HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 Placid Dr Reroofl/" lllilrt r"t' an<nYn Al,'t7, z Toai)l.arre TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81-657 970 -479 -2L38 APPLICAIiIT CONTRAETOR OI'INER rlob Address: 1975 PLACID DR LOCAIiON. . . : PTARMIGAN TOWNHOMES Parcel No. .: 2103-114-1?-000 ProjecE No.: status. -.: IssuED 1-975 APPIied. . : 04/t7 /t998 fssued... t 04/20/L998 Ercpires. . : Lo/L7 /]-998 Phone: 970949L905 Phone z 970949L905 DEPART'II4ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 898-0067 PI,ATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON cO 81620 PI,ATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER s920, AVON CO 81620 PTARMIGAN TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION 1975 PLACID DR, c/o THOMAS SAALFELD 81657 Description: REROOF B.U.R. SAI\48 sQ FOOTAGE 3s, l-40 . OccuPancY: Type Construclion:T\pe OccuPancy: Valuation: Fir6pface fnforuation: ReEtricLedr FOR SAME ROOF AREA R1- Multi-FamilY V ]--HR TlPe V l-Hour L1t,465 +of Gae APP1 iancee:*of Wood/Pa1leL: rL€m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI',IENT- Dep 04/20/asss JRM'-""aEEi-"1;'-aF:n APPRovED JFrr iEAfr;'05460-ill,emlrNo iEPAiinr4ElI- . Der oi7 d 6 t tg 55 - .rnr'l -'-' "^'-eEE i?iii i''t'tqtg p nNr rq- Pr'AN-- di'tTo'tiggs .lRI"i [;tlqdi eFFn eppnovED No^D DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: TOViComm. Dev' Clean-uP Dq sit Refund approved amount date Add Sq FE: *of oaa Log6: PEE STJMMARY Building---__> 1,o2a.oo R€6tuarant Plan Review-_> 'o0 Tolal calculaied F€e5---> 2'r99'2o Plan check---> 568'20 DRB Fe€-------- '00 Additional Fee6---------> '0o fnveEtigation> .oo Recfeatsion Fee__-_------> 'o0 ToEal Permit Fee__-__-_-> 2'199'20 will call----> 3.oo cl"n-tt' DGpoElt--------> 5Oo'OO Pa}4nents > 2'r99'2o TOTAL FEES----- 2'.9s'2o BALANCE DUE---- '00 ILEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI'IENTi^ lt6 /1 qgA .TRM Actr.On: APP PI,ANNING DiViSiON: 5^*YiiBT;,"* rq-"ffiFs.ll$ 6+720'/L22q-r&U fiEii;ii; iiFpfl eFi;novso No DFB EEgj Division rO DRB REQ'DDept: FIITEi€am;'ose 6o-r'rns DEPARTMEI{r AppR N/A04/20 /Le29 _JBl{__DepE: PttB WORK Diwisj-on:iaAmi' os50o PnBI-,rc wqRKsAA I,A /1 OqA .TPM A(:EAI-CL'Ion, APPR N/AItem: 05500 PU04/20/L998 iIRM t it t '* * ' t ti tt*tt]}l *t t *a ** it ia i t see page 2 of tshis DocumenL for any condj-Eions Ehat may apply tso tshis permit ' DEC IARAT I ONS I heleby acknowledge that t have read thie applicafion, filled ouf ln fuII Che infomation lequired' completed an accurale ploC plan, and ataE6 cha! af] Lhe info!-rnalion provid€d a6 lequired iE co!rec!. I agree to conrply lviEh Eh6 infofmagion and plot plan' Lo conply irith aII Torn or:dinanc€s and state laes, and io builil Ehi'6 sttuclure according Eo the Town'€ zoning and subdiviBiob codes, deBign revier appt:oved, unifor-m Building code and othe! ordinance6 of the Tor'n appLicabLe thefeto' REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONa aI{AtL BE HADS TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 419-2L3g OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM gr00 AM 5:oO PU gcnd clean-up Dclrosi! To! PIATH o CONSTRUCTION ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE #: Be8-0057 ^J-ii-oi/ittge status: rssuED **************************:t:t:l*************:r************************************* PCTMiT TY9C: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Appliclnt : PLATH CoNSTRUCTION 9709491905 ilob Address: L'OCAtsiON: PTARMIGAN TOWNHOMES 19?5 PI'ACID DR Parcel No: 2103-114-17-000 Description: REROOF B.U.R. SAME FOR SAI4E sQ FOOTAGE 35,140. ROOF AREA Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR EODE 2. ALI, PENETRAiiONS TT.T WAI"LS,CEIIJINGS,AND FLOORS TO WITH AT.I APPROVED FIRE T{ATERIAL. 