HomeMy WebLinkAbout2645 Bald Mountain Rd,*fim
Design Review Board
Depaftment of Community DevdopnEnt
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657
telt 970.47€.2L39 f ax: 97O.479.2452
\,\€b: www.ci.vail.co,us
Prcject Name: Shaper Residence DRB Number! DR8030035
Project Description:
Addition for new master bedroom
OWNER SHAPER, STEPHEN & SUE Z. 0212612003 Phone:
APPUCANT Segerberg Mayhew Architects 0212612003 Phone: 47 64433
Kurt Segerberg
1000 S Frontage Rd West
Vail, CO
Ksegerberg@smarchs.com 81657
ProjectAddress: 2645 BALD MOUNTAIN RDVAIL Locataon:
2645 Bald Mountain Road
Legal Desctiption: Lot: 10 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 13
Parcel l{umberz 2L0LO340L027
Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR
Second ByrVote: Date of Apprcval= 0512712003
(PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of
Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).
Cond: 0
(PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with
Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.
Cond: CON0005876
As proposed, only one tree is to be removed. No additional trees are to be removed
during construction or a revised DRB application will need to be submitted'
Cond: CON0005877
Please provide note on plan that the ditch will be cleaned and maintained thru
Feb 24 03 12:41p
O2/24/o3 ION l0:3{ FA.X
PreC ash 134o srg1240 p.2
Vhoozs?10:"E SUTTRCtrS-vAIL
- {wr il 6ft1 tlA
Application for Design Review
Deqarltnenr oJ Corrxnu rity Developlrpnt -
zs S"llirrii-ni.s" Rouo' r aii' corooco -a-tesz'' l"i,'bi'o'oislzl3e ra (: e7037s'2452
\r'eb: www'ci t ail'cg'us
f,iffi'#iff;l,,Tffin r.u,ew m,.rsr r€cei'!,e "PP'*"ray.l{ttgXf$.;:"H$J3!llr"i9'F$T; f{fiiiJ'riiii" ir]* itrir ,"qiir"nr"nrt fotr the panicubr aPFl{ '5'il,';;;;.ily oevebpryenl D€Frttnent'. Thc
fl bir",'ffi :Hiii.!1:TtTk$:J,ilil"d;t'il,,H**"*"iu"*t*m':"?rrt;;lbesign raview rPPmvtl.lapse
one lear ol tho lFProval'
oesc iption of th€ Requclt' =444%#
Subdiei /zm fiqaal
Location of tlre Prop'Dsal:' Lol"-! z -/o
Physical Adress:
,/\ t
Parcel ltlo':
Narne(s) of l)wner(!;):
:"A ut-- 8o*- rhou yW- znot Yltlt-t'"W-n , Co 1168
(Contact Eagle G r' Ass€ssor ar 970-328-8640 for Parc€l no')
57EE_3--#4^'__5*tt/EL--JT^o h/es(- fu59,*'?lu'
'4tQ tzo3'f ,3--71D 7
TtDe ol Re.riew and F'e:
. SE.ts. Conc€Ptuat Revieul
- Nerr/ Conslfuclpn. Addition
. MirPl At.eration
(mult!fem Ylcommercial)
. MiFr Alt€ralion
{singl€ { aniv'f duplex)
- CtffEsi to ApProved Plans
' Seperation Request
$5o PUE 51'(P P€r squ
No Fea
$650 For corEtndion ol6P ro'""f,:,1'J'"Y
S25O tur minor changp!
rer@FrE, Palnur
Etaining wa[s' et
$20 For minor ct|angE
rercfing' Panru
aetaining walls' el
$20 Fcr tg,:sions to
D$iEn Fta/l6tY n'
No Fee
rte loot of total sign area'
a new buitdilrg or demo"EbYlld'
f n:l",1'Jfr '#5''ntTmrur'*:xi-
,: llf.'# :m*:%"^:"gT* : TJ^=;'*
il: Y,':ilr'Jfil:ilolffi,f;'"fls; "-
fi"m "t eadr aPproved by Plarrfng slafl or lhs
REcETvED v'iti',n
For Olficr?
DRB lllo-:-
FEB 2 4 2003
ulk e
Nlk e
Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8'1657
tel: 970.479.21 39 fax: 970.479.2452
web: www.ci,vail.co.us
'This checklisf must be submitted prror to Public Works review of a proposed development,
e Title Report (Section B)
u/ Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris
flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)
e _ Walermurse setbacks (if applicable){ rrer.s
g/tabeled eaements (i.e. drainage, utility,
pedestrian, etc...)e/ Topographyo/ Utilitv locations{ *Ajient roadways labeled and edge of
asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown
for a minimum of 250' in either direction
from property.
owners/project w^me: SHfi/E"Z PApgpe --Project Address:
Applicant:Phone Number:
Submittalf;t"rp.O survey of property\d Civil/Site plans
u/ Landscape plan
Survey Requirements:
^r/ Surueyor'. wet stamp and signature'sl Date of survev{r North arrowv/ Proper scale (1"=10' or 1"=20')
t W.rdescriptionr/, Basis of bearings / Benchmark
V. Spot Elevations{ tabeled right of way and property lines;
including bearings, distances and curve
. information.{ Lotsizey' Buitdabte Area (excludes red hazard
avalanche, slopes greater than 40%, and
Sile Pjen ReSurrements :
Access (check all)
Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan.s Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)
Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (307o of driveway area if
unheated; 10% of driveway area if heated)
All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development
Standards, p. 1 1 - Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):__
Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards,
ll, Construction Site (check all)V_ Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan.../ timits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan.0 | am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of
Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.0 | am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction.
Page 11 o'f 121071171Q2
| | l. Drainage (check all that apply)e The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p, 12.e (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)0 4 Foot Concrete Pan 0 I Foot Concrete Pan6 Pcitive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.0 Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan.e AHydraulic report has been provided. (As requested byTown Engineer)
lV. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)0 Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.0 A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineer€d and PE stamped.\4 Less lhan one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site
V. Floodplain (check all that apply)e The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.e 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan.e A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within corstruction limits or as
-, requested by Town Engineer)\/e The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain
Vl. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)\./8 The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)
^A A Ha-ard Report has been providede The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area.
Vll. Grading (check all that apply):/ e Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan.
y/ o All disturbed areas have been retumed to a 2:1 grade.e All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope
prolection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans.
e Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading.
. Vlll, Parking (checkall)
V/A e All residential and commercial parking spaces oonform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&,|5.
lX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)
'./ e All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feel have been Professionally Engineered and a PE
stamped detail has been provided within the plans.
e All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type
of wall constructione No retaining walls are required for this project.
X. Sight Distance (check all that apply),'/ s Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12.ePropersightdistancehasnotbeenattained.Exp|anationwhy:--
Addilional Comments
Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Review.
Page 12 of 12107117102
Applicants Signature
Botanical Name
GSCI!0gIt l,lane Quantily Size
E(lsrrf**"'foFu"ls -T4muLo,ptg' " A*w "
/" bw.
Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper
Coniferous Trees - 6' in height
Shrubs - 5 Gal.
Tyoe Squaleleetage
Please specify other featurs (i.e. retqfiing w_alls, fences,pools, etc.)
Page 7 of 't2107117102
Building Materials
lypc_sfMalcIial Color
Oth6rWall Materials
Door Trim
Hand or Deck Rails
Trash Enclosures
Retaining Walls
Exterior Lighting
t tdrn ,tW 76 kn-ra{ e) ltnm k)
Moort gt ,4 7tt nrLtt (e)
lhareh D
lump luurtyw;hftre./-l (F\
thpzcp G\
h,ooD Mk i fZ,ilue nnrU, Gl
t l-N/'r
STopr t€Tqu&t
Pleee specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip.
lhftT** E
fue 6 of 12107117102
r *r.*++t****{.f++**t+********++*,}+**************+*++****+***+**+*t ****** ** + *+ tt ****{, ***+** * ** **
TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement******1.****** * * *+ * **t ****+*'t **** ** **+ * * * ** * * * **+ + * t* +** * * ** * * * *******+ * + + *****+* * * *+***** t **
Stat.emenE, Number: R030003575 Amount: 9300.00 02/26/200303:2G pM
Payment Method: Check Init: ,JAR
Notation: 1253 0
Segerberg Mayhew
Permit No: DRBO30035 T14re: DRB - Addition of GRFA
ParceL No: 2LOLO34O!O27
SiIe Addre6s: 2645 BAID MOT,NTAIN RD VAII,
IrocaEion: 2645 Bald Mountain Road
Total Fees: S300.00This Payment.: $300.00 Total AIJLI Pmt6: $300,00Balance: $0.00************* ***+*** * * * ** **'* ** * * ********{.*,1*:}*{.*******{.***:t** ** ** * ** *****{.***+ + t:i'}*{. {. ***.t***
Account Code DescniDtion Cunnent Pmts
DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI^/ FIES 300.00
(f) ezz. B28 . o@e
@ arz .7sr.7ale
Adoh dcrobot ir nqutrd b
vicrr Erodum ond kch B.idr-
l Acrobql
& P""d;"-c"b.; I
Tech Briql:
Iesh Bdcf,:
I, sitefopm+ Li€htF*r,rrr. E$rfac6* Flardwarer cornell5:;ffiffi
L20l - 1202 Birhop
I t2ol Eolhrd Drnetrrbnr r 1.2O2 \^blllrtrount Dimenrions
r t?01 Bollonj lnrblloton r [202 \Afull]vlounl l*sblbfon
i licl, +n prnd,.rci '.,.,r,bar i:; inc?e;
The Bishop lighting series offers a versatile, contemporary
design that fits perfectly into a wide range of architectural
and landscape environments. Available in the L201-Bollard
version or the L202 Wall-Mount, the Bishop series brings
reliable performance and design sophistication to just
about any project.
. Compact fluorescent with electronic ballast. Solid cast aluminum construction
. Screw-in borosilicate glass diffuser resists insect and dirt
. Durable powdercoat finish with a multitude of color
options. Concealed base plate or wall bracket mounting; all
installation harware
included. UL listed for wet locations
Technical Specifications & Pricing
For ISO curves, polar plots, lamp data, complete technical
specifications and net pricing please call or download (see
below) the L201 and L202 tech briefs.
Flnish Options
Powdercoat is available in a palette of 18 standard colors
that includes gloss finishes, textures and metallics. Nearly
200 custom RAL colors are also available.
Trcfi IrrJ-UOl
I111s.c:uo-2_ |
hll free 877.828.00S9 ' ,,,r*.it-*doces.com loz BrsHoP t'lArr-MouNT
pg lof2
IHE BISHOP lighting suies dfers o rersotile, conlemporory design
thot fits perfectly inlo o wide ronge o[ orchitecturol ond londscope
environmenls. A,,oiloble in the l20l Bollord version or the t2O2
Woll-A/lount, the Bishop series brings relioble performonce ond
design sophistimtion lo iusl oboul ony proiect.
compoct fl uorescent . tech brief
Hectronic bolhll
muhi*oltog. ( | 2Ol2zfr'l
Cort olu.nirurn *oll
brocketAolost hol:ing
. Enhonces. SecuriV
. Courtyords
' Woll tighring
. Compuses
P/eose see the L20l Bishop Bollord tech brie{ for complete
sry.ifications on the bollard version.
Col duminum hcod
CfL 4-pin :ocka
l,cnp {prwided os speciffedl
Wtib bo.olili@b gl$5
diflurer, rcmrr-in
. Heod
ll" diomeler four-piece co$ oluminum wifi 3.5'diometer
whib borosilicote gloss screwin diffuser.
Ef ectronic, lhermolly protected ,l2O/277V combinotion lor
26W q 32W compoct fltrcrescent lomp, less thon l0% IHD,
0' F sbrting lemperolure. Bollost is conceoled in woll brocket.
. Lomp
Included. See lomp chorl, polor plot ond ISO cur\€s oo
ranerse side.
. Ccrtificolion
UL listed for wet locotions.
. tinish
Pordercool ovoiloUe in o polette of l8 stondord colors
fiot includes gloss finishes, texlures ond meklllics. Neorly
20O cuslom RAI colors ore olso ovoiloble. Pleose coll or
visil our web sile for o sbndord color chort ond for furlher
informolion on cuslom colo opions.
Cost oluminum wcll+nounling hockel, corer ond hordwore
30 Pine St,eet Pittsburgh, PA 15223 rel 87V.8289O99 tox 412.781.784Q www.forms-surloces.com LiahtFoFm+
sttEFotit+ > r.rcHrtoQfi+ sutlacEs+ HAtowAnE+ corN€uus+
t2O?rOlO5llol eliClt(Fr 2COl llshfdm. n! rod.nvlt.{ tdq.rd $rlls Ccrpcry. tlC
A roltts + SuRrAccs coMPANY
toll free 877.828.0m9 .,*,r*.ts*urfoces.com frz BrsHoP t,vArr-MtluNT
compod fluorescent. tech brief
POTAR PLOI (conde lo!
C ode Descriplion Bore Inirisl
Tem perolu re
toolccn dle
crM26 26W riple rube 4.pin GX24q-3 1800 3000 o75
CFM32 32W triple tube 4-pin GX24q3 24c0 3000 r,00
ISO cvwe ot ground bvel using 32W
<r.npcl flvorexent hmp.
The ISO crrve shows initiol footcondles lFCl
ot gror.rnd level 2 to l0 feel out lrom or olong
mounling woll wilh lixlure B feet obove
grode- Mointoined FC will rory depending
on sib condilions. td od:elt n:rr.rnling leighE,
plase conlocl foctory.
-1 2l ! i 2 3
l5O curw on urull using 32W
compoci fruoresent hmp.
The ISO curve shows initiol verlicol
footcondles {FCl meosured in leet from the
fixture woll brockel. Moinloined FC will
vory depending on site conditions.
Pdor plot uirg 3*V conpc! finre:r;ant
lamp. Reprt numb{ IRL l'20o5A.
lprxiry whd thtoqh W 31. 2@l)
f rco 20p 50. 4c"
Modcl Description Ncl Price
L202aF t2O2 Bislbp Wdl-4,'1ornl, compqct ftroresced, gddord p6^der@ot cdor $4so
Cusicrn RAI porvdercol cdor ne, Fia Ft otder fot eoch cwtom cdor odd $450
Fi*ure suppfied withont hrnp net deduaion per lAure subtroct $4
Stondord leod times:
4-6 weel.s ofter receipt of wrilten opprovols.
fticing does not include heighl.
Shipment is FOB Pinsburgh, PA.
y',ll diaensions ore nonlnol.
Sryitcotiorls od f'rilry sbi€'.l
tr dronge wifiol rotrce.
