore Creek at theeastern end of the property. Overhead electric power or telephone lines: , There presently exists no over head porver ortelephone Iines on the property. The dev-elopmentof this project will involve no such 1ines. Intended use of pro ect Area and or Faeilities: The proposed facility will serve as atransportation corridor, a sight_seeing path, anaccess into a major Town park, a cross country skitrail, and hiking trai1. This trai-I will be animportant link connecting existing trails in eastVail with the rest of the Va11ey. The Katsos RanchPark is the primary open-space preserve in the Townof Vail. There is presently no access onto the sire1or is there parking tocated within walking distance.The_ development of the proposed bike/hike/6ki pathwill make the park available to the majority of tte Town of Vail Outdoor Recreafn ApPlication 27 December L9TTPage 1S permanent resj-dents and visitors. At present, only approxi.mately 2% of the permanent population in the Va11ey ever enters the Katsos Ranch Park; (a hiking and iogging trail traverses the property and is used by lj-mited number of residents). It is projected that at least 5O7o of the permanent residents will consistently use the faci.lities in thepark once a bike/hike/ski path is developed. In addition'Vail hosts over 250,000 different tourlsts a year.. It is anticipated that 20,OOO to 40,000 differentvisitors to the Gore Val1ey w111 use Katsos Banch Park during the year. This rvi1l be primarily a result of the development of the bike/hike/ski path. Location of the Property: The Katsos Ranch Property is located in the Gore Ya11ey, approximately 3 to 4b miles east of the main Vail exit on I-70. (See Page ). Size of Area to be Developed by this Pro;iep!: The site is approximately 146 acres. The proposed project rvould develop a 1* blke path traversing the length of the property. Distance to nearest similar Facility: The proposed bike/hike/ski path would connectexisting paths at both the east and west ends of thepark. These paths have been developed and are belng maintained by the publj-c. They are part of a va11ey- wide chain connecting both ends of the Gore Valley. They will also eventually connect with the bike path developed over Vail Pass as a component of the I-70fnterstate project. 3:il":l N3:l"t"n Application 27 December 1977Page l-6 Degree Project will be used by non-residents: Blking, hiking, and cross country skilng are extremely popular sports with the non-residents who visit Vail. The Katsos Ranch Park offers a number of unique natural features as stated (including a habitated beaver pond, cliffs, waterfalls, aspengroves, and natural grass meadows). Located only 3miles from the Vail Village area, the naturalcondition of this open-space park will be a popular visiting area for visitors. As stated above, it isanticipated that in excess of 20,00o visitors per year (non-residents) will visit the park. Name, Address, and Telephone Number of ProiectDirector: Allen GerstenbergerDirector Community DevelopmentP.O. Box 100Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Phone: (3O3) 476-56L3 0utline and Assignments Final Draft The Katsos RePort Sectj on/Topi c Visuals I . Exi sti nq Condi ti ons Slope Schematic Flood Plain Schematic Avalanche Schematic Tree L'ine Schematic Uti'lit'ies. (4) Schematic Natural Features MaP Hazard ComPosite MaP Present Access Schematic 2. Alt. Land Uses (Jjm and Rika) Rewri te Material S'lopes Flood Plain Aval anche/Mud Hazards 0ctober 26, 1977 Materi al Tree Line Utilities Natural Features Access Access Access Access Jim (consider Ri ka Ri ka Rika and Jim Moderate Use Intensive Use Golf Course Activ'ity Map--'i ncl udi ng roads, bridges, Parking Activi ty MaP--i ncludi ng roads, bridges, Parking Activity MaP -including roads, bridges, Parking (ranges? ) Matri x de1 eti on )User Groups Costs for all activities Natural Hazard-ActivitY Recommendati ons Matri x (by alt. ) 4. Discuss the alternatives (four) statjng explicitly the reasons for recommendat'ion and rejectjon of alternatives A]l en and John wi'l I revi ew (That's two weeks awaY from and edit--..fl€xt meet'ing suggested November 9, l0 a'm' today. ) o TOWN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERMIT a PERMITNO.OOTlT 3. Work is for:tci.creoner ,# te,o Permit Fee-- -e ,o' --,1- Billto: Paid:Receipt #: {Jrb Nameorlid INSPECTION REMARKS SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED LL6T 'gf ,(en rT€rJ TT?A aql ur paqsTlqnd ' roX€rlsTuTluPV 3u1uo2 IITq5noJ, 'S "UBTC JN[l{do'Is^uc I,JrNoltl{oc Jo JNfit{JUVdSC 'IIYA JO NIIO,tr 3u1P11ng 1ed1c1unq TT€A aql uT 'uI'd O0:t +" pTaq aq 111iu 3u1.r"aq pT€S 'acu€uTpro 3u1uo2 aq1 Jo oOt'Tz uoT+cas qxT,lt pJoccB uT uoTssTuruo3 SuTuu"Id TTEA Jo u/t\oJ' eql aloJaq, LL6l'z aunf uo plaq aq TIT'Y\ Sultzag cTlqnd v 'popuau€ s€ 'tLoI g:o sarlag 'g 'o11'""u"tl1prg acu€uTpro 3u1uo7 aq1 Jo OOg'IZ uoT?.cas 01 lusns.rnd pa11J uaaq seq uoTlec11ddy 'l.cTJlsTO 3u1qle6 o+ s+cTr+sTp auoz z a.roc TBTareuruoc puB zlllureg a1d111n141 z{11sua6 q31g EullsTxa aq+ uro.rg:3u11TJ prlq& peaqsuoTT TTBA uT pa?.€"oT >IJEnl aql Jo +sa^r lol 3*1r1.red cllqnrl aql pu" Sultl,E :ISJT.{ p€aqsuoTT TT"A uT paX"aol sa?.€Tcossv TTBA dq paurrro s1o1 3u1>1red cTIqnd o,tll aq1 auozar 01 spualuf TT€A Jo urroJ, eql J,VHJ NfiAIC t{[HJUnJ SI fiCIJ'ON '+cTrlsTq acedg uadq 1ernl€I{ pu" lloquaa.rg 01 lcTrlsTp auoz i!11ureg a1dr11n11 ztltsuag /tloT 8ur1s1xa aql uoJJ asJnoa $ToA aq+ Jo ?s€a ,{11ca.:1p palecoT soJc€ 991 dlaleurxo'rdde 3:o 3u; ted aq1 auozal o+-lsTsuoc dleadold sosle1 aq+ s" uArou{ pu€I Jo Tac spualuT IT"A Jo u^loJl aq? J/vH,l NEAIC I'BfiUEH SI SCI,toN acrJoN cI'IAod o N-=R trs( l_-- lliilis liiiiiii iiiisEill EI Ei o C)ttEtr6Fyad (} taetEStl aEatird5B I r{ q,o: io = Eox!, cI E E 8g g C!x(l) oC) N, st :q 1 I <l) F e'l ov .cl! eQlo'II -n- .: .9 *o-.a Erog sc) €: Sco=Eu) u) FJ FI : I I I I 4 1 I I I !t .! o o o o o, lu F ' iilgiiiEi!iit iiEiiiii?iI3l a€g;iissE EEi;i ; iiE;iE€Ei Ei:J; ;it;;;;i; ; i€ t ; i:;:fs3?€Hizs'E E5eE HiEAE E i EE e F B CI c, j FI F o z Fr '.1 o ^^^ ra q YoO r:r 1., r-r Fstin() s t-l E i F=: i fr5F E{ 35 ; q,i E .ii p! iixi s > 59i. NF ?i :F lJ.E ! Jt! >F :i].rO.1FO UJ it#ili ;liiiEli iii;i;;: !i itil, iliiilii,i:iii!! i ;!iiEiii !:iiiliiil;gu;gt ! @ C)tg{dsc5.lka $ lf:l FinG:l ET,F:'E! F 5 z I 91 |xq LD I tr o Xo >' Q <n Ii < q) b! 2, b c) o ' 6 I a<n\ ], { "-lrlF] : < I I I IJtlq I II I I II c{,1sq I I .ct o ' F r'-irsl!l 1 I I r.{iJ {l =lI I I B <l) o c B E rlr-lo, /-i 1II II|^l -l I Ifr]l..-| 5l-.| I I II q) 'o F F F+i?i€:gE El i E tliAE:c FE : € g I ;:{E*;Et E i t H s:i! Fgli a : :e s:*;Et:s s e ; i;EE3I!;i.qA;a iiaEEE gc€ iq a! lE"rl;ui i E e ifi:;:iEil € ii g;iii;ii?; gsE il i;Ei;iEar i e ;ilil=; ag : E E's i5?EEssEs f E E F F] ra]-.E< - Y O rr. o t-'E'; ZD -'J)O .,\^--l\,a- - rJ 1l'akt I l* /) REt€n Io: l:fLSTATE OF COLORADO , Roy Romer, Governor DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Katsos Pond on the 4qa /tonn -s?lgg+Area Wildlife SupervisorP.O. Box 1520 Glcnl'rood springs, Co 81602 JS?lmpxc: Bill AndreeReg. office W-t fR. Due to cost reductions and restrictions on personnel's ti.me, lve rvill not be able to plant this water with fish as rve havein the past. Katsos Pond will- be stocked rvith fingerlingsby the District Wildlife Manager. For special kid's days we can make arrangements to provide fish as per Division policy. EssentialJ-y, this means that we will provide them if they DIVISION OF WILDLIFE AN EOUAL OPPOBTUNITY EMPLOYER Perry D. Ol3on, Dlrector 6060 Brosdway D.nv€r. Colo?.do 80216 Tel€phon€i (303) 297.1192 February 13, 1989 Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road VaJ-I , CO 8L657 Attn: Pat J. Dodson RE: Your request for Stocking ofVail Golf Course Pond Dear Mr. Dodson: OEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, HAMIEI J. BATTY, EXECUI|VE OT€CIOT WILOLIFE COMMISSION, G€org€ VanDenB€rg, Chairman o Roberl L. Freidenberget, Vice Chairman o William F' Hegberg, Secrelary Eldon W. Coope( Member. Rebecca L. FranK Member . Dennis Luttrell, Member o Gene B P€terson, Member . Larry M. Wrighl, Member ffwf n tt:/: , are available. Sincerel a Flsl srocKtNG AGRErflErir P.rU l1?rt,' .{. ':.'r''' (,' f "/ -;"', Ota 6:;) PLEASE PR INT: Name of Landowner: Address: Dod.:c 15 e_syD' Phone Date No: Signed: ...--.--.--'.-..--',, Name of l./ater: LOCa E rOn: LOUnty lf Lake, Numbe; of lf St ream, Numbe r Ka F.:cx- Code No. .