3.FIREDEPARTMENTAPPRoVALIsREQUIREDBEFoREANY STARTED. Applied: 04/L7 /L998iisued' 04/20/L998 To E4rire z r0/L7 /L998 COMPLIANCE BE SEAI,ED WORK CAI.I BE o ********************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, co[,oRADo SEaEemnE statemnt Number: REC-0389 AmounE:2.tgs .20 o4/2L/ 98 10 :r22 Pa)rmenL Method: CK Notation 2L287 Init: 'JRM N TDD Permit No: 898-0057 T)rPe: A-MF Parcel No: 2103-L14-17-000 SiEe Address: 1975 PLACTD DR ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER I'OCALiON. PTARMIGAN TOWNHOMES 1975 PI'ACID DRt_r(JL:cl L l_ (rlr : F r nr\r'r r \J.*r TOtaI FgeS : 2 ,199 .20 This Palment 2,1gg.20 ToEal AI-'L Pmtss z 2 'L99 '20Balance, '00 **************************************************************** AccorrnE Code DescriPtion Amount BP OO1OOOO31]-].100 BUILDING PBRMIT F'EES 1' 028 ' OO pF 0o10ooo31123oo PLAN cHEcK FEES 668'20 AD 00100002403L00 CIJEANUP DEPOSTTS 500 ' 00 wc oo10ooo31128oo wrtL CALL irlspscffoN Fnn 3'00 }*Contact Eagle County Asseesorserr"" r1 ii"gio:liilqia0-i".rarcet #. rotrN oF vArL coNsrR feencEr ttt2to 3tl + /?o/ f, -pinr.lrr AppLrcATroNDAraz-lffo1t?( VATIJ CONSTRUCTION'PER}IIT ,I APPLICATION FORI.! Legal Description: Lot Block_ Ftltng sunorvrsrou,. , APPLICATTON MUST BE TILLED OUT COMPLEIEIJy OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED x****r>t********************** PERI{rT TNFORMATION *****************************,|t{"o,rdlngt]-Prunbln9,[1-Electrlca1[t-Mechanlba1[t.other Job Nane: p._tar^'i?an ,ornhut"s. irob Addre"r, lq+5 plcrc{z },-. Or{tners Nane: Architect: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. ceneral Description:RooF -tro work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratron t l-Additl-onat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelllng Unlts:Nurnber of Accornnodatlon Units: . )pmber and Type of Firepraces: Gas AppLiances._.,] cas Logs -- wood/pellet-v fi********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* durr,prtc: I l7/,4G5:,oo ELECTRTcAL: l_ orHER: $ . BLWBTNG: $' t - !.tEcHAltrcAr.,: $=--_ TorAt; l- . f ************!r************** CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************IEeneral Contractor: O*rlt 1oruq"z^r-=ra\./ --- - -.rn ,r€ rr-:r o^--"';;-';Un:P O. Eeneral contractor: Prgal Corusr".JcTro^/ 2 ewn of Vait Reg. No./q&-BAddress' i vrl[j 1 """ Number: Electricat contractor: afuIE- Town of VaiL Reg. r.lo.Address: Plunbing Contractorz , V . . Town of Vall Reg. NO.Aqclress: phone Number: Y::li:::.l contractor: _ rown of Vail Res. No._Aqoress: --,-+qe,i..{, . .- Phone Nunber: *****************{tfliF*f***i***{ roR oFFrcE UsE *******************************E[;i;imBUTLDING PERMIT F84$,I.-.; .. BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PERMIT 18,3!i: NR 1T. ' 'PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE' .T DRB FEE: --- lsrrrF:'. ITOTAL PERMIT t f,INIIg:..r|ttF(--.rrrrrrirr+- I'tECIrANrcAL pERI'trr r€E: "- * ,. , l-tEcHANrcAL praN cHECk FEE: - 3lffiH.Iill 5f"i"",1$V=WII, t" 1ff1fi1$i"ilriffiffiffiri1rffir- ffil surT,orlrcr i,ti:; rAPIt il 7 lgtb " e l-l STGNATURE:+Al'ff,.!-l zoNrNG:I I- ,I ISIGNATTTRE:Comments: CLEAII IIP DEPOSIT REFII}ID TO: -----\.--l( P.O. Drawer 5920 ',,Avon. cO 81620 (970)949-1905 Fa( (970)845-9159 Roofing Proposal Page I of3 ,sott i:' We hereby propose to firmish all labor and material needed to perform the roofing specified below and on attached sheet(s). Attached sheet(s) are a part ofthis proposal. Unless otherwise specified, the following conditions shall apply: l) Any guarantee ofiered, shall not be valid until the conhactprice is received in full. The guarantee will be retroactive to the last day that Plath construction worked on thejob. 