Quonlity Model Lomp Volrogc Finish Oprion
B t202-CF tr cFM26
tr cFM32
E wi$oul lomp
120/277 E poradercool, sbndord color
sebct fron chon
E po\ dercool, cuslnm RAI color
plase specify
30 Pine Streer Pittsburgh, PA 15223 ral 877.828A099 lox 412.781.784Q www.fo,ms-surfoces.com LiqhtFoPm+
Stftfor + > |.lcHttot + sutF^cEs+ HAtowARt+ cotNtrrus+
l?C?rolC5JlCl 9t-I,'a@,r 2COl tghfqn- ii o rqdeisr ol rd,6 r'l ldGr Cdrs.r tlc
A totl s + SuttacEs coMPANY
Feb 21 O3 12:2Op Pr eCaI sh 7134991e40o p.4
,i y>
of lhe coid County of
AlrD sut z.
TIIIS DEED, Mode thi6 sth doy of
and Slltc of COITORADO
7 702tt
and Stnte of lEXlS
L997 , bctween
o'|d Statc ofColorado describcd Ls follows:
whoss lcgal addrcsr is 325 RIPPLE
oftho said County of , grantea:
WfTnaESS, that the grantor, for and in sonsiders.tion of thc sum of Ien dollars and other good atr'd
DOLLAnS, the rc€clpt ond sufliciency of which is horebyvalsable coasideration
rckrowlcdgcd, has granted, bargniDcd, 6old snd convcycd, and by thcae preEcnta dos8 grBnt, bsrtain, scll, convoy ond confirm, unto dre
graDt€es, tJleir heirs snd sssiSns forever, not in tenaacy in c€mmon but in joint Enancy, dl rhc re!.| propsrty, togethcr with improvements,
ifany, situate, lying und bcing inthe snid Courty of EAGLT
LOr 10
LtliltHUf l;l! [!llu ltil r!!!!l I llil rr I rr rr ] [r r.
I cl ? n-ii'oo D 67'50 Srrr J Fichrr' Eeslr' co
nlso known by strcct snd numbcrar:2645 BALL UOITlflAf[ ROAD, \IAIL, CO 4155?
TOGETIIER witl rill ard singulnr lhe lrereditnments and appuftGnartccs thereto bolonging, or in naywire oppertnininB, atrd tlrE rev€rsion
lnd rcvcrsions, rsmainder and remainders, r€Dts, irsues sad profits thereof, Btld sll tbo cstate, right, titlc, iDt resr, claim snd dcrnand what-
roevcr of the grantor, eithor in low or equity, of, in flrd to the obovc bmgained paemiscr, widr the hcrsditemcDts ard appurtgnltnces,
TO HAVE Al{D TO TIOLD thc said prcmises sbovc bsrgained snd dqscribed, with the apputtsnancea, unto tho grontcc, his heirs aad
nsaigns forcvcr, And thc grantor, for himsolf, hir hcirs, and pc.rsonal reprosentdiveo, docs covcnEnt, grant, bargoin, and agrcc ro and with
ths grtrnt€c, his heiru ald assigns, th[t nt thc timc of the cnscnling and dclivcry of thesc prcscnrs, hc is well scized of lho prcmiocu abovo
conveycd, has good, suro, pcrfcct, absolute ond indcfcasiblc estats of inhcritanoc, in hw, in fcc simplc, arrd has good right, full powor and
hwful outhority to grsnt, ba.gaio, soll and convey thc samc in mE rncr aDd forrn as aforcsaid, and that lhc samo aro frco and cloar from all
formcr and othcr gEDts, bargains, sales, liens, t!xe6, llgc66mcots, oncumbrsrccs and fcstrictioos of whstever kind or naturc soevcr, cxca?(
Ibose matters set forth in Exhibit A attachcd hereto aad m.Ede a
part bereof .
The grsltor shEll md will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the rbove-bargained premiscs in rhc quict and pcaccnblc possassion
of rhe grartee, ltis hcirs and assigns, lgoinst all and every person or lrcrsons lawfully cloiming the whole or any part thercof. Thc singulff
numbcr shall include the plural, the ptural tho singular, and the uss of ary gendct shall be applicablc to all gendels.
IN WITI{ESS WHEREOF, tbe greotor htrs executcd rhis dced on thc dat€ sct forth rbove.
€4o=- B. s-t{+-
Courry of EAGLE
) rs'
The foregoing instrumcnt was ncknowledged beforc rnc this
My commission expires
Filx Nu, 9?0lilE6ll€l Stc*r Tlllc of Eogl. Crnrrrty, t]*i
No. 9zrA !^'A.R.R {,\TY DEEL (fo Joir|t T.'r|nt )
Rcv. r/97
rc lotIa
0,,* fr-ulln^llb) tqqZ,
my hlnd.|tnd
Feb 21 O3 12:ZOp
Attached toGrantor (s) ,
and made a part of Warranty Deed fron EVE Llto STEPHEN SIIAPER A}TD SUE Z. SIIAPER , GTanT.
PreCasho 99144(1 p.5
Taxes for the year L997, not yet a lien due and payablc
Reservations and exceptions in Patents, or Acts authoriissuance thereof, including the reservation of ttre righ:proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove tris oretherefrom should the sanne be found to penetrate or intersectthe prernises as reserved in United States Patent recordedAugust 22, 1955 in Book 157 at Page 304 and recorded May 6,1905 in Book 48 at Page 2?3 and recorded l.lay 51 1905 in Book 48at Page 5O9.
Reservations or exceptions in Patents, or in Acts author j.z ingthe issuance thereof, including the reservation of a right ofway for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of theUnited States, as reserved in Un j.ted states Patent recordedAugust 22, L956 in Book 157 at Page 3O4, recorded May 6, 1905in Book 48 at Page 273 and recorded May 6, 1905 in Book 48 atPage 5O9 and reeorded Mareh 31, 1915 in Book 48 at Page 591.
Reservation of one-half of all oil, gras and other minerals ascontained in Deed recorded May 3, 1950 in Eook 155 at Page 227.
Utility and drainaqe easements as set forth on plat of ValIVj-Ilage, Thirteenth Filing recorded November 10, 1972 in Book225 at Page 145 as Reception No. LZL932.
Terms, conditions, obligations, restrictions and easements asset forth in Protective Covenants recorded November to, L9'12 inBook 225 at Page 146 aa Reception No. LZL933, Fj.r$t Amendmentreeorded September 21, 1978 in Book 295 at Page 528 asReception No. t72O37.
||llilrlliltilil[ ]l] lilrillt ilil iltlllll lil llll6llS19 12/10/1997 E:O1? B7{5 P674? ol ? R 11,00 D 67.50 Srlr J Fishrr, Eelle, C0
Feb 24 O3 12:P e5h1:tP reCI '7 9912r+O134
p- 1
\t- f \ wNER'.5
-J erirs errrp.rirrion. Serein culled thc Cornprny. insurcs. as qrf Date rrf Policy shown in Schedtrlc A' against loss or damage
,,,,, "r.lr..li,r-" tlrc ,\nr,nrnt rf lnsurancc slatcd in Sshedule A, sttstainect or incurred hy the itrsrrred by reasotl rtf:
I l-itle t,, rh., ,rst$id rrr intcrest descriherJ in Scheclule A beirrg vested other than as stated lhereinl
l. Arr-r, r.letecr in ttt lietr or enctttnhrancc on thB title:
j. I .!unr:rrkchrhility of the titlc:
l. l.lek,rl-lr lighl rtl rrccess to anrl tittln the land.
I lrc ('ortrnrrnv .vill also Piry thc crtsts, atlome-vs' fees md tsxPenscs incurred
r'r rlk '.irtcnt pnrr'idetl in tlre Corrditirrrrs and Stipttlatious.
lN WITN ESS WH EREOF. Stewart Title Guaranty Company ha( caused
trrrlv rrtrthoriz.crl ,rtliecls lrs of thc Date oi Policy shown in Schedule A'
in dettnsc rrf thc title' as insurucl. htlt ()nly
this policy to he signed arrd sealerl hy' it.s
chn i rnan o{ the
l-rrul.tt ers r gnCO:
s IF\\/AR1"| lTt.E rrF EAGLE C()UNTY. lNC.
\:.:Lrrt ll) /{llr(lll5$
EXC l.US!0NS t"R0lr'1 Covl':RAl:li
flll'rrnr,i\'s' l!'cs rrr rjsluoscs which rlri$c bv rcltt|'n ol':
i,r\'tr.rrclllitli:,,," " .;i,'ii,t i, ", it, r,tiug.:.t 'i,,t,,ri rn Lrll'ccring rhc hnrj lrnr hrr:n rccorrlcd in lhu Puhlic .ccntdti nt Dntc Ql Policy'
'i\|^J)\'!l|\l(lo|]l!:lrlrr|1rrr|iuuJX)lv!lnrtl'xs|dct|hv. (lrtt. litn
.,t ll,l ie! .
; ".i,,.i,,*\rillnrt klr)wlr(lfe .
.: l)(li!ls. lic'rs. ettcrrrrrhr:rrter:s. Irtlvcrsc clrtinrs (tt (rthel nnrllcts:
iirt (rt:rtsrl. sltilcrsrl, xssulllcd ,rr ngrcctl ttr hy the insttred cloitDAnt;
\rririu! r,) rhc c.,rlllrrrr) try rtr" rn*rric.l cloirnonr prior ro rhc dote rhc insrrrcd clninrnni hccontc un insurcd trndsr lhilt PolilY:
L. r rusrrlting in nrr l,rss,lt (ltrutltgu lo lhc inlintcd chlinl4nl:
r.l) "tlrchini rtr c.cirlcd rtrltsc.lncnl t" Dnic ol'Policy: (rr
l'\' rhir lxrli(t. .Lr^ -.-r:.... tsu ---!a.\,r.rh,i .rn..;nri.n,',n;"]:i:';;,.!^.|ricltl|ri$gs|t||to|.t'hqt'nn!nct
,,t ti'.|.'rlrl lrrnkr Pl(y. strrtc irrsrrlvcucy. or sinril[r creditrrrA'tiFlltt,t lrwsi tllrt i'9 h[$cd (tn:
lrxrtlil rcsLrllr .'r licn crcditor.
s,.:riol No. o-9701-5355 I
,__ -, \,,J1 rl :._tr:t+
or j zed c ounte ls iqna ture
Feb ?it O3 12: 19p
Order Numhcr: 97o1486o-c2
Policy No,: o-97o 2 -5 3 55 l
13dtI p-?
Darc of Policy: Deeenbet
Amount of hxuuutce: $
L Name of I nsured:
67 5 ,OOO -OO
1997 ax 5 tO7 P.ttt-.
2.The e$ate or interest itt rhe lancl t'vhich is c.wcred hy this policy is:
3. Tltlr to the estate or intercst in the larul is vestal in:
4. The land refarred ro in this poliq is describctl as follov.'s:
Feb 21 O3 12:2Op PneCash
OnJcr Nwnber: 97o 14 86o-cz
t^4 1A
o 7l 3493 1U 40o p.3
Order Nunber: 97o 1 4 B6o-c2 Policv No.: o-97 o I-s 3 ss 1
This policy does not insure against loss or danage (and the hnzpany will not pay costs, atrcrneys'.fbes or expeittt's)
which arise by reason of:
1. Rights or claims ofparties in possession, not shown by the public records.
2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shawn by the public records.
3. Discrepancies,conJlictsin boundarylines, shonageinarea, encroachtnents, andany facts whichu.(:ut't'(.(r
survey and inspection ofthe premises would disclose and which ere not showtt by the public records.
4. Any lien, or right to a lien, .for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafier .funtishetJ, imposed b.t lun,
and not showtt by the public records.
5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents, or an au awhorizittg thu issuuttct *rro|
water rights, claims or tide to water.
6- Any and all unpaid taxes and assessizer2ts; and unredeemed xax sa.les.
7- The effect of incLusions in any general or speeific waxer conservancy, fire
Protection' soiL conservation ot other disxriet or incLusion in any wacer
serrrice or street imptovement az'ea.
8. Reservations and exceptions in PaXents, or Acts authotizing the issuancethereof, including xhe resetvaxion of xhe right of proprietor of a vein or Lodexo extract and. remove his ore xherefron shouLd the same be found to penetrate or
intetsect the premises as reserved in united states Paxenx recotded August 22 /1956 in Book 157 at Page 3O4 and recorded tlay. 6, 1905 in Book 48 at Page 273 and
recorded lttay 6, 1905 in Book 48 at page 509.
9. Reservations or exceptions in Patenxs. or in Acts authorizing the issuancethereof inc)uding the reservaXion of a right of vay for dixches or canal,s
eonsXrucXed by the authority of the Llnited ,States, as reseryed in UniXed States
Patent recorded August 22, 1956 in Book 157 at Page 304, recorded I'tay 5, l9O5in Eook 48 at Page 273 and recorded May 6, 19OS in Book 48 at page 5O9 and
recorded t'Iarch 31, 1915 in Book 48 at paae 591-
70. Reservation ot one-haif of al.L oil , gas.and othet minerals as contained ih Deed
recorded ttay 3, 1960 in Book 165 ax Page 227.
11. axiLixy and drainage easer?rents as .set forth on pTat of Vait village, Thirxeenth
Filing recorded Novenber 1Ot 7972 in Book 226 at page 145 as Receptjon No.
121932 .
12. Termst conditions, obTigaxions, restrictions and easenenxs a.s set forth inProtective Covenants recorded November 10, 1972 in Book 226 at Page 146 as
continued on next page
Continuation of ScheduLe B - ALTA Owner,s policy
Policy Nhmber: 0-9701-53551 -
Reception No. 121933' Firsx Anendment recorded Sepxember 21t 1978 in Book 295at Page 628 as RecepXion No. 172037.
'ot't 03/31 ION 09:46 FAX
30t 823 2282 STARCHS-DENYER
@ ool
(IMPAtrTIY:FAXFTIntEm 7l3499-n40
rmne HOLLYRIDGWAY PAGES 4 @Meletwtu)
Mr. Shapr,
The following is the Croologic Ha"nd Actnowledgmenf fqm that was sent !o us by
the Towu of Vail after initially reviewing the proposcd addition for your residenoe st264;5
BaH Mounbin Road. Per the torr4 they rcquirc that )lou sigp this state,meat strowing that
you bavc read the geologic rcports prEesred for this recidence by Dr. Collins and
sr@ueut other geologic connrltants. I am attaching this informalion for 1lou to review.
Please eign tbe brm aud fax it back to Ifurt for inclusion in the Town of Vail staff
rypmval prroccss. Please f€€l fioe to contact me should 1rou havc any additional questime.
