HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS BUILDING C1 C2 C3o \ ,u ,i, - \.ll,,t LTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-4'19-2138 Table Dare: 06/20/1995 Fireptace Infonnation: Restricted: Y DEPARBMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW MULTI-FAM BUITD PERM PCTNiI #: 896-0036 Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status... Location...: vail commons #Cl epplied.. Parcel No..: 2103-114-15-013 Issued...Expires. . I S SUED 03 /28/Lee6 05 /oL/Lee 6 r0 /28 /Lee6 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description:nulti family building 8 UNITS Occupancy Apartment HousesPrivate Garages WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S FRONTAGE RD W, VArL CO 81657 Phone: 3039494360 Phone: 3039494360 Factor Sq. Feet VaLuation 63 . 90 9,016 57 6 ,L22 .40 23 .00 4 ,426 101, 798.00Subtotaf: 13,442 677 ,920.40 TyPezonelV-1HR&V-N Zone 1 V-N Masonry USERVALUATIoN: 677,920 #0f Gas Appl.iances: 8 Total- Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: 677 ,920.40 #0f Uood/Pat tqt: *r(ffi#*toHrHrffi*ffi*ffitr**ffiffi****ffiffi tEE SUt'lllARY Jrrrir/rjrr*trrrrntht** Bui tding-----> 3,052.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviev-->.00 Totst cstcutated Fccs--> 10,696,80400.00 Addition.l, Fe!s------> .004,508.m Totat Permit Fee----> 10,696.80750.00 Paymcnts------ '10,696.80 Ptan check---> 1,985.60 lnvest i gati on> Ui Lt caI, t---->.00 Recreation Fre--------->3.00 cLcan-up Deposi t-----> - Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/03/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR charlie davi-sItbM:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEPI: PLANNING DiViSiON:04/04/7996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE ANDY PLANNER-04'/23'/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE ANDY REVISED RECEIVED0570171996 ANDY Action: APPR Andv KnudtsenItbm:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT . DepI: FIRE DiViSiON:O4/04/L996 CHARLIE AcIion: NOTE MIKE FIRE04'/30'/1996 JEFF A Action: APPR fire dept approvalIr'e8i"055Q0 PUBETC WORK$ ' D'ebt,: PUB WORK Division:04/04/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE LARRY PW04'/29'/1996 TERRI M Action: APPR see conditionsIleln!'.957q0 ENVIRoNMENTAL HEALTH Dept: HEALTH Division:O4/04/J,996 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR N/AIqerni'.95550 ENGINEERING, ' Dept: ENGINEER Division:06/20/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR TM ffir*l**ffi*ffi see Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I havc read this apptication, fitted out jn ful,t thr informtion r?qu'ired, conpteted an accurEte ptotptan, and st.tc that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy rith the infor]ation and ptot ptan,to coflpty l|i th att ToHn ordinances and state taps, and to buitd this structurc according to thc Torrn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, dcsign review approved, Uniforn Buitding Codc and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabLe thcreto. VU REOUESTS toR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE iIADE TwEl{TY-toUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPH0NE-11479-213E oR AI oul-OtflCE tRo[ E:00 Ail 5:00 P" Q^a)33,/ KL- SCNd CTEAN-UP DEPOSjI TO: IIARNER DEVELOII'IETIT SIGNATURE OI OIINER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HII'ISELF AND OI.INER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPernit #: 896-0036 as of 06/20/96 Statusi ISSUED*******************************'********************r.**************************** Permit Type Applicant NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC 3039494360 vail conmons #C1 210 3 -114-15-013 Appliedz 03/28/1996 Issued t 05/0L/1996 To Expirez L0/28/t996 Job Address LocationParcel No Descriptionmulti family building I UNITS Conditions:1. NO PLI'MBING,ELECTRTCAL, OR MECHANICAL WORK ALLOWED UNITL PERMITS ARE AQUIRR.ED2. PROVIDE A DETAIL CLEARLY SHOWING SEPARATION FROM B1-R13. A SET OP STAI,TPED,SIGNED PLANS FOR MECHANICAIJ MUST BE SUBMITT ED AND APPROVED4. ALL STORAGE LOCKERS MUST BE 1HR FIRE RATED WITH 20 MIN. DOORS5. ALL PARTY WALLS ARE TO BE EXTENDED THROUGH THE ATTIC SPACE TO CREATE DRAFT STOPS6, STREET PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE ANY MORE CONSTRUCTION, RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL7. Submit sprinkler and alarm shop drawings and electrical andmechanicaL drawings.8. Interior access road must be constructed in conformance withspecifications iisted directly on the building permit,specifically:A. Utility trench backfillB. Finished subgradeC. Aggregate base courseD. Hot Bituminous pa\/ement9. THE CONSTRUCTION I"IUST COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL AND STATEACCESSIBILTY REGULATIONS . **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Stat,ennt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0159 Amount:10,696 .80 06/20/96 10:49rnit: cDPayment Method: CK Notation: *6762 Permit No: Parce1 No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 41331 0l_ 0000 4L33201 0000 2200230 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:10,696.80 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 896-0036 Type: MF BUILD NEW MULTI*FAI{ BUILD 210 3-114-15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTvail commons #C1 **************************************************************** 10, 696 .80 10,696.80 .00 Anount 3,052 .00 400.00 1, 983. 80 750.00 4,508. 00 3.00 ::5 b: €tE::q:'€9€ iigaE BiEE€€ isEEEE eas;; i gH r b.!3 = i-E !:: E*EEaE t\o- I ,llqlI .0 Eol 0p fl q l{ 1 401 q I.E =& 4 ljI I I .9 E 5U :' J)J 'il\qoicq o 7. =:- = (\l a i-ld.r{.u C) .r{o qJ& Nq,FI p .r{ I o2H '"JH z E FlH 7. lrJ !{ - o F'"() * u!-.J-%Y-- =,>xQ ,., \r 3Zzco<<rira\ <. \,,'i' /\ -z"Y trl F-.:-.?);tszrrXa\ i'! \, f-fzZUAqJ\ -- =tsqoa 14 coi r..' r.gE < *9=it<;:f--<v+ i{.J t'' (., -<Fc4* F r.r- >Z^=<-y !?Eq)ll< .- -t. \.,/l_, l\ F /'\i- F-lr.,l il*o>-: caOc4F-!->--,-vvS>;"< =i=R\-/ :'- a'\ - =oXA!Z\r.-cZl-caFl.l:.-*'!a(' '{ = .ra -SYl+*E=-r:-\;-l-\i/- {-tts -A. artrF?i{h EEIO. FR rnF-rf-a -lri-!+ -F Ea.F) EF fHf\ €, {t -F{€ -ille a+\atLIt+€ E *FtFt-lLf cl+\E'\J rF.q 6.rH E'l-f 1lJrFt fiJtFt|.rA. .F,l\/ o rij.,t... ---Orr,OrOn*(&.. .,. _..__..,,.-r-i. CITECK RESUEST PREPAREpBr: ffi6 NlDt AL '"*o;l,r*; vENDoR NAMII: lt\)""^^,r,, fu^,u-A,cnnrouJ i VENDORNUMBER: OD(rqbS u DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # MA- ag" NAME OF JOB: Vo^l ( n,t.t,u,t dvt S ( ACCOLTNT NUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND T g ] 6D ry' DATE APPROVED: APPRoVAL stcw n v\f,)l)a I t- REF'T 131 TONN OF VAIL. COLORADO F,R6E E 1 AREA: CFAS/3A/97 O7:.fE REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION I^IORK SHEETS FOR z 9/3fr/97 ======= == == = == == =::5:= ===:==== ==== == = * i: -==:: ==- = = === -= = == = ==:::: =::==::3== = ========= ==== t[]rr* Qre?u,' /nTnalr Status: 1!iSUED Constr: NAtrT 0ccr Rl [Jse: V I-HR Fhone: 3O3949436O Fhone: Fhone: 3O*:)949436tl ;. Address: EO99 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Lorat i on: vai I eomrnons *C1 F,ar-ce I : ElrZrS*114-15-tAlJ Descniption: multi fanily bfdinq B UNITS Cl AppL icant: I^IARNER DEVELOFMENTST INC Owner': TOWN OF VRIL Contr'aeb or: NARNER DF:VELUpIYIENTS" INC Locks, HoIds, ACTIVITY Not i ce : Not ice: and Not ices. STREET F,LANS REC FEES HAVE MUS'I BE APF'ROVED BEEN REDUCED TO BEFORE ANY MORE $.5M F'ER SF F'ER CONSTRUCTINN A. K. Inspect ion Request Informat ion. . . . . Reqr-rsElsr', Rich Req Time: qtg:OtZt Commentsr C1lca11 Items neqr-rested to be Inspected... rAAS4rA BLDG-Final C/O Inspect ion Item: Item: Fhone t 748-t&I&7to meet ftct ion Comment s Time Exp Histor^y..... eratzrgo BLDG-For-rndat i on/St ee I A7/Q3/96 Inspeetor': CF Aetion: AFFR BUILDING #C1 ataasrzt Bl_DG-Fram i ng 1t{4/L7/96 Inspector': EF Action: DN ELDG C-l Notes: CHANGE HANGERS ON T.IITS OVER GARABE ENT DOOR EI.ECT ROUGH NEEDS TO BE DONE PRIOR TO A FRAMING INSF'T ltd/?.4/96 Inspector': trF Act ion: AFFR BLDG C-l ;Notes: REFLACE TJI JOIST HANGERS AT GARAGE ENT. NITH FROFER ONES F'ffCK BUT RIM JOIST AT POINT LOADSN EARAGF LEVEL FIRE BLOCK AT EXTERIOR I^'ALL AND CORRIDOR OONE HOUR FIRE SEP BFThJEEN UNITS TO UNDERSIDE OF RDOF FLOOR PENETRATIONS MUST BE FIL.LED EXTERIOR WNLL SHEETROCH DOESNT AF'F.EAR 1"O BE PROF'ERLY ATTA Item: Itemr 1g/85/96 Inspectolr EG lE:/W6/Sh Inspectot': EEItem: q{tfr7tA BLDE-Misc. AA/I:El96 Inspector': CF IAO05O BL-DG-Insul at i on 1,I /VI /96 Inspect or: DS 11/19/96 Inspector': EG rAAAGgt BLDG-Sheetrock Nai III / t l /96 Inspect or": CDlIl14/96 Inspector. l CF11/ee/96 Inspector-: EGt.e/fi9/96 Inspector": CF Notes: frartial lid (srl. half) Action: AF'F'R RL INSULATION CONpLETE ACt i ON ; f,F.F.R AF.F'ROVED Action: AFFR UFF'ER LEVEL DNLY #C1 Action; FA EARAGH NOT INCLUDED Act i on : AFF R AF'E R0VED Act ion: AFFR garage level I st l;rver' Action: AFF'R AFFROUEDAction: f,FFR AF'PROVED Act i on: NO NOTIFIED Ip bottles mr-rst be nenoved fr'om inside of br-rildingLelA4/96' Inspector: DS Action: FA FARTIAL GARAGE Notes; S"|RUCTURAL ENG LETTER REtrEIVF:D RFFROUING ROOF TRLISSES FOR T}{E VAIL COMIYIONS PROJFCT npr.t nr.: f)S Or-t i nn ! OE E p O|i'trtF?nutrft 'it'r aeREtrT131 TOIIN 0F VAIL' COLORADO69/3$/97 07135 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FOR: 9/3Q/97 FA6E AREAT CF o3/14/97 Inspeetorr EGIten; AOO9O BLD6-FinalItenr OO53O BLD6-Temp. trlO Aetion: APFR lath bldg c-l t"/3I |9$ -I n-qreqt or t DS Act i on r AtrPR APPROUED Noteg: *EIIEIJ!f, STUCCO COFIFLETED BY 3-15-97' SCAFFOLINE EIINE' BARA-{*ffiffip corYrpLETEIterr 40531 FIRE-TEMP. tr/gIten: 0OS3E PI"|-TEMF,. C/0 Le/3,0/96 Inepectrir': Ltr Aetion: fiFFR APPROVEDItenr 90533 trLAN-TElYlF. C/OItenr OO537 FLRN-FINRL C/OItenr 00534 FIRE-FINAL tr/uIten: OO539 trW-FINAb C/O Iten r OO54S BLDE-Final C./tr ,'.:i o REF.T 131 TOt^tN DF VAIL, COLORRDO E.AGE 5 AFEA: CFlE/3tft/96 tZfrr46 REC,IUESTS FOR INSFECTION I^,ORK SHEETS FOR:1il/3rl'/9f: Addr.ESS: TIZ99 N FRONTAGE RD I^JEsT Locat i on: vai I commons #C1 ". France 1 : l1O3- 1 14- 1S-fi 13Description: rnr-tlti family blding I UNITS C1 Appl icant: I{ARNER DEVELOFMENTg;r INC f]wner': TOt^lN OF VAILContraetor: WARNER DEVELDFMENTS, INC Ocn: Rl Use: tr I-HR Fhone: 3OJ949435tZt AFhone:Fhone: JO39494,i6O Loeks, Ho ldso ACTIVITY Not ice: Not ice: and Not ices. STREE-T F.LANs REC FEES HAVE MUST BE AF,F.ROVq9 BEEN REDUCED TO BEFORE ANY MNRE $.5O PER 5F trER CONSTRLICT I ON A" K. Inspect ion Request Inf or-mat ion. Reo ue st o r': Ri ch Req Time: tZtl!tatzl Commentsl C1Items requested to he Inspected. tz'fr530 BLDG-Temp. C/A Fhone: 479-9SlO bldE ,t{.^ Act i on Comment s Time Exp Insp ction Hi-stdr"y,.... Item: ttOSOla FLI-Backf i I I Inspect ion Item I tZ ZtStZt l FiW-Temp. aceess/dr"ainage Item r OA50g FW*Ror"igh qrade Item: AASlaJ FW-Final dr"ivewery gr'ade Item: rAraSlA drriveway grade f inal It em : rZr0r0lrZr BLD6-Foot ings,/5t ee I ItBm : Atatae0 BLDG-For-rndat ion/$teeI 47 lA3/96 Inspector': CFItem: lAASetA FLRN-ILC Site F'Ian Item : rZrOCrgA BLDG-Fnaminq Aetion: APFR BUILDING +Cl Action: fiF'FR R1 INSUL.ATlON COMFLETE Act i on : trF'F R AF PROVL"D Item: Itern l Item: Lb/17/96 Inspeetor.r tiF Action: DN BLDG C-l Notes: CHANGH HtrNGEl?S DN TJI'S OVER GFIRf;GE ENT DOIIR ELECT ROU6H NEEDS TO BE DONE F'RIOR TO A FRAMING INSF'TIa/?4/96 Inspector": CF Action: AFtrR BLDG D-lNotes: REF|LACE TJI JOIST HANGERS AT GARAGE ENT. NITH FROFER ONEE; PACH OUT RIIq JOIST RT F.OINT L$ADS. BARAGE LEVEL FIRE BLOtrK AT EXTERIOR WALL AND CORRIDOR OONE FIOUR FIRE SEP BETI.IEHN UNITS TO UNDERSIDE OF RNOF FLOOR PENETRATIONS MUST BE FILL.ED EXTERIOtr HALL SHEETROCH DOESNT AF,F.EAR TO BE F'ROPERLY ATTR firafi4o + * Not 0n File * .x qraraSra BLD6- I nsr_r I at i onLI/Vt|/96 Inspector: DSIL/ Lg/96 Inspet:tor": EG AOIaGA BLD6-Sheetr oek Nai I 11,/ 1l /96 Inspector': CDILl L4/96 Insnector.: EF I 1 1EE196-InEpee:t or': EG 6lct i orr : AF trR Act i on: FA Rctionl AF't-'R- UPF,ER t-EVF-t... {lARffGF NOT nNL.Y #C 1 I NCI-UDED AF,F,ROVED 6 TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165? 