2) Building permits anildumpsters are not included in our price, unless specifically mentioned in the attached tjtfl;tfi:Htgs which are required to complete our portion of 0re work are included in this proposal No miscellan€ous flashings (window sill, etc.) are included. 4) All material is guaranteed to be as specified. Si All work shall b-e completed in a worimanlike manner according to specifrcations submitted. Any deviation from written specifrcations shall be made only upon written orders and shall become an extra charge over and above the contract price. 6) All our workers are fully covered by workman's compensation lnsurance. 7) This bid may be withdrawn if not accepted within 30 days' We hereby propose to fumish all material and labor complete in accordance with above,/attached specifications, for the sum ol See attached sheet(s) for all prices/ootions--------- DOLLARS $ See attached Payment to be as follows: Authorized Signature, Plath Construction Inc: 910 Nottingham Road, B-1 Acceptance of Proposal: The above/attached prices, hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as Authorized Signature, Owner or Agent: * Return one signed copy to our olfice. and conditions are satisfactory and are will be made as outlined above. 9- Januan 21. 1998 Roofing Specifi cation for'Ptaimigen Townbomes The pricin BI I. Tn,lnOrr/MrscELLANEous:llTearoffexistinsroofinsandremovealldebrisfromthesite. Theexistingroofconsistsoftworoofing svstems. The top ioof hai4-plies of hot asphalt apolied felts with a finishedsurface of pea gravel on top o-f one 2" laver o'f fesco insulition. The seiond (oi'underlvins) roof is the same compoSition with a base felt underndath the 2" fesco insulation. Plath Cirnstructioir. lnc. (PCI) will keep the iobsite as clean as oossible and practical durine the construction. and a thororieh ckianirie of PCI'3 work areas will be berformed upon completionl PCI will take all reasonable prEcautions Io protect the interior of the buildine frorh water and weather. However. PCI will notbe held liable for any interior damage sustainEd from leaks caused by sudden and/6r unforseen storms that occur during the tear off fhase of this work. 2l Inspect the plywood for water damase, and replace as needed. ** This work, if required, will be an ailditibnal chaica over and above the cdniract orice. and will be chareed at the rate of $2.50 per square foot. No additional charges will be incurred withoft prior notificatio-n of, and authorizationfrom, the owner or owner's agent,n 3] PCI will provide all insurance and permits required by the Town of Vail Building Department, Exclusions and Oualifications:l] The removal offencing and trees for access and the protection ofthe lawn is excluded from this pioposal. These preparatlons are to be provided by thaowners or owners representative. tr. BUILT-UPRooFTNG:ll lnstall 4" Dolyisosvanurate insulation and Vz" of retrofit insulation over the entire pitched roof area above the ex]stinc ol-vwood. Fasten with screws and olates at a rate of 5 per 4' x 4' sheet o[ insulation. Use 2" x 4" naileish ind blockine (two lavers) as req'uired bv the manufdcturer. Install crickets at all skylieht locations. **Note: Thinirilers are iequirid at th-e roof perimeters, one side of the ridges, skylight and chimney curbs. (As per Dan Holland of Johns-Manville) 2l Install a four-olv built-uo roof svstem accordinc to soecifications bv "Johns-Manville". This includes fr5ur plies of fibeiflass felti, with I flood coat of 6ot asiphalt, and imb'edded pea gravel as the finished surlace. 