Ptc|sc cdhat lhe rbovc radcr ar dE ||ur|ter bc,tqw if {FrG &! dry qucstifis rcgrdhf lhis tsnsnis3io{t-
T}islictimih i8 irtand€d only frr tho addrcert md m.y co .h idqDrtion thrt i5 priv cgcd |rrd conffdc ial. If ftc rceda of rhic nqsqg€ ismt tl3 ierdcd rccipint, ),ou rre lu,Gby noti6cd tt|r Dy ditsanildbr, dilbituticflt s cqying of thi! cdEttrnicrtion ir stlictly FotdbibJ. |fyou ll&rt Ecsivad lhis conrrunirlior in cna, plcesr notify us inrucdiatgly rt th€ Duribcr bclow to 8nrrr8c ils t€tum. Thurt you. '
ScgerbcrS, Mayhcw & Associrtes Archite0t6, p.C., A_t.A-
ytin Oq"9 l0oo- Sourt Ftiort !r Rod WctL Srilt 30O . V.il, S tt65? e phonr: 9170 476 a133 . j!i: gto a76 aLDc{w.r - Olft.:, tdlt lt'.t. Sr*r Srt Ct . Dro!,tr, @ oac! e ploi 3[r 621 j3t5 . i|i-lUt-''-t8floril: irfr@nrJb.co[ b:/r,ftFr,,snarlr-cou
'0S 03/31 IoN os:46 FA-x 303 623 2262 SI.ARCES-DENYER 9g-o-z
The underr[ned haVlrave .r+ed(ne Afutdb.Hazard Report, dated
the conclusioos thatthe gopreed buiHirrg is bcated in a
hazard zone, ard there is the potential hazard ofl4E&E reaciing the proposed house, causirg damage. We are prepared to
accept thrse facB and rcquestihe Toln of Vail Bu;lding DepailmenJ€rant us a permit.
(Namc, Owrer)
(Narns. Oilne|
) ts.
My commission expfr$: /A 'l 4 -0:/
couNTYoFEAGTE itt'
nre fomgoing insfument vuas acknwtedg€d before me stis
day of2A . bv . known lo rne
to be the person wtrcse mme is subsaribed to the'oregoirg insfument and
acknowledged to me lhat he executed the eame b'the purpmes and consideration
therein opressed.
My comndssion ereires:
2008, prlpaqld by
- ,IO
," ^ Tfg foregoing inBtruryCntvrres. acknffibdgqJ bqfore me this c,t' aay ol
=UW .2ofll,by Sfotye- frut- 5-(a!u?t-t-t, knornrometobe
the persoir urrtroge namE is subscribetl to thc foregoingfinstrumenl and adrrrcwledged to
me that hr: executed the samefortle pupose8 gnrl conslderatioqtherain erprassed.
Notary Public, State ot TexasMy Commission ExDires
Dcccmbrr 14, 2004
\\vrande\Ed dFORMSVldqds ]bd R3vk'*.dc 0t(lgnm?
ERrJcE ri. CotlNs, Rt.D., D3^
Conrns & Assocnrss
GEolocrcAl AND NATURAL REsouRc Cor{surr NIs
P-O. Box23 . 1 l 16 MNEoTA DRrvE
S[T, CoroRADo 81652
PHorue/Fnx (970) 8 76-5400
January 31, 2003
Holly Ridgway
Segerberg Mayhew Architects
1617 Wazee St. Suite C2
Denver, CO 80202
Rn: 2645 BALD RoAD, LoT 10, ]3D FIuNc,
Vrur Mu.rca (SnarER Rrsroeruce)
Dear Ms. Ridgwafc
At your request I have reviewed Town of Vail Geologic Hazard maps; previous studies relating
to such hazards and mitigation recommendations (specifically a letter report from Craig B.
Frithsen of Engineering Designworks, Inc., to Evi Nott dated December 10, 1996; a letter report
from Nicholas lampiris, Consulting Geologist, to Eve Nott dated August 13, 1997; and a letter
report from Nicholas Lampiris to Eve Nott dated October 22,79971\;and mitigation construction
descriptions as contained in these studies, with regard to a proposed addition to the residence
at2645 Bald Mountain Road. In addition I visited the property on January 9, 2003. Based on
various phone descriptions ofthe proposed addition, together with the sketched site plan
provided by facsimile on December 2,2002, it is my understanding that construction of the
addition may impinge upon the berm constructed to divert potential debris flow in the drainage
located behind (north oflthe residence.
Although the property was snow-covered at the time of my visit, it appears as though the north
wall of the addition will indeed cut into the berm constructed to divert potential debris from
northwest to southeast past the residence. So long as the addition foundation is equal to or
greater than the strength of whatever portion of the berm is removed (almost certain), equal to
or Sreater than the height ofthe berm with no openings up to that equivalent height, and final
foundation drainage and site grading designed and constructed to prevent accumulation of
surface and ground water, including snowmelt, in the berm or the area between the berm and
the foundation, the addition should have no effect on the ability ofthe berm to perform as
intended. Final site drainage should ofcburse be properly integrated into adjacent property and
street drainage systems.
' The available copy of tlre August 136 letter is an unsigned computer file, and it may in fact be a draft of the
October 22"d letter, to which it is almost identical.
,lI 't,i
Page 2
Should construction of the addition require the removal or alteration of any portion of the berm
followed by reconstruction thereof, the restored portion(s) should be tied into undisturbed
portions in such a manner as to prevent erosion or failure of transition locations, as well as
compacted to approximate original density and strength.
Finally, although the magnitude of the problem was masked by snow cover at the time of my
visit, it is clear that small aspen trees and shrubs are growing on the inside banks of the
diversion. These trees and shrubs, along with any debris that may have accumulated, must be
removed and the channel keep clear for the diversion to function as designed. The inside bank
can be vegetated with native grasses and low-growing perennial forbs if desired, but tall debris-
generating annuals, as well as shrubs and trees that can obstruct flow, should be rvoided.
So long as the integrity of the overall drainage syst€m, including the drainage diversion
described above and in previous studies, is maintained as recommended, there is nothing to
suggest that the proposed construction will increase the hazard to other property or structures,
or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities, or facilities or other
properties of any kind. This report is intended to complywith appropriate portions of Town of
Vaif Regulations Chapter 12-27-75, and nothing contained herein should be interpreted as
suggesting that the subject property is not exposed to the described hazards, or that mitigations
recommended herein can or will eliminate such hazards in their entirety. lf you have any
questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
hoorr NT lv(Inc4: This rcport concems natural pro.esses that ar€ unprcdictable and in large measure poorly understood, lt
b interded to ileotiry po&ntial obsera:able hazards widrin the scope of work to whiclr tlre subjecl property is eryced and
to sqggest mitigating measunes in complhnce with applicable regulations. llotfiing in this r€port should be constnred or
interpreted as suggesting the absence of the described hazards, or that the rccommended mitigations will protect the subject
property fi'om the described hazards under all circumstances, forcseen or unforrscren. Nothing in this report should be
construed or interpreted as suggesting that additional unidentified hazards are not prcsent. lt must also be understood that
'mitigation" does not mean either the elimination of the hazard(s) or prwention of dre consequenccs of a hazard errent or
wents, only $e reduction to tlle extent reasonably poesible ofthe latter. By acepting this rcport all present and subsequent
parties thereto agree to indemniry and hold harmless the prcparer for any and all damages, dircct, indirect or consequential,
including personal injury or lms of life, above and beyond the original cost of this strdy, caused by or resulting from any
occurrence of tJrc described or other hazard(s), whether or not such damages may result from frilure to identifo said hazard(s)
or from failure or inadequacy ofproperly engineered, constructed, and maintained recommended mitigations. The preparer
of this report cannot and will not b€ responsible in any way or manner whatsoever for the proper engineering, construction,
and/or maintenance ofrecommended mitigations, or the inadequacy or failure of impmperly engineened, constructed, and/or
maintained recommended mitigations, or mitigations that have been altered in anywaywhatsoener from thooe recommended
by the preparer. This r€port may b€ emended or withdrawn witlrout notice at any time pdor to receipt of payment.
Februarv 24.2003
Department of Community Development
Town ofVail
75 SouthFrontageRoad
Vail, Colorado 81657
To Whom It May Concern;
Per the requirements of the Town of Vail, we are submitting the necessary
documentation for a proposed remodel to Lot 10, Block 2 of the 13'n Filing, Town of
Vail, also known as the Shaper Residence a|2645 Bald Mountain Road for your
determination of StaffApproved or Design Review Board status. Enclosed in this
submittal are the (3) sets ofarchitectural floor plans, elevations, site plan, title policy and
stamped topography map as required by the Design Review Board and stated in the
application for residential additions.
The primary goal of this project was to create an addition within the allotted
square footage allowable that would translate into a cohesive, functional and aesthetically
appealing entity at the north end ofthe residence. In doing so, we intend to construct this
structure using the materials and methods that will match the existing state of the building
and maintain the fundamental elements of its existing desigr. As anotherprimary goal
for this project, we have intentionally tried to minimize the impact that this new
construction would have on the existing landscape, site and building. This is to
emphasize that the new construction will not deter from the existing hazard precautionary
measures already in place. The Town of Vail has on file an existing site-specific
geological report outlining these hazard mitigation measures and confirmation that
construction in this area will not increase the hazard to surrounding propefiy or
structures. We are re-submitting this information for your use.
Additionally, we have employed the services of the geologist who performed the
original site study to ascertain if any additional mitigation parameters should be taken
under advisement for the site. His report is included in this submittal Should you have
any further questions, please feel free to contact Bruce Collins of Collins & Associates
(970-876-5400). Additionally, if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns,
please do not hesitate to contact myself or Kurt Segerberg at the information listed below.
Thank you for your time.
+tukytuHolly LI Ridgway
Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates Architects, P.C I. A.,A
Main Office: 1000 Sourh F?ontage Road West, Suite 300 . Vail, CO E1657Denver Office: 1617 Wazee Sireet. Suite C2 . Denver. CO 80202
email : info@Bmarchs.com
. phonc:phoni:: 303
970 476 4433 . fax: 970 4?6 460E621 3155 . fax 303 623 2262
http rh$tw'smarchs.com
I2/13/OZ F'RI 15:ti FAX 970476{608 SUARCES-VAIL ...'-' sfA DENVER
Eve B. Nott
Enclosure #2
In the spring ol'1984, ir small, seasonal, spring-fed underground sfi€am on the east end ofLot 10,Block 2, l3th Filing flowed above ground and, after sereral days of rainy weather. overflowej
onto adjacent l,rnd and the sheet below. No damage wal done to any structure or building. Alllandscaping reroained intact. During this time-fraure, th: owners, at their expense and under thesupervision of the Town of Vail's Public Works Deparfrrent, construcGd with the appropriate
heavy equipment a large diversion channel extending tln, entire length ofthe lot. This-new aeep
channel adjace:rt and above the original strcanr bed has fully contained any and all subsequent
water flows. ,\dditionally, high berms were conshuctrd along the channel's banks to nutn"t
enlarge its volrme and "car4ring capacity". Steam fl:w volume has always been a fraction(<l/20th to l/.00ttr) of the new channel's capacity. ,,\nother massive berm was constructed
along the west:rn and northwestern lot lines and 20 lirge blue spruce fees were planted forftdher protectirn. These berms form a protective basin and barrier for any flash floodings, etc.All these mitigirtion measr.ues remain in place.
L2/13/OZ FRI 15:16
IE.69,036 Disctaimer of ti"ftiil-Tt.is chapter is UasJ on'scientific. and engineeringconsiclerations which ur, .onriir"ify .being d&eloped.compliance with ,r,r -pi""iJi#" L"..in cannot insurerreedom rrom ri1f.::,.jir;,' ;ii;i;:. r)roperry. rhis sectiorrshall lrot create liability on the iart of the Town of vail or,Tt",l,i::; lJ,,l?n,"r..,r,rl.oiio.,,nv-o"mase that may
"*l:"--l"#;'u1"'*:1.'nf .:i;fill:T,i'o:$H:l',:T';:;
. certaln areas as. n."lild areas or geologically sensitive areasl*"1::11, to maps.incorporated Into il, ;;";i;;';;:; "",rmpty rn any way that,reas not,o-a.sign"r.J "r. fiJ, fr"*1f risf- to life, saf.ty or property(ord. 5(t985) $ 4.)
Attachment 3
Letter from Mr Berryman
12/13/02 FRI 15:16 FAX 9704764608:o"
At:achmeirr 2
, O
'r'r'+ SUA DENvER
Pirkin County Public Worl<s
76 Service Center Road
Aspen, Colorado 8l 6l I
(970) 920-s 3 90
Fax: (970) 920-537'4
October 9,1996
Mr. Russell Fcrrest
Community f tevelopment Department .
Town of Vail
Via Fax: 970-479-2452
Dear Mr. Forrest,
I w;rs employed as the Public Works/Transportation Director for the Town of
Vail in May cf 1984 and was responsible fol the deploy nent of Town resources during the
mudslides that occurred at that time. After the Bald Mountain mudslide, Ms. Evie Nott
constructed a diversion channel above her house appror:imately l2 feet deep and a L''erm
approximatcl't 25 feet in height as mitigation for future nudflow events. It is my opinion
that this structure should effectively divert all but the m)st catastrophic future mudflow
event awf,y fiom Ms. Nott's house. Please call me ifyt u have any questions or if you
desire any ad litional information.
Stan Berrvmr e,ctor ofPublic Works
t2/t3/o2 FRI I5:I8 FAI,9704764608 SUARCHS-VAIL
Attachment 4
Letter from Laupiris and lfap
Cotuttls & l-avPtnts
C(tN${.TrNri (itlrrril$rs
p_e. gr.rx 23
Stt,'t, C(tl lxnl)o 8 | 652
PrloNptr^x (970) ll?6-5400 (24 Hot Rs)
-r+ SIA DENVERl,970476{608o @or4
October 22' 1997
Eve B. Nott
PO Box 792
Wail, Colorado 8l( 58
RE: Hazarc| Mitigaton Evaluation, Nott Residen ce,2645Balc Mountain Road, I,ot 10, 130'Filing,
Vail Village.
Dear Ms. Nott:
I visited the above r,:ferenccd home in Vail recently for thc pur pose'of a geo|ogic hazard evaluation,
especially as ir pertains ,"'iifg^r""-i^ place to *'f;|";t; ;;ir st deUris.avalanchc potential' As you
know l{igh Debris FtovJ ilJil;; Ltpp"a for t-l'is propcfl v in le84'
years ago wirt "f 'ectiv"i' li"tn flows to th" #;;';; f,o*" u' the oresent channcl is now
config'red Obvio,rsly, ;.ilffiil"tiJtn" U"r* f,fl, *i h time, it ,nu'ib" pcriodically cleaned
to Perform as desi gned '
This horne i, nou, out'Jirir" o"Urh"*ii"" t""""i" ti" rin" will now iollow t'e bottom of the
trench to delineat: tft" io-*t reaches of this hazard in this area'
Tireproperty-did lie in ag-eologgtly;T'..1'l]r"-:-.-P but devel'rpm"ll'of th: berm as indicated did not
increase the hazud to other property, ", o.,ltlt*r;'it:''i f"uii" rights-of-wav' 1-oa{s' ltrgJll'"
easements, utilities or facilities or other properties Ji a"v ki' d 'rtr't" are funher questions' please
contact me.