970-479-2138 Table Date: 06/20/L995 Fircplaca Inforn tion: Rcstricted: Y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW MULT]-FAM BUILD PERM Permit #: 896-0036 APPLICAN? WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, P O BOX 958, AVON CO CONTRACTOR WARNER DEVETOPMENTS, P O BOX 958, AVON CO OVINER TOWN OF VAIL75 S FRONTAGE RD W, Description:multi family building I UNITS Occupancy Apartment HousesPrivate Garages TyPeZonelV-1HR&V-N Zone 1 V-N Masonry USERVALUATION: 677,9?0#of Gas Apptiances: 8 Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocation...: vail commons #ClParcel No.. : 2103-1L4-L5-013 Status...: APPROVEDApplied..: 03/28/Lee6 Iseued. . .: 05/Ol/L996Expires..: LO/28/L996Phone: 3039494360 Phone: 3039494360 Factor Sq. Feet Valuation INC 8162 0 INC 8L620 vArL co 8l_657 63.90 23.00 Subtotal: 9 ,0L6 57 6 | L22 .40 Total- Val-uation: #0f Gas Logs: 4 ,426t3 ,442 Payments------- EALANCE DUE---- 101, 798. 00 6',t7 ,920.40 677 ,920.40 #0f l,ood/Pa l. Let: .00 10,696.80 **ffi FEE SUI'lilARY rt*t*ffirffiffi**tfit*tr***tt**rnHebtht**tnhffi*Ht** Bui Ldin9----> Ptrn check--> hvestigation> ui tt caLl.----> 3,052.m1,983.fi .m 5.00 Rcstuarant Ptan Revi eu--> DRB F!F------- Rccreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up 0eposi t-------> TOTAL FEES--_. .00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 10,696.804m.00 Additional, Fees---------> .(x)/.,508.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 10,696.80 750.00 10,696. E0*trt#**tr*tffi *ffi f,ffi ffiffi rHrrHfirr*ffi *ffit"***kHffi Ilg[ri,9ll90_9qrI,DING DEPARTMENT Dqpr: BUTLDTNG Division:04/O3/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR charlie davisIteqri'.054Q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division:94/.04/.L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE ANDY PIJANNER-04'/.?3'/.1996 CHARIJIE Actjon: NOTE ANDY REVISED RECEIVED95'/OL'/L996 ANDY Action: APPR Andv KnudtsenIqeBi'.056q0-qIBE DEPARTMENT ' Depr: FIRE Division:Q4/.94/.L996 CHARLTE Acriont NOTE MrKE FIREO4'/3O'/L996 JEFF A Action: AppR fire dept aporovalI!e{r;'.955q0_puBEIC WORKS ' Dbbr: puB woRK Division:Q4/.Q4/.L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE LARRY pw 9+'/29'/L996 TERRI M Action: AppR see condirionsI!g{ri'.95?q0_EI.IYIEONMENT+L HEALTH Depr: HEALTH Division:04/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AIt'em:' 05550 ENGINEERING ' Dept: ENGINEER Division: turffirr*}ffi ffiffi *i.t tt*rt rffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIO S I. hcreby .acknovtcdge that I hrvc rcad this appl,ication, f il,l,ed out in ful,L the information required, compl.eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that a[[ th. informltion provided as required is correct. I agnee to compl,y !,ith tire inionmation and pl,ot ptan,to.conPl'y Yith al'l' Tovn ond'irunces lnd state [avs, and to buitd this structure according io'the Town's zoning and subdjvisibncodcs, design rcvieu approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto. orarrr* toR lNspEcrlor{s SHALL BE r^or rt*rouR HouRs rr{ AD'AN.E By TELE'H.NE o, or?*, oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRolr 6:00 Ar 5:00 p Scnd CLern-Up Dlposit To: IfARNER DEVELoPIIENT SIGNATURE OF Ot.iNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.'NER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit *: 896-0036 as of 06/07/96 Status: AppROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Ttpe: NEw MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM Appliedt 03/28/1996Applicant: WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC Issuedt 05/0I/19963039494360 To Expire. t0/28/1,996 Job Address:Location: vaiL commons #C1Parcel No: 2103-114-15-0 13 Description:multi family building 8 UNITS Conditions:1. NO PLITMBING,ELECTRICAL, OR MECHANICAL WORK ALLOWED UNITL PERMITS ARE AQUIRRED2. PROVIDE A DETATL CLEARLY SHOWING SEPARATION FROM B1-Rl3. A SET OF STAI4PED,SIGNED PLANS FOR MECHANICAL MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED4. ALL STORAGE LOCKERS I.,IUST BE 1HR FIRE RATED VIITH 20 MIN. DOORS5. ALI-,, PARTY WALLS ARE TO BE EXTENDED THROUGH THE ATTIC SPACE TO CREATE DRAFT STOPS6. STREET PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE ANY MORE CONSTRUCTION, RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL7. Submit sprinkler and alarm shop drawings and electrical andmechanical drawings.8. Interior access road must be constructeri in conformance withepecifications listed directly on the building permit,specifically:A. Utitity trench backfiltB. Finished subgradeC. Aggregate base courseD. Hot Bituminous pavement9. THE CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL AND STATE ACCESS IBILTY REGULATIONS, oz ts :Ec(uJ4 I € {l \ UI UJl!II = 4 rt - [], io J (J o(, Fj o :Y =o o qqI o o 3to€o -o -'- o c tr{E*E.e ld EE!gE I;E.gR€: ,IP EgE;i T ln € EEg-t \ l= :iil'i' IEEFE \]fu E;;E€(ii: el::i'l*t s*ig! Xrr."OO :EE gB :eEiH C= o (4 tr e;=.i€ EtiEs giff F iE$sE r T.() z J (J EFC)uJ gl o = { u otl,I z.o 6e,(, uJ o o E E 9 o 6IuJoG? Tu, C) x F U> v,IJJ u- F = J F F LJ I { =UJI NOrlVntVA r+ ( ( '. I E1 B^ I 90F - qt =l E e = Ei 3 ; f;lc) z Xl|r < g, sa Ei- r{ -O' =/- ra |r) = ,., ,r =orv qt 60t{ F tttr UJ o\o Or \o € .lt e-.|€ €6l z F tl,,FJ I tl3ql EldoEz 9s6tOraIP {:e to.|€t 6!ft{J !fleg,Go E U;: orrY= d6}E tl tl iJliln|llil lslnt-l tEl| )l uJ JJ x b z o\ t.E N I o sl :. 1xlgj I I IloITl* I i=l.j t tt 8G o i I Il _l 9lFIol rl<l zl ., >lo UJoUJlt th =i! J r|l.{o \E) ..' 5 Irl I I I I I "lzlll <lIl til; l;,; *IFI I g \s RI ul d NF\c l N N U 0)) ) L rl oz J l! I I I I J @ F J ! F u2a EE =z -l ;. o E] ql tU ru lr {Jl rrl|!lBl ul = €u1o\ N lq A. vlfr dd{J :8 \0 $ I CNso\ G o ;i o (!Io ,ldlr I H ql Fl - to INl|J.1ot IOl g1dtl .S6t (n I HI EFl .1 trolo.l>trll < edfr q ct J;5 q F e ) t $ E! a \o 11<trrll 5l ?l>I|rI r-rl 'lolFI =q E dz dUJ - oz3IFI tt EF = l! oz ol! CE -f ilq 3lg FI I I II E I I I I ^l:l el :l <t>ltLl ng I I I r E I I I I cil .l r..rl:l <l>llrlol 3t :ol urFI F' Itz = (J uJtr C) -rO<Fc()uJ< lJ.,t FtnZo(J 5P=o=<;.Fa6(J 2F =Ed6 C) <x z<)-< xz =H e, |:+=-FF (-) J<ogln33 tt -a,3 .5 .E t E E0(l Ao tra albFEE E$ to) e\ 1 qp,:\ Er\i{ \'* I: rr{jal l, rdl :L!-Ft5 F =E,lrlo-zoFo E, 6zo CJ z a.:9 =< =z]DJOIL IJ. Jir =E==x(Jdd= E =l,! lro IJJo- F tnD .l Et]D L|€tatf C*ucA. Ootuente* Ct - &5 t49 5W P.Wt-' 1 A,Lt^o.LrtE,;O Q6"o Nur4r;6?-J 06fu Foe d*t44t; t. HAnl gpae (*r,taril t 4o''a9/+' F?e] 1.*.Aeta)€t t AUest UgSpa etgae - ??'- 1' ftag 4;"eE a+A, | 3 trtxtEe #aorWef ?Itues. ?ol6c' pgy 4*e; 3*6 {. t4Arlt Fl&tA tt?taHr ' Z'b'- Io' fuu 4*Wrer stt'B 6ga,"cl " - g;1.g*ta€ st r.e, 5er AT -lq\d- 6" l. Mar"l Alhe - eotTt- ??l+" (wour 6;s5 6rtv3 ) - r7aDU!. d, - tt tatrrasr far{t - 34'- 2 ?/+u ,. 1aftE &.. Qv,s - fun| 1' f- -aae rrrr .r- -e-- -\ <.- ^ ^l ^J 4. Ft*as e fu7'-c"?, Sutusc F.q^es- 6@qI- t'(wrer crrtE ca{lat?)- fr?qt-/ ti,urr*< trosr 'iD Z5'- 2"thqttr*t foJ.tf - Z6t- l2r' -fiAt'- o" - 1. llev,t Afre - fuZtt-ot/.t' (,ffi c.CG faQr) - 1 QaD6L O' itrartcsr furtT - O$"(s)/4t' ?. frttu43AAaet - Oolt'-G"A, p*;e(A - Oooz!- tor(tryrc;.c) - Zq6t| d,, tlbt.tr -QoL6t'74t-|O" r2. lPtae *. ane- eal---ft(u4* aG atud - 1qg2L5r' lft-aaqa furtt - %L tt' g.rcr'i.?" - 6ae4e <.^e +r t^T 1dl1q:-1,/an . /. getrl Aq;e ' ba| Zr', _ Z.l"sarrsez. 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FtrzoC) <o()F F5 f:i F UJO() (,z = <xoFzlJ =€f,o=l,jJ, =3 e. irg FF<o 9fr"EDN 970t949-s2@ FAX/949-5205 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS. P.C. WE ARE SENDING YOU VIA: tr FAX tr UPS E snop DRAwtNGs coPtEs4a,DATE DRAWING # THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: tr US MAIL tr DELIVERY E pnocness PRTNTs ! Box 5300 o Avon, Colorodo 61620ARCHITECIURE . PLANNING . INTERIORS ,o ChnL LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DA'E 4l"h' JoB No. t/0.[G,,',*"rq6p O FEDERALEXPRESS tr lu^rf Adrtt. tr FORAPPROVAL tl FOR YOUR USE O REVISE AND SUBMIT tr REVIEWED BYVi'IDA U REJECTED coPtEs / o"REeuEsrED REMARKS : [r*. \rh*nfDrrdryr"o.+t t^c tJ*,)t/COPY TO SIGNED VICTOR MARK DONALDSON, ARCHITECTS, P.C. *ARNER DE,EL'PME*C,na.LETTil @F T'RANSNfl IT?TAL P.O. Box 958 AVON, COTORADO 81620 Denver 5344695(3O3) 94941t6O fi)iff, oF varl, Itepartrent of CmrnLty Developrent 75 S. Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU Et Attached tr Under separate cover via TO tr Samples the following items: tr SpecificationsD Shop drawings tr Copy of letter ! Prints - Change order E Plans DATE lJOl3122196 | NO. ATTENTION Ghucl Feldnann RE: VAIL C(}|HOf,S. Bulldl-ncs Cl. C2 & C3 BuLld{ng Peroit ApplLcations coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1ea.Llr7196 Solls & Fotrndatlon InveatlgatLon' Vall Co nons GfL Ttoqrson, Inc. lea Building Appllcatlon 4 ea.3l18l96 Archl"tectural llran{ngs' AO - A9' Structurala Sl - 56 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: B For approval . tr For your use E As request€d D Approved as submitted tr Approved as not6d D Returned lor corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution E Retu rn -correct€d prints E For review and commcnt n tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO PioqJfl 2ot /ffi'/b.. ofr., h ourl t,.ncto.ut ..rf rot.r ad..t, rrr,dut rotlty uf,rlE&.ldarng rl[ \)TARNER I)EVELOP14ENTS, IN(-- \N 20 EAGLE ROAD P. O. BOX 958 AVON, COLORADO 81620 (r03) 949.4360 FAX (301) 949-4364 March 21, 1996 Chuck Feldmann Building Inspector/Plans Examiner TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: VAILCOMMONS Building Permit Application; Cl, C2 &C3 Dear Chuck: I am submitting Building Permit Applications for Vail Commons, Buildings Cl, C2 and C3, along with 4 sets of stamped drawings, two of which are for the Department of Community Development and one each for Public Works and Fire Department All three of these buildings are incorporated into one set of drawings. I have not submitted a site plan with these drawings since there are still some issues to be resolved between Public Works and Sopris Engineering, the civil engineers on this project. However, the building grades have been engineered to fit within the Vail Commons site. I will submit a final site plan as soon as it is completed. Since Buildings Cl, C2 and C3 are identical, Warner Developments is requesting an exemption from the plan check fee for the second and third buildings. It will be repetitive plan check and there should be no new issues beyond the first building review. Ifyou have any questions in this regard, please contact me. Sincerely, WARNER DEVELOPMENTS. INC.4== GaryMarner / Director of Construction t Attachments CONSTRUCTION' DEVELOPMENT o\a -ltv,rn cf Vaif rlFFfftfr 00PY i(; 31.i" lJl i::URFtll'iat al-iANNi^t- , a ib" C.C. :J i-A]'rRC.: 3ib" GY?. 30 - 2 f{ouR FLOOR Ag3Ef1tsLY L>3A o "?'