HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE CASCADE CLUB HOTEL 1300 WesthavenREpr131 TOWN oF vaIL, COLURADO LL/ee/96 O6r5B REAUESTS FOR INStrECTItrN I.,ORK SHEETS FOR: Activity: E96-Ott4 lI/?e/96 Type: B-ELEC Stattts: Addt"esEr 13OO WESTHAUEN DR Locationr WESTIN HtrTELParcel : P1O3-131-AO-A1ADeseription: ELECTRICAL REMODEL OF LOBBY ANDApplieant: F'UNDEROSA ELECTRIE' INC. Ownenl L-0 VAIL HOLDING INC LL/ee/96 PABE AREA: EG PE Occ r FIRST FLT]OR ISSUED Constl: ACOM Use: Contr'aetorr PONDEROSA ELECTRICT INC. Fhone; 714-853-31O0 Fhone: Fhone: 714-353-310rZt Inspection Request Information..... RequestoP! BFend en Req Timel O1 :OO ConnentE: Rn 149 Itams reque*ted to be Inspeeted... OA190 ELEtr-Final trhone: 476+7L 11x149 !,Jp st i n Ac Connents *..-.r- Ins,pection History. .. ..It em r BOt lla ELEE-Temp. FowerIten: OOIeA P;Eg-ftot-tgh /r ^z z -f/, Action: AF'FRAction: AFtrR Act i on: ffFtrR Aet i on: AFF,R Aet i on r AF'F R Act i on : AF'F R 49/eA/96 Inspector: LQ/A?/9A Inspectol : l@/A4 /SA I n s pect ot' :'tVlLg/96 Inspector':lfr/'c=/96 Insoect or': LL/QA/96 Inspector: Item : ra0l3la ELEC-Conduit Itern : rZrAl40 ELEC-Misc,Item: 80194 ELEC-FinalLL/t3/96 Inspectorr: EGItem: AA??4 FIRE*ALARM RUUEiHIten: ser53S FIRE-FINAL C/u Act i on: APtrR pant ial west wing only E6 EG El,r Eti E6 EB APPRT]VED AF.F'ROVED APPROVED APF.ROVED AF'PRtrVED AF'trROVED I rowr or verl 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address...:Location......:Parce] No.....:Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT 13OO WESTHAVEN DR ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #: M96-0150 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: HVAC IMPROVMENTS Fi replace Information: Rrst ri cted: LETSUREAIRE HEATING & AIR 3160 E. LA PALMA AVE, #A, LEISUREAIRE HEATING & AIR 3160 E. LA PALMA AVE, #A, L-O VAIL HOLDING INC vfEsTrN HOTEL THE, VArL CO 13OO WESTHAVEN D 2703-t27-0 0-012 PRJ9 6-013 5 Status. . Applied.Issued..Expires. COND ANAHETM, CA 92806 COND ANAHETM, CA 92806 816s 7 Valuation: flof GEs Logs: ISSUED oe /23/ree6 oe /23 /Lee 6 03 /22 / |ee7 Phone; Phone: ? L4-630-9485 714-630-9485 18,500.00 #0f tlood/Pa L Let: #ffiffiffi*i FEESUI'II'IARY tlechani ca [---) 380.00 Restuarant P lrn Revi eH--> #0f Gas App Ii ances: TOTAL FEES---_- Total Catcul8ted Fees---) 47E.0O Ptan check---> lnvesti gati on>[i [L ca L t----> 95. m .00 3.00 .00 .00 /.78. m .00 47E.00 478.00 Additional, Fees---------> Totat Permit teF-------> **r******* ****************** il$l!-lii;;;;;;i.*******if** IIem: O51OO BU]LDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING DiVision:09/23/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISI!e4i'.Q!6Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT ,_ Dept: FIRE Division:09/23/1996 CHARLTE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ANY CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BY MECH. ENG.OF RECORD *******************************************!