- t.o I f -,'9tr-eam Desc r i be r,J: l\Or1 b., :d c,l'r1'lr t t') It is understood that the water as described above shall be oPen to public fishing in agreement with the Colorado Division of !Ji ldlife, and the Division shall stock the water, post the proper signs, and patrol the area in exchange for the publ ic fishing rights. ft is also understood that the landovrner and/or the Division can nullify this agreement at any time, provided that either party be notified in writing lhirty (30) days prior to the withdrawal of the land or water from public use, and/or the land or v,rater no longer serves any PurPose to the interest of the general public as commonly understood in this agreement. APPROVED Landown e r l Division of Wi ldlife Section Foc. k e i,"'i ' t.' ./ 4 F4 eE'42'-.<- / - ,C=-+ Da te xc: Landowner DWI'1 Keotdn;r I Urtr(:c Date -5 :), R-KZw, sec Acres Q6 1f . t,5 of Hiles Y dA zgdt(60dtAIu}t{la ('joEro'4(!XA $tr Eg TVn ul ffffififfirull{lrll :'N$ $$U$':'L{r\ \\\ \\ \\tl ii 5;i-}ffi;'lt7i1ffi! fl F-F o cgr -:i- \--i' ' \'-i-ii-\-: tjt m rgl [- '( V-!ro ;f 0utline and A.ssi gnments Final Draft The Katsos RePort Visuals (Jim and R'ika) RewFlG- Materi al 0ctober 26, 1977 Tree Line Uti'li ti es Natural Features Access /Access L-/ ,/Access.-' ._/ Access Jim (consider Ri ka Ri ka Rika and Jim Sect j on/Top'i c I . Exi sti nq Condi ti ons 2. A]t. Land Uses Moderate Use Intensive Use Go]f Course Slope Schematic Flood Plain Schematic Avalanche Schematic Tree Line Schemat'ic Utilities. (4) Schematic Natural Features MaP Hazard Composi te MaP Present Access Schematic Activjty Map--inc1 udi ng roads, bridges, Parking Activity MaP--i nc'ludi ng roads, bridges, Parking Activi ty MaP ,-i nc'l uding roads, bridges, Park'ing Sl opes Flood Plain Aval anche/Mud Hazards Matri x (by a]t. ) de'leti on )User Groups Costs for all activities (ranges?) Natural Hazard-Activ'itY Matrix 4. Recommendations jtt.rt-r" ""rnatives (four) stating explicitly the reasons for recommendat'ion and rejection of alternatives Allen and John will review (That's two weeks awaY from and edit--next meeting suggested today..) November 9, 10 a.m. oo (-{."2 .-L UI IFo1-a J o @eoF,/'K atu*o .--- 1b80" $ N{s \\q$ o\ 'Fl {\ f 't= *Q'.YrtNL{ \${t\nrr tI s$1- ,r'.\ \tY ;., =i so. r. -pt5s S \FtR .:- TLI{\Y -\ {5 r€\ts \ Y-fl:oz rcffi oTPv^ #P'$' o rbhn' ,JncFttb'nlfuf ..r a/^L Ftr?t{o fwzVl'euffien:l A uohal ua qr^^n!- y(raus 7 ;$-- **J.ry-,*fZ\, rt,eWzt a,,,L lvh44t"'wnJtd) $l^!J( pt %A &,rrriL *, er )L->Aj.- , thu-+VWv\f o o pf,, fzz Pl ssttott ,Lt 6r6n*a eftolrar/g t ,&ttuL /d&dl psf^iafr 6-7A fut $[*v,,n'l ,*rntu( hfl2v t/,tiw- al{ /a1u{'4, pac/q,rtu{ a* - r,.&rw( /,uurrrt+ {nap tu -'f, fr" a"d , fvt W , ,rr/*rd%: 4 \*f tu qyf a.nAe'{n1 frfu4Lhnt ltrutytu-t ailzs. ) n* * rbpu Qct*^-tD'fr*t t) +,-Sl-' w ftttry -- Qp/"L'r^taL) natanAl 7-Ak ry,t /r"/t/,f.r"-, , ldsks y oth)s, bnuu. ^,&h; ae'd*ilQ" ,'t--a tdt* &t*1t- 7,+*7het ry*14 ,r^, .t"r*+t, e*b-f'&fr4t stat" [u ftceo* ! &*th- lrw 'r ; lh'tled - ffiHnqnnY eru&xS E ab{naatz 04/ht ,*7 1,,'? (tu"h,/il /oq,,b) t. Tuttu P"7, t*rtzar+Zl. -- b.n^' P.*V /7or"t t/,u4 lat /, e,ft/,/.r/ *?r* fu a-r*tt sf<afalq. ,r. J,;@L/*-,nFn ak A+^/r4r"4 W $ra,r 1l* ethm.*hV, ow ilttn*L +rn dj.r1.ff#t3@?hndfi,^A t aal:Fi6 - ,;,r+ W tt@d1tut,- I{ty/,* 1n'nArwrrrrt\""' Pr'"r'?*;, ot\ " 3. d,owue.tft$ nkorU et^H,l er"\ (r*t*- @) / /V,^L Lr"^Ifu - ,t'/t N ,tVT-,a rh ,ru-'Valn ' ' 4. N.d, a,ue,o*du+*LsA +/'cjitlo.n Lr,t la ', or)',,' &h'n*frrr*tt O&+t'ovr- s. n7t+tt*rc w7& durlxtotl,rrr*q s&lva-.,- &tcrn, q"f + ry4 4ctamxhL*tuPt ?tY* /TruAfu4ry ot fu^(A -ptt-,tnv,whfr'eh (ton ,,*u), , f'4 z,ni*, Sherd.1rc4 * Mu,'l4c4t46 ' uffi au' -1ta,ft1s PW* ft'tu{ w ufilfttW, 4/n'hrr/vl luzan{s ID a*ot ll t?t' o,- f;|fttt qq4ryfu1, nnlu*at /av*&rtttt'ttf , fu ta'hu-,\'/ 4nfui -an6649^ +U4.b( rft*m1', ablov, datfuId,(A. rM n/"rt2a t Mt-Ma Afzra'nn +- t F4i4e, @ : t& tar.fu 4 bf- hlL,t'thtt frfrt o qnr */ pac/ai=-, o DESTAT E o OF H IG HWAYS EXECUTIVE DIRECTORJACK KINSTLINGER DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS E. N, HAASE CHIEF ENGINEER PA 25, L978 STATE ASSISTAiICE COLORADO STATE PATROL COL, C. WAYNE KEITH, CH IEF AO222 . ( 3o3, 757 901I RTM ENT -.e.&,-.@l+rktw 42OI EAST ARKANSAS AVENLIE ' DENVER COLORADO DATE: Januaqz su&EcT : NoN - TO: TO: Is this project consistent with the goals and objectives of this agenc.y? Is there evidence of overlapping or duplicationwith other aqencies? 1s rreetinq des ired with apnl icant? A l5-da.y extension is requested. REVIEW AND COMMENTS Il*rn of VailAttn: Allen C;ersten)cerger Colorado Division of PlanningAttn: Philip H. Schmuck YESO No@ YESO Nto@ YESO N'oe PROECT TIILE: IGtsos Randr Park "Bikelfi]e/Ski Ttail" STATE DENTIFIER : 77-50Ie00-007 COil/I/ENTS DUE BY : January 29, l-978 YES@ NoO COIUI\GNTS : Ihis trail will connect with the Colorado DeparUrcnt of Higtrways'tra-il over Vail Pass to fYiso providirlq the firnl lirrk with the tcr,rm of VaiI. Di:rector Planninq 757-9259 , Acting S0C-3, Apr 76 lnun box l(Xl vril, cobrado 81G57 lgr3l 47&5613 departrnent of community danelopment February I, 1978 Don West Colorado Division of Parks and 0utdoor Recreation'13'13 Sherman Street Room 618 Denver, Co]orado 80203 Re: A95 for Town of Vail Applicationfsr Land and Water Conservation Program Dear Mr. l,lest: Attached are originals of A-95 review forms for our application. Smile,W Allen Gerstenberger I IDirector lJAG/di Encl osures lnun box lfl) vril, colorado 81657 (3031 47S5613 department of community danelopment February 6, |978 Don blest Colorado Division of Parks and 0utdoor Recreation'13.|3 Sherman Street Room 618 Denver, Co] orado 80203 Re: A95 for Town of Vai'l Applicationfor Land and llater Conservation Program Dear ilr. West: Attached are originals of A-95 review forms for our application. Smi l e, Allen Gerstenberge Di rector Ao/di Enc'losures oo Department of Local Affairs Colorado Division of Planning Philio H. Schmuck. Director COLORAD() CI.EA.F. I I'IGI{OUS E REVIEW SUMMARY OF VAIL Allen Gerstenberger 77-501900-007 Katsos Ranch Park ttBike/Hike/Ski Trailrl Richard D. Lamn, Governor DATE: January 30, 1978T0 3 TOI,IN Attn: STATE I.D. NO. SUBJECT ! The Colorado Clearlnghouse has revlewed your notLce of lntent to apply for federal.ald and hae subnitted lt to approprLate state agencles. As a result of thie revtew: x Based on lnformatlon availabl-e at chls tine, lt has been determined thatthe project does not appear to conflict r4rlth state plans, programs, orobJectlves. See enclosed cotrEoents by the Department of Hlghways. However, it ls recommended that the followl-ng confllcts, dlfficultiea, orconditions be met or solved: The clearinghouse has oo obJectlone to the fundlng of the project when the above have been resolved. A request has been recelved from one or nore state agenclee that the flnalappllcation be submltted for revlew. The project cannot be slgned offuntil the appllcatlon has been revlewed. It ls recomended that approvaL of the proJect be wlthheld, for reaaonestated ln the attached letter from Prlnc lpa1 Ellis Planner Federal fund-This forn and all attachment8 must acconpany your appllcatlon to the 1ns aeencv.ccI Northwest Regional Council of Governments S0C-4, Revised Auguat 1977 520 Stote Centenniol Building, l3l3 Shermon Street, Denver, Colorodo 80203 (303) 892-2351 STATE ('EPARTM ENT O' ?'GHWAYS JACK KINSTLINGER OIVISION OF HIGHWAYS E N. HAASE CHIEF ENGINEER DATE: Januar,y 25' L978 SI..B'ECT : I\|ON - STA'TE ASSISTAI..ICE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ' COLORADO STATE PATROL COL. C. WAYNE KEITH. CHIEF RECEIVED -' i:'g'"'-.ffi ..z:^s,^,h .r !- 'idAri v , it',\# 420f EAST ARKATJSAS AvENUE. OENVER COLORAOO 30222 ' r303' 757:901! TO: TO: JAN 2 6 1978 DIV. OF FLAflIYI'I(; YES YES YES YES NCI tlO Is this project consistent with thq goals and objectives of this agencY? Is there evidence of overlapping or duplication with other aqencies? Is. l.reeting desi red wi th apol icant? A'15-day extension is requested. REVIEW AND COMMENTS ltrwn of VaiIAttn: A1len C*rstenberg'er @lorirdo Division of PlarudagAttn: Philip H. Schnotd< PROTECT TIILE: Katsos Randr Park "Bike/Iike/Ski lrajl-" STA'IE DENTFIER : 77-501eoo-007 COillll,rENTS DLE BY: Januarl 29, Lg78 o C co 1.lO Nn3 o @ @ @ COMIMENrS: Ihis trail rdll @nnect with the Coforado Departrrent of l{igtrvrays' trait over Vail Pass to flisco providing the final tink wittt tJle tc.n of Vail. DirectorPlanning 757-9259 S0C-3, Apr 76 ID PT{ONE ' i-iot, Act:rg SIATE OF COLONADO Blchard D. Lamm. Govornor --,-\ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL nESOURCES Z\ Harris O. Sh€rman, Exocullvo Olroctor Kffi) DIVISION OF PARKS AND OUTDOOR RECREATION\sEfr9z r3r3 SHERMAN G18, DENVER, co.8o2o3 cEoRGE r. o'MALLEv, JR., Directot November 20, 1978 PAFKS AND OUTDOOR RECREATION BOARD: Sara D. Duncan, Chairman Richard G. Eeidleman, Vice-Chairman Howard R. Alden, Secretary Clarke Eallinger, Member Phil Eggleston, Member Mr. Allen Gerstenberger Town of Vail P.O. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Katsos Ranch Park Dear Mr. Gerstenberger: The annual appropriation nade by Congress for the Land and Water Con- servation progran was 5.3 nillion dollars for FY-79. A11 funds have been allocated and there are no additional fi:nds for projects that werenot recorunended for funding by the Parks and 0utdoor Recreation Boardin April of 1978. We are returning your project (s) to you and you may update and resubnit on the new application forns prior to December 29, 1978 if you want to be considered for FY-1980. Sincerely, UJ-*,t Progran Adninistrator Lan d and Water Conservation DW: bb Don West t,, Janr.rary 27, 1978 A1lsr Gerstenberger Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 8L657 George Smith, A-95 Coordinator Regional Clearlnglrouse : Proj ect Notification and Applicantt Town of Vail REGION XII Wr* Cn,nnnou C,,,,"",, 0, Gnunn*F"r. Holiday Center Building - Suite 20O P. O. BOX 737 FRTSCO, COLORAOO 80443 (303) 468-544s r:AcLE COUNTY TIASALT IAGLE (IYPSUM I"4IN T U RN ITEOCLIFF VAIL ;RAND COUNTY f: RASER GRANAY CNANO LAKE IIOT SUL PHI.'F SFNINGS KNEMMLING IACKSON COUNTY WALDEN .'IT KIN COUNTY ASPEN IIOUTT COUNTY I'IAYDEN oAK CREEK S T EAMBOAT SI'NINGS YAMPA 'I,MMIT COUNTY IILUE TIIVEII IJIIECKENNIOGE DILLON F RrSCO SILVERTIJONNE DATE: Tn. SUBJECT: I,lorttnaest Colorado Council of GoverrrBnts Review projecr. Katsos Ranch Park "Bike/Hike/Ski Trail!' state APplication Identl-fier: #77-501900-007 The Regional Clearlnghouse has reviewed the Noilce of Intent for the above proj ec E. As a resulE of the review, il- has been determined that the proposed project is in accord with regional and local plans, programs and objectives as of this date. You should now complete and flle your forrn application with the appr.opriate agency(ies). A copy of this form must be atEached to yortr appllcatlon, If you have any questions, please geE in touch wlth thls office. cc: StaEe Clearinghouse STXIARY OF CCIIENTS the librtttlpst 6l-orado Oomcil of Governrents REeicmal Glearinr{rousehas circulated A-95 lt77-501900-007 perraining to Kars5s padc Rarch,-Tcnn ofVail ?nd has receirrcd the fofbr,ring- corunentsi Eagle Cornty Board of Oonmlssioners - Favorable Cqrnrnt the tibrthrest Colorado Council of bverrnrents staff has revierrcd theabove refererrced A-95 and has fornd it to be in accordance wittr arl loea1ard reghral plans as of this date. ;-930si.--f:\ls, '{ -l&'ii'P- erab$Et$\oN lnwn box lfl! vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community dwelopment December 27. 1977 Don lYestColorado Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation 1313 Sherman St. Rm. 618Denver, Colorado 80203 Re:Town of Vail Application for Land and l[ater Conservatlon Program Dear Mr. West: Attached are two copies of our application. Copies have been submitted for A-95 Review; the Clearing House Responses will be forwarded to you. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitateto ca1l. AG/sw ENC FOR EI{VIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT THE KATSOS ANALYSIS ALTERNATIVES RANCH f Prepared For - of Cormunity Developrent Town of Va'il . - Prepared By - The John Ryan Company 160l Emerson Street Denver, Co]orado 802'18 0ctober 1977 il il I I I il il il T il il il il t I il t I I INTRODUCTION The purpose of this rePort is provide background information about development alternatives for a Town of Vail property known as the Katsos Ranch. The Town's fivs-yglr capital budgetinc requirement necessitates long-range planning. It is, therefore, appropriate to begin the decision-making process for the development, or non-deve'lopment' of this property to enable department heads to plan accordingly. Limi tations This report does not assess the entire spectrum of developmental alternatives. There are scores of possible land uses which are unconsidered in this report. This report is a first step in the planning process; it assesses broad categorjes of land use to il'lustrate the kinds of activities which mjght be selected for the Katsos Property. In this sense' there are four Iand'use alternatives: to a *lrto*il't':: Duuei a s ,,'; -* ).-- . ff*5!.,-#iio"{ if##i"i r; i' A . An Executive, Nine-Hole Golf Course 0rgani'zation of the Report 'This report is organized into t{w?e parts: Section l. describes exist'ing conditions on the property. section 2. presents alternative land uses and development impacts. Section 3. summarizes phys'ica] , activity,.and cost considerations. Se<-{i orr.t, imaKe. Lfe)vnmcm/alion> aa) snf prtor;}ias - 2 M-.-- Y.-u: lky (i (.i( 1-'i-;1'(',t /("** , i(r*,Yf t'*v,,u .? , \fu'lr'l 7 ,-; r'l'- ) (J) \_-, o,o rt il T t T T t t SECTION T. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Katsos Ranch had been used for sheep grazing prior to its purchase by Vail Associates in the early '1960's. Vail Associates had planned to develop the property for housing; holever, steep slopes and a number of natural hazards precluded extensive development on the site. The prelirninary land use plan finally submitted by Vail Associates contained the following major land uses: 20.0 qcres for housing, parking, and tennis courts. 2A.'l acres for the Beaver Pond Preserve. 106.0 acres outside the developable area because of steep slopes and extensive natura'l hazards. 146.1 total acres The property was purchased by the Town of Vail from Vai'l Associates, Inc., for $375,000 in July, 1977. The Town is now in the process of assessing its possible uses, considering the small amount of developable land outside of steep slopes and natural hazard areas. Site Characteristics and Development Constraints The 146-acre Katsos Ranch lies immediately east of the Vail Golf Course. The property roughly resemb'l es an elongated rectangle, lying soutir of, and parallel to, Interstate 70.' It is fjve times'l onger than it is wide--approximately'l .25 miles long and one-quarter of a mile wide for most of its length. Gore Creek traverses the property from east to '3 I l t t T f T T t I I t II il I il il I west. The southern third of the propertty is dominated by thick]r-ror.r#, I steep slopes in excess of 40 percent$nougf,ty a'third of the property (the northern part) lies in the 10O-year flood ptairf3Aetween these two constraint zones is a thin strip of 1and, varying between 100-400 feet in width for most of the 1.25 miles length of property. However, it also has some steep slopes--portions of this thin strip have 30 percent s'lopes. There is a relativeJy flat area of approximately 40 acres in the flood. plainofthe eastern third of the property. It could be considered approoriate for certajn types of recreational improvements even considering the flood plajn. However, approximate'ly half (20 acres) of this relatively flat area is occupied by a beaver pon-dr. This beaver pond is a significant ecological unit in the Gore Valley, il il il I I I 54t€+io!- In I97 when Vail Associates was the Katsos Ranch,tained consultants the Katsos. Ranch. A repor\as p1ny'dred at three major gul l'ies, spac they are named (f 5ast to west) .. Frontage Avalanches and Mudflows Zones designated as "High Hazard" and "Extreme Hazard" cover approx.imately one-half to two-thirds of the western half of the property; similarly, hazard zones of this type cover approximately one-third to one-half of the eastern half. A site near the bottom of the limestone cliffs above the McDowell-Smith & Associates and ArthurDefense, Teqth Fjljr-rq & Katsos Ranch, * -a assess avalanche hazards on that time* which identified evenly over the Katsos Property; Gu l 1y, G i'l key Gu l 1y, a nd I. Mears, Avalanche and I'ludflow February 10J1t75. quoting from work through MSC, Inc. o- t I I I I I I property has occasionally released wet f1 owing avalanches (The Sidewinder Track). Additiona'l 1y, there have been wet, dry, and powder avalanches in the three maior gullies which flow into the property' FS Alpine mudflowi which involve the movement of rocks and assorted debris down the steep slopes of mountainous areas have occurred in the past in the Katsos'three gullies; estimated return flows and general characteristics of the three gul'l ies were described as follows in the McDowe'l l-Srnith and Mears' report: I I I I I ,'The Terray debris cone iS very unstable and frequent large mudflows stroutC be -expected. Typical'ly, tney will not f1 orrl beyond the trees' but depending upon the-water content and viscos'ity, some Tly extend to Gore Ci^eet<. 