\II[J FFl0i: OPY Towi-r *i Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 'r'own or va1-L 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 815 57(303) 479 -21.38 PIan review based onthe 1991 Uniforn Buildj.ng Code Proj ect Number: PR4I950025 Address z 2099 N. FRONTAGE ROADPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Occupancy r R1 ,81Type of Const: V- 1hr CORRECTION REQUIRED Nane: VAIL COMMONS BUILDING gl Date: April 2, 1995 ConEractor : WARNER DEVEI,OPMENTSArchitect: DONALDSONEngineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVIS to be classThe roofing on this buildinqr is required B or betcer. -- sec. 3203. & Table 32-A Glazing in a hazardous location is required. to beglazed with safety material . -- Sec. 5405. This project. will require a siEe improvement. survey.This survey shall be submitted and staff approved.prior to a request for a frame j-nspection. Under nocircumstances will a frame inspection be approvedwithout an approved siEe improvement survey, Area separaCion wa11s which terminate at roofs ofdifferenl heiqht shall terminate at a point. 30"above the lower roof with the ext. wall above thelower roof of thr. const. & openings protect.ed, orceilings below may be fire resistive as per UBC 505 (e) 5. llhere bath tubs are located adjacent to partyseparation walls, be sure to carry 5/8 I\pe Xsheetrock behind tub assembly. A11 storaqe sheds will be protect.ed with t hr ratedwa11s and. a 20 minute rated door. A fire alarm syst.em is required per Article 14 UFC A snoke d.etector is required in this location. NOTE: {p """""uo'uuo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development All detectors are to 6ound an alarm in bedroom area.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. Provide details (consbruction and location) ofdraftstops in the floor system. -- Sec. 2515. (f)4.A Provide details (construction and location) ofdraftstops in the attic. - - Sec. 25t5. (f)4.8 Fi-re alarm nanual puIl stations shalI be doubleaction. Door (s) ind.icated are required to be 20 minute fireassemblies including labeled door and frame, closer, snoke seal , and latch. -- Sec. 3305. (h)1. A handrail is required. along a stairway. It isrequired to be 34 to 38 inches above Ehe nosinq ofthe steps and. if the side is open, the maximum sizeof an openinq in the railing at the stairway is 4inches. -- sec. 3305. (i) & L7L2. Stairways having 4 or nore risers for dweLlingrsshall be provided with a hand.rail. Such handrailshall be between 34-38u ht. above tread nosing, begrippable, and end.s shalI be returned. For otheroee. 2 or nore treads wiII require a handrail as def ined . AlI eleccrical work bo be complete to therequirements of the 1995 National Elect.rical Code. An exterior elecCrical d.isconnect required. fsland. fixtures shalI be special vented as per UPC b.L4. No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected. to a drainage system without the use of anapproved dishwasher air-gap fittinq. UpC 508 For heating or hot-water supply boiler applicationsa floor drain shall be supplied for suitabledisposing of accumulabed. fluids. IJMC 2119 Supply a floor drain in the laundry room toadequately dispose of water due to overflow or linebreakage. Dornestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be 10 II T2 13 19 15 IO L7 rtt 20 {g un"uoru"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development j-nstalled as per UMC 1104 & 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed. 5' length and shall not be concealed. within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the building and noE exceed 14 1 length. In buildings of unusually tight construction (a11 new constructi-on in Town of VAil) al1 cornbustion air shall- be obtained fron outside air. IJMC ch. 5 2L zz Heating and cooling equipmen! located inor aeparated from the qarage by only one be installed wiLh the pilots and burners elements and switches at least 18" above tMc 508 Furnaces not listed for alcove or closetinst.allation sha11 be installed in a room volume at least 12 limes the total volume furnace. Boilers require a room a! leastlarger than the volume of the boiler. Ut{C the qarage door shallor heatingthe f1oor. having aof the 15 times s04 (b) z5 24 25 26 Provide a mechanical drawing sho$ring basic design orhyd.ronic system or duct system, size of equipment (BTU & actual volume size). size of mechanical room, and. size of combustion air to be supplied to equipment . Found,ation plate€ and all lumber in direct contactwith concrete shall be eiEher redwood or Dressuretreated lumber. UBC 2515 (c)3 Please designate which units wiIl be used for ADArequirement.s, 1993 Accumulative Supplement Sec. 3103 8 (b) {S *r"o"ro r*r, te*ri si ijril ' FFICffi EOPY TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Coloralo 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 'T'OWN OI V AI I 75 South Frontaqe RoadVai1, CoLorado 8155?(303) 479 -2138 Plan analysis based onthe 1-991 Uniform Building Code Proj ect Number: PRJ960025 Address : 2099 N. FRONTAGE ROADPlannerr Andy Knudtsen Occupancy: R1 ,81T].pe of Const: V-l-hr Name: VAIL COMMONS BUILDING gt Dat.e: April 9, 1996 ConEractor : WARNER DEVEIJOPMENTSArchitects DONAIJDSONEngineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVIS NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a conpletelisting of all possible cod.e requiremenbs in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide toselected secti-ons of the code. SE PARATIONDIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTIONNORTH Building 40.0 Feet 20.0 FeetEAST Property line 21.0 Feet 21.0 FeetSOUTH Building 25.0 Feet 12.5 FeetWEST Buildinq 50.0 Feet 25.0 FeetArea increased 25.00t for open area on 2 sides. OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUSFL 2 C5 BEDROOM #22 c5 BEDROOM *1-2 C5 KITCHEN2 C5 LIVING/DINTNG2 C5 BEDROOM #22 c5 BEROOM #12 C6 KITCHEN2 C6 IJIVING/DINING2 C7 BEDROOM #22 C7 BEDROOM #12 C7 KITCHEN2 C7 I-,IVING,/ D INING2 C8 BEDROOM #22 C8 BEDROOM #12 C8 KITCHEN l-3125 0.0113125 0.0113125 0.0113125 0.02L3L25 0.0113125 0.0113125 0.01 rJrzf v.uz 13125 0.01r.3125 0 . 01r3L25 0. 01 13125 0. 02 13 r.25 0. 0l-L3L25 0. 0113125 0.01 R1 t( _L R1 tlr It -L R1 ItL R1 I\, -L Il,r R1 Itf RL ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 123 L+f,tz 254 723r4) 92 254 1231/|c 92 1 q. ,1 L23 L45 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok {,7 *'"n"'o "*'* TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 CL BEDROOM #21 C1 BEDROOM #11 C1 KITCHEN1 C1 LIVING/DINING1 C2 BEDROOM #21 C2 BEDROOM #2]- C2 KITCHEN1 C2 LIVING/DINING1- C3 BEDROOM #21 C3 BEDROOM #11 C3 KITCHEN1. C3 LIVING/DINING1 C4 BEDROOM #21 C4 BEDROOM #l-]. C4 KITCHEN1 C4 LTVING/DINTNG1 HALLS,CLOSETS, BATHS TOTAL FOR FLOORB Parki-ng carage TOTAL FOR FIJOOR BUILDING TOTAL 2 C8 IIIVING/DINING R].2 HAI,I,S, CIIOSETS. BATHS R1 254 1312 5 0 .02205r. 1"3125 0.154507 13125 0.34r23 13125 0.01145 r.3125 0.0192 13125 0.0r.254 r3r25 0.02I23 1,3125 0.01.145 13L25 0.0192 1.3125 0.01-254 13125 0.02I23 t3L25 0.01,145 t-3125 0.01-92 13125 0.01254 13125 0.02I23 13125 0.01145 13125 0.01"92 L3L25 0.01-254 L3L25 0.022053 13125 0.154509 13125 0.344425 17500 0.254425 17500 0.25901-5 25250 0.34 I(I IlI I! -L I( -L R1 Rt_ r.l lt _L R1 t(,L ItL ttI tl.i- l(t R1 t(r IJ.L ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok The actual height of this building is 3l-.0 feeE.The maximurn height of the building' is 50.0 feet. -- Table 5-D EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG WAIJL WAI,L PROT WAIJLRl thr thr None ]-hr B l- thr thr None l-hr The exterior walls nay be of EAST SOUTH NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNGWALL PROT WAI.,L WAI.,L PROTthr None thr thr Nonethr None Lhr thr None COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.22 01. WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG WAIJL WAI-,I., PROTthr l-hr Nonethr l-hr None None -- No fire protecLion requirements for openings.Prot -- openings are to be probected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50t of thearea of the waII maximum. Sec. 504. (b) & Sec.2203. & Table 5-AMaximum sinqrle window size is 84 sq.fC with no dimensiongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 430G. (h) NOP -- Openinqs are not permitted in this wall.* -- These waLls may be required. to have a parapet wall 30 inchesabove the roofing. The parapeC wall is required to have the samefire rating as the walr. see section 1710. for details and. exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Tabte i.7-AELEMENT MATERIAIJ RATINGInterior Bearing wall Any L hr {P *""'""'o '*'* NOTES 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 1 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development See Footnobe #7 See f ootnot.e #1 See Footnote #9 fnterior nonbrg wa11Sbructural FrameExterior Sbruct Frame Shafb EnclosureFIoor/Ceiling AssemblyRoof/Ceiling AssemblyStairs Any t hrAny t hrAny t hrAny t hrAny t hr Any I hr Any None NOTE: See Sec. 1705.(a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES :1) Elements in an exterior wall located where openings are not permitted orwhere protection of openingrs is required, shall be protected. aqainstexternal fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or theseructural frame. whichever is greater. -- Table 17-A. footnote 17) Nonload-bearinq wa11s within a dwellingr unit that are not part of acorridor may be of:a) Noncornbustible (nonrated) materialsb) Fire retard.ant - treated wood.c) Combustible framing with noncombusEible covering inT]'pe IIf and V construction -- Sec. 1705. (b)2. 9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes. the floor surface shall be ofnoncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec. 702. (cl & 902.(b)L1) A self -closing, 13/4 inch thick solid core or noncombusbible dooris required between the basement and the lst floor. - - Sec. 1703 . 17) The ceiling: of the basemenE is requi.red to be protected with lhr fire-resistive construction and doors to basements are required to be ofnoncombustible consLruction or 13/4 inch s.C. b/ood. -- sec. 1203. DRAFT STOPS:rf there is combustibre construccion in hhe floor/ceiling assernlcry, draf!stops shall be installed in line with wa1Is separating individ.ual dwellingunits and guest rooms from each other and from other areas --- sec. 2515. (f)4.A. (ii)If there is combustible construction in the roof/ceiling assembly, draftstops shalI be installed in line wihh walls separating individ.ual dwellingunits and. giuest rooms from each ot.her and from ot.her areas.-- sec. 2s16. (f)4.8. (ii) OCCUPANCY SEPAFATTONS -- Table 5-BRl-Bl- 3hr The separation may be two hours if linited to parki.ng orstorag:e of private or pleasure vehicles. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex #2 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR Rl OCCUPANCY:A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit serving more than one unit. -- Sec. 121-3.A thr occupancy separation is required around conmon storage and laundryrooms. -- Sec. 1202. (b) A l-hr fire separation is required between dwelling units. -- sec. 1202. (b) FOR B]. OCCUPANCY: {,; *""'"""o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 De partme nt of C ommunity D eve lopment A thr occupancy separation is required aroundcentral heating unit greater than 400,000 EXIT REQUTREMENTS:FL NAME rooms conbaining a boiler or BTU input. -- Sec. 708. NOTESOCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOORI.,OAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 C5 BEDROOM #22 C5 BEDROOM #12 C5 KTTCHEN2 C5 LIVING/DINTNG2 C5 BEDROOM #22 c6 BEROOM #12 C5 KTTCHEN2 C5 IJIVING/DINING2 C7 BEDROOM #22 C7 BEDROOM #12 C7 KTTCHEN2 C7 LTVING/DINING2 C8 BEDROOM #22 C8 BEDROOM #12 C8 KITCHEN2 C8 LIVING/DINING2 HAIJLS, CLOSETS, BATHS TOTALr. c1 BEDROOM f21 C1 BEDROOM #l-1 C1 KITCHEN]. C1 LIVING/DININGL c2 BEDROOM #21 C2 BEDROOM #21 C2 KITCHEN1 C2 IJIVING,/DTNTNG1 C3 BEDROOM #21 C3 BEDROOM #t-1 C3 KITCHEN]- C3 LIVING,/DINTNG1 C4 BEDROOM #2L c4 BEDROOM #1]. C4 KITCHEN1 C4 LIVING,/DINING1 HAI,LS, CLOSETS, BATHS TOTAI.,B Parking carag'e TOTAIJ No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No 1 1 1 L 1 t- 1 1 1- 1 L L t-0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 l- l_ n L L 1 0 L 10 22 22 t 1 1 1_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l- 2 2 1 L 1 L 1 L 1 1 l- l- 1 1 l- 1- 1 2 t" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0-0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.6 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No N/R N,/R N/R N/R N,/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/n N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/n N,/R N/n N/R N/R N/R N/n N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of walls andceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (S) Door openings are required to be protected.with 20 minuEe assembLies and window openings aie required to be protectedwith labeled 3/4 hour assemblies. -- Sec. 3305. (h) {S *u"orurruuo 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 The minimum width of a stairway is 35 inches, 44 inches if theis greater than 49. -- Sec. 3306. (b)AIso see exit table above to see if ninimum widEh is greaterProvide handrails on boLh sides of a stairwav 34 to 38 inches Department of Community Development occupant load. Ehan 44 inches.above the In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is L/2 of the maxirnum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted..Occupant load is based. on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A exeept as noted.Exit r^'idth is in feet and based on Sec. 3303. (b). ExiL width is to be divideii approximately equalty anong exits.Width shown for all areas is based on other exits. (0.2) width shov,'n for Lst floor is based on other exits. (0.2) Width sholrn for other floors & basements is based on stairways. (0.3)For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304.(f)For the minimun wi-dth of corridors, see Sec, 3305.(b)For the mininum width of stairways, see Sec. 3305. (b) FOOTNOTES: STAIR NOTES :Within a dwell ingr unit:A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and bhe minimum run is 9 inches.- - Sec. 3306. (c) exc.*1Provide a handrail on one side of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is more Ltran 3 risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) ExcepbionsProvide a g'uard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height= 35 inches. maxirnum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec. 1712. (a) exc 1 .For conunon stairways: The maximum rise of a sLep is 7 inches and the minimum run is 11 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) nos r-ng . (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wid.e) -- Sec. 3306. (j)Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height= 42 inches, maximurn openinq, size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7L2. (a)The minimum head.room is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protect.ed. as requiredfor Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 330d. (1) Provid.e a landing within 1 inch (L/2 Lnc:n at doors used for handicappedaccess) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (i)The minimum width is same as door width and the rninimum length is 44 inches.-- sec. 3304.(j) The maximum t.ravel distance in this build.ing is 150 feet.-- Sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS :1) The roofinq on this building is required to be Class C -- Table 32-Acedar or redwood shake shingles and #1 shingles constructed in {,7 *""'""'o '*"r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development accord.ance with Section 3204(e), Special-purpose Roofs may be used. - - Except j-on #32) See section 3204. and ICBO research reporhs for requirements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEITS:If openings are not provided in each 50 feet of exterior wa1l or there isfloor area nore than 75 feet from an exterior opening, an automaticsprinkler system is required. -- Sec. 3802. (b)If the building contains 15 or more dwelting units. an automatic sprinkler sysEem is required. -- Sec. 3802. (h)If bhere are 100 or more sprinklers. the automatic sprinkler system shall besupervised by an approved central , proprietary, or remote station serviceor a local alarrn which will give an audible signaf at. a constantlyattended location. -- Sec. 3803. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS :There is no requj-remen! for a standpipe. -- Table 38-AA hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES:1) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c). (d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH:1) Wal1 and ceiling finish materials are required to conply withSec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on the ceiling' is required to have a Class I flamespread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (bl3) Textile wall coverings shall have Class I flame spread rating.and shall be protected by aubomatic sprinklers or meet the accepCance criteria of U.B.C. SCand.ard No. 42-2 -- Sec. 4205. INSUIJATION NOTES :1) Arl insuration material including facings are required to have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke dens j.ty of 450 unlessit. is in a concealed space and t.he facinq is in contact wibh a wall orceiling'. - - Sec. 171-4. (c) exc.#22) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. j.jL3. ELAZING REQUIREMENTS :Al1 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyqlazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :For RL occupancyAll chimney enclosures for wood. burning fireplace factory-buiItchimneys shall be protected by a t hr. fire resistrveconstruction. A11 project.s larg'er t.han four dwelling units shall be supplied wj_thstamped drawings from a quilified architect and/or structuraleng'ineer .A11 buildinq within the Town of vail with 20 units or more. or overbhree st.ories, and. containing any dwelling units sha11 be {P r'"'""uo '*u" TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D epartment of Community Development supplied with engineer fire alarm and fire sprinkler systemsfor approval be the Town Of Vail Fire Department. ORD.3 of dJ.A1l crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail shall be limited to 5'height from floor to structural floor/ceiling, have a dirtfloor on1y. with ventilation as per UBC cod.e, and minimumaccess as per UBC code or maximum access of 9 sq. ft.AII R-l oceupancies within t.he Town Of VaiI will be required to haveaIl landscaping and parking' facilities complete t.o obtainfinal inspection approvaL.Address numbers sha11 be posted plainly visible and legible from the s treec .If there is 15 or more d.we1linq uniEs, a fire alarm system isrequired in this building. -- Sec, !z1-I .Provide a wind.ow or door to the exterior from every room used forsleeping'. -- Sec. 1204.A wind.ow must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear heiqihtof 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches (minimum) . -- Sec . l-2 04 . A11 habitable rooms require ext.erior glazed openings equal to 10t ormore of the floor area. (rnin 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (b)AII habitable rooms require an operable exEerior openings equal to 5tor more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(c)Provide a smoke det.ector in all sleepinq rooms and areas havingaccess to sleepj_ng rooms. -- Sec. 1210. (a)4. The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 5 inches exceptkitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling heiqrht. of 7feet. -- Sec. -- 1207. (a) For BL occupancy The minimum clear height is required. to be 7 feet. -- Sec. 709.(c)5.Parking' garages require a venbilation system that exhaust.s 1.5 cfmper sq.ft. of floor area. -- Sec. 705. (b) 2. {,7 *""'"""o '*"* vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 :i .. .-t' NOTE: THIS PERMIT I'ruST BE..IOSfED ON :; ., ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job AddressLocation. . . Parcel No..Project No. 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status'-": ISSUED 2oee N FR.NTAGE d '--- Apptied..: 02/.99/.!229 2103-114-15-013 l;Lued" 'z os/'t!/'tls-! PRJ96-0025 ExPires": 03/76/L997 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0219 Phone: 3039263358 Phone: 3039253358 327.@.m 327.6 t27 .OO .00 APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P o Box 1451' AVON CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451r AVON OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, Etectri cat---> 321.@ DRB Fee co 81620 co 81620 vArL co 81657 Description:ELECTRICALFORBuILDINGC-18-PLEXValuation:17'300'00 *r*H tEE sul'll{ARY lnvestigatim> $i Lt catt----> TOTAL FEES--> .00 3.00 327 .OO Totat catculatrd tees---> AdditionrI Fecs-----> TotaL Pcrrit F.c--_--> Pavnents------ elLAHce oue----- Item:06000 oe /06 /ree6 ELECTRICAL PEPARTMENTCHARLiE ACIiON: APPR DeDts BUILDING Division: FOR ERNST CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECLARATIONS t hefcby acknortedge that t hav. read this apptication, f i!l,ed out in fu[t the informtion cequired' coltlPtctrd -an accurate plot ptan, and state that al,l, the infornation Provided ", ."quirJ is correct' t agree to-compt'y *iitn tite iniormtion and Ptot P[an' to conpl.y yith att ro*n oroinan""s-"ii "tlt" [aws, and a'"'L"iti-tii" st ructu re-accondi ng io the Tovnrl zoning and guMivision codes, design revi.u approvcd, Unifonnr Building Codc and 'oi["r-o.ajn"nt"s of th' Town aiPl'icabte ther'to' REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI'IENTY-FOUR HOURS IIt ADVANCE BY o **************************************************************** TOWN oF VAIL' COLORADO statemnt *****************************:l********************************** Statemnt Number: REc-o2ol Arnount: 32't 'oo 09/L7 /96 19:19 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #6153 Init: LRD Pernit No: E96-0219 TtPe: Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 site Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE tocationz 2099 N FRONTAGE B-ELEC ELECTRICAT PERMIT RD WEST RDTotal Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 327.00 327 .00 .00This Payment 327.00 **************************************************************** Account Code DescriPtion Amount 01 OOOO 413].3 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 324'OO 01 OOOO 41335 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'OO , ' t: ' .l .- llr \ :; .': Nb\T-ro.O TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81"657 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E96-0219 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST STatuS...: APPROVED 2099 N FRoNTAGE RD Applied..: O9/06/L9962103-114-15-013 Issued...: 09/06/1996PRJ96-0025 Expires..: O3/05/L997 APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRICP O BOX L45I, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRICP O BOX L45L, AVON CO 81620OWNER TOWN OF VAIL75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR BUILDING C-1 8-PLEX Valuationz L7,300.00 ffi*ffi**t*ff***|tffiffi****,r*tffiffi*ffirt** FEE SUllllARY **ffiffi#rffi:ffit*frrttet*ilffir!ffitr#r*f,*ffi Phone : 3039263358 Phone: 3039263358 Tota[ Catcutated Fees---> 327.W Additional. Fees---------> .00Tota[ Permit Fee--------> 327.@ Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- Electrical,---> 324.00 DRB FeeInvestigation> .00 t,l i l, l, ca t l.----> 5 .00 ToTAL FEES---> 5Z7.OO ***ffffi**ff**tr*irttffi*ffi*ffiffiffi****tr***ffi**********ffi****ffiffi**ff***ff***ffi#ff**rrfi**ffi*ffffi***ftffi***# Ileni,qQQ90 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/06/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR FOR ERNST *ffi ffit*|t/.