Since relY,
NichllasLarnPiris ''
Conrulting Geologist
,-t,rr,."--. A'lr rdEalE iY ./
- cDl(rlucll(xqr
-_- / . DrE$ Dfisl\. J4'
\\ - ..-gr*-.r<\\\
Attachment 5
Supporting Letter from Engineering Dr'signworks, Inc.
,rrr,t,r,* .FRI l5:17 "* nt:ntryl SIARCES-VAIL @or7
December 10, 1-)96
Evi- Nott
2645 Bald Moun':ain RoadVail, CO 81658
Reterence: Deb::is hazard assessment for hcRoad
To whon it may concern,
The following .Ls a sunmary of our findingswe j-nvestigate the potentia] for debris destructure.
A site visit tr> the structure l5'cated in Ithirteenth fil.Lng of Vail Village, in Vai.lOctober 10, 19'15. The structure itself aplapparent signs of foundation novement, or sslope immediat':Iy to the north of the strtof approxi:nate.Ly 200 feet through a densethe aspens ttre slope steepened considerablmostly sagebru;;h. The slope lessened in pjhigher and aga.Ln was forested with a largeslope instabil Lty or debris movenent werethe aspen grov,ts indicate slope stability
The Arthur Meacs 1984 Debris FIow and Debrprepared for t.re Town of VaiI indicate the
moderate debri; flow hazard zone. The CharGeologic Hazar,i Maps also indicate the str
edge of an arel of ttpossible recurrent flchydrocompactio.f t!. The hazard is due to rru
30965 Motlat Avenue P.O. goxT't5729
Steamboal Spdngs, Colorado 8O477
(303) 879.4890 (303) 949.48?3 FAr( (303) 8?9.4905
use at 2645 Bald Mountain
per Evi Nott,s reguest Lhatmage to the above ref.erenced
,ot 10, Block 2 of Lhe, Colorado was performed oneared well four:ded with nolope instability. A moderatecture rose for a distance -stand of aspen trees. Beyondy and the vegetation becametch severaL hundred feet
aspen grove. No signs ofnotedf and the naturity offor the past decade or two-
'is Aval.anche Hazard Mapsstructure is LocaLed in ales S, Robinson 1975'ucture is located on the
'oding, debris flows and.off frorn the slopes above.
A lirge berm a:rd ditch $rere constructed b1north and east of the structure upon recorofficials. Thi; benn/ditch follows the nalslopes above (oorth of) the structure aDddrai-n at BaId .!tt - Road to the east of thethat the risk fue to flooding or debris flthe creation of the bernr/ditch structure,not adversely af*'ect or increase any tl4)e
_ ppgpertibs.
Like nany su-bdivisions .in this area, Ioo6rslopes above cculd result in mud or rock rheavy'moisture years, but the slope behin<indications of such slope failure, and ma1to such failure due to its southern ex?oslcontent. It is our opinion that this strursignificantly higher risk of debris damagr
'/'7 '^Sincerely ,t/n , t,7',-
'the owner in 1984 to the
unendation of Town of VaiI.ural drainage path fron the
channel.s seasonal flows to astructure. It is our opin:on
.ows is-_e_19:!]X.:S9qged by
and thafttre berm/ditch doesof hazard to other
rning of the soils in the;lides during particularlyt the'inlre,:ture
structurefact be l-ess
r than rnost in
ana appardoes not
15: 18 FAX 970476
trnr OI:'i. sra'iDEgvm @6rz
At :achmeht 2
Pitkin county Public worl<s
76 Service Center Road
Aspen, Colorado 8l 6l I
(970) 920-5390
Fax: (97O) 920-537'4
October 9, 1996
Mr. Russell Fcrrest
Community trevelopment Department .
Town of Vail
Via Fax: 970-479-2452
Dear Mr. Forrest,
I w;rs employed as the Public Worksffransportation Director for the Town of
Vail in May cf 1984 and was responsible for the deploy nent of Town resources during tlre
mudslides that occurred at that time. After the Bald Mountain urudslide, Ms. Evie Nott
constructed a diversion channel above her house appror:imately l2 feet deep and a berm
approximatcl't 25 feet in height as mitigation for future nudflow events. It is my opinion
that this structure should effectively divert all but the m)st catastrophic future mudflow
event away fiom Ms. Nott's house. Please call me if yc u have any questions or if you
desire any ad litional information.
Stan Berrymirn,bctor of Public Works
February 24,2003
Department of Community Development
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
To Whom It May Concem;
Vail, also known as the Shaper Residence at2645 Bald Mountain Road for your
determination of Staff Approved or Design Review Board status. Enclosed in this
submittal are the (3) sets ofarchitectural floor plans, elevations, site plan, title policy and
stamped topography map as required by the Design Review Board and stated in the
application for residential additions.
The primary goal of this project was to create an addition within the allotted
square footage allowable that would translate into a cohesive, functional and aesthetically
appealing entity at the north end of the residence. In doing so, we intend to construct this
structure using the materials and metlods that will match the existing state of the building
and maintain the fundamental elements of its existing design. As another primary goal
for this project, we have intentionally tried to minimize the impact that this new
construction would have on the existing landscape, site and building. This is to
emphasize that the new construction will not deter from the existing hazard precautionary
measures already in place. The Town of Vail has on file an existing site-specific
geological report outlining these hazard mitigation measures and confirmation that
construction in this area will not increase the hazard to surrounding property or
structures. We are re-submitting this information for your use.
Additionally, we have employed the services of the geologist who performed the
original site study to ascertain ifany additional mitigation pararneters should be taken
under advisement for the site. His report is included in this submittal Should you have
any further questions, please feel free to contact Bruce Collins of Collins & Associates
(970-876-5400). Additionally, if you have any further questions, comments, or concems,
please do not hesitate to contact myself or Kurt Segerberg at the information listed below.
Thank you for your time.
A_g_C"tb",g, M"yh"* & Associates Architects, P.C., A.I.A.
300 . Vail,Denvcr, CO
CO 8165? . phone: 97O 476 4433 ' fax: 9?0 476 4608E0202 . phoni: 303 623 3355 ' fax: 303 623 2262
http://www. smarclts.com
Perthe requirements of the Town of Vail, we are submitting the necessary
documentation for a proposed remodel to Lot 10, Block 2 of the 13'Filing, Town of
ffbit r^+z
Holly fL Ridgrvay
Main OfTice: 1000 South Frontage Road West, SuiteD€nver OlIice: t6l7 wazrc SEcct. Suite C2
emai| info@marchs.coh
Attrchment 3
Letter from Mr Berryman
@ oro
lE.69,036 Disctaimer of ti"Uilil-Tt.is chaDrer is Uasra -oi'scientific.
and engineeringconsiclerations which ";; "oniiiu"rrv .being dweloped.compliance with ,r,r..-pi""iii"*
'crein cannot insurefreedom from risk_ t.9 tifJ,-;;i;;; r,roperry. This scctionshalt irot crcare gltiO ;l ;;i"i of the Town of vait or.any olficer or employec thereoi fo, ,,ny damage.that mayresult from rerianie on trris *apief, lr any administrativedecision lawfully made t.r.u,iJ.r. The desigriation of' certain areas as' l:-.riro ".."r oi-g-.-orogicalry sensitive areasli:::_1i, ro maps_incorporated Into ilii;;i;;iio"r, no,rmpty rn any way that arlas not so designated are free fromatt risk to life, ,*ry o. prof.iiy. -- '
(ord. s(198s) $ a.,,
Lz/rs/oz FRI 15:15 FAI I704 7 6/t6 08
Eve B. Nott
Enclosure #2
In the spring oJ'1984, a smallt seasonal, spring-fed underground strean on the east end oflot 10,
Bloc'k 2, l3th liiling flowed above ground and, afrer seleral days of rainy weather, overflowed
onto adjacent l:rnd and the street below. No dem4gg was done to any structur€ or building. All
landscapiag reioained intact. Drning this time-frame, th: owners, at their expense ana undcr the
zupcnrision of the Tor,rm of Vail's Public Works Deparhen! constructed with the appropriate
heavy equiprneot a large diversion channel elfte,nding thr' entire length of the lot. This-newdeep
cbannel adjacert and above the original strearn bed has fully contained any and all subsequeirt
water flows. r\dditionally, high berms wffe construct(d along tlre channel's banks to fi,rfter
enlarge its vohtne and 'tarrying capacity". Steam fltw volume has always benn a ftaction(<llz0th to l/.00ttr) of the new cbannel's capacity. ,\nother massive berm was constnrctcd
along the vfest3m and northwestem lot lines and 20 krge blue sprucc tees were planted for
fi[tlrer protectirn. These berrns form a protectivc basin and barrier for any flash floodings, etc.
All thcse mitigrtion measures remain in place.
97 0476 il6oB @ oos
?:*':: f::H:"11"
RE: .gsgs1,. Hqzo;d for d,uilcr at
Dcor. Mr. Iauriollol
Sharpe/ PE
Etflr sruor onnl*r.:.:,,.11 t n.ril
',,fotili,'.t';i:"' r;lll8b l;too Eor.seii" r;;illjljilllHl
2625 EcId tkuntaln Fd. (EE&S Jobli 96{f3)
Fc' the rcquest "5r,:Tl:. L1nn, trrr' te.:Eor Eu''ariz
;i:iil:i$*:riil:;$tu::n:*a-:f ;il*f ljiiT;lt.l,Tl,iiil:necrr its c,>ailusnco wrttr it!..r1;;$ mour.raln above.The To.im o.! vo{.l,a..planntng. !'!ps FTt:g_!his.lot to be in o ,,hion
- -'lii'i, !1u." r. n e. nr ii -tn! i r annrns
" bioad ri,iiir, " Ti{ #i";:::Jlli ii"i.;li: #FJ"ft 3i!; Fl,x3ilgg, "." .The structlrre appear"g rgrr rcundedr :n{ 10 lndlcations of founcrationHiliHT: ::;";:tri"i:i.iH**i;Hi;{r"!ii oiryl[s.:3i,:*::"1:n*'i*;"tn"slgne of st,r'ain or po6t-ccrr"ii""-cio"-arcvenent. tto-inorcatious of rocl,.or other dr,bris darrrlss ,is ;;iil;'inc ir,e- niiirdlr^leportec none hesoncurrsd sjoce the sLr.uctuEe,s cinitructlor,,
rhe denett!.of the A:pgl-grovec near ths top ano bottom o, the hiltappears to ir:0lcale.Itttle i".i. ntsment hai il;";;;; ln th€ r.a-sr:ccvgrrr decerJcs' r'rkE rrany sou'oi"iei""i l"-tiliJ-i;;, loosenrnE of thesoilr tn th..e nounlain.rf opiu--olio-"esur: rn-sriO o"-iocr, srldes durinqparticulorly harvy_rvclstuie, V""rr; but,t.re "fopj l"nina thls duplexslrowgd no rndicarloy 91 "ucit-JiJi" fall.rre. iid ilv'ro rrcr be of l.wersusceptrbiri'rv du€ to lts hrsh roii .""i,ini'"ii-"li{rr.rn exposure.r,t 1r thr cpls{or of thts otficr tn!.t thLE EtrUcture dora not hfvg a::gr,islg*t Iv _higher rrcrr o! aebsis cyl,ii dil ;;; rn tbe vair arer,and tbat cr: addirto".l:gpo+y.dcsrgaed e.id conetruciua Der noraar uBcguidartner utrr not rncrian'tr,r trizara ,:o-oiriri-iiiirrty or lrrucrur.l,or to gulllc butldlngal rtghtE-o!-w"y, r,:1d., rtririi, raasglntr,utilttlee ct frcllLt-iat.
I" !gp9 thlE retrer provirles lrre r'frrr.rua:ion deslred. pleage do nothesltete tC corrua,;L i,rv it c rdoy bo of f:rrthsr asslstance_
@ oo?SIARCES-VAILr2./I3/O2 FRI 15:18 FAX 9?0476r160E
, l,V
\--.._ ^
p> t F;i F $ r:\-F\i^ t 3 I
"! : I o-;c $ t sri $ ( qnr3.?s'3-1'rr li,E
$$ii s
*$i; F
L2/I3/02 FRI 15:14 FAX 970 4764608
Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Villagc 13th Filing
Not until recer:dy, when an application was hrmed dowa for a local bank home equity loan dueto the fact their town maps iaclude many propcrties in h,azard zones, Lot l0 among thenr did it
become appare nt that thc 1984 mitigation efforts to Lot ..0 were not documented. Elphining the
situation to Serior Environsrental Policy Plauner, Mr. .tuss Forrest, he assurred -" tlrut it i, u
routine ma$er and town regulations are in placc for such circ,'mstances. (See attached map
examples.) Ol significancc here is a quote ftom Andy li.nudson contained in the enclosed lettei
stating that a ".righ hazard" debris-flow designation on r/ail's planning maps '\vas a very 'bmad
brush' and not necessarily applicable to most of the map>ed lots" (enclosure #1), It is significant
ttrat Ods enclosed leffer was submitted to the Comsrunit,Development Deparbnent as part of an
application for a new two-story large home addition with a woodeo foundatioa to be built ten feet
from Lot l0's westers property line - both lots being rn the same mapped hazard zone. This
addition was recently approved without any special hrzard zone building requirements -- in
effect adjusting the hazard-zone desigaation. Mr. Forrest exptained that this was allowed.
because effective mitigation was already in placc ou Lott l0 and I1.. These mitigation measures
are explained ilr enclosure #2.
Because I am rot applying for a building addition, etc., he procedure for documenting effective
mitigation mearures in order to adjust a portion of the ex sting hazard zone on Lot l0 is different.
Council appror al is required rather than Community De'elopment and Design Review approval.