3l Install 24 sase. oaint-loc** eravel stoo flashine at roof oerimeters. lnstall crickets at all skylight l<ications. Aiall i<iof to wall lo-cations. d24 paueE. oainrlbk counterflashins will be installedio assure lons term. watertisht seal at these locaiions. Sea-l ih'e top edse of the counteiflashing with a high grade, extdrior uiethane iaulk. **Notel The naint loc flashinir mu-st be rraintetl to meet The torvn of Vail Building codes. Painting this tlashin-g is to be done b! others. - 4l Provide manufacturer's 'l 0 year penal sum warranty covering all insulation, built-up material and labor frir a period of l0 years from ihe date of roofing com'pletion. 5] Install new lead flashings at all pipe penetrations. Budget price for work as specilied above:Included in Section II pricing below Price for work as specilied above:$ 171.465.00 Exclusions and Oudifications:ll Added costs foi working under adverse winter conditions is excluded from this proposal. Pa6e2oI3, Pt.rmigan Townkomes, Re-Roo{ Eetimate, Decemt er 24, 1997 l*,uott UI. GENERALNOTES:iTi'f"*d& udvisLd't-ttat materials for this proposal have been bid at cunent market prices. Due to rl,u'titiiu "iG ri"it ii. -.iidiiii-priiesCa-nhotG euaranteed past 30 days' ** Pleasri take note that ;-di;ii;''r oi iilieiT'i-iiiciivea-nv'piattr eonstrucTion, Inc. within the3,0 day period will allow us to "lock in" current material frices even if actual purchases are made several montns later. 2l Plath Constructign carries. proper$r damage liabiliW insurance in the amount of $ per ;A;J*"il;. 'i;iuUr- e on-rtru-"tton cames uuro ,nsurun"d iii-itii amount of $2,000p00'00. p.lattr b-o-ris-tiruiii,jn-carri"i u-irpropiiutb Wortman s eompensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation. No fuiiher insurance coverage is included in our price. 3l Upon receipt of the contract price, Plath Construction will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing r,5ofins aeainit leaks due to flarivs in workmanship for a period of two years. fiom the date ol rootlng comolEti6'n. Leaks qualifoinq under the terms of said wirranty will be repaired promptly at no cost to the ownbr. This warranty do6s n-ot cover any subsequent interior ilamage that may occur. 4l We do not intend to disruot the cutter and downspout on these buildings. However,- option #2 piovides budget pricing to iristall nlw gutter and downspout at all ofthe existing locations. 5l All oricinc in this orooosal assumes that all roofing work will be scheduled and performed-between Mav I'and dctober ll If anv of the work is done during winter months additional charges wlll apply to cov'er our winter expenses. These will include the folld'wing:-- - -it Sriow riilJvaiinO wiattrer protection. ($32.50 pir man hour plus the cost of plastic, Dropane. etc, )6i-fririi6iioirtineencv exDenses. ( Due to the loss of production during winter months idaitiiii-iliipi-ti3JJ#iti'HJi6aieel to coveithis cost.' This typically {dds7% to the price of all work doni during winter months. 6l Our orice assumes that we will be able to drive a dumptruck unto the yard and up to the eave of each ofthe buildings. The cost for lawn protection is excluded from this proposal. TV. OPTIoNS:ll Delete the oolvisosvanurate insulation at the over hang areas.Fiid 6i o;iio; #lt' Deduct from the base B'id Not recommended;;Xotii-fttit iotion requires an iiCetisi"Cfiashins detail at the transition from the non-insulatedtoiiiiia ii- tfiiiirsuuGo iooirria in oroer to qu-alifv for the manufacturerc warranty' 't{ith this work snecified in this tronsition detail fisured ii this-option there is litlle costs savings. I'urther' the mahufacturer feels the quality of tbe-roof system wbuld be compromised by this option. 