'Th; large mudflows on this cone are potentially Jing."ors to life ani property and they often exceed the size of the Racquet Club mudf1ow. "* I I I I I I I 20 Years'for the "Mudflows on the damage than those the cone indicate mudflows. It is damage should be Frontage cone will be sma'l ler and vtill cause less on th6 Terray cone, but the two channels flank'ing that a l arge- area of the cone may be affected by unl ikely th;t life will be endangered, but property anticiDated. "* "The Gilkey debris cone is the least 'l ikely to sites studjed. Nevertheless' a mudflow in the verv possible and the large nuntber of dead iogs wouid' cause considerable damage if transported flow of all the orom'i nent channel i s in that channel by a muciflow."* * The report was. DARI perfonned done by the Geoeco'logY Division , Boulder, Colorado. of l0 Years for the Terray Gul'l 50-100 Years for the GllkeY Gull rao I I I t t I il il il I il il I il il I I I Detailed planning should obviously incorporate the findings and reconmendations of the McDowell-Smith and Mears report. /F16 *7 AAA 9o-*i o,.^ O n Present Uses The major use of the Katsos property at the present time is one of open space. The bike path is already constructed through the western third of the property. It crosses Gore Creek over a bicycle bridge, and ends shortly thereafter. Bicyclists can continue on the Frontage Road crossing under I-70 to the North Frontage Road toward the Booth Creek Neighborhood. There is no bridge at the eastern end of the ,.t.r.to.*r, J Parts of the l4th and l5th holes of the Vail Golf course were constructed on the western edge of the Katsos Property years ago. There is an existing footpath, developed by usage, for runners and bikers which traverses the property. In the winter time, the Town of Vail maintains a cross-country ski trail through the property. The.beaver pond serves as a visjting place for Nature Centre tours. In the summer of 1977, more than 120 peop'l e llere escorted to the beaver ponds on guided tours. Observers can walk very near the three beaver Iodges; therefore, they serve as an excellent teaching example. There are usua'l ly about six beavers in this Katsos pond. The beaver lodges are connected by channels--walled canals with mud walls carved out and packed by the beavers to facilitate their rapid travels across the During njnter, a lodge usually contains the parents, the trvo kits born the previous spring, and the kits from the year before--al1 togetlter ftccets +'()f1 f ''*ies Pond. just I I i T t I l il il I il il T I t I t t for protection against the cold. tn itre spring, when the next generation f_is expectdd, the female stays jn the main lodge; the rest of the family moves to the auxiliary lodges. Nature Centre Director Mrs. Jackie Pyka estimated that approximately half of the beaver popu'lation in the Gore Valley resides in the Katsos pond. In sunnary, most of the land on the Katsos Property is unsuitab'le for the placement of permanent structures because of the steep slopes, snow avalaiiches, mud flows, ana ttool$sim'ilar1y, activities should be restricted during periods of high hazard risk--during and after periods of heavy rain, and during the spring when the snow cover is beginning to melt. * il I I I il I il il il il * il il f, T I I I t I o SECTION 2. ALTERNAT;VE LAND USES This section of the report presents four alternative uses for the Katsos Property to illustrate the kinds of activ'ities which might take place on the propert-v and the magnitude of the development impacts' It has not been the purpose in the selection of these illustrative uses to preclude from future consideration any other possibjlities. The four development alternatives jnclude ... No Action, Development for Passive Recreation, Development for Intensive Recreation, and an Executive Nine-Hole Golf Course. Alternative l: No Action The No Action course simply means that the Town Government would make no improvements in the property. Activities. The current act'ivities on the site were summarized in the previous section: open space, hiking and running trails, and Nature Centre tours to the beaver Pond. Development Impacts. Development impacts would be restricted to increased usage by the present types of users. Access would continue to be limited; and, therefore, impacts wou'ld be minimal . I [^"Yl ttt vA 'e et Modu-^ | n 2euolorr,-nc-o* Alternative 2: +its$lire--Recrea+io* i .- . .- -i 7,'r.tr.l; i*Oei*iii,,@tion" means a very mederate set of i mproveme nt s . I*-is-deiined+S-the-oppo s i te- of - j nten s i vs-d ev e 1 opment for-recreation-[the'next alternative'in this -report). 7z ' f \ o '1'l,/ I tov,,.ariu1- a ffiJ"Y'n-l Q purposes of this ".po"t,/auuelopment the following facilities (see . An asphalt-covered bike trail. . An improved, bark running track. the above-- nlcs. . Cross-country skiing.trail. Avzqs. Picnic ta5*es for walk-ins in the sunnner; and a special'ninter picnic area as a terminus for cross-country sk'!ers. . An improved walk-vray (probably boards) in and around the beaver pond with interpretive signage. Development Impacts. Extending the bike trai'l all the way through the property will necessitate another bridge over Gore Cre'ek at the eastern end of the property. The property.on the other (north) side of Gore Creek at the eastern end is I-70 Right-of-l,lay; there is no Frontage Road on the south side of the interstate highway at ttris tpti:nt. Negotiations with the Colorado Oepartment of Highways would have to be conducted to use their Right-of-Way for 400-500 feet of bike path to connect with the South Frontage Road at the Bighorn Intersection. Alternatively, two parcels of Iand imrnediately east of the Katsos Property might be purchased to facilitate the hookup with the existing cul-de-sac in Bighorn, and thereby avoid frontage road traffic altogether. The ten-foot wide bikepath could also serve as an intermittent service road for municipal vehic'l es. Water and sewer lines would not be extended t I l I I Activities. Specifical Iy, for for-P*s+i+e-*ea"eafion woul d i ncl ude /Exhibit No. fl: il I il il il il il il il I I I I I A parcourNari stdtio!ji.;676q l0 ;ii..;r..dir!?:s.rr ' --- * ;.!! F*-i '-'-.c];;-:.:=_i-.-l:._::J--_:_==:-_ . -=:-:; ,-bq4into the property. L Alternative 3: Ae#i+e8ecreaf,ipn - ;:i1l:'/9Development of the property fe*-ae#i+e+eereat+on means construc!,ion ,_{ toof facilities and infrastructure for a wide variety of activities/'-trF '.:nffi-the spec.trum Jr.om "g-45s i ve f€cE€alion.rt ,l lnfet'n.5t -r Athis report, deve'lopment for-Aeei+rRecreatidn would include the fo1 lowing activities (see Exhibit No.3): . Al] of the activities included in the'Pas:i'ive*ecreation-- Al ternati ve. . .A Nature Centre "branch"--possib'ly with an astronomical observatory. . An all purpose activity fie'l d--baseball, football, soccer, rugby. . Tennis courts. . Vol I eyba'|1 courts. . Basketball courts. , A sma'l 'l amphi theatre. fr. ll Deve'lopment Impacts.lo nder. this- al ternative XnI ^',^i ,'r'< fio-olo i-r /'n: -r-* Activities. Specifically, for purposes of would include the construct a road ac ro parking area woul dbridges. f A moraexfensi ve property and two ne.w need t2 F.. :-".o I I t \probably at th\astern end of the Katsos Property. . ''.