It should be mrde clear that the Town of Vail or any of is officers 111 employees hold no liability
for statements and/or decisions regarding hazard areas rr geologically sensitive areas. (Please
see enclosure #3, Sec. 18.69.038 Disclaimer of Liability.' As we have sp€nt a great deal of effort
and funds estat lishing effective mitigation berms and a r ew channel, it is appropriate to have the
hazard maps r:flect ftgss improvem€nts and "clear" he building (home) and certain lower
portions of the lot from a "hazafd'! designation. The rortion of the lot above the mitigation
channel will renain in the current designatiou. As the roaps presently show, the house achully
appears not to he in a "hig[hnzard zone" but because of its grass (sod) roof, the aerial photos are
unclear. (It is stated in the Hazard Study Report that *hazrd lines terminate at theuphill sides of
buildings; this:ndicates that flow en€rgy will be absorbe d by the building"). It is apparent from
studying 0tc mips that most homes are not included in high hazzrrd zones for this aforementioned
A Colondo licensed Consulting Geologis! Nicholas Lrmpiris, Ph.D., was hired to do a site-
specific study ts required by Town of VaiI zoning reguktions. According to Town of Vail files,
Dr. Lampiris lras executed many site-specific analysrs for owners of properties in similar
geologically seositive areas- A survey of the lot and rew sFearn channel was done by Eagle
Valley Surveying Company. A revised hazzrd, map lbr the lot was drawn by Mr. Richanl
Benidge, licen:€d Landscape Architect and a former V.ril area land planner. All professionals
coDtactcd regarding Lot l0 sttpport the effeetivness of alt mitigation measures presently in place
and concur with Dr. Lampiris' findings.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contac: myself or Dr. Laurpiris.
<-.-' . IZ,->t \'asl*-
Attachment 2
Additional Background Infon oation
fron Ms Nott
r2/L3/o2 FRI 15:12 FAX 920426460EI STARCf,S-VAIL
Attachment I
Tovm of Vail Debris Ftow Map
Moderate llazard
View of Ditch and Berm north. of
2645 Bald Mt. Road
View of the baclside of the berm
directlv north oflvG Nottjs home
@ o04o
L2/t3/O2 FRI l5:12 FAI 9?04764608
V ill Tovvn Council
C>mmunity Development
O:cember2. 1997
Modification ot high debds tlow hazard designafon lor ZBIS Bald Mt. Road/Lot
1(,, Block 2, VailVillage 1Sth Filing.
Siaff: RussFonest
The pupose ol tt is worksession is lo consider a request lo molify the high debris llow hazard
designation lor 2lA5 Bald Mt. Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vait Villagr 13th Filing. Ms. Non, the
properly owner, li requesting this change as the result of mitig rtion that was constructed norlh of
her home on Tra;t C, Vail Village 13th Filing in 19&4 (Attachm rnt 1: Photos of berm).
ln May ol l gE4, the Town of Vail experienced approximately 4r) debris llow incidents, of which
several were located in the BaH Mountain nebhborhood. The property in question did
experience a debris flow al thal time. After the first inddent in | 984, the propedy owner created
a diversion chanrel approximately 12 feet deep and two berm: lo mitigate luture debris flow
evenls. The applicant has provided additional background infcrmation for ttris request whictr is
included in attacf ment 2.
The mlddle portion ol the property is deslgnated as a hlgh debris llow hazard area ard thE rest
ol the lot is desunted as a mderate debris llow hazard area rs per the Torn of Vail hazad
maps. Stan Bernrman. who was the Town of Vail Public Work; Directcr at the time, wrole a
letter which state'J thal he feels that he berm "should effectively dived all but the most
catastroph-G future mudllow events away from Ms. Nott's hous I (Altechment 3).'
Staff has met wittr Ms Nott, at her request, on saneral occasiors to discuss hsv| the existirB
berms and ditch rffect the hazard designation on this lot- Stat recommended to Ms Nott that a
qualilied gaologlsl do a site specific sludy of the lot to determir e what It any hazard designation
shiuld be placed on the property with the exlstsnce of lhe benu and dltches. Ms Nott engaged
the servbes ol Ni*olas Lampiris, who has done rnany geologi:al strdies In the Town of Vail, to
do a site specifrc 3eological study ol lhe property (Attachment l). Mr. Lampirls corrcluded that
Ms Nott's home i:r 'out ol the Debris Flow Une because the tin'l will lollow the boltom of lhe
trench to detineate the lorer reaches of this hazard in this arei..' A map is prwided wilh this
LZ/\3/O2 FRI 15:tZ FAX 9704764608 SIARCES-VAIL .IJ.+ SfA DENVER @ oost
lettel to delineate where the high debds llow hazard is located. This conclusion was supporledby an engineerinll firm that Ms Nott engaged to also rerriew tht geotogical hazards on the site(See Attachment 5).
Town staff including the Torn Engineer, Greg Hall, has revieyred the letter from the Geologisland finds that the letter is adequate to justify designating a porion ol the property as havirfi"approved mitigalion." Sirce the mitigation for frls hazad'ahrady exists anO nb OuilOing-permits_ are required, the process for creadng aprovd mitigaton involves the Vail rownCourrcil passing i. motion that would modity ihi Town of Vin OeOris Flo^' maps to indirnte
SPpIgYed mitigatirn on a portion of 2645 Bald Mt. Road. tl thc Town Councii woutd approve ofMs Nott's requesl, an overhy would then be created, similar to what was done with the BoothFalls Berm. to indicate that an area on her lot is prolected by tl e berm. The map would alsohave a notation t(r refer readers to the letter from Mr. Lampiris rnd the site specific hazard map
grepared lor this llroperty shovrnr in attachment 4. Approved mit(;ation in thii case, based on fulrLampiris's letter, lneans thal the existing home and ihe area sr uth of the center line of fie dilih
is ho^/ oul of.the Debris Flow Line'and is no longer in a hazarl area as long as the benn and
ditch are maintaired. The area above (north) the center line of the ditch remains in lts present
hazard designation.
.I2/l3/O2 FRI 15:15 FAI g10it?6:. --- --:-*.--".
Pcr. the reqluestour septe4u.., 1Sfr',:::l:.l1nn. thrs te:Eer Eur.8ari,:I: duirex-l;' l;:::- ]nvestisatlon
3l+ :! ?enlh i * iilulld,,lt.'li. i; ;;": l"i!: i.:::i'fff :d;!;"i;li:Tiln:, l: .reratlvaii iiii"f,t?i y3:+.u.l-llsse, ln vir1l, Coiii.iiduplex. ilii-tii'i^i.- ( :rr(1.Yountal;iifi ,:'" xintiiii;iff
The ro'.m o.! va{J,e..eiannrng naps "13:9 thig lot to be in a,,hiqh;iilii;rffll"';51ry'1r'' -our-i.!sui:t:n:.
wrtn tn; pr.nninq"bioad [iu-iir' "T,iI :\l-"d!::r rovealeI not nece"iiiiiv*lJli:Jil'.3.;lgli:i;inli;";g:il,".".
iii:iiii":ll'S,5ll':::9 :.tll rcunded,, lnq 1o rndrcarionE or roun.ation
elr_r:" ;; ;;;n;;;ri:iii_$iiitr, Hfi "'''i,ili olill[idl,ii!';i:;lii:ll"it":lt:in:: il;flil !I post-cc""ir'.tio"-mo,ra,nent. -- xo'i'or..t1ous or ro',.occurred
= i """-til'":t,:,:fi ,l?l.l;"1[f":l i"lii;*ifr'."port"e noi" iII'
rhs denstt!'of rhi A:?gl_sr,oves n":I_thg top anct bottosl of rhe hillappears to:.rrrllcaLe llttle i"ii iiouqnrent ha-s oe_i"riio 1n tha Jas.r:ccver.r decadcs' ,r'rks Tanv "ui'0r"r"i""" I"-ttII-iiL, roosenlng or theEoit! in th.e nountgin.cf op;,c-"Jiio'.eeuf : :,n-srid o-i-rocx srtdes durinqperti€uto,rlr hervy_q1.1rsruie V*"*r; -frui ti"-iirril i"nfrra thts duplsxsircwcd no lndicatr"i: ?r =ucit iioi. Ilrlrri, and .ay rn rrcr be- of l.,*crsuscepttbil:?y cru€ to :ltc r,r9l rolr cont,lnt and eoulhern exposuf€.rt 1r thr c'ialon- ef thir olfier thet th.L' B!,rueture dorg not hrvg aBisrllificttrtlv hi(fher rtgh ol aOril e"ri,il ffi;;;; rn thE vall area,and that ar; qddit,lea.proporly-aceigrreO e:rd congtrust€d Dsr norlral UBCguidoltnat ulrl not rircriam'ttri-rrizara =o,otrrli-iiJprrty ol rtrucrurrr,Or to pribllc butldlngal rLghta_o!_way, r,:!.da, rtrilir, rsgsgcltr,utilitles ct trclt1t-iae.
1'ls fropc thlE retter provirlcu Lhe lsrsrrua:ion desrred. preaga do nothesitrte ts cg'uacL uy ir ''r foy bo of f'rrther assrstance_
4 /,t/96
l:tl":: $::Hl"ll"
RE: '6115111,. Huzo:C for cluplcr
Iloor Mr, UauriOI]op
sbarpe/ PE
0llflr rruut EnginrErirrn r. !,o \;-;::::p, e $ulis
',',Ant-ti:ic]'-F. rry. Cenoh, rrr .L-r'ei"iir.ii#.,;ll.8b gll 3!ll
ot 2625 Ecld Hountah Rd (Ecst! Joh# 96{13)
-'+-' sfa DENVER @oo7SUARCSS_VAILr2/r3/oz FRI l5:15 FAX 9Z04Z6{808
'ii oFPvti
p>. 5 F;i t $ s?! I r ci;t $" 5 ['' t\ *f I 's I o
i,q I n Sit { il qt.3{qti'E oEf;
L2/L3/O2 FRI 15: 14 FAX 970476_4608 DENVER
Lot 10, Btock 2, Veil Village 13th X'iling
No1 until recer,tly, wben an application was truncd dowa for a local bank home equity loan dueto the fact their town maps include many propcrties in lrazard zones, Lot l0 among them, did itbecome apparent that the 1984 mitigation efforts to Lot .0 were not documented. Explai.ing thesituation to Serior Environmental Policy Planner, Mr. .tuss Forrest, he assurred -j tut it i, uroutine matter and town regulations are in place for such circumstances. (See attached map
examples.) Ol'significance here is a quote from Andy linudson contained in the enclosed letter
stating that a ",righ fuazard" debris-flow designation on r/ail's planning maps .tas a very .broad
brush' and not necessarily applicable to most of the map rcd tois" lenct,osnre #l), It is signifrcant
that this enclosed letier was submitted to the Communit' Development Departnent as part of anapplication for a new two-story large home addition with a wooden foundation to Ue buitt ten feet
from Lot lO's western ProPerty line - both lots being n the same mapped hazard zone. This
addition was recently approved without any special hrzard zone buil-ding requirements - in' cffect adjustiag the hazard-mne desiguation- Mr. Forrest explained that this was allowed
because effective mitigation was already in place on Lotr l0 and I1.. These mitigation measures
are explained ilr enclosure #2.
Becaue I am rrot applying for a building addition" etc., he procedure for documenting effective
nritigation mealwes in order to adust a portion of the ex sting hazardmne on Lot l0 is different.
Council approral is required rather than Community Da,elopment and Design Review approval.
It should be mtde clear that the Town of Vail or any of i s officers or employees hold noliability
for statements and./or decisions regarding hazafi areas.)r geologically sensitive areas. (Please
see enclosure #3, Sec. 18.69.038 Disclaimer of Liability. , As we have spent a great deal of effort
and funds estat lishing efFective mitigation berms and a r ew channel, it is appropriate to have the
hazard maps r:flect these improvements and "clear" 'he building (home) aud certain lower
portions of the lot from a "hazard" designation. The rortion of the lot above the mitigation
channel will reoaia in the current designation. As the rnaps presently show, the house achrally
appears uot to be in a "high hazard zone" but because of its grass (sod) roof, the aerial photos are
unclear. (t is stated in the }lazard Study Report that *haard lines terrninate at the.uphill sides of
buildings; this .ndicates that flow energy witl be absorbrd by the building"). It is apparent from
sndying the mrps that most homes are not included in high hazard mnes for this aforementioned,
A Colorado licensed l3onsulting Geologist, Nichotas Lrmpiris, Ph.D., was hired to do a site-
specific study ts required by Toum of Vail zoning rcguhtions. According to Town of Vail files,
Dr. Lampiris has executed many site-specific analyst s for owners of properties in similar
geologically sensitive areas. A survey of the lot and rew stream channel was done by Eagle
Valley Swveying Company. A revised hazard rtlap lbr the lot was drawn by Mr. Richard
Bcnidge, licen,;ed Lnqdscape Architect and a former V.ril arca land planner. All professiouals
contacted regarding Lot l0 support the effectirmess of all mitigation measures presently in place
and concur with Dr. Lampiris' findings.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contac:myself or Dr. Lampiris.
o -+-++ SIA @006
<--. . IZ--st t-h,sff
I2/13/OZ FRI t5:14 FAX 9204?64608
-'r-+ SIA DENVER @005!
Attachment 2
Additional Background Infon oation
from Ms Nott
t-2/13/O2 FRI t5:12 FAX 9204?64608o SUARCES-VAIL
Attachment I
Town of Vail Debris Flow Ivlqr
Moderate Hazard
High llazaard
Mew of Ditch and Berm north of
2645 Bald Mt. Road
View of the backside of the berm
directly north of Ms Nott's home
EA o04o
Design Review Board
Departrnert of C.ommunity Development
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657
tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 97 0.479.2452
web: www.ci.vail.co.us
ProjectName: SHAPERRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DR8040017
Pmiect Description:
TX 77024
TX 77024
ProjectMdressz 2@5 BAID MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Locauon:
2645 Bald Mountain Road, Vail, CO 81658
tegal Description: Lot: 10 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 13
ParcelNumber: 210103401027
Mouon By: Action: STAFFAPR
Second By:Votet DateofApprovalz 03llLl20A4
(PI-AN): No changes to these plans nray be nrade without the written consent of Tourn of
Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).
(PIIN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with
Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.
Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S2O.OO
February 17,2004
Bill Gibson
Deparbnent of Cornmunity Development
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
RE: Shaper Residence - Proposed Changes to approved plans
2645 Bald Mountain Road / Lot 10, Block 2 Vail Village 13'Filing
Dear Bill,
I have added eave elevations on the Roof Plan - Sheet A4.0 to coordinate with the elevations indicated
on Sheet M.0. In addilion I have indicated these elevations on Sheet A5.0 - Building Elevations.
I have attached "red-lined" plans for the entire structure including original residence and subsequent
additions and the proposed addition. Also attached is a sheet with calculations indicating how I anived
at the figures. I anived at a totial figure for GRFA of ,1057.33 S.F. which is less lhan the frgure of 4'137
S.F. wftich was submifted earlier.
lf you have any additional comments or question. tt call me at (303) 62$3355.
Sincerely, -a?6,24
Joe Lukach
Segerberg, Mayhew Architects
Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates Architects, P.C., A.l.A.