************************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I havc read this apptication, fitted out in ful,[ the infornrtion requi red, corDpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that att the information provided as requi red is corrcct. I agree to comply vith thc infornation and pLot pLan,to compty lrith atl, ToHn ondinanccs and statc [aHs, and to buitd this structure according to the Tovnrs zoning and subdivision Plynen codes, design reviev approved, uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Toyn appticabte lhereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS Iil ADVAT{CE BY SIGNATURE Of OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HI}ISELF AND oUR oFFICE FRo 8:m A|t 5:00 Pll .,vv * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * rl * * * * * * * * TOI^IN OF VAIt, COTORADO Statennt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0204 Amount:478.00 0e/23/96 14:19Init: CDPalnnent Method: CK Notation: #L2776 Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4t3t2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:478.00 Total AI-,L Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAI PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAIIJ INSPECTION FEE M96-0150 Tlpe: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2103-121-00-012 13OO WESTHAVEN DR 1300 WESTHAVEN DR (CASCADE HOTEL) **************************************************************** 478.00 4?8.00 .00 Anount 380.00 95.00 3 .00 ,f- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAT PERMIT ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0150 Job Address...: 1300 WESTHAVEN DRLocation : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Parcel No..... : 2103-121-00-012Project Number: PRJ96-0135 Statu8. . . (CASCADE HoTApplied.. rssued. . . Expires. . ISSUED oe /23/Lee 6 oe /23 /ree6 03 /22 /tee7 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER LEISUREAIRE HEATING & AIR 3160 E. LA PAIMA AVE, #A, LEISUREAIRE HEATING & A]R 3160 E. LA PALMA AVE, #A,L-O VAIL HOLDING INC WESTIN HOTEL THE, VAIL CO COND ANAHEIM, COND ANAHElM, 8165 7 Phone: cA 92806 Phone: cA 92806 714-630-9485 714-630-9485 ltechani ca l,---> 380.00 RcstuErant Ptan Revierr-> .00 Total catcutat.d Fces---> 476.00 Ptan Check---) 95.00 DRB FeF------Invcstigation> .00 ToTAL FEES----- tli l,l, Catl,---> 3.00 Payment5--------1' 47E.00 ***ffi ffiffi*t*ffi ffiffi tntlntffi ffitHffi *ffiiffi**ffi ffi ff Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/23/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISI!ern!'.056Q0 FIRE DEPARTUENT Dept: FIRE Division:09/23/1996 CHARLTE Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ANY CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BY MECH. ENG.OF RECORD Description: HVAC IMPROVMENTS Fi reotace lntormation: Rrstr i cted: *ffi**t*irlrt*****t*i**l*** FEE SUllilARY DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoytedgc thrt I have read this apptication, lil.ted out in fuLt thc inforDrtion required, conpteted anplan, and state thlt atl thc inforn tion provid.d as requircd is correct. I agnec to compty rith thr informtionto conpl,y vith al,L Tovn ordinlnccs and statc tavs, and to buitd this structurc according to thc Tovn's zoning and codes, dcsign rcvieu approvcd, Uniforo Euitding Code and other ordinsnces of thc Torn appl,icabtc -thercto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE IUENW-FOUR HOI,RS IN ADVANCE BY #01 GEs App liances: Valuation: fof Gas Logs: 18,500. 00 #ot tfood/Pat tet: lccurat! ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision ******************************************************************************** SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND 0tR orFlCE FRor 8:00 Ar 5:00 Pil .a 3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r !* * * * * * * * TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statennt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-0204 Anount:478.00 09/23/96 L4z!9Init: CDPalrment Method: CK Notation: *12776 M96-0150 Tlpe: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2103-121-00-012 13OO'WESTHAVEN DR 1300 WESTHAVEN DR (CASCADE HOTET)Total Fees:478.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: *****************************!t********************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAI., PERMIT FEES PLA}I CHECK FEES WILL CAIL INSPECTION FEE 478.00 478.00 .00 Amount 380.00 95. 00 3.00 T0bJN0FVAILC0M-DEV IDi503-479-2452 RUG22'96 ^ ZyrB:::E^:lsl9.yolnry-AsscsrOur-r-r-"-"- -- O s;riitilti1j|f;6#0-f]fl,P-"ifrl3€%or vAr& ooNsmuerroN -,v fic?Effi** t 2 :01 No .007 P .07 PERUII 'P6ea-ot3+ t t-S l-l{rchanl-eaf I l-otb.r .7ob ltane:rilob lddruts _l:1-9-9__W.eg!__ttqrlen Dr ive I:gtal Oyncr8 Nane; ct.uh . . Addf€grs 1300 West Haven Drive Ph, Archttcct;lddnu:Ph. csnsral Dercrlptl.on;Tenant Inprovements on the Heat ing & Air Conditioning t APPLICAIION f|llgl !E FfLIID ffiT CO|IPIJEIIELI OR IA XAY NOtr AE ACCEpTED [*rr*f rtr*t*ltt.....tlrtt*t.t*. PtRltIS MFonilllIOX rrtrr..rtrtrrrr****r*r r*rr i **,l *-e.*_l-Plunbtngail Cascade HoteI & twork Classs I l-Ner [x l-Nteralton g l-Mdttlonrl l-Scpalr I l-Other Dulb.r ol tretllng Unlt3:tfulha AccourooaatloD Unltgt t ot ^ lFs"r and 811n ot Flrcplacesl Grr rppllancrr Gar roga_ ,Tood/pcllet_vlr'tt***tttt*t*tttitttt*tt.*..*lliit vlurtxlolt6 *ai*t*rrrttttt*ta**..*rril*ittr*t'l mg6- a/scBUILTDTNG: | _ EtlclRICfL; l_ mggnl Ir3rluBrNc: TT- rlronfud;ir:m'o:e fidffi; i-1----vI't**t.i*.tr.ar.r*rr*r*rr..*r AWIRASIOR INtOnilllfON atrrit*ar.attlttt*rr*r.ttir*'ffil:3:,"#5t*::l Im."$*:i,tilt.i:ir*q:] Elestrlcal Conttacter:iOCi.r"i-_--..-* - --- Town of Vall Reg. NO.phonr Nnmbsrr ..r Plulblng eohtrrctor:rddrersr - I:n^".lY:il n"c. No'-Phone tfunber: ,, .--llechUlcal. Contractor3 LeisureAire t{e+!ri+e & A/C 1roarn gl Vatl No.200-M65Fq4g5Addr.ags ." iiiii.-i,riiii,[??a,92806 ::::::::.3:::.=..rrl**i*fi..r FoR oSrIcE u8! *r.r.fi*i***r.il***i*rr..r.firrEUIIOTNG PERI|IT 8EE3 PTJT'IISING PERIrA IEE!tlEcBtlftctL Pt8ltr! FEEsElEClRfC.rl& FEE:SltsER IYPE OF PEE3 DRE FEE3 ntfLltf}|cs 8rc||troBEsZolffG: SlcrAnrRt! BUrIDTHC PI4II cHEcK !EEIP_IIilBrIc PIAlt ccScx t8E3llDcHtl|IcrL PIAtf cuEct( DEE|RECREITTOI EEE:CI.EilI-I'P DEEOSITSSqlAL Plnrut tEEEr -t- -l- T0ury OF VRIL CCIM-DEV ID:505-479-2452 RUG 22',96o 12 :02 No . 007 P .08 .^0 \U ^no f"q' luttn Tfl tl rsft t!flhla|la,hll. cCon dc tlalt 1'pg,, 479-2ltt or 4t9-2r39 t0: I:ROUI DA!Er AUBJES!s and CllC| et oo|lll|||'tnt rh!|loptun rTJ. Gq|m,lqrcr8 CI'NRINILT.L NECISTERED rr$ TUElorfN ol vtIL llotftf oF vAIIr pUBIrIe xonKs,/Colut NIT! DE\rEIopuENT llABCtf 15, 1988 cln8t8trcltlorf pr8tfirc I t{rrERrAL sltoBtcE rn srm|ril, ordrnancr ro- 6 sErtar tttrt it 1r unlartu!. for anyperson ro llttot,-_gr,:cr. or aipJJfi.any roll, pock, rand, <lcbri:or Darcrtrr, lncludlp_traq eun;;qp, porrable tol.rrts rndyorka.n vehiclrr upon rny at""Jtl-iti* ;:liffi rh.tr-i."i. --iirt$i:lliili"L":,itl* ;,rni" . ",iiiii.t..iriiT! *.ii!illlililii.'*;.;,.i'ili*T:i, -' Pubr ic norx! DcoarE*nt : - - Ed;";-iouna-vririti"i-iiirc oFdrnancctr'.l bc Er'v.n r'2{ bour *itl.i'Ioircr to renovc-raid uarrrr,al.In. thc eytnt tlrr perron ro notlttcaf tGc "iili" -ili.l 11_a; . sffi -ip!Erl$;, "E;""ff81l"*:l*p.-D.p.rescnr will rsuwr raia-uatllri!'ll tbc gp94r. o! per;oniiilii;li, rr."Bi:r*Fril:'#*!j**r::,$:ii ;*, ::I-",rny atrcet or alhy or rny utrif€fls fn trrr-rigt[_i-*.y. Ii*.:iii:ffi:3:;i#il..1'"frlk :':$;. ..ii.""il fii lil",:i, bltl 0. P iche 1l i pres ident -^-__-__-.vT.cLrAenurrrp,Eg projact (1,.1. contractgr, swntr,r T0l.'Jl'l 0F VRIL COt'l-DEV lown ID:505-479-2452 t'lrsilrfrofierm16 r|l, osbrldo6att(t0lf 679-2rtt or {79-2139 12:02 N0.007 P.09 ottbr of eilntltnt dru.loprnrnl AVG 22 '95o EUILDIIIG PERI{IT ISSI'AI{CE TI',IE FRAI.E lf thls perylt requirs ; Torn of y!il FirEnsiidir"'i. [i.'iqi il r[.r't_Fii{'.il';d#.fT'fi!ll, f3tilllk*",revter 0r Herlth thorrtnint_re"l.ar,-.il'i-rlutrr by thc Buililng ff ol[H!11;"trre es t irna tcJ'.irii - iJi'r -[o tir re, r i"-;";..L il .; ;, it"e iihH!fiiil [i:TF:iiililLt"iti,#'I.T?[JJ"!tytt,yi]k,.,and o'ut proJects strouro-6[i-;-id$fift,unt.of *m. Howev*, rfres r denHll or rrnl I er,projcdts-t,iriiii' tli "rntors rbove nentioned lig: "g;3ir:r S,::t$;6-nc.isil'Fi-,",r !,.-u,;;; ;fr j;";;' ;;;,, Every rttcnpt wfll be.nrfg bJ this dcpartment to expcdite thtspermtt ns seon ts posstDtc. l;#i undcrsfsmd, urdcr=tend the plan check procettune lnd time (F Vail Cascade te iloa sneet ras --Erned-Til,8ilffi'E Develorme'tt Dcp$tncnt. TOUN OF VRIL COI'4-DEV TO: FBOM: DATE: BE: I D : 303-479-2452 MEtrl0RlilDUlf 22',96o 12:03 No.007 P.10RUG it ALL COiITFACTONS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPANTilEitTI|AY 9, teef WHEI{ A "PUIUC WAY PERT|r'ts REOUIRED JObNamgl Vail Caicade Hotel & Club Plesse answcrthe trxtodng@ardrng rhc need fora'pubgc wry pemrt : YEg ls lhlg a new reskhnca? ls domolltlon wort being pedormed thfl rcqul|gs th! usc of thr dght ol way, sasemonts or publb propenyf ls any utlllty woft needeC? ls the ddwway betng repa6gt? te differed ase8s needrdlg slle other than exlglng Clrivewar? ls any dralnage wort betrp done affealng lho dght of way, cafomenF, or public pmperty? dg X 7l ls a'Re\Dcabte Rtght Of Wey pormlt.required?. x 8) A. ls the rlghl of rvay. atctmentE orpubilc property to be usod lor dagfng, x parktng or fendng? B. lf no to BA, b I par*lng, rteging or foncing ph! rcquirec| Uy Communtty Oevetof,iimi' ''!e"vY' Yt ,vrrrrrrutrrq/ x !l-f9u-a1yat{ y.9 to |ny ofthe$ gurE0ons,.a'pubflc Way permtt'mus| be obtatned.'Pubfia {ey_Pcrmif applcrdonr mry 5" odretneo-a tdprbtt;'dft's otilco or ar@mmunfi Dewropmrnr nyou trryr'any_quedrd;plo;-;idt d; Davrc, rhe Townof Vail Gonsrucdon Insprchi st f&zr5S. - - I hane nad erd answerad sllthe lbovr quesrbru. VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB 1) 2t x x 3) 4) 6) 6) Job Name Comracmrr TObJN OF VRIL COI,I-DEU ID:503-479-2452 RUG 22 12:04 N0.007 P.11'96 O How it relates b Buitdtng permth: 1) Filt out qrr check tist provtdod w!th. s buikf,no prmlt aoolication_il yeE wrs ansrYered.b ury @'pubtrc way' isrcgurred. You can Bdr up sn apprioadon a atrrer onmrnity-owcropmeiilocEled et 75 S. Fmntago Foad or Pub{tc wortc, tocared at t:ttio vdlv;1et d;tvr. 2) tlotlce..afn otrs to1 {[o. comoar*ee. A[ usities mwr tteH wrffy (tocato)respedivc utfluespdor1e cgntng apptication. some urifity companies ,"qlrr ulito a 48 hour notioe to sdtcdule i loier. 3) A oonstrucuon trallic contloustadng 4an mu$t bo prepered on a eopafiare sheorot paper.An applov€d rt! ptan mai irtco uc useo. - n[ts trd rriit ch'or,, tocerd,,.of afr trafiic contior o"rrloqr(tgp, coneg., ch..) anc ure wort zone, (aroa otcomtrucdon, staging, cc..)..ririr ptrn wlti erpi,b ilod. r-iirr.'ano wiil need bbe reeubmlfred tor applonl thrcugh the wintei. 4) Skotch ol rvork bdru perbrmsd must be submitd indicatng dimsnEions (length,qidth- & deptrr ot work). Thtc may be drawn on the rraffc fonror pun oii i:rdplan for the Fb. 5) Submit co-mpleted app$orfron to the Publc Works's offica for revtcnr. tf required,locetes will be scheduled lor thc Town ot vait Elcadcianslno tragauon crew. Thelocates take place in tht momlng h,rt may require up to aahouis to perlorm. 6) The Puuic work's corrstrucdon |nspector urilt ryMe*y th€ rppfication ancf appoveor dteapprove rhe permn. vou wu be oonuaco asto lhe iiit "i'no i"itiliriinsedod. lylost permitB arc rsleesed withtn 4g hours ot u"rng;;i"rd, bgl plsaseallow up to one ureek to plooess. Ir ron a8 tle permrr l! ppoeslsod. a cogr wiil be faxed ro communiry -F".".lqr"s.ailowing rhe'Buildlp perrrr 'oui rcteased. pleise oo nor conruserhe "Pubtic wry permir'urlth a'Buildirg pemtf to oo ",o* on e p,ilrlt in"rr. ]IOTE: I I|'!.Ffn Eoc.T tr tor rorr In r puulc rry onty. : luHlc Wry Frnriltr ln vdH onty uirUt ilordrrr irilr,' A nrt Pubtc Wry Frmil b nquirad erci nlr It woil ti nd compbb. drql T0ttjN OF VRIL COM-DEV I D :305-479-2452 AVG 22 12:05 N0.007 P.12 I mvrr0FuAn 7S South Frcnmge Rrud Vail, Cnlomh E1657 303479-2r3E/ 479-2139 FAX 30i.179-2452 t;lomEtq tllDtD EEAT I'88 CN,SUTATIOITS. TO 8CN,E FItrlOR PTJAI oF IIIECRNIG.AIJ Roo!,t I'ITIT E0UIFI,,ENTDRAtrN rN 1!O 8qf,LE, rrlln pHTgIqaL DTUENSIONS ero nruRATrNes oF ALL lourprEtf! IN lccf,tNrcAr, Roou. sHor{ grzE AtfD toctBloN oF cutEtrSTroN ArR DUCr8, FLUES,VBIIT CONNECTONS AND CA8 LINE8. 4. N0TE wHEtHgR Er.EttlroR Eourpx8r{T Hrrrl ALso BE I!{STALIJED rNIi|ICHIIIICAL, BOO|. tllluE !o DrovrDt l[rt lrrorrNtd ilrLL DEr,lt wgt prErrr, 1. 2. 3. '96o Depnmem of Comtnuniry Devclopmcnt E TFPLII'C !fi r tccrlflcr& Plll|It TBIJN OF I VSIL COM-DEV ID:305-479-2452 lmn rf Fr.ftlrufir .!..lril,oCOf,bn|gtocsarlaillsl.r}$tr AUG 22 '96o 12 :05 No .007 P . l3 ofilcr oa cnn|||t[y dtrdognartt NOttcE ro co8ffRtc8oRs/otft[ER BUILDERS Effect'ive J.une^20, 1991., the ?own of Vall Bui.rding Department hasdeveroped the following proceduree to ensure that iew construction:+les have adegu"!.rfy eetablished p-loper drainagre- fron b;ii;i;;sites along and adjaceng co Town of Vait ro"os o""!treec". The ![ora of vrl,l puurc woak! DgprstDart rtll bc rcqurred toiPp.gt ra! lrnrwe _d.lnrge edJeclat ro rorn "r v.ii'iiiil iIrgrcotr and tbc lnstallrtion of tcmorrrry or p.r'lnrnt ouhnrtr iirccrre pointr fra rbr soad or rtreit oa-to tlr cinJii"ctl.on ,rte.Such approval must.be obtelne! prior to any request ro, inspeciionby the Town of vair Buircrtng Ddpartnent f6r rooci"gs or remporaryeleclrical or any, oth-er iirspection- please -"iii slg:zieo t'orequest 6n _lnspection rrom the pubrlc works blpaitment. Alrow ani,ninum of 24 houE notie6. Arsor Lhe Town of varr. pubtic works D€part,nent wirr be approvingall .final drainage and culvert instaliatton witt iesurting roactpacching as necessary^. such approvar nrust ue oltiined prior toFJnrl Certiflcate of Occupancy iisuance, o Activity: 896-tlP€6 Le/LA/96 Type:Addressr l3EtO I^JESTHAUEN DRtoelt i on ! IJESTIN, q.trrFl 'F,ar ee I : lltD3*ll1-00-lalA Owner: VRIL CASCADE H0TEL coritr*aetor-: mtr€.ETmRFftGB/t^lEsrIN REsoRT phone t 97q-479-7hil9__*i_*___ Irrspect i on Request Informat ion. . . . Requestor: ky.Ie Req Time: O8:OO ConaentsrItems requested to be Inspected... O054ra BLDG-Final C/0 Ti me Exp REtrT 1 31le/16/96 O6:51 RE0UESTS Tol^,N oF vAtL, C0LORADCI FOR INSFECTION WURK SHEETS FURzLE/l&/96 F'AGE 9 trREA: CF ========*============E=============E=====A-COMM Statr.rs: ISSIUED Eonstr: flCOM Occ l User 1 FR l l I I De scri pt i on : REMODEL" HOT€{s,".AND"-AEBIfiOUM8,fiOR. ADR,,fi.q.HELI,AllCEApplicantr LOWE ENTERFRISES/I^IESTlN RESORT Fhonet' 970-479-7ofi9 Fhone ! . Phone: 476-7111 Act i on Co mment s Inspect ion Histol'y.....Item: E|ASlrA dniveway grade final @i/ 19/96 Insoeetor: LF' Item : AAraStt BLDG-FraminqA9/19/16 Inspector: CF Lfr/fr?/96 Inspector: CFNotes: CEILING IN f,ORRIDOR Lb/ 13/96 Inspector': DS Item : AOOSO BLDG-Ins'-rlationItpm: 40060 BLDG-Sheetnock NailIA/U'e/96 Inspector: CF \ terl15/96 Inspector: DSMe3/96 Inspector! EG LAlg.A/96 Inspector.: CFltem: AO07e' BLD6-Misc. 1A/LA/VA Inepectorl DS, Notes: FIRE PRO0FING eHR.1 IN REIY,IT]DELED AREAS LA/L3/96 InEpector: DS Item : OtZr69'A BLD6-Finalt7/lA/96 Inspector: CFItem: 014530 BLDG-Temp. C/0tL/:E7/gB Inspeetor: CF Aet i on : APF,R AF'F ROUED Action: OFFR mens and wonens bth noorn Act i on r AF,F,R AFF,RtrVED AND NT FRONT DESP.. AREAAction: F'A Actionr AFPR Act ion: trAAetion: AF'F'R Aet i on'r AtrtrR iA,Act i onri. AFFR CONST ALL F.RIIiIARY "Rctioni PA . ,rt AFt i on : DN'" - Artionr APFTR FRONT ENTRY CEIL.iN6 BATHROOM AREAS ONLY FRANT DESH AF,F'ROVED ADD. SCEWS I,IHERE NEEDED AF,F.ROUED STRUCTUAL COLMNS 8. BE MONCIKSJE PRIMARY BEAMS not read y TCO EXpIRES 1e/16/e6 BY CT] cu t t Notes: COVER WALL OFENINGIS IN BATHROOM GRAB BARS NEEDED IN BRTHRT]OM EXTERIOR OF BUILDING MUST BE COMtrLETE F.LA}INING DEF.T AF.trROVAL REGUIRED FOR AItenr aa53l FIRE-}EHF. C/OItenr OQ53e trht-TEMF. C/AIten: at0533 PLAN-TEFItr. C/OIten: OO537 FLAN-FINnL C/OItem: 80538 FIRE-FINAL C/u Fr I Ftir,1 | F rdl. t tilll; Et|(rJr;r? Fl{-r tl\|Ht- L,/ LJ I t- i.rUl: lll llr i +:Jt Ell l-'Lt-r l ilrl -L '-/t' Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departrnent Ocober 26,1992 Mo hMMNTt b<> fuJ hrt upl,tpld' s MEM.RANpTTM gfb Znq \w TO: FROM: DATE: STJBJECT:A review of a staff approval for two minor amendments to SDD #4 - Casca& Village Area A, The Westin, l30O Westhaven Drive and thc Cascade Club, 1294 Westhaven Drive riy'estin Thar part of &e SW l/4 NE 1/4, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 8l West of the Sixtlt Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, de.scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly boundary of tre parcel of land shown on the Condorninium Map for the Colorado Mountain Condominiums recorded in Book 387 at rue 620 in the offrce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Cleck and Recorder, whence the most southerly corner of said parcel bears S 52 50'29" W 14.16 feet disunq ftence dre following nine courses along the southerly boundary of said parcel: (1) N 52 50'29" E 49.16 feet: (2) N 3? 12'45" W 12.34 Feeq (3) N 52 47'15" E 1.00 fesq (4) N 37 12'45" W 1.30 feet (5) N 52 47'15" E 42.& f@E (6) N 37 12'45" W 8.70 feeq (7) N 52 47'15" B 15.00 f€eg (8) S 37 12'45" E 22.40 fee\ (9) N 52 50'29" E 3528 Feeq thence departing said soutberly boundary N 52 50'29" E 56.96 feeq thence S 3? 09'31" E 4534 f@. tlrence N 52 50'29" E 48.70 feet; thence S 37 09'31" E 9.60 feeq thence N 52 50'29" E 80,00 fe€q thence S 17 @'31" E 36.40 fe€q ftence N 52 50'29" E 21.30 feeq theoce S 37 W'31' E 220.02 feet to Gore Creelq orence the following four courses along Gore Creek (l) S 49 26'36" W 76.45 feeq (2) S 2231'36" W rU.47 feet; (3) S 53 37'36" W 119.34 reeq (a) S 65 31'36" W 1458 fe€q tmce departing Gore Creek N 32 59'30" W 141.47 feeq thence N 57 25'30" W 1U.02 feeq theoce N 37 @'31" W f 16.45 feer !o rhe point of beginning, conuining 110,200 squ6e fe€t c 2.49 aqes, more or less. Cascade Club A pdt of the SW l/4 NE l/4 Section 12, Townsldp 5 South, Range 8l West of the Sixth Prturcipal Meridia4 being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly rightof-way line of Interstate Highway No, 70 whence ut hon pin with plastic cap rurking the center of said Section 12 bea$ Sl9 34'08" W 88?.?9 feeq thrce depdting said southerly rigbrcf-way line S 37 09'31" E 126.96 f@\ thene N 56 48'45" E 2.85.42 te;; thence 76.2t0 feet along the arc of a 10fL72Ioot radius cune to the left, having a central angle of 04 05'04" and a chord that bears N 54 46'13'E76.39 f@E thence N 52 43'41" E 16955 fe€q thence N 3? 16'19" W 148.96 feet to a point on said soutrerly right-of-way line of Intersute Highway No. 7Q thence along said southerly rightof-way line S 52 50'29' W 530.34 feet to the point of beginning, cotaining 75561 square feet or 1.735 acres, more or less, Applicant: Planner: The Westin ResorVCascade Club Ltd. Shelly Mello I. DESCRJPTION OF TI{E REOTJEST The Westin Resort and the Cascade Club have r€quested two amendments to Special Development District No. 4. These minor amendments are requested pursuant to Chapter 18.40.100 - Amendment Procedures, which provides for minor modiFrcations which are consistent with the design criteria outlined in the SDD section of the zoning code. The Town zoning code defines "Minor Amendment" as meaning: "[M]odifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent or character of the approved Special Dcvelopment District, and are consistent with the design criteria of the SDD chapter. Minor amendments may include, but are not limited to, variations of not more than frve feet to approved setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the special development district; or changes to gross floor area (excluding residential uses) of not more than SVo of the approved square footage of retail, office, common areas and other non-residential floor area." The fust minor amendment for the Westin is requested for changes to the approved developmcnt plan specifically relating to the expansion of the retail space in the Westin Building. The applicant requests to enlarge the retail space for Pepi Sports by 63 square feet. The staff has determined that this is less than 51o of the total commercial space and can be considercd as a minor amendmenl Therc is no parking requirement for thesc retail spaces per the SDD and the staff does not propose to require any additional parking for this request. There will be no exterior changes to the building. The second amendment being requested is for the Cascade Club, and would allow for a change to the restaurant and bar area of the Club. The applicant wishes to change 420 square feet of the restaurant and bar to an office for the club. Currently, the club office is located in the CMC building. The existing office in the CMC building will be occupied by another entity, therefore, there will be a net increase of office square footage (by 420 square feet) and a reduction of restaurant and bar area by the same. A total of 252 square feet of restaurant and bar will remain. Because the parking requirernent for restaurant and bar use is higher than that of office, the change will not incrcase the parking requirement. Cascade Club Bar and Restaurant Cascade Club Office in CMC Cascade Club New OfFrce Total required Existing Rcquired Parkine Soaces 5.6 3 0 Proposcd Parkins Spaces 3.5 3 L.4 5.28.6 tr. STAITF DECISION The saff has reviewed the applicant's request and has approved both minor amendments to SDD No. 4, pursuant o Chapter 18.40.100(A). The staff has found that the proposed modifications would not alter the basic intent or character of the approved Special Development Disnict, and that the proposed modifications are consistent with the design criteria of tlie SDD chapter. c :\pcc\nemos\cascadewe { TNuN ?WM fiql p*D Lll QgP16. or t!:i- ,r-.lJ- -; i it;-rlr''--ia r-F:-r . Hz 7a/**A)'..Ke*o;n YA[[, October B, lgg? Town of Vai IPlanning Commission75 South Frontage RoadVai l, C0 81652 ATTENTION: Community Development This project is to enab le Pepi's Sports to utilize the spacethat has been vacated by w.H. smith (The Little shop). l,|e willbe creat ing a 12 foot wide access between the two retail spaces. L,le will be adding approximately 63 square feet of retail f loorarea. and reducing our mechanical chase by an equal amount. Thank You,&Paul-dregg. Building Superintendent r300 srEsTlrAvEN DRnT/vAtL coLoRADo 81657 / ( 303 ) +7 6-7rrr l..t-s\\ ".,El " -.rJ- dl 0 r.i{., \ RY{\s {tJ ! i'i € € g JIJ \I la:s $c Q= N3 \ s!Y. a!J R...9 L { Nf. \x N rhT\{N -Ff,nUI!tsid \-J S'$\J 1^t. a I -,tl/! |la I q-__i Lci F] It & $\ Ich. a\rl. 5a n H*1 o-o at, ulJFFJ lrl !,OF:Ja-- 5 -:: IH S .i{*' -----1 q. vt .l i. -: l'\'\\J g.tI4I oIJ z =JJ lrlc'lDE@ilq(Jzo(J anitrlJtr, = = lrl|9 GoFU' Y(t t-- /|. \r_\ € i --+- )5 $=60<oJE zIFolr,lzzoo ,o l&I I I.l I -HE =G IIItrJ I Fr l*l= (n Eo() GlrJ o H ddUl -la,)ll Ft!)v,att =