||*tr'hbffi*ffi ffi **i*ffitffi rffi trtrtffi *ffi*t*rHrrtffi.rHrffiffiffi *r***ffitffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE rffi(ffi*tr*ffirtlhtt**Jr|tffiffi***t*****r*********rtt**** **f**ff**ffi*tnhtr***tht*tr*f,*f,*i**t***ff********ffi DECLARATIONS I.hereby _acknowtedge that I have read-this apptication/ f il,l,ed out in ful,l. the infornation required, compteted an accunate ptot Ptan, and state that atl the information prcvided as requi red is correct. r agree to cornpty riith the iniormation and ptot il,an,to.comply Hith al'L Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this structure according to'the Town's zon.ing and suMivisioncodes, design revieu aPproved, unifofm BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the tovn appticabte thereto. REqJESTS FoR II{SPECTIoI{S SHALL BE }IADE TI,ENTY-FOUR HotRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoiIE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO|{ 8:00 AH 5:@ p[ SIGNATURE 0F or.lNER oR coNTRAcroR ron xt sEIF lHo-owNEF Q.* oF vArrJ coNsrRucrro* O PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORMq-b- qb PP,S96 - eo75W7- ,Lq'tS'orj Lega1 DescrlptJ.on: Lot Block_ FlLing 2toz - //r/- t{- ol owners *u ".WAddress: 1S g, €rantaq.e.p^, U/\ 9, *rantaq.e W Vi,l pn.{|I-ltZ{ Architect:Address: ceneral Descrlp,tion: Wl\<- nal.D lg)iful^,cp,r - C-(/work class: tV-uew [.]-Atteratlon [ ]-Additlonal t l-Repa!.r I J-other_ Nunber of, Dwelllng Units:?0 Nrrmber of Accommodatl.on UnLts: & [rnber and Elpe of, Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ wood/perlet_7 $********************************* qffiF::r:-********************************* BUTLDING: ELEqtRrcAL. \ (t W-: OTHER:PLUMBfNG: r'tnenawi,.iit - ,FArrrrr r{llJU}Tt'ING: MECIIANICAL: ToTAL: -1 | E?6-ffiI**************************'t CONTRACTOR INFORI'IATION ***rt***********************teneral contractorz-,l4)oJ!ryAVeyetvfia4x- e\c, Tosrn of, VaiI Reg. No._Phone Number: QqA-4zAO ElectrLcal Contractor:5 a45 Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: l{echanical Contractor;[ddress: r**ir****************************FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE3 PI,I'MBING PERMIT FEE3 {ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: 'I,ECTRTCAIJ FEE3 )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. *** ** ******* ** * * * ** ************ PI,AN CHECK FEE! Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of ValI Phone Nurnber: Town of Val.l Phone Nunber: necr. Nb. e <U,6rz--# OFFTCE USE BUrIJDTNG PI,UMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE3 RECREATION 8EE: CLEAIT-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAT PERI'IIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! VALUATION ]LEAII UP DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: i.tif( REpTrSl TO$|N OF UAIL, COLORADOltD/15/99 OirOO RE@UESTS FOR IN9FECTION [fOF0( S€ETS FOR:l0tl4/96 PA6E 2AREAr EE Activity: E96-O419 l6/14/i6 Type: B-ELEC Statusr ISS1JED Constr: hmTAddress: EO99 N FRONTAEE RD TJESTLocationr EO99 N FRONTfiEE RDPareel:21O3-114-15-013 Oee: UsecDescription: ELECTRICAL FOR BUILDING C-1 B-PLEXf,pplieantr S*lAll ELECTRIC Phone: 3O39€63358&rnerr TOIfN OF VAIL Fhone:Contractorl SlHlf ELECTRIC trhone: 3639E63354 Inspection Request Requestor: Karen Req Tire: Ol:OOIters requested to O0l4td ELEC-ltlisc. Inforration. . . . . Corrents: serviee Clbe Inspeeted... Act Phone: i?6-3358 Tire Exp::_!""1"*',r, Inspeetion History... ..Iterr WillO ELEC-Terp. PorrerIterr OOfeO ELEC-RoughIterr OG13O ELEtr-ConduitIterr eel40 ELEC-F|isc.l0l14/96 Inspeetor: EGIter: OOI9O ELEC-FinalIter: o/n??4 FIRE-ALARiI ROUGHIter: 90538 FIRE-FINAL tr,lO ./ 6 -,t4". 16 Action: APPR APPROVED REpT131 TOWN OF UAIL, C0L0RAD0 IE/P7/96 O7:13 REGIJESTS trtrRrINStrECTION I,\|ORR SHEHTS FBR: TE/-C7/96 F'AGE 7 AREA: EB 2' Activity:11,6-6e19 le/87/96 Type; B-ELEC Statr-ts: I$SUED Constr': NAtrT Addness: uEO99 N FRONTAGE RD [^,ESTLocation: "8899 N FRONTAGE RD Fareel : tlOS-114-15-013 Occ: Use I Deseription : ELECTRICAL FOR BUILDINB/ C-ll,B-trLEXApplicant: SIIAW ELEtrTRIC \- Phone: 3839863358 0wner : T\OWN OF VAIL ,!1r 'r Fhone: Contractor: SHAI^J ELECTRIC l- phone: 3O39863354:---------t-:----.. :----*-----i:-*--Inspection Request Information..... Fequestor: Karen Shaw ,: Fhone: 9E6-335€ Req Time: 0rB:00,Cqmnents: Bldg, C1 and gat"age be- I ns oect ed.Time Exp i.--::--- : ELEC-Fiia1 History..... i OAI f O ELEC-TemP.'JFower' O@1gA ELEC-RouqhLA/e3/96 Inspectorr EEII/?14/96 Inspector: EG BEllSCt ELEC-Conduit AAL4A ELEC-Misc.tA/14/96 Inspectorr EG orur190 ELEC-Final OOEE4 FIRE-ALNRM ROU6H A8538 FIRE-FINAL.C/T] Flction: AFFR HFF'ROVEDritt i on : AtrF.R AF,F.ROVED Act i on: AtrF R AtrtrROUED jt/ ?, 3)/l*ft en :Item: Item lIten: Item l TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Job Address...z 2099 N FRONTAGE RDLocaTion z 2099 N FRONTAGE RDParcel No..... : 2103-114-15-013Project Nunber: PRJ96-0025 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0114MECHANICAL PERMIT WEST Status. . . BUILDING ClApplied..Issued...Expires. . ISSUED o8/oL/Lee6 08/L2/Lee6 02/08/Lee7 APPLICANT AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC4894 VAN GORDON STREET, CONTRACTOR AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC4894 VAN GORDON STREET,OWNER TOWN OF VAIL75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL Phone: 303-425-0464304, WHEATRTDGE, CO 80033 Phone z 303-425-0464304, WHEATRTDGE, CO 80033 Valuation:8, 987 .00 fof Uood/Pat Let: SU]TE SUITE co 81657 Description: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR BUILDING C1 Fireo(ace lnfofmation: Restricted:#0f Gas Appt i ances: i****#(ffi*rrffiff***ffiffiffi**ffrtr**fft***** FEE SUl.lllARy 180.00 Restuarant Ptan Revieu-->45.00 DRB fof Gas Logs: .00 Totat catcutated Fees--->.m Additionat Fees-------> llechani ca [---> P(an check--->Investigation> .00 228.00 .00 22E.00TOTAL IEES-----2?8. m Totat Permit Fee------>tJiLt cal.t--->3.00 Payments------ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE tlADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE-BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO AII 5:OO PII **JrJ(*ffiffi-*---**-* I!e$.i ,qll90^E!tII,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:08/72/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPRI!eIIti"056Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:08/06/L996 JEFF_A Acaioh: AppR Fire Depr.-Approvi1 CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPT. APPROVAL REQ'D PRIOR TO TCO ******************************************************************************** DECTARATIONS l. hereby .acknowtedg. that I have read this apptication, f i l,l,ed out in ful,l, the inform€tion requi red, comptcted an lccunate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as requi red is conrect. I agree to compty riith the iniorm€tion and pLot btan,to.comP[y t{ith atl, Town ordin€nces and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according to the Torrn's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabLe thepeto. SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0183 Anount: Payment Method: CK+CAS'Notation: #1387 228.00 o8/L3/96 L2:02Init: CD Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2' 01 0000 4L33201 0000 41336 M96-0114 Tlpe: B-MECH MECHANICAL 210 3-114-15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 2099 N FRONTAGE RD BUILDING ClTotaL Fees:228.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE PERMIT 228.00 228.00 .00**************************************************************** Amount 180.00 45 .00 3 .00 TOIIIN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-4't9-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M96-0114 Job Addre6s...t 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...: APPROVEDLocation......: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD BUILDING CLApplied..: 08/0L/I996Parcel No.....: 2103-114-15-013 rssued...: 08/L2/L996Project Number: PRJ96-0025 Expires..: O2/08/L997 APPLICANT AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC Phone: 303-425_A464 4894 VAN GORDON STREET, SUITE # 304, WHEATRTDGE, CO 80033 CONTRACTOR AUTOMATIC FTRE GROUP INC Phonez 303-425_0464 4894 vAN GORDON STREET, SUITE + 304, WHEATRIDGE, CO 80033OWNER TOWN OF VAIL75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VArrJ CO 81657 Description: Valuati-on: 8,98?.00FIRE SPRINKI.,ER SYSTEM FOR BUILDING C1 Fireptace Informtion: Restricted: #Of Gas Apptiances:#of Gas Logs:fof ood/Pal, Let: **Jr*ffffilt***ffiH*ffi FEE SUlll'IARY *rtffi*ffi**ffiffifffi# l'lechani cat---) 1E0,m Restuarant Ptan Revicu--> .0O Total Catcutated Fecs---> 22E,@Ptan Check---> 45.@ DRB FeF-------.0O Additional, Fees---------> ,mInvestigation> .m TOTAL FEES----- Ui tL Cal,l.----> 3.m payments------- BALANCE DUE----tr***trtt nt*****t*i***!ttrt**t (ffi rf*tr**trt**rfrefrtl**St***ttH(*i*ffi IleFi ,95-1q0_EqIi-,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:08/I2/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPRIIb.m:'.O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT DepT: FIRE Division:08/06/1996 JEFF_A Action: AppR Fire Depr. Approval CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPT. APPROVAL REQ'D PRIOR TO TCO ******************************************************************************** DECLARATTONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read.this appLication, tiLl,ed out in ful.L the infonmation requi red, compl,eted an accurate plotp[an, and state that atl the informat'ion prcvided as required is cofrect. I agree to conpl,y iiith the inionmation and pl,ot il,an,to comply with al't To]rn ordinances and state [aus, and to buiLd this structune according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved, Uniforn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appLicabl.e thcFeto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR H0URS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:m ff{ 5:m p SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR COI.ITRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND O}INER Office TOWN OF' VATL CONSTRUCT PERI'IIT #PERMIT APPIJICATTON FORM ?cs96- oqrsDATE: ^ t APPLTCATTON Musr BE FrLr.ED our coltprrBTELy oR rr r,IAy Nor S * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * pEll!{rr rpFoRr{arror,l "--------'-"ra l*******3fr!' BE ACCEgTED **************r [ ]-Building [ ]-ptunbing -Electricat f$kn".n.nibaf (ve rob Names lBlL /zP /N 'l bob Addre**Nlffrt> \*ffiIcgal Description Block_ Fiting Architect:Ph. ceneral Description: r{ork class: 1yJ-rew [ ]-Alteration t r-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-otber ON **** ***** * !r ** * ** ** ******** * Electrical Contractor:Address: : Lot_, _ WAFNEF-.Address: Address: Nunber of DrtreDing units; Z*-t2:"= Nunber of Accomnodation units: 1)Pl"t and Tlpe of Firepraces: ?"? ^r?r,tances- eas Logs@wood/perlet- y'f* * * * * * * **** * * * ** * **** * * * ** * * * * * * * vALUATToNs **** * * ****** !r * ** +,,1t . il#Biils; *- ilHfitEg. i^^'na-T;it";;;-,?,7?Po/:... ^.4 /l*****************rr**f Eeneral Contractor: \l orrrERz|#lo# Generar contracto=; ro$n of vait ""r.-iZ-.jjitrAddress: ?,l4ty. qf phone Nurnber: Plunbing Contractor:Address: Mectranical Contractor:Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERT.fIT FEE:PU'I,IBING PERMTT FEE:I'IECIIANTCAI., PERUTT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE oF FEEs DRB FEE: Town of VailPhone Number: Reg. NO. €z- FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI.AN CHECK FEE:PLT'UBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE:I.IECTIANTCAI., PI,AN CITECK rEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAI{-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATTTM: Town of vair Res. no.5C*SPhone Number: @CAbq__ CI.EAIf UP I'EPOSIT REPIIf,D TO: [|tt| [ 75 touth lronlag€ rcld uril. cotoEdo 816t (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: TROM: DATE: SU&TECI: olllcc ol communlty d.yclopmanl ALL CONTR.ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISIERED WITH THETO!{N OF VAIL TO!{N oF vArL puBLIC WORKS/COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT IfARCB 15, 1988 CONSTRU TTON PARKTNG & UATERTAL STOR,AGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to titter, track or ael-sii-*y'riirl-"15., sand, debrisor naterial, includi5_g":lr-t,,ip=te!s, portabte toitets andworknen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or pubtic$lii"=::":ll #I.rin tr,Li"o;:--rq," rieht_oi_;il-;" arr. rown of Thi: ;;i;;;":' ;iii_T:, $d:8il":$::::"'"f .a:T"*:m:i, "^ Pubric works oepartuEnt. --p"ilins tound .rih.tl'g this ordinancewitt' be siven a-2e houi "r].ri;;';otice-to-iilJi"r=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not conpry with thenotice within .o:_11__1""i-tii"-Jpec_ified, ttre puitic worksDepartment wilr rengvg said nareii"i-ii-inJ'I"ili=e of personnotified- The provisi"ns-ot-Efil orainance stritt not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,iirri"rr.r,ge o_r repair projects ofany street or atlev "" i"V'"tiiiti"= in rhe rijni-o_ray. To review ordinance No. 6 in full , please stop by the Tolrn of:::i"3:ifi"3"":iil*:lt.::"";;i" a copv. ri,.,,i you ror your (i.e. contractor, owner) luwn 75 roulh tronhga rord ulll, g61s66e 6657 l3o3't 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 olllcc of communlty rlcuclopmo||i BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIIIIE FRAI.IE If this permit reoui.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,llgjL:"1-.,,(llfl ig !9tSl ;;;;.; ril'ipprova.r, a prannin!. Departmentrevrew. or Heat th Deoartm6nt. review, ani, a- "euiei lv-tii.,,Erit ai ngSSrip!1h"fl: ""ir.ted time ro"'a-tot"r ""rii* iluj,,L[!,a, rone All conraercial frarge or smalr) and at murti-family permits willhave to fol'low ttre iuove ffiii6ril diirum "eqrirenents. Residentiarand smal'l projects shourd t"t.-J-ieir!r'amount of time. However, ifresidential or smal I gr,projecis-iirpiit' the various above mentioneddepartnents with reoa.rd' to-n"J.rs.iJ-ievrer, these projects mayalso take the three-week period. Every attempt wil'r be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermit as soon as possibit. ' -"'- -rr5' s||s||r' ''v EAPE(Jrte trr i;.Jll undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time c7,1c= S n ee t waFJuFiEFii'I-o-TfrEDate Xoik Develooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL COI.TTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMI.r'IS REQUIRED 4,1 , L-7 *ce Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "pubtic Way permif : YES NO ls this a new rEsidence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public properly? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site olher than existing diveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afieaing the righi of way, easements, or public propefty? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used lor stagingparking or lencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? 1) 2) !t-v9u- algwered yes to any of lhese questions, a "Public way permit. must be obtained.?ubllc way_ Permit. appricationf miy be obtained a tne'puutic work's office or alcg.TTTity Devetopmen! lly.t h.ave'any_guestions please cattchartie Davis, rhe Townof Vaif Construction lnspectoi, at a79-21icit,.' I have read and answered allthe above guestions. Dde v ,qlpw+ Job Name Contraciol's Sig nature TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9't o-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address. . . : 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST LocatioN : VAIL COMMONS BUILDING C1 Parcel No..... : 2103-114-15-013 Project Number: PRJ96-0025 APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLIJMBING & HE P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLTJMBING & HE P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S FRONTAGE RD W, VArL CO 81657 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0105 Status...: ISSUSDAppIied..: 07/22/L996riiued. . . : o'7 /23/Lee6Expires. . : 0L/L9/L997 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: Phone: 9708458315 Phone: 9708458315 24, 0oo . 0o fof t,lood/Pat Let: *r*****rt* FEE SUl|l,lARY *:Wrffii*ffirff.***ffffi LechanicaL---> 4ao.oo Restuarant Ptan Revievll> 'oo Totat' caLcuLated Fees---> 603'00 Pl.an check---> 120.00 DRB Fee----------------1 '00 Additiona! Fees-------> -m Investigation> .oo ToTAL FEES----- r.,ir,r cair----> 3.oo llilil:;;_____::__ _:_l 'ot.ffi *ffir*t**t**ffif*ffi ffi ffi*ffiffi **ffirffi **ffir*ff tili***********l.rffi rtem: o51OO BUTLDING DEPARTMENT ___ __QgPt: BUILDTNG Division:'oi7i)/it9(i-cHARLTE- -AcEion: APPR cHARLTE DAvrs. h:ii'efr;' osooo-Fiiin-DepARTMeNt Dept: F rRE Dlvr-saon:61/12/tssa CHARLTE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEq4 F-'OR-CODE COMPLIANCE.i. eoMeDsilorv .i{in-i5 iiEouinEp-PEn Sec. -qo7-gF-T{E 1ee1 uUC,--- 3 : iNgr[ir,Arlolq'-iiust doNFdHtt-to-t'inNUnectuRES INsrRUcrIoNS AND-' io-ApFENDrx cHAPTER 21 oF rHE 1991-!rya.-- -- ^+ . eAs- AFFlieucEii-*sfrLl-l-es-?elrreo-AceQRDING^Io-cHAPTER e AND 5iifu-,r-,- seRl,Irfrlin -ii5-SpEe t r rED- rn sEq . 9 I 6 g-{-IHE 1 e 9 1 - ultc: s . Ee-CESs -to -H-eAiiN'C-n6ttiFllEwi-t'l0sr-eolapr-,v wrrH sEc' s0s AND 703 0F THE 1991 uMC.o. eoir,ERs-sHaii-Be-i,idur.rteo oN FLooRs AE NQNcqyqUsrIELE coNST.-' uNiESii-i.rStsD FoR MOUNTiNG QN coMEIJST-rELE^ELqoRrNG'7. F^ERMii,PLAN("ANil"ctiDE ANAtfSts-MiuSi-BE Posteo IN MESHANIqAL n6oM pRroR To AN rNSPEcrroN REQUEST a . ijF.xflriG6-cjn -MpcriANidl,r-R6oiis--e6Nrnrutuq qEATING oR HqT:W4TER-' StpFiY-eoileiiE-iiiiliii-'En"nOiirpFnD-i'irttt e FLooR DRAIN PER sEc' 2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Description: MECHANICAL WORK FOR 8-PLEX Fireotace Information: Restricted: Y lol Gas Apptiances: DECLARATIONS r hfcby acknortrds. th.t r have rcad ilrtpti."tion, fil.ted out in futl' thc informt.cqyil{l ;i!!:!1,-.ccuratc ptot id",-li,a-ii.ii irtit .il tha inforration provioco as rcquirJ i.s corpcct. I lgnee to copl'y vith thc inforntidr and ptot ptan, to coety uith rtt Tosn ordinancca and stite teys, and do bui ld this structurc rccording to thc Tovn's rning rd subdivision codcs,'a:sign nevicn apprwJ, Unifo.r 8ui Lding Codc and othcF ordin.ncls of th. Tom lPpticabt' thcr'to' TEG[,EsTs FoR IIIsPEcTIo{s SHALL BE IIADE TUEI{TY-roI,R HoURS II{ ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHOI{E AI 479,-213/i OR AT CITR OFTICE TNd| E:M A 5:OO Pil STGNATURE OF OIIN€R ON CONTRACTOR FOR HITSEIF AIO O9NER TOSIN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAI, PERM]T ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0105 Job Address... z 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST LocAtiON......: VAIL COMMONS BUILDING C1 Parcel No..... : 2103-114-15-013 Project Number: PRJ96-0025 APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLWBING & HE P.o Box ?84, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81602 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLI'MBING & HE P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W' VArL CO 8165? Status...: APPROVEDAppIied..: 07/22/L996rliued...: 07/22/te96 Expires. . : ot/t8/1997 Phone: 9708458315 Phone: 97084583L5 Valuation:24, 0oo .00Description: MECHANICAL WORK FOR 8-PLEX Fi repl,ace lnfornation: Restrictcd: Y #Of Gas APptianccs: #Of Gas Logs: fof Uood/Pal'tet: ***********t**t*******************i*****l**************ti** FEE SUtll'tARY l{echanicat---> 4EO.@ Restuarant p[an Reviev]l) .OO Totat Calcul'ated Fees--> 605'00 Pl,an Check---> 120.m DRB Fee-------- Investigation> .oo ToTAL FEES----- ,,lir.r. calr---> 3.m lillii:";;;-:f:-::::::l *r.H **********t****** Item: OsIOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT -------- --DePt: BUILDING Division:.OilZi /i'96-CHARLIE- _AEEiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISit6ft;'ds-ooo-irTilE-5np[niMei.,ir ,_ Dept: rrne Division: 01/22/L996 CHARLTE Acti-on: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CH-Eq{ I^'qR-9ODE qQMPII-ANCE.2. eoneusiioN-AiR-tS iiHOuinED peR sec. -60-?-QF-!ltE 1991-lll4c:--- 3 : ifrs-rniifiitoi,t--i,iu$i [[NF[RM-r|-MANurAcrqREs INsrRUcrIoNs AND- TO appeworx CHAPTER 21 OF rHE 1991-!ruq-.-- -^ -+ . eLs- epFilreNcEii--sHEilr,-se-VsNrEo-AcqqRDIryG^Eo-9HAPTEB' 9 ANDSiiart,- tnnMillEie-45-5pperrrsD rN sgq. eq6 qE-!HE Ie91-ul{9--.s. e-Ccnss-to-ttEiiirr-e-E0DIFMENT uusr COMPLY x7ITH sEc.505 AND 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.o. floileRs--Sttail-ss-iifiurytno oN FLooRs oF NQNg9I49USTIELE coNsr.- : UNLESS-LrSrED FOr ltoultrrwe on coMBUSTIBL -ElgoRIllG.------------z. FfrRMIT,FLANS-AIID--c6DE--ANAI,ySrS-MiDSr BE PoSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.e. ijfl.Ltlleen-or'-li1nCttANteAt-R00Ms e$lttaINING EEAT_ING oR Ho!=w!r[R-' SUEFLV-goiLgHS-SttAl-,1,--se EQUTPPED wrrH A FLooR DRArN PER sEc. 2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t r,*************************** DECLARATIONS o I hcr.by acknoyl,edge that I have read this application, fil,ted out in futl' the inforration required, coopl'ctcd an accunate Ptot itl",-"io-"iii" itit "tt the inforration prov'i ded "" r.qui..a i" corrcct. _I agrrc to compty vith the inforration and Ptot Ptsn, to corpty uith att torm ordinances *a "tltt. [avs, and do bui ld this structufe according to the Torrn's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign rcvien approvJ, unifo.r Bui tding cidc and othcr ordinances of the Tobn appticabte thercto' REauEsTs FoR INsPEcTIoIs sTIALL BE IIADE TIIEI{TY-TouR TIouRS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE TRO}I 8:OO Ail 5:M P STGNATURE OF OUI{ER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HTIISELF AI{D OUNER JUL- 19-95 FRI 14 5A0 lof lrtcrtr f, H 845e515 ____ P.gz ;.i.r-.i : - - ---- j ----- a -';- - -- - - - -' - * -' - - ^ ^luN os'i* s'-.LAl#"l.:':tif C0I4-DEV IDIIo uounty Attettors -479-2452tlGr lot{ll OF VAIL C0NSSSUC8IoN FtaHIT rPFlltcltloH reRll DATEI tidrcrr: 'rddrrltr Rdr PE$81 t ,}J; I,^- I tlt - h- I IpDLICATION tfUS! EE trIr.?."D OUf COl.lDufitElY OR Ir MAI No|t BE ACCESIEDt ----------- {**********r***lf ***rrrr****** DFrufit fFloRlllTlON +****t*r***i*t**trrl***tr*t+ 'l' ;-":;;;t;; ;;-;t',*tnn . r ,-ur.'.'r"", rx-$rchrn'cat r ilottrerI J-BudldtnE D(]-Pruilbtl8,t I l-llretrl'cal [X-l{rcn Db NAn.r Yln-bUnhN#Job l6dlru.t -W, I J-Butlal|lE D(J-PruEorE|t' J'strctErrtJqr lr/\.-'l-Y'r rob Nahr? V 'r Cn uggEilfEa rob ladlrurr 2lJ94,N' Rolmeflfu'+,lV'V'Alt-r-t0* Iegal Dcrorlptlon, f.";1 . Eloclq.- 7Orrrrrrs Handi nrchttePt; v General occcrlptlon' -f3 x)g;PtE,,s: Hut rDFGg , R t' Work clacB: [Xl'-Ncu I l-ertcra]lon g l-ffrattlonnt t l-iepa!'r [ ]-ottror,- Nunber ot rxrsrtlng Unltgr ,2+ .lluDbor g! Acgemodrblon Unltrt -* llllrDcr snat TIPC o! Flrepledalt grt lDpllanart-, Gar IPgs-_ tfood/PillBt-- li V*r**"r****ilt****itt***attt***t*t vArrtltro*E tttt*trtt *rrr*t * r* tt ttt*rt itrt r *r l'A #T:orALsAct{ BottblNGi t vrwrfif/8-Jla!*ntt**trr***r*ttnt--------'-- I I :;;x'*:i ffi #:ffii.k;!ffi- a;i;,b rEffiffiiiil; t?FEf;#:;- ttffidiiciriifEEffi * mrtr' ---- 'ff.,i#rr.- flrtf'*tfr;;ffi, ry;rii'.T...****ffi il /lenaral contrrctot-r Wfnlen ne.vplU^F,vraurli+tL,- roun ot vall Rog..lO..