Main Officc: 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suit€DeNer Office: 16l'l v.luee Sareet, Suitc C2email: info(dsmarchs.com
, phone:phona: 103
Vail, CO E1657co 80202
970 4'16 4433 . fax: 970 476 4608623 3355 . fax: 103 623 2262
February 17,2004
Lot 10 - Bald Mountain Road
2 Family Residential Disfict
Site - .834 AC = 36329 S.F.
Allowable GRFA = 5566.45 S.F.+ 850 S.F. - (425 S.F. credit per allowable unit )
6416.45 S.F.
Allowable exclusion ficr garage - 300 S.F. X 4 = 1200 S.F.
Level 8385'-6" -Garage
Level 8385' -6" -Mechanical
Level 8397' - 6' - Spa
Level 8398'- 0" - Family Room
Level 8400' - 0" - Main House - Lower Level
Level 8409' - 0" - Main House - Upper Level
Total GRFA
533.02 S.F. (- 533.02 S.F. )
44.75 S.F.
180.00 s.F.
599.72 S.F.
1406.86 S.F.
1826.00 S.F.
4057.33 S.F.
S e g e r b 9_I€__--_l\4_qJ_! gy___q Associates Architects. P.C.. A.I.A.
Main Office: 1000 Sornh Frontace Road West. Suite J00 . Vail.Dcnver Office l6l7 wizcc Sire€t. Suite C2 . Denver- CO
email: info@smarchs.com
CO 81657 . phone:80202 . phone: 303
9'10 476 4433 . fax 970 476 4608623 3155 . fax: 303 623 2262
February 70,2004
Bill Gibson
Depattment of Community Developmcnt
To'rn of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
\rail Colorado 81657
Rlr: Shaper Residence - Proposed Changes to approved plans
2645 Bald r\Iountain Road / Lot 10, Block 2 \'ail \,'illage 13il' Filing
Dear Bill,
Per yout tequest, attached are the following addition items required for the review of the above mentioned
1.Site and Gtading Plan: ( 2 copies) Existing grades have been indicated belov, the proposed roof ateas.
No changes to existing gradcs ate proposed. The elevations of the ptoposed top of eaves are indicated.
Architectural Floot Plans: ( 1 copy ) Plans have been red-lined aod highlighted to indicate how the revised
floot atea was calculated.
If you har"e any additional qucstions please call me at (303) 623-3355.
Joe Lulach
Segerbctg X{ayhew Architects
Segerberg, Mayhew & Associates Architects, P.C., A.I.A.
Main Oliice: 1000 Soulh Frontagc Road west, Suitefrcnvcr Office: 1617 Wazee Siieet, Suite C2email info@smarchs.com
81657 . phone: 970 476 4433 . fax: 970 476 4608. Dhona: J03 623 3355 . fax: 303 623 2262
http :l/wlv\r'.smarchs.com
300 . Vail. CODenver, CO 80202
Department of Community Deve lopment
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-24s2
Marcb 10.2004
Joe Lukach
Segerberg Mayhew Architects
1617 Waze Street, Suite C2
Denver, CO 80202
RE: Shaper Residence - Proposed changes to approved plans
2645 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village l3th Filing
Dear Joe,
As previously stated in my February 15, 2004 letter, the application for proposed changes to the approved
plans for the Shaper Residence addition is incomplete and the following additional items and information
must be submitted:
l. Site and Grading Plan:. The roof design proposed on sheet A4.0 (roofplan & roofdetails) must be accurately
shown on sheet A2.0 (site plan). Additionally, the corresponding ridge elevations must
also be label on sheet A2.0. This information must be submitted to veriff compliance
with the building height provisions of Section L2-6D-6, Vail Town Code.
2. Architectural Floor Plans:
' One set offloor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the existing and proposed gross
residential floor arqa (GR-FA) was calculated for the entire structure. To date, only partial
. floor plans (sheets A3.0 and A3.l) have been submitted. Existing and proposed floor
plans for the entire structure (including all livable areas, crawlspa.ces, attics, garages,
storage areas, etc.) must be submitted to verifr compliance with the GRFA provisions of
Section l2-6D-8 and Chapter 12-15, Vail Town Code.
Town of Vail's review of the proposed Shaper Residence addition can not be finalized without the
submittal of the above listed information. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to
contact me directly at (970) 479-2173.
il,Zz-: fu. l*t-=
Bill Gibson, AICP
Town of Vail
CC: Kurt Segerborg
APR_O1_O2 16: O3 FROM. TOi,-COM-DE('-DEPT.lD,e'2s47s2aaa PAGE 2/ I3
.,ffi Application for Design Review
Departnent of Community Dgrebpment
75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, C-alorado 8165td: 97O -479.2L39 fax'. 970.47e -2452
web: ww.r.ci.vail.co.us
@neral Informafion:
All projects rcquiring design review must rc(d\r€ approval prior to srbmitring a br:ilding permit appli<ation. Please
refer b the grbmital nequirements for the partiollar appro!61 that is requeSed. en applicadon for Design Revia/
annd be accepted until all requircd information is reeived by the Community Dsrelopment Departmenl The
projed rnay also need b be radenled by the Town C-ouncil and/or the Planning and Envirofirilental Commissirn.
Design rwiew apgrwal lap6€s unless a building permit is issrred and constrsctlon cpmmences withio
one year of the approval-
Description of the Request:
Physical Address:
Parcef No.: 4@to3<1ol o 27 (Contact Eagle C-o. Assessor at 97G328-8640 for parcel no.)
Mailing Address;
Owner(s) Signaturels) l
Name of Applicant:
Mailing Address:
E-mail Address:Fax:
Type of Review and Fe€:
tr Sgns
E Conc€ptual Review
tr Nary C-on*udionD Mdition
E Minor Alterat'on
( muth'-famitylco mmercia | )
O Minor Atteration
(si nglFfamily/d uplex)
f1p Changes to APP'roved Plans,'
$50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of blal sign area.
No Fee
$650 For cDnstruction ofa new buiHing or demo/rebuild-
$300 For an addition where quare footage is added to any residential or
cammercial building (indudes 250 additions & intrerior con"ersions).
5250 For minor dranges to buiHings and site imPrcryernents, such as,
reroofing, painting, window addiuons, landscaping. fenca and
rcuining wa[s, etE$20 For minor changes !o buildings and sate improvemeiG, suCl at
reroofing, painting, window additions, landq-qping, f€fl.Ff and
rctaining wallg ek.$20 For revisions to phns already approred by Planning Staff or the
Design Review Board.
No Feetr Separation Requst
I t.-.,\. bvr r
Depart ment of C ommun ity D ev e lopment
75 South Frontage Road
Yail, Colorado 81657
tutx 970-479-2452
Bill Gibson, AICP
Town of Vail
February 15,2004
Joe Lukach
Segerberg Mayhew Architects
16 t7 Waze Street, Suite C2
Denver. CO 80202
RE: Shaper Residence - hoposed changes to approved plans
2645 Bald Mountain Roadllot 10, Block 2, Vail Village l3'h Filing
Dear Joe,
Town Staff has preliminarily reviewed the applioation for proposed changes to the approved plans for the
Shaper Residen ce at 2645 Bald Mountain Road. Based upon this initial examination, the Department of
Community Development has determined that the application is incomplete and can not be reviewed by
the Town of Vail until all required items have been submitted. The following additional items and
information must tre submitted:
l. Site and Grading Plan:. The roof plans on sheets A2.0 and A4.0 must be coordinated with the snme roof design.2. Architectural Floor Plans:. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the existing and proposed gross
residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated for the entire structure.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970).479-2173.
+.1)<--a /L<-*-
*" T 1'.-rfr iirrr b \, r. a
Department of Commun ity Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail. Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
January 6,2Q04
Joe Lukach
Segerberg Mayhew Architects
1617 Waze Street, Suite C2
Denver. CO 80202
RE: Shaper Residence - Proposed changes to approved plans
2645 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13^ Filing
Dear Joe,
Town Stat'f has preliminarily reviewed the application for proposed changes to the approved plans for the
Shaper Residen ce at 2645 Bald Mountain Road. Based upon this initial examination, the Department of
Community Development has determined that the application is incomplete and can not be reviewed by
the Town of Vail until all required items have been submitted. The following additional items and
information must be submitted:
l. Site and Grading Plan:e Show and label all proposed roof ridges and roofridge elevations. Indicate existing and
proposed grades shown undemeath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building
height.2. Architectural Floor Plans:
' One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the revised gross residential
flooi mea (GMA) was calculated. See Chapter 12-15, Gross Residential Floor Area,
Vail Town Code, for regulations.
Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 4'19-2173.
1/,/z-: mt.-//'t-
Bill Gibson, AICP
Town of Vail
January 27,2004
Department of Community development
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
ToWhom lt MayConcem:
Attached is a submittal for revisions to plans already approved by the Design Review Board. The
revisions con@m a remodel of the Shaper Residence, 2645 Bald Mountain Road, Vail Colorado filed
as Lot 10, Block 2 of the 13'Filing, Town of Vail. Endosed in this resubmission are (3) sets of
architectural floor plans, elevations, site plan and topography map.
The revisions involve adding a family room attached to the west of the existing residence. Additionally,
windows in the art gallery were revised. On Level One the walls of the storage area were revised. A
portion of the storage area was changed to crawl space in order to mitigate structural foundation costs.
lf you have any questions or concerns please contact me at 303-623-3355.
Segerberg, Mayhew &Associates Architects. P.C.. A.I.A.
Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 100 . Vail, CO 81657Denver Officc: 1617 Whzee Stre€r, Suite C2 . Denv.r, CO 80202
cmail: infoadsmarchs.com
. ohonc: 970 476 4433 ' fa,( 910 476 4608Dhona: 303 623 3355 . fax: 303 623 2262
****'l,i***;t't!t,ttt*{'**'f f {rr('**t*'tt **'i*,Frt********'t*'i*****:t:$i"t*'t***t 'F******f +:t't'r**:r*'**++**'t**'t :1.*****
+ ***+*:*:*'t****++'1.*** ******:t*++t*****'r.***:l*.tl****** r.*r.*f'f**!t*****{.x *** +'*:* ** *!*.f ***!t * +'t:t'** *****f+
Statement Number: R040005380 Anount: $20.00 O1/2e/200409:04 AM
Paltment Mebhod: Check fnit: iIS
Permit No: DRB040O17 T]ape: DRB -Chg to Appr plans
Parcel No: 210103401027
Site AddreEs: 2545 BALD MOUIrTAIN RD VAILL,ocation: 2545 Bald Mountain Road, Vall, CO 81558
Total Fees: S20.00This Payment: $20.00 Total AIJr Pmta: $20.00Balance: $0.00+*********';*+*:t'|'i*'****,***+**t * **{.*****r}****!*:}!*****f +*'}{rdr!*******a* ** * *d' * **+** *
Account Code Description Cur"rent Pmts
APR-O1-O2 18, @4 FROM . TOv-COM-DEv-DEPT .ID,9764?92452 PAGE ?/13
Buildinq Materials
TVoe of Material Color
Other Wall Materials
Door Trim
Hand or Deck Raits
v,be sl^*c. to ryarsaF) Matd^ (q,\
-.v\e*zh (z.t
| )< NU ' frfut
WoaoL hils
Trash Endosures
Retaining Walls
Exterior Lighting
Please spedfo the manufadure/s name. the color name and number and atbdr a color chip.
Ora.6,A 'fiirql wdl fill ' N/y+fal't A?fpwL firlaru-
Page 6 of LZlo3lZgl9z
APR-ol-sa 16r64i FROM. Tov-coM-DEv-DEPT.lD'9764?92452 PAGE A/73
Bo,lanical NFme @nmqn Name Ouantitv $rre
Minimum Requirernents for landscaping:
Deciduous Trees - 2: Calaper
Ooniferous Trees - 5" in hei'ght
Shrubs - 5 Gal-
Troe Souare Footaqe
spqiD, c'ther hrdscape ftatures (i.e. reining walls, Enes, swimmirE poob, €fr-)
Page 7 of Wo3l2gloz
L2/13/02 FRI 15:12 FAX 9?04764608
V.ill Town Council
Crmmunity Development
D-.cember2. 1997
Modification of high debris llow hazard designa lion for 2645 Bald Mt. Boadf_ot
1(1, Block 2, VailVillage 13th Fiting.
Siafl: Russ Fonest
The purpose of tt is work$ession is to consider a request to moJify the high debris flow hazard
designation tor 21i45 Bald Mt. Road/Lot't0, Block 2, Vail Viilagr l3th Filing. Ms. Nott, the
property owner, ili requesting this ctrange as the result of mi{igrrtion that was constructed norlh of
her homE on Tra:l C, Vail Village 13th Filing in 19&4 (Attachm rnt 1: Photos of berm).
In May of 1984, tlre Town of Vail experienced approximalely /ttl debris flow incidents, of which
several were located in the Bald Mountain nehhborhood. The property in question did
experience a debris flow at that time. After the first incident in | 9M, the property owner crealed
a diversion chanr,el approximately 12 feet deep and two berm, to mitigate luture debris flow
events. The applicant has provided additional background inlcrmation for this request which is
included in afiacf ment 2.
The middle portion ol lhe property is desbnated as a hlgh debris flow hazard area and the rest
of the lol is desigtnled as a moderale debris flow hazard area rs per the Town of Vail hazard
maps. Sian Berntman, who was the Town ol Vail Public Worki Director at the time, wrole a
letter which state,t that he feels that the berm "should etfectivety dived all but the most
catirstrophic future mudflow events away from Ms. Nott's hous,' (Attachrnent 3)."
Staff has met witlr Ms Noft, at her request, on several occasiot rs to discuss how the existing
berms and ditch ittfect the hazard designation on this lol. Staf recommended to Ms Nott thal a
qualified geologisi do a site specilic study ol the lot to determire what if any hazard designation
shouH be placed on the property with the existence ol the bens and ditches. Ms Noft engaged
the services ol Ni:holas Lampiris, who has done many geologi;al studies In the Toarn ol Vail, to
do a site specifc aeological study ol lhe property (Attachment t). Mr. Lampiris concluded that
Ms Nott s home iri "out of the Debris Flow Line because the lin'l will follow the bottom ol the
trench to delineale the lower reaches of this hazard in this arer ." A rnap is provided with this
Lz/Ls/OZ FRI 15:r2 FAX 9?04264608 .rr+ SIA DENVERo
letler to delineaie where the high debris flow hazard is located. This conclusion was suppodedby an engineerinll lirm that Ms Nott engaged to also revienv thr geologbat hazards on the site(See AttaDhment 5).