21 install 24 paee- S" seamiJii.'f iivii euttJii'rd downspouts at the eave locations. Please note that the E*istine suttEi 8o'ei noi trave dbwns'pouf, We have upgrdded the new gutter to includeddownspout as nCeded f* Please note that heat tabe witl be requiie? at lhrouqhout all gutter and downspout to. \egp tlre system op_erational durin! winter moilth.s. Heat tape-is excludird from^this proposal. **keeD the sYstem oDeratlonal ourlng wlnter monlns. tlear lape ls excluucq rr ' Priie for Option #z: Adf to the base bid: $ 23'558.00 3l Substitute red scorria slae for the 3/8" pea sravel in the base bid. P'rice for Option #3: " Add to the b*ase bid: $ 981.00 iT iffi;ililffi ;;;i;;il;;;{;;;;;;ili;;':N;' ii;iiii i:ffi il;;'d,iDi;i ilil. -" "-'--""- P'ricbTor Option #4: Add tti the base bid: $ 879.00 5"b s li*"fc tloj +lz 3/a" Fo 3,*l i-, fle b€,5c bt d. ?r\ce $' oPl''o^ 4s: adah *tn bescL;d'$l I,Gg(,oo Page 3 of 3, Ptarmigan TownLomus, Re-RooI Estimate, DecemL et 24, L997 PTARMIGAN TOWNHOUSE ASSOCIATION 1975 PI.ACID DRIVE vAtL, co.81657 To: Pam, Plath Construction As Managing Agent for Ptarmigan Townhomes I have been asked to convey to the Building Department of the Town of Vail that Ptarmigan has contracted the re-roofing of these buildings. This contract has been awarded to Plath Construction, and willcommence as soon as weather permits in the spring of 1998. Ptarmigan Managing Agent Tom Saalfeld :LQA.|I .X:{ : lo t ilT; :-',j:r' , + , .t*. =' ' 5- : -qq -(s rnx Et ,oT C6t-' ll -d X-ELacd \)c? dtr< a \ t nq a).f-fd 3.8:F -<i5,d a-r-+ C\d(+ao'a,k:+- c-GA o 'HozoE|d33.( uUEo6t, Ea o tl ri aEH E 6 Et! E o oo oC' o H cFII 6DL' o bH B 6 EHo!zo il:C{T!HE6 F oa0oo OE6Ao o F'o2;8 A.lEt AI o C' N JEf;8Er.tslAq|zo.AqEcto AFIEE EElla E E HC{gE E: ArI rrF 2B HTx E FH HE E: Et t E I H A li 6l.aH t{Ed-o !E ETE8 PEo aoB EO Al.{ l{qt Elr ito E& a Ec FIHoo EA oi i'eoro - EEc4dcroa(:,-EOHdgEAA|I o '41/46/1999 EBrSr REGIUESTS - INStrECTl! WORK SHEETS FORI L/ 6/1999 Act ivity: B9B-€t067 L/ 6/ 19 Type: A-MF Ftdclress: 1975 PLflCID DR Locat ion: L,TARIIIGAN TUI.lNHtllYlES f 975 pLAtrID DR F'arcet r c163-l L4-I7'Ao,0Description: REROtrF B.U.R. SAFIE FBR SAMEFtpplrcant: trLATH CONSTRUCTION Clwner: trTRRI4IBAN TOIINHOI4E ASSUCIATIONColtractor: [-'LATH CUNETRUCTIUN Statr-rsr ISSUED Cor'!Btrr AMF REPT 13 T Tor.tN tlF VRIL, EBLORADo F.A6E 4 AREA: CD Occl Use: V l-HR Fhone: 97O949 19OE Fhone: trhone:97O949 l9O3 In s pect ion Request Reqr-1ps1or: STEUE Req Tine: O8:{tO Items requested to 0crarg'a BLDE*F inal Infornation...., Connentsr JOB Ig;be Inspected. .. Fhone: F.INISHED - NEEDS Bct i on Conment s 949-r 905 TO BE FINALED Tine Exp Inspecbionltenl I'tem; Itel|l:Item: I t efi ! Item: It e ! Item: ltem:Iten: ItemrIten: Item: ItemlItenrIten:ItenlIten;Item: History..... {ArA51O dri veway grade f inal 0'ZrrllO BLDG-Foot i ngs/5t ee I tZ'rAraED BLD6-Foundat i on/5t ee I AOE3UT F,LAN-ILC Site trlangt0'a3ta BLD6-Fr-an ing rzilata4o * * Nob trn File * .x. OOrAS€t BLD6*Insulat i.on OraetgtA FL.D6-Sheetrock Nai I StrAflSO * * Not On File * * AO'a7O BLDG-FIi se. aaoger BLDE.-Final erg53'A BLDG-Tenp. C/0 @A531 FIRE_TEHF. C/A 04533 F,W*TEIYIP. U,/O 00933 pLAN*"I'Et'tF,. C/A OC'537 PLAN*FINAL C/O OA53A FIRE-FINAL tr/O 00539 pW-FINAL C/O 0O54O BLDG-Final C/Q !--.f-{tarr4\-,.!it t'fu| k;fr