\ I T T I I il t t il t t t I I l I ition of additional adjoining-'Xroperty at the eastern end the Katsos Property wou'ld greatly facilitatelehicular accesd:water line could be extended from the Booth Creek available to the recreation area{er line already traverses the property; several hookups.z6uld be made fo\ublic restrooms. More picnic tables could developed; they would be\cessible by automobile. All of the 'imglfts associated with the running path, way arouyt{the beaver pond would be repeated under this al Alternative 4: An Executive Golf Course The'land is unsuitable for a nine-hole extension of the preSent golf course. Actua11y, parts of the 14th and l5th holes were constructed on the Katsos Property years ago. They utilize some of the limited amount of flat land in the western third of the property. The western half of the property has an extens'ive amount of land with 40 percent slopes--probably in excess of 80 percent of the surface area. The 'land along the creek is the most level in this western half; it probably is wide enough to contain one fairway. llowevelr, going the other way would require traveling--not playing--for almost a thousand yards, just to move through this narrow stretch. path, and walk- ,/ \./ Activities. As shown in 40-45 acres of relatively flat not covered by the beaver pond, nine-hole golf course could be Exhibit No. 4, there land in the eastern It would seem that physically placed in are approximately. half of the property-- a par-three or executive thi s area. 14 iO Itl I I I I Dev.elopment Impacts. Construction of a golf course at the eastern end of the property would involve a substantial amount of earth moving. The natural slope of the land is toward the Creek (to the north). Usually golf,ers do not enjoy playing most of their shots with uphil'l and downhill lies. Therefore, there would be a tendency to "level" the va'l 1ey floor for the fairways. However, the changes in the land form caused by the alternate 1evel ing and building-up associated with constructjon of a golf course might cause sizeable changes in the flood p'lain. Go'lf ccurse greens, for examp'le, can act as dams under flooding condit'ions; but when. they give way, downstream flooding could be worsened. Any golf course plan should give specia1 attention to the floodplain--both on site as well as offsite (downstream), and should consider the protection of human Iife as well as property values. . A golf course would require an underground i,rrigation system, and, of course, a sizeable amount of irrigatien water during the summer. Linking the ponding and water storage facilitjes both on the Katsos Property and the King Arthur's Court Property should be studied to insure an adequate supply of water for al'l of the uses. This initial assessment wou'ld seem to indicate that an Executive Nine Hole Golf Course would be a stand-alone operation--located at the easte'rn end of the Katsos Property with its own parking area, club house, and supporting facilities. Automobile access from the east does not exist. Again, vehicu'l ar access would be greatly facilitated by purchase of the two lots inrnediately east of the property (approximately eight acres) Many of the activities associated with the previous alternatives I I il I t il I I I I I I l6 I I I il t il I t t il t n t il H T H il il I il could be compatible with the golf course--biking' congregations of people next to a go'lf course can running, etc. However, be dangerous. Picnic tablesandathlet.ic fields would probably be found to be incompatible uses near a golf course- Exhibit llo. 5 Sunrnary of Activities for Land Use Alternatives Considered Bike Trail Runnjng Path (bark) ffiTtl.Fs ! x x x x. x x x Beaver Pond Interpretjve l^lalk Nature Centre Structure 1Picnic E*3 4Avaag . x x x ti- x x x x x x x x --Ga:ebe-All Purpose Activity Field Tennis Courts Vol'leyba l I Courts Basketbal I Courts Arnphi theatre ^lRoads.t"'J 6n,d"). Parking on Site - llater Line Extensions Publtic Restrooms Go] f. Course xx. x x x t7 o" **{ I, tI T T I I ! t T SECTION 3. SUMMARY OF PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS This section considerations in of the report attempts to summari ze major planning terms of physical concerns, ,"*ilb;;;, and costs. T I T I , The Katsos Property is a vital part of the diminishing open space system in the Gore Valley. . Most of the Katscs land is in a natural hazard zone--avalanche, mudflow, and floodpl.rin. Appropriate precautions are mandatory. . ltlost of the Katsos land is covered with steep slopes and isunsuitable for intensive use. . There is a significant. wildlife feature represented by the beaver pond--worthy of preservation. . The property can play a key role as a transportation corridorfor hikers, runners, and cross-country skiers--particularly in terms of linking Bighorn to the rest of the Gore Va11ey. . Acquisition of the adjoining property to the east would greatly enhance access necessary for the golf course and the intensiverecreation al ternati ves. User Groups This projec attempied to measure the htial demand for Physi cal Considerations the various activities That assessment might I I be appro ined under the s al alternative developments. establish priorities. But clearly, there is a sizeable demand for acti vi t i es- -cross-countryT I I I sports. Selection a development alternative sho consider the total skiing, bicyl ing , rrnniffiicnicking, gol*qnature hikes, and organized requ i renren ts these various user groups throughout the G(alley; and then c der hol developrnent of the Katsos property would fit I th the I plan. A DD am?frcr I l8 gFor.oh 'F le qnJ Costs Development costs for various Iand use alternatives wil'l vary depending on a variety of factors. A golf course, for example, might range between $25,000 to $40,000 per hole depending on the layout and design complexity. An asphalt-paved bike path costs about $9 per linear foot. Reliable cost estjmates require specifications for particular activities at designated locations. This report on environmental considerations has dea'lt w'ith general categories of uses--but for talking purposes some ballpark cost estimates might be helpful ... $ 0 Alternative No. I -- No Sction. g,r0,000 - 9100,000 Atternative ;. , *t#:lrtJ:-.r,k*lapr*T 5 .n- <>ns ) ta De ne) op *, ft S0o,ooo - $So.,ooo Atternative No. 3 --*?divd*#l'eauiof * - 1- $910,000 - 9100,000 Atternative No. 4 -- Goli Courseland andtrail system. A oo C ost .Sfcr=on rr l: r ; ,a It-should , b!."-emphasized that a great deal of p1 anning and eng'ineering wiit le required before meaningful Cost estimates are ivailable. Hopefuly, this report will serve as a starting point in selectinE a land use alternative for the Katsos Ranch. S.*i ou't q '. Rua oh?t,n*^r! o*1o..' iiieg )+ l..f(ftria. 19 ':. .: - .* '' ll{ Mou- 16 * ( Et*)(A,/o - !I 1&oW,//ar- a,) _ ____3_L___(.9!e ( /A-*t ///o- z ,t)( E"-, zt-!*-__,(" ,. .,F>4 +-j-e Ka,.Uo- €,rK!*frt{ _iUo-- 'j ) q!944--t*t----. -&u*,1 ' goJou- t fr ;/--h*n"n -- - (' o€t " -',::fi y'!<* '/ ',.-o*7 e-+v o,^l- ( ft'n {., *'*,Ao*i/e .o /,J ( -?^t-r/r.!.4 .?.7 A/aztL- -zUv c ..ftvo , 3',- r-c ro)-J-/, n -4.anlL-t-t-t unA.a-^^;tt/"&r,)-"1 I*: "A--'-l J'- dj ..'(1''.ir*,zrt |;:;L; e-.-< , ,fP-rPJ /4r"-th -(.ut+pa o.!p &-**-<- t" J-I C1 A =- ',i-:"fu;,-,- ? ir,J )- | ,t.-t- ,Ue.t -a^ l/*;t (,,/,."q,3 _f" 12.t /Ua. /-,42",1 .?no- T ir/t F/lc7"s L-ftA&t t .. '.I.. i$,.-F w)/:rl-Ctr.P\t+EI'trt-ooD UVL ?AT{r ZUul-t1ttJ6r pfrr# Btxvvlzt wAlP t#qrupe Lh+Ttv }drtvtTY (tvt-r. TE1.r1.113 <oVW5 vor]#(pALL W?;-xget* Atlpl\ rrHEATEIz RCAtr'' P/€}al)*16 oN brTl:'- WNW,-LINE *f^), Wdf Root-tJ Gatx &vp+.e, LJZDE}.ID xx,m + NO,VNF-L,Ft tr€Nrr- Dpva-.. (e ItJTtlt3lvB DF/EL. G) 6stFCJUHE @)t\Nre6lyr: RNnr*L tH NAff.,Y..+;:D NClai= -.'-OIS t i+f-a_lL2_ \ NC,frtrV"tL:D \il{e)tltL a )l.'ruPrS^NCeW\L&UF-.i, Dt€tr:U"bAd-rCJe-.-vr€dri-/vt oNl t)^^l-p\v N*I?rr,\-l-uvL) _,,____ 5RFF.r,p t*^- DELWAaQ) W rtrlC&tr{*e D StW fB1?jrt u t'Jt f-jpa..> \r- Nt,rtPlEbs'? ft,- (1 ] {-i- r .r \lJUt<-t-u- . \.) \-41*]ffi f-i!{jir.ICJJ._j?Artp $\C( iii1,fP--oh4 | lv|ft|:"1icu1 A\K 6]-).rr{fr- \p flBttCr;''.AP f5;x:nc- Se.-r1q 13{ ., wrr'utt'o? | icr-ifx-. LllcEND Wl+ & oo @ @ l.pl{tr, P\lNt\.lALnocrgATg : =lQNlFtcAr.JT i DUP.It.tCt ;I,l ,I : tl il ll, -- , ;U.-e ,;1- -n -L-2/ ,:: - j*--l**,b ,l tr*5i|t3lt# u*"" Cosl5 otr t!c-4ir'i{ie5 for Land Use Alternatives Considered Existing Fassive Conditions Recreation Ac+-i ve Gol f Recreation Course ''erc5 beau.t Pond Interpretive t,lalkY Nature Centre Siructure '' Dicrir-:riJs.- Ca*ebtY' Al'l Purpose Aqtivity Field-( Tennis'Courts r Bike Tr3il Runnihg Path Roads Parking on Site Hater tine Extens'ions{ Publ ic Restrooms- Gol f Course ... .. . f :DVolleybal I Courts V' Basketbal I Courts-1- Amphi theatre'l- Z-+..--,ir)-' t-J.. ' '_ .ll_ r^'-' 1AVL v+q.3qb.>1?4 3 lNftbuaA'uua aa Land Use/Activit I' ,/>- (fnior i{i es Allzv^n*i u+ 7, Nlrolu,-4.. Oon-.lo ,nr# ---'ta",fm^i. h PrF U At/\r$t\'4&lvh/rLl'',f . !---rrci'^r^PW!4 +^a^Je h"'ur"'-ntl_ -94/vp1.yt*.e+Jt 4;^ al ,<-<Ae * rt!.L 4-4/o7<"Wn^ffi, f,rt!1 _f, :,- ' p"-4'4--tr- H*-+-{Als o I 44 -d' nk aa574*u<1I A*ite*^*,;,* I ),^t*Prl ^.Ur*qarilo., t-a4 * 'Ae Aettu& AU Secti onlToPi c 'l . Exi sti nq Condi t'ions 2. Alt. Land Uses Moderate Use Intensive Use Golf Course 0utline and Assi gnments Final Draft The Katsos RePort Vi sual s ( ranges? ) Matri x Slope Schematic rlobd Plain Schematic Ava'lanche Schematic Tree Line Schematic Ut'i I j tj es- (4 ) Schemati c Natural Features MaP Hazard ComPosite MaP Present Access Schematic Acti vity MaP-- jncl udi ng roads, brjdges, Parking Activity MaP--i nc1 udi ng roads, brjdges, Parking Activity MaP -inc'luding roads, bridges, Parking o (Jim and Rika) Rewri te Materi a I S'lopes Flood Plain Ava'lanche/Mud Hazards Matrix (by a]t. ) 0ctober 26, 1977 New Materi al Tree Line Uti 'l i ti es Natural Features Access Access Access Access Jim (consider Ri ka Ri ka Rika and Jim Summa User Groups Costs for all activities Natural Hazard-Activi tY del eti on ) 4.Recommendat i ons Discuss the alternatives (four) statjng explicjtly the reasons for recommendation and reiection of alternatives A] len and John wj'l I review and edjt--next meetjng suggested November 9, I0 a'm' (That's two weeks away from today. ) ENV I RONIi,IENTAL ANALYS I S FOR DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES THE KATSOS RANCH - Prepared For - Department of Conmunity Development Town of Vail - Prepared By - The John Ryan Company 160] Emerson Streeto*""i"].e; ii i:aii' edz r a.t: 0ctober'1977 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to provide background information t development alternatives for a Town of Vail property known as the tsos Ranch.:i:'The Tournrs fiv$year capital budgeting requirement sitates long-range planning. It is, therefore, appropriate to begln 1'.deci sion-mating . procesq f.or', the devel opment, or non-deve1 opment, i.. this"property to enable department heads to plan accordingly. mi tations This reiort dpes not assess the entire spectrum of developmental ternatives. There are scores of possib]e land uses which are unconsidered this report. This report is a first step in the planning process; it sesses broad categories of'land use to illustrate the kinds of activities ich might be sElected for the Katsos Property. In this sense' there are ur land use alternatives: No Developrent . Passive Recreation (limited use) Active Recreation (intensive use) An Executive, Nine.Ho'le Golf Course nization of the 'l' + I I i :Thi s report Sect'i on Secti on Section is t. 2. 3. organized into three parts: describes existing conditions on presents alternative land uses sumnarizes physical , activitY, the property. and development impacts. and cost considerations. SECTION 1. EX]STING CONDITIONS The Katsos Ranch had been used for sheep qrazing prior to its pUrchase b.y Vail Associates'in the early'l 960's. Vail Assoc'iates p1 anned to develop the property for housing; however, steep slopes a number of natural hazards precluded extensive development on the The preliminary land use plan finally submitted by Vai'l Associates the following major land uses: 20.O acres for housing, parking, and tennis courts' 20.1 acres for the Beaver Pond Preserve. 106.0 acres outside the developable area because of steep slopes and extensive natural hazards. 116.1- total acres The property was purchased by the Town of for $375,000 in Ju1y, 1977. The Town 'is its possible uses, considering the small of steep slopes and natural hazard areas. had and si te. contai ned Vail from Vail Associates, Inc., now in the process of assessing amount of developable land outs'ide The 146-acre Katsos Ranch lies immediately east of the Vail Golf Course. The property roughly resembles an e'l ongated rectangle, lying south of, and paral'l e'l to, Interstate 70. It'is five times longer than it is w'ide--approximate'ly 1.25 miles 'l ong and one-quarter of a mile wide for most of jts length, Gore Creek traverses the property from east to 3 west. The southern third of the property is dominated by thickly-forested, steep slopes in excess of 40 percent. Roughly a third of the property (the nbrthern part) lies in the .|O0-year flood plain. Between these two constraint zones is a thin strip of land, varying between .|00-400 feet in width for most of the 1.25 miles length of property. However, it also has some steep slopes--portions of this thin strip have 30 percent slopes. There is a relatively f1 at area of approximately 40 acres in the fllood plainofthe eastern third of the property. It could be considered appropriate for certain types of recreational improvements even considering the flood p1ain, However, approximately half (20 acres) of this relatively flat area is occup'ied by a beaver pond. This beaver pond is a significant ecological unit in the Gore Va1ley, as described more fully in the next sect'i on. In 1974-75 when Vail Associates was preparing a development plan for the Katsos Ranch, it retained consultants to assess aval anche hazards on the Katsos Ranch. A report was prepared at that time* which identified three major gullies, spaced somewhat evenly over the Katsos Property; they are named (from east to west) ... Terray Gu11y, Gilkey Gully, and Frontage Gully. See Exhibit No. l. Avalanches and Mudflows Zones designated as "High Hazard" and "Extreme Hazard" cover approximately one-half to two-thirds of the western half of the property; similarly, hazard zones of this type cover approximately one-third to one-half of the eastern half. A site near the bottom of the limestone cliffs above the * McDowell-Smith & Associates and Arthur I. Mears, Avalanche and Mudflow Defense, Tenth Filing & Katsos Ranch, February l0;-T9-75. - U)z.=OOr--1 H ZF< OFz,z.@ l-<)aFco(9<- z.Y ><Ful LrJ (.1.) -HF ><Lll property has occasionally re'l eased wet flowing avalanches (The Sidewinder Track). Additionally, there have been wet, dry, and powder avalanches in the three major gullies which flow into the property. Alpine mudflows which involve the movement of rocks and assorted debris down the steep slopes of mountainous areas have occurred in the past in the Katsos'three gullies; estimated return flows and general characteristics of the three gullies were described as follows in the McDowell-Smith and Mears' report: l0 Years for the Terray Gu'l ly (easternmost) "The Terray debrjs cone js very unstable and frequent large mudflows should be expected. Typically, they will not f'l ow beyond the trees' but depending upon the water content and viscosity, some may extend to Gore Creek. The 'large mudflows on this cone are potentially dangerous to life and property and they often exceed the size of the Racquet Club mudflow. "* 20 Years for the "Mudf'l ows on the damage than those the cone indicate mudfl ows. It 'i s damage should be Frontage cone on the Terray that a large unlikely that antic'ipated. "* wi] I be sma'l I er and wi I I cause I ess cone, but the two channels flanking area of the cone may be affected bYlife will be endangered, but property 50-]00 Years for the Gilkey GulIy (middle one) "The Gilkey debris cone is the least 1ike1y to flow of all the sites studied. Nevertheless, a mudflow in the prominent channe'l is very possible and the large number of dead logs in that channel woujd cause considerable damage if transported by a mudflow."* * The report was quoting from work done by the Geoecology Division of DARI performed through MSC, Inc., Boulder, Colorado. Detailed planning should obviously incorporate the findings and recormendations of the McDowell-Smith and Mears report. Present Uses The major use of the Katsos property at the present time is one of open space. The bike path is already constructed through the western third of the property. It crosses Gore Creek over a bicycle bridge, and ends shortly thereafter. Bicyclists can continue on the Frontage Road crossing under I-70 to the North Frontage Road toward the Booth Creek Neighborhood. There is no bridge at the eastern end of the property. ' Parts of the l4th and l5th holes of the Vail Golf course were constructed on the western edge of the Katsos Property years ago' There is an existing footpath, developed by usage, for runners and bikers which traverses the property. In the winter time, the Town of Vail maintains a cross-country ski trail through the property. The beaver pond serves as a visiting place for Nature Centre tours. In the surnmer of 1977, more than 120 people were escortbd to the beaver ponds on guided tours. 0bservers can walk very near the three beaver lodges; therefore, they serve as an excellent teach'ing example. There are usual'ly about six beavers in this Katsos pond. The beaver lodges are connected by channels--walled canals with mud walls carved out and packed by the beavers to facilitate their rap'id travels across the pond. During winter, a lodge usua'l )y contains the parents, the t$ro kits iust born the previous spring, and the kits from the year before--all together for protection against the cold. In the spring, when the next generation is expected, the female stays in the main 'lodge; the rest of the family moves to the auxjfiary 'lodges. Nature Centre Director l'lrs. Jackie Pyka estimated that approximately half of the beaver population in the Gore Valley resides in the Katsos pond. *** In surmary, most of the land on the Katsos Property is unsuitable for the pidcement of pennanent structures because of the steep slopes, snow avalanches,,:mud flows, and floods. Similarly' activities shou'ld be restrjcted during periods of high hazard risk--during and after peiiods of heavy rain, and during the spring when the snow cover is beginning I to melt. SECTION 2. ALTERNATIVE LAND USES This section of the report presents four alternative uses for the Katsos Property to illustrate the kinds of activities which might take place on the property and the magnitude of the development impacts. It has not been the purpose in the select'ion of theseillustrat'i ve uses to preclude from future consideration any other possibjlities. The four development alternatives jnclude ... No Action, Development for Passjve Recreation, Development for Intensjve Recreation, and an Executive Nine-Hole Golf Course. Alternative l: No Action The No Action course simply means that the Town Government would make no improvements in the property. Activities. The current activities on the site were summarized in the previous section: open space, hiking and running trails, and Nature Centre tours to the beaver Pond. Development Impacts. Development impacts would be restricted to increased usage by the present types of users. Access would continue to be limited; and, therefore, impacts would be minimal . Alternative 2: Passive Recreation Development for "passive recreatjon" means a very moderate set of improvements. It is defjned as the opposite of intensive development for recreation (the next alternative in this report). Activities. Specifical ly, for purposes of this report, development for Passive Recreation would include the following facilities (see Exhibit No. 2): . An asphalt-covered bike trail. . An improved, bark running track. . A parcours variation with either one (or both) of the above--stations a'l ong the trajl for designated calisthenics. . Cross-country skiing. trail. . Pjcnic tables for walk-ins in the summer; and a special winter picnic area as a terminus for cross-country skiers. . An improved walk-way (probably boards) in and around the beaver pond with interpretive signage. Deve'l opment Impacts. Extending the bike trail a'l I the way through the property will necessitate another bridge over Gore Creek at the eastern end of the property. The propert.y on the other (north) side of Gore Creek at the eastern end is I-70 Right-of-Way; there is no Frontage Road on the south side of the interstate highway at this point. Negotiations with the Colorado Department of Highways would have to be conducted to use their Right-of-Way for 400-500 feet of b'ike path to connect with the South Frontage Road at the Bighorn Intersection. Alternatjvely, two parceis of land immediately east of the Katsos Property might be purchased to facilitate the hookup with the existing cul-de-sac in Bighorn, and thereby avoid frontage road traffic a1 together. The ten-foot wide b'ikepath could also serve as an intermittent serv.ice road for municipal vehic'l es. Water and sewer lines would not be extended 10 UJ F z, [|JF <(Jc!zz, <.-oEoHz. t- a<oF 1! C/)HEFcq()<*ulv >< lJ.Jtrl uJ t>F <n U) L lr| t- 11 into the property. Limited parking on the roadside north of Gore Creek could be made available for the picnickers, walkers, and runners. However, vehicular access by the public should not be allowed under this development p'l an. Alternative 3: Active Recreation Development of the property for active of facilities and infrastructure for a wide is defined as being at the other end of the recreation. " recreation means construction variety of activities. It spectrum from "passive Activities. Specifically, for purposes of this report, deve'lopment for Active Recreation would includethefollowing activities (see Exhibit No. 3): . AII of the activities included in the Passive Recreation Al ternati ve. . A Nature Centre "branch"--possibly with an astronomical observatory. . An al1 purpose activity field--baseball, footba'| 1, soccer, rugby. . Tennis courts. . Vol I eyba11 courts. . Basketball courts. . A small amphitheatre. Development Impacts. Major development impacts under this alternative would include the construction of a road across the property and two new bridges. A more extensive parking area would need to be developed-- t2 ttl F z. lJ.lF:EJC)Nl<Z 'zE Z. *,4FOt-<.aHIIJFFOa<H (J :Z - LrlX(urr.! -1!F F. tlJ-F probably at the eastern end of the Katsos Property. Acquisition of addjtional adjoining property at the eastern end of the Katsos Property would greatly facilitate vehicular access. A water ljne could be extended from the Booth Creek Area underneath the Interstate and made available to the recreation area. A sewer line already traverses the property; several hookups could be made for public restrooms. More picnic tables could be developed; they would be accessible by automobile. All of the impacts associated with the running path, bike path, and walk- " way around the beaver pond would be repeated under this alternatjve. Alternative 4: An Executive Golf Course The land is unsuitable for a nine-hole extension of the present golf course. Actually, parts of the l4th and l5th holes were constructed on the Katsos Property years ago. They utilize some of the limited amount of flat land in the western third of the property. The western ha1 f of the property has an extensive amount of land with 40 percent slopes--probably in excess of 80 percent of the surface area. The land a1 ong the Creek is the most level in this western half; it probably is wide enough to contain one fairway. However, going the ot,her way would require traveling--not playing--for almost a thousand yards, iust to move through this narrow stretch. Activities. As shown in Exhibit No. 4, there are approximately 40-45 acres of relatively flat not covered by the beaver pond. nine-hole go1 f course could be land in the eastern half of the property-- It would seem that a par-three or execut'ive physical ly placed in this area. t4 UJ F z-gc)n-urzF<-JOao<z.aulol-- u> ctl,-cFdD<- o:zI(JX trlLtl tJ_ --JFO(9 UI-F. 15 Development Impacts. construction of a golf course at the eastern end of the property would involve a substantial amount of earth moving. The natural slope of the land is toward the Creek (to tfre north)' Usual]y golfers do not enjoy playing most of their shots w'i th uphill and downhill lies. Therefore, there would be a tendency to "'level" the va1 1ey floor for the fairways. However, the changes in the land form caused by the alternate leveling and bu'i lding-up associated with construction of a golf course might cause sjzeable changes jn the flood plain. Gol f course greens, for example, can act as dams under flooding conditions; but when they give way, downstream floodjng could be worsened. Any golf course plan should give special attention to the floodplain--both on site as well as offsite (downstream), and should consider the protection of human life as well as property values. A golf course would require an underground irrigation system, and, of course, a sizeable amount of imigation water during the summer. Linking the ponding and water storage facilities both on the Katsos Property and the K'i ng Arthur's Court Property should be studied to'insure an adequate supply of water for all of the uses. This initial assessment would seem to indicate that an Executive Nine Hole Golf Course would be a stand-alone operation--located at the eastern end of the Katsos Property with its own parking area, club house' and supporting faci'l ities. Automobile access from the east does not exist. Again, vehicular access would be greatly faci'litated by purchase of the two lots immed'i ately east of the property (approx'imately eight acres). Many of the activities associated with the previous alternat'i ves to I i i could be compatible with the golf course--biking, running, etc. However' congregations of people next to a golf course can be dangerous. Picnjc tablesandathletic fields would probably be found to be incompatible I uses near a golf course. Exhibit No. 5 Sunrnary of Activities for Land Use Alternatives Cons'idered Existing Passive Active Golf Conditions Recreation Recreation CourseLand Use/Activity Bi ke Trai'l Runn'ing Path (bark) Parcours Beaver Pond Interpretive llalk Nature Centre Structure Picnic Tables GazeboAll Purpose Activity Field Tenni s Courts Volleyball Courts Basketball Courts Amphi theatre Roads Parking on Site Water Line,Extensions Publ 'ic Restrooms Golf Course xxxxxx xI x x x X X X xxxxxx xx X 17 SECTION 3. SUMMARY OF PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS This section of the report attempts to summarize major planning considerations in terms of physical concerns, user groups, and costs. Physical Consi derations The Katsos Property is a vital part of the diminishing open space system in the Gore Vai ley. Most of the Katsos land is in a natural hazard zone--avalanche, mudflow, and floodp'l ain. Appropriate precautions are mandatory. Most of the Katsos land is covered with steep slopes and is unsuitable for intensive use. There is a s'ignificant wildlife feature represented by the beaver pond--worthy of preservat'ion. The property can pl ay a key role as a transportation corridorfor hikers, runners, and cross-country skiers--particularly in terms of linking Bighorn to the rest of the Gore Va'l'l ey. Acquisition of the adjoining property to the east wou'l d great'ly enhance access necessary for the golf course and the intensive recreation al ternati ves. User Groups This project has not attempted to measure the potential demand for the various activjties outljned under the several alternative developments. That assessment might be appropriate to establish priorities. But clearly, there is a sizeable demand for all of the activities--cross-country skiing, bicyl ing, running, picnicking, golfing, nature hikes, and organized sports. Selectjon of a development alternative should consider the total requirements of these various user groups throughout the Gore Val 1ey; and then consider how development of the Katsos Property would fit in with the overall plan. i8 Costs Deve'lopment costs for various land use alternatives will vary depending on a variety of factors. A golf course, for example, might range between $25,000 to $40,000 per hole depending on the layout and design complexity. An asphalt-paved bike path costs about $9 per linear foot. Reliable cost estimates require specifications for particular activities at designated locations. This report on environmental considerations has dealt with general categories of uses--but for talking purposes some ballpark cost estimates m'ight be helpful ,.. $ O Alternative No. I -- No Action. 1 $ 70,000 - $.|00,00b Alternative no. 2'-- Passive Recreation. - 'I '.' " $160,000 - $320,000 Alternative No. 3 -- Activd Recrealion. y. $470,000 - $700,000 Alternative No. 4 -- Golf Course and and tra'i1 system. It should be re-emphasized that a great deal of planning and engineering wil'l be requiied before meaningful cost estimates are available. Hopefuly, this repov:t will serve as a starting point in selecting a .-:. land use alternative for the Katsos Ranch. 19 t VAIL TOWN COUNCIL ruESDAY, SEPTEITBER 7, 1993 11:00 P.]rl. lN TOV COt NCIL CA|AI|BERS EXPANDED AGENDA ll:00 P.M. l. Jim Gurnute VA Representatives W. Forest Rd. Residents l2:00 P.M. Andy Knudtsen 12:10 P.M. Mike Rose Kurt Metternick Steve Shanley 12:40 P.M. Teresa Albertson 3. 4. rJe/ulf tr.litrrdtq Veut n llH{wrwe--\t' Ia" 1 .c42-Irt/ Discussion Re: West Forest Road / Vail Associates, Inc. (VA) mountain aooess. Applicant Jack Hunn. Action ReouesEd of Council: Discuss VA's efforb to address Wesit Forest Road residents noise and safety concerns related to VA's use of the road by snowcab and snorrtmobiles. Backoround Rationale: On July 26, 1993, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approved a conditional use permit to allow for fie expansion ol he shop/vehide maintenance building at the VA service yad. Residenb along West Forest Road are @noemed with noise and safety impacts associated with the use of the road by snowcab and snowmobiles. Discussion Re: Vail Housing Auhority request for permission to proceed through the planning prooess conceming the rezoning of TOV land in lhe vicinity of the Mountain Bellfacility. Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny he requestto proceed through the planning process. Backoround Rationale: The Vail Housing Authority has retained Morter Architects to design a housing development on he Mountiain Bell property. The development design is at a point where it can now be reviewed by Town Boards. Discussion Re: VA Colorado Card Parking Coupon Proposal. Action Requested ol Council: Review the enclosed proposal from VA. Backoround Rationale: The proposal states the purpose of the parking coupon is threefold: (1) To supply an important benefit to Coforado Card Members;Q)To incrementally increase revenue for the parking structures and VA during slort periods; and (3) To improve relations with the front range skier and to respond b our guests' suggestions. Discussion Re: AvoilBeaver Creek Transit System. Action Requesled of Council: Listen to he presentation. A service report is endosed for review. Bac*oround Rationale: Localized presentrations are cunendy being made to he County Commissioners, as well as all 'usef municipalities and groups. General discussion and questions will be encourage to clear up confusion and misunderstanding re: this system. t' l:25 P.M. Russ Forrest Patricia Teik l:55 P.M. 2:40 P.M. 2:45 P.lt{. Shelly Mello 3:00 P.M. Steve Thompson 3:20 P.M. Larry Grafel Frank Freyer 3:50 P.M. Peggy Osterfoss 5.Update Re: Eagle Mine Clean-Up. Action Reauesled of Council: Listen to the update presentation. Backsround Rationale: Reclamation work has been delayed this year because of a dispute between Paramount and the EPA. Staff Flecommendation: Stafi requesb that Councilwrite a letter of support ior the EPA remediation plan. Executive Session: Legal Matters. DHB Report Discussion Re: Proposad memorial for Newt Wheatley. Action Reouested of Council: Approwdeny the request. Backoround Rationale: Nervt Wheatley, local Vail resident, was kilfed in an accident in 1992. His family and friends would like to establish a memorial on the Katsos Ranch property. As Newt was an avid ice climber, fie proposed location, which is adjacent to a very popular climbing area, is of special importance. The group intends to pay for all services which TOV may perform and also establish an endowment for the long term maintenance. The memorial would be located on an existing rock in the meadow adjac€nt to the bike path. A red granite rock will be set on the existing rock and a plaque would be attached to il Staff has reviewed the application and feels that there would be no adverse impacts on the area as a result of the installation. Discussion Re: Contribution granting philosophy. Action Reouested of Council: Develop a policy for giving contributions. Backoround Rationale: Gouncil requested that time be set aside before the contribution budget meeting to discuss philosophy behind granting contributions to reguesting groups. Update Re: Police Building Expansion. Backoround Rationale: The Police Department expansion proiect has reached a point where certain financial and other related decisions need to be made. Councilwillbe updated on the status of the overall project and asked to provide direction for continuing the project. Statf Recommendation: Gontinue with he p@ect. Discussion Re: Long-Term Goals. Action Requested of Council: The revision from the 8/10/93 Work Session re: Long-Term Goals is induded in this packet. Review and prioritize these goals. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. lt. 2Ol Gore Creek. Drive Vail, 'Colorado 81657 303-476-7625 303-479-0204 fax --i- -+)''N len/l ./ Iw . t rl h) h ertrl er/ -t t*,YL A / ,l-fhe t T--.,f ,r, ."+,1 t .,T N.- ,lv !F./ I , /(e 'fo .\tt <P o(/ i -J-Q { tsl ruq,,/ 7--73 F ,,|,J,"f -)"A - y'"^,h- t1 E,+,t' /*;1, +o e-7- U /,*Hry , Iho"lclprs l1D e(o,^t tlcre*1e fr ,nP^a7'4I. 'T" ovr e /4, *""1J *" /l l,*L t, rl'lve, /"rNotj ,'r, tAe rneAJo-, ffiIlilii[nih 2O1 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 303-476-7625 303-479-0204 tax /Y a , rj "pftilc e n l/ ro o ra,.-, /).,// 5Av,.ols ,./ .t,+ L/*, I ' tlt rt c co,t t"A ^t, L/ -, t i{4 rttodf ,,/ tJ,/ ' --t-4tu/ ertz/fntce ,tlt-t t -*- /,/,/t>ne s a at rfhe lIc Ld<znJ re/tir< ,f /A" rfip*,ar,i/ A-J-ot-n e s 4 . f/o,u,t-t( /y"l U,lAefmsent To/^, tule*ilr, sr'/ ,.1I V^/v'10le {eol q(filtte t/ *l ltdu fi /A, et ./t))9=0o- nI// v uLq,/ +uL IL ItDOu I C(e u- fr , "u'tl 4 ,l-fa{"vl Ll Oov kcrvA+ c=t:?lL" prxAqffi i. \I\.ll (\ !a l' :' s5\:-jS p ."r 1s $:$'nlssa!) ('; g5- .-d t{--- 3 ir €i. (\.. 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