Town staff.including the lbwn Engineer, Greg Hall, has revievr ed the letter lrom the Geologistard finds that the letter is adequate lo. justify iesignating a por:ion of the propeny as havir{'approved mitigation." since the mitigation lor fiis haz;d'ak:ady exiss antl nL uriuing -
pemits. are requhed, the process for creating aproved mitBalon involves the Vail rownuouncll passlng z. motion thal would modify the Town of Vail Debris Flow maps to indicate
SPpPYed mitigati>n on a portion of 2645 Bald Mt. Road. lt thrr Town Councit would approve of
Yq.Ngtt's request, an overlay would then be created, similar to wlrat was done with the BoothFalls Berm, to irdicate th.rt an area on her lot is protected ov t e oerm. rne mdwould atsohave a notation tr reler readers lo the tetter ftom Mr. Lampiris rnd the site sp*itic hazard map
FrePalF for this llroperty shown in atlachment 4. Apprwed mitigation in this case, based on tirLampiris's letter, Ineans lhat the existing home and ihe area sr utfr of the center line of the ditchis 'how out of the Debris l:low Line" and is no longer in a hazar J area as long as the berm andditch are maintaired. The area above (north) lhe cenler line ot lhe dilch remiins in ils pr€sent
hazard designation.
May 8, 2003
Ms. Allison Ochs
Town of Vail
Community Development
75 South Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Allison:
These are some documents and final plans for your records on the
Shaper Remodel project. I did need with Mike Vaughn at the Vail Fire
Department regarding their requirements for the p@ect. I feel that we
got our issues resolved at that meeting.
Please let me know if you need anything else.
Segerberg, Mayhew & Associales Architects, P.C., A.I.A.
Maio Office: l0O0 South Frontace Road West. Suite 300 . Vail. CODer|vor Office: 1617 Wazee Sieet. Suite C2 . Denver. CO' 80202email: info@smsrchs,com
81657 . phone: 97O 4'16 4433 . fax: 970 476 4608. Dhone: 303 623 ll55 . fax: 301 623 2262
Kurt A. Segerberg, A.l.A.
Allison Ochs
Town of Vail
Deparhnant of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
RE: 2646 Bald Mountain Road "Final Review" Submittal
Dear Allison:
We are submitting drawings dated April 21,2003 for "Final Revief' of the proposed addition to the
existing family residence located at2645 Bald Mountain Road.
These drawings have been revised to accommodate the comments listed on your letter to us dated March
7 ,2003. The following is a detail list of our responses:
Planning Department
l. Site & Grading Plans:
a. The limits of disturbance fence must be
revised to include construction access area,
please adjust and revise.
On Site plan (A2.0) we now show the location of
the revised limits of disturbanoe fence.
b. Show all required parking spaces on the
site plan. The total number of pmking spaces
required is 3 spaces.
On Site plan (A2.0) we have shown the required
spaces for parking.
c. Please indicate some form of erosion
conFol measures for tlre dirch near the
culvert and near Bald Mountain Road.
On Site plan (A2.0) we show and label an erosion
control fence at the ditch and near Bald Mountain
d. Please indicate revised grading at contouf,s
8410 and 8412 to meet the 2:l grading
On Site plans (A2.0 and A2.l) we have revised the
contours accordingly.
e. Please indicate the setbacks on the site
plan. The front setback is 20 ft., while all
remaining setbacks are 15 ft.
On Site plan (A2.0) we have shown the setbacks
as requested.
f. On site plan, please show the footprint of
the entire sfucture, including the garage, so
staffcan calculate site coverage.
On Site plan (A2.0) the footprint of the existing
sfructure, including the garage, is now shown.
2. Geologic Acknowledgement Form
a. Because the site is in a mapped hazard
zone, a G€ologic Acknowledgement form
must be submitted prior to final Desigt
Review Board approval.
Please see attached sigred and notarized form.
3. Title Report
a. Please provide Schedule B ofthe title
report as required by the Design Review
Please see attached Schedule B.
Fire Deoartment
a. The addition will require that the entire
house be sprinklered. For additional information,
please contact Mike Vaughn at the Vail Fire
Department at 479-2252
Fully-monitored alarm system shall be sub,stituted
as per discussion with Mike Vaughn at the Vail
Fire Department.
Kurt A. Segerberg, A.I.A.
'03 04118 FRI 08:37
'0! o!/JI f,ON 09: lr
303 6_2_3 _a2.62
F,II o P.goon
the condusionc that lhe proprsed building is located in a
hazard zone. ardthere b the potentbl hazard of
reaching the proposed house. ceusirg damage. We are prspared to
accept those fects and request thc Town of Vail Bulding D€parmted€rant us a petmil
='*tLr___,.._- S{ore-€h.opp,rrl
(Nrmr, Owner)
(Narrt!, Ownerl
me that hr encuted lhc same for lhc purposcs enll therein erpressed.
My commiss'ron erpinr: ' -t 4 -O y'
@uNTy oF EAGLE ) ss'
Ttn fomgning instlmcnt yyas ectnolbdgcd bcfore me this _ day of20_, by _ , known lo me
lo be lhe pcrson $,lusr namc ls sirbscribad lo thc-oregoiqg instument and
acknovledged to me lhat he executed thc sarne forthe pwpccs and coffiideratlonhetrine*icrcil
My commissbnereiea:
taed lbe fu14 qHazard Repod. dated
n, '\qforeEolnginstuDgrilrryrqaqlcnowlcdqg! | ^P,=w . ronz oro4#ffL'*ffnM,frW ^".,# f ',"T " *
lne lersott Brhose rEme is subsqibed to tha fongoingfinstrufiEnl and acltnodedged to
Nocry ftGllc. St'r! ot Tsr3s
My Cormderbn E4kesD.crnb.. 1+ 200rt
llvrlllarrfri :rlFOllisfdcclotle llnr{lrrler-da
'o3 o4l18 FRI 0E:3? FAX 303 623 2262 SIARCES-DENVER +{{ StrAl(clltj- vA l L |4lrrub, r rtr-rs l€.11, P-3
Order Number: gto t4a6o-c2 Polit:t No. : o-97o 1-s 3 5s I
This policy does nt insure againsr lost or damage (antl the @npany will not pay eosa!, uttor,,(yt'-fe..l:- tr .'-\Prtt.rt's!
tvhich arirc hy reason of:
I. Riglus or claims of peniet i,r pol.n'e$ion, not shown hy rhe puhlic rccordr.
2. Eusctrctr.st, or claims of ca.remcnts, not showfl hy the puhlic records,
-f. Discrxltarcies,conflictsitt boutularyllnu, shortagcharea, encroachmems, andutry.fbus which .r't't't'rt
survry awl, inspction of the Fremi$es vwuld dlsclose arul wltich arc nor shown hy the puhlit reanrk.
4. Atry lien. or righr to a lien, Jor serviccs, lahor or marerial hcretufure or hercaJiet.lianislu'd, i,ttltur.'.l lt.t I t
and rnr thown by the public reconls.
-t. Unpatented mining claims; reservatiot s or er;ccptiou in patents, or u a.r uuthttrititttt tlu' is.ttttntrt tlk','.'t!!:
wuer rights, tluims or ti e rc wate.r.
6. Any and alJ unpaid taxes aud asslslrteacs and unredeen d tax sales-
7. The effg,ct at Lnclusioas in any geneiat or speclfic rJatet conservancy, fite
proxection. sojl coaservation ot other djsttict ot inclusioa in any uacer
. . servida ot sarect improvemcnt erea.
8- Reservetio, s and axeeptions in Paxents, ot Aets auxhorizing t,,e jssuaace
the'cot, ineluding the tes!.tvation of the tlght of praprietor of a vein or fode
to extreet and remove his ote thetetrom shovld Xhe same be tound to PenetI.ate ot
intsrsect the. premises as resetv€.d in Unitcd State.s Patent recorded August 22,
1956 in 8oo* 157 at Pag. 3O1 and recordcd ttay 6, 79O5 in Eook 48 ac Page 27J end
recorded ay 5, ]9OS in Book 18 at Page 5O9.
9, Scservatjor] s ot exceptions in PaXenXs. or in Acts authotizing tlc lssqance
theteot, ineluding Xhe leservation of a tl'ghX of vtr for ditchcs or ceaals
coasxtucxed. by xhe auxhority of xhe unLted states, tE resctvad in united Seatca
P.xenx recotdcd Augusx 22, 1956 in Book lS7 .x Pagc 3o1 , recorded ay 6. lgos
in Booh aa et Pege 2?3 and reeor.ded |/ay 61 J9OS ia Book 10 at P.gc 5O9 and
tccorded tlarch 31, t92s itt Book 48 rt Paga 597.
tO. Rescrva tion of ona-ha7f of al,l oi7, gas and ozher mj.nerals as containad Ln oeed
reeorded $ay 3, 1960 in Book 163 at Pagc 227.
lt. axil,ixy encl draiaeg3 ea3.rr6, t5 e,s sat torth on pfee of vail viJTage, rhi,-tcenth
filtng tccorded Novcmbct lO, 1912 in aook 226 at Page 145 as Rcception IVo.
12. ? a':ms. coadixio/la, obligations, E.,scrict,lons aad elseme'tts as set totth in
,rotcctive Covc,nanEs z:ccorded Novenber 10' 7972 in Dook 225 ax Page 146 as
conxtnued on next page
'.0,t otllt FRr_ pf ._lp _FAx 3q3. q2J-492 suARcEs-DENvEB ,...ro|'.21.rD!arsunD-YArL p. ryrto
cittcjJ,,u.tj.oa of achedute B - AL'A oy,ner's Poll.cy
?r'ltcy fsnEer: o-97Ot-5355I
8.c.ptioa lfc- t2t93J. ELrEX t |'pi'd'€at rccotdeal Ecpa.''bct 21,. l97E Ln Eook 295
.t PeEa 52C as nsespEton xo. ,72037.
EII CI lrrn
6,,i,n! il
Uvr I
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
970-479-2 r 38
FAX 970-479-2452
wwwci.vail.co.us ." -March 7,2003
Kurt Segerberg
Segerberg Mayhew Architects
1000 S. Frontage Rd. W
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Shaper Residence, located at 2645 Bald Mountain Rd. / Lot 10, Block 2,
Vail Village 1 3th Filing.
Dear Kurt,
The Department of Communily Developmenl has received your application for an
addition to the Shaper Residence, located at 2645 Bald Mountain Rd. / Lot 10, Block 2,
Vail Village 13tn Filing. The following comments and concerns musl be addressed to
staff's satislaction prior to final approval by the Design Review Board:
o The addition will require thal the entire house be sprinklered. For additional
inlormation, please contacl Mike Vaughn at the Vail Fire Department at 479-
o The limits of disturbance lence must be revised to include the construction
access area. Please adjust and revise,
o Show all required parking spaces on the site plan. The total number of parking
spaces required is 3 spaces.
o Please indicate some form of erosion control measures for the dilch near the
culvert and near Bald Mountain Rd.
o Please indicate revised grading at contours 8410 and 84121o meet the 2:1
grading requirements
o Please provide Schedule B of the title report, as required by the Design Review
o Please indicate the setbacks on the site plan. The front selback is 20 tl., while all
remaining setbacks are 15 ft.
o On the site plan, please show the footprint of the entire slructure, including lhe
garage, so staff can calculate site coverage.
{S**ur" r*
o Because the site is in a mapped hazard zone, a Geologic Acknowledgement
form must be submitted prior to final Design Review Board approval. One has
been included for your use.
Staff has completed an analysis of the proposal, based on the Two-Family Residential
zone district and the survey submitted. The analysis provides the following:
Lot Size: 36,329 sq. fl.Zpping: Two Family ResidentialHazards: High Hazard Debris Flow
Development Standard Allowed Proposed
Site Coverage
7,666 sq. tl.
6,416 sq. ft.
3 spaces req.
20rt5t15t15 ft.
2,783 sq. ft.
4,138 sq. ft.
please indicate
please indicateHeight 33 ft. ok
All of the above comments and concerns must be addressed lo staff's satisfaction prior
to final Design Review Board approval. Please submit all revisions no laler than noon
on March 14, 2003, lo remain on the March 19, 2003, Design Review Board meeting.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369.
Singerely, /,,fl ' ,' lnJWWT,
All'ison Ochs. AICP
Planner ll
Town of Vail
Geologic Hazard Review
(Legal Description)
The undersigned has/have read the Hazard Report, dated20-., prepared by
lA/Ve understand from the conclusions that the proposed building is located in a
hazard zone, and there is the potential hazard of
reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared to
accept these facts and request the Town of Vail Building Department grant us a permit.
(Name, Owner)
) ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of
20_, by known to me to be
the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to
me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration lherein expressed.
My commission expires:
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
day of
20_, by known to me
to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and
acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration
therein expressed.
My commission expires:
(Name, Owner)
\Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\Gcolosic Hazard Review.doc 08/09/2002
Status:I Approved
tr Approved with conditions xl Denied
Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW
Date Routed:
Routed By:Allison Och.
Date Due:
Description of work:Addition
Address:2545 Bald Mountain Rd.
Date Reviewed: 2-28-03
rtment lssues. Need additional review bv Fire rtment.
With addition, SFR will need to get Fire Department approval, as shown it exceeds the 300 ft
fire hose requirements by 62 ft. lf the Fire Department stages in front of driveway on Bald Mtn
Limits of disturbance fence must also include construction access area. Adiust and revise.
f mportant notice in small print on page 2 of the Hazard Report must be removed. Per town code
Professional Engineer or Consulting Geologist Bruce Collins is held responsible for approval
Install note on site plan near existing migration ditch. - Ditch will be cleaned out during
construction and maintained in the future.
Show all required on site olan.
Show some form of erosion control measure on site olan on ditch. near culvert and near Bald
Mountain Rd.
Adiust contour 8410 or 8412to meet 2:1 orade.
Lcgal on: Lot
Zonc distri
Lot sizc
--- + (425) (675+) =_
Fiting rtatftYlXn
hoposcd usc
Buildablc arca
Eristing Proposcd Rcmaining
+ 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition
Fron t
. 15,
3',1 6'
Caragc Crcdit
Complics rvith TOV tigbring Ordinanc;'
Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50y,)t":
Enr.ironm cntal/Hazards
Proposcd Slopc.--"-%
yr, / No
l) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30% l-*_ <4,
Prc\'ious conditions ofapproval (cbcck propcrty filc);
Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribe:
rorarcRFA ww 950
Sccondary CRF
Docs rhis rcqucsr involvc a ?50 Addirion? nl| -frtt[ntnlh
Horv muclr of thc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd wirh ttris rcoucst?_ ,-
Sitc Covcralc
Rctaining Wall Hcights
" H$4 = flt,
1''t *
F r)F-l< _
r r..r I .;i:l; i.s#ti,*ir|.
-* Lcgal dcsaiption
!r'v LotSizc
1,:r3.*iirli!I -l
_-:_. Crawl\AtticSpacc
Exlsung tccs
proposcd tces
Titlc rcport (A & B)
UtiliS vcrifi cation form
-.t .. :
1001'r. flood plain
Watcr Coursc Sctback
Environmen tal }iazards
Utility Iocations
Spot clcyations
Garage connection
Sitc Gradc\Slopc -
RataininglValls ,
Building Height
Sitc Covcrage
Drivcrvay (access and gradc)
Snorv Storagc
Firc Acccss
Fhotos ofsitc
Buil ding rnaterial samplcs
C.O. Vcrification
EavcVovcrhangs (4)
/- Urilitics (undcrground)
' Vierv Corridors
Plat resbictions
Cou"rr,ls & Assocltrss
P.O. Box 23 . 1 1 I5 MINEoTADRTVE
Sn-r. Corcmoo 81552
PHor.rE/Fnx (970) 8 76-5400
July 28, 2003
Holly Ridgrray
Segerberg Mayhew fu chitects
7617 Wazee St. Suite C2
Denver, CO 80202
Rs: 2645 BALD RoAD, lor 10, 13" FruNc,
Dear Ms. Ridgway:
At your request I have reviewed the revised site plan conveyed to me by fax onJuly 17,2OO3, as well as
my report dated January 31,2003, in addition to the previous studies identified in that report. So long
as the combination ofthe new rock retaining wall, revised final grading, and existing berm meet the
overall drainage criteria set forth in my report ofJanuary 31", the proposed wall and regrading should
provide the same degree of protection as recommended in previous studies. Should construction ofthe
rock wall require the removal or alteration of any portion of the berm followed by reconstruction
thereof, the restored portion(s) should be tied into undisturbed portions in such a manner as to prevent
erosion or failure of transition locations, as well as compacted to approximate original density and
strength. lf at arry place the rock wall replaces the existing berm, it should be constructed to equal or
greater height and ofsufficient strength to withstand a load of6fl) lbs/square foot. Final site drainage
should of course be properly integrated into adjacent property and street drainage systems.
fu long as the integrity ofthe overall drainage system, including the existing drainage diversion as
described in previous studies, is maintained as recommended, there is nothing to suggest that the
proposed construction will increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings,
rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities, or facilities or other properties ofany kind. This report
is intended to comply with appropriate portions of Town of Vail Regulations Chapter 12-21-15, and
nothing contained herein should be interpreted as suggesting that the subject property is not exposed
to the described hazards, or that mitigations recommended herein can or will eliminate such hazards in
their entirety. lf you have any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to
contac me.
!g!gIL@ This rrport concefl|s rEtur.l pru.€ses thst atr rlnprcdictablc .r|d in l.E. m€.!|!f. poorly It b interded to identiry poter*ial
obacfl|.bLh.z.rdsuidfnth.s(op.oflrorktostichalres|tbj.rtprop.rtyirsf,pccdaodtoruggcrtmit8atingrn Eur.. in co$plianc. widr.pplicrbl. r.gul.tione
NotfirE io tiir rcport should be consmr€d or irt rpretrd 6 s'.!!e!tirg th€ abdcnce of tfte dlsarib€d h.zarG, or ftat dre recommendcd mitig.riotrs will proGct
tfte subject propcrty from d|c dcscrib€d hazards .rnd.r all cir(un|st trcrs, foreteeo or uoforcsecn. Nothing in ahis rcport should be constued or interpretrd a
suggciting ti.t .dditional tnid.nrif.d hazards .rc not pf.ent. lt mr6t .bo bc undcrstoqd altet'mitigatioD' docs ot me.! eidrer the elimi[ation ofthe hazrrd(s)
or prvention ofalre cole€qu€Dc€s ofa h.z.rd cvent or .vcnt!, only t||. rcdo.tion to the crtent re6o[.bly pcible of ahe lstter. By sc.eptint thir report rll prcrent
and subsaqucr|t parties thercto atrt€ to indemlifyand hold hannle.s dlc prcparcr for any and all d.magef,. dir.ct indircct or corEequential, including personrl
InJury or loss oflif., above ar|d betond the original cost oftfiis snrdy, caoscd by or rcsultilg fmm any oc.urrcnce ofd|e d..cribed o. other hazard(s), whether or
not ruch drm.t€J mNy r€sult from failur€ to idendry said h.ard(3) or frorn failu€ or inadcquacy of property cngioeered, cons&urted, .rd m.intiined
rccomm.ndcd .nit8.tioG. Thc prcpsr.r of thb .€port c.nnot .nd wlll not b. rc6ponsiblc in rny wa3r or mann.r wiatro€ver for thc proper .n!in€.ring.
cotritrualjon. 6nd/or maintenanae of r€commended mit&atiors, or tle iladequacy or fallurc of improparly .nginccred, constrircted, ald/or maintain€d
r€commgldcd mldgations. or mitigations that hav€ b€en altered ilr any wey whtbolr,€r from thc€ recommended by the preparcr. This r€port mey b€ amend€d
or withdrawn without notice at any time prior to receipt of paJment.
'J'ti I
I r;l'l
Department of C ommunity Deve lopment
75 South Frontage Road
Vail. Colorado 81657
970-479-21 38
Fzx 970-479-2452
July 16, 2003
Kurt Segerberg
Segerberg Mayhew Architects
1000 S. Frontage Rd. W
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Shaper Residence, located at 2545 Bald Mountain Rd. / Lot 10, Block 2,
Vail Village i3th Filing.
Dear Kurt,
The Department of Community Development has received your revisions to the Shaper
Residence, located atz0/6 Bald Mountain Rd. / Lot 10, Block 2, VailVillage 13n Filing.
The following comments and concerns must be addressed to staffs satisfaction prior to
final approval:
. Due to the changes to the building and the additional retaining wall in the debris
flow zone, a revised hazard report will need to be submitted, in accordance with
Chapter 12-21,Yail Town Code.
. Please show the top of wall elevation and boftom of wall elevation for all new
retaining walls. No walls can exceed 6 ft. and any wall over 4 ft. must be
stamped by a P.E.
r Please indicate the number and size of trees to be removed with the additional
retaining wall and lawn area. This may require review and approval by the
Design Review Board. Staff recommends that you minimize this additional lawn
area and grading that are required with the proposed new wall.
All of the above comments and concerns must be addressed to staff's satisfaction prior
to final Design Review approval. Your building permit will not be processed until these
revisions are approved by the Planning Department. Should you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369.
Planner ll
Town of Vail
{p *ot"uornr"*
,r-ffi Design Review Action Form
Project Name: SI,IAPERROOF DRB Number: DRB000030
Project Description:
Replace sod roof w/ natural cedar shakes
APPITICANT coHEN CONSTRUCTION L0/L7 /2000 Phone: 970-926-3443P O BOX 1889
816 32
Project Address: 2645BALD MOIJNTAIN RD VAIL Locationl
Legal Description: Lot; 10 Block: I Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 13
Parcef Numbe| ztoto3401027
Motion By: Action: AppRovED
Second By:Vote: Date of Approval: l0ll7/2ffi0
Cond: 8
No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff
and./or the Design Review Board.
Planner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid: $20.00
**+++****r.*{.***rt********,1.*{.ir*****t*******,t**!rr.**+{****1.{.*************:t+*****+*{.*******1 ,}****
TOWNOFVAIL COLORADO Statement*****+*********r'**i*+*t l.**********+!t*+**+***********+*************d.t**ir+!t{.***+:t *:t**lr*t,N.*:t+++
Statement Nuniber: R000000073 Amount: $20.00 lO/17 /20OOO2:19 pM
Pal'ment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation:
Permi.t No:Parcel No:Site Address:
Ilocation :
Thi s Palment :
DRBo00030 1\4)e: DRB
- Minor Alteration
Total Fees:Total AIrL Pmts :
Ba lance :
$0.00*!t*+***************+******.r.'.{.****1.'l******{.*****{r{r1.****'t ******'r.*rrrr!*rr** * * * * **+**t * **{' *{.*{.* ***
Account Code Descript ion Current Pmts
DR 00100003tL2200 DESTGN REVIEW FEES 20.00
Questions? On" ptanning Staff at 47g-2t38
This apDlication is for any projec requiring Design Review approval. Any project reguiring design review musirecetve Design Review approval prior to submitting for a Duiiciing perrnit. For'specific inrormation, see the submttalrequlrements for the particu.lar approval that is requested, The appiication cannot be accepted until all the requiredinformaiion is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Tbwn council andlor the planning andEnvironmental Commission. Design Review Boa rd approval expires one year after final approval unlessa building permit is issued and construction is started.
PARCEL * 7lO t 6l tLo I o I"-(Contact Eagre Co, Assessors ffice at 910-328-8640 for parcel #)
PHON?: 90L -\Ltq j
New Construction - $2O0
Addition - $50
Minor Alteration - S20
Construction of a new building.
Includes any addition where square footage is added to any
residential or commercial building.
includes minor changes to buildings and site impi.ovements, such
as, reroofing, paintjng, window additions, landscaping, fences and
retaining walls, etc.
DRB fe^s are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identifythe accurate valuation cf the proJect. The Town of Vail will adjust the iee according io the project valuation.
Fee Paid:
Application Date:.-- --_--Pre-Application t*eetinq Date,
DRB Meeting
Questions? Calt t ptanning Staff at 479-2138
This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any
alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions"
n Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the o<isting conditions.
tr Photos or sketches which cleadv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s).
n All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be
Condominium Association approval (if applicable).
If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may
determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application.
Other Wall Materials
Window Trim
Door Trim
Hand or Deck Rails
Trash Enclosures
Retaining Walls
Exterior Lighting
* Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a srnall color chip
# All o<terior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If ocerior lighting b proposed,
please indicate the number of fixhrres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type
and provide the height above gradg lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting
Botanical Name: @!_-[!ane: Ouantitv: Size*:
*Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper
coniferous trees - 6 feet in height
shrubs - 5 gallons
TVoe:Souare Footaoe:
OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top
and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet.
Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet.
This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in
conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of
utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved.and verified by the
following utilities for the accompanying site plan.
Authorized Siqnature Date
U.S. West Communications
468-6860 or 949-4530
Public Seruice Company
949-5781(Gary Hall)
Holy Cross Electfic Assoc.
949-5892 (Ted Husky;John Boyd)
949-5530 (Floyd Salzar)
Eagle River Water
& Sanitation District *
476-7480 (Fred Haslee)
* Please bring a site phn, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &
Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed.
1. ff the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no cDmments
are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the
development can proceed.
If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representawe shall nob
directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resotued. The issue
should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Howwer, please keep in mind
that it is the responsibility of the utiliff company and the applicant to resolve identified problems.
These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Parnit
from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before
diooino in any public right-of-way or easernent within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a
Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv.
A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted
unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s
responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2128.
The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete
application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community De\€lopment
Deparfrnent a minimum of three and a half (3 1i2) week prior to the date of the DRB public
Your proposal will be reviewed for cornpliance with the Design Guidelines as set fordl in Section 12-
11 of the Municipal Code.
A. ff a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, floodplain,
debris fbw, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an
affftlavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants
are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to
determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards.
B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site
improvements plans, all of the following must be shown,
1. Plan sheet size must be 24'x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be
allowed.2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the sme scale.3. Graphic bar scale.4, North arrow.5. T1tle bloclt project name, project address and legal description.6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number.7. Dates of original plan preparation and all rsvision dates.8- Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger.9. Sheet labels and numbers.10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5".11. Names of all adjacent roadways.12. Plan legend.
C. For new @nstructbn and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to
indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed
must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not
buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed Prior to the day
of the DRB m€eting.
D. Applicants who fail to appear befure the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting
date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be posmoned, will
have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been
E. If the DRE approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of
approval must be resolved orior to the issuance of a building permit.
The Administrator may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modificatons,
deny the application, or rnay refer the application to the Design Review Board for decbion. All statr
approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Design Review applications may
be staff approved:
A. Any application fur an addition to an exlsting building that is consistent with the architectural design,
materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized member of
a condominium association, fi applicable;
B. Any application to modify an o<isting building that does not s(lnificantty change the exbting planes
of the building and is generally consistent with the architectural design, materials and colon of the
building, including, but not limited to o<terior building finish materiab (e.9. stoneworlg siding, roof
materials, paint or stain,), exterior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dishes,
windows, skylights, siding, minor commercial facade improvemenb and other similar modificatbns;
C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway
modifrations, site grading, site walls, rernoval or modifications to existing landscaping, installation
of accessory structures or recreational facilities.
A. ff this application requires a separate rwiew by any local, state or Federal agency other than the
Town of Vail, the applicaUon fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may
include, but are not limited to: Colorado Deparbnent of Highway Access Permits, Anrry Corps of
Engineers 404, etc.
B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 500/o of the
application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter b postponed for hearing, causing the
matter to be re-publbhed, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paki by the applicant.
C. Apdications deemed by the Community Development Deparfnent to have design, land use or other
issues whkh may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consuttants
in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside
consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The
Departnent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consuhant and thls amount
shall be forwarded to tj|e Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses
incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonvarded by the application shall be paid to the
To^/n by the applbant within 30 dap of noufrcauon by the Town. Any excees funds will be retumed
to the applicant upon review completion,
ocT l-7 ?|qq | 1:l_1. FR FELSI4AN ERtrDLEY UADENs s6l 3?23 To ls?age6344a P.a?-o 'o
This appliotion is for any projecr requiring Design Revlew 5ppro,,al. Any pmject requiring design review mufi
rele,ivc Desbn Review rpprotal prior to suhnitting for a building permfl For specific information, see the subrnilEl
requircmenc 6r ule particulaf approv?l ftat E requesEd. The application cannot be aqepted undl all the required
informatjon is submitted. The pr$ect may nlco neci to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and
Environmenlal Commission, Design Review Boa rd epproval axpires one year rfter final approval onless
a building germit is iseued and constuction ls 3tafted,
PARCE *: )lo t Oz 'J o I o>T (Contac Eagre Co. Assessor Ofrlce at 970-328'8640 for Parcel f)
owNER(s) srcNAru RE(5);
Nev Constructian - i2O0
Addition - Sso
HinorA?teration - S20
Constrtrction of a new building.
Includes any addidon where square footage 's added to any
residenBal or corrmercial buildinE,
Includes minor changes to buildings and srte improvements, such
as, reroofing, painting, window actdiuDns, landsraDing, fences and
retainlng walls, etc.
DP€ fees are to be paid at the time of submi&|, Later, when apgtying fur a Duilding permit please identity
the accuram valuation oi the oroject. The To'rn of Vail will adjusr dre fee according to the projea valuation,
Fee Paid: :
Applicatbn DRE McetinE Date: