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07-ZlZn5 Inrpacilon Request Reportlng Page 1E 4:10 pm Vall. CO - Clqt Of A/FID Infiormafron Ac{lvity: E0$,0OIO Const TrnF:olrti€r: VML LLC Applkant Cohhactor: Descilp{on: Reoueshdrnspecdor{sl D gUio Subfte: AliF Phono: 970'949-4651Pttone: 97t}9f9-4651 5/h/^) *'/' Sblue: ISSIJED lnsp fu.a: CGOccupaitcy: ELECTRICAT lbm: {90 ELECflnalR.questori' NEf IELECIRE [.1C,Ccnirnenli: PM Asshn€d To]-€IAIZLE- Acflon: Ime Exp: C=r"".!E R"l'D,,;1"* +;9; lt tn/r{-?//€o t/"n'71"J - oprfi w';;i Eiy'.R""^- fSnse*s ' - bfij, [o,rzD Q1) nrlrit- d/e/ asb'2 - S.gforcl' Fee>eft f i"r lVry V'qie'L 1o" llAe{e ft uStbC r*(Tzouco lLofh eD'' - HorD )- b"* rvo/ lvrfulfu lnsgecton HlstorY lism: 110 ELEC-Temp. Poilelllem: 120 ELEC-Rouoh "ADofoved*(Emlog InsDeclor: h'v " Actlon: APAPPROVED 1UES RS*p ttr to comdere make'ugknc*ffSffi3,|rPdss tor conmcdol|s. CoourErf: h.ir.ctod r.st ol rough rro €rd lh€ bondlng of hot tub rroan m: l3O ELEC.condu[]t m: 1{} ELEgMhc.lbm: lfl) ELEC-F|n l Requested Tlme: 09:30 At- Pfion€: 970949-4651 EnteredBy: DGOLDEN K REPT131