- - lddross: R0,Box g Phone Nuubar: 3lA*ZgL Elactrloal Contractor! - !9wn o-{ ValI Rcg. No'-- , Plunblng Addlrars; lddrcrs: tleehrnlcrl Contrretcnr IUILDINC PER}|IIT 8EE' PII'UBXNA PEN$T! TEES UECrD[rCAtr PERHTT FEEI TIECTRICAL FSEI OlHgR TIPE Ol fEDr ,-" - DRB fEEI IUILDINC PLAlf CI{DCR FEEI DIT'}fl}INC PIAN CIiECK ITEI T{!CHiIIICI& PIJAT G}IECK FEE:Rlctt8[tlOll fEEt. .CIEAI{-UP.DEPOSIES rgDID PERISIT IDEEI BUIIDTNGt SrclilttrREs z0t|f}|0r SlGlflt'lllEt hlC. fosn of vail Ehonr llunbcrt 1'69g eg Vatl Phone Nulbarl rf* ** **tirr t* * t**tttt*rr **t**i*t FoR O'TICE UgE r*i**ir***rr*tf*t**atrt****trtr Rst. NO.-- No. l'\ JUL-I9-96 FNI t4.32 AST & I'iCFERRIN P & H e45e315 P.6lo Mll[cmerrin PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. -r-tl-34 Fegs$tltE $va', I Pages including cover sheel: -L ro' Chafl,esrv;s/Toon Fax Number: 471-241? senoer: Glenn AF_f Notes, Fort Number (970) 845-7913 Phone Numbcr (970) E45-E315 rYAnS . P.0, Box 784 t Glenwood Springs, C0 81602 . JUL- 19-96 FRI 14:55 T 8. I,ICFERRI N P & HASo e45e315 P,gl lctue it tu ,\.O. Snriilt t0 ptlt dtis rlttteh cluality itrttt it lou' llricttl gits tt'lttct' I rc-'tttt' ! Whcn you'vg been tlle innovalivP leauel in w ter hesiers lor uver 5U yltr,t,!0, g-trtt f 110!/ il llrittg 0t tw0 ab0ut tiuilCing qualrty illld virlut iori vii, p.ou.rs. /\nd rhis rrrrlrltt lbe rtt0re al:t)atertt[0ll In 0ur l(rw price, trign valtle Euottortri Itiergy Scvet !]as serle$ ,lJull:l i1) )ll l I llll ,..i1'l ) t j l:l)i:lt \l l'l l r( ll:\'r' \ 5'li\Nl)r\lil)5 'COLOII'(()l)l II |\l.lr'1 rt)t'l'l lii i:)l . ......_.t.ll(.il ! (Jtr/\l.t l \ (,1.r\:: l.l5l:(, ltr.!'(l r\ O. Srrrjilt'iitrr'lrr:rr'r! lrtrrt ( 1' til lt rrll\ ('()ffr )Sloll ll l'( tl \'\. rl\rl' L i( lll;().\: t\/ t.llih:ri lir(r., :': l( )l rti l,l.:llrrl .\ ( ) \llittj! l\rr rl lri! \ illiitll)\i i-rll l' \ \\ i.,l . l.lli.\\'\ll)t ' l \ \\rrlll. r:r',rl(('rf\i i)\ .trI||iI tllI:|i lt'r,t!,..,1 r ! i('.! i.,! !; i rl\)lt.\'l l./Il (l(tll( 1)(r lll \\. l( r' .l)ll/'l ( : It 1,, . . q 1 . , r ' '. ir !t i ',',:rtr I It)li,l:r'rli .'l'i ll(.K, li\hlit,\'l:l'l:l( ll:"l l()'\Il l\)(:l-\llq)\ \lr i' I tlte(l(llj tv fr tlLt... rtlrrt(ll)' ltsltl !'rr:'' . ONliPlli( ;11 l\ i l:( ;li \ l Il ) ljl t'l li \lil l'lr )lrr\\') i11/\' r { ! :\ Ji' Ul llr:ltl tltlUt,t,l l \',lMl )!ltll{ tl l \\ tl!'l rr'1' r tr'\ \tr rlrtli l l ri rl tfitltslL'rlgtl [\r \i ,tt l' ''ltutt:ll Slil).ili-\Ili |.l-\K('Ill:('K)'\l tl'l(lrl'\,'\l :\:''\l:JIIii t . jl,licl,\1, ;\liii . l \iJl.l, I l ll:lt.\1()5'1.\l l,'Jl\ \(rrr' (lriri r.lr.r\\'11" |'1/ 5lr\'l'lll( l tt l,.ll.tttlt' l'/i (\lL'll!lq(l lr(':ii'\!1 .I(r:t.\!ll r"\r.l.l( rl.\ -l'\ l'1. l)1t'\l\ \'\1.\'l: li,L: .r culltbinlt( itli t .j'.i I lllcl,/Ll|',illl lr\(lllH ,l:Nl:lt(;\ lr,\\ | \'( r l'll(tl .llUllslil( rill :rtrl t1l(lllll)')11 ilttl tt'"1 ttrf lllll)l( \rll t(lllllltij(t(rtI r'lli( l( llL \ .lilN(; lt.\)lil/\ it\i l'itr)l i{\'l lli.ii lll\'\ Ll:(i$. l:l*iul l\/ til\r\!' ' it) io, )() ("\l ll,tl\ )tul)lils ()\l\ , .(:l l0l(;l: r) i \! \\l.r\til) l.i.(,\i,)ll\ l;\H(r;\'\.\\ i ri \lr rlri I ' ll'ritr i(i t(' ll'(' ijillloll 5i7,s:1 l\,r l!r\'('l :tlit lir.ttl .\\t'l ll' rl'\( | \\r l|lulir||.ri.:r\ \:\ \ '' I 5-Y€All Llt.lTLi.,.r.i t!1i\;il :i!:iil.I iJ l,rr '' !r '.1''|) rliir] '|rl 'tli' t I f i{ 5 yr(!!, !r (:\ ' ' ' :rvflrnr '.. 'i t, i1. r"' '/ ""'l ir""l I r'lr'i" r r trstiilltrvl. riJ1.,r' \, i::'.i,'r'J /": }]i'"rrrli: "'/ rJ /'ttr'irt '11: :r't I tirnry ir tu, | 7g.,, ':.i: i. 1,. , ; -,1.;.:.,,'..1 .i.:',::,1,,, ;'lr,l,,.: : ' t' ! i9,13'Jll llr,g i"L,t'. .| '::i.ir\(. rj'r'rit'J"rlct l'rlro'''1"'I r'rri'J: ? :.r- -h ', I rr,' i,Q g,ilrlar v/.rtrf i'','. .:t' Jr\Juvrrrllllt :{!, "iri . ]itodrli En.rey 0ri. NA' IAAL GAS PAOPANE CAs llciUr)t. Ful3TU ln9!l o3l"/tll.' nlcovcry 9lu Inp{t Ort./Hr,' tlccorclyg0' Aiso 'Kffi* JUL-19-95 FRr 14: s6 t? 63 li 10r I 131 &I'ICFERRINP&H 543o84 t5 P.A2ASTo r'tnrffx.fit Cleoronges: Sidesr Reor, 6"; Froni,+, (sizes 50..l01), Urpbstruc(ec, (sizes 1t5.9g5); Top; ?3.(trom roc of bcttef) wi(€f Go., Aopror(onn. (onn wiight ( ocng) incrur) (lb,r ) ll! t;? 'lt? 1n ltC li? rg o{ 85 106 r35 I v{J 50 5Jtt ta r00 100rv) tlslo0 r50o!5 !t3 I rE0 l3-3/8 r3.3J? 16.7/8 16.)/8 t0.&6 t5.5/8 27.3t1 !?.3/1 98.3t1 96.1. uE.Jla 31'1t2 ?3.5/B 9r. t/8 9r.1/8 93.t8 IJ''E 93. r/r 91.3/4 ? t -ltr 29.3/{ Qt.3i,l 91.3/l ya' Jt1 1.111 I t/r l.l /r I ' t/4 | 'll. 190 rro l3r 10,1 Itt 5 7 .ttttissotttt,s Power Vent Kit * Fcr through.the_woll venting on 50,000 to 12s/000 BTU/hr sizes, Continuously reguldtecl draft reduces en€,gy costs by m.lntsining efficient cornbustion, Non'Contbustiblc Basc _ MIN|.THEfiM ll must be nstolled on a Teledyne La6rs non-combustihle base assembly or other epproved non.combusUble surface. Bdse adcjs 1,,to boiler hetghts lirrcd in tdble. Non-Comburtlbl€ Stand _ For e6ry fidintenance dccess,brlify, a 1? -119, high non.combustible tloor stand is dlso evailable. Compression Tmkr _ Air.charged di0phrogm.type (0nii wittl dutom0tjc makeup warer control, 'Not dvdrtaotr ,n (rnoo. TTELEDYNE LAARS \Vn'trrilhirlr ru lhr,r, you Ihe hot water spccialists at leledyne laars woulc be hdppy to put fheir o\.cr. 40 yecrs 9f cxpenence tO work for you. For assistance in choosrng he right unjt for your application - or if you,d simpty l;ke to know tllol€ dboUt or.rr prcdr,cts, gervice5, ond extcr *ive wdrranty - jusr cdil roll.fiee 1.900.36!.1679 (U,S j Front Via,r Top View iierrinS c!p. I Nclran |nt lr.r I lr.r 85.. 80,! 8t,0 :: ! ss,o I Ol.o s5 e aoj se.,ll o rre I or.o o5.q ltr I 8t,?T.,_ e9 ? | $.c 8r.5 8e.7 er.?lfl,l r1r.{ I r3.o 8..r i,,.o dr.o16r.? 165,r I s3.c 8r.0 81.5 83,5 Yrnt |(ir iU.! ) Lia^cddr - .ry.9t5 pv.(n !0 IncLs(rrer v./, Rochrsrrr. *H 0310-1.: Iri:jrrn) 36a.56i8. (603) 333-6300 i€x, (60t) 335.3355{40-5.-5eMCe xo0d Wcrt, O6tvill?, Ont rjo, Con da.6f lnrl i."iito,ooo0(onoorDrive,"r"ilbi'-ilc^'cioer.rer,(ros)see.eooo*.;,r,ilill;llSlrox:lec5)414'?63s JUL- I9-96 FR I 14 :33 AST & I'ICFERR I N P & H I' a M^ANUAL J: ?th Ed. i,/;{ 3204 RIGHT*J SHORT FORI4 Job r:!or: vAIi. CO!.$,1ONS VILLAGE SECCND FLOOR IIEATINC EQUIPMENT Hake l-lodel TypeEfficiency / HSPFlteatlng rnput Heating Output Lo$r Output Bas€brct Tot,a] Low Basebrdlligh Output BasebrdTotal Hlgh Basebrd Space Therrnostat r !--r--EF;tEE===q,Gr-trri'.3---==g-===aa:gr::3=-= === +-==:t:3 ==g=========q= rt-Et=-F- EL-=:= =-- Make ModeI TyPeo.o CoP//EER/9EER 0'0 0 Btuh Sensible Cooling o Bt'uh o Btuh Latent cooling 0 Btun 600 Btuh/Ft Tota! cooling o tstuh 32 Feet Actual Cooling Fan 0 cFl't o Btuh/Ft C19 Air Plow Factor 0.000 cFM/Btuh 0 F'eet Loacl $ensible Heat Ratio 0 By: a4seg 15 P. g5 RfGHT-J: VI.73 1- 01-96 Htg !19 Outsi.ce db -25 6:i- Insi.de db 70 73 Design fD 95 6 Dai Iy Range tl Tns ide llumid . - 50 Grains Water 0 const. Quality a # af rirePla{:.ee o COOLING OCUIPMENT' a2, u 33 :attEEl =====Zlalrltg-E======!t!-*r-E=E====a!!€!*lrt-r:-r=== lala=arat*=- !a================== =E===1 LIVIDIN/KrT1 BEDROOI'T 2 1 SATH 2? BEDROOI,! 1 2 I.IALK-IN CLOSET2 SAf}t L ---====lr:14!aEE:E===-l!:==r:==-=g!a!!-----====-rrle==-!-,i3tl!!a=lalE!===!=====:.======El!======= ROOM NAME I nnr:r I Hrc iI sQ.m. I Brun i el,c I BSBRD FT I cT.G BTUH I L,Ow HIGH I cFt't 15 0600090L'r 000 415 140 68 145 43 49 9147 370S t68 3272 5L7lzl 0 0 0 0 0 o u 0 0 0 r1 U 0 Entirc ltouseventilation AirEquip. e o.95 RSMLatenE Cooling o60 I693J 0 o | 3e o I o Town ol Vail FIELD EOI Y TOTALS I aeol 18e33 | .JUL-19-96 FRt l4:Eg 1204 ob #lFor: VAIL coM}loNs VILLAGE PIRST FLOOR HEATING EQUIP}IENT M!,ke Mode l TypeEffici+ncy // flSppHearing InputHeating Output Lohr output. EasebrdTotql Low BasebrdHigh Cutput Basebrdfotel High BasebrCtSpace Thermostat T & I'ICFERR I N P & H RICHT-J SHORT FORM e4sag 15 P .84 4-0t -96 tltg cIgout.side db -25 g1 Incidc db 7e 75Design TD 95 6 Da i ly Rat'rge - HIrrside Hunid. - 50Grains Wa.-,er - C L-OnSt, Qualrty ir# of Fireplaces 0 COOLING EQUIPMENT ASo o.o 0 Bbuho utuh 600 Btuh/Fr28 Feet0 Btuh/pr0 Feet t'take MOdEI Type coP/EER/SEER Sensible coolinqLatent Cooling TocaL CoolingActuai cooling FanClS A.t"r Plow Parrtor U.U 0 Bt lrh0 Btuh0 Btuh0 cFt{ 0. Coo CF\M/Bruh l,oad .Sensible Heat Ratio o ---i;;;il;=i*===;;;=== =====E==E_=!=EE==,E I se. FT, I BfuH I aiun I lui- f rii i arnI LrV/DrN/KIT ''!=ti==--=-i=;;=;*==-==f:::=i===-====-===--==-:€===--=::-E==.s-€i;ili;6.il'1" | 4r-sl lll:l 0l14 c j olBArHz i r1:l 3363 I ol 6 ol o2 BEDRoor.., r i E€ I .^-9 | o I o o I o2rlAlx-ill6rosm I 11:l 4?1tl oi ; ;i oaBA'Hj ___--. | 1:l erol olzx jl o=.,=====E=====s='"-:--l----. 49 1 ol ;1"'; ;l n lelip'so,eiRsu I I ol glzlLat,ent ,iooring i I I 9r=====-=-=-=!l==:!-: ' I | 0l IrorAls ====-=3 E==--===sF== -=====J -===o==== J=i=-== = *====l -j ooul 16809 1 ol a8 ol 0 2' f"74n$u11it1Air.t t- fiiyr I L.u) H ,.- .) le"r LAAflO tlilai -Thnn 5o,ooo ?'iu a4s€515 '_4 P. O5 i,i' l'l oil Ll Fbfll ttPf €8 uw6 -&'A" I I IL .i a + rt--- t+'fz Q'J/ii^ -.-{- /n,* ,lil= zl 'r//+ ALL &or ,r/ --*/ C0t/tf,l\0f/5 tylEctl4t/LCAL'l7out -T0p /,{ftil I d45 ltt nPthaaic.a! ff*,n fl lu b,'tu /3' '" l"/ t/. C-l *^n C-S tvlEcLAty'tcAL fiooMf fhe 54tu18 JUL- t 9-96 irtn Fn.t"y l-0 oltrn 19.G, lo qat rl0rooo flru. ^ 5t I*\U *.1 \, E-r\{J $c\t d..lIt $t' AC\$E ss Jq.l-r9-96 FRt 14:54 AST & I'ICFERR t N P & H a45es1q. P' O5 . Att * / n? cl u€ctNr/dcet faeor 2e Eqot rflu chtlMuAt| t4EtHAilICat Koort FEouT vtEtt/ ln - tl('t S" cur16;1rs.frbn/ Arf ro ERExz tt/A{ , I i"fr/en, | ( fi,* 6*{ lr Ill ( \ ,8 \ s H\' FI$l.l\$f $lr-l0' 6" ilT6,tl 6artB.fifr tl l\-l lt III ll ll 3uE/EUr\ / I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A-o fs,e, +o 40,ooo ,1" i3 (cat 144fis ilttliL-Tttqtl e,M l/ol Can9usfa1l( A,+se Vail, Colorado I)en€., Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. August 8, 1996 Town Of Vail 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Charles Feldman Re: Vail Commons Housing, Vail, Colorado (M&N #3016) Gentlemen: Monroe & Newell, Inc. has reviewed the rooftruss shop drawings for the "C" type buildings of the Vail Commons project. Loading parameters, geometry, and truss layout appeared to be designed per the construction documents' requirements' If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS. TNC. i, I Principal Copies: Warner Development, Inc. Vctor Mark Donaldson Architects, P.C. -s$ r;l ffis% 70 llenchnrark Road . Suite 204 . P.O. Box 1i97 r Avon. C<>loraclr> uI620 . (970) 949-7768 . FAX O70) 949-4054 )leFl6-lG | l:3E!AM FROI'l LARSEN,/KCN/ACEVlel 97@ 476 612 ^'-o P. l r.AnsEN & KOYA(3yr@, P.c. Councelors d l,aw 9Sl S. Flontage Roatt West' Suite 105 Vrtl' Cold?do 81557 - l0l/v- .,oNr /\-X" lrh/V'll - ftt}-r--/At - t^t ,- , lL Y",rAu1u,X,:rc- hp\rW ts. o/firhFrA|f|tl t /Diane R. Laren Jill E. Kovaeviclr TO: FIRM: FROI}T: RE: Offics YI0l4ilffitll Fexz 9701476.ffi72 Ocaober 16, 196 FACSMII.ECO\4WI TOM MOORruAD, TOWN ATTOnNEY TOTYN OF YAIL KAIHY I1OR DIANE R. I,.ARSEI{ LYI\DA VAI{ NORMAI{ FAX I\IIIMEER: {l'lt-zlgt MESSAGE: Attrched b a copy of tbe Town of Vall rdoowled$lnent, wtir:h hs bcsr tfgrcd by Lynda" Ar origiml of fhrr documcot will follow via regular rn+l. Also dacled is a copy of tbeTVarner Devdopeut edrnowbdgcmcnt, also dgned by Lynda. NT'MBER OT PAGES INCI,TJDING COVER, SHEE'[: 4 Ir YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PR,OBLEIVIS OR DO NOT REICEIIYE ALL YOTJR PAGES, PI,EASE CAI,L (Y7O) 478711. TEANK YOU. GOMIDETITIALITY N(}flGr frc doonrtrb -.oo|r|Tirvitrg &b h E'DsrDbin ontefln ooffidrdief infcm{in trtid b lcgr[y ffficgod. Ib infaodirn ir il* illed oS fc frc n* of tf,e rcd;tfi.d rd rborc. If pn herc rtcirtd thiB firr ir orr, plccimt|iruy udy ru by d:1lhre to rrmp fa rrlm of thc atfud furG to us,ild td ur Lar*y nfficd til ry dflsdwe, opyirg, dicrDrtin a,1" tat tng d +I leFl6-lgefi 1l:31Al,l oCl-13-rtl Floll. trot tl G VAI L FROTTLAFISEIWKO/ACEVIGI 97O 476 8i872oo rD: ia3ttrtt 5" P-2 ruriltr Gr:45 75'dfficd IrELda&rl6Elas,frftai*2lt7ftsu792IS7 qbcd*ft'r.lr rlr @16,t95 vr^ IE-EQOHR Dbn lrrc4Er1uir!Lm&f,ovsdcl 9tJ$Roqgcno4Sttto?105Vril,C68l6t nG: LiaLYlNsua IIcDic: I"n suy I wrsdbto rild n+il Wq@!r mitr! h s|$ C.ouril oTudry t ur tQocc$ilfty. I lned rilLDt gnrf cmiqs yor clir5.'s nlrciE fimillc ri[io E tsiL Hc|'.l Il'Erb fi.L Ddtr-.ilyr!E!t'bdEiddrer.dsa ry Lilbd f,trs. As @er Liadr l69fu dE E tn ttc cmr &"oryqf Eltil tbb dosd o trr W rc lrE D olislirn rop[ing b ffi: e lb. uait Thb wil 1gquirt h rdurtlcOga h mi&grb i. 3 6l rxtB -eqre5f. At rb s ric rh+! 6 tc a rtFG by vc.r dbr bres b Oc ulit. I tmlk yq1 rd I td rvcqnin d tl* tu ft L.hryt dS hrbtctl to d. re d4r of ptrsgm Uy Orprdracodhl* redf3lc dprsiobf fu tdhrfooer Fbrb tba deoft&'rne llir b e oaer Sr &ddm by Lld d Ws DcrcF.d. Orrggntthttrrtdlltep fCO i5urr| dl Eniq3 |nd olberpcamio srriry E|nd3 brrlbBFrndy 9cafln- ?N4 teFl6-19S8 l1 ,3tAM T*vAcEVrcFr e76 476 n "a . m'd ]ilor Bt b dgnmotblccr,Udr rfurlcdgplrh $c sill hldblcrs. irdtoit! d dc&rF & Til,E iuo oy carcof,-{mrcrrqlr 6.rrnrgc r hFlm 6foFqf bt S0i0go b tb grais pbr o thc irnrc of, r TOO. Wc ryic b difEerlty na utba dc"xtiedlg iFrss d I cirure fr,cgs. Vclytulylurs,-aw To*lAfic*y RfM/ewr3: Dosbr& BobUyWrc A€(NO9II.EDGEDBY: P.3 la-t6-1gsF I I :3tAM T*AcEVrcl.r sm a76, n T Odbcrl41996 wrriltDatdopclt+ItE P. O.8s958 Aro,COtt6ao lrdasnfidge$rt tritr hoH hrrnfcl1hdcrdfv' rrd dc&rd Wuunatgognas' ;t* fr";;d -rt of rairn rr I nsotr of rtmgl o rny- ecrsorg:P'ily !t -qry -; rhc;;;.ofvrn Corror nd vri! Cmomutit Gtz h Euilditu C3 pr6to 0,. J,iie J.titunft ad rrtdt ofdtlc tqn wrrg D6dopolttts' Ina o ua ACKNOIVITDGEDBY: P.L TOWN OF U 42 West Meadow Drh,e Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2250 Septenber 3, 1996 Gary Marner lVonrcr Developnrcnt P. O. Box 958 Avon, Colorado 81620 Voil Fire Departn enl Fau (970) 919-4364 Re:Water Supply for Vail Conmrons Cl, C2, CJ Dear Gary; I sense an urgency in neeiling to get sonre rennining issues regariling lhefire sprinkler systents in buildings CI, C2, anil C3 resolvetl Thefire sprinkler cont rctor is starting to callfor inspections and the plons lnte still not let been contpletetl Tlrc nnst intportant item pending is the lack of a stontped engineered drowing shot'ing the water nd n(s) ond the locotiott, size(s) , arul volving of the fire service nmins. I hnve asked Sopris Engineerhg for cluri.fication regarding tlrcir role in lVunrcr l)et elopnrcnt's proiect arul it oplteors tlrey are not under contracl T'he Jire sprinkler plons as suhnitted, refer to specific lengths onil sizes but we lmt e nol seen an! olficiul plan irulicating the length, size, or locations of thefire nnins. The criticol issue is whclher lhe "ossunrc esign" anil the octuol design are infact, the sone. Any deiution frotn the ossunrcd ilcsigtt thot hos a negotive effect orr water volunte or pressure could cause the Jire sprinhler system os is heing instolleil, to foil the Jind test ond inspection. Once tlrc contractor starts hanging pipe, it becotrtes very clfficult lo chonge pipe sizes to accomntodote lower pressures and volunrcs. Tlrcre are sonre renraining ninor issnes related lo lhe cdculotions ond plans, but I believe tlrcy will be hottdleil hy the contractor hefitre they cull fir a finil ittqtection. Please contflct me ot your eorliest opportunity if you neecl clariJication or ltave questions. Sincerely, .4t7.--4., Itlichnel McGee Fire Marshd Chief Duran Don Stonek, TOV IIAILDING DEPT. ,b ; \ F aree I r F: I O3- I l4- 15-Sr 13 . Descript ion: IIIECHANICAL l,lORK FOR 8-FLEXApplicant: AST AND MCFERRIN FLUMBING & HE Ownenr TOTJN UF UAI[-Contractor': AST AND MCFERRIN FLUMBING E HE REF'T 131 TOt^tN OF VAILr C0LORADO L?/3A/96 O6:46 REOUESTS FtrR INSF'ECTION tURP. SHEETS FOR:Le/3a/96 Ativityr M96-O1O5 l'P./3W/96 Type: B-MEtH Status: ISSLJED Constr": NftT Addressr 8099 N FRBNTAGE RD t"lESTLoeation: VAIL CUMMONS BUILDING Cl PAGE AREA: CD Occ: Use: Fhone: 97t2t8458315 Fhone: F,hone: 97O8458315 Inspect i on Request Information.... Reqr-rest or : AST/I'ICFERRI.N Req Tine: O8:OtZ Eonnents: Items reqr-rested to be Inspected... ocr3gtr MECH-Final Fhone: 845-8315 Act i on Comments Ti me Exp ---*lr.-- Inspect i on History.....It en : rAOeA'Zr MECH-Rot-tghItem: OtDeeg FIRE-StrRINKLER RDUGHItem: ra6e4ta trLMB-Gas PipingItem: tzl031A MECH-Heat inglQ/L6/96 Inspector: CDItem: EOSPtt I4ECH-Exhaust Hoods Item:,0rZt33O MECH-Supply Air 7Q/L6/96 Inspector: CD NoteE: trROVIDE SFECS ON Aet i on : AtrPR AFF ROVED Action: AF,FR VENTS nND ENUIR. AIR DRYERS THAT WILL ALL.OW VFNTS TO BE RUN MORE THRN 14' . SEF,ARATE DUCTS FROM hlASTE LINES Item : El-rZr34O MECH-Mi sc. Item:00394 MECH-FinalItem: BO53S FIRE-FINAL C/O f; TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLTJMBING PERMIT Permit #: P96-0114 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLI'MBING & HE P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLI,'MBING & HE P.O BOX ?84, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W' VAIL CO 8].657 Description: PLUMBING FOR 8-PLEX trffi****t**ffiSffir* FEE 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST SIAIUS...: ISSUED VAIL COMMONS BUILDING cl Applied..: 07/22/7996 21,03-114-15-013 Issued...: 07/23/7996pRJ96-0025 Expires . -, IL/L9/L997 Phone: 9708458315 Phone: 9708458315 Valuation:48, 750 . 00 SUII ARY *r*****f,**i***jrr**ffi .00 9?.1 .75 Total catcul,atcd Fees---> 921 ,75P Lunbi ng-----> P [an Check--> Investigatjon> ui l. L ca l. L----> 735.00 183.75 .00 3.00 Restuafant P(an Review--> TOTAL FEES----_AdditionaL Fees-------> Total Pernit Fce-------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- .00 921.75 9?1 .75 .00 accurate ptot and pLot Pl.an.subdivision ffiirt*rrffi*ffiriHrffir**t|**ffiiffi ffi *f,*r#nHr*r*f*f**ffi*f *t****tf* Item: o5lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT --qgPt: BUILDING Division: 617ii /7956-cHARLiE- -acEion j APPR cHARLTE DA!'rsit'en!'o50oo-FrRE DepeRTueNT Dept: FrRE Lravrslon: O'1/22/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A *ffi ***t'i*******ffi t*********ffi **** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHEqK FOR coDE CoMPLIANCE2. Ar-,r, $IoRK MUsr ABrDE BY THE 1994 uPc tt*i* **t*tt* t*******ii I ** ***t***********************i ******t* 1*****t*t******i*********t*t t *****i t****t** t**i****t*t****,r*** *i**ttt* DECLARATIONS I hercby acknorrtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLted out in fuLt the information regui red, corptetcd-sn ptan, aird state thit att the informtion provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compty uith the infornatim io c6mpty uith al,! Toyn ordinances and state Lass, and io buitd this structure according to the Tovn's zoning 8nd REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL 8E I'IAD€ TIJENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ************************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** o*** 92t.?5 07/23/96 08:17 Init: MACStatemnt Number: REC-o174 Amount: Palrment Method: CHECK Notation: *3526 P96-0114 T1?e: B-PLMB PLWBING PERMIT 210 3-114-1s-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BU]LDING Cl Total Fees: 921 .75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description PLT]MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 92L.75 92L.75 .00 Amount 735.00 183.75 3.00 oo:r*************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0174 Amount: Palrment Method: CHECK Notationz *3526 603.00 07 /23/96 o8:18 Init: MAC Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 47372 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 603.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M96-0105 TlPe: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 210 3 -114-15-0132099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BUILDING C1 603 .00 603 .00 .00 ****************************************************************Anount 480 .00 120.00 3 .00 (Jo^ '7-ga'$te DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI.,, TIMES PLT'MBING PERMIT Permit #: P96-0L14 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status ' ' ' Varr-, COIOIONS BUILDING C1 Applied" 2103-114-l-5-013 Issued' ' 'PRJ96-0025 ExPires ' ' Phone: 9708458315 Phone: 9708458315 Valuation:48, 750 .00 APPROVED o7 /22/tee6 07 /22/ree6 or /18/tee7 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 APPI.,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address Location. . . ParceL No..Project No. AST AND MCFERRIN PLTIMBING & HE P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 AST AND MCFERRIN PLI'MBING & HE p.o Box 784, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VArL co 81657 DescriPtion: PLUMBING FOR 8-PLEX fEE SU}II.IARY Totat caLcutated tees--> 9?1 .75 P Lunbing----> P lan chcck--> B5.m 183.75 Restuanant Ptan Reviey--> TOTAL FEES-_-- .00 921 .75 Addi tional Fees--------) Totat Pernit Fee-------> Payment BALANCE DUE---- .m 921.75 .00 921 .75 Investigation> .00 Ui LL ca l,l,---> 3. m Item:-o51ooBuILDINGDEPARTMENT__.-qgPt:BuILDINGDivision:6iHz tlgOa-cHARLIE- -ectioni AppR cnaRLrE DAVrs i€refr;, 6s-e do-iriHE-bepAFffiEiii ,_ Dept: FIRE Divrsron: o1/22/19sa cHARLTE Action: APPR N/A *l* *********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQID-TQ C!!EqK FOR CODE COMPLIANCEi. Al,l-wom-uusr ABrDE BY THE 1994 uPc |Hr #*trtffiffiffi* DECLARATIONS I heneby acknoHl,edge that I have read this appl,ication, f il,l,ed out in ful,l, the information requi red, corPteted an accuratc plot ptin, "'na state thlt au, the information pro;ided as required_ i.s correct. .I agfee to conpLy Hith the informat ion and ptot P[an, to compl,y lrith att ToHn ordinances and statc [aws, and io bui(d this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign rcviev approved, uniform Buitding cod. and othcr ordinancrs of the Toun apPlicabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.'EIITY-FOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIONE A1 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROX 8:OO AII 5:OO PI'I steNlrunE oF oltNER 0R col{TRAcroR FoR HlllsELF ANo otlNER o REPT 131 TONN OF VRILI COLORADO L?./3A/96 O6:46 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:13/3O/96 F.AGE 4 AREA: CD Statr.ts r ISSUED Constr: NAPT Oce: Use: Fhone: 97O8458315 Fhone: Fhone:97O8458315 Activity: tr96-ti114 lP,/38/96 Type: B-FLMB Addr6ss: EEt99 N FRONTAGE RD I^,EST Location: VAIL CO]4MONS BUILDING ClN' Far"cel: ElOS-114-f 5-413 Descr.iption: FLUMBING FOR B-FLEX Appl icant: AST AND MCFERRIN trLUl{BING &. HH Owner': TOWN 0F VAIL Contt'actor : AST AND MCFERRIN FLUNBING & HE Inspect ion Request Informat ion, , . Reqrlssf, or. : flST/FICFERRIN Req Tirne: tZtB:0{t Comments:Itens requested to be Inspected.. Aldicga trLl4B-Final Fhone: 845-8315 Aet i on Co mm ent s Time Exp Inspection History.,. .. Item : latlelgt FLMB-Underrqr'orrnd il7 /?.4/96 Inspect or": CFNotes: ALL THREE SEGMENTS RT It em : OgrggCI PLMB-Rouqh/D. l^r. V.LA/L6/96 Inspector^: CDItem: 0OPS5 FIRE-SF,RINKLER ROUGH , Item : 0t0tA3rzr FLMB-Rough/WatertA/L6/96 Inspector: CDNotes: BUILDING MAIN lAO PSI UNIT 1 THRU B ALL HADItemr Olae40 FLMB*Gas triping' !a/16/96 Inspector.: cDNotes: 3O trSI trN EADH EAUGE S ADD NAIL PLATES I.IHERE INSULRTION INSPECTION lE:/ lg,/96 Inspector": DS I t em : raragS0 trLMB-troo I /Hot Tr-rb Item: AEE6B FLMB-Misc.Item: OOegCt FLMB-FinalItem: raA53B FIRE-FINAL C/A Action: AFF'R BUILDING *C-1 6LBS. AIR TEST Action: AFFR NATER COLUMN TEST ACt i ON : AF,t.'R AF'PROVED l IZIO F.S I F'ER UN I T Action: QFFR TITE FEX U.SED UNITS DNSIGINATED IN THE FIELD F'RIOR TO Act i on : AF.F.R 6